外贸函电Chapter 9 Insurance

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Chapter 9 Insurance
IV. Risks, Losses and Expense
3. Loss
Total Loss:
Partial Loss
Chapter 9 Insurance
IV. Risks, Losses and Expense
3. Loss
Actual total loss
Chapter 9 Insurance
Teaching Focus
• Risks and losses • Insurance clauses • Insurance documents • Language points
Chapter 9 Insurance
Teaching Methods
• Lecture • Presentation • Group discussion • tutorial
Chapter 9 Insurance
Contents of Lecture
Chapter 9 Insurance
I. Definition of Cargo Transport Insurance
It is to protect the interests of importers and exporters from possible financial losses caused by risks during the transit of goods.
1. Free From Particular Average (FPA) Covers:
3) Partial loss attributable to natural calamities, where the ship has been stranded, sunk or burned, irrespective of whether the event took after or before such accidents
Chapter 9 Insurance
VII. Institute Cargo Clauses (I.C.C)
1. I.C.C(A)---Listing the Exclusions:
General exclusion Exclusions of unseaworthiness and uncargoworthiness Exclusions of war, strikes Exclusions of malicious damage
Chapter 9 Insurance
V. Basic Risk Coverage Under (CIC) FPA WPA All Risks
Chapter 9 Insurance
V. Basic Risk Coverage Under (CIC)
1. Free From Particular Average (FPA) Covers:
VI.Additional Risks Under (CIC)
2. Special additional risks:
Rejection Risk Aflatoxin Risk Failure to Delivery Risk Fire Risk Extension
Chapter 9 Insurance
Chapter 9 Insurance
VI.Additional Risks Under (CIC)
2. Special additional risks:
War Risk Strikes Risk On Deck Risk Import Duty Risk
Chapter 9 Insurance
• To have a good understanding of
risks , losses and insurance clauses • How to write an appropriate letter regarding issues of insurance • To have some knowledge of insurance policy • Language points
Chapter 9 Insurance
V. Basic Risk Coverage Under (CIC)
2. With Particular Average (WPA) Covers: FPA+ partial losses by natural calamities
Chapter 9 Insurance
Total Loss
Constructive total loss
Chapter 9 Insurance
IV. Risks, Losses and Expense
3. Loss
General Average
Partial Loss
Particular Average
Chapter 9 Insurance
VII. Institute Cargo Clauses (I.C.C)
---by the Institute of London Underwriters ICC (A), ICC (B), ICC (C) Institute War Clauses—Cargo Institute Strikes Clauses—Cargo Malicious Damage Clause
•The insurance amount •Insurance cover •Insurance premium rate
Chapter 9 Insurance
IV. Risks, Losses and Expense
1. Relations
--Different risks mean different losses --Different risks are covered by different insurance clauses --Different insurance clauses mean different premium
Chapter 9 Insurance
VII. Institute Cargo Clauses (I.C.C) 2. I.C.C(B)--Listing Risks & Exclusions:
11 Risks
①fire, explosion ②striking upon rock, sinking, capsizing of ship or barge ③overturn / derail of overland vehicles
Chapter 9 Insurance
IV. Risks, Losses and Expense
2. Risks
Perils of the sea
Extraneous risk
Chapter 9 Insurance
IV. Risks, Losses and Expense
2. Risks
V. Basic Risk Coverage Under (CIC)
3. All Risks Covers: WPA+ damage by General Extraneous Risk
Chapter 9 Insurance
VI.Additional Risks Under (CIC)
1. General additional risks:
Chapter 9 Insurance
V. Basic Risk Coverage Under (CIC)
1. Free From Particular Average (FPA) Covers:
4) Partial or total loss consequent on falling of an entire package or packages in to the sea 5) Reasonable expenses the insured makes for the salvage of losses. etc.
VI.Additional Risks Under (CIC)
1. General additional risks:
Clash & Breakage Risks Taint of Odour Risks Sweating & Heating Risks Hook Damage Risk Rusk Risk Breakage of packing Risk
1) Total loss caused by natural calamities 2) Total loss or partial loss by fortuitous accidents
Chapter 9 Insurance
V. Basic Risk Coverage Under (CIC)
Chapter 9 Insurance
VII. Institute Cargo Clauses (I.C.C)
2. I.C.C(B)--Listing Risks & Exclusions:
④striking upon other objects ⑤unloading at port of distress 11Risks ⑥earthquake, volcano lightening ⑦general average contribution
Chapter 9 Insurance
VII. Institute Cargo Clauses (I.C.C)
2. I.C.C(B)--Listing Risks & Exclusions: 11 Risks
⑧jettison ⑨loss overboard ⑩entering of sea/river water ⑾total loss by goods dropping
Chapter 9 Insurance
II. Parties Involved
Insurer The Insured
Chapter 9 Insurance
III. Basic Terms
Insurance policy Insured amount Premium
The elements influence Premium
Natural Calamity:
Perils of sea
Fortuitous Accident:
Chapter 9 InHale Waihona Puke Baiduurance
IV. Risks, Losses and Expense
2. Risks
General Extraneous risk
Extraneous risk Special Extraneous risk
Chapter 9 Insurance
Chapter 9 Insurance
• Teaching Objectives • Teaching Focus • Teaching Methods • Contents of Lecture
Chapter 9 Insurance
Teaching Objectives
IV. Risks, Losses and Expense
4. Expense
Sue and Labour expenses Salvage charges Continuation expenses ( special charges) Loss evaluation charges (Extra charges)
Chapter 9 Insurance
VII. Institute Cargo Clauses (I.C.C)
1. I.C.C(A)---Listing the Exclusions:
General Exclusion
deliberate/illegal activities natural leakage, wear inappropriate packing innate flaws of goods delay bankruptcy atomic or nuclear bombs
Theft, Pilferage & Non-Delivery Risks Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage Risks Shortage Risk Intermixture & Contamination Risks Leakage Risk
Chapter 9 Insurance