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2.2 15 min , , , , , , , . 4 15 min, . , 25 min , . , , , , 3 min, .
5 Fig. 5
, , : y = 411.4x1.216 5 , . , . , . : y ;x R2 = 0.962 2. ;R
5. (3) .
Variance of the sediment yield amount with scouring flow in slope-gully system
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2009, 45(6): 8−13.
作者: 作者单位: 魏霞, 李勋贵, 李占斌, WEI Xia, LI Xun-gui, LI Zhan-bin 魏霞,WEI Xia(兰州大学,资源环境学院,兰州,730000;中国科学院,寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,兰州,730000) , 李勋贵,LI Xun-gui(兰州大学,资源环境学院,兰州,730000), 李占斌,LI Zhan-bin(西安理工大学,水利 水电学院,西安,710048) 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) JOURNAL OF LANZHOU UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCES) 2010,46(5)
46 2010
5 10 Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences)
: 0455-2059(2010)05-0007-05
Vol. 46 No. 5 Oct. 2010
1, 2
, , ,
(1. 2. 3. : . ; , : ; : S157 ; ; ; : , , ; ,
Abstract: Sediment yield process of the slope-gully system on the loess plateau was studied experimentally in flume by using a physical model for the slope-gully system and the runoff scouring method. It was found that the speed of runoff and sediment generation of the slope-gully system was rising with the increase in the scouring flow. The relation between the runoff yield and scouring flow was established as the exponential function, and the rate of increment increased gradually. Sediment yield increased as the power function with the scouring flow increased, but the rate of increment decreased. The rate of sediment yield was taken on the fluctuant increasing tendency of two peak values. The relationship between the accumulating sediment yield and accumulating runoff was established as the quadratic function in the range of experimental flow and duration time. Key words: slope-gully system; sediment yield accumulation runoff; accumulation sediment yield; loess plateau , ,
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; , .
6, 8, 10, 12, 14 L/min
( , ; , 25◦ ∼35◦ , , 12◦ , 8 m, , 5 m, 12 m 1.457.
, ,
1 min, . , , , , . 10 cm ,
, 60◦
10◦ ∼35◦ ; 40∼60◦ ,
, ,
, )
20∼30 min.
1. 25◦ ; 11.545 m2 , 1m ,
, .
2.1 2 , . , , ,
1 Fig. 1 Sketch map of indoor slope-gully scouring erosion experimental apparatus
Fig. 2 2 Variance of the runoff yield velocity with scouring time in slope-gully system
, . , .
10 , , ((3) . y = 1.2165 × 411.4x0.216 5 > 0, x = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. 2.3 (4) , , (4) ). y = 4e − 07x2 − 0.023 7x + 2232.6, R2 = 0.998 1,
y = 3e − 07x2 + 0.047 5x − 646.96, R2 = 0.991 9, Q = 8 L/min; (6)
, 1991.
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y = 8e − 07x2 − 0.045 1x + 1 008.9, R2 = 0.998 6, Q = 10 L/min; (7)
730000; 730000; 710048)
, ; , ; . :A
Sediment yield process in the slope-gully system on the loess plateau
WEI Xia 1, 2 , LI Xun-gui 1 , LI Zhan-bin 3
(1. School of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2. Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China; 3. Institute of Water Resources and Hydro-Electric Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, China)
5 , .
, ,
: 30 min , , . , . , , 3 min , . , , , . ( ). , . 4 , ,
9 4
, 15 min( , ) 3 y = 22.041e : y . 3 , ,
2 14 L/min , , R = 0.997 8.
, 3 min ,
Q = 12 L/min;
y = 1e − 7x + 0.017 9 + 905.99, R2 = 0.997 3, ,
Q = 14 L/min. .
; . , , . : .
[15] [11]
, ,
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6 Fig. 6 Relationship between accumulation runoff yield and accumulation sediment yield under different scouring flow in slope-gully system
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, , 1∼ 7.11%, , , .
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(L); x
(L/min); R2
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((1) 3.463e0.157 1x > 0,
y =0.157 1 × 22.041e0.157 1x = x = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. (2)
4 3 Fig. 3 Variance of the runoff amount with scouring flow in slope-gully system Fig. 4 Variance of the erosion sediment yield velocity with scouring time in slope-gully system
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刊名: 英文刊名: 年,卷(期):
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