Masters in Design Strategy. Having a keenActivities & Achievements :*******************branding & service system design FOR : Venice Region - NordestVenice is a well known cultural destination all over the world with a rich and wellestablished history and past. Venice along with its proximal cities is a candidate city for theECoC 2019. The stakeholders wanted to create a unique identity for the region that includesservices emulating the cultural diversity of the region and its clouded industrial capabilities.AS : European Capital of Culture 2019Every year the European Commission On Culture selects a city from its member states tobecome the European Capital of Culture. The procedure for selection usually starts six yearsin advance. This initiative is the most prestigious high profile cultural event in EuropeRational ReasoningTone of Voice Physical Evidence Target Brand Promise Territorial Analysis Copy StrategyTimeline RoadmapBefore 2019Intrigue + Motivate T he local communities and experts engage with the brand and this leads to awareness and the devel -opment of a sense of pride.During 2019Dialogue + Coexist The visitors, local communities and businesses interact at this stage, giving rise to a cultural platform enabling cultural exchange.After 2019Invest + MaintainInvestors are convinced with the opportunity available in the region and participate in a mutually profit -able cultural exchange. The region as a whole continues to sustain and develop by this symbiosis.The Venice RegionSYSTEM MAP & SERVICE INTERSECTION LOCATIONBefore AfterDuringBusinesses Institutions ExpertsCommunities Resources InvitationOffer Influence Businesses Institutions Communities Resources Invitation InfluencePop-up Store Investors Invitation InstitutionsCommunities InfluenceExpertsKnowledge BankVisitBusinesses InvestorsResourcesInvestmentResources Potential Potential SERVICE INTERSECTIONareas where i can help youStrategic PlanningIndustrial DesignBrand CreationResearch & EthnographyDesign Driven InnovationV enture StrategyInnovation ManagementBusiness Model InnovationPrototyping & Manufacturing。
李雁飞工设 10011011033010参考文献Future of Automotive Design &Materials 汽车设计与材料的未来Trends and Developments in Design and Materials 设计与材料的趋势与发展(译by李雁飞Renault Zoe Z.E. 雷诺 Zoe Z.E.Jan Willem van der Wiel Senior Consultant ATC 高级顾问 ATCKo-finanziert durch die EuropäischeUnion (EFREDie europäischeKommission investiert in Ihre ZukunftTABLE OF CONTENTS 目录TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 2 1INTRODUCTION 介绍 3 2CURRENT SITUATION 现状 4 2.1Design 设计 4 2.1.1International 国际 4 2.1.2Design in The Netherlands 荷兰的设计 5 2.2Materials 材料 6 2.2.1International 国际 6 2.2.2Materials in The Netherlands 荷兰的材料 92.3Design &Materials 设计与材料 93FUTURE PERSPECTIVE 未来展望 10 3.1Design by Tiers 10 3.2Design trends 设计方向 10 3.2.1Inspired by nature 自然灵感 11 3.2.2Floating elements 113.2.3Sculpted surfaces 镂空表面 11 3.2.4Individuality 个性 12 3.2.5Femininity 女性化12 3.3.6Electric drive 电子驾驶 12 3.3.7Light design 灯光设计 123.3Materials 材料 13 3.3.1Intelligent materials 智能材料 13 3.3.2New conductive materials 新导体 14 3.3.3Materials for energy storage 能量存储物质 15 3.4Design&Materials 设计与材料 15 3.4.1Sustainability 耐受程度 15 3.4.2Downsizing 193.4.3Cost down 193.4.4Rapid manufacturing 高速制造 194RELEVANCE FOR THE DUTCH INDUSTRY 与荷兰工业的相关性 19 References:参考 211INTRODUCTION 介绍Design and Materials are two different worlds and still strongly related. Each very different in their being and both equally important in shaping the physical world around us. Design creates products and products are made of materials. Design gives functions to products and materials are chosen and formed to best incorporate those functions. Design can also relate to graphics and the virtual world observed on displays or advanced visualization techniques. This trend study however focuses on Design of the physical world, shaped in 3D. And since this trend study originates from the Automotive Technology Centre the subject of this focus is on automotive products 设计和材料是两个不同的世界,仍然密切相关。
英国皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art)皇艺不仅是创意的源泉,且极具特色。
许多从英国皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art毕业的学生已经对大家的日常生活产生了显著的影响,例如,现在所穿的服装,参观的展览,驾驶的汽车以及购买的日用品,都有他们的设计作品。
参考书目(共125本,重点20本)一、人、人类与哲学1.《文化.历史.人》邹广文华中师范大学2.《人的哲学问题》张传芳XX美术学院3.《走向人的世界》王永昌中国工人4.《智力圈---人与自然关系新论》周穗明科学5.《人类的本质》韩民青XX人民6.《人类的组合》韩民青XX人民7.《人类的环境》韩民青XX人民8.《人类的结局》韩民青XX人民9.《人与自然、生态、科技、文化和社会》吴彤等著XX大学10.《人学-----未来世纪的热点》(俄)龚浩然译广播学院11.《人的全面发展与社会经济》许崇正XX教育12.《人类意志的现实化》周农建学林13.《人的全面发展与现时代》陈桂生XX教育14.《现代人的焦虑和希望》孙志文著陈永禹译XX三联书店15.《现代都市人类学》周大鸣中山大学二、社会、行为与生活方式1.《电子媒介对社会行为的影响》(美)肖志军译清华大学2.《人类行为与社会环境》3.《未来的冲击》(美)阿尔文.托夫勒新华4.《生活方式论》王玉波王雅林王锐生XX人民三、文化、哲学、思维1.《后现代文化-----技术发展的社会文化后果》(德)毛怡红译中央编译2.《后现代主义文化研究》王岳川大学3.《文化价值论》司马云杰XX人民4.《科学艺术和谐论》张相轮XX教育5.《现代文化审美的科学形态》艾斐XX人民6.《艺术化生存》聂振斌滕守尧章建刚四川人民7.《文化释义》李燕人民8.《艺术文化学》丁亚平文化艺术9.《哲学文化学》向翔XX科普10.《文化哲学》许苏明XX人民11.《文化哲学》衣俊卿云南人民12.《艺术哲学》丹纳人民文学13.《哲学与文化》陈筠泉刘奔主编中国社会科学14.《科学技术哲学新论》刘大椿15.《技术哲学引论》陈昌曙科学16.《工程哲学引论》李伯聪大象17.《理论思维与工程思维》徐长福XX人民18.《文化模式与全球文化》夏建国武汉测绘科技大学19.《文化的本质与历程》(苏)陈文江吴骏远译XX人民20.《现代生活方式与传统文化》于琨奇花菊香科学21.《需要----创造论》章韶华王涛中国广播电视22.《符号学原理》王东亮等译三联书店23.《在真与善之间》刘大椿中国社会科学24.《人类生活方式的前景》王雅林中国社会科学25.《网络空间的伦理反思》段伟文XX人民26.《现代性与价值冲突》27.《当代审美文化批判》姚文放XX文艺28.《艺术与审美的文化阐释》廖国伟中国社会科学29.《社会传播学》宋林飞XX人民30.《创造一个新的文明---第三次浪潮的政治》(美)阿尔文.托夫勒海蒂.托夫勒XX三联书店31.《审美社会学》潘智彪中山大学32.《垃圾之歌》(美)周文萍连惠幸译中国社会科学四、科学、技术与人文1.《科学精神与人文精神》肖峰中国人民大学2.《科学与文化的足迹》吕乃基陕西人民教育3.《技术.理性.制度与社会发展》4.《高技术时代的人文忧患》肖峰 XX人民5.《科学技术论》任殿雷XX科技6.《新技术的商业化》(瑞士)张作义等译清华大学7.《人文主义视野中的技术》高亮华中国社会科学8.《技术的人性面与非人性面》肖峰科学技术文献9.《技术社会化引论》陈凡中国人民大学10.《技术时代的人类心灵》何兆武何冰译XX科技教育11.《技术发展的社会形成》肖峰人民12.《技术传播》金兼斌XX人民13.《技术的报复》徐俊培等译XX科技教育14.《论科学与人文的当代融通》肖峰XX人民五、生态1.《生态化----第三次产业革命的实质与方向》欧阳志远中国人民大学2.《生态智慧论》佘正荣中国社会科学3.《论消费主义》六、心理学1.《设计心理学》李彬彬2.《认知心理学》王更生汪安圣3.《消费者心理学》(美)4.《消费者心理与行为》江林中国人民大学5.《城市社会心理学》6.《工程心理学与人的作业》(美)7.《民族审美心理学》于贤德三环8.《造型艺术心理学》高庆年知识七、设计史、设计理论1.《世界工业设计史潮》李亮之中国轻工业2.《世界现代设计史》王受之中国青年3.《1945年以来的设计》(美)彼得.多默著梁梅译四川人民4.《非物质社会》(美)滕守尧四川人民5.《艺术设计概论》李砚祖湖北美术6.《设计学概论》尹定邦7.《工业设计概论》陈能林中国机械工业8.《艺术设计学》凌继尧徐恒醇XX人民9.《工业设计思想基础》李乐山10.《视觉思维》(美)阿恩海姆著滕守尧译四川人民11.《意大利设计》梁梅著四川人民12.《器具的进化》(美)丁佩芝陈月霞译中国社会科学13.《美术信息学》罗一平中山大学14.《人类理性与设计科学---人类设计技能探索》杨砾徐立 XX人民15.《广义符号学与其在设计中的应用》(德)徐恒醇译中国社会科学16.《现代十大设计理念》丛书XX美术17.《产品设计与开发》(美)杨德林主译东北财经大学八、美学1.《科技美学原理》陈望衡许喜华 XX科技2.《科技美学》徐恒醇陕西人民教育3.《美学新编》欧阳周顾建华宋凡圣XX大学4.《现代设计美学》章利国河南美术5.《艺术设计美学》陈望衡6.《艺术符号美学》7.《造物之美》李砚祖中国人民大学8.《审美学通论》何迈XX人民9.《从动物的快感到人的美感》刘骁纯XX文艺10.《美是和谐》周来祥贵州人民11.《再论美是和谐》周来祥XX师范大学12.《中国技术美学之诞生》张博颖徐恒醇XX教育13.《反美学》潘知常学林九、艺术1.《艺术的意蕴》陈旭光中国人民大学2.《哲学与艺术》王颂华等著 XX社会科学院3.《艺术的起源》杨志明章建刚云南大学4.《论艺术形式美》于培杰华东师范大学5.《艺术概论》艺术概论编写组文化艺术十、建筑1.《建筑创作中的艺术思维》沫小虎同济大学2.《时尚与冲突-----城市文化结构与功能新论》任平东南大学3.《创造与评价的人文尺度》徐千里4.《建筑形式语言》赵明跃罗文媛5.《环境行为学概论》6.《建筑文化学》陈凯峰同济大学7.《当代建筑美学意义》赵巍岩东南大学8.《建筑文化、艺术与其传播》王小慧百花文艺9.《当代艺术视野中的建筑》杨志疆东南大学10.《构建生活美-----中外城市生活方式比较》11.《信息时代的建筑与建筑设计》12.《媒介.建筑----传播学对建筑设计的启示》周正楠东南大学13.《建筑与个性----对文化与技术变化的回应》(美)张磊等译14.《体验建筑》支文军徐千里同济大学。
Always Remember
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dolor sit amet, averano consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam dolor ipusm, fermentum iderano ligula et, dictum egestas tortor. Suspendisse erano av.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, averano consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam dolor ipsum, fermentum id ligula et, dictum egestas tort Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, averano consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam dolor ipsum, fermentum iderano ligula et, dictum egestas tortor. Suspendisse erano av.
MinimaL Store
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, averano consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam dolor ipsum, fermentum id ligula et, dictum egestas tort Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, averano consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam dolor ipsum, fermentum iderano ligula et, dictum egestas tortor. Suspendisse erano av.
本报推出工业设计史上十大经典案例,从中可以体味出工业设计附加值的意义,何止于金钱!1932 年,美国人乔治·布雷斯代在一个酒馆外看到一个朋友笨拙地用一个便宜打火机点烟后,便产生了设计一个简单不受气压或者低温影响的打火机的想法。
1933 年,第一款ZIPPO 打火机诞生并开始风靡全球。
二战期间,由于ZIPPO 卓越的性能成为了美国军队的军需品. 据说美国一位士兵因为ZIPPO 挡住了子弹而保住了性命,而那个ZIPPO 却依然好用。
艾森豪威尔也对ZIPPO 大加欣赏:“ZIPPO 是我惟一在任何时候都能点得着的打火机。
”1996 年4 月15 日,第三亿个ZIPPO 打火机出厂,如果把这三亿个打火机平放,可以把一个包括射门区在内的足球场铺满128 厘米厚。
如今ZIPPO 的日产量已经超过6.5 万个,销往130 个国家和地区,被喻为“打火机里的哈雷摩托”,成为雄性美感的代名词和具有高度收藏价值的艺术品。
目前拉链的使用领域几乎涉及到所有的服装和用品,已成为当今世界上重要的服装辅料.从1851 年美国人伊莱思·豪才申请了一项名叫“可持续、自动式扣衣工具”专利开始,拉链最终占领服装市场的时间是上世纪30 年代,期间整整经历了近80 年之久。
借助时装设计师的推动,拉链在1937 年又有了一个新身份——男士“裤门看守者”。
如今拉链已经随处可见,据上世纪30 年代的统计资料,全球每年生产的拉链数高达 6 亿条以上.Converse,始创于1908 年,拥有近百年的制鞋历史。
2 工业设计奠基人
2-1 工业设计四大元老 2-2 沃尔特.D.提革 2-3 雷蒙德.罗维 2-4 诺曼.贝尔.盖茨 2-5 亨利.德莱福斯
3 信息时代,著名工业设计企业
3-1 美国信息时代工业设计 3-2 苹果电脑公司
4 当代工业设计师
4-1 凯瑞姆·瑞席(Karim rashid)
5 工业设计发展走向
二战前,欧洲一批躲战乱欧洲包豪斯的建筑师 和设计师等加入
把欧洲艺术设计思想带到美国 实现自己的理想
20世纪40~50年代,美国的设计主流 是在包豪斯理论基础上发展起来的现代主义
作为一种设计体系在二战前风靡整个世界,在现代工业设计领域中,它的思 想和美学趣味可以说整整影响一代人。
1998 苹果公司推出全新imac电脑,在计算机设计掀起革命 性浪潮
2013 宏盟集团的“全球最佳品牌”报告中,苹果公司超过可 口可乐成为世界最有价值品牌。
Jonathan Paul Ive
Apple公司首席设计师兼资深副总裁 主导了苹果从第一代iMac桌面电脑、iPod、iPhone 到 iPad的一系列产品的设计。 苹果公司的天才设计师 两次获得皇家艺术学会的学生设计大奖 好的设计由用途、外观和内在诉求三个要素组成。最重 要的就是它的内在诉求,使用感觉。
1930 电话机
1935 胡佛吸尘机
美国 信息时代工业
格罗皮乌斯(1883~1969) 德裔美国建筑师。现代主义 建筑学派的倡导人之一, 包豪斯 的创办人。
内涵:设计与工艺的统一,艺术 与技术的结合,讲究功能、技术和经 济效益。同时还能够在工厂的流水线 上大批量生产制造。能符合实用的标 准,又能独特地表达设计者的思想, 带来了以几何线条为基本造型的全新 设计风格。
• 由拉斯金提出 莫里斯实践约翰·拉 斯金(又译作约翰·罗斯金),英国 作家、艺术家、艺术评论家 。他是 19世纪“工艺美术”运动的精神指 导者。
• 工艺美术运动的重要理论基础 • 1 师承自然,从大自然中汲取营
养,而不是盲目地抄袭旧有使用传 统的自然材料。 2 反对使用钢 、 铁、玻璃等工业 材料。 3 忠实材料本身的特点,反映材料 的真实质感。
• ‘少就是多’是密斯凡德罗提出的。 密斯·凡·德罗,德国人,(1886年 3月27日-1969年8月17日)是二 十世纪中期世界上最著名的四位现 代建筑大师之一,与赖特,勒·柯布 西耶,格罗皮乌斯齐名。密斯坚持 “少就是多”的建筑设计哲学,在 处理手法上主张流动空间的新概念。
• “少”不是空白而是精简,“多” 不是拥挤而是完美 ,密斯的建筑 艺术依赖于结构,但不受结构限制, 它从结构中产生,反过来又要求精 心制作结构.巴塞罗那的德国馆是这 样一个例子
• 他认为:房屋是供人居住的机器,书是 供人们阅读的机器,在当代社会中,一 件新设计出来为现代人服务的产品都是 某种意义上的机器"。柯布西耶强调以 数学计算和几何计算为设计的出发点, 一方面使建筑具有更高的科学性和理性 特征,同时也体现了技术的原则。
• 芬兰珊纳特赛罗市政中心
• 阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto, 1898~1976,全名为Hugo Alvar Herik Aalto)是芬兰现代建筑师,人情化建 筑理论的倡导者,同时也是一位设计 大师及艺术家。 阿尔瓦·阿尔托是现代 建筑的重要奠基人之一,也是现代城 市规划、工业产品设计的代表人物。
麦奇摩托“,革新了现代机动车的概念。作为 一名国际性的设计大师,他为日本的公司设计 了从照像机、手表到服装的众多产品,影
罗西是意大利重要的后现代主义建筑师、设计师,出生在米兰,1959 年毕业于米兰理工大学,1961-1964年任设计杂志的编辑,曾在
师门托凡尼(Aldo Mantovani)共同创建意大 利设计公司(ITALDESIGN),基本的经营方 针是将设计与工程技术紧密结合,为汽车生
产厂家提供从可行性研究、外观设计、工程设 计直到模型和样车制作的完整服务。目前该公 司已成了一个国际性设计中心,并获得了
1988年首届欧洲设计奖的荣誉提名。基吉阿罗 本人的设计将技术与对风格的理解融合在一起, 产生了许多成功的产品,其中包括大众
一等奖、美国国际招贴画展览奖等。1982年应耶鲁大学之邀担 任客座讲师。福田还是国际图形设计协会会员。
福田的每一种新观念都是他不断探索,尝试不同可能性的方法 的结晶。他总是弃旧图新,并系统地将各种创意、革新加以融 会贯通。
每一批作品都反映出他主观想象力的飞跃以及他控制和营造作 品的匠心。他在看似荒谬的视觉形象中透射出一种理性的秩序 感和连续
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus nulla ac netus nibh aliquet, porttitor ligula justo libero vivamus porttitor dolor, conubia mollit. Sapien nam suspendisse, tincidunt eget ante tincidunt, eros in auctor fringilla praesent at diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus nulla ac netus nibh aliquet,
$ 144.90
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus nulla ac netus nibh aliquet, porttitor ligula justo libero vivamus porttitor dolor, conubia mollit. Sapien nam suspendisse, tincidunt eget ante tincidunt, eros in auctor fringilla praesent at diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacus nulla ac netus nibh aliquet,
conubia mollit. Sapien nam suspendisse, tincidunt eget ante tincidunt, eros in auctor fringilla praesent at diam.
近期,我们收集了国外一些优秀的设计作品,奇妙的设计思路让人惊叹……● Mactab——超概念设计的“苹果笔记本”★设计者:Yann Le Coroller超概念设计的“苹果笔记本”Mactab可以说是对MacBook的一个补充。
● 明亮之星——超离奇的火柴盒★设计者:Clement Eloy明亮之星——超离奇的火柴盒虽然现在大家随身取火都用打火机,并且各种各样的精品打火机也有不少人收藏,但传统的火柴仍然在沿用,尤其是一些特殊的场合环境。
Clement Eloy设计的这个火柴盒很像一个装牙签的小瓶子,将火柴装入瓶内,将瓶子倒转过来,将会有一根火柴的下半部分漏出在外,而大的顶头被卡在瓶内,此时只需用劲将火柴全部抽出,就可以取火了。
● 超简洁整合椅★设计者:Hans Bleken Rud外观非常简洁超简洁整合椅现在房价越来越贵,普通老百姓的生活空间越来越小。
Hans Bleken Rud设计的这套椅子可以相互重叠在一起,家里来客人了,可以展开,平时将它收起来。
● 可以站立的雨伞★设计者:Hironao Tsuboi可以站立的雨伞可以站立的雨伞最近全国各地,大雨不断,相信不少朋友都已经感受到淋湿的雨伞,由于水多,在办公室、公共场合无处搁放的尴尬。
Hironao Tsuboi给雨伞的顶部设计了一个三点支架,并且雨伞主体部分采用了铝合金材料,可以很稳的站立在地上,想拥有一把吗?● 把电影装在车上★设计者:Tim Thornton把电影装在车上前不久,有一个关于内置投影功能的手机,在网上流传。
是重庆市一流学科“设计学”的核心支撑专业,也有力的支撑了四川美术学院“设计学”学科在教育部第四轮学科评估中获得“B +”的优异成绩,排名位列西部第一。
师生设计作品曾获全国美展设计类金奖、红星奖、德国IF 奖、德国红点奖、美国IDEA 设计卓越奖、博朗创新奖、台湾光宝奖、国际设计艺术院校联盟奖等国内外重要奖项。
美国大学工业设计(ID)专业作品集要求申请美国大学艺术类专业的学生中,工业设计也是很多人比较喜欢的分支,作为Fine Art的分支学科,Industrial Design(ID) 较一般的专业申请,还多了一项特殊要求-作品集,越是顶尖的名校,作品集的要求自然也就越高,在进入主题之前,我们先来认识下工业设计。
先看维基百科的定义:Wikipedia: Industrial design is a process of design applied to products that are to be manufactured through techniques of mass production. Its key characteristic is that design is separated from manufacture: the creative act of determining and defining a product's form takes place in advance of the physical act of making a product, which consists purely of repeated, often automated, replication. This distinguishes industrial design from craft-based design, where the form of the product is determined by the product's creator at the time of its creation.简而言之:工业设计是一种运用大规模生产技术来生产新产品的设计过程。
著名工业设计师作品欣赏 共50页
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索 Ettore Sottsass 特萨斯
设计 概论
• Introduction to
索特萨斯,1917 出生于奥地利茵斯鲁克 ,后移居意大利,并考入都灵理工大学建 筑系。1947年,他创建了他的首个工作室 。1956年,索特萨斯任职美国尼尔森设计 事务所,适逢“反设计思潮”风起云涌。 很快,到1960年代,索特萨斯成为“反设 计学派”的代表人物之一。于2019年1月 逝世,享年90岁。
孟菲斯没有固定的宗旨,他们的本意就是反对一切固有观念。它树立了 一种新的产品内涵,即产品是一种自觉的信息载体。在风格上,孟菲斯表 现出各种极富个性的情趣和天真、滑稽、怪诞和离奇等。
PORTFOLIO Tom Verbist | Student Product Designer| 01 About me.Who I am and what do I have to offer? | 02 Product Design.Projects I have done so far.| 03 Design Research.Addition and vision on the design field | 04 Other Work.What else can I do?| 05 Contact.Yes, you can contact me!| 01About me.Who I am.Hi, dear reader! I’m Tom Verbist, currently a product design student at the Integral Product Development departement of Artesis university college of Antwerp. My homebase is located in Elewi j t near Mechelen, Belgium.With a multidisciplinary approach, I make sure your product has a solid and innovative design. In other words, I work with a well-structured design process, solving the ideation all the wayto end-user product. The outcome of this method guarantees a technical, economical and functional stability.I consider myself being a teamplayer and I have a broad interest in design and design-related challenges, so I would love to join in on the exciting projects you have to offer. You can fi nd my coordinates in the ‘Contact me’ Section. Thank you!Strengths•Ideation & Brainstorming • Analysis & Design research • Product Envisioning•Eye for detail & organisationSoftware Skills3D-modelling:• Solidworks • Rhinoceros Rendering:• Keyshot• V-ray for Rhinoceros Graphic Design• Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Illustrator • Adobe Indesign Other:• Arduino ProgrammingExperience• Student Worker at Achilles Associates: ProductDevelopment & Design (2012)• Internship at Achilles Associates:Product Development & Design(August - September 2011)Product Case:Robotic Wine ServingSmart Mechanics ArtesisThe goal of this student project wascreating a robot capable of servingfood or drinks. Within this context,I created a wine-serving robotthat operates in classy andtrendy restaurants. It is capableof transporting and serving twotypes of wine, while displaying theircharacteristics and backgroundinformation. The user can eitherchoose to taste the wine or fi ll theglass according to their needs.The robot has been given theright dimensions, acquired throughrestaurant observation and criticaldistance measuring. In this way, therobot operates in the user’s zone ofconvenient reach and is very mobilewithin the restaurant. The mainchallenge was to create a valuableand yet low-production-cost productdue to the small product series.Product Case:Robotic Wine Serving Smart Mechanics ArtesisThe body is constructed out of fi berglass on a milled polyurethane foam core. The control components are 3D-printed and mounted on the fi berglass body.Internal system components include two 2.,25 cl refi llable reservoirs connected tocomputer-controlled solenoïd valves. The robot navigates by following magnetic strips that are built in the fl oor. RFID tags give feedback of the exact position.When the user has made the right wine selection, making contact with the glass to the button will activate the solenoidvalves. The wine will then fl ow untill the user has suffi cient wine, with a maximum dispensed amount of 25cl. Remainingdroplets will be caught in a drip stop.Eco Soap Dispenser Bachelorproof Artesis and EcoverThis project was offered by Ecover. The result had to be a redesign of the bag-in-box soap dispensing system. My interpretation resulted in a low-impact, ecological paper pulp moulded box with a reusable pump system that could easily snap onto An intuitive pump drains the bag-in-box, improving residual volumes compared to the original gravity/pressure based design.The empty box can be used to gather paper when the soapbag is empty. This extends the life cycle and also provides theraw material to produce the box.ed to gatherempty. Thisprovides thebox. the box.Encaustic Art PenRedesign 2nd Bachelor Artesis An encaustic art pen was given toexamine and redesign. Encaustic art is performed by heating colored wax, and then painting or writing with the liquifi ed medium.The original pen was a modifi ed soldering iron that was barely suitable for precision tasks as in drawing. Analysis exposed the need for a more ergonomic pen with a more precise grip.The result is an ergonomically shaped pen suitable for both left- and right-handed artists. Theexcentered shape provides support at the thumb joint, which also reduces the risk of the fi ngers sliding to the heated pen tip.A little tool can be used to retrieve the pen tip. All the equipment can be stored in a holder.Pencil & Digital DrawingVarious Works, ArtesisThe most valuable aspect of a product developer is the ability to think andcommunicate through images. I am capable of doing this from fast, rough idea sketches to digital or digitallyenhanced drawings.Pencil & Digital Drawing Various Works, ArtesisI made these drawings using AutodeskSketchbook Pro and Adobe Photoshop. Digital drawings are a great tool for adding aesthetic detail to ideas or concepts. They give better visual information and are great to explore material and color usage. They take more time to produce, so I fi nd them suitable when ideas or concept achieve more maturity, or when a strong visuallanguage is desired.| 03 Design Research.Ana l ysis & Registration of Behavioura lResponses to Bodi l y-near, Stigmatising ProductsMasterthesis in Design Research, Artesis University College Supporting doctoral research of K. VaesI am very convinced that a strong vision and product insight are one of the most important keys to succesful development. That is why I chose to conduct a design research for my masterthesis.A stigma can be described as a ‘deeply ashaming, discrediting attribute’.Besides market research and methodologies, there is no known iterative method to obtaining an indication of the degree of stigmatisation induced by products. Though product designers can strongly benefit from this information. Reducing stigma can alter acceptance, desirability, and user-friendliness to otherwise respulsive products. Picking the least stigmatising design creates strategic selling proposition for the customer.I developped the fundaments of a registration and analysis method for product developers. Multiple, early to mature prototypes can be rapidly verified. The tool has been assesed with dust/medical masks.| 03 Design Research.Ana l ysis & Registration of Behavioura l Responses to Bodi l y-near, Stigmatising Products Masterthesis in Design Research, Artesis University College Supporting doctoral research of K. VaesThe tool focusses on avoidance-responses of the passers-by. By measuring interpersonal distance and unaware choices on the walking path, an indication of stigma can be obtained. ‘The Stain Dilemma’ and ‘Discriminating Dyadic Distances’ are both tests designed for use by product developers.The inelaborate tests are conducted in a natural city-environment with apparent absence of the researcher. Wireless measuring systems and test forms are designed to insert and analyze data without knowlegde of statistical matter.The visualisations help the product developer in verifi ying and refl ecting on a range of product concepts..Wit Respro Rood Prototype Transparant Prototype Sport130140150160170Geen Respro Rood Sjaal PrototypePrototypeSport3843485358636873781203-Modelling and renderingPhilips PhilishaveIn the courses of 3D-modelling with Rhino 4.0, I chose to model a Philips Philishave HQ 6849. This was a good product to learn smooth surface transitions and organic shape modelling. With this finished model I started to learn rendering with V-Ray and Keyshot. These final images were rendered with Keyshot Pro 2.3-Modelling and renderingPoules De LuxeRendering was something I thought it was fun to learn and improve. Shortly after learning the basics for V-Ray, I got offered to make invitation cards for a luxurious dining event called Poules de Luxe, Rotary Opsinjoor Mechelen.I thought it would be fun to experiment with 3D-objects and rendering in my graphic design activities. In the final result, I used a 3D-scanned sculpture of a chicken to produce this vintage, luxurious-looking image. It was rendered with V-Ray, and touched up with Photoshop. The image was then blended in the graphic design of the invitation card.Autonomous Robot Arduino Programming, Prototyping and ElectronicaWithin this course, an Arduino-based robot had to be built. It had to be capable of detecting a golf ball in a rectangular field, with only a black line on the outer boundaries. Once it was detected, the ball had to be transported to a rectangular hole in the field.We decided to not detect it at random, but instead using and selecting our sensor combination carefully. The finaland creative result included a homemade LDR-based sensor that could detect contrast changes, such as a golf ball. With a laser and an tweaked optocoupler, we made a laser gate. Eventually the robot followed a reliable, structured process of searching, detecting, catching and transporting the ball in under one minute and ultimately achieving it’s goal.. . .void Lijn(){// Serial.println(“void lijn“);// delay(500);while(Sit==2){for(int iek=0; iek<=1500; iek++){int MeanR=(analogRead(sensorR)+analogRead(sensorM))/2;int MeanL=(analogRead(sensorL)+analogRead(sensorM))/2;if(MeanR>GVI)motor.Right(MSH,MSL);if(MeanL>GVI)motor.Left(MSH,MSL);}W1=analogRead(sensorK)+50; //uitlezen sensorKW3=pulseIn(sensorUS,HIGH)/58; //uitlezen sensorUS// Serial.println(“W1 lezen“);while(rept<1000){int MeanR=(analogRead(sensorR)+analogRead(sensorM))/2;int MeanL=(analogRead(sensorL)+analogRead(sensorM))/2;if(MeanR>GVI)motor.Right(MSH,MSL);if(MeanL>GVI)motor.Left(MSH,MSL);. . .Arduino autonomous robot, together withVan Rompaey Senne and Van Hecke KarelBrand identityLiersepoort butcher’s shop and traiteurI was contacted to update the brandidentity of this butcher’s shop and traiteur.They wanted a clean and modern look[LIERSEPOORT//KLANTENKAART] that was also inspired an suitable withthe look and feel of the interior. With thisinformation I created a typical style andgraphic guidelines.Logo DesignYouth Club ElawaatAs a member and being active as agraphic designer for youth club ‘Elawaat’,I created this logo. A dynamic and freshlook shaped the new style that would beused for future events.CalorluxThis ambient lighting device will be activated by holding and throwing it in hot water, as in bathtubs. This concept was developed during Workshopweek 2011 by Tom Verbist within the Philips workshop assisted by Tom Wauters .The device has it’s function granted by the Seebeckeffect, transduction of temperature differences toelectricity. The component that hereby should beused is called a peltier plate. This is also more fre-quently used as a cooling element in electronicdevices. Since the effect of generating sufficientenergy is still low, this product conceptis only a future vision .Spinning the rubber wheel clockwise will able you to pick a colour within the spectrum you like. Spinning the wheel counterclockwise sets the intensityof the light.Hold the Calorlux ball under hot water for a few seconds to activate the peltier plate and LED. As the inner parts of the ball heat up, drop it in the hot bath water. The device will float. Cooling fins ond the upper side will provide a cold side for the peltier plate, the hot water and the hot LED aluminium parts will keep the inner part warm so the peltier plate provides electricity untill the ball is saturated when you leave the bath.Only heat is used as a power source, pulling this concept away from traditional lighting locations and equipement, making this ambient lightingplayful and independent.Ambient Light Workshop Philips Workshop during Workshopweek Artesis 2011The workshopweek in the Artesis department for Product Development invited the students to explore the possibilities of sustainable lighting. Within this week, various concept designs had to be created.This concept card is the result of my exploration: an ambient lighting device called ‘Calorlux’. The temperature of hot bath water heats op Peltier-plates, generating electricity. This is used to create an ambient, indirect light that illuminates the bath water and provides extensive user experience.。