校园英语 / 翻译研究公示语翻译的错误分析及对策广安职业技术学院/母滨彬【摘要】随着国际步伐的加速和我国对外开放的逐渐深入,公示语的翻译(英译)与日俱增。
【关键词】公示语 错误 对策公示语是一种常见于公共场所的特殊文体,用寥寥数字来表达对受众的某些要求或引起人们的注意。
例如在我国很多景区,游客经常会看到“注意安全,小心落水”的警示牌,英译文竟然是“Take care! Fall into water carefully!”很显然,原文中的“小心落水”是希望游客能加以防范,也就是“Be careful of deep water!”并不是要希望大家“小心地落入水中”,试想若果某些外国游客轻信了警示牌中的英译文,还以为这是景区的某个娱乐项目,都纷纷“小心翼翼落入水中”,其后果将不堪设想。
关键词: 汉英公示语误译分析对策一、引言随着全球经济一体化进程的不断推进,对外合作与交流步伐也日益加快。
市内公共场所很多垃圾箱上的环保性口号“保护环境从我做起”被逐字译成“Protect circumstance begin with me”,这就不符合英语表达规范。
再如,市内很多商场为体现其人性化都会在室内电梯上方悬牌“小心碰头”,有的被译为“Take care of your head”,这显然成了笑话。
其实,用“Watch your head”“Mind your head”就行了。
(二)语境与语用对等层面曾有位著名翻译家说:“The proper words should be in the proper places in the translation.If not,errors might find you.”在翻译有的公示语时,译者由于没有很好地体会原文,斟酌用词,造成词不达意,偏离原义。
如: 某家服饰店将“大减价”也译为“Sale”,改为“Special”较好,能突出“大”的意味。
公示语的错译分析及对策【摘要】:随着中国综合国力日益增强, 国际交往日益增多,社会各界对英语的需求日益增长, 使用英语的范围也日渐扩大。
【关键词】:翻译现状错译现象错译原因建议中途分类号:H159 文献标识码:A文章编号:Abstract:As the comprehensive strength of China has been enhanced greatly, more and more international communication follows. The demand of using English has been increased and the scale is expanded. For example more and more bilingual public signs are shown in public areas in cities and tourist attractions. But the translation is not satisfied. This article analyses the errors of public sign translation, such as, “word for word” translation, spelling errors,“Chinglish” translation, inconsistent translation and syntax errors. According to the principles of translation, the reasons of the errors come out as misunderstanding the translation method, being overly dependent on translation software,incompetent translators, and lack of government supervisiion. Therefore, we suggest both education of citizens and government supervision be enhanced tosolve this problem completely.Key Words:current situation of translation, errors of sign translation, reasons, suggestions一、现状随着改革开放的进展,中国正以跨越的方式迈向世界,双语公示语作为这其中的一个标志一度出现很多低级的、浅显的错误。
单词拼写错误现象似乎已经司空见惯了,如在某高速公路边一块指示牌写着“封闭区域arae closed”。
语法错误也是比较常见的错误现象,“be carefully, gap!”很明显carefully不能用作表语,此处应该用形容词careful。
误译现象也时有出现,在海南贵港市火车站曾有这样一个标识牌“no not lie down”,后来被媒体发现修改为“do not lie down”。
如在公交汽车站牌中乱使用station一词,在美国,bus station 一般指公交汽车的始发总站,无论是在公交汽车报站时还是在站牌上,都出现过类似于“谭固站 tangu bus station”这样的公示词语,在这里应用“bus stop”而不是“bus station”。
公示语汉英错译的原因分析及其翻译策略xx年xx月xx日contents •引言•公示语汉英错译的原因分析•公示语的翻译策略•公示语翻译的改进措施•实例分析•结论目录01引言用于公共场合,以文字、标志、图形等为媒介,向公众传达信息、指示、提示或警告的文字性应用文体公示语为公众提供直观、快捷、有效的信息,方便其出行、了解和使用公共场所或服务作用公示语的定义与作用公示语翻译的重要性公示语是国际游客了解中国的重要窗口公示语翻译的错误或不规范可能造成误解和不便良好的公示语翻译有助于提升国家形象和旅游业的繁荣研究目的与意义提出有效的翻译策略和方法,提高公示语翻译的质量和准确性为相关从业人员和研究者提供参考和借鉴,促进公示语翻译的规范化和标准化分析公示语汉英错译的原因,探讨其影响因素和常见问题02公示语汉英错译的原因分析语言结构差异汉语和英语有着不同的语言结构,例如汉语注重意合而英语注重形合,这容易导致翻译时忽略语言结构的差异,造成错译。
语用失误语境错误与语用失误03公示语的翻译策略1 2 3在公示语翻译中,应参照英语中相应的表达方式,保持原有的语气、语境和功能。
(1)直接写成拼音,比如把“恒美创意图文有限公司”错译为“HENMEI CHUANGYITUWEN GONG SI”;(2)直接写成英语,中英文整齐的对号入座,比如“售票处”,原译为“SELL TICKET ROOM”;(3)中英混用。
这里建议分别改译成“Hen Mei Photo Workshop”,“Tickets Office”和“District Office”。
包括选词不当、词汇搭配不当、 词汇量不足等。
包括语境理解不当、语言得体性 不足等。
公示语是公共场所与外国游客之间的桥梁,翻译错误可能导致信息 传递失败,影响游客的出行体验和安全。
在某些情况下,公示语翻译错误可能导致误解和纠纷,甚至引发法 律责任。
公示语汉英错译的原 因分析及其翻译策略
汇报人: 日期:
• 公示语汉英错译现象 • 公示语汉英错译的原因分析 • 公示语汉英翻译的策略与技巧 • 公示语汉英翻译实例分析 • 公示语汉英翻译的改进建议
是一种在公共场所展示的文字和图形标识, 旨在提供信息、指示方向、提示警告、促进 沟通等。
公示语的翻译需要遵循准确性原则,确保翻译后的内 容与原文意思一致。在翻译过程中要避免使用歧义词 汇或短语,以免造成误解。
公示语的翻译还需要遵循简洁明了原则,尽量使用简 洁、明了的语言表达意思,避免使用复杂的句式或生 僻词汇。这样可以确保公众能够快速理解公示语的含 义。
增强公示语使用者的英语语言意 识,了解英语公示语的含义和使 用规则。
鼓励公示语使用者学习英语,提 高他们的英语水平,以便更好地 理解和使用英语公示语。
为公示语使用者提供英语培训课 程和机会,帮助他们提高英语语 言能力。
- 242 -校园英语 /公示语翻译存在的问题及翻译策略百色学院/李涵【摘要】公示语是在公众场所向公众传递信息的特殊文体,随着中国国际地位不断提升,公示语翻译在国际交流中的地位越来越重要。
【关键词】公示语翻译 错误类别 翻译策略一、导言公示语是一种常见于公共场所的特殊文体,是指“公开和面对公众,告示、指示、提示、警示、标示与其生活、生产、生命、生态休戚相关的文字及图形信息”。
如:“来也匆匆,去也冲冲”错译为“Have to hurry ,was also chong chong to.”;“警(路)风监督电话”错译为“Police road breeze the hurl tell a telephone ”;“出租车上客点”错译为“On the taxi the guest stands forward ”;“开文明车,行平安路回幸福家”错译为“On the civilization car ,Line of road safety The hui xingfu family ”。
公示语的错译分析及解决方法顾骁南【摘要】As an important part of external publicity, the translation of Chinese-English public signs plays a significant role in the process of China's opening up and international exchanges. Based on the rich array of samples and analysis of errors, the article stresses the significant role of public signs and underlying problems behind the erroneous misuses and mistranslations. Meanwhile the paper puts forwards some solutions to the problems.%随着全球化时代的到来以及我国对外开放的日益深入,公示语作为对外宣传的重要组成部分得到了更大的重视。
公示语通常具有特定的语境和含义, 如果对语境理解不当,可能会影响翻 译的准确性。
目前公示语翻译缺乏统一的规范和标准,不同译者可能有不同的理解和翻译方 式,导致翻译质量参差不齐。
对于公示语翻译的监管不够严格,一些错误或不规范的翻译可能会被忽略或得 不到及时纠正。
学习英语词汇,确保正确 理解和使用公示语词汇。
加强英语语法训练,避免 因语法错误导致翻译不准 确。
多读、多听、多说,培养 英语语感,提高翻译准确 性。
研究英语和汉语的文化背景,了解文化差异对翻 译的影响。
街道公示语中常出现翻译错误,如错译、漏译等。此外,有些公示语存在语言冗余、表达不准确的问 题,导致信息传达不准确。
商业街公示语中常出现语言风格不符的问题,如口语化表达 、过于繁琐等。同时,缺乏对语境的理解可能导致表达不准 确。此外,拼写错误也是常见问题。
中西方文化背景差异较大,对于 某些概念、习俗、传统等理解不 够深入,可能导致翻译错误。
在某些公示语中,可能包含具有 特定文化意象的词汇或表达方式 ,如果不了解西方文化,可能会 误解或误译这些内容。
在翻译过程中,如果不了解英语和汉 语之间的语言差异和特点,可能会采 用直译的方式,导致翻译不流畅或不 符合英语表达习惯。
例如:•英语中不使用“请留步”的说法,应该使用“Please come in”或者“Welcome”。
•中文中使用“请勿收垃圾”,但正确的翻译是“Please do not litter”。
这种现象尤其在交通领域的英文公示语中比较普遍,例如:•“Please do not park here, this is a no parking area”应该修改为“Please do not park here, this area is for no parking”。
•“The traffic lights turn green, please walk”应该修改为“The traffic lights turn green. Please walk”。
例如:•中文公示语中使用“请勿踩草坪”,但在英语中应该用“Please do not walk on the lawn”。
•中文公示语中使用“请勿商业广告”,但在英语中应该用“Please do not put up commercial signs”。
根据不同的文本类型, PeterNewmark提出了两种基本的翻译方法,语义翻译(semantic translation )和交际翻译( communicative translation)。语义翻译重视的是原文的形式和原作者的原意,而不是目的语语境及表达方式,更不是要把译文变为目的语文化情景中之物。语义翻译通常适用于文学、科技文献和其他视原文语言与内容同等重要的语篇体裁。交际翻译指的是视翻译为“发生在某个社会情境中的交际过程”的任何一种翻译方法或途径。交际翻译其目的是努力使译文对目的语读者所产生的效果与原文对源语读者所产生的效果相同。即是说,交际翻译的重点是根据目的语的语言、文化和语用方式传递信息,而不是尽量忠实地复制原文的文字。译者在交际翻译中有一定的自由度去解释原文、调整文体、排除歧义,甚至是修正原作者的错误。由此,我们得出结论,公示语的翻译应该采用交际翻译法。
吕合发在2004年提出“英语公示语具有严格的规范性、标准性、沿袭性, 因此进行公示语的汉英翻译必须在汉英两种文化中对相同使用场合的具有相同功能的公示语进行一对一的汉英对译。”
2004年 9 月初,上海市语言文字工作委员会为加强上海市公共场所英文译名使用管理组建了“上海市公共场所中文名称英译专家委会”,负责研究制定上海市公共场所中文名称英译规范,对上海市公共场所英文译名使用进行审核,协调处理上海市公共场所中文名称英译方面有争议的问题,以及为社会规范使用英文提供咨询服务。委员会由英语语言学、汉语语言学、汉英翻译学、法学、社会学专家以及在沪的外籍专家共26人组成。北京第二外国语学院开办的网站“汉英公示语研究在线English-Chinese Expressions on Signs research andService Online”正式运营已经2年;商务印书馆于 2004年9月出版发行了由北京第二外国语学院单丽平编审、陈祝秀教授等人编写,英国专家Steve Samuels和美国专家Jane 与John Strode夫妇的悉心指导、校订的《汉英公示语词典》;国外还有一些政府机构、民间团体、个人开设的网站介绍、服务、搜藏公示标志和公示语。
原创毕业论文公布的题目可以用于免费参考(全英文论文)从目的论看旅游景点公示语的翻译(全英文论文)不同文化背景下礼仪在商务谈判中的作用(全英文论文)浅析红与黑中于连的性格(全英文论文)论英语习语翻译中的异化与归化(全英文论文)解析安娜与国王中的民族中心主义(全英文论文)“谷歌”上英文广告的汉译特点(全英文论文)从语言经济原则视角看报刊标题中的歧义现象哈萨克斯坦的语言政策和语言规划过去,现在和未来(全英文论文)从接骨师之女和喜福会看中美文化的碰撞与融合(全英文论文)目的论视角下电影黑衣人3的字幕官方译本翻译特色(全英文论文)中学英语教师肢体语言对学生学习的积极效应研究XX中学为例(全英文论文)同音同形异义词对听力的影响(全英文论文)论社会达尔文主义的“适者生存”在热爱生命中的运用(全英文论文)模仿在英语专业学生英语口语训练中的运用(全英文论文)AIDA原则在广告语翻译中的运用(全英文论文)从20世纪后服饰发展比较中西文化差异(全英文论文)汉语公示语的英译(全英文论文)从中西方节日看中西文化差异(全英文论文)中美家居教育差异本题目是全英文原创论文,需要完整可以联系QQ:799 7579 38(全英文论文)分析匹普的性格发展从目的论角度谈服装商标翻译(全英文论文)论埃德加•艾伦•坡哥特式小说的恐怖因素(全英文论文)从电影刮痧看中西方文化差异(全英文论文)飘中斯嘉丽和红楼梦中王熙凤的女性意识对比研究(全英文论文)论中学生阅读理解(全英文论文)体态语在中学英语词汇教学中的应用(全英文论文)浅析百年孤独的环境宿命论(全英文论文)分析理智与情感中人物性格对婚姻观的影响(全英文论文)初中英语课堂教师话语对学生输出的影响(全英文论文)源于希腊神话的英语习语研究(全英文论文)XX市高考英语自主命题卷单项选择题历时分析与研究2004-2012(全英文论文)试分析广告隐喻的劝说功能(全英文论文)英汉习语翻译的归化与异化(全英文论文)从文化差异视角论旅游文本翻译中的词汇空缺(全英文论文)元认知策略和歧义容忍度对学生英语听力的影响研究(全英文论文)中英文化差异下翻译的不可译现象研究(全英文论文)商务英语合同语言特点研究(全英文论文)英语水平对中国英语学习者自我修正的影响(全英文论文)中式英语的特征及其成因分析(全英文论文)论功能对等原则下的商标翻译(全英文论文)浅谈国际贸易“询盘”函电词汇特点(全英文论文)IBM企业文化中的利他主义精神及其对中国企业文化建设的启示(全英文论文)金融危机下东莞外贸制造业的发展(全英文论文)美国绿色贸易壁垒下我国农产品状况与对策(全英文论文)英汉词汇空缺及其翻译(全英文论文)评价在初中英语教学中应用的调查报告(全英文论文)中国英语与中式英语的对比研究英汉民族思维差异的角度(全英文论文)英语转喻与提喻的理解与翻译(全英文论文)粤菜翻译之“信达雅”(全英文论文)中国大学英语学习者分词误用分析--XX学院学生的研究(全英文论文)浅议散文英汉互译中增减法使用的原因(全英文论文)小说秀拉中的存在主义探析(全英文论文)研究中西节日文化的差异(全英文论文)呼啸山庄中的哥特式风格(全英文论文)中英颜色词的文化内涵差异(全英文论文)从跨文化视角看中美养儿观念差异(全英文论文)高中英语教学中基于跨文化意识的交际能力培养的研究(全英文论文)认知语言学理论在中学英语教学中的应用(全英文论文)在跨文化的视野下看英语商业广告的语言特色(全英文论文)英语广告的言外行为分析(全英文论文)浅谈奥斯卡.王尔德的喜剧认真的重要性中谎言的运用(全英文论文)基督教对西方思维和生活的影响(全英文论文)论汤姆•索亚的成长(全英文论文)汉英旅游资料对比研究(全英文论文)从翻译目的论看归化异化的互补性(全英文论文)论新闻英语汉译中的归化与异化策略(全英文论文)哈利波特流行的国内外深层探究(全英文论文)初中英语教学中学生非智力因素的培养(全英文论文)对歌词英译汉的研究(全英文论文)委婉语的语用研究(全英文论文)公益广告的词汇特点-美国红十字会广告语为例(全英文论文)关联理论视角下汉语歇后语的英译(全英文论文)商务英语信函中礼貌策略初探(全英文论文)基于7C原则的商务英语函电中正面信息传递的分析(全英文论文)文化背景知识在英语阅读理解中的作用(全英文论文)英语小词在口语中的应用(全英文论文)中西方文化差异(全英文论文)英汉颜色习语差异的对比研究(全英文论文)探讨法国葡萄酒营销与中国白酒营销中的民族特色(全英文论文)论贵妇人画像中伊莎贝尔的精神追求(全英文论文)美剧中“假意真情”家庭话语冲突的语用分析(全英文论文)少数民族地区农村中学英语课堂师生互动情况的调查与分析(全英文论文)斯嘉丽与瑞德婚姻悲剧原因探析(全英文论文)英语委婉语浅析(全英文论文)商务英语中口译学习的文化介入(全英文论文)远大前程中匹普的转变及其根源(全英文论文)英文电影片名翻译原则与策略(全英文论文)英语词汇学习策略分析(全英文论文)态度对非专业英语学生英语学习的影响(全英文论文)动态对等理论在英语电影字翻译中应用--功夫熊猫2为例(全英文论文)英语语言中的性别差异(全英文论文)论人性的枷锁中的自然主义(全英文论文)归化和异化在政治文本英译里的运用十七大报告翻译为例(全英文论文)中英禁忌语差异的研究(全英文论文)对宗教节日名称的翻译研究(全英文论文)从天天向上看脱口秀节目的创新(全英文论文)英汉委婉语的跨文化对比研究(全英文论文)中英文化的差异对英汉互译的影响。
如在某火车站,“吸烟室”Smoking Room被错误地拼写为Smorking Room;在某商场,“楼层”floor被错误地拼写成floot;在某大学,竟然将“大学”college错误地拼写成colege。
如“中西快餐”Chinese and Western Fast Food被误译为China and Foreign Fast Food,误将China用作形容词;“请走侧门”Please use the side door,有的译者将定冠词the漏掉了;“男卫生间”Men’s Room误译为Man’s Room,错用了名词的单数形式。
例如许多公共场合出现的提示性公示语“请看好您的物品”被译为“Keep your possessions well”,这样的译文虽然在语法、拼写等语言要素方面都没有错误,但是不符合英文表达习惯,地道的译文应为“Beware of theft”。
又如“小心滑倒”被很多译者译成“Slip carefully”,表达的意思成了“小心地滑倒”,与告示者要表达的本意完全相反,正确译文应为“Caution,wet floor”。
” [2]二、语用失误语言学家Jenny Thomas[3]认为,语用失误指表达不合适或表达方式不妥,不合目的语习惯等导致交际不能取得效果的这类语用文化错误。
她在《跨文化语用失误》(Cross-cultural pragmatic failure)一文中把语用失误现象分为两种:一种是语用语言失误(pragma-linguistic failure);另一种是社交语用失误(socia-pragmatic failure)。
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BI YE LUN WEN(20_ _届)英语公示语英译错误分析及翻译策略Mistranslation Analysis of Chinese Public Signs and English TranslationStrategies摘要公示语是一种给特定人群观看、有宣传性和服务性的广告文体。
关键词:公示语;错误分析;翻译策略AbstractPublic Signs, which are for a specific group of people, are propagandistic and service advertising style. With the development of Chinese economic,China’s position in the world is increasing gradually. As a large number of foreigners come to China for traveling, investing, investigating, studying, etc, English public signs play an more and more important role in communicatin. In order to make foreign friends understand more accurately what the public signs mean,decrease the wrong and non-standard English public signs in the public places of hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, museums and so on, it is significant to make a research on public sign translation from English into Chinese. This paper focuses on the aspects of cross-cultural awareness and languages to analyse the existing problems and causes in Chinese-English translation of public signs. The paper also puts forward some translation principles and strategies to improve the quality of public sings translation. Key Words: public signs; mistranslation analysis; translation strategiesContentsAbstract (3)1. Introduction (1)1.1 Different Definitions (1)1.2 Practical Functions (1)1.3 Current Studies (2)2. Exist Problems in Translating Chinese Public Sings into English (2)2.1 Absence of Cultural Consciousness (3)2.1.1 Popular Chinglish (3)2.2.2 Unnecessary Translation (4)2.1.3 Ignorance of Cultural Differences (4)2.2 Language Mistakes (5)2.2.1 Inappropriate Expression (5)2.2.2 Wrong Grammar (6)2.2.3 Improper Spelling (6)3. Translation Principles (7)3.1 Focusing on Cross-Cultural Awareness (7)3.1.1 Focusing on Cultural Differences (7)3.1.2 Focusing on Reader's Thinking Model (8)3.2 Being Concise and Precise (8)3.2.1 Conciseness (8)3.2.2 Precision (9)4. Translation Approaches (9)4.1 Adapting (9)4.2 Borrowing (10)4.3 Creating (10)5. Conclusion (11)Bibliography (12)Acknowledgement (13)一、Introduction"Public sign" is the language of instruction in public places and widely used in all aspects of our lives. "With the promotion of China's international influence and economic strength, and the increase in technical writing, cultural exchange, the rise of sports activities, the phenomenon of bilingual public signs has become a beautiful language of style in China." (Yang Yongling, Liu Chunxia, 2008:47)From Beijing Olympic Games to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games held in 2010, more and more foreign tourists and investors come to China. Public signs are just like a country's business card and a city's face. But in the process of translation, more and more errors appear in public sign. The translation of public signs has great significance, which should be paid enough attention to. But English translation of public signs has many errors, it will not only directly affect the traveling and living of overseas friends, but in the long run, it will affect China's future political, economic, social and cultural development.1.1 Different DefinitionsIn Oxford English Dictionary, a sign refers to a characteristic device attached to or placed in the front of an inn or shop, as a means of distinguishing it from others or directing attention to it. According to the Webster's Third New International Dictionary, it is defined as a lettered board or other public display placed on or before a building, room, shop or office to advertise business there transacted or the name of person or firm conducting it. "Sign is a broad term, widely used in public facilities, ranging from travelling, catering, accommodation, recreation, shopping to medical service, educational institution and financial service. It includes words of caution, public notices, bills, posters, slogans, outdoor advertisements, traffic notices and so on." (Bei zhu, Ge Aiming2002, 26) Specifically speaking, it covers street signs, road signs, road markers, parking signs, school signs, construction signs, non-smoking signs, signs at scenic spots, slogans etc.1.2 Practical FunctionsPractical functions of the public signs include the following : indicating, promoting, restricting and compelling. Indicating, as its meaning suggests, is to indicate or guide readers. Signs as such are also calledinstructive/directive/guiding notices which give readers detailed information with no prohibition or restriction. Indicating is the most basic function performed of public sign. Indicating signs generally give readers relevant information about what it is and what services it provides. Prompting has no striking difference from indicating except that the former carries the tone of warning. It aims at reminding readers of paying considerable attention to signs. Restricting unlike the two functions mentioned above, signs that perform restricting function put restrictions and constraints to readers, who are expected to abide by certain rules in the interest of public. Restricting signs are to keep or confine within limits. Compelling , put it simple, compelling signs have great power and potency to induce action or brief. With its tough tone, negative words and comparatively uniform sentence structures, there is slight possibility of any alternatives.1.3 Current StudiesIn the West, the first study of public signs was beginning from Vinay & Darbelnet. They began to study public signs in 1959,form the book Comparative Stylistics of French and English. However, in China, although public signs have long been used for directing, warning, explaining in public places, the study of the Chinese-English translation started rather late, lacking systematization and standardization. Until the 1980s, some Chinese scholars began to study English translation of public signs; the" public signs" have been used in China. At the present century, translation of public signs gradually become the focus of attention of the translation area. With the 2002 Beijing International Studies University on the "English Translation of Public Signs" project received project funding and the establishment of publicity Translation Research Center, "public language" of the name was formally used. Strictly speaking, the attention we pay to the English translation of public signs is not enough, and research is not enough, which has resulted many problems in our country now. At present, there is little research on public signs. Therefore, to enhance the translation of public signs and take practical and effective measures to improve the quality of translation are very important and urgent.二、Exist Problems in Translating Chinese Public Sings into EnglishAlthough public signs have been used widely in our daily life, the nonstandard or inappropriate translation of public signs can be seen almost everywhere, in the street, in the hotel, in the restaurant or even in some museums.2.1 Absence of Cultural ConsciousnessNida once pointed that "To be bilingual, one has tube bicultural."(Nida,1969:52)There is a close relationship between cross-cultural awareness and the translation of public signs.If the translator lacks of adequate cross-cultural consciousness, the translation of public signs may not be recognized by the target audience. Over the year many distinguished scholars have observed this awareness and given some different definitions to cross-cultural awareness. Absence of cultural consciousness in translating Chinese public sings into English occurs more frequently. Next is to discuss it in detail.2.1.1 Popular ChinglishChinglish refers to a variety of spoken or written English that is influenced by Chinese . The term "Chinglish" is commonly applied to ungrammatical or nonsensical English in Chinese contexts, and may have pejorative or deprecating connotations. Li Wenzhong gives the definition of Chinglish. He pointed that , "Chinglish (literally 'Chinese-style English') refers to non-standard English, or malformed English which does not adhere to English cultural habits that appear in the course of English communication as a result of Chinese students/users of English suffering from the interference of their mother tongue, or arbitrary application of the rules and speaking habits of Mandarin."(Li Wenzhong, 1993, 32)The translation of public signs in China often has the same mistakes, which result in English readers suffering from the interference of their mother tongue, or arbitrary application of the rules and speaking habits of Mandarin. The examples of Chinglish are found on numerous translations of public signs.二、“关爱生命,请勿嬉水”is sign for tourists in Sichuan, has been translated into "Life is serious, do not fun."The true meaning of the sign is that it's dangerous to play water. However, the meaning of the translation is that life is serious, please do not joke. Therefore, it's complete departure from the original warning, and confuses foreign readers.2.2.2 Unnecessary TranslationInterlingua translation is possible because the similarities between languages are much more than the differences. The improper translation caused by cultural differences exists in many signs and the "unique" Chinese trademark. The reasons of mainly improper translation are not concerned about the target language culture in the extended sense, and regardless of different cultural backgrounds and feelings of foreign visitors. Some common public signs in the China can not find any trace in the English-speaking countries. Some public signs are completely against their local needs and behaviors. Translating between any two languages builds the theoretical basis of translation. This, however, does not mean that no differences exist between languages. Therefore, the translators should not firstly think about how to translate these signs exactly, but take"Is it necessary to translate them" into account.(2)“五讲四美二热爱”The sign has ever been translated into "Five Stresses, Four Beauties, Three Loves". This expression with a strong representation of Chinese culture, should be taken based on free translation; otherwise, it will not be accepted by the target culture, and will not achieve its purposes. Foreigners can barely accept this English translation. About such a situation, translators should know weather the translation is necessary or not.2.1.3 Ignorance of Cultural DifferencesLanguage is the integral part and the carrier of culture. Different languages have ethnic and cultural differences, which cause difficulties of translation. In order to achieve the best exchange effects, we should respect different cultural practices and cultural traditions. There are some differences between China and other countries in the use of public signs.Firstly, Chinese signs are more direct and straight forward;while,English signs often display the allowable aspect instead of aiming at the prohibited audience. Secondly, English signs generally use passive voice; Chinese signs, however, are more of active voice. Hence, translators should take into account the target reader’s acceptability and identification. If transistors ignorance of cultural differences will lead to many problems in translation.On the one hand, translation mistakes on the cultural level may make foreigners feel offended in terms of customs, beliefs, and faiths. On the other hand, there are lots of signs just belonging to Chinese culture but are translated word-for-word without taking account of the culturaldifferences which may cause misunderstanding. There are also public signs that exist in both cultures. However, the English versions are not so sound as well as Chinese ones which impress people firmly and vividly. They are not wrongly interpreted if they are translated in accordance with English customs or cultures. These translations can only express the superficial meaning without transmitting the spirit or the beauty of the sign to foreigners. Therefore, it is very important to understand the difference of the China culture and English-speaking countires culture. But there are a large number of modesl of this kind which can be found in our daily life.(3) “请给老幼妇残让座”has been translated into"Please give a seat to the old, weak, sick,disabled and pregnant women." In China, the sentence can be received; however, in English-speaking countries, old people are often reluctant to be called old, especially others use the "old" to describe them. They prefer to adapt a euphemistic way to express. It is better to be translated as "Please offer priority seats to those in need," which is more acceptable by foreigners.2.2 Language MistakesNow there are lots of public signs translation which is not correct or not accurate. These non-standard language translation errors can mainly be summarized in the following categories:2.2.1 Inappropriate ExpressionThe purpose of translation is to make readers get the correct information. Public translation largely needs concisenes to let the readers know the real meaning hidden in the text. Translators should transform language according to the characteristics of different languages rather than impose the structural features of a language on another. But there are lots of inappropriate expression in public sings translation. Rigid translation and hard translating are two common mistakes of public language translation.Both of them are direct translation according to the original words, contents, structures or sequences, which make others misunderstand the true meaning of public signs. The result may cause articles lose their original meaning, not only readers can not understand the message, but also cause readers’ misunderstanding of foreign culture. The reasons of rigid translation or hard translation aremost likely to ignore the true meanings of original signs, and lack of understanding in translation.(4) “小心碰头”has been translated as "Take care of your head". This is a typical mistake because of inappropriate expression. The true meaning of the sentence is hopes that readers be careful not to bump their head, but this translation is misunderstood by foreign friends. The best to translate it is "Watch Your Head" or "Mind Your Head".2.2.2 Wrong GrammarThere are very big difference between Chinese and English. But the translators often ignore the Sino-British differences between the syntactic; therefore they often make some basic mistakes when translating of public signs.(Wangying Lvhefa, 2007:14-15)This kind of translation shows the poor quality of C-E translation of public signs. Theoretically, wrong grammar can be avoided easily if the translator has the responsibility for his own interpretation. However, such mistakes can be seen everywhere. The wrong grammar signposts not only deface the city but also leave a poor impression to those foreigners about our Chinese culture.(5)“禁止攀爬”has been translated into " Please Do not Climbing". The use "Climbing" is not right here, it should be changed into" Plea se Don’t Climb" or "N o Climbing".2.2.3 Improper SpellingSpelling errors of translating public signs are the most common and most easily overlooked mistakes. But in fact, this kind of mistakes almost exists everywhere. About spelling errors, the following two types of errors should be paid more attention to: with distinction of the capital letters and wrong spellings. These errors reflect that translators are not careful in the process of translation, or lack of the basic capabilities to translate. Vocabulary or spelling mistakes are mostly because translators have not use a right attitude toward their work.(6)“宾馆预订服务”, which has been translated as "Hotel reservation servce" .The "servce” is significantly less letters "i".三、Translation PrinciplesAs public signs play a significant part in public and tourists, any ambiguity, misunderstanding, abuse of public signs will result in negative consequences. The public sign plays a very important role in the process of city internationalization. We should study the functional meaning and language style of public signs in English carefully."Therefore, to improve and enhance the quality of translation of public signs is imperative and important task." (Huang Youyi, Huang Changqi, 2005:8-9)Here are some translation skills.3.1 Focusing on Cross-Cultural AwarenessThe translation of public signs is to convert the source language into target language. In this process, it is necessary to remain the information in the source language, but also take cultural differences into account, so that the target readers can correctly understand the information.3.1.1 Focusing on Cultural DifferencesLanguage is the carrier of culture. Every nation has its profound cultural heritage. In different societies, the cultural background, national habits, thinking modes are different as well as the expression of their language. Different languages have ethnic and cultural differences, which cause difficulties in translation. In order to achieve the best exchange effects, translators should respect different cultural practices and cultural traditions. There are some differences between China and English-speaking countries in public signs, so we can’t use some words that can only be understood by ourselves.(7) “红旗手”once was translated into “a red flagger”. Our translation is to allow foreigners to read and understand our culture, ideology, but not a foreigner will know the real meaning of "a red flagger". In fact, it contains implied meaning "an advanced worker''. Thus we can just translate “红旗手”into "a model worker" or "an advanced worker". As for something that is uncertain even in the source text, translators can just leave it out.3.1.2 Focusing on Reader's Thinking ModelsThe translation of public signs is written for foreigners, so we should consider the target readers' thinking models and feeling. Public signs are a kind of application style with rich forms, which are being used in a wide range. But not all of the public signs can be translated into foreign language directly. Sometimes, in order to respect the feeling and expectations of readers, we may consider neglecting or replacing the impolite expression toward a reader.(8)“请勿践踏草坪”should not be rigidly translated into "do not tread on the meadow ", for the reason that target readers are more accustomed to expressions "please keep off the grass". These examples account for the necessity of considering the values and andthinking modes, which is not an isolated phenomenon but an integral part of culture. Hence, translators should adopt the “reader-centre” principle to enable the foreigners to fully understand the meaning of the signs.3.2 Being concise and precisePublic language translation should make foreign friends understand, and it should follow principles of conciseness and precision. Semantic translation and communicative translation can be realized in a precise and concise way. (Newmark, Peter, 1988:47).3.2.1 ConciseThe translator should know the language style of both Chinese and English pubic signs well. "There are five important features about English public signs: firstly, most of the public signs are written in capitals without full stop; secondly, the public signs are always short even with only one word; thirdly, the public signs are written in simple writing style, such as using lots of nouns, verbal nouns or phrases; fourthly, imperative sentences are used sometimes; fifthly, formal writing style is used sometimes". (Hu Wenzhong, 1987:78). As for Chinese public signs, the main feature is to use simple words to show simple meaning, that is to say, to be brief and concise. If a public sign is too long, it would be difficult for people to catch the main meaning of the contents.(9)“随地吐痰乞人恨罚款一千有可能传播肺病因此起卫生法例要遵行” .Obviously, this sign is written in a ragged verse in order to warn citizens not to spit everywhere. If it is translated into English word-for-word, the original meaning may have no effects on foreigners, who may take it as a joke. The proper translation can be "No spitting. Maximum penalty $1000".3.2.2 PreciseIt is very important to make readers understand the true meaning of the translation. Some experts considered the translation as a process of re-creation. If you don't make research deeply between the source language and target language, it is hard to master them. We establish precise as a basic principle for the public language. Chinese-English translation is based on the consideration of public language’s characteristic. If the translation is too obscure, it would not achieve the role of public signs that should be.(10)“注意安全,请勿攀爬单边墙”If we only translate it according to literal translation, foreigners may feel very odd, and difficult to understand. In fact, as long as we obey understandable principle and correspondingly translate as" Keep a safe ", it will let foreigners will feel intelligible and kind.四、Translation ApproachesThere are many ways to translate the English public signs. The translation approaches and translation strategies should be determined by the intended purpose or functions of a translation. According to the above principles, such translation approaches are to be discussed as adapting, borrowing and creating.4.1 AdaptingAdapting means a translator makes the slight change based on the similar expressions in English. It can guide the translator to make flexible target language choices when rendering culture-specific expression.The translator makes linguistic choices and employs translation strategies, especially when he is transplanting cultural images. In sign translation, someestablished signs in English can be adapted.(11)“桂林山水甲天下”is translated to “East or West, Guilin Landscape is best!”, which imitates the well-known English proverbs “East or west, home is best”. In this way, it arouses the amiableness on the part of readers, achieves the persuasiveness of the public sign and justifies the translator’s choice of a particular purpose in a given translational situation.4.2 BorrowingBorrowing is way which is highly practical and realistic in sign translation. Based on the approach, the conventional expressions of English signs could be borrowed so that they sound familiar and acceptable to the foreigners. Different individuals from different cultures would differ to a greater or lesser extent, but they would be culturally equivalent when they perform the same function in their respective specific setting culture. Just as Nida puts it, for truly successful translation, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they function.(12) “限时停车”has been translated into"Time Limit Parking". This translation is based on "parking".If we translate it without using borrowing approach,the translation may not be familiar by readers. Through using the approach, it can not only makes the task of translation simple, but also can make foreign friends feel comfortable.4.3 CreatingWhen performing the translation of signs with Chinese characteristics, we tend to adopt the method of creating. That is, translators should do the creative work when there are no conventional expressions to borrow or similar expressions to adapt from English signs. Therefore, the translator should have the abilities to create the translation not only understandable but also meet the expressing style of those English-speaking countries. It requires translators' linguistic choices and pragmatic translation strategies and translators must focus on conveying the author’s intentions and make readers get the true information. Otherwise, the appellative function of sign language will be absent.(13)“宁停三分,不抢一秒”can be translated as "It is far better to arrive late in this world than early in the next. " From this example, we can see that if it is difficult to translate public signs which have no conventional expressions to borrow or similar expressions to adapt, translators should do some creative work to translate it more consistent with English expressions.五、ConclusionNowadays, China is striving to improve the standard of opening to the outside world. Therefore, it is urgent to standardize various C-E translations of public signs. Since public signs have always been “the face of the city”, every citizen has the duty to point out the errors in signposts around us in our city.This paper discusses several aspects of the Chinese-English translation problems of public signs, especially the cultural phenomena in translations. According to the problems, the author offers some suggestions to establish standard translation of public signs. The author makes a conclusion that an accurate translation of public signs should always take account of the cultural factors in both languages. Let’s introduce our country to all over the world in the best way.Bibliography[1] Hatim, Basil. Communication across Cultures. Shanghai: Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press, 2001:89.[2] Nida, Eugene A. Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating [M]. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001:52.[3] Newmark, Peter.A textbook of translation[M].London:Prentice HallInternational(UK)Ltd,1988:47.[4] 北竹,革爱民. 谈英语公示用语的语言特点与汉英翻译[J]. 北京第二外国语学院学报, 2002,(5):26-29.[5] 胡文仲. 现代实用英语例解[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1987:78.[6] 黄友义,黄长奇.翻译质量与翻译协会的责任[J]. 中国翻译, 2005,(5):8-9.[7] 罗选民, 黎土旺. 关于公示语翻译的几点思考[J]. 中国翻译,2006,(4):67.[8] 刘法公,徐蓓佳. 公示语汉英翻译原则探索[J]. 外语与外语教学,2008,(2):54.[9] 李文忠. 中国英语与中国式英语[J]. 外国教学与研究. 1993,(3):32.[10] 王颖,吕和发. 公示语汉英翻译[M]. 中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司, 2007:14-15.[11] 杨永林,刘春霞. 双语公共标识的文本性研究[J]. 外语学刊, 1998,(2):47.AcknowledgementI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Mr. Liu, my supervisor. From deciding the title to finishing this paper, I have gained lots of benefits from the enlightenment of Mr. Liu, whose inspiring insights, generous encouragements, and enthusiastic instructions have facilitated me much. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Then I owe much to my friends and classmates for their valuable suggestions and critiques which are of help and importance in making the thesis a reality.开题报告英语公示语翻译中常见错误分析及策略选择六、论文选题的背景、意义(所选课题的历史背景、国内外研究现状和发展趋势)目的:随着我国经济的发展和对外开放步伐的加快,国际间的友好往来及经济合作日益增多,对外联系和国际交流日益频繁。