1.高精度测温仪表的研制 [J], 周惠金;冯兴华
2.热计量仪表的高精度测温技术论述 [J], 王琳;冯卫
3.浅谈热计量仪表高精度测温技术 [J], 杜永胜
4.浅谈热计量仪表高精度测温技术 [J], 杜永胜
5.一种带有8031单片机的高精度热电偶测温仪表的设计 [J], 刘海
测温仪使用 说明书
![测温仪使用 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/43df272a783e0912a3162a41.png)
制作项目:带报警的数显温度计 小组成员:吕垚鹏飞、张睿基于ICL7107制作的数显温度报警电路设计摘要数显温度计是一种电子产品,由温感元件来识别温度,既将温度信号转化为模拟的电信号。
关键词:数字显示 温度传感器 ICL7107 报警制作项目:带报警的数显温度计 小组成员:吕垚鹏飞、张睿目录摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………1 引言 …………………………………………………………………………………3 第一章 数显温度计的发展史,内容及其意义1.1 温度计的发展史 ...............................................................4 1.2 本文主要内容 ..................................................................5 1.3 本课题研究的意义 (5)第二章 数显温度的组成2.1元件列表 ........................................................................6 2.2 ICL7107器件简介 ............................................................6 2.3 LM35引脚及功能介绍 (9)第三章 数字显示温度计的基本原理及调试方法3.1 数显温度计的特点 .........................................................12 3.2 数字显示温度计电路原理 (12)第四章 仿真电路图4.1 温度显示仿真 (14)4.2 报警电路仿真 (15)第五章 全文总结及其前景展望5.1 结论 ...........................................................................16 5.2 个人总结 (16)致谢 ..........................................................................................19 参考文献 (20)制作项目:带报警的数显温度计 小组成员:吕垚鹏飞、张睿引言简介:数显温度计可以准确的判断和测量温度,以数字显示,而非指针或水银显示。
lm35与icl7107温度计设计报告 课程设计
![lm35与icl7107温度计设计报告 课程设计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/262391d3bceb19e8b9f6ba4e.png)
lm35与icl7107温度计设计报告课程设计《 3位半数字显示温计》设计报告目录1 设计任务与要求 01.1设计任务1.2产品指标及要求2 系统设计总体思路 03 设计方案及比较(设计可行性分析) (1)方案一 (1)方案二 (1)方案比较 (1)5 系统电路设计及参数计算,主要元器件介绍及选择以及数据指标的测量. 35.1LM35传感器电路35.2A/D转换电路45.2.1ICL7107的基本特性55.2.2ICL7107的各管脚连接图65.2.3引脚功能65.2.4功能说明85.2.5外围元件参数的选择115.3供电电路135.3.1正电压产生电路135.3.2负电压产生电路145.4数码管显示电路146 电路原理图及PCB图 (16)7 产品制作及调试 (17)7.1产品制作177.2调试188 实验结果和数据处理 (18)9 结论(设计分析) (20)10问题与讨论 (21)11心得体会 (22)12附录 (24)1设计任务与要求1.1设计任务采用温度传感器、3位半A/D转换器、数码或液晶显示器设计一个日常温度数字温度计。
ICL7107采用双极性采样技术和3 1/2位数字显示技术,具有转换速度快、精度高、功耗低等优点。
具体实现流程如下:(2)将LM35的输出信号连接到ICL7107的模拟输入端;(3)选取合适的参考电压,并将其与ICL7107连接;连接图如下所示:(1)确定电路图和元件清单数字温度计的电路图如下所示:元件清单如下所示:材料名称 | 数量--- | ---LM35 | 1个电容器 | 2个电位器 | 1个ICL7107 | 1个共阳数码管 | 1个电位器旋钮 | 1个面包板 | 1块(2)电路连接将电路按照电路图连接好。
程序核心代码如下所示:```#include <REGX51.H>#include <INTRINS.H>sbit DOUT = P3^5 ; // DOUT Pinunsigned char Dis_7 [10] = {0XC0, 0XC1, 0XC2, 0XC3, 0XC4, 0XC5, 0XC6, 0XC7, 0XC8, 0XC9}; // 0 ~ 9unsigned char Dis_P = 0XCFFF; // 小数点unsigned char OUT_Buf[3]; // 实时数值// 延迟void Delayus (unsigned char us){while (us--){_nop_ ();_nop_ ();}}// 发送结束采样信号,并获得结果数据unsigned char ADC_GetResult (){unsigned char i, result = 0;for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){result <<= 1;DOUT = 1;Delayus (2);DOUT = 0;Delayus (2);if (DOUT == 1) result |= 0x01;Delayus (2);}return result;}// 将ADC转换结果转换为字符集void ConvertADCResult (unsigned char result){OUT_Buf[0] = Dis_7 [result % 10];OUT_Buf[1] = Dis_7 [result / 10 % 10];OUT_Buf[2] = Dis_7 [result / 100 % 10] | Dis_P;}(4)调试将电路接入供电后,轻轻转动电位器旋钮,可以看到数码管中显示的数字在发生变化,同时还可以发现数码管上的小数点也在变化,这便是LM35与ICL7107数字温度计实现温度监测的结果。
1.测量电压时,请勿输入超过直流 20V 的极限电压。 2.测量前要检查表笔是否可靠接触,是否正确连接、是否绝缘良好等。 3.电压表的电源供电端子,不能反接,否则会烧毁电压表,电压表供电电压不能低于或高于 +5V。 4.电位器的调试端不能随意调动,否则会影响测试准确度。 (三)、操作面说明
本文主要是研究基于 ICL7107 芯片、数字显计数器的应用。
1.4 设计目的
1.综合运用数字电路和模拟电路,巩固所学知识。 2.了解双积分 A/D 转换器的工作原理。
3.掌握 ICL7107 构成数字直流电压表的方法。 4.了解数字显示电路的扩展应用。 5.了解产品设计的基本思路和方法。 6.掌握常用电子元件的选择方法和元件参数的。 7.加强计算机运用、查阅资料和独立完成电路设计的能力。
1.3 LED 显示屏
采用 2 个共阳级二位数码管进行显示,芯片 ICL7107 可以直接驱动共阳型数码管,不需要驱动电路。最高 位只起到显示‘1’和‘-’的作用,第二位可以显示小数点。
一、 仪器,仪表准备
调试 工作单
1. 双路直流稳压电源 (一台)。 2. 4 位半数字万用表 (一台)。
二、 调试内容及步骤
图 2.5-2 ICL7107 芯片引脚图
ICL7107 芯片的引脚图如图 2.5-2 所示,它与外围器件的连接图如 4 所示。图 4 中它和数码管相 连的脚以及电源脚是固定的,所以不加详述。芯片的第 32 脚为模拟公共端,称为 COM 端;第 34 脚 Vr+和 35 脚 Vr-为参考电压正负输入端;第 31 脚 IN+和 30 脚 IN-为测量电压正负输入端; Cint 和 Rint 分别为积分电容和积分电阻,Caz 为自动调零电容,它们与芯片的 27、28 和 29 相连,电阻 R1 和 C1 与芯片内部电路组合提供时钟脉冲振荡源,从 40 脚可以用示波器测量出该振荡波形,该脚对应 实验仪上示波器接口 CLK,时钟频率的快慢决定了芯片的转换时间(因为测量周期总保持 4000 个 Tcp 不变)以及测量的精度。
[19]中华人民共和国国家知识产权局[12]实用新型专利说明书[11]授权公告号CN 200996870Y [45]授权公告日2007年12月26日专利号 ZL 200620167493.9[22]申请日2006.12.14[21]申请号200620167493.9[73]专利权人冶金自动化研究设计院地址100071北京市丰台区西四环南路72号[72]设计人石志学 吴少波 刘鸿 房庆海 [74]专利代理机构北京科大华谊专利代理事务所代理人刘月娥[51]Int.CI.G01K 1/00 (2006.01)G01K 1/02 (2006.01)B22D 2/00 (2006.01)权利要求书 2 页 说明书 4 页 附图 5 页[54]实用新型名称一种智能钢水测温仪[57]摘要一种智能钢水测温仪,属于炼钢测温技术领域。
200620167493.9权 利 要 求 书第1/2页 1、一种智能钢水测温仪,包括机箱和电路两部分,其特征在于,机箱包括机箱上盖(1)、机箱体(2)、数码管显示屏(3)、状态指示灯(4)、触摸键(5);电路包括单片机控制电路、温度采集电路、接口输出电路和实时钟电路;机箱上盖(1)上带有4个连接柱(6),连接柱(6)上带有内螺纹,机箱上盖(1)放在机箱体(2)的上面,机箱上盖(1)的4个连接柱(6)伸到机箱体(2)的底部;螺杆(7)穿过机箱体(2)底面上的孔,伸入到机箱内部,连到连接柱(6)的内螺纹上,将机箱上盖(1)与机箱体(2)紧密连接在一起;机箱上盖(1)上有触摸键(5),触摸键(5)穿过机箱上盖(1)伸到触摸键电路板(10)的下面,通过螺母(11)将电路板(10)和触摸键(5)紧固在一起;在于触摸键外面有绝缘垫(8),机箱上盖(1)与触摸键电路板(10)之间有绝缘套(9);机箱上盖(1)上有状态指示灯(4),状态指示灯(4)的灯罩(12)、螺母(13)材质为有机玻璃,灯罩(12)的上表面露在机箱外面,螺母(13)连在灯罩(12)上,将机箱上盖(1)夹在中间;灯的电路板(14)为圆形,上面装有贴片发光二极管(15),发光二极管(15)以同心圆放置;单片机控制电路和接口输出电路、实时钟电路相连;实时钟电路带有实时钟芯片PCF8583和镍镉电池,实时钟芯片P C F8583与单片机A T M E G A128L通过I2C总线连接,镍镉电池和实时钟芯片PCF8583相连。
【摘要】摘自《Iron & Steelmaker》,l989,No. 1,p. 11 美国钢铁学会(AISI)和美国国家标准局正在联合研制一种可测量钢水内部温度的新型探测器,目前已成功地通过试验,并在Armco公司的Baltimore特殊钢公司进行了实地演示。
1.用于总β测量的新型组合探测器主探测部件γ效率计算 [J], 张军民;郭兰英;凌球;屈国普;张文杰
2.一种用于测量混凝土试件温度应力的温度荷载施加方法 [J], 亢景付;陈凯;郭超
3.一种用于云中机载测量的新型超快温度表 [J], 周景林
4.一种新型的钢水温度测量系统 [J], 苏忠洋
1、硬件设计(1) 热电偶温度传感器本系统使用镍铬—镍硅热电偶,被测温度范围为0~655℃,冷端补偿采用补偿电桥法,采用不平衡电桥产生的电势来补偿热电偶因冷端温度变化而引起的热电势变化值。
不平衡电桥由电阻R1、R2、R3(锰铜丝绕制)、 Rcu(铜丝绕制)四桥臂和桥路稳压源组成,串联在热电偶回路中。
Rcu与热电偶冷端同处于±0℃,而R1=R2=R3= 1Ω,桥路电源电压为4V,由稳压电源供电,Rs为限流电阻,其阻值因热电偶不同而不同,电桥通常取在20℃时平衡,这时电桥的四个桥臂电阻 R1=R2=R3=Rcu,a、b端无输出。
(2) 测量放大电路实际电路中,从热电偶输出的信号最多不过几十毫伏(<30mV),且其中包含工频、静电和磁偶合等共模干扰,对这种电路放大就需要放大电路具有很高的共模抑制比以及高增益、低噪声和高输入阻抗,因此宜采用测量放大电路。
测量放大器的放大倍数为:AV= V0/(V2-V1),AV=RF/R(1+(Rf1+Rf2)/RW)。
1820图1 ICL7109数字电路部分内部结构2、ICL7109的功能引脚ICL7109为40引脚双列直插式封装,其引脚如图2所示。
File NumberCAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures.1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143Intersil (and design) is a registered trademark of Intersil Americas Inc.Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal InformationPositive Supply Voltage (GND to V+). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+6.0V Negative Supply Voltage (GND to V-) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-9V Analog Input Voltage (Either Input) (Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . .V+ to V-Reference Input Voltage (Either Input) (Note 1). . . . . . . . . .V+ to V-Digital Input Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(V+) +0.3V Pins 2-27 (Note 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GND -0.3V Operating ConditionsTemperature RangeM Suffix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-55o C to 125o C I Suffix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-25o C to 85o C C Suffix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0o C to 75o C Thermal Resistance (Typical, Note 1)θJA (o C/W)θJC (o C/W) SBDIP Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6020 CERDIP Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5518 PDIP Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50N/A Maximum Junction Temperature (PDIP Package) . . . . . . . . .150o C Maximum Junction Temperature (CERDIP Package). . . . . . .175o C Maximum Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . .-65o C to 150o C Maximum Lead Temperature (Soldering 10s Max). . . . . . . . .300o CCAUTION: Stresses above those listed in “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied.NOTE:1.θJA is measured with the component mounted on an evaluation PC board in free air.Analog Electrical Specifications V+ = +5V, V- = -5V, GND = 0V, T A = 25o C, f CLK = 3.58MHz,Unless Otherwise SpecifiedPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT SYSTEM PERFORMANCEOscillator Output CurrentHigh, O OH V OUT = 2.5V-1-mA Low, O OL V OUT = 2.5V- 1.5-mA Buffered Oscillator Output CurrentHigh, BO OH V OUT = 2.5V-2-mA Low, BO OL V OUT = 2.5V-5-mA Zero Input Reading V IN = 0.0000V, V REF = 204.8mV-0000±0000+0000Counts Ratiometric Error V lN = V REF, V REF = 204.8mV (Note 7)-3-0Counts Non-Linearity Full Scale = 409.6mV to 2.048mVMaximum Deviation from Best Straight Line Fit, OverFull Operating Temperature Range (Notes 4 and 6)-1±0.2+1CountsRollover Error Full Scale = 409.6mV to 2.048VDifference in Reading for Equal Positive and NegativeInputs Near Full Scale (Notes 5 and 6), R1 = 0Ω-1±0.2+1CountsLinearity Full-Scale = 200mV or Full Scale = 2V MaximumDeviation from Best Straight Line Fit (Note 4)-±0.2±1Counts Common Mode Rejection Ratio, CMRR V CM = ±1V, V IN = 0V, Full Scale = 409.6mV-50-µV/VInput Common Mode Range, VCMR Input HI, Input LO, Common (Note 4)(V-)+2.0-(V+)-2.0VNoise, eN V IN = 0V, Full-Scale = 409.6mV(Peak-to-Peak Value Not Exceeded 95% of Time)-15-µV Leakage Current Input, I ILK V lN = 0V, All Devices at 25o C (Note 4)-110pA ICL7109CPL 0o C to 70o C (Note 4)-20100pA ICL7109IDL-25o C to 85o C (Note 4)-100250pA ICL7109MDL-55o C to 125o C-2100nA Zero Reading Drift V lN = 0V, R1 - 0Ω (Note 4)-0.21µV/o CScale Factor Temperature Coefficient V IN = 408.9mV = > 77708 Reading Ext. Ref. 0ppm/o C (Note 4)-15ppm/o CREFERENCE VOLTAGE Ref Out Voltage, V REFReferred to V+, 25k Ω Between V+ and REF OUT -2.4-2.8-3.2V Ref Out Temperature Coefficient 25k Ω Between V+ and REF OUT (Note 4)-80-ppm/o CPOWER SUPPLY CHARACTERISTICS Supply Current V+ to GND, I+V IN = 0V, Crystal Osc 3.58MHz Test Circuit -7001500µA Supply Current V+ to V-, I SUPPPins 2 - 21, 25, 26, 27, 29; Open-7001500µADigital Electrical Specifications V+ = +5V, V- = -5V, GND = 0V, T A = 25o C, Unless Otherwise SpecifiedPARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITDIGITAL OUTPUTS Output High Voltage, V OH I OUT = 100µA Pins 2 - 16, 18, 19, 20 3.5 4.3-V Output Low Voltage, V OL I OUT = 1.6mA Pins 2 - 16, 18, 19, 20-±0.20±0.40V Output Leakage Current Pins 3 - 16 High Impedance-±0.01±1µA Control I/O Pullup Current Pins 18, 19, 20 V OUT = V+ -3V MODE Input at GND (Note 4)-5-µA Control I/O Loading HBEN Pin 19 LBEN Pin 18 (Note 4)-−50pFDIGITAL INPUTS Input High Voltage, V IH Pins 18 - 21, 26, 27 Referred to GND 3.0--V Input Low Voltage, V IL Pins 18 - 21, 26, 27 Referred to GND --1V Input Pull-Up Current Pins 26, 27 V OUT = (V+) -3V -5-µA Input Pull-Up Current Pins 17, 24 V OUT = (V+) -3V -25-µA Input Pull-Down Current Pin 21 V OUT = GND +3V-5-µATIMING CHARACTERISTICS MODE Input Pulse Width, t W(Note 4)50--nsNOTES:1.Input voltages may exceed the supply voltages provided the input current is limited to ±100µA.2.Due to the SCR structure inherent in the process used to fabricate these devices, connecting any digital inputs or outputs to voltages greater than V+ or less than GND may cause destructive device latchup. For this reason it is recommended that no inputs from sources other than the same power supply be applied to the ICL7109 before its power supply is established, and that in multiple supply systems the supply to the ICL7109 be activated first.3.This limit refers to that of the package and will not be obtained during normal operation.4.This parameter is not production tested, but is guaranteed by design.5.Roll-over error for T A = -55o C to 125o C is ±10 counts (Max).6.A full scale voltage of 2.048V is used because a full scale voltage of 4.096V exceeds the devices Common Mode Voltage Range.7.For CERDIP package the Ratiometric error can be -4 (Min).Analog Electrical Specifications V+ = +5V, V- = -5V, GND = 0V, T A = 25o C, f CLK = 3.58MHz,Unless Otherwise Specified (Continued)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX UNITPin DescriptionsPIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION1GND Digital Ground, 0V. Ground return for all digital logic.2STATUS Output High during integrate and deintegrate until data is latched. Output Low when analog sectionis in Auto-Zero configuration.3POL Polarity - HI for positive input.Three-State Output Data Bits4OR Overrange - HI if overranged.Three-State Output Data Bits5B12Bit 12(Most Significant Bit)Three-State Output Data Bits6B11Bit 11High = True Three-State Output Data Bits7B10Bit 10High = True Three-State Output Data Bits8B9Bit 9High = True Three-State Output Data Bits9B8Bit 8High = True Three-State Output Data Bits10B7Bit 7High = True Three-State Output Data Bits11B6Bit 6High = True Three-State Output Data Bits12B5Bit 5High = True Three-State Output Data Bits13B4Bit 4High = True Three-State Output Data Bits14B3Bit 3High = True Three-State Output Data Bits15B2Bit 2High = True Three-State Output Data Bits16B1Bit 1(Least Significant Bit)Three-State Output Data Bits17TEST Input High - Normal Operation. Input Low - Forces all bit outputs high. Note: This input is used fortest purposes only. Tie high if not used.18LBEN Low Byte Enable - With Mode (Pin 21) low, and CE/LOAD (Pin 20) low, taking this pin low activateslow order byte outputs B1 through B8.With Mode (Pin 21) high, this pin serves as a low byte flag output used in handshake mode.See Figures 7, 8, 9.19HBEN High Byte Enable - With Mode (Pin 21) low, and CE/LOAD (Pin 20) low, taking this pin low activateshigh order byte outputs B9 through B12, POL, OR.With Mode (Pin 21) high, this pin serves as a high byte flag output used in handshake mode.See Figures 7, 8, 9.20CE/LOAD Chip Enable Load - With Mode (Pin 21) low. CE/LOAD serves as a master output enable. Whenhigh, B1 through B12, POL, OR outputs are disabled.With Mode (Pin 21) high, this pin serves as a load strobe used in handshake mode.See Figures 7, 8, 9.21MODE Input Low - Direct output mode where CE/LOAD (Pin 20), HBEN (Pin 19) and LBEN (Pin 18) act asinputs directly controlling byte outputs.Input Pulsed High - Causes immediate entry into handshake mode and output of data as in Figure 9.Input High - Enables CE/LOAD (Pin 20), HBEN (Pin 19), and LBEN (Pin 18) as outputs, handshakemode will be entered and data output as in Figures 7 and 8 at conversion completion.22OSC IN Oscillator Input23OSC OUT Oscillator OutputPin Descriptions (Continued)PIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION24OSC SEL Oscillator Select - Input high configures OSC IN, OSC OUT, BUF OSC OUT as RC oscillator - clockwill be same phase and duty cycle as BUF OSC OUT.Input low configures OSC IN, OSC OUT for crystal oscillator - clock frequency will be 1/58 offrequency at BUF OSC OUT.25BUF OSC OUT Buffered Oscillator Output26RUN/HOLD Input High - Conversions continuously performed every 8192 clock pulses.Input Low - Conversion in progress completed, converter will stop in Auto-Zero 7 counts beforeintegrate.27SEND Input - Used in handshake mode to indicate ability of an external device to accept data. Connect to+5V if not used.28V-Analog Negative Supply - Nominally -5V with respect to GND (Pin 1).29REF OUT Reference Voltage Output - Nominally 2.8V down from V+ (Pin 40).30BUFFER Buffer Amplifier Output.31AUTO-ZERO Auto-Zero Node - Inside foil of C AZ.32INTEGRATOR Integrator Output - Outside foil of C INT.33COMMON Analog Common - System is Auto-Zeroed to COMMON.34INPUT LO Differential Input Low Side.35INPUT HI Differential Input High Side.36REF IN +Differential Reference Input Positive.37REF CAP +Reference Capacitor Positive.38REF CAP-Reference Capacitor Negative.39REF IN-Differential Reference Input Negative.40V+Positive Supply Voltage - Nominally +5V with respect to GND (Pin 1).NOTE:All digital levels are positive true.Design Information Summary Sheet•OSCILLATOR FREQUENCYf OSC = 0.45/RCC OSC > 50pF; R OSC > 50kΩf OSC (Typ) = 60kHzorf OSC (Typ) = 3.58MHz Crystal •OSCILLATOR PERIODt OSC = RC/0.45t OSC = 1/3.58MHz (Crystal)•INTEGRATION CLOCK FREQUENCYf CLOCK = f OSC (RC Mode)f CLOCK = f OSC/58 (Crystal)t CLOCK = 1/f CLOCK•INTEGRATION PERIODt INT = 2048 x t CLOCK•60/50Hz REJECTION CRITERIONt INT/t60Hz or t lNT/t50Hz = Integer •OPTIMUM INTEGRATION CURRENTI INT = 20µA•FULL-SCALE ANALOG INPUT VOLTAGE V lNFS Typically = 200mV or 2V •INTEGRATE RESISTOR•INTEGRATE CAPACITOR•INTEGRATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING •V INT MAXIMUM SWING(V- + 0.5V) < V INT < (V+ - 0.5V)V INT (Typ) = 2V•DISPLAY COUNT•CONVERSION CYCLEt CYC = t CL0CK x 8192(In Free Run Mode, Run/HOLD = 1)when f CLOCK = 60kHz, t CYC = 133ms •COMMON MODE INPUT VOLTAGE(V- + 2.0V) < V lN < (V+ - 2V)•AUTO-ZERO CAPACITOR0.01µF < C AZ < 1µF•REFERENCE CAPACITOR0.1µF < C REF < 1µF•V REFBiased between V+ and V-V REF≅ V+ - 2.8VRegulation lost when V+ to V- ≤ 6.4V.If V REF is not used, float output pin.•POWER SUPPLY:DUAL ±5.0VV+ = +5V to GNDV- = -5V to GND•OUTPUT TYPEBinary Amplitude with Polarity and Overrange Bits Tips: Always tie TEST pin HIGH.Don’t leave any inputs floating.R INTV INFSI INT ----------------=C INTt INT()I INT()V INT-------------------------------=V INTt INT()I INT()C INT-------------------------------=COUNT2048V INV REF----------------×=De-Integrate PhaseThe final phase is de-integrate, or reference integrate. Input low is internally connected to analog COMMON and input high is connected across the previously charged (during auto-zero) reference capacitor. Circuitry within the chip ensures that the capacitor will be connected with the correct polarity to cause the integrator output to return to zero cross-ing (established in Auto-Zero) with a fixed slope. The time required for the output to return to zero is proportional to the input signal.Differential Input The input can accept differential voltages anywhere within the common mode range of the input amplifier, or specifically from 1V below the positive supply to 1.5V above the negative sup-ply. In this range, the system has a CMRR of 86dB typical. However, care must be exercised to assure the integrator out-put does not saturate. A worst case condition would be a large positive common mode voltage with a near full-scale negative differential input voltage. The negative input signal drives the integrator positive when most of its swing has been used up by the positive common mode voltage. For these critical appli-cations the integrator output swing can be reduced to less than the recommended 4V full scale swing with little loss of accuracy. The integrator output can swing to within 0.3V of either supply without loss of linearity.The ICL7109 has, however, been optimized for operation with analog common near digital ground. With power sup-plies of +5V and -5V, this allows a 4V full scale integrator swing positive or negative thus maximizing the performance of the analog section.Differential ReferenceThe reference voltage can be generated anywhere within the power supply voltage of the converter. The main source of common mode error is a roll-over voltage caused by the reference capacitor losing or gaining charge to stray capacity on its nodes. If there is a large common mode voltage, the ref-erence capacitor can gain charge (increase voltage) when called up to deintegrate a positive signal but lose charge (decrease voltage) when called up to deintegrate a negative input signal. This difference in reference for positive or negative input voltage will give a roll-over error. However, by selecting the reference capacitor large enough in comparison to the stray capacitance, this error can be held to less than 0.5 count worst case. (See Component Value Selection.)The roll-over error from these sources is minimized by having the reference common mode voltage near or at analog COMMON.Component Value SelectionFor optimum performance of the analog section, care must be taken in the selection of values for the integrator capaci-tor and resistor, auto-zero capacitor, reference voltage, and conversion rate. These values must be chosen to suit the particular application.The most important consideration is that the integrator out-put swing (for full-scale input) be as large as possible. For example, with ±5V supplies and COMMON connected to+-+DE-DE+C INTC AZR INTBUFFER A-Z INT-+A-ZIN HICOMMONIN LO 353334DE-DE+INTA-Z37C REF+36REF IN+C REFREF IN-39A-Z A-Z38C REF-303132TO ZERO CROSSDETECTORDIGITAL SECTION A-ZINTEGRATORINTDE(±)BUFFERCOMPARATORREF OUT6.2V29284010µAV-V+AZINTDE+DE-FROM CONTROLLOGICDIGITAL SECTION-+FIGURE 2.ANALOG SECTION OF ICL7109Teflon™ is a trademark of DuPont CorporationGND, the normal integrator output swing at full scale is ±4V.Since the integrator output can go to 0.3V from either supplywithout significantly affecting linearity, a 4V integrator output swing allows 0.7V for variations in output swing due to com-ponent value and oscillator tolerances. With ±5V suppliesand a common mode range of ±1V required, the componentvalues should be selected to provide ±3V integrator outputswing. Noise and roll-over will be slightly worse than in the ±4V case. For larger common mode voltage ranges, the inte-grator output swing must be reduced further. This willincrease both noise and roll-over errors. To improve the per-formance, supplies of ±6V may be used.Integrating ResistorBoth the buffer amplifier and the integrator have a class A outputstage with 100µA of quiescent current. They supply 20µA of drive current with negligible nonlinearity. The integrating resistor should be large enough to remain in this very linear region over the input voltage range, but small enough that undue leakage requirements are not placed on the PC board. For 409.6mV full-scale, 200kΩ is near optimum and similarly a 20kΩ for a 409.6mV scale. For other values of full scale voltage, R INT should be chosen by the relation :Integrating CapacitorThe integrating capacitor C INT should be selected to give the maximum voltage swing that ensures tolerance build-up will not saturate the integrator swing (approximately. 0.3V from either supply). For the ICL7109 with ±5V supplies and analog common connected to GND, a ±3.5V to ±4V integrator output swing is nominal. For 71/2 conversions per second (61.72kHz clock frequency) as provided by the crystal oscillator, nominal values for C INT and C AZ are 0.15µF and 0.33µF, respec-tively. If different clock frequencies are used, these values should be changed to maintain the integrator output swing. In general, the value C INT is given by:.An additional requirement of the integrating capacitor is that it have low dielectric absorption to prevent roll-over errors. While other types of capacitors are adequate for this applica-tion, polypropylene capacitors give undetectable errors at The integrating capacitor should have a low dielectric absorption to prevent roll-over errors. While other types may be adequate for this application, polypropylene capacitors give undetectable errors at reasonable cost up to 85o C. Teflon™ capacitors are recommended for the military tem-perature range. While their dielectric absorption characteris-tics vary somewhat from unit to unit, selected devices should give less than 0.5 count of error due to dielectric absorption. Auto-Zero CapacitorThe size of the auto-zero capacitor has some influence on the noise of the system: a smaller physical size and a larger capacitance value lower the overall system noise. However, C AZ cannot be increased without limits since it, in parallel with the integrating capacitor forms an R-C time constant that determines the speed of recovery from overloads and the error that exists at the end of an auto-zero cycle. For 409.6mV full scale where noise is very important and the integrating resistor small, a value of C AZ twice C INT is opti-mum. Similarly for 4.096V full scale where recovery is more important than noise, a value of C AZ equal to half of C INT is recommended.For optimal rejection of stray pickup, the outer foil of C AZ should be connected to the R-C summing junction and the inner foil to pin 31. Similarly the outer foil of C INT should be connected to pin 32 and the inner foil to the R-C summing junction. Teflon, or equivalent, capacitors are recommended above 85o C for their low leakage characteristics. Reference CapacitorA 1µF capacitor gives good results in most applications. However, where a large reference common mode voltage exists (i.e., the reference low is not at analog common) and a 409.6mV scale is used, a large value is required to prevent roll-over error. Generally 10µF will hold the roll-over error to 0.5 count in this instance. Again, Teflon, or equivalent capacitors should be used for temperatures above 85o C for their low leakage characteristics.R INTfull scale voltage20µA-------------------------------------------·. =C INT2048clock period×()20µA() integrator output voltage swing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------=Reference VoltageThe analog input required to generate a full scale output of 4096 counts is V IN = 2V REF . For normalized scale, a refer-ence of 2.048V should be used for a 4.096V full scale, and 204.8mV should be used for a 0.4096V full scale. However,in many applications where the A/D is sensing the output of a transducer, there will exist a scale factor other than unity between the absolute output voltage to be measured and a desired digital output. For instance, in a weighing system,the designer might like to have a full scale reading when the voltage from the transducer is 0.682V. Instead of driving the input down to 409.6mV, the input voltage should be mea-sured directly and a reference voltage of 0.341V should be used. Suitable values for integrating resistor and capacitor are 33k Ω and 0.15µF. This avoids a divider on the input.Another advantage of this system occurs when a zero read-ing is desired for non-zero input. Temperature and weight measurements with an offset or tare are examples. The off-set may be introduced by connecting the voltage output of the transducer between common and analog high, and the offset voltage between common and analog low, observing polarities carefully. However, in processor-based systems using the ICL7109, it may be more efficient to perform this type of scaling or tare subtraction digitally using software.Reference SourcesThe stability of the reference voltage is a major factor in the overall absolute accuracy of the converter. The resolution of the ICL7109 at 12 bits is one part in 4096, or 244ppm. Thus if the reference has a temperature coefficient of 80ppm/o C (onboard reference) a temperature difference of 3o C will introduce a one-bit absolute error.For this reason, it is recommended that an external high-quality reference be used where the ambient temperature is not controlled or where high-accuracy absolute measure-ments are being made.The ICL7109 provides a REFerence OUTput (Pin 29) which may be used with a resistive divider to generate a suitable reference voltage. This output will sink up to about 20mA without significant variation in output voltage, and is provided with a pullup bias device which sources about 10µA. The output voltage is nominally 2.8V below V+, and has a tem-perature coefficient of ±80ppm/o C (Typ). When using the onboard reference, REF OUT (Pin 29) should be connected to REF- (Pin 39), and REF+ should be connected to the wiper of a precision potentiometer between REF OUT and V+. The circuit for a 204.8mV reference is shown in the test circuit. For a 2.048mV reference, the fixed resistor should be removed, and a 25k Ω precision potentiometer between REF OUT and V+ should be used.Note that if Pins 29 and 39 are tied together and Pins 39 and 40 accidentally shorted (e.g., during testing), the reference supply will sink enough current to destroy the device. This can be avoided by placing a 1k Ω resistor in series with Pin 39.Detailed DescriptionDigital SectionThe digital section includes the clock oscillator and scaling circuit, a 12-bit binary counter with output latches and TTL-compatible three-state output drivers, polarity, over-range and control logic, and UART handshake logic, as shown in Figure 4.Throughout this description, logic levels will be referred to as “low” or “high”. The actual logic levels are defined in the Elec-trical Specifications Table. For minimum power consumption,all inputs should swing from GND (low) to V+ (high). Inputs driven from TTL gates should have 3-5k Ω pullup resistorsMODE Input The MODE input is used to control the output mode of theAZ PHASE IINT PHASE IIDEINT PHASE IIIAZINTERNAL CLOCKINTERNAL LATCH STATUS OUTPUTINTEGRATOROUTPUTPOLARITY DETECTEDZERO CROSSINGOCCURSZERO CROSSING DETECTED 4096 COUNTSMAXFIXED 2048COUNTS2048 COUNTS MINIMUMNUMBER OF COUNTS TO ZERO CROSSINGPROPORTIONAL TO V INAFTER ZERO CROSSING ANALOG SECTION WILL BE IN AUTOZERO CONFIGURATIONFIGURE 3.CONVERSION TIMING (RUN/HOLD PIN HIGH)OR POL STATUS GND REF IN-REF CAP-REF CAP+REF IN+IN HIIN LO COMMON INT AZ BUF REF OUT SEND V-RUN/HOLD TEST LBENHBEN CE/LOADMODE OSC IN OSC OUT OSC SEL BUF OSC OUTV+。
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R、 、 e/ 54种热 电偶 实现 对钢 水接 触式断续测温 , B WR 3 2 通过 A 5 0实现 冷端温度 自动补偿 、 D9 优化 电路 关键 参数 、 强化 抗
干扰措施 、 简化 温度计 算方法 , 系统具有 结构简单、 使 测温 准确 、 测温范 围宽的特点。
关 键 词 : 电偶 ;C 7 0 A 5 0 测 温仪 热 I L 19; D 9 ;
量、 质量和能耗等指标都 有直接 的关 系。针对钢 厂 中电压波动
大、 干扰因素多 、 温度波动剧烈等 特点 , 对传统 测温 系统 中存 针 在 的误差 较大 、 干扰 能力 差等 问题 , 出 了采 用热 电偶 实 现 抗 给 接触式 断续测温 的方 法。并通 过 A 5 0和单 片机 程序设 计 实 D9 现 了冷端 温度 自动补偿 。
10 9 ;. 0 1 12 防化指挥 工程学院 , 北京 12 0 ) 02 5 ( . 京航 空航天大学物理科学与核能 工程 学院, 1北 北京
摘要 : 出了基 于 I L 19设计的钢水测温仪的硬件 电路 结构和 温度计算方 法。该 系统 以 IL 19为核 心 , 给 C 70 C 70 采用 s 、
1 热 电偶 测 温 原 理
=H +( ) A r ) 一 d t 卜
HA )+ ( ) d = eB T A( )一eB T ) A( o
( 1 )
式 中: 为汤姆逊 系数 , 表示温 度每 变化 1℃ 时所 产 生的 电 它 势值 , 的大小与材料性质及两端温度有关 ; ) e T ) 它 e ( 和 ( o 分别为被测端 和参考端 的电势 。 在总电势 中, 接触 电势较温差 电势大得 多 , 因此 , 它的极性 也就取决于接触 电势 的极性 。当 T>T 时 , ) o e ( 与总 电势的
中 图分 类 号 :P 3 T 2
文献标识码 : A
文 章 编 号 :0 2—14 ( 0 1 1 —0 2 0 10 8 12 1 ) 2 0 7— 2
S e lF r a e Th r o e e s d o CL7 0 t e u n c e m m t r Ba e n I 19
C N n , ANG Yu g a g ,H AN ngtng YAO e — i HE Ya ‘ W —u n 2 Ti -i , Sh ngwe
( . c o l f h s sa dN c a n ryE gneig B ia gU iesy B in 0 11 C ia 1 Sh o P yi n u l rE eg n ier , eh n nvri , e ig10 9 , hn ; o c e n t j 2 Is tt f e cl ee s , e ig120 , hn ) .nt ueo mia D fne B in 0 2 5 C a i Ch j i
pe.t el e u m t m eauecm e st nf od u c o i D 9 ot i tno kyprm tr o tec ci r isIrai dat a ct p r r o pnai r l n tnwt A 50,pi z i f e aa ee i u , — z o i e t o oc j i h m ao s fh r t e
i o c m e to n ii tre e e a d i nfr e n fa t.n ef rnc n smpl i ain o e e aur o ve i n. tha o ha a tite u h a i e sr cu e, i c to ft mp r t e c n r o I s s me c r crsis s c s smpl t t r f s u hih- r cso n de tm p r tr a e g p e iin a d wi e e au e rng .
Ab t a t T i p p ri t d c d t e h r w r i u t a d t mp r t r o v r in me h d o h t e f r a e t e mo t r s r c : h s a e n r u e h a d a e cr i n e e au e c n e so t o ft e se l u n c h r me e o c s b s d o h C 7 0 . h n t me tme s r s t e tmp r tr y c n a tit r i e twa s g S, B, R 3 2 h r e u a e n teI L 1 9 T eis u r n a u e h e e au e b o tc — e t n y u i R, W e / 5 te mo o - n m t n
K e r s t e o o pe;C 7 0 AD5 0;t e u n cl I L 1 9; m 9 se lf r a e t e m mee
0 引 言
钢水 温度检测在钢铁生产 中占有十分重 要 的位 置 , 它与产
E ( = ) 兀 ( + ( 一 m ,) 仃 ( 一 ) J )
2 1 0 1正
仪 表 技 术 与 传 感 器
I sr me t T c n q e a d S n o nt u n e h i u n e s r
2 1 01
No 2 .1
第1 2期
基 于 I L 1 9的钢 水 测 温 仪 C 70
陈 彦 王 宇光 韩挺挺 姚 盛伟 , , ,