



Global Solutions for Complex Parts and Assemblies连接器及堆栈应用 Connectors and Stacking Applications 传感器及控制模块Molded Sensor & Control Modules马达及开关控制Motor & Flapper Controls总线连接及保险盒Bus Bar Interconnects & Fuse Receptacles轮胎压力监控Tire Pressure Monitors 连接盒Junction Boxes 引擎及变速器控制Engine & Transmission Controllers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Interplex Electronic (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. І No.3 Ave.8 HEDA І Hangzhou, China І Tel: +86 571 8691 3333 ІFax: +86 571 8691 2222/pressfi t提供全球性精密零部件生产和组装服务磷青铜 Phosphor Bronze 锡黄铜 Tinned Brass13% to 15%25% to 30%* 1.020 mm磷青铜 Phosphor Bronze锡黄铜 Tinned Brass 高导电合金 High Conductivity Alloy13% to 15%25% to 30%75% to 80%*1.486 mmCopyright © 2008 • Interplex Industries • /pressfi t: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :3.8mm 3.5mm1.2mm.80mm - Thick.64mm - Thick1.66mm怡得乐的Press-fit技术是一种无焊接连接Pin技术。



應用注 意事項
1. 其他條件不變, 僅厚度變化使得Normal force 線性增減, 導致插拔力線性增減.(隻適於差異較小的case.)
2. 其他條件不變, 僅PCB孔徑變化, 可對中分割偏移填補 對端子修改.(見下頁)
3. 其他條件不變, 變化內孔寬度, 可調整插拔力的大小. 4. 須考慮倒圓及厚度變化所帶來的幹涉量變化. 5. 材料厚度增加, 或產品結構改變時, 須考慮產品本身承受
主要特征: 1. 內外魚眼形成兩個簡支樑. 2. 外魚眼四棱角增加Coin結構, 防止插入過程中划傷
設計要點: 1. 因端子開始壓入時與PCB間的沖擊, 設計中應避免
開始時的幹涉過大.防止因插入力過大而造成的端 子折斷, 挫曲等問題. 2. 可通過調整兩個簡單支樑寬度厚度, 以改變與PCB 間的幹涉力. 3. 設計時需注意魚眼內孔下緣位置, 請參考下頁.
(一) Press-fit端子簡介
1.1 幾種常見的press-fit端子結構
FCI’s PATENTED “H” shape pin
(一) Press-fit端子簡介
1.2 幾種常見的press-fit端子優劣對比
設計要點: 1.為增加端子保持力, 在允許范圍內盡量增大端子與
PCB孔間干涉量. 2.可通過調整兩個簡單支樑寬度厚度, 以改變與PCB
間的幹涉力. 3.設計上一般使壓入深度低于內魚眼上緣. 若壓入深
度高于內魚眼上緣, 則要避免硬干涉產生.請參考 下頁.
(四) 魚眼孔形狀分析
設計不良 保持力區與孔幹涉不足 Normal Force不足



TITLEPAGEREVISION1 of 7AAUTHORIZED BYDATEPOWER EDGE CARD PRESS-FITJulia Wang Oct 07, 08CLASSIFICATIONUNRESTRICTEDCopyright FCI 1.0 OBJECTIVEThis specification provides information and requirements regarding customer application of PRESS FIT POWER EDGE CARD connector. This specification is intended to provide general guidance for process development. It is recognized that no single process will work under all customer applications and that customers will develop their processes to meet their needs.2.0 SCOPEThis specification provides information and requirements regarding customer application of PRESS FIT POWER EDGE CARD connectors.3.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTSAny applicable product drawing (10075664-XXX) Product spec.: GS-12-459.4.0 GENERALThis document is meant to be an application guide. If information varies from that in the product drawings and specifications, the drawings take precedence.Paragraph TitlePage 1.0 Objective 1 2.0 Scope1 3.0 Reference Documents 1 4.0 General1 5.0 Application Information2 5.1General Product Information2 5.1.1 Terminal information 2 5.2 PCB Requirements4 5.3Customer Application Machines ( CAMS) 5 5.3.1 Insertion Tooling 5 5.3.2 Rework Tool7TITLEPAGEREVISION2 of 7AAUTHORIZED BYDATEPOWER EDGE CARD PRESS-FITJulia Wang Oct 07, 08CLASSIFICATIONUNRESTRICTEDCopyright FCI5.0 APPLICATION INFORMATION5.1 General Product InformationFigure 1: Press-fit Power Edge Card profile5.1.1 Terminal informationAn EON press-fit connection is achieved by mechanically inserting a pin into a plated thru hole (PTH). Theelectrical connection is maintained by the normal forces generated between the EON section to the PTH walls. There are a number of benefits in the use of press fit connections. First, using a press-fit connectioneliminates the need for soldering processes. Second, press-fit technology reduces rework concerns because a damaged connector may be pressed out and replaced with a new one (this process may be performed a maximum of two times in the same PCB).The EON was designed to meet the requirements for press-fit terminations according to MIL-STD-2166. Figure 2,3 illustrates a typical cross-section of EON pin after insertion into a PCB. This terminal may be used in a tin-lead, lead free PTH or in a copper OSP PTH. The OSP boards have special protective coatings to reduce oxidation. The specification requires the following:a. EON retention/insertion force should be checked on an 3.18±0.25mm min thick segment of FR-4glass/epoxy circuit board segment with a finished hole size of diameter 1.02±0.07mm drilled through. At a rate of 25±6 mm per minute:Insertion force no more than 4.54 Kgf (10Lbs) per pin. Retention force no less than 0.91 Kgf (2 Lbs) per pin.PTHEON tailTITLEPAGEREVISION3 of 7AAUTHORIZED BYDATEPOWER EDGE CARD PRESS-FITJulia Wang Oct 07, 08CLASSIFICATIONUNRESTRICTEDCopyright FCIb. PCB Hole Deformation Radius-Cross-section parallel to board surface(see figure 2). Photograph and measure the hole deformation (deformation on board material) radius at a point 0.010” from the surface, and at the center of the EON pin section. Include 10 holes. The average (of 10 holes) hole deformation radius shall be no greater than 0.0381mm (0.0015 inch) when measured from the drilled hole. The absolute maximum deformation radius shall not exceed 0.0508mm (0.002 inch). Reference MIL-STD-2166.c. PCB Hole Wall Damage-Cross-section perpendicular to the board surface(see figure 3), and through theEON section wear track. Photograph and measure the copper thickness remaining between the EON pin and the printed wiring board laminate. Include 10 holes. The minimum average (of 10 holes) copper thickness remaining between the EON pin and the printed wiring board laminate shall not be less than 0.00762mm(0.0003 inch). In addition there shall be no copper cracks, separations between conductive interfaces, or laminate-to-copper separations. Reference MIL-STD-2166.Figure 2: PCB Hole Deformation Radius-Cross-section parallel to board surface.Figure 3: PCB Hole Damage-Cross-section perpendicular to the board surface.TITLEPAGEREVISION4 of 7AAUTHORIZED BYDATEPOWER EDGE CARD PRESS-FITJulia Wang Oct 07, 08CLASSIFICATIONUNRESTRICTEDCopyright FCI 5.2 PCB RequirementsA press fit connection is a means of terminating connectors to printed circuit boards without going through a soldering operation. PCB layout is per customer drawing’s PCB recommended dimension. The features that are important to define on the printed circuit board when using press fit technology are:Drilled hole diameter Plated hole diameter Plating type in thru holePrinted circuit board thicknessLand/pad sizeCollectively, these features influence the reliability of the termination as well as the force required to apply theconnector to the printed circuit board. The recommended values are shown in Table 1, and a sketch showing these features is shown in Figure 4.Table 1: Recommended feature sizes for PF POWER EDGE CARD PCB’s.DimensionFeaturemmDrill Hole diameter 1.151+/-0.025 Plated hole diameter1.02/-0.07 copper plating on hole wall0.051+/-0.025 Tin/Lead or Tin plating (optional) 0.007Land/Pad size 1.727+/-0.064TITLEPAGEREVISION5 of 7AAUTHORIZED BYDATEPOWER EDGE CARD PRESS-FITJulia Wang Oct 07, 08CLASSIFICATIONUNRESTRICTEDCopyright FCIFigure 4: Critical features of PCB design for PF POWER EDGE CARD connector.5.3 Customer Application Machines ( CAMS)5.3.1 Insertion ToolingPRESS FIT POWER EDGE CARD connector can be installed with any standard press as long as it capable of applying force as specified earlier in this document. A flat-rock press can be used as a top tool for 31(x2), 19(x2),. Make sure the backup fixture does not interfere with pins protruding through the PCBFlowing are the recommended insertion tooling design:TITLEPAGEREVISION6 of 7AAUTHORIZED BYDATEPOWER EDGE CARD PRESS-FITJulia Wang Oct 07, 08CLASSIFICATIONUNRESTRICTEDCopyright FCI6.175mmTITLEPAGEREVISION7 of 7AAUTHORIZED BYDATEPOWER EDGE CARD PRESS-FITJulia Wang Oct 07, 08CLASSIFICATIONUNRESTRICTEDCopyright FCI 5.3.2 REWORK TOOLINGPress fit POWER EDGE CARD connector can be reworked when the defected connector is pressed out and replaced with a new one. The recommended rework tool is designed as the figure 5. If want to get the detailed design, please contact to FCI engineers. Figure 5 --- Recommended connector remove fixtureRevision RecordREVISION PAGE DESCRIPTIONECN DATE A ALL NEW RELEASED DG08-028010/07/08Ø。

F1 F2全聚合物盖模块与压合缝针安装指南说明书

F1 F2全聚合物盖模块与压合缝针安装指南说明书

APPLICATION NOTE Mounting Guideline forF1/F2 Full Plastic Case Modules with Press-fit Pins AND90206/DIntroductionThis application note deals with mounting instructions of modules F1/F2 with full plastic case and press−fit pins. It includes specification of press−fit tooling thermal interface material and mounting with thermal interface material.Features∙Mounting with Pressfit Pins∙Tolling Design∙PCB Specifications∙Thermal Interface MaterialFigure 2. F2 Module Assembly with HeatsinkFigure 1. Package PhotosSpecification of PCBMinimum PCB thickness is 1.6 mm. Solder mask is recommended on both sides of the PCB. Recommended PCB hole plating options include immersion tin, immersion silver, electroless nickel immersion gold ENIG), and organic solderable preservative (OSP). HAL plating is not recommended. For PCB specifications please see Table 1.Figure 3. PCB Hole DimensionsTable 1. PCB SPECIFICATIONS FOR F1 AND F2MODULES WITH 1.2 MM PRESS −FIT PINSMin.Typ.Max.Initial Drilled Hole Diameter Ø[mm]1.12 1.15Cu Thickness in the Hole [m m]2550Sn Thickness [m m] (Chemical Tin)15Final Hole Ø [mm]1 1.09Annular ring [m m]200Thickness of Conductive Layer [m m]3570−105400Board Thickness [mm]1.6Design Restrictions within Mounting AreaPCB bending during the press −in process causes mechanical stress to other PCB components, such as capacitors and resistors. Experiments to verify a safe minimum distance between passive components and the plated through hole were conducted with FR4 PCB. V arious sizes (0603, 0805, 1206, 1210, 1812, and 2220) of mechanically sensitive components were evaluated. Based on experimental results, the recommended minimum space between center of the plated through hole and the edge of the component is 4 mm, as shown in Figure 4.Figure 4. PCB Layout RestrictionsPCB Fixing and DimensionsSpacers should be used to fix the PCB to the heatsink.Number of space posts is not given. Space posts positions should be designed symmetrically, weight of the PCB components should be considered. PCB bending or flexing should be avoided. Distance from the space post to the module (dimension x) is recommended to be at least 10 mm from module outer edges.Figure 5. Module Fixed on a HeatsinkLength of the space posts should match the length of press −in tool distance keeper – see section Press −in tool for F2 package.Recommended length of the space post is 12.4 mm + 0 mm −0.05 mm. An air gap may be present between the module and PCB (as on Figure 5), this airgap allows tolerance of the module case.Press −in ProcessThe press −fit connection generates a good electrical, and strong mechanical connection between the module and the PCB. This section deals with the mounting process to achieve suitable press −fit connections here are several types of presses available: from simple toggle presses to the automated pneumatic presses shown in Figure 6.Figure 6. Press −in Machine ExampleIf possible, monitor the press −in/press −out distance,speed, and force to achieve mechanical stability and high reliability of the press −fit connection. The travel distance during the press −in process should be controlled to ensure that the press −fit zone of the pins sits properly in the plated through hole. The speed also influences the quality of the press −fit connection; therefore, speed recommended by IEC standard should be applied.Figure 7. Pressfit Tool for F2 ModuleGeneral Press −in ProcessUse of tooling with distance keeper is recommended.Figure 8. Shows the general sequence of press in procedure.Press −in procedure. The press −in tool is comprised of two parts: the upper press −in tool is flat (or with special design for modules with TIM. Please see Press −in tool for module with PCM section) to contact with the module backside evenly and the lower press −in tool has engraved spaces to accommodate the press −fit pins and PCB components. The two parts of the tool need to be aligned to each other. In the first step of the assembly, the printed circuit board is placed on the alignment pins of the lower part of the press −in tool (a). Then, the module is placed on top of the printed circuit board using the alignment pins (b).Figure 8. Press −in ProcessIt is necessary to check if the module and the printed circuit board are in alignment. In the next step, the press−in force is applied via the upper part of the press−in tool to the backside of the module evenly. The module should be pressed−in with a speed of 25~50 mm/min until the distance keepers of the upper tool touch the PCB while press−in distance and force are monitored at the same time (c). It is required to adjust the traveling distance of the press to avoid damages to the module case due to pressure being applied.A simple manual press does not use a distance sensing system, so a distance keeper should be designed on the press−in tool to terminate press−in process appropriately. When the distance keeper contacts the surface, press−inforce rises sharply, and the press−in process can be terminated by reaching the limit of the press−in force. The distance keeper should be designed to avoid the collision with other PCB components.Figure 9. Distance Keeper of the Upper Tool Design The total press−in force is the result of the number of pins in a module, multiplied with the force required for a single pin. Press−in forces lower than 40 N/pin mean that press−fit pin may have a less secure connection in the plated through hole. The primary reason for the low press−fit force is that the diameter of plated through hole is too large for the press−fit pins. Press−in forces higher than 80 N/pin can cause mechanical damage to the press−fit terminal, the PTH, or to the tracks on the PCB. The recommended press−in speed ranges from 25 mm/min to 50 mm/min in accordance with the recommendations in IEC 60352−5.Figure 10. PCB Thickness SpecificationThe press−fit pins must be pressed into the holes of the PCB to the correct depth. The center of the press−fit zone has to be at least 0.5 mm below the top surface and at least 0.5mm above the bottom surface of the PCB (Figure 10).Figure 11. Force vs. Distance during PressfitProcessForce measured in a module is a sum of all pins being pressed at once (Figure 11).Force measurement per one pin was conducted, the press−fit pin was mounted in 1.6 mm thick PCB with chemical Sn surface finish. Test conditions and PCB specification are compliant with IEC 60352−5.Table 2. SINGLE PRESS−FIT PIN TESTPress−in Force Press−out ForcePCB hole f0.98 –1.02 mmf1.11 –1.12 mmf0.98 –1.02 mmf1.11 –1.12 mm(min)(max)(min)(max) Minimum49.8 N40.9 N29.4 N38.3 N Mean55.9 N47.4 N40.5 N48.2 N Maximum62.1 N57.1 N48.0 N65.9 N Samplesize20201920Press−in Tool for Module with PCMTo prevent damages on PCM peripheral spacers and point spacers are required. This spacers should not touch PCM on the DBC. 0.4 mm is recommended for the height of spacers. Distance keeper of the press−in tool needs to be 0.4 mm taller than no PCM cases.Figure 12. Press−fit Tool for F2 Module with PCMFigure 13. Point Spacer Alignment with PCMPeripheral spacer and point spacer prevent pre −applied PCM from being deformed or damaged during press −in process. Peripheral spacer distributes mechanical stress by press −in process over the edge of DBCPress −out ProcessIn some situations, it is necessary to remove power modules from the PCB. It is possible to disconnect the contact between module pins and PTH. The press −out process can be performed with the same equipment used in the press −in process. Careful handling in the press −out process is essential to avoid mechanical damage to both the module and the PCB. PCB can be re −used once with a new module. Please note: in case a module which was pressed out of a PCB should be used again, it is necessary to solder the module to the PCB; this is because the press −fit zone will remain deformed after the press −out process. An additional press −in cycle will result in low holding forces between the press −fit pin and PCB hole.Figure 14. Press −out ToolFigure 15. Press −out Process of Power Module Heatsink SpecificationThe following surface qualities are required for the heatsink to achieve a good thermal conductivity, according to DIN 4768−1. Roughness (Rz) should be 10 m m or less and flatness, based on a length of 100 mm, should be 50 m m or less. The heatsink should have no contamination,unevenness, and burrs on the surface contacting the module.The interface surface of the heatsink must be free of particles and contamination. Avoid handling the heatsink surface with bare hands or contacting any foreign materials.If it is necessary to remove contamination from heatsink,cleaning can be accomplished using dry cloth soaked with solvent, such as isopropyl or ethylene alcohol.Figure 16. Heatsink Surface SpecificationThermal GreaseThermal grease can be applied to the heatsink or the module substrate using a rubber roller or spatula or by screen printing. Alternatively, apply thermal paste by screen printing, for example using a honeycomb pattern. The recommended thermal paste thickness is 80−180 m m.Thickness of the TIM layer more than this recommendation will unnecessarily increase thermal resistance. When applying thermal grease, the material must be applied uniformly on the whole surface which is in contact to the module substrate surface. If the module is re −mounted,surfaces should be cleaned, and TIM needs be applied again.Pre−applied Phase–Change MaterialModules can be pre−applied with phase−change material. Typical thickness of the TIM layer is 160m m and its thermal conductivity is 3.4 W/mK.Figure 17. Tim Pattern Example on F2 ModuleIt comes pre−applied on the DBC surface ready to be mounted on the heatsink. The honeycomb pattern allows the press tool to touch copper DBC and allows PCM to spread on a whole surface. For proper TIM spreading in application, TIM spreading temperature must be achieved on the TIM material, this temperature is specified as minimum 45︒C. For best spreading results it is recommended to apply 80︒C for 20 minutes.Screw SpecificationWhen using screws with flat washers:∙Metric screw: M4 (recommended screw type DIN7984)∙Flat washer: D = 8 mm ISO 7092 (DIN 433)∙Spring washer: D = 8 mm DIN 127 or DIN 128∙Mounting torque: 1.6−2.0 Nm∙Screw holes on heatsink need to be countersunk. A torque wrench shall be used to tighten the mounting screws at the specified torque. Excessive torque may result in damage or degradation of the device. The inaccuracy of torque wrench tightening method can range up to ±12%. This must be considered to prevent over−tightening the fastener. Due to excessive temperature fluctuations washers should be used to prevent the loosening of the screws. After accurate tightening of the screws the spring washer exerts a constant force on the joint. The flat washer distributes this force on the plastic surface. When using screws with pre−assembled washers: Screws with pre−assembled washers (SEMS or kombi screws) combine the screw and the washers into a single component. These screws eliminate the need to slip the washers into place by hand, boosting the speed and efficiency of the assembly process. The specifications of these screws are provided below:∙Screw size: M4 according to DIN 6900 (ISO 10644; JIS B1188)∙Flat washer: According to DIN 6902 Type C (ISO 10673 Type S; JIS B1256) Washer outer diameter: 8mm diameter can be fitted onto the module ∙Split lock spring washer: According to DIN6905 (JIS B1251)∙Mounting torque range: 1.6−2.0 Nm∙Recommended insertion of screw thread in the heatsink is 6mm.Methods of Screw ClampingThere are two recommended screw clamping methods which apply to all modules. The F1 module is used as an example. Figure 18 describes one method for fastening the module to the heatsink. Fasten two screws simultaneously to prevent tilting or rising of one side of module during fastening. Electric screwdrivers can tighten the screws with the specified torque. Screw holes on heatsink need to be countersunk. If method 1 cannot be applied, the method as described in Figure 19 is also acceptable. Fasten the first screw loosely to prevent tilting or rising of the module (step1). Then insert the second screw with final torque to be fully tightened with the heatsink (step 2). Finally, apply full torque to the first screw for solid tightening with the heatsink. For F1/F2 packages using metal clips, the torque is between 1.6−2.0 Nm using M4 screws.Figure 18. Fixing Screws on the HeatsinkFigure 19. Fixing One after One for Power ModuleAssembly of Multiple Modules on the PCB and HeatsinkThe overall structure of the mounted module should be considered. If the PCB is large and heavy with other components assembled to it, there is some risk the PCB can bend, creating mechanical stress to the module and the PCB. When multiple modules are applied to the same PCB, height tolerance between modules can result in the mechanical stresses on the board and modules. To reduce stress, space posts should be added on the heatsink, as illustrated on figure 19 to prevent movement of the PCB. The recommended height of the space posts is 12.4 (+0/−0.1) mm. The effective distance between center of stand−off and the space post (=X) is 50 mm minimum. If distance keepers are used during the press−in process, resulting in tighter height tolerances; distances between the stand−off of the case and the space post (= X) smaller than 50 mm can be used. Figure 19 shows the assembly procedure when space posts are used and the overall assembly structure: Modules are first pressed into the PCB following the recommendations introduced in Section “Heatsink Surface” before heatsink mounting. Maintaining tight height tolerances between module and PCB is important. Next, the thermal interface material is applied. Then the modules and the PCB are placed on the heatsink (a). Then the module is mounted onto the heatsink via the module plastic clamp. Finally, the PCB needs to be fixed on the space posts (c).Figure 20. Assembling Multiple Modules on a PCB Handling of PCM Pre−applied ModuleDuring a transport and storage of the modules extreme thermal and mechanical shock should be avoided. The tray is designed to prevent direct contact to the PCM layer of the module substrate as shown in the Figure 21. PCM_ pre applied modules should be stored in this tray box before its use. Table 3 shows recommended storage conditions. Table 3. RECOMMENDED STORAGE CONDITIONS FOR MODULES WITH PCMStorage temperatures10 – 40 ︒CHumidity condition10 < RH < 55%Time Max 12 monthsPCM printing layer should be treated as a functional area of the module and be protected from damage or removing when handling or mounting. PCM pre−applied module is delivered in a tray box with a tight cover.Figure 21. Modules in a Transport Tray BoxIt is recommended to open the cover carefully side−by side to prevent mechanical damage to the PCM layer. Also during the assembly process attention is needed not to touch the PCM layer directly. If the PCM layer is contaminated or more thant 10% of the entire printed area is damaged, then it is recommended to remove the PCM layer according to instructions stated below. In case of rework prior to operation of modules, standard PCB / heat sink disassembly process can be applied. If the module was operated and the PCM melted and distributed already, then bond strength between heat sink and the module may be strong, and the module cannot be easily removed from the heatsink. In such cases it is recommended to use a knife to detach the module or apply some heat (45−60︒C) to re−melt PCM to detach the module easily. Use a soft plastic scraper to remove the PCM layer from the module back side and heat sink. For the removal of remaining PCM residues it is recommended to use microfiber cloth and isoprophyle alcohol.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONTECHNICAL SUPPORTNorth American Technical Support:Voice Mail: 1 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 011 421 33 790 2910LITERATURE FULFILLMENT :Email Requests to:*******************onsemi Website: Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support:Phone: 00421 33 790 2910For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative。

press fit design guide line压接设计指南

press fit design guide line压接设计指南

* Maximum hardness of copper layer is 150 Knoop Notes: Recommended annular ring diameter is hole diameter plus 0.51
Press-fit端子簡介 (一) Press-fit端子簡介
(五) Summary 五
Items: Key Issue Reason Lead in不足 1 端子無法放入 PCB PCB尺寸超規 端子正位度超規 插入時力量過大 端子強不足 2 跨pin 塑膠強度不足 PCB孔徑偏小 3 4 5 6 壓入不到位 壓入後歪pin 插入力過大 保持力不足 魚眼位置設計不當 端子對稱度不足 端子各部分與孔幹涉量 設計不良 保持力區與孔幹涉不足 Normal Force不足 7 阻值偏高 力量過大, PCB孔破裂 優化塑膠結構 依業界規范 保証魚眼中心處於PCB內 增加尺寸管控 減小第一波峰峰值, 使插入曲線平穩上升 增加保持力區域幹涉體積 優化端子各部分與孔幹涉量 優化端子各部分與孔幹涉量 PCB孔徑依業界規范設計 N/A Page 6 Page 14 Page 14 Page 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 Page 15, 16 Page 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 Page 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 增加lead in 依業界規范 公差分析 端子各部分與孔幹涉量設計不良 增加根部寬度 BKM Page 11 Page 6 N/A Page 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 Page 17 參考條件
3 2
A 1

press fit 设计-压接设计

press fit 设计-压接设计

“H” Section
easily control the T.P of tail
Difficult to manufacture
(一)Press-fit端子简介 )Press-fit端子简介
Plated-Through Hole Diameter Drilled Hole Diameter Plating Thickness Plated-Through Hole Diameter Copper* (D-0.11) ± 0.025 D>0.70mm 0.81-0.86 (D-0.075) ± 0.025 D<0.70mm 0.735~0.785 0.025Min 0.015max 0.635~0.735 0.025Min 0.025Min 0.015max 0.015max 0.65-0.80 D±0.05 ± 0.025Min Tin-Lead 0.015max D±0.075 ±
(四)鱼眼孔形状分析 保持力区
基本功能: 基本功能: 端子与PCB产生干涉,插入力出现第二波峰. 端子压入完畢,提供保持力. 主要特征: 主要特征: 1.内外鱼眼形成两个简支梁. 2.外鱼眼四棱角增加Coin结構,防止插入过程中划伤 PCB孔铜铂层. 设计要点: 设计要点: 1.为增加端子保持力,在允许范围内尽量增大端子与 PCB孔间干涉量. 2.可通过调整两个简单支梁宽度厚度,以改变与PCB 间的干涉力. 3.设计上一般使压入深度低于内鱼眼上緣.若压入深 度高于内鱼眼上緣,则要避免硬干涉产生.请参考 下页.
(五) Summary
区域功能说明 提供端子本身强度,防止插入时挫曲



VCES = 1200V IC nom = 400A / ICRM = 800A 典型应用 • 太阳能应用 • UPS系统 电气特性 • 提高工作结温Tvjop • 低开关损耗 • 低VCEsat • 沟槽栅IGBT4 • Tvjop=150°C • VCEsat带正温度系数 机械特性 • 绝缘的基板 • 紧凑型设计 • PressFIT压接技术 • 标封装 TypicalApplications • SolarApplications • UPSSystems ElectricalFeatures • ExtendedOperationTemperatureTvjop • LowSwitchingLosses • LowVCEsat • TrenchIGBT4 • Tvjop=150°C • VCEsatwithpositiveTemperatureCoefficient MechanicalFeatures • IsolatedBasePlate • Compactdesign • PressFITContactTechnology • StandardHousing
BarcodeCode128 ContentoftheCode
ModuleSerialNumber ModuleMaterialNumber ProductionOrderNumber Datecode(ProductionYear) Datecode(ProductionWformation
IGBT-模块 IGBT-modules
初步数据 PreliminaryData
集电极-发射极电压 Collector-emittervoltage 连续集电极直流电流 ContinuousDCcollectorcurrent 集电极重复峰值电流 Repetitivepeakcollectorcurrent 总功率损耗 Totalpowerdissipation 栅极-发射极峰值电压 Gate-emitterpeakvoltage

Press fit MEP 12T〔压接机〕 中文操作手册df

Press fit MEP 12T〔压接机〕 中文操作手册df

MEP-12T 手動電子控制壓合機 - 12 噸操作手冊Part Number: 1398725-3, Rev B介紹 (5)關於這個手冊 (5)安全 (5)停機標簽 / 警示標簽 (5)安全蓋 / 防護罩 (6)雷射感應器 (6)緊急關閉機器(EMO) / ESTOP (7)光柵 (7)光柵手控鍵開關 (7)氣動系統 (7)萬向滑輪 (8)防震措施 (8)骨架結構及重量分佈 (8)安裝 (8)拆箱 (8)開始組裝 (9)設備標示牌 (10)電氣供應回路 (10)壓縮空氣的供應 (10)壓合機概觀 (11)目的 (11)能力 (11)選擇性配件 (13)觸控式SVGA 顯示器 (13)板厚測量 (13)SPC (Statistical Process Control)統計過程控制 (13)電腦條碼機 (13)雷射定位器 (13)光柵 - CE 認證 (13)數位彩色相機 (13)彩色印表機 (13)機器特性與結構 (14)配置 (14)操作 (15)開始起動 (15)起動電源 (15)操作者介面 (16)開機 (16)使用者存取 (17)選擇PC板 (18)PC板的運作 (18)運轉畫面按鈕 (19)畫面上PC板的配置 (22)開始壓合 (22)第一件物品確認信號(First Article Signoff) (23)中斷壓合循環(Interrupting the Pressing Cycle) (23)變更壓合順序(Changing the Pressing Sequence) (23)有關電路板、連接器、治具及程式的錯過狀況 (23)壓合治具PRESSING TOOLS (25)支撐固定裝置 (平臺 / 支撐座) (25)編程和數據輸入 (25)治具編輯器 (26)目的 (26)進入 (26)連接器編輯器 (28)目地 (28)進入 (28)模態編輯器 (30)目地 (30)說明 (30)壓合數據編輯器 (36)PRESS SEQUENCE 壓合順序 (38)SPC 選擇 (39)Process Data程序數據 (40)CPK (Process Capability)加工能力 (40)X-Bar (Process Average)加工的平均數 (40)Std Dev. (Standard Deviation)標準偏差 (40)UCL (Upper Control Limit)控制上限 (40)LCL (Lower Control Limit) 控制下限 (40)VCL (Variability Control Limit)變化性控制限度 (40)Point Data 點數據 (40)Options選擇 (41)Range Bars (41)Control Limits控制限度 (41)Spec. Limits規格限度 (41)Grid 網 (41)Shaded 色差 (41)Thick Lines 粗線 (41)Print 列印 (41)維修功能(公用的) (42)機器記錄 (42)Error Log 錯誤記錄 (42)User Log 使用者記錄 (42)Joystick 控制桿 (44)Analog Inputs 類比輸入 full force range (44)Points 點 (45)Control 控制 (45)Calibration校正 (46)Tools工具 (46)Machine Zero機器歸零 (46)輸入/輸出螢幕 (47)Servo Terminal伺服終端 (48)伺服參數 (49)Setup Parameters (51)Machine Operation (51)Load Cells (52)Save (52)Cancel (52)使用 (53)預防保養 (54)Accessing the Press Head (54)Cleaning (54)Inspection (54)Lubricating (54)Z Axis Rods (54)Z Axis Screw (54)Torquing Critical Bolts (54)Clean Water Trap In Air System (54)PM Schedule (55)Load Cell Calibration (56)Calibration Procedure for Initial Setup of MEP-12T: (56)Load Cell Calibration (58)Balance Load Cells (59)Calibrate the load cells (60)APPENDIX A - SPARE PARTS LIST (62)APPENDIX B – FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS (63)APPENDIX C: ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL SCHEMATICS: (64)介紹關於這個手冊這個手冊包含對於12 公噸手操作電動壓合機(MEP-12T)的安裝, 安全, 操作, 和保養程序。



Press fit technologyPress fit technology – as one of the most important manufacturing technologies – has become well established in production processes of the electronic industry. Based on the norm IEC 60352—5 press fit technology is recorded and appraised in a qualitative manner。

(定性方式)Press fit technology is based on the fundamental method of pressing a contact pin (with or without an elastic press fit zone) using pressure in a metalized borehole(金属化孔), or as the case may be,a feed through(连通)。

Due to the extensive range of the contact pin and the smaller bore diameter of the metalized borehole, Press fit technology – as one of the most important manufacturing technologies – has become well established in production processes of the electronic industry. It results in a gas proof(气密),electric conductible connection(导电连接). On suitable surfaces we talk about a cold shut and so an inter metallic connection。


业界上对Press-fit端子设计有各种形態,各有优缺點.而在其 中, EON (Eye of Needle),或称做鱼眼孔端子是应用最为广泛的端子结 构.
此教材参考了FEA部门对鱼眼结构的分析,借鉴其对鱼眼功能区 的分类及设计概念.同时增加了工作中积累的相关经驗.对鱼眼孔的结構, 功能,设计方法和要点做了补充.
端子强度区 提供端子本身强度,防止插入时挫曲入力(第二波峰)及保持力 连接插入区和保持力區,使插入平稳 产生插入力(第一波峰)
预插区 将press-fit部分导入到PCB
(四)鱼眼孔形状分析 预插区
3 2
基本功能: 产品预放於PCB,此时press-fit导入PCB孔,将初产 品定位.
easily adapts to different holes
“C” Section “H” Section
Consistent insertion/retention force Low PTH Distortion
easily control the T.P of tail
Disadvantage Very sensitive to symmetry and position
Plated-Through Drilled Hole Hole Diameter Diameter
Plating Thickness Copper* Tin-Lead
Plated-Through Hole Diameter
D>0.70mm D<0.70mm
(D-0.11) ±0.025 0.81-0.86
Pin tends to rotate PTH distortion high Very sensitive to blank width Difficult to make for small hole


27.02.2015 Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2016. All rights reserved.
› 英飞凌可提供压接工具的CAD设计文件 – 客户可需要依据具体的PCB布局调整压接工具的设计 – 客户也可以同本地的模具供应商来优化 Econo3 Econo3
› 提示:
– –
在这个例子中,IGBT模块的管脚是35 (EconoPIM)个,比如15根控制管脚和22个功率管脚 手工焊接时,控制管脚的焊接速度为 :0.9s/pin, 功率管脚的焊接速度为:1.6s/pin
Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2016. All rights reserved.
孔径2.29mm 压入力决定于PCB的孔径
孔径2.14 mm
Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2016. All rights reserved.
压出力,孔径2.29 mm
40 N
Relevant for value 50 N
Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2016. All rights reserved.



Consistent insertion/retention force Low PTH Distortion
easily control the T.P of tail
Disadvantage Very sensitive to symmetry and position
Pin tends to rotate PTH distortion high Very sensitive to blank width Difficult to make for small hole
端子強度區 提供端子本身強度, 防止插入時挫曲
保持力區 過渡區 插入區
產生插入力(第二波峰)及保持力 連接插入區和保持力區, 使插入平穩 產生插入力(第一波峰)
預插區 將press-fit部分導入到PCB
(四) 魚眼孔形狀分析 預插區
3 2
基本功能: 產品預放於PCB, 此時 press-fit 導入PCB孔, 將初產 品定位.
Compliant Pin(Press Fit Tech)之主要發展目的有二: (1)組裝簡單:不經Soldering製程即可, 使連接器與PCB有緊密之結合以傳導電氣訊號. (2)可置換性:若此連接器損壞,可直接自PCB移除,更換另一個新的連接器即可。
針對以上兩點要求, (1)Compliant Pin於插入PTH後必需與PTH有緊密之結合,兩者間的接觸阻抗必需夠低
主要特征: 1. Lead-in結構, 方便預插.
主要形態包括: 四面倒角, 雙面倒角; 從工藝角度 分為沖壓成型, 自動化裁切及V-cut折彎等. 2. Coin結構, 防止預插時划傷PCB孔銅鉑層. 3. 不同tail length通過改變此部分長度實現.

press fit 设计-压接设计知识讲解

press fit 设计-压接设计知识讲解
Compliant Pin(Press Fit Tech)之主要发展目的有二: (1)组装简单:不经Soldering制程即可,使连接器与PCB有紧密之结合以传导电气讯号. (2)可置换性:若此连接器损坏,可直接自PCB移除,更换另一个新的连接器即可。
针对以上两点要求, (1)CompliantPin于插入PTH后必需与PTH有紧密之结合,两者间的接触阻抗必需够低
5. 端子拔出時,保持力迅速到达峰值,随即迅速减小. 6. 端子继续拔除,过渡区和插入区此时已完全形變,与PCB间的干涉力几乎为零.
依据插拔力曲線,将鱼眼结构划分为5个功能區,各功能区的位置,名稱,及功能如下 表所示.
Press-fit结构 功能区 区域功能说明入力曲线
Force: kgf
插入力减小 压入到位
保持力曲线 拔出力最大值
1. 端子预放入PCB. 端子尖端进入PCB孔,尚未产生变形. 2. 端子开始压入,鱼眼开始变形,压入过程出现第一波峰 3. 端子继续压入,鱼眼形變压合, 变形量减小,插入力略有减小. 4. 端子继续下压,鱼眼形變压合变形,压入力曲线出现第二波峰.
D>0.70mm D<0.70mm
(D-0.11) ±0.025 0.81-0.86
(D-0.075) ±0.025 0.735~0.785
0.025Min 0.025Min 0.025Min 0.025Min
0.015max 0.015max 0.015max 0.015max

韩国Fine-fit DIN连接器XC5及配件说明书

韩国Fine-fit DIN连接器XC5及配件说明书

6Fine-fit DIN Connectors with W-shaped Pins XC5■XC5 AccessoriesHandleHandle wheel Pressure headerPress-fit Tool (XY2D-1005)•Hand-operated tool designed espe-cially for mounting Fine-fit Connectors to a board.•Hand-operated for ease and safety.•The Press-fit T ool User’s Manual must be ordered separately.SpecificationsModelApplicable Connectors XC5@-@@@P Fine-fit Max. pressure 2 tStroke (max.)8 mm (handle)283 mm (handle wheel)Weight 80 kgBase area500 mm × 530 mmModelXY2D-1005For plugsFor socketsContact Repair Tools•The tool works on top of the Connector.•This tool is used for correcting mistakes made with the Press-fit Tool. (plugs only)•For details on use, see the Fine-fit Connector Press-fit T ool User’s Manual. The User’s manual must be ordered separately.For PlugsFor SocketsRowsNo. of contactsModel Double rows (XC5E)32XY2D-100764XY2D-1006100XY2D-1035Triple rows (XC5G)48XY2D-100996 (64)XY2D-1008Rows No. of contactsModel Double rows (XC5B)32XY2D-101164XY2D-1010100XY2D-1036Triple rows (XC5D)48XY2D-101396 (64)XY2D-1012Support Block and Plungers•The Support Block and Plungers (2) are set on top of the base board.•The Support Block is used to protect the fine-fit pins while the Press-fit T ool is being used.•The Plunger is inserted into the mounting holes. It functions as a posi-tioner for the Connector and cushions the Contact Repair Tool.Support BlocksNote:Cut the XY2D-1014 when using Double-row Connectors with 100 or 32 contacts.Cut the XY2D-1015 when using T riple-row Connectors with 100 or 32 contacts (no center row).PlungersRowsNo. of contactsModelDouble rows 64XY2D-1014Triple rows96XY2D-1015Applicable board thickness Model 1.6 to 3.2 mmXY2D-1017Pressure Tool header Contact Repair ToolFine-fit Connector Circuit board (blackplane)PlungerSupport BlockBase boardSetting the Repair Tool, Support Block, and Plunger•Base board is not supplied by OMRON.•The base board including the Support Block and Plunger are collectively called the Support Assembly.•Place the circuit board on top of the Support Assembly and place the whole thing on the Press-fit Tool.•Insert the Fine-fit Connectors into the board one at a time by moving the Sup-port Assembly left and right.。

Press fit MEP 12T〔压接机〕 中文操作手册

Press fit MEP 12T〔压接机〕 中文操作手册

MEP-12T手动电子控制压合机 - 12 吨操作手册Part Number: 1398725-3, Rev B 介绍 ..................................................................................................................................................................关於这个手册 ..............................................................................................................................................安全 (1)停机标签 / 警示标签 ..................................................................................................................................安全盖 / 防护罩 ...........................................................................................................................................雷射感应器 ..................................................................................................................................................紧急关闭机器(EMO) / ESTOP ....................................................................................................................光栅 ..............................................................................................................................................................光栅手控键开关 ......................................................................................................... 错误!未指定书签。

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設計要點: 1.為增加端子保持力, 在允許范圍內盡量增大端子與
PCB孔間干涉量. 2.可通過調整兩個簡單支樑寬度厚度, 以改變與PCB
間的幹涉力. 3.設計上一般使壓入深度低于內魚眼上緣. 若壓入深
度高于內魚眼上緣, 則要避免硬干涉產生.請參考 下頁.
(四) 魚眼孔形狀分析
Press-fit端子 魚眼孔設計介紹
電子連接器與PCB連接的方式主要分為 press-fit, through hole solder 和SMT. 其中Press-fit型連接器以其低成本, 高效率, 操作簡單, 可靠性高 而廣泛應用于通訊, 電腦等產業.
業界上對Press-fit端子設計有各種形態, 各有優缺點. 而在其中, EON (Eye of Needle), 或稱做魚眼孔端子是應用最為廣泛的端子結構.
(四) 魚眼孔形狀分析
0.08 0.10
Good design
0.65mm min.
0.65mm min.
PCB孔變形嚴重, 插入力較大. PCB孔變形較小, 插入力也較小.
0.65mm min.
(四) 魚眼孔形狀分析 過渡區
基本功能: 連接插入區與保持力區.
基本功能: 產品預放於PCB, 此時 press-fit 導入PCB孔, 將初產 品定位.
主要特征: 1. Lead-in結構, 方便預插.
主要形態包括: 四面倒角, 雙面倒角; 從工藝角度 分為沖壓成型, 自動化裁切及V-cut折彎等. 2. Coin結構, 防止預插時划傷PCB孔銅鉑層. 3. 不同tail length通過改變此部分長度實現.
設計要點: 1. Lead-in結構:
設計時需考慮PCB孔徑大小, 孔正位度及連接器端 子正度. 保証在worst case下, 端子仍位於PCB孔內. 2. 角度越小越好, 可減小壓入時產生的沖擊力.
(四) 魚眼孔形狀分析 插入區
基本功能: 端子與PCB開始產生幹涉, 插入力出現第一波峰.
Difficult to manufacture
(一) Press-fit端子簡介
2. PCB規格說明
Plated-Through Drilled Hole Hole Diameter Diameter
Plating Thickness Copper* Tin-Lead
Plated-Through Hole Diameter
(二) 魚眼孔插拔過程分析
插入力第一波峰 壓入力曲線
Force: kgf
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
插入力減小 壓入到位
保持力曲線 拔出力最大值
(二) 魚眼孔插拔過程分析
1. 端子預放入PCB. 端子尖端進入PCB孔, 尚未產生變形. 2. 端子開始壓入, 魚眼開始變形, 壓入過程出現第一波峰 3. 端子繼續壓入, 魚眼形變壓合, 變形量減小, 插入力略有減小. 4. 端子繼續下壓,魚眼形變壓合變形, 壓入力曲線出現第二波峰.
5. 端子拔出時, 保持力迅速到達峰值, 隨即迅速減小. 6. 端子繼續拔除, 過渡區和插入區此時已完全形變, 與PCB間的干涉力几乎為零.
(三) 魚眼孔功能區的划分
依據插拔力曲線, 將魚眼結構劃分為 5 個功能區, 各功能區的位置, 名稱, 及功能如 下表所示.
Press-fit結構 功能區 區域功能說明
參考條件 Page 11 Page 6 N/A Page 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 Page 17 N/A Page 6 Page 14 Page 14 Page 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 Page 15, 16 Page 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 Page 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
以供傳輸訊號; (2)插入PTH後,不可過度破壞PTH的鍍層或造成孔徑的太大變形,以免使得更換連接
Bellcore對Compliant Pin的規格要求包括: (1)最大插入力:45lb Max./per pin (2)最小拔出力:3lb Min./per pin (3)LLCR of Compliant Pin:1m-ohm (4)孔變形量:小於0.0015inch (5)最小銅箔厚度:大於0.0003inch
此教材參考了FEA部門對魚眼結構的分析, 借鑒其對魚眼功能區的 分類及設計概念. 同時增加了工作中積累的相關經驗. 對魚眼孔的結構, 功能, 設計方法和要點做了補充.
(一) Press-fit端子簡介 (二)魚眼孔插拔過程分析 (三)魚眼孔功能區的划分 (四) 魚眼孔形狀分析
a. 預插區 b. 插入區 c. 過渡區 d. 保持區 e. 強度區 (五) Summary (六) 整體設計常用方法介紹 (七) 補充說明
Compliant Pin(Press Fit Tech)之主要發展目的有二: (1)組裝簡單:不經Soldering製程即可, 使連接器與PCB有緊密之結合以傳導電氣訊號. (2)可置換性:若此連接器損壞,可直接自PCB移除,更換另一個新的連接器即可。
針對以上兩點要求, (1)Compliant Pin於插入PTH後必需與PTH有緊密之結合,兩者間的接觸阻抗必需夠低
Consistent insertion/retention force Low PTH Distortion
easily control the T.P of tail
Disadvantage Very sensitive to symmetry and position
Pin tends to rotate PTH distortion high Very sensitive to blank width Difficult to make for small hole
端子強度區 提供端子本身強度, 防止插入時挫曲
保持力區 過渡區 插入區
產生插入力(第二波峰)及保持力 連接插入區和保持力區, 使插入平穩 產生插入力(第一波峰)
預插區 將press-fit部分導入到PCB
(四) 魚眼孔形狀分析 預插區
3 2
應用注 意事項
1. 其他條件不變, 僅厚度變化使得Normal force 線性增減, 導致插拔力線性增減.(隻適於差異較小的case.)
2. 其他條件不變, 僅PCB孔徑變化, 可對中分割偏移填補 對端子修改.(見下頁)
3. 其他條件不變, 變化內孔寬度, 可調整插拔力的大小. 4. 須考慮倒圓及厚度變化所帶來的幹涉量變化. 5. 材料厚度增加, 或產品結構改變時, 須考慮產品本身承受
(六) 整體設計常用方法介紹
應用注 意事項
1.獲得競爭對手的樣品, 測試後發現performance符合要求.
2. 或現有相同應用之其他產品compliant pin.
1. 測試競爭對手press-fit 尺寸參數, 繪制 3D, 分別從 5 個功 能區與自己的產品進行比較. 吸收競爭對手優點.
設計不良 保持力區與孔幹涉不足 Normal Force不足
力量過大, PCB孔破裂
BKM 增加lead in 依業界規范 公差分析 端子各部分與孔幹涉量設計不良 增加根部寬度 優化塑膠結構 依業界規范 保証魚眼中心處於PCB內 增加尺寸管控
減小第一波峰峰值, 使插入曲線平穩上升
增加保持力區域幹涉體積 優化端子各部分與孔幹涉量 優化端子各部分與孔幹涉量 PCB孔徑依業界規范設計
D>0.70mm D<0.70mm
(D-0.11) ±0.025 0.81-0.86
(D-0.075) ±0.025 0.735~0.785
0.025 Min 0.025 Min 0.025 Min 0.025 Min
0.015 max 0.015 max 0.015 max 0.015 max
D±0.075 0.65-0.80 D±0.05 0.635~0.735
主要特征: 1. 內外魚眼形成兩個簡支樑. 2. 外魚眼四棱角增加Coin結構, 防止插入過程中划傷
設計要點: 1. 因端子開始壓入時與PCB間的沖擊, 設計中應避免
開始時的幹涉過大.防止因插入力過大而造成的端 子折斷, 挫曲等問題. 2. 可通過調整兩個簡單支樑寬度厚度, 以改變與PCB 間的幹涉力. 3. 設計時需注意魚眼內孔下緣位置, 請參考下頁.
(一) Press-fit端子簡介
1.1 幾種常見的press-fit端子結構
FCI’s PATENTED “H” shape pin
(一) Press-fit端子簡介
1.2 幾種常見的press-fit端子優劣對比
2. PCB孔徑相同, press-fit , 材料性能相似或一致. 3. 產品的整體受力結構等於或良於競爭對手.
保持或優化了 5 個功能區.
省時,省力,省事; 可操作性佳.
(六) 整體設計常用方法介紹 修改法
現有其他產品compliant pin. 其規格與設計產品有一定差 異,如PCB孔徑, 端子厚度。