



Fredrickson,B. L., &Joiner, T。

(2002). Positive emotions trigger upward spirals toward emotional well—being. Psychological science, 13(2),172—175.马云献,扈岩. (2004)。

大学生感戴量表的初步编制. 中国健康心理学杂志,12(5),387-389.《心理学报》参考文献著录格式(著者-出版年制)详细要求本刊来稿从即日起废止顺序编码制的参考文献著录格式,采用APA的著者—出版年制.详细规定请查阅Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,2010年第6版。






总体要求1 正文中引用的文献与文后的文献列表要完全一致。


2 文献列表中的文献著录必须准确和完备.3 文献列表的顺序⏹文献列表按著者姓氏字母顺序排列;姓相同,按名的字母顺序排列;著者姓和名相同,按出版年排列。


如:Wang, M。


(2008a). Emotional……Wang, M。

Y. (2008b)。



apa中文文内引用格式-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述引言部分是文章的开端,用于引出文章的主题和目的。


APA是美国心理学会(American Psychological Association)制定的文献引用格式,它被广泛应用于学术著作和期刊论文中。



1.2 文章结构文章结构部分:本文由引言、正文和结论三部分构成。





1.3 目的本文的目的在于介绍和解释APA中文文内引用格式的相关要求和规范。




2.正文2.1 APA中文文内引用格式在学术论文写作中,对于引用他人观点或研究成果是非常重要的。




2.1.1 格式要求在中文文内引用时,按照APA格式的要求,应该在句子中直接标注作者的姓氏和出版年份,如“根据Smith(2019)的研究结果显示……”。



This handout gives some basic examples of APA style for references in a research paper. There are many more types of resources than we have room for in this handout. For more examples and complete information, use the following resources from the APA:Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5 th ed.). (2001). Washington,DC: American Psychological Association. Copies are available at the Reference and Reserve desks at Chambers Library..(2001,September 8). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.Retrieved September 24, 2001, from /References in the text of your paper (See pages 120­121 and 207­214 in the manual for complete details)APA style requires that you cite the author and publication year of a reference in the text of your paper. One or both of these elements may be in parentheses. Direct quotations also require the page number. The full citation will follow in the reference list at the end of the paper. Here are a few examples from the manual.· Wasserstein, Zappula, Rosen, Gerstman, and Rock (1994) found…· In a recent study of reaction times (Walker, 2000)…· She stated, “The ‘placebo effect’…disappeared when behaviors were studied in thismanner” (Miele, 1993, p. 276).Reference list at the end of the paper (See pages 215­281, 299 in the manual)The heading on the page of sources should be “References.” Include the page number on the top, right­hand side of the page (your title page should be page 1). APA suggests your identify each page with the first two or three words from the title just to the left of the page number, although some professors may prefer you to use another identifier such as your name. Always check with your instructor for his or her preference. References should be in a hanging indent format, meaning that the first line of each reference is set flush left and subsequent lines are indented. Double­space the entire list (this will not be done on this handout). Alphabetize the list by first author’s last name. If there is no author given, start with the first significant word in the title. In titles, capitalize only the first word of the title and subtitle, and proper names.Book Citation Basic Format: Author, A. A.(Publication Year). Title.Place of publication: Publisher.Examples from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association· Multiple authorsBeck, C. A. J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation: Facts, myths, and futureprospects.Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.5 th Edition· Edited bookGibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (1991).Children of color: Psychological interventions with minority youth. San Francisco: Jossey­Bass.· Article or chapter in an edited bookMassaro, D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. InH.L. Pick Jr., P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual andmethodological issues (pp. 51­84). Washington, DC: American PsychologicalAssociation.· Entry in an encyclopediaBergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopaedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp.501­508). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.· Book, no author or editorMerriam­Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10 th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam­ Webster.· Book, group author (government agency) as publisherAustralian Bureau of Statistics. (1991).Estimated resident population by age and sex in statistical local areas, New South Wales, June 1990 (No. 3209.1). Canberra,Australian Capital Territory: Author.Periodical Article Citation Basic Format: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical Title, volume, pages.Examples from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association · Journal article, one author, paginated by volumeMellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 910­924.· Journal article, journal paginated by issue, two authorsKlimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations.Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10­36.· Journal article, three to six authors (list each author name individually) Saywitz, K. J., Mannarino, A. P., Berliner, L., & Cohen, J. A. (2000). Treatment for sexually abused children and adolescents. American Psychologist, 55, 1040­1049.· Journal article, more than six authors (list up to six authors, then “et al.”?) Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., et al.(2000). An experimental evaluation of theory­based mother and mother­childprograms for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68,843­856.· Magazine article (for date, give month for monthly publications, month and day for weeklies)Kandel, E. R., & Squire, L. R. (2000, November 10). Neuroscience: Breaking down scientific barriers to the study of brain and mind. Science, 290, 1113­1120.· Newspaper article, no authorNew drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July 15). The Washington Post, p. A12.· Newspaper article, discontinuous pagesSchwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4.Other Forms· ERIC Document (Give ERIC document number in parentheses at the end or the entry) Mead, J. V. (1992).Looking at old photographs: Investigating the teacher tales that novice teachers bring with them (Report No. NCRTL­RR­92­4). East Lansing, MI:National Center for Research on Teacher Learning. (ERIC Document ReproductionService No. ED 346082)· For other forms, for example technical reports, papers presented at meetings, translated works, volumes in a series, citations of works discussed in a secondary source, andothers, see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Internet Site Basic Format: (See pages 231 and 268­281 in the manual)A reference to an Internet source should include at least a document title or description, a date (either the date of publication or update or the date of retrieval), and an Internet address, or URL. Whenever possible, it should also include the author. Whenever possible, readers should be directed to specific documents rather than home pages. When a publication date is not available, use n.d. (no date).If a URL is too long for a single line, break it after a slash or before a period.· Multipage document created by a private organization, no dateGreater New Milford (Ct) Area Healthy Community 2000, Task Force on Teen and Adolescent Issues. (n.d.). Who has time for a family meal? You do!Retrieved October5, 2000 from · Chapter or section in an Internet documentBenton Foundation. (1998, July 7). Barriers to closing the gap. In Losing ground bit by bit: Low­income communities in the information age (chap. 2). Retrieved August 18,2001 from /Library/Low­Income/two.html· Stand­alone document, no author identified, no dateGVU’s 8 th WWW user survey. (n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2000, from/gvu/user_surveys/survey­1997­10/· U.S. government report on government agency Web site, no publication date givenUnited States Sentencing Commission. (n.d.).1997 sourcebook of federal sentencing statistics. Retrieved December 8, 1999, from /annrpt/1997/sbtoc97.htm· Internet article based on a print sourceVandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates [Electronic version]. Journal ofBibliographic Research, 5,117­123.If the format is an exact duplicate of the print version, use the same basic journal reference format, with the addition of [Electronic version] after the article title. If you believe it may differ from the print version, add the retrieval date and URL: Retrieved October 13, 2001, from /articles.html· Article in an Internet­only journalFredrickson, B. L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well­being. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20, 2000,from /prevention/volume3/pre0030001a.html · Article from an aggregated database (An item or accession number may be added (in parentheses at the end of the retrieval statement) but is not required.)Borman, W. C., Hanson, M. A., Oppler, S. H., Pulakos, E. D., & White. L. A. (1993).Role of early supervisory experience in supervisor performance. Journal of AppliedPsychology, 78, 443­449. Retrieved October 23, 2000 from PsycARTICLESdatabase.Web Citations in TextFollow the author/date format as for written sources (see pages 120­121 and 207­214 in the Publication Manual). For electronic sources that do not provide page numbers, use the paragraph number, if available, preceded by the ¶ symbol or the abbreviation “para.” If neither page nor paragraph numbers are visible, cite the heading and the number of the paragraph following it to direct the reader to the location of the material.(Myers, 2000, ¶ 5)(Beutler, 2000, Conclusion section, para. 1)Additional Sources for Citation and Style HelpLipson, C. (2006).Cite right: a quick guide to citation styles. Chicago: U of Chicago Press. Troyka, L. & Hesse, D. (2005).Simon & Schuster handbook for writers (7th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.APA Title PageYour title page should have the following:· In the upper right header, it should have the page header and page number. The page header is usually the first two or three words of the title. Put about 5 spaces or .25­inch between your page header and your page number.· On the top left below the header, it should have the “Running head” or abbreviated title, which should not exceed 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The running head is typed in ALL UPPERCASE.· Beginning in the upper half of the page, it should have the title of your paper, centered. On the next line, it should have your name (the author). If the paper was a joint project, all contributors should be listed here. The next line has your university affiliation. All lines should be double­spaced.See pages 296­298 in the manual for complete details.*Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers (7 th ed) recommends the following in place of your university affiliation: where you would have typed your university affiliation, type your course title and section. On the following line, type the professor’s name. On the last line, type the date. It also does not mention using the running head on the title page. See pages 643­658 for formatting instructions and examples. Always check with your instructor for his or her preferences.Example from Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers (not to scale), Example from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (not to scale)Biological Clocks 1Biological Clocks:The Body’s Internal TimepiecesCarlos VelezIntroduction to Psychology 115, Section P1Professor Robert SchmittNovember 17,2003Individual Differences 1 Running head: INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN BIMODAL PROCESSESIndividual Differences inBimodal Processing and Text RecallBruce R. Dunn and Kate I. RushUniversity of West Florida杭州印刷厂/。

MLA & APA 比较与区别

MLA & APA 比较与区别

MLA: Walker , Stephen A. , et al .Phonetics .New
Jersey : Princeton UP , 1967.
Festinger , L. , Riecken , H. , & Schachter , S. (1956) . When prophecy fails . Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press.
各条目间双倍行距 悬挂式缩进,即每个条目除首行
姓氏的拼写顺序,姓相同时按名 排序,姓名拼写都相同,按出版 书目时间的先后顺序;如时间也 相同,按标题的拼写顺序……
参考书目中英文引用同时存在时,遵 循先英后中的原则
参 专 报 期 学 论 文 词 考 著 纸 刊 位 文 集 典、 文 文 文 论 集 文 译 章 章 文 献 章 文、 类 资 型 料 等 文 M N 献 类 型 标 识 J D C A Z
Allan, Keith. Linguistic Meaning[M]. London: Routledge, 1986.
E.g.: Lind , L.R. , Trans .The By 1962. Aeneid . Vergil . Bloomington : Indiana UP, 1962.
APA格式为: :书目开头的作者为原著者, 然后是 译本 的出版年代、译本的标题。在译本的标 题后面的括 弧内注上译者名的首字母大写、 姓氏和缩写的 “Trans.”再到出版地和出版 社名, 最后还要在出版 社名后的括弧内注明 “Original work published — (year)



期刊中的文章(非连续页码): Crackton, P. (1987). The Loonie: God's longawaited gift to colourful pocket change? Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37. 期刊中的文章(连续页码): Rottweiler, F. T., & Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146. 月刊杂志中的文章: Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.
根据APA格式,若文章标题有 :
1个级数:使用第1级标题 2个级数:使用第1和第3级标题 3个级数:使用第1、第3、和第4级标题 4个级数:使用第1、第2、第3、和第4级标题 5个级数:使用第5、第1、第2、第3、和第4 级标题 (按:2个级数以上以大标题→小标题方式使用)
注意: 目前并无六级以上的标题规定。 APA格式不允许“数字”和“单一字母” 出现在标题之arlowe, P., Spade, S., & Chan, C. (2001). Detective work and the benefits of colour versus black and white [Electronic version]。Journal of Pointless Research, 11, 123–124. 电子期刊的文章(只有网络版的期刊) Blofeld, E. S. (1994, March 1). Expressing oneself through Persian cats and modern architecture. Felines & Felons, 4, Article 0046g. Retrieved October 3, 1999, from 网页地址 电子短信(newsletter)的文章 Paradise, S., Moriarty, D., Marx, C., Lee, O. B., Hassel, E., et al. (1957, July). Portrayals of fictional characters in reality-based popular writing: Project update. Off the beaten path, 7(3). Retrieved October 3, 1999, from 网页 地址

APA 格式指南

APA 格式指南

第一部分APA 格式指南1.缩写(Abbreviation)尽量避免缩写形式,但对于较长的、常用的表达形式可采用。


例如:American Psychological Association (APA)Second Language Acquisition (SLA)Experimental Group (EG)/Control Group (CG)论文中避免使用“Don‟t” and “Can‟t”等形式.2.文内引用格式(In-Text Citations)(1)直接引述(Direct citation)当所引用的作者是句子的一部分时:引述一个作者时,例如:Long (1991) argues that without this, outcomes such as those from immersion education are likely to occur, with a lack of sustained development.引述两个作者时中间用and (不用&)连接,例如:Perkins and Gass (1996) argue that, since proficiency is multidimensional, it does not always develop at the same rate in all domains.引述三个以上少于六个作者时:第一次引用时,例如:Sanders, Spooren and Noordman (1992) present a useful taxonomy of coherence relations.从第二次引用开始,第一个作者的姓+ et al. 表达,例如:Sanders et al. (1992) studied coherence relations based on four criteria.引述六个以上的作者时,可直接用第一个作者的姓+ et al. 表达。





1. 人名缩写Dr. - 博士(Doctor)Mr. - 先生(Mister)Ms. - 女士(Miss)Mrs. - 夫人(Missus/Mistress)2. 称谓缩写et al. - 等人(et alii/et aliae)e.g. - 例如(exempli gratia)i.e. - 即(id est)3. 国家和地区缩写USA - 美国(United States of America)UK - 英国(United Kingdom)EU - 欧盟(European Union)CHN - 中国(China)JPN - 日本(Japan)AUS - 澳大利亚(Australia)CAN - 加拿大(Canada)4. 学术期刊缩写APA - American Psychological AssociationPLoS - Public Library of ScienceJAMA - Journal of the American Medical AssociationNEJM - New England Journal of MedicineScience - ScienceNature - Nature5. 常见单词缩写7. 计量单位缩写g - 克(gram)kg - 千克(kilogram)mg - 毫克(milligram)L - 升(liter)mL - 毫升(milliliter)km - 千米(kilometer)cm - 厘米(centimeter)mm - 毫米(millimeter)mph - 英里/小时(miles per hour)km/h - 千米/小时(kilometers per hour)总之,使用缩写时应遵循清晰易懂的原则,以确保读者能够准确理解文章内容。





一、APA引用格式的应用APA(American Psychological Association)引用格式常被用于社会科学领域的论文,包括心理学、教育学、社会学等。

下面是APA引用格式的一些基本规则:1. 在正文中引用文献时,作者姓名和出版年份要放在引用的括号中,如(Smith, 2010)。

2. 引用句子结尾的引用应放在句子末尾的句点之前,并在括号中包含作者姓名和出版年份。

3. 当引用具有不同页码的文献时,应这样写(Smith, 2010, p. 45)。

4. 当文章有多个作者时,应以"和"连接他们,并在括号中列出所有作者的姓氏(Smith, Johnson, & Lee, 2010)。

5. 如果引用的是有限的页码或者章节,应以"pp."或"chap."开头。

二、MLA引用格式的应用MLA(Modern Language Association)引用格式一般用于人文学科领域的论文,如文学、语言学、哲学等。

下面是MLA引用格式的一些基本规则:1. 在正文中引用文献时,作者姓名和页码数都要放在引用的括号中,如(Smith 45)。

2. 当引用书籍时,只需要在引用中包含作者的姓氏即可(Smith)。

3. 如果引用的是多个作者的书籍,则应列出第一个作者的姓氏,后面用"et al."表示(Smith et al.)。

4. 引用句子结尾的引用应放在句子末尾的句点之前,并在括号中包含作者姓名和页码数。

5. 如果引用连续的页码,只需要写第一个和最后一个页码,如(Smith 45-47)。



APA格式参考文献示例期刊文章1. 一位作者写的文章Hu, L. X. [胡莲香]. (2014). 走向大数据知识服务: 大数据时代图书馆服务模式创新. 农业图书情报学刊(2): 173-177.Olsher, D. (2014). Semantically-based priors and nuanced knowledge core for Big Data, Social AI, and language understanding. Neural Networks, 58, 131-147.2. 两位作者写的文章Li, J. Z., & Liu, X. M. [李建中, 刘显敏]. (2013). 大数据的一个重要方面: 数据可用性. 计算机研究与发展(6): 1147-1162.Mendel, J. M., & Korjani, M. M. (2014). On establishing nonlinear combinations of variables from small to big data for use in later processing. Information Sciences, 280, 98-110.3. 三位及以上的作者写的文章Weichselbraun, A. et al. (2014). Enriching semantic knowledge bases for opinion mining in big data applications. Knowledge-Based Systems, 69, 78-85.Zhang, P. et al. [张鹏等]. (2013). 云计算环境下适于工作流的数据布局方法. 计算机研究与发展(3): 636-647.专著1. 一位作者写的书籍Rossi, P. H. (1989). Down and out in America: The origins of homelessness.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Wang, B. B. [王彬彬]. (2002).文坛三户:金庸·王朔·余秋雨——当代三大文学论争辨析. 郑州: 大象出版社.2. 两位作者写的书籍Plant, R., & Hoover, K. (2014). Conservative capitalism in Britain and theUnited States: A critical appraisal. London: Routledge.Yin, D., & Shang, H. [隐地, 尚海]. (2001).到绿光咖啡屋听巴赫读余秋雨.上海: 上海世界图书出版公司.3. 三位作者写的书籍Chen, W. Z. et al. [陈维政等]. (2006).人力资源管理. 大连: 大连理工大学出版社.Hall, S. et al. (1991). Culture, media, language: Working papers in cultural studies, 1972-79 (Cultural studies Birmingham ). London: Routledge. 4. 新版书Kail, R. (1990). Memory development in children(3rd ed.). New York: Freeman.编著1. 一位主编编撰的书籍Loshin, D. (Ed.). (2013a). Big data analytics. Boston: Morgan Kaufmann. Zhong, L. F. [钟兰凤] (编). (2014). 英文科技学术话语研究. 镇江: 江苏大学出版社.2. 两位主编编撰的书籍Hyland, K., & Diani, G. (Eds.). (2009). Academic evaluation: Review genres in university settings. London: Palgrave Macmillan.Zhang, D. L., & Zhang, G. [张德禄, 张国] (编). (2011). 英语文体学教程. 北京: 高等教育出版社.3. 三位及以上主编编撰的书籍Zhang, K. D. et al. [张克定等] (编). (2007). 系统评价功能. 北京: 高等教育出版社.Campbell, C. M. et al. (Eds.). (2003). Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: Volume 2. New York: Cambridge University Press.4. 书中的文章De la Rosa Algarín, A., & Demurjian, S. A. (2014). An approach to facilitatesecurity assurance for information sharing and exchange in big-data applications. In B. Akhgar & H. R. Arabnia (Eds.), Emerging trends in ICT security (pp. 65-83). Boston: Morgan Kaufmann.He, J. M., & Yu, J. P. [何建敏, 于建平]. (2007). 学术论文引言部分的经验功能分析. 张克定等. (编). 系统功能评价 (pp. 93-101). 北京: 高等教育出版社.翻译的书籍Bakhtin, M. M. (1981). The dialogic imagination: Four essays (C. Emerson & M. Holquist, Trans.). Austin: University of Texas Press.Le, D. L. [勒代雷]. (2001).释意学派口笔译理论 (刘和平译). 北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司.Kontra, M. et al. (2014).语言: 权利和资源 (李君, 满文静译). 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社.Wang, R. D., & Yu, Q. Y. [王仁定, 余秋雨]. (2001).吴越之间——余秋雨眼里的中国文化(彩图本)(梁实秋, 董乐天译). 上海: 上海文化出版社.硕博士论文Huan, C. P. (2015). Journalistic stance in Chinese and Australian hard news.Unpublished doctorial dissertation, Macquarie University, Sydney. Wang, X. Z. [王璇子]. (2014). 功能对等视角下的英语长句翻译.南京大学硕士学位论文.注:1. APA格式参考文献中的文章标题、书籍名称,冒号后第一个单词,括号里第一个单词和专有名词的首字母大写,其余单词首字母均小写。









(隔一行)关键词: 语言性别歧视;男性偏见;共同点AbstractFrom the 1960s, the study of linguistic sexism has been developed vigorously as the women ’s liberation movement spread out. Generally, there are four approaches to the study of linguistic sexism: the feminist approach, the conventional approach, the approach from men ’s study, andthe sociolinguistic approach. The approach from men’s study is acompletely new theory which appeared at the end of 1980s. In the past, linguists home and abroad usually study the problem of linguistic sexism from the feminine perspective and few from the masculine perspective. This paper first of all summarizes the development stages of linguistic sexism study, followed by an introduction of several different approaches. Later, the article employs the approach of men ’s study, attempting to compare the similarities of anti-male bias usage in English and in Chinese from three aspects, which are gender-exclusive language, gender-restrictive language, and masculization of evil. With abundant examples, the paper aims at proving that the male, like the female, can be preys of linguistic sexism, arousing people ’s attention to anti-male bias in language.(隔一行)Key words: linguistic sexism; anti-male bias; similarityContents 1. Introduction (1)2. Literature Review.….. 1 2.1 Studies of Linguistic Sexism . 12.2 Misconception of Linguistic Sexism and Different Approaches (2)3. Gender-Exclusive Language … 3 3.1 Gender-Exclusive Language in 33.2 Gender-Exclusive Language in 54. Gender-Restrictive Language (7)4.1 Gender-Restrictive Language in English (7)4.2 Gender-Restrictive Language in Chinese (9)5. Masculinization of Evil (10)5.1 Masculinization of Evil in English (10)5.1.1 Crime (10)5.1.2 Cruelty and V iolence (11)5.1.3 Libertine (12)5.2 Masculinization of Evil in Chinese (12)5.2.1 Crime (12)5.2.2 Cruelty and Violence (13)5.2.3 Libertine ………………………………………………………………………..136. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………...14 ReferencesAppendix (如果有此部分,则如此处理。



APA格式参考文献示例期刊文章1.一位作者写的文章Hu,L. X。

[胡莲香]. (2014). 走向大数据知识服务: 大数据时代图书馆服务模式创新。

农业图书情报学刊(2): 173-177。

Olsher, D。


Semantically-based priors and nuanced knowledge core for Big Data, Social AI, and language understanding。

Neural Networks, 58,131-147.2.两位作者写的文章Li, J。


, & Liu, X。


[李建中, 刘显敏]. (2013). 大数据的一个重要方面: 数据可用性. 计算机研究与发展(6): 1147-1162。

Mendel,J. M。

,& Korjani, M. M。

(2014). On establishing nonlinear combinations of variables from small to big data for use in later processing.Information Sciences, 280, 98-110.3. 三位及以上的作者写的文章Weichselbraun, A. et al. (2014). Enriching semantic knowledge bases for opinion mining in big data applications. Knowledge—Based Systems, 69, 78-85。

Zhang, P。

et al. [张鹏等]. (2013)。


计算机研究与发展(3): 636—647.专著1.一位作者写的书籍Rossi, P。



Down and out in America: The origins of homelessness.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Wang, B. B. [王彬彬]. (2002).文坛三户:金庸·王朔·余秋雨——当代三大文学论争辨析. 郑州: 大象出版社.2.两位作者写的书籍Plant, R。




目前,APA、MLA和Chicago Style三种引用格式是学术界广泛使用的标准。


一、APA格式APA(American Psychological Association)格式是社会科学领域最常用的引用格式之一。

其特点包括:1. 作者-出版年引用方式:引用时将作者和出版年直接放在引文中,例如(Smith,2019);2. 引用格式简洁:只在文中标注作者和出版年,详细的引用信息放在参考文献列表中;3. 引用书籍和学术期刊:引用时需包括作者、出版年、文章或书籍标题、期刊或书籍的出版信息等;4. 引用网页和电子资源:需包括作者、出版年、网页或文档标题、网页网址和访问日期等。

二、MLA格式MLA(Modern Language Association)格式主要用于人文学科领域,比较适用于文学、语言学等学科。

其特点包括:1. 作者-页码引用方式:引用时将作者和页码直接放在引文中,例如(Smith 25);2. 引用格式详细:引用时需包括作者、文章或书籍标题、期刊或书籍的出版信息等详细信息;3. 引用书籍和学术期刊:引用时需包括作者、书籍或文章标题、期刊或书籍的出版信息等;4. 引用网页和电子资源:需包括作者、文章或网页标题、网页网址和访问日期等。

三、Chicago Style格式Chicago Style格式是一种广泛用于人文和社会科学领域的引用格式。

其特点包括:1. 注释-脚注引用方式:引用时将详细引用信息作为脚注或尾注加在文章相应位置;2. 引用格式详细:引用时需包括作者、书籍或文章标题、期刊或书籍的出版信息等详细信息;3. 引用书籍和学术期刊:引用时需包括作者、书籍或文章标题、期刊或书籍的出版信息等;4. 引用网页和电子资源:需包括作者、文章或网页标题、网页网址和访问日期等。


▪ Pauling (2004, 2005a, 2005b) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism
▪ 多篇文献,多位作者 根据上一个的规则,并且使用分号隔开。排序先依照作者姓氏的字母, 接着是发表年份。
▪ When asked why his behavior had changed so dramatically, Max simply said "I think it's the reinforcement" (Pauling, 2004, p. 69).

▪ 参考文献清单
▪ 参考文献(Bibliography/reference):
▪ 论文框架 ▪ 1…. ▪ 2. ▪ 2.1. ▪ 2.2 ▪ 2.2.1 ▪ 2.2.2
▪ APA格式是一个为广泛接受的研究论文撰写格 式,特别针对社会科学领域的研究,规范学 术文献的引用和参考文献的撰写方法,以及 表格、图表、注脚和附录的编排方式。APA格 式因采用哈佛大学文章引用的格式而广为人 知,其“作者和日期”的引用方式和“括号 内引用法”相当著名。
▪ 月刊杂志中的文章: Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.
▪ 报纸中的文章: Wrong, M. (2005, August 17). Misquotes are "Problematastic" says Mayor. Toronto Sol. p. 4.



APA 格式文内引用文献引用(Citation)文献引用必须注明出处,这直接反映论文作者对所涉领域的把握和治学态度。

文献引用应遵照下列规范:引用规范:按专业方向的不同一般分为MLA(the Modern Language Association,人文科学常用)和APA(the American Psychological Association,社会科学常用)两类,区别在于次序、大小写、缩写、标点等细节上。




引语段(block quotation)的括号夹注不属于单句,因而不得将其放在句末的标点以内。


引语(Quotations)用方括号(square brackets“[ ]”)和省略号(ellipses“…”)标明更动原文的地方。





三行或以上的引语作为独立的引语段(block quotation)。







引用整篇文献的观点引用整篇文献(即全书或全文)观点时有两种情况,一种是作者的姓氏在正文中没有出现,如:Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor, 1990).另一种情况是作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,按APA的规范则没有必要在括号夹注中重复作者的姓,如:Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (1990).如果作者的姓氏和文献出版年份均已在正文同一句中出现,按APA的规范不需使用括号夹注,如:In a 1990 article, Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration forwriting.在英文撰写的论文中引用中文著作或者期刊,括号夹注中只需用汉语拼音标明作者的姓氏,不得使用汉字,如:(Zhang, 2005)引用文献中具体观点或文字引用文献中某一具体观点或文字时必须注明该观点或者该段文字出现的页码,没有页码是文献引用不规范的表现。





在学术写作中,常用的引用格式主要有美国心理学协会(APA)、现代语言协会(MLA)和芝加哥手册(Chicago Manual of Style)等。



1. APA引用格式:美国心理学协会(APA)引用格式主要用于心理学、社会学、教育学等社会科学领域的学术写作。


- 文中引述:在文中引述他人观点、研究成果或专家共识时,需要标注作者的姓氏和发表年份,如“(Smith, 2020)”或“According to Smith (2020)”。

如果文中引述的内容直接摘自原文,则在引述后加入页码,如“(Smith, 2020, p. 34)”。

- 参考文献列表:在文章结尾列出所有引述过的文献,格式一致。


2. MLA引用格式:现代语言协会(MLA)引用格式主要用于人文学科领域的学术写作,如文学、语言学和哲学等。


- 文中引述:在文中引述文献内容时,需要标注作者的姓氏和页码,如“(Smith 34)”或“According to Smith (34)”。

- 参考文献列表:在文章结尾列出所有引述过的文献,格式符合MLA规范。


3. 芝加哥手册引用格式:芝加哥手册引用格式主要用于历史学、艺术学和社会科学等学术写作。


mla 和apa格式 -回复

mla 和apa格式 -回复

mla 和apa格式-回复MLA(现代语言协会)和APA(美国心理学协会)是两种最常用的学术写作格式,用于引用和格式化学术论文、研究报告和其他学术文献。




以下是一些常见的MLA格式规则:1. 文章排版:使用标准8.5 x 11英寸的白纸,单面打印。


使用12号标准字体,如Times New Roman。

2. 文章标题:将标题居中放置于文章的起始页。


3. 头部信息:在文章标题下方一行,左对齐写入作者的全名。


4. 页面编号:页码右上角,与顶部保持1/2英寸的距离。

5. 标题文字:文章需要用标引号包含标题。


6. 引文和参考文献:使用MLA格式引用文献时,需要在引用的末尾添加作者的姓氏和页码号。



以下是一些常见的APA格式规则:1. 文章排版:同样使用标准8.5 x 11英寸的白纸,单面打印。


使用12号标准字体,如Times New Roman。

2. 文章标题:将标题居中放置于文章的起始页。


3. 头部信息:在文章标题下方两行,居中写入作者的全名。


4. 页面编号:页码右上角,与顶部保持1英寸的距离。

5. 标题文字:文章需要用标引号包含标题。


6. 引文和参考文献:使用APA格式引用文献时,需要在引用的末尾添加作者的姓氏、出版年份和页码号(只在直接引用时使用)。








一、APA引用格式APA(American Psychological Association)引用格式是一种社会科学领域常用的引用格式。


1. 文内引用格式:当引用他人观点或研究成果时,APA格式要求在句子中标注作者姓氏和出版年份,如:“根据Smith(2010)的研究结果表明...”或者“研究结果表明...(Smith,2010)”。

2. 引文格式:当直接引用他人的文字时,需要在引文中标注页码,如:“研究结果表明‘......’(Smith,2010,p. 20)”或者“‘......’(Smith,2010,p. 20)”。

3. 参考文献格式:APA格式要求按照作者的姓氏字母顺序排列参考文献,包括作者姓名、出版年份、文献题目、期刊名称或出版商等信息。

比如:Book:Smith, J. (2010). Title of Book. Publisher.Journal article:Smith, J. (2010). Title of Article. Journal Name, volume(number), page range.二、MLA引用格式MLA(Modern Language Association)引用格式是人文学科领域常用的引用格式,包括文学、语言学、艺术等学科。


1. 文内引用格式:MLA格式要求在句子中标注作者姓氏和页码,如:“根据Smith (20)的研究结果表明...”或者“研究结果表明...(Smith 20)”。

























二、MLA格式1. 简介现代语言协会(MLA)格式是一种常用于人文科学领域的引用格式,特别是在文学、语言学和艺术研究领域。


2. 引用格式在MLA格式中,引用通常以作者的姓和名的首字母开始,然后是出版日期,接着是作品标题,最后是出版社名称和页面号码。

例如:Smith, John. "The Art of Writing." Penguin Books, 2005, pp. 34-39.3. 参考文献列表在MLA格式的参考文献列表中,所有引用的信息都应该以作者的姓和名的首字母开始,然后是出版日期,接着是作品标题,最后是出版社名称和页面号码。


三、APA格式1. 简介心理学会(APA)格式是一种常用于社会科学领域的引用格式,特别是在心理学、教育学和商业研究中。


2. 引用格式在APA格式中,引用通常以作者的姓和名的首字母开始,然后是出版日期,接着是作品标题,最后是出版社名称和页面号码。

例如:Smith, J. (2005). The art of writing. Penguin Books.3. 参考文献列表在APA格式的参考文献列表中,所有引用的信息都应该以作者的姓和名的首字母开始,然后是出版日期,接着是作品标题,最后是出版社名称和页面号码。


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外国语学院本科生英语专业毕业论文装订顺序(APA格式)(注:此格式用于文学、文化和翻译方向之外的所有论文)1.毕业论文封面(汉语)2.毕业论文首页(英语)3.致谢(英文)4.毕业论文英文摘要及关键词5.毕业论文中文摘要及关键词6.目录7.正文8.尾注(可选)9.参考文献(英语文献在前,汉语文献在后)10.附录(可选)附:论文模板(模板内容仅供参考,毕业生可根据实际情况填写)其它不明事项请查看临沂大学外国语学院英语专业本科生学位论文格式规定分类号:单位代码:10452 临沂大学毕业论文(设计)中国大学英语学习者连接副词使用情况调查姓名学号年级专业英语系(院)外国语学院指导教师张三2012年 6 月 10 日The Use of Linking Adverbials by Chinese College English LearnersA Thesis Submittedto Foreign Languages School ofLinyi Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsByXXXXXXSupervisor:XXXXXXJune 10, 2012would like to thank all those who have given me their generous helps, commitment and enthusiasm, to complete the current paper. …The aim of this research is, through a general comparison between learners ’ corpora and NSs ’corpora, to probe into the characteristics of Chinese EFL learners with regard to their use of linking adverbials in writing and speaking, and give an impersonal description about the non-nativeness that the learners demonstrate in the use of linking adverbials. It is found that Chinese EFL learners have shown an overall overusing tendency in using linking adverbials linking adverbials are multifold, such as Key Words: Linking Adverbials; Chinese EFL learners; Use; TeachingTimes New Roman 小四号 粗体无论在口语还是在写作中,中国大学英语学习者在连接副词的使用上都有过多使用的倾向。

影响中国大学英语学习者使用连接副词的因素是多方面的,如母 (Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i Abstract.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..iii1.1Research Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.2Motivations and Objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Two The Theoretical Framework of Child Language Learning. . . . . . . . . . . 52.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.2 A Selective Review of Child Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52.3 Child Language Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.3.1 Child First Language Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.3.2 Child Second Language Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.3.3 Child Foreign Language Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.4 Summary of Key Learning Principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Chapter Five Results and Discussions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .455.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .455.2 The Overview of Primary EFL Program in Henan Province. . . . . . . . . . . .455.3 The Current Situation of Primary English Classroom Instruction. . . . . . . .52 Chapter Six Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .696.1 Major Findings and Contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .696.2 Recommendations for Future Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Appendixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (82)临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundIn the first decade or two after World War II, the introduction of foreign languages in the elementary school in the U.S.A.1, and of primary school French in Britain, and similar developments in other countries were part of a widespread search for ways of “improving the effectiveness of language education by taking into account into timetable of language development in childhood” (Stern , 1983, p.363). The past decade has seen significant increase in foreign language programs for young learners. In many African and Asian countries, primary children have long been taught French or English as preparation for their use as a medium of instruction.1.2 Motivations and ObjectivesTimes New Roman 小四号,1.5倍行距Times New Roman 三号,粗体,居中Times New Roman , 四号,粗体全文每段首行缩进3-5个字符姓,+年,+p.+页码2.Altenberg, B. (1984). Causal Linking in Spoken and Written English. Studia Linguistica, 38 , 20-69.Halliday, M. A. K., & Husan, R. (1988). An Introduction to Functional Grammar.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Halliday, M. A. K., & Husan, R. (1970). Language Structure and Language Function. In Lyons (Ed.), Peguin Books, 221-224.Hatch, E. (1992). Discourse and Language Education. London: Cambridge University Press.Quirk, R. et al. (1972). A Grammar of Contemporary English. London: Longman. 冯庆华. (2002). 实用翻译教程. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社.罗瑞球. (2002). 英语习语翻译教学. 湖南师范大学教育科学学报(3): 23-26.徐其画 & 王乃文. (1989). 实用英译汉教程. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社. 杨慧中(主编). (2002).语料库语言学导论. 上海:上海外语教育出版社。
