


Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1. Canada plays an important role in international affairs and it is one of the five great powers which sit on the UN Security Council. _____



2. Canada provided the “air power” to support US military operations in the 1990 — 1991 Gulf War but this contribution was largely overlooked. _____



3. The US did not agree with Canada on the claims that Canadian territory stretched

to the Arctic Circle. _____



4. In geography, Canada has the world’s longest coastline and lies between two superpowers, therefore, militarily it is considered vulnerable. _____



5. In order to draft more fighters to fight in Europe during WWⅡ, the Canadian government introduced conscription, which was resented by French Canadians. _____



6. Canada came out of WWⅡas a full-fledged and sovereign state and entered a golden age of international diplomacy. _____



7. Pierre Trudeau earned a Nobel Peace Prize for his role in easing the Suez Crisis in

1956. _____


【解析】莱斯特·皮尔森(Lester Pearson)曾任外交部长,在解决1956年苏伊士运河危机中起了重要作用。为此,皮尔森获得了诺贝尔和平奖。解决了苏伊士运河危机并获得诺贝尔

和平奖的是莱斯特·皮尔森而不是皮尔·特鲁多(Pierre Trudeau)。

8. Canada has often been called b y its allies as a “free rider” because it most of

the times follows the US policy. _____



9. Canada strongly supports arms control and banning of nuclear technology. _____ 【答案】F


10. Canada felt a special commitment to helping the Third World countries because

it shared somewhat the same historical experience and had the same concerns.




Ⅱ. Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question: 1. In more recent years, partly through Canadian diplomatic efforts, things like _____

and _____ have been put on the international agenda.

A. arms control, human rights

B. economic crisis, inequality

C. organized crime, drug trafficking

D. women’s issues, the environment



2. When Britain lost its status as a world power after World War Ⅱ, Canada became

a junior partner helping _____ global interests.

A. Indian

B. Australian

C. American

D. Russian



3. Since the north is mainly unpopulated, the Canadian government, at one point,

asked the _____ to patrol the area.

A. the Americans

B. the local Inuits

C. the NATO allies

D. the Anzus



4. In 1988, Canada established with _____ the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to help facilitate economic integration, and later _____ joined the group.

A. the United States, Mexico

B. Australia, New Zealand

C. Great Britain, France

D. Norway, Mexico



5. Which Canadian prime minister referred to the two world wars as “the vortex of

European militarism”?

A. Lester Pearson.

B. Wilfred Laurier.

C. Pierre Trudeau.

D. Brian Mulroney.


【解析】威尔福德·劳瑞尔(Wilfred Laurier)将两次世界大战称为“欧洲军事漩涡”。

6. In 1917, the Canadian government introduced conscription, which resulted in bitter resentment in the French-speaking _____ province.

A. British Columbia

B. Nova Scotia

C. Ontario

D. Quebec



7. According to the author, Canada entered into its golden age of international diplomacy in the 1950s, the period of which was capped by Canada’s role in _____.

A. the Suez Crisis of 1956

B. the World Trade Organization

C. the NATO

D. World Health Organization


