
→ add up…
add A to B add to …add up to…
合计…/ 将…合计 把A添加到B上/ A加B 增加;增添 …合计为…
1)__A_d_d__ some milk and sugar __t_o__ coffee before drinking it.
2) When we _a_d_d_e_d_u_pall the costs, we realized we had spent too much.
some years ago.
3).She refused to answer questions
_c_o_n_c__e_rn__in_g_ her private life.
8.Go through
1 These countries have gone through too many
concerning, was concerned in concerns 1).The destruction of the world’s forest
c__o_n_c_e_r_n_s_ everyone in some way. 2).She _w_a_s__c_o_n_c_e__rn__ed__i_na drug case
A.concerned C.ignored
B.upset D.discussed
In time of danger it’s important for one to keep________.
He was greatly________about the news that his
高中英语 新人教版必修1全册 课件PPT

• In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Many European Jews lived in countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence. By 1945, nearly two out of every three European Jews had been killed as part of the "Final Solution," which was the Nazi policy to murder all the Jews of Europe.
Responsible Humorous Considerate …… Qualities of Friends
Honest Brave Warm-hearted Kind
Useful words:
kindhearted helpful quick-minded lovely talkative silent
Make the survey on page one, Add up your score according to the scoring sheet on page 8, you don’t have to tell your results , you can keep it a secret.
Background: World War II
Jews being rounded up by Nazi soldiers and forced to leave home. In Nazi Germany, Jews were required to wear a yellow star of David on their clothing.
• In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Many European Jews lived in countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence. By 1945, nearly two out of every three European Jews had been killed as part of the "Final Solution," which was the Nazi policy to murder all the Jews of Europe.
Responsible Humorous Considerate …… Qualities of Friends
Honest Brave Warm-hearted Kind
Useful words:
kindhearted helpful quick-minded lovely talkative silent
Make the survey on page one, Add up your score according to the scoring sheet on page 8, you don’t have to tell your results , you can keep it a secret.
Background: World War II
Jews being rounded up by Nazi soldiers and forced to leave home. In Nazi Germany, Jews were required to wear a yellow star of David on their clothing.
人教版高一英语必修一课件:Unit1Friendship (共84张PPT)

Ⅰ.重点单词 1.__i_g_n_o_re__ vt. 不理睬;忽视 2._c_o_n_c_e_r_n_ vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到
n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系
_c_o_n_c_e_r_n_e_d_adj. 担心的;忧虑的 _c_o_n_c_e_r_n_i_n_g__ prep. 有关;关于
have the power of
whether/if yesterday?” the day before
→Mr.Green asked Jack ___________he saw the film _____________.
3 . My good friend Tom said ,w“asIlivaimng tlihveirnegthheenre now.”
vt. 使不安;使心烦
14._____adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的
vt.& vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定
entirely 15.______ adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的
exact _______adv. 完全地;全部地;完整地 exactly 16.______ adj. 精确的;准确的;严谨的
5.My father asked me,“How long have you been
Ⅴ.教材活用 Anne Frank lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War Ⅱ.Her family was Jewish so __1__ had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis.Anne had a special friend—a diary,__2_ she set down her deepest feelings and thoughts.
n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系
_c_o_n_c_e_r_n_e_d_adj. 担心的;忧虑的 _c_o_n_c_e_r_n_i_n_g__ prep. 有关;关于
have the power of
whether/if yesterday?” the day before
→Mr.Green asked Jack ___________he saw the film _____________.
3 . My good friend Tom said ,w“asIlivaimng tlihveirnegthheenre now.”
vt. 使不安;使心烦
14._____adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的
vt.& vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定
entirely 15.______ adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的
exact _______adv. 完全地;全部地;完整地 exactly 16.______ adj. 精确的;准确的;严谨的
5.My father asked me,“How long have you been
Ⅴ.教材活用 Anne Frank lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War Ⅱ.Her family was Jewish so __1__ had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis.Anne had a special friend—a diary,__2_ she set down her deepest feelings and thoughts.
人教版高中英语必修一《Teenage Life》PPT课件

What did
choose 2
Adam think 1
of high
school life?
Fast reading
True or false question?
(1) Adam is a sophomore in senior high school. F
(2) A student can choose his or her courses only by himself/herself. F
(3) His / Her adviser rmended him/her to sign up for advanced literature because
it was very important.
(4) After Adam was refused to join the football team, he felt unpleasant. T
2. What does Adam feel at his first week at school?
A. Confused.
B. Angry.
C. Happy.
D. Worried.
3. What extra-curricular activity does Adam take part in?
Listening and Speaking
Listen andplete the information by underlining the words you hear in the right column.
Ballet Club
Learn new movements watch dance programmes make ballet clothes
新教材 人教版高中英语必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life 精品教学课件()

20.__q_u_i_t ___vt.& vi.停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等) 21.__r_e_sp_o_n_s_i_b_le_____adj.负责的;有责任的
→___r_e_sp_o_n_s_i_b_il_it_y_____n.责任;义务 22.__s_o_lu_t_io_n_____n.解决方法;答案
完成句子 ④I stayed there for one year, teaching ___a_s_a_v_o_l_u_n_te_e_r___. 我在那里待了一年作为志愿者教学。 ⑤__V_o_l_u_n_t_ee_r_i_n_g_g_i_v_es__y_o_u_a__ch_a_n_c_e____ to change lives, including your own. 志愿服务给你一个改变生活的机会,包括你自己的生活。
The suggestion is still under debate. 那个提议仍然还在讨论中。 They debated about who was to blame for the traffic accident until 9 o’clock. 就谁该对这起交通事故承担责任,他们一直讨论到9点。
动 6.__s_u_i_ta_b_l_e____adj.合适的;适用的
→__s_u_i_t ___vt.& vi.适合;合身;适宜 n.西装;套装
7.__a_c_t_u_a_ll_y____adv.事实上;的确 →__a_c_t_u_a_l ___ adj.实际的;真实的
8.__c_h_a_l_le_n_g_e____n.挑战;艰巨任务 vt.怀疑;向……挑战
3.What does Adam think of students in the senior high school?___A___ A.They work hard and are independent. B.They take care of themselves. C.They have little homework. D.They live a hard life.
→___r_e_sp_o_n_s_i_b_il_it_y_____n.责任;义务 22.__s_o_lu_t_io_n_____n.解决方法;答案
完成句子 ④I stayed there for one year, teaching ___a_s_a_v_o_l_u_n_te_e_r___. 我在那里待了一年作为志愿者教学。 ⑤__V_o_l_u_n_t_ee_r_i_n_g_g_i_v_es__y_o_u_a__ch_a_n_c_e____ to change lives, including your own. 志愿服务给你一个改变生活的机会,包括你自己的生活。
The suggestion is still under debate. 那个提议仍然还在讨论中。 They debated about who was to blame for the traffic accident until 9 o’clock. 就谁该对这起交通事故承担责任,他们一直讨论到9点。
动 6.__s_u_i_ta_b_l_e____adj.合适的;适用的
→__s_u_i_t ___vt.& vi.适合;合身;适宜 n.西装;套装
7.__a_c_t_u_a_ll_y____adv.事实上;的确 →__a_c_t_u_a_l ___ adj.实际的;真实的
8.__c_h_a_l_le_n_g_e____n.挑战;艰巨任务 vt.怀疑;向……挑战
3.What does Adam think of students in the senior high school?___A___ A.They work hard and are independent. B.They take care of themselves. C.They have little homework. D.They live a hard life.
人教版高一英语必修一 Unit1 reading (共25张) PPT课件 图文

1.Anne kept a diary because
2.She felt very lonely because
3.They have to hide because
4.Anne named her diary Kitty because
A.She couldn’t meet her friends.
in the past, _I_w__as__n_o_t_in_t_e_r_e_st_e_d__in_ _n_at_u_r_e_a_t__a_ll_.
There was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound(迷住).
But I didn’t _d_a_r_e_t_o_ open the window to see the night f_a_c_e_t_o__fa_c_e__ because I was afraid of being discovered by the Nazis.
I felt very __lo_n_e_l_y_ without seeing my old friends. So I had to make a new friend -m__y__d_ia_r_y__K_i_tt_y_, whom I could telle_v_e_r_y_th__in_g_ to. Sadly, at last my family was discovered and caught byt_h_e_G__e_r_m_a_n__N_a_z_i_s sometime later.
人教版高中英语必修一unit1完整-(共95张) PPT课件 图文

upset adj. [after verb] [be upset about…由于…心烦意乱]
Don‘t be upset about the dress.
[be upset to do]
She was very upset to hear the news.
[be upset that(从句)]
He was very upset that you didn't reply to his letters. upset v.使…不安/心烦意乱 e.g. His strange behavior upset his father.
e.g. He ignored my advice.
Read the diary quickly to find out the main idea of the diary.
•Anne expressed __h_e_r_f_e_e_li_n_g_s_a_b_o_u__t _n_a_tu__re_after hiding for a long time.
Fast reading
Join the correct parts of the sentences.
1.Anne kept a diary because 2.She felt very lonely because 3.They have to hide because
A.she couldn’t meet her friends.
• Friendship helps us understand who we are, why we need each other and what we can do for each other.
高中英语 人教版 必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life Listening and Talking(共10张PPT)

1. Finish the exercises in Learning English.
2. Preview Reading for Writing on pages 18-19.
2 Present your ideas for a youth camp to the class.
____________Camp Do you want to have fun and learn at the same time? Then come to our camp. In our camp, you can learn about... There'll be many interesting activities. First, we are going to ... Then we'll ... We also plan to ... Finally, we'll ... Please come to our camp!
teenage life.
□ We'll learn how to □ There'll be students
live in the wild from from different
some experts.
countries at the camp.
□ We're going to learn □ I'm going to give a
about wildlife.
□ I think it's going to be □ I hope to make some
Listen again. Underline the expressions in the
1. Finish the exercises in Learning English.
2. Preview Reading for Writing on pages 18-19.
2 Present your ideas for a youth camp to the class.
____________Camp Do you want to have fun and learn at the same time? Then come to our camp. In our camp, you can learn about... There'll be many interesting activities. First, we are going to ... Then we'll ... We also plan to ... Finally, we'll ... Please come to our camp!
teenage life.
□ We'll learn how to □ There'll be students
live in the wild from from different
some experts.
countries at the camp.
□ We're going to learn □ I'm going to give a
about wildlife.
□ I think it's going to be □ I hope to make some
Listen again. Underline the expressions in the

4.Why did the girl stay awake one evening? A.Because she was ill. B.Because she missed her family. C.Because she wanted to have a good look at the moon. 答D.B案e:cCause the moon was so bright that she couldn ,t fall asleep.
a.not excited, nervous, or upset
b.to pay no attention to sb or sth
c.so as to
d.to make someone feel unhappy or worried
it would be very cold,she said it would be an interesting
是一次有趣的经历 .
5.A determinendopmeartstoenr haolwways tries to finish the job,
2.When are we leaving and when are we
重点单词 重点短语 重点句型 重点语法 交际功能
自主预习 合作探究
Talking about future plans/Good wishes/Farewells 议论将来的方案/良好的祝愿/辞别 1.Have a nice/good time.玩得快乐 . 2.Have a nice/good trip.旅途愉快 . 3.Take care.小心些 . 4.Have fun.玩得开心 . 5.Good luck on your journey.旅途好运 . 6.Write to me.给我写信 . 7.Say hello to ....向……问好 . 8.Give my love/best wishes to ....把我最|好的祝愿带给…… 9.Best wishes.祝你好运 .
a.not excited, nervous, or upset
b.to pay no attention to sb or sth
c.so as to
d.to make someone feel unhappy or worried
it would be very cold,she said it would be an interesting
是一次有趣的经历 .
5.A determinendopmeartstoenr haolwways tries to finish the job,
2.When are we leaving and when are we
重点单词 重点短语 重点句型 重点语法 交际功能
自主预习 合作探究
Talking about future plans/Good wishes/Farewells 议论将来的方案/良好的祝愿/辞别 1.Have a nice/good time.玩得快乐 . 2.Have a nice/good trip.旅途愉快 . 3.Take care.小心些 . 4.Have fun.玩得开心 . 5.Good luck on your journey.旅途好运 . 6.Write to me.给我写信 . 7.Say hello to ....向……问好 . 8.Give my love/best wishes to ....把我最|好的祝愿带给…… 9.Best wishes.祝你好运 .