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2002年8月系统工程理论与实践第8期 文章编号:100026788(2002)0820114207
摘要: 提出了集可视化面向资源建模技术、数字仿真技术、网络计划分析与优化技术、三维动态演示技
关键词: 动态仿真;可视化;面向资源;网络计划分析与优化技术;三维动态演示
中图分类号: TU91 文献标识码: A α
V isual D ynam ic Si m u lati on T echn ique and Its A pp licati on
ZHON G D eng2hua1,DU AN W en2quan1,ZHAN G W ei2bo1,ZH EN G J ia2x iang2
(1.D epartm en t of H ydrau lic and H ydroelectric Engineering,T ian jin U n iversity,T ian jin300072,Ch ina;2.Chengdu H y2 droelectric Investigati on D esign In stitu te,State Pow er Co rpo rati on of Ch ina,Chengdu610072,Ch ina)
Abstract: T he con structi on p rocess of hydrau lic and hydroelectric engineering is ex trem ely comp licat2
ed.In th is paper,a new m ethod called the visual dynam ic si m u lati on techn ique fo r con structi on p rocess
is p resen ted,w h ich com b ines visual resou rce2o rien ted modeling techn ique,digital si m u lati on techn ique,
netw o rk p lan and op ti m um,and th ree2di m en si on real2ti m e an i m ati on demon strati on techn ique.It treats
the con structi on system as a w ho le and si m u lates the w ho le con structi on p rocess and op ti m izes the con2
structi on schedu ling w ith comp rehen sive con siderati on of the in teracti on of m any facto rs such as the con2
structi on du rati on,the in ten sity of excavati on,the traffic of con structi on road,the in terference of dif2
feren t w o rk ing faces and so on.T he param eters of reasonab le con structi on du rati on,the op ti m um e2
qu i pm en t set and the in ten sity of traffic flow and so on are ob tained,and th ree2di m en si on structu re is
disp layed w ith the si m u lati on calcu lati on.T he app roach described in th is paper p rovides a pow erfu l ana2
lyzing too l fo r choo sing reasonab le con structi on o rgan izati on,ob tain ing the op ti m um equ i pm en t set
p lan,comp iling the con structi on schedu le,and grasp ing the con structi on p rocesses.T he research
ach ievem en t is app lied successfu lly to the con structi on o rgan izati on and design of som e p ro jects.
Key words: dynam ic si m u lati on;visual;resou rce2o rien ted;netw o rk p lan and op ti m um techn ique;
th ree2di m en si on demon strati on techn ique
1 前言