1. 塞擦音
2. 声调
3. 小篆
4. 同音词
5. 语义场
6. 中心语
7. 句法同义
8. 内部屈折
9. 句类10. 仿词
1. 在语流中,有些音的发音可能变弱,不那么清晰,例如“木头”/mu t‘ou/弱化成/ mu t‘o /,这种现象叫做弱化。
2. (○2)是一个民族全体成员通用的语言。
3. 汉语方言可以分为七大方言区,按使用人口占汉族人口比例排序,从高到低依次为:北方方言、(○4)、闽方言、粤方言、客家方言、赣方言和(○5)。
4. 国际音标是国际语音学会制定的一套记音符号,它符合(○6)的原则。
5. 辅音在发音时声带颤动的是(○7),声带不颤动的是(○8)。
6. 古代汉语的四类声调可以分为平、上、去、入,不同声调又按声母的清浊各分为阴调和阳调两类。
5.世界语是如何构成的?你认为此类人工语言会取代自然语言吗?三、论述题(每小题15分,共60分)1.美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H. P. Grice)在Logic and Conversation一文中提出了会话中的“合作原则”第1页共2页(Cooperative Principle简称CP),即要求每一个交谈参与者在交谈过程中所说的话符合交谈目标或方向,以使得语言交际有意义。
该假说有强式说和弱式说两种,即语言决定论(Linguistic Determinism)和语言相对论(Linguistic Relativism),请运用实例予以评价分析。
例1:Kevin broke the record.例2:我在书房发现了小偷。
4.以韩礼德(M.A.K.Halliday)为代表的系统功能语言学(Systematic-Functional Linguistics)的核心观点有哪些?有学者认为可以将其应用到语言教学、文体学、翻译学、人工智能等方面,你是否认同?请予以分析。
上外翻译硕士英语模拟训练(四)I . close testYoung Children`s Sense of IdentityA sense of self develops in young children by degrees. The process can usefully be thought of in terms of the gradual emergence of two somewhat separate features: the self as a subject, and the self as an object. William James introduced the distinction in 1892, and contemporaries of his, such as Charles Cooley, added to the developing debate. Ever since then psychologists have continued building on the theory.According to James, a child's first step on the road to self-understanding can be seen as the recognition that he or she exists. This is an aspect of the self that he labeled 'self-as-subject', and he gave it various elements. These included an (1) of one’s own agency (i.e. one’s power to act), and an awareness of one’s distinctiveness from other people. These features gradually (2) as infants explore their world and interact with caregivers. Cooley (1902) suggested that a (3) of the self-as-subject was primarily concerned with being able to exercise power. He proposed that the earliest examples of this are that an infant attempts to control physical objects, such as toys or his or her own limbs. This is followed by attempts to affect the behavior of other people. For example, infants learn that when they cry or smile someone (4) to them.Another powerful source of information for infants about the (5) they can have on the world around them is provided when others (6) them. Many parents spend a lot of time, particularly in the early months, copying their infant's vocalizations and expressions in addition, young children enjoy looking in (7), where the movements they can see are dependent upon their own movements.This is not to say that infants recognize the reflection as their own image (a later development). However, Lewis and Brooks-Gunn (1979) suggest that infants' developing understanding that the movements they see in the mirror are contingent on their own, leads to a growing awareness that they are (8) from other people. This is because they, and (9) they can change the reflection in the mirror.This understanding that children gain of themselves as active agents continues to develop in their attempts to co-operate with others in play. Drum (1988) points out that it is in such day-to-day relationships and interactions (10)the child's understanding of his or herself emerges. Empirical investigations of the self-as- subject in young children are, however, rather scarce (11)of difficulties of communication: even if young infants can reflect on their experience, they certainly cannot express this aspect of the self directly.Once Children have acquired a certain level of self-awareness, they begin to place themselves in a whole series of categories, which together play such an important part in defining them uniquely as 'themselves'. This second step in the development of a full sense of self is what James called the 'self-as-object'. This has been seen by many to be the aspect of the self which is most (12)by social elements, since it is made up of social roles (such as student, brother; colleague) and characteristics which derive their meaning from comparison or interaction with other people (such as trust worthiness, shyness, sporting ability).Cooley and other researchers suggested a close connection between a person’s own understanding of their identity and other people's understanding of it. Cooley believed that people build up their sense of identity from the reactions of others to them, and from the view they believe others have (13) them. He called the self- as-object the ’looking-glass self', since people come to secthemselves as they are reflected in others. Mead (1934) went even further, and saw the self and the social world as inextricably bound together. The self is essentially a social structure, and it arises in social experience. It is impossible to (14) of a self arising outside of (15) experience.Finally perhaps the most graphic expressions of self-awareness in general can be seen in the displays of rage which are most common from 18 months to 3 years of age. In a longitudinal study of groups of three or four children, Bronson (1975) found that the intensity of the frustration and anger in their disagreements increased sharply between the ages of 1 and 2 years. Often, the children's disagreements involved a struggle over a toy that none of them had played with before or after the tug-of-war: the children seemed to be disputing ownership rather than wanting to play with it. Although it may be less marked in other societies, the link between the sense of ’self' and of 'ownership’is a notable feature of childhood in Western societies.II. Reading comprehensionMike and Adam Hurewitz grew up together on Long Island, in the suburbs of New York City. They were very close, even for brothers. So when Adam's liver started failing, Mike offered to give him half of his. The operation saved Adam's life. But Mike, who went into the hospital in seemingly excellent health, developed a complication-perhaps a blood colt -and died last week. He was 57. Mike Hurewitz's death has prompted a lot of soul searching in the transplant community. Was it a tragic fluke or a sign that transplant surgery has reached some kind of ethical limit?The Mount Sinai Medical Center, the New York City hospital where the complex double operation was performed, has put on hold its adult living donor liver transplant program, pending a review of Hurewitz's death. Mount Sinai has performed about 100 such operations in the past three years.A 1-in -100 risk of dying may not seem like bad odds, but there's more to this ethical dilemma than a simple ratio. The first and most sacred rule of medicine is to do no harm. "For a normal healthy person a mortality rate 1% is hard to justify, "says Dr. John Fung, chief of transplantation at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. "If the rate stays at 1%, it's just not going to be accepted. "On the other hand, there's an acute shortage of traditional donor organs from people who have died in accidents or suffered fatal heart attacks. If family members fully understand the risks and are willing to proceed, is there any reason to stand in their way? Indeed, a recent survey showed that most people will accept a mortality rate for living organ donors as high as 20%. The odds, thankfully, aren't nearly that bad. For kidney donors, for example, the risk ranges from 1 in 2, 500 to 1 in 4, 000 for a healthy volunteer. That helps explain why nearly 40% of kidney transplants in the U.S. come from living donors. /The operation to transplant a liver, however, is a lot trickier than one to transplant a kidney. Not only is the liver packed with blood vessels, but it also makes lots of proteins that need to be produced in the right ratios for the body to survive. When organs from the recently deceased are used, the surgeon gets to pick which part of the donated liver looks the best-and to take as much of it as needed. Assuming all goes well, a healthy liver can grow back whatever portion of the organ is missing, sometimes within a month.A living-donor transplant works particularly well when an adult donates a modest a modest portion of the liver to a child. Usually only the left lobe of the organ is required, leading to a mortality rate for living-donors in the neighborhood of 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000. But when the recipient is another adult, as much as 60% of the donor's liver has to be removed. "There really is very little margin for error, "says Dr. Fung. By way of analogy, he suggests, think of a tree. "An adult-to-childliving-donor transplant is like cutting off a limb. With an adult-to-adult transplant, you're splitting the trunk in half and trying to keep both halves alive."Even if a potential donor understand and accepts these risks, that doesn't necessarily mean the operation should proceed. All sorts of subtle pressures can be brought to bear on such a decision. says Dr. Mark Siegler, director of the MacLean for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago. "Sometimes the sicker the patient, the greater the pressure the pressure and the more willing the donor will be to accept risks. "If you feel you can't say no, is your decision truly voluntary? And if not, is it the medical community's responsibility to save you from your own best intentions?Transplant centers have developed screening programs to ensure that living donors fully understand the nature of their decision. But unexamined, for the most part, is the larger issue of just how much a volunteer should be allowed to sacrifice to save another human being. So far, we seem to be saying some risk is acceptable, although we're still vaguer about where the cutoff should be. There will always be family members like Mike Hurewitz who are heroically prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for a loved one. What the medical profession-and society-must decide is if it's appropriate to let them do so. /1Describe in your own words the liver transplant between the two brothers Mike and Adam.2 What is the major issue raised in the article?3 Explain briefly Dr. Fung's comparison between organ transplant and a tree. What does he imply through this analogy?4 If family members fully understand the risks in organ transplant and are still willing to proceed, shall the medical professionals encourage or stop them? What is your personal view toward such issue?补充练习For 40 years the sight of thousands of youngsters striding across the open moorland has been as much an annual fixture as spring itself. But the 2, 400 school pupils who join the grueling Dartmoor Ten Tors Challenge next Saturday may be among the last to take part in the May tradition. The trek faces growing criticism from environmentalists who fear that the presence of so many walkers on one weekend threatens the survival of some of Dartmoor's internationally rare bird species. / The Ten Tors challenge takes place in the middle of the breeding season, when the slightest disturbance can jeopardize birds' chances of reproducing successfully. Experts at the RSPB and the Dartmoor National Park Authority fear that the walkers could frighten birds and even crush eggs. They are now calling for the event to be moved to the autumn, when the breeding season is over and chicks should be well established. Organizers of the event, which is led by about 400 Territorial Army volunteers, say moving it would be impractical for several reasons and would mean pupils could not train properly for the 55-mile trek. Dartmoor is home 10 rare species of ground-nesting birds, including golden plovers, dunlins and lapwings. In some cases, species are either down to their last two pairs on the moor or are facing a nationwide decline.Emma Parkin, South-west spokeswoman for the PASPB, took part in the challenge as a schoolgirl. She said the society had no objections to the event itself but simply but simply wanted t moved to another time of year. "It is a wonderful activity for the children who take part but, having thousands of people walking past in one weekend when birds are breeding is hardly ideal, "she said."We would prefer it to take place after the breeding and nesting season is over. There is a risk of destruction and disturbance. If the walkers put a foot in the wrong place they can crush the eggs and if there is sufficient disturbance the birds might abandon the nest. "Helen Booker, an RSPB upland conservation officer, said there was no research into the scale of the damage but there was little doubt the walk was detrimental. "If people are tramping past continually it can harm the chances of successful nesting. There is also the fear of direct trampling of eggs. "A spokesman for the Dartmoor National Park Authority said the breeding season on the moor lasted from early March to mid-July, and the Ten Tors challenge created the potential for disturbance for March, when participants start training.To move the event to the autumn was difficult because children would be on holiday during the training period. There was a possibility that some schools in the Southwest move to a four-term year in 2004, "but until then any change was unlikely. The authority last surveyed bird life on Dartmoor two year ago and if the next surveyed showed any further decline, it would increase pressure to move challenge, "he said.Major Mike Pether, secretary of the army committee that organizes the challenge, said the event could be moved if there was the popular will. "The Ten Tors has been running for 42 years and it has always been at this time of year. It is almost in tablets of stone but that's not to say we won't consider moving if there is a consensus in favour. However, although the RSPB would like it moved, 75 per cent of the people who take part want it to stay as it is, "he said. Major Pether said the trek could not be moved to earlier in the year because it would conflict with the lambing season, most of the children were on holiday in the summer, and the winter weather was too harsh.Datmoor National Park occupies some 54 sq km of hills topped by granite outcrops known as "Tors" with the highest Tor-capped hill reaching 621m. The valleys and dips between the hills are often sites of bogs to snare the unwary hiker. The moor has long been used by the British Army as a training and firing range. The origin of the event stretches back to 1959 when three Army officers exercising on the moor thought it would provide a challenge for civilians as well as soldiers In the first year 203 youngsters took up the challenges. Since then teams, depending on age and ability, face hikes of 35, 45 or 55 miles between 10 nominated Tors over two days. They are expected to carry everything they need to survive. /1. What is the Ten Tors challenge? Give a brief introduction of its location and history.2. Why is it suggested that the event be moved to the autumn or other seasons?3. What are the difficulties if the event is moved to autumn or other season?Burnt by stock market losses, investors in ever-increasing numbers have found an answer to their woes: litigate. According to Stanford Law School, shareholders filed 327 class-action lawsuits against American companies last year-up 60% on the previous year. Their pied piper is Bill Lerach. He and his law firm, Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach, have turned the class action lawsuit into an industry. More than half of last year's suits were fought by Lerach and his colleagues. / Branded an "economic terrorist "by one rival and "lower than pond scum" by one rival and "lower than pond scum" by another, Lerach's firm is the terror of corporate America. Milberg Weiss has won more than 20 billion in class-action suits but has not escaped controversy of its own. It is being investigated by a Los Angeles federal grand jury over allegations that it paid "professional plaintiffs" to use their names on lawsuits.Few of Lerach's cases ever get to court, Settling on the law court steps is an American tradition and often less embarrassing and expensive than taking a case all the way. But the rules have been rewritten since Enron's collapse. Having failed to reach an argreement with Lerach and others, Arthur Andersen trial starts this week in Houston over accountant's alleged destruction of Enron-related documents. On Wednesday another judge will hear from other defendants being pursued by Lerach.Lerach's original suit was filed late last year in Houston's federal court on behalf of the University of California Board of Regents, which lost 140m, and other Enron shareholders. The lawsuit names a stellar array of blue-chip banks, including Barclays, Citigroup and Merrill Lynch, as parties to the alleged Enron scheme that cost investor 25 billion. It also names law firms and 60 Enron and Arthur Andersen executives, directors and partners. When the judge decides whether to let any of the parties escape the court case, due in December 2003, settlement talks will begin in earnest. In the meantime, the heat is being turned up on Lerach. A recent Wall Street Journal editorial attacked the university for hiring him. "The real lesson for the Regents is that when you lie down with lawyers, you catch ethical fleas, "it said. The Journal's attack tallies with many senior business figures who privately say Lerach and his followers have made the law a joke, basing their attacks more on a participant's ability to pay than their guilt. "Lerach isn't expecting to prove his case in court, but only in the media, hoping defendants will settle regardless of guilt to get their names out of the news. Is that a good lesson for the kids?" asked thejournal.Lerach did not return calls when asked to comment, but Trey Davis, a university spokesman, dismissed the criticism: "The decision to name the investment banks and the law firms is not based on a search for assets in the wake of Enron's bankruptcy and Arthur Andersen's business decline, "he said. "It's an earnest effort seeking return of money that rightfully belongs to the victims."John Coffee, law professor at Columbia University, says the rise in class actions is inevitable give the fall in stock prices. And he says that, if anything, changes in the rules have improved the quality of many cases filed. Legal reforms, introduced in 1995, have made it almost impossible for disgruntled investors to sue a company for disgruntled investors to sue a company for missing its profit forecasts. The changes also require lawyers to show evidence of wrong-doing for a case to proceed. The reforms were designed to curb the frivolous lawsuits that ad become part of the cost of doing business for almost every American public company. Most cases now brought against companies allege some sort of accounting impropriety.And says Coffee, the reforms mean more suits now have a strong case to answer. "There's a whole industry out there saying securities litigation is all frivolous, " he says. "There's a high correlation between an earnings restatement and some highly suspicious monkey business with the prior financial reporting. I don't think these are cases in which the defendants are perfectly innocent victims."4. What are the class action lawsuits referred to in the passage? What do you learn about Bill Lerach's law firm?5 What does it mean by the sentence "Milberg Weiss... has not escaped controversy of its own."(Para. 2)?6.What do you know from the Wall Street Journal editorial's attack (Para. 4)?III. WritingThe position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (no less than 500 words)。
上海外国语大学硕士研究生入学考试模拟题考试科目:英汉互译(考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在指定答题纸上,答在试卷上无效)I. Translate the following into Chinese. (75 points)The fact is that, as a writer, Faulkner is no more interested in solving problems than he is tempted to indulge in sociological comments on the sudden changes in the economic position of the southern states. The defeat and the consequences of defeat are merely the soil out of which his epics grow. He is not fascinated by men as a community but by man in the community, the individual as a final unity in himself, curiously unmoved by external conditions. The tragedies of these individuals have nothing in common with Greek tragedy: they are led to their inexorable end by passions caused by inheritance, traditions, and environment, passions which are expressed either in a sudden outburst or in a slow liberation from perhaps generations-old restrictions. With almost every new work Faulkner penetrates deeper into the human psyche, into man’s greatness and powers ofself-sacrifice, lust for power, cupidity, spiritual poverty,narrow-mindedness, burlesque obstinacy, anguish, terror, and degenerate aberrations. As a probing psychologist he is the unrivalled master among all living British and American novelists.Neither do any of his colleagues possess his fantastic imaginative powers and his ability to create characters. His subhuman and superhuman figures, tragic or comic in a macabre way, emerge from his mind with a reality that few existing people - even those nearest to us - can give us, and they move in a milieu whose odours of subtropical plants, ladies’ perfumes, Negro sweat, and the smell of horses and mules penetrate immediately even into a Scandinavian’s warm and cozy den. As a painter of landscapes he has the hunter’s intimate knowledge of his own hunting ground, the topographer’s accuracy, and the impressionist’s sensitivity.Moreover—side-by-side with Joyce and perhaps even more so—Faulkner is the great experimentalist among twentieth-century novelists. Scarcely two of his novels are similar technically. It seems as if by this continuous renewal he wanted to achieve the increased breadth which his limited world, both in geography and in subject matter, cannot give him.II. Translate the following into English. (75 points)隐逸的生活似乎在传统意识中一直被认为是幸福的至高境界。
报一下我的成绩,因为我拿手的专一考得比较差,所以本来不太想报的…初试:政治62 日语89 专一128 专二127总分406,技术分(上外的排名按照技术分计算)384.6,排名第二(第一又是德语的学霸)复试:现代汉语90 日语面试89 专业面试86.6最后总分是563.53,总排名第二。
上外考研翻硕英语基础阅读理解文化教育类—阅读理解模拟题上外考研翻硕英语基础阅读理解文化教育类模拟题In the past few years, reformers have embraced a disarmingly simple idea for fixing schools: Why not actually flunk those students who don't earn passing grades? Both Democrats and Republicans have begun attacking the practice of "social promotion"--shuttling bad students to the next grade, advancing them with peers even if they are failing. Make F truly mean failure, the movement says.Last week in Los Angeles, the reformers learned just how ornery the current system can be. According to a plan released Tuesday by the L.A. school district, ending social promotion there will take at least four years, could cost hundreds of millions of dollars--and probably would require flunking about half the district's students. That's a pessimistic assessment, but it's not just bureaucrats' caterwauling. Rather, L.A. school superintendent Ruben Zacarias was an eager convert to the crusade against social promotion. In February he unveiled an ambitious plan to end unwarranted promotions in five grades during the 1999-2000 school year--a full year ahead of the timetable set by a state law.At the time, Zacarias acknowledged that his goal would be hard to meet. He estimated that as many as 6 of every 10 students would flunk if they had to advance on merit. Zacarias wanted to spend $140 million in the first year alone to help these kids. Why so much? Because a mountainof research shows that ending social promotion doesn't work if it just means more Fs. Kids who are simply forced to repeat grades over and over usually don't improve academically andoften drop out. Zacarias wanted more tutoring, summer school and intensive-learning classes. Unqualified students wouldn't rise to the next grade; nor would they be doomed to redo work they already failed. It was a forward-looking plan that Zacarias, 70, didn't have the clout to enact. He wasn't popular enough--the school board recently bought out his contract after a bitter power struggle--but even fellow reformers think his plan was too much, too soon. Says board member David Tokofsky: "You've got the unions who want their say. And, of course, there's the facilities issue: Where do you send all these eighth-graders if you can't send them to high school?" The district now says it will stop advancing low-achieving students only in two grades (second and eighth), and it will begin next year.Los Angeles isn't the only place that has run into roadblocks while trying to end social promotion. In New York City, some advocates have said in lawsuits that parents weren't notified early enough that their kids were flunking. And in Chicago, which led the nation on the issue, a parents' group has filed civil rights complaints alleging that the promotion crackdown holds back a disproportionate number of black and Latino kids.Still, the war on social promotion could have one salutaryconsequence: if every school district takes L.A.'s approach, struggling students will get a lot more teaching help, not just a kick in the rear as they finish another unproductive school year.1. “Social promotion” is ___________.[A] a simple idea for fixing school[B] flunking students who don’t earn passing grades[C] making F more or less meaningless[D] a political movement2. Education officials give the reform prospect a pessimisticassessment because_______.[A] it takes too long time, costs too much and may produce undesirable result[B] there is no feasible plan yet[C] it involves too many students[D] it is not approved by state legislature3. The writer mentioned the case of Zacarias to show that______________.[A] ending social promotion doesn’t work[B] schools do not have the ability to enact his plan[C] plans like his are too ambitious[D] it’s hard to reach agreement on the issue of ending social promotion4. It seems that the effort at ending social promotion_____________.[A] is confronting a lot of resistance[B] has proved fruitless[C] has little hope of success[D] does more harm than good5. Toward the proposal of ending social promotion, the author’sattitude seems to be ________.[A] pessimistic[B] optimistic[C] objective[D] biased答案:C A D A B篇章剖析:本篇文章围绕教育改革派主张在美国中小学取消“自动升级”的问题展开了讨论,第一段介绍了改革派的主张:取消“自动升级”。
上海外国语大学德语语言文学考研模拟题一科目:德汉互译1.Übersetzen Sie bitte die folgenden Texte ins Deutsche.高超的艺术——记巴伐利亚国家歌剧院在北京演出天桥剧场里,莫扎特美妙的音乐和巴伐利亚国家歌剧院艺术家们精湛的表演所激起的热烈掌声,驱散了北京初秋的寒意,沟通了远隔着千山万水,有着完全不同的历史文化的中德两国人民的心灵。
上海外国语大学考研 汉语国际教育 现代汉语知识 测评
A名量词B动量词时量词D形量词4.能带宾语的是(B)A名词B动词C形容词D副词5.“上来”是(C)A助动词B判断动词C趋向动词D及物动词6.“国营、民用、大型”是(D)A动词B名词C副词D区别词7.“很、挺、十分”是(A);“不、没”都是(D)A程度副词B时间副词C范围副词D否定副词8.“我、你、他”是()A指示代词B疑问代词C人称代词D名词9.“他在黑板上写字”的“在”是(C)A动词B副词C介词D方位词10.“着、了、过”是(B)A结构助词B动态助词C其他助词D语气词11“哎呦”是(C)A 拟声词B语气词C叹词D助词四、指出所属的词类(1)天渐渐冷起来了。
上海外国语大学英语语言文学语言学全真模拟题I.Define each of the following concepts and theories: (36 points)1.IPA2.Duality3.Vowel glideplementary distribution5.Illustrate root and stem6.Illustrate the NUMBER issue with both English and Chinese lexical items.putational linguisticsurence Horn’s Q-and R-principles.9.List at least four components of a communicative syllabus.II.Fill in the blanks with the words that are most appropriate in the given context.(16 points)1.In Austin’s How to Do Things with word, he first distingu ishes ________ and______. Later on Austin made a fresh start to distinguish ______, _______ and ________.2._______ is a branch of linguistics which is the study of psychological aspectsof language. As an ______ academic field, it investigates the following major subjects:________, _______ and _______.3.Words can be classified as _______ and ______words; _____ words and______words, ______-class words and _____-class words.III.Answer the following questions. (24 points)1.Describe with tree diagrams the transformations involved in forming thequestion “Does John like the book?”2.State and interpret the sense relations with examples.IV.Answer the following questions and try to elaborate the points indicated in questions with the knowledge you have acquired. (24 points)Explain the differences between the Chinese and English cultures by illustrating one aspect of life, which is rich in Chinese but limited in English, and vice versa.Ⅴ. Discuss the following question with examples (50 points)1. What are the methods for the addition of new words in the English language?2. When a teacher says “it’s hot in here” during a class, what does she probablymean? Refer to the theory of pragmatics when you analyze the situation.ReferencesⅠDefine each of the following concepts and theories: (36 points)1. IPA refers to the acronym of the International Phonetic Association (1897) whose first title was Phonetic Teachers Association established by a small group of language teachers in France in order to popularize their teaching practice or methods.(2分) It also stands for the International Phonetic Alphabet (the IPA chart) first proposed by the Danish grammarian and phonetician Otto Jesperson in1886, whose first version was published in 1888.(2分)(本题主要考查语音学中国际音标的起源)2.Duality: the structural organization of language into two abstract levels: meaningful units (e.g. words) and meaningless segments (e.g. sounds, letters).(3分) It is one of human language’s design features. (1分)(本题考查人类语言设计特征的二重性)3.Vowel glide: vowel that involve a change of quality,(2分) including diphthones, when a single movement of the tongue is made, and triphthones, where a double movement is perceived. (2分)(本题主要考查滑元音,包括双元音滑元音和三元音滑元音)4. Complementary distribution: when two sounds never occur to the same environment, they are in complementary distribution.(3分) For example, the aspirated English plosives never occur after [s], and unaspirated ones never occur initially. (1分)(本题考查音位学的互补分布特征的本质)5.Root refers to the base form of a word that cannot be further analyzed without loss of identity. For example, it is that part of the word which is left when all the affixes are removed.(1分) In the word internationalism, after the removal of inter-, -al, -ism, the part left is the root nation. Apparently, all words contain a root morpheme. And roots can be further classified into free root morpheme and bound root morpheme. (1分)Stem is any morpheme or combinations of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added.(1分) For instance, friend- in friends, and friendship in friendships are both stems. The former shows that a stem may be the same as a root, whereas the latter shows that a stem may contains a root and one, or more than one,derivational affix. In another word, friendship is a stem, but not a root.(1分) (本题考查词根和词干的定义及其异同)6. In English the NUMBER lexical items are regular and popular suffix which can be added to the verbs and nouns that distinguish the singular number (one or one group or part), plural form (more than one). In English nouns, we have book/books, pen/pens, hero/heroes, each of the former indicating the singular form (with no suffix or zero suffix), while the latter refers to the plural form, with the suffix (e)s. There are irregular forms in English pronouns, such a I/we, me/us, my/us,so on, indicating the distinction between the singular form and plural form. English verb has present tense the third person singular, for instance,Mary works, Mary teaches French. English verbs also has the irregular, for instance, have/has, am/is/are, which are not large in amount but fixed in usage.(2分)In Contrast, Chinese has few lexical items to indicate the grammatical category NUMBER, such as students (学生们),children(孩子们),workers (工人们), indicating human beings’ plural forms, or prof essions. This seldom occurs to the nouns referring to non-human things, such as 桌子们,椅子们with the exception that they are used in scientific fiction or children’s fairies. Chinese has singular and plural distinction in pronouns for example, 我/我们, 他/他们,你/你们.In Chinese, we have a few expressions DUAL in terms of units, such as 一双,一副,一对,一套. In contrast, English has only “a pair of”, “a couple” .There is no distinction in the number of Chinese verbs.(2分)(本题考查句法学中的汉语和英语在语法范畴“数”的异同及其各自的特点)7. Horn’s Q-principle: The Q-principle (Hearer-based):MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION (cf. Quantity1)SAY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN ( given R) (2分)R-principle: The R-principle (Speaker-based):MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION NECESSARY (cf. Relation, Quantity2 Manner)SAY NO MORE THAN YOU MUST (given Q) (2分)(本题主要考查语用学理论的新发展——后格赖斯时期理论)8. Computational linguistics is a branch of applied linguistics, dealing with computer processing of human language. (2分) It includes programmed instruction, speech synthesis and recognition, automatic translation, and computer mediated communication. (2分)(本题考查应用语言学中计算语言学的定义)municative syllabus aims at the learners’ communicative competence. (1分) This syllabus was summarized by Yalden (1983) with ten components as follows: (1分)(1). as detailed a consideration as possible of the purposes for which the learnerswish to acquire the target language.(2). some idea of the setting in which they will want to use the target language(physical aspects need to be considered, as well as social setting); (1分)(3). the socially defined role the learners will assume in the target language, aswell as the roles of their interlocuters.(4).the communicative events in which the learners will participate: everydaysituations, vocational or professional situations, academic situations, and soon. (1分)(5). the language functions involved in these events, or what the learner willneed to be able to do with or through the language;(6). the notions involved, or that the learner will need to be able to talk about;(7). the skills involved in the “knitting together” of discourse: discourse andrhetorical skills.(8). the variety or varieties of the target language that will be needed, and thelevels in the spoken and written language which the learners will need toreach;(9). the grammatical content that will be needed;(10). the lexical content that will be needed.(本题考查应用语言学中语言教学中交际教学大纲的特征,选择4种就得满分4分)Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words that are most appropriate in the given context.(16 points)1.performatives, constatives, locutionary act, illocutionary act, perlocutionary act. (5分)(本题考查语用学中言语行为理论的起源及奥斯汀对自己的理论的提出及其阐述)2.psycholinguistics, interdisciplinary, acquisition, production, production (5分)(本题考查应用语言学中心理语言学的定义及其特征)3.variable, invariable, grammatical (functional/structural),lexical(content/notional), open, closed (6分)(本题考查从不同角度出发对词类进行的不同分类,属于词汇学或形态学范畴)ⅢAnswer the following questions and try to elaborate the points indicated in questions with the knowledge you have acquired. (24 points)1.Describe with tree diagrams the transformations involved in forming thequestion “Does John like the book?”1. The first diagram is shows the D-structure and the second the S-structure.CPC SNP VPV NPDet. NJohn does like the book?”(12分)(本题考查树型图在转换生成语法理论的地位及其对句子结构和句子成分之间的关系)2 State and interpret the sense relations with examples.There are three sense relations: sameness relation, oppositeness relation and inclusiveness relation. (4分)Synonymy is the technical name for the sameness relation. English is rich in synonyms. e.g. buy/purchase; world/universe; wide/broad, autumn/fall. (1分) In Chinese, “父亲”和“爸爸”,“打死”,“搞死”,“整死”,“弄死”,“掐死”,“玩死”and so on, total synonymy is rare. (1分)Antonymy is the name for oppositeness relation whose three main sub-types are gradable antonymy (old/young; long/short);complementary antonymy (alive/dead, pass/fail, odd/even) and converse antonymy (husband/wife, parent/child, over/under ) (4分)The notion of inclusiveness can be seen in the following example. The meaning of desk is included in that of furniture. Hyponymy is a matter of class membership.The upper term in this sense relation, the class name, is called SUPERORDINANT, and the lower terms, the members, hyponyms. Another classical example is, flower/ poeny, tulip, violet, carnation. (2分)(本题考查词汇学或语义学知识,从同义关系,反义关系和上下义关系三个角度解释了主要意义关系,这里主要解释了词或词组之间的关系;而句子之间的关系也是一种意义关系,只是更加复杂,例如,同义反复关系,e.g. War is war.; 前提关系,矛盾关系,衍推关系等等,更复杂)ⅣAnswer the following questions and try to elaborate the points indicated in questions with the knowledge you have acquired. (24 points)Explain the differences between the Chinese and English cultures by illustrating one aspect of life, which is rich in Chinese but limited in English, and vice versa.Different culture feature—be they environmental, material, or social—produce different linguistic features. (4分) 1) One aspect of life which is rich in Chinese but limited in English is the kinship terms. The kinship field is generally built around the lexical differentiation of three fundamental human family relations:filiations, consanguinity and spouseship. In English different words are used primarily to distinguish the set of kin relations, e.g. “brother” and “sister”, “aunt” and “uncle”, etc., but in Chinese distinction is also made lexically between members of kin who are older or younger than the speaker, or his/her parents, who are on the maternal side or on the paternal side, and who are in-laws or not. Thus, for the English “aunt,” we have in Chinese “gu”(father’s sister), “shen”(wife of father’s younger brother), “bomu”(wife of father’s elder brother), “yimu”(mother’s siter) and “jiuma”(wife of mothers’ brother).(8分)2) One aspect of life which is rich in English but limited in Chinese is the horse words. (4分) The fact that English boasts a large number of horse words is a ready explanation in the important part horse plays in the life of the English people. Besides the most common word “horse”, there are “gee” (a term for horse used by children), “horseflesh”(ho rse considered as a group, especially for driving, riding, or racing),“steed” (a spirited horse), “mare”(a young female horse), “foal” (the young offspring of a horse), “colt”(a young male horse), “filly”(a young female horse), “pony” (horse small in size when full grown), “thoroughbred” (a purebred or pedigree horse), and “bay” (a reddish brown horse). (8分)(本题主要考查中英文化差异,文化学习是外语学习的一个重要课题)Ⅴ1What are the methods for the addition of new words in the English language?New words are created through the following processes:a. Invention. It is a word-formation process related to the developingeconomic activities. New lexical items come directly from the consumer items, their producers or their brand names, such as “Coke”, “nylon”, “Kodak” and so on.b. Blending: It is a relatively complex form of compounding, in which twowords are blended by joining the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word, or by joining the initial parts of the two words; such as smog (smoke + fog), digicom (digital + computer).c. Abbreviation: The process of abbreviation refers to that a new word couldbe created by cutting the final part, or cutting the initial part, or cutting both the initial and final parts accordingly.Such as ad, (advertisement), van (caravan) , flu (influenza).d. Acronym. It is made up from the first letters of the name of anorganization, which has a heavily modified headword, such as WTO, UNESCO.e. Backformation. It refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language. For example, “edit” is a word generated from “editor.”f. Analogical creation. Roughly speaking, this process is one whereby wordsare created in imitation of other words. For example, the appearance of the word “talkathon” is created on the model of “marathon.”g. Borrowing. It refers to the fact that Eng1ish has borrowed words fromother language. For example, the word “cancer” and “tumor” were borrowed from Latin.h. Derivation. New words can be created by the addition of derivational affixes, such as “national”, which is originated from the word “nation”.i. Compound. It refers to the creation of new words by joining two separate words, such as “ice-cream” and “sunrise”.(这里主要考查社会语言学的基本知识。
上外考研2017德语语言文学 专业 德语综合 试题
上海外国语大学 2016 年硕士研究生入学考试德语语言文学专业德语综合试题(考试时间 180 分钟,满分 150 分,共 6页)I. Ergänzen Sie passende Wörter!(12 Punkte)1.Viele Deutsche machen Schichtarbeit. Ihre Arbeitszeit____________ ständig.2.…Ein neues Leben für alte Verpackungen.“ Mit diesem____________ will das Duale System Deutschland AG etwas für den Umweltschutz tun.3.Im Seniorenheim …Abendfrieden“ in einem Vorort von Stuttgartwird der Wunsch des schönen Lebensabends ____________.4.Immer mehr Hochschulabsolventen finden nach dem Studiumkeine Arbeit. In zehn Jahren, so ____________ das Arbetisamt, gibt es für 1,1 Millionen neue Hochschulabsolventen nur 450 000 freie Stellen.5.Zwei japanische Firmen entwickeln das Handy für den Hund,____________das britische Boulevardblatt The Sun berichtet.6.Das Grundgesetz ____________ Verfassung Deutschlandsschreibt keine bestimmte Wirtschaftsordnung vor.7.Klaus hatte ursprünglich Jurist werden wollen, aber er war aktiverOffizier geworden, da sein Vater ihn gebeten hatte, das aus finanziellen Gründen in ____________ zu ziehen.8.In einer Fernsehdiskussion hat der Bundeswirtschaftsminister mitseinem Rücktritt ____________, wenn das Kabinett nicht bis zum10. Juli beschließt, in den nächsten beiden Jahren dieSubventionen ____________ 15 Milliarden Euro zu kürzen.9.____________ aller Warnschilder raste der Fahrer in die Kurve.10.Du ____________ dich auf den Kerl gar nicht verlassen, denn erverspricht immer große____________.II. Füllen Sie die Lücken mit den richtigen Formen der Verben mit Präfix ein-!(20 Punkte) 1.Die Gäste werden gebeten, sich in das goldene Buch____________.第1 页共 7 页2.Der Patient muss nach ärztlichen Anweisungen Medizin____________.3.In kriegerischen Jahren werden junge Männer zum Wehrdienst____________.4.Mit dieser Erfindung ist eine neue Ära ____________.5.Getrocknete Pilze soll man vorm Kochen ____________.6.Die feindlichen Truppen sind in das Land ____________.7.In Nordchina soll man im Spätherbst große Mengen Gemüse____________.8.Ich muss für meinen Kollegen ____________, weil er krank ist.9.Die Mutter hat dem Kind den verletzten Finger ____________.10.Die Soldaten haben die feindliche Stellung ____________.III. Wählen Sie das richtige Suffix –mäßig oder -gemäß undergänzen Sie! (20 Punkte)1.Er hat seine Hausaufgaben nicht termin____________ abgegeben.2.Viele Redewendungen kann man in der Fremdsprache nursinn____________ wiedergeben.3.Die Formulare sind vorschrifts____________ auszufüllen.4.Der Zug soll fahrplan ____________ um 10 Uhr in Shanghaiankommen.5.Die Psychologie-Vorlesung findet in diesem Semesterunregel____________ statt.6.Sie hat das Thema des Referates sach- und fach ____________behandelt.7.Die Teilnehmer des Ferienkurses sind alters____________ziemlich verschieden.8.Das Fernsehen wiederholt den Film wunsch____________ amSonntag.9.Die Restaurants müssen gesetz____________ bis 22 Uhrgeschlossen werden.10.Der Kolonialismus ist in den internationalen Beziehungen nichtmehr zeit____________.IV. Bilden Sie alternative Ausdrücke zu den unterstrichenen Ausdrücken! (8 Punkte)第2页共7页Diese neue DVD kann immer wieder neu bespielt werden.→1.→2.→3.→4.V. Formulieren Sie folgende Sätze mit gelten um!(12 Punkte) 1.Lu Xun wird als Bannerträger der neuen Kulturbewegung Chinas angesehen.2.Über den Haushaltsplan für das kommende Jahr ist lange diskutiert worden. Es ist nun höchste Zeit, darüber abzustimmen.3.Diese gesetzliche Regelung soll auch in ähnlichen Fällen angewendet werden.4.Ich bedanke mich besonders bei Herrn Prof. Liu.5.Seit der Einführung von Euro zahlt man in Deutschland nicht mehr mit Markschein und –stück.6.Es geht dabei ums Prestige unserer Firma.VI. Wandeln Sie den folgenden Satz in den geschriebenen Stil um!(8 Punkte) Er hat große Leistung erzielt, weil er fleißig und unermüdlich第3页共7页gearbeitet hat.→1.→2.→3.→4.VII. Lesen Sie folgende Texte und erledigen Sie die Aufgaben!(40 Punkte) Text 1Selbstbestimmungsrecht. Der Arzt mußseinem Patienten die ganze Wahrheit sagen, damit dieser von seinem Selbstbestimmungsrecht Gebrauch machen kann. Selbstbestimmung, also die Entscheidung darüber, ob eine vorgeschlagene Behandlung stattfinden soll, setzt umfassende Informationen voraus. Im Rahmen der ärztlichen Aufklärungspflicht wird dem Kranken mitgeteilt, welche Risiken eine Behandlung mit sich bringt und welche Gefahren drohen, falls sie unterbleibt. Das ganze Für und Wider medizinischer Maßnahmen ist mit dem Patienten zu erörtern. Nach Ansicht der höchsten deutschen Gerichte, die sich mehrfach mit diesem Themenkreis befaßt haben, ist es dabei möglich, jedem Kranken, …im großen und ganzen klarzumachen, was mit ihm geschieht“. An die ärztliche Aufklärungspflicht werden also strenge Anforderungen gestellt.1.Auf welche Textstellen beziehen sich die unterstrichenen Wörter?(14 Punkte)dieser:darüber:sich:sie:die:dabei:ihm:第4页共7页2.Erklären Sie das schief gedruckte also im Text! Was bedeuten siean den Textstellen? (6 Punkte) das erste also bedeutet:das zweite also bedeutet:3.Finden Sie eine Definition zu …Selbstbestimmungsrecht“! (10Punkte)Text 2Freitag, 10. September Schon um vier Uhr früh Thermometer. Heute bin ich ruhig und ohne erhöhte Temperatur. Neulich Blutproben, immer wieder Blutproben. Um sieben Uhr die erste Visite der Stationsärztin, um acht die zweite Visite, acht Ärzte, sechs Männer, zwei Frauen und zwei Schwestern. Beängstigend! Sie schauen nur auf die Tabellen am Fußende. Und der Mensch interessiert sie nicht? Was ist das für eine Person, die hier liegt. Aber sie interessiert nur der Tumor.Mitwoch, 22. September Diese Nächte, diese Angst und mein Grübeln über die Ärzte, ihre Unsicherheit, ihr Tappen im dunkeln. Vielleicht müssen sie die Kranken belügen, nicht jeder erträgt die Wahrheit. Aber dann sollten sie sich zusammsetzen und sich darüber einigen, was sie sagen. So erfährt der Patient, der beobachtet und nachdenkt und Fragen stellt, bohrende Fragen, erfährt er nur ein Mischmasch von Andeutungen, halben Lügen und Widersprüchen, aus denen die Hilflosigkeit und oft auch die menschliche Unreife der Ärzte spricht. Und dann ist der Kranke verunsichert und versinkt in Angst. Angst, hab ich einmal gelesen, kommt aus Nichtwissen. Gewiß, Angst kann auch aus Wissen第5页共7页kommen. Aber wann und was ein Kranker wissen soll, das müßten die Ärzte sorgfältig bestimmen und verantworten können. Aber sie interessiert nur der Tumor, und das ist niederschmetternd.Welche Unterschiede zeigen die beiden Texte in der Behandlung derSachverhalte und Gegenstände? Ordnen Sie die entsprechenden Ziffern Text1 oder Text 2 zu. (10 Punkte)Perspektive des Autors Text 1 Text 21) nah am Gegenstand Standort2) stärker vom Gegenstand entfernt3) eng (sieht wenig, nur Einzelheiten) Blickwinkel 4) weit (sieht viel, Zusammenhänge) 5) kritisch – unterscheidend6) unkritisch7) spricht über sich selbst8) spricht über Gegenstände, die nichtEinstellung direkt mit seiner Personzusammenhängen 9) beweglich (sieht Gegenstand vonmehreren Seiten) 10) unbeweglich (sieht Gegenstandeinseitig)VIII. Schreiben Sie mit mindestens 200 Wörtern einen Aufsatz zum Thema …Junge Menschen am Computer – Zugang zur Welt oder Sackgasse? “. (30Punkte)Gehen Sie dabei auf folgende Punkte ein:Beschreiben Sie die Situation der Jugendlichen, wie sie im Alltag mit dem Computer umgehen. Nennen Sie zwei bis drei Pro- und Contra-Meinungen.第 6 页 共 7 页Nehmen Sie Ihre eigene Stellung und begründen Sie Ihre Meinung.第7页共7页。
25.美国是一个多种族组成的国家,其中native American所指的族群是。
29.英语Dragon Boat Festival,指的是中国的传统节日。
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上海外国语大学 2016 年硕士研究生入学考试
语言战略与语言政策学专业普通语言学基础模拟题(一)(考试时间 180 分钟,满分 150 分)
1. 共时语言学
2. 任意性
3. 聚合关系
4. 区别特征
5. 语法范畴
6. 借词
7. 韵律特征
8. 中介语
9. 语言能力
10. 洋泾浜语
1. 形态学中,曲折词缀和派生词缀的主要区别是什么?
2. 语言与言语的关系
3. 什么是语言符号的离散特征和线性特征
4. 什么是上下义关系?
5. 辨析语音学和音系学的区别和联系
1. 什么是生成语法?你对此理论有何看法?
2. 他说不好”有几种意义,并分析歧义产生的原因。
3. 你怎样理解思维和语言的关系
4. “语言学既是一门古老的科学,又是一门年轻的科学;既与社会
上海外国语大学 2016 年硕士研究生入学考试语言战略与语言政策学专业普通语言学基础模拟题(一)
7. 韵律特征
10. 洋泾浜语
1. 形态学中,曲折词缀和派生词缀的主要区别是什么?
Eg. The boy likes to …likes就是由句子的主语决定
的; 派生词缀更多是根据简单的意义区别。
2. 语言与言语的关系
3. 什么是语言符号的离散特征和线性特征
4. 什么是上下义关系?
5. 辨析语音学和音系学的区别和联系
1. 什么是生成语法?你对此理论有何看法?
2. 他说不好”有几种意义,并分析歧义产生的原因。
3. 你怎样理解思维和语言的关系
4. “语言学既是一门古老的科学,又是一门年轻的科学;既与社会科学有密切的联系,有与自然科学有密切的联系。