
小节一:1. What does the woman want to do?A. Get a refund for the book.B. Buy another book.C. Borrow a book from the library.2. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Take a taxi to the office.B. Drive to the office herself.C. Take a bus to the office.小节二:3. Why is the man disappointed?A. He didn't pass the exam.B. His presentation was not successful.C. The project deadline was postponed.4. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Review the material again.B. Ask the professor for help.C. Attend more seminars.小节三:5. What does the man offer to do for the woman?A. Help her with her homework.B. Drive her to the airport.C. Accompany her to the concert.6. What does the woman think of the concert?A. She is excited about it.B. She heard it is not worth attending.C. She hasn't made up her mind yet.二、阅读理解(共40分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。

选择题1.在工程经济学中,资金的时间价值主要由什么决定?A. 利率B. 通货膨胀C. 投资风险D. 市场需求2.当一个项目的内部收益率(IRR)大于其资本成本时,该项目在经济上是:A. 可行的B. 不可行的C. 无利润的D. 风险过高的3.净现值(NPV)是评估投资项目经济效益的常用指标,它表示:A. 项目未来现金流的现值之和B. 项目初始投资的现值C. 项目未来现金流的现值之和减去初始投资D. 项目未来现金流的现值之和加上初始投资4.在工程项目中,敏感性分析主要用于评估:A. 不同投资方案的风险B. 项目现金流的稳定性C. 项目经济效益对特定参数的敏感性D. 项目的时间安排5.下列哪项不是工程经济学中常用的投资决策方法?A. 净现值法(NPV)B. 内部收益率法(IRR)C. 收益回收期法D. 决策树分析6.在工程项目评估中,折旧是指:A. 资产的原始成本随时间减少的价值B. 资产的市场价值随时间变化C. 资产的使用价值随时间减少D. 资产的维护成本7.机会成本是指:A. 放弃的最佳投资机会的成本B. 项目的直接成本C. 项目的间接成本D. 项目的预期收益8.在工程经济分析中,沉没成本是指:A. 已经发生且无法回收的成本B. 与未来决策无关的成本C. 可变成本D. 固定成本9.工程项目中的风险分析主要目的是:A. 最大化项目的预期收益B. 最小化项目的成本C. 识别和管理项目风险D. 提高项目的社会影响10.下列关于工程经济分析的表述中,哪项是错误的?A. 工程经济分析通常涉及多个备选方案的比较B. 工程经济分析只关注项目的财务效益C. 工程经济分析需要考虑资金的时间价值D. 工程经济分析需要评估项目的风险完型填空题1.在工程项目评估中,_______ 是指项目未来现金流的现值之和减去初始投资的成本。
2._______ 分析是一种用于评估项目经济效益对不同参数敏感性的方法。
3.在工程经济学中,_______ 是指资金随时间推移而增值或贬值的价值。

共5页第1页共5页第2页3、在相关分析中,要求相关的两个变量()A.都是随机变量 B.都不是随机变量C.其中因变量是随机变量 D.其中自变量是随机变量4、抽样估计的优良标准是()A.无偏性B.一致性C.有效性D.代表性E.随机性5、据统计,某行业的平均利润率在6.1-10.8%之间,其置信度为95%,试判断下列说法中正确的有():A.有95%的企业利润率在6.1-10.8%之间;B.若随机抽取该行业许多样本,则其中95%的样本均值,即平均利润在6.1-10.8%之间;C .有95%的把握说,从该行业的平均利润率会落在区间6.1-10.8%内;D .随机抽取该行业的一个企业,有95%的把握说,其利润率在6.1-10.8%之间;6、用P 值进行双侧假设检验时,拒绝原假设的决策准则是()A.P>α;B.P<α;C.P>α/2;D.P<α/2.7、用分布进行拟合优度检验时,要求各组的期望频数()。
2χA.可取任意值; B.大于0; C.不小于10; D.不小于5。
A .对回归方程的F 检验显著,但关于回归系数的t 检验几乎都通不过;B .对回归系数的估计偏误很大,甚至会使回归系数估计值的正负号与预期的相反;C .反映模型拟合程度的判定系数的值变小;D .用回归模型进行预测时,置信区间会变宽。
A .相关分析;B.列联分析;C.方差分析;D.回归分析。
三、计算分析题(共2题,第一题20分,第二题10分,共计30分)1.背景:Metropolitan Research 有限公司是一家消费者市场调查公司,在某一项研究中,Metropolitan 调查了消费者对某一制造商所生产汽车性能的满意程度。

Free = Available,Finish[i]:=false(i=1,2,…,n)
① Finish[i] = false(未定) ② Need[i] <= Free (资源够分)。

)1. 结算方式按资金的流向和结算工具传送的方向分类,可分为()。
A. 0%-9 0 %B.40%-80%C.30%-8 0 %3 0%-90%对的答案:4. 属于汇票必要项目的是()o对的答案:6.必须经背书方可自由转让的汇票的昂首方式是()。
A.股票.提单C.本票D.人寿保险单E.汇票F.本票对的答案:8.下列可采用流通转让的票据有()oA.股票B.本票C.支票D.大额定期存单E.汇票对的答案:9.国际结算使用的货币可以分为()oA,可兑换货币B.出口国货币C.进口国货币D.第三国货币E. 不可兑换货币对的答案:10.汇票的当事人中,对汇票付款承担责任的当事人有()。
A.兑人B.背书人C.出票人D.被背书人E.持票人对的答案:西安交通大学20 2 33月课程考试《国际结算》作业考核试题三、判断题(共10道试题,共2 0分。
)1. 信汇方式由于资金在途时间长,操作手续多,故信汇方式日趋落后,有的银行很少使用,甚至不用。

1. 按热力学系统与外界有无质量交换,可把热力系分为
2. 单相简单可压缩系平衡状态实现的条件为
3. 闭口系进行一个可逆过程,压力随体积的变化关系为 p=12/V (p 的单位为
kPa,V 的单位为 m3),体积由 3 m3 变为 5 m3,这一过程系统对外所做的
膨胀功为 kJ。 4. 采用两级压缩、级间冷却的方式获得高压空气,压力由 p1 升至 p3,最佳的
中间压力 p2 为
Байду номын сангаас
5. 冬季采暖用暖气对房间的空气升温,空气的相对湿度 φ 将 ,含湿量 d
将 ,湿球温度 tw 将
6. 提高混合加热内燃机理想循环的热效率的措施有:(1)
7. 压缩因子 Z 的物理意义是:
8. 根据引起熵变的原因不同,可以把热力系熵的变化分为
(1) 喷管出口处空气的压力 p2 和温度 T2; (1) 出口流速 cf2; (2) 空气的质量流量 qm。 2. (15 分) 某冰箱采用制冷剂 R134a 压缩蒸气制冷方式。已知蒸发器中蒸发温 度为-23.3 ℃,冷凝器中冷凝温度为 54.4 ℃。制冷剂离开蒸发器时是饱和蒸 气,离开冷凝器时是饱和液体。设压缩机出口 R134a 蒸气焓 h2=437.97 kJ/kg。
1b a
2 s
二、简答和推导题(10 分)
1. 请在下图所示的 T-s 图上用面积表示任何一个理想气体过程 1-2 的技术功。
2. 推导理想气体迈耶(Mayer)公式:cp-cv=Rg 。

1. 下列哪个城市是陕西省的省会?
A. 西安
B. 西宁
C. 西宁
D. 西宁
2. 西安市古城墙周长约为多少公里?
A. 9
B. 11
C. 13
D. 15
3. 陕西省著名的历史遗迹“兵马俑”位于哪个地方?
A. 西安
B. 咸阳
C. 宝鸡
D. 渭南
4. 西安交大少年班的校训是什么?
A. 求实创新、笃行敬业
B. 自强不息、百折不挠
C. 厚德博学、敏而好学
D. 公正廉洁、自强不息
5. 西安交大少年班的校训“求实创新、笃行敬业”体现了学校的哪种精神?
A. 实事求是
B. 刻苦学习
C. 勤奋进取
D. 谦和友善
6. 西安交大少年班的创办时间是____年。
7. 陕西省省会西安的历史可以追溯到____年。
8. 兵马俑是哪位中国第一位皇帝的陪葬品?____(填名字)
9. 西安交大少年班的校训共有几个字?____个
10. 请简要介绍一下西安交大少年班的办学特色和优势。
11. 你认为西安有哪些著名的旅游景点?请简要描述其中一个。
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西 安 交 通 大 学 考 试 题
C. held in synaptic vesicles D. constantly replenished from lysosomes E. may be inhibitory or excitatory 16. Retina consists of all of the following cells EXCEPT A. pigment cells B. cones and rods C. bipolar cells D. ganglion cells E. hair cells 17. Refractive media of eyes do NOT include A. cornea B. retina C. lens D. aqueous humor E. vitreous body 18. The tactile corpuscles are located in the A. epidermis B. papillary layer of the dermis C. reticular layer of the dermis D. hypodermis E. none of the above 19. The cells that can capture and present antigens in epidermis are A. corny cells B. spinous cells C. granular cells D. Langerhans cells E. melanocytes 20. Blood sinusoids A. are found in the kidney and lung B. are absent in the red bone marrow C. have smooth muscle cells in their wall D. have discontinuous endothelial linings E. always have complete basement membrane 21. Which is NOT the feature of endothelial cells in the artery and vein? A. Large numbers of plasmalemmal vesicles in the cytoplasm B. Have W-P bodies (specific endothelial granules) C. Have microfilaments D. Produce bioactive substances E. Many pores in the endothelial cell 22. All of the following elements constitute the immune system EXCEPT A. lymphoid tissues B. lymphoid organs C. lymphocytes D. macrophages E. endothelial cells 23. The white pulp of the spleen consists of A. periarterial lymphatic sheath and splenic corpuscles B. splenic corpuscles and splenic cords C. splenic cords and splenic sinusoids D. splenic cords and periarterial lymphatic sheath
共 10 页第 3 页
E. marginal zones and splenic cords 24. Which of the following is NOT true of the cells of zona fasciculata? A. Arranged in cords with each cord usually containing two rows of cells B. Large cells with pale stained, foamy cytoplasm C. Abundant SER under electron microscope D. Mitochondria with lamellar cristae E. Stimulated by ACTH 25. The secretion of the parathyroid glands A. is called calcitonin B. is called thyroxine C. lowers level of serum calcium D. raise level of serum calcium E. does not affect level of serum calcium 26. The acidophil cells of the anterior pituitary include the A. somatotrophs and thyrotrophs B. mammotrophs and somatotrophs C. thyrotrophs and gonadotrophs D. gonadotrophs and corticotrophs E. corticotrophs and thyrotrophs 27. The layer that is most important for the function of the digestive tract is A. mucosa B. lamina propria C. submucosa D. muscularis E. adventitia 28. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of acid producing cells of the stomach? A. Also called the parietal or oxyntic cells B. Numerous in the neck and body of the gastric glands C. Relatively large cells D. Cytoplasm is basophilic E. One or two nuclei in the center 29. The formation of secretory IgA is NOT involved in which of the following cells? A. Lymphocytes B. M cells ( microfold cells) C. Plasma cells D. Endocrine cells E. Absorptive cells 30. Which of the following is common to the liver and pancreas? A. Cells are arranged in plates B. Cells stain uniformly basophilic C. Endocrine and exocrine cells are the same D. Endocrine cells are clustered in groups E. Exocrine ducts are lined with simple epithelium 31. Which of the following statements is true of the bile canaliculus? A. It is formed by invagination of cell membranes of adjacent hepatocytes B. it is lined by Kupffer cells C. It is lined by cuboidal cells D. It is lined by simple squamous epithelium 32. The main characteristic of the type II alveolar cells in EM is A. numerous surface microvilli B. abundant mitochondria C. a number of lysosomes D. many osmiophilic lamellar bodies
共 10 页第 1 页
Which of the following is NOT true of bone matrix? A. Stains acidophilic in H & E sections B. Contains inorganic salts C. Contains bone collagen fibers D. Has a higher sulfates than that of cartilage E. Arranges regularly in lamellae 8. Which of the following statements is NOT true of neutrophils? A. Account for 50%-70% of the total circulating leukocytes B. They are agranulocytes C. They have a polymorphous nucleus with 2~5 lobes D. They contain specific granules and azurophilic granules E. Neutrophilic granules contain bactericidal phagocytins 9. The earliest hematopoietic cells are derived from the A. yolk sac B. amniotic cavity C. liver D. spleen E. bore marrow 10. The wave of contraction is spread from cell to cell in cardiac muscle by A. motor endplates B. intercalated discs C. muscle spindles D. dense bodies E. none of above 11. When contracting the myosin heads bind to A. Ca2+ B. ATP C. troponin D. actin E. tropomyosin 12. Which of the following statements about the myofibril is FALSE? A. The basic structure related to contraction of three types of muscle tissue B. Made up of thick and thin filaments C. Showing A and I bands, H band, Z and M lines D. Surrounded by T and L tubules E. The shortest unit in it is called sarcomere 13. The pre-synaptic element of a synapse can be recognized in electron micrographs by the presence of A. thickened plasmalemma B. microtubules and microfilaments C. abundant RER D. mitochondria E. membrane-bound vesicles 14. Nodes of Ranvier are A. seen in all types of nerve fibers B. only seen in the myelinated nerve fibers of the PNS C. only seen in the unmyelinated nerve fibers of the CNS D. sites where myelin sheath and neurolemma are interrupted E. the reason for slower conduction of impulses 15. Which of the descriptions of neurotransmitters is NOT true? A. chemicals synthesized by neurons B. released into the synaptic cleft