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总标题:旅居美学——中国黄山·太平湖 第一段:旅居价值论 第二段:旅居美学论 第三段:旅居小镇典范
《旅居美学》 中国黄山·太平湖
黄山四季花城投资集团 黄山金盆湾国际度假区
《旅居美学》 中国黄山·太平湖
海南地处国际公认的最适宜居住的金色纬度带,拥有国内最佳的综合生态环境。海南岛的海岸线长 达1528公里,凉风拂拂,海浪习习,是中国的沿海旅游圣地。
→续上页 • 商务会议:湖湾会所、商务会议集群、国际会议走廊 • 观光生活:百花谷、徽文化馆、大型演出、影视城 • 高端度假物业:莲花国际……九大项目 • 旅居生活:高尔夫、游艇、星级酒店、Spa群
普洱精神贵在传袭。挑选上佳普洱茶品之后,经过漫长的岁月洗礼,封闭百年,从爷爷到孙子,从 孙子到曾曾孙,代代相传,只有时间才能证明普洱低调的奢华内质。
十余载的旅游地产发展,让海南、千岛湖等自然上佳之景成为人居发展历史中的“钻石”之地,成 为各路名家争相收藏的臻品。
黄山四季花城投资集团 黄山金盆湾国际度假区
旅居价值论 中国·黄山金盆湾 ——世界对太平湖的想象力







1. 设立二次办理标准:制定明确的二次办理标准,即在发现需要二次办理的事务时,明确具体的办理流程和文件要求,以便员工可以快速和准确地进行二次办理。

2. 创建专门的二次办理团队:为了更好地组织和管理二次办理流程,建议设立专门的二次办理团队,由有经验的员工组成,并配备专门的资源,如文件模板、信息系统等,以支持二次办理工作的顺利进行。

3. 建立二次办理培训机制:对于需要进行二次办理的员工,提供必要的培训和指导,使他们能够熟练掌握二次办理流程和操作要点,以提高办理效率。

4. 设立二次办理评估机制:定期对二次办理流程进行评估和改

1. 提高办理效率:简化办理流程,减少重复办理环节,节省时间和精力。

2. 减少错误率:通过制定明确的办理标准和提供培训,提高员工的准确性和专业性,减少错误发生。

3. 提升服务质量:通过专门的二次办理团队和评估机制,及时发现问题,优化办理流程,提高服务质量。




Finnet Group

Finnet Group

Project P911-PFIP MulticastDeliverable 1State-of-the-Art Technologies, Products, and ServicesVolume 1 of 3: Main ReportSuggested readers:•People in the Shareholders responsible for planning and deployment of services in IP networks.•Also this Deliverable functions as a ´white paper`, describing a European view from the Project, concerning the relevance of ongoing work and prioritisation of missing issues in the area of IP MulticastFor Full PublicationMay 2000EURESCOM PARTICIPANTS in Project P911-PF are:•Deutsche Telekom AG•Finnet Group•France Télécom•Iceland Telecom Ltd.•Telecom Italia S.p.A.•Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation SA (OTE)This document contains material which is the copyright of certain EURESCOM PARTICIPANTS, and may not be reproduced or copied without permission.All PARTICIPANTS have agreed to full publication of this documentThe commercial use of any information contained in this document may require a license from the proprietor of that information.Neither the PARTICIPANTS nor EURESCOM warrant that the information contained in the report is capable of use, or that use of the information is free from risk, and accept no liability for loss or damage suffered by any person using this information.This document has been approved by EURESCOM Board of Governors for distribution to all EURESCOM Shareholders.© 2000 EURESCOM Participants in Project P911-PFDeliverable 1Volume 1: Main ReportPrefaceIP Multicast technologies have been around for a few years, but have still to see theircommercial breakthrough. The well-known MBone provides access for many peopleto IETF meetings and other events, but the operation of the MBone needs expertise, aresource that is scarce.In search of Multicast technologies, which are deployable for a Network Operator in acommercial scale and to non-technical customers, the Project P911 has looked at thestate-of-the-art. Not only concerning Multicast mechanisms in the network, but alsosupport in applications and deployed and planned services based on Multicast.•This first Deliverable of the Project presents the survey. It should be regarded as state-of-the-art report in an environment, which is changing rapidly.•The second Deliverable reports on tests, which were performed on a set of Multicast protocols (implemented on popular routers). Since this world is alsochanging, the results should be used as indications of maturity of the differentprotocols, rather than an absolute rating of them.The scope of the Project was intentionally broad, in order to achieve a solid base forfurther work. And indeed a continuation Project is planned, and will start early in theyear 2000.Participants from 6 Shareholders contributed to the work. Project Leader was PeterFeil, Deutsche Telekom, T-Nova/Berkom.© 2000 EURESCOM Participants in Project P911-PF page iii (xii)Volume 1: Main Report Deliverable 1Executive SummaryThis first Deliverable of the Project P911 presents a state-of-the-arts report oftechnologies, products, and services in the area of IP Multicast.It gives an overview of the work done around the world by relevant research groups,service providers, and vendors. Serving as an ´IP Multicast White Paper` thisDeliverable covers not only the available protocols, services, and applications, butalso identifies missing issues from a European perspective.Starting with a more general description of Multicast services and some examples ofalready existing commercial implementations, the most important applications in thearea of IP Multicast are presented. This includes not only the well-known MBonetools but also some commercial products.The next chapters are more technologically oriented: First, the general mechanismsand the architecture of IP Multicast are presented followed by an overview of themost important protocols in this area (routing, transport, addressing). Technical issuesare then covered with topics like IP Multicast and QoS, Reliable Multicast, andSecurity. Finally deployment issues are addressed which need some furtherelaboration if IP Multicast is to be deployed on a broader scale.The main volume of this Deliverable comprises the most important facts whereasadditional and more detailed information can be found in the two Annexe.Based on this survey the project participants performed trials with protocols,applications, and services. The results and experiences achieved in these experimentsas well as recommendations for new services with IP Multicast are described inDeliverable 2.page iv (xii)© 2000 EURESCOM Participants in Project P911-PFDeliverable 1Volume 1: Main ReportList of AuthorsPeter Feil (Project Leader and Editor)DTMarkku.Mäki AFOlaf Bonness DTF. Hartanto DTNicolai Leymann DTChristian Siebel DTMichael Smirnov DTDorota Witaszek DTV. Yau DTAndré Zehl DTTanja Zseby DTNoël Cantenot FTEmmanuel Gouleau FTChristian Jacquenet FTNicole le Minous FTC. Proust FTSaemundur E. Thorsteinsson ICHafþór Óskarsson ICF. Bracali ITLoris.Marchetti ITGeorge Diakonikolaou (Editor)OGConstantinos Boukouvalas (Editor)OG© 2000 EURESCOM Participants in Project P911-PF page v (xii)Volume 1: Main Report Deliverable 1Table of ContentsPreface (iii)Executive Summary (iv)List of Authors (v)Table of Contents (vi)Abbreviations (ix)1Introduction (1)2Services (3)2.1Introduction (3)2.2Multicast Services (3)2.2.1Real-Time Services with Multimedia Content (4)2.2.2Real-Time services with Data-only Content (4)2.2.3Non-Real-Time Services with Multimedia Content (4)2.2.4Non-Real-Time Services with Data-only Content (5)2.3Commercial Services (5)2.3.1Overview of Multicast Services (5)2.3.2Examples of Services based on IP Multicast (6)2.3.3Some Multicast Services offered today by ISPs (7)3Applications (9)3.1Requirements from IP Multicast Applications (9)3.1.1Routing (9)3.1.2Multimedia Transport Protocols (9)3.1.3Reliability (10)3.2Experimental IP Multicast Applications (11)3.2.1VIC – The Video Conferencing Tool (11)3.2.2VAT – The Visual Audio Tool (12)3.2.3SDR – The Session Directory (12)3.2.4WB – The Shared WhiteBoard Application (12)3.2.5MPOLL (12)3.2.6RAT – The Robust Audio Tool (13)3.2.7RTPTOOLS (13)3.2.8CMT (Berkeley Continuous Media Toolkit) (13)3.2.9MASH (14)3.2.10MInT (14)3.2.11Freephone (14)3.2.12Rendezvous (15)3.2.13MultiMon (15)3.2.14NTE – The Network Text Editor (16)3.3Products and Commercial Applications (16)3.3.1IP/TV from Cisco (16)3.3.2Microsoft NetShow Services (17)3.3.3RealAudio / RealVideo (18)3.4Summary Table of Applications (20)page vi (xii)© 2000 EURESCOM Participants in Project P911-PFDeliverable 1Volume 1: Main Report 4Architecture and General Mechanisms of IP Multicast (21)4.1General Mechanisms for IP Multicast (21)4.1.1Multicast Group Membership (21)4.1.2Host Group (21)4.1.3Multicast Group Address (21)4.1.4Multicast Group Membership Management (22)4.1.5Delivery Techniques (22)4.1.6Techniques for Reliable Multicast (23)4.1.7Scoped Multicast (24)4.1.8Multicast Address Allocation (24)4.2Routing and Transport Protocols (25)4.2.1Multicast Routing Protocols (25)4.2.2Multicast Transport Protocols (26)4.2.3General Transport Mechanisms (27)4.2.4Reliable Multicast Transport Protocols (29)4.2.5Interactivity versus Reliability (29)4.2.6Multicast Transport Classification (30)4.3Standardisation (31)4.3.1The IETF and IP Multicast (31)4.3.2The IRTF and IP Multicast (32)4.4Existing Implementations of Routing Protocols (33)5Technical Issues (34)5.1IP Multicast over specific Link Layer Technologies (34)5.1.1IP Multicast over ATM: The Multicast Integration Server(MIS) (34)5.2IP Multicast and QoS (34)5.2.1IntServ (35)5.2.2DiffServ (35)5.2.3QoS-based Routing (36)5.2.4Open Issues (36)5.3Reliable Multicast (37)5.3.1General Purpose Protocols (39)5.3.2Support For Multipoint Interactive Applications (39)5.3.4Support for Data Dissemination Services (40)5.4Security (40)5.4.1Requirements (40)5.4.2Design Goals (41)5.4.3Architecture for Secure Multicast (42)6Deployment Issues (45)6.1Monitoring, Management, and Accounting (45)6.1.1Monitoring and Management (45)6.1.2Future Work (46)6.1.3Accounting (46)6.1.4Issues (47)6.2Scalability, Stability, and Policy Issues (47)6.2.1Scalability (47)6.2.2Stability (48)6.2.3Policy (48)6.2.4The MIX Experience (48)6.3Address Management and Allocation (49)© 2000 EURESCOM Participants in Project P911-PF page vii (xii)Volume 1: Main Report Deliverable 16.3.1TTL-Based Scoping (49)6.3.2Administratively Scoped IP Multicast (50)6.3.3The MALLOC layered Architecture (50)6.3.4Open Issues (Potential Drawbacks) (51)7Conclusions and Outlook (52)8References (53)page viii (xii)© 2000 EURESCOM Participants in Project P911-PFDeliverable 1Volume 1: Main ReportAbbreviationsAAP Address Allocation ProtocolACK AcknowledgementAF Finnet GroupALF Application Layer FramingAPI Application Programming InterfaceATM Asynchronous Transfer ModeAV Audio / VideoBGMP Border Gateway Multicast ProtocolBGP Border Gateway Protocol (Routing Protocol)CBT Core Based Tree (Routing Protocol)CBQ Class Based QueuingCSCW Computer Supported Co-operative WorkDiffServ Differentiated ServicesDSCP Differential Service Code PointDT Deutsche TelekomDVB Digital Video BroadcastDVMRP Distance Vector Multicast ProtocolEARTH EAsy IP Multicast Routing THrough ATM clouds (protocol)FDDI Fiber Distributed Data InterfaceFEC Forward Explicit ControlFT France TélécomHPY Helsinki Telephone Corp.IC Iceland TelecomICMP Internet Control Messaging ProtocolIDMR Inter Domain Multicast Routing (IETF Working Group)IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIETF Internet Engineering Task ForceIGMP Internet Group Management ProtocolIntServ Integrated ServicesIOS Interface Operating System (Software on Cisco Systems)IP Internet ProtocolIRTF Internet Research Task ForceISDN Integrated Services Digital Network© 2000 EURESCOM Participants in Project P911-PF page ix (xii)Volume 1: Main Report Deliverable 1ISP Internet Service ProviderIT Telecom ItaliaITU-T International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunications JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group (Video Coding)kbps Kilobit per secondLAN Local Area NetworkLBL Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryLIS Logical IP SubnetMAAS Multicast Address Allocation ServerMAC Media Access ControlMADCAP Multicast Address Allocation ProtocolMALLOC Multicast Address Allocation (Working Group of the IETF) MARS Multicast Address Resolution ServerMASC Multicast Address Set ClaimMBGP Multicast Border Gateway Protocol (Multicast RoutingProtocol)MBone Multicast Backbone on the InternetMBONED MBone Deployment Working Group of the IETFMFTP Multicast File Transfer ProtocolMIB Management Information BaseMIKE Multicast Internet Key ExchangeMIS Multicast Integration ServerMIX Multicast Exchange PointMLD Multicast Listener DiscoveryMLIS Multicast Logical IP SubnetMOSPF Multicast Open Shortest Path First (Routing Protocol)MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group (Compression Architecture forDigital Videos)MRM Multicast Routing MonitorMSA Multicast Security AssociationMSDP Multicast Source Discovery ProtocolMTP Multicast Transport ProtocolNACK Negative AcknowledgementNRT Non-Real-TimeNSAP Network Service Access PointNTE Network Text Editorpage x (xii)© 2000 EURESCOM Participants in Project P911-PFOCBT Ordered Core Based Tree (Routing Protocol)OG Hellenic Telecom Organisation SA (OTE)OSPF Open Shortest Path First (Multicast Routing Protocol)PGM Pragmatic Multicast ProtocolPHB Per Hop BehaviourPIM Protocol Independent Multicast (Routing Protocol)PIM-DM PIM Dense Mode (Routing Protocol)PIM-SM PIM Sparse Mode (Routing Protocol)PVC Permanent Virtual ConnectionQoS Quality of ServiceQoSMIC Quality of Service sensitive Multicast Internet Protocol Service RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User ServerRAT Robust Audio ToolRBP Reliable Broadcast ProtocolRFC Request For CommentsRMF Reliable Multicast FrameworksRMFP Reliable Multicast Framing ProtocolRMGR Reliable Multicast Research Group (IRTF Research Group) RMP Reliable Multicast ProtocolRMT Reliable Multicast Transport (IETF Working Group)RP Rendezvous PointRPB Reverse Path BroadcastingRPM Reverse Path MulticastingRSVP Resource ReSerVation ProtocolRT Real-TimeRTCP Real-Time Control ProtocolRTFM Real Time Flow MeasurementRTP Real-Time Transport ProtocolRTSP Real-Time Streaming ProtocolRTT Round Trip TimeSAM Source Authentication ModuleSAP Session Announcement ProtocolSDP Session Description ProtocolSDR Session Directory ToolSIP Session Initiation ProtocolSLA Service Level AgreementSMUG Secure Multicast Research Group (IRTF Research Group) SNMP Simple Network Management ProtocolSSM Source Specific MulticastTCP Transmission Control ProtocolTOS Type of ServiceTRPB Truncated Reverse Path BroadcastingTTL Time To LiveUCL University College LondonUDP User Datagram ProtocolUNI User Network InterfaceURGC Uniform Reliable Group Communication ProtocolVAT Visual Audio ToolVIC Video Conferencing ToolWB Whiteboard Tool (MBone Tool)WWW World Wide WebXTP Express Transport Protocol1IntroductionIP Multicast is an emerging set of technologies and standards that allow many-to-many transmissions such as conferencing, or one-to-many transmissions such as livebroadcasts of audio and video over the Internet. Although Multicast applications areprimarily used in the research community today, this situation is likely to change soonas the demand for Internet multimedia applications increases and Multicasttechnologies improve.Multicasting is a technical term which means that one piece of data (a packet) can besent to multiple sites at the same time. The usual way of moving information aroundthe Internet is by using unicast protocols, which send packets to one site at a time.On a Multicast network, one single packet of information can be sent from onecomputer for distribution to several other computers, instead of having to send thatpacket once for every destination. Because 5, 10 or 100 machines can receive thesame packet, bandwidth is conserved. Also, when Multicasting is used to send apacket, there is no need to know the address of everyone who wants to receive theMulticast stream: The data is simply ´broadcast` in an intelligent way to anyone whois interested in receiving it.Multicast enabled networks offer a wide range of services and new applications to theend user. Many of the Multicast enabled applications are multimedia applications,although there exists a variety of applications that use IP Multicast technology fornon-multimedia purposes. Real-time applications include live broadcasts of TV orradio shows, financial data information delivery, whiteboard collaboration and videoconferencing, non-real time applications including file transfer, data or filereplication, video-on-demand and many more.Multicast transmission offers many advantages compared to the traditional unicasttransmission. Available network bandwidth is utilised more efficiently since multiplestreams of data are replaced by a single Multicast transmission. It offers optimisedperformance since less copies of data require forwarding and processing within thenetwork nodes.Before an IP network and its users can benefit from these advanced features, IPMulticast routing capabilities must be enabled in the network nodes. Depending onthe network usage policies and the users’ demands issues concerning routing,reliability, network addressing and multimedia transport protocols are of primaryimportance nowadays for network operators in this context.IP Multicast relies on the existence of an underlying Multicast delivery system toforward data from a sender to all the interested receivers. Such delivery systems couldbe satellite networks, frame relay networks, ATM networks, ISDN connections andfinally the world-wide Internet.Multicasting does not offer advantages only to the end user. Most Multicastapplications are UDP-based, which can result to undesirable side-effects (packagescan be dropped) compared to similar unicast TCP-based applications. However, nocongestion control can result in overall network degradation. Also duplicate packetscan occasionally be generated as Multicast network topologies change.Today, companies exist that offer commercial services based on Multicast technology.In 3 to 5 years the deployment of IPv6 will bring native Multicast to the net user.More reliable routing software with new protocols that make good use of theinfrastructure is expected. With native Multicast routing issues will be resolved easier and bandwidth will be conserved.Multicasting is a relatively new technology allowing customers to benefit from real-time applications that otherwise would require extremely large amounts of bandwidth. This evolution makes it possible for a large category of companies to ´emit` their products to groups of people at an extremely low cost, compared to unicast. Multicast by reducing network traffic and saving bandwidth allows users to exploit the maximum possible utilisation of the Internet. Multicast offers to all kind of people that are concerned with the Internet (end users, network operators, ISPs and other related companies) an economical and technically viable solution to the problem of transmitting large amounts of information to selected groups of people.To enable IP Multicast on the global Internet or in intranets, the first way that has been gone was to interconnect multiple Multicast enabled network islands with the help of IP Multicast ´tunnels`. Since tunnels are neither scalable, nor do they offer the advantages of Multicast inherently, the next step is currently to replace the tunnel infrastructure with a ´real` Multicast routing infrastructure. The current state-of-the-art of IP Multicast technology offers various ways for routing and addressing, and the big challenge is currently to establish a reliable global infrastructure that allows for similar scalability and reliability in its deployment as the unicast Internet infrastructure does today.While the network protocol IP itself offers inherent mechanisms for IP Multicast, higher layer protocols do not support this. Although ´unreliable` protocols, like UDP or RTP, can be used on top of IP Multicast, TCP implementations and higher layer ´reliable` transport protocols well-known in unicast environments don’t support Multicast. Thus, specially tailored Multicast transport protocols have been developed, and the result is that there will be no general purpose Multicast transport protocol for all cases, but either highly configurable protocols or highly specialised protocols for specific reliable transmission purposes in an IP Multicast environment.2Services2.1IntroductionOver the the last 20 years, Internet traffic has been growing exponentially. This trafficgrowth was basically growth of the point-to-point traffic or ´unicast` traffic, whereeither a file is downloaded from a site, a web page is visited or an email is exchangedbetween two points. One of the biggest opportunities the Internet protocol offers, hasnot even slightly started for large-scale usage. This is the usage of the Internet forbroadcast-media like TV, Business TV, Interactive TV shows, radio, and so on, aswell as distribution of software, movies, CD-titles through subscribed ´push channels`to Internet users. Usage of the Internet for this type of applications will initiateanother wave of traffic on the net.The underlying ´IP Multicast` technology for simple one-to-many-transmission hasbeen available since the early 1990s and in the past two years considerable effort hasbeen put into the development of global routing protocols that allow for scalablerouting of this traffic over the Internet. Although an ´IP broadcast` mechanism isavailable in the Internet protocol, this mechanism is not intended for use with´Broadcast Media`, since this IP broadcast sends it traffic to every machine on thelocal sub-net. But since it is a waste of available bandwidth to send the traffic to everymachine, if needed or not, the Multicast mechanism was designed to allow for´subscription` of certain Multicast channels or ´Multicast groups`.Although IP Multicast is not widely used on the Internet today, it is generallyexpected that as soon as the experimental nature of the current Multicastimplementations moves to a more stable production network, new applications andservices will flourish on the network.Today few commercial services are based on Multicast technologies. It is generallyexpected that the deployment of IPv6 will bring native Multicast for the net user inthe coming years. More reliable routing software with new protocols that make gooduse of the infrastructure is expected. Native Multicast routing will allow for a betterscalability and even with traditional ´Broadcast media` on the Internet bandwidth willbe conserved. Multicast offers Internet end users, network operators, ISPs and Internetrelated industries an economical and technically viable solution to the problem oftransmitting large amounts of information to selected groups of people.2.2Multicast ServicesIP Multicast services can be divided into four groups:Real-Time (RT) services:1.RT with multimedia content: This kind of data includes video/audio. In real-timeservices, the presentation happens parallel to the downloading procedure andrequires hard limits on delay and jitter. Multimedia is not sensitive totransmission errors. Includes interactive and non-interactive services.2.RT with data-only content: Time-dependent data that is often sensitive totransmission errors and thus requires reliable Multicast. Includes both interactiveand non-interactive services.Non-Real-Time (NRT) services:3.NRT with multimedia content: Audio/video that is not presented in parallel to thedownloading procedure. Local playback of multimedia.4.NRT with data-only content: Distribution of data, often within a corporation;needs reliable Multicast.2.2.1Real-Time Services with Multimedia ContentThis group of services can be split into interactive and non-interactive services:•Interactive: Conferencing services (many-to-many) are highly interactive, having tight limits on delay and jitter. Typical are Audio/Video conferencingservices, which have been very successful with a number of commercialapplications already existing today. Such a conference scenario would normallyhave tens of members, some receiving and transmitting but some only receiving.•Non-Interactive: Typical is a broadcasting service similar to TV- or radio distribution (one sender and multiple receivers – one-to-many). It has to providea very high scalability, with possibly millions of recipients. The content madeavailable can include the broadcasting of live events, but also pre-recordedmaterial provided by Audio/Video servers.2.2.2Real-Time services with Data-only ContentThese kind of services can be interactive (many-to-many) such as and white-boarding-conferences and distributed games, or they can be non-interactive (one-to-many) suchas a typical data/news feed:•Whiteboard-conferencing: Similar to multimedia conferences but instead of video transmission, conference members share a whiteboard that supports text andimages. This is also known as ´Computer Supported Co-operative Work (CSCW)`Most likely not more than 20 participants will join such a session which needs tohave low latency and support reliable Multicast.•Distributed games: Networked multi-player games with unicast transmission exist but games using Multicast are in the development phase. The number ofplayers would typically be 10-30. Must have low latency and support reliableMulticast•Data/news feeds: This service broadcasts text information such as stock information and news headlines. Must of them support reliable Multicast and highscalability (possibly millions of users). Latency could be variable, users could paymore for less latency.2.2.3Non-Real-Time Services with Multimedia ContentThere may be the demand to re-transmit multimedia events. This is either because ofbandwidth limitations or simply because the consumers want to view the events later,at their leisure. Teleteaching sessions with pre-recorded material are also included inthis service scenario.By making use of non-real-time audio/video servers the multimedia data can bedownloaded at off-hours and presented later. This approach can be used if users donot want to view the material at download time or if the bandwidth available is nothigh enough for an on-line presentation.Similarly kiosks for dissemination of information can be part of such a servicescenario. A kiosk is typically a computer with a touch-screen placed in a secureenclosure at a public place. It enables consumers to have instant electronic access to information.2.2.4Non-Real-Time Services with Data-only ContentNearly all applications in this group of services require absolute reliability. Typicalapplication scenarios are:•Software Distribution or Database Replication: A large corporation may have hundreds of branches and Multicasting data decreases the time spent for thedistribution of software updates or for the replication of corporate databases.•´Push` Applications and ´Webcasting`: Push services are equivalent to subscription services and deliver the information automatically to theirsubscribers. Members of a certain group could for example get new informationof any kind as soon as it appears. Email is a typical push service. Push servicesshould be very scalable, up to millions of users.•Mirroring and/or caching of Web sites: This kind of service is used to bring the Web content closer to the user by using mirror servers. Multicast could be used todo the mirroring of Web sites in an efficient way.2.3Commercial Services2.3.1Overview of Multicast ServicesA new service that will take advantage of Multicast technology must be analysedthrough the following axis:•Benefit for the end user•Time advantage: ´my content is available more quickly`•Content advantage: ´my content in a continuous and constant quality mode`•Benefit for the content provider•Cost saving: links and servers are less expensive•The quality of service is better for the customer•Customers stay longer on a site (loyalty)•The information sent is the same for everyone at the same time (community for example)End users and providers will need to have a benefit in order for the technology to beimplemented.For the residential users Multicast services can be seen in the followings areas:•Services that will only replace the use of already existing broadcast solutions: This is the usual case where radio networks are broadcast over the network.•The association between personalization of content and push technology. For example data broadcasting can be foreseen in the field of。



























the lotus case荷花号案

the lotus case荷花号案

The lotus case 荷花号案案件起因:土耳其公海上相撞1926年8月2日,法国邮船“荷花号”在地中海的公海与土耳其船“博兹-库特号”碰撞。









































九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Sec

九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Sec

didn’t use
used to
used to
didn’t use to
Section A Grammar Focus-4c
Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.
1. shy (名词) ___________2. possible (反义词) ____________3. Asia (形容词) _________4. success (动词) __________5. 敢于做某事 (汉译英) _______________6. 应付;处理(汉译英)________7. 不再 (汉译英) ________________
4. be used to do 意为“被用来做……”,被动语态结构,to后跟动词原形。5. be used for doing sth.意为“被用来……”,介词for表示功能、用途。
根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 我以前害怕在公众前演讲。 I _____ ______ be afraid of ______ a speech in _______. 2. 这种狗是用来帮助盲人的吗? Are those dogs _____ _____ _____ the blind?
2. 一般疑问句 Did+ 主语 + use + to do…? 答语:Yes, sb. did. / No, sb. didn’t.
e.g. —Did you use to go to museums? 你以前常去博物馆吗? —Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 是的。/ 不是。
dare to do sth.



莲花楼作文梗概600字英文回答:The Lotus Tower, a magnificent structure steeped in history and cultural significance, stands tall as a beacon of architectural brilliance. Its octagonal shape, adorned with intricate carvings, reflects the artistry of ancient Chinese architecture. The tower's towering presence symbolizes strength, resilience, and the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. Within its walls, the Lotus Tower houses a labyrinth of chambers and corridors, each imbued with a unique purpose and atmosphere. From the bustling marketplace to the serene meditation chambers, the tower encapsulates the vibrant spirit of the bustling city.As a symbol of cultural exchange and harmony, the Lotus Tower has played a pivotal role in shaping the city's identity. Throughout history, it has witnessed the convergence of different cultures, leading to a rich tapestry of traditions, arts, and beliefs. The tower'sarchitecture, influenced by both Chinese and Western styles, reflects this cultural interplay and serves as a testamentto the city's cosmopolitan spirit.The Lotus Tower's significance extends beyond its architectural splendor and cultural symbolism. It has become a beloved gathering place for locals and visitors alike. During festivals and special occasions, the tower transforms into a vibrant hub of activity, adorned with colorful lanterns and filled with music, dance, and joyous celebrations. The tower's rooftop terrace offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city, allowing visitors to marvel at the bustling metropolis and its surrounding natural beauty.中文回答:莲华楼,一座浸润着历史与文化内涵的宏伟建筑,傲然挺立,成为建筑杰作的灯塔。



莲花楼内容梗概作文English Answer:The Palace of Eternal Life is a Chinese television series based on the novel "Wu Shan Qing Zhuo" by Jin Yong. It tells the story of two martial artists, Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing, who team up to investigate a mysterious organization known as the Ghost Valley.Zhou Zishu is a former leader of the Window of Heaven, a secret organization that enforces justice. He retired from his position after being betrayed by his brother and now seeks revenge. Wen Kexing is the master of the Ghost Valley, a feared and powerful organization. He is a complex and enigmatic character with a dark past.The two men meet after Zhou Zishu rescues Wen Kexing from being captured by the Ghost Valley. They join forces to investigate the organization and uncover its sinister secrets. Along the way, they encounter a cast of colorfulcharacters, including a young woman named Gu Xiang and a mysterious doctor named Zhang Chengling.As they delve deeper into the Ghost Valley, Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing find themselves entangled in a web of treachery and deceit. They must overcome their own personal demons and learn to trust each other if they want to survive.The Palace of Eternal Life is a gripping andsuspenseful martial arts epic with a complex and nuanced story. It explores themes of revenge, betrayal, and redemption, and features a cast of unforgettable characters.Chinese Answer:《山河令》改编自晋江文学城作者Priest的小说《天涯客》。


















56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 8、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
51、没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远 适用的 宪法, 甚至一 条永远 适用的 法律。 ——杰 斐逊 52、法律源于人的自卫本能。——英 格索尔
53、人们通常会发现,法律就是这样 一种的 网,触 犯法律 的人, 小的可 以穿网 而过, 大的可 以破网 而出, 只有中 等的才 会坠入 网中。 ——申 斯通 54、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大 夏,庇 护着我 们大家 ;它的 每一块 砖石都 垒在另 一块砖 石上。 ——高 尔斯华 绥 55、今天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 ——罗·伯顿

60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左





以下是我从莲花楼语录中摘抄的一些心灵启迪,希望能够与大家分享:1. 人生苦短,如何安排时间,决定了你的成就。


2. 学会感恩,懂得珍惜。


3. 每一个人都是独一无二的存在,不必苛求自己变成别人,只需做最好的自己。


4. 成功从来不是偶然的,它是努力和毅力的结晶。


5. 拥有一颗坚定的信念,就像拥有一条向前不断迈进的道路。


6. 健康是幸福的基石,珍惜自己的身体。


7. 人生的路上充满了不确定性,但正是这种未知和挑战,才能让我们保持对生活的热爱和追求。

8. 懂得宽容,懂得包容。


9. 与人为善,给予爱心。


10. 内心的平静是最好的归宿。






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中国摩托艇基地来了! 中国民航银鹭酒店来了! 皇冠假日来了! 阿曼来了! 高尔夫来了! 中信湾来了! 太平直升机基地来了! …… 但太平湖的发展并不仅限于此, 世界对太平湖的想象力也并不仅限于此……
太平湖是世界的太平湖, 太平湖是皖南体验旅游者的圣湖, 更是全球峰层人士的度假天堂。
湖的底蕴 黄山:五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳
公元1990年,黄山被正式列入《世界遗产名录》,获得文化与自然双重遗产的桂冠和 殊荣。
是首批国家重点风景名胜区,著名的游览避暑胜地,现为国家5A级旅游区、全国文明 风景旅游区示范点,被誉为国际性佛教道场。
太平湖与生俱来的自然景观,足矣让人为之惊叹。太平湖是安徽最大最美最具发展潜 力的高山峡谷型湖泊。湖面达88平方公里,平均水深44米,长质达国家一级标准,湖以 生态见优,以岛称雄,以石入奇,被誉为“黄山九华山旅游客厅”。其周边拥有十四个 4A级景区,彰显太平湖的卓然地位。
公元2000年,被联合国教科文组织列入了世界文化遗产名录。2001年又被确定为国 家级重点文物保护单位、安徽省爱国主义教育基地。2003年7月,被正式评为国家级4A 景区,2003年12月被评为全国首批历史文化名村(国家首批12个历史文化名村之一)。
华美酒店顾问IDEAS FOR HOTEL,2003年华美作为中国第一家真正意义的 酒店咨询顾问公司,开始为酒店或酒店地产项目的开发商提供投资咨询、战略 咨询、技术服务、资源服务和从2004年至今,华美已完成了100多个酒店咨询 项目,客户已遍及25个省直区和60个城市。
太平湖水域面积为88.6平方公里,东西长80公里,南北最宽处约4公里,最窄处仅10 余米,最深处有70米,平均水深40米,蓄水量24亿立方米。
1992年,太平湖景区被列入国家森林公园;2001年又被水利部命名为首批全国重点 水利风景区
太平湖,没有华丽的头衔,没有国家级的荣桂,这里却湖光山色得天独厚,湖水清澈 碧透,青山起伏连绵,岛屿散落如珠。大美太平湖是一位真正的低调隐士。
湖的臻贵 黄山:五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳 圈定时空,该有多奢侈
太平湖,介于黄山、九华山之间,北距佛教圣地九华山南大门30公里,南距国之瑰宝 黄山北大门17公里。太平湖区域4小时交通,畅达上海、杭州,繁华自然快速切换,随心 所欲。杭黄高铁开通,一小时缩距杭州上海,加快黄山国际化进程。如果你习惯于飞行 模式,你就会发现这里珍贵之处!——站得更高,看得更远!
在评价自然风光时,人们知道,黄山被誉为“天下第一山”在旅游界几乎没有什么异议 的。然而,水是生命之源,山有水则灵,现代和近代甚至古代许多有识之士在称赞黄山 绝世风光之际,不免为黄山缺湖少泊感到万分遗憾。也许是黄山的幸运,也许是历史的 巧合,时光的年轮转到20世纪50年代,太平人深情当月老,给黄山送来一个风姿绰约的 含情脉脉的情侣湖。 俯瞰太平湖,呈现双龙状,龙须、龙嘴、龙爪、龙珠惟妙惟肖,形象逼真。由于所有水 系区域自然植被保护良好,加上地质岩质较硬,湖水终年清彻明丽,澄净无染,被游人 誉为“东方日内瓦”、“水中黄山”、“江南翡翠”、“中华翡翠世界”、“一块正在 雕凿的翡翠”、“黄山情侣”…… 太平湖是皖南最后一颗神秘明珠,甚至是华东地区最后一颗神秘明珠。
2008年5月,一场世界级的智慧碰撞,奏响了金盆湾开发的前奏! 易居中国、合富辉煌、世联地产、中建国际、中国美院、法国XX、易兰亚
科莫湖也被称为“拉里奥湖”,位于马焦雷湖的东面,坐落在白雪皑皑的阿尔卑斯山峰下。湖畔种 植着柏树、柠檬树、杜鹃花和橄榄树,是一处令人梦寐以求的目的地。科莫湖长31公里,宽5公里。 南距米兰40公里。为群山环抱的南北向陷落凹地,东北高、西南低,湖面海拔约 200米。面积145平 方公里。最大深度达410米。湖边的一些很有历史价值和建筑艺术价值的别墅是其最吸引人的地方, 许多欧美社会的名流为拥有一栋科莫湖畔的别墅而感到骄傲。
“这里,应该成为世界级的商务会议中心!” “现在许多跨国公司年会……,……” “这里应该成高端度假者的天堂!” “这周边有十四个4A以上景区,我们曾经陪同一位非常值得尊敬的老人,在 这里最度过非常完美的一个假期。 白天,我们每天玩一个地方;晚上,再回到 我们住宿的酒店。美中不足的,中国酒店或度假村,就是没有欧洲许多旅游胜 地家族式酒店的味道!”
天上活水,滋养万物,这里的年降水量2390.5毫米;这里温润如玉,四季宜人,平均 湿度为80%,年平均温度16.3℃;远离尘嚣,自然鲜氧气,这里的负氧离子含量达8000 个/cm3以上,大气环境优良率100%,空气质量优质天数达到203天,达到国家一级标 准;这里清澈如眸,湖光山色天然成趣,饮水合格率达100%;这里万亩山林,绿色满溢, 植被覆盖率达93.6%;这里树木荟萃,生机盎然,原生植物、栽培植物共1639种……
960余年历史悠久历史的古镇,全国重点文物保护单位,是国家4A级景区、世界文化 遗产、中国历史文化名村、中国十佳最具魅力名镇、全国文明村镇、全国环境优美乡镇、 中国最值得外国人去的50个地方前十名、中国首份“名村排行榜”魅力指数全国第七等 一系列桂冠,全国20个黄金周预报景点之一。于1999年12月根据文化遗产遴选标准被列 入《世界遗产名录》。
第三篇:金盆湾,世界对太平湖的想象力 P35-36(第三篇过渡)
P37—P38Biblioteka 金盆湾,封藏了25年的省级旅游度假开发区!
1986年金盆湾立项,安徽人投入上千万修通金盆湾开发区基础道路;1995 年,众多开发商开始关注这颗被臻藏已久的珍珠;2000年,金盆湾国际度假区 项目启动….2010年,展现在我们面前的是一个世界级山&水度假区。