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Section 2: Global Reading
❖Skim the text and find out the answer to exercise I (Page 5) in Text comprehension.
❖Read the text again and figure out the answers to exercise II.
Section 3: Detailed Reading
3 [4] Sloppy people live in Never-Never Land. Someday is their métier. Someday they are planning to alphabetize all their books and set up home catalogs. Someday they will go through their wardrobes and mark certain items for tentative mending and certain items for passing on to relatives of similar shape and size. Someday sloppy people will make family scrapbooks into which they will put newspaper clippings, postcards, locks of hair, and the dried corsage from their senior prom. Someday they will file everything on the surface of their desks, including the
4. Look at another picture and tell what the picture implies.
Section 1: Warm Up
Topics for discussion
4. According to your former experience, what kind of people are likely to be of higher moral qualities? Sloppy people or neat people? Let’s take a look at another picture and tell what the picture implies.
2. What is your room like?
3. What are your impressions about neat people and sloppy people? What kind of features are associated with sloppy people and neat people?
Background Information
About the Author
Suzanne Britt: A poet and essayist, and Assistant Professor of English. Suzanne Britt was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Salem College and her master’s degree from Washington University. Britt currently teaches literature and writing courses at Meredith College in North Carolina.
In Paragraph 1, the author introduces the topic of the text and presents her opinion that “neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people”.
Section 2: Global Reading
Part III (Paragraphs 6-12) Description of Neat People
Paragraphs 6-12 concentrate on the description of neat people. In these paragraphs, neat people are portrayed as cold-blooded, ruthless and very practical.
Section 1: Warm Up
Background Information
A prolific writer, Britt’s poems have appeared in quite a few literary magazines; her essays and articles have appeared in various newspapers and magazines, including Newsweek, The New York Times and The Boston Globe. Some of them have also been widely reprinted in college textbooks. Britt is author of several books, including Show and Tell (1982), and A Writer’s Rhetoric (1988). She also advises The Meredith Herald and The Colton Review.
messy, sloppy, untidy, disorderly, dirty, unclean, unorganized
neat, tidy, orderly, clean, organized
Section 1: Warm Up
Topics for discussion
1. Which room would you like to live or work in?
Detailed Analysis
❖Part 1 (P1) How does the author put forward her main argument? Direct/ blunt or indirect/obscure? What do you think of the way the author begins her argument? Does it have an effective beginning?
❖Go through the text and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.
Section 2: Global Reading
Main Idea
Structural Analysis
What is the author’s argument of the text? Or What is the text mainly about?
Section 1: Warm Up
Background Information
The picture implies that sloppiness is a moral problem, not just a problem of habit, for sloppy people are also “evil” people.
Section 1: Warm Up
Topics for discussion
5. Does Suzanne Britt, author of the text we’re going to study, think in the same way?
Section 1: Warm Up
Section 3: Detailed Reading
Neat People vs. Sloppy People
1 I’ve finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. [1] Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people. 2 Sloppy people, you see, are not really sloppy. [2] Their sloppiness is merely the unfortunate consequence of their extreme moral rectitude. [3] Sloppy people carry in their mind’s eye a heavenly vision, a precise plan, that is so stupendous, so perfectLeabharlann Baidu it can’t be achieved in this world or the next.
Section 2: Global Reading
Main Idea
Structural Analysis
Please divide the text into 3 parts and summarize the main idea of each part.
Part I (Paragraph 1) Introduction
Further Enhancement
Section 1: Warm Up
Background Information
Look at the two pictures. Think of words which you can use to describe the states of the rooms.
Through a comparison of the peculiarities of sloppy people and neat people in their daily life, the author is trying to convince the readers of the argument that the main distinction between the two types of people is a moral one, and furthermore, sloppy people are even morally superior to neat people.
An effective beginning. Making a comparison between a neat person and a
sloppy person in a blunt and unexpected way, which succeeds in arousing the interest of the reader. Overthrow traditional opinions of them.
Main Idea
Structural Analysis
Part II (Paragraphs 2-5) Description of Sloppy People
Paragraphs 2-5 focus on sloppy people who are portrayed as having a high moral standard and ambitious plans. Besides, they are also described as “giving loving attention to every detail”.
Unit 1 Neat People vs. Sloppy People
Warm Up
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
Text Appreciation
Consolidation Activities