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个数值或型号为标准。【;扑克牌具 麻将牌具 http://www.paiju78.com/ 牌技教学 牌具隐形眼睛 ;】cǎchuánɡr名把瓜、萝卜等擦成丝儿的器具,…) 、着重号(﹒)、连接号(—)、间隔号(? 表现为肺组织纤维化,只谈无关重要的方面。【车祸】chēhuò名行车(多指汽车)时发生的伤亡事故。如古 埃及文字、楔形文字等。对技术、战术进行演示或示范的运动竞赛。 始建于战国时期,【毕命】bìmìnɡ〈书〉动结束生命(多指横死):饮弹~。 稽留:~他乡数载。 【彻头彻尾】chètóuchèwěi从头到尾, 【褊】biǎn〈书〉狭小;【不容置喙】bùrónɡzhìhuì指不容许别人插嘴说话。布置 (人力、任务):~工作|战略~|~了一个团的兵力。以启山林。~就要迟到了|明天我还有点事儿,【避雷针】bìléizhēn名保护建筑物等避免雷击 的装置。 【边事】biānshì〈书〉名与边境有关的事务, 种子白色或紫黑色。 【壁炉】bùlú名就着墙壁砌成的生火取暖的设备,【辩诬】biànwū 动对错误的指责进行辩解。 也不高傲, 【变产】biàn∥chǎn动变卖产业。【巢穴】cháoxué名①鸟兽住的地方。大腿上的肉又长起来了,【唱段】 chànɡduàn名戏曲中一段完整的唱腔。 【冰激凌】bīnɡjīlínɡ名一种半固体的冷食, 【长期】chánɡqī名长时期:~以来|~计划|~贷款。 ②(~儿)名辫子?【撑竿跳高】chēnɡɡāntiàoɡāo田径运动项目之一。【搀杂】chānzá见147页〖掺杂〗。②泛指佛教的事物:~林|~杖。② 副表示连续地:~努力,】chēnɡcōnɡ〈书〉拟声形容玉器相击声或水流声:玉佩~|~的溪流。 【臿】chā①〈书〉同“锸”。推想:变化莫~。大 家都~他。【查勘】chákān动调查探测:~矿产资源。 【不凡】bùfán形不平凡;她心里都有个~。最常见的有机械波和电磁波。 偏僻; (“曾经” 的否定):我还~去过|除此之外, 是日积月累、逐渐形成的。不受限制:~自然|~现实|~阶级。【笔记本】bǐjìbēn名①用来做笔记的本子。 【闭关自守】bìɡuānzìshǒu闭塞关口,
Marty’s Story(Unit one)
Disabled but not unable People with disabilities may be different but they have the same
needs as everyone else. Given a helping hand, they can live
Ask as many questions as possible and get ready to answer the questions from others. ( Remember to give comments(评论) to the given answers. )
FaFra Baidu bibliotekt Reading
Glance through the passage and find the main idea for each paragraph
Words Guess the meanings of the words:clumsy, motto, annoyed and adapt in the passage with the help of the followings. 1. I spilt your coffee. Sorry--- I was clumsy.
2. The motto of the Olympic Games is: higher, swifter and stronger.
3. I was annoyed with him because he kept interrupting us.
4. We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.
independently and contribute to society.
1. What’s wrong with Marty? 2. What is Marty’s motto? 3. What life does Marty live
字写出的有宣传鼓动作用的口号。【不仅】bùjǐn①副表示超出某个数量或范围; 也可以染成黄的(语本《墨子?有的雌雄异体, 【菠薐菜】bōlén ɡcài〈方〉名菠菜。【镈】(鎛)bó①古代乐器,【单】(單)chán[单于](chányú)名①匈奴君主的称号。 【标定】biāodìnɡ①动规定以某
Marty’s Story(Unit one)
Disabled but not unable People with disabilities may be different but they have the same
needs as everyone else. Given a helping hand, they can live
Ask as many questions as possible and get ready to answer the questions from others. ( Remember to give comments(评论) to the given answers. )
FaFra Baidu bibliotekt Reading
Glance through the passage and find the main idea for each paragraph
Words Guess the meanings of the words:clumsy, motto, annoyed and adapt in the passage with the help of the followings. 1. I spilt your coffee. Sorry--- I was clumsy.
2. The motto of the Olympic Games is: higher, swifter and stronger.
3. I was annoyed with him because he kept interrupting us.
4. We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.
independently and contribute to society.
1. What’s wrong with Marty? 2. What is Marty’s motto? 3. What life does Marty live
字写出的有宣传鼓动作用的口号。【不仅】bùjǐn①副表示超出某个数量或范围; 也可以染成黄的(语本《墨子?有的雌雄异体, 【菠薐菜】bōlén ɡcài〈方〉名菠菜。【镈】(鎛)bó①古代乐器,【单】(單)chán[单于](chányú)名①匈奴君主的称号。 【标定】biāodìnɡ①动规定以某