MQ03-LTE-M-FIRE 蜂窝通信器安装和操作手册说明书

MQ03-LTE-M-FIRECellular Communicator with Dial Capture interfaceInstallation and Operation ManualDoc. No. 03002 V 1.1 08/2020© M2M Services1 Kukush Str, building M8Sofia 1309, BulgariaAbout this documentThis document was developed and wholly owned by M2M Services. It is intended to assist trained personnel with the installation of MQ03-LTE-M-FIRE. M2M Services reserves the right to modify and revise this manual without notice.Agency Listings and ApprovalsThese listings and approvals apply only to the module specified in this document. In some cases, the listing may be in process.FCC StatementThis equipment complies with FCC rules Part 15, FCC registration No. XMR201707BG96 and operation is subject to the following conditions:- This device may not cause harmful interference, and - This device must accept any interference received.ETL No. 5013005, conforms to the following UL standards:CAL FIRE OSFM BML No. 7300-2329:0500UL 864 – Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems UL 1610 – Central-Station Burglar Alarm Units Limited LiabilityThe user agrees that despite the Device could reduce the risk of fire, theft, burglary or other dangers, it does not guarantee against such events. M2M Services will not take any responsibility regarding personal, property or revenue loss while using the Device. M2M Services responsibility according to local laws does not exceed the value of the purchased system. M2M Services is not affiliated with GSM operators providing cellular services, therefore is not responsible for network services, coverage or its operation.Manufacturer WarrantyThe Device carries a non-transferable hardware limited warranty by themanufacturer M2M Services. This warranty does not cover any postal or labor costs for the removal and reinstallation of the Device. This warranty does not cover any subscriber agreements or failure of services provided under the terms of such subscriber agreements, or failure of cellular, GPRS, LAN or other related networks functions and services. The warranty does not apply to any Device that has been modified or used in a manner contrary to its intended purpose and does not cover damage to the Device caused by installation or removal of the Device or any of its components. This warranty is voided if the Device has been damaged by improper maintenance, SIM card removal, accident or unreasonable use, negligence, acts of God, neglect, improper service or other causes not arising out of defect inmaterials or construction. This warranty does not cover the elimination of externally generated static or noise, or the correction of antenna problems or weak signal reception, damage to software, accessories or alarm system external components, cosmetic damage or damage due to negligence, misuse, abuse, failure to follow operating instructions, accidental spills or customer applied cleaners, damage due to environmental causes such as floods, airborne fallout, chemicals, salt, hail, windstorms, moisture, lightning or extreme temperatures, damage due to fire, theft, loss or vandalism, damage due to improper storage and connection to equipment of another manufacturer, modification of existing equipment, faulty installation or short circuit.In no event will M2M Services be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages (including loss of profits), and the Client shall have no claim against M2M Services for termination of contracts, indemnification, compensation for loss of customers, loss of profits, prospective profits, distribution rights, market share, goodwill, investments made or any similar losses that may result from any faults in the operation of the Device and the services provided by M2M Services.Safety InstructionsThis unit must be checked by a qualified technician once a year.LTE CAT M1 communicator MQ03-LTE-M-FIRE (the Device) contains a radio transceiver operating in LTE CAT M1 bands.Do not use the Device with medical devices, or where it can interfere with other devices and cause any potential danger.Do not expose the Device to high humidity, chemical environment or mechanical impacts.Do not use the Device in a hazardous environment. Don’t store or install the Device in overheated, dusty, wet or overcooled places.The Device is mounted in limited access areas. Any system repairs must be done only by qualified, safety aware personnel. Don’t disassemble or refit the Device. Do not attempt to personally repair it.Mains power must be disconnected before any installation or tuning work starts. The device installation or maintenance must not be done during stormy conditions.The device must be powered by DC 12-29V, 200mA power supply.Blown fuses or any other components of the Device must not be replaced by the user.Keep the Device dry. Any liquid, i.e. rain, moisture, may destroy or damage the inside circuitry.Handle carefully. Don’t vibrate or shake it violently.Please read the user manual carefully before installation and operation of the Device. Otherwise, it may not work properly or be destroyed.Technical SupportFor support in the USA and Canada, contact M2M Services Technical Support at:Telephone: 1-800-403-7029Email: support@ Website: Product DescriptionThe MQ03-LTE-M-FIRE is a digital cellular communicator with a dial capture interface. It represents the latest communication technology for the security industry. The new LTE CAT M1 connectivity brings better indoor signal penetration and greater stability. The communicator is equipped with dual-SIM sand supports multiple cellular networks.This communication solution is a complete communication platform for data transfer from alarm systems at remote sites to Central Monitoring Stations (CMS). The platform allows bi-directional data transmission by using LTE CAT M1 networks and/or LAN.Main Features• U niversal Panel Compatibility – Dial capture interface supporting Contact ID and SIA • E xceptional Redundancy – Dual-SIM, supporting AT&T and Verizon LTE CAT M1 networks.• C onnection monitoring – default 5 min polling of the cellular connection.• H igh reliability due to multiple transmission channels (LTE CAT M1/LAN) and redundant servers;• W eb-based software and smartphone app for device configuration and administration. Remote firmware updates. • E nd-user smartphone app – supports push notifications.v.02-2021-18-01_5000MQ03-LTE-M-FIREInstallation and Operation ManualRControl App credentials:Wiring and Mounting Control PanelMQ03-LTE-M-FIRE Communicator (Front-side view)Installation Wiring DiagramNote: IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, OUT1, OUT2, LAN – Not connected.WARNINGS:• R ecommended location and wiringmethods must be in accordance with the National Electrical code, ANSI/NFPA 70.• I nstallation must be in accordance with the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, NFPA 72.• T he communicator must be connected to a UL Listed compatible panel with power limited circuits.• T he communicator must be powered by a regulated UL Listed UOJZ, UTOU, NBSX control panel or power supply.• T he wiring should be done only when the panel is powered down.• F or Dry/Indoor use only.Wiring the CommunicatorThe terminal strips can accommodate solid or stranded wire sizes from 14 to 22 AWG.Mounting the CommunicatorThis communicator comes fully assembled with all the components mounted except the external antenna. The device comes with a standard 3 ft external antenna.The communicator must be installed within the Altronix BC300R metal enclosure or as an option any other UL Listed (UOXX, NITW or CYIV) metal enclosure. All the wiring must be routed through a conduit.This enclosure shall have ample knockouts accommodating either ¾” or 1” conduits for convenient access. The MQ03-LTE-M-FIRE must be attached securely to the metal plank provided with the device, which in turn installed inside of the enclosure. The antenna must be installed on top of the enclosure, removing one of the knockouts, as per the installation instructions listed below in this chapter.There are nine steps in installing MQ03-LTE-M-FIRE properly. In the following steps you will use the communicator and the RControl Admin application to determine the signal strength to find a suitable mounting location.1. F or UL installations, the communicator must be mechanically secured to a UL Listed enclosure such as a UL Listed junction box. Use the communicator box as a template and mark the holes on the mounting surface. Pre-start the mounting screws (not supplied) for these two holes. Slide the box onto these screws and tighten the screws.(+) Connect this terminal to AUX + of the panel. (-) Connect this terminal to the AUX – (GND) of the panel.Primary Dialer RING Connect this terminal to the RING of the panel. TIP Connect this terminal to the TIP of the panel.Backup Dialer RING2 Connect this terminal to the RING2 of the panel. TIP2 Connect this terminal to the TIP2 of the panel.It is strongly recommended that both Telco lines are wired to the communicator. 2. C onnect the antenna to the communicator.The antenna is supplied with an SMA connector, that allows easy connection to the communicator. The body of the antenna has a magnet in the bottom and can be attached to the wall of the metal alarm panel box or use double-sided adhesive tape to securely attach the antenna to the box. The antenna should be positioned perpendicular to the ground, either right side up or upside down. Try to keep the antenna away from sources of RF interference or where metal objects can shield it or otherwise block the cellular radio RF signal.WARNING: The internal antenna used with this product must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 7.8 in (20cm) from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedure.NOTE: Antenna problems are rare unless the premises are in an area with poornetwork coverage, in a building below ground, or in a metal structure. If you require an antenna with a longer cable, please contact your M2M Services representative.Do not use the unit with a damaged antenna. Have your antenna replacedimmediately. Use only a manufacturer approved antenna. Non-approved antennas or modifications could impair service quality, damage the device and violate FCC regulations.3. C onnect the communicator to the alarm panel. Refer to the wiring diagram provided in the previous section.4. P ower up the panel.5. T he communicator LED indicator will turn on and start blinking. The steady light will indicate a good connection. The LED has the following states:LED Status – Indication – Action • T he LED is Off – The unit is not connected to the panel. – Verify the wiring, refer to the wiring diagram.• T he LED is Off – The power from the panel is out. – Measure the AUX output of the panel.• T he LED is Off – The unit is damaged. – Replace the unit.• S low flashing – Trying to establish connection./There is no signal available. – Reposition the antenna.• C onstantly On, blinking every 5sec – Connection established at low signal level. – Reposition the antenna.• C onstantly On – Connection established at good signal.• F ast flashing – Transferring data6. D ownload the RControl Admin mobile application on your Android or iOS device.7. L ogin with the end user credentials provided in this manual.For more details follow the M2M Smartphone Application instructions at /mobile-app/8. I f the signal is low, reposition the antenna and try again to find a better signal.9. O nce the installation and wiring is complete, proceed with the programming of the panel (next section).ProgrammingOut of the box, the communicator is ready to use and does not require additional programming. You need to program the control panel to work with MQ03-LTE-M-FIRE. Programming the Control PanelFor programming information, please refer to the control panel’s installation guide. Ensure the following programming is done:• E nable the PSTN dialer of the panel • S elect DTMF mode (tone dialing)• S elect Contact ID or SIA communication format • E nter a telephone number for dialing (you can use any number, e.g. 999999)• E nter a 4-digit account numberProgramming guides for popular alarm panels are available at /panel-programming/TroubleshootingIf you have issues receiving the events:1. V erify the RING/TIP connection • M ake sure the RING/TIP terminals of the device are connected to Telco terminals of the panel, not R-1/T-1 terminals.2. T ry the following additional settings of the panel:• D isable “Wait for Dial Tone” option • U se “A” instead of “0” in the account number • I f there is more than one phone number entered, configure an account number for each.v.02-2021-18-01_5000vSpecifications Supply Voltage +12 to +29 VDCConsumption Standby 50 mA; Peak 200mAFrequency LTE Cat M1 700/850/1700/1900/2100 MHz GSM Providers AT&T, Verizon, or other available networks Dimensions 2.48”x3.54”x1.26”Weight 2.56 oz without antennaEnvironmental Operating temperature: 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F)Humidity: 0 to 85% relative humidity, non-condensing。

1. 启动命令行QMEMBFE是QM名字runmqsc QMEMBFE (进入MQ的命令行)显示队列DISPLAY QUEUE(*)显示通道DISPLAY CHANNEL(*)显示侦听器DISPLAY LISTENER(*)SDR发送方通道,RCVR接收方通道2. 创建MQMcrtmqm -lf 16384 -lp 10 -ls 10 QMEMBFE3. 启动MQMstrmqm QMEMBFE3.1删除MQMDltmqm QMEMBFEStart chl(通道名) 启动通道4. 运行脚本runmqsc QMEMBFE < mbfemq.sc5. 确定测试商业银行所对应接入点的通道状态是否为running#runmqsc QMEMBFEdis chs(5012900001.GW2900)dis chs(GW2900.5012900001)dis chstatus(ChannelName) 查看通道状态dis chs(5012900001.GW2900)1 : dis chs(5012900001.GW2900)AMQ8420: 通道状态未找到。
dis chs(GW2900.5012900001)2 : dis chs(GW2900.5012900001)AMQ8417: 显示通道状态细节。
CHANNEL(GW2900.5012900001) CHLTYPE(RCVR)CONNAME( CURRENTRQMNAME(QME2900) STATUS(RUNNING) SUBSTATE(RECEIVE) XMITQ( ) 14181. 创建队列管理器crtmqm -q QMA(-q表示QMA为默认队列管理器)2. 启动队列管理器strmqm QMA(对于默认队列管理器,则为strmqm )Q 3. 启动管理器平台runmqsc QMA4. 定义本地队列define qlocal(queueA)若用于队列管理器之间进行通信,这应为define qlocal(queue1) usage(xmitq)5. 定义远程队列define qremote(queue.remote) rname(.queue)rqmname(queueB)xmitq(queue1)(.queue为远程队列管理器queueB中的本地队列)6. 定义发送端通道define channel(queueA.queueB)chltype(sdr)conname( xmitq(queueA)trptype(tcp)7. 定义接受方通道define channel(queueA.queueB) chltype(rcvr) trptype(tcp)8. 更改侦听端端口号alter listener(system.default.listener.tcp)trptype(tcp)port(1415)9. 启动侦听start listener(system.default.listener.tcp)在命令行c:\runmqlsr10. 列出侦听状态display lsstatus(*)11. 测试,向队列中放入消息amqsput queue_name queue_manager_name从队列中取出消息amqsget queue_name queue_manager_name12. 在服务器方建立用于客户方链接的通道define channel(channel2) chltype(svrconn) trptype(tcp)mcauser()13. 在客户机方,使用MQSERVER定义客户机链接通道(如使用了ActiveDirectory服务支持,则可略过本步骤)SET MQSERVER=CHANNEL1/TCP/ //Windowsexport MQSERVER=’CHANNEL1/TCP/server-hostname(port)’//linux15. 测试,向队列中放入消息amqsputc queue_name queue_manager_name从队列中取出消息amqsgetc queue_name queue_manager_name16. 关闭队列管理器endmqm mqm_nameendmqm -i mqm_name17. 结束所有侦听进程endmqlsr -m mqm_name18. 查看WebSphere MQ版本号dspmqver19. 查看已有的MQ管理器dspmq20. 启动WebSphere MQ Explorerstrmqcfg21.查看通道的消息序列DIS CHS(CHANNEL_NAME) CURSEQNO;。

MQ服务器配置与测试手册WebShpere MQ 配置与测试一例在“WebSphere MQ程序设计初探”一文中,讨论了从MQ队列管理器的本地队列中放置和读出消息的程序,本文主要通过两台机器,搭建MQ消息传输的环境,并编写测试程序进行测试。
机器A:代码为00000000,IP地址为:机器B:代码为88888888,IP地址为:安装MQ 5.3第二、创建MQ对象A机器上:1、打开“WebSphere MQ资源管理器”,新建队列管理器,名称为QM_00000000,其余采用默认设置;2、在QM_00000000队列管理器中创建本地队列,名称为LQ_00000000;3、创建传输队列,名称为XQ_88888888(新建时选择“本地队列”,将“用法”设置为“传输”);4、创建远程队列定义,名称为RQ_88888888,指定远程队列名称为LQ_88888888,远程队列管理器名称为QM_88888888,传输队列名称为XQ_88888888;5、创建发送方通道,名称为00000000.88888888,传输协议为TCP/IP,连接名称为10.1.1.2(1414),传输队列为XQ_88888888;6、创建接受方通道,名称为88888888.00000000,采用默认设置;7、创建服务器连接通道,名称为DC.SVRCONN,采用默认设置(该通道主要给后面的测试程序使用)。
B机器和A机器上的操作一样,只是命名不同,如下:1、打开“WebSphe re MQ资源管理器”,新建队列管理器,名称为QM_88888888,其余采用默认设置;2、在QM_88888888队列管理器中创建本地队列,名称为LQ_88888888;3、创建传输队列,名称为XQ_00000000(新建时选择“本地队列”,将“用法”设置为“传输”);4、创建远程队列定义,名称为RQ_00000000,指定远程队列名称为LQ_00000000,远程队列管理器名称为QM_00000000,传输队列名称为XQ_00000000;5、创建发送方通道,名称为88888888.00000000,传输协议为TCP/IP,连接名称为10.1.1.1(1414),传输队列为XQ_00000000;6、创建接受方通道,名称为00000000.88888888,采用默认设置;7、创建服务器连接通道,名称为DC.SVRCONN,采用默认设置。

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rabbitmq 使用手册

rabbitmq 使用手册RabbitMQ 是一个开源的消息代理软件,它实现了高效的消息传递机制,可以在分布式系统中进行消息的发布和订阅。
下面是 RabbitMQ 的使用手册的详细精确说明:1. 安装 RabbitMQ:首先,你需要下载并安装 RabbitMQ。
你可以从RabbitMQ 官方网站上下载适合你操作系统的安装包,并按照官方文档中的说明进行安装。
2. 启动 RabbitMQ 服务器:安装完成后,你可以启动 RabbitMQ 服务器。
在大多数操作系统中,你可以通过命令行执行以下命令来启动RabbitMQ:```rabbitmq-server```如果一切正常,你将会看到 RabbitMQ 服务器成功启动的日志信息。
3. 创建和管理队列:RabbitMQ 使用队列来存储消息。
你可以使用 RabbitMQ 的管理界面或者命令行工具来创建和管理队列。
以下是一些常用的队列操作命令:- 创建队列:```rabbitmqadmin declare queue name=<queue_name>```- 查看队列列表:```rabbitmqadmin list queues```- 删除队列:```rabbitmqadmin delete queue name=<queue_name>```4. 发布和消费消息:使用 RabbitMQ,你可以将消息发布到队列中,并从队列中消费消息。
以下是一些常用的消息操作命令:- 发布消息:```rabbitmqadmin publish routing_key=<routing_key>payload=<message>```- 消费消息:```rabbitmqadmin get queue=<queue_name>```- 确认消息已被消费:```rabbitmqadmin ack delivery_tag=<delivery_tag> ```5. 设置消息交换机和绑定:RabbitMQ 使用消息交换机来将消息路由到队列。

内部使用2006年8月1.文档属性2.文档变更历史清单3.本次修改变更说明目录前言 (1)第1 章安装前的准备 (1)1.1 安装先决条件 (1)1.1.1 Solaris平台 (1)1.1.2 AIX平台 (4)1.1.3 Windows平台 (9)1.2 备份 (10)1.2.1 系统备份 (10)1.2.2 应用软件备份 (10)第2 章安装步骤 (10)2.1.1 Solaris平台 (10)2.1.2 AIX平台 (15)2.1.3 Windows平台 (19)第3 章安装验证 (33)3.1 版本验证 (33)3.2 验证本地安装 (34)3.2.1 设置安装 (34)3.2.2 测试安装 (34)3.3 验证客户机安装 (35)3.3.1 设置服务器 (35)3.3.2 设置客户机 (36)3.3.3 测试通信 (37)第4 章卸载 (38)4.1.1 Solaris平台 (38)4.1.2 AIX平台 (39)4.1.3 Windows平台 (43)前言本手册重点介绍MQ6在AIX、Solaris和Windows上的安装。
第 1 章安装前的准备1.1安装先决条件安装MQ6的时候,如果该机器之前已经安装比较早的版本,例如MQ5.3,则在安装过程中,对Windows平台,系统会自动检测到相应的MQ版本,并进行迁移,对Unix平台,则需要下载之后才能安装。
1.1.1Solaris平台硬件条件:WebSphere MQ 服务器、客户机1.磁盘存储WebSphere MQ6 Solaris 版,存储器要求取决于安装的组件,以及需要的工作空间大小。

本手册将详细介绍RabbitMQ 的安装、配置、使用和常见问题解决方案,帮助读者快速上手使用RabbitMQ。
第一章安装与配置1.1 环境准备在开始安装RabbitMQ之前,需要确保系统满足以下要求:操作系统(例如Linux、Windows)、Erlang运行时环境以及RabbitMQ软件包。
1.2 安装RabbitMQ按照文档提供的方式,在所选的操作系统上安装RabbitMQ。
1.3 配置RabbitMQ在安装完成后,需要对RabbitMQ进行适当的配置。
第二章消息发布与订阅2.1 消息生产者通过使用RabbitMQ的API,开发者可以编写生产者代码将消息发布到RabbitMQ的交换机上。
2.2 消息消费者RabbitMQ的消费者通过订阅交换机的队列来接收消息,可以使用RabbitMQ的API编写消费者代码,并实现消息的处理逻辑。
2.3 消息确认机制RabbitMQ提供了消息的确认机制,确保消息在传输过程中的可靠性。
第三章消息路由与过滤3.1 路由模式RabbitMQ支持多种路由模式,如直接路由、主题路由和广播路由。
3.2 消息过滤通过使用RabbitMQ的消息过滤功能,可以根据消息的属性进行过滤,只有满足条件的消息才会被消费者接收。
第四章高级特性与扩展4.1 持久化使用RabbitMQ的持久化机制,可以确保消息在服务器重启后依然存在,防止消息丢失。
4.2 集群与高可用通过搭建RabbitMQ集群,可以提高系统的可用性和扩展性。

MQ队列及常见操作⼀、创建MQ队列管理器1.1准备⼯作到所安装websphere mq的机⼦上,进⼊/opt/mm/bin⽬录下,查询相关mq的情况,通过命令⾏./dspmq。
创建mq队列管理器的的时候要⽤mqm⽤户进⾏创建,切换到mqm⽤户:su mqm1.2详细操作备注:红⾊加粗字体可替换1、创建mqm⽤户组【正常已经建好】2、创建mqm⽤户,将⽤户mqm添加到mqm⽤户组下【正常已经建好】3、创建队列管理器【必须】./crtmqm -q QSHAW4、启动队列管理器【必须】./strmqm QSHAW5、进⼊到MQSC管理界⾯【必须】./runmqsc QSHAW6、定义监听【必须】DEFINE LISTENER(TCPLISTENER.QSHAW) TRPTYPE(TCP) CONTROL(QMGR) PORT(1413)7、启动监听【必须】START LISTENER(TCPLISTENER.QSHAW)8、建⽴通道【必须】DEFINE CHANNEL(QSHAW.SVRCONNC) CHLTYPE(SVRCONN) MCAUSER('mqm')9、建⽴队列【可选,要⽤的话就要创建】DEFINE QLOCAL(QSHAW.OUT)DEFINE QLOCAL(QSHAW.INT)10. 建⽴话题【可选】DEFINE TOPIC(TOPIC.QSHAW) TOPICSTR(TOPIC)11. 退出MQSC管理界⾯【退出】END12.删除队列管理器【删除】dltmqm QTEST13. 测试的话,通过IBM MQ Explorer进⾏。
您⽆权执⾏此操作【报错关闭授权】ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH(disabled)15.其他操作可以通过IBM MQ Explorer可视化进⾏操作。

一、安装部署1、下载,下载0.0 Windows Distribution版本2、安装直接解压至任意目录(如:)3、启动 ActiveMQ效劳cmd到bin目录下直接运行: start启动成功:4、ActiveMQ消息治理后台系统:localhost:8161/admin(随包附带jetty、可直接启动)默许用户名:admin默许密码:admin※在conf/jetty-里能够修改用户和密码创建一个Queue二、Queue与 Topic 的比较1、JMS Queue 执行 load balancer语义:一条消息仅能被一个 consumer(消费者) 收到。
若是在 message 发送的时候没有可用的consumer,那么它将被保留一直到能处置该 message 的 consumer 可用。
若是一个consumer 收到一条 message 后却不响应它,那么这条消息将被转到另一个consumer 那儿。
一个 Queue 能够有很多 consumer,而且在多个可用的 consumer中负载均衡。
2、Topic 实现 publish和 subscribe 语义:一条消息被 publish时,它将发到所有感爱好的定阅者,因此0到多个subscriber将接收到消息的一个拷贝。
JMS 标准予诺客户创建持久定阅,这在必然程度上放松了时刻上的相关性要求。

3、MQI(Message Queue Interface)消息队列接口为程序提供了一种异步通信方式。

3.3.数据包大小消息大小的约束:推荐几K级别的消息,如果消息很大,采用技术减少消息体大小;减少标记的长度,采用JSON 格式替换XML,采用压缩格式。
系统代码:字母开头,字母和数字组合消息类型代码:字母开头,字母、数字和下划线组合5.集群ActiveMQ客户端适用于原先没有使用JQ发送消息或是新的系统使用,具有如下特点:∙支持固定的MQ服务器,用于开发环境∙支持从Zookeepr获取管理端分配的MQ服务器,动态扩容∙支持异常递减分流,支持自定义异常立即完全切换到其他服务器分流∙支持MQ服务健康检测恢复分流∙支持异常重试,发送给一组MQ失败后,自动发送给其它组MQ5.1.Maven依赖:spring 3spring 2.5xmlSchema配置5.2.消息转换器及消息监听器委托配置(可选):集成了Xml、JSON、Hessian格式的转换类已经实现完毕,例如:spring普通消息监听器委托(重要:请不要注入带有返回值的方法)5.3.重试服务配置(推荐,可选)生产端以及消费端的数据库失败重试服务,可以将生产或是消费出现异常的消息先移动到数据库,不影响MQ的主线程工作。
MQ服务器提供方式:address 的配置5.5.发送端配置获取实例普通发送方式转换器发送方式批量发送方式转换器批量发送方式5.6.接收端配置:注意:目前批量消费接口在归档记录上存在一定问题,无法完整记录所有的消费记录,使用时请注意6.Java JQ兼容性客户端适用于原先使用JQ发送消息的Java系统,重新修改代码工作量大,采用原接口不改动的设计,最大程度兼容原有客户端。

IBM MQ 9.2 快速入门指南说明书

IBM MQVersion 9.2IBM®Quick Start GuideUse this guide to get started with IBM MQ Version 9.2.National Language Version: To obtain the Quick Start Guide in other languages, print the language-specific PDF from the installation media.Product overviewIBM® MQ is robust messaging middleware that simplifies and accelerates the integration of diverse applications and business data across multiple platforms. IBM MQ facilitates the assured, secure and reliable exchange of information between applications, systems, services and files by sending and receiving message data via messaging queues, thereby simplifying the creation and maintenance of business applications. It delivers Universal Messaging with a broad setof offerings to meet enterprise-wide messaging needs, and can be deployed across a range of different environments including on-premise, in cloud environments and supporting hybrid cloud deployments.IBM MQ supports a number of different application programming interfaces (APIs) including Message Queue Interface (MQI), Java Message Service (JMS), .NET, IBM AMQP, MQTT, and the messaging REST API.If you download your product from IBM Passport Advantage®, see Downloading IBM MQ Version 9.2 (https:// /support/pages/downloading-ibm-mq-92) and the Passport Advantage and Passport Advantage Express (https:///software/passportadvantage/) website for more information.Note:a.The non-install packages are provided only for building container images and are not supported for any otheruse cases. The packages are made available on IBM Fix Central at /mq92noninstallqmgr.Product documentation for all supported versions of IBM MQ is available through IBM Documentation (https:// /docs/ibm-mq). Specifically, the IBM MQ Version 9.2 product documentation is also available in IBM Documentation (https:///docs/ibm-mq/9.2).Service and support information is provided in the documentation.Information about how to use IBM MQ Explorer can be accessed either from within IBM MQ Explorer or in the product documentation.2Step 2: Evaluate the hardware and system configurationFor details of hardware and software requirements on all supported platforms, see the System Requirements web page (https:///support/pages/node/318077).3Step 3: Review the installation architectureIBM MQ architectures range from simple architectures that use a single queue manager, to more complexnetworks of interconnected queue managers. For more information about planning your IBM MQ architecture, see the Planning section of the IBM MQ 9.2 documentation (https:///docs/SSFKSJ_9.2.0/ links to additional information, see the IBM MQ family information roadmap (https:///docs/ SSFKSJ_latest/overview/mq-family-roadmap.html).4Step 4: Installing the product on a serverFor installation instructions for IBM MQ on all supported platforms, and for details of the hardware andsoftware configurations that are required, see the Installing section of the IBM MQ 9.2 documentation (https:// /docs/SSFKSJ_9.2.0/ 5: Get startedFor information to help you get started with IBM MQ, see the IBM MQ family information roadmap (https:///docs/SSFKSJ_latest/overview/mq-family-roadmap.html).More informationFor more information about IBM MQ, see the following resources:IBM FAQ for Long Term Support and Continuous Delivery releasesFrom IBM MQ Version 9.0, IBM MQ introduced a Continuous Delivery (CD) support model. Following the initialrelease of a new version, new function and enhancements are made available by incremental updates withinthe same version and release. There is also a Long Term Support release available for deployments that require security and defect fixes only. For more information, see IBM MQ FAQ for Long Term Support and ContinuousDelivery releases (https:///support/pages/node/713169).Online product readme fileThe latest version of the online product readme file is available on the IBM MQ product readmes web page(https:///support/pages/node/317955).IBM Support informationSupport information includes the following resources:•IBM Support website (https:///mysupport/)•IBM MQ for Multiplatforms Support web page (https:///mysupport/s/topic/0TO5000000024cJGAQ/mq)•IBM MQ for z/OS® Support web page (https:///mysupport/s/topic/0TO0z0000006k52GAA/ mq-for-zos)IBM MQ Version 9.2 Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2023. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM, the IBM logo, , Passport Advantage, and z/OS are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., in the United States and/or other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on /trademark.Part Number: M09Y4ML Printed in Ireland。

dis ql(14_1)
dis chs(*)
dis chs(DOWN00_14) -- 指定只显示节点14的信息
dis chs(UP51_00)
tjficb@mqm/usr/mqm/samp/bin>./amqsbcg 00_1 QM00
CRDATE(2009-03-12) CRTIME(11.40.34)
DEis ql(00_14)
dis chs(DOWN00_14)
stop chl(UP51_00)
8 : stop chl(UP51_00)
AMQ8019: Stop WebSphere MQ channel accepted.
reset chl(UP51_00)
## 看当前队列深度 CURDEPTH
13 : dis QUEUE(00_1);
AMQ8409: Display Queue details.
9 : reset chl(UP51_00)
AMQ8023: WebSphere MQ channel reset.
start chl(UP51_00)
10 : start chl(UP51_00)
AMQ8018: Start WebSphere MQ channel accepted.

MQ-2烟雾传感器模块使用说明书简要说明:一、尺寸:32mm X22mm X27mm 长X宽X高二、主要芯片:LM393、ZYMQ-2气体传感器三、工作电压:直流5伏四、特点:1、具有信号输出指示。
【标注说明】【原理图】【测试程序】实现功能:1、当测量浓度大于设定浓度时,单片机IO口输出低电平/******************************************************************** 实现功能:此版配套测试程序使用芯片:AT89S52晶振:11.0592MHZ波特率:9600编译环境:Keil【声明】此程序仅用于学习与参考,引用请注明版权和作者信息!*********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** 说明:1、当测量浓度大于设定浓度时,单片机IO口输出低电平*********************************************************************/ #include<reg52.h> //库文件#define uchar unsigned char//宏定义无符号字符型#define uint unsigned int //宏定义无符号整型/******************************************************************** I/O定义*********************************************************************/ sbit LED=P1^0; //定义单片机P1口的第1位(即P1.0)为指示端sbit DOUT=P2^0; //定义单片机P2口的第1位(即P2.0)为传感器的输入端/********************************************************************延时函数*********************************************************************/ void delay()//延时程序{uchar m,n,s;for(m=20;m>0;m--)for(n=20;n>0;n--)for(s=248;s>0;s--);}/********************************************************************主函数*********************************************************************/ void main(){while(1) //无限循环{LED=1; //熄灭P1.0口灯if(DOUT==0)//当浓度高于设定值时,执行条件函数{delay();//延时抗干扰if(DOUT==0)//确定浓度高于设定值时,执行条件函数{LED=0; //点亮P1.0口灯}}}}/********************************************************************结束*********************************************************************/。

其基本的操作方法如下:创建队列管理器crtmqm –q QMgrName-q是指创建缺省的队列管理器删除队列管理器dltmqm QmgrName启动队列管理器strmqm QmgrName如果是启动默认的队列管理器,可以不带其名字停止队列管理器endmqm QmgrName 受控停止endmqm –i QmgrName 立即停止endmqm –p QmgrName 强制停止显示队列管理器dspmq –m QmgrName运行MQSeries命令runmqsc QmgrName如果是默认队列管理器,可以不带其名字往队列中放消息amqsput QName QmgrName如果队列是默认队列管理器中的队列,可以不带其队列管理器的名字从队列中取出消息amqsget QName QmgrName如果队列是默认队列管理器中的队列,可以不带其队列管理器的名字启动通道runmqchl –c ChlName –m QmgrName启动侦听runmqlsr –t TYPE –p PORT –m QMgrName停止侦听endmqlsr -m QmgrNameMQSeries命令定义死信队列DEFINE QLOCAL(QNAME) DEFPSIST(YES) REPLACE设定队列管理器的死信队列ALTER QMGR DEADQ(QNAME)定义本地队列DEFINE QL(QNAME) REPLACE定义别名队列DEFINE QALIAS(QALIASNAME) TARGQ(QNAME)远程队列定义DEFINE QREMOTE(QRNAME) +RNAME(AAA) RQMNAME(QMGRNAME) +XMITQ(QTNAME)定义模型队列DEFINE QMODEL(QNAME) DEFTYPE(TEMPDYN)定义本地传输队列DEFINE QLOCAL(QTNAME) USAGE(XMITQ) DEFPSIST(YES) +INITQ(SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ)+PROCESS(PROCESSNAME) REPLACE创建进程定义DEFINE PROCESS(PRONAME) +DESCR(‘STRING’)+APPLTYPE(WINDOWSNT)+APPLICID(’ runmqchl -c SDR_TEST -m QM_ TEST’)其中APPLTYPE的值可以是:CICS、UNIX、WINDOWS、WINDOWSNT等创建发送方通道DEFINE CHANNEL(SDRNAME) CHLTYPE(SDR)+CONNAME(‘’) XMITQ(QTNAME) REPLACE 其中CHLTYPE可以是:SDR、SVR、RCVR、RQSTR、CLNTCONN、SVRCONN、CLUSSDR 和CLUSRCVR。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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8.一个接收通道:MQGSPGW1. MQBDP001。
1.创建队列管理器crtmqm MQBDP0012.启动队列管理器strmqm MQBDP0013.停止队列管理器endmqm MQBDP0014.立即停止队列管理器endmqm -i MQBDP0015.强制停止队列管理器endmqm -p MQBDP0016.删除队列管理器dltmqm MQBDP0017.进入管理队列管理器runmqsc MQBDP001a)显示队列管理器信息DISPLAY QMGRb)修改队列管理器字符集ALTER QMGR CCSID(1381)2.2传输队列相关8.创建传输队列DEFINE QLOCAL (MQGSPGW1) +USAGE (XMITQ) +REPLACE注:MQBDP001是传输队列名字。
23.启动发送通道START CHANNEL(MQBDP001.MQGSPGW1)24.重置发送通道RESET CHL(MQBDP001.MQGSPGW1)25.停止发送通道STOP CHANNEL(MQBDP001.MQGSPGW1)26.查看发送通道参数DISPLAY CHANNEL(MQBDP001.MQGSPGW1)27.查看发送通道状态DIS CHS(MQBDP001.MQGSPGW1)2.8 Server端通道相关28.修改Server端通道,以便接收Java请求ALTER CHANNEL(SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN) CHLTYPE(SVRCONN)MCAUSER('mqm')注: 这个命令可以使客户端软件连入MQ2.9启动监听服务runmqlsr -t tcp -m MQBDP001 -p 1414 &注:MQBDP001是队列管理器名字1414是监听端口2.10停止服务相关1.停止队列管理器endmqm MQBDP0012.查找线程并将其停止ps -ef | grep runmqlsrkill -9 kill线程,一定要加-92.11重新启动MQ应用1.启动队列管理器strmqm MQBDP0012.进入队列管理器runmqsc MQBDP001a)启动发送通道START CHANNEL(MQBDP001.MQGSPGW1)b)查看发送通道状态DIS CHS(MQBDP001.MQGSPGW1)3.启动监听服务runmqlsr -t tcp -m MQBDP001 -p 1414 &3 配置jndi相关3.1 基本说明建立jndi环境,使程序可以使用jndi连入mq1.使用mqm用户,mqm/mqm2.进入路径/usr/mqm/java/bin3.运行JMSAdmin4.定义queue connection factory命令如下:define qcf(QCF1自己起的队列连接工厂的名字,供jndi用) TRANSPORT(CLIENT) qmgr(QueueManager名字)5.定义远程队列define q(RQ自己起的远程队列名字,供jndi用) queue(远程队列名)6.定义本地队列define q(RQ自己起的远程队列名字,供jndi用) queue(远程队列名)3.2 在集成环境下如下建立1.使用mqm用户,mqm/mqm2.进入路径/usr/mqm/java/bin3.运行JMSAdmin4.定义queue connection factory命令如下:define qcf(QueueConnectionFactory3) TRANSPORT(CLIENT) qmgr(MQBDP001) CCSID(1381) hostname( SYNCPOINTALLGETS(YES)5.定义本地队列define q(CBKL) queue(LOCALQ.GSP.RSP) CCSID(1381)define q(ERRORL) queue(LOCALQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDRECONCILIATION.REQ) CCSID(1381)define q(PRODUCTL) queue(LOCALQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDPRODUCT.REQ) CCSID(1381)define q(ACCOUNTL) queue(LOCALQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDACCOUNT.REQ) CCSID(1381)6.定义远程队列define q(CBKR) queue(REMOTEQ.GSP.CBKADAPTER.REQ)define q(ERRORR) queue(REMOTEQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDRECONCILIATION.RSP)define q(PRODUCTR) queue(REMOTEQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDPRODUCT.RSP)define q(ACCOUNTR) queue(REMOTEQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDACCOUNT.RSP)4 生产环境部署(集群部分)4.1 术语说明完整存储库: 相当与每台单独部署的队列管理器,保存独立的队列信息,提供给单独的服务提供者调用部分存储库: 相当与网关,是与外界ESB关联的唯一通道,单独部署的队列管理器通过网关,请求外部服务4.1 策略说明1) 作为服务提供者,本地队列建立在完整存储库上面,与服务器直接连接,本地队列设置成集群共享方式;远程队列建立在部分存储库(网关)上面,设置成集群共享方式2) 作为服务请求者,本地队列和远程队列都建立在部分存储库(网关)上面,设置成集群共享方式3) 如果有n台服务器需要作负载均衡,那么需要建立n+1个队列管理器,其中1个队列管理器设置成网关,n个队列管理器设置成完整存储库4.3 部署图上图显示的是MQBDP001作为部分存储库(网关)作为完整存储库182.119.171.235(1414)MQBDP003作为完整存储库182.119.170.48(1418)GSP与MQBDP001之间建立发送通道,接收通道MQBDP001,MQBDP003之间建立集群发送通道,集群接收通道MQBDP002,MQBDP003之间建立集群发送通道,集群接收通道4.4 部署脚本说明1) 首先建立MQBDP001 ,部分存储库(假设建立在182.119.170.48 1414端口)//创建MQBDP001crtmqm MQBDP001//启动MQBDP001strmqm MQBDP001//进入MQBDP001runmqsc MQBDP001//打开MQBDP001.txt.将脚本拷贝执行,代码省略//重新启动MQBDP001endmqm -p MQBDP001strmqm MQBDP001//启动监听端口runmqlsr -t tcp -m MQBDP001 -p 1414 &MQBDP001.txt 说明:建立服务提供方三个远程队列,建立服务请求方一个本地队列,一个远程队列2) 建立MQBDP002 ,完整存储库(假设建立在182.119.171.235 1414端口)//创建MQBDP002crtmqm MQBDP002//启动MQBDP002strmqm MQBDP002//进入MQBDP002runmqsc MQBDP002//打开MQBDP002.txt.将脚本拷贝执行,代码省略//重新启动MQBDP002endmqm -p MQBDP002strmqm MQBDP002//启动监听端口runmqlsr -t tcp -m MQBDP002 -p 1414 &MQBDP002.txt 说明:建立服务提供方三个本地队列2) 建立MQBDP003 ,完整存储库(假设建立在182.119.170.48 1418端口)//创建MQBDP003crtmqm MQBDP003//启动MQBDP003strmqm MQBDP003//进入MQBDP003runmqsc MQBDP003//打开MQBDP003.txt.将脚本拷贝执行,代码省略//重新启动MQBDP003endmqm -p MQBDP003strmqm MQBDP003//启动监听端口runmqlsr -t tcp -m MQBDP003 -p 1418 &MQBDP003.txt 说明:建立服务提供方三个本地队列4.5 配置集群上面的队列管理器配置完成以后,进行集群配置,配置的方法比较简单,以客户端连接建立为例子说明首先,新建队列管理器集群选择队列管理器集群->右键新建队列管理器集群->输入名称BDPCLUSPRD下一步选择第一个完整库队列管理器,前面已经说过了完整库有两个,这里选择MQBDP002 下一步选择第二个完整库队列管理器,这里选择MQBDP003,完成最后选择MQBDP001作为部分存储库,完成,三个队列管理器之间,集群部署完成,接着修改队列属性如下图:测试输入队列是否会转发新建接收远程队列如下图:队列名称队列管理器名称+ ALIAS (别名) 队列管理器和远程队列填空到这里BDP系统的集群就完成了.4.6 集群脚本说明1)将队列管理器设置成为完整存储库ALTER QMGR MQBDP002(BDPCLUSPRD);ALTER QMGR MQBDP003(BDPCLUSPRD);//定义三个队列管理器的群集发送和群集接收通道在MQBDP001上面执行MQSC命令:DEFINE CHANNEL(TO.MQBDP001) CHLTYPE(CLUSRCVR) TRPTYPE(TCP) CONNAME('') CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD)DEFINE CHANNEL(TO.MQBDP003) CHLTYPE(CLUSSDR) TRPTYPE(TCP) CONNAME('') CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD)//在MQBDP002上面执行MQSC命令:DEFINE CHANNEL(TO.MQBDP002) CHLTYPE(CLUSRCVR) TRPTYPE(TCP) CONNAME('') CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD)DEFINE CHANNEL(TO.QMGR1) CHLTYPE(CLUSSDR) TRPTYPE(TCP) CONNAME('') CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD)//在MQBDP003上面执行MQSC命令:DEFINE CHANNEL(TO.QMGRI) CHLTYPE(CLUSRCVR) TRPTYPE(TCP) CONNAME('') CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD)DEFINE CHANNEL(TO.QMGR1) CHLTYPE(CLUSSDR) TRPTYPE(TCP) CONNAME('') CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD)//在MQBDP001上面定义远程队列,GSP访问远程队列作为队列管理器名称,远程队列名MQBDP001_ALIASDEFINE QREMOTE(MQBDP001_ALIAS) RNAME(' ') RQMNAME(' ')//在MQBDP001上面将队列定义为集群队列,绑定方式不绑定ALTER QREMOTE(REMOTEQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDACCOUNT.RSP) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD) DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)ALTER QREMOTE(REMOTEQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDPRODUCT.RSP) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD) DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)ALTER QREMOTE(REMOTEQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDRECONCILIATION.RSP) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD) DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)ALTER QREMOTE(REMOTEQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDACCOUNT.RSP) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD) DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)//在MQBDP002上面将本地队列定义为集群队列,绑定方式为不绑定ALTER QLOCAL(LOCALQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDACCOUNT.REQ) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD)DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)ALTER QLOCAL(LOCALQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDPRODUCT.REQ) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD) DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)ALTER QLOCAL(LOCALQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDRECONCILIATION.REQ) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD) DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)//在MQBDP003上面将本地队列定义为集群队列,绑定方式为不绑定ALTER QLOCAL(LOCALQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDACCOUNT.REQ) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD) DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)ALTER QLOCAL(LOCALQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDPRODUCT.REQ) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD) DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)ALTER QLOCAL(LOCALQ.GSP.BOCOMFUNDRECONCILIATION.REQ) CLUSTER(BDPCLUSPRD) DEFBIND(NOTFIXED)。