BT100 Bass Amplifier用户指南说明书

BT100 BASS AMPLIFIER USER’S GUIDEIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3The Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,5The Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Some Suggested Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6System Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .back cover2Congratulations!You are now the proud owner of the Crate BT100 Bass Amplifier. The BT100 features two different channels: a distortion channel, featuring Crate’s exclusive Shape control for quick and easy access to the tone you need, and a clean channel with a four-band rotary EQ. Another unique and valuable feature of this amplifier is the Octave control. This feature electronically creates a second signal that is one octave lower than the original signal. An active electronic tuner, conveniently located on top of the amplifier, allows you to get in tune and stay in tune “on the fly.” The Mute switch allows you to tune in silence without changing the channel Level controls. A built-in Limiter keeps your sound clean even at full output power levels, and front panel jacks are provided for connecting a CD player and a pair of headphones, thereby optimizing your practice time.Like all Crate products, your BT100 is designed by musicians and built using only the best components. Extensive testing at the hands (and ears) of skilled technicians and musi-cians insures you that this amplifier is the absolute best it can be.In order to get the most out of your new bass amp, we urge you to check out the infor-mation in this manual before you begin playing.And thank you for choosing Crate.Declaration Of Conformity#34, Effective 01-01-2001Manufacturer’s Name:SLM ElectronicsProduction Facility:1901 Congressional Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146, USAProduction Facility:700 Hwy 202 W, Yellville, AR 72687, USAShipping Facility:1400 Ferguson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63133, USAOffice Facility:1400 Ferguson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63133, USAProduct Type:Audio AmplifierComplies with the following Standards:Safety:EN60065, E60065, C22.2, UL6500 and/or UL813EMC:Directive 89/336/EEC, EN55103, EN55013, EN61000,and/or FCC 47CFR 15B clASupplementary information provided by:SLM Electronics - R & D Engineering1901 Congressional Drive, St Louis, MO 63146, USATel.: 314-569-0141, Fax: 314-569-0175341. INPUT:Use this 1/4” jack to connect your bass to the amplifier by means of a shielded instrument cable.2. -15dB/0dB:Use this switch to match the output signal level of your instrument to the amplifier. If your instru-ment has standard pickups, setting the switch to the 0dB position (switch in the out position) should yield the best results. If your bass has active electronics or high output pickups, set the switch to the -15dB position (switch depressed).3. MUTE:This switch, when depressed, interrupts the signal prior to the power amplifier, allowing you to tune your instrument in silence.4. GAIN:Use this control to adjust the amount of distortion for the Distortion channel. As you rotate the control clockwise the amount of distortion increases.NOTE:The BT100 employs an internal noise gate on the Distortion channel to keep residual noise to a minimum.The Clean channel’s Level control (#8) must be turned up above “0” in order for the noise gate to trigger proper-ly. The Gain control (#4) and input signal level also affect the noise gate.5. SHAPE:Use this control to adjust the tone of the Distortion channel, from a studio “V”-shaped tone to a more “live,” more present sound.6. LEVEL:Use this control to adjust the output level of the Distortion channel.7. CHANNEL SWITCH:Use this switch to select either channel. With the switch in the out position, the Clean channel is selected. When the switch is depressed, the Distortion channel is selected. The adjacent LED illumi-nates when the Distortion channel is selected. NOTE:When using a footswitch: when this switch is depressed,the footswitch switches between the Distortion channel and the Clean channel; when this button is in the out posi-tion, the Clean channel is always active, and the footswitch turns the Distortion channel on and off, allowing you a blend of both channels.8. LEVEL:Use this control to adjust the output level of the Clean channel, and as part of the Octave level control (see #13).9. LOW:Use this control to adjust the low frequency output of the Clean channel.10. LOW MID:Use this control to adjust the lower-midrange frequency output of the Clean channel.11. HIGH MID:Use this control to adjust the upper-midrange frequency output of the Clean channel.12. HIGH:Use this control to adjust the high frequency output of the Clean channel.13. OCTAVE:The BT100 features internal circuitry which creates a second signal which is one octave lower than the input signal. Use this control in conjunction with the Clean channel’s Level control (#8) to adjust the level of the octave signal.14. MASTER:Use this control to adjust the overall output level of the amplifier.15. LIMIT LED:This LED illuminates when the internal limiting circuit is active. Occasional flashing during play-ing is normal. If the Limit LED remains illuminated, reduce the output level of the amplifier until the LED flashes.16. CD INPUT:Use these RCA jacks to connect the line level (or headphones) output of a CD player, tape deck or rhythm machine to the amplifier. The signal level from these jacks is adjusted by the Master control (#14). If the signal from the source connected to these jacks is too strong, use the output level control on the source to adjust the signal to obtain the proper level for a good mix.17. HEADPHONES:Use this jack to listen to the amplifier through a pair of stereo headphones. The internal speaker is disconnected when the headphones jack is used. To avoid possible damage to your hearing, do not use headphones for extended periods of time at extremely loud listening levels.The Front Panel:518. POWER:Use this switch to turn the amplifier on and off. The adjacent LED illuminates when the amplifier is turned on.19. ELECTRONIC TUNER (top panel, not shown):This active electronic tuner is on whenever the amplifier is turned on, allowing you constant, “real-time” tuning. The tuner is fully chromatic – use the flat and sharp indica-tors until the LED between them illuminates, indicating proper tuning.The Rear Panel:20. AC LINE CORD (not shown):The grounded power cord should only be plugged into a grounded power out-let that meets all applicable electrical codes and is compatible with the voltage, power, and frequency require-ments stated on the rear panel. Do not attempt to defeat the safety ground connection.21. EXTERNAL SPEAKER:Use this jack to connect the amplifier to an external speaker cabinet. This jack is wired in series with the internal speaker, which remains active when this jack is used. A 4 ohm external speaker cabinet is recommended.22. FOOTSWITCH:Connect a two-button footswitch (such as the Crate CFS-2) here for remote control of the channel selection/“blend” (see #7) and octave on/off. (When the Channel Switch [#7] is depressed, the footswitch switches between the Clean channel and the Distortion channel; when the switch is in the out position, the Clean channel is always active, and the footswitch turns the Distortion channel on and off, allowing you a blend of both channels.)23. EFFECTS LOOP SEND:Use this jack to connect an external signal processor to the amplifier by means of a shielded signal cable. Connect the other end of this cable to the input jack of the external processor.24. EFFECTS LOOP RETURN:Use this jack to connect an external signal processor to the amplifier by means of a shielded signal cable. Connect the other end of this cable to the output jack of the external processor.25. BALANCED LINE OUT:Use this XLR jack to send a balanced line level signal to an external power amplifi-er, mixing board, or recording console.26. PRE/POST:Use this switch to determine whether the Balanced Line Out signal is Post-EQ (switch depressed)or Pre-EQ (switch in the out position).27. GROUND LIFT:This switch, when depressed, lifts the ground connection at the Balanced Line Out jack (#25).This may help reduce hum in the Balanced Line Out signal.28. VOLUME: Use this control to adjust the signal level at the Balanced Line Out jack (#25).POSTGND67BUFFEREQNOISE GATETUNERA BC D EF GSHAPEOCTAVEBALANCED EFFECTS BLENDEXTERNAL SENDPHONESPOWER SPEAKERATTENUATORRETURN SWITCHING CIRCUITRYBT100 Technical Specifications:Specifications subject to change without notice©2003 ST. LOUIS MUSIC, 1400 FERGUSON, ST. LOUIS, MO. 6313347-673-01 • 012904。

可能用到的相对原子质量:H1 N 14 0 16 F 19 Mg 24-S 32 K 39 Fe 56 Ni 59 一、选择题:本题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分。
下列说法正确的是A.生铁属于碳素钢B.,铁元素位千d区c.铁强化酱油中铁为单质 D.常用KSCN检验Fe2+3.2016年IUPAC将117号元素命名为础(Ts)。
:丙醇:91.2·c 下列说法错误的是A.二者互为同分异构体c.一氯代物均有4种甲乙酸:10.8-CB.碳原子均为sp3杂化D.丙醇分子间存在氢键化学试卷第1.页(共8页)5.制备过氧化锡晶体的原理为S产+H心计8H20=Sr02·8比Ot+2H.,装置如下图所示。
Endress + Hauser 温度传感器TMT121 127 128型号产品说明说明书

i.iE -5: GYJ17.1056X(�tt: Obere Wank 1, 87484 Nesselwang, Germany)� -5 � � TMT121/127/128��VIlf.j 11 l;r. $ Ex iaHe T4-T6 Ga/GbI!l ** UU -5 14 10 00 000�1!l�&�*���$·�����,.���P�r.f ft GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.4-2010, GB 3836.20-2010 *;r. ;1,�� Wi � tlt iiE 0* iiE � 'A � 1m: 2017 � 2 F.1 22 S � 2022 � 2 F.1 21 B* 51 1. ��fl:m5.t��rYlm*iiE�1lf1f!fo2.iiE���€."X".���A���RmM •• �, �fim*iiE�Mf!fo3. ��m�l�aJ:lm*iiE�1lf1f!fo4. *�Et!. �VH&m*iiE�1lf1f!fo5. *iiE�F5JII1�mT,t�H�WT�WTiM.Jl[{)'(. (�1H) ��LHHi.J(�tt: �#lI�rm��iJUt:/lJm465�) ���F5J����o!t!? :1:.1: 1: j1i} m ie 3i: Jm 1 03 �JiI��: 200233 IXX.I:I:.II::Emai l:**************.cnJ:t!�: +86 21 64368180�a: +8621 64844580EX PL OS IO N PR OT EC TI ONCE RT IF IC AT E OF CO NFO RM ITYCert NO.GYJI7.1056XThis is to certify that the productTemperature transmitter (DIN raH)manufactured by Endress + Hauser We tzer GmbH + Co. KG(Address:Obcre Wank 1,87484 Nesselwang, Germany)which model is TMT1211127/128 Se r iesEx marking Ex iaHC T4-T6 Ga/Gbproduct standard /drewing number 14 1000000has been inspected end certified by NEPSI, and that it conformsto GB 3836.1-2010,GB 3836.4-2010,GB 3836.20-2010This Approval shall remain in force until 2022.02.21Remarks I.Conditions for safe use are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.2.Symbol "X" placed after the certification number denotes specific conditions of use,which are specified in the aUachrnent(s) to this certificate.3.Model designation is specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.4.1ntrinsic safety parameters specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.5.This certificate is also applicable for the product with the same type manufactured byEndress+Hauser Wetzer (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (address: Su Hong Zhong Lu No.465,Suzhou-SIP, China)DirectorIssued DateThis Ce rtificat e is valid for produc ts com patible with t he doc ument s and s am p ies app rovedby NEPSI.103 C ao Bao Road Shanghai200233,China Email: **************.cnTel: +862164368180Fax: +8621 64844580Edilion05�*�tt�tt��.������M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (GYJ17.1056X) (Attachment I )GY J17.1 056X� tI-ß-�iJE m{tf: I��ft Jr0 i1J �FB�TMT121/127/128*Ju�lfu l5t���� C '@%lL��) �� j;ill%� 15U:Wrf5U&r!15 *'�3:Jlli:'I�H&!J@: M(N E P S I )f&!J@: ?:{f-g. T J U fiT-1ft:GB3836.1-2010 *,Yr:äJiF� m1'ßM·}: .�� iffi J tj�*GB3836.4-2010 �'l:'Fti):f� �4tftl7}: El:pls:J.!jJ:�3:lli "i" 1:l1tJ?ß!'r��GB3836.20-2010 :Ii'l:'FäJiF� m20'ß-ß7t: W:�{ljH?�laIJ CEPL)Frf�Il1J�ß*$$Ex iaHC T4�T6 Ga/Gb. IltJ�lfr*:(:liiE-'%GYJ17.1056Xo*�iE 1 � 1A i:iJB� F J1J:1� -'%�m*lt :tm T :iTEMP PCP DIN rail TMT 121-10iTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT 127-10iTEMP TC DIN rail TMT 128-10Ä�: •• •.-, 1'= fflt:'tC� {f:ffl*f'**ftfA����T:f���s*�.:(HJI.:t�.d�ffl B�·�lJ1:'t:�:(.f�-1-g.GB4208-2008�J\lJCB� IP20 lJ,J:. lLmJE GB3836.1-201 0;fDGB3836.4-201 O�*Er�5'r1G� 0=,1'=fflt{f:ffl��$t9i1. F� f tJ:f.P:f�Ylfult;fDYlfu)jU.l3.3JU I'r� �*:�Jt�.I3.!iJIJ T4 T5 T6Je if Pf� iJh1il&-40 'C -+85 'C -40C+65C -40C+50Cm��� /F1�+:1Hf1i 03. FrI1i'I�*����ln:;-:f*,�if!IiI,VJR[1 (+),2(-)] Uj=30V Ij=100mA Pj=750mW Cj�O Lj�OUo=4.4V l o=9.6mA Po=10.6mW f'iZ��@]��[3, 4, 5,6] HC TIBCo 2.4iJ F 12iJ FLo 100mH 100mH(GY J17.1 056X) (Attachment I )4, FI-l�.!=j*Ri&�B��f�Il!.��BYj}11H{g�:j:p�B�mfM(I\:I.��, ;!{mfM(mBYf�±ilio5,ffl����fiM.���F����.$#, BY��F������M*�fi�� ���., �����.fi��m������o6, Fp1B���, 1�fFHII�Mf'�I'"Jßt�'1'Fp11tffl�A)H5, G83836.13-1997 ";lfHt'i1-4: {i.f(flF�ffl�@'�i&�m13f'i�7t: , G83836.15-2000 ". 1:t't1�1*lf:Liffl J:f!.�i&� m15f'iM·}: i1t�fttmwrJ:f!.-4:�� (;I:�1tl;�"�) , G83836.16-2006 " ;I:l 1:t 'ti /=t 1* lf m m J:f!. � .\& fIl. � 16 f'i� 7t: f:@. /=t � l!f B� tft � �[I MU? (m 1t ��,,�) JJzG850257-1996 r:@. ��:EiMii I JJz�I&J.m1[i" rttlff* �!.\l)E o1,F���r������ru& •• ��AF��mill��;2 ,*� � r 16' �li1 ?-*tr f'J{W� N E P S I iA i:iJ (:1<] )( 1q: 'Bi �4 � F ;3, F � � ),�. � r0. j> -E1 �% r 31U I*J � :a) NEPS liA (��Jj1jit*tri.LE:;)b) F &i'dVI :ti liF iil;;c ) rVI :Ii 1-1 *1HIE 'ij'd) 1� ffl W �YliliJte) *� Il!.�%t��*������.���.��� National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation(GY J17.1 056X) (Attachment I )Attachment I to GYJ17.1056X1. DescriptionTMT121 /127/128 se r ies Temperature transmitter (DIN rail), manufactured by Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH + Co.KG, has been certified by National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI). The product accords with following standards:GB3836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 1: Equipment-General requirementsGB3836.4-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 4: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety"i"GB3836.20-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 20: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) GaThe Ex marking is Ex ia 11 C T 4-T6 Ga/Gb, its certificate number is GY J17.1 056X.Type approved in this certificate is shown as the following:iTEMP PCP DIN rail TMT121-1 DiTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT121-1 0iTEMP TC DIN rail TMT128-1 0o indicates type of connection, sensor, meauring range and etc.Refer to instruction manual for the details.2. Special Conditions for Safe UseThe suffix "X" placed after the certificate number indicates that this product is subject to special conditions for safe use, that is:When using this head type product, it shall be installed in the enclosure which IP degree is at least IP20 according to GB4208-2008, and meet the relative requirements of GB3836.1-201 0 and GB3836.4-2010.3. Conditions for Safe Use3.1 The relationship between ambient temperature range and the temperature class is shown as foliows:Temperature dass T4 T5 T6Ambient temperature range -40'C-+85'C -40'C-+65'C -40'C-+50'C3.2 This product should be used in explosive gas atmospheres together with approved associated apparatus, follow the instruction manual of this product and associated apparatus when connecting the wiring. Connect the wiring terminals correctly.Page 1 01 2(GYJ17.1056X) (Attachment I )3.3 Intrinsically safe parameters:Ui=30V li=100mA Pi=750mW Ci::::O Li::::OSensor circuits [3, 4, 5, 6] Uo=4.4V lo=9.6mA Po=10.6mWHCCo 2.4 I.l F 12 I.l FLo 100mH 100mH3.4 Connecting cable between intrinsically safe product and associated apparatus should be insulated screen cable; connect the cable screen functionally to earth ground.3.5 The user shall not change the configuration in order to maintain/ensure the explosion protection performance of the equipment. Any change may impair safety.3.6 For installation, use and maintenance of this product, the end user shall observe the instruction manual and the following standards:hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".GB3836.13-2013 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 13:Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation".GB3836.15-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 15:Electrical installations inhazardous area (other than rnines)".GB3836.16-2006 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 16:lnspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".GB3836.18-2010 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 18: Intrinsically safe system".4. Manufacturer's Responsibility4.1 Conditions for safe use, a s specified above, s hould be induded in the documentation the user is provided with. 4.2 Manufacturing should be done according to the documentation approved by NEPSI.4.3 Nameplate should include these contents listed below:1) NEPSl logo @2) Ex marking3) certificate number4) ambient temperature5) intrinsically safe parametersPage 2 of 2。


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• For use with Heyco Nylon Corrugated Conduit/Tubing. See pages 2-19 and 2-20.

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RF Cable Assemblies 型号参考说明书

AEROspaceAUTOMOTIVEDEFENSEINDUSTRIALINSTRUMENTATIONSPACETELECOMMEDICAL101, Rue Ph. Hoffmann93116 ROSNY sous BOIS (Paris)Tel.: +33 1 49 35 35 35 - Fax: +33 1 48 54 63 63 E-Mail: info @P.O. Box 202 - 90101 OULU Tel.: +358 407 522 412 E-Mail: infofi @Carl-Zeiss Str. 10 Postfach 200143 D63307 - RÖDERMARK (Frankfurt)Tel.: +49 60 74 91 07 0 - Fax: +49 60 74 91 07 70 E-Mail: infode @Via Concordia, 5 - 20090 ASSAGO MILANO Tel.: +39 02 48 85 121 - Fax: +39 02 48 84 30 18 E-Mail: infoit @ Regional office: RomaHogebrinkerweg 15b - 3871 KM HOEVELAKEN Tel.: +31 33 253 40 09 - Fax: +31 33 253 45 12 E-Mail: infonl @Sjöängsvägen 2 - SE-192 72 SOLLENTUNA (Stockholm) Tel.: +46 844 434 10 - Fax: +46 875 449 16 E-Mail: infose @Ground Floor, 6 The Grand Union Office Park, Packet Boat LaneUXBRIDGE Middlesex UB8 2GH (London)Tel.: +44 1895 425 000 - Fax: +44 1895 425 010 E-Mail: infouk @6825 West Galveston Street CHANDLER, Arizona 85226Tel.: +1 480 682 9400 - Fax: +1 480 682 9403 E-Mail: infousa @N° 390 Yong He Road 200072 - SHANGHAITel.: +86 21 66 52 37 88 - Fax: +86 21 66 52 11 77 E-Mail: infosh @Shibuya-ku Ebisu 1-5-2, Kougetsu Bldg 405 TOKYO 150-0013Tel.: +81 3 3440 6241 - Fax: +81 3 3440 6242 E-Mail: infojp @Flat D, 6/F Ford Glory Plaza, 37-39 Wing Hong Street Cheung Sha WanKOWLOON HONG KONGTel: +852-2959-3833 - Fax:+852-2959-2636 E-Mail: infohk @25 D, II Phase, Peenya Industrial Area BANGALORE 560058Tel.: +91 80 83 95 271 - Fax: +91 80 83 97 228 E-Mail: infoin @For the above countries, please contact the local agent or RADIALL at info @ALSO REPRESENTED INRadiall Navigator ™ is a tool designed to assist our partners and customers that provides instant access to the right information at the right moment. This tool is intended to make sharing information about Radiall products as easy as possible in one single document.With this in mind, we have created Radiall Navigator as a supplemental guide toinformation available in our catalogs and on our website (). We recognize that time is a very limited and valuable asset. We are confident that Radiall Navigator will help users understand our products, terminologies, and references better .JacketDielectric/insulatorCorrugated ($$$$)LengthConnector 1Boot 1Coax cable Marking Sleeve 2Connector 2Length"Pigtail" AssemblyRF Cable AssembliesRight angle onlyNOTE: S = Single Brand D = Dual Brand | For more information about cables manufactured by Radiall, please visit or contact your Radiall sales representative.The following table is intended as a guideline only. For detailed specifications, please refer to the relevant or to the standard cable manufacturer’s specifications. All dimensions are nominal unless otherwise noted.。

Installation GuideModel No.BL-C210(Wired Type)Model number suffixes (“A”, “CE”, and “E”) are omitted from the following model numbers shown in this document, unless necessary.BL-C210A, BL-C210CE, BL-C210EPlease read the included Important Information before proceeding.Complete Operating Instructions and all other documentation can be found on the included CD-ROM.•This document (Installation Guide) explains how to physically connect the camera to the power supply and network, as well how to mount or place the camera for regular use.•The Setup Guide describes how to set up the camera so that it can be accessed using a PC.•Refer to the Operating Instructions on the CD-ROM for details regarding the camera’s features.•Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide on the CD-ROM if you have any problems configuring or using the camera.Abbreviations•UPnP is the abbreviation for “Universal Plug and Play”.•The Network Camera is referred to as “the camera” in this document.•The Setup CD-ROM is referred to as “the CD-ROM” in this document.Installation Procedure OverviewThe following is an overview of the steps required to install and setup the camera. All steps are explained in this document unless otherwise noted.1.Confirm the following items are included in the camera’s packaging.2.You will need the following additional items to install and configure the camera.– a PC (see the system requirements in the Important Information document)– 2 LAN cables (CAT-5 straight cable)– a routerCamera Diagrams3 for information about the PRIVACY button.*2See 1.1 Understanding the Camera Indicators in the Troubleshooting Guide on the CD-ROM for indicator meaning.*3BL-C210A onlyPreparationConfirm that you have all the items required for installation.Camera DiagramMake sure you know the names of the camera’s physical features.ConnectionsConnecting the camera to your network and to the power outlet.Setup•Refer to the included Setup Guide for information on configuring the camera to be accessed from a PC.•BL-C210A only: Refer to the included Setup Guide for VIERA Connection for information on registering the camera to a Panasonic VIERA TV.MountingMounting or placing the camera.E F PRIVACY button *1Built-in sensor (pyroelectric infrared sensor)Speaker (for built-in alarm)POWER indicator *2AV LINK indicator *3Microphone Lens cover LensI J L Wall mounting holes Tripod mounting holeSerial number and MAC address label DATA/POWER INExternal INPUT interfaceFACTORY DEFAULT RESET button Safety wire hole Cable cover© Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. 2009PNQX1993YB KK0809CQ4119Please read this document before using the product, and save this document for future2ConnectionsConnect the camera to your router and to the power outlet as described below.•Before proceeding, confirm that your PC is connected to your router and can access the Internet. Also confirm that your router’s UPnP ™ feature is enabled. (Most routers have UPnP ™ turned off by default.) Refer to the operating instructions included with your router or to the Panasonic Network Camera website (/pcc/ipcam/) for more information.•The external INPUT interface is not capable of connecting directly to devices that require large amounts of current. In some cases, acustom interface circuit (customer-provided) may have to be used. Serious damage to the camera may result if a device that exceeds its electrical capability is connected to the external INPUT interface.•Low voltage/current circuits and high voltage/current circuits are used in the camera circuit. All wiring should be performed by a qualified electrician. Incorrect wiring could damage the camera and cause a fatal electric shock.the external INPUT interface, terminals may become damaged or the interface may be pushed inside the camera body and become unusable.38.When deciding where to mount the camera, you can verify thesensor’s ability to make detections that satisfy your needs by referring to the camera’s indicator. See 7.5 Changing the Indicator Display in the Operating Instructions on the CD-ROM, and configure the camera to light the indicator in orange when the sensor makes a detection. You can then adjust the sensitivity of the sensor (see 2.9 Adjusting Sensor Sensitivity in the Operating Instructions on the CD-ROM) or change the camera’s location if necessary. Note that if you increase the sensitivity of the sensor, the sensor may make inaccurate detections.Note•If you are not satisfied with the sensor’s ability to make detections, we recommend using the camera’s motion detection feature. This feature detects motion by detecting changes in the camera image. For more information, see Section 2 Using Triggers to Buffer and Transfer Images in the Operating Instructions on the CD-ROM.•The built-in sensor and the motion detection feature are notdesigned to be used for security or surveillance. No responsibility will be taken by our company with respect to consequences resulting from the use of these features.PRIVACY ButtonPrivacy mode allows you to protect your privacy by hiding the lens inside the camera, preventing camera images from being seen. You can turn privacy mode on by pressing the PRIVACY button on the front of the camera.When privacy mode is turned on, the PRIVACY button (which also serves as the camera’s indicator) changes from green to red to let you know that privacy mode is activated. To turn privacy mode off and allow the camera to be accessed, simply press the PRIVACY button again. It should turn green within a few seconds.If users are accessing the camera when privacy mode is turned on, the camera image area displayed in their web browsers turns gray or black. No camera pages can be accessed by users while privacy mode is turned on. Once privacy mode is turned off, users can press the refresh button in their web browsers to view images again.The camera’s administrator can also turn privacy mode on and off using a PC or a mobile phone, and the PRIVACY button itself can be disabled so that privacy mode cannot be turned on or off by pressing the PRIVACY button.For more information about privacy mode, see 7.6 Privacy Mode in the Operating Instructions on the CD-ROM.Note•If you plan on using the PRIVACY button to turn privacy mode on and off, make sure you mount the camera where you can reach the button.Other Notes•Camera images can be viewed in relatively dark areas, however, image quality decreases when viewing dark images. We recommend using supplemental lighting for best results.•Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or halogen light may damage the camera’s image sensor. Mount the camera appropriately.temperature changes such as near an air conditioneras glass in front of the cameraMounting the Camera•The camera illustrations in this document depict the BL-C210A. Caution•Do not drive the screws into a soft material. Drive the screws into a secure area of the wall, such as a wall stud, otherwise the camera may fall and be damaged.•Make sure you attach the safety wire when mounting the camera, to prevent the camera from falling.Note•Use screws that are appropriate for the material of the wall.•The included screws are for use with wooden walls only.•The pull-out strength of the installation area must be at least 294 N(30 kgf) per screw.•The camera is intended for indoor use only and should not bemounted outdoors.•To ensure that camera images are displayed properly, do not mount the camera on an incline. Mount the camera so that it isperpendicular to the floor. Do not mount the camera upside down. Tripod Mount•Do not use a tripod screw with a thread of 6 mm (1/4 inch) or more.This may damage the tripod mounting hole.•The camera cannot be mounted depending on the shape of thecamera platform.Wall Mount1.Remove the cable cover, secure the safety wire to the camera usingscrew B (included) and washer M (included).•Make sure you attach the safety wire when mounting the camera, to prevent the camera from falling.2.Connect a LAN cable to the camera and attach the cable cover.•Insert the LAN cable until it clicks into to place.3.Mount the camera on the screws by inserting the screws into thecamera’s wall mounting holes, then sliding the camera down until it is secure.•Leave 2 mm (1/16 inch) of space between the screw heads and the washers, as shown below.4.Secure the safety wire to the wall using screw A (included) and washerL (included).•Leave some slack in the safety wire, as shown.•Attach the safety wire in a position so that if the camera were tobecome detached, it would not fall on nearby people.When mounting on a mortar or concrete surface•Prepare anchors for a 4 mm (3/16 inch) diameter screw for the safety wire, and 3.5 mm (1/8 inch) diameter screws for the wall mounting.1.Mark the points where you are going to make holes.2.Make holes with an electric drill. Insert anchors (customer-provided)into the holes and use a hammer to make them flush with the wall.•Mortar walls break easily when drilling. Be careful of pieces ofmortar which may become loose and fall.3.Mount the camera by following the instructions on this page.4.Mark the point where you are going to make a hole for the safety wire,follow step 2 and secure the safety wire.Connecting to the power transfer unit1.Connect a LAN cable to the power transfer unit and to the switchinghub, router, etc.•The power transfer unit can be fixed in place with 2 pieces fromscrew A (included) (4 mm x 20 mm [3/16 inch x 13/16 inch]).2.Connect a LAN cable from the camera to the power transfer unit.3.Connect the AC adaptor to the power transfer unit and plug the otherend into the power outlet.•The camera will activate.4。

9 典型应用
PL3536 为小功率的适配器/充电器应用提供了很 有效的解决方案, 其新颖的恒流/恒压控制使得系 统不需要次级反馈电路, 并能实现高精度的恒流/ 恒压输出,从而满足更严格的能源损耗要求。
I Spk =
NP • I Ppk NS
IPpk 为功率管关闭后的原边峰值电流。
� � � � � � � �
内置高集成度的功率MOSFET +/-5%恒压调节 全电压范围内精准的恒流调节 去除光耦和次级恒流恒压控制电路 内置高精度恒流调节的线电压补偿 内置变压器电感补偿 可编程的输出线补偿 内置可提高效率的自适应多模式PWM/PFM控制 � � � � � � � � � 低启动电流 内置软启动 内置短路保护 内置前沿消隐 过流保护 过压保护 VDD钳位保护 欠压保护 过载保护
高精度恒压/恒流、原边控制 PWM功率开关
PL3536 是一款高效率、高集成度、原边调节的 PWM 功率 开关,其主要应用于小于 15W 的 AC/DC 反激式开关电源。 PL3536 通过去除光耦以及次级控制电路,简化了充电器 / 适配器等传统的恒流/恒压的设计,从而实现高精度的电压 和电流调节,调节波形如下图 1 所示。 PL3536 的复合模式的应用使得芯片能够实现低静态功耗、 低音频噪音、高效率。内置的频率抖动可以很好的降低芯片 的 EMI 以及 EMI 滤波成本,而且高集成的功率 MOSFET 能够降低外部 PCB 的面积以及系统的成本。 PL3536 同时具有多种保护功能:逐周期峰值电流检测、欠 压保护、过压保护、VDD 钳位、过载保护等。
CommScope TeraSPEED 2.9 mm Plenum Zipcord单模内部电缆说明书

Fiber indoor cable, TeraSPEED® 2.9 mm Plenum Zipcord, Singlemode G.652.D and G.657.A1, Feet jacket marking, Yellow jacket colorProduct ClassificationRegional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | Latin America | Middle East/Africa | NorthAmericaPortfolio CommScope®Product Type Fiber indoor cableProduct Series P-ZCGeneral SpecificationsCable Type CordageConstruction Type Non-armoredSubunit Type Gel-freeJacket Color YellowJacket Marking FeetTotal Fiber Count2DimensionsHeight Over Jacket 2.9 mm | 0.114 inWidth Over Jacket 5.9 mm | 0.232 inRepresentative Image13Page ofMechanical SpecificationsMinimum Bend Radius, loaded44 mm | 1.732 inMinimum Bend Radius, unloaded23 mm | 0.906 inTensile Load, long term, maximum120 N | 26.977 lbfTensile Load, short term, maximum400 N | 89.924 lbfCompression10 N/mm | 57.101 lb/inCompression Test Method FOTP-41 | IEC 60794-1 E3Flex300 cyclesFlex Test Method FOTP-104 | IEC 60794-1 E6Impact0.74 N-m | 6.55 in lbImpact Test Method FOTP-25 | IEC 60794-1 E4Strain See long and short term tensile loadsStrain Test Method FOTP-33 | IEC 60794-1 E1Twist10 cyclesTwist Test Method FOTP-85 | IEC 60794-1 E7Vertical Rise, maximum500 m | 1,640.42 ftOptical SpecificationsFiber Type G.652.D and G.657.A1, TeraSPEED®Environmental SpecificationsInstallation temperature0 °C to +70 °C (+32 °F to +158 °F)-20 °C to +70 °C (-4 °F to +158 °F)23Page ofOperating Temperature-20 °C to +70 °C (-4 °F to +158 °F)Storage Temperature-40 °C to +70 °C (-40 °F to +158 °F)Cable Qualification Standards ANSI/ICEA S-83-596 | Telcordia GR-409Environmental Space PlenumFlame Test Listing NEC OFNP (ETL) and c(ETL)Flame Test Method NFPA 130 | NFPA 262Environmental Test SpecificationsHeat Age-20 °C to +85 °C (-4 °F to +185 °F)Heat Age Test Method IEC 60794-1 F9Low High Bend-20 °C to +70 °C (-4 °F to +158 °F)Low High Bend Test Method FOTP-37 | IEC 60794-1 E11Temperature Cycle-20 °C to +70 °C (-4 °F to +158 °F)Temperature Cycle Test Method FOTP-3 | IEC 60794-1 F1Packaging and WeightsCable weight20 kg/km | 13.439 lb/kftRegulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCHINA-ROHS Below maximum concentration valueISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system REACH-SVHC Compliant as per SVHC revision on /ProductCompliance ROHS CompliantUK-ROHSCompliantIncluded ProductsCS-8W-TB–TeraSPEED® Singlemode Fiber* FootnotesOperating Temperature Specification applicable to non-terminated bulk fiber cablePage of33。

------索引1.#AfterImage(残影)2.#PalFX(颜色变化)------------------------------------------------------------ #AfterImage(残影)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #PalFX(颜色变化)------------------------------------------------------------ ★★雷击1★★"Benimaru Nikaido"by"Deuce"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 20palfx.color = 64palfx.invertall = 1palfx.add = 1,1,1palfx.mul = 256,256,256palfx.sinadd = 96,96,96,4★★雷击2★★"Kei Nanasawa"by"Rikard"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 20palfx.color = 60palfx.invertall = 1palfx.add = 1,1,1palfx.mul = 256,256,256palfx.sinadd = 126,126,126,4★★雷击3★★"Malin"by"H乭"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 18palfx.add = 1,1,1palfx.mul = 224,256,256palfx.sinadd = 75,100,100,4palfx.color = 30palfx.invertall = 1★★雷击4★★"Krizalid"by"Conversion Wolrd - J.Lee"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 60palfx.mul = 256,256,256palfx.sinadd = 205,205,205,4★★绿毒1★★"Ashi"by"Alpha Dreams"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.color = 3palfx.add = 48,192,40palfx.sinadd = 48,50,32,16palfx.time = 32★★绿毒2★★"K'"by"NAO&M."参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 23palfx.mul = 240,220,128palfx.sinadd = 32,128,220,16palfx.add = 190,180,84★★绿毒3★★"Lin"by"Misamu K Young"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.invertall = 1palfx.add = -100,-93,-200palfx.sinadd = 20,-10,-10,4palfx.time = 20★★红火1★★"chin"by"shinriyo"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 68palfx.add = 180,50,35palfx.mul = 180,180,180palfx.sinadd = 30,20,20,12★★红火2★★"Eiji Shirow"by"Orochi Dark Cloud & Rick Pk Liquid Snake"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 27palfx.add = 80,-70,-200palfx.sinadd = 0,30,0,10palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★红火3★★"isabeau"by"100%Ex-Inferis"参数值(于helper-hitdef)palfx.time = 40palfx.add = 240,50,0palfx.mul = 250,224,120palfx.sinadd = 110,55,85,10Palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★红火4★★"K9999"by"EI"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 60palfx.add = 40,-70,-200palfx.sinadd = 40,30,0,10palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★红火5★★"Kusanagi"by "David Demianoff"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 45palfx.add = 100,-30,-120palfx.sinadd = 40,30,0,10palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★红火6★★"Mai"by "Andre Lopes"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 70palfx.add = 210, 50,5palfx.sinadd = 190,20,2,4;palfx.invertall = 1★★红火7★★"Tin's May Lee"by "Tin"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 60palfx.mul = 110,20,2palfx.sinadd = 192,118,20,80palfx.add = 140,60,8★★苍炎1★★"J"by"[Yagami+ihoo1836]"参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 27palfx.add = 48,0,168palfx.mul = 166,166,166palfx.sinadd = 96,96,96,17palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★苍炎2★★"Another Iori"by"--4LUC4RD H3L?NG--"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = ifelse(p2statetype = A,56,30) palfx.add = -70,-110,-10palfx.sinadd = 30,10,0,10palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★苍炎3★★"Megumi Shinigami"by"Rikard"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 32palfx.mul = 206,205,256palfx.add = 0,0,256palfx.invertall = 1palfx.sinadd = 62,62,256,9palfx.color = 1★★苍炎4★★"Orochi_Chris"by"八神猿"参数值(于hitdef)palfx.time = 50palfx.add = 80,14,255palfx.color = 0palfx.sinadd = 40,7,128,10★★苍炎5★★"Flamme"by"Juke Kisaragi"参数值(于helper-Projectile)palfx.time = 60palfx.add = 40,0,150palfx.mul = 150,150,150palfx.sinadd = 90,90,90,15palfx.color = 0palfx.invertall = 1★★紫色1★★"rugal"by"Tin"参数值(于p2stateno-null&&palfx)type=nulltrigger1=Time=0time = 120mull=2,50,50sinadd = 50,58,50,5add = 40,20,148type=PalFxtrigger1=Time=1time = 120mull=120,20,150sinadd = 80,58,80,5add =7,-100,8★★紫色2★★"omega rugal98"by"GONZO-"参数值(于p2stateno-palfx)type = palfxtrigger1 = animelem = 6, = 5time = 180add = 70, 0,70mul = 100,-80,100sinadd = 180,-120,180,10color = 0invertall = 1★★血红1★★"Heidern"by"Tatsu"参数值(于palfx)type = palfxtrigger1 = Var(10)trigger1 = (time = [4,156]) && Time%6 = 0 add = 225,10,10time = 3type = palfxtrigger1 = time = Ifelse(Var(10), 233, 173) add = 225,10,10time = 4★★白色1★★"hiel"by"NAO&M."参数值(于Projectile)palfx.time = 43palfx.mul = 220,220,255palfx.sinadd = 64,48,48,32 palfx.add = 184,184,200palfx.color = 8★★灰色1★★"mature"by"butti"参数值(于p2stateno-palfx)type = PalFXtrigger1 = time = 0time = 999add = 168, 136, 152mul = 105, 85, 95sinadd = 60, 40, 50, 20color = 0invertall = 1ignorehitpause = 1★★灰色2★★"MUKAI"by"GONZO-"参数值(于p2stateno-palfx)type = PalFXtrigger1 = time < 80 time = 1color = 0add = 40,40,40 ignorehitpause = 1type = PalFXtrigger1 = time >= 80 trigger1 = Time % 2 = 0 time = 1color = 0add = 35,35,35 ignorehitpause = 1。
Kinetix 6200和6500服务变速器多轴用户手册说明书

Instrucciones de instalaciónJuegos de conectores de perfil bajo para señales de E/S, seguridad y retroalimentación auxiliarNúmero de catálogo 2090-K6CK-D44MAcerca de los juegos de conectores de perfil bajoEste juego de conectores de 44 pines ofrece puntos de terminación para E/S, conexiones de retroalimentación auxiliar y de seguridad para el conector IOD de las unidades Kinetix® 6200 y Kinetix 6500.El juego también incluye un puente habilitador de movimiento que se puede instalar cuando no se desea activar la funcionalidad de desconexión de par segura de los módulos de control 2094-xx02x-M0x-S0. El puente no es apto para los módulos de control 2094-xx02x-M0x-S1. Estos documentos contienen información adicional sobre el cableado de E/S, la seguridad y las conexiones de retroalimentación auxiliar para las unidades de servovariadores Kinetix 6200 y Kinetix 6500.2 Juego de conectores de perfil bajo para señales de E/S, seguridad y retroalimentación auxiliarRockwell Automation Publicación 2090-IN021D-ES-P - Enero 2015Cómo instalar el juegos de conectores de perfil bajoATENCIÓN: Este juego de conectores contiene piezas delicadas a descargas electrostáticas (ESD),que pueden sufrir daños si no se cumplen los procedimientos de control de ESD. Si no conoce los procedimientos de control de descargas electrostáticas (ESD), consulte la publicación n.º8000-4.5.2, Guarding Against Electrostatic Damage, o bien, cualquier otro manual de protección contra ESD que corresponda.1.Coloque el blindaje del cable expuesto en el canal.2.Conecte los cables a los terminales.3.Coloque la abrazadera de blindaje sobre el blindaje expuesto.4.Apriete los tornillos con un par de 0.4 N•m (3.5lb•pulg.).abrazadera para que los cables pequeños queden bien sujetos.Utilice abrazaderas de blindaje (3) para maximizar el contacto con el blindaje del cable en conexiones equipotenciales de alta frecuencia.Utilice sujetacables (4) para reducir la fatiga mecánica.Juego de conectores de perfil bajo para señales de E/S, seguridad y retroalimentación auxiliar 3Rockwell Automation Publicación 2090-IN021D-ES-P - Enero 2015Datos de los conectores(1)Los indicadores que se encuentran entre paréntesis hacen referencia al relé de seguridad Guardmaster® MSR57P y a los terminales de opción de seguridad serie 750 de PowerFlex®.(2)Utilice este suministro para alimentar la entrada de seguridad de 24 V (SPWR/SCOM). No conecte esta entrada de 24 V a ningún dispositivo de seguridad externo. Estos pines no son aptos para los módulos de control 2094-xx 02x -M0x S1.Instalación de puente habilitador de movimiento (aplica a los módulos de control 2094-xx 02x -M0x -S0).La numeración de pines del juego corresponde al conector IOD. Se asignan varios terminales a los pines 27, 28, 39 y 40 para que puedan adaptarse conexiones adicionales.Publicación 2090-IN021D-ES-P - Enero 2015© 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Impreso en EE.UU.Allen-Bradley, CompactLogix, Kinetix, MicroLogix, Rockwell Software y Rockwell Automation son marcas comerciales de Rockwell Automation, Inc.Las marcas comerciales que no pertenecen a Rockwell Automation son propiedad de sus respectivas empresas.Rockwell Automation mantiene información ambiental actualizada sobre los productos en su sitio web en/rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/product-environmental-compliance.page .Datos de los conectores (continuación)(1)Los indicadores que se encuentran entre paréntesis hacen referencia al relé de seguridad Guardmaster MSR57P y a los terminales de opción de seguridad serie 750 de PowerFlex.(2)Utilice estas señales como fuente de 24 VCC para operar las entradas digitales (máximo de 50 mA por entrada).Instalación de puente habilitador de movimiento (aplica a los módulos de control 2094-xx 02x -M0x -S0).La numeración de pines del juego corresponde al conector IOD. Se asignan varios terminales a los pines 27, 28, 39 y 40 para que puedan adaptarse conexiones adicionales.。
Freefly ALTA 8 无人机说明书

SPECIFICATIONSDIMENSIONS1325 mm Unfolded Diameter(does not include Props)Folded Diameter660 mm (does not include Props)Height to base of Toad In The Hole (TITH)263 mmPOWERPLANTNumber of Motors8 Motor Type Direct Drive 3-Phase PMAC Outrunner Motor Make and Model Freefly F45 Motor Max Continuous Power Output350 W950 W Motor Max InstantaneousPeak Power OutputMaximum RPM (flat rated)6300 RPM Equivalent Kv384 Electronic Speed Controller Freefly Silent-Drive Sine Wave ESCPROPELLERSMake and Model Freefly ALTA Propeller Material Carbon fiber with balsa core Propeller Orientation(4) CW and (4) CCW Props Propeller Type18 × 6 FoldingBATTERYNominal Battery Voltage6S / 22.2V Maximum Battery Size (GroundView)240 × 175 × 80 mm Maximum Battery Size (SkyView)220 x 156 x 64 mm Maximum Battery Quantity 2 Battery Packs (Parallel) Minimum Battery Quantity 2 Battery Packs (Parallel) Battery Connectors2× EC5 (Parallel)250A / 500A Peak Required Minimum BatteryDischarge Rating (Per Pack)WEIGHTSMaximum Gross for Takeoff118.1 kg (40.0 lbs) Maximum Useful Load212.0 kg (26.4 lbs) Maximum Payload39.1 kg (20.0 lbs) Typical Standard Empty Weight: 6.2 kg (13.6 lbs)Always refer to the following aircraft limitations section forcomplete information on allowable maximum gross weightsat different altitudes and temperatures before any flight.SPECIFIC LOADINGSTypical Specific Power4145 W/kg Thrust Ratio at MTOW1 1.85 : 11 At sea level, ISA. Refer to the Weight Limitations section for complete loading information.2 Top and bottom mount. Includes batteries.3 Payload weight top or bottom mount. Battery weight not included and mounted on opposite side from payload.4 At MTOW, sea level, ISA.FLIGHT CONTROLLERModel Name Freefly SYNAPSE flight controller Flight Modes Manual, Height Mode, Position Mode(Classic, Kinematic), Return-to-Home(RTH), Autoland, Orbit Mode Supported Inputs:DSMX, DSM2, S.Bus,S.Bus2, PPM, FPV SD Supported Radios Futaba S.Bus & S.Bus2, DSMX,DSM2 (Spektrum/JR), PPM,PPM Invert, PPM Graupner Supported Radio ControllerTelemetry SystemsFutaba w/ built-in voltage sense portMinimum Radio ControllerChannels Required5 Supported GNSS GPS, GLONASS, Galileo Supported SBAS QZSS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS First-Person View SystemVideo FormatsNTSC, PALSupported First-Person View TransmittersSkyzone, BOSCAM, ImmersionRC, Fat SharkSupported First-Person View Cameras Ready Made RC(RMRC-700XVN Recommended) First-Person View OSD Telemetry User Configurable Installed Transceivers Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz b/g/n Data Logging Rate25 HzLIGHTING AND INDICATIONStatus Light 1 Watt Red, 1 Watt White LED Orientation Lights3-Watt RGB LED Orientation Light Color Options Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple,Green, White, OffISOLATION SYSTEMVibration Isolation System O-Rings Option 1: Soft / Light Payloads Red O-Rings Option 2: Medium / Medium Payloads Teal O-Rings Option 3: Stiff / Heavy Payloads Black O-RingsPAYLOAD MOUNTINGMounting Locations Bottom and Top Mount Mounting System Freefly Toad In The Hole(TITH) Quick Release FPV Camera Mount Between Booms 8 & 1 FPV Transmitter Mount Boom 2NOTEThese limitations are advisory in nature and do not extend orrestrict limitations provided by Governing Aviation Authorities. POWERPLANT LIMITATIONSMaximum RPM6300 RPM Maximum Battery Voltage25.2 Volts Minimum Average Battery Voltage19.2 VoltsENVIRONMENTAL LIMITATIONSDo not fly ALTA 8 in temperatures exceeding 45ºC (113ºF) or below -20ºC(-4ºF).5FLIGHT CONTROLLER LIMITSMaximum Pitch/Roll Angle45°Maximum Yaw Rate150° / second5 Battery temperature ratings must be observed.WEIGHT LIMITSMaximum Payload9.1 kg (20.0 lbs)Maximum Takeoff WeightSee following tableA L T A 8 A L L O W AB L E G R O S S W E I G H TA s a l t i t u d e a n d t e m p e r a t u r e i n c r e a s e , t h e d e n s i t y o f t h e a i r d e c r e a s e s . C o n s e q u e n t l y , A L T A 8’s t h r u s t w i l l d e c r e a s e . T h e f o l l o w i n g t a b l e d e s c r i b e s m a x i m u m g r o s s w e i g h t l i m i t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o a l t i t u d e a n d t e m p e r a t u r e .。

npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA
npn dtr R2 100k 50V 100mA
dual pnp dtr 10k+10k
0A 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 0G 0H 0J 0K 0L 0M
Code 1 1
1 (red) 10 10A 10V 10Y 11 11 11 p11 t11
Codes / Markings SMD codes
1st character/以第一个字符为基准
印字 0 5 p01 t01 1 10 11 2 2 2 2 p02 t02 3 3
npn/pnp dtr 10k R1 2N3960
PNOZ s30 24-240VACDC 2 n o 2 n c 750330说明书

CE;cULus Listed;EAC (Eurasian);TÜV;CCC Supervisión de revoluciones;Supervisión de parada monocanal;Rearme automático;bicanal;Rearme manual;Rearme manual con superv. EN 1088;EN 60204-1;EN 62061;EN ISO 10218-1;EN ISO 13849-1;VDI 2854 24,0 - 240,0 AC/DC Borne de tornillo 4.0 A 45.0 mm 98.0 mm 120.0 mm 425 g 405 g -20 - 55 °C
PNOZ msi1Ap Adapter Si/Ha 25/25 2,5m PNOZ msi1Bp Adapter Si/Ha 25/25 2,5m PNOZ msi3Ap Adapter Si/Ha 15/15 2,5m PNOZ msi3Bp Adapter Si/Ha 15/15 2,5m PNOZ msi1AP Adapter Si/Ha 25/25 5m PNOZ msi b4 Box PNOZ msi10p Adapter Cable 2,5m PNOZ msi11p Adapter Cable 1,5m PNOZ msi 9p adapter cable 5m
Accesorios opcionales
PNOZ msi1 Bp Adapter Si/Ha 25/25 5m
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Strasse 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
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BackBeatFIT 6100 耳机用户指南说明书

BackBeatFIT 6100 Guida dell'utenteSommarioDescrizione delle cuffie3Installare l'app4Regolazione5Associazione6Associazione iniziale6Associazione di un secondo dispositivo6Informazioni di base7Ricarica dell'auricolare7Risposta e termine di una chiamata7Volume7Escl. micro.7Riproduzione o pausa di un brano musicale7Ricerca traccia in avanti8Ricerca traccia indietro8Utilizzo di VPA (Virtual Personal Assistant)8OpenMic8Supporto10Escl. micro.Porta di ricaricaLED sull'auricolarePulsante di accensione*OpenMic consente di ascoltare l'audio circostante senza togliere gli auricolari. Vedere "OpenMic". Descrizione delle cuffieInstallare l'appPer ottenere il massimo dall'auricolare, scaricare la nostra app gratuita, BackBeat per iOS/Android™.L'app consente di:•Selezione di una lingua•Attivazione/disattivazione della funzione•Find MyHeadset•Visualizzare la guida dell'utentePer prestazioni ottimali, installare l'app BackBeat su tutti i dispositivi associati all'auricolare.BackBeat FIT 6100 è dotato di un sistema ad archetto regolabile.Sganciare il cavo sull'archetto dalla posizione di appoggio superiore e stringerlo tirando e fissando il cavo in posizione abbassata.•iPhone Impostazioni > Bluetooth > On*•Android Impostazioni > Bluetooth:On > Ricerca*NOTA*I menu possono variare a seconda del dispositivo.3Selezionare "PLT BBFIT6100".•iPhone Impostazioni > Bluetooth > On*•Android Impostazioni > Bluetooth:On > Ricerca*NOTA*I menu possono variare a seconda del dispositivo.3Selezionare "PLT BBFIT6100".Se richiesto, immettere quattro zeri (0000) come codice o accettare la connessione.Una volta completata l'associazione, si sentirà "pairing successful" (associazione riuscita) e i LED smetteranno di lampeggiare.Utilizzare un cavo micro USB per caricare l'auricolare; durante la ricarica, il LED diventa biancofisso. Una ricarica completa richiede fino a 2,5 ore, il LED si spegne al termine della ricarica. Una ricarica completa offre 24 ore di autonomia di ascolto e di conversazione al 50% del volume.Toccare il pulsante di chiamata situato al centro dell'auricolare destro per rispondere o terminareuna chiamata.Scorrere verso l'alto o verso il basso all'esterno dell'auricolare destro per aumentare o diminuire ilvolume.Per disattivare l'audio durante una chiamata, premere il pulsante di esclusione microfono sul latodell'auricolare destro.Toccare il centro dell'auricolare destro per mettere in pausa o riprodurre l'audio.Informazioni di baseRicarica dell'auricolare Risposta e termine di una chiamataVolumeEscl. micro.Riproduzione o pausa di un brano musicaleScorrere in avanti sulla parte esterna dell'auricolare destro per cercare le tracce successive.Scorrere all'indietro sulla parte esterna dell'auricolare destro per cercare le tracce precedenti.Per attivare l'assistente personale virtuale, tenere premuto il centro dell'auricolare destro per 2secondi.Se non è in corso una chiamata, toccare il pulsante di esclusione microfono per ascoltare i rumoridell'ambiente circostante. Scorrere sul lato esterno dell'auricolare destro per regolare il livello di audio ambientale da ascoltare.Ricerca traccia in avantiRicerca traccia indietroUtilizzo di VPA (Virtual Personal Assistant)OpenMicSupportoULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI/supportPlantronics, Inc.Plantronics B.V.345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States Scorpius 171 2132 LR Hoofddorp Netherlands© 2019 Plantronics, Inc. Bluetooth è un marchio registrato di Bluetooth SIG, Inc. e il suo uso da parte di Plantronics, Inc. è concesso su licenza. Tutti gli altri marchi sono di proprietà dei rispettivi proprietari.215185-16 06.19Model BF6100S。
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证券代码:002648 证券简称:卫星石化公告编号:2012-009
交易的对价初定为人民币13,700万元 (大写人