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Xitang with other names Xietang and Pingchuan is famous for its ancient rhyme and Full-bodied living style. It belongs to Jiashan County,Zhejiang province and is the triangle hinterland of Jiangsu ,Zhejiang, and Shanghai. It is the region of conflict for the ancient countries Wu and Yue, which wins it the name of ‘Root of Wu and Corner of Yue’. Though the ancient town has gone through thousands of yeas of history,it still preserves well the building blocks of Ming and Qing Dynasties ,With its extraordinary advantages ,it soon becomes a hot house are built against the rivers, with the long covered corridors, deep ancient-lanes and seinging boats, all of which makes it a typical ancient town in the water district south of Yan zi River.

注:rhyme [raim] n. 韵律;韵脚;韵文;押韵词v extraordinary [ik'strɔ:dənəri ] adj. 非凡的;特别的;hinterland ['hintəlænd] n. 内地;穷乡僻壤;靠港口供应的内地贸易区corridor ['kɔridɔ:] n.

走廊lanes n. 线路,跑道


An Ancient Pottery Cooking Vessel of Double Ears


This ware was in Warring States period, collected in Baoji, Shan’xi

province in 1999. Height is 22cm, caliber is 38cm, bronzy ware. Ball-shaped belly, three-monster-hoofed feet, a pair of rectangular ears on the edge of the mouth, reversed earthen bowl cover, coloured drawing is lively, smooth and plain body, trim and clean sculpt.

∙注:caliber ['kælibə] n. 口径;才干;水准(等于calibre);器量bronzy ['brɔnzi] adj. 青铜色的;

仿青铜的;belly ['beli] . 腹部;胃;食欲hoof foot蹄形家具腿rectangular['rek'tæŋɡjulə]adj.

矩形的;成直角的reversed [ri'və:st] adj. 颠倒的;相反的;(判决等)撤销的trim [trim] vt. 修剪;

整理;装点n. 修剪;整齐;情形adj. 整齐的sculpt [skʌlpt] n. 雕刻品vi. vt造型;雕刻



Wine container, height is 19cm, caliber is 9cm, shape and making is plain, texture is rare, the special style belongs to Song Dynasty, the pattern of the shape and making is the most common one in the late period of Spring and Autumn Dynasty.

∙注:texture ['tekstʃə] n. 质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质

中国馆China Pavilion 主题馆Theme Pavilions

世博演艺中心Expo Performance Centre 世博中心World Expo Centre

世博轴Expo Boulevard

boulevard ['bu:lvɑ:, 'buləvɑ:d] n. 林荫大道;(美)大马路adj. 娱乐性的centre ['sentə]中心

∙pavilion [pə'viljən] n. 阁;亭子;大帐篷;展示馆vt. 搭帐篷;置…于亭中;笼罩指定日普通票PEAK DAY Single Day Admission

指定日优惠票PEAK DAY Special Admission

平日普通票STANDARD DAY Single Day Admission

3次票 3 Day Admission 预售第一期PRE-SALE PHASE 1 会期EXPO
