Big cities 教案设计
![Big cities 教案设计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9e0df29d05a1b0717fd5360cba1aa81145318f14.png)
一、教案基本信息1. 课题名称:Big cities 教案设计2. 教学年级:八年级3. 课程类型:新授课4. 教学课时:2课时二、教学目标1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握关于大城市的词汇和表达方式,如:metropolis, urban area, population, skyscraper, traffic jam等。
学生能够理解并运用描述大城市特点的句型,如:The city is known for its, One of the features of the city is, etc.学生能够听懂并运用英语进行简单的日常交流,询问和介绍大城市的情况。
2. 能力目标:学生能够通过阅读和听力材料,获取关于大城市的信息,并能够进行简单的信息概括和表达。
3. 情感目标:学生能够了解大城市的优势和劣势,培养对城市生活的认识和理解。
三、教学重难点1. 重点:掌握关于大城市的词汇和表达方式,能够用英语进行简单的描述和交流。
2. 难点:能够听懂并运用描述大城市特点的句型,进行信息的获取和表达。
四、教学方法1. 交际法:通过模拟真实场景,让学生在实际语境中进行英语交际,提高口语表达能力。
2. 任务型教学法:通过小组合作完成任务,培养学生的团队合作精神和交际能力。
3. 情境教学法:通过图片、视频等直观手段,创设情境,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
五、教学过程1. 课前准备:教师准备相关大城市图片、视频和听力材料。
2. 课堂导入:教师展示大城市图片或视频,引导学生谈论对大城市的印象,引出课题。
3. 新课呈现:教师引导学生学习关于大城市的词汇和表达方式,如:metropolis, urban area, population, skyscraper, traffic jam等。
4. 句型练习:教师创设情境,让学生运用描述大城市特点的句型进行练习,如:The city is known for its, One of the features of the city is, etc.5. 听力练习:教师播放听力材料,学生听后回答相关问题,锻炼听力能力和信息获取能力。
• C 从尺度的角度理解城市形态:
• Apart from that, Alexander (1977, pp.xxi) suggested that the urban form can also be understood at different scales: from “the very largest for regions and towns” to “neighborhood, clusters of [a1] buildings, buildings, rooms and alcoves[a2] , ending finally with details of construction”.
• 中文示意: • 除以上观点外,alexander认为城市形态能够以不
同的尺度来理解,从“最宏观的区域和城镇”尺 度到“邻里、建筑群、建筑、房屋和小室的尺度, 最终以建设细节的尺度结束。”
• [a1]一群 • [a2]小室
• D 对以上三种角度的分析比较:
• The above perspectives have their own advantages and disadvantages for perceiving the elements of urban form. / The functional perspective is more related to the functions of a city, which can be easily understood from the view of urban planning. It also is easy for practice because it embodies[a1] the concrete[a2] elements that are easy to quantify[a3] and measure in a comparatively[a4] objective[a5] way. However, the functional perspective overlooks[a6] the visual and aesthetic aspect of urban form.
Community Participation in UrbaAcross Europe, there are a wide range of schemes which have attempted to tackle urban social exclusion by involving local people in area-based regeneration schemes through the medium of partnerships.
A Often; B Sometimes; C Rarely; D Never
5 Do you consider graduate studies after college graduation? A Yes; B No; D Haven’t thought about it yet 6 Do you plan to study abroad for a master or PhD degree in the future?
2 How much time do you spend on English every day?
A >2 hr; B 1-2 hr; C 0.5-1 hr; D <0.5 hr
3 Do you read original English books or articles in your field?
3 After class (Review)
Read the whole text again, memorize new words, prepare for next class
Objectives of study
1 Build vocabulary Learn by heart important terms and phrases in urban planning or related field 2 Strengthen ability of reading English literature Grasp main ideas of the texts and translate it Have no difficulties in reading academic articles 3 Know more of “what’s going on outside” Learn case studies in foreign countries that address urban planning issues from different perspectives Learn innovative ideas and new ways of thinking
城市规划( urban planning ) 指预测城市的发展并管理各项资源以适应其发展的具体方法或过程,以指导已建环境的设计与开发。
总体规划( comprehensive planning ) 指综合性的城市规划。
详细规划( detailed planning ) 在中国,按城市总体规划的要求,对城市局部地区近期需要建设的房屋建筑、市政工程、园林绿化等作出具体布置的规划,为建筑设计提供依据。
城市分区规划( city district planning ) 在中国,指根据已编制的城市总体规划所做的市内各局部地区的规划。
功能规划( functional planning ) 对某些领域[如运输、住房和水质]的需要或活动定出目标,政策和工作程序的规划,通常由政府制订。
住房建设规划( housing program ) 指制订出若干年内分年度建造住房的规划,包括居住区和住房建造的数量以及居住水平等多项指标。
实体规划( physical planning ) 为开发或改造一个地区而预先做出的设计,把现有一切自然和人为的物质条件纳入规划,加以全面考虑,包括基础设施、房屋建筑、最佳开发战略等。
城市性质( designated function of a city ) 在中国城市的总体规划中,根据城市的形成与发展的主导因素确定它在国家和地区的政治、经济、文化中的地位和作用。
城市规划专业英语English in Urban Planning居民点城市市镇市域城市化城市化水平市郊化农村地区城市边缘特大城市都市城市群卫星城SettlementCityMunicipality, cityTownAdministrative region of a city Urbanization Urbanization level SuburbanizationRural areaUrban fringesMegalopolisMetropolisUrban agglomeration Satellite town城市规划城镇体系城镇体系规划城市总体规划纲要城市规划区城市建成区开发区旧城改建城市总体规划分区规划近期建设规划城市详细规划控制性详细规划修建性详细规划Urban planningUrban systemUrban system planningMaster planning outlineUrban planning areaUrban built-up areaDevelopment areaUrban redevelopmentMaster plan, comprehensive planning District planning,zoning Immediate planningDetailed planControlling plan, regulatory detailed planningBuilding plan, residential district detailed planning城市规划管理区域规划城市设计城市社会学城市经济学城市地理学城市基础设施规划城市管理信息系统园林学景观建筑学城市景观规划和设计城市绿地系统规划土地利用规划城市道路系统和交通规划Urban planning administration Regional planningUrban designUrban sociologyUrban economicsUrban geographyUrban infrastructure planningUrban management information system GardeningLandscape architectureUrban landscape planning and design Urban green space system planning Land use planningUrban road system and transportation planning城市发展战略城市职能城市性质城市规模城市发展方向城市发展目标城市人口结构城市人口年龄构成城市人口增长城市人口增长率城市人口自然增长率城市人口机械增长率城市人口预测strategy for Urban development Urban functionDesignated function of cityUrban sizeDirection for urban development Goal for urban developmentUrban population structureAge composition of urban population Urban population growthUrban population growth rate Natural growth rateMechanical growth rateUrban population forecast城市用地居住用地公共设施用地工业用地仓储用地对外交通用地道路广场用地市政公用设施用地绿地特殊用地水域和其他用地保留地城市用地评价城市用地平衡Urban landResidential landPublic facilitiesIndustrial land Warehouse landIntercity transportation land Road and squares Municipal facilitiesGreen spaceSpecially-designated land Waters and miscellaneous Reserved landUrban landuse evaluation Urban landuse balance城市结构城市布局城市形态城市功能分区工业区居住区商业区文教区中心商务区仓储区综合区风景区市中心副中心Urban structure, urban fabric Urban layout Urban morphology, urban form Functional districts Industrial districts Residential districts Commercial districts Institutes districtsCentral business districts (CBD) Warehouse districtsMixed-use districtsScenic zoneCivic centerSub-civic center居住区规划居住小区居住组团城市交通城市对外交通城市交通预测城市道路系统城市道路网城市道路密度网大运量快速交通交通流量交通管制交通拥挤交通瓶颈地段Residential district planning Residential quarter Residential clusterUrban transportation Intercity transportation Urban transportation forecast Urban road systemUrban road networkDensity of urban road network Mass rapid transitTraffic flowTraffic controlTraffic congestionTraffic bottleneck交通岛(转盘)交通枢纽城市交通与停车快速路动脉,干道多车道人行横道人行道步行街市政建设城市给水城市用水城市给水工程给水水源Traffic islandTraffic point cityTraffic and parking Express wayArteryMultiple lane Pedestrian crossing Pavement, sidewalk Pedestrian street Construction work Water supplyWater consumption Water supply engineering Water source水源选择水源保护城市给水系统城市排水城市污水生活污水生产废水生产污水城市排水系统分流制合流制城市排水工程污水处理污水处理厂Water source selection Protection of water source Water supply system SewerageSewageDomestic sewageIndustrial wastewaterPolluted industrial sewageSewerage systemSeparate systemCombined systemSewerage engineeringSewage treatment, wastewater treatmentSewage treatment plant城市供电电源城市用电负荷高压线走廊城市供电系统城市通信城市通信系统城市集中供热城市供热系统城市燃气城市燃气供应系统城市绿化城市绿地系统Power sourceElectrical loadHigh tension corridor Power supply system Communication Communication system District heatingDistrict heating system GasGas supply system Urban forestationUrban green space system公园绿地率工厂绿化广场绿化居住区绿化公共建筑绿化绿带专用绿地防护绿地公共绿地草地ParkRatio of green spaceLandscaping within factory Landscaping of squareLandscaping of residential area Landscaping around public building Green beltSpecified green spaceGreen bufferPublic green spaceLawn城市生态系统城市生态平衡城市环境污染城市环境质量城市环境质量评价城市环境保护历史文化名称历史地段历史文化保护区历史地段保护历史文化名城保护规划自然保护区City ecosystemBalance of city ecosystemCity environmental pollutionCity environmental qualityCity environmental quality assessment City environmental protection Historic cityHistoric siteConservation district of historic site Conservation of historic site Conservation plan of historic site Nature reserve城市防灾城市防洪城市防洪标准城市防洪工程城市防震城市消防城市防空竖向规划城市工程管线综合城市规划法规城市审批程序城市规划用地管理选址意见书Urban disaster preventionUrban flood controlFlood control standardFlood control worksEarthquake hazard protectionUrban fire controlUrban air defenseVertical planningIntegrated design for utilities pipeline Legislation on urban planning Procedure for approval of urban plan Urban planning land use administration Permission notes for location建设用地规划许可证城市规划建设管理建设工程规划许可证建筑面积密度容积率建筑密度道路红线建筑红线人口毛密度人口净密度建筑间距日照标准城市道路面积率绿地率Land use permit Urban planning and development controlBuilding permitTotal floor space per hectare plotPlot ratio, floor area ratioBuilding density, building coverage Boundary line of roadBuilding lineResidential densityNet residential densityBuilding intervalInsulation standardUrban road area ratioGreening rate草图平面剖面立面透视示意图蓝图步行轴城市美学游憩空间建造环境自然环境Sketch, rough map PlanSectionElevation perspective DiagramBlueprintPed axisUrban esthetics EsplanadeBuilt environment Natural environment单一建筑大型建筑高层建筑建筑群住所平民窟雅典宪章居住工作休憩交通服务半径公众参与可持续发展Individual building Mega-structureHigh-rise apartment EdificesDwellingSlums,Athens charter Residence Employment Recreation TransportationService radiusPublic participation Sustainable development人体尺寸街道小品雕塑、喷泉、茶吧景观节点城市要素广场林荫道视觉景观视觉环境视觉景观容量风景园林四大要素Human scaleStreet furnitureSculpture, fountain, tea bar Landscape nodeUrban elementPlazasAvenue,boulevardVisual landscapeVisual environmentVisual landscape capacity Landscape plant, architecture building, topography, water。
城市规划专业英语urban planning 城市规划town planning 城镇规划act of urban planning 城市规划法urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划urban detailed planning 城市详细规划Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规规划类的专业课程reginal planning 区域规划urban system planning 城镇体系规划urban sociology 城市社会学urban economic 城市经济学urban geograghy 城市地理学urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划(water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building)(城市供水、供电、道路修建)urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面urban management information system 城市管理信息系统GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统RS=remote sensing 遥感Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划Urban design 城市设计~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Land-use planning 土地利用规划The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城Protection planning 保护规划Urbanization 城市化Suburbanization 郊区化Public participation 公众参与Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局Pedestrian crossing 人行横道Human scale 人体尺寸Street furniture 街道小品(sculpture fountain tea bar) (雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)Traffic and parking 交通与停车Landscape node 景观节点----------------------------------------------------------------------- Archaeological 考古学的Habitat 住处Aesthetics 美学Geometrical 几何学的Moat 护城河Vehicles 车辆,交通工具,mechanization 机械化merchant-trader 商人阶级urban elements 城市要素plazas 广场malls 林荫道---------------------------------------------- The city and regionAdaptable 适应性强的Organic entity 有机体Department stores 百货商店Opera 歌剧院Symphony 交响乐团Cathedrals 教堂Density 密度Circulation 循环Elimination of water 水处理措施In three dimensional form 三维的Condemn 谴责Rural area 农村地区Regional planning agencies 区域规划机构Service-oriented 以服务为宗旨的Frame of reference 参考标准Distribute 分类Water area 水域Alteration 变更Inhabitants 居民Motorway 高速公路Update 改造论文写作Abstract 摘要Key words 关键词Reference 参考资料----------------------------------------Urban problemDimension 大小Descendant 子孙,后代Luxury 奢侈Dwelling 住所Edifices 建筑群<Athens Charter>雅典宪章Residence 居住Employment 工作Recreation 休憩Transportation交通Swallow 吞咽,燕子Urban fringes 城市边缘Anti- 前缀,反对……的;如:antinuclear反核的anticlockwise逆时针的Pro- 前缀,支持,同意……的;如:pro-American 亲美的pro-educat ion重教育的Grant 助学金,基金Sewage 污水Sewer 污水管Sewage treatment plant 污水处理厂Brain drain 人才流失Drainage area 汇水面积Traffic flow 交通量Traffic concentration 交通密度Traffic control 交通管制Traffic bottleneck 交通瓶颈地段Traffic island 交通岛(转盘)Traffic point city 交通枢纽城市Train-make-up 编组站Urban redevelopment 旧城改造Urban revitalization 城市复苏------------------------------------------Urban FunctionUrban fabric 城市结构Urban form 城市形体Warehouse 仓库Material processing center 原料加工中心Religious edifices 宗教建筑Correctional institution 教养院Transportation interface 交通分界面CBD=central business district 城市中心商业区Public agencies of parking 停车公共管理机构Energy conservation 节能Individual building 单一建筑Mega-structures 大型建筑Mega- 大,百万,强Megalopolis 特大城市Megaton 百万吨R residence 居住用地黄色C commercial 商业用地红色M manufacture 工业用地紫褐色W warehouse 仓储用地紫色T transportation 交通用地蓝灰色S square 道路广场用地留白处理U utilities 市政公共设施用地接近蓝灰色G green space 绿地绿色P particular 特殊用地E 水域及其他用地(除E外,其他合为城市建设用地)Corporate 公司的,法人的Corporation 公司企业Accessibility 可达性;易接近Service radius 服务半径=------------------------------------------------Urban landscapeTopography 地形图Well-matched 相匹配Ill-matchedVisual landscape 视觉景观Visual environment 视觉环境Visual landscape capacity 视觉景观容量Tour industry 旅游业Service industry 服务业Relief road 辅助道路Rural population 城镇居民Roofline 屋顶轮廓线风景园林四大要素:landscape plantarchitecture/buildingtopographywater-----------------------------------------------Urban designNature reserve 自然保护区Civic enterprise 市政企业Artery 动脉,干道,大道Land developer 土地开发商Broad thorough-fare 主干道--------------------------------------------------- Water supply and drainageA water supply for a town 城市给水系统Storage reservoir 水库,蓄水库Distribution reservoir 水库,配水库Distribution pipes 配水管网Water engineer 给水工程师Distribution system 配水系统Catchment area 汇水面积Open channel 明渠Sewerage system 污水系统,排污体制Separate 分流制Combined 合流制Rainfall 降水Domestic waste 生活污水Industrical waste 工业污水Stream flow 河流流量Runoff 径流Treatment plant 处理厂Sub-main 次干管Branch sewer 支管City water department 城市供水部门-------------------------------------------------- UrbanizationSpatial structure 空间转移Labor force 劳动力Renewable 可再生*Biosphere 生物圈Planned citiesBlueprints 蓝图License 执照,许可证Minerals 矿物Hydroelectric power source 水利资源Monuments 纪念物High-rise apartment 高层建筑物Lawn 草地Pavement 人行道Sidewalk 人行道Winding street 曲折的路----------------------------------------A view of Venice Metropolis 都市Construction work 市政建设Slums 平民窟Alleys 大街小巷Populate 居住Gothic 哥特式Renaissance 文艺复兴式Baroque 巴洛克式。
encourage more developers to become green?
Financial and Socio-Economic Analysis
Financial appraisal
(residual method, i.e. development value, costs, profits, provide a consistent format, make explicit assumptions based on market research, with aid of some valuation methods/techniques, and with reasonable justifications)
Case study: company strategy
1. What are the benefits of developing green? 2. What are the risks of developing green? 3. How has LANDSEA developed its green strategy? What main
1) provide reasons for picking the variables 2) include both value and cost factors 3) change in same direction and scale (±X%)
• • • • • •
(5)居住区规划 居住区规划 residential district planning 居住小区 residential quarter ['kwɔːtə] 居住组团 housing cluster ['klʌstə] 社区 community 房地产 real estate [ɪ'steɪt; e-]
• • • • • • • •
文教区 institute ['ɪnstɪtjuːt] and colleges district 中心商务区 central business district (CBD) 仓储区 warehouse district 综合区 mixed-use district 风景区 scenic ['siːnɪk] zone 市中心 civic ['sɪvɪk] center 副中心sub-civic center 购物中心,商场 mall
• • • • • • • •
2.城市规划概述 城镇体系规划 urban system planning 城市规划 urban planning 城市设计 urban design 城市总体规划纲要 master planning outline 城市规划区 urban planning area 城市建成区 urban built-up area 开发区 development area
• • • • • • • • •
(7)城市工程管线规划 城市给水系统 water supply [sə'plaɪ] system 城市排水系统 sewerage ['suːərɪdʒ; 'sjuː-] system 城市供电系统 power supply system 高压线走廊 high tension ['tenʃ(ə)n] corridor ['kɒrɪdɔː] 城市通信系统 communication system 城市供热系统 district heating system 城市燃气供应系统 gas supply system 城市工程管线综合 integrated ['ɪntɪɡretɪd] design for utilities pipelines
What is urbanisation?
Urbanization is closely linked to modernization, industrialization, and the sociological process of rationalization.
However,the disadvantages of urbanization are also obvious. To begin with,administration of the increasing population in urban area might be a great challenge to the government. Moreover, more problems, such as increasing crime rate, over crowding, might increase, since more people are concentrated in a relatively smaller place.
Urbanization can describe a specific condition at a set time, ie. the proportion of total population or area in cities or towns, or the term can describe the increase of this proportion over time. So the term urnbanization can represent the level of urban relative to overall population.
城市规划英文Urban PlanningUrban planning is the process of designing and organizing the physical layout and infrastructure of a city. It focuses on creating sustainable, livable, and efficient cities that meet the needs of its residents. Urban planners work closely with architects, engineers, and policymakers to make decisions about land use, transportation systems, public services, and amenities.The main goal of urban planning is to create a city that promotes the well-being and quality of life of its residents. This involves ensuring that there is sufficient housing, employment opportunities, and public transportation. It also involves creating green spaces, such as parks and gardens, to improve the aesthetics and environmental sustainability of the city.One of the key challenges in urban planning is balancing the needs of different stakeholders. For example, developers may prioritize economic growth and profitability, while residents may prioritize affordable housing and access to public services. Urban planners must consider the needs and interests of all parties involved to create a city that is equitable and sustainable.In addition, urban planning also takes into account the long-term impacts of development. It considers factors such as population growth, climate change, and technological advancements to ensure that cities are prepared for future challenges. This involves anticipating future trends and making strategic decisions to future-proof the city.There are several key principles of urban planning that guide the decision-making process. First, planners must consider the existing context and culture of the city. They must understand the history, heritage, and identity of the city to ensure that new development is in harmony with the existing built environment.Second, urban planning emphasizes the importance of public participation. Planners must engage with the community and gather input and feedback to ensure that the city reflects the needs and aspirations of its residents. This can be done through public consultations, surveys, and community meetings.Third, urban planning aims to create mixed-use and walkable neighborhoods. This means that residential, commercial, and recreational spaces are integrated together, allowing residents to access amenities and services easily. It also promotes pedestrian-friendly streets, bike lanes, and public transportation to reduce reliance on private cars and promote healthy and sustainable modes of transportation.Finally, urban planning strives to create a sustainable and resilient city. This involves incorporating green infrastructure, such as renewable energy, green roofs, and rainwater harvesting systems. It also involves designing buildings and public spaces that are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. By doing so, urban planners can mitigate the impacts of climate change and create a city that is both environmentally and economically sustainable.In conclusion, urban planning is a multidisciplinary field that isessential for creating sustainable, livable, and efficient cities. It involves making decisions about land use, transportation systems, public services, and amenities to meet the needs of residents. By considering the interests of different stakeholders and anticipating future challenges, urban planners can create cities that are equitable, sustainable, and resilient.。
城市规划专业英语unban planning 城市规划town planning 城镇规划act of urban planning 城市规划法urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划urban detailed planning 城市详细规划Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规规划类的专业课程reginal planning 区域规划urban system planning 城镇体系规划urban sociology 城市社会学urban economic 城市经济学urban geograghy 城市地理学urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划(water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building) 城市供水、供电、道路修建)(城市供水、供电、道路修建)urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面urban management information system 城市管理信息系统GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统RS=remote sensing 遥感园林=营造景观学Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林营造景观学Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划Urban design 城市设计·Land-use planning 土地利用规划The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城Protection planning 保护规划Urbanization 城市化Suburbanization 郊区化Public participation 公众参与可持续性发展(可持续性)Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局Pedestrian crossing 人行横道Human scale 人体尺寸(sculpture fountain tea bar) 雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)(雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)Traffic and parking 交通与停车Landscape node 景观节点·Brief history of urban planning Archaeological 考古学的Habitat 住处Aesthetics 美学Geometrical 几何学的Moat 护城河Vehicles 车辆,车辆,交通工具,mechanization 机械化merchant-trader 商人阶级urban elements 城市要素plazas 广场malls 林荫道·The city and region Adaptable 适应性强的Organic entity 有机体Department stores 百货商店Opera 歌剧院Symphony 交响乐团Cathedrals 教堂Density 密度Circulation 循环Elimination of water 水处理措施In three dimensional form 三维的Condemn 谴责Rural area 农村地区Regional planning agencies 区域规划机构Service-oriented 以服务为宗旨的Frame of reference 参考标准Distribute 分类Water area 水域Alteration 变更Inhabitants 居民Motorway 高速公路Update 改造论文写作Abstract 摘要Key words 关键词Reference 参考资料·Urban problem Dimension 大小Descendant 子孙,子孙,后代Luxury 奢侈Dwelling 住所Edifices 建筑群<Athens Charter>雅典宪章雅典宪章Residence 居住Employment 工作Recreation 休憩Transportation 交通Swallow 吞咽,吞咽,燕子Urban fringes 城市边缘Anti- 前缀,反对前缀,反对……的;如:antinuclear 反核的anticlockwise 逆时针的前缀,支持,同意……的;如:pro-American 亲美的pro-education 重教Pro- 前缀,支持,同意育的Grant 助学金,基金助学金,Sewage 污水Sewer 污水管Sewage treatment plant 污水处理厂Brain drain 人才流失Drainage area 汇水面积Traffic flow 交通量Traffic concentration 交通密度Traffic control 交通管制Traffic bottleneck 交通瓶颈地段Traffic island 交通岛(转盘)交通岛(转盘)Traffic point city 交通枢纽城市Train-make-up 编组站Urban redevelopment 旧城改造Urban revitalization 城市复苏·Urban Function Urban fabric 城市结构Urban form 城市形体Warehouse 仓库Material processing center 原料加工中心Religious edifices 宗教建筑Correctional institution 教养院Transportation interface 交通分界面CBD=central business district 城市中心商业区Public agencies of parking 停车公共管理机构Energy conservation 节能Individual building 单一建筑Mega-structures 大型建筑Mega百万,大,百万,强Megalopolis 特大城市Megaton 百万吨R residence 居住用地黄色C commercial 商业用地红色M manufacture 工业用地紫褐色W warehouse 仓储用地紫色T transportation 交通用地蓝灰色S square 道路广场用地留白处理U utilities 市政公共设施用地接近蓝灰色G green space 绿地绿色P particular 特殊用地E 水域及其他用地其他合为城市建设用地)(除E 外,其他合为城市建设用地)公司的,Corporate 公司的,法人的Corporation 公司企业Accessibility 可达性;易接近可达性;Service radius 服务半径服务半径·Urban landscape Topography 地形图Well-matched 相匹配Ill-matched Visual landscape 视觉景观Visual environment 视觉环境Visual landscape capacity 视觉景观容量Tour industry 旅游业Service industry 服务业Relief road 辅助道路Rural population 城镇居民Roofline 屋顶轮廓线风景园林四大要素林四大要素:风景园林四大要素landscape plant architecture/building topography water ·Urban design Nature reserve 自然保护区Civic enterprise 市政企业Artery 动脉,干道,动脉,干道,大道Land developer 土地开发商Broad thorough-fare 主干道·Water supply and drainage A water supply for a town 城市给水系统Storage reservoir 水库,水库,蓄水库Distribution reservoir 水库,配水库水库,Distribution pipes 配水管网Water engineer 给水工程师Distribution system 配水系统Catchment area 汇水面积Open channel 明渠Sewerage system 污水系统,污水系统,排污体制Separate 分流制Combined 合流制Rainfall 降水Domestic waste 生活污水Industrical waste 工业污水Stream flow 河流流量Runoff 径流Treatment plant 处理厂Sub-main 次干管Branch sewer 支管City water department 城市供水部门·Urbanization Spatial structure 空间转移Labor force 劳动力劳动力可再生* Renewable 可再生Biosphere 生物圈Planned cities Blueprints 蓝图License 执照,执照,许可证Minerals 矿物Hydroelectric power source 水利资源Monuments 纪念物High-rise apartment 高层建筑物Lawn 草地Pavement 人行道Sidewalk 人行道Winding street 曲折的路·A view of Venice Metropolis 都市Construction work 市政建设Slums 平民窟Alleys 大街小巷Populate 居住Gothic 哥特式Renaissance 文艺复兴式Baroque 巴洛克式。
城市规划专业英语词汇 1城市规划专业英语来源:smthBBS·unban planning 城市规划town planning 城镇规划act of urban planning 城市规划法urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划urban detailed planning 城市详细规划Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规规划类的专业课程reginal planning 区域规划urban system planning 城镇体系规划urban sociology 城市社会学urban economic 城市经济学urban geograghy 城市地理学urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划(water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building)(城市供水、供电、道路修建)urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面urban management information system 城市管理信息系统GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统RS=remote sensing 遥感Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划Urban design 城市设计·Land-use planning 土地利用规划The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城Protection planning 保护规划Urbanization 城市化Suburbanization 郊区化Public participation 公众参与Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局Pedestrian crossing 人行横道Human scale 人体尺寸(sculpture fountain tea bar) (雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)Traffic and parking 交通与停车。
一、规划类别urban planning城市规划the city and regional planning区域规划urban system planning城镇体系规划district planning分区规划urban comprehensive/master planning 城市总体规划urban immediate planning 城市近期建设规划urban detailed planning 城市详细规划regulatory detailed planning 控制性详细规划residential district detailed planning 修建性详细规划protection planning of historic cities 历史名城保护规划urban road system and transportation planning城市道路系统和交通规划urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计urban design 城市设计二、城市用地residential land 居住用地public facilities 公共设施用地industrial land 工业用地warehouse land 仓储用地intercity transportation land 对外交通用地road and squares 道路广场用地municipal facilities 市政公用设施用地green space 绿地specially-designated land 特殊用地waters and miscellaneous 水域和其他用地三、总体规划中常用词语urban planning area 城市规划区urban built-up area城市建成区construction forbidden area禁止建设区construction limited area限制建设区construction suitable area适建区land-use planning 土地利用规划over-all urban layout 城市整体布局direction for urban development城市发展方向goal for urban development城市发展目标strategy for urban development城市发展战略urban orientation城市定位city size 城市规模designated function of city城市性质urban function 城市职能urban morphology城市形态urban population forecast 城市人口预测urban population growth rate城市人口增长率natural growth rate城市人口自然增长率mechanical growth rate of population城市人口机械增长率urban population structure城市人口结构intercity transportation城市对外交通urban green space system城市绿地系统water supply system 城市给水系统sewerage system城市排水系统power supply system城市供电系统district heating system城市供热系统communication system城市通信系统integrated design for utilities pipelines城市工程管线综合urban disaster prevention城市防灾四、详细规划中常用词语residential district planning 居住区规划residential quarter 居住小区residential cluster 居住组团topography map 地形图boundary line of roads 道路红线building line 建筑红线functional districts功能分区building density, building coverage 建筑密度floor area ratio/plot ratio容积率greening rate 绿地率building interval 建筑间距building interval 日照间距service radius服务半径communal space公共空间traffic and parking 交通与停车urban landmark 城市地标landscape node 景观节点landscape core 景观核landscape bond 景观带soft landscape 软质景观hard landscape 硬质景观pedestrian street 步行街plazas广场sidewalk 人行道pedestrian crossing 人行横道street tree 行道树pavement 铺装street furniture 街道小品fountain 喷泉sculpture 雕塑flower bed 花坛五、其他常用术语urbanization 城市化urbanization level 城市化水平suburbanization 郊区化urban problems/illness城市病agglomeration 城市群satellite town 卫星城development area 开发区urban redevelopment旧城改造urban renewal城市更新historic city 历史文化名城historic site 历史地段conservation district of historic site 历史文化保护区land developer 土地开发商public participation公众参与sustainable development(sustainability)可持续性发展。
城市规划法规与治理英文课件Lecture Notes-1 Introduction
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CDE301 Week 1 Introduction Lecture Notes• What is governance?• What is planning law?• What are the principles and value of rules making-the example of the UK• About this courseQuestionWrite down• Your name• Who is the subject to ‘govern’? (who is the governor?)• What are the objectives to be ‘governed’? (What to govern?) please list at least three Duration: five minsRecapRead the sentence below and write down five key words on your paper.The course of planning policy making cannot be understood without reference to a wider political frame.‘By its nature, town planning as a political project has involved greater state control over private activity, particularly in the use and exploitation of land.’ (Ward, 2004, P3)Next:Let’s have a look of the history of the born of planning policy and governance.Before the Revolution Britain was a rural country, main activities were agriculture.Life was, for most of the people, the life of a farmer. In general, people worked in villages and small towns.These towns contained little variety in land use, comprising mainly industrial buildings and poor quality housing.The growth of non-basic industries and diverse land use 1Basic industries are factories for production. Non-basic industries are those service provided for basic industries and their workers.Thus they may be providing industrial services (e.g. accountancy) or services for the population (housing, education, etc.)As the population grew there was a need for more and more non-basic economic activity to provide for food and other daily needs, schools, religion and recreation.The growth of non-basic industries and diverse land use 2Gradually as industrial activity grew and become more diverse and sophisticated, there was a growing need for commercial services: banking, insurance, accountancy, legal services, and so forth. Growth in this non-basic economic activity led to the emergence of purpose-built offices in town and city centres.The growth of non-basic industries and its impactsExpansion in economic activity, trade, professional and managerial employment led to growth of a‘middle class’ with increasing surplus income, which could be spent on what?Now think about ways to spend surplus income and every group make a list.1....2….3….4….5….The growth of non-basic industries and its impacts1) clothes and household adornment, etc. . Leading to expansion of town centres as shopping centres and the emergence of the ‘department store’.2) This surplus income could also be spent on housing, and the middle classes became increasingly geographically segregated from the working class.3) It could also be spent on healthcare and hospitals;4) Or it could be taxed by the municipality to improve local services and provide better amenities, e.g. parks.Birkenhead Park, designed by Joseph Paxton in 1847 was the first municipal park in Britain and became a model for Central Park in NYC.Cities became ill-urban problemsHigh Population DensityLack of public transport.Residences were in walking distance to factories and warehouses.Urban PovertyChild LabourPublic healthExpected life at birth (1840s)41 years in England24 years in Manchester26 years in Liverpool(Hall, 2002)Disease was a major problemA contaminated water pump in Broad Street proved to be the source for the spread of cholera (Drawn by Dr John Snow about 1854; shown in Stamp, L. D. 1964, A Geography of Life and Death.).Cities became ill-urban problemsQuestion: Summary of changes in land use and consequencesQuestion:1.What is the average life expendency of men in Manchester?2.What was the consequences when the city management was absent?3.How many different interest groups in this story?4.What’s the main changes in their political system?BreakUrban public transport and its impactsBy the latter part of the 19thC networks of urban public transport were emerging (local railways services, horse bus, and later trams).These networks had the effect of spreading land values and reducing urban densities, thus improving housing and sanitary conditions.The effect of transport improvements on urban form.The arrival of the railway with its associated engineering and buildings4,000 dwellings were demolished to build St. Pancras station.New land uses developed around stations: hotels and retailing etc. at the front; warehousing, maintenance depots etc. alongside the track.Suburbs, spas and seaside towns: middle class spoils of Victorian toilNew Housing Development started in Suburbs, which was the emerging urban sprawlBad Effects of Urban Sprawl•Development was using up rural land - many of that are good quality agricultural land.•Major loss of home good production.•More dependent on import.•Longer journey to work.•Jobs were not being decentralized nearly as rapidly.•Traffic congestions on the roads.Question:Any other challenges in China?Reflections:The course of planning policy making cannot be understood without reference to a wider political frame.‘By its nature, town planning as a political project has involved greater state control over private activity, particularly in the use and exploitation of land.’ (Ward, 2004, P3)Try to take planning in the UK (recall your memory of Year 2) as the case study for your individual essayI.1.Any land development project you can think of?2.What’s the main challenges?3.Principles of governance for land management4.Case study analysis of a land development project: Strengths and weaknesses in efficiency,equity and transparency frontsNext Tuesday:1.Check out the words on the sheet2.In-class vocabulary test3.Choose one land development project for your essay。
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unban planning 城市规划town planning 城镇规划act of urban planning 城市规划法urban comprehensive/master planning 城市总体规划urban detailed planning 城市详细规划Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规protection planning of historic cities 历史名城保护规划规划类的专业课程reginal planning 区域规划urban system planning 城镇体系规划urban sociology 城市社会学urban economic 城市经济学urban geography 城市地理学urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划urban immediate planning 城市近期建设规划Community planning 社区规划Flood control planning 防洪规划electricity supply planning 供电规划water supply planning供水规划gas supply planning 供气规划urban water supply and drainage planning城市给排水规划urban road system and transportation planning城市道路系统和交通规划Land planning 用地规划Site planning 场地规划Urban growth 城市扩建Urban revitalization 城市复苏Urban agglomeration 城市群urban road cross-section城市道路横断面urban management information system 城市管理信息系统GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统RS=remote sensing 遥感Gardening==Landscape architecture园林=营造景观学/景观建筑学Ecological system 生态系统Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划Urban design 城市设计•Land-use planning 土地利用规划Land use density 土地利用强度Building interval 建筑间距Urban sub-center 城市副中心The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城Protection planning 保护规划Urbanization 城市化Urbanization level 城市化水平Suburbanization 郊区化Public participation 公众参与Sustainable development 可持续性发展Urban sustainable development 城市可持续发展Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局Pedestrian crossing 人行横道Human scale 人体尺寸Street furniture 街道小品Street tree 行道树Fountain 喷泉Public park/garden 公园History of gardening 造园史sculpture 雕塑planning design 种植设计plant 乔木shrub 灌木landscape designer 景观设计师mini-park/pocket park 袖珍公园urban landmark 城市地标Nature reserve 自然保护区Landscape characteristic 园林特色tea bar 茶吧Traffic and parking 交通与停车Landscape node 景观节点Landscape core 景观核Landscape bond 景观带•Brief history of urban planning Archaeological 考古学的Habitat 住处Aesthetics 美学Geometrical 几何学的Floor area ratio 容积率Greening rate 绿地率Population density 人口密度Legend 图例Scale 比例尺Traffic flow density 交通流密度Boundary line of roads 道路红线Topography map 地形图Moat/cannel 护城河Green buffer 防护绿地Wetland 湿地Vegetation 植被Indoor plants 室内植物Buffer zone 缓冲区Vehicles 车辆,交通工具mechanization 机械化merchant-trader 商人阶级urban elements 城市要素proposed plaza 拟建广场plazas 广场malls (原意)林荫道•The city and regionAdaptable 适应性强的Organic entity 有机体Department stores 百货商店Opera 歌剧院Symphony 交响乐团Cathedrals 教堂Density 密度Circulation 循环Elimination of water 水处理措施In three dimensional form 三维的Condemn 谴责Rural area 农村地区Regional planning agencies 区域规划机构Service-oriented 以服务为宗旨的Frame of reference 参考标准Distribute 分类Water area 水域Alteration 变更Inhabitants 居民Motorway 高速公路Update 改造论文写作Abstract 摘要Key words 关键词Reference 参考资料•Urban problemDimension 大小Descendant 子孙,后代Luxury 奢侈Dwelling 住所Edifices 建筑群<Athens Charter>雅典宪章Residence 居住Employment 工作Recreation 休憩Transportation交通Swallow 吞咽,燕子Urban fringes 城市边缘Anti- 前缀,反对……的;如:antinuclear反核的 anticlockwise逆时针的Pro- 前缀,支持,同意……的;如:pro-American 亲美的pro-education 重教育的Grant 助学金,基金Sewage 污水Sewer 污水管Sewage treatment plant 污水处理厂Brain drain 人才流失Drainage area 汇水面积Traffic flow 交通量Traffic concentration 交通密度Traffic control 交通管制Traffic bottleneck 交通瓶颈地段Traffic island 交通岛(转盘)Traffic point city 交通枢纽城市Train-make-up 编组站Urban redevelopment 旧城改造Urban revitalization 城市复苏•Urban FunctionUrban fabric 城市结构Urban form 城市形体Urban function orientation 城市功能定位Urban characteristic 城市特征Designated function of city 城市性质Traffic point city 交通枢纽城市Warehouse 仓库Material processing center 原料加工中心Religious edifices 宗教建筑Correctional institution 教养院Transportation interface 交通分界面CBD=central business district 城市中心商业区Public agencies of parking 停车公共管理机构Energy conservation 节能Individual building 单一建筑Mega-structures 大型建筑Mega- 大,百万,强Megalopolis 特大城市Megaton 百万吨R residence land use 居住用地黄色C commercial land use 商业用地红色M manufacture land use/industrial land use工业用地紫褐色W warehouse land use 仓储用地紫色T transportation 交通用地蓝灰色Inter-city transportation land use 对外交通用地S roads and squares land use道路广场用地留白处理U municipal utilities land use 市政公共设施用地接近蓝灰色G green space 绿地绿色P particular/specially-designated land use特殊用地E 水域及其他用地(除E外,其他合为城市建设用地)Corporate 公司的,法人的Corporation 公司企业Accessibility 可达性;易接近Service radius 服务半径Reservation of open space 预留公共空间•Urban landscapeTopography 地形图Well-matched 相匹配Ill-matchedVisual landscape 视觉景观Visual environment 视觉环境Visual landscape capacity 视觉景观容量Tour industry 旅游业Service industry 服务业Relief road 辅助道路Rural population 城镇居民Roofline 屋顶轮廓线风景园林四大要素:landscape plantArchitecture/buildingTopographyWater•Urban designNature reserve 自然保护区Civic enterprise 市政企业Artery 动脉,干道,大道Land developer 土地开发商Broad thorough-fare 主干道•Water supply and drainageA water supply for a town 城市给水系统Storage reservoir 水库,蓄水库Distribution reservoir 水库,配水库Distribution pipes 配水管网Water engineer 给水工程师Distribution system 配水系统Catchment area 汇水面积Open channel 明渠Sewerage system 污水系统,排污体制Separate 分流制Combined 合流制Rainfall 降水Domestic waste 生活污水Industrical waste 工业污水Stream flow 河流流量Runoff 径流Treatment plant 处理厂Sub-main 次干管Branch sewer 支管City water department 城市供水部门•UrbanizationSpatial structure 空间转移Labor force 劳动力Renewable 可再生Biosphere 生物圈Planned citiesBlueprints 蓝图License 执照,许可证Minerals 矿物Hydroelectric power source 水利资源Monuments 纪念物High-rise apartment 高层建筑物Lawn 草坪Soft landscape 软质景观Hard landscape 硬质景观Urban amenity 城市宜人设施Regional park 区域性公园Pavement 铺装Sidewalk 人行道Avenue 林荫道Winding street/wandering road 曲折的路Flower bed 花坛Hedge 树篱Green fencing 绿篱Riverside landscape bond 滨河景观带Palm 棕榈Recreation center 游憩中心Arched corridor 拱廊Multilayer planting 多层植物配置Riverside park 滨河公园Bank line 岸线Athletics park 运动公园Yacht 游艇Landscape bond around the city 环城景观带Central landscape bond 中央景观带Brook 小溪Front yard 前院Small-bounding wall小围墙Liana 藤本植物Plant configuring 植物配置Ever-green 常绿Hardwoods 阔叶林Ground cover 地被植物Oasis 绿洲Sub-space 亚空间Secondary seating 辅助性休息设施Mounds of grass 草丘Step with a view 眺台Seating wall 坐墙Seating capacity 座椅容量Planter 种植池Dramatic grade change 剧烈的坡度变化Eye-catching feature 引人注目的景物Drinking fountain 饮水设备Trash container 垃圾桶Reception/information 询问处Sign system 标志系统•A view of Venice Metropolis 都市Urban renewal 城市更新Urban redevelopment 城市改造Construction work 市政建设Slums 平民窟Alleys 大街小巷Populate 居住Gothic 哥特式Renaissance 文艺复兴式Baroque 巴洛克式。