


through——in term of/via operate——manipulate offspring——descendant inevitable——dispensable


explain——interpret obvious——conspicuous






leading to——contribute to/ conduce to/result in more and more——increasing/growing hardly——merely——barely

well-known——outstanding large——miraculous/marvelous although——albeit/notwithstanding

in fact——actually/virtually

want——intend to/tend to/be inclined to because——in that

may be——probably

to sum——to summarize/in conclusion explain——interpret/illustrate change——alert

chance——alternative custom——convention/tradition think——contemplate/muse/meditate/retrospect arouse——ignite/stimulate/spur/motivate limit——stress/hinder/hamper




devote to——dedicate to










agree partly——agree with reserve


want to——desire

big city——metropolis






hand in——render


get into chaos——with chaos ensuing



fanatic patriotism——jingoism/chauvinism


consider——take into account



soaring/mounting/growing/increasing price


very expensive//prohibitively,eye-wateringly,

amazingly, astronomically, enormously,


extremely, frighteningly, highly, horribly,

hugely, immensely, incredibly, massively,


ridiculously, impossibly 都可以替换这儿的


little chance/possibility:


slender/ slim/slight chance/possibility



cause, arouse, create, excite, fuel, give rise to,

provoke, spark (off), stir up controversy 引起


make up/take/consume/account for/represent

mobile phone/cell phone/handset/wireless



recognize/know-acquaint with—



in some distance/in some way/to some extent


1.success---hit 成功而轰动一时的人物;成功而风行一时的事物

make a hit 大获成功,大受欢迎,受到赞扬。

This is a song hit.这是一首一炮打响的歌曲。

2.dead:completely,very十分地,完全地,绝对地directly or exactly 直接地,正好

dead on time 十分准时地——由桃儿乖乖提供

1. individuals, characters, folks 替换people, persons

2. positive, favorable, rosy (美好的), promising(有希望的), perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior 替换good

3. dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的) 替换bad.

如果bad做表语,可以由be less impressive替换。eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing

time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation,as a result, they find their academic records

are less impressive.

4. an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, many, if not most 替换many

用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。

eg.Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理用most, if not all 替换most

5. a slice of, quiet a few , several 替换some

6.harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the

view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally

acknowledged that 替换think (因为是书面语,所以


7. affair, business, matter 替换thing

8. shared 替代common

9. reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits

10. for my part, from my own perspective 替换in my


11. Increasing(ly), growing 替换more and more



eg. Sth. has gained growing popularity.

Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of


12. little if anything 或little or nothing 替换hardly

13. beneficial, rewarding 替换helpful

14. shopper, client, consumer, purchaser 替换


15. exceedingly, extremely, intensely 替换very

16.hardly unnecessary, hardly inevitable ... 代替

necessary, inevitable

17.sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous

fascination on sb代替sb take interest in

18.capture one's attention代替attract one's attention.


20.be indicative of ,be suggesteive of ,be fearful of代

indicate, suggest ,fear

21.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 代替cause.

22. There are several reasons behind sth 代

替..reasons for sth

23.desire 代替want.

24.pour attention into 代替pay attention to

25.bear in mind that 代替remember

26. enjoy, possess 代替have(注意process是过


27. interaction代替communication

28.frown on sth代替be against , disagree

with sth

29.to name only a few, as an example代替for


30. next to/virtually impossible,代替nearly


more and more = an increasing number of

good/wonderful = explendid/excellent

wander = linger

obvious/appearant =



have/suffer from: i have/suffer from a bad



sb. own sth./sb. be in the possession of sth.


写作高级词汇替换 ★形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant 2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous 3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent 5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished 7.Serious 严重的Severe 8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为:think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten 1.Improve 提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance 2.change 改变:Transform 3.Emphasize 强调:Highlight、Stress、Address(这是个9星级用法) 4.Develop培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 5.Break 破坏:Impair、Undermine这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏Jeopardize、Devastate 6.Keep 保存Preserve、Conserve 保护资源 7.deal With解决Tackle、Address(这也是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve 8.need 需要Require、necessitate、call for ★名词: 1. 影响:influence= impact 2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard


新东方名师总结考研英语写作最常用词汇 1.accident n.意外事件,事故 2.achievement n.成就,功绩 3.activity n.活跃,活动性,行动,行为, 4.adopt vt.采用,收养 5.advantage n.优势,有利条件,利益 6.afford vt.[常与can,could,be able to连用]担负得起费用(损失.后果等), 花费得起,经受得住;抽得出(时间) 7.ambition n.野心,雄心 8.approach n.接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路 ①vt.接近,动手处理 ②vi.靠近 9.attract ③vt.吸引 ④vi.有吸引力,引起注意 10.bribe ①n.贿赂 ②vt.贿赂,向...行贿 11.chance n.机会,可能性,运气 12.cheat n.欺骗,骗子 v.欺骗,骗取 13.client n.[计]顾客,客户,委托人 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f15710572.html,munication n.传达,信息,交通,通讯 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f15710572.html,pare v.比较,相比,比喻n.比较 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f15710572.html,pete vi.比赛,竞争 17.concentrate v.集中,浓缩 18.consequently adv.从而,因此

19.contribution n.捐献,贡献,投稿 20.convenient adj.便利的,方便的 21.decline vi.下倾,下降,下垂 v.拒绝,衰落 22.decrease n.减少,减少之量 v.减少 23.demand n.要求,需求(量),需要 v.要求,需要,要求知道,查询 24.depict vt.描述,描写 25.duality n.二元性 26.economy n.经济,节约,节约措施,经济实惠,系统,机体,经济制度的状况 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f15710572.html,cation n.教育,训导,训练,培养, 教育学 28.effect n.结果,效果,作用,影响,(在视听方面给人流下的)印象 29.efficiency n.效率,功效 30.emphasis n.强调,重点 31.enjoy vt.享受...的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱 32.enrich vt.使富足,使肥沃,装饰加料于,浓缩 32.ensure vt.保证,担保,使安全,保证得到 v.确保,确保,保证 34.entertain vt.娱乐,招待,接受,怀抱 vi.款待 35.environment n.环境,外界 36.expense n.费用,代价,损失,开支费钱之物 37.fee n.费(会费.学费等),酬金 38.figure n.外形,轮廓,体形,图形,画,数字,形状,身份 39.finance n.财政,金融,财政学 vt.供给...经费,负担经费 vi.筹措资金


公文写作常用语言词汇大全 常用短语 全面分析全面贯彻持续推进全面落实/实施逐步扭转基本形成普遍增加基本建立更加完备(完善) 明显提高(好转) 进一步形成不断加强(增效,深化) 大幅提高显著改善(增强) 日趋完善比较充分 立足当前着眼长远自觉按规律办事 抓住机遇应对挑战 量力而行尽力而为 有重点分步骤全面推进统筹兼顾综合治理融入全过程、贯穿各方面切实抓好/减轻扎实推进加快发展持续增收积极稳妥落实从严控制严格执行坚决制止明确职责 高举旗帜坚定不移牢牢把握积极争取深入开展注重强化 规范改进积极发展努力建设依法实行积极稳妥 良性互动优势互补率先发展互惠互利 做深做细做实不动摇不放弃不改变不妥协 常用动词 积累推进推动健全统领协调统筹转变提高推进实现适应改革创新扩大加强促进巩固保障方向取决于完善加快振兴崛起分工扶持改善调整优化解决宣传教育发挥支持带动帮助深化规范强化统筹指导服务健全确保维护优先贯彻实施深化保证鼓励引导坚持深化强化监督管理开展规划整合理顺推行纠正严格满足推广遏制整治保护健全丰富夯实树立尊重制约适应发扬拓宽拓展规范改进形成逐步实现调整规范坚持,调节取缔调控指导把握弘扬借鉴倡导培育打牢武装凝

聚激发说服感召尊重包容树立培育发扬提倡营造促进唱响主张弘扬通达引导疏导着眼吸引塑造搞好履行倾斜惠及简化衔接调处关切汇集分析排查协商化解动员联动激发增进汲取检验保护鼓励完善宽容增强融洽凝聚汇集筑牢考验进取凝聚设置吸纳造就 常用名词 关系力度速度反映诉求形势任务重要性紧迫性本质属性重要保证总体布局战略任务内在要求重要进展决策部署集约化结合点突出地位最大限度指导思想科学性协调性体制机制基本方略理念意识基本路线基本纲领秩序基本经验出发点落脚点要务核心主体积极因素水平方针结构力度增量比重规模标准办法主体作用特色差距渠道方式主导纽带主体载体制度需求能力负担体系重点资源职能倾向秩序途径活力项目工程政策项目竞争力环境素质权 利利益权威氛围职能作用事权需要规模能力基础比重长效机制举措要素精神根本地位成果核心精神力量纽带思想理想活力信念信心风尚意识主旋律正气热点情绪内涵管理格局准则网络稳定安全支撑局面环境关键保证本领突出位置敏锐性针对性有效性覆盖面特点规律阵地政策措施制度保障水平紧迫任务合力法制化规范化制度化程序化公文写作中常用同义词辨析 公文是处理公务的一种重要的文字工具,在制作过程中,对公文常用同义词语的选用是一件煞费苦心的事,下面从常用同义词中选取几组进行辨析。 截止与截至“截止”是指“到一定期限停止”,如“报名在昨天已经截止”,“截至”是截止到某个时候,如“报名日期截至本月底止”。在“截至”中“截”的意思就是“截止”,而“至”则是“到”的意思,所以“截至”就是“截止到”的意思,例如“北京市申办2000年夏季奥运会得到了北京市人大代表和政


2018最新大学英语 四级词汇音标表 A abandon/ ?’b ?nd ?n/ vt.丢弃;放弃, 抛弃 aboard/ ?’b ?:d/ ad.在船(车)上;上船 absolute/ ‘?bs ?lu:t/ a.绝对的;纯粹的 absolutely/ ‘?bs ?lu:tli/ ad.完全地;绝对地 absorb/ ?b’s ?:b/ vt.吸收;使专心 abstract/ ’?bstr ?kt/ n.摘要 abundant/ ?’bΛnd ?nt/ a.丰富的;大量的 abuse/ ?’bju:z, ?’bju:s/ vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用 academic/ ?k ?’demik/ a.学院的;学术的 accelerate/ ?k’sel ?reit/ vt.(使)加快;促进 access/ ‘?kses/ n.接近;通道,入口 accidental/ ?ksi’dentl/ a.偶然的;非本质的 accommodate/ ?’k ?m ?deit/ vt.容纳; 供应,供给 accommodation/ ?,k ?m ?’dei ??n/ n.招待设备;预定铺 位 accompany/ ?’kΛmp ?ni/ vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随 accomplish/ ?’k ?mpli ?/ vt.达到(目的;完成 accordance/ ?’k ?r:d ?ns/ n.一致;和谐;授予 accordingly/ ?’k ?r:di ?li/ ad.因此,所以;照着 account/ ?’kaunt/ n.记述;解释;帐目 accumulate/ ?’kju:mjuleit/ vt.积累 vi.堆积 accuracy/ ‘?kjur ?si/ n.准确(性);准确度 accurate/ ‘?kjurit/ a.准确的,正确无误的 accustomed/ ?’kΛst ?md/ a.惯常的;习惯的 acid/ ‘?sid/ n.酸;酸的,酸性的 acquaintance/ ?’kweint ?ns/ n.认识; 了解;熟人 acquire / ?’kwai ?/ vt.取得;获得; 学到


写作高级词汇替换 ★形容词: 1、贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2、富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3、优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4、积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5、消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6、明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7、健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8、惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9、美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10、有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11、流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 1、Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant 2、Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous 3、Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 4、Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent 5、Poor 贫穷的Impoverished 7、Serious 严重的Severe 8、Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 9、cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★动词: 1、提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2、引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3、解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4、拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5、培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6、激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7、认为: think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8、完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9、保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10、有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11、减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten 1、Improve 提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance 2、change 改变:Transform 3、Emphasize 强调:Highlight、Stress、Address(这就是个9星级用法) 4、Develop培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 5、Break 破坏:Impair、Undermine这两个词指的就是抽象意义上的破坏Jeopardize、Devastate 6、Keep 保存Preserve、Conserve 保护资源 7、deal With解决Tackle、Address(这也就是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve 8、need 需要Require、necessitate、call for ★名词: 1、影响:influence= impact 2、危险:danger = perils =hazard


雅思写作task1常用词汇及词组 一.文章开头 图表类型:table; chart; diagram; graph; column chart; pie graph 描述:show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; reveal; represent 内容:figure; statistic; number; percentage; proportion 二.表示数据 一般:have 10%; at 10%;over 10% 最高(低)点:peaked; reached a peak/high(point) ;bottomed out; reached the bottom 变化:recover略有回升;increase; jump; rise/rose; climb ;decrease; fall/fell; drop; decline; reduce fluctuate浮动,摇摆不定 remained steady/stable; stay the same; little/hardly any /no change 变化程度:sudden/suddenly突然的,意外的 rapid/rapidly迅速的,飞快的,险峻的 dramatic/dramatically戏剧性的,生动的 significant/significantly有意义的,重大的,重要的 sharp/sharply锐利的,明显的,急剧的 steep/steeply急剧升降的 steady/steadily稳固的,坚定不移的 gradual/gradually渐进的,逐渐的 slow/slowly缓慢的,不活跃的 slight/slightly轻微的、略微地 stable/stably稳定的 表示范围:from…to…between…and…for…to…多长时间直到


1、常用排比 最常用的三字词:可概括为性、感、多、点,不、化、新、力。 A、XX性:重要性、紧迫性、自觉性、主动性、坚定性、民族性、时代性、实践性、针对性、全局性、前瞻性、战略性、积极性、创造性、长期性、复杂性、艰巨性、可讲性、鼓动性、计划性、敏锐性、有效性; B、XX感:责任感、紧迫感、危机感、认同感、荣誉感、成就感; C、多XX:多层次、多方面、多途径、多渠道、多措施、多力量、多元素。 D、XX点:出发点、切入点、突破点、落脚点、着眼点、结合点、关键点、着重点、着力点、根本点、支撑点; E、不XX:不松劲、不懈怠、不退缩、不畏难、不罢手、不动摇、不放弃、不改变、不妥协; E、XX化:法制化、规范化、制度化、程序化、集约化、正常化、有序化、智能化、优质化、常态化、科

学化、年轻化、知识化、专业化、系统性、时效性; F、新XX:新水平、新境界、新举措、新发展、新突破、新成绩、新成效、新方法、新成果、新形势、新要求、新期待、新关系、新体制、新机制、新知识、新本领、新进展、新实践、新风貌、新事物、新高度; G、XX力:活动力、控制力、影响力、创造力、凝聚力、战斗力、感染力、亲活力; 热心、耐心、诚心、决心、红心、真心、公心、柔心、铁心、上心、用心、痛心、童心、好心、专心、坏心、爱心、良心、关心、核心、内心、外心、中心、忠心、衷心、甘心、攻心,进取心、责任心、上进心、公仆心; 政治意识、组织意识、大局意识、忧患意识、责任意识、法律意识、廉洁意识、学习意识、上进意识、管理意识; 找准出发点、把握切入点、明确落脚点、找准落脚点、抓住切入点、把握着重点、找准切入点、把握着力点、抓好落脚点;


大学英语四级词汇表(最全版)A abandon/ ?’b?nd?n/ vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃 aboard/ ?’b?:d/ ad.在船(车)上;上船 absolute/ ‘?bs?lu:t/ a.绝对的;纯粹的 absolutely/ ‘?bs?lu:tli/ ad.完全地;绝对地 absorb/ ?b’s?:b/ vt.吸收;使专心 abstract/ ’?bstr?kt/ n.摘要 abundant/ ?’bΛnd?nt/ a.丰富的;大量的 abuse/ ?’bju:z, ?’bju:s/ vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用 academic/ ?k?’demik/ a.学院的;学术的 accelerate/ ?k’sel?reit/ vt.(使)加快;促进 access/ ‘?kses/ n.接近;通道,入口

accidental/ ?ksi’dentl/ a.偶然的;非本质的accommodate/ ?’k?m?deit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给accommodation/ ?,k?m?’dei??n/ n.招待设备;预定铺位accompany/ ?’kΛmp?ni/ vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随accomplish/ ?’k?mpli?/ vt.达到(目的);完成accordance/ ?’k?r:d?ns/ n.一致;和谐;授予accordingly/ ?’k?r:di?li/ ad.因此,所以;照着 account/ ?’kaunt/ n.记述;解释;帐目 accumulate/ ?’kju:mjuleit/ vt.积累vi.堆积 accuracy/ ‘?kjur?si/ n.准确(性);准确度 accurate/ ‘?kjurit/ a.准确的,正确无误的accustomed/ ?’kΛst?md/ a.惯常的;习惯的 acid/ ‘?sid/ n.酸;酸的,酸性的


雅思写作中常用英文连接单词的替换词 一、And 并列关系 (and)in addition // and // similarly // likewise moreover // too // not only ... but // even // besides this/that 二、Sequence 顺序(then) 出现的时候表示列举 first // initially // second etc. // to begin with // then // next // earlier/later // following this/that // afterwards 三、Consequence 结果(so) 前面是后面的结果// 也就是这些词后面就开始给出结论了 as a result // thus // so // therefore // consequently // it follows that // thereby // eventually // in that case // admittedly 四、Contrast 转折(but ) 表对前面论述的转折// 一般后面才是作者观点 however // on the other hand // despite// in spite of // though // although // but // on the contrary // otherwise // yet // instead of // rather // whereas // nonetheless // in contrast 五、Certainty 确定(of course) 强烈的确定// 后面是作者的坚定论点 obviously // certainly // plainly // of course // undoubtedly 六、Condition 条件/ 因为(if ) 后面跟随着某种情况发生的前提或者是条件。 if // unless // whether // provided that // Given that // for // so that // whether // depending on 七、Time 时间(when ) before // since // as // until // meanwhile// at the moment // when // whenever // as soon as // just as 八、Summary 总结(in a word) 作者的最后总结 in conclusion // in summary // lastly // finally // to sum up // to conclude // to recapitulate 重述// in short // in a word 九、Example 举例(for example) for example // for instance// just as // in particular // such as // namely 也就是 十、Reason 原因( because) since // as // so // because (of) // due to // owing to // the reason why // in other words // leads to // cause 雅思写作部分高频词汇、短语替换 ★高频形容词: 1.贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2.富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off

[英语六级词汇] 英语六级词汇表完整版

[英语六级词汇] 英语六级词汇表完整版 2011英语四六级进入备考阶段,考试吧编辑整理四六级备考资料供大家参考,祝大家取得好成绩!1. abnormal a. 不正常的I’m normal, you’re ~ ! 2. abolish v. 废除CET-Band 4 should be abolished ! A daydreamer 3. abrupt a. 突然的, 唐突的Your~ manner embarrassed her! 4. absurd a. 荒唐的What an ~ idea! 5. accessory n. 附件, 零件Handbag, lipstick, etc. are women’s accessories. What are men’s ? Tie, lighter and a fine purse. 6. accommodate v. 提供膳宿How can a small town ~ the Olympic Games? 7. addict v. 上瘾I’m ~ed tocomputer games. Please save me! 8. acquaint v. 使熟悉Are you ~ed with that MM? 9. adhere to v. 遵守Adhere to your own principle 10. adverse a. 不利的, 有害的Adverse circumstances can test a person’s wisdom and courage. 11. aggravate v. 加重Smoking ~s cold. 12. alleviate v. 减轻No one can ~ my pain. 13. alternate v./a 交替(的) a day of ~ sunshine and rain /Day and night ~ 14. ambiguous a. 歧义的The policeman is looking fora man with one eye. -----Why not use two? 你知道此幽默在何处? 15. amplify v. 扩大(声音) 16. analogy n. 类比by analogy 17. anonymous a. 匿名的I received an ~ letter. 18. applaud v. 鼓掌; 赞许I ~ your suggestion. 19. apt a. 易于One is ~ to make mistakes if given too much pressure. 20. array n. 陈列, 一系列the ~of fruit and vegetables in the supermarket 21. arrogant a. 傲慢的An ~ man is a self-importantperson. 22. ascend v. 上升The balloons are ~ing. 23. ascribe v. 归因于He ~d his failure to hissmall vocabulary. 24. aspiration n. 抱负Your ~ is your ambition or strongwish. 25. assault n. 攻击, 袭击A robber ~ed him. 26. assert v. 断言He ~ed that the thief would comeagain. 27. assurance n. 保证, 把握I give you my ~ that the product is safe and reliable. 28. attendant n. 服务员, 随从29. authentic a. 真实的, 可靠的Is Clinton’s biography ~? 30. avert v. 避开、转移We ~ed a loss . 31. bald a. 秃顶的A ~ man is considered to be intelligent. 32. barren a. 荒芜的,不能生育的Without dream, life is a ~ field. 33. betray v. 背叛; 泄露You ~ed me. 34. bewilder v. 使迷惑The new traffic lights ~ theman. 35. bias n. 偏见Bias is prejudice. 36. blaze v. 燃烧; 发强光Thesummer sun is blazing. 37. bleak a. 荒凉的; 凄凉的a ~future 38. blink v. 眨眼睛; 闪烁39. blunder n. 大错40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地41. blur v. 变模糊Fog blurred my vision. 42. bribe v. 行贿Who bribed the bride? Bridegroom. 43. browse v. 浏览~ a web-page 44. brutal a. 残酷的=cruel/savage/ 45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊46. carve v. 刻47. casualty n. 伤亡人员Many casualties are reported inthe battle. 48. cater to v. 迎合cater to the consumers 49. caution n. 小心50. cherish v. 珍视; 怀有~friendship/~ the hope that 51. chronic a. 慢性的;严重的52. circulation n. 循环; 发行(量) Reader has the largest ~ in China. 53. climax n. 高潮the ~ of the play 54. cling to v. 紧紧抓住,依恋;坚持,墨守The baby clung to his mother./ ~ to the hope that.... 55. coincidence n. 巧合56. collaboration n. 合作in ~ with 57. collide v. 相撞; 冲突The two opinions ~ with each other. 58. commence v. 开始59. commute v. 乘车上下班I have to ~ between theuniversity town and the downtown area. 60. compact a. 紧凑的, 结实的a ~ car/office 61. compatible a. 相容的; 兼容的That husband and wife are very ~. 62. compensate v. 赔偿The insurance company ~d theman for his injuries. 63. compile v. 汇编, 编辑~ a encyclopedia 64. complement v. 补充,与。。。相配The music ~s the filmwell. 65. compliment v. /n. 赞美66. comply with v. 遵从67. compulsory a. 必做的~ education 68. conceive of v. 构想I can’t ~ of why he did such a stupidthing! 69. confidential a. 机密的70. confrom to v. 遵守~ to the local customs 71. consensus n. 意见一致If everyone consents tosomething, they reach a consensus. 72. consequent a. (作为后果) 随之发生的lack of electricity and the ~ loss in economy 73. conserve v. 保护,Ifyou conserve something, youuse it carefully and will not wasteit. In winter some people ~ energy bylowering the heat at night. 74.


考研作文词汇查询表 太奇邵宁 考研作文主要以图表作文为主,此部分主要总结作文常用的词汇,包括作文中常应用的连词、以及常用的热点词汇。 一、图表作文常用词汇: 表格图table ; 图表chart;diagram graph column 描述:show; describe; illustrate; reveal; represent 数字figure; 数据statistic; 百分比percentage; 比例proportion 上升:increase rise ascend core surge go up climb mount level up 下降: decrease fall drop descend decline reduce lessen level down 平稳:stable steady remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to 波动:fluctuate fluctuation rise and falls up and down 占:occupy take up account for gain 而:while however whereas on the other hand actually/in fact 相比:by contract on the contrary likewise compared with 最高点:the highest the top the summit the peak the most 最低点:bottom less least rock bottom 平均:mean average 趋势:tendancy trend inclination 预见:prediction 达到顶峰: mount to 由…组成:consist of/be made up of /be composed of 占44%比例:account for /make up 44 percent 位居第一:rank the first 仅次于is second to 居第二位:in second spot 倒数第一is the last one 第二大部份rank the second/the second largest section 与..相比:compared with A与B成比例A be in proportion to B 差不多:About/around/roughly 多达as many as 正好:Exactly/precisely


一:头发 老者:白发如霜、白发如银、粗硬、鹤发童颜、两鬓苍苍、两鬓染霜、满头银发、银发、白发苍苍、少年白发、两鬓斑白、银丝、满鬓微霜、鬓发皓然、皤然、鹤发 女子:蝴蝶髻、披肩发、披肩长发(长长的黑色卷发,如瀑布般披在胸前,性感妩媚。)、齐眉的刘海、长辫垂胸、羊角辫、鬓角卷发 发质:柔软的头发、头发乌润、乌发如云、乌黑油亮、乌亮、油亮光洁、头发乌润、发辫乌黑、滑腻柔软 一般:凌乱、刘海、蓬松 男子:丑角:蓬头垢面、披头散发、头发稀疏、秃头、稀疏、微秃、光秃、秃亮、头顶秃(地中海秃/O形秃/圆形秃)、前额秃(M形秃、U形秃/马蹄形秃)、乱蓬蓬、蓬头垢面、分岔断裂 白发斑斑、白发苍苍、辫子、刺猬头、鹤发、剪着平头、刘海儿、留着背头、满头青丝、蓬蓬松松、、蓬松的短发、披肩发、蓄着分头学生发、整齐、自然卷发 二:眉毛 动作:挑、扬、轩皱、蹙、颦、揪、锁、拢、攒舒展、松横、竖 样式:剑眉(倒八字,正义)、英眉、卧蚕眉(英武男,关羽)、罗汉眉(卷曲眉)、柳叶眉、扫帚眉、一字眉、秀眉、金色眉、柳叶眉(化妆后的)、新月眉(曲眉)、蛾眉(蛾眉凤眼,杏脸桃腮)、竖眉

粗眉、细眉、浓眉、疏眉、弯眉、烟眉、、ㄟ字眉、三角眉、鬼眉、尖刀眉、枯眉、狮眉、龙眉、八字眉、吊丧眉、 两眉入鬓、柳眉淡描、眉如新月、眉耸春山、眉同翠羽、眉宇修长、眉清目秀、眉清目朗、眉如春山、眉如卧蚕、青眉如黛、浓眉如炭、细眉长睫、纤眉如画、蛾眉淡扫、柳眉弯弯、剑眉入鬓 形容:粗黑、粗长、墨黑、浓黑、浓重、细长、修长美丽、又粗又浓、长眉似雪、黛眉 情感:愁眉不展、慈眉善目、柳眉倒竖、剑眉倒竖、贼眉鼠眼、双眉高挑、 三:鼻子 美鼻:鼻孔饱满、鼻梁挺直、鼻子端正、又尖尖的鼻子、挺鼻如峰、高鼻梁、又高又直的鼻子、高鼻梁尖尖的鼻子、细巧挺秀、小巧、秀美、端正阔大、端庄秀丽、微翘、 丑角:鼻尖扁平、鼻青脸肿、鼻似弯钩、鼻头微勾、鼻歪脸肿、鼻子扁阔、鼻子粗短、朝天鼻、拱梁大鼻、酒糟鼻、宽鼻阔嘴、狮子鼻、蒜头鼻、塌鼻梁、鹰钩鼻、又遍又平的鼻子、 动作:鼻孔朝天、咽气、舒气、断气、喘气、喘息、窒息、气急、喷嚏、奄奄、咻咻、哼哧、呼哧、气吁吁、气呼呼、气咻咻、喘嘘嘘。 四:嘴、牙 美角:白而发亮的牙齿、齿白唇红、唇方口正、唇红如血、唇如胭脂、红唇、红润、棱角分明、满口银牙、抿着小嘴、樱桃小嘴、朱唇、朱唇皓齿、樱桃


所有的四级核心词汇都在这里了,希望同学们每周都能够背30个,背单词靠自觉啊,对大家考四级,雅思肯定是好处多多的。 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n. 细菌 12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f15710572.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求 44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准 46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励 47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到 48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f15710572.html,work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络 50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52.trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹 53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨 54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55.wax n. 蜡 56.weave v. 织,编 57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂 62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会 64. battery n. 电池(组) 65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏 66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物 67. career n. 生涯,职业 68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管 69. vertical a. 垂直的 70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激 71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊 72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度 73. exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的 74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的 75. petrol n. 汽油 76. petroleum n. 石油 77. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁 78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽 79. decent a. 像样的,体面的 80. route n. 路;路线;航线
