



BUSHNELL 260542数字夜视仪说明书祝贺您购买了博士能数字夜视仪产品,它包含了高质量的电子学和光学,这款手持夜视仪利用微光图像增强器,产生的图像质量能够与2代和3代的相比。






















友讯电子设备(上海) DCS-N5440 系列网络摄像机 说明书

友讯电子设备(上海) DCS-N5440 系列网络摄像机 说明书

DCS-N5440系列网络摄像机使用说明书友讯电子设备(上海)有限公司目录一、前言 (3)二、产品规格及说明 (3)三、产品的安装 (5)( 一 )、硬件安装 (5)( 二 )、IP地址分派 (6)( 三 )、显卡器设置 (7)( 四 )、安装ActiveX控件 (8)四、操作模式 (10)五、DCS-N5440设置 (13)网络设定 (13)PPPOE设定 (14)DDNS设定 (15)无线网络设定(只限DCS-N5440W无线产品) (15)影像调整设置 (16)影像格式和声音设定 (17)邮件及FTP设定 (19)事件设定 (20)时间日期设置 (21)SD卡设定 (22)I/O输入输出 (22)注销 (23)系统设置 (23)系统备份和复位 (25)系统更新 (25)注销 (26)设备基本状态 (26)系统操作历史记录浏览 (27)注销 (27)六、网络配置 (28)(一)配置方案1 (28)(二)配置方案2 (28)七、恢复出厂设置 (29)八、联系方式 (29)一、前言DCS-N5440是款CCD网络云台摄像机。






可使用Microsoft Media Player 进行回放。


二、产品规格及说明z使用MPEG4压缩格式z支持SD卡远端录影功能z远程云台控制z无线网络连接 (802.11b/g)z双向语音z支持线上软体更新z支持网上即时A VI动态录影z兼容Microsoft Windows Media Player产品规格硬件处理器ARM 9, 32 bit RISCRAM 64MBROM 8MBCCD成像元件 1/4”视频输出口 1音频入/出 1/11out输入输出设备 in/电源功率DC 5V, 3A, 8W水平旋转 2700左右旋转 1200网络网络接口 10/Base-T100(可选)无线 802.11b/gbit128WEP 64/通讯协议HTTP, TCP/ IP, SMTP, FTP, PPPoE, DHCP, DDNS, NTP 系统摄像画素(H*V) NTSC:720x480, 352x240, 176x120PAL: 720x576, 352*288, 176x144影像调节亮度, 对比, 饱和, 色调图像快照支持全屏监视支持云台控制支持预设点8个巡视支持自动旋转支持速度控制支持影像压缩格式 MPEG-4VBR影像压宿调节 CBR,位移检测支持, 可设定3个不同的区域事件触发动作Mail, FTP, Save to SD card报警功能支持,报警可发送至邮箱安全性密码保护系统升级可使用网络线上更新同步连接支持9同时在线音频支持SD卡管理录像触发Motion Detection, Network break down图像格式A VI视频回放支持文件删除支持浏览器要求操作系统Windows 2000, XP, 2003硬件要求推荐Intel-C 2.0G, RAM: 512MB, Graphic card: 64MB最低Intel-C 1.6G, RAM: 256MB, Graphic card: 32MB三、产品的安装( 一 )、硬件安装1.连接电源2.连接网线3.架设网络环境。

数码夜视仪NV008S NV008S-LRF使用说明书

数码夜视仪NV008S NV008S-LRF使用说明书

重要注意事项1. 请勿近距离直视IR 红外补光灯,否则会对眼睛产生伤害!2. 本产品红外灯开启状态会聚焦大量能量,严禁近距离对准可燃物体,否则可能会引起火灾,不使用时请关闭IR 红外补光灯,或进入休眠状态!3. 请使用额定电压为3.7V 锂离子充电电池!4. 切勿擅自打开机壳,如发生故障请及时与厂方联系,否则将视为放弃保修服务。

—1—测距版数码夜视仪标准版NV008S数码夜视仪NV008S-LRF录像/OK/测距键开箱说明安装说明1.电池安装2.调试打开包装盒,内含夜视仪主机一台,双钉夹、六角扳手、18650 3.7V可充电锂电池各一个,以及数据线一条。



红外IR伸缩补光灯电池盖目调焦轮镜物镜调焦轮物镜镜头测距模块(测距版独有)按键板镜头盖放大(+)/播放键IR/模式切换/键(-)红点指示(PIP)/菜单键休眠/电源键TF卡卡槽Tpye-C 充电口红点指示调节口红点指示灯电源指示灯测距发射窗口测距接收窗口—4——5——8——9—3.夹具安装使用说明1.开/关机:2.休眠:3.目镜调焦:4.物镜对焦5.补光调节6.红点指示调节7.菜单操作3>画中画夜视仪下方有5个螺丝孔,根据需要使用六角扳手固定好夹具, 夹具位置可以通过固定螺丝适当调整位置,双钉夹适用多种类型的导轨。























富士S4050新手使用大全一、射月光圈: F/5.6 快门:1/60 焦距:126 毫米感光度:100在相机上选择点对焦,然后对着月亮的边缘进行点对焦或:A门光圈2.8。



或:光圈: F/5.6 快门:1/40 焦距:126 毫米感光度:100或:三脚架,长焦全开,光圈最大。







二、270°全景手持上架子效果应该会好很多,要点是要提前预先规划好起止点旋转尽量保持匀速具体操作方法:1.预先规划好起止点通过镜头可看一下并模拟旋转看一下机位和效果2.设定到移动全景模式选择好旋转方向镜头回收到最短端4mm3.对准起始点在起始点选择对焦点半按快门对焦4.合焦后全按快门等候约2秒出现旋转方向箭头和片长框5.按箭头方向匀速转动相机同步到片长框时到达终止点转动相机的速度不好掌握试几次是达到同步旋转6.到达片长框终点时机器自动存储注意相机设置要也考虑,例如出片模式 jpg、raw等.或:1.相机变焦一定要调至最广角端;2.相机将自动采取图像尺寸为5760×720,拍摄镜头要跟着箭头转动 (270°左右);有时箭头移动变慢是因为镜头跟着转动太慢的缘故;3.当拍摄动作不协调时(太快或太慢,靠实践摸索),不能开始移动全景拍摄,这不是相机故障,相机也不会留下任何痕迹。

不要泄气,再多试几次!4.按下快门时,移动箭号不会立即出现,相机镜头要继续平稳地向(左或右)前移动,这时在一长条框内出现移动的箭号,表示成功在即,go on!5.拍摄镜头附近不要出现大的移动物体。






ORPHA B120+双目双筒准3代夜视仪快速操作指南一.结构说明1.物镜2. 电池仓3. 红外辅助4. 目镜5.遮光眼罩6. 卡具(三侧各一个)7. 电源工作开关(旋钮式)二.使用说明1.根据电池仓(2)上的正负极指示,正确放置一节3V锂电池(CR123)。






5.在观测过程中当环境探测器探测到周围光照度超过40 LUX时,在10S内设备电源会自动关闭,从而防止像增强器受损。


三.夜视仪的使用注意事项1. 不要自行拆装设备;2. 应将夜视仪放置在便携包里,在干燥通风的地方保存以免镜片受潮,发霉。

要远离加热装置,避免太阳直射、高湿和温度剧烈变化的环境;3.夜视仪需在夜间使用,不能对准强光如街灯,车头灯,火光等,如需白天检测,需确保没有移走物镜保护盖,通过镜头盖上的小孔即可检测;4. 需使用质量好的锂电池,劣质电池会影响使用效果,并容易损坏器材;5. 尽量避免雨水或雾气,防止摔,晃动和碰撞;6. 镜头不要经常擦拭,如需擦拭将干净柔软的擦镜布在酒精里沾湿后再清洁透镜表面,注意不要划伤镜片;7. 超过三天不使用时请将电池取出,防止电池流液损坏器材。

PARD NV007S 夜视仪使用说明书

PARD NV007S 夜视仪使用说明书

Digital night visionPARDNV007SOperation ManualImportant note1.Don't look at the IR infrared light directly, or it will damage your eyes!2.Massive power will be gathered when the infrared light is turned on. Don't aim at flammable items at a close range, otherwise it may cause fire. Please turn the infrared light off or enter sleep mode after use.3.This product needs to be adapted with an optics scope(with AO focus or side focus) , otherwise it may not be available!4.A few optics scope may not be able to match this product because of the design of the optical path.—1—3.Indicator adjustmentholes4.Red dot indicator1.Stretchable fill light2.Battery cap5.Adapter base7.IR / m ode s witch6.Sleep/Power8.Red dot9.Menu / Playback 10.OK/Photo/Recording11.Zoom ± / WiFi14.Eyepiece dioptric adjustment ring12.Adapter clip13.Focusing knob1.Connect the adapter with the end of eyepiece of the optics scope, make sure to get a full image from the display of the unit, tighten the screws by a hex-nut wrench.3.Adapter installation—4—UnpackingThis box contains:InstallationPlease use 3.7V Lithium rechargeable flat battery 18650.Remove battery cap and make sure setting the positive polar towards to the direction inward. Put the cap back and screw it until tight. ( Fail to do so may result in restarting!).1.Battery installation2.Adjustments—5—1 NV007S; 1 Micro USB cable;2 Hex-nut wrenches; 1 Adapter;Micro SD c ard is not included. Please prepare a micro SD card (128G maximum) for data storage. If the M icro S D c ard is bigger t han 16G , t he M icro S D c ard s hould b e f ormatted i nside the unit .Instructions1.Turn On/Off :2.Sleep / Wake-up mode :3 Spacer rings;1 Electrical tape.A simple test can be taken to check the functions of the device after the installation of battery.First, rotate and adjust the eyepiece dioptre adjustment ring until you see the character icons on the screen (there's no need to see a clear image ). Second, rotate the objective lens adjustment ring until you can see your target clearly.Third, connect the adapter with the optics scope by following instructions. At last, adjust the focus ring of the optics scope to get a sharp view.(Two sizes of adapters are available and optional: 45mm and 48mm. The adapter can be applied to the optics scope with 38-48mm diameter ofeyepiece.The spacer rings and electrical tape in the package can help to install the adapter).2.Make the unit clip-on with the adapter. The installation is finished afterhearing a sound of click.3.Press and hold the adapter clip, twist the unit in a counter-clockwise direction to take off the unit.Turn on the device with a short press of Power button. Turn off the device with a long press of Power button. Power indicator will keep light when the device is turned on.Enter into the sleep mode with a short press of Power/Sleep button when the device is turned on.Power indicator will keep light when the device is under the sleep mode.—8——9—3.The eyepiece adjustment4.The objective lens focusing5.IR fill light brilliance controlIn general, set the position of AO to the point of infinity.6.Red dot Adjustment7.Menu operation2>Prerecord4>Brightness Of IR5>Brightness6>Auto RecordingReticleC enterP ositionA djustment Default Color Brightness Of IR Brightness Autorecording Looprecording Date StampPrerecord 1>Reticle Center Position AdjustmentThe purpose of dioptre adjustment is to get a clear image for users with different vision. Rotate and adjust the dioptre adjustment ring until getting a clear view of icons on the screen. One adjustment only for each eye.(Please note it's possible that the image is not clear without the adjustment of objective lens.)Make sure the eyepiece dioptre adjustment is finished. Aiming at your target, rotate and adjust the Focusing knob until getting a clear and well-focused image.fill light is stretchable which can be pull out or push back to make a quick adjustment.Turn on the device, then turn the red dot on/off with a short press of Red dot/+ button. The position of laser can be adjusted on the laser adjustment holes by a hex-nut wrench.Turn on the device, enter into the black and white mode with a long press of IR button. Switch to IR1-3 or off with a short press of IR button. The part ofPress Menu button to call out menu. Press +/- button to select options. Enter a submenu with a short press of OK button. Exit the menu with a short press of Menu button.Enter the submenu Reticle Center Position Adjustment with a short press of OK button. Press "+" or "-" to adjust the Y value; Press the IR / menu button to adjust the X value. Make sure that the crosshair coincide with the reticle in the optics scope to the center of the display. Press "OK" to save and exit."" Enter the submenu 'Prerecord' with a short press of OK button.Select 'Off' or 'On' with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.Enter the submenu “Brightness” of IR with a short press of OK button. Select “Off” ,“1”, “2”, or “3” with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.Please note this setting is for the default brightness of IR. Pressing IRbutton under Black & White mode for instant setting of IR brightness.Enter the submenu “Brightness” with a short press of OK button. Select “LEVEL 0”, “LEVEL 1”, “LEVEL 2”, “LEVEL 3” or “LEVEL 4” with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.Enter the submenu “Auto Recording” with a short press of OK button. Select “Off” or “ On” with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.3>Default ColorEnter the submenu “Default Color with a short press of OK button.Select “Color” or “Black & White” mode with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.”—12——13—10>Beep sound11>WiFi14>Date/ Time9>Record Audio13>Language12>Exposure15>FormatBeep Sound WiFi Exposure Language Date/Time FormatDefault SettingRecord Audio 8>Date StampEnter the submenu “Date Stamp” with a short press of OK button. Select “Off " or "On "with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.Enter the submenu "Record Audio " with a short press of OK button. Select "Off "or "On " with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button. This setting is to realize an audio or a silent video.Enter the submenu "Beep sound "with a short press of OK button. Select "Off "or "On "with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button. This setting is to choose whether the keyboard press sound will be recorded into the video or not.Enter the submenu "WiFi "with a short press of OK button. Select "Off "or "On " with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button. Press and hold the WiFi button to turn on/off the WiFi without opening the menu interface. (The Menu page can not be opened while WiFi is turned on)Enter the submenu “Exposure” with a short press of OK button. Select one of the options with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.Enter the submenu “Language” with a short press of OK button. Select one of the options with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button. Options include "English", "Francais", "Espanol" "Portugurs", "Deutsch", "Italino", "Pyccknn" and "Cesky".date with a short press of +/- button. Select "YY/MM/DD”, “MM/DD/YY” or “DD/MM/YY” as your date format with a short press of +/- button. Save selected date and exit the submenu with a short press of Menu button.Select "Cancel"or "OK"with a short press of +/- button. Please take extreme caution to perform this operation. All data could not be recovered if formatted.Enter the submenu “Format” with a short press of OK button.16>Default SettingEnter the submenu "Default Setting" with a short press of OK button. Select “Cancel"or "OK" with a short press of +/- button.Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.17>VersionEnter the submenu “Version” with a short press of OK button to check the unit's firmware version.Enter the submenu “Date/Time” with a short press of OK button. Select one of the options with OK button. Select a correct value for year, month andThe default user name and password of WiFi are PARD and 12345678.7>Loop RecordingEnter the submenu “Loop Recording” with a short press of OK button. Select “Off” , “3 minutes”, “5 minutes” or “10 minutes” with a short press of +/- button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.Model No.Magnification IR powerIR wave length IR illuminate distance Adapter size Video resolution Eyepiece resolution VoltageOutput typeBatteryDimensionWeightNV007S4x-14x 5w850/940nm 45 / 48mm18650x11920*1080>8hBattery life Storage typeT F CardFocusing1024*768250m102*75*118SpecificationsWarranty—17—Frame rate 30fps Transmission method WiFimp43.7V265g Notice :Photo resolution 2592*19443cm-∞—16—Warranty cardProduct model :Product code : Date of purchase :W arranty period :User Name :User's phone :User address :Warranty records :Product specifications are subject to change without notice.The right to interpret this manual is owned by PARD.Press and hold “Menu/playback” button to playback video clips stored in SD card;Press “OK/photo/recording” button to take photos; Press and hold OK/photo/recording button to make/save video recording;Press “-”button to zoom in/out;Press “+”button to turn on/off Red dot indicator.8.ShortcutsUnder the user interface:Press and hold”IR fill light brilliance control /Color or BW mode” button to make switch between color / BW mode;Press and hold “-/WiFi” button to turn on/off WiFi;This product is warranted against defects in materials and workmanshipfor a period of two year from the date of purchase. This warranty is for the original purchaser only! Operate this device in daylight or view any strong radiation source like the Sun, electric welding and Laser directly may cause permanent damage to internal partsof this device and this is not covered by the Warranty.Telephone :+86-0755-********Address:No. 328 Baoshi East Road, Shiyan, Baoan District, Shenzhen, ChinaWebsite :www .pard -tech .com。



一. 夜视仪使用说明the instruction for night vision device:1.夜视仪是用于在夜间和微光下观察目标的精密光电子仪器。


1.Niht vision device is a precise optical and electronic equipment which is used for observing the objects at night and under lower-light condition. It is equipped with infrared emitter in order to enable it can be used under extreme caliginous condition.2. 夜视仪在没有保护盖时禁止白天开启。






特别强的光源会导致夜视仪损坏(如白天持续十秒)2. The device is prohibited using without protection lens cap during daytime. The duration could not last over 3 minutes when checking up the performance and function in house with illumination and the lens cap has to be used and the device can not face to stronglamp-house, the strong lamp-house enters into inside the device might damage it or reduce its use life. It should avoid stronglamp-house when observe object with the lens cap. The visibility might decrease and even vanish thoroughly when stronglamp-house enters into the device, in that moment, the stronglamp-house should be moved on immediately, 1~2 minutes later, the function can recover. Very strong lamp-house may cause the device damaged (for instance, the duration lasts over 10 seconds) .3.夜视仪允许1分钟以内的强闪光和闪烁,视场观察到的光斑不是夜视仪的缺陷,而是外部光源闪烁引起的。

The RANGER PRO 5x42数码夜视仪使用手册

The RANGER PRO 5x42数码夜视仪使用手册

The RANGER PRO 5x42数码夜视仪使用手册包装内容*单筒数字专业夜视仪*皮套*颈带*外部的电池容器*可变电源开关适配器*输出视频线*镜头清洁布*操作手册*CD指南*保修登记卡*汽车适配器为了改进产品的目的,设计可能随时更改。

操作手册The RANGER PRO 5x42数码夜视仪是在The RANGER 5x42夜视仪基础上改进设计的。

在与原产品型号相比,The RANGER PRO5x42数码夜视仪采用了更大范围的视野(600米),由于采用了更灵敏的CCD阵列和先进的编程技术。

The RANGER PRO5x42数码夜视仪配备了一个内置的,高功率红外照明器可进行逐步红外调整,并有内存控制器,在夜间条件下提供最高效的可视效果。


The RANGER PRO 5x42数码夜视仪有一个内置的视频输出接口,可以用来与显示器设备配对,或通过录音设备(如育空移动播放机/录像机)记录视频。


该单元配备了一个特殊的连接器,该连接器允许The RANGER PRO 5x42数码夜视仪由12伏汽车电源插座供电。


The RANGER PRO 5x42数码夜视仪具有符合人体工程学设计,防水,耐用,塑料机身,有助于保护仪器和实现多功能性用途。

育空河The RANGER PRO 5x42数码夜视仪是用于以下应用场合的理想选择:: *监控*狩猎和野营*运动和夜间导航和观察*商业及个人捕鱼和划船*救援,恢复,安全和执法*从黎明到绝对黑暗在不断变化的光线条件下,进行监控和录像电池安装1。






注意容器壁上标明<< + >>(正)和<< - >>(负)符号。



1. 打开数码夜视仪电源:在数码夜视仪上找到电源开关,将其打开,等待电源指示灯亮起。

2. 调整镜头焦距:使用数码夜视仪的调焦环,将焦点调整到清晰明亮的画面。

3. 调节亮度:在数码夜视仪上找到亮度调节按钮,逐步调节亮度,确保画面明亮但不过曝。

4. 调节对比度:在数码夜视仪上找到对比度调节按钮,逐步调节对比度,确保画面清晰有深度。

5. 开启夜视模式:在数码夜视仪上找到夜视模式开关,将其打开,等待夜视模式指示灯亮起。

6. 调节夜视模式亮度:在数码夜视仪上找到夜视模式亮度调节按钮,逐步调节亮度,确保画面明亮但不过曝。

7. 使用数码夜视仪:将数码夜视仪对准目标,观察画面。

8. 关闭数码夜视仪:在使用完毕后,关闭数码夜视仪电源。




































夜视仪操作指南- 1 -请先阅读“夜视仪”在本手册中称为“本机”。


警告◆按照激光安全国际标准,本产品属于四类激光产品(CLASS Ⅳ)。



- 2 -◆在激光灯工作时,2米以内,切勿用手或身体其它部分对激光阻挡,以免发生对皮肤伤害或火灾。




注意事项1. 请勿将产品置于不稳定的平面上进行测试、安装等操作,在进行操作前要确保机器摆放平稳、装配牢固。


- 3 -3.接线时必须遵守各项电气安全标准,充电时请使用本机自带的专用充电电源或车载充电器充电,使用其他品牌充电器充电造成损失的本公司不负任何责任。

4. 不要在超出温度、湿度标准的环境下使用。

摄录仪使用温度为-10℃至45℃,湿度小于 90%。

5. 本产品内部并无用户可自行维修的部件,当机器有故障时,请勿轻易对机器进行任何修理操作,应先参照说明书查出故障,查不出原因则请专业人员维修。


- 4 -目录请先阅读 (2)本机参数 (8)各部品名称......................................... - 12 - 准备工作..................................................... - 18 - 检查箱内附件..................................... - 18 - 安装示意图:............................................. - 21 - 背带安装............................................. - 21 -底座安装 (22)镜头盖、遮光罩安装 (23)三脚架安装......................................... - 24 - 快速操作指南............................................. - 25 - 充电..................................................... - 25 -开关机................................................. - 28 -按键操作说明..................................... - 29 -面板显示说明..................................... - 31 -基本操作说明..................................... - 33 -工作模式介绍..................................... - 35 -- 5 -录像/播放 ................................................... - 37 - 手动录像............................................. - 37 -播放..................................................... - 39 -快进/快退 ........................................... - 40 -音量加/减 ........................................... - 41 -电脑上播放......................................... - 43 - 特种功能使用及注意事项................................. - 44 - 自定义本机 ........................................................ - 45 - 主菜单设定................................................. - 46 - 摄像机设置................................................. - 49 - 录像系统设置............................................. - 53 - 影像设定..................................................... - 54 - 画质设定............................................. - 54 - 录像设定..................................................... - 58 - 预约时间............................................. - 59 -覆盖功能............................................. - 64 -档案长度............................................. - 65 -- 6 -录像模式..................................................... - 68 - 播放与删除视频文件................................. - 70 - 系统设定..................................................... - 72 - 时间设置............................................. - 74 -格式化................................................. - 74 -记忆卡信息......................................... - 75 - 简易故障排除及维修................................. - 78 - 注意事项............................................. - 81 - 配件清单..................................................... - 82 -- 7 -本机参数- 9 -- 10 -- 11 -- 12 - 各部品名称右选择菜单/确认 向下/缩小 模式/返回 左选择 向上/放大内置麦克风显示屏充电指示灯(内置)录像回放/暂停/删除/AE 录像回放/暂停(39页)删除(42页)AE调整(44页)底座开关机手动录像录像回放脚垫- 13 -录像键/强光抑制录像:(37页)强光抑制:(44页)开关机长按3秒钟进行开关机超声波感应器左挂绳柱摄像机激光光源右挂绳柱喇叭- 14 -麦克风插孔复位按钮激光开关耳机插孔DC IN插孔左把手:外置麦克风插孔。

Speco 180度夜视摄像头用户使用说明书

Speco 180度夜视摄像头用户使用说明书

INSTRUCTION MANUAL4MP Flexible Intensifier T echnology TVI 180Degree CameraSpeco Technologies is constantly developing product improvements.We reserve the right to modify product design and specifications without notice and without incurring any obligation.Rev. 01/01/2021H4FB1(Bullet Camera)Contents◑ Contents (2)◑ Precautions .................................................3, 4◑ Safety Instructions .. (5)◑ Package Contents (6)◑ Camera Installation .....................................7-8◑ Specifications. (9)◑ Camera Dimension (10)◑ Features (11)◑ OSD Menu Details ......................................12-25◑ Trouble Shooting .. (26)- 2 -- 4 -CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPENCAUTION:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT REMOVE COVER(OR BACK).NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.ISO14001The lightning flash with an arrowhead symbol, within an equilateraltriangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulateddangerous voltage within the product's enclosure that may be ofsufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alertthe user to the presence of important operating and maintenance(servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.INFORMATION - This equipment has been tested and found to comply with limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules & CE Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.WARNING - Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.CAUTION : To prevent electric shock and risk of fire hazards:ōDo NOT use power sources other than those specified.WARNING - To prevent electric shock and risk of fire hazards:Do NOT use power sources other than that specified.Do NOT expose this appliance to rain or moisture.In USA and Canada, Use Class 2 Power Supply OnlySafety InstructionsPrecautions for use◑T his camera should be installed by qualified personnel only◑T here are no user serviceable parts inside◑ Do not disassemble this camera other than to make initial adjustments◑ Use a UL approved regulated 24 volt AC or 12 volt DC power supply◑Use appropriate low voltage power cable to prevent fire or electrical shock ◑Please insure that your installation area can support the weight of the cameraPlease handle this camera carefully :◑D o not use a strong or abrasive detergent when cleaning the camera◑ Do not install near cooling or heating device- 5 -Package ContentsPlease make sure that the following items are included in the Package:1) H4FB1 Included Junction Box• 1 Power Jack• 1 Mount Base Sticker• 1 Wrench• Set Screw- 4 Tapping Screws 4x25- 4 Hexagon Socket Screws M4x14- 4 Plastic Anchor- 6 -Camera Dimension 1) H4FB12.33”3.36”7.46”2.33”3.73”dia3.12”dia- 10 -General Features●Transfer Video InterfaceThe combination of a 5Mega CMOS image sensor and TVI DSP provides an excellent resolution of TVI picture.●DNRSmart DNR prevents the image blurring of moving object and activates only if moving objects are appearing on the scene.●Smart-IRNo saturation image, vivid image in darkness! "TVI" camera makes very sharp video image in darkness! This technology eliminates saturation of video image of the closer object in darkness by control of the IR sensitivity. Saturation never happens in our "TVI"cameras, you can enjoy vivid image in any dark condition!●Sens-UpDespite a limited & low light condition, Sens-Up - Max. x32 helps the viewer to get visible and clear images.●DefogDefog function “improves” the clarity of images taken in poor conditions such as fog, smoke, rain or snow.●WDRA powerful and advanced technology that captures a high resolution picture even where images appear dark.●CVBS(Composite Video Blanking and Sync)TV system is switchable 'NTSC' or 'PAL' with built-in OSD.●Intelligent FunctionAn extraordinary technology that enables Speco Technologies TVI to become the ultimate solution by providing intelligent features based on motion detection. It also strengthens crime prevention and detection.- 11 -How to Set Up the camera menu ●Setup MenuMENULENSSENS-UPBACKLIGHTDNR1.PRESET2.MAIN SETUP INDOOR / OUTDOOR / LOW LIGHT / HALLWAY / LOBBY(WDR) / ELEVATOR1.ALC2.EXPOSURE3.BACKLIGHTOFFONBRIGHTNESSSHUTTERSENS-UPAGCRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)OFFHLCBLCWDRLENGTHRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0~20 default : 10AUTOMANUALFLICKEROFF, X2, X4, X8, X16, X320~10 default : 10LEVELMODERETURNH-POSV-POSH-SIZEV-SIZERETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)WDR MODEWEIGHTRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0~6 default : 0INDOOR/OUTDOOR/DEBLURRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)1/30, 1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/700, 1/1000, 1/1600, 1/2500, 1/5000, 1/7000, 1/10000, 1/30000(30P)1/60, 1/120, 1/250, 1/700, 1/1000, 1/1600, 1/2500, 1/5000, 1/7000, 1/10000, 1/30000, 1/50000(60P)0~20 default : 10BLK/WHT/YEL/CYN/GRN/MAG/RED/BLU0~20 default : 110~19 default : 100~20 default : 30~12 default : 3LINE/FRAMEOFFBOXPOLYGONLOW/MIDDLE/HIGHWINDOW ZONEWINDOW USEH-POSV-POSH-SIZEV-SIZERETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)WINDOW ZONEWINDOW USEPOS0-XPOS0-YPOS1-XPOS1-YPOS2-XPOS2-YPOS3-XPOS3-YRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0 ~ 3 default : 0ON/OFF0 ~ 1920 default : 4260 ~ 1080 default : 2400 ~ 1920 default : 5120 ~ 1080 default : 4320 ~ 3 default : 0ON/OFFdefault : 420default : 240default : 730default : 240default : 426default : 540default : 726default : 540 INDOORDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX8OFFHIGHOUTDOORDC LENS : OUTDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX16OFFHIGHLOWLIGHTDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX32OFFHIGHHALLWAYDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX8OFFMIDDLELOBBYDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX8WDRLOWELEVATORDC LENS : INDOORMANUAL LENS : AUTOX8OFFLOWSPECO PRESET MODE defaultSPECO TECH- 12 -How to Set Up the camera menu ●Setup MenuMENU4.DAY&NIGHT5.WHITE BAL6.SPECO DNR7.IMAGE AUTOCOLORB&WEXTERNAUTO/AWB/AWC-SETMANUALOFF/LOW/MIDDLE/HIGHSHARPNESSCOLOR GAINGAMMAMIRRORFLIPD-ZOOMACEDEFOGSHADINGPRIVACYD>N THRES(AGC)N>D THRES(AGC)DELAYRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)SMART - IRGHOST_CATLED LEVELD>N THRES(CDS)N>D THRES(CDS)DELAYRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)C-TEMPR-GAINB-GAINRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0 ~ 10 default : 100 ~ 20 default : 100.45, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65ON/OFFON/OFF1.0X ~ 16X default : 1.0XOFF, LOW, MIDDLE, HIGHONOFFONOFFBOXPOLYGON0~20 default : 130~20 default : 3LOW, MIDDLE, HIGH0~20 default : 2ON/OFF0~10 default : 100~20 default : 130~20 default : 7LOW, MIDDLE, HIGH3000K/5000K/8000K0~20 default : 100~20 default : 10MODELEVELRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)WEIGHTRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)ONOFFONAUTO/MANUALLOW,MIDDLE,HIGH0% ~ 100% default : 100%ZONE NUMZONE DISPH-POSV-POSH-SIZEV-SIZEY LEVELCB LEVELCR LEVELTRANSRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)ZONE NUMZONE DISPPOS0-XPOS0-YPOS1-XPOS1-YPOS2-XPOS2-YPOS3-X0~15 default : 0ON/OFF0~60 default : 120~34 default : 20~60 default : 30~34 default : 30~20 default : 100~20 default : 100~20 default : 100~3 default : 00~15 default : 0ON/OFFdefault : 80default : 5default : 88default : 5default : 88default : 13default : 80- 13 -How to Set Up the camera menu ●Setup MenuMENU3.EXIT 8.SYSTEM9.EXITRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)VIDEO OUTPUTIMAGE RANGELANGUAGECAM TITLERESETRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)SAVE/CANCELOUTPUTFRAME RATEFREQCONFIRMRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)FULLCOMPUSERENG, CHN, CHN(S), JPN, KOROFFRIGHT UPLEFT DOWNON-PUSHINGOFFTVI720/30P, 1080/30P, 1440/30P, 1944/20P, 1944/12.5P50HZ/60HZYES(PUSH)OFFSETRETURNPOS3-YY LEVELCB LEVELCR LEVELTRANSRETURN (SAVE/CANCEL)0~32 default : 10default : 130~20 default : 100~20 default : 100~20 default : 100~3 default : 2- 14 -SPECO TECH1. PRESET2.MAIN SETUP3.EXITINDOORMENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXIT OFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLE3. Change menu settings using the Left or Right button.* Available values or Status are displayed by pressing the Left or Right buttons. Press the button until desired value / status is displayed.4. After Changing the setting move the arrow indicator to EXIT and press the- 15 -- 16 -ALC[ON/OFF] : Automatic Lens Control (ALC) is easily adjusted fixed lens field of view angle adjustment.MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLE1. On the Set Up menu, Select EXPOSURE by using the Up or Down button.2. EXPOSUREMENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLE2. EXPOSUREBRIGHTNESS SHUTTER SENS-UP AGC RETURN 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| AUTOX810 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|HLC : This function is used to surpress or strong light source (for example, headlights of cars during nighttime) so that other subjects can be seen in more detail. If you select HLC, a submenu appears where you can make finer adjustments.- LEVEL : Adjust the brightness level from which on the light source is to be masked out.- MODE : Select the color of HLC range.HLCLEVEL MODE RETURN 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| BLKBLC : This function is used to counterbalance the screen image by increasing the brightness so that asubject which appears dark due to a strong backlight can be displayed in more detail. If you select BLC, a submenu appears where you can make finer adjustments.- H-POS/V-POS/H-SIZE/V-SIZE : Define the position and size of the area of interest by changing the positionBLCH-POS V-POS H-SIZE V-SIZE RETURN111033 MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXIT OFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLEWDRWDR MODE WEIGHT RETURN FRAME OFFAUTO : Automatically, It shifts into the color mode in the bright environment and the B/W mode in the low light condition. It can adjust the delay time, starting brightness and end brightness according to the ambient conditions by pressing the Set button.INTENSIFIER : The bright screen can be displayed by sensing the degree of the darkness automatically under the circumstance of low light condition or at night.- SMART IR. : 0~20 smart IR level adjustable.- GHOST_CAT[ON/OFF] : Get rid of Ghost phenomenon (image dragging) when set-up the SENS-UP - LED LEVEL : 0~10 IR ADJUST level adjustable.- D>N THRES(CDS) : 0~20 CDS THRES level adjustable. - N>D THRES(CDS) : 0~20 CDS THRES level adjustable.- DELAY [LOW/MIDDLE/HIGH] : Set the delay time for switching between COLOR and B/W.4. DAY&NIGHTSMART-IR GHOST_CAT LED LEVELD&N THRES(CDS)N&D THRES(CDS)DELAY RETURN2 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| OFF10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| 13 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| 7 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| LOWMENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLEAUT0 : Use this mode when the color temperature is from 3,000k to 8,000k.AWB : The function to search for the color which is matched well with the ambient environment. SET : After letting camera focus on the blank white paper to the best condition of current lighting environment, press the SET button. If the lighting condition is changed, Re-adjustment MANUAL : Manual compensation make the more detailed control possible. First, after adjusting the white balance using the ATW or AWB mode, change the mode into the manual compensation mode and then press Set button. While looking at the color change of the subject seen on the screen after setting up the proper color temperature, increase the each value of the blue and the red.- C-TEMP : 3000K/5000K/8000K level adjustable.- R-GAIN : 0~20 level adjustable.- B-GAIN : 0~20 level adjustable.- Return : Every function is set up at the WHITE BAL menu, and then return the previous menu.MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXIT OFF OFF AUTO AUTO MIDDLE- 22 -When selecting, the following submenu will appear.Here you can optimise the image quality by adjusting different options.MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFFOFFAUTOAUTOMIDDLEMENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFFOFFAUTOAUTOMIDDLE7. IMAGESHARPNESS COLOR GAIN GAMMA MIRROR FLIPD-ZOOM ACE DEFOG SHADING PRIVACY RETURN 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII| 0.65OFFOFF1.0XOFFOFFOFF* BOXZONE NUM [0~15] : Select a mask out of the 16 mask areas and set the options below for the selected mask.ZONE DISP [ON, OFF] : Choose ON to activate privacy masks and press OFF to deactivate masks.H-POS [0~60] : Define the horizontal start position of the privacy mask.V-POS [0~34] : Define the vertical start position of the privacy mask.H-SIZE [0~60] : Define the horizontal size of the privacy mask.V-SIZE [0~34] : Define the vertical size of the privacy mask.Y LEVEL [0~20] : Define the brightness of the mask color.CB LEVEL [0~20] : Define the blue amount of the mask color.CR LEVEL [0~20] : Define the red amount of the mask color.TRANS [0~3] : Applies a tone from the window to act on the selected area.* POLYGONZONE NUM [0~15] : Select a mask out of the 16 mask areas and set the options below for the selected mask.ZONE DISP [ON, OFF] : Choose ON to activate privacy masks and press OFF to deactivate masks.POS0-X : You can select the horizontal & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS0-Y : You can select the vertical & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS1-X : You can select the horizontal & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS1-Y : You can select the vertical & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS2-X : You can select the horizontal & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS2-Y : You can select the vertical & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS3-X : You can select the horizontal & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.POS3-Y : You can select the vertical & Diagonal starting position of the monitoring area.Y LEVEL [0~20] : Define the brightness of the mask color.CB LEVEL [0~20] : Define the blue amount of the mask color.CR LEVEL [0~20] : Define the red amount of the mask color.TRANS [0~3] : Applies a tone from the window to act on the selected area.8. SYSTEMThis can be used when you want to select the additional function control.1.When the SETUP menu is displayed, select SYSTEM using the Up and Down button.2. Select one of the mode using the Up and Down button.- 24 -8.SYSTEMVIDEO OUTPUTIMAGE RANGE LANGUAGE CAM TITLE RESET RETURNFULLENGOFFON, 1080/30P , 1440/30P , 1944/20P , 1944/12.5P] : Choose output type. - FREQ[60Hz/50Hz] : You can select PAL (25FPS) or NTSC (30FPS).- CONFIRM : Apply the setting value of output mode.(If confirm is not applied after changing the output mode, the setting value is not changed.)IMAGE RANGE : Adjust the rate of YC signal to 100%(FULL), 75%(COMP) or 100%~75%(USER).LANGUAGE : ENG, CHN, CHN(S), JPN, KORCAM TITLE : It can be adjusted when you get into the Cam Title menu. This function is to MENU1. ALC2. EXPOSURE3. BACKLIGHT4. DAY&NIGHT5. WHITE BAL6. SPECO DNR7. IMAGE8. SYSTEM9. EXITOFFOFFAUTOAUTOMIDDLE- 26 -Trouble ShootingPROBLEMNothing appears on the screen.☞Check the power cable, power supply output and videoconnection between the camera and monitor.☞Are the camera lens or the lens glass dirty?Clean the lens / glass with a soft clean cloth.☞Adjust the monitor controls, as required.☞If the camera is facing a very strong light, change the camera position.☞Adjust the lens focus.☞Adjust the contrast control of the monitor.☞If there is an intermediate device, correctly set the 75Ω/Hz.☞Has MOTION DET been set to ON in the menu?☞Has MD AREA been properly defined?☞Check that the AGC setting in the EXPOSURE menu is’t set to OFF.☞1. VERY RARELY, the auto-focusing may not work.But, this is not a defect. This symptom occurs due to the product’s specific feature. For this reason, if you experience this symptom, then please manually move the control board once to the left and once to the right. Then, the focusing will be corrected and working properly as it should.☞2. (Recommendation) ONE PUSH FeatureIn case the focusing does not work, please do the following to correct this problem. Menu -> 1. 2MOTOR -> 3. ONEPUSHAF -> Push the “ON” button for 1 second. -> The Auto Focusing will begin upon changing to “PUSHING”.☞Make sure that the camera isn’t facing direct sunlight or fluorescent lighting. If necessary,change the camera position.☞Check the settings in WHITE BALANCE menu.☞Check the camera is correctly connected to an appropriate regulated power source.The image on the screen is dim.The camera is not working properly and the surface of the camera is hot.The image on the screen is dark.Motion Detection is not activated.The color of the picture is not correct.The image on the screen flickers. The SENS-UP does not work.Auto-Focusing Is Not Working Properly.POSSIBLE CAUSE。



Yukon数码夜视仪28041使用说明书说明书图例对照①镜头②电池盒③电源开关④指示灯⑤焦圈⑥光源强度调节开关⑦光源强度调节开关⑧散热管⑨目镜⑩红外开关⑾视频接口⑿电源接口⒀调焦⒁激光增补器Model Yukon (28041)传感器类型CCD Digital NV分辨率(min),lp/mm 40lp/mm typical观察距离 ,m (1/4月光0.05lux) 250m @ 人大小的目标红外波长,nm 940nm红外功率,nw 2000nw放大倍率,x 5x视场角5°物镜口镜,mm 42mm 1m to ∞屈光度-4D to +4D电池电压7.2-9 (6xAA)电池连续工作时间 (with / without IR),hours 4/10输入电压,V DC 6-12V 1000mA视频录制格式,CCIR (PAL 兼容)灵制图像分辨率,pixels (HxV) 510x492三角架接型号,inch 1/4工作温度,°C -20°C to +35°C产品尺寸,mm 170x116x76产品重量 0.65 kg质保时间 1 year说明:测试环境为无雾,无尘,1/4月圆环境下。






Onick NK-730 金属版数码夜视仪使用说明书

Onick NK-730 金属版数码夜视仪使用说明书

Onick NK-730金属版数码夜视仪使用说明书欢迎使用Onick NK-730金属版数码夜视仪产品,本产品白天夜间均可使用。


0.4"高清1280*720P显示屏;1080P FHD高清录像,4032 x 3024高清拍照;产品的内置WIFI可连接手机,用户可在手机上同步观看和操作;最大支持FAT32格式储存卡128GB。



请勿尝试自己修理产品,非专业人士仅限于用干燥柔软的擦镜布清洁镜头1,目镜手轮 7,红/绿指示灯 13,TF卡口2,物镜手轮 8,开关键/IR灯亮度调节键 14,Micro USB口3, 物镜 9,录像/拍照键/回放键 15,USB 盖子4, 红外IR 灯 10,显示屏亮度调节键 16,镜头盖/红外滤光镜5, 电池盖 11,目镜 (白天使用,晚上需取下来) 6,MENU 按钮/拨轮 12,HDMI 输出使用步骤:(对照上图编号进行操作) 电池安装/供电:本机器供电方式有2种;1, 逆时针转动 “5”打开电池盖,按电池正负极标识要求将2节CR123A 电池装入电池筒内,再顺时针装回电池盖。

2,可以直接通过“14” Micro USB 接口外接5V2A 移动电源(充电宝)进行供电。

开机/关机:按“8”一次,目镜旁边的绿色指示灯“7”亮起,同时通过目镜可以看见开机Welcome 界面表示开机;长按“8”2秒钟,通过目镜可以看见“Good Bye ”字样及画面表示关机。




夜视仪操作指南- 1 -请先阅读“夜视仪”在本手册中称为“本机”。


警告◆按照激光安全国际标准,本产品属于四类激光产品(CLASS Ⅳ)。



- 2 -◆在激光灯工作时,2米以内,切勿用手或身体其它部分对激光阻挡,以免发生对皮肤伤害或火灾。




注意事项1. 请勿将产品置于不稳定的平面上进行测试、安装等操作,在进行操作前要确保机器摆放平稳、装配牢固。


- 3 -3.接线时必须遵守各项电气安全标准,充电时请使用本机自带的专用充电电源或车载充电器充电,使用其他品牌充电器充电造成损失的本公司不负任何责任。

4. 不要在超出温度、湿度标准的环境下使用。

摄录仪使用温度为-10℃至45℃,湿度小于 90%。

5. 本产品内部并无用户可自行维修的部件,当机器有故障时,请勿轻易对机器进行任何修理操作,应先参照说明书查出故障,查不出原因则请专业人员维修。


- 4 -目录请先阅读 (2)本机参数 (8)各部品名称......................................... - 12 - 准备工作..................................................... - 18 - 检查箱内附件..................................... - 18 - 安装示意图:............................................. - 21 - 背带安装............................................. - 21 -底座安装 (22)镜头盖、遮光罩安装 (23)三脚架安装......................................... - 24 - 快速操作指南............................................. - 25 - 充电..................................................... - 25 -开关机................................................. - 28 -按键操作说明..................................... - 29 -面板显示说明..................................... - 31 -基本操作说明..................................... - 33 -工作模式介绍..................................... - 35 -- 5 -录像/播放 ................................................... - 37 - 手动录像............................................. - 37 -播放..................................................... - 39 -快进/快退 ........................................... - 40 -音量加/减 ........................................... - 41 -电脑上播放......................................... - 43 - 特种功能使用及注意事项................................. - 44 - 自定义本机 ........................................................ - 45 - 主菜单设定................................................. - 46 - 摄像机设置................................................. - 49 - 录像系统设置............................................. - 53 - 影像设定..................................................... - 54 - 画质设定............................................. - 54 - 录像设定..................................................... - 58 - 预约时间............................................. - 59 -覆盖功能............................................. - 64 -档案长度............................................. - 65 -- 6 -录像模式..................................................... - 68 - 播放与删除视频文件................................. - 70 - 系统设定..................................................... - 72 - 时间设置............................................. - 74 -格式化................................................. - 74 -记忆卡信息......................................... - 75 - 简易故障排除及维修................................. - 78 - 注意事项............................................. - 81 - 配件清单..................................................... - 82 -- 7 -本机参数- 9 -- 10 -- 11 -- 12 - 各部品名称右选择菜单/确认 向下/缩小 模式/返回 左选择 向上/放大内置麦克风显示屏充电指示灯(内置)录像回放/暂停/删除/AE 录像回放/暂停(39页)删除(42页)AE调整(44页)底座开关机手动录像录像回放脚垫- 13 -录像键/强光抑制录像:(37页)强光抑制:(44页)开关机长按3秒钟进行开关机超声波感应器左挂绳柱摄像机激光光源右挂绳柱喇叭- 14 -麦克风插孔复位按钮激光开关耳机插孔DC IN插孔左把手:外置麦克风插孔。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Time Setting Guidance for 5X40 Night Vision
To simplify the handling of the complexity of the night vision, we do not use the buttons for time setting. Please refer to the following steps to set your time.
(1) Connect the USB interface of the night vision to a computer.
(2) Create a new “time.txt” file on your computer and copy it to TF
card of the night vision. Or create a new “time.txt” file on the TF
card of the night vision directly.
(3) Be sure to enter the date and time under the “time.txt” format.
The correct time and date format is as following show:
2012.09.15 09:19:03
The screen will display the "set time ok" once the time and date setting is finished. Meanwhile, the “time.txt” file will be
destroyed and deleted automatically.
Remark: Disconnect the USB interface of the night vision to the computer.
Reboot the night vision and the screen will show the current time and date.
The correct time and date on the night vision will maintain normal travel time in the case of continuous power. Please promptly inserted into the USB or external power supply to charge for the night vision when lacking of power.
April 2, 2014
(1) 把本机的USB接口和计算机连接好。

(2) 在计算机上新建一个time.txt文件拷贝到夜视仪TF卡里,或者直接在夜视仪的TF卡里新建一个time.txt文件。

(3) 在time.txt文件中按要求格式输入日期和时间,如:
2012.09.15 09:19:03
时间设置完成后会显示“set time OK”。





