【国际经济学】英文题库Chapter 1: IntroductionMultiple-Choice Questions1. Which of the following products are not produced at all in the United States?*A. Coffee, tea, cocoaB. steel, copper, aluminumC. petroleum, coal, natural gasD. typewriters, computers, airplanes2. International trade is most important to the standard of living of:A. the United States*B. SwitzerlandC. GermanyD. England3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has:*A. grownB. diminishedC. remained unchangedD. cannot say4. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by:A. the size of the nations' populationB. the percentage of its population to its GDP*C. the percentage of a nation's imports and exports to its GDPD. all of the above 5. Economic interdependence is greater for:*A. small nationsB. large nationsC. developed nationsD. developing nations6. The gravity model of international trade predicts that trade between two nations is larger A. the larger the two nationsB. the closer the nationsC. the more open are the two nations*D. all of the above7. International economics deals with:A. the flow of goods, services, and payments among nationsB. policies directed at regulating the flow of goods, services, and paymentsC. the effects of policies on the welfare of the nation*D. all of the above 8. International trade theory refers to:*A. the microeconomic aspects of international tradeB. the macroeconomic aspects of international tradeC. open economy macroeconomics or international financeD. all of the above 9. Which of the following is not the subject matter of international finance?A. foreign exchange marketsB. the balance of payments*C. the basis and the gains from tradeD. policies to adjust balance of payments disequilibria10. Economic theory:A. seeks to explain economic eventsB. seeks to predict economic eventsC. abstracts from the many detail that surrounds an economic event*D. all of the above11. Which of the following is not an assumption generally made in the study of inter national economics?A. two nationsB. two commodities*C. perfect international mobility of factorsD. two factors of production12. In the study of international economics:A. international trade policies are examined before the bases for tradeB. adjustment policies are discussed before the balance of paymentsC. the case of many nations is discussed before the two-nations case*D. none of the above13. International trade is similar to interregional trade in that both must overcome:*A. distance and spaceB. trade restrictionsC. differences in currenciesD. differences in monetary systems14. The opening or expansion of international trade usually affects all members of so ciety: A. positivelyB. negatively*C. most positively but some negativelyD. most negatively but some positively15. An increase in the dollar price of a foreign currency usually:A. benefit U.S. importers*B. benefits U.S. exportersC. benefit both U.S. importers and U.S. exportersD. harms both U.S. importers and U.S. exporters16. Which of the following statements with regard to international economics is true?A. It is a relatively new field*B. it is a relatively old fieldC. most of its contributors were not economistsD. none of the above思考题:1.为什么学习国际经济学非常重要?2.列举体现当前国际经济学问题的一些重要事件,它们为什么重要?3.当今世界面临的最重要的国家经济问题是什么?全球化的利弊各是什么?Chapter 2: The Law of Comparative Advantage Multiple-Choice Questions1. The Mercantilists did not advocate:*A.free tradeB. stimulating the nation's exportsC. restricting the nations' importsD. the accumulation of gold by the nation2. According to Adam Smith, international trade was based on:*A. absolute advantageB. comparative advantageC. both absolute and comparative advantageD. neither absolute nor comparative advantage3. What proportion of international trade is based on absolute advantage?A. AllB. most*C. someD. none4. The commodity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the commodity of its:A. absolute disadvantageB. absolute advantageC. comparative disadvantage*D. comparative advantage5. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X and Y) world, it is established tha t nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nation B must have:A. an absolute advantage in commodity YB. an absolute disadvantage in commodity YC. a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*D. a comparative advantage in commodity Y6. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nation B can produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input):A. nation A has a comparative disadvantage in commodity XB. nation B has a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*C. nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity XD. nation A has a comparative advantage in neither commodity7. With reference to the statement in Question 6:A. Px/Py=1 in nation AB. Px/Py=3 in nation BC. Py/Px=1/3 in nation B*D. all of the above8. With reference to the statement in Question 6, if 3X is exchanged for 3Y:A. nation A gains 2X*B. nation B gains 6YC. nation A gains 3YD. nation B gains 3Y9. With reference to the statement of Question 6, the range of mutually beneficial tra de between nation A and B is:A. 3Y < 3X < 5YB. 5Y < 3X < 9Y*C. 3Y < 3X < 9YD. 1Y < 3X < 3Y10. If domestically 3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B:A. there will be no trade between the two nationsB. the relative price of X is the same in both nationsC. the relative price of Y is the same in both nations*D. all of the above11. Ricardo explained the law of comparative advantage on the basis of:*A. the labor theory of valueB. the opportunity cost theoryC. the law of diminishing returnsD. all of the above12. Which of the following statements is true?A. The combined demand for each commodity by the two nations is negatively slope dB. the combined supply for each commodity by the two nations is rising stepwiseC. the equilibrium relative commodity price for each commodity with trade is giv en by the intersection of the demand and supply of each commodity by the two nati ons*D. all of the above13. A difference in relative commodity prices between two nations can be based upo difference in:n a difference A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above14. In the trade between a small and a large nation:A. the large nation is likely to receive all of the gains from trade*B. the small nation is likely to receive all of the gains from tradeC. the gains from trade are likely to be equally sharedD. we cannot say15. The Ricardian trade model has been empirically*A. verifiedB. rejectedC. not testedD. tested but the results were inconclusive思考题:比较优势原理所带来的贸易所得是从何而来的?贸易利益又是如何分配的?现实世界中比较优势是如何度量的?你认为目前中国具有比较优势的商品有哪些?这意味着什么?比较优势会不会发生变化?什么样的原因可能会导致其变化?经济学家是如何验证比较优势原理的?Chapter 3: The Standard Theory of International TradeMultiple-Choice Questions1. A production frontier that is concave from the origin indicates that the nation incur s i ncreasing increasing opportunity costs in the production of:A. commodity X onlyB. commodity Y only*C. both commoditiesD. neither commodity2. The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) of X for Y refers to:A. the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of XB. the opportunity cost of XC. the absolute slope of the production frontier at the point of production*D. all of the above3. Which of the following is not a reason for increasing opportunity costs:*A. technology differs among nationsB. factors of production are not homogeneousC. factors of production are not used in the same fixed proportion in the production of all commoditiesD. for the nation to produce more of a commodity, it must use resources that are le ss and less suited in the production of the commodity4. Community indifference curves:A. are negatively slopedB. are convex to the originC. should not cross*D. all of the above5. The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of X for Y in consumption refers to the:A. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y and still remain o n the same indifference curve*B. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curveC. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y to reach a higher indifference curveD. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X to reach a higher indifference curve6. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of X for Y?A. It is given by the absolute slope of the indifference curveB. declines as the nation moves down an indifference curveC. rises as the nation moves up an indifference curve*D. all of the above 7. Which of the following statements about community indifference curves is true?A. They are entirely unrelated to individuals' community indifference curvesB. they cross, they cannot be used in the analysis*C. the problems arising from intersecting community indifference curves can be over come by the application of the compensation principleD. all of the above. 8. Which of the following is not true for a nation that is in equilibrium in isolation?*A. It consumes inside its production frontierB. it reaches the highest indifference curve possible with its production frontierC. the indifference curve is tangent to the nation's production frontierD. MRT of X for Y equals MRS of X for Y, and they are equal to Px/Py 9. If the internal Px/Py is lower in nation 1 than in nation 2 without trade:A. nation 1 has a comparative advantage in commodity YB. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity X*C. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity YD. none of the above10. Nation 1's share of the gains from trade will be greater:A. the greater is nation 1's demand for nation 2's exports*B. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 2's pretrade Px/PyC. the weaker is nation 2's demand for nation 1's exportsD. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 1's pretrade Px/Py11. If Px/Py exceeds the equilibrium relative Px/Py with tradeequilibr A. the nation exporting commodity X will want to export more of X than at e quilibr iumequilibri B. the nation importing commodity X will want to import less of X than at e quilibri umC. Px/Py will fall toward the equilibrium Px/Py*D. all of the above12. With free trade under increasing costs:A. neither nation will specialize completely in productionB. at least one nation will consume above its production frontierC. a small nation will always gain from trade*D. all of the above13. Which of the following statements is false?A.The gains from trade can be broken down into the gains from exchange and the gains from specializationB. gains from exchange result even without specialization*C. gains from specialization result even without exchangeD. none of the above14. The gains from exchange with respect to the gains from specialization are alway s:A. greaterB. smallerC. equal*D. we cannot say without additional information15. Mutually beneficial trade cannot occur if production frontiers are:A. equal but tastes are notB. different but tastes are the sameC. different and tastes are also different*D. the same and tastes are also the same.思考题:国际贸易的标准理论与大卫.李嘉图的比较优势原理有何异同?两国仅仅由于需求偏好不同可以进行市场分工和狐狸贸易吗?两国仅仅由于要素禀赋不同和/或生产技术不同可以进行分工和贸易吗?Chapter 4: Demand and Supply, Offer Curves, and the Terms of Trade Multiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is correct? A. The demand for imports is given by the excess demand for the commodityB. the supply of exports is given by the excess supply of the commodityC. the supply curve of exports is flatter than the total supply curve of the commodity *D. all of the above2. At a relative commodity price above equilibriumA. the excess demand for a commodity exceeds the excess supply of the commodityB. the quantity demanded of imports exceeds the quantity supplied of exports*C. the commodity price will fallD. all of the above3. The offer curve of a nation shows:A. the supply of a nation's importsB. the demand for a nation's exportsC. the trade partner's demand for imports and supply of exports*D. the nation's demand for imports and supply of exports4. The offer curve of a nation bulges toward the axis measuring the nationsA. import commodity*B. export commodityC. export or import commodityD. nontraded commodity5. Export prices must rise for a nation to increase its exports because the nation:A. incurs increasing opportunity costs in export productionB. faces decreasing opportunity costs in producing import substitutesC. faces decreasing marginal rate of substitution in consumption*D. all of the above6. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is false?A. It relies on traditional demand and supply curvesB. it isolates for study one market*C. it can be used to determine the equilibrium relative commodity price but not the equilibrium quantity with tradeD. none of the above7. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is true?A. The demand and supply curve are derived from the nation's production frontier an d indifference mapB. It shows the same basic information as offer curvesC. It shows the same equilibrium relative commodity prices as with offer curves*D. all of the above 8. In what way does partial equilibrium analysis differ from general equilibrium analy sis?A. The former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium price with tradeB. the former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium quantity with tradeC. the former but not the latter takes into consideration the interaction among all ma rkets in the economy*D. the former gives only an approximation to the answer sought.9. If the terms of trade of a nation are 1.5 in a two-nation world, those of the tradepartner are:A. 3/4*B. 2/3C. 3/2D. 4/310. If the terms of trade increase in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner:*A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the above11. If a nation does not affect world prices by its trading, its offer curve:A. is a straight lineB. bulges toward the axis measuring the import commodity*C. intersects the straight-line segment of the world's offer curveD. intersects the positively-sloped portion of the world's offer curve12. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodityB. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodity C. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity *D. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity13. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's terms of trade remain unchanged*B. the nation's terms of trade deteriorateC. the partner's terms of trade deteriorateD. any of the above14. If the tastes for a nation import commodity increases, trade volume:*A. increasesB. declinesC. remains unchangedD. any of the above15. A deterioration of a nation's terms of trade causes the nation's welfare to:A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchanged*D. any of the above思考题:提供曲线如何推导?有何用途?两国贸易时的均衡商品价格是如何决定的?受哪些因素影响?贸易条件的含义是?贸易条件的改善意味着什么?哪些因素可能导致贸易条件的改善?Chapter 5: Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory Multiple-Choice Questions1. The H-O model extends the classical trade model by:A. explaining the basis for comparative advantageB. examining the effect of trade on factor prices*C. both A and BD. neither A nor B2. Which is not an assumption of the H-O model:A. the same technology in both nationsB. constant returns to scale*C. complete specializationD. equal tastes in both nations3. With equal technology nations will have equal K/L in production if:*A. factor prices are the sameB. tastes are the sameC. production functions are the sameD. all of the above4. We say that commodity Y is K-intensive with respect to X when:A. more K is used in the production of Y than XB. less L is used in the production of Y than X*C. a lower L/K ratio is used in the production of Y than XD. a higher K/L is used in the production of X than Y5. When w/r falls, L/KA. falls in the production of both commodities*B. rises in the production of both commoditiesC. can rise or fallD. is not affected6. A nation is said to have a relative abundance of K if it has a:A. greater absolute amount of KB. smaller absolute amount of LC. higher L/K ratio*D. lower r/w 7. A difference in relative commodity prices between nations can be based on a diffe rence in:A. technologyB. factor endowmentsC. tastes*D. all of the above 8. In the H-O model, international trade is based mostly on a difference in:A. technology*B. factor endowmentsC. economies of scaleD. tastes 9. According to the H-O model, trade reduces international differences in:A. relative but not absolute factor pricesB. absolute but not relative factor prices*C. both relative and absolute factor pricesD. neither relative nor absolute factor prices10. According to the H-O model, international trade will:A. reduce international differences in per capita incomesB. increases international differences in per capita incomes*C. may increase or reduce international differences in per capita incomes D. lead to complete specialization11. The H-O model is a general equilibrium model because it deals with:A. production in both nationsB. consumption in both nationsC. trade between the two nations*D. all of the above12. The H-O model is a simplification of the a truly general equilibrium model b ecause because it deals with:A. two nationsB. two commoditiesC. two factors of production*D. all of the above13. The Leontief paradox refers to the empirical finding that U.S.*A. import substitutes are more K-intensive than exportsB. imports are more K-intensive than exportsC. exports are more L-intensive than importsD. exports are more K-intensive than import substitutes14. From empirical studies, we conclude that the H-O theory:A. must be rejectedB. must be accepted without reservations*C. can be accepted while awaiting further testingD. explains all international trade15. For factor reversal to occur, two commodities must be produced with:*A. sufficiently different elasticity of substitution of factors B. the same K/L ratioC. technologically-fixed factor proportionsD. equal elasticity of substitution of factors思考题:H-O理论有哪些假设?各假设的含义是什么?为什么要做出这些假设?如何检验H-O理论的正确性?H-O-S定理的假设条件又是什么?他与生产要素国际间的流动有何关系?如何检验H-O-S定理在现实中的可靠性?Chapter 6: Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International T radeMultiple-Choice Questions:1. Relaxing the assumptions on which the Heckscher-Ohlin theory rests:A. leads to rejection of the theoryB. leaves the theory unaffected*C. requires complementary trade theoriesD. any of the above.Which of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, when relaxed, leav ethe theory unaffected? t he A. Two nations, two commodities, and two factorsB. both nations use the same technologyC. the same commodity is L-intensive in both nations*D. all of the aboveWhich of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, when relaxed, require new trade theories? r equire *A. Economies of scaleB. incomplete specializationC. similar tastes in both nationsD. the existence of transportation costsInternational trade can be based on economies of scale even if both nations have ide ntical:A. factor endowmentsB. tastesC. technology*D. all of the above5. A great deal of international trade:A. is intra-industry tradeB. involves differentiated productsC. is based on monopolistic competition*D. all of the above6. The Heckscher-Ohlin and new trade theories explains most of the trade:A. among industrial countriesB. between developed and developing countriesC. in industrial goods*D. all of the aboveThe theory that a nation exports those products for which a large domestic market e xistswas advanced by: w as *A. LinderB. VernonC. LeontiefD. Ohlin8. Intra-industry trade takes place:A. because products are homogeneous*B. in order to take advantage of economies of scaleC. because perfect competition is the prevalent form of market organizationD. all of the aboveIf a nation exports twice as much of a differentiated product that it imports, its intra- i ndustry industry (T) index is equal to:A. 1.00B. 0.75*C. 0.50D. 0.2510. Trade based on technological gaps is closely related to:A. the H-O theory*B. the product-cycle theoryC. Linder's theoryD. all of the above11. Which of the following statements is true with regard to the product-cycle theor y?A. It depends on differences in technological changes over time among countriesB. it depends on the opening and the closing of technological gaps among countriesC. it postulates that industrial countries export more advanced products to less advanced countries*D. all of the above12. Transport costs:A. increase the price in the importing countryB. reduces the price in the exporting country*C. both of the aboveD. neither A nor B.13. Transport costs can be analyzed:A. with demand and supply curvesB. production frontiersC. offer curves*D. all of the above14. The share of transport costs will fall less heavily on the nation:*A. with the more elastic demand and supply of the traded commodityB. with the less elastic demand and supply of the traded commodityC. exporting agricultural productsD. with the largest domestic market15. A footloose industry is one in which the product:A. gains weight in processingB. loses weight in processingC. both of the above*D. neither A nor B.思考题:本章的贸易理论与基于比较优势的贸易理论有哪些不同?这两类贸易理论是互相排斥的吗?H-O理论与心贸易理论之间有什么经验关联?运输成本对H-O定理和H-O-S定理有何影响?不同的环保标准时如何影响产业选址及国际贸易的?2009年底联合国哥本哈根气候大会中的议题与国际贸易有何关系?这对我国经贸发展有何影响?Chapter 7: Economic Growth and International Trade Multiple-Choice Questions1. Dynamic factors in trade theory refer to changes in:A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above2. Doubling the amount of L and K under constant returns to scale:A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodityB. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodityC. leaves the shape of the production frontier unchanged*D. all of the above.3. Doubling only the amount of L available under constant returns to scale:A. less than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity*B. more than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodityC. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodityD. leaves the output of the K-intensive commodity unchanged4. The Rybczynski theorem postulates that doubling L at constant relative commodity prices:A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity*B. reduces the output of the K-intensive commodityC. increases the output of both commoditiesD. any of the above5. Doubling L is likely to:A. increases the relative price of the L-intensive commodityB. reduces the relative price of the K-intensive commodity*C. reduces the relative price of the L-intensive commodityD. any of the aboveTechnical progress that increases the productivity of L proportionately more than the productivity of K is called: p roductivity *A. capital savingB. labor savingC. neutralD. any of the above7. A 50 percent productivity increase in the production of commodity Y:A. increases the output of commodity Y by 50 percentB. does not affect the output of XC. shifts the production frontier in the Y direction only*D. any of the above8. Doubling L with trade in a small L-abundant nation:*A. reduces the nation's social welfareB. reduces the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of tradeD. all of the above 9. Doubling L with trade in a large L-abundant nation:A. reduces the nation's social welfareB. reduces the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of trade*D. all of the aboveIf, at unchanged terms of trade, a nation wants to trade more after growth, then the n ation's nation's terms of trade can be expected to:*A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the above A proportionately greater increase in the nation's supply of labor than of capital is lik ely to result in a deterioration in the nation's terms of trade if the nation exports: to A. the K-intensive commodity*B. the L-intensive commodityC. either commodityD. both commodities12. Technical progress in the nation's export commodity:*A. may reduce the nation's welfareB. will reduce the nation's welfareC. will increase the nation's welfareD. leaves the nation's welfare unchanged13. Doubling K with trade in a large L-abundant nation:A. increases the nation's welfareB. improves the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of trade*D. all of the above14. An increase in tastes for the import commodity in both nations:A. reduces the volume of trade*B. increases the volume of tradeC. leaves the volume of trade unchangedD. any of the above15. An increase in tastes of the import commodity of Nation A and export in B:*A. will reduce the terms of trade of Nation AB. will increase the terms of trade of Nation AC. will reduce the terms of trade of Nation BD. any of the above思考题:要素积累和技术进步如何影响一国的生产可能性曲线的形状和位置?何种类型的经济增长最可恩能够导致国家福利的下降?那种类型的经济增长最可能导致国家福利的改善?Chapter 8: Trade Restrictions: TariffsMultiple-choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?A. An ad valorem tariff is expressed as a percentage of the value of the traded com modityB. A specific tariff is expressed as a fixed sum of the value of the traded commodity.C. Export tariffs are prohibited by the U.S. Constitution*D. The U.S. uses exclusively the specific tariff 2. A small nation is one:A. which does not affect world price by its tradingB. which faces an infinitely elastic world supply curve for its import commodityC. whose consumers will pay a price that exceeds the world price by the amount of t he tariff*D. all of the above3. If a small nation increases the tariff on its import commodity, its:A. consumption of the commodity increasesB. production of the commodity decreasesC. imports of the commodity increase*D. none of the aboveThe increase in producer surplus when a small nation imposes a tariff is measured by the area:*A. to the left of the supply curve between the commodity price with and without th e tariffB. under the supply curve between the quantity produced with and without the tariffC. under the demand curve between the commodity price with and without the tariffD. none of the above.。
克鲁格曼《国际经济学》题库5练习题五:A E C A D C D D E D A D1.Which of the following statements is the most accurate? The law of one price states:A) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.B) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in the same country must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.C) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price.D) identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.E) None of the above.2. In order for the condition E$/HK$ = Pus/PHK to hold, what assumptions does the principle of purchasing power parity make?A) No transportation costs and restrictions on trade; commodity baskets that are a reliable indication of price level.B) Markets are perfectly competitive, i.e., P = MC.C) The factors of production are identical between countries.D) No arbitrage exists.E) A and B.3. Under Purchasing Power Parity,A) E$/E = PiUS/PiE.B) E$/E = PiE/PiUS.C) E$/E = PUS/PE.D) E$/E = PE/PES.E) None of the above.4. In the short run,A) the interest rate can rise when the domestic money supply falls.B) the interest rate can decrease when the domestic money supply falls.C) the interest rate stays constant when the domestic money supply falls.D) the interest rate rises in the same proportion as the domestic money supply falls.E) None of the above.5. The PPP theory fails in reality becauseA) transport costs and restrictions on trade.B) monopolistic or oligopolistic practices in goods markets.C) the inflation data reported in different countries are based on different commodity baskets.D) A, B, and C.E) A and B only.6. The PPP theory fails in reality becauseA) transport costs and restrictions on trade.B) monopolistic or oligopolistic practices in goods markets.C) the inflation data reported in different countries are based on different commodity baskets.D) A, B, and C.E) A and B only.7. A country?s domestic currency?s real exchange rate, q, is defined asA) E.B) E times P.C) E times P .D) (E times P )/P.E) P/(E times P ).8. In the short-run, any fall in EP /P, regardless of its causes, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intact9. In the short-run, a temporary increase in money supplyA) shifts the DD curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.10. Temporary tax cuts would cause:A) the AA-curve to shift left.B) the AA-curve to shift right.C) the DD-curve to shift left.D) the DD-curve to shift right.E) a shift in the AA-curve, although the direction is ambiguous.11. In the short-run, a temporary increase in the money supplyA) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.12. Assume the asset market is always in equilibrium. Therefore a fall in Y would result in:A) higher inflation abroad.B) a decreased demand for domestic products.C) a contraction of the money supply.D) a depreciation of the home currency.E) an appreciation of the home currency.13. What can explain the failure of relative PPP to hold in reality?Government measures of the price level differ from country to country. One reason for these differences is that people living in different countries spend their income in different ways. Because of this inherent difference among countries, certain baskets will be affected more by price changes given their consumptions basket. For example, consumers in country, X, eats more fish relative to another country. More than likely, the government, upon determining a commodity basket to reflect preference, will have an overwhelming representation of fish in their basket. Any price level change in the fish market will be felt particularly by country X, and their overall price level will reflect this. Thus, changes in the relative prices of basket components can cause relative PPP to become distorted.14. Using a figure show that under full employment, a temporary fiscal expansion would increase output (overemployment) but cannot increase output in the long run.A temporarily fiscal expansion will move the economy from DD1 to DD2, and output increases. A permanent fiscal expansion will also shift the AA curve to the left and down. The nominal exchange rate appreciates, i.e. E decreases.15. Using the DD model, explain what happens to out put when Government demands increase. Use a figure to explain when it is taking place.T he figure below shows the G1 to G2 raises output at every level of the exchange rate. The change shifts the DD to the right. Which in turns increases output to Y2.。
练习题五:A E C A D C D D E D A D1.Which of the following statements is the most accurate? The law of one price states:A) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.B) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in the same country must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.C) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price.D) identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.E) None of the above.2. In order for the condition E$/HK$ = Pus/PHK to hold, what assumptions does the principle of purchasing power parity make?A) No transportation costs and restrictions on trade; commodity baskets that are a reliable indication of price level.B) Markets are perfectly competitive, i.e., P = MC.C) The factors of production are identical between countries.D) No arbitrage exists.E) A and B.3. Under Purchasing Power Parity,A) E$/E = PiUS/PiE.B) E$/E = PiE/PiUS.C) E$/E = PUS/PE.D) E$/E = PE/PES.E) None of the above.4. In the short run,A) the interest rate can rise when the domestic money supply falls.B) the interest rate can decrease when the domestic money supply falls.C) the interest rate stays constant when the domestic money supply falls.D) the interest rate rises in the same proportion as the domestic money supply falls.E) None of the above.5. The PPP theory fails in reality becauseA) transport costs and restrictions on trade.B) monopolistic or oligopolistic practices in goods markets.C) the inflation data reported in different countries are based on different commodity baskets.D) A, B, and C.E) A and B only.6. The PPP theory fails in reality becauseA) transport costs and restrictions on trade.B) monopolistic or oligopolistic practices in goods markets.C) the inflation data reported in different countries are based on different commodity baskets.D) A, B, and C.E) A and B only.7. A countryʹs domestic currencyʹs real exchange rate, q, is defined asA) E.B) E times P.C) E times P.D) (E times P)/P.E) P/(E times P).8. In the short-run, any fall in EP/P, regardless of its causes, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intact9. In the short-run, a temporary increase in money supplyA) shifts the DD curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.10. Temporary tax cuts would cause:A) the AA-curve to shift left.B) the AA-curve to shift right.C) the DD-curve to shift left.D) the DD-curve to shift right.E) a shift in the AA-curve, although the direction is ambiguous.11. In the short-run, a temporary increase in the money supplyA) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.12. Assume the asset market is always in equilibrium. Therefore a fall in Y would result in:A) higher inflation abroad.B) a decreased demand for domestic products.C) a contraction of the money supply.D) a depreciation of the home currency.E) an appreciation of the home currency.13. What can explain the failure of relative PPP to hold in reality?Government measures of the price level differ from country to country. One reason for these differences is that people living in different countries spend their income in different ways. Because of this inherent difference among countries, certain baskets will be affected more by price changes given their consumptions basket. For example, consumers in country, X, eats more fish relative to another country. More than likely, the government, upon determining a commodity basket to reflect preference, will have an overwhelming representation of fish in their basket. Any price level change in the fish market will be felt particularly by country X, and their overall price level will reflect this. Thus, changes in the relative prices of basket components can cause relative PPP to become distorted.14. Using a figure show that under full employment, a temporary fiscal expansion would increase output (overemployment) but cannot increase output in the long run.A temporarily fiscal expansion will move the economy from DD1 to DD2, and output increases. A permanent fiscal expansion will also shift the AA curve to the left and down. The nominal exchange rate appreciates, i.e. E decreases.15. Using the DD model, explain what happens to out put when Government demands increase. Use a figure to explain when it is taking place.T he figure below shows the G1 to G2 raises output at every level of the exchange rate. The change shifts the DD to the right. Which in turns increases output to Y2.。
高三英语国际经济形势练习题40题1.International trade can bring many benefits. One of the main advantages is ________.A.inflationB.growthC.deflationD.recession答案:B。
A 选项“inflation”意为通货膨胀;B 选项“growth”意为增长,国际贸易能带来经济增长,符合题意;C 选项“deflation”意为通货紧缩;D 选项“recession”意为经济衰退。
2.The term "GDP" stands for ________.A.Gross Domestic ProductB.General Domestic ProductionC.Global Domestic ProductD.Great Domestic Production答案:A。
“GDP”全称为“Gross Domestic Product”,即国内生产总值。
B、C、D 选项都是错误的表述。
3.In an open economy, ________ can have a significant impact on domestic industries.A.importsB.exportsC.productionD.consumption答案:A。
A 选项“imports”意为进口,在开放经济中,进口会对国内产业产生重大影响;B 选项“exports”意为出口,通常对国外产业影响较大;C 选项“production”意为生产;D 选项“consumption”意为消费,一般不如进口对国内产业影响直接。
4.The exchange rate between two currencies determines the ________ of one currency in terms of the other.A.valueB.priceC.costD.expense答案:A。
人教版高三英语国际经济形势练习题20题含答案解析1. The World Bank aims to reduce poverty and support development in developing countries. Which of the following is one of its main functions?A. Regulating international tradeB. Providing long - term loans for development projectsC. Setting international exchange ratesD. Controlling inflation in poor countries答案:B。
2. In international trade, the term FOB (Free on Board) means that the seller is responsible for.A. Loading the goods onto the ship and all costs until the goods reach the destination portB. Loading the goods onto the ship and all costs until the goods are on board the shipC. Paying for the transportation and insurance of the goods until they reach the destinationD. Delivering the goods to the buyer's warehouse答案:B。
练习题二:Part A: Multiple Choice1. In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the two countries differ inA) tastes.B) military capabilities.C) size.D) relative availabilities of factors of production.E) labor productivities.2.The slope of a countr yʹs PPF reflectsA) the opportunity cost of product S in terms of product T.B) the opportunity cost of T in terms of money prices.C) the opportunity cost of S or T in terms of S.D) Both A and B.E) Both A and C.3. According to the Heckscher-Ohlin mode l, the source of comparative advantage is a countryʹsA) technology.B) advertising.C) human capital.D) factor endowments.E) Both A and B.4. If Australia has relatively more land per worker, and Belgium has relatively more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries,A) the relative price of the capital-intensive product would rise in Australia.B) the world price of the land-intensive product would be higher than it had been in Belgium.C) the world price of the land intensive product would be higher than it had been in Australia.D) the relative price of the land intensive product would rise in Belgium.E) None of the above.5. The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts all of the following exceptA) which country will export which product.B) which factor of production within each country will gain from trade.C) the volume of trade.D) that wages will tend to become equal in both trading countries.E) None of the above.6. External economies of scale arise when the cost per unitA) rises as the industry grows larger.B) falls as the industry grows larger rises as the average firm grows larger.C) falls as the average firm grows larger.D) remains constant.E) None of the above.7. External economies of scaleA) may be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.B) cannot be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.C) tends to result in one huge monopoly.D) tends to result in large profits for each firm.E) None of the above.8. The simultaneous export and import of widgets by the United States is an example ofA) increasing returns to scale.B) imperfect competition.C) intra-industry trade.D) inter-industry trade.E) None of the above.9. Intra-industry trade can be explained in part byA) transportation costs within and between countries.B) problems of data aggregation and categorization.C) increasing returns to scale.D) All of the above.E) None of the above.10. Intra-industry trade will tend to dominate trade flows when which of the following exists?A) large differences between relative country factor availabilitiesB) small differences between relative country factor availabilitiesC) homogeneous products that cannot be differentiatedD) constant cost industriesE) None of the above.11. The larger the number of firms in a monopolistic competition situation,A) the larger are that countryʹs exports.B) the higher is the price charged.C) the fewer varieties are sold.D) the lower is the price charged.E) None of the above.12. The larger the number of firms in a monopolistic competition situation,A) the larger are that countryʹs exports.B) the higher is the price charged.C) the fewer varieties are sold.D) the lower is the price charged.E) None of the above.DADCC BACDB DDPart B:Short Questions1.ʺThe H.O. model remains useful as a way to predict the income distribution effects of trade.ʺDiscuss.Answer: T he Stolper-Samuelson theorem, one of the basic theorems arising from theHeckscher-Ohlin model yields an elegant demonstration of the fact that changes in product prices (such as will occur when trade is expanded or curtailed) telescopes its effects onto factor prices, so that not only do relative factor returns mirror product prices, but that actual returns to factors may either rise or fall in real terms. Hence, as a policy framework, the disproportionate effect trade may have on real incomes of sectors, such as skilled-labor is quite useful both theoretically and practically (or polemically)2.International trade leads to complete equalization of factor prices. Discuss.T his statement is typically ʺtrue . . . but.ʺ Under a strict and limited set of assumptions, such as the original Heckscher-Ohlin model which excludes country specific technologies; non- homothetic tastes; factor intensity reversals; large country differences in (relative) factor abundances, more factors than goods, and an equilibrium solution within the ʺcone of specializationʺ; then it may be demonstrated that internal consi stency demands that the above stated sentence is ʺtrue.ʺ However, the minute one relaxes any of the above listed assumptions one may easily identify solutions, which contradict the factor price equalization theorem.3.If a scale economy is the dominant technological factor defining or establishing comparativeadvantage, then the underlying facts explaining why a particular country dominates world markets in some product may be pure chance, or historical accident. Explain, and compare this with the answer you would give for the Heckscher-Ohlin model of comparative advantage.T his statement is true, since the reason the seller is a monopolist may be that it happened to have been the first to produce this product in this country. It may have no connection to any supply or demand related factors; nor to any natural or man-made availability. This is all exactly the opposite of the Heckscher-Ohlin Neo-Classical modelʹs explanation of the determinants of comparative advantage.。
【国际经济学】英文题库Chapter 1: IntroductionMultiple-Choice Questions1. Which of the following products are not produced at all in the United States?*A. Coffee, tea, cocoaB. steel, copper, aluminumC. petroleum, coal, natural gasD. typewriters, computers, airplanes2. International trade is most important to the standard of living of:A. the United States*B. SwitzerlandC. GermanyD. England3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has:*A. grownB. diminishedC. remained unchangedD. cannot say4. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by:A. the size of the nations' populationB. the percentage of its population to its GDP*C. the percentage of a nation's imports and exports to its GDP D. all of the above5. Economic interdependence is greater for:*A. small nationsB. large nationsC. developed nationsD. developing nations6. The gravity model of international trade predicts that trade b etween two nations is largerA. the larger the two nationsB. the closer the nationsC. the more open are the two nations*D. all of the above7. International economics deals with:A. the flow of goods, services, and payments among nationsB. policies directed at regulating the flow of goods, services, an d paymentsC. the effects of policies on the welfare of the nation*D. all of the above8. International trade theory refers to:*A. the microeconomic aspects of international tradeB. the macroeconomic aspects of international tradeC. open economy macroeconomics or international financeD. all of the above9. Which of the following is not the subject matter of internatio nal finance?A. foreign exchange marketsB. the balance of payments*C. the basis and the gains from tradeD. policies to adjust balance of payments disequilibria10. Economic theory:A. seeks to explain economic eventsB. seeks to predict economic eventsC. abstracts from the many detail that surrounds an economic e vent*D. all of the above11. Which of the following is not an assumption generally made in the study of international economics?A. two nationsB. two commodities*C. perfect international mobility of factorsD. two factors of production12. In the study of international economics:A. international trade policies are examined before the bases for tradeB. adjustment policies are discussed before the balance of paym entsC. the case of many nations is discussed before the two-nations case*D. none of the above13. International trade is similar to interregional trade in that bo th must overcome:*A. distance and spaceB. trade restrictionsC. differences in currenciesD. differences in monetary systems14. The opening or expansion of international trade usually affe cts all members of society:A. positivelyB. negatively*C. most positively but some negativelyD. most negatively but some positively15. An increase in the dollar price of a foreign currency usually:A. benefit U.S. importers*B. benefits U.S. exportersC. benefit both U.S. importers and U.S. exportersD. harms both U.S. importers and U.S. exporters16. Which of the following statements with regard to internation al economics is true?A. It is a relatively new field*B. it is a relatively old fieldC. most of its contributors were not economistsD. none of the above思考题:1.为什么学习国际经济学非常重要?2.列举体现当前国际经济学问题的一些重要事件,它们为什么重要?3.当今世界面临的最重要的国家经济问题是什么?全球化的利弊各是什么?Chapter 2: The Law of Comparative AdvantageMultiple-Choice Questions1. The Mercantilists did not advocate:*A.free tradeB. stimulating the nation's exportsC. restricting the nations' importsD. the accumulation of gold by the nation2. According to Adam Smith, international trade was based on: *A. absolute advantageB. comparative advantageC. both absolute and comparative advantageD. neither absolute nor comparative advantage3. What proportion of international trade is based on absolute a dvantage?A. AllB. most*C. someD. none4. The commodity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the commodity of its:A. absolute disadvantageB. absolute advantageC. comparative disadvantage*D. comparative advantage5. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X and Y) world, it is established that nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nation B must have:A. an absolute advantage in commodity YB. an absolute disadvantage in commodity YC. a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*D. a comparative advantage in commodity Y6. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3 X or 3Y while nation B can produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input):A. nation A has a comparative disadvantage in commodity XB. nation B has a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*C. nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity XD. nation A has a comparative advantage in neither commodity7. With reference to the statement in Question 6:A. Px/Py=1 in nation AB. Px/Py=3 in nation BC. Py/Px=1/3 in nation B*D. all of the above8. With reference to the statement in Question 6, if 3X is excha nged for 3Y:A. nation A gains 2X*B. nation B gains 6YC. nation A gains 3YD. nation B gains 3Y9. With reference to the statement of Question 6, the range of mutually beneficial trade between nation A and B is:A. 3Y < 3X < 5YB. 5Y < 3X < 9Y*C. 3Y < 3X < 9YD. 1Y < 3X < 3Y10. If domestically 3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B:A. there will be no trade between the two nationsB. the relative price of X is the same in both nationsC. the relative price of Y is the same in both nations*D. all of the above11. Ricardo explained the law of comparative advantage on the basis of:*A. the labor theory of valueB. the opportunity cost theoryC. the law of diminishing returnsD. all of the above12. Which of the following statements is true?A. The combined demand for each commodity by the two natio ns is negatively slopedB. the combined supply for each commodity by the two nations is rising stepwiseC. the equilibrium relative commodity price for each commodity with trade is given by the intersection of the demand and supply of each commodity by the two nations*D. all of the above13. A difference in relative commodity prices between two natio ns can be based upon a difference in:A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above14. In the trade between a small and a large nation:A. the large nation is likely to receive all of the gains from trad e*B. the small nation is likely to receive all of the gains from tra deC. the gains from trade are likely to be equally sharedD. we cannot say15. The Ricardian trade model has been empirically*A. verifiedB. rejectedC. not testedD. tested but the results were inconclusive思考题:比较优势原理所带来的贸易所得是从何而来的?贸易利益又是如何分配的?现实世界中比较优势是如何度量的?你认为目前中国具有比较优势的商品有哪些?这意味着什么?比较优势会不会发生变化?什么样的原因可能会导致其变化?经济学家是如何验证比较优势原理的?Chapter 3: The Standard Theory of International TradeMultiple-Choice Questions1. A production frontier that is concave from the origin indicates that the nation incurs increasing opportunity costs in the prod uction of:A. commodity X onlyB. commodity Y only*C. both commoditiesD. neither commodity2. The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) of X for Y refers t o:A. the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of XB. the opportunity cost of XC. the absolute slope of the production frontier at the point of production*D. all of the above3. Which of the following is not a reason for increasing opportu nity costs:*A. technology differs among nationsB. factors of production are not homogeneousC. factors of production are not used in the same fixed proporti on in the production of all commoditiesD. for the nation to produce more of a commodity, it must use resources that are less and less suited in the production of the commodity4. Community indifference curves:A. are negatively slopedB. are convex to the originC. should not cross*D. all of the above5. The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of X for Y in consum ption refers to the:A. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit o f Y and still remain on the same indifference curve*B. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curveC. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit o f Y to reach a higher indifference curveD. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit o f X to reach a higher indifference curve6. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of X for Y?A. It is given by the absolute slope of the indifference curveB. declines as the nation moves down an indifference curveC. rises as the nation moves up an indifference curve*D. all of the above7. Which of the following statements about community indiffere nce curves is true?A. They are entirely unrelated to individuals' community indiffere nce curvesB. they cross, they cannot be used in the analysis*C. the problems arising from intersecting community indifferenc e curves can be overcome by the application of the compensati on principleD. all of the above.8. Which of the following is not true for a nation that is in equ ilibrium in isolation?*A. It consumes inside its production frontierB. it reaches the highest indifference curve possible with its pro duction frontierC. the indifference curve is tangent to the nation's production fr ontierD. MRT of X for Y equals MRS of X for Y, and they are equal t o Px/Py9. If the internal Px/Py is lower in nation 1 than in nation 2 wi thout trade:A. nation 1 has a comparative advantage in commodity YB. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity X*C. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity YD. none of the above10. Nation 1's share of the gains from trade will be greater:A. the greater is nation 1's demand for nation 2's exports*B. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 2's pretrade Px /PyC. the weaker is nation 2's demand for nation 1's exportsD. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 1's pretrade Px/ Py11. If Px/Py exceeds the equilibrium relative Px/Py with tradeA. the nation exporting commodity X will want to export more o f X than at equilibriumB. the nation importing commodity X will want to import less of X than at equilibriumC. Px/Py will fall toward the equilibrium Px/Py*D. all of the above12. With free trade under increasing costs:A. neither nation will specialize completely in productionB. at least one nation will consume above its production frontierC. a small nation will always gain from trade*D. all of the above13. Which of the following statements is false?A.The gains from trade can be broken down into the gains from exchange and the gains from specializationB. gains from exchange result even without specialization*C. gains from specialization result even without exchangeD. none of the above14. The gains from exchange with respect to the gains from sp ecialization are always:A. greaterB. smallerC. equal*D. we cannot say without additional information15. Mutually beneficial trade cannot occur if production frontiers are:A. equal but tastes are notB. different but tastes are the sameC. different and tastes are also different*D. the same and tastes are also the same.思考题:国际贸易的标准理论与大卫.李嘉图的比较优势原理有何异同?两国仅仅由于需求偏好不同可以进行市场分工和狐狸贸易吗?两国仅仅由于要素禀赋不同和/或生产技术不同可以进行分工和贸易吗?Chapter 4: Demand and Supply, Offer Curves, and the Terms of TradeMultiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is correct?A. The demand for imports is given by the excess demand for t he commodityB. the supply of exports is given by the excess supply of the co mmodityC. the supply curve of exports is flatter than the total supply cu rve of the commodity*D. all of the above2. At a relative commodity price above equilibriumA. the excess demand for a commodity exceeds the excess sup ply of the commodityB. the quantity demanded of imports exceeds the quantity suppl ied of exports*C. the commodity price will fallD. all of the above3. The offer curve of a nation shows:A. the supply of a nation's importsB. the demand for a nation's exportsC. the trade partner's demand for imports and supply of exports *D. the nation's demand for imports and supply of exports4. The offer curve of a nation bulges toward the axis measuring the nationsA. import commodity*B. export commodityC. export or import commodityD. nontraded commodity5. Export prices must rise for a nation to increase its exports b ecause the nation:A. incurs increasing opportunity costs in export productionB. faces decreasing opportunity costs in producing import substi tutesC. faces decreasing marginal rate of substitution in consumption *D. all of the above6. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibriu m analysis is false?A. It relies on traditional demand and supply curvesB. it isolates for study one market*C. it can be used to determine the equilibrium relative commo dity price but not the equilibrium quantity with tradeD. none of the above7. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibriu m analysis is true?A. The demand and supply curve are derived from the nation's production frontier and indifference mapB. It shows the same basic information as offer curvesC. It shows the same equilibrium relative commodity prices as with offer curves*D. all of the above8. In what way does partial equilibrium analysis differ from gen eral equilibrium analysis?A. The former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium price with tradeB. the former but not the latter can be used to determine the e quilibrium quantity with tradeC. the former but not the latter takes into consideration the int eraction among all markets in the economy*D. the former gives only an approximation to the answer soug ht.9. If the terms of trade of a nation are 1.5 in a two-nation wor ld, those of the trade partner are:A. 3/4*B. 2/3C. 3/2D. 4/310. If the terms of trade increase in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner:*A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the above11. If a nation does not affect world prices by its trading, its of fer curve:A. is a straight lineB. bulges toward the axis measuring the import commodity*C. intersects the straight-line segment of the world's offer curv eD. intersects the positively-sloped portion of the world's offer cu rve12. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodityB. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring it s import commodityC. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring it s export commodity*D. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring it s export commodity13. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's terms of trade remain unchanged*B. the nation's terms of trade deteriorateC. the partner's terms of trade deteriorateD. any of the above14. If the tastes for a nation import commodity increases, trade volume:*A. increasesB. declinesC. remains unchangedD. any of the above15. A deterioration of a nation's terms of trade causes the natio n's welfare to:A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchanged*D. any of the above思考题:提供曲线如何推导?有何用途?两国贸易时的均衡商品价格是如何决定的?受哪些因素影响?贸易条件的含义是?贸易条件的改善意味着什么?哪些因素可能导致贸易条件的改善?Chapter 5: Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theor yMultiple-Choice Questions1. The H-O model extends the classical trade model by:A. explaining the basis for comparative advantageB. examining the effect of trade on factor prices*C. both A and BD. neither A nor B2. Which is not an assumption of the H-O model:A. the same technology in both nationsB. constant returns to scale*C. complete specializationD. equal tastes in both nations3. With equal technology nations will have equal K/L in producti on if:*A. factor prices are the sameB. tastes are the sameC. production functions are the sameD. all of the above4. We say that commodity Y is K-intensive with respect to X wh en:A. more K is used in the production of Y than XB. less L is used in the production of Y than X*C. a lower L/K ratio is used in the production of Y than XD. a higher K/L is used in the production of X than Y5. When w/r falls, L/KA. falls in the production of both commodities*B. rises in the production of both commoditiesC. can rise or fallD. is not affected6. A nation is said to have a relative abundance of K if it has a:A. greater absolute amount of KB. smaller absolute amount of LC. higher L/K ratio*D. lower r/w7. A difference in relative commodity prices between nations ca n be based on a difference in:A. technologyB. factor endowmentsC. tastes*D. all of the above8. In the H-O model, international trade is based mostly on a difference in:A. technology*B. factor endowmentsC. economies of scaleD. tastes9. According to the H-O model, trade reduces international diff erences in:A. relative but not absolute factor pricesB. absolute but not relative factor prices*C. both relative and absolute factor pricesD. neither relative nor absolute factor prices10. According to the H-O model, international trade will:A. reduce international differences in per capita incomesB. increases international differences in per capita incomes*C. may increase or reduce international differences in per capit a incomesD. lead to complete specialization11. The H-O model is a general equilibrium model because it de als with:A. production in both nationsB. consumption in both nationsC. trade between the two nations*D. all of the above12. The H-O model is a simplification of the a truly general equ ilibrium modelbecause it deals with:A. two nationsB. two commoditiesC. two factors of production*D. all of the above13. The Leontief paradox refers to the empirical finding that U. S.*A. import substitutes are more K-intensive than exportsB. imports are more K-intensive than exportsC. exports are more L-intensive than importsD. exports are more K-intensive than import substitutes14. From empirical studies, we conclude that the H-O theory:A. must be rejectedB. must be accepted without reservations*C. can be accepted while awaiting further testingD. explains all international trade15. For factor reversal to occur, two commodities must be prod uced with:*A. sufficiently different elasticity of substitution of factorsB. the same K/L ratioC. technologically-fixed factor proportionsD. equal elasticity of substitution of factors思考题:H-O理论有哪些假设?各假设的含义是什么?为什么要做出这些假设?如何检验H-O理论的正确性?H-O-S定理的假设条件又是什么?他与生产要素国际间的流动有何关系?如何检验H-O-S定理在现实中的可靠性?Chapter 6: Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International TradeMultiple-Choice Questions:1. Relaxing the assumptions on which the Heckscher-Ohlin theor y rests:A. leads to rejection of the theoryB. leaves the theory unaffected*C. requires complementary trade theoriesD. any of the above.Which of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theo ry, when relaxed, leavethe theory unaffected?A. Two nations, two commodities, and two factorsB. both nations use the same technologyC. the same commodity is L-intensive in both nations*D. all of the aboveWhich of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theo ry, when relaxed,require new trade theories?*A. Economies of scaleB. incomplete specializationC. similar tastes in both nationsD. the existence of transportation costsInternational trade can be based on economies of scale even if both nations have identical:A. factor endowmentsB. tastesC. technology*D. all of the above5. A great deal of international trade:A. is intra-industry tradeB. involves differentiated productsC. is based on monopolistic competition*D. all of the above6. The Heckscher-Ohlin and new trade theories explains most of the trade:A. among industrial countriesB. between developed and developing countriesC. in industrial goods*D. all of the aboveThe theory that a nation exports those products for which a lar ge domestic market existswas advanced by:*A. LinderB. VernonC. LeontiefD. Ohlin8. Intra-industry trade takes place:A. because products are homogeneous*B. in order to take advantage of economies of scaleC. because perfect competition is the prevalent form of market organizationD. all of the aboveIf a nation exports twice as much of a differentiated product th at it imports, its intra-industry (T) index is equal to:A. 1.00B. 0.75*C. 0.50D. 0.2510. Trade based on technological gaps is closely related to:A. the H-O theory*B. the product-cycle theoryC. Linder's theoryD. all of the above11. Which of the following statements is true with regard to the product-cycle theory?A. It depends on differences in technological changes over time among countriesB. it depends on the opening and the closing of technological g aps among countriesC. it postulates that industrial countries export more advanced p roducts to less advanced countries*D. all of the above12. Transport costs:A. increase the price in the importing countryB. reduces the price in the exporting country*C. both of the aboveD. neither A nor B.13. Transport costs can be analyzed:A. with demand and supply curvesB. production frontiersC. offer curves*D. all of the above14. The share of transport costs will fall less heavily on the nati on:*A. with the more elastic demand and supply of the traded com modityB. with the less elastic demand and supply of the traded comm odityC. exporting agricultural productsD. with the largest domestic market15. A footloose industry is one in which the product:A. gains weight in processingB. loses weight in processingC. both of the above*D. neither A nor B.思考题:本章的贸易理论与基于比较优势的贸易理论有哪些不同?这两类贸易理论是互相排斥的吗?H-O理论与心贸易理论之间有什么经验关联?运输成本对H-O定理和H-O-S定理有何影响?不同的环保标准时如何影响产业选址及国际贸易的?2009年底联合国哥本哈根气候大会中的议题与国际贸易有何关系?这对我国经贸发展有何影响?Chapter 7: Economic Growth and International TradeMultiple-Choice Questions1. Dynamic factors in trade theory refer to changes in:A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above2. Doubling the amount of L and K under constant returns to s cale:A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodityB. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodityC. leaves the shape of the production frontier unchanged*D. all of the above.3. Doubling only the amount of L available under constant retur ns to scale:A. less than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity *B. more than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodityC. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodityD. leaves the output of the K-intensive commodity unchanged4. The Rybczynski theorem postulates that doubling L at consta nt relative commodity prices:A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity*B. reduces the output of the K-intensive commodityC. increases the output of both commoditiesD. any of the above5. Doubling L is likely to:A. increases the relative price of the L-intensive commodityB. reduces the relative price of the K-intensive commodity*C. reduces the relative price of the L-intensive commodityD. any of the aboveTechnical progress that increases the productivity of L proportio nately more than theproductivity of K is called:*A. capital savingB. labor savingC. neutralD. any of the above7. A 50 percent productivity increase in the production of comm odity Y:A. increases the output of commodity Y by 50 percentB. does not affect the output of XC. shifts the production frontier in the Y direction only*D. any of the above8. Doubling L with trade in a small L-abundant nation:*A. reduces the nation's social welfareB. reduces the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of tradeD. all of the above9. Doubling L with trade in a large L-abundant nation:A. reduces the nation's social welfareB. reduces the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of trade*D. all of the aboveIf, at unchanged terms of trade, a nation wants to trade more after growth, then thenation's terms of trade can be expected to:*A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the aboveA proportionately greater increase in the nation's supply of labo r than of capital is likelyto result in a deterioration in the nation's terms of trade if t he nation exports:A. the K-intensive commodity*B. the L-intensive commodityC. either commodityD. both commodities12. Technical progress in the nation's export commodity:*A. may reduce the nation's welfareB. will reduce the nation's welfareC. will increase the nation's welfareD. leaves the nation's welfare unchanged13. Doubling K with trade in a large L-abundant nation:A. increases the nation's welfareB. improves the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of trade*D. all of the above14. An increase in tastes for the import commodity in both nati ons:A. reduces the volume of trade*B. increases the volume of tradeC. leaves the volume of trade unchangedD. any of the above15. An increase in tastes of the import commodity of Nation A and export in B:*A. will reduce the terms of trade of Nation AB. will increase the terms of trade of Nation AC. will reduce the terms of trade of Nation BD. any of the above思考题:要素积累和技术进步如何影响一国的生产可能性曲线的形状和位置?何种类型的经济增长最可恩能够导致国家福利的下降?那种类型的经济增长最可能导致国家福利的改善?Chapter 8: Trade Restrictions: TariffsMultiple-choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?A. An ad valorem tariff is expressed as a percentage of the val ue of the traded commodityB. A specific tariff is expressed as a fixed sum of the value of t he traded commodity.C. Export tariffs are prohibited by the U.S. Constitution*D. The U.S. uses exclusively the specific tariff2. A small nation is one:A. which does not affect world price by its tradingB. which faces an infinitely elastic world supply curve for its imp ort commodity。
【国际经济学】英文题库Chapter 1: IntroductionMultiple-Choice Questions1. Which of the following products are not produced at all in the United States?*A. Coffee, tea, cocoaB. steel, copper, aluminumC. petroleum, coal, natural gasD. typewriters, computers, airplanes2. International trade is most important to the standard of living of:A. the United States*B. SwitzerlandC. GermanyD. England3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has:*A. grownB. diminishedC. remained unchangedD. cannot say4. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by:A. the size of the nations' populationB. the percentage of its population to its GDP*C. the percentage of a nation's imports and exports to its GDPD. all of the above5. Economic interdependence is greater for:*A. small nationsB. large nationsC. developed nationsD. developing nations6. The gravity model of international trade predicts that trade between two nations is largerA. the larger the two nationsB. the closer the nationsC. the more open are the two nations*D. all of the above7. International economics deals with:A. the flow of goods, services, and payments among nationsB. policies directed at regulating the flow of goods, services, and paymentsC. the effects of policies on the welfare of the nation*D. all of the above8. International trade theory refers to:*A. the microeconomic aspects of international tradeB. the macroeconomic aspects of international tradeC. open economy macroeconomics or international financeD. all of the above9. Which of the following is not the subject matter of international finance?A. foreign exchange marketsB. the balance of payments*C. the basis and the gains from tradeD. policies to adjust balance of payments disequilibria10. Economic theory:A. seeks to explain economic eventsB. seeks to predict economic eventsC. abstracts from the many detail that surrounds an economic event*D. all of the above11. Which of the following is not an assumption generally made in the study of inter national economics?A. two nationsB. two commodities*C. perfect international mobility of factorsD. two factors of production12. In the study of international economics:A. international trade policies are examined before the bases for tradeB. adjustment policies are discussed before the balance of paymentsC. the case of many nations is discussed before the two-nations case*D. none of the above13. International trade is similar to interregional trade in that both must overcome: *A. distance and spaceB. trade restrictionsC. differences in currenciesD. differences in monetary systems14. The opening or expansion of international trade usually affects all members of so ciety:A. positivelyB. negatively*C. most positively but some negativelyD. most negatively but some positively15. An increase in the dollar price of a foreign currency usually:A. benefit U.S. importers*B. benefits U.S. exportersC. benefit both U.S. importers and U.S. exportersD. harms both U.S. importers and U.S. exporters16. Which of the following statements with regard to international economics is true?A. It is a relatively new field*B. it is a relatively old fieldC. most of its contributors were not economistsD. none of the above思考题:1.为什么学习国际经济学非常重要?2.列举体现当前国际经济学问题的一些重要事件,它们为什么重要?3.当今世界面临的最重要的国家经济问题是什么?全球化的利弊各是什么?Chapter 2: The Law of Comparative AdvantageMultiple-Choice Questions1. The Mercantilists did not advocate:*A.free tradeB. stimulating the nation's exportsC. restricting the nations' importsD. the accumulation of gold by the nation2. According to Adam Smith, international trade was based on:*A. absolute advantageB. comparative advantageC. both absolute and comparative advantageD. neither absolute nor comparative advantage3. What proportion of international trade is based on absolute advantage?A. AllB. most*C. someD. none4. The commodity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the commodity of its:A. absolute disadvantageB. absolute advantageC. comparative disadvantage*D. comparative advantage5. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X and Y) world, it is established tha t nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nation B must have:A. an absolute advantage in commodity YB. an absolute disadvantage in commodity YC. a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*D. a comparative advantage in commodity Y6. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nationB can produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input):A. nation A has a comparative disadvantage in commodity XB. nation B has a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*C. nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity XD. nation A has a comparative advantage in neither commodity7. With reference to the statement in Question 6:A. Px/Py=1 in nation AB. Px/Py=3 in nation BC. Py/Px=1/3 in nation B*D. all of the above8. With reference to the statement in Question 6, if 3X is exchanged for 3Y:A. nation A gains 2X*B. nation B gains 6YC. nation A gains 3YD. nation B gains 3Y9. With reference to the statement of Question 6, the range of mutually beneficial tra de between nation A and B is:A. 3Y < 3X < 5YB. 5Y < 3X < 9Y*C. 3Y < 3X < 9YD. 1Y < 3X < 3Y10. If domestically 3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B:A. there will be no trade between the two nationsB. the relative price of X is the same in both nationsC. the relative price of Y is the same in both nations*D. all of the above11. Ricardo explained the law of comparative advantage on the basis of:*A. the labor theory of valueB. the opportunity cost theoryC. the law of diminishing returnsD. all of the above12. Which of the following statements is true?A. The combined demand for each commodity by the two nations is negatively slope dB. the combined supply for each commodity by the two nations is rising stepwiseC. the equilibrium relative commodity price for each commodity with trade is giv en by the intersection of the demand and supply of each commodity by the two nati ons*D. all of the above13. A difference in relative commodity prices between two nations can be based upo n a difference in:A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above14. In the trade between a small and a large nation:A. the large nation is likely to receive all of the gains from trade*B. the small nation is likely to receive all of the gains from tradeC. the gains from trade are likely to be equally sharedD. we cannot say15. The Ricardian trade model has been empirically*A. verifiedB. rejectedC. not testedD. tested but the results were inconclusive思考题:比较优势原理所带来的贸易所得是从何而来的?贸易利益又是如何分配的?现实世界中比较优势是如何度量的?你认为目前中国具有比较优势的商品有哪些?这意味着什么?比较优势会不会发生变化?什么样的原因可能会导致其变化?经济学家是如何验证比较优势原理的?Chapter 3: The Standard Theory of International TradeMultiple-Choice Questions1. A production frontier that is concave from the origin indicates that the nation incur s increasing opportunity costs in the production of:A. commodity X onlyB. commodity Y only*C. both commoditiesD. neither commodity2. The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) of X for Y refers to:A. the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of XB. the opportunity cost of XC. the absolute slope of the production frontier at the point of production*D. all of the above3. Which of the following is not a reason for increasing opportunity costs:*A. technology differs among nationsB. factors of production are not homogeneousC. factors of production are not used in the same fixed proportion in the production of all commoditiesD. for the nation to produce more of a commodity, it must use resources that are le ss and less suited in the production of the commodity4. Community indifference curves:A. are negatively slopedB. are convex to the originC. should not cross*D. all of the above5. The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of X for Y in consumption refers to the:A. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y and still remain o n the same indifference curve*B. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curveC. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y to reach a higher indifference curveD. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X to reach a higher indifference curve6. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of X for Y?A. It is given by the absolute slope of the indifference curveB. declines as the nation moves down an indifference curveC. rises as the nation moves up an indifference curve*D. all of the above7. Which of the following statements about community indifference curves is true?A. They are entirely unrelated to individuals' community indifference curvesB. they cross, they cannot be used in the analysis*C. the problems arising from intersecting community indifference curves can be over come by the application of the compensation principleD. all of the above.8. Which of the following is not true for a nation that is in equilibrium in isolation? *A. It consumes inside its production frontierB. it reaches the highest indifference curve possible with its production frontierC. the indifference curve is tangent to the nation's production frontierD. MRT of X for Y equals MRS of X for Y, and they are equal to Px/Py9. If the internal Px/Py is lower in nation 1 than in nation 2 without trade:A. nation 1 has a comparative advantage in commodity YB. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity X*C. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity YD. none of the above10. Nation 1's share of the gains from trade will be greater:A. the greater is nation 1's demand for nation 2's exports*B. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 2's pretrade Px/PyC. the weaker is nation 2's demand for nation 1's exportsD. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 1's pretrade Px/Py11. If Px/Py exceeds the equilibrium relative Px/Py with tradeA. the nation exporting commodity X will want to export more of X than at equilibr iumB. the nation importing commodity X will want to import less of X than at equilibri umC. Px/Py will fall toward the equilibrium Px/Py*D. all of the above12. With free trade under increasing costs:A. neither nation will specialize completely in productionB. at least one nation will consume above its production frontierC. a small nation will always gain from trade*D. all of the above13. Which of the following statements is false?A.The gains from trade can be broken down into the gains from exchange and the gains from specializationB. gains from exchange result even without specialization*C. gains from specialization result even without exchangeD. none of the above14. The gains from exchange with respect to the gains from specialization are alway s:A. greaterB. smallerC. equal*D. we cannot say without additional information15. Mutually beneficial trade cannot occur if production frontiers are:A. equal but tastes are notB. different but tastes are the sameC. different and tastes are also different*D. the same and tastes are also the same.思考题:国际贸易的标准理论与大卫.李嘉图的比较优势原理有何异同?两国仅仅由于需求偏好不同可以进行市场分工和狐狸贸易吗?两国仅仅由于要素禀赋不同和/或生产技术不同可以进行分工和贸易吗?Chapter 4: Demand and Supply, Offer Curves, and the Terms of TradeMultiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is correct?A. The demand for imports is given by the excess demand for the commodityB. the supply of exports is given by the excess supply of the commodityC. the supply curve of exports is flatter than the total supply curve of the commodity *D. all of the above2. At a relative commodity price above equilibriumA. the excess demand for a commodity exceeds the excess supply of the commodityB. the quantity demanded of imports exceeds the quantity supplied of exports*C. the commodity price will fallD. all of the above3. The offer curve of a nation shows:A. the supply of a nation's importsB. the demand for a nation's exportsC. the trade partner's demand for imports and supply of exports*D. the nation's demand for imports and supply of exports4. The offer curve of a nation bulges toward the axis measuring the nationsA. import commodity*B. export commodityC. export or import commodityD. nontraded commodity5. Export prices must rise for a nation to increase its exports because the nation:A. incurs increasing opportunity costs in export productionB. faces decreasing opportunity costs in producing import substitutesC. faces decreasing marginal rate of substitution in consumption*D. all of the above6. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is false?A. It relies on traditional demand and supply curvesB. it isolates for study one market*C. it can be used to determine the equilibrium relative commodity price but not the equilibrium quantity with tradeD. none of the above7. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is true?A. The demand and supply curve are derived from the nation's production frontier an d indifference mapB. It shows the same basic information as offer curvesC. It shows the same equilibrium relative commodity prices as with offer curves*D. all of the above8. In what way does partial equilibrium analysis differ from general equilibrium analy sis?A. The former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium price withtradeB. the former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium quantity with tradeC. the former but not the latter takes into consideration the interaction among all ma rkets in the economy*D. the former gives only an approximation to the answer sought.9. If the terms of trade of a nation are 1.5 in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner are:A. 3/4*B. 2/3C. 3/2D. 4/310. If the terms of trade increase in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner: *A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the above11. If a nation does not affect world prices by its trading, its offer curve:A. is a straight lineB. bulges toward the axis measuring the import commodity*C. intersects the straight-line segment of the world's offer curveD. intersects the positively-sloped portion of the world's offer curve12. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodityB. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodit yC. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity *D. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity13. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's terms of trade remain unchanged*B. the nation's terms of trade deteriorateC. the partner's terms of trade deteriorateD. any of the above14. If the tastes for a nation import commodity increases, trade volume:*A. increasesB. declinesC. remains unchangedD. any of the above15. A deterioration of a nation's terms of trade causes the nation's welfare to:A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchanged*D. any of the above思考题:提供曲线如何推导?有何用途?两国贸易时的均衡商品价格是如何决定的?受哪些因素影响?贸易条件的含义是?贸易条件的改善意味着什么?哪些因素可能导致贸易条件的改善?Chapter 5: Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin TheoryMultiple-Choice Questions1. The H-O model extends the classical trade model by:A. explaining the basis for comparative advantageB. examining the effect of trade on factor prices*C. both A and BD. neither A nor B2. Which is not an assumption of the H-O model:A. the same technology in both nationsB. constant returns to scale*C. complete specializationD. equal tastes in both nations3. With equal technology nations will have equal K/L in production if:*A. factor prices are the sameB. tastes are the sameC. production functions are the sameD. all of the above4. We say that commodity Y is K-intensive with respect to X when:A. more K is used in the production of Y than XB. less L is used in the production of Y than X*C. a lower L/K ratio is used in the production of Y than XD. a higher K/L is used in the production of X than Y5. When w/r falls, L/KA. falls in the production of both commodities*B. rises in the production of both commoditiesC. can rise or fallD. is not affected6. A nation is said to have a relative abundance of K if it has a:A. greater absolute amount of KB. smaller absolute amount of LC. higher L/K ratio*D. lower r/w7. A difference in relative commodity prices between nations can be based on a diffe rence in:A. technologyB. factor endowmentsC. tastes*D. all of the above8. In the H-O model, international trade is based mostly on a difference in:A. technology*B. factor endowmentsC. economies of scaleD. tastes9. According to the H-O model, trade reduces international differences in:A. relative but not absolute factor pricesB. absolute but not relative factor prices*C. both relative and absolute factor pricesD. neither relative nor absolute factor prices10. According to the H-O model, international trade will:A. reduce international differences in per capita incomesB. increases international differences in per capita incomes*C. may increase or reduce international differences in per capita incomes D. lead to complete specialization11. The H-O model is a general equilibrium model because it deals with:A. production in both nationsB. consumption in both nationsC. trade between the two nations*D. all of the above12. The H-O model is a simplification of the a truly general equilibrium model because it deals with:A. two nationsB. two commoditiesC. two factors of production*D. all of the above13. The Leontief paradox refers to the empirical finding that U.S.*A. import substitutes are more K-intensive than exportsB. imports are more K-intensive than exportsC. exports are more L-intensive than importsD. exports are more K-intensive than import substitutes14. From empirical studies, we conclude that the H-O theory:A. must be rejectedB. must be accepted without reservations*C. can be accepted while awaiting further testingD. explains all international trade15. For factor reversal to occur, two commodities must be produced with:*A. sufficiently different elasticity of substitution of factorsB. the same K/L ratioC. technologically-fixed factor proportionsD. equal elasticity of substitution of factors思考题:H-O理论有哪些假设?各假设的含义是什么?为什么要做出这些假设?如何检验H-O理论的正确性?H-O-S定理的假设条件又是什么?他与生产要素国际间的流动有何关系?如何检验H-O-S定理在现实中的可靠性?Chapter 6: Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International T radeMultiple-Choice Questions:1. Relaxing the assumptions on which the Heckscher-Ohlin theory rests:A. leads to rejection of the theoryB. leaves the theory unaffected*C. requires complementary trade theoriesD. any of the above.Which of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, when relaxed, leav ethe theory unaffected?A. Two nations, two commodities, and two factorsB. both nations use the same technologyC. the same commodity is L-intensive in both nations*D. all of the aboveWhich of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, when relaxed, require new trade theories?*A. Economies of scaleB. incomplete specializationC. similar tastes in both nationsD. the existence of transportation costsInternational trade can be based on economies of scale even if both nations have ide ntical:A. factor endowmentsB. tastesC. technology*D. all of the above5. A great deal of international trade:A. is intra-industry tradeB. involves differentiated productsC. is based on monopolistic competition*D. all of the above6. The Heckscher-Ohlin and new trade theories explains most of the trade:A. among industrial countriesB. between developed and developing countriesC. in industrial goods*D. all of the aboveThe theory that a nation exports those products for which a large domestic market e xistswas advanced by:*A. LinderB. VernonC. LeontiefD. Ohlin8. Intra-industry trade takes place:A. because products are homogeneous*B. in order to take advantage of economies of scaleC. because perfect competition is the prevalent form of market organizationD. all of the aboveIf a nation exports twice as much of a differentiated product that it imports, its intra-industry (T) index is equal to:A. 1.00B. 0.75*C. 0.50D. 0.2510. Trade based on technological gaps is closely related to:A. the H-O theory*B. the product-cycle theoryC. Linder's theoryD. all of the above11. Which of the following statements is true with regard to the product-cycle theor y?A. It depends on differences in technological changes over time among countriesB. it depends on the opening and the closing of technological gaps among countriesC. it postulates that industrial countries export more advanced products to less advan ced countries*D. all of the above12. Transport costs:A. increase the price in the importing countryB. reduces the price in the exporting country*C. both of the aboveD. neither A nor B.13. Transport costs can be analyzed:A. with demand and supply curvesB. production frontiersC. offer curves*D. all of the above14. The share of transport costs will fall less heavily on the nation:*A. with the more elastic demand and supply of the traded commodityB. with the less elastic demand and supply of the traded commodityC. exporting agricultural productsD. with the largest domestic market15. A footloose industry is one in which the product:A. gains weight in processingB. loses weight in processingC. both of the above*D. neither A nor B.思考题:本章的贸易理论与基于比较优势的贸易理论有哪些不同?这两类贸易理论是互相排斥的吗?H-O理论与心贸易理论之间有什么经验关联?运输成本对H-O定理和H-O-S定理有何影响?不同的环保标准时如何影响产业选址及国际贸易的?2009年底联合国哥本哈根气候大会中的议题与国际贸易有何关系?这对我国经贸发展有何影响?Chapter 7: Economic Growth and International TradeMultiple-Choice Questions1. Dynamic factors in trade theory refer to changes in:A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above2. Doubling the amount of L and K under constant returns to scale:A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodityB. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodityC. leaves the shape of the production frontier unchanged*D. all of the above.3. Doubling only the amount of L available under constant returns to scale:A. less than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity*B. more than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodityC. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodityD. leaves the output of the K-intensive commodity unchanged4. The Rybczynski theorem postulates that doubling L at constant relative commodity prices:A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity*B. reduces the output of the K-intensive commodityC. increases the output of both commoditiesD. any of the above5. Doubling L is likely to:A. increases the relative price of the L-intensive commodityB. reduces the relative price of the K-intensive commodity*C. reduces the relative price of the L-intensive commodityD. any of the aboveTechnical progress that increases the productivity of L proportionately more than the productivity of K is called:*A. capital savingB. labor savingC. neutralD. any of the above7. A 50 percent productivity increase in the production of commodity Y:A. increases the output of commodity Y by 50 percentB. does not affect the output of XC. shifts the production frontier in the Y direction only*D. any of the above8. Doubling L with trade in a small L-abundant nation:*A. reduces the nation's social welfareB. reduces the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of tradeD. all of the above9. Doubling L with trade in a large L-abundant nation:A. reduces the nation's social welfareB. reduces the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of trade*D. all of the aboveIf, at unchanged terms of trade, a nation wants to trade more after growth, then the nation's terms of trade can be expected to:*A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the aboveA proportionately greater increase in the nation's supply of labor than of capital is lik elyto result in a deterioration in the nation's terms of trade if the nation exports: A. the K-intensive commodity*B. the L-intensive commodityC. either commodityD. both commodities12. Technical progress in the nation's export commodity:*A. may reduce the nation's welfareB. will reduce the nation's welfareC. will increase the nation's welfareD. leaves the nation's welfare unchanged13. Doubling K with trade in a large L-abundant nation:A. increases the nation's welfareB. improves the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of trade*D. all of the above14. An increase in tastes for the import commodity in both nations:A. reduces the volume of trade*B. increases the volume of tradeC. leaves the volume of trade unchangedD. any of the above15. An increase in tastes of the import commodity of Nation A and export in B:*A. will reduce the terms of trade of Nation AB. will increase the terms of trade of Nation AC. will reduce the terms of trade of Nation BD. any of the above思考题:要素积累和技术进步如何影响一国的生产可能性曲线的形状和位置?何种类型的经济增长最可恩能够导致国家福利的下降?那种类型的经济增长最可能导致国家福利的改善?Chapter 8: Trade Restrictions: TariffsMultiple-choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?A. An ad valorem tariff is expressed as a percentage of the value of the traded com modityB. A specific tariff is expressed as a fixed sum of the value of the traded commodity.C. Export tariffs are prohibited by the U.S. Constitution*D. The U.S. uses exclusively the specific tariff2. A small nation is one:A. which does not affect world price by its tradingB. which faces an infinitely elastic world supply curve for its import commodityC. whose consumers will pay a price that exceeds the world price by the amount of t he tariff*D. all of the above3. If a small nation increases the tariff on its import commodity, its:A. consumption of the commodity increasesB. production of the commodity decreasesC. imports of the commodity increase*D. none of the aboveThe increase in producer surplus when a small nation imposes a tariff is measured by the area:*A. to the left of the supply curve between the commodity price with and without th e tariffB. under the supply curve between the quantity produced with and without the tariffC. under the demand curve between the commodity price with and without the tariffD. none of the above.。
PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分, 答错不扣分1.I.perfec.market.existed.resource.woul.b.mor.mobil.an.coul.therefor.b.transferre.t.thos.countrie.mor.willin.t.pa..hig.pric.fo.them.. .. .2.Th.forwar.contrac.ca.hedg.futur.receivable.o.payable.i.foreig.currencie.t.insulat.th.fir.agains.exchang.rat.risk ... . )3.Th.primar.objectiv.o.th.multinationa.corporatio.i.stil.th.sam.primar.objectiv.o.an.firm.i.e..t.maximiz.sharehol de.wealth.. .. )4..lo.inflatio.rat.tend.t.increas.import.an.decreas.exports.thereb.decreasin.th.curren.accoun.deficit.othe.thing.e qual......5..capita.accoun.defici.reflect..ne.sal.o.th.hom.currenc.i.exchang.fo.othe.currencies.Thi.place.upwar.pressur.o.tha.hom.currency’.value.. .. )parativ.advantag.implie.tha.countrie.shoul.specializ.i.production.thereb.relyin.o.othe.countrie .fo.som.products.. .. .7.Covere.interes.arbitrag.i.plausibl.whe.th.forwar.premiu.reflec.th.interes.rat.differentia.betwee.tw.countrie.sp ecifie.b.th.interes.rat.parit.formula. .. . )8.Th.tota.impac.o.transactio.exposur.i.o.th.overal.valu.o.th.firm.. .. .9. .pu.optio.i.a.optio.t.sell-b.th.buye.o.th.option-.state.numbe.o.unit.o.th.underlyin.instrumen.a..specifie.pric.pe.uni.durin..specifie.period... . )10.Future.mus.b.marked-to-market.Option.ar.not.....)PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分, 答错不扣分1.I.inflatio.i..foreig.countr.differ.fro.inflatio.i.th.hom.country.th.exchang.rat.wil.adjus.t.maintai.equal.. purchasin.powe... )2.Speculator.wh.expec..currenc.t..appreciat..... .coul.purchas.currenc.future.contract.fo.tha.currency.3.Covere.interes.arbitrag.involve.th.short-ter.investmen.i..foreig.currenc.tha.i.covere.b.....forwar.contrac...... .t. sel.tha.currenc.whe.th.investmen.matures.4.. Appreciation.Revalu....)petitio.i.increased.5.....PP... .suggest..relationshi.betwee.th.inflatio.differentia.o.tw.countrie.an.th.percentag.chang.i.th.spo.exchang.ra t.ove.time.6.IF.i.base.o.nomina.interes.rat....differential....).whic.ar.influence.b.expecte.inflation.7.Transactio.exposur.i..subse.o.economi.exposure.Economi.exposur.include.an.for.b.whic.th.firm’... valu... .wil.b.affected.modit.a..state.pric.i..... pu..optio..i.exercised9.Ther.ar.thre.type.o.long-ter.internationa.bonds.The.ar.Globa.bond. .. eurobond.....an....foreig.bond...).10.An.goo.secondar.marke.fo.financ.instrument.mus.hav.a.efficien.clearin.system.Mos.Eurobond.ar.cleare.thr oug.eithe...Euroclea... ..o.Cedel.PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分rmation:A BankB BankBid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800rmation.i.locationa.arbitrag.possible?put.t h.profi.fro.thi.arbitrag.i.yo.ha.$1,000,e.(5%)ANSWER:Yes! One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802. With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank. These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500.2.Assum.tha.th.spo.exchang.rat.o.th.Britis.poun.i.$1.90..Ho.wil.thi.spo.rat.adjus.i.tw.year.i.th.Unite.Kingdo.experience.a.inflatio.rat.o..percen.pe.yea.whil.th.Unite.State.experience.a.inflatio.rat.o..perc en. pe.year?(10%)ANSWER:According to PPP, forward rate/spot=indexdom/indexforth.exchang.rat.o.th.poun.wil.depreciat.b.4..percent.Therefore.th.spo.rat.woul.adjus.t.$1.9..[..(–.047)..$1.81073.Assum.tha.th.spo.exchang.rat.o.th.Singapor.dolla.i.$0.70..Th.one-yea.interes.rat.i.1.percen.i.th.Unite.State.a n..percen.i.Singapore..Wha.wil.th.spo.rat.b.i.on.yea.accordin.t.th.IFE?.(5%)ANSWER: according to the IFE,St+1/St=(1+Rh)/(1+Rf)$.70 × (1 + .04) = $0.7284.Assum.tha.XY.Co.ha.ne.receivable.o.100,00.Singapor.dollar.i.9.days..Th.spo.rat.o.th.S.i.$0.50.an.th.Singap or.interes.rat.i.2.ove.9.days..Sugges.ho.th.U.S.fir.coul.implemen..mone.marke.hedge..B.precis. .(10%)ANSWER: The firm could borrow the amount of Singapore dollars so that the 100,000 Singapore dollars to be received could be used to pay off the loan. This amounts to (100,000/1.02) = about S$98,039, which could be converted to about $49,020 and invested. The borrowing of Singapore dollars has offset the transaction exposure due to the future receivables in Singapore dollars.pan.ordere..Jagua.sedan.I..month..i.wil.pa.£30,00.fo.th.car.I.worrie.tha.poun.ster1in.migh.ris.sharpl.fro.th.curren.rate($1.90)pan.bough...mont.poun.cal.(suppose.contrac.siz..£35,000.wit..strik.pric.o.$1.9.fo..premiu.o.2..cents/£.(1)Is hedging in the options market better if the £ rose to $1.92 in 6 months?(2)what did the exchange rate have to be for the company to break even?(15%)Solution:(1)I.th..ros.t.$pan.woul. exercis.th.poun.cal.option.Th.su.o.th.strik.pric.an.premiu..i.$1.90 + $0.023 = $1.9230/£Thi.i.bigge.tha.$1.92.So hedging in the options market is not better.(2.whe.w.sa.th. compan.ca.brea.even.w.mea.tha.hedgin.o.no.hedgin.doesn’. matter.An.onl.whe.(strik.pric..premiu.).th.exchang.rat.,hedging or not doesn’t matter.So, the exchange rate =$1.923/£.6.Discus.th.advantage.an.disadvantage.o.fixe.exchang.rat.system.(15%)textbook page50 答案以教材第50 页为准PART Ⅳ: Diagram(10%)Th.strik.pric.fo..cal.i.$1.67/£.Th.premiu.quote.a.th.Exchang.i.$0.022.pe.Britis.pound.Diagram the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price for this call optionSolution:Following diagram shows the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price of this put option:PART Ⅴa) b) Calculate the expected value of the hedge.c) How could you replicate this hedge in the money market?Yo.ar.expectin.revenue.o.Y100,00.i.on.mont.tha.yo.wil.nee.t.cover.t.dollars.Yo.coul.hedg.thi.i.forwar.market.b.takin.lon.position.i.U.dollar.(shor.position.i.Japanes.Yen).B.lockin.i.you.pric.a.$..Y105.you.dolla.revenue.ar.guarantee.t.b.Y100,000/ 105 = $952You could replicate this hedge by using the following:a) Borrow in Japanb) Convert the Yen to dollarsc) Invest the dollars in the USd) Pay back the loan when you receive the Y100,000。
【国际经济学】英文题库Chapter 1: IntroductionMultiple-Choice Questions1. Which of the following products are not produced at all in the United States?*A. Coffee, tea, cocoaB. steel, copper, aluminumC. petroleum, coal, natural gasD. typewriters, computers, airplanes2. International trade is most important to the standard of living of:A. the United States*B. SwitzerlandC. GermanyD. England3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has:*A. grownB. diminishedC. remained unchangedD. cannot say4. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by:A. the size of the nations' populationB. the percentage of its population to its GDP*C. the percentage of a nation's imports and exports to its GDPD. all of the above5. Economic interdependence is greater for:*A. small nationsB. large nationsC. developed nationsD. developing nations6. The gravity model of international trade predicts that trade between two nations is largerA. the larger the two nationsB. the closer the nationsC. the more open are the two nations*D. all of the above7. International economics deals with:A. the flow of goods, services, and payments among nationsB. policies directed at regulating the flow of goods, services, and paymentsC. the effects of policies on the welfare of the nation*D. all of the above8. International trade theory refers to:*A. the microeconomic aspects of international tradeB. the macroeconomic aspects of international tradeC. open economy macroeconomics or international financeD. all of the above9. Which of the following is not the subject matter of international finance?A. foreign exchange marketsB. the balance of payments*C. the basis and the gains from tradeD. policies to adjust balance of payments disequilibria10. Economic theory:A. seeks to explain economic eventsB. seeks to predict economic eventsC. abstracts from the many detail that surrounds an economic event*D. all of the above11. Which of the following is not an assumption generally made in the study of inter national economics?A. two nationsB. two commodities*C. perfect international mobility of factorsD. two factors of production12. In the study of international economics:A. international trade policies are examined before the bases for tradeB. adjustment policies are discussed before the balance of paymentsC. the case of many nations is discussed before the two-nations case*D. none of the above13. International trade is similar to interregional trade in that both must overcome: *A. distance and spaceB. trade restrictionsC. differences in currenciesD. differences in monetary systems14. The opening or expansion of international trade usually affects all members of so ciety:A. positivelyB. negatively*C. most positively but some negativelyD. most negatively but some positively15. An increase in the dollar price of a foreign currency usually:A. benefit U.S. importers*B. benefits U.S. exportersC. benefit both U.S. importers and U.S. exportersD. harms both U.S. importers and U.S. exporters16. Which of the following statements with regard to international economics is true?A. It is a relatively new field*B. it is a relatively old fieldC. most of its contributors were not economistsD. none of the above思考题:1.为什么学习国际经济学非常重要?2.列举体现当前国际经济学问题的一些重要事件,它们为什么重要?3.当今世界面临的最重要的国家经济问题是什么?全球化的利弊各是什么?Chapter 2: The Law of Comparative AdvantageMultiple-Choice Questions1. The Mercantilists did not advocate:*A.free tradeB. stimulating the nation's exportsC. restricting the nations' importsD. the accumulation of gold by the nation2. According to Adam Smith, international trade was based on:*A. absolute advantageB. comparative advantageC. both absolute and comparative advantageD. neither absolute nor comparative advantage3. What proportion of international trade is based on absolute advantage?A. AllB. most*C. someD. none4. The commodity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the commodity of its:A. absolute disadvantageB. absolute advantageC. comparative disadvantage*D. comparative advantage5. If in a two-nation (A and B), two-commodity (X and Y) world, it is established tha t nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X, then nation B must have:A. an absolute advantage in commodity YB. an absolute disadvantage in commodity YC. a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*D. a comparative advantage in commodity Y6. If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nationB can produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input):A. nation A has a comparative disadvantage in commodity XB. nation B has a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y*C. nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity XD. nation A has a comparative advantage in neither commodity7. With reference to the statement in Question 6:A. Px/Py=1 in nation AB. Px/Py=3 in nation BC. Py/Px=1/3 in nation B*D. all of the above8. With reference to the statement in Question 6, if 3X is exchanged for 3Y:A. nation A gains 2X*B. nation B gains 6YC. nation A gains 3YD. nation B gains 3Y9. With reference to the statement of Question 6, the range of mutually beneficial tra de between nation A and B is:A. 3Y < 3X < 5YB. 5Y < 3X < 9Y*C. 3Y < 3X < 9YD. 1Y < 3X < 3Y10. If domestically 3X=3Y in nation A, while 1X=1Y domestically in nation B:A. there will be no trade between the two nationsB. the relative price of X is the same in both nationsC. the relative price of Y is the same in both nations*D. all of the above11. Ricardo explained the law of comparative advantage on the basis of:*A. the labor theory of valueB. the opportunity cost theoryC. the law of diminishing returnsD. all of the above12. Which of the following statements is true?A. The combined demand for each commodity by the two nations is negatively slope dB. the combined supply for each commodity by the two nations is rising stepwiseC. the equilibrium relative commodity price for each commodity with trade is giv en by the intersection of the demand and supply of each commodity by the two nati ons*D. all of the above13. A difference in relative commodity prices between two nations can be based upo n a difference in:A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above14. In the trade between a small and a large nation:A. the large nation is likely to receive all of the gains from trade*B. the small nation is likely to receive all of the gains from tradeC. the gains from trade are likely to be equally sharedD. we cannot say15. The Ricardian trade model has been empirically*A. verifiedB. rejectedC. not testedD. tested but the results were inconclusive思考题:比较优势原理所带来的贸易所得是从何而来的?贸易利益又是如何分配的?现实世界中比较优势是如何度量的?你认为目前中国具有比较优势的商品有哪些?这意味着什么?比较优势会不会发生变化?什么样的原因可能会导致其变化?经济学家是如何验证比较优势原理的?Chapter 3: The Standard Theory of International TradeMultiple-Choice Questions1. A production frontier that is concave from the origin indicates that the nation incur s increasing opportunity costs in the production of:A. commodity X onlyB. commodity Y only*C. both commoditiesD. neither commodity2. The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) of X for Y refers to:A. the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of XB. the opportunity cost of XC. the absolute slope of the production frontier at the point of production*D. all of the above3. Which of the following is not a reason for increasing opportunity costs:*A. technology differs among nationsB. factors of production are not homogeneousC. factors of production are not used in the same fixed proportion in the production of all commoditiesD. for the nation to produce more of a commodity, it must use resources that are le ss and less suited in the production of the commodity4. Community indifference curves:A. are negatively slopedB. are convex to the originC. should not cross*D. all of the above5. The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of X for Y in consumption refers to the:A. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y and still remain o n the same indifference curve*B. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curveC. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y to reach a higher indifference curveD. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X to reach a higher indifference curve6. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of X for Y?A. It is given by the absolute slope of the indifference curveB. declines as the nation moves down an indifference curveC. rises as the nation moves up an indifference curve*D. all of the above7. Which of the following statements about community indifference curves is true?A. They are entirely unrelated to individuals' community indifference curvesB. they cross, they cannot be used in the analysis*C. the problems arising from intersecting community indifference curves can be over come by the application of the compensation principleD. all of the above.8. Which of the following is not true for a nation that is in equilibrium in isolation? *A. It consumes inside its production frontierB. it reaches the highest indifference curve possible with its production frontierC. the indifference curve is tangent to the nation's production frontierD. MRT of X for Y equals MRS of X for Y, and they are equal to Px/Py9. If the internal Px/Py is lower in nation 1 than in nation 2 without trade:A. nation 1 has a comparative advantage in commodity YB. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity X*C. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity YD. none of the above10. Nation 1's share of the gains from trade will be greater:A. the greater is nation 1's demand for nation 2's exports*B. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 2's pretrade Px/PyC. the weaker is nation 2's demand for nation 1's exportsD. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 1's pretrade Px/Py11. If Px/Py exceeds the equilibrium relative Px/Py with tradeA. the nation exporting commodity X will want to export more of X than at equilibr iumB. the nation importing commodity X will want to import less of X than at equilibri umC. Px/Py will fall toward the equilibrium Px/Py*D. all of the above12. With free trade under increasing costs:A. neither nation will specialize completely in productionB. at least one nation will consume above its production frontierC. a small nation will always gain from trade*D. all of the above13. Which of the following statements is false?A.The gains from trade can be broken down into the gains from exchange and the gains from specializationB. gains from exchange result even without specialization*C. gains from specialization result even without exchangeD. none of the above14. The gains from exchange with respect to the gains from specialization are alway s:A. greaterB. smallerC. equal*D. we cannot say without additional information15. Mutually beneficial trade cannot occur if production frontiers are:A. equal but tastes are notB. different but tastes are the sameC. different and tastes are also different*D. the same and tastes are also the same.思考题:国际贸易的标准理论与大卫.李嘉图的比较优势原理有何异同?两国仅仅由于需求偏好不同可以进行市场分工和狐狸贸易吗?两国仅仅由于要素禀赋不同和/或生产技术不同可以进行分工和贸易吗?Chapter 4: Demand and Supply, Offer Curves, and the Terms of TradeMultiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is correct?A. The demand for imports is given by the excess demand for the commodityB. the supply of exports is given by the excess supply of the commodityC. the supply curve of exports is flatter than the total supply curve of the commodity *D. all of the above2. At a relative commodity price above equilibriumA. the excess demand for a commodity exceeds the excess supply of the commodityB. the quantity demanded of imports exceeds the quantity supplied of exports*C. the commodity price will fallD. all of the above3. The offer curve of a nation shows:A. the supply of a nation's importsB. the demand for a nation's exportsC. the trade partner's demand for imports and supply of exports*D. the nation's demand for imports and supply of exports4. The offer curve of a nation bulges toward the axis measuring the nationsA. import commodity*B. export commodityC. export or import commodityD. nontraded commodity5. Export prices must rise for a nation to increase its exports because the nation:A. incurs increasing opportunity costs in export productionB. faces decreasing opportunity costs in producing import substitutesC. faces decreasing marginal rate of substitution in consumption*D. all of the above6. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is false?A. It relies on traditional demand and supply curvesB. it isolates for study one market*C. it can be used to determine the equilibrium relative commodity price but not the equilibrium quantity with tradeD. none of the above7. Which of the following statements regarding partial equilibrium analysis is true?A. The demand and supply curve are derived from the nation's production frontier an d indifference mapB. It shows the same basic information as offer curvesC. It shows the same equilibrium relative commodity prices as with offer curves*D. all of the above8. In what way does partial equilibrium analysis differ from general equilibrium analy sis?A. The former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium price withtradeB. the former but not the latter can be used to determine the equilibrium quantity with tradeC. the former but not the latter takes into consideration the interaction among all ma rkets in the economy*D. the former gives only an approximation to the answer sought.9. If the terms of trade of a nation are 1.5 in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner are:A. 3/4*B. 2/3C. 3/2D. 4/310. If the terms of trade increase in a two-nation world, those of the trade partner: *A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the above11. If a nation does not affect world prices by its trading, its offer curve:A. is a straight lineB. bulges toward the axis measuring the import commodity*C. intersects the straight-line segment of the world's offer curveD. intersects the positively-sloped portion of the world's offer curve12. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodityB. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its import commodit yC. the partner's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity *D. the nation's offer curve rotates toward the axis measuring its export commodity13. If the nation's tastes for its import commodity increases:A. the nation's terms of trade remain unchanged*B. the nation's terms of trade deteriorateC. the partner's terms of trade deteriorateD. any of the above14. If the tastes for a nation import commodity increases, trade volume:*A. increasesB. declinesC. remains unchangedD. any of the above15. A deterioration of a nation's terms of trade causes the nation's welfare to:A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchanged*D. any of the above思考题:提供曲线如何推导?有何用途?两国贸易时的均衡商品价格是如何决定的?受哪些因素影响?贸易条件的含义是?贸易条件的改善意味着什么?哪些因素可能导致贸易条件的改善?Chapter 5: Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin TheoryMultiple-Choice Questions1. The H-O model extends the classical trade model by:A. explaining the basis for comparative advantageB. examining the effect of trade on factor prices*C. both A and BD. neither A nor B2. Which is not an assumption of the H-O model:A. the same technology in both nationsB. constant returns to scale*C. complete specializationD. equal tastes in both nations3. With equal technology nations will have equal K/L in production if:*A. factor prices are the sameB. tastes are the sameC. production functions are the sameD. all of the above4. We say that commodity Y is K-intensive with respect to X when:A. more K is used in the production of Y than XB. less L is used in the production of Y than X*C. a lower L/K ratio is used in the production of Y than XD. a higher K/L is used in the production of X than Y5. When w/r falls, L/KA. falls in the production of both commodities*B. rises in the production of both commoditiesC. can rise or fallD. is not affected6. A nation is said to have a relative abundance of K if it has a:A. greater absolute amount of KB. smaller absolute amount of LC. higher L/K ratio*D. lower r/w7. A difference in relative commodity prices between nations can be based on a diffe rence in:A. technologyB. factor endowmentsC. tastes*D. all of the above8. In the H-O model, international trade is based mostly on a difference in:A. technology*B. factor endowmentsC. economies of scaleD. tastes9. According to the H-O model, trade reduces international differences in:A. relative but not absolute factor pricesB. absolute but not relative factor prices*C. both relative and absolute factor pricesD. neither relative nor absolute factor prices10. According to the H-O model, international trade will:A. reduce international differences in per capita incomesB. increases international differences in per capita incomes*C. may increase or reduce international differences in per capita incomes D. lead to complete specialization11. The H-O model is a general equilibrium model because it deals with:A. production in both nationsB. consumption in both nationsC. trade between the two nations*D. all of the above12. The H-O model is a simplification of the a truly general equilibrium model because it deals with:A. two nationsB. two commoditiesC. two factors of production*D. all of the above13. The Leontief paradox refers to the empirical finding that U.S.*A. import substitutes are more K-intensive than exportsB. imports are more K-intensive than exportsC. exports are more L-intensive than importsD. exports are more K-intensive than import substitutes14. From empirical studies, we conclude that the H-O theory:A. must be rejectedB. must be accepted without reservations*C. can be accepted while awaiting further testingD. explains all international trade15. For factor reversal to occur, two commodities must be produced with:*A. sufficiently different elasticity of substitution of factorsB. the same K/L ratioC. technologically-fixed factor proportionsD. equal elasticity of substitution of factors思考题:H-O理论有哪些假设?各假设的含义是什么?为什么要做出这些假设?如何检验H-O理论的正确性?H-O-S定理的假设条件又是什么?他与生产要素国际间的流动有何关系?如何检验H-O-S定理在现实中的可靠性?Chapter 6: Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International T radeMultiple-Choice Questions:1. Relaxing the assumptions on which the Heckscher-Ohlin theory rests:A. leads to rejection of the theoryB. leaves the theory unaffected*C. requires complementary trade theoriesD. any of the above.Which of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, when relaxed, leav ethe theory unaffected?A. Two nations, two commodities, and two factorsB. both nations use the same technologyC. the same commodity is L-intensive in both nations*D. all of the aboveWhich of the following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, when relaxed, require new trade theories?*A. Economies of scaleB. incomplete specializationC. similar tastes in both nationsD. the existence of transportation costsInternational trade can be based on economies of scale even if both nations have ide ntical:A. factor endowmentsB. tastesC. technology*D. all of the above5. A great deal of international trade:A. is intra-industry tradeB. involves differentiated productsC. is based on monopolistic competition*D. all of the above6. The Heckscher-Ohlin and new trade theories explains most of the trade:A. among industrial countriesB. between developed and developing countriesC. in industrial goods*D. all of the aboveThe theory that a nation exports those products for which a large domestic market e xistswas advanced by:*A. LinderB. VernonC. LeontiefD. Ohlin8. Intra-industry trade takes place:A. because products are homogeneous*B. in order to take advantage of economies of scaleC. because perfect competition is the prevalent form of market organizationD. all of the aboveIf a nation exports twice as much of a differentiated product that it imports, its intra-industry (T) index is equal to:A. 1.00B. 0.75*C. 0.50D. 0.2510. Trade based on technological gaps is closely related to:A. the H-O theory*B. the product-cycle theoryC. Linder's theoryD. all of the above11. Which of the following statements is true with regard to the product-cycle theor y?A. It depends on differences in technological changes over time among countriesB. it depends on the opening and the closing of technological gaps among countriesC. it postulates that industrial countries export more advanced products to less advan ced countries*D. all of the above12. Transport costs:A. increase the price in the importing countryB. reduces the price in the exporting country*C. both of the aboveD. neither A nor B.13. Transport costs can be analyzed:A. with demand and supply curvesB. production frontiersC. offer curves*D. all of the above14. The share of transport costs will fall less heavily on the nation:*A. with the more elastic demand and supply of the traded commodityB. with the less elastic demand and supply of the traded commodityC. exporting agricultural productsD. with the largest domestic market15. A footloose industry is one in which the product:A. gains weight in processingB. loses weight in processingC. both of the above*D. neither A nor B.思考题:本章的贸易理论与基于比较优势的贸易理论有哪些不同?这两类贸易理论是互相排斥的吗?H-O理论与心贸易理论之间有什么经验关联?运输成本对H-O定理和H-O-S定理有何影响?不同的环保标准时如何影响产业选址及国际贸易的?2009年底联合国哥本哈根气候大会中的议题与国际贸易有何关系?这对我国经贸发展有何影响?Chapter 7: Economic Growth and International TradeMultiple-Choice Questions1. Dynamic factors in trade theory refer to changes in:A. factor endowmentsB. technologyC. tastes*D. all of the above2. Doubling the amount of L and K under constant returns to scale:A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodityB. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodityC. leaves the shape of the production frontier unchanged*D. all of the above.3. Doubling only the amount of L available under constant returns to scale:A. less than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity*B. more than doubles the output of the L-intensive commodityC. doubles the output of the K-intensive commodityD. leaves the output of the K-intensive commodity unchanged4. The Rybczynski theorem postulates that doubling L at constant relative commodity prices:A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity*B. reduces the output of the K-intensive commodityC. increases the output of both commoditiesD. any of the above5. Doubling L is likely to:A. increases the relative price of the L-intensive commodityB. reduces the relative price of the K-intensive commodity*C. reduces the relative price of the L-intensive commodityD. any of the aboveTechnical progress that increases the productivity of L proportionately more than the productivity of K is called:*A. capital savingB. labor savingC. neutralD. any of the above7. A 50 percent productivity increase in the production of commodity Y:A. increases the output of commodity Y by 50 percentB. does not affect the output of XC. shifts the production frontier in the Y direction only*D. any of the above8. Doubling L with trade in a small L-abundant nation:*A. reduces the nation's social welfareB. reduces the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of tradeD. all of the above9. Doubling L with trade in a large L-abundant nation:A. reduces the nation's social welfareB. reduces the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of trade*D. all of the aboveIf, at unchanged terms of trade, a nation wants to trade more after growth, then the nation's terms of trade can be expected to:*A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchangedD. any of the aboveA proportionately greater increase in the nation's supply of labor than of capital is lik elyto result in a deterioration in the nation's terms of trade if the nation exports: A. the K-intensive commodity*B. the L-intensive commodityC. either commodityD. both commodities12. Technical progress in the nation's export commodity:*A. may reduce the nation's welfareB. will reduce the nation's welfareC. will increase the nation's welfareD. leaves the nation's welfare unchanged13. Doubling K with trade in a large L-abundant nation:A. increases the nation's welfareB. improves the nation's terms of tradeC. reduces the volume of trade*D. all of the above14. An increase in tastes for the import commodity in both nations:A. reduces the volume of trade*B. increases the volume of tradeC. leaves the volume of trade unchangedD. any of the above15. An increase in tastes of the import commodity of Nation A and export in B:*A. will reduce the terms of trade of Nation AB. will increase the terms of trade of Nation AC. will reduce the terms of trade of Nation BD. any of the above思考题:要素积累和技术进步如何影响一国的生产可能性曲线的形状和位置?何种类型的经济增长最可恩能够导致国家福利的下降?那种类型的经济增长最可能导致国家福利的改善?Chapter 8: Trade Restrictions: TariffsMultiple-choice Questions1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?A. An ad valorem tariff is expressed as a percentage of the value of the traded com modityB. A specific tariff is expressed as a fixed sum of the value of the traded commodity.C. Export tariffs are prohibited by the U.S. Constitution*D. The U.S. uses exclusively the specific tariff2. A small nation is one:A. which does not affect world price by its tradingB. which faces an infinitely elastic world supply curve for its import commodityC. whose consumers will pay a price that exceeds the world price by the amount of t he tariff*D. all of the above3. If a small nation increases the tariff on its import commodity, its:A. consumption of the commodity increasesB. production of the commodity decreasesC. imports of the commodity increase*D. none of the aboveThe increase in producer surplus when a small nation imposes a tariff is measured by the area:*A. to the left of the supply curve between the commodity price with and without th e tariffB. under the supply curve between the quantity produced with and without the tariffC. under the demand curve between the commodity price with and without the tariffD. none of the above.。
练习题三Part A Multiple ChoiceB E D D A D A A AC C A BD D1) International borrowing and lending may be interpreted as one form ofA) intermediate trade.B) inter-temporal trade.C) trade in services.D) unrequited international transfers.E) None of the above.2) International free labor mobility will under all circumstancesA) increase total world output.B) improve the economic welfare of everyone.C) improve the economic welfare of workers everywhere.D) improve the economic welfare of landlo rds (or capital owners) everywhere.E) None of the above.3) International labor mobilityA) leads to wage convergence by raising wages in destination country and lowering in source country.B) is in accordance with the specific factors model.C) is in accordance with the Heckscher-Ohlin factor proportions model.D) leads to wage convergence by raising wages in source and lowering them in destination country.E) is in accordance with scale economy model.4) If initially wages are higher in Home than in Foreign, then a movement of workers from Foreign to Home willA) lower the marginal product of labor in Foreign.B) raise total product in Foreign.C) raise the income of land owners in Foreign.D) raise the income of land owners in Home.E) None of the above.5) A country that has a comparative advantage in future production of consumption goodsA) will tend to be an international borrower.B) will tend to have low real interest rates.C) will tend to be an international investor or lender.D) will tend to have good work ethics.E) None of the above.6) Why a good is produced in two different countries is known as the question ofA) internalization.B) vertical integration.C) exploitation.E) None of the above.7) Direct foreign investment may take any of the following forms exceptA) investors buying bonds of an existing firm overseas.B) the creation of a wholly owned business overseas.C) the takeover of an existing company overseas.D) the construction of a manufacturing plant overseas.E) None of the above.8) Multinational corporationsA) increase the transfer of technology between nations.B) make it harder for nations to foster activities of comparative advantage.C) always enjoy political harmony in host countries in which their subsidiaries operate.D) require governmental subsidies in order to conduct worldwide operations.E) None of the above.9) The shift of labor-intensive assembly operations from the United States to Mexican maqiladora may be best explained in terms of a theory ofA) location.B) vertical integration.C) horizontal integration.D) internalization.E) None of the above.10) A lower tariff on imported steel would most likely benefitA) foreign producers at the expense of domestic consumers.B) domestic manufacturers of steel.C) domestic consumers of steel.D) workers in the steel industry.E) None of the above.11) In the country levying the tariff, the tariff willA) increase both consumer and producer surplus.B) decrease both the consumer and producer surplus.C) decrease consumer surplus and increase producer surplus.D) increase consumer surplus and decrease producer surplus.E) None of the above.12) If the tariff on computers is not changed, but domestic computer producers shift from domestically produced semiconductors to imported components, then the effective rate of protection in the computer industry willA) increase.C) remain the same.D) depend on whether computers are PCs or ʺSupercomputers.ʺE) None of the above.13) If a small country imposes a tariff, thenA) the producers must suffer a loss.B) the consumers must suffer a loss.C) the government revenue must suffer a loss.D) the demand curve must shift to the left.E) None of the above.14) The effective rate of protection measuresA) the ʺtrueʺ ad valorum value of a tariff.B) the quota equivalent value of a tariff.C) the efficiency with which the tariff is collected at the customhouse.D) the protection given by the tariff to domestic value added.E) None of the above.15) As globalization tends to increase the proportion of imported inputs relative to domestically supplied components,A) the nominal tariff automatically increases.B) the rate of (effective) protection automatically decreases.C) the nominal tariff automatically decreases.D) the rate of (effective) protection automatically increases.E) None of the above.PART B Short Question1.It has been argued that even if intra-European Union labor mobility were to be completelyremoved, one should not expect to observe massive, or even large reallocations of populations with the E.U. Discuss.T heoretically, just as completely free trade consistent with Heckscher-Ohlin model (with no complete specialization) is associated with factor price equalization; so does completely free labor mobility. It therefore follows that if intra E.U. trade flourishes, as any restraints on trade there are abolished, the economic incentive for labor mobility will be removed. Since language and cultural differences remain, we would expect populations to tend to stay where they are.2.The two deadweight triangles are the Consumption distortion and Production distortionlosses. It is easy to understand why the Consumption distortion constitutes a loss for society. After all it raises the prices of goods to consumers, and even causes some consumers to drop out of the market altogether. It seems paradoxical that the Production distortion is considered an equivalent burden on society. After all, in this case, profits increase, and additional production (with itsassociated employment) comes on line. This would seem to be an offset rather than an addition to the burden or loss borne by society. Explain why the Production distortion is indeed a loss to society, and what is wrong with the logic that leads to the apparent paradox.T he Production Distortion represents an inefficient shift of societyʺs resources to produce a good, which it could not sell profitably at world prices. Since (with full employment assumed) these resources were formerly used to produce export goods, which could compete profitably, the net result is a loss in real income to the country.。
INTERNATIONAL FINANCEAssignment Problems (5) Name: Student#:I. Choose the correct answer for the following questions (only correct answer) (3 credits for each question, total credits 3 x 20 = 60)1. When the supply of and demand for a foreign exchange in the foreign exchange market are exactly the same, the exchange rate is the __________.A. real exchange rateB. effective exchange rateC. equilibrium exchange rateD. cross exchange rate2. An increase in the demand for French goods and services will __________.A. induce a rightward shift in the demand for euroB. induce a leftward shift in the demand for euroC. result in a rightward movement along the demand curve for euroD. result in a leftward movement along the demand curve for euro3. If U.S. dem and for Japanese goods increases and Japan’s demand for U.S. products also rises at the same time, which of the following can you conclude in this situation?A. The U.S. dollar will appreciate against the yen.B. The U.S. dollar will depreciate against the yen.C. The U.S. dollar will not change relative to the yen.D. The U.S. dollar may appreciate, depreciate, or remain unchanged against theyen.4. If the price of a pair of Nike sneakers costs $85 in U.S, and the price of the same sneakers is €80 in Pari s, the spot rate is $1.35 per euro, the euro __________.A. is correctly valued according to PPPB. is correctly valued according to relative PPPC. is undervalued according to PPPD. is overvalued according to PPP5. If the expected exchange rate E (SB/A) according to the relative purchasing power parity is lower than the spot exchange rate (SB/A), we may conclude that __________.A. country B is expected to run huge BOP surplus with country AB. country A’s interest rate is going to be lower than that of country B’sC. the expected inflation rate in country A is higher than the expected inflation rate in country BD. the expected inflation rate in country A is lower than the expected inflation rate in country B6. Assume that PPP holds in the long run. If the price of a tradable good is $20 in the U.S. and 100 pesos in Mexico; and the exchange rate is 7 pesos/$ right now, which of the following changes might we expect in the future?A. an increase in the price of the good in the U.SB. a decrease in the price of the good in MexicoC. an appreciation of the peso in nominal termsD. a depreciation of the peso in nominal terms7. Which basket of goods would be most likely to exhibit absolute purchasing power parity?A. Highly tradable commodities, such as wheatB. The goods in the Consumer Price indexC. Specialized luxury goods, which are subject to different tax rates across countriesD. Locally produced goods, such as transportation services, which are not easily traded8. The absolute purchasing power parity says that the exchange rate between the two currencies should be determined by the __________ .A. relative inflation rate of the two currenciesB. relative price level of the two countriesC. relative interest rate of the two currenciesD. relative money supply of the two countries9. According to the relative PPP, if country A’s inflation rate is higher than country B’s inflation rate by 3%, __________.A. country A’s currency should depreciate against country B’s currency by 3%B. country A’s currency should appreciate against country B’s currency by 3%C. it is hard to say whether country A’s currency should appreciate or depreciate against country B’s currency. The exchange rate is influenced by many factorsD. none of the above is true10. If the law of one price holds for a particular good, we may conclude that __________.A. there is no trade barriers for the good among the different nationsB. the price of the good is the same ignoring the other expensesC. arbitrage for the good does not existD. all of the above are true11. An investor borrows money in one market, sells the borrowed money on the spot market, invests the proceeds of the sale inanother place and simultaneously buys back the borrowed currency on the forward market. This is called __________.A. uncovered interest arbitrageB. covered interest arbitrageC. triangular arbitrageD. spatial arbitrage12. Real return equalization across countries on similar financial instruments is called __________.A. interest rate parityB. uncovered interest parityC. forward parityD. real interest parity13. In which of the following situations would a speculator wish to sell foreign currency on the forward market?14. According to IRP, if the interest rate in country A is higher than that in country B, the forward exchange rate, defined as F1A/B is expected to be __________.A. lower than the spot rate S0A/BB. the same as the spot rate S0A/BC. higher than the spot rate S0A/BD. necessary the same as the future spot rate S1A/B15. For arbitrage opportunities to be practicable, __________.A. arbitragers must have instant access to quotesB. arbitragers must have instant access to executionsC. arbitragers must be able to execute the transactions without an initial sum of money relying on their bank’s credit standingD. All of the above must be true.16. The __________ states that the forward exchange rate quoted at time 0 for delivery at time t is equal to what the spot rate is expected to be at time t.A. interest rate parityB. uncovered interest parityC. forward parityD. real interest parity17. Assume expected value of the U.S. dollar in the future is lower than that now compared to the value of the Japanese yen. The U.S. inflation rate must be higher than Japan’s inflation rate according to __________.A. relative PPPB. Fisher equationC. International Fisher relationD. IRP18. According to covered interest arbitrage if an investor purchases a five-year U.S. bond that has an annual interest rateof 5% rather than a comparable British bond that has an annual interest rate of 6%, then the investor must be expecting the __________ to __________ at a rate at least of 1% per year over the next 5 years.A. British pound; appreciateB. British pound; revalueC. U.S. dollar; appreciateD. U.S. dollar; depreciate19. Covered interest arbitrage moves the market __________ equilibrium because __________.A. toward; investors are now more willing to invest in risky securitiesB. toward; purchasing a currency on the spot market and selling in the forward market narrows the differential between the twoC. away from; purchasing a currency on the spot market and selling in the forward market increases the differential between the twoD. away from; demand for the stronger currency forces up the interest rates on the weaker security20. If the forward exchange rate is an unbiased predictor of the expected future spot rate, which of the following is NOT true?A. The future spot rate will actually be equal to what the forward rate predictsB. The forward premium or discount reflects the expected change in the spot exchange rate.C. Speculative activity ensures that the forward rate does not diverge too far from the market’s consensus expectation.D. All of the above are true.II. Problems (40 credits)1. The Argentine peso was fixed through a currency board at Ps1.00/$ throughout the 1990s. In January 2019 the Argentine peso was floated. On January 29, 2019, it was trading at Ps3.20/$. During that one year period Argentina’s inflation rate was 20% on an annualized basis. Inflation in the United States during that same period was2.2% annualized. (10 credits)a. What should have been the exchange rate in January 2019 if purchasing power parity held?b. By what percentage was the Argentine peso undervalued on an annualized basis?2. Assume that the interest rate paid by an American borrower on a ten-year foreign bond is 10% if the bond is sold in Denmark and 7% if the bond is sold in the Netherland. Will the expectedinflation rate in the Netherlands likely be higher than the expected inflation rate in Denmark? Will the Danish kroner be expected to increase in value against the Dutch guilder? Explain your answer. (5 credits)3. Suppose S = $1.25/₤and the 1-year forward rate is F = $1.20/₤. The real interest rate on a riskless government security is 2 percent in both England and the United States. The U.S. inflation rate is 5 percent. (5 credits)a. What is England’s nominal required rate of return on riskless government securities?b. What is England’s inflation rate if the equilibrium relationships hold?4. Akira Numata, a foreign exchange trader at Credit Suisse (Tokyo), is exploring covered interest arbitrage possibilities. He wants to invest $5,000,000 or its yen equivalent, in a covered interest arbitrage between U.S. dollars and Japanese yen. He faced the following exchange rate and interest rate quotes: (12 credits)5. On a particular day, the spot rate between Czech koruna (CKR) and the U.S. dollar is CKR30.35/$, while the interest rate ona one-year financial instrument in Czech is7.5% and 3.5% in U.S. (8 credits)a. What is your expected spot exchange rate a year later?b. You’re concerned your investment in the Czech Republic because of the economic uncertainty in that country. When you expect the future value of the koruna, you require a risk premium of 2%. What is the expected future spot rate supposed to be?Answers to Assignment Problems (5)Part II1. a. inflation differential (20% -2.2%) = 17.8%U.S. should have appreciated by 17.8%Implied exchange rate 1(1 + 17.8%) = Ps1.178/$b. (1.178 – 3.2 ) / 3.2 = -63.19%2. a. According to international Fisher equation: (1 + id) / (1 + if) = (1 + E[πd]) / (1 + E[πf])id: interest rate in Denmarkif: interest rate in Netherlandπd: Danish inflation rateπf Dutch inflation rateSince (1 + id) / (1 + if) = (1 +10%)/(1 + 7%) > 0So, (1 + E[πd]) / (1 + E[πf]) >0, which means the expected inflation rate in Denmark would be greater than that in Netherland.b. If Danish inflation is higher than Dutch inflation, Danish kroner will be expected to decrease in value against the Dutch guilder. (relative PPP theory)第 11 页。
国际经济学练习题(英文版)Chapter 7: Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade1. External economies of scale arise when the cost per unitA. rises as the industry grows larger.B. falls as the industry grows larger rises as the average firm grows larger.C. falls as the average firm grows larger.D. remains constant.E. None of the above.2. Internal economies of scale arise when the cost per unitA. rises as the industry grows larger.B. falls as the industry grows larger.C. rises as the average firm grows larger.D. falls as the average firm grows larger.E. None of the above.3. External economies of scaleA. may be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.B. cannot be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.C. tends to result in one huge monopoly.D. tends to result in large profits for each firm.E. None of the above.4. Internal economies of scaleA. may be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.B. cannot be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.C. are associated only with sophisticated products such as aircraft.D. cannot form the basis for international trade .E. None of the above.5. A monopolistic firmA. can sell as much as it wants for any price it determines in the market.B. cannot determine the price, which is determined by consumer demand.C. will never sell a product whose demand is inelastic at the quantity sold.D. cannot sell additional quantity unless it raises the price on each unit.E. None of the above.6. Monopolistic competition is associated withA. cut-throat price competition.B. product differentiation.C. explicit consideration at firm level of the feedback effects of other firms' pricing decisions.D. high profit margins.E. None of the above.7. The most common market structure isA. perfect competition.B. monopolistic competition.C. small-group oligopoly.D. perfectly vertical integration.E. None of the above.8. Modeling trade in monopolistic industries is problematic becauseA. there is no one generally accepted model of oligopoly behavior.B. there are no models of oligopoly behavior.C. it is difficult to find an oligopoly in the real world.D. collusion among oligopolists makes usable data rare.E. None of the above.9. Where there are economies of scale, the scale of production possible in a country is constrained byA. the size of the country.B. the size of the trading partner's country.C. the size of the domestic market.D. the size of the domestic plus the foreign market.E. None of the above.10. Where there are economies of scale, an increase in the size of the market willA. increase the number of firms and raise the price per unit.B. decrease the number of firms and raise the price per unit.C. increase the number of firms and lower the price per unit.D. decrease the number of firms and lower the price per unit.E. None of the above.11. The simultaneous export and import of widgets by the United States is an example ofA. increasing returns to scale.B. imperfect competition.C. intra-industry trade.D. inter-industry trade.E. None of the above.12. If output more than doubles when all inputs are doubled, production is said to occur under conditions ofA. increasing returns to scale.B. imperfect competition.C. intra-industry trade.D. inter-industry trade.E. None of the above.13. Intra-industry trade can be explained in part byA. transportation costs within and between countries.B. problems of data aggregation and categorization.C. increasing returns to scale.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.14. If some industries exhibit internal (firm specific) increasing returns to scale in each country, we should not expect to seeA. intra-industry trade between countries.B. perfect competition in these industries.C. inter-industry trade between countries.D. high levels of specialization in both countries.E. None of the above.15. Intra-industry trade is most common in the trade patterns ofA. developing countries of Asia and Africa.B. industrial countries of Western Europe.C. all countries.D. North-South trade.E. None of the above.16. International trade based on scale economies is likely to be associated withA. Ricardian comparative advantage.B. comparative advantage associated with Heckscher-Ohlin factor-proportions.C. comparative advantage based on quality and service.D. comparative advantage based on diminishing returns.E. None of the above.17. International trade based on external scale economies in both countries is likely to be carried out by aA. relatively large number of price competing firms.B. relatively small number of price competing firms.C. relatively small number of competing oligopolists.D. monopoly firms in each country/industry.E. None of the above.18. International trade based solely on internal scale economies in both countries is likely to be carried out by aA. relatively large number of price competing firms.B. relatively small number of price competing firms.C. relatively small number of competing oligopolists.D. monopoly firms in each country/industry.E. None of the above.19. A monopoly firm engaged in international trade willA. equate average to local costs.B. equate marginal costs with foreign marginal revenues.C. equate marginal costs with the highest price the market will bear.D. equate marginal costs with marginal revenues in both domestic and in foreign markets.E. None of the above.20. A monopoly firm will maximize profits byA. charging the same price in domestic and in foreign markets.B. producing where the marginal revenue is higher in foreign markets.C. producing where the marginal revenue is higher in the domestic market.D. equating the marginal revenues in domestic and foreign markets.E. None of the above.21. A firm in monopolistic competitionA. earns positive monopoly profits because each sells a differentiated product.B. earns positive oligopoly profits because each firm sells a differentiated product.C. earns zero economic profits because it is in perfectly or pure competition.D. earns zero economic profits because of free entry.E. None of the above.22. The larger the number of firms in a monopolistic competition situation,A. the larger are that country's exports.B. the higher is the price charged.C. the fewer varieties are sold.D. the lower is the price charged.E. None of the above.23. The monopolistic competition model is one in which there is/areA. a monopoly.B. perfect competition.C. economies of scale.D. government intervention in the market.E. None of the above.24. In industries in which there are scale economies, the variety of goods that a country can produce is constrained byA. the size of the labor force.B. anti-trust legislationC. the size of the market.D. the fixed cost.25. An industry is characterized by scale economies, andexists in two countries. Should these two countries engage in trade such that the combined market is supplied by one country's industry, thenA. consumers in both countries would suffer higher prices and fewer varieties.B. consumers in the importing country would suffer higher prices and fewer varieties.C. consumers in the exporting country would suffer higher prices and fewer varieties.D. consumers in both countries would enjoy fewer varieties available but lower prices.E. None of the above.26. An industry is characterized by scale economies and exists in two countries. In order for consumers of its products to enjoy both lower prices and more variety of choice,A. each country's marginal cost must equal that of the other country.B. the marginal cost of this industry must equal marginal revenue in the other.C. the monopoly must lower prices in order to sell more.D. the two countries must engage in international trade one with the other.E. None of the above.27. A product is produced in a monopolistically competitive industry with scale economies. If this industry exists in two countries, and these two countries engage in trade one with the other, then we would expectA. the country in which the price of the product is lower will export the product.B. the country with a relative abundance of the factor ofproduction in which production of the product is intensive will export this product.C. each of the countries will export different varieties of the product to the other.D. neither country will export this product since there is no comparative advantage.E. None of the above.28. The reason why one country may export a product which is produced with positive scale economies isA. its labor productivity will tend to be higher.B. it enjoys a relative abundance of the factor intensely used in the product's production.C. its demand is biased in favor of the product.D. its demand is biased against the product.E. None of the above.29. Two countries engaged in trade in products with no scale economies, produced under conditions of perfect competition, are likely to be engaged inA. monopolistic competition.B. inter-industry trade.C. intra-industry trade.D. Heckscher-Ohlin trade.30. Two countries engaged in trade in products with scale economies, produced under conditions of monopolistic competition, are likely to be engaged inA. price competition.B. inter-industry trade.C. intra-industry trade.D. Heckscher-Ohlinean trade.E. None of the above.31. History and accident determine the details of trade involvingA. Ricardian and Classical comparative advantage.B. Heckscher-Ohlin model consideration.C. taste reversals.D. scale economies.E. None of the above.32. We often observe intra-industry North-South trade in "computers and related devices." This is due toA. classification and aggregation ambiguities.B. monopolistic competition.C. specific factors issues.D. scale economies.E. None of the above.33. We often observe "pseudo-intra-industry trade" between the United States and Mexico. Actually, such trade is consistent withA. oligopolistic markets.B. comparative advantage associated with Heckscher-Ohlin model.C. optimal tariff issues.D. huge sucking sound.E. None of the above.34. Intra-industry trade will tend to dominate trade flows when which of the following exists?A. Large differences between relative country factor availabilitiesB. Small differences between relative country factor availabilitiesC. Homogeneous products that cannot be differentiatedD. Constant cost industriesE. None of the above.35. The most common form of price discrimination in international trade isA. non-tariff barriers.B. Voluntary Export Restraints.C. dumping.D. preferential trade arrangements.E. None of the above.Essay Questions1. Why is it that an industry is operating under conditions of domestic internal scale economies (applies to firm in the country) - then the resultant equilibrium cannot be consistent with the pure competition model?2. Is it possible that if positive scale economies characterize an industry, that its equilibrium may be consistent with purely competitive conditions ? Explain how this could happen.3. If a scale economy is the dominant technological factor defining or establishing comparative advantage, then the underlying facts explaining why a particular country dominates world markets in some product may be pure chance, or historical accident. Explain, and compare this with the answer you would give for the Heckscher-Ohlin model of comparative advantage.4. It is possible that trade based on external scale economies may leave a country worse off than it would have been without trade. Explain how this could happen.5. If scale economies were not only external to firms, but were also external to individual countries. That is, the larger the worldwide industry (regardless of where firms or plants are located), the cheaper would be the per-unit cost of production.Describe what world trade would look like in this case.Quantitative/Graphing Problems1. The figure above represents the demand and cost functions facing a Brazilian Steel producing monopolist. If it were unable to export, and was constrained by its domestic market, what quantity would it sell at what price?2. Now the monopolist discovers that it can export as much as it likes of its steel at the world price of $5/ton. It will therefore expand for- export production up to the point where its marginal cost equals $5. How much steel will the monopolist sell, and at what price?3. Given the opportunity to sell at world prices, the marginal (opportunity) cost of selling a ton domestically is what?4. While selling exports it would also maximize its domestic sales by equating its marginal (opportunity) cost to its marginal revenue of $5. How much steel would the firm sell domestically, and at what price?5. The Brazilian firm is charging its foreign (U.S.) customers one half the price it is charging its domestic customers. Is this good or bad for the real income or economic welfare of the United States? Is the Brazilian firm engaged in dumping? Is this predatory behavior on the part of the Brazilian steel company?。
人教版高三英语国际经济形势练习题20题含答案解析1. The World Bank is mainly committed to _.A. providing short - term loans to countries with balance - of - payments problemsB. promoting economic development and reducing poverty in developing countriesC. regulating international trade rulesD. controlling the global currency exchange rate答案:B。
2. Which of the following is one of the important functions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?A. Offering long - term investment for developing countriesB. Helping countries deal with balance - of - payments difficultiesC. Solely focusing on environmental protection projects in poor countriesD. Promoting cultural exchanges among different countries答案:B。
Chapter 7: Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade1. External economies of scale arise when the cost per unitA. rises as the industry grows larger.B. falls as the industry grows larger rises as the average firm grows larger.C. falls as the average firm grows larger.D. remains constant.E. None of the above.2. Internal economies of scale arise when the cost per unitA. rises as the industry grows larger.B. falls as the industry grows larger.C. rises as the average firm grows larger.D. falls as the average firm grows larger.E. None of the above.3. External economies of scaleA. may be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.B. cannot be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.C. tends to result in one huge monopoly.D. tends to result in large profits for each firm.E. None of the above.4. Internal economies of scaleA. may be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.B. cannot be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.C. are associated only with sophisticated products such as aircraft.D. cannot form the basis for international trade .E. None of the above.5. A monopolistic firmA. can sell as much as it wants for any price it determines in the market.B. cannot determine the price, which is determined by consumer demand.C. will never sell a product whose demand is inelastic at the quantity sold.D. cannot sell additional quantity unless it raises the price on each unit.E. None of the above.6. Monopolistic competition is associated withA. cut-throat price competition.B. product differentiation.C. explicit consideration at firm level of the feedback effects of other firms' pricing decisions.D. high profit margins.E. None of the above.7. The most common market structure isA. perfect competition.B. monopolistic competition.C. small-group oligopoly.D. perfectly vertical integration.E. None of the above.8. Modeling trade in monopolistic industries is problematic becauseA. there is no one generally accepted model of oligopoly behavior.B. there are no models of oligopoly behavior.C. it is difficult to find an oligopoly in the real world.D. collusion among oligopolists makes usable data rare.E. None of the above.9. Where there are economies of scale, the scale of production possible in a country is constrained byA. the size of the country.B. the size of the trading partner's country.C. the size of the domestic market.D. the size of the domestic plus the foreign market.E. None of the above.10. Where there are economies of scale, an increase in the size of the market willA. increase the number of firms and raise the price per unit.B. decrease the number of firms and raise the price per unit.C. increase the number of firms and lower the price per unit.D. decrease the number of firms and lower the price per unit.E. None of the above.11. The simultaneous export and import of widgets by the United States is an example ofA. increasing returns to scale.B. imperfect competition.C. intra-industry trade.D. inter-industry trade.E. None of the above.12. If output more than doubles when all inputs are doubled, production is said to occur under conditions ofA. increasing returns to scale.B. imperfect competition.C. intra-industry trade.D. inter-industry trade.E. None of the above.13. Intra-industry trade can be explained in part byA. transportation costs within and between countries.B. problems of data aggregation and categorization.C. increasing returns to scale.D. All of the above.E. None of the above.14. If some industries exhibit internal (firm specific) increasing returns to scale in each country, we should not expect to seeA. intra-industry trade between countries.B. perfect competition in these industries.C. inter-industry trade between countries.D. high levels of specialization in both countries.E. None of the above.15. Intra-industry trade is most common in the trade patterns ofA. developing countries of Asia and Africa.B. industrial countries of Western Europe.C. all countries.D. North-South trade.E. None of the above.16. International trade based on scale economies is likely to be associated withA. Ricardian comparative advantage.B. comparative advantage associated with Heckscher-Ohlin factor-proportions.C. comparative advantage based on quality and service.D. comparative advantage based on diminishing returns.E. None of the above.17. International trade based on external scale economies in both countries is likely to be carried out by aA. relatively large number of price competing firms.B. relatively small number of price competing firms.C. relatively small number of competing oligopolists.D. monopoly firms in each country/industry.E. None of the above.18. International trade based solely on internal scale economies in both countries is likely to be carried out by aA. relatively large number of price competing firms.B. relatively small number of price competing firms.C. relatively small number of competing oligopolists.D. monopoly firms in each country/industry.E. None of the above.19. A monopoly firm engaged in international trade willA. equate average to local costs.B. equate marginal costs with foreign marginal revenues.C. equate marginal costs with the highest price the market will bear.D. equate marginal costs with marginal revenues in both domestic and in foreign markets.E. None of the above.20. A monopoly firm will maximize profits byA. charging the same price in domestic and in foreign markets.B. producing where the marginal revenue is higher in foreign markets.C. producing where the marginal revenue is higher in the domestic market.D. equating the marginal revenues in domestic and foreign markets.E. None of the above.21. A firm in monopolistic competitionA. earns positive monopoly profits because each sells a differentiated product.B. earns positive oligopoly profits because each firm sells a differentiated product.C. earns zero economic profits because it is in perfectly or pure competition.D. earns zero economic profits because of free entry.E. None of the above.22. The larger the number of firms in a monopolistic competition situation,A. the larger are that country's exports.B. the higher is the price charged.C. the fewer varieties are sold.D. the lower is the price charged.E. None of the above.23. The monopolistic competition model is one in which there is/areA. a monopoly.B. perfect competition.C. economies of scale.D. government intervention in the market.E. None of the above.24. In industries in which there are scale economies, the variety of goods that a country can produce is constrained byA. the size of the labor force.B. anti-trust legislationC. the size of the market.D. the fixed cost.25. An industry is characterized by scale economies, and exists in two countries. Should these two countries engage in trade such that the combined market is supplied by one country's industry, thenA. consumers in both countries would suffer higher prices and fewer varieties.B. consumers in the importing country would suffer higher prices and fewer varieties.C. consumers in the exporting country would suffer higher prices and fewer varieties.D. consumers in both countries would enjoy fewer varieties available but lower prices.E. None of the above.26. An industry is characterized by scale economies and exists in two countries. In order for consumers of its products to enjoy both lower prices and more variety of choice,A. each country's marginal cost must equal that of the other country.B. the marginal cost of this industry must equal marginal revenue in the other.C. the monopoly must lower prices in order to sell more.D. the two countries must engage in international trade one with the other.E. None of the above.27. A product is produced in a monopolistically competitive industry with scale economies. If this industry exists in two countries, and these two countries engage in trade one with the other, then we would expectA. the country in which the price of the product is lower will export the product.B. the country with a relative abundance of the factor of production in which production of the product is intensive will export this product.C. each of the countries will export different varieties of the product to the other.D. neither country will export this product since there is no comparative advantage.E. None of the above.28. The reason why one country may export a product which is produced with positive scale economies isA. its labor productivity will tend to be higher.B. it enjoys a relative abundance of the factor intensely used in the product's production.C. its demand is biased in favor of the product.D. its demand is biased against the product.E. None of the above.29. Two countries engaged in trade in products with no scale economies, produced under conditions of perfect competition, are likely to be engaged inA. monopolistic competition.B. inter-industry trade.C. intra-industry trade.D. Heckscher-Ohlin trade.30. Two countries engaged in trade in products with scale economies, produced under conditions of monopolistic competition, are likely to be engaged inA. price competition.B. inter-industry trade.C. intra-industry trade.D. Heckscher-Ohlinean trade.E. None of the above.31. History and accident determine the details of trade involvingA. Ricardian and Classical comparative advantage.B. Heckscher-Ohlin model consideration.C. taste reversals.D. scale economies.E. None of the above.32. We often observe intra-industry North-South trade in "computers and related devices." This is due toA. classification and aggregation ambiguities.B. monopolistic competition.C. specific factors issues.D. scale economies.E. None of the above.33. We often observe "pseudo-intra-industry trade" between the United States and Mexico. Actually, such trade is consistent withA. oligopolistic markets.B. comparative advantage associated with Heckscher-Ohlin model.C. optimal tariff issues.D. huge sucking sound.E. None of the above.34. Intra-industry trade will tend to dominate trade flows when which of the following exists?A. Large differences between relative country factor availabilitiesB. Small differences between relative country factor availabilitiesC. Homogeneous products that cannot be differentiatedD. Constant cost industriesE. None of the above.35. The most common form of price discrimination in international trade isA. non-tariff barriers.B. Voluntary Export Restraints.C. dumping.D. preferential trade arrangements.E. None of the above.Essay Questions1. Why is it that an industry is operating under conditions of domestic internal scale economies (applies to firm in the country) - then the resultant equilibrium cannot be consistent with the pure competition model?2. Is it possible that if positive scale economies characterize an industry, that its equilibrium may be consistent with purely competitive conditions ? Explain how this could happen.3. If a scale economy is the dominant technological factor defining or establishing comparative advantage, then the underlying facts explaining why a particular country dominates world markets in some product may be pure chance, or historical accident. Explain, and compare this with the answer you would give for the Heckscher-Ohlin model of comparative advantage.4. It is possible that trade based on external scale economies may leave a country worse off than it would have been without trade. Explain how this could happen.5. If scale economies were not only external to firms, but were also external to individual countries. That is, the larger the worldwide industry (regardless of where firms or plants are located), the cheaper would be the per-unit cost of production. Describe what world trade would look like in this case.Quantitative/Graphing Problems1. The figure above represents the demand and cost functions facing a Brazilian Steel producing monopolist. If it were unable to export, and was constrained by its domestic market, what quantity would it sell at what price?2. Now the monopolist discovers that it can export as much as it likes of its steel at the world price of $5/ton. It will therefore expand for- export production up to the point where its marginal cost equals $5. How much steel will the monopolist sell, and at what price?3. Given the opportunity to sell at world prices, the marginal (opportunity) cost of selling a ton domestically is what?4. While selling exports it would also maximize its domestic sales by equating its marginal (opportunity) cost to its marginal revenue of $5. How much steel would the firm sell domestically, and at what price?5. The Brazilian firm is charging its foreign (U.S.) customers one half the price it is charging its domestic customers. Is this good or bad for the real income or economic welfare of the United States? Is the Brazilian firm engaged in dumping? Is this predatory behavior on the part of the Brazilian steel company?。
国际经济学期末考试题及答案英语1. 名词解释(每题5分,共20分)- 1.1. 比较优势- 1.2. 贸易壁垒- 1.3. 国际货币体系- 1.4. 汇率2. 简答题(每题10分,共30分)- 2.1. 简述国际经济学中的“赫克歇尔-俄林理论”。
- 2.2. 描述汇率波动对国际贸易的影响。
- 2.3. 解释全球化对发展中国家的利弊。
3. 计算题(每题15分,共30分)- 3.1. 假设一个国家生产两种商品,商品A的劳动生产率是商品B 的两倍。
如果该国生产1单位商品A需要4小时,生产1单位商品B 需要8小时,请计算该国在商品A和商品B上的比较优势。
- 3.2. 某国货币对美元的汇率从1美元兑换5本国货币变为1美元兑换6本国货币。
如果该国的出口商品价格为10本国货币,那么出口商品在国际市场上的价格变化了多少?4. 论述题(每题20分,共40分)- 4.1. 论述世界贸易组织(WTO)在国际经济中的作用及其面临的挑战。
- 4.2. 分析当前全球经济形势下,中国如何通过“一带一路”倡议促进国际贸易和投资。
答案1. 名词解释- 1.1. 比较优势:是指一个国家在生产某种商品时,相对于其他国家拥有较低的机会成本,即使其生产效率不是最高的。
- 1.2. 贸易壁垒:是指国家或地区为了保护本国产业而设置的进口限制措施,如关税、配额、进口许可证等。
- 1.3. 国际货币体系:是指各国货币之间汇率的确定方式及其相关的国际金融安排。
- 1.4. 汇率:是指一种货币兑换成另一种货币的比率。
2. 简答题- 2.1. “赫克歇尔-俄林理论”认为,一个国家会专门生产并出口其拥有相对丰富生产要素(如劳动、资本、土地等)的商品,从而在国际贸易中获得优势。
- 2.2. 汇率波动会影响商品的国际价格,导致进口商品价格上升或下降,进而影响消费者的购买意愿和生产者的生产决策。
- 2.3. 全球化为发展中国家带来了资金、技术和市场的机遇,但同时也带来了文化冲击、环境问题和经济不稳定等挑战。
Part Ⅰ. Fill in the blank with suitable content.1.Seven themes recur throughout the study of international economics. These are the gains from trade , the pattern of trade , protectionism the balance of payments, exchange rate determination, international policy coordination, international capital market.2. Countries engage in international trade for two basic reasons : comparative advantage and economics of scale .3. A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the opportunity cost of producing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries.4. Labor is the only one factor of production. LC a 、LW a and *LC a 、*LW a are the unit laborrequirement in cheese and wine at Home and Foreign, respectively. If aLC/aLW<aLC*/aLW* ,Home has a comparative advantage in cheese. C p /W p is the relative price of cheese, when aLC/aLW< Pc/Pw<aLC*/aLW* Home and Foreign specialize in producing cheese and wine , respectively.5. Labor is the only one factor of production. LC a 、LW a and *LC a 、*LW a are the unit laborrequirement in cheese and wine at Home and Foreign, respectively. L and L*are Home’s andForeign’s labor force. If LC a /LW a <C p /W p <*LC a /*LW a , the world relative supply of cheese equals(L/aLC )/(L*/aLW*) . Home’s gains from indirectly producing wine can be shown as (1/aLC)(Pc/Pw)-1/aLW6. In specific factors model(Q M =Q M (K, L M ); Q F =Q F (T, L F ); L=L M +L F ), if Home produces and trades manufactured goods for food , the overall comparison of the five change rate of goods price andfactor price MP ˆ、F P ˆ、K r ˆ、T r ˆ、W ˆinside Home is T F M K r P W P r ∧∧∧∧∧〉〉〉〉 . That is, the real↑↑M .7. There are two main reasons why international trade has strong effects on the distribution ofincome. First, resources can ’t move immediately or costlessly form one industry to another Second Industries differ in the factors of production they demand.8. In the Heckscher-Ohlin model,Comparative advantage is influenced by the interaction betweenrelative abundance and relative intensity9.According to stolper-sammelson effect if the relative price of a good rises, the real income of the factor which intensively used in that good will rise, while the real income of the other factor will fall.10.According to 罗布津斯基效应 Rybczynski effect , at unchanged relative goods price, if the supply of a factor of production increases, the output of the good that are intensive in that factor will rise, while the output of the other good will fall.11.According to H-O 模型H-O proposition , owners of a country’s abundant factors gain from trade, but owners of a country’s scare factors lose.12.According to 要素价格均等化命题 Factor price equalization proposition , international trade produces a convergence (收敛) of relative goods prices. This convergence, in turns, causes the convergence of the relative factor prices. Trade leads to complete equalization of factor prices.(完整的要素价格均等化)13. Three assumptions (假设) crucial to the prediction of factor price equalization are in reality untrue. These assumptions are (1) 两个国家都生产两种产品 both countries produce both goods (2) 两国技术相同 technologies are the same (3) 存在贸易壁垒:天然壁垒和人为壁垒There are barriers to trade: natural barriers and artificial barriers .14.“U.S. exports were less capit al-intensive than U.S. imports” is known as 里昂惕夫悖论 Leontiefparadox .15.The Ricardian Model , the Specific Factor model and the H-O model may be viewed as special cases (特殊情况) of 标准贸易模型 standard trade models16.The standard trade model derives (派生 推导) a world relative supply curve (曲线) from production possibilities and a world relative demand curve from preferences .17.To export-biased growth, if the decline (下降) of the welfare caused by the deterioration (恶化) of the terms of trade swap over (交换) the rise of the welfare caused by growth, the growth is immiserizing growth (贫困化增长).18. Some economists argued that export-biased growth by poor nations would worsen their term of trade so much that they would be worse off than if they had not grown at all. This situation is known as immiserizing growth (贫困化增长) .19.Immiserizing growth demands strict conditions, these conditions are economic growth is strongly export-biased , the growing country is large enough to affect the world price , RS and RD must be very steep .20.According to “ 梅茨勒悖论Metzle paradox ”, t ariffs and export subsidies (补贴) might have perverse (有害的) effects on internal price.21.In the model of “Monopolistic (垄断) Competition and Trade”, firms of an individual nation face the trade-off between economies of scale and variety of products .22. Marshall argued that there were three main reasons why a cluster of firms (企业集群)may be more efficient than an individual firm in isolation: specialized supplies , labor market pooling , knowledge spillovers (知识溢出)23.The pattern of intraindustry (产业内) trade itself is unpredicted, history and accident determine the details of the trade pattern. 39. When there is external economies (外部经济), the pattern of international trade is determined by economics of scale interact with comparative advantage .24. The indexes (指标)of intrainindustry trade of a industry can be calculated by the standard formula:25. Interindustry trade and intrainindustry (产业内) trade are the sources of gains from trade . When countries are similar in their relative factor supplies 、scale economies and product differentiations are important , intrainindustry trade is the dominant source (主要来源) of gains from trade, everyone gains from trade.26.The argument of temporary (暂时的) protection of industries to enable them to gain experience is known as 幼稚产业论the infant industry argument27. If we add together the gains and losses from a tariff, We find the net effect on nationalwelfare can be separated into two parts: terms of trade gain and efficiency loss 28.Why do countries adopt trade policies such as tariff or import quota, which produce more costs than benefits?—— trade politics 29.In the political economy of trade policy (贸易政策的政治经济学) , government are assumed to (被假定为)maximize 政治成功political success rather than 国家福利 national welfare . 30.Deviations from free trade can sometimes increase national welfare. These arguments include the term of trade argument for a tariff and the domestic market failure argument31.According to “Specific rule (对症规则) ”, domestic market failure should be corrected by domestic policies aimed directly at the problem’s sources.32. Although market failures are probably common, the domestic market failure argument against free trade should not be applied too freely.First domestic market failure should be corrected by domestic policies aimed directly at the problems ’ sources ;Second economists cannot diagnose marketexp 1exp orts importsI orts imports -=-+failure well enough to prescribe policy.33. International trade often produces losers as well as winners. In the actual politics of trade policy, income distribution is of crucial importance. 集体行动问题The problem of collective action can explain why policies that not only seem to produce more costs than benefits but that also seem to hurt far more voters them they can help can nonetheless be adopted.34.The WTO includes four aspects content: GATT 1994,GATS,TRIPS , TRIMS35.“Nondiscriminatory” principles (非歧视性原则)include most favored nation principle and national treatment principle36.For preferential(优惠)trading agreements, such as customs union , countries must cede part of their sovereignty to supranational entity(必须放弃部分主权的超国家实体)37.Whether a customs union(关税同盟)is desirable(可取)or undesirable depends on whetherindustrialization and coping with the problems of the dual economy. Correspondingly, there are two main arguments for developing countries to pursue policy of import-substituting industrialization. The two arguments are the infant industry argument t and market failure justification for infant industry protection.40. Sophisticated proponents of the infant industry argument have identified two market failures as reasons why infant industry protection may be a good idea:The imperfect capital markets justification and The appropriability argument .PartⅡ. True or False (true and false are denoted by “T” and “F”, respectively)1. If a LW*/a L C*<a LW/a L C, Home’s relat ive productivity in cheese is higher. (T )2. According to the Ricardian model, it is precisely because the relative wage is between the relative productivities that each country ends up with a cost advantage in one good.The good for which *Li a/Li a>w/*w will be produced in Foreign. ( F )3. It is precisely because the relative wage is between the relative productivities that each country ends up with a cost advantage in one good. ( T )4.Long-run convergence(长期收敛) in productivity(生产力)produces long-run convergence inwages. ( T )5. “Korean workers earn only $2.50 an hour; if we allow Korea to export as much as it likes to the United States, our workers will be forced down to the same level. You can’t import a $5 shirt without importing the $2.50 wage that goes with it.” (F )6.The proposition that trade is beneficial is unqualified(不合格). That is, there is no requirement that a country be “competitive” or that the trade be “fair”. ( T)7. Free trade is beneficial only if your country is strong enough to stand up to foreign competition.( F )8. Foreign competition is unfair and hurts other countries when it is based on low wages. (F)9. Trade exploits a country and make it worse off if its workers receive much lower wage than workers in other nations. (F )10.The Ricardian Model predicts an extreme degree(预测一个极端的程度) of specialization(专业化). ( T )11.The Ricardian Model neglects(忽略) the effects on income distribution. (T )12. The basic prediction of the Ricardian model has been strongly confirmed by a number of studies over years. ( T )13. The Ricardian Model predicts that countries tend to export those goods in which their productivity is relative high. ( T )14. We can think of factor specificity as a matter of time. ( T )15.The opportunity cost of manufacture in terms of food is denoted by(表示) MPL M /MPL F. ( F )16.A equal proportional change in price have no real effects on the real wage, real income of capital owner and land owner. ( T )17. Trade benefits the factor that is specific to the import-competing sectors of each country but hurts the factor to the export sectors, with ambiguous effects on mobile factors. ( F )18.It is possible in principle for a country’s government to use taxes and subsidies(补贴) to redistribute(重新分配)income to give each individual more of both goods. ( T )19. Although international trade has strong effects on income distribution, there are still possible in principle to make each individual better off. ( T )20. Typically, those who gain from trade in any particular product are a much more concentrated, informed, and organized group than those who lose. ( F )21. Conflicts of interest(利益冲突) within nations are usually more important in determining trade policy than conflicts of interest between nations. ( T )22. Generally, economists do not regard the income distribution effects of trade as a good reason to limit trade. ( T )23.The formulation of trade policy(贸易政策的制定) is a kind of political process(政治进程). ( T )24. “The world’s poorest countries can’t find anything to export. There is no resource that i s abundant—certainly not capital or land, and in small poor nations not even labor is abundant.” ( F )25. Wage inequality in U.S. increased between the late 1970s and the early 1990s, economists attribute the change to the growing exports of manufactured goods from NIEs. ( T )26. If the factor-proportion theory was right, a country would always export factors for which the income share exceeded the factor share, import factors for which it was less. ( F )27.The H-O model can predict not only the direction but the volume of trade(贸易量). ( T )28.Factor trade in general turns out to be much smaller than the H-O model predicts. ( T )29. According to an influential recent paper, the H-O model can predict not only the direction but the volume of trade. Factor trade in general turn out to be t he same a s the H-O model predicts. ( F )30. Only by dropping the Heckscher-Ohlin assumption that technologies are the same across the countries can the overall pattern of international trade be well predicted by the H-O model.( T )31.If a country want to maximize its national welfare, the consumption point is where the highest isovalue line is tangent to the highest reachable indifference curve. ( T )32.A rise in the terms of trade increases a country’s welfare, while a decline in the terms of trade reduces its welfare. ( T )33.Export-biased growth tends to improve the growing country’s terms of trade at the rest of the world’s expense.( F )34.If the two countries allocate(分配) their change in spending in the same proportions, there will not be a terms of trade effect. ( T )35. If the country receiving a transfer spends a higher proportion of an increase income on its export good than the giver, a transfer raises world relative demand for the recipient’s export good and thus improve its terms of trade. ( T )36.A transfer worsens the donor’s terms of trade if the donor has a higher mariginal propensity to spend on its export good than the recipient(受体). ( T )37.A transfer improves the donor’s terms of trade, worsens recipient’s terms of tra de. ( F )38.A transfer of income——say foreign aid——could conceivably leave the recipient worse off. ( T )39.A tariff improves Home’s terms of trade and worsens Foreign’s, while a Home export subsidy worsens Home’s terms of trade and improve Foreign’s.( T )40. Where there is economies of scale, there is imperfectly competitive market structure. ( F )41.If intraindustry trade is the dominant source of gains from trade, everyone gains from trade. ( T )42.Effect on the distribution of income within countries often weight more heavily on policy than terms of trade concerns. ( T )43.The usual market structure in industries characterized by internal economies of scale is monopolistic competition. ( F )44.Today, antidumping(反倾销) may be a device of protectionism. ( T )45.Reciprocal(相互) dumping tends to increase the volume of trade in goods that are quite identical(一致). ( F )46.It is possible that reciprocal dumping increase national welfare. ( T )47.Strong external(外部) economies te nd to “locked in” the existing patterns of interindustry trade, even if the patterns are run counter to(背道而驰) comparative advantage. ( T )48.A trading country can conceivably lose from trade is potentially justify protectionism. ( T )49.Like static external economies, dynamic external economies can lock in an initial advantage in an industry. ( T )50.The stratigic trade policy is related to the model of “Monopolistic competition, differentiate product s and intraindustry trade”. ( F )51.The model “Oligopoly, homogeneous products and intraindustry trade” is first developed by Krugman and Helpman . ( F )52.Trade in factors is very much like trade in goods, it occurs for much the same reasons and produces similar results. ( T )53.Trade in factors is an alternative(替代) to trade in goods for the allocation of resources. ( T )54.Wh en a country borrows, it’s intertemporal PPF is biased toward Q P.( F )55.The relative price of future consumption goods Q P is (1+r). ( T )56.The dynamic path of TNC s’ enter foreign market:FDI→Export→Licence. (F )57.Tariffs may have very different effects on different stages of production of a good. ( T )58.Nominal(名义)tariff reflects the effective rate of protection(有效保护率). (F)59.The costs and benefits analysis of a tariff is correct if only the direct gains to producers and consumers in a given market accurately measure the social gains. ( T )60.The costs and benefits analysis of a tariff is correct if only a dollar’s worth of benefits to each group is the same. ( T )61.A VER is exactly like an import quota which the license are assigned to foreign government. ( T )62.VER S are much more costly than tariffs. ( T )63.Local content laws have been widely used by developing countries trying to shift their manufacturing from assembly back into intermediate goods. ( T )64. A political argument for free trade reflects the fact that a political commitment to free trade may be a good idea in practice even though there may be better policies in principle. ( T )65.Deviations from free trade can sometimes increase national welfare. (T )66.For a sufficiently small tariff the terms of trade gain of small country must outweigh theefficiency loss.( F )67.The domestic market failure argument against free trade is intellectually impeccable but of doubtful usefulness. (F )68. “U.S. farm exports don’t just mean hi gher incomes for farmers — they mean higher income for everyone who sell goods and services to the U.S. farm sector”. This remark is a potential validargument for export subsidy. ( T )69.Most deviations from free trade are adopted not because their benefit exceed their costs but because the public fails to understand their true costs. ( T )70.If there is marginal social costs rather than marginal social benefits, domestic market failure reinforce the case for free trade. ( T )71.The electoral competition model believes political competition will drive both parties to propose tariffs close to t M, the tariff preferred by the medium voter. ( T )72.The problem of collective action can best be overcome when a group is large and/or well organized. (F )73.Trade policy that produce more costs than benefits, hurt more consumers than producers can’t be adopted.( F )74. As a violation of the MFN(“most favored nation”) principle, the WTO forbids preferent ial trading agreements in general, but allows them if they lead to free trade between the agreeing countries. ( T )75.The infant industry argument violates (违背)the principle of comparative advantage ( T )76.Import substituting industrialization(进口替代工业化) violates the principle of comparativeadvantage.( T )77. “Import quotas on capital-intensive industrial goods and subsidies for the import of capital equipment were meant to create manufacturing jobs in many developing countries. Unfortunately, they have probably helped create the urban unemployment problem.” ( T ) 78.The East Asian Miracle proved that industrialization and development must be based on import substitution. ( F )79.It is impossible for country to make itself worse off by joining accustoms union(联盟). ( F ) PartⅢ. Choose the ONLY one collect answer in each question.1. An important insight(启示)of international trade theory is that when countries exchange goods and services one with the other itA.is always beneficial to both countries.B.is usually beneficial to both countries.C.is typically beneficial only to the low wage trade partner country .D.is typically harmful to the technologically lagging country.E.tends to create unemployment in both countries.2. If there are large disparities(差距)in wage levels between countries, thenA. trade is likely to be harmful to both countries.B. trade is likely to be harmful to the country with the high wages.C. trade is likely to be harmful to the country with the low wages.D. trade is likely to be harmful to neither country.E. trade is likely to have no effect on either country.3.Cost-benefit analysis of international trade (成本收益分析)A.is basically useless.B.is empirically intractable.C.focuses attention on conflicts of interest within countries.D.focuses attention on conflicts of interests between countries.E.None of the above.4. A primary reason why nations conduct international trade is because of differences inA.historical perspective.B.location.C.resource availabilities.D.tastes.E.incomes.5. Arguments for free trade are sometimes disregarded(忽视)by the political process becauseA.economists tend to favor highly protected domestic markets.B.economists have a universally accepteddecisive power over the political decision mechanism.C.maximizing consumer welfare may not be a chief priority(优先)for politicians. 扩大消费者福利不是最主要的D.the gains of trade are of paramount concern to typical consumers.E.None of the above.6.Proponents(支持)of free trade claim all of the following as advantages except__A. relatively high wage levels for all domestic workers.B. a wider selection of products for consumersC. increased competition for world producers.D. the utilization of the most efficient production processes.E. None of the above.In order to know whether a country has a comparative advantage in the production of one particular product we need information on at least ____unit labor requirementsA.oneB.twoC.threeD fourE five7. A country engaging in trade according to the principles of comparative advantage gains from trade because itD.is producing exports indirectly more efficiently than it could alternatively.E.is producing imports indirectly more efficiently than it could domestically.F.is producing exports using fewer labor units.G.is producing imports indirectly using fewer labor units.H.None of the above.8. A nation engaging in trade according to the Ricardian model will find its consumption bundle(消费约束)A.inside its production possibilities frontier.B.on its production possibilities frontier.C.outside its production possibilities frontier(生产可能性边界).D.inside its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.E.on its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.9.If a very small country trades with a very large country according to the Ricardian model, thenA.the small country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.B.the large country will suffer a decrease in economic welfare.C.the small country will enjoy gains from trade.D.the large country will enjoy gains from trade.E.None of the above.10.If the world terms of trade for a country are somewhere between the domestic cost ratio of H and that of F, thenA.country H but not country F will gain from trade.B.country H and country F will both gain from trade.C.neither country H nor F will gain from trade.D.only the country whose government subsidizes its exports will gain.E.None of the above.11.If a production possibilities frontier is bowed out (concave to the origin) )(上凸,凹面向原点), then production occurs under conditions ofA.constant opportunity costs.B.increasing opportunity costs.C.decreasing opportunity costs.D.infinite opportunity costs.E.None of the above.12.If two countries have identical production possibility frontiers, then trade between them is not likely ifA.their supply curves are identical.B.their cost functions are identical.C.their demand conditions identical.D.their incomes are identical.E.None of the above.13.Assume that labor is the only factor of production and that wages in the United States equal $20 per hour while wages in Japan are $10 per hour. Production costs would be lower in the United States as compared to Japan ifA.U.S. labor productivity equaled 40units per hour and Japan's 15 units per hour.B.U.S. productivity equaled 30 units per hour whereas Japan's was 20.C.U.S. labor productivity equaled 20 and Japan's 30.D.U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 and Japan's 25 units per hour.E.None of the above.14.International trade has strong effects on income distributions. Therefore, international tradeA.is beneficial to everyone in both trading countries.B.will tend to hurt one trading country.C.will tend to hurt some groups in each trading country.D.will tend to hurt everyone in both countries.E.will be beneficial to all those engaged in international trade.15.If the price of the capital intensive product rises, wages willA.rise but by less than the price of the capital-intensive product.(工资刚性,变动较慢)B.rise by more than the rise in the price of the capital-intensive product.C.remain proportionally equal to the price of the capital-intensive product.D.fall, since higher prices cause less demand.E.None of the above.16.If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries,A.the real income of capital owners in Australia would rise.B.the real income of labor in Australia would clearly rise.C.the real income of labor in Belgium would clearly rise.D.the real income of landowners in Belgium would fall. 贸易知识使一国丰富要素部门得利,稀缺要素部门受损)E.the real incomes of capital owners in both countries would rise.17.If the price of manufactures and the price of food increase by 25%, then A.the economy moves down its aggregate supply curve.B.the economy moves back along its aggregate demand curve.C.the relative quantities(相对数量)of manufactures and food remain unchanged.D.the relative quantities of products change by 25%.E.None of the above.18.If the price of manufactures rises, thenA.the price of food also rises.B.the quantity of food produced falls.C.the quantity of both manufactures and food falls.D.the purchasing power of labor in terms of food falls.E.None of the above.18.Groups that lose from trade tend to lobby(游说)the government to(贸易失利者游说政府)A.shift the direction of comparative advantage.B.abolish the Specific Factor model from practical application.C.provide public support for the relatively efficient sectors.D.provide protection for the relatively inefficient sectors.E.None of the above.19.The specific factor model argues that if land can be used both for food production and for manufacturing, then a quota that protects food production willA.clearly help landowners.B.clearly hurt landowners.C.clearly help manufacture but hurt food production.D.have an ambiguous effect on the welfare of landowners.E.None of the above.20.If, relative to its trade partners, Gambinia has many workers but very little land and even less productive capital, then, following the specific factor model, we know that Gambinia has a comparative advantage inA.manufactures.B.food.C.both manufactures and food.D.neither manufactures nor food.E.None of the above.21.In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, an influx of workers from across the border would(劳动者越过国境流入)A.move the point of production along the production possibility curve.B.shift the production possibility curve outward, and increase the production of both goods.C.shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the labor-intensive product.D.shift the production possibility curve量下降,扩展了生产可能性曲线,相当于扩展了消费的总量)E.None of the above.22.The 1987 study by Bowen, Leamer and SveikauskasA.supported the validity of the Leontieff Paradox.B.supported the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.ed a two-country and two-product framework.D.demonstrated that in fact countries tend to use different technologies.E.proved that the U.S.'s comparative advantage relied on skilled labor.23.The Case of the Missing Trade refers toA.the 9th volume of the Hardy Boys' Mystery series.B.the fact that world exports does not equal world imports.C.the fact that factor trade is less than predicted by the Heckscher-Ohlin theory.D.the fact that the Heckscher Ohlin theory predicts much less volume of trade than actually exists.E.None of the above.24.One way in which the Heckscher-Ohlin model differs from the Ricardo model of comparative advantage is by assuming that _技术相同__ is (are) identical in all countries.A.factor of production endowmentsB.scale economiesC.factor of production intensitiesD.technologyE.opportunity costs25.As opposed to the Ricardian model of comparative advantage, the assumption of diminishing returns in the Heckscher-Ohlin model means that the probability is greater that with tradeA.countries will not be fully specialized (专业化)in one product.B.countries will benefit from free international trade.C.countries will consume outside their production possibility frontier.parative advantage is primarily supply related.E.None of the above.26.Suppose that there are two factors, capital and land, and that the United States is relatively land endowed while the European Union is relatively capital-endowed. According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model,A.European landowners should support US-European free trade.B.European capitalists should support US-European free trade.C.all capitalists in both countries should support free trade.D.all landowners should support free trade.E.None of the above.27.According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model, if the United State s is richly endowed in human-capital relative to Mexico, then as NAFTA increasingly leads to more bilateral free trade between the two countries,A.the United States will find its industrial base sucked into Mexico.B.Mexico will find its relatively highly skilled workers drawn to the United States.C.The wages of highly skilled U.S. workers will be drawn down to Mexican levels.D.The wages of highly skilled Mexican workers will rise to those in the United States.E.The wages of highly skilled Mexican workers will fall to those in the United States. (墨西哥高技术工人工资降低到美国同水平)28.If two countries were very different in their relative factor availabilities(相对要素丰。
《国际经济学》选择题汇总版(附答案)Ch1-Ch31.The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries becauseA) the United States is a relatively large country with diverse resources.B) the United States is a “Superpower.”C)the military power of the United States makes it less dependent on anything.D) the United States invests in many other countries.E) many countries invest in the United States.2. Because the Constitution forbids restraints on interstate trade,A) the U.S. may not impose tariffs on imports from NAFTA countries.B) the U.S. may not affect the international value of the $ U.S.C) the U.S. may not put restraints on foreign investments in California if it involves a financial intermediary in New York State.D) the U.S. may not impose export duties.E) the U.S. may not disrupt commerce between Florida and Hawaii.3. International economics can be divided into two broad sub-fieldsA) macro and micro.B) developed and less developed.C) monetary and barter.D) international trade and international money.E) static and dynamic.4. International monetary analysis focuses onA) the real side of the international economy.B) the international trade side of the international economy.C) the international investment side of the international economy.D) the issues of international cooperation between Central Banks.E) the monetary side of the international economy, such as currency exchange.5. The gravity model offers a logical explanation for the fact thatA)trade between Asia and the U.S. has grown faster than NAFTA trade.B) trade in services has grown faster than trade in goods.C) trade in manufactures has grown faster than in agricultural products.D) Intra-European Union trade exceeds international trade by the European Union.E) the U.S. trades more with Western Europe than it does with Canada.6. The gravity model explains whyA)trade between Sweden and Germany exceeds that between Sweden and Spain.B)countries with oil reserves tend to export oil.C)capital rich countries export capital intensive products.D) intra-industry trade is relatively more important than other forms of trade between neighboringcountries.E) European countries rely most often on natural resources.7. Why does the gravity model work?A) Large economies became large because they were engaged in international trade.B) Large economies have relatively large incomes, and hence spend more on government promotion of trade and investment.C) Large economies have relatively larger areas which raises the probability that a productive activity will take place within the borders of that country.D) Large economies tend to have large incomes and tend to spend more on imports.E) Large economies tend to avoid trading with small economies.8. We see that the Netherlands, Belgium, and Ireland trade considerably more with the United States than with many other countries.A) This is explained by the gravity model, since these are all large countries.B) This is explained by the gravity model, since these are all small countries.C) This fails to be consistent with the gravity model, since these are small countries.D)This fails to be consistent with the gravity model, since these are large countries.E)This is explained by the gravity model, since they do not share borders.9. In the present, most of the exports from China areA) manufactured goods.B) services.C)primary products including agricultural.D) technology intensive products.E) overpriced by world market standards.10. A country engaging in trade according to the principles of comparative advantage gains from trade because itA) is producing exports indirectly more efficiently than it could alternatively.B) is producing imports indirectly more efficiently than it could domestically.C) is producing exports using fewer labor units.D) is producing imports indirectly using fewer labor units.E) is producing exports while outsourcing services.11. The Ricardian model attributes the gains from trade associated with the principle of comparative advantage result toA) differences in technology.B) differences in preferences.C)differences in labor productivity.D) differences in resources.E) gravity relationships among countries.12. A nation engaging in trade according to the Ricardian model will find its consumption bundleA) inside its production possibilities frontier.B)on its production possibilities frontier.C)outside its production possibilities frontier.D) inside its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.E)on its trade-partner's production possibilities frontier.13. Assume that labor is the only factor of production and that wages in the United States equal $20 per hour while wages in Japan are $10 per hour. Production costs would be lower in the United States as compared to Japan ifA) U.S. labor productivity equaled 40 units per hour and Japan's 15 units per hour.B) U.S. labor productivity equaled 30 units per hour and Japan's 20 units per hour.C) U.S. labor productivity equaled 20 units per hour and Japan's 30 units per hour.D) U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 units per hour and Japan's 25 units per hour.E) U.S. labor productivity equaled 15 units per hour and Japan's 40 units per hour.14. In a two-country, two-product world, the statement “Germany enjoys a comparative advantage over France in autos relative to ships”is equivalent toA) France having a comparative advantage over Germany in ships.B) France having a comparative disadvantage compared to Germany in autos and ships.C) Germany having a comparative advantage over France in autos and ships.D) France having no comparative advantage over Germany.E) France should produce autos.15. If the United States' production possibility frontier was flatter to the widget axis, whereas Germany's was flatter to the butter axis, we know thatA) the United States has no comparative advantageB) Germany has a comparative advantage in butter.C) the U.S. has a comparative advantage in butter.D) Germany has comparative advantages in both products.E) the U.S. has a comparative disadvantage in widgets.Ch4-Ch51.The Ricardian model of international trade demonstrates that trade can be mutually beneficial. Why, then, do governments restrict imports of some goods?A)Trade can have substantial effects on a country's distribution of income.B) The Ricardian model is often incorrect in its prediction that trade can be mutually beneficial.C) Import restrictions are the result of trade wars between hostile countries.D) Imports are only restricted when foreign-made goods do not meet domestic standards of quality.E) Restrictions on imports are intended to benefit domestic consumers.2. Japan's trade policies with regard to rice reflect the fact thatA) japanese rice farmers have significant political power.B) Japan has a comparative advantage in rice production and therefore exports most of its rice crop.C) there would be no gains from trade available to Japan if it engaged in free trade in rice.D) there are gains from trade that Japan captures by engaging in free trade in rice.E) Japan imports most of the rice consumed in the country.3. In the specific factors model, which of the following is treated as a specific factor?A)LaborB) LandC) ClothD) FoodE) Technology4. The specific factors model assumes that there are ________ goods and ________ factor(s) of production.A) two; threeB) two; twoC) two; oneD) three; twoE) four; three5. The slope of a country's production possibility frontier with cloth measured on the horizontal and food measured on the vertical axis in the specific factors model is equal to________ and it ________ as more cloth is produced.A) -MPLF/MPLC; becomes steeperB) -MPLF/MPLC; becomes flatterC) -MPLF/MPLC; is constantD) -MPLC/MPLF; becomes steeperE) -MPLC/MPLF; is constant6. Under perfect competition, the equilibrium price of labor used to produce cloth will be equal toA)the slope of the production possibility frontier.B) the average product of labor in the production of cloth times the price of cloth.C) the ratio of the marginal product of labor in the production of cloth to the marginal product of labor in the production of food times the ratio of the price of cloth. to the price of food.D) the marginal product of labor in the production of cloth times the price of cloth.E) the price of cloth divided by the marginal product of labor in the production of cloth.7. In the specific factors model, which of the following will increase the quantity of labor used in cloth production?A)an increase in the price of cloth relative to that of foodB) an increase in the price of food relative to that of clothC) a decrease in the price of laborD) an equal percentage decrease in the price of food and clothE) an equal percentage increase in the price of food and cloth8. A country that does not engage in trade can benefit from trade only ifA)it has an absolute advantage in at least one good.B) it employs a unique technology.C) pre-trade and free-trade relative prices are not identical.D) its wage rate is below the world average.E) pre-trade and free-trade relative prices are identical.9. In the specific factors model, the effects of trade on welfare are ________ for mobile factors, ________ for fixed factors used to produce the exported good, and ________ for fixed factors used to produce the imported good.A)ambiguous; positive; negativeB) ambiguous; negative; positiveC) positive; ambiguous; ambiguousD) negative; ambiguous; ambiguousE) positive; positive; positive10.The effect of trade on specialized employees of import-competing industries will be ________ jobs and ________ pay because they are relatively ________.A)fewer; lower; mobileB) fewer; lower; immobileC) more; lower; immobileD) more; higher; mobileE) more; higher; immobile11. There is a bias in the political process against free trade becauseA)there is a high correlation between the volume of imports and the unemployment rate.B) the gains from free trade cannot be measured.C) those who gain from free trade can't compensate those who lose.D) foreign governments make large donations to U.S. political campaigns.E) those who lose from free trade are better organized than those who gain.12.In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the two countries differ inA)tastes and preferences.B) military capabilities.C) the size of their economies.D) relative abundance of factors of production.E) labor productivities.13. If a country produces good Y (measured on the vertical axis) and good X (measured on the horizontal axis), then the absolute value of the slope of its production possibility frontier is equal toA)the opportunity cost of good X.B) the price of good X divided by the price of good Y.C) the price of good X divided by the price of good Y.D) the opportunity cost of good Y.E) the cost of capital (assuming that good Y is capital intensive) divided by the cost of labor.14. In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, trade will ________ the owners of a country's ________ factor and will ________ the good that uses that factor intensively.A)benefit; abundant; exportB)harm; abundant; importC) benefit; scarce; exportD) benefit; scarce; importE) harm; scarce; export15. The assumption of diminishing returns in the Heckscher-Ohlin model means that, unlike in the Ricardian model, it is likely thatA) countries will consume outside their production possibility frontier.B) countries will benefit from free international trade.C) countries will not be fully specialized in one product.D) comparative advantage will not determine the direction of trade.E) global production will decrease under trade.16.If Japan is relatively capital rich and the United States is relatively land rich, and if food is relatively land intensive then trade between these two, formerly autarkic countries will result inA)an increase in the relative price of food in the U.S.B) an increase in the relative price of food in Japan.C) a global increase in the relative price of food.D) a decrease in the relative price of food in both countries.E) an increase in the relative price of food in both countries.17. Starting from an autarky (no-trade) situation with Heckscher-Ohlin model, if Country H is relatively labor abundant, then once trade beginsA) rent will be unchanged but wages will rise in H.B) wages and rents should rise in H.C) wages and rents should fall in H.D) wages should fall and rents should rise in H.E) wages should rise and rents should fall in H.18.The Leontieff ParadoxA) failed to support the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.B) supported the validity of the Ricardian theory of comparative advantage.C) supported the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.D) failed to support the validity of the Ricardian theory.E) proved that the U.S. economy is different from all others.19. Which of the following is an assertion of the Heckscher-Ohlin model?A) Factor price equalization will occur only if there is costless mobility of all factors across borders.B) An increase in a country's labor supply will increase production of both the capital-intensive and the labor-intensive good.C) In the long-run, labor is mobile and capital is not.D) The wage-rental ratio determines the capital-labor ratio in a country's industries.E) Factor endowments determine the technology that is available to a country, which determines the good in which the country will have a comparative advantage.20. Which of the following is an assertion of the Heckscher-Ohlin model?A) An increase in a country's labor supply will increase production of the labor-intensive good and decrease production of the capital-intensive good.B) An increase in a country's labor supply will increase production of both the capital-intensive and the labor-intensive good.C) In the long-run, labor is mobile and capital is not.D) Factor price equalization will occur only if there is costless mobility of all factors across borders.E) Factor endowments determine the technology that is available to a country, which determines the good in which the country will have a comparative advantage.Ch6-Ch101.If the ratio of price of cloth (PC) divided by the price of food (PF) increases in the international marketplace, thenA) the terms of trade of cloth exporters will improve.B) all countries would be better off.C) the terms of trade of food exporters will improve.D) the terms of trade of all countries will improve.E) the terms of trade of cloth exporters will worsen.2.If the ratio of price of cloth (PC) divided by the price of food (PF) increases in the international marketplace, thenA) world relative quantity of cloth supplied will increase.B) world relative quantity of cloth supplied and demanded will increase.C) world relative quantity of cloth supplied and demanded will decrease.D) world relative quantity of cloth demanded will decrease.E) world relative quantity of food will increase.3.If the U.S. (a large country) imposes a tariff on its imported good, this will tend toA) have no effect on terms of trade.B) improve the terms of trade of the United States.C) improve the terms of trade of all countries.D) because a deterioration of U.S. terms of trade.E) raise the world price of the good imported by the United States.4.If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it instituted a large set of subsidies for its exports, this mustA) decrease its marginal propensity to consume.B) have no effect on its terms of trade.C) improve its terms of trade.D) harm its terms of trade.E) harm world terms of trade.5.Internal economies of scale arise when the cost per unitA) falls as the average firm grows larger.B) rises as the industry grows larger.C) falls as the industry grows larger.D) rises as the average firm grows larger.E) remains constant over a broad range of output.6. External economies of scale will ________ average cost when output is ________ by________.A) reduce; increased; the industryB) reduce; increased; a firmC) increase; increased; a firmD) increase; increased; the industryE) reduce; reduce; the industry7. If some industries exhibit internal increasing returns to scale in each country, we should not expect to seeA) perfect competition in these industries.B) intra-industry trade between countries.C) inter-industry trade between countries.D) high levels of specialization in both countries.E) increased productivity in both countries.8. A learning curve relates ________ to ________ and is a case of ________ returns.A) unit cost; cumulative production; dynamic decreasing returnsB) output per time period; long-run marginal cost; dynamic increasing returnsC) unit cost; cumulative production; dynamic increasing returnsD) output per time period; long-run marginal cost; dynamic decreasing returnsE) labor productivity; education; increasing marginal returns9.Patterns of interregional trade are primarily determined by ________ rather than ________ because factors of production are generally ________.A) external economies; natural resources; mobileB) internal economies; external economies; mobileC) external economies; population; immobileD) internal economies; population; immobileE) population; external economies; immobile10. Monopolistic competition is associated withA) product differentiation.B) price-taking behavior.C) explicit consideration at the firm level of the strategic impact of other firms' pricing decisions.D) high profit margins in the long run.E) increasing returns to scale.11. A firm in long-run equilibrium under monopolistic competition will earnA) positive monopoly profits because each sells a differentiated product.B) zero economic profits because of free entryC) positive oligopoly profits because each firm sells a differentiated product.D) negative economic profits because it has economies of scale.E) positive economic profit if it engages in international trade.12. The most common form of price discrimination in international trade isA) dumping.B) non-tariff barriers.C) Voluntary Export Restraints.D) preferential trade arrangements.E) product boycotts.13.Consider the following two cases. In the first, a U.S. firm purchases 18% of a foreign firm. In the second, a U.S. firm builds a new production facility in a foreign country. Both are________, with the first referred to as ________ and the second as ________.A) foreign direct investment (FDI) outflows; brownfield; greenfieldB) foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows; greenfield; brownfieldC) foreign direct investment (FDI) outflows; greenfield; brownfieldD) foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows; brownfield; greenfieldE) foreign direct investment (FDI); inflows; outflows14. Specific tariffs areA) import taxes stated in specific legal statutes.B) import taxes calculated as a fixed charge for each unit of imported goods.C) import taxes calculated as a fraction of the value of the imported goods.D) the same as import quotas.E) import taxes calculated based solely on the origin country.15. A problem encountered when implementing an "infant industry" tariff is thatA) domestic consumers will purchase the foreign good regardless of the tariff.B) the industry may never "mature."C) most industries require tariff protection when they are mature.D) the tariff may hurt the industry's domestic sales.E) the tariffs fail to protect the domestic producers.16. In the country levying the tariff, the tariff willA) increase both consumer and producer surplus.B) decrease both the consumer and producer surplus.C) decrease consumer surplus and increase producer surplus.D) increase consumer surplus and decrease producer surplus.E) decrease consumer surplus but leave producers surplus unchanged.17. If the tariff on computers is not changed, but domestic computer producers shift from domestically produced semiconductors to imported components, then the effective rate of protection in the computer industry willA) increase.B) decreaseC) remain the same.D) depend on whether computers are PCs or "Supercomputers."E) no longer apply.18. When a government allows raw materials and other intermediate products to enter a country duty free, this generally results in a(an)A) effective tariff rate less than the nominal tariff rate.B) nominal tariff rate less than the effective tariff rate.C) rise in both nominal and effective tariff rates.D) fall in both nominal and effective tariff rates.E) rise in only the effective tariff rate.19. Should the home country be "large" relative to its trade partners, its imposition of a tariff on imports would lead to an increase in domestic welfare if the terms of the trade rectangle exceed the sum of theA) revenue effect plus redistribution effect.B) protective effect plus revenue effect.C) consumption effect plus redistribution effect.D) production distortion effect plus consumption distortion effect.E) terms of trade gain.20. The efficiency case made for free trade is that as trade distortions such as tariffs are dismantled and removed,A) government tariff revenue will decrease, and therefore national economic welfare will decrease.B) government tariff revenue will decrease, and therefore national economic welfare will increase.C) deadweight losses for producers and consumers will decrease, hence increasing national economic welfare.D) deadweight losses for producers and consumers will decrease, hence decreasing national economic welfare.E) government tariff revenue will increase, hence increasing national economic welfare.21. Which organization determines procedures for the settlement of international trade disputes?A) World BankB) World Trade OrganizationC) International Monetary OrganizationD) International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentE) The League of Nations22. Today U.S. protectionism is concentrated inA) high-tech industries.B) labor-intensive industries.C) industries in which Japan has a comparative advantage.D) computer intensive industries.E) capital-intensive industries.23. The quantitative importance of U.S. protection of the domestic clothing industry is best explained by the fact thatA) this industry is an important employer of highly skilled labor.B) this industry is an important employer of low skilled labor.C) most of the exporters of clothing into the U.S. are poor countries.D) this industry is a politically well organized sector in the U.S.E) the technology involved is very advanced.24. The optimum tariff is most likely to apply toA) a small tariff imposed by a small country.B) a small tariff imposed by a large country.C) a large tariff imposed by a small country.D) a large tariff imposed by a large country.E) an ad valorem tariff on a small country.25. The median voter modelA) works well in the area of trade policy.B) is not intuitively reasonable.C) tends to result in biased tariff rates.D) does not work well in the area of trade policy.E) is not widely practiced in the United States.By:某某。
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Part I . Fill in the blank with suitable content. I.Seven themes recur throughout the study of international economics. Theseharegains from trade , the pattern of trade , p rotectio nism the bala nee of p ayme nts, excha nge rate determ in atio n, intern ati onal p olicycoord in atio n, intern ati onal cap ital market.2. Coun tries en gage in intern ati onal trade for two basic reasoosnnparative advantage ___ and econo mics of scale3. A country has a comp arative adva ntage in p roduci ng a goodhif opportunity cost _______of p roduc ing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country tha n it is in other coun tries. 4. Labor is the only one factor of production GLC 、a L w and a LC 、a L w are the unit labor requirement in cheese and wine at Home and Foreign, respectively. tfLC/aLWvaLC*/aLW* , Home has a comparative advantage in cheese p c / p w is the relative price of cheese, when aLC/aLWv Pc/PwvaLC*/aLW* _____ Home and Foreign specialize in producing cheese and wine , respectively.* * 5. Labor is the only one factor of production.a^、a LW and a LC 、a LW are the unit labor requirement incheese and wine at Home and Foreign, respectivLly.nd L*are Home ' s and Foreign' s labor force. If* * a LC / a LW < P c / P w < a LC / N LW , the world relative supply of cheese equ (s_/aLC ) /(L*/aLW*) .Home s gains from in directly p roduci ng wi ne can be shown asi/aLC)( Pc/Pw) — 1/aLW6. In specific factors modeQ M = Q M (K, L M ); Q F =Q F (T, L F ); L=L M +L F ), if Home produces and tradesmanu factured goods for food , the overall comp aris on of the five cha nge rate of goods p rice and factor p rice P M 、P F 、r K 、?、W?inside Home is r K P M W P F r T in crease, it can be show n as r K / P M7. There are two main reas ons why intern ati onal trade has stro ng effects on the distributio n of in come. First, resources cah t move immediately or costlessly form one industry to another Sec on din dustries differ in the factors of p roduct ion they dema nd.8. In the Heckscher-Ohli n model,Co mp arative adva ntage is in flue need by the in teracti on betwee n relative abundancand relative inten sity9. Accordi ng to stolp er-sammels on effect if the relative p rice of a good rises, the real in come of the factor which inten sively used in that good will rise, while the real in come of the other factor will fall.10. According to 罗布津斯基效应 Rybezynski effect at unchanged relative goods price, if thupplyof a factor of p roducti on in creases, the out put of the good that are inten sive in that factor will rise, while the out put of the other good will fall.11. According to H-0 模型 H-0 proposition , owners of a countrybut owners of a country' s scare factors lose. 12. According to 要素价格均等化命题 Factor price equalization proposition international trade producesa con verge nee (收敛) of relative goods p rices. This con verge nee, in turns, causes the conv erge nee of the relative factor p rices. Trade leads com pl ete equalizati on of factor p rices.完整的要素价格均等化)13. Three assumptiortsf 假设)crucial to the prediction of factor price equalization are in reality untrue. Theseassum ptions are ⑴两个国家都生产两种产品 both cou ntries produce both goodj(2)两国技术相同technologies are the sam3)存在贸易壁垒: 天然壁垒和人为壁垒 There are barriers to trade: natural .That is, the real in come of cap italistsr K / P M 's abundant factors gain from trabarriers and artificial barriers14. “ U.S. exports were less capintensive than U.S. imports ” 里昂惕o夫悖论Leontiefparadox .15. The Ricardia n Model , the Sp ecific Factor model and the H-O model may be viewed as sp ecial cHs 殊s情况) of 标准贸易模型 sta ndard trade models 16. The standard trade model derives 派生 推导) a world relative supply curve 曲线) from production possibilities and a world relative dema nd curve from p refere nces . 17.To exp ort-biased growth, if the decli ne 下降) of the welfare caused by the deterioration 恶化) of the terms of trade swa p over (交换) t he rise of the welfare caused by growth, the growth i^mmiserizinggrowth (贫困化增长).18. Some econo mists argued thex po rt-biasedgrowth by poor n ati ons would worse n their term of trade so much that they would be worse off tha n if they had not grow n at all. This situati on is kno wnmsniserizinggrowth (贫困化增长). 19.Immiserizi ng growth dema nds strict con diti ons, these con diti ons economic growth is strongly exp ort-biased the grow ing country is large eno ugh to affect the world pricRS and RD must be very stee p2O.According to 梅茨勒悖论 Metzle paradox ” , tariffs and export subsidies 补贴) might havep erverse (有害的) effects on internal p rice.21.In the model of “ Mono 垄断5c Competition and Trade trade-off betweeneconomies of scaland variety of products.22. Marshall argued that there were three mai n reas ons why a cluster of firm 企 业集群) may be more efficie nt tha n an in dividual firm in isolati onsp ecialized supp lie^abor market po oli ng , kno wiedgesp illovera f 知识溢出)23. The pattern of intraindustry (产业内) trade itself is unpredictedhistory and accident determine thedetails of the trade p atter n.39. When there is exter nal economies 外部经济),the p attern of intern ati onal trade is determ ined by econo mies of scale in teract with comp arative adva ntage24. The indexes (指标)of intrainindustry trade of a industry can be calculated by the standard formula: exp orts imp orts25. Interindustry trade and intrainindustry (产业内) countries are similar in their relative factor supplies scale economies and product differentiations are imp orta nt, in trai nin dustry trade is the dominant source^ 要来源)of gains from trade, every one gains from trade.26. The argume nt of temp orary 暂时的)p rotecti on of in dustries to en able them to gai n exp erie nee is known as 幼稚产业论 the infant industry argument27. If we add together the gains and losses from a tariff, We find the net effect on n ati onal welfare can be separated into two parts: terms of trade gain and efficiency loss28. Why do coun tries ado pt trade p olicies such as tariff or import quota, which p roduce more costs tha n benefits?——trade p olitics29 .In the p olitical economy of trade p olicy 贸易政策的政治经济学) ,gover nment are assumed to 被假定为)maximize 政治成功 political success rather than国家福禾U national welfare .” ,fimiisctoVidnal nation face the I 1 exp orts imp ortstrade are the sources of gains from trade . When3O.Deviati ons from free trade can sometimes in crease n ati onal welfare. These argume nts in cttidieterm of trade argume nt for a tariffs nd the domestic market failure argume nt31. According to Specific rule(对症规则)” ,domestic market failure should be corrected by domesticpolicies aimed directly a t he problem ' s sources.32. Although market failures are p robably com mon, the domestic market failure argume nt aga inst free trade should not be app lied too freely.Firsdomestic market failure should be corrected by domestic p olicies aimed directly at the p roblems sourcesSec on dec ono mists cannot diag nose market failure well enough to prescribe policy^33. I nternatio nal trade ofte n p roduces losers as well as winn ers. In the actual p olitics of trade p olicy, in come distribution is of crucial importanee. 集体行动问题The problem of collective actioncan explain whyp olicies that not only seem to p roduce more costs tha n ben efits but that also seem to hurt far more voters them they can help can non etheless be adop ted.34. TheWTO includes four aspects contenG ATT 1994, GATS, TRIPS , TRIMS35. “ Non discrim in atory ” princ非歧s视性原贝U) in elude most favored n ati on principle andnational treatme nt princip le36. For preferential(优惠)trading agreements, such ascustoms union , countries must cede part of their sovereig nty to supran atio nal en tity必须放弃部分主权的超国家实体)37. Whether a customs union 关税同盟) is desirable 可取) or un desirable depends on whether it largelyleads totrade creation or trade diversion.38. Trade p olicy in devel oping coun tries is concerned with two objectives (涉及两个目标):pro mot ing industrialization and Coping with the problem of the dual economy ____ .39. Trade p olicy in devel oping coun tries is concerned with two objectives: pro mot ingin dustrializati on and coping with the p roblems of the dual economy. Corres pondin gly, there are two main argume nts for devel oping coun tries to pu rsue p olicy of imp ort-substituti ng in dustrializati on. The two argume nts are the infant in dustry argume nt a nd market failure justificati on for infant in dustry p rotection 40. Sop histicated proponents of the infant in dustry argume nt have ide ntified two market failures as reas ons why infant in dustry p rotectio n may be a good ideThe imp erfect cap ital markets justification nd The approp riability argume ntPart n . True or False (true and false are denoted by “ T” and “ F” , respectively)1. If au w*/ a_c*v a_W/ a_c. Home ' s reiafe productivity in cheese is higher. (T )2. Accord ing to the Ricardia n model, it is p recisely because the relative wage is betwee n the relative p roductivities that each country ends up with a cost adva ntage in one good.The good for which *a L i/ a L i> w/ w will be produced in Foreign. ( F )3. It is p recisely because the relative wage is betwee n the relative p roductivities that each country ends up with a cost adva ntage in one good. ( T )4. L ong-run con verge nee长期收敛)in p roductivity (生产力)p roduces long-run conv erge nee in wages. ( T )5. “ Korean workers earn only $2.50 an hour; if we allow Korea to export as much as it likes to the United States, our workers will be forced down tthe same level. You can ' t import a $5 shirt without importing $2.50 wage that goes with it. (F ) ”6. The prop ositi on that trade is ben eficial is unq ualifie不合格).That is, there is no requireme nt that a country be “ competitive ” or that the trade be ( T) “ fair ” .7. Free trade is ben eficial only if your country is strong eno ugh to sta nd up to foreig n comp etiti on. ( F )8. Foreig n comp etiti on is un fair and hurts other coun tries whe n it is based on low wage(.F)9. Trade exp loits a country and make it worse off if its workers receive much lower wage tha n workers inother nations. (F )10. The Ricardian Model predicts an extreme degree( 预测一个极端的程度)of specialization(专业化).(T )11. The Ricardia n Model n eglects(忽略)the effects on in come distributi on. (T )12. The basic p redict ion of the Ricardia n model has bee n stron gly con firmed by a nu mber of studies over years. ( T )13. The Ricardia n Model p redicts that coun tries tend to export those goods in which their p roductivity is relative high. ( T )14. We can thi nk of factor sp ecificity as a matter of time. ( T )15. The opportunity cost of manufacture in terms of food is denoted b表示)MPL M /MPL F. ( F )16. A equal prop orti onal cha nge in p rice have no real effects on the real wage, real in come of cap ital owner and land owner. ( T )17. Trade ben efits the factor that is sp ecific to the imp ort-co mp eti ng sectors of each country but hurts the factor to the export sectors, with ambiguous effects on mobile factors. ( F )18.lt is possible in principle for a country ' s government (补贴e t ax e diandbsiutes重es新分配) in come to give each in dividual more of both goods. ( T )19. Although intern ati onal trade has stro ng effects on in come distributi on, there are still po ssible in prin ci pie to make each in dividual better off. ( T )20. Typ ically, those who gain from trade in any p articular p roduct are a much more concen trated, in formed, and orga ni zed group tha n those who lose. ( F )21. Conflicts of interest利J益冲突)within nations are usually more important in determining trade policy than con flicts of in terest betwee n n ati ons. ( T )22. Gen erally, econo mists do not regard the in come distributio n effects of trade as a good reas on to limit trade. ( T )23. The formulation of trade policy(贸易政策的制定)is a kind of political process(政治进程).(T )24. “ The world ' s poorest countries can ' t find anything to export. There issno resource that i abundan—certa inly not cap ital or land, and in small poor n atio ns not eve n labor is abun dan(:.F )25. Wage in equality in U.S. i ncreased betwee n the late 1970s and the early 1990s, econo mists attribute the cha nge to the grow ing exp orts of manu factured goods froNIEs. ( T )26. If the factor- prop orti on theory was right, a country would always export factors for which the in come share exceeded the factor share, i mport factors for which it was less. ( F )27. The H-O model can p redict n ot only the direct ion but the volume of trad贸易量). (T )28. Factor trade in gen eral turns out to be much smaller tha n the H-O model p redicts( T )29. Accord ing to an in flue ntial rece nt paper, the H-O model can p redict not only the directi on but the volume of trade. Factor trade in general turn out to btfeie same a the H-O model predicts. ( F )30. Only by dropping the Heckscher-Ohlin assu mp ti on that tech no logies are the same across the coun tries can the overall p attern of intern ati onal trade be well p redicted by the H-O model. ( T )31.lf a country want to maximize its n ati onal welfare, the consump ti on point is where the highest isovalue line is tangent to the highest reachable indifferenee curve. ( T )32. A rise in the terms of trade in creases a country welfare. ( T )33. Ex po rt-biased growth tends to improve the grow ing country expen se. ( F ) 's welfare, while a deciine iiitsthe terms 's terms of trade at the rest o34.lf the two coun tries allocate 分酉 S) their cha nge in spending in the same prop orti ons, there will not be a terms of trade effect. ( T )35. lf the country receiving a transfer spends a higher proportion of an increase income on its export goodthan the giver, a transfer raises world relative demand for the recipients 's exp terms of trade. ( T )36. A transfer worsens the donor's terms of trade if the donor has a higher mariginal propensity to s its export good tha n the rec ip ie n 受体). (T )37. A transfer improves the donor 's terms of trade, worsens recipiendte. ( F ) 's terms of tr 38. A transfer of income ——say foreign aid ——could conceivably leave the recipient worse of(f.T )39. A tariff improves Home 's terms of trade and worsens Foreign 's, while a Home exp Home 's terms of trade and improve Foreign ( T ) 's.40. Where there is economies of scale, there is imperfectly competitive market structur(e.F )41.lf intraindustry trade is the dominant source of gains from trade, everyone gains from trad(eT. )42. Effect on the distribution of income within countries often weight more heavily on policy than terms of trade concerns. ( T )43. The usual market structure in industries characterized by internal economies of scale is monopolisticcompetition. ( F )44. Today, antidumping 反倾¥肖)may be a device of protectionism. ( T )45. Reci procal(目互)dumping tends to in crease the volume of trade in goods that are quite ide ntic 一 致). ( F )46.lt is possible that reciprocal dumping increase national welfare.( T )47.Stro ng exter na fi (卜 部) econo mies ted to “locked in ” the exist ing p atter ns of in teri ndustry trade, eve n the patterns are run counter to 背道而驰)comparative advantage. ( T )48. A trading country can conceivably lose from trade is potentially justify protectionism( .T )49. Like static external economies, dynamic external economies can lock in an initial advantage in an industry. ( T )50. The stratigic trade policy is related to the model of intraindustry trade( F ” ) . 51. The model“ Oligopoly, homogeneous products and intraindustry trade and Helpman .( F ) 52. Trade in factors is very much like trade in goods, it occurs for much the same reasons and produces similarresults. ( T )53. Trade in factors is an alter nativ 替代)to trade in goods for the allocati on of resources. ( T )54. When a country borrows, it 's inPtePrFteims bpioarsael d towardQ P. ( F ) 55. The relative price of future consumption goodQs P is (1+r). ( T )56. The dyn amic p ath oTNC s' en ter foreig n market FDI f Export f Lice nee. (F )57. Tariffs may have very different effects on different stages of production of a good.( T )58. Nominal(名义)tariff reflects the effective rate of protection 有效保护率).(F) 59. The costs and benefits analysis of a tariff is correct if only the direct gains to producers and consumers in agiven market accurately measure the social gains. ( T )competition, “diffMeroennotipaotelisptircoducts and ” is first dev60. The costs and benefits analysis of a tariff is correifcotnly a dollar's worth of benefits to each group is the same. ( T )61. A VER is exactly like an import quota which the lice nse are assig ned to foreig n gover nme(nT )62. VER s are much more costly tha n tariffs. ( T )63. Local content laws have bee n widely used by devel oping coun tries tryi ng to shift their manu facturi ng from assembly back into in termediate goods. ( T )64. A p olitical argume nt for free trade reflects the fact that a p olitical commitme nt to free trade may be a good idea in p ractice eve n though there may be better p olicies in princip le.T )65. Deviati ons from free trade can sometimes in crease n ati onal welfare(T )66. For a sufficie ntly small tariff the terms of trade gai n of small country must outweigh the efficie ncy loss.(F )67. The domestic market failure argume nt aga inst free trade is in tellectually imp eccable but of doubtfulusef uln ess. (F )68. “ U.S. farm exp orts don ' t jgbfemeaorhes for farmers— they mea n higher in come forevery one who sell goods and services to the U.S. farm sector ” . Thrguerentkos a potenexport subsidy. ( T )69. Most deviati ons from free trade are adop ted not because their ben efit exceed their costs but because the p ublic fails to un dersta nd their true costs. ( T )7O.lf there is margi nal social costs rather tha n margi nal social ben efits, domestic market failure rei nforce the case for free trade. ( T )71. The electoral comp etitio n model believes p olitical comp etitio n will drive both p arties to propose tariffs close to t/i, the tariff p referred by the medium voter. ( T )72. The p roblem of collective acti on can best be overcome whe n a group is large an d/or well orga ni Zed.)73. Trade p olicy that p roduce more costs tha n ben efits, hurt more con sumers tha n p rodu c ans' t beadop ted. ( F )74. As a violati on of the MFN( “ most favored n ati on ” )prin ci pie, the WTOhfongids p refere ntagreeme nts in gen eral, but allows them if they lead to free trade betwee n the agree ing coun tries. ( T )75. The infant in dustry argumenviolates 违背)the principle of comp arative adva ntage ( T )76.I mport substitut ing in dustrializatior进口替代工业化)violates the prin ci pie of comp arative adva ntage.(T )77. “Import quotas on cap -tate nsive in dustrial goods and subsidies for the import of cap ital equipment were meant to create manu facturi ng jobs in many devel oping coun tries. Unfortun ately, they have p robably helped create the urba n unemployment p roblem. ( T ) ”78. The East Asia n Miracle pro ved that in dustrializati on and devel opment must be based on import substitution. ( F )79.lt is imp ossible for country to make itself worse off by joi ning accustoms uni 联盟). (F )Part rn . Choose the ONLY one collect answer in each question.1. An imp orta nt in sight (启示) of intern atio nal D. is ty pically harmful to the tech no logicallytrade theory is that whe n coun tries excha nge goods lagg ing coun try.and services one with the other it E. tends to create unemployment in bothcoun tries.A.B. C.is always ben eficial to both coun tries. isusually ben eficial to both coun tries.is typ ically ben eficial only to the lowwage2. If there are large dis parities!距)in wage levelsbetwee n coun tries, the ntrade partner country .A. trade is likely to be harmful to both coun tries.B. trade is likely to be harmful to the country with the high wages.C. trade is likely to be harmful to the country with the low wages.D. trade is likely to be harmful to n either coun try.E. trade is likely to have no effect on either country.3.Cost-benefit analysis of international trad成本收益分析)A.B.C.C. in creased comp etitio n for world p roducers.D. the utilizati on of the most efficie nt p roducti on p rocesses.E. None of the above.In order to know whether a country has a comparative adva ntage in the p roducti on of one p articular p roduct we n eed in formatio n on at least ___ un it labor requireme ntswith in coun tries.D. focuses atte nti on on con flicts of in terests betwee n coun tries.E. None of the above.4. A p rimary reas on why n ati ons con duct intern atio nal trade is because of differe nces in E five7. A country en gag ing in trade accord ing to theprinciples of comp arative adva ntage gains from trade because itD. is p roduci ng exp orts in directly more efficie ntly tha n it could alter natively.A. historical persp ective. E. is p roduci ng imp orts in directly moreB. locatio n. efficie ntly tha n it could domestically.C. resource availabilities. F. is p roduci ng exp orts using fewer labor unitsD. tastes. G. is p roduci ng imp orts in directly usingfewerE. in comes. labor un its.5. Argume nts for free trade are sometimes disregarde d 忽视)by the p olitical p rocess becauseA. econo mists tend to favor highly p rotected domestic markets.B. econo mists have a uni versally acce pted decisive po wer over the p olitical decisi on mecha ni sm.C. maximizing consumer welfare may not be a chief priority (优先)for politicians.扩大消费者福利不是最主要的D. the gains of trade are of p aram ount concern to typ ical con sumers.E. None of the above.6. Proponents (支持)of free trade claim all of the follow ing as advantageexcep __A. relatively high wage levels for all domestic workersB. a wider select ion of p roducts for con sumers H.Noneof theabove.8. A n ati on en gagi ng in trade accordi ng to the Ricardia n model will find its consump ti on bun dle (消费约束)A.B.C.(生产可能性边界).D. in side its trade-partn er's p roduct ionis basically useless.is emp irically in tractable.focuses atte nti on on con flicts of in terest A. oneB. twoC. threein side its p roduct ion po ssibilities frontier. on its p roducti on p ossibilities frontier. outside its p roduct ion po ssibilitiesfron tierfourDp ossibilities fron tier.E. on its trade-partn er's p roducti on p ossibilities fron tier.9. If a very small country trades with a very large country accordi ng to the Ricardia n model, the n A. the small country will suffer a decrease in econo mic welfare.B. the large country will suffer a decrease in econo mic welfare.C. the small country will enjoy gains from trade.po ssibility fron tiers, the n trade betwee n them is not likely ifA. B. C. D. E. 13.p roduct ion and that wages in the Un ited States equal $20 per hour while wages in Japan are $10 per hour. P roductio n costs would be lower in the Un ited States as comp ared to Japan if A. U.S. labor p roductivity equaled 40 un its per hour and Japa n's 15 un its per hour. B. U.S. p roductivity equaled 30 un its per hour whereas Japan's was 20.C. U.S. labor p roductivity equaled 20 and Japan's 30.D.U.S. labor p roductivity equaled 15 andJapan's 25 un its per hour.Belgium has more cap ital per worker, the n if trade were to open up betwee n these two coun tries, A. the real in come of cap ital owners in Australia would rise. B. the real in come of labor in Australia would clearly rise. C. the real in come of labor in Belgium would clearly rise.D.the real in come of Ian dow ners in Belgiumwould fall.贸易知识使一国丰富要素部门得利, 稀缺要素部门受损)E. the real in comes of cap ital owners in bothcoun tries would rise.17. If the price of manufactures and the price of food in crease by 25%, the nA. the economy moves dow n its aggregate supply curve.B. the economy moves back along its aggregate dema nd curve.C.the relative qua ntitie (相对数量) ofD. E.10. the large country will enjoy gains from trade. None of the above.If the world terms of trade for a country are somewhere betwee n the domestic cost ratio of H and that of F, the nA. trade.B. trade.C.D.country H but not country F will gain from country H and country F will both gain from n either country H nor F will gain from trade. only the country whose gover nmentsubsidizes its exp orts will gain. E.None of the above.11. If a production possibilities frontier is bowed out (concave to the origin )上凸,凹面向原点), then p roducti on occurs un der con ditions of A. B. C. D.E.con sta nt opportunity costs. in creas ing opportun ity costs. decreas ingopportun ity costs. infin ite opportun ity costs. None of the above.If two coun tries have ide ntical p roducti onE. None of the above. 14. International trade has strong effects on in come distributi ons. Therefore, intern ati onal trade A. is ben eficial to every one in both trad ing coun tries.B. will tend to hurt one tradi ng coun try.C.will tend to hurt some groups in each tradi ng coun try.D. will tend to hurt every one in both coun tries.E.will be ben eficial to all those en gaged inintern ati onal trade.15. If the price of the capital intensive product rises, wages will A. rise but by less tha n the p rice of the capital-intensive product (工资冈『性,变动较慢) B. rise by more tha n the rise in the p rice of the cap ital-inten sive p roduct.C.remai n prop orti on ally equal to the p riceof the cap ital-inten sive p roduct.D. E.16. fall, since higher p rices cause less dema nd. None of the above.If Australia has more land per worker, andtheir supply curves are ide ntical. their cost functions are ide ntical. their dema nd con diti ons ide ntical. their in comes are ide ntical. None of the above.Assume that labor is the on ly factor ofmanu factures and food rema in un cha nged.D. the relative qua ntities of p roducts cha nge by 25%.E.18.A.B.C.falls.D.food falls.D. None of the above.18. Groups that lose from trade tend to lobby游说)the governme nt to (贸易失利者游说政府)A. shift the directi on of comp arative adva ntage.B. abolish the Sp ecific Factor model from p ractical app licati on.C. p rovide p ublic support for the relatively efficie nt sectors.D. provide p rotecti on for the relatively in efficie nt sectors.E. None of the above.19. The specific factor model argues that if land can be used both for food p roducti on and for manu facturing,the naquota that p rotects foodp roduct ion willA.B.C.p roduct ion.D. have an ambiguous effect on the welfare of Ian dow ners.E. None of the above.20. If, relative to its trade partn ers, Gambi nia has many workers but very little land an dve n lessp roductive cap ital, the n, followi ng the sp ecific factor model, we know that Gambi nia has a comp arative adva ntage inE. None of the above.21. In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, an in flux of workers from across the border would (劳动者越过国境流入)A. move the point of p roducti on along the p roducti on p ossibility curve.B. shift the p roduct ion po ssibility curve outward, and in crease the p roducti on of both goods.C. shift the p roduct ion po ssibility curve outward and decrease the p roducti on of the labor- inten sive p roduct.D. shift the p roduct ion po ssibility curve outward and decrease the p roducti on of the capital-intensive product.(资本密集型产品产量下降,扩展了生产可能性曲线,相当于扩展了消费的总量)E. None of the above.22. The 1987 study by Bowen, Leamer and SveikauskasA. supp orted the validity of the Leon tieffP aradox.B. supp orted the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.C. used a two-co untry and two-p roduct framework.D. dem on strated that in fact coun tries tend to use different tech nologies.E. pro ved that the U.S.'s comp arative adva ntage relied on skilled labor.23. The Case of the Missing Trade refers toA. the g h volume of the Hardy Boys' Mystery series.B. the fact that world exp orts does not equal world imp orts.C. the fact that factor trade is less thanp redicted by the Heckscher-Ohlin theory.None of the above.If the p rice of manu factures rises, the nthe p rice of food also rises.the qua ntity of food p roduced falls.the qua ntity of both manu factures and foodthe pu rchas ing po wer of labor in terms ofclearly help Ian dow ners.clearly hurt Ian dow ners.clearly help manu facture but hurtfood。