



( ) ()
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5 5 4 4 5 3 3

3+()=5 2+2= 5 -3= 4+1= 3+3=4+1=()+2=4 1+4=3+()=4 1+5=3+4=
13、其它题( 6 分)


















16.政府转移支付应计入国内生产总值GDP 中。





三、单项选择题1.按支出法,应计入私人国内总投资的项目是()A个人购买的小汽车 B个人购买的游艇 C个人购买的住房 D个人购买的黄金期货2.对政府雇员支付的报酬属于()A政府购买支出 B转移支付 C税收 D消费3.某国如果2003年的GDP以当年价格计算为3980亿元,2013年的GDP以当年价格计算为6760亿元,相应的价格指数2003年为91,2013年为111,那么2013年的GDP实际值与2003年的GDP的实际值相比()A增长约40% B增长约70% C增长约90% D增长约20%4.假设某国第一年即基年的当期美元产出为500美元,如果第8年价格指数翻了一倍而实际产出增加了50%,则第8年的当期美元产出等于()A 2000美元B 1500美元C 1000美元D 750美元5.今年的名义GDP增加了,说明()A 今年的物价上涨了B 今年的物价和产出都增加了 C今年的产出增加了 D 不能确定6.下列那一项不列入国内生产总值的核算?()A出口到国外的一批货物;B政府给贫困家庭发放的一笔救济金;C经纪人为一座旧房买卖收取的一笔佣金;D保险公司收到一笔家庭财产保险费。



拼音12练习题一、听写练习1. 请听写下面的拼音,并将其写成汉字。

(1)qièyù(2)yǔyán(3)huǒchē(4)píjiǔ(5)zhōngwén(6)yuèyǔ(7)línjū(8)xínglǐ(9)dǎtiǎo(10)yǒuxiē2. 请听写下面的汉字字母,并将其写成拼音。

(1)医生 - yīshēng(2)蓝色 - lán sè(3)图书馆 - túshū guǎn(4)椅子 - yǐzi (5)苹果 - píngguǒ (6)旅游 - lǚyóu (7)电视 - diànshì(8)电脑 - diànnǎo (9)学校 - xuéxiào (10)饭馆 - fànguǎn 二、选择练习请选择正确的拼音。

1. ()mao(A)猫(B)煮2. ()ta(A)他(B)宝3. ()piao(A)飘(B)漂亮4. ()ai(A)哎(B)爱5. ()nian(A)年(B)念三、拼音补全请根据拼音补全下列词语。

1. yì - 书2. èr - 飞3. sān - 马4. sì - 头5. wǔ - 歌6. liù - 街7. qī - 柜8. bā - 嘴9. jiǔ - 院10. shí - 钟四、读音拼写请根据读音补全下面的拼音。

1. suǒ - 锁2. zhēn - 整3. chè - 车4. zhì - 纸5. duǒ - 多6. jìn - 进7. guān - 关8. gòng - 共9. sǒng - 宋10. rán - 燃五、连词成句请将下列词语连成完整的句子。

1. 你 - 叫 - 什么 - 名字?2. 我 - 是 - 你 - 的 - 朋友。



12乘法练习题1. 12 × 1 = ______2. 12 × 2 = ______3. 12 × 3 = ______4. 12 × 4 = ______5. 12 × 5 = ______6. 12 × 6 = ______7. 12 × 7 = ______8. 12 × 8 = ______9. 12 × 9 = ______10. 12 × 10 = ______11. 12 × 11 = ______12. 12 × 12 = ______思考题:1. 根据上面的乘法练习题,你能找出规律吗?2. 你能解释为什么12乘法表中的每一个答案都可以以2结尾吗?3. 如果你能把12乘法表的结果背下来,那么你可以回答任何涉及到12的乘法问题了吗?练习题答案:1. 12 × 1 = 122. 12 × 2 = 243. 12 × 3 = 364. 12 × 4 = 485. 12 × 5 = 606. 12 × 6 = 727. 12 × 7 = 848. 12 × 8 = 969. 12 × 9 = 10810. 12 × 10 = 12011. 12 × 11 = 13212. 12 × 12 = 144思考题解答:1. 规律是每一行的答案都是12的倍数。


2. 这是因为12是一个偶数,而偶数乘以任何数都会得到一个偶数。


3. 是的,如果你能背下12乘法表的结果,你将能够回答任何涉及到12的乘法问题,甚至可以在头脑中进行快速计算。



12以内加减法练习题100题姓名:18-= 17-11 = 13+= 17-= 16-10 =-=-= 16- 1 =+10 =- 0 = 18+1 =+10 =- 0 = 18-1= 17-1= 10+= 10-10 =- 0 = 15- 0 = 0 +1=+= 13-1= 13+=-= 15-1=+1= 0 + 0 = 0 +1=+1= 11-10 = 11+= 14-= 11- 1 =- 1 = 12- 0 = 11+ 0 = 13-10 =+= 10+= 0 + 1 = 11 + 1 = 17- 1 = 16+=20以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:+= 1 +1= 14+=12+= 14+ 1 = 10+=15-=-= 11+=12+= 17-1= 1 +1=+= 19-=-=10+= 1 +1= 11+ 1 =-=+1= 11+=16- 1 = 19-1=-=15-=-= 13+ 1 =19- 1 =+= 19-1=+=18-1= 12+=+= 16-1= 18-=+= 16-= 11+ 1 =+ 1 =+1=14+ 1 =-=10+=13-=15+=19-1=16-=+1= 17-1= 16+ 1 = 11+= 12+=17-10 = 13+= 1 +1= 11+ 1 =+11 =+1 =+=17- 1 = 1620以内加减法练习时间:成绩:-=-=- 0 =+11 = 13-=-=0 +1= 10+= 18-11 = 17+ 0 =-= 1 +=-=- 1 = 11-10 = 0 +11 = 17-1=17-=+ 0 =-= 14-= 17-1=19-1= 1 +=-= 14+= 10+= 1 += 17-11 = 15-11 =-=-= 11+=17-=+1=13+ 1 =+1= 11+ 0 = 0 +10 =- 1 =+= 11+=+10 = 12-10 =+10 =-= 19-11 =+=+11 = 10+= 1 - 0 =-= 19-= 17- 1 = 13-10 = 17+ 0 =-=-=-=-= 0 +=-= 16-1=+1=- 0 =0以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:18-= 11+= 14-1=+11 = 10+=11- 1 =-= 12+= 10+= 1 +=+10 =+10 =- 1 =- 1 =-= 12+=-=-= 11-10 =-= 19-=-= 16-1=-= 15-= 16-1=+11 =+1=+1=14+=+1= 16-1=+=+11 = 18-=+=- 0 = 17-1= 16-1=20以内加减法练习姓名:19-= 10+ 1 =+1= 19-= 12-11 =+= 18-= 19-10 = 16-1= 18-11 = 15-11 = 1 +=-=-= 12+=- 0 =+= 17-10 =+1=17-= 0 + 1 = 12-11 = 14+= 12+=+10 =+1= 17-1=-=-= 13- 1 = 1 +10 = 15+ 1 =1 += 1 +1= 14-=18-= 0 +1= 12+ 1 = 12+= 18-1=- 0 = 18-1= 18-=- 1 = 13- 1 = 19-1=- 0 = 0 +1=-=-=+11 =-= 13-= 1 += 15+= 18-1= 19-1=+=- 1 = 1 +1=-=+=+1= 1+ 1 = 19-=20以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:+= 14+ 0 = 13+ 0 = 18-1= 18-= 0 + 1 =+11 = 12+=+1= 19- 1 = 14+ 1 =+1= 17-11 =+= 17-11 = 17-1= 18- 1 =+= 12-10 =+10 =+= 11+ 1 = 19-1=+= 19-1=+=+ 1 =+ 1 =-= 1 += 15-=- 1 = 12+=+10 = 15-10 = 18-= 19-=-=-=20以内加减法练习姓名:1 +=-= 18-= 16-1= 1 +1= 13- 0 = 15- 0 = 19-1=17+ 0 = 19-= 0 +=-= 17+= 1 += 18-= 11-10 = 15-1=+=-= 10+= 13-= 15- 1 = 16+= 1 += 17-1= 18-1=-= 16+ 1 =- 1 = 1 += 15-11 =- 1 =16-=-= 12-1= 11+=+1=- 0 =+10 = 0 +11 =- 0 = 0 +=- 0 = 19-1= 16+ 1 = 12-10 =- 1 =10+=+= 17-=- 0 = 0 - 0 = 19- 1 = 12-10 =-= 12-11 = 15-11 =+10 =1 +1=+1=+1= 18-=-= 15+ 1 =19-=0以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:-= 15-11 =+10 = 1 +1=+1=+= 16-= 10+= 1 +1= 10+=+=+= 14+= 11+= 1 + 1 = 1 +=+1= 12+= 12+= 17-1=- 1 =+= 16+= 1 +1=+1=+= 18-1= 15- 1 = 17-=+1= 12+= 16- 1 =+1= 19-1= 11+=11+=+1=-=-=20以内加减法练习姓名:19+ 0 = 1 +1=- 1 = 1 +1=+=16-1= 1 - 1 = 17-1=+ 1 = 10+10 =+10 = 15-1=- 0 = 13+= 18-=- 0 =14-= 0 +1= 19-1=16-= 12+=+ 1 = 14-10 =- 1 =18-= 19- 1 = 16-1= 17-1= 1 +1=+= 19-=+1=-=+= 19-1=- 1 = 1 + 0 =1 +11 = 0 += 18-1= 12- 1 =+1=+ 0 = 1 +1=- 0 = 12+= 15-11 = 0 + 0 =19-= 13+= 18-= 1 +1= 1 +1=- 0 =-=+10 = 18-= 19-1= 12-= 10+=+= 18-= 1 +1=+1= 17-=0以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:18-=+11 = 16-1= 10+=- 1 =+ 1 =-=+ 1 =-= 16-= 13-10 =+1= 15-=+= 15+= 19-1= 11+=+= 16-1= 15-= 19-=+1= 11+=19-= 17+=+1= 13-= 16-11 = 12-10 = 19-=+= 14-10 =-=-= 15-=+1= 17-=- 1 =-=计算能力大提升18-= 17-11 = 13+= 17-=16-10 =-=-= 16- 1 =+10 =- 0 = 18+ 1 =+10 =- 0 = 18-1= 17-1= 10+=10-10 =- 0 = 15- 0 =+ 1 =0 +1=+= 13-1=+1=13+=-= 15-1=1 =+1= 0 + 0 = 0 +1=+1= 11-10 = 11++=14-= 11- 1 =- 1 =12- 0 = 11+ 0 = 13-10=+= 10+= 0 + 1 ==11+ 1 = 17- 1 =+= 16=+= 1 +1=+1=12+= 14+ 1 = 17-1=15-=-= 16+ 1 =12+= 17-1=11+=+= 19- 12+=10+= 1 +1+= 17-10 =-=+ 11+= 13+=16- 1 = 19=-= 1 +1=15-== 13+ 1 = 11+ 1 =19-== 19-1=+11 =18-1= 12+=+ 1 =16-1= 18-=+=16+= 11+ 1 = 17- 1 =-=-=- 0 =+11 =13-=-= 0 +1= 10+=18-11 =17+ 0 =-= 1 +=-= 13+ 1 =+1= 11+ 0 =- 1 = 0 +10 =- 1 =+=11-10 = 11+=+10 = 12-10 = 0 +11 =+10 =-= 19-11 =17-1=+=+11 = 10+=17-= 1 - 0 =-= 19-=+ 0 = 17- 1 = 13-10 = 17+ 0 =计算能力大提升-=-=-=-=14-=-= 0 +=-=17-1= 16-1=+1=- 0 =19-1= 18-= 11+= 14-1=1 +=+11 = 10+= 11- 1 =-=-= 12+= 10+=14+= 1 +=+10 ==10+=- 1 =- 1 ==1 += 12+=-=17-11 = 11-10 =-=15-11 =-= 16-1==-= 15-= 16-1=-=+1= 1 +11+=+1=+17-=+11 =+=+1=- 0 = 16-1=19-= 10+ 1 = 19-=12-11 =+= 18-=19-10 =16-1= 1 += 1 +1=14-=18-11 = 18-0 +1= 12+ 1 =15-11 = 12+ 18-1=- 0 =1 +=18- 18-=- 1 =- 13- 1 = 19-1=- 0 =-0 +1=-=-=12+=-= 13-=- 0 =15+= 18-1=+=19-1=+=- 1 =17-10 = 1 +1=-=+=+1=+1= 15+ 1 = 19-=17-=+= 14+ 0 = 13+ 0 = 0 + 1 = 18-1= 18-= 0 + 1 = 12-11 =+11 = 12+=+1=14+= 19- 1 = 14+ 1 =+1= 12+= 17-11 =+= 17-11 =+10 = 17-1= 18- 1 =+=计算能力大提升+1= 12-10 =+10 =+=17-1= 11+ 1 = 19-1=+=-= 19-1=+=+ 1 =-=+ 1 =-= 1 +=13- 1 = 15-=- 1 = 12+=1 +10 =+10 = 15-10 = 18-=15+ 1 = 19-=-=-=1 +=-= 18-=1 +1= 13- 0 = 15- 0 =17+ 0 = 16-=-=19-= 11+=+1=0 +=+10 = 0 +11 =--= 0 +=-=19=17+= 16+ 1 = 11 += 10+= 17-=18-=- 0 = 1 =11-10 = 12-10 = 11 =15-1= 15-11 =+1 +1=+=+1= 18-=-=-= 15+=19-=10+=-15-11 =+10 =13-= 1 ++1=+=15- 1 =16-10+= 1 +1=16+ 10+=+=+=1 +14+= 11+= 1 + 1 =17-1=+1= 12+=18-1=17-1=- 1 =-=+= 16+= 1 +1=16+ 1 =+1=+= 18-1=- 1 =15- 1 = 17-=+1=1 += 12+= 16- 1 =+1=15-11 = 19-1= 11+= 11+=- 1 =+1=-=-=19+ 0 = 1 +1=- 1 = 1 +1=+= 16-1= 1 - 1 = 17-1=+ 1 =-=+= 19-1=计算能力大提升10+10 =- 1 = 1 + 0 = 1 +11 =+10 = 0 += 18-1= 12- 1 = 15-1=+1=+0 = 1 +1=- 0 =- 0 = 12+= 15-11 =13+= 0 + 0 = 19-= 13+= 18-= 18-= 1 +1= 1 +1=- 0 =- 0 =-=+10 = 14-= 18-= 19-1= 0 +1= 10+=+= 19-1= 1 +1=+1=16-= 18-=+11 =12+= 10+=-1 =++ 1 =-=+== 14-10 = 16-=1 - 1 = 15-= 15+= 18-= 19-1== 19-1 = 16-1== 16-1=+1= 11+19-= 17-1= 17+= 13-= 1 +1= 16-11 = 12-=19-=+=+= 14-10 =-= 19-=-15-=+1=+1= 17-- 1 =-=10+ 0 +1= 16-= 19- 1 =+15+1=16-= 18-1=+1= 19-= 14-1= 15-1=0 +11 =+11 = 14-1=15-= 11+ 0 = 1 += 1 +1= 0 +11 = 0 += 17-10 = 1 +=15+ 0 =+ 0 = 14+ 0 =+=- 1 =+ 0 = 16- 1 = 13-1= 1 +=+ 0 =-= 18-=13-11 =-= 18-=+= 10+=+11 =15-1= 17-1= 12-1=+10 = 17-1=- 1 =-=-=-=计算能力大提升15-= 1 +1=+1=- 1 = 18-= 1 +10 = 15-=-=+1= 1 +1=+ 1 = 14+= 18- 1 =+10 = 14+=-= 12-11 = 17-1= 10+=+= 1 +1= 12+= 10+= 12+=+1= 16+=-= 19-10 = 14-10 =11+= 19-1=+11 = 10+=+=+1= 17-= 19-= 1 += 18-= 1 +=14+=+1= 15-1=+= 10+=-=-+= 18- 1 = 14+=+= 17-= 12+= 10+= 1= 15-1= 14-= 1=-=+1=18+18-=+ 0 = 1 - 0 =- 1 =-= 11-1 = 13-=1 += 16-= 14-10 = 14-1=11+= 11- 0 = 13-1014-= 16+= 10+= 14-+= 18-1= 15-1=19- 19-1=+1= 10+ 17-=-=+11 = 11+ 113-10 =-=-=+=17-= 1 +=+1=13+=+= 19-= 1 +1=- 1 =+ 1 = 11+= 18+ 1 =12-1= 15-=+1= 1 +1= 19-10 = 19-1=- 1 = 17-1=+= 16-1= 1 - 0 =- 1 =19- 1 = 1 +=+= 1 +1= 19-1= 19-1=17- 1 =- 0 =- 0 =- 1 = 12-11 =+1= 0 +10 = 11+ 0 =-=+1= 19-1= 15-10 = 17- 1 =30以内加减法练习18- 1=7-11 = 13+1 = 7-=26-10 =-=-=6- 11 =2+10 =- 0 = 0-10 =10 +2= 3+ 1=+1=+1= 4-=32- 10 =+1 =1+ 11 =- 10 =28-1=- 0 =+=-=0 +1 0 =31-10 = 1- 1 =21+ 0 = 10+ 1=17- 11 = 8+ 1 = 7-1=25-10 =3-1=5-1= 10 +1= 11+1 =- 11 =23-10=10 +1 1 = 16+ 1= 1+10 =10+1 =+ 1 =1 +1=24+ 1 =2- 1=10+=23-=25+=19-1=16-=30以内加减法练习1+= 11 +1= 14+ 1= 1 +1=32+ 1= 14+ 11 = 10+1 = 17-1=35- 1=+ 1=+ 1= 10+1 =-= 16- 11 = 15-1 = 19- 1 =+=+=+=-=17-1= 19- 1= 11 +1=1+1= 19-1=-=+=18-1=16-1= 16-=11+ 1=11 +1=-= 11+11 = 11+1 =2- 1=13+ 11 = 19-1= 12+ 1=18-= 11+ 11 =16+ 11 =11+ 1=12+ 1=17-10 =1 1 +1=11+1 =1 +11 =+ 1 =2+=27- 11 = 1630以内加减法练习2- 1=-=- 10 = 1+11 =33- 1=-= 0 +1= 10+ 1=18-11 =-=2- 11 = 11-10 =0 +11 =17-1= 17-= 1+ 10 =-=24-= 17-1= 17+ 0 = 13+ 11 =20 +10 =11+= 1+10 =+= 1 -10 =17- 11 = 1-=-= 16-1=-= 1+1=-1 = 1+10 =-=1 +11 =1-= 13-10 =-=1 0 += 1+1=+ 1=11+ 10 =1+1 =12-10 =19-11 =10+ 1=19-=2- 1=1 -=2- 0 =130以内加减法练习19-1= 18-= 11+ 1=14-1=11 + 1= 1+11 = 10+=31- 11 =1-= 14+= 10+= 1+ 1=17-11 = 15-11 =-=-= 11+= 17-=+1=1-= 1 1 +=- 1 =12+= 11-10 =-=- 1=1+1= 1+1= 1 +11 =- 10 =12+= 1+10 = 1- 11 =1 -=2-=16-1=16-1= 1+1=-1=18-= 17-1=10+=1 +10 =1 -=- 1= 19-=2- 1=2+11 =24+ 1=+ 1=1 +=16-1=30以内加减法练习19- 1= 10+ 11 =+1= 19-=42-11 =+=- 1=-10 =16-1=18-11 =15-11 =1 +=5-=-=12+=5- 10 =+= 17-10 =2+1=11 += 18-= 12+= 18-1=53- 1 = 0 +1=+11 =1 +=19-1= 11 +1=+1= 1 1 +1= 0 +1=18-1=48-= 19-1=-=5-=55+=+=-=15+11 = 14-=12+ 11 =- 10 =- 11 =1- 0 =2-= 3-=58-1=- 11 =2+=19-=。



12以内加减法练习题100题姓名:18-= 17-11 = 13+= 17-= 16-10 =-=-= 16- 1 =+10 =- 0 = 18+1 =+10 =- 0 = 18-1= 17-1= 10+= 10-10 =- 0 = 15- 0 = 0 +1=+= 13-1= 13+=-= 15-1=+1= 0 + 0 = 0 +1=+1= 11-10 = 11+= 14-= 11- 1 =- 1 = 12- 0 = 11+ 0 = 13-10 =+= 10+= 0 + 1 = 11 + 1 = 17- 1 = 16+=20以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:+= 1 +1= 14+=12+= 14+ 1 = 10+=15-=-= 11+=12+= 17-1= 1 +1=+= 19-=-=10+= 1 +1= 11+ 1 =-=+1= 11+=16- 1 = 19-1=-=15-=-= 13+ 1 =19- 1 =+= 19-1=+=18-1= 12+=+= 16-1= 18-=+= 16-= 11+ 1 =+ 1 =+1=14+ 1 =-=10+=13-=15+=19-1=16-=+1= 17-1= 16+ 1 = 11+= 12+=17-10 = 13+= 1 +1= 11+ 1 =+11 =+1 =+=17- 1 = 1620以内加减法练习时间:成绩:-=-=- 0 =+11 = 13-=-=0 +1= 10+= 18-11 = 17+ 0 =-= 1 +=-=- 1 = 11-10 = 0 +11 = 17-1=17-=+ 0 =-= 14-= 17-1=19-1= 1 +=-= 14+= 10+= 1 += 17-11 = 15-11 =-=-= 11+=17-=+1=13+ 1 =+1= 11+ 0 = 0 +10 =- 1 =+= 11+=+10 = 12-10 =+10 =-= 19-11 =+=+11 = 10+= 1 - 0 =-= 19-= 17- 1 = 13-10 = 17+ 0 =-=-=-=-= 0 +=-= 16-1=+1=- 0 =0以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:18-= 11+= 14-1=+11 = 10+=11- 1 =-= 12+= 10+= 1 +=+10 =+10 =- 1 =- 1 =-= 12+=-=-= 11-10 =-= 19-=-= 16-1=-= 15-= 16-1=+11 =+1=+1=14+=+1= 16-1=+=+11 = 18-=+=- 0 = 17-1= 16-1=20以内加减法练习姓名:19-= 10+ 1 =+1= 19-= 12-11 =+= 18-= 19-10 = 16-1= 18-11 = 15-11 = 1 +=-=-= 12+=- 0 =+= 17-10 =+1=17-= 0 + 1 = 12-11 = 14+= 12+=+10 =+1= 17-1=-=-= 13- 1 = 1 +10 = 15+ 1 =1 += 1 +1= 14-=18-= 0 +1= 12+ 1 = 12+= 18-1=- 0 = 18-1= 18-=- 1 = 13- 1 = 19-1=- 0 = 0 +1=-=-=+11 =-= 13-= 1 += 15+= 18-1= 19-1=+=- 1 = 1 +1=-=+=+1= 1+ 1 = 19-=20以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:+= 14+ 0 = 13+ 0 = 18-1= 18-= 0 + 1 =+11 = 12+=+1= 19- 1 = 14+ 1 =+1= 17-11 =+= 17-11 = 17-1= 18- 1 =+= 12-10 =+10 =+= 11+ 1 = 19-1=+= 19-1=+=+ 1 =+ 1 =-= 1 += 15-=- 1 = 12+=+10 = 15-10 = 18-= 19-=-=-=20以内加减法练习姓名:1 +=-= 18-= 16-1= 1 +1= 13- 0 = 15- 0 = 19-1=17+ 0 = 19-= 0 +=-= 17+= 1 += 18-= 11-10 = 15-1=+=-= 10+= 13-= 15- 1 = 16+= 1 += 17-1= 18-1=-= 16+ 1 =- 1 = 1 += 15-11 =- 1 =16-=-= 12-1= 11+=+1=- 0 =+10 = 0 +11 =- 0 = 0 +=- 0 = 19-1= 16+ 1 = 12-10 =- 1 =10+=+= 17-=- 0 = 0 - 0 = 19- 1 = 12-10 =-= 12-11 = 15-11 =+10 =1 +1=+1=+1= 18-=-= 15+ 1 =19-=0以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:-= 15-11 =+10 = 1 +1=+1=+= 16-= 10+= 1 +1= 10+=+=+= 14+= 11+= 1 + 1 = 1 +=+1= 12+= 12+= 17-1=- 1 =+= 16+= 1 +1=+1=+= 18-1= 15- 1 = 17-=+1= 12+= 16- 1 =+1= 19-1= 11+=11+=+1=-=-=20以内加减法练习姓名:19+ 0 = 1 +1=- 1 = 1 +1=+=16-1= 1 - 1 = 17-1=+ 1 = 10+10 =+10 = 15-1=- 0 = 13+= 18-=- 0 =14-= 0 +1= 19-1=16-= 12+=+ 1 = 14-10 =- 1 =18-= 19- 1 = 16-1= 17-1= 1 +1=+= 19-=+1=-=+= 19-1=- 1 = 1 + 0 =1 +11 = 0 += 18-1= 12- 1 =+1=+ 0 = 1 +1=- 0 = 12+= 15-11 = 0 + 0 =19-= 13+= 18-= 1 +1= 1 +1=- 0 =-=+10 = 18-= 19-1= 12-= 10+=+= 18-= 1 +1=+1= 17-=0以内加减法练习姓名:时间:成绩:18-=+11 = 16-1= 10+=- 1 =+ 1 =-=+ 1 =-= 16-= 13-10 =+1= 15-=+= 15+= 19-1= 11+=+= 16-1= 15-= 19-=+1= 11+=19-= 17+=+1= 13-= 16-11 = 12-10 = 19-=+= 14-10 =-=-= 15-=+1= 17-=- 1 =-=计算能力大提升18-= 17-11 = 13+= 17-=16-10 =-=-= 16- 1 =+10 =- 0 = 18+ 1 =+10 =- 0 = 18-1= 17-1= 10+=10-10 =- 0 = 15- 0 =+ 1 =0 +1=+= 13-1=+1=13+=-= 15-1=1 =+1= 0 + 0 = 0 +1=+1= 11-10 = 11++=14-= 11- 1 =- 1 =12- 0 = 11+ 0 = 13-10=+= 10+= 0 + 1 ==11+ 1 = 17- 1 =+= 16=+= 1 +1=+1=12+= 14+ 1 = 17-1=15-=-= 16+ 1 =12+= 17-1=11+=+= 19- 12+=10+= 1 +1+= 17-10 =-=+ 11+= 13+=16- 1 = 19=-= 1 +1=15-== 13+ 1 = 11+ 1 =19-== 19-1=+11 =18-1= 12+=+ 1 =16-1= 18-=+=16+= 11+ 1 = 17- 1 =-=-=- 0 =+11 =13-=-= 0 +1= 10+=18-11 =17+ 0 =-= 1 +=-= 13+ 1 =+1= 11+ 0 =- 1 = 0 +10 =- 1 =+=11-10 = 11+=+10 = 12-10 = 0 +11 =+10 =-= 19-11 =17-1=+=+11 = 10+=17-= 1 - 0 =-= 19-=+ 0 = 17- 1 = 13-10 = 17+ 0 =计算能力大提升-=-=-=-=14-=-= 0 +=-=17-1= 16-1=+1=- 0 =19-1= 18-= 11+= 14-1=1 +=+11 = 10+= 11- 1 =-=-= 12+= 10+=14+= 1 +=+10 ==10+=- 1 =- 1 ==1 += 12+=-=17-11 = 11-10 =-=15-11 =-= 16-1==-= 15-= 16-1=-=+1= 1 +11+=+1=+17-=+11 =+=+1=- 0 = 16-1=19-= 10+ 1 = 19-=12-11 =+= 18-=19-10 =16-1= 1 += 1 +1=14-=18-11 = 18-0 +1= 12+ 1 =15-11 = 12+ 18-1=- 0 =1 +=18- 18-=- 1 =- 13- 1 = 19-1=- 0 =-0 +1=-=-=12+=-= 13-=- 0 =15+= 18-1=+=19-1=+=- 1 =17-10 = 1 +1=-=+=+1=+1= 15+ 1 = 19-=17-=+= 14+ 0 = 13+ 0 = 0 + 1 = 18-1= 18-= 0 + 1 = 12-11 =+11 = 12+=+1=14+= 19- 1 = 14+ 1 =+1= 12+= 17-11 =+= 17-11 =+10 = 17-1= 18- 1 =+=计算能力大提升+1= 12-10 =+10 =+=17-1= 11+ 1 = 19-1=+=-= 19-1=+=+ 1 =-=+ 1 =-= 1 +=13- 1 = 15-=- 1 = 12+=1 +10 =+10 = 15-10 = 18-=15+ 1 = 19-=-=-=1 +=-= 18-=1 +1= 13- 0 = 15- 0 =17+ 0 = 16-=-=19-= 11+=+1=0 +=+10 = 0 +11 =--= 0 +=-=19=17+= 16+ 1 = 11 += 10+= 17-=18-=- 0 = 1 =11-10 = 12-10 = 11 =15-1= 15-11 =+1 +1=+=+1= 18-=-=-= 15+=19-=10+=-15-11 =+10 =13-= 1 ++1=+=15- 1 =16-10+= 1 +1=16+ 10+=+=+=1 +14+= 11+= 1 + 1 =17-1=+1= 12+=18-1=17-1=- 1 =-=+= 16+= 1 +1=16+ 1 =+1=+= 18-1=- 1 =15- 1 = 17-=+1=1 += 12+= 16- 1 =+1=15-11 = 19-1= 11+= 11+=- 1 =+1=-=-=19+ 0 = 1 +1=- 1 = 1 +1=+= 16-1= 1 - 1 = 17-1=+ 1 =-=+= 19-1=计算能力大提升10+10 =- 1 = 1 + 0 = 1 +11 =+10 = 0 += 18-1= 12- 1 = 15-1=+1=+0 = 1 +1=- 0 =- 0 = 12+= 15-11 =13+= 0 + 0 = 19-= 13+= 18-= 18-= 1 +1= 1 +1=- 0 =- 0 =-=+10 = 14-= 18-= 19-1= 0 +1= 10+=+= 19-1= 1 +1=+1=16-= 18-=+11 =12+= 10+=-1 =++ 1 =-=+== 14-10 = 16-=1 - 1 = 15-= 15+= 18-= 19-1== 19-1 = 16-1== 16-1=+1= 11+19-= 17-1= 17+= 13-= 1 +1= 16-11 = 12-=19-=+=+= 14-10 =-= 19-=-15-=+1=+1= 17-- 1 =-=10+ 0 +1= 16-= 19- 1 =+15+1=16-= 18-1=+1= 19-= 14-1= 15-1=0 +11 =+11 = 14-1=15-= 11+ 0 = 1 += 1 +1= 0 +11 = 0 += 17-10 = 1 +=15+ 0 =+ 0 = 14+ 0 =+=- 1 =+ 0 = 16- 1 = 13-1= 1 +=+ 0 =-= 18-=13-11 =-= 18-=+= 10+=+11 =15-1= 17-1= 12-1=+10 = 17-1=- 1 =-=-=-=计算能力大提升15-= 1 +1=+1=- 1 = 18-= 1 +10 = 15-=-=+1= 1 +1=+ 1 = 14+= 18- 1 =+10 = 14+=-= 12-11 = 17-1= 10+=+= 1 +1= 12+= 10+= 12+=+1= 16+=-= 19-10 = 14-10 =11+= 19-1=+11 = 10+=+=+1= 17-= 19-= 1 += 18-= 1 +=14+=+1= 15-1=+= 10+=-=-+= 18- 1 = 14+=+= 17-= 12+= 10+= 1= 15-1= 14-= 1=-=+1=18+18-=+ 0 = 1 - 0 =- 1 =-= 11-1 = 13-=1 += 16-= 14-10 = 14-1=11+= 11- 0 = 13-1014-= 16+= 10+= 14-+= 18-1= 15-1=19- 19-1=+1= 10+ 17-=-=+11 = 11+ 113-10 =-=-=+=17-= 1 +=+1=13+=+= 19-= 1 +1=- 1 =+ 1 = 11+= 18+ 1 =12-1= 15-=+1= 1 +1= 19-10 = 19-1=- 1 = 17-1=+= 16-1= 1 - 0 =- 1 =19- 1 = 1 +=+= 1 +1= 19-1= 19-1=17- 1 =- 0 =- 0 =- 1 = 12-11 =+1= 0 +10 = 11+ 0 =-=+1= 19-1= 15-10 = 17- 1 =30以内加减法练习18- 1=7-11 = 13+1 = 7-=26-10 =-=-=6- 11 =2+10 =- 0 = 0-10 =10 +2= 3+ 1=+1=+1= 4-=32- 10 =+1 =1+ 11 =- 10 =28-1=- 0 =+=-=0 +1 0 =31-10 = 1- 1 =21+ 0 = 10+ 1=17- 11 = 8+ 1 = 7-1=25-10 =3-1=5-1= 10 +1= 11+1 =- 11 =23-10=10 +1 1 = 16+ 1= 1+10 =10+1 =+ 1 =1 +1=24+ 1 =2- 1=10+=23-=25+=19-1=16-=30以内加减法练习1+= 11 +1= 14+ 1= 1 +1=32+ 1= 14+ 11 = 10+1 = 17-1=35- 1=+ 1=+ 1= 10+1 =-= 16- 11 = 15-1 = 19- 1 =+=+=+=-=17-1= 19- 1= 11 +1=1+1= 19-1=-=+=18-1=16-1= 16-=11+ 1=11 +1=-= 11+11 = 11+1 =2- 1=13+ 11 = 19-1= 12+ 1=18-= 11+ 11 =16+ 11 =11+ 1=12+ 1=17-10 =1 1 +1=11+1 =1 +11 =+ 1 =2+=27- 11 = 1630以内加减法练习2- 1=-=- 10 = 1+11 =33- 1=-= 0 +1= 10+ 1=18-11 =-=2- 11 = 11-10 =0 +11 =17-1= 17-= 1+ 10 =-=24-= 17-1= 17+ 0 = 13+ 11 =20 +10 =11+= 1+10 =+= 1 -10 =17- 11 = 1-=-= 16-1=-= 1+1=-1 = 1+10 =-=1 +11 =1-= 13-10 =-=1 0 += 1+1=+ 1=11+ 10 =1+1 =12-10 =19-11 =10+ 1=19-=2- 1=1 -=2- 0 =130以内加减法练习19-1= 18-= 11+ 1=14-1=11 + 1= 1+11 = 10+=31- 11 =1-= 14+= 10+= 1+ 1=17-11 = 15-11 =-=-= 11+= 17-=+1=1-= 1 1 +=- 1 =12+= 11-10 =-=- 1=1+1= 1+1= 1 +11 =- 10 =12+= 1+10 = 1- 11 =1 -=2-=16-1=16-1= 1+1=-1=18-= 17-1=10+=1 +10 =1 -=- 1= 19-=2- 1=2+11 =24+ 1=+ 1=1 +=16-1=30以内加减法练习19- 1= 10+ 11 =+1= 19-=42-11 =+=- 1=-10 =16-1=18-11 =15-11 =1 +=5-=-=12+=5- 10 =+= 17-10 =2+1=11 += 18-= 12+= 18-1=53- 1 = 0 +1=+11 =1 +=19-1= 11 +1=+1= 1 1 +1= 0 +1=18-1=48-= 19-1=-=5-=55+=+=-=15+11 = 14-=12+ 11 =- 10 =- 11 =1- 0 =2-= 3-=58-1=- 11 =2+=19-=。


















你能用它算出你爸爸的标准体重吗?2.3.(1)2000年某地区青少年(6~17 岁)平均身高为x cm,到2020年,平均身高增长了3 cm。

2020年该地区青少年平均身高为 cm。


一个人重a kg,骨骼约是 kg。


一个人早上身高 bcm,晚上身高可能是 cm。






5. 省略乘号写出下面各式。

a×x x×x b×8 b×16. 把结果相等的两个式子连起来。

7. 根据运算律在里填上适当的数或字母。


9.(1)小亮每分钟骑行v m。



s =_______(3)如果每分钟行260 m,时间是30分,骑行的路程是多少米?10.(1)用字母表示出长方形的面积和周长。

(2)一个长方形的长是 8 cm,宽是 5 cm,它的面积和周长各是多少?11. 用 a 表示商品的单价,x 表示数量,c 表示总价,分别写出它们之间的数量关系。

如果每袋方便面 1.5 元, 6元可以买几袋?12.填表并解答问题。





1.下列有关地役权的表述,不正确的是( )。

A.地役权人有权按照合同约定利用他人的不动产,以提高自己的不动产的效益B.地役权的设立采取登记对抗主义C.地役权合同是要式合同D.地役权的期限与建设用地使用权的期限相同2.根据《物权法》的规定,下列选项中不属于地役权法律关系的有( )。

A.甲与乙约定,甲为了眺望远处海景,要求乙不得兴建四层以上高层住宅,为此,甲一次性支付补偿费10万元B.电力局与丙集体组织约定,电力局要通过丙集体经济组织的土地架设高压线,为此,电力局支付土地占用费20万元C.开发商丁为了取得建设用地以兴建高层建筑,向土地管理部门支付费用500万元D.戊为了使用己的土地排水而兴建排水渠,为此向己一次性支付费用30万元3.根据《物权法》的规定,下列有关土地承包经营权的说法,正确的是( )。

A.权利人不得在土地承包经营权上设定抵押权B.以招标、拍卖、公开协商等方式设定土地承包经营权的,该土地承包经营权不能投资入股C.对于家庭承包经营的,承包地不得用于非农业建设D.设立土地承包经营权的主体仅限于农村集体经济组织的成员4.根据《物权法》的规定,下列有关建设用地使用权的说法,正确的是( )。

A.建设用地使用权在设立上采取登记对抗主义B.在建设用地使用权上不能设定抵押权C.以划拨形式设定建设用地使用权的,应当采用招标、拍卖的方式D.以出让形式设定建设用地使用权的,使用权人应当支付对价5.根据《物权法》的规定,下列有关宅基地使用权的说法,错误的是( )。

A.宅基地使用权一般为有偿取得B.宅基地使用权为主物权、用益物权C.宅基地使用权在设立上采取登记对抗主义D.宅基地使用权不能继承1.根据《物权法》的规定,下列用益物权可以设定抵押的有( )。

A.土地承包经营权B.建设用地使用权C.宅基地使用权D.地役权2.根据《物权法》的规定,宅基地使用权不得( )。







单词识记:book guide museum impress sightseeing accident airport direction drive flight station arrive litter delay passenger safety transport satisfy secure voyage 短语扫描:go on a journey/trip去旅行去旅行去旅行go abroad for further study 出国深造出国深造at home and abroad 在国内外在国内外fill in/out an application (form)填写申请(表) arrange (for sb./sth.) to do sth.做某事安排(……)做某事pack up把……打包;收拾(行李) be packed with 挤满……挤满……admission/entrance fee入场费;入会费入场费;入会费broaden one’s mind 开阔胸襟开阔胸襟check in登记;报到登记;报到[跟踪训练] 或所给词的正确形式在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1.His words are strongly (impress) on my memory. 2.Since her (arrive) at the company,she has re-organized several departments. off. 3.There were also several (accident) mainly caused by engine failures on take-4.There is a certain thing he does that (drive) me mad. 5.His only experience of gardening so far proved extremely (satisfy).6.When you go a journey,why not keep a travel journal? 7.On the websites we can learn about news both home and abroad. 8.Her daily life is packed numerous interesting activities. s pack s arranged A河南开封高三冲刺) London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the new bike hire scheme in order to . All the following are the problems of the scheme EXCEPT . we can infer that . versatile vehicle and it is also very comfortable.If you are thinking about hiring a motorhome this The main purpose of this text is to explain why it is a good idea to . The last paragraph tells us the advantages of hiring a motorhome by .two fewer than any other month. 9 .10 11 Caesar declared that an extra day be added to the calendar. but the year 2000 was a leap year. 12 13 People born on Feb 29 celebrate their growing up a little differently from the rest of us. 。















3. 果蔬店运来6筐西红柿、5筐黄瓜。

4. 口算。

13×2 = 33×2 = 34×2 = 21×2 =
12×2 = 22×3 = 42×2 = 23×3 =
21×3 = 43×2 = 31×3= 22×2= 5.(1)4筒羽毛球一共多少只?


7×8+6 20×3+98 2000×4+1980
4×6+6 70×9-120 (406-385)×3
11. 小军每个月攒20元零花钱,请填写下表。






1.[单选题]能通过对过去和现在已知状况的分析,推断未来可能发生的情况的专家系统是()A)修理专家系统B)预测专家系统C)调试专家系统D)规划专家系统2.[单选题]RNN可以将()的时间步进行关联处理A)先前B)之后C)丢失D)LSTM3.[单选题]激活函数有很多种,也有很多异同点,以下Relu和Tanh两个激活函数,有什么不同点A)输出的值域不同B)Relu可以做非线性变换而Tanh不可以C)Relu是激活函数但是Tanh不是激活函数D)都不可以做线性变换4.[单选题]不属于面向对象的是A)A: 封装B)B: 继承C)C: 多态D)D: 消息5.[单选题]通常使用到的交叉熵函数是作为什么作用?A)损失函数B)激活函数C)sigmoid函数D)relu函数6.[单选题]下列正确的是A)句法是指描述词语排列的方法B)句法结构一般用树状数据结构表示C)句法分析,是指对输入的单词序列判断其构成是否合乎给定的语法,分析出合乎语法的句子的句法结构。

D)其它3项都对7.[单选题]AUC的值不会大于几?A)1B)2C)3D)48.[单选题]NLP研究的内容中,基础研究不包括( )。

A)隐马尔科夫模型B)字符集的编码体系C)语言计算模型D)资源建设9.[单选题]以下哪种模型是自然语言处理后Bert时代的预训练模型A)Word2VecB)RNNC)XLNetD)LSTM10.[单选题]构建神经网络模型,经常会发生过拟合现象,下列选项中关于拟合说法正确的是?A)过拟合只发生在理论阶段,实际不会发生这种情况B)欠拟合是数据量过多,造成无法全部计算的现象C)过拟合是指数据量大,计算复杂的情况D)训练准确率高,测试准确率低的情况,数据过拟合11.[单选题]哪个算法可以做机器翻译A)LSAB)seq2seqC)TextFastD)LSTM12.[单选题]以下哪个与支持向量机无关A)使用核函数B)将低维向量向高维向量转换C)使低维线性不可分的数据在高维线性可分D)使用向量的都叫支持向量机13.[单选题]以下哪种情况会导致SVM算法性能下降?A)数据线性可分B)数据干净、格式整齐C)数据有噪声,有重复值D)不确定14.[单选题]基于商品评论数据来评估客户对商品的态度运用了到以哪项数据分析工具?( )A)文本挖掘B)情感分析C)自然语言处理D)以上三种都有15.[单选题]以下机器学习算法中,属于聚类算法的是A)K均值算法B)逻辑回归C)线性回归D)支持向量机16.[单选题]在决策树的可视化中可以用以下哪个获取决策树叶子节点的个数A)plotTreeB)plotNodeC)getTreeDepthD)getNumLeafs17.[单选题]以下几个机器学习算法中,哪个算法是比较常用的无监督学习算法A)聚类B)K-近邻算法C)回归算法D)决策树18.[单选题]基于机器学习的情感分类,关键在于特征选择、( )分类模型。





甲所犯盗窃罪的追诉期限( )。



下列选项中,正确的是( )。



对甲的抢劫犯罪( )。


下列对于追诉时效的表述,正确的是( )。






TEM-4语法词汇题集Unit 11. This rock has to be _______ in order to build a road.A. blastedB. exploredC. hiredD. maintained2. He did not go to the party last night, which _____ her feelings deeply.A. woundedB. injuredC. hurtD. injury3. When they returned to the river, they found that the boat had _______ away.A. framedB. frostedC. frownedD. floated4. If you need further information, please _______ our office.A. constantB. constructC. contactD. contain5. During the war, many soldiers were killed not by _______, but by disease.A. bulletsB. devilC. bibleD. depth6. We watched the ship until it became only a _______ in the distance.A. pointB. jarC. stoveD. dot7. The English proverb ‘_______ the rod and spoil the child’ means that if you deep from punishing the child, you will spoil its character.A. ruleB. rugC. clapD. spare8. The _______ was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000.A. wormB. trialC. tubeD. criminal9. Higher education in China is free but the _______ for entrance is strong.A. comparisonB. consequenceC. competitionD. crawl10. The light is too _______ for me to read. I can not stand any more.A. ridB. ripeC. soupD. dim11. The water _______ from the tap and damaged all the books in my study.A. sprayedB. puzzledC. inclinedD. exported12. In the United States, congress makes the laws and the President _______ them.A. ordersB. conquersC. executesD. hedges13. She is too _______ to answer questions in the class.A. eagleB. coughC. eagerD. couch14. We enjoy seeing the glorious _______ of the rising sun.A. beamsB. beansC. beefD. bead15. In the _______ English reading course, the students have to read a lot.A. extensiveB. mechanicalC. mercuryD. opera16. He gave up his study in college in _______.A. bundleB. butcherC. ashD. despair17. Several people _______ the car accident.A. witnessedB. provedC. swallowedD. drugged18. They will _______ the project with the necessary funds.A. referB. relateC. furnaceD. furnish19. I took it for _______ that you wouldn’t come here again.A. grandB. tameC. grantedD. thumb20. He was sent to London on a special _______.A. missingB. missileC. missionD. mistress21. This light shelf is strong enough to _______ all the books here.A. wipeB. waxC. surveyD. sustain22. The _______ Court is the highest court in the United States.A. VitalB. ThunderC. ReverseD. Supreme23. Our university has an international student exchange _______ with the University of Wyoming in the United States.A. processionB. provisionC. professionD. program24.He ________ of me the best way to go.A. investigatedB. inquiredC. frightenedD. resorted25.Mr. White tried to _______ this job through the influence of his father.A. harnessB. fetchC. curseD. obtain26.The police dog finally found the _______ of the prisoners of war.A. steepB. resolutionC. porterD. trail27.As the only _______ in the small village, he not only fixed the furniture but also made furniture for the villagers.A. symbolB. sourceC. panD. carpenter28.A big crowd gathered around the bus, almost _______ the traffic.A. affectingB. blockingC. creatingD. mating29.As far as I see, this book has its own _______.A. meritB. signalC. visibleD. swift30.This tree is too _______ to be planted in this area.A. tremendousB. vigorousC. shyD. tender31.This product is _______ to change without notice.A. despiteB. evilC. subjectD. crust32.I don’t know how he can _______ himself for such conduct.A. justifyB. locateC. rearD. swear33.The stolen watch has been _______ to its owner.A. retiredB. pitchedC. restoredD. cured34.It is _______ cold this winter in Xi’an.A. considerablyB. tightC. navalD. moreover35.It has been my _______ to meet with this accident.A. journalB. reductionC. affectD. fate36.Her smile _______ her secret even though she didn’t admit the fact.A. reviewedB. reversedC. respondedD. revealed37.He ________ that he could finish the job without any help.A. designedB. headedC. claimedD. preserved38.Professor Li _______ his success to his mother.A. ownsB. ruinsC. owesD. roars39.The election _______ for the State governor has begun this year.A. campaignB. boltC. hellD. immense40.Anyone without _______ illness can do this simple job.A. mildB. mindC. mentalD. mend41.Glass may _______ at high temperature.A. profitB. pronounceC. stingD. melt42.Silver _______ electricity far better than other materials.A. equipsB. strikesC. cracksD. conducts43.Everyone is encouraged to _______ food or clothing for those who suffered a great deal in the flood.A. attributeB. distributeC. contributeD. drift44.White teeth are a sharp _______ to black skin.A. contentB. contractC. contrastD. contain45.Tom is _______ about photography. He spends nearly all his money on it.A. justiceB. innocentC. fierceD. crazy46.We need help from the other countries. But we do not _______ on others for support.A. engageB. leanC. stripD. multiply47.We will _______ the plan because of the cost.A. councilB. journalC. dampD. oppose48.Our train is _______ at Shanghai at seven o’clock this evening.A. dueB. crystalC. cushionD. cooperation49.Her voice was _______ in the noise.A. filledB. entertainedC. enormousD. drowned50.He is very _______ in his family and never does anything against his wife.A. henceB. possessC. outerD. humbleUnit 21. Freshman____ provides the incoming students with an opportunity to learn about their new environment and their place in it.A. orientationB. acquaintanceC. directoryD. dictation2. The volcano that raised the islands are still ____ in places.A. inactiveB. enormousC. energeticD. lively3.This law is so difficult to understand that only a lawyer can ____ us.A. enlightenB. illustrateC. explainD. demonstrate4. The king ____ his people with terrible taxes and punishment.A. depressedB. impressedC. oppressedD. expressed5.I have no ____ but to listen to my boss.A. privilegeB. respectC. priorityD. option6.Perhaps you are aware that I am your legal ____ till you are of age.A. guardB. guardianC. escortD. supervisor7. Shortly after the ____of war he was enrolled in the army.A. outcomeB. outletC. outputD. outbreak8. The old man did not smoke himself and was so____ that he did not allow his friends to smoke when they visited him.A. intolerableB. tolerableC. intolerantD. tolerant9.He attends to the ____ of important business himself.A. transitionB. transactionC. transformationD. transmission10.The scene is so beautiful that it ____ my power of description.A. ascendsB. descendsC. transcendsD. overtakes11.The two cities were connected to each other by a ____ after flood cut them off.A. suspensionB. diversionC. highwayD.12.On hearing her son’s voice on the line, all her fears and anxiety ____.A. retiredB. relayedC. dissipatedD. tightened13.In the 1980’s, four cities in southern China were first____ as special economic zones, enjoying special policies.A. designatedB. judgedC. emergedD. nominated14.He is a man who believes in strict____ and he seldom deviates from his principles.A. wisdomB. brotherhoodC. worshipD. discipline15.He has been ____with a certain form of mental disorder for twenty years.A. afflictedB. addictedC. affiliatedD. consulted16.The city is setting about regulating the installation of ____ wires for the sake of smooth traffic and the safety of pedestrians.A. undergroundB. marineC. acidD. aerial17.Hamlet was in (a) ____ when he said “To be or not to be?”, for it is really hard for one to decide whether to die or to live!A. consciousnessB. delightC. dilemmaD. rage18.Any irresponsible explosion of nuclear weapons may bring ____ results to the environment and the mankind.A. desirableB. disastrousC. radicalD. rational19.Death is a ____ to everyone. God is impartial on this matter.A. gloryB. privilegeC. destinyD. farewell20.A sharp increase in military expenditure brought the cabinet a budget ___.A. deficitB. debtC. redD. estimation21.The well equipped swimming pool is the favorite____ of the boys in summer.A. residenceB. siteC. hauntD. hotel22.Don’t mention the failure in Mary’s ____or she will go crazy.A. distanceB. hearingC. rangeD. neighborhood23.The professor had to explain the profound theory in a/an ____language because of the audience’s poor knowledge in this field.A. luminousB. abstractC. dullD. theoretical24.The Forbidden City, known as the former ____palace, is still kept intact at the center of the metropolis.A. emperorB. imperialC. feudalD. ancient25.The driver no longer____ himself in drinking after experiencing that accident.A. indulgedB. devotedC. immersedD. induced26.Since the complex moved away, this town has only a ____ of its former population.A. remainB. remainderC. majorityD. remnant27.Malnutrition(营养不良) and hard work____ her health and she looked thin and pale.A. promotedB. impairedC. acceleratedD. smashed28.Some people like to____ the old systems and traditions; others like to preservethem.A. innovateB. persistC. insistD. adhere29.He gave us ____ consent to take the apples for he smiled when he saw us do it.A. explicitB. implicitC. ambiguousD. negative30.I expected her to do well in the final examination, but she has been ____ by her illness.A. caughtB. fascinatedC. discouragedD. handicapped31.The machine looked like a large, __________,old-fashioned typewriter.A. forcefulB. clumsyC. intenseD. tricky32. Though she began her______ by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous Hollywood movie star..A. employmentB. careerC. occupationD. profession33. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to__________ with the local policeA. inquireB. consultC. registerD. profession34.Considering your salary, you should be able to __________at least twenty dollars a weekA. put forwardB. put upC. put out D put aside35. As he has__________ our patience, we’ll not wait for him any longer.A. tornB. wastedC. exhaustedD. consumed36.These teachers try to be objective when they__________ the integrated ability of their studentsA. justifyB. evaluateC. indicateD. reckon37. Mrs. Morris's daughter is pretty and _______,and many girls envy her.A. slenderB. lightC. faintD. minor38. Tomorrow the mayor is to __________a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.A. coordinateB. cooperateC. accompanyD. associate39. I'm ______enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams.A. realisticB. consciousC. registerD. resolve40.Can you give me even the __________clue as to where her son might be?A. simplestB. slightestC. leastD. utmost41. Norman Davis will be remembered by many with _______not only as a great scholar but also as a most delightfuland faithful friendA. kindnessB. friendlinessC. warmthD. affection42. Salaries for ________positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones.A. legalB. optionalC. voluntaryD. temporary43. Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society. ______it has affected the traditional role of men.A. Above allB. In allC. At mostD. At last44. Science and technology have __________in important ways to the improvement of agricultural production.A. attachedB. assistedC. contributedD. witnessed45. As an actor he could communicate a whole __________of emotions.A. frameB. rangeC. numberD. scale46. This is what you should bear in mind: Don't __________a salary increase before you actually get it.A. hang onB. draw onC. wait onD. count on47. The ship's generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated __________instead of mechanically.A. artificiallyB. automaticallyC. manuallyD. synthetically48. The little girl was so frightened that she just wouldn't __________her grip on my arm.A. loosenB. removeC. relieveD. dismiss49. He never arrives on time and my ______is that he feels the meetings are useless.A. preferenceB. conferenceC. inferenceD. reference50. Mrs. Smith was so ______ about everything that no servants could please her.A. specificB. specialC. preciseD. particularUnit 31. There was a large crowd of demonstrators ____ against the war.A) protecting B) preserving C) protesting D) prosecuting2. I’m afraid I will have to ____her invitation to the party.A) refuse B) refute C) ignore D) decline3. The coat I bought yesterday is not expensive at all. As a matter of fact, I would gladly have paid ____ for it.A) as much twice B) much as twice C) as twice much D) twice as much4. He can’t start the car because the battery has ____.A) run up B) run down C) run over D) run off5. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge ____ our thinking.A) upon which to base B) which to base upon C) which to be based on D) to base on which6. This design is ____ that one.A) more superior to B) far superior than C) more superior than D) far superior to7. I wondered what her ____ to the news would be.A) impression B) reaction C) comment D) opinion8. She shouldn’t have stood in a queue; she ____ her underground ticket from the machine.A) has got B) must have got C) could have got D) got9. Don’t worry. ____ that you will be treated equally.A) I’ll look forward to it B) I’ll try my utmost C) I’ll be on the alert D) I’ll see to it10. The workers agreed to ____ the strike if the company would satisfy their demand.A) call off B) call out C) call to D) call on11. I’d rather you ____ so rudely to her.A) don’t speak B) won’t speak C) should not speak D) didn’t speak12. Today many kinds of electrical ____ are available, which has made housework much easier than before.A) facilities B) appliances C) instruments D) equipment13. The author is going to ____ his play for television.A) add B) adopt C) adapt D)adjust14. ____ for your help, I’d never have been able to achieve such a success.A) If I had not been B) Had it not been C) If it were not D) Had it not15. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its ____.A) boundaries B) limitations C) confinements D) restraints16. I’m afraid I can’t ____ you ____; you’ll have to go to a hotel.A) put ...up B) pick ... up C) pull ... up D) wake ... up17. The guests said that they wouldn’t mind ____.A) to have a little light music B) having a little light musicC) have a little light music D) if they have a little light music18. Although this area is very poor just now, its ____ wealth is great.A) previous B) profound C) potential D) primary19. He ran quickly to the classroom, two books ____ under his arm.A) to be hold B) held C) were held D) holding20. We must try our best to lower the cost of our products. Otherwise the high cost will ____ our profit.A) cut off B) cut in C) cut short D) cut into21. Tom is not very clever, but he is the most ____ pupil in the class.A) industrious B) indulgent C) industrial D) indifferent22. No sooner had he arrived home ____ he was asked to start another journey.A) when B) than C) then D) until23. Young children easily ____ words that their parents frequently use.A) put up B) turn up C) bring up D) pick up24. Only when you have obtained all the information about it ____ come to a sound judgment.A) you can B) you will C) would you D) can you25. American women were ____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.A) ignored B) neglected C) denied D) refused26. All ____ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.A) what is needed B) the thing needed C) which is needed D) that is needed27. The factory has ____several workers because of the drop in sales.A) laid off B) laid out C) laid aside D) laid down28. There were no tickets ____ for Friday’s performance.A) applicable B) approachable C) attainable D) available29. There was a traffic jam; otherwise I ____ here on time.A) would be B) had been C) should be D) would have been30. If you don’t work hard, you are bound to fall behind others, ____ smart you mightbe.A) whatever B) though C) whatsoever D) however31. Harold is a good student, ____ his best subject.A) as English B) English as C) being English D) English being32. They ____ through the woods talking about the current affairs.A) wandered B) strayed C) rambled D) wondered33. Tom felt awfully sorry ____ her about his absence in the party.A) about B) for C) with D) on34. We chose this flat for it is very ____ for my office.A) suitable B) comfortable C) near D) convenient35. Chinese is the ____ language of most Chinese.A) mother B) native C) natural D) home36. He has been ____ such a bad temper all day.A) in B) on C) by D) at37.While at home, she preferred ____A) doing something to doing nothing B) to do something rather do nothingC) doing something rather do nothing D) to do something to doing nothing38. ____she finds out that you’ve lost her dog?A) What though B) What if C) What about D) What ever39. All the machines in the lab are ____ Miss White.A) in charge of B) in the charge of C) under the charge of D) under charge of40. We agreed to you plan____, but we think it needs modification in some area.A) in principal B) on principal C) in principle D) on principle41. You will surely succeed in passing CET-4, ____ you work hard at your English.A) so long as B) in case C) in that D) as soon as42. The whole journey ____ a full week by the time it ends in France.A) will have lasted B) would last C) has lasted D) must have lasted43. Autumn now approaching, the peasants are ____.A) at busiest B) at their busiest C) on busiest D) on their busiest44. She is fully occupied everyday with ____.A) her not intelligent son B) her not very intelligent sonC) the not intelligent son of her D) the not intelligent son of hers45. Not until ____ to go on strike.A) all the demands has been turned down the workers decidedB) had all the demands been turned down the workers decidedC) all the demands had been turned down did the workers decideD) had all the demands been turned down did the workers decide46. As heir ____ his parent’s property, he will get 8 million dollars.A) on B) by C) to D) at47. The ____ of the meal were thrown away.A) remainder B) rest C) ruins D) remains48. The best student in each class will ____ a prize at the end of term.A) award B) possess C) reward D) receive49. Great efforts to increase wheat production must be made if bread shortages ____ avoided.A) will be B) are to be C) can be D) were to be50. There are more than 50 proposals ____ at the conference.A) to discuss B) to be discussed C) discussing D) having been discussed Unit 41. How do you ____ for coming late for the meeting?A) explain B) excuse C) describe D) account2. The mother was so ____ at the news that she didn’t know what to do.A)admired B) amazed C) amused D) curious3. He likes to listen to music with the radio turned on at full ____.A) power B) voice C) volume D) sound4. The coach must take a large ____ of the blame for the failure of the football match.A) quantity B) number C) share D) amount5. Although alone in the house, he was so busy with his research that he felt____ lonely.A) all but B) nothing but C) something but D) anything but6. The introduction of modern technique from abroad makes it necessary for skilled workers to ____ unskilled workers.A) take place B) take over C) take down D) take the place of7. ____ so few people in the street was unusual.A) For there to be B) As there to be C) For there being D) As there being8. There are signs ____ Internet are becoming more and more popular with teenagers.A) that B) whose C) what D) which9. Bob had been ____ on a meadow sprinkled with dandelion for a long time before he sat up.A) laid B) lying C) lain D) laying10. Jill would rather that his girl friend ____ in the same department as he does.A) studied B) should study C) study D) had studied11. She had no objection to ____ the airplane ticket which would send her to Geneva.A) to take B) taking C) of taking D) to taking12. I’m ____ the impression that you’ve told me about it.A) into B) on C) of D) under13. In the summer holidays, they have a plan to go to movies at weekly ____.A) intervals B) bases C) gaps D) times14.I have decided to ____ my smoking.A)cut up B)cut off C)cut across D)cut down15. Many of the imported planes have been lying ____for years because of the restrictions on the foreign spare parts. A) idle B) vacant C) empty D) hollow16. Electrical ____ are(is) used to free people from the heavy housework.A) equipment B) facilities C) appliances D) apparatus17. The rain came on time and would certainly ease the feat ____ the people of inland.A) to face B) face C) facing D) faces18. They bought a Yamaha piano at the price of 10,000 yuan. They liked itso much that they would have paid ____ for it.A) twice as much B) as much twice C) as twice much D) much as twice19. It was not until she had come downstairs ____ remembered the keys were not with her.A) she B) when she C) that she D) and see20. Mike is very happy. His mark in the English examination is higher than____ in the classA) anyone’s B) anyone else C) anyone else’s D) anyone’s else21. The first prize goes to ____ makes the greatest contribution to the company.A) whomever B) whichever C) no matter who D) whoever22. Society is a building, to the construction of ____ every member brings a brick.A) that B) which C) it D) this23. The applicant filled in the form,but he didn’t know which office room ____.A) to send it to B) to be sent to C) to have it sent to D) to sent it24. Young ____ he was, he was trusted with an important task.A)because B)although C)as D)since25. Tom broke the glass of the neighbor’s window. I’ll ____ that he will not do it again.A) hope for B ) be sure C) see to it D) make it so26.The new cars of the V olkswagon Company are now being ____at the rate of 1,000 every week.A) turned out B) turned down C) turned up D) turned on27. It was urgent that he ____ her immediately.A) calls B) called C) call D) would call28. I don’t ____ going to the movie.A) feel for B) feel like C) feel out D) feel29. The meeting drew to a ____ late in the afternoon.A) near B) close C) point D) tail30. John regretted ____ to the meeting last week.A) not going B) not go to C) not having been going D) not to be going31. The great us of a school education is ____ to teach you things ____ teach you the art of learning.A) as much ... as B) much as ... as C) not so much ...as to D) not to be going32. Mr. Smith has been away from home for a long time. He is looking forward to ____ his wife.A) hear from B)hearing from C)hear of D)hearing of33. Whenever we visited them, they ____ television.A)have watched B)watch C)are watching D)were watching34. He couldn’t say what it was ____ bothered him.A) what B) it C) that D) which35. The master was very angry and had all the men ____ before him.A) brought B) be brought C) to be brought D) being brought36. Evidence has been piled up ____ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as five months old. A) what B) which C) whose D) that37. She doesn’t want to work right now, because she thinks that if she ____ a job she probably wouldn’t be able to visit her friends very often.A) has to get B) were to get C) had got D) could have got38. It’s reported that by the end of this year the output of cement in the factory ____ by about 20%.A) will have risen B) will be rising C) has risen D) has been rising39. You ____ her in her office last week; she has been out of the city for two months.A) needn’t have seen B) might have seen C) must have seen D) can’t have seen40. It’s politely requested by the hotel management that radios ____ after10 o’clock at night.A) were not played B) not to play C) not be played D)did not play41. By buying ten books every month, he soon ____ a good library.A) accumulated B) assembled C) collected D) acquired42. Mary doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if she ____ a job she probably wouldn’t be able to see her boy friends very often.A)has to get B) had got C)were to get D) could have got43. They are all for your proposal that the seminar ____.A) be put off B) was put off C) should put off D) is to put off44. She never laughed, ____ cry.A) or she ever did B) nor did she ever C) or did she ever D) nor she ever did45. The United Nations ____ trying to find a better way to bring the two parties together.A) is B) are C) be D) being46. You can ____ meat or fish in salt.A) preserve B) reserve C) remain D) maintain47. He ____ the newspaper while having his breakfast .A) observed B) overlooked C) scanned D) glanced48. ____ her sister, Mary is careless and irresponsible.A) likely B) unlike C) dislike D) alike49. Although his gestures were elaborate, his face was ____.A) blank B) empty C) vacant D) hollow50. It is universally____ that dogs have an acute sense of smell.A) confessed B) acknowledged C) admitted D) concededUnit 51. Ability to get along with people is an ____ in business.A) capital B) property C) goods D) asset2. Many Africans were ____ to Christianity.A) changed B) transformed C) converted D) exchanged3. The ____ scene of the waterfall is a perfect delight to the eye.A) significant B) magnificent C) superstitious D) substantial4. A lot of traffic accidents____ from carelessness.A) arouse B) arise C) raise D) rise5. The teacher____ me____ for disobedience.A) called ...down B) called...upon C) called...off D) called...out6. Some areas, ____their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.A) due to B) but for C) in spite of D) with regard to7. I left for the school earlier than usual this morning ____ traffic jam.A) in terms of B) in case of C) for the sake of D) at the risk of8. John felt very ____ when everyone laughed at his question.A) boring B) complex C) embarrassed D) encouraged9. He criticized everything and everybody, and even ____ his teachers.A) ran over B) ran down C) ran against D) ran into10. In this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night, and asked to report what they ____.A) had been dreaming B) have been dreaming C) are dreaming D) had dreamt11. It was several hours before I was ____ of what was happening.A) alive B) aware C) awake D) ware12. Understanding this article is ____ a seven-year-old child’s capacity.A) on B) up C) down D) beyond13. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help ____friendly relations between our two universities.A) foster B) utilize C) cherish D) raise14. Such a difficult operation may not succeed, it’s a(n) ____ gamble.A) essential B) fundamental C) elementary D) inevitable15. The Chinese nation is____ for its diligence and courage.A) disgusted B) distinguished C) discouraged D) disappointed16. ____ right now, she would not be late for the class.A) Would she leave B) If she leave C) Were she to leave D) If she had left17. The student was very excited when he ____ his teacher in this important lecture.A) assisted B) insisted C) resisted D) persisted18. In a few days Mr. Barnstaple had ____strength of body and mindA) retreated B) recorded C) recovered D) replaced19. He was bothered by the____ bark of dogs in the neighborhood every night.A) constant B) perpetual C) long D) steady20. The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions____ world civilization.A) to B) towards C) with D) in21. Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to ____ situation.。



练习题 1一、选择题1. 下列各数中,是负数的是()A. -(-5)B. |-5|C. (-5)²D. -52. 若 a 与 -3 互为相反数,则 a 的值是()A. 3B. -3C. 1/3D. -1/3二、填空题1. 比较大小:-3____ -5(填“>”“<”或“=”)2. 绝对值小于 4 的所有整数的和为____。

三、计算1. 计算:(-2) + 3 - 52. 计算:(-4) × 5 ÷ (-5)四、解答题1. 已知有理数 a,b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简:|a - b| - |b|。

2. 某检修小组乘汽车沿公路检修线路,约定前进为正,后退为负。

某天自 A 地出发到收工时所走路线(单位:千米)为:+10,-3,+4,+2,-8,+13,-2,+12,+8,+5。

问收工时距 A 地多远?练习题 2一、选择题1. 下列式子中,是单项式的是()A. x + yB. -3x²C. x² + 1D. 1/x2. 下列计算正确的是()A. 3a + 2b = 5abB. 5y² - 3y² = 2C. 7a + a = 7a²D. 3x²y - 2yx² = x²y二、填空题1. 单项式 -2πab²/5 的系数是____,次数是____。

2. 多项式 3x² - 2x - 5 是____次____项式。

三、计算1. 化简:3x² - [7x - (4x - 3) - 2x²]2. 先化简,再求值:5(3a²b - ab²) - (ab² + 3a²b),其中 a = 1/2,b = -1。

四、解答题1. 已知 A = 2x² + 3xy - 2x - 1,B = -x² + xy - 1,且 3A + 6B 的值与 x 无关,求 y 的值。

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