PWM 10A,20A,30A太阳能充电控制器用户手册说明书

Manual Usuario Regulador Carga Solar PWM 10A, 20A, 30ALea detenidamente este manual antes de utilizar el regulador.1.Instrucciones de seguridad.1.1.Mantenga su instalación lejos de cualquier dispositivo inflamable o explosivo, gases corrosivos, polvo, etc.1.2.Proteja el regulador de la luz solar directa y de la lluvia.1.3.Prevenga la ubicación del regulador para que no quede expuesta a líquidos o ambientes húmedos.1.4.No desmonte el regulador, ya que perderá la garantía.1.5.No lo apoye sobre la batería. Su cuerpo metálico puede cortocircuitar los bornes de la misma.1.6.No toque los terminales o el cuerpo metálico con las manos húmedas, corre riesgo de electrocución.2.Introducción de producto.2.1.PropósitoEsta gama de reguladores forma parte de una familia de controladores de carga de tipo PWM con avanzadas funciones de configuración y monitorización. Su diseño permite una instalación rápida y sencilla. Una carga y descargaoptimizada prolonga la vida de las baterías de un modo considerable. Utilice siempre un controlador de carga paraproteger la vida de sus baterías. Los parámetros de carga se muestran de manera explícita en la pantalla LCD.2.2.Funciones2.2.1.Carga multi-etapas PWM.2.2.2.Ajustes predefinidos para 3 tecnologías de baterías de plomo.2.2.3.Detección automática o manual del voltaje de trabajo de baterías.2.2.4.Parámetros ajustables de carga y descarga.2.2.5.Carga con compensación de temperatura.2.2.6.Puerto opcional de comunicaciones (no incluido).2.2.7.Protección para conexión inversa de panel y sobre-corriente de entrada.2.2.8.Protección por bajo voltaje, exceso de voltaje, conexión inversa de batería y descarga inversa de batería.2.2.9.Protección para sobre-corriente y cortocircuito en salida de consumo CC.2.2.10.Protección interna por temperatura elevada.3.Instalación3.1.Tamaño y esquema unifilar.3.2. Procedimiento de instalación.Por favor, asegúrese de que la batería y el panel solar están desconectados de los cables que va a utilizar para conectar en el regulador. El contacto entre los cables positivo y negativo provocará un cortocircuito si éstos están conectados a la batería o al panel. Una vez se conecten al regulador podrá conectar los otros extremos del cableado a baterías y a paneles en este mismo orden.Deje un espacio disponible de al menos 15cm por cada lado para poder disipar el calor del propioregulador. Utilice cableado de un mínimo de 4mm² siendo recomendable utilizar cable solar de 6mm² o mayor sección en función de la potencia de paneles instalada que disponga .3.2.1. Asegúrese que el lugar de instalación cumple con los mínimos requerimientos de seguridad.3.2.2. Asegúrese de que el voltaje de baterías es el mismo que el de paneles y ambos son compatibles con este regulador. 3.2.3. Conecte primero la batería al regulador. Podrá ver que la pantalla LCD se enciende. Si no es así acuda al punto 5.2. 3.2.4. Conecte posteriormente el panel solar al regulador. Si hay producción el controlador empezará la carga de la bateríainmediatamente y lo podrá observar sobre la propia pantalla.3.2.5. Conecte las cargas en corriente continua en caso de disponer de ellas.3.2.6. Si tiene que desconectar el regulador por cualquier motivo, debe hacerlo en orden inverso. Primero los consumos encorriente continua, posteriormente paneles solares y por último las baterías.4.Instrucciones de uso.4.1. Símbolos en pantalla.1-LVR, ABSORB, LVD, FLOAT, P (estado de carga de la batería) 2-Día y noche.3-Tipo de batería seleccionada (FLD, GEL, SLD). Si no aparece, la batería seleccionada es USR. 4-Cargando desde panel. 5- Dibujo batería. 6- Descargando. 7- Temporizador.8- Estado de carga estimado. 9- Estado de las cargas. 10- Unidad de medida.11- Área de información numérica.4.2. Menús pantalla LCD.4.2.1. Secuencia de arranque.•Se iluminan todos los ítems de la pantalla para poder ver que funciona correctamente.•Voltaje de la batería detectado por el controlador.•Intensidad de carga o de descarga máxima del sistema.4.2.2.Secuencia principal de información en pantalla.Voltaje del sistema Intensidad de carga Versión firmwareVoltaje de batería Temperatura Corriente carga Corriente descargaAh carga acumuladosAh descarga acumuladosCódigo de error•Para ir avanzando entre las pantallas hay que pulsar el botón izquierdo. Una vez lleguemos a la última pantalla, volveremos a la primera de las opciones de visualización.•En la pantalla “voltaje de batería” o “código de error” si pulsamos el botón derecho habilitaremos y deshabilitaremos la salida de consumo en corriente continua.•En cualquiera de las pantallas de Ah acumulados, si pulsamos más de 3 segundos seguidos el botón izquierdo, el contador se reiniciará.•En la pantalla “voltaje de batería” si pulsamos ambos botones simultáneamente de manera prolongada podremos resetear el regulador a sus ajustes de fábrica.4.2.3. Batería•En el menú principal estando en “voltaje de batería”, si pulsamos durante más de 3 segundos el botón izquierdo accederemos a éste submenú. Mediante pulsaciones cortas del botón izquierdo avanzaremos entre estas 3 opciones. Si hacemos una pulsación corta del botón derecho, podremos cambiar los valores de cada una de estas opciones. Para guardar los cambios haremos de nuevo una pulsación larga del botón izquierdo. Si no tocamos nada en 20 segundos, saldremos al menú principal sin guardar cambios.•Se pueden establecer 4 tipos de batería para usar los voltajes predefinidos del fabricante (GEL, SLD, FLD y USR) Sólo en caso de elegir USR podremos cambiar los voltajes de cada etapa de carga a nuestro gusto.•En la detección de batería puede estar en AU T O , en pantalla "AUO" (detección automática) o bien establecer nosotros manualmente el voltaje de trabajo de nuestra batería.•El código de comunicaciones no tiene efecto puesto que el regulador no dispone de dicho puerto.El regulador se reinicia automáticamente cuando se cambia la tecnología de baterías o el voltaje del sistema.4.2.4. Ajustes de carga•En el menú principal estando en “corriente carga”, si pulsamos durante más de 3 segundos el botón izquierdo accederemos a éste submenú. Mediante pulsaciones cortas del botón izquierdo avanzaremos entre estas 3 opciones. Si hacemos una pulsación corta del botón derecho, podremos cambiar los valores de cada una de estas opciones. Para guardar los cambios haremos de nuevo una pulsación larga del botón izquierdo. Si no tocamos nada en 20 segundos, saldremos al menú principal sin guardar cambios.•Sólo se pueden realizar cambios en cada uno de estos apartados si hemos elegido el tipo de batería USR.4.2.5. Salida de consumo CC•En el menú principal estando en “corriente carga”, si pulsamos durante más de 3 segundos el botón izquierdo accederemos aeste submenú. Mediante pulsaciones cortas del botón izquierdo avanzaremos entre estas 3 opciones. Si hacemos una pulsación corta del botón derecho, podremos cambiar los valores de cada una de estas opciones. Para guardar los cambios haremos de nuevo una pulsación larga del botón izquierdo. Si no tocamos nada en 20 segundos, saldremos al menú principal sin guardar cambios.Voltaje de batería Tipo batería Tipo detección batería Código comunicaciónCorriente carga Voltaje flotación Voltaje absorción Voltaje ecualizaciónVoltaje flotación Corriente descarga Voltaje reconexión Modo trabajoVoltaje desconexión Momento encendidonocturno Tiempo de actividad nocturna Activación previa al amanecer•Modos de trabajo de la salida de consumo CC.Código Modo de trabajo de consumo en CCL00Modo normal con activación manual. L01Control automático con activación tras anochecer y antes de amanecer. L02Control automático en iluminación. Los diferentes modos de trabajo tienen configuraciones que se pueden ajustar en el submenú anterior.5.Fallos5.1. Códigos de error y solución a los mismos.Código de error CausaSoluciónE01 Batería con exceso de descargaRecargue la batería manualmente (sin el regulador)E02 Exceso de consumo en cargas CC – se desconecta esta salidaReducir consumos en la conexión CC y reconectar pulsando el botón izquierdo. O bien esperar 10 minutos para la reconexión automática. E03 Cortocircuito en cargas CC – se desconecta esta salidaCorregir el cortocircuito y reconectar pulsando el botón izquierdo. O bien esperar 10 minutos para la reconexión automática.E04Fallo en la detección de la bateríaAsegúrese de una conexión correcta y firme entre regulador y batería. Que la carga de la batería no sea excesivamente baja.Asegúrese de que si existe otro regulador sobre la misma batería, el voltaje del mismo no sea excesivamente alto.E05 Carga de batería interrumpida debida a un exceso de temperaturaPermita que el regulador baje su temperatura y se reinicie automáticamente.E06 Sobre-voltaje en panelesAsegúrese de que el voltaje en circuito abierto no es demasiado elevado. Reduzca las conexiones en serie de paneles.E07Carga de batería interrumpida debido a un exceso de corriente en panelesCompruebe la potencia de los paneles solares. Reduzca la potencia conectada y espere al reinicio automático del reguladorFalloCorrecciónNo hay señal ni puesta en marcha de la pantallaAsegúrese de que la batería no está conectada al revés.Asegúrese de que la conexión entre batería y regulador es correcta.Asegúrese de que si tiene protecciones entre ambos componentes estén en la posición correcta (desconectador, fusible, etc.)No hay carga hacia la batería Asegúrese de que el panel no está conectado al revés.Asegúrese de que el cableado entre panel y batería no está interrumpido y que llega tensión a los extremos que están en el regulador.La salida de consumo no funcionaAsegúrese de que la conexión en cargas CC no está conectada al revés.Asegúrese de que el controlador no tiene activada la protección por sobrecarga, cortocircuito, sobre-voltaje o voltaje bajo.La salida de consumo no se activa cuando la hemos programadoAsegúrese de que el modo de salida de consumo está correctamente configurado.Asegúrese que el voltaje de batería no es excesivamente bajo.La salida de consumo no se activa cuando anochece con el modo automático nocturnoAsegúrese de que el modo de salida de consumo está correctamente configurado.Asegúrese de que el panel solar no recibe ningún tipo de iluminación de otras fuentes.6.Post-Venta6.1. Garantía.La garantía del fabricante cubre cualquier daño del regulador en los 2 primeros años de uso siempre que su malfuncionamiento sea ajeno al usuario. Cualquier manipulación del aparato conllevará la anulación de la garantía. Todos los fallos derivados de no seguir las instrucciones del presente manual conllevará la anulación de la garantía. Para cualquier duda consulte con su punto de venta o comercial.7.Datos técnicosEntradaVoltaje FV ≤50V Intensidad nominal 10A 20A 30A SalidaVoltaje sistema12V/24V Auto Desconexión por alto voltaje (HVD) 16.00V x1 / x2Intensidad descarga nominal10A 20A 30A Autoconsumo≤13mACaída de tensión circuito carga ≤0.21V ≤0.24V Caída de tensión circuito descarga≤0.12V≤0.1V Modo de carga PWM Multi -etapas (carga, absorción, flotación, ecualización)Voltaje Carga Flotación13.8V (13V~15V) x1 / x2 Voltaje Carga Absorción 2 horas duración14.4V (13V~15V) x1 / x2 Voltaje Carga Ecualización14.6V (13V~15.5V) x1 / x2 Protección Bajo Voltaje (LVD) 10.8V (10V~14V) x1 / x2 Reconexión Bajo Voltaje (LVR)12.6V (10V~14V) x1 / x2Salida USB 5V 1A CaracterísticasfísicasSección cableado6mm²10mm² 16mm²Temperatura trabajo -20 ~ +50°C Tamaño (L x W x H)188 x 95 x 46.5mmPeso neto355gTipo de batería: Tipo batería Voltaje de flotaciónVoltaje de absorciónTiempo de absorción (h)Voltaje de ecualizaciónTiempo de ecualización (h)Intervalo entreecualizaciones (días)GEL13.8 14.2 2 - - - Sellada (SLD)13.8 14.4 2 14.6 2 28 Plomo abierto (FLD) 13.8 14.6 2 14.8 2 28 Personalizada (USR) 13.814.4214.6228Modo de cargaModo de consumoVoltaje ecualización Voltaje absorciónVoltaje flotaciónmodo iluminación nocturnamodo normal modo iluminación nocturna con activación automática horas después del anochecer y antes del amanecer。

Usage instruction1. Charging under direct sunlightOpen the solar charger and keep solar panels upright facing direct sunlight.Note:You can use the holder to adjust the height of the solar charger for the best angle.A red light will indicate that the device is charging. The light will automaticallyturn off when the device has been fully charged.2. harging using the USB cableConnect the solar charger with the supplied USB cable and insert it into a power supply.There are 4 LED indicators (refer to the table below) that will flash in blue to indicate the remaining battery levels. When fully charged, 4 blue LEDs will light steadily.Capacity: 8000mAhI n p u t : USB/Solar panel DC 5V/2.0AOutput: Smart ID DC 5V/2.4AS i z e : 9.52" x 6.89" x 0.75" (175x242x19mm)Weight: approx. 1.43lb (650g)Operating Temperature: 32 ℉-140 ℉ (0℃-60℃)Product SpecificationNote:You can press the power button to check the remaining battery levels when not connected with a USB cable.If the device will not be used for an extended period of time, store it in a clean, dry place and charge it every 3-6 months.3. Charging an external portable digital deviceUpon connecting the solar charger with your electronic equipment (through the USB cable), the LEDs will flash and the solar charger will automatically start charging your device. When fully charged, the solar charger will automatically turn off and enter into sleep mode.Features Please read this user manual carefully before use and keep for future reference.Do not place the device on a soft surface, such as a carpet or couch.Do not throw the solar charger into fire.Do not crush, impale, disassemble or attempt to repair the solar charger.Ensure there are no flammable substances, explosive gases, flames, smoke orspark near the solar charger.Do not scratch or bend the solar panels.Keep the surface of solar panels clean from dust. Clean it with a soft cloth.Avoid solar panel contact with water or any other liquid (corrosive, acid or alkali).Operate it under a temperature of 0℃ ~ 40℃.Adult supervision is recommended at all times when a child is operating the device.Charge the device with the supplied adapter.When battery levels are low, as indicated by a single flashing indicator or no flashing, stop using the solar charger and charge it immediately.Safety precautionRefuel your devices’ batteries on your outdoor adventures and short trips.Up to 25% high conversion eciency.Professional built-in circuit to prevent over-discharge, over-charge, over-current and heat reduction when charging the built-in battery via USB cable or sunlight.Sturdy and durable, perfect for perfect for traveling or outdoor es with a height-adjustable holder to capture maximum sunlight.4 LED indicators that indicate battery levels.IC-SB11Y Portable Solar Charger(8000mAh)。



3、充电时内置高容量可充电锂电池:1200 mAh。
ZS-30A ZS-40A 太阳能控制器 电池充电器用户手册说明书

Solar Controller / Battery ChargerZS-30A / ZS-40AInput: DC12V Solar panel (Max. 25V)Output: DC 12V 30A (ZS-30A)DC 12V 40A (ZS-40A)User’s ManualFor use with 12Volt Solar Panel OnlySuitable for Solar panels up to 510 Watts / ZS-30A; 680Watt / ZS-40ABattery Connection Solar Array ConnectionLength ofWire < 1m 6m 9m 12mPlease refer to the wire size chartbelow to determine the minimumsize wire needed for eachconnection. This will also ensureyou get the best performance outof your solar regulator.Soft Charge - When batteries suffer an over-discharge, the controller will softly rampsthe battery voltage up to 10V.Bulk Charge -Maximum current charging until batteries rise to Absorption levelAbsorption Charge-Constant voltage charging and battery is over 85%.Equalization Charge*-Only for WET battery or Calcium battery type, when the battery is deeply drained below 10V, it will automatically run this stage to bring the internal cells as an equal states and fully complement the loss ofcapacity.(LiFePO4, LTO,Gel and AGM battery do not run Equalization charge)Float Charge -Battery is fully charged and maintained at a safe level.A fully charged battery has a voltage of more than 13.6 Volts.The 6 LED’s indicate the charging status and thebattery conditionRed Blue Green Green Yellow Red Solar Power Present-Nobattery connectedON OFF OFF OFF OFF Flash Soft charging ON FlashOFF OFF OFF ON Bulk charging ON ON OFF Subject to battery voltage Absorption charging ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF Equalization charging ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF Float charging ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF Solar panel weak FlashOFF OFF Subject to battery voltage At night no charge OFF OFF OFF Subject to battery voltageBattery Voltage below 11.5V(+/-0.2V)ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON Battery Voltage between 11.5V - 12.5V(+/-0.2V)ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF Battery Voltage above 12.5V(+/-0.2V) ON ON OFF ONOFF OFF.OPERATION - L.E.D. INDICATIONABNORMAL OPERATION MODEFlashFlashFlashOptional external Battery temperature sensor:As an option, the unit provides a port to connect the external battery temperature sensor; if。
Morningstar 25A 40A MPPT 太阳能充电器- 快速入门指南说明书

Scan QR Code to go directly to the ProStar MPPT Installation Manual and warranty information online.
Warning: Shock Hazard This unit is not provided with a GFDI device. This charge controller must be used with an external GFDI device as required by the Article 690 of the National Electrical Code for the installation location.
PC MeterBus Adapter (MSC)
ProStar MPPT™ Charge Controller
Caution: Equipment Damage
Do not expose the ProStar CC to weather. Locate in a dry, protected area to prevent equipment damage. Ensure the minimum clearance requirements are followed to provide adequate ventilation and prevent the unit from overheating.
Ferrite Chokes
Mounting Template
*A Menu Map is also included with metered versions, but is not shown in this guide.
Ceyone 太阳能充电器套件用户手册说明书

SOLAR KITA SUSTAINABLE BATTERY CHARGING GEAR User ManualWSBC-50Contents1. General Information (1)1.1 Key Design Features (1)1.2 Warnings (2)2. Components and accessories (3)2.1 Accessories (3)3. Specifications (4)3.1 Module electrical specifications (4)3.2 Module mechanical specifications (4)3.3 Charge controller specifications (4)3.4 Rooftop box specifications (5)4. Packaging information (6)5. Installation (7)5.1 Wiring guidelines (7)5.2 Kit fixation guidelines (8)6. Operating Instructions (9)6.1 Charge controller (9)6.2 Features of charge controller (9)6.3 Display symbols (9)6.4 Special Instructions (10)7. Troubleshooting (10)8. Frequently Asked Questions (11)9. Limited Warranty (11)User manual – Ceyone solar kit1.General InformationPlease read this user manual carefully before using the product.Dear Customer,Thank you for purchasing Ceyone solar kit.We hope that you get best results from our product which has been manufactured with high quality and state of the art technology. Please read this entire user manual and all its accompanying documents carefully before using the product. Keep this manual and its accompanying documents safe/stored to refer them in the future.1.1 Key Design FeaturesSuperior product efficiencies as per international benchmarksOur high quality components are designed for best in class product durabilityMaximizes the state of charge of the battery which ensures that the lifetime ofbattery is extendedAdequate protection ensuring hazard free operationDesigned for off-grid applications1.2 WarningsPlease read all the warnings carefully before operating the product. It is necessary to understand and keep them in mind when the system is in use. Any negligence may lead to severe damage to you and your surroundings.Disconnect all the operating battery Exceeding current and voltage rating Use in presence ofponents and accessories2.1 Accessories3.Specifications3.1 Module electrical specificationsThe figure below shows the performance curve of 50Wp module under Standard Test Conditions (STC): 1000 W/m 2 irradiance, Air Mass 1.5 and 25°C cell temperature.3.2 Module mechanical specifications3.3 Charge controller specifications3.4 Rooftop box specifications3.5 Mounting kit specifications4.Packaging information1.Rooftop box2.Charge controller3.Mounting bracket & fixing ancillariesNote: These additional inclusions are kept in position by utilizing double sided tape. Exercise caution whenremoving/ detaching the accessories.5. Installation5.1 Wiring guidelinesIn order to achieve optimized output, it is recommended to that the electrical connections are made in the correct manner using 14 gauge wire. Verify that the connections are secure to ensure safe operation of the kit. It is recommended to use a 10 amp rated fuse before the battery for enhanced safety. As a precaution use properly insulated tools & appropriate PPE’s.Line Diagram Of ConnectionExterior Wiring Guide10 Amp Fuse 14 GaugeWire5.2 Kit fixation guidelinesThe following steps should be adhered to for kit installation/ fixation.1.Connecting the rooftop box: The solar panel need to be connected to the rooftop box as shown in wiringdiagram. Please use appropriate mating connectors between the inter-connecting wire(s) to ensure safe operation.2.Fixing rooftop box atop vehicle: The rooftop box should be fixed atop the vehicle. It is recommended touse appropriate sealant & dispenser for this operation. Kindly allow the sealant to dry for minimum of 6~8 hours in a moisture free environment to obtain a permanent bond.3.Fixing the mounting structure on solar module: Use the 4 mounting clamps and fix each of themalongside the mounting hole as provided in the rear side of the module.4.Fixing ancillaries: Follow the mounting process by utilizing M6 bolt, M6 split lock washer, M6 flat washeron one side of the mounting clamp Lock the bolt by in position by utilizing M6 flat washer and M6 nut on the other side. Use appropriate tools like Spanner, Plier, etc. for obtaining a perfect fit. Connecting the rooftop box Fixing rooftop box atop vehicleModule fixation guide Mounting kit fixation guide6.Operating Instructions6.1 Charge controllerBefore making initial connections, please ensure thatthe battery has enough charge or is at adequatevoltage level such that the controller can sense thebattery.The controller is only suitable for LEAD ACIDBATTERIES: OPEN, AGM, and GEL type. It is notsuited for nickel metal hydride, lithium ions or otherbatteries. Charge controller is only suitable ofcontrolling solar PV modules as input. Never connectanother charging source to the charge controller.6.2 Features of charge controller1.The PMW charge controller is IP 68 with built-in open circuit and reverse protection2.It is equipped with dual mosfet for reverse current and low heat protection3.It has enhanced size of display for clearly observing and recording the dataDisplay the battery voltageIndication that the solar panel is charging the batteryDisplays the battery state of chargeonce its voltage is above 12.6V6.4 Special Instructions3.To obtain maximum output it is suggested that the panel’s direction is adjusted such that it faces the sun.4.Locate a clear sunlit area, free from overhanging branches, wires or obstructions to ensure maximumgeneration5.Broken modules cannot be repaired and contact with any module surface or frame can lead to electricalshock. Do NOT use a module with broken glass or torn substrate6.Do not disassemble the modules or remove any part of the module7.Do not drop Module or allow objects to fall on the Module. Do not stand or step on the Module8.Ensure the battery clamps/ connectors do not come in contact with one another to avoid short circuiting9.Ensure that all the electrical connections are secured before using the kit. Verify that the battery is beingcharged by the kit10.V erify the tightness of mechanical connections before using the kit11.P lease connect any type of load via the battery only7.TroubleshootingThe common problems are listed below. For any additional technical support, please get in touch with the local sales coordinator.1)PV Array Short CircuitIn case of array short circuit, check all the interconnections. In case of fault, immediately disconnect the faulty connection. Please take help of local sales coordinator if you find it difficult to repair the fault.2)Load Short CircuitCheck the continuity of fuse placed before battery. If blown, replace the faulty fuse and the faulty wire as necessary.3)Battery Reverse PolarityThe controller has protection against battery reverse polarity. It is however suggested to immediately correct the wiring to prevent any mishap.4)Overheating ProtectionIf the temperature of the controller heat sink exceeds 85 °C, the controller will automatically start overheating protection. However in case the system temperature rises, please keep in cool place such that its temperature drops before re-using it.5)High Voltage TransientsIf you are using this system in lightning prone areas, it is suggested that additional externalsuppression (such as using the system in range of lightening arrestor, etc.) is used.Question 1: Can the kit charge two or more 12 V batteries connected in parallel?Answer: Yes, it is possible if the batteries have the same type & capacity and are wired in parallel as a single 12V battery bank.Question 2: Is there any risk that the solar kit will over charge my battery?Answer: One of the functions of the solar charge controller is to ensure that your battery is not over charged. Question 3: Do I need to clean the solar panels?Answer: Yes, it is recommended for better performance. Dust and dirt should first be swept off the panel surface using a soft brush. When the sweeping is complete, use a wet cloth to wipe the panel surface to remove remaining dirt and/or stains.Question 4: Can I place my solar panels anywhere?Answer: To maximize generation, ensure that the tilt angle of system resembles the latitude of the place. If this is not possible, kindly ensure that the module is facing the sun and receives maximum irradiation. Further the solar module should not be operated under shadow.9.Limited WarrantyThe solar module of the kit has a 5 years of limited warranty and 10 years of power output warranty. The controller & rooftop box comes with a 1 year limited warranty. This warranty is valid against defects in materials and workmanship. It is not valid against defects resulting from, but not limited to:•Misuse and/or abuse, neglect or accident.•Improper installation, including but not limited to, improper environmental protection and improper hook-up•Damage in handling, including damage encountered during shipment or installation•Acts of God, including lightning, floods, earthquakes, fire, high winds, etc.•Exceeding the unit’s design limitNote:1.Warranty would stand void for module(s) whose type or serial numbers appears to be changed, erased,removed, illegible or in any manner altered or tampered.2.This warranty does not cover any cost associate with on-site labour and any cost associated with theinstallation, removal, reinstallation, shipping or transportation of the kit(s), any customs clearance or any other cost of return or re-shipment of kit(s).3.Any damages caused by abrasion, artificial damage or animals are exempt from this warranty.4.Defects and/or failures caused by unauthorized maintenance, operation or modification regardless ofwhether such act is wilful misconduct or negligence are exempted from warranty。

问题及处理方法 请检查光电池连线是否正确,接触是否可靠 系统超压,请检查蓄电池是否连接可靠,或是蓄电池电压过高; 蓄电池供电故障,请检测蓄电池连接是否正确 蓄电池过放,充足后自动恢复 负载功率超过额定功率,减少用电设备后,长按键一次恢复 负载短路,故障排除后,长按键一次或第二天自动恢复 请检查用电设备是否连接正确、可靠 请检查外接电源是否连接正确,+,-极有无接反,电源有无供电 检测接线是否可靠,12V/24V 自动识别是否正确(针对自动识别的型号)
E 系列 □5A □10A □15A □20A □5A □10A □15A □20A □12V ; □24V ; □12V/24V Auto
<5mA; 不大于 0.20V; 不大于 0.20V; 17V;×2/24V; 14.6V;×2/24V (维持时间:30min)(当出现过放电时调用,或每 7 天调用一次) 14.4V;×2/24V (维持时间:30min) 13.6V;×2/24V (维持时间:直至降到充电返回电压动作) 13.2V;×2/24V 12.5V;×2/24V 12.0V;×2/24V 11.5V; ×2/24V 11.1V;×2/24V 12.0V;×2/24V 4mv/℃/2V(提升、直充、浮充、充电返回电压补偿); 充电:PWM 脉宽调制; -35℃至+65℃; 1.25 倍额定电流 30 秒;1.5 倍额定电流 5 秒过载保护动作;≥3 倍额定电流短路保护。
solar power intelligent PV controller
Instruction book
Main features
Intelligent control is realized by using microprocessor and dedicated control calculation.
Kuberg Freerider 48V 10A 直接太阳能充电指南说明书

A guide to Direct Solar Chargingyour Kuberg Freerider(or any other 48V 10A Electric Vehicle)The simplest way to your First Off-Grid Solarpunk Dirt Bike.by Coin3ipM.A.S.K (Mobile Autonomous Solar Kubie) has now apparently the World’s First Portable 48V Direct Solar Charger of this type (not voltage “boosted” or “stepped down”).Direct Solar Charging means there’s no need for an inverter, and no buffer battery, and in the best conditions, it charges as fast as using the standard AC charger with a wall outlet. And now, the possibility to carry our own Solar Charger onto the bike gives the bike a virtually unlimited range by allowing us to recharge anywhere, and so, continuing to move forward, even in the middle of the desert, and no matter what state the infrastructure is in.This article presents how it works, and the solutions I’m using to achieve it, in order to be easily replicable by anyone and help them start converting their bike to Direct Solar Power. For convenience. For ecological purposes. For silence. For autonomy...It will also present some of my concepts, explain some of the optimizations and upgrades I’d like to make to go further towards those concepts.Disclaimer: This article is not sponsored by any of the companies mentioned in it. Even though I’d like to work with some of them to develop a specific integrated system optimized for this usage, as seen in the concepts.Prices are based on manufacturer documents, or online seller, at the time of writing (spring 2022).I call this system “M.A.S.K” (Mobile Autonomous Solar Kubie) or “M.A.S.C” (Mobile Autonomous Solar Campsite) depending on if it’s the real bi ke and charger, or the concepts.Note: I’m an artist, not an entrepreneur. My personal goal is not to make a company to compete with the ones I mention here, but making a fiction film using this tech... #eenola2025How it worksIn principles, it's very simple. You set up a solar array that can output a bit more than the Voltage of the fully charged battery of the bike (in this case 54.6V, so about 60V). And you connect the array to a MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) Solar Charge Controller correctly set to the parameters of the bike’s lithium-ion battery. Then the MPPT connects directly into the bike's charging port. (Note: the actual procedure is to connect the MPPT to the battery first, and then the panels to the MPPT. And disconnect the panels first when charging is done).Compatible bikesI’m using a Kuberg Freerider Street Edition, but all Kuberg 48V models would be compatible (Freerider, Ranger, Challenger, X-Force) (Budget: 5000-8000€ depending on model)And any other 48V Electric vehicle (battery) with equivalent max charge voltage.Potentially the Cake Kalk (not rated 48V but 51.8V max charge: 59V?) I’d love to try it.Link to Kuberg's website: Solar Charge Controller (MPPT)Victron SmartSolar MPPT 100|20_48V (budget: 200€ including custom cables)There’s no contest here. This is THE MPPT to get. It’s small, lightweight, and it’s very easy to setup in their app via Bluetooth connection to limit max Amperage to 10A. and max charge to 54.6V).Link to product page: SmartSolar MPPT 75/10, 75/15, 100/15 & 100/20 - Victron EnergyLink to download datasheet: https:///upload/documents/Datasheet-SmartSolar-charge-controller-MPPT-75-10,-75-15,-100-15,-100-20_48V-EN.pdfThe only custom part of the setup at this point is the charging cable going from the MPPT to the bike’s battery.The Freerider’s charging cable uses a male 3-pin XLR connector that you’ll need to source(Note: pin 1 is positive. Pin 2 is negative. Nothing on pin 3).I bought my XLR connector on Ebay (they’re used for music equipment, for example) and had my cable made by my local solar equipment supplier where I bought the MPPT (thanks Bluenergy ^^). Same for the MC4 cables sticking out of the MPPT (for convenience, as you'll have to disconnect thepanels from the MPPT at the end of each charge).The Solar panels450W Array - 3-series: 60V 7.5A - 3x Flexopower Namib 150W (20V 7.5A) - (3.5kgs x3) (Budget: 350€ x3 + shipping cost)This is where it gets a little bit more complicated. There is nothing on the market that is specifically made for this use (yet), but based on my own market research, Flexopower panels seem the most interesting practicality-to-power-to-weight-to-size ratio.On their site, they only advertise parallel connection for their panels to maximize amperage. But in our case, we need to maximize Voltage, so it will require custom cables to connect them in the 3-series configuration that we need (You can ask them to provide it to you). I Would also change the connectors on the ‘battery’ side of the cable for a more universal MC4 just before the MPPT.The advantage is that the panels are already made to be transported around and be simply put on the ground. The ‘feet’ design is very effective and easy to use.Link to product page: NAMIB-150 FOLDABLE SOLAR PANEL BY FLEXOPOWER – FLEXOPOWER ZAThe charging time depends on the weather conditions, but in the best conditions, this array will be almost as fast as the original AC charger.The BackpackMystery Ranch Load Sling (Budget: 500-600€) This is expensive, very difficult to source outside the USA, and the weak point of the system at the moment. Carrying that much weight on the back is not the best on the bike. But the only option for now. So it requires the lightest, strongest, and most flexible heavy load carry pack. That ’s why I ’ve chosen this design from Mystery Ranch. (left: military version. Right: civilian version)Link to product page: Load Sling Pack | MYSTERY RANCH BackpacksI added a small MOLLE compatible backpack I found on Ebay to the back.The "M.A.S.C" conceptMobile Autonomous Solar Campsite. This is what I'm trying to develop. A travelling solar array we’ll be able to carry directly onto the bike. And using the bike as a stand, the room underneath the deployed array to put a small tent. Then transforming the Solar Bike into a full campsite, and freeing the pilot to carry other life-supporting gear. This would require custom design panels, MPPT integrated to the bike, and modifications to the bike in order to accommodate the panels and their weight.Support me by joining my Patreon (starting 1$/month) and Discord to get more data and insights on everything./coin3ip@coin3ip|2022。

Operating manualSolar charge controller10.10 A / 8.8 A / 6.6 APlease read these instructions completely before installation!1. About this manualThese operating instructions are part of the product. Read these operating instructions carefully before use, keep them over the entire lifetime of the product, and pass them on to any future owner or user of this product.This manual describes the installation, function, operation and maintenance of the solar charge controller. These operating instructions are intended for end customers.A technical expert must be consulted in cases of uncertainty.2. SafetyThe solar charge controller may only be used in PV systems for charging and controlling lead-acid batteries in accordance with this operating manual and the charging specifications of the battery manufacturer.The solar charge controller may only be connected to the local loads and the battery by trained personnel and in accordance with the applicable regulations. Follow the installation and operating instructions for all components of the PV system.No energy source other than a solar generator may be connected to the solar charge controller. Follow the general and national safety and accident prevention regulations.Keep children away from PV systems. Do not use the solar charge controller in dusty environments, in the vicinity of solvents or where inflammable gases and vapours can occur. No open fires, flames or sparks in the vicinity of the batteries. Ensure that the room is adequately ventilated. Check the charging process regularly.Follow the charging instructions of the battery manufacturer. Battery Acid splashes on skin or clothing should be immediately rinse with plenty of water. Seek medical advice.Do not operate the solar charge controller when it does not appear to function at all. The solar charge controller or connected cables are visibly damaged or loose. In these cases immediately remove the solar charge controller from the solar modules and battery.3. FunctionsThe solar charge controller monitors the state of charge of the battery bank, controls the charging process, controls the connection/disconnection of loads. This optimises battery use and significantly extends its service life.The following protection functions are part of the basic function of the controller: Overcharge protection ; Deep discharge protection ; Battery undervoltage protection ; Solar module reverse current protection.4. Installation4.1 Mounting location requirementsDo not mount the solar charge controller outdoors or in wet rooms. Do not subject the solar charge controller to direct sunshine or other sources of heat. Protect the solar charge controller from dirt and moisture.Mount upright on the wall (concrete) on a non-flammable substrate. Maintain a minimum clearance of 10 cm below and around the device to ensure unhindered air circulation. Mount the solar charge controller as close as possible to the batteries (with a safety clearance of at least 30 cm).4.2 Fastening the solar charge controllerMark the position of the solar charge controller fastening holes on the wall.Drill 4 Ø 6 mm holes and insert dowels. Fasten the solar charge controller to the wall with the cable openings facing downwards, using 4 oval head screws M4x40 (DIN 7996).4.3 ConnectionUse an wire size suited to the current ratings of the charge controller, e.g. 6mm² for 10A, 5 mm² for 8A, 4 mm² for 6A, 3 mm² for 5A for cable length of 10 m.An additional external 20A fuse (not provided) must be connected to the battery connection cable, close to the battery pole. The external fuse prevents cable short circuits.Solar modules generate electricity under incident light. The full voltage is present, even when the incident light levels are low. Protect the solar modules from incident light during installation, e.g. cover them.Never touch not isolated cable ends. Use only insulated tools. Ensure that all loads to be connected are switched off. If necessary, remove the fuse.Connections must always be made in the sequence described below.1st step: Connect the batteryConnect the battery connection cable with thecorrect polarity to the middle pair of terminalson the solar charge controller (with the batterysymbol).If present, remove any external fuse. Connectbattery connection cable A+ to the positivepole of the battery. Connect batteryconnection cable A– to the negative pole ofthe battery. Insert the external fuse in thebattery connection cable.If the connection polarity is correct, the infoLED illuminates green.2nd step: Connect the solar moduleEnsure that the solar module is protected from incident light (cover it or wait for night).Ensure that the solar module does not exceed the maximum permissible input current.First connect the M+ solar module connection cable to the correct pole of the left pair ofterminals on the solar charge controller (with the solar module symbol), then connect theM– cable. Remove the covering from the solar module.3rd step: Connect loadsFirst connect the L+ load cable to the correct pole of the right pair of terminals on the solarcharge controller (with the lamp symbol), then connect the L– cable. Insert the load fuse orswitch on the load.Notes : Connect loads that must not be deactivated by the solar charge controller deepdischarge protection, e.g. emergency lights or radio connection, directly to the battery.Loads with a higher current consumption than the device output can be directly connectedto the battery. However, the solar charge controller deep discharge protection will no longerintervene. Loads connected in this manner must also be separately fused.4th step: Final workFasten all cables with strain relief in the direct vicinity of the solar charge controller(clearance of approx. 10 cm).5. LED displaysLED Status Meaningilluminates green normal operationInfo LEDflashes slowly red* system fault- too high charging current- overload / short circuit- overheatedtogether with red LED :- too low battery voltagetogether with green LED :- too high battery voltageflashing quickly* battery empty, low voltage disconnectionprewarning, loads still onBatteryredLED flashing slowly* deep discharge protection active (LVD), loadsdisconnectedilluminates battery weak, loads are onBatteryyellowLEDflashes slowly yellow* LVD reconnection setpoint has not yet beenreached, loads still disconnectedilluminates battery goodBatterygreenLEDflashes quickly green* battery full, charge regulation active*flashing slowly: 0,4Hz: 4 times in 10 second, flashing quickly: 3Hz: 3 times in 1 second6. GroundingThe components in stand-alone systems do not have to be grounded – this is not standardpractice or may be prohibited by national regulations (e.g.: DIN 57100 Part 410: Prohibitionof grounding protective low voltage circuits). Ask your dealer for technical assistance.7. Lightning protectionIn systems subjected to an increased risk of overvoltage damage, we recommendinstalling additional lightning protection / overvoltage protection to reduce dropouts.Ask your dealer for technical assistance.8. MaintenanceThe solar charge controller is maintenance-free.All components of the PV system must be checked at least annually, according to thespecifications of the respective manufacturers. Ensure adequate ventilation of the coolingelement. Check the cable strain relief. Check that all cable connections are secure. Tightenscrews if necessary. Check corrosion on terminals.9. Faults and remediesNo display : Check battery polarity and external fuse. Or battery voltage is too low orbattery defective.Battery is not charged : Check if solar modul is connected with correct polarity or if shortcircuit at the solar input. If solar module voltage is lower than battery voltage or if solarmodule is defective the battery cannot be charged.Battery displays jumps quickly : Battery voltage changes quickly. Large pulse currentscause voltage fluctuation. Battery is too small or defective. Ask your dealer for technicalassistance.The following faults do not destroy the controller. After correcting the fault, the device willcontinue to operate correctly:* solar module short circuits * reverse solar module polarity *2* short circuits at load output * excessive load current* reversed battery polarity *1* solar module overcurrent* device overtemperature * overvoltage at the load output10. Legal guaranteeAccording to the German legal requirements, for this product the customer has a 2 yearlegal guarantee.The seller will remove all manufacturing and material faults that occur in the product duringthe legal guarantee period and affect the correct functioning of the product. Natural wearand tear does not constitute a malfunction.Legal guarantee does not apply if the fault can be attributed to third parties, unprofessionalinstallation or commissioning, incorrect or negligent handling, improper transport, excessiveloading, use of improper equipment, faulty construction work, unsuitable constructionlocation or improper operation or use.Legal guarantee claims shall only be accepted if notification of the fault is providedimmediately after it is discovered. Legal guarantee claims are to be directed to the seller.The seller must be informed before legal guarantee claims are processed.For processing a legal guarantee claim an exact fault description and the invoice / deliverynote must be provided. The seller can choose to fulfil the legal guarantee either by repair orreplacement.If the product can neither be repaired nor replaced, or if this does not occur within asuitable period in spite of the specification of an extension period in writing by thecustomer, the reduction in value caused by the fault shall be replaced, or, if this is notsufficient taking the interests of the end customer into consideration, the contract iscancelled. Any further claims against the seller based on this legal guarantee obligation, inparticular claims for damages due to lost profit, loss-of-use or indirect damages areexcluded, unless liability is obligatory by German law.11. Technical DataSteca Solsum F 6.6F 8.8F 10.10FSystem voltage 12 V (24 V)Own consumption < 4 mADC input sideOpen circuit voltage solar module(at minimum operating temperature)< 47 VModule current 6 A 8 A 10 ADC output sideLoad current 6 A 8 A 10 AEnd of charge voltage 13.9 V (27.8 V)Boost charge voltage 14.4 V (28.8 V)Reconnection voltage (SOC / LVR) *³> 50 % / 12.4 V … 12.7 V(24.8 V … 25.4 V)Deep discharge protection (SOC / LVD) *³< 30 % / 11.2 V … 11.6 V(22.4 V … 23.2 V)Operating conditionsAmbient temperature -25 °C … +50 °CFitting and constructionTerminal (fine / single wire) 4 mm2 / 6 mm2 - AWG 12 / 9Degree of protection IP 32Dimensions (X x Y x Z) 145 x 100 x 24 mmWeight approx. 150 g*1Solsum is protected against reverse battery polarity together with polarity protectedloads. Reverse battery polarity combined with short circuited or polarised load couldcause damages in load or regulator*2Avoid reverse module polarity in a 24V system*3Lower value for nominal current, higher value for lowest currentInfo LED Battery LEDsManufactured in aDIN EN ISO 9001:2000 facilitySolsum / Z02 / Version 1104/ 730.930。

产品规格:1、太阳能硅板峰值功率:1.54W2、工作电压:5.5V(最大)3、充电电流:280mA4、蓄电池容量:2000mAh5、输出电压:4.5~9V(可调)6、输出电流:1A(最大)7、充电时间:8-10hrs(幅照度:100mW/C㎡) 3-4hrs(室内电源:5V/500mA)充电说明:1、在xx下充电充电时,放电开关应置于OFF位置,以免充电缓慢,展开太阳能板放置阳光下,并正射太阳能板.太阳能充电器的Light1灯变为红色,此时光能转化为电能对太阳能充电器电池蓄存电.红色表明内置锂电池蓄存电能不多,如果Light1灯变为橙色,表明锂电池中蓄存电能较高,且电压在3.8V~4.1V.如果Light1灯变为绿色,证明充电器内置电池蓄存电已经饱和.当您合上太阳能面板时Light1灯将熄灭,太阳能面板停止充电.注:如果展开太阳能板,在日光下Light1灯变为红色或橙色时,只是表明太阳能面板电压达到Light1灯亮,而不能证明太阳能板在充电.2、使用AC充电由于没有太阳光或阴天情况下,该用AC充电器的DC头连接太阳能充电器的DC接口.再将AC充电器插入110V或220V交流电,Light1灯将变为红色再由红色变为橙色再到绿色的过程.Light1灯变为绿色.表明内置电池已充满,并断开AC充电器的连接.放电说明:放电时,并将输出电压档位调到适当的电压对充电产品充电,然后根据你需要移动设备选择合适的转接头,也可以用USB插头对数码产品连接一起.并将开关切换到"ON"Light1与Light2同时亮时,Light2亮时表示开始放电,(此时内置电池已充满Light1出现红绿交替闪烁属正常现象,具体参考Light1显示说明),当你外接移动设备充电时,Light2亮时,表明正在对你的移动设备或手机充电,移动设备或手机充满后,请将开关切换到OFF位置,以免电量流失.应用领域:适用于充电电压在4.5~9V移动通讯、数码注意事项:1、强光下不能间段充电(直射太阳能面板)约8小时,可充满内置电池.2、在夏季时请勿将充电器置于车内(车内温度过高).影响电池使用寿命3、请勿隔着玻璃对本充电器进行充电.充电效果差.4、必须在强光下充电,在弱光下(Light1)亮灯,只能代表检测到有光,并非代表已在充电(如在室内照明灯下).所以请勿在弱光下进行充电.5、由于出厂时,每个充电器内所含电量不一致,所以,初次使用充电或放电的时间会不同.6、请勿使用有腐蚀性溶液擦拭本机,以免损害本产品.7、严禁将此产品投入火中,以免引起爆炸。

太阳能充电器使用说明书1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、101112131.1 利用太阳能或交流电源可直接给外接电器使用及充电,或对本产品内的畜电池充电。
1.2 配有高亮照明,标准的USB端口输出,可供MP3、MP4、手机、PDA、数码相机等USB产品直接使用或充电。
1.3 本充电器的蓄电池充电时,具备稳压、恒流、过充电和过放电的保护功能。
1.4 配置充电状态指示及蓄电池电量检测功能。
二、特点:2.1 轻便、环保,实用性强,尤其便于户外或野外应急供电与充电。
2.2 当手机没有电量的情况时,放在阳光的照射下,太阳能充电器所发出的电量可直接供手机通话使用。
2.3 3-5小时即可对市面上的手机充满电。
2.4 配有液晶显示屏,用电量检测按钮可查看充电状态和蓄电池电量。
④工作参数:A. 用太阳能对蓄电池充电,7-9小时可充满。
B. 用交流电源适配器对本机蓄电池充电,3小时可充满。
C. 蓄电池充满电量后可连续照明工作48小时。
D. 用太阳能直接对手机进行充电,3-5小时可充满。
E. 蓄电池满电时, 3-5小时可对手机充满电。
F. 交流电源适配器参数:AC100-240V,50-60Hz。
G. 内用蓄电池参数:3.7V,1200mAh安全环保锂离子蓄电池。
H. 太阳能光伏电池参数:DC6V,160mA。
四、使用说明:4.1 蓄电池电量检测:按电量检测键,如图(1)所示,液晶显示屏会显示蓄电池电量。
4.2 照明功能:如图(2)所示,再将转换开关置于()。
4.3 用本充电器的蓄电池给外接电器供电使用或充电时:将适配头插入手机或其他电器接口,另一端插入本充电器USB插孔(如图5所示),再将转换开关置于()此图标。
4.4 用交流电源给蓄电池充电时:应先将交流电源插头插入(本说明书所设定),其电压允许范围内的交流电插座,另一端插入本充电器输入插孔,再将转换开关置,于()位置,如图(6)所示。

.'. 太阳能电动车充电控制器使用说明一、概述CJCD系列太阳能电动车充电控制器安装在电动车上,能够将太阳能电池板输出的直流电,通过控制器内部调压装置,调节出充足的电能供蓄电池充电,即可实现电动车边走边充,大大提高蓄电池的使用寿命,最大解决了电动车行程短的难题。
QSC系列太阳能充电控制器使用说明书 V1.0023

开启前端挡板之前, 请先将前端挡板 黑色防水头拧松, 然后将 4 个螺丝拧下即可松开前端挡板。
前端挡板松开后,将前端挡板面对操作者, 操作者会看到右下角有 4 个针式跳线器, 从左至右编号为
0,1 , 2 , 3 。下面对 4 个跳线器的配置列表说明:
方式 输出 直流 直流 启动 显示 电源 无线 化学
功率 电压 电压 电压
输出 充电 蓄电池
(W) 范围 范围
(V) 无线蓝牙
功能 标准
本控制器输出端默认连接 48V 的化学蓄电池, 如果用户是连接其他电压类型的化学蓄电池,需要对控制器
对于配有数码管显示器和键盘的充电控制器, 用户可以直接通过按键来设定化学蓄电池的标准电压,设置方
法见 七、b 节说明。
对于没有数码管显示器和键盘的充电控制器, 需要由当地经销商 或是 专业人员开启机箱前端挡板(即 接
(注 : “短路” 表示 使用跳线帽插在跳线针上, “开路” 表示 跳线针上没有跳线帽)
跳线器编号 跳线器针 0 跳线器针 1
跳线器针 2 跳线器针 3
蓄电池标准电压 12V 24V 36V 48V 60V
开路 开路 开路 开路 开路

GENASUN GV-5 太阳能充电控制器手册说明书

1. 合同目的和适用范围•合同目的:确保解除劳动关系的公平、合法和顺利进行,保障雇主和雇员的权益。
2. 解除劳动关系的条件合同规定了情况下可以解除劳动关系:•双方协商一致:雇主与雇员可以通过协商一致的方式解除劳动关系。
3. 解除劳动关系的程序和方式•书面通知:解除劳动关系应以书面形式通知对方,包括解除的原因、解除的生效日期等信息。
4. 解除劳动关系的补偿和权益保障•补偿金:根据劳动法律法规的规定,受雇员工在解除劳动关系时可以获得相应的经济补偿。
5. 解除劳动关系合同的效力和争议解决•合同效力:解除劳动关系合同经双方签字盖章后生效。
6. 其他事项•法律法规的适用:解除劳动关系应遵守国家相关的劳动法律法规,确保合法合规。

太阳能智能充电控制器使用说明书一、型号说明二、主要特点1. 12V/24V 系统电压自动识别。
2. 使用抗干扰能力极强的微处理器和专用控制程序,控制器稳定可靠。
3. 改进三段式充电算法,每周期对蓄电池进行一次均衡充电,有效地防止蓄电池不均衡和硫化现象,提高蓄电池使用寿命。
4. 具有红外通信功能。
用户可通过管理软件查询控制器的运行状态,并可以对控制器的各种运行参数进行设置,如:◆可对各路负载输出功率进行三段式独立设定,以达到省电的效果;◆设置开关灯的光照度;◆可查询当前控制器的工作状态和故障情况;5. 丰富的负载工作模式,方便使用在各种路灯及监控设备上。
6. 外置温度传感器,具有高精度温度补偿。
7. 参数设置掉电保存功能,无需重复设置,使用方便快捷。
8. 完善的保护功能:◆极性反接保护:能够对太阳能板或蓄电池极性反接进行保护;◆过载保护:1.25倍额定电流30秒,1.5倍额定电流5秒过载保护,≥3倍额定电流立即保护,自动解除保护的时间可设置。
◆雷电保护:控制器内部设置防雷器件,在多雷区使用可以有效地保护控制器;◆防水/尘保护:防护等级IP68 在恶劣环境下仍能正常工作;◆蓄电池过放电保护:避免电池过放损坏蓄电池,低压/欠压保护值可通过软件设定。
三、安装和接线1. 控制器安装要牢靠,尺寸如下:外形尺寸:100×80×23(mm)安装尺寸:73×50(mm)安装孔径:4(mm)动识别蓄电池电压后开始工作。
4. 连接蓄电池“-”极:如果连接正确,蓄电池指示灯会点亮,否则,请检查连接是否正确。
5. 连接太阳能板“-”极:如果阳光充足,充电指示灯会亮。
6. 连接负载“-”极:将负载连接线接入控制器负载输出端,电流不能超过控制器额定电流。
接线图如下图所示:四、使用建议1. 控制器在上电后会自动识别蓄电池电压,使用时请先接蓄电池,并保证连接可靠。
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