Family sales list FY14 updated




Wage Type Surcharge at Plant Level 工厂级工资类型附加费 Wage Type Surcharge without Plant 无工厂的工资类型附加费 Wage Type Surcharge - General 工资类型附加费 - 一般 Taxes: Material, Plant, Origin and Region 税金:物料、工厂、源和地区 Activities + Purchasing Organization 活动+采购组织 Activities for Vendor 供应商的活动 Activities for Vendor with Plant 有工厂的供应商活动 SD Document/Item/Material Pricing Group SD凭证/项目/商品定价组 SD Document/Item SD凭证/项目 SOrg/DstCh/Material_MainItem/Material 销售机构/分销渠道/商品_维护项目/商品 SOrg/DstCh/Material-Main Item/Material Pricing Group 销售机构/分销渠道/商品-主项目/商品定价组 SOrg/DstCh/Material Pricing Group-Main Item/Material 销售机构/分销渠道/商品定价组-主项目/商品 SOrg/DstCh/MaterialPricingGroup-MainItem/MatPricingGroup 销售机构/分销渠道/商品定价组-主项目/商品定价 Service Conditions (Own Estimate) 服务条件(自己估计) Controlling Area/Company Code/Business Area 控制范围/公司代码/业务范围 Price List/Material Group 价格清单/商品类目 Vendor Hierarchy 供应商层次 Vendor Hierarchy / Material 供应商层次/商品 Vendor hierarchy: vendor sub-range 供应商层次:供应商子范围 Sales Organization/Destination Country 销售机构/目的地国家 Service agent Service agent Service agent/try/ Service agent/try/ Tax Exemption: Customer 免税:客户 Ser.agnt/Dep.ctry/Dep.PC /Ship-to party Ser.agnt/Dep.ctry/Dep.PC /Ship-to party Tax Exemption - Customer/Tax Classification 2-Material 免税-客户/税收分类2-商品 Tax Exemption - Customer/Material 免税-客户/商品 Empties Prices (Material-Dependent) 空价格(商品相关的) Service agent/Dep.ctry/ /Dest. country Service agent/Dep.ctry/ /Dest. Overhead Type/Version 间接费用类型/版本 Legal Control: Values for Calculating Foreign Percentage 合法控制:计算国外百分比值 Surch. type /Profit Center Surch. type /Profit Center Discount Type/Resp. Cost Center Discount Type/Resp. Cost Center Service agent/try/Dep. PostCode/Tariff zone agent/try/Dep. PostCode/Tariff Service Dest. loc. Service agent/Tariff zone dep./Tariff zone target agent/Tariff zone dep./Tariff zone t Service Service Agent/TariffZoneDep/TariffZoneDest/Freight Class 服务代理/出发地的关税区/目的地的关税区/运费分 Service Agent/TariffZoneDep/TariffZoneDest/Incoterms Service Agent/TariffZoneDep/TariffZoneDest/I Service Agent/TariffZoneDep/TariffZoneDest/ShippingMatType 服务代理/出发地的关税区/目的地的关税区/发运物 Service Agent/TariffZDep/TariffZDest/ShipMatType/VSEGR 1 Service Agent/TariffZDep/TariffZDest/ShipMat Service agent/tariff zone dep./tariff zone targ/shipping mat 服务代理/关税区域部门/关税区域目标/装卸商品 Service Agent/TariffZnDp/TariffZnDest/Packaging Matl/VSEGR1 服务代理/tariffZnDp/TariffZnDest/包装物料/VS Price per Cost Center 成本中心的价格 Mixed Taxes, Domestic 混合税, 国内 Vendor 供应商 Transp. service agent/shipping type/bulk group 运输服务代理/装运类型/散装组 Price per Controlling Area 每个控制范围的价格 Price per Country/Region 每个国家/区域的价格 Price per Company Code/Business Area 每个代码/业务范围的价格 Price per Profit Center 利润中心的价格 Sales Area / Accounting Indicator 销售范围/会计指示符 Dependent on material and receiver profit 依赖于物料和接收利润中心 center Dependent on material 依赖于物料 Dependent on material group 依赖于物料组 Sales Deal Basic Data 销售贸易基本数据 Sales Deal - Customer/Material 销售贸易 - 客户/商品 Customer Hierarchy 客户层次



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024版海外销售产品订购单本合同目录一览第一条:产品订购1.1 产品名称1.2 产品型号1.3 产品数量1.4 产品单价1.5 产品总价第二条:交付方式与时间2.1 交付方式2.2 交付时间第三条:付款方式与期限3.1 付款方式3.2 付款期限第四条:运输与保险4.1 运输方式4.2 保险责任第五条:质量保证5.1 产品质量标准5.2 售后服务第六条:违约责任6.1 卖方违约6.2 买方违约第七条:争议解决7.1 争议解决方式7.2 争议解决地点第八条:合同的生效、变更与解除8.1 合同生效条件8.2 合同变更8.3 合同解除第九条:保密条款9.1 保密内容9.2 保密期限第十条:法律适用与争议解决10.1 法律适用10.2 争议解决第十一条:其他条款11.1 知识产权保护11.2 不可抗力第十二条:合同的签订与备案12.1 合同签订地点与时间12.2 合同备案第十三条:合同的附件13.1 产品说明书13.2 技术参数第十四条:双方的全权代表14.1 代表资格14.2 代表权限第一部分:合同如下:第一条:产品订购1.1 产品名称:请参阅附件中的产品说明书。

1.2 产品型号:请参阅附件中的技术参数。

1.3 产品数量:双方在附件中确定的数量。

1.4 产品单价:美元 ___ 元整。

1.5 产品总价:美元 ___ 元整。

第二条:交付方式与时间2.1 交付方式:卖方应采用 ___ (运输方式)将产品运输至买方指定的目的地。

2.2 交付时间:卖方应在本合同签订后的 ___ 个工作日内完成产品的交付。

第三条:付款方式与期限3.1 付款方式:买方应通过 ___ (付款方式)向卖方支付产品款项。

3.2 付款期限:买方应在本合同签订后的 ___ 个工作日内完成付款。

第四条:运输与保险4.1 运输方式:卖方应根据买方的要求选择合适的运输方式。

sql discount语句

sql discount语句

sql discount语句1. 哎呀,你知道吗?SQL Discount 语句就像一把神奇的钥匙,能为你的数据宝库打开省钱的大门!比如说,你开了一家网店,要给常客打个 8 折,用 SQL Discount 语句就能轻松搞定,“UPDATE Orders SET Price = Price * 0.8 WHERE CustomerID = 123;”这是不是超厉害?2. 嘿,朋友!SQL Discount 语句简直是数据世界的魔法棒!就好比你去菜市场买菜,能给你最爱的菜品打折。

比如:“SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Discount > 0;” 轻松找出有折扣的商品,难道你不想试试?3. 哇塞!SQL Discount 语句那可真是牛啊!它如同一个精明的掌柜,帮你精打细算。

像在超市促销时,“INSERT INTO Discounts (ProductID, DiscountPercent) VALUES (456, 0.15);”快速添加新的折扣,这能不香吗?4. 亲,SQL Discount 语句可太重要啦!它就像一场及时雨,给你的数据处理带来滋润。

比如你搞会员活动,“DELETE FROM Discounts WHERE ExpiryDate < GETDATE();”及时清理过期折扣,是不是很贴心?5. 哟呵!SQL Discount 语句可是个宝贝啊!好比是你的私人财务顾问,为你的数据省钱出谋划策。

像处理节日大促,“UPDATE Customers SET DiscountLevel = 'High' WHERE PurchaseAmount > 1000;”提升大客户的折扣级别,这难道不酷?6. 嗨呀!SQL Discount 语句简直是数据领域的省钱神器!它就像一个贴心的小助手,帮你把价格安排得明明白白。

比如酒店预订系统,“SELECT RoomID, Price - (Price * DiscountPercent) AS DiscountedPrice FROM Rooms;”直接算出折扣后的房价,是不是超方便?7. 天哪!SQL Discount 语句也太厉害了吧!它就像一位神奇的工匠,能雕琢出最优惠的价格。



2024年英文销售协议模板(含中文翻译)本合同目录一览1. 定义与解释1.1 合同各方1.2 合同标的1.3 合同日期1.4 合同生效2. 销售商品2.1 商品描述2.2 商品数量2.3 商品质量2.4 商品交付3. 价格与支付3.1 销售价格3.2 支付方式3.3 支付时间3.4 发票开具4. 运输与交付4.1 运输方式4.2 交付时间4.3 交付地点4.4 风险转移5. 售后服务5.1 售后保障5.2 退换货政策5.3 技术支持5.4 争议解决6. 合同的有效期6.1 合同开始日期6.2 合同结束日期6.3 续约条件7. 违约责任7.1 违约行为7.2 违约责任7.3 违约赔偿8. 不可抗力8.1 不可抗力事件8.2 不可抗力后果8.3 不可抗力通知9. 合同的变更与解除9.1 变更条件9.2 解除条件9.3 变更与解除的程序10. 争议解决10.1 争议方式10.2 争议地点10.3 适用法律11. 保密条款11.1 保密信息11.2 保密义务11.3 保密期限12. 合同的转让12.1 转让条件12.2 转让程序12.3 转让通知13. 法律适用与争议解决13.1 适用法律13.2 争议解决方式13.3 仲裁地点14. 合同的附件14.1 附件列表14.2 附件的有效性14.3 附件的更新第一部分:合同如下:1. 定义与解释1.1 合同各方1.2 合同标的1.2.2 数量:根据本合同附件二中的商品列表,甲方同意购买的商品数量如下:1.2.3 质量:商品的质量标准按照本合同附件三中的技术规范执行。

1.3 合同日期本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

1.4 合同生效本合同自签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为(年)。

2. 销售商品2.1 商品描述2.1.1 商品的详细描述见本合同附件一。

2.2 商品数量2.2.1 甲方向乙方购买的商品数量见本合同附件二。

2.3 商品质量2.3.1 商品的质量应符合本合同附件三中的技术规范。



20XX 标准合同模板范本PERSONAL RESUME甲方:XXX乙方:XXX英文销售单据标准模板2024年版详解本合同目录一览1. 定义与术语解释1.1 销售单据1.2 标准模板1.3 2024年版1.4 详解2. 销售单据的构成2.1 单据抬头2.2 买方信息2.3 卖方信息2.4 商品描述2.5 数量与单位2.6 价格与付款条款2.7 交货方式与时间2.8 运输信息2.9 保险条款2.10 其他条款3. 标准模板的格式与内容3.1 抬头格式3.2 买方信息格式3.3 卖方信息格式3.4 商品描述格式3.5 数量与单位格式3.6 价格与付款条款格式3.7 交货方式与时间格式3.8 运输信息格式3.9 保险条款格式3.10 其他条款格式4. 2024年版的修改与更新4.1 修改内容4.2 更新原因4.3 对新旧版本的说明5. 详解的内容与结构5.1 销售单据的详细解释5.2 标准模板的详细解释5.3 2024年版的详细解释6. 销售单据的填写要求6.1 信息的准确性与完整性6.2 字迹清晰与格式规范6.3 签名与盖章要求7. 销售单据的使用与保管7.1 使用范围与条件7.2 使用注意事项7.3 保管期限与方式8. 销售单据的修改与作废8.1 修改条件与程序8.2 作废条件与程序9. 销售单据的争议解决9.1 争议类型9.2 解决方式与程序10. 销售单据的法律效力10.1 法律依据10.2 效力范围与期限11. 销售单据的违约责任11.1 违约行为11.2 违约责任与赔偿12. 销售单据的免责条款12.1 免责条件与范围12.2 exceptions and limitations13. 销售单据的附件13.1 附件种类与内容13.2 附件的补充说明14. 销售单据的签订与生效14.1 签订程序与条件14.2 生效时间与方式第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与术语解释1.1 销售单据销售单据是指由卖方出具,载明买卖双方信息、商品描述、数量、价格、付款条款、交货方式与时间、运输信息、保险条款等内容,作为买卖双方履行合同的依据。



本店衬衫一律七折出售请英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Attention, everyone! We are excited to announce that all shirts in our store are now on sale for 30% off! That's right, whether you're looking for a casual button-down or a stylish blouse, you can now enjoy a discount on all the shirts in our shop.We believe that everyone deserves to look and feel their best, which is why we have decided to offer this special promotion. Whether you're shopping for yourself or looking for the perfect gift for a loved one, now is the perfect time to stock up on your favorite shirts.Our selection includes a wide range of styles, colors, and sizes, so you're sure to find the perfect shirt for any occasion. From classic white shirts to trendy printed blouses, we have something for everyone. And with our discount, you can now enjoy even more savings on these stylish and versatile pieces.So why wait? Head to our store today and take advantage of this amazing deal. With our shirts now on sale for 30% off,there's never been a better time to update your wardrobe and add some new pieces to your collection. Don't miss out on this incredible offer – visit us today and shop our selection of discounted shirts. Thank you for your support, and happy shopping!篇2Attention, shoppers! Our store is excited to announce that all of our shirts are now on sale at a flat rate of 30% off. Yes, you heard that right - every single shirt in our store is now discounted to seven tenths of its original price!Whether you're looking for a sleek, professionalbutton-down for work, a casual polo shirt for a day out, or a cozy flannel for the upcoming winter season, we have you covered. With a wide variety of styles, colors, and sizes available, there is truly something for everyone in this limited-time promotion.Why are we offering such a generous discount, you may ask? It's simple - we want to show our appreciation for our loyal customers and attract new ones as well. By offering this incredible deal, we hope to make high-quality, fashionable shirts more accessible to everyone.But don't wait too long to take advantage of this offer - the sale won't last forever! Make sure to visit our store soon to pick out your new favorite shirt before they're all gone. And remember, when you shop with us, you're not just getting a great deal - you're also supporting a local business that values customer satisfaction above all else.So come on down to our store today and see for yourself the amazing selection of discounted shirts we have to offer. We can't wait to help you find the perfect shirt at an unbeatable price. See you soon!篇3Our Store is pleased to announce that all shirts are now being sold at a discount of 30% off the original price. This exciting promotion is a great opportunity for customers to update their wardrobes with high-quality shirts at affordable prices.Our store offers a wide range of shirts for men, women, and children in various styles, colors, and sizes. Whether you're looking for a classic white dress shirt for work, a trendy floral blouse for a night out, or a cute printed shirt for your little one, we have something for everyone.Our shirts are made from premium materials that are comfortable, durable, and easy to care for. We work with trusted suppliers and manufacturers to ensure that our products meet our high standards of quality and craftsmanship.In addition to the discounted prices, we also offer excellent customer service to make your shopping experience enjoyable and convenient. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are always ready to assist you with finding the perfect shirt for your needs and preferences.Don't miss out on this fantastic promotion! Visit our store today to take advantage of the 30% discount on all shirts. Update your wardrobe with stylish and affordable pieces that will keep you looking and feeling great. Thank you for choosing Our Store for all your shirt needs.。


Global Presiቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱent, Electronics Marketing
Kevin Moriarty
Chief Financial Officer
MaryAnn Miller
Chief Human Resources Officer and Corporate Communications
Mike Buseman
11 January 6, 2015
Cash Flow From Operations
($ in Millions)
Cash flow generated from working capital and other
$1,400 $1,200 $1,000 $800 $600 $400 $200 $$(200) $(400) $(600) $(800) FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 $725 $529 $462 $454 $278 $1,118
Financial Scope
For the fiscal year ending June 28, 2014, we generated revenue of $27.5 billion.
January 6, 2015
Company Snapshot
Fast Facts
• Headquartered in Phoenix, AZ • Founded in 1921 • AVT listed on the NYSE in 1960 • 800+ suppliers • 100,000 customers • 96 acquisitions announced or closed since FY91 • 19,000+ employees worldwide

2014-2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee(WK W2)电源控制模块软件重新编程指南

2014-2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee(WK W2)电源控制模块软件重新编程指南

Copyright 2017, FCA US LLC, All Rights Reserved (kka)March 2017Dealer Service Instructions for:Customer Satisfaction Notification T01Reprogram Powertrain Control Module2014 - 2015 (WK) Jeep Grand Cherokee2014 - 2015 (W2) Jeep Grand Cherokee (EGYPT) CKD 2014 - 2015 (W3) Jeep Grand Cherokee CKDNOTE: This campaign applies only to the above vehicles equipped with a 3.0L Diesel Engine (Sales Code EXF) built from March 13,2013 through December 16,2015 (MDH 031319 through 121606).The Powertrain Control Module (PCM) on about 25,000 of the above vehicles may have received PCM software containing calibration errors when recall S49 was performed. PCM software containing calibration errors may result in the radiator cooling fan producing excessive fan noise during operation. The PCM on involved vehicles must be reprogrammed with new software.No parts are required to perform this service procedure.No parts return required for this campaign.Reprogram the PCM ModuleNOTE: The wiTECH scan tool must be used to perform this recall. This procedure must be performed with the latest software release level. If the reprogramming flash for the PCM is aborted or interrupted, repeat the procedure.1. Open the hood. Install a battery charger and verify that the charging rateprovides 13.2 to 13.5 volts. Do not allow the charger to time out during the flash process. Set the battery charger timer (if so equipped) to continuous charge.NOTE: Use an accurate stand-alone voltmeter. The battery charger voltmeter may not be sufficiently accurate. Voltages outside of the specified range will cause an unsuccessful flash. If voltage reading is too high, apply an electrical load by activating the park or headlamps and/or HVAC blower motor to lower the voltage.2. Connect the wiTECH micro pod II to the vehicle data link connector.3. Place the ignition in the “RUN” position.4. Open a wiTECH Diagnostic session.5. Starting at the “Select Tool” screen, select the row/tool for the wiPOD deviceyou are using.6. Enter your “User id” and “Password”, and then select “Finish”.7. Select the “Next” tab at the bottom of the screen.8. From the “Vehicle View” screen, click on the “PCM” icon.9. From the “PCM View” screen select the “Flash” tab. Compare the “CurrentFlash Number” with the “New Part Number” listed on the “sort table”. If the “Current Flash Number” is the same as the “New Part Number”continue to Step 15. If the part numbers are not the same, continue with Step 10.10. With the cursor over the desired flash file, click the small green arrow button onthe right side of the screen.11. From the “PCM Flash” screen follow the wiTECH screen instructions tocomplete the flash.12. Once the flash is complete click the “OK” button on the “PCM Flash” screen.13. Select the “Clear Stored DTCs” button.14. From the “PCM View” screen, compare the “Current Flash Number” withthe “New Part Number” listed on the “sort table”. If the “Current Flash Number” is the same as the “New Part Number” the flash is complete.Continue with Step 15. If the part numbers are not the same, repeat Steps 8 through 13.15. For vehicles equipped with a diesel engine, perform the following steps:a. Select the “Systems Test” tab.b. Select “SCR DEF Tank Fluid Level Reset” from the list.c. Follow the screen prompts to complete the reset procedure.d. Continue with Step 16 of this procedure.16. Turn the ignition to the “OFF” position, remove the wiTECH micro pod II andbattery charger from the vehicle and then close the hood.17. Return the vehicle to the customer.Claims for vehicles that have been serviced must be submitted on the DealerCONNECT Claim Entry Screen located on the Service tab. Claims submitted will be used by FCA to record Customer Satisfaction Notification service completions and provide dealer payments.Use the following labor operation number and time allowance:Labor Operation TimeNumber Allowance Inspect PCM Software Level 18-T0-11-81 0.2 hoursReprogram the PCM module 18-T0-11-82 0.3 hours Add the cost of the parts package plus applicable dealer allowance to your claim. NOTE: See the FCA International Warranty Policy and Procedure Manual, Claim Entry Section – Recall Claims for claim processing instructions.All involved vehicle owners should be notified of the service requirement by their Dealer. Owners are requested to schedule appointments for this service. A sample copy of the owner notification letter is attached.All involved vehicles have been entered into the Global Recall System (GRS) and Vehicle Information Plus (VIP) for Dealer inquiry as needed.GRS provides involved Dealers with an updated VIN list of their incomplete vehicles. Completed vehicles are removed from GRS within several days of repair claim submission.Dealers must perform this repair on all unsold vehicles before retail delivery. Dealers should also use the VIN list to follow up with all owners to scheduleGlobal Service and Parts - InternationalFiat Chrysler Automobiles____________________________________________________________________________________CUSTOMER SATISFACTION NOTIFICATION T01This notice applies to your vehicle (VIN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). Dear Jeep Owner:At FCA US LLC, we recognize that the success of our business depends on the satisfaction of our customers. We are constantly monitoring the quality of our products and looking for opportunities to improve our vehicles even after they are sold. Because your long-term satisfaction is important to us, we are contacting you on important improvements we would like to make to your vehicle. This will be done at no charge to you.We are recommending the following improvements be performed on certain 2014 through 2016 model year Jeep Grand Cherokee vehicles. The problem is...The Powertrain Control Module (PCM) on your vehicle may have received PCM software containing calibration errors when recall S49 was performed. PCM software containing calibration errors may result in the radiator cooling fan producing excessive fan noise during operation.What your dealer will do...FCA will service your vehicle free of charge (parts and labor). To do this, yourdealer will reprogram the powertrain control module. The work will take about 1 hour to complete. However, additional time may be necessary depending on service schedules. We recommend that you make an appointment with your dealer to minimize your inconvenience. What you must do... Simply contact your dealer right away to schedule a service appointment. Ask the dealer to hold the parts for your vehicle or to order them before your appointment. Please bring this letter with you to your dealer.If you need help...If you have trouble getting your vehicle serviced, please contact the Dealer nearest your location. A representative will assist you in getting your vehicle serviced. This information can be found in the Customer Assistance section of your Owner’s Manual.We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are sincerely concerned about your safety. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.Global Service & Parts - InternationalFCA LLCNotification Code T01REPROGRAM POWERTRAINCONTROL MODULE。

英文邮件 销售状况 计划

英文邮件 销售状况 计划

英文邮件销售状况计划Subject: Sales Update and PlansDear [Recipient's Name],I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to provide you with an update on our sales performance and share our plans for the upcoming months.Firstly, I am pleased to inform you that our sales have been steadily increasing over the past quarter. We have achieved a significant growth rate of [X]% compared to the same period last year. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our sales team.In terms of product performance, our flagship product, [Product Name], continues to be a top seller, contributing to the majority of our revenue. We have also introduced new product lines, such as [Product Name], which have been well-received by our customers and show promising potential for further growth.To further capitalize on the positive sales trend, we have outlineda comprehensive plan for the next quarter. Our key objectives include:1. Expanding our customer base: We will focus on identifying new target markets and implementing targeted marketing campaigns to attract potential customers. Additionally, we will leverage customer referrals and recommendations to enhance our lead generation efforts.2. Strengthening customer relationships: Building long-term relationships with our existing customers is crucial. We will implement customer retention strategies, including regular follow-ups, personalized communication, and exclusive offers, to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.3. Enhancing sales team performance: Continuous training and skill development are essential for our sales team. We will conduct workshops and provide resources to enhance their product knowledge, negotiation skills, and customer service abilities. Regular performance assessmentswill also be conducted to identify areas for improvement and recognition.4. Improving marketing strategies: Our marketing team will work closely with the sales team to optimize our digital marketing efforts, including social media campaigns, content marketing, and search engine optimization. We will also explore collaborations with industry influencers and strategic partnerships to increase brand visibility.5. Monitoring market trends and competition: Staying updated on market trends and analyzing competitor strategies is crucial for maintaining our competitive edge. We will conduct regular market research and competitor analysis to adapt our sales and marketing approaches accordingly.We are confident that these strategies, combined with our dedicated team's efforts, will further enhance our sales performance and drive business growth in the upcoming months.Should you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I appreciate your continued support and partnership in achieving our sales goals.Thank you for your time and attention.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Title/Position][Company Name][Contact Information]。



销售额报告的格式及范文英文Sales Report Format and Sample in English.Sales reports are crucial documents that provide an overview of a company's sales performance over a specific period. They help businesses understand their financial status, identify areas of success and improvement, and make informed decisions about future strategies. In this article, we will discuss the format and provide a sample salesreport in English.Sales Report Format:1. Title Page: The report should begin with a titlepage that includes the report's title, the company's name, the report's date, and the author's name.2. Introduction: The introduction section briefly describes the purpose of the report, the time frame covered, and any significant events or trends that occurred duringthe period.3. Sales Overview: This section presents an overview of the sales performance, including total sales, the number of sales transactions, average sales per transaction, and any significant changes compared to previous periods.4. Sales Breakdown: The sales breakdown section provides a detailed analysis of sales by product, customer, or region. This information helps identify which products or customers are generating the most revenue and which regions are performing well.5. Key Metrics: This section highlights key performance metrics such as revenue growth, profit margin, and sales conversion rate. These metrics help assess the overall financial health and performance of the sales team.6. Challenges and Opportunities: In this section, the report discusses any challenges faced during the period, such as competition, market changes, or customer feedback. It also identifies opportunities for improvement and growthin the future.7. Conclusion: The conclusion section summarizes the key findings and recommendations from the report. It should provide a clear picture of the sales performance, identify areas of success and improvement, and outline any future plans or strategies.Sales Report Sample in English:Sales Report for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2023。



2024年房屋买卖合同的英文Contract Table of ContentsChapter 1: General Provisions1.1 Purpose of the Contract1.2 Legal Effect of the Contract1.3 Governing LawChapter 2: The Parties Involved2.1 Seller's Information2.2 Buyer's Information2.3 Qualifications and Conditions of Both Parties Chapter 3: Property Description3.1 Details of the Property Being Sold3.2 Property Location and Boundaries3.3 Property Ownership and ConditionChapter 4: Purchase Price and Payment Terms4.1 Determination of the Purchase Price4.2 Modes of Payment4.3 Payment ScheduleChapter 5: Performance of the Contract5.1 Obligations of the Seller5.2 Obligations of the Buyer5.3 Conditions for Property HandoverChapter 6: Warranties and Representations6.1 Seller's Warranties6.2 Buyer's Warranties6.3 Mutual RepresentationsChapter 7: Breach of Contract7.1 Definition of Breach7.2 Liability for Breach7.3 Remedies for BreachChapter 8: Contract Amendments and Termination 8.1 Conditions for Contract Amendment8.2 Conditions for Contract Termination8.3 Rights and Obligations upon Termination Chapter 9: Dispute Resolution9.1 Methods of Dispute Resolution9.2 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction9.3 Costs of Dispute ResolutionChapter 10: Supplementary Provisions10.1 Effectiveness of the Contract10.2 Supplements and Annexes to the Contract10.3 Other Matters Requiring ClarificationChapter 11: Signature Section11.1 Seller's Signature11.2 Buyer's Signature11.3 Date and Place of Signing合同编号_______Chapter 1: General Provisions1.1 Purpose of the ContractThis contract is intended to define the rights and obligations between the Seller and the Buyer in the transaction of the property.1.2 Legal Effect of the ContractThis contract, upon execution by both parties, shall be legally binding and enforceable.1.3 Governing LawThe contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.Chapter 2: The Parties Involved2.1 Seller's InformationSeller's Name: ______, Address: ______, Legal Representative:______.2.2 Buyer's InformationBuyer's Name: ______, Address: ______, Legal Representative: ______.2.3 Qualifications and Conditions of Both PartiesBoth parties warrant that they have the necessary qualificationsand capacities to enter into and perform this contract.Chapter 3: Property Description3.1 Details of the Property Being SoldThe property (description of the property including type, structure, and condition) is located at: ______.3.2 Property Location and BoundariesThe property is situated at (specific address) with boundaries as defined in the attached property map.3.3 Property Ownership and ConditionThe property is owned by the Seller and is free from any encumbrances, with the condition as described in the annexed property report.Chapter 4: Purchase Price and Payment Terms4.1 Determination of the Purchase PriceThe purchase price shall be determined based on the agreedvaluation and stated as: ______.4.2 Modes of PaymentThe Buyer shall make payment through (specify method, e.g., bank transfer, cash, etc.).4.3 Payment ScheduleThe Buyer shall pay the purchase price in (number) installments as detailed in Schedule A.Chapter 5: Performance of the Contract5.1 Obligations of the SellerThe Seller shall deliver the property to the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this contract.5.2 Obligations of the BuyerThe Buyer shall fulfill the payment obligations and other conditions as stipulated in this contract.5.3 Conditions for Property HandoverThe property shall be handed over to the Buyer upon full payment and satisfaction of all contract terms.Chapter 6: Warranties and Representations6.1 Seller's WarrantiesThe Seller warrants that they have the full right to sell the property and that the property is free from any defects not disclosed.6.2 Buyer's WarrantiesThe Buyer warrants that they have the capacity to perform the contract and will comply with all applicable regulations.6.3 Mutual RepresentationsBoth parties represent that the information provided is accurate and complete.以上为合同前半部分的正文内容,接下来将继续完善合同的后半部分。



表名包含的字段字段4SEOrder FBillNo销售订单表顺序号字段名称字段描述字段备注1FAreaPS销售范围销售范围2FBClosed已作废3FBillerID制单:制单人4FBillNo编 号:销售订单号5FBrID制单机构制单机构6FBrNo公司机构内码已作废7FCancellation作废0-未作废,1-作废8FCashDiscount现金折扣9FChangeCauses变更原因变更原因10FChangeDate变更日期变更日期11FChangeMark变更标志:变更标志:12FChangeUser变更人变更人13FCheckDate审核日期审核日期14FCheckerID审核人审核人15FChildren关联标识关联标识16FClassTypeID事务类型事务类型17FClosed是否关闭是否关闭18FConsignee收货方收货方19FCurCheckLevel当前审核级别当前审核级别20FCurrencyID币 别:币别21FCustAddress客户地点:客户地点:22FCustID购货单位:客户ID23FDate日期:单据日期24FDeptID部门:部门25FDiscountType折扣方式折扣方式26FDrpRelateTranType27FEmpID业务员:职员28FExchangeRate汇 率:税率29FExchangeRateType汇率类型汇率类型30FExplanation摘要摘要31FFetchAdd交货地点:交货地点32FFetchDate交货日期:交货日期:33FFetchStyle交货方式:交货方式34FHeadSelfS0142船期船期35FHeadSelfS0143目的港目的港36FHeadSelfS0144合同号合同号37FImport引入标志引入标志38FInterID订单内码销售订单ID(关键字) 39FInvoiceClosed发票关闭40FManageType保税监管类型保税监管类型41FMangerID主管:主管42FMultiCheckDate1一级审核日期一级审核日期43FMultiCheckDate2二级审核日期二级审核日期44FMultiCheckDate3三级审核日期三级审核日期45FMultiCheckDate4四级审核日期四级审核日期46FMultiCheckDate5五级审核日期五级审核日期47FMultiCheckDate6六级审核日期六级审核日期48FMultiCheckLevel1一审:一审:49FMultiCheckLevel2二审:二审:50FMultiCheckLevel3三审:三审:51FMultiCheckLevel4四审:四审:52FMultiCheckLevel5五审:五审:53FMultiCheckLevel6六审:六审:54FNote备注备注55FOperDate时间戳56FOrderAffirm确认标志确认标志57FPayDate付款日期付款日期58FPayStyle付款方式:付款方式:59FPlanCategory计划类别计划类别60FPOOrdBillNo采购订单号:采购订单号:61FPrintCount打印次数打印次数62FRelateBrID订货机构:订货机构:63FSaleStyle销售方式:销售方式64FSelTranType源单类型源单类型65FSettleDate结算日期结算日期66FSettleID结算方式:结算方式67FStatus状态0-未审核,1-审核68FSysStatus系统设置系统设置69FSystemType系统类型70FTransitAheadTime运输提前期:运输提前期:71FTranStatus传输标志传输标志72FTranType单据类型81-销售订单73FUUID唯一标识74FValidaterName确认人确认人75FVersionNo版本号版本号字段5字段6字段7字段8字段9字段类型字段长度字段精度小数位数允许为空int4100否smallint250否int4100是nvarchar5102550否int4100是varchar10100否bit110否nvarchar5102550否nvarchar5102550是datetime8233是int4100否int4100否datetime8233是int4100是int4100否int4100否smallint250否nvarchar5102550是int4100是int4100是int4100否int4100是datetime8233是int4100是bit110否int4100否int4100是float8530是int4100否nvarchar5102550否varchar2552550是datetime8233是varchar30300是datetime8233是varchar2552550是varchar2552550是int4100否int4100否smallint250是int4100是int4100是datetime8233是datetime8233是datetime8233是datetime8233是datetime8233是datetime8233是int4100是int4100是int4100是int4100是int4100是int4100是varchar30300是timestamp880否int4100是datetime8233是varchar30300是int4100否nvarchar10205100是smallint250否int4100是int4100是int4100否datetime8233是int4100是smallint250否smallint250否int4100否real4240是int4100是int4100否uniqueidentifier1600否varchar2552550是nvarchar40200否。



一般的销售管理信息(英文版)Sales Management InformationSales management is a crucial aspect of running a successful business. It involves the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of a company's sales activities in order to achieve its sales objectives.One important piece of sales management information is the sales forecast. This provides an estimate of the sales that a company expects to achieve during a specific time period, such as a month, quarter, or year. Sales forecasts are essential for effective planning and resource allocation, as they help determine production levels, staffing needs, and inventory requirements.Another key aspect of sales management information is the sales pipeline. This refers to the various stages that a customer goes through during the sales process, from initial contact to final purchase. Monitoring the sales pipeline allows sales managers to track the progress of each opportunity, identify bottlenecks, and allocate resources accordingly. By understanding where potential deals are in the pipeline, sales managers can focus their efforts on closing high-value opportunities and improving overall sales performance.Sales performance metrics are also vital for effective sales management. These metrics provide insights into the performance of the sales team and help identify areas for improvement. Common sales performance metrics include sales revenue, average deal size, win rate, and customer acquisition cost. By regularlyreviewing and analyzing these metrics, sales managers can identify trends, set goals, and develop strategies to boost sales productivity and profitability.In addition, sales management information includes the tracking and analysis of customer data. This information helps identify key customer segments, understand customer preferences and behavior, and develop targeted sales and marketing strategies. Customer data can be gathered through various channels such as customer surveys, sales interactions, and website analytics. By leveraging customer data, sales managers can effectively tailor their sales efforts to meet customer needs and build long-lasting customer relationships.Lastly, sales management information includes feedback from the sales team. Regular communication and feedback sessions provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by the sales team. By actively listening to the sales team, providing guidance, and addressing their concerns, sales managers can foster a positive and motivated sales culture, leading to enhanced sales performance.In conclusion, sales management information plays a crucial rolein driving sales effectiveness and achieving sales objectives. From sales forecasts to sales pipeline tracking, performance metrics, customer data analysis, and feedback from the sales team, sales managers rely on a variety of information sources to make informed decisions and drive sales success.继续写相关内容,1500字1.制定销售策略:销售管理信息对于制定销售策略至关重要。



商务合作英语un1[00:00.00] Unit 1 Handy Basic Olympic English For Business cooperation [00:10.04]商务合作迎奥经典十句[00:20.09]1.Nice to meet you.[00:24.36]很高兴见到您。

[00:28.63]2.May I speak to...?[00:34.91]请找一下..[00:41.20]3.Just a minute...[00:45.48]请稍等....[00:49.76]4.Excese me[00:53.09]劳驾。



[00:56.42]5.I'm afraid...[00:59.85]...恐怕...。

/我觉得...[01:03.27]6.Thank you for...[01:06.85]谢谢你...[01:10.43]7.What about...[01:13.70]...怎么样?[01:16.98]8.Would you like...?[01:23.17]您要不要...?[01:29.36]9.Cheers for our cooperation.[01:34.75]为我们的合作干杯。

[01:40.13]10.Enjoy your time in Beijing.[01:51.95]祝您在北京玩得愉快。

商务合作英语un2-1[00:00.00] UNIT 2 Olympic Situations For Business Cooperation [00:05.34]商务合作奥运情景八题[00:10.68]1.Here's my business card.[00:19.37]1.这是我的名片。

[00:28.06]How do you do .[00:29.88]你好![00:31.71]How do you do .[00:33.24]你好![00:34.77]Nice to meet you .Here's my business card[00:37.20]很高兴认识您。


P9 COPQ分析报告
37-40 41-44 45-48 49-52 01-04 05-08 09-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 ACC
Code 20 Code 10 Code 390 Code 391
TOP1客户端不良信息 具体事件
20占 销售比
销售比 占销售比 占销售比
COPQ COPQ 占总COPQ 总占比 总和 百分比 叠加和
改善前 改善前图片
改善后 改善后图片
Code 20 Code 10 Code 390 Code 391



Growing up in a bustling city, I was no stranger to the convenience of modern life. Among the many amenities that made my daily routine smoother, the FamilyMart stood out as a beacon of accessibility and comfort. This essay narrates my personal experiences and observations about the FamilyMart, a ubiquitous presence in my neighborhood.The first thing that strikes you about FamilyMart is its omnipresence. Whether its early in the morning as you rush to school or late at night when youre coming back from a study session, the warm glow of the FamilyMart sign is a comforting sight. Its not just about the convenience of proximity its the assurance that no matter what time it is, you can find something to eat or a place to rest.One of my most vivid memories is from a particularly cold winter evening. I had stayed late at school for a debate competition and was famished by the time I stepped out. The streets were deserted, and the biting wind made me shiver. As I turned the corner, the familiar sight of the FamilyMart brought a smile to my face. I hurried inside, greeted by the warm air and the friendly face of the store clerk. The shelves were stocked with a variety of hot meals, ready to be microwaved to perfection. I chose a steaming bowl of ramen, paid at the counter, and found a cozy corner to enjoy my meal. The warmth of the soup and the comfort of the store were a stark contrast to the chilly night outside.FamilyMart isnt just a place to grab a quick bite its a community hub. During my lunch breaks, I often found myself there, not just for the food, but for the company. It was common to see students from my schoolgathered around the tables, discussing homework or sharing stories. The staff at FamilyMart were always approachable and friendly, adding to the welcoming atmosphere.Moreover, FamilyMarts commitment to quality and variety is commendable. The store offers a wide range of products, from fresh sandwiches and salads to hot meals and snacks. They also stock a varietyof drinks, from fruit juices to coffee and tea, catering to different tastes and preferences. The stores regular updates to their menu ensure that theres always something new to try, keeping customers engaged and satisfied.What sets FamilyMart apart is not just their products but their services. They offer a range of conveniences such as bill payments, ticket bookings, and even photocopying services. These additional services make FamilyMart a onestop solution for many daily needs, saving time and effort.However, its important to note that while FamilyMart provides a lot of convenience, it also encourages a certain level of dependency on processed and readytoeat food. As a healthconscious teenager, I sometimes found myself indulging in the convenience of a microwave meal over a homecooked one. This is a tradeoff that many urban dwellers face, and its something to be mindful of.In conclusion, FamilyMart has been an integral part of my life, offering not just convenience but also a sense of community and comfort. Its a testament to the evolving needs of urban living and the importance ofadapting to provide solutions that cater to these needs. As I look back on my high school years, the memories of FamilyMart will always hold a special place in my heart, a reminder of the warmth and comfort it provided during my journey through adolescence.。




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We are thrilled to present our sales plan for selling dresses. Our collection features a wide range of trendy and fashionable dresses that cater to different styles and occasions. We believe that our dresses will attract customers of all ages and preferences.II. Target Market。



销售合同信息查询英文---[Your Comany Name][Your Address][City, State, Zi Code][Email Address][Phone Numer][Date][Counterarty Comany Name][Address][City, State, Zi Code]Suject: Inquiry Regarding Sales Contract InformationDear [Counterarty Contact Person],I hoe this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire aout the secific details ertaining to our recent sales contract (Contract No. [insert contract numer]), which was signed on [insert date].For clarity and record-keeing uroses, we kindly request the following information:1. Full Name of Purchaser: We would like to confirm the full legal name of the urchaser as it aears in the contract.2. Contracted Product Details: Please rovide a detailed list of the roducts or services that are the suject of the contract, including secifications, quantities, and any relevant roduct codes.3. Pricing Information: We require a reakdown of the ricing structure as agreed uon, outlining the total contract value, unit rice, and any alicale discounts or surcharges.4. Payment Terms: Could you lease reiterate the ayment terms as stiulated in the contract, including ayment schedules, due dates, and accetale ayment methods?5. Delivery Details: It is essential for us to verify the delivery schedule, including the date of first delivery, frequency, and final delivery date. Also, lease secify the delivery locations if different from the invoice address.6. Warranty and Maintenance: We need to confirm the duration and terms of any warranty against defects or errors in technology, goods, or services rovided under the contract. Please also clarify any maintenance or suort services included in the agreement.7. Termination Clause: In the event of unforeseen circumstances, could you lease outline the conditions under which the contract can e terminated y either arty?8. Governing Law and Disute Resolution: We would like to know which country/state's law governs the interretation of the contract, and what is the agreed-uon method for disute resolution should any arise.9. Other Relevant Terms and Conditions: If there are additional clauses or rovisions not mentioned aove that are integral to the contract, lease rovide those details as well.We areciate your romt attention to this matter and look forward to receiving the requested information at your earliest convenience. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, lease do not hesitate to contact me directly.Thank you for your cooeration.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Comany Name][Your Contact Information]---。

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English name
27131533160 27131631545 27131631552 27131386384 27131482703 27131582724 27131582847 27131632887 27131632856 27131632870 27131674986 27131674993 27131675006 27131675013 27131675020 27131679745 27131679851 27131679868 27131679875 27131679882 27131824879 27131824893 27131824916 27131824923 27131824930 27131824947 27131824954 27131824961 27131824978 27131824992 27131825029 27131834038 27131871354 27131871378 27131871385 27131871415 27131871422 27131363675 27131101413 27131640578 27131649595 27131649601 27131790334 27131696100 27131631330 27131424840 27131612261 27131612278 27131691082 27131691099 27131786849 27131786856 27131844143 27131951391 27131951476 27131872603 27131951452 27131951414 27131879787 27131880417 27131883906 27131919124 27131925569 27131960546 27131961178 27131966258 27131966470 27131975199 27131994091 27131296690
LASH PRIMER PLUS 5ML/.17FLOZ 雅诗兰黛滋养睫毛打底膏 5ml NUTRITIOUS VITA-MINER-IV 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛鲜活营养矿物能量粉底液10 SPF10/PA++ 30ml NUTRITIOUS VITA-MINER-VA 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛红石榴矿物粉底液11 SPF10/PA++ 30ml PROJECTIONIST MASCARA-BL 8ML/.28OZ 雅诗兰黛纤密深邃睫毛膏01 8ml FOUND PRIM NEUTRAL C/YEL 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛修颜妆前乳-紫色 30ml TENDER BLUSH-PINK KISS 7GM/.25OZ 雅诗兰黛流金熠彩腮红 02 5g TENDER BLUSH-ROSE NUANCE 7GM/.25OZ 雅诗兰黛流金熠彩腮红 14 5g TENDER BLUSH-NUDE NUANCE 7GM/.25OZ 雅诗兰黛流金熠彩腮红 19 5g TENDER BLUSH-PEACH NUANC 7GM/.25OZ 雅诗兰黛流金熠彩腮红 21 5g TENDER BLUSH-PLUM NUANCE 7GM/.25OZ 雅诗兰黛流金熠彩腮红 60 5g RN ULT LIFTING CRÈME-COO 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛双重滋养白金级臻致柔采粉底霜20 SPF15 30ml RN ULT LIFTING CRÈME-WAR 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛双重滋养白金级臻致柔采粉底霜21 SPF15 30ml RN ULT LIFTING CRÈME-COO 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛双重滋养白金级臻致柔采粉底霜22 SPF15 30ml RN ULT LIFTING CRÈME-WAR 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛双重滋养白金级臻致柔采粉底霜23 SPF15 30ml RN ULT LIFTING CRÈME-WAR 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛双重滋养白金级臻致柔采粉底霜24 SPF15 30ml NUTR PWDR MU CMPCT CASE 雅诗兰黛红石榴矿物粉饼盒 NUTR PWDR REFILL W/BR-IN 11GM/.38OZ 雅诗兰黛红石榴矿物粉饼 60SPF15/PA++ 11 g NUTR PWDR REFILL W/BR-IN 11GM/.38OZ 雅诗兰黛红石榴矿物粉饼 61SPF15/PA++ 11 g NUTR PWDR REFILL W/BR-IN 11GM/.38OZ 雅诗兰黛红石榴矿物粉饼 62SPF15/PA++ 11 g NUTR PWDR REFILL W/BR-IN 11GM/.38OZ 雅诗兰黛红石榴矿物粉饼63 SPF15/PA++ 11 g PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-NU 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏01 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-SE 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏03 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-EN 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏05 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-RO 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏06 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-BL 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏07 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-PI 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏08 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-LA 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏09 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-OR 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏10 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-WI 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏11 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-PE 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏13 2.5 G PC SENSUOUS ROUGE LIP-CH 2.5GM/.08OZ 雅诗兰黛芯心相印唇膏16 2.5 G FUTRST MSTRE-INFSD MU-CO 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛水凝润颜粉底液 63 SPF15 PA++ 30ml INVISIBLE FLUID MKEUP-1N 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛轻盈净妍粉底液 01 30ml INVISIBLE FLUID MKEUP-SH 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛轻盈净妍粉底液 03 30ml INVISIBLE FLUID MKEUP-1W 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛轻盈净妍粉底液 04 30ml INVISIBLE FLUID MKEUP-2W 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛轻盈净妍粉底液 07 30ml INVISIBLE FLUID MKEUP-2W 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛轻盈净妍粉底液 08 30ml INVISIBLE FLUID MKEUP-SH 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛轻盈净妍粉底液 19 30ml RN INT LIFT EYE CREME 15ML/.5FLOZ 雅诗兰黛双重滋养白金级紧肤眼霜 15ml RN ULT WHITE LIFT CREME 50ML/1.7FLOZ 雅诗兰黛双重滋养白金级臻致美白乳霜 50ml TIME ZONE DRY NON SCRÈME 50ML/1.7OZ 雅诗兰黛凝时抗皱保湿霜(干性肌肤) 50ml TIME ZONE N/C NON SCRÈME 50ML/1.7OZ 雅诗兰黛凝时抗皱保湿霜(中性至混合性肌肤) 50ml TIME ZONE NIGHT CREME 50ML/1.7FLOZ 雅诗兰黛抗皱滋润晚霜 50ml TIME ZONE LN+WRINK EYE C 15ML/.5OZ 雅诗兰黛抗皱滋润眼霜 15ml CW EX EXTRA INT. SPOT CO 25ML/.85FLOZ 雅诗兰黛璀璨美白淡斑精华膏 25ml NU VITAMINERAL RAD SERUM 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛红石榴精华露 30ml PERFECTIONIST CP+ 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛奇迹抚痕抗皱精华露 30ml PERFECTIONIST CP+ 50ML/1.7FLOZ 雅诗兰黛奇迹抚痕抗皱精华露 50ml ADV NGHT REPAIR SYNC REC 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛即时修护特润精华露 30ml ADV NGHT REPAIR SYNC RE 50ML/1.7FLOZ 雅诗兰黛即时修护特润精华露 50ml CW BC MOISTURE LOTION 200ML/6.7FLOZ 雅诗兰黛密集焕白修护液 200ml CW BC BRIGHT ESSENCE 30ML/1FLOZ 雅诗兰黛密集焕白淡斑精华露 30ML IDEALIST EYE ILLUMINT-LI 15ML/.5FLOZ 雅诗兰黛净澈亮采眼霜 15ml PL CAPTIVATING DUET 雅诗兰黛欢沁淡香薰精致礼盒 SENSUOUS TO GO 雅诗兰黛摩登都市淡香氛礼盒 SENSUOUS DAY BY DAY 雅诗兰黛摩登都市淡香氛礼盒 SENSUOUS INTL ONLY SET 雅诗兰黛摩登都市淡香氛精致礼盒 PLEASURES 3 PIECE SET 雅诗兰黛欢沁淡香薰节日礼盒 PC GLOSS TO GO 雅诗兰黛花漾唇情臻藏礼盒 MK HOLIDAY PWP PEWTER 雅诗兰黛雅灰迷情派对礼盒 FL'11 REPAIR SET PERFECT 雅诗兰黛奇迹抚痕抗皱精华露套装 RENUTRIV ULTIMATE SET 雅诗兰黛白金级奢宠紧颜眼霜套装 SP12 YOUTH INFUSING HYD 雅诗兰黛盈润保湿霜套装 FL'12 HOLIDAY SKIN HYD 雅诗兰黛盈润保湿霜节日套装 FLL12 ASIA ANR EYE SET 雅诗兰黛2012即时修护眼部精华霜套装 LIFTING FIRMING SET 雅诗兰黛奇迹丰盈抗皱精华露精致套装 FL'12 REPAIR SET PERFECT 雅诗兰黛奇迹丰盈抗皱精华露套装 HO 12 M/U SETS-GLOSS COF 雅诗兰黛闪熠流彩唇彩礼盒 S13 ANREYE DAILY ESSNTLS 雅诗兰黛即时修护眼部密集精华露套装 SP13 ANTI WRINKLE 雅诗兰黛2013春季青春抗皱滋润霜套装