写作教程第二版 unit 7 ppt课件

Effect 1 Cause Effect 2
Effect 3
By Pizza. C
Fill out the forms with the appropriate and relevant information
Like English in high school be easy to find a job after graduation have an uncle who once majored in English be good at language learning
cannot be obtained from books
By Pizza. C
Definition of cause & effect
Sound reasoning or logic is naturally the most important quality of any analysis. In presenting cause and effect, we should try to be objective. Overstating or understating our position would only make the analysis unconvincing. It seems convenient to state the effect first and then explain the causes. The reverse order, however, is to be preferred when one cause leads to various effects.
less income employers do not like it save energy more free time
写作教程第二版(邹申)-Unit 6 PPT

Sample 2 (paragraph A)– P57-58
1. The paragraph mainly offers information. 2. Tornados usually occur (when) on a hot, sticky day with south winds
and an ominous sky. …(shape) slender twisting funnels averaging no more than 400 yards wide. Tornados may be accomplished by sheet lightning. …(color) black, brown or occasionally white. Tornados may sound like a roar of hundreds of jet planes or thousands of railroad cars. …(result) buildings to explode. …(duration) a very short time. Tornados can be defined as a kind of whirling, highly destructive windstorm.
familiar. 5. A good definition. It defines by giving a brief
explanation. 6. Not a good definition. It uses an example to serve as a
definition, but it does not really do the job of defining by putting the term in a class or category and then differentiating it from others in that category.

7. Mike is well over 40 now and is much worried about how to maintain _c_o_n_ti_n_u_i_ty_ between his youthful past and his middle-aged present.
D. flourishing
E. accomplishing F. jealous G. competition
H. diplomatically I. valid
J. expanded
K. suspended
L. dispute
M. genuine N. ridiculous O. administrative
10. Windsor Middle School has been famous for zero _t_o_le_r_a_n_ce_ to violence and emphasis on respect for its students and rules.
Word building
5. Fill in the blanks with the newly-formed words in Activity 4. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.
Word building

(优选)写作教程第二册答案 课件
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
3 . Then while resting 3. When the show was
and drinking Cokes, we over, we decided to
decided to visit Main spend the rest of our
short visit touring the
3. When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas
Eve ritual. We always began our private celebration promptly at 6 p.m. on December 24 when the whole family assembled in our small kitchen. We watched as Mother and my older sister prepared a light supper. As soon as we finished the meal, we rushed into the living room to decorate the tree. The younger children started the decorating by putting tinsel and colorful
写作教程第2版 ppt课件

• Complete the table according to the steps in Sample 1:
• Step 1 Get ready flour, water, sugar, salt, eggs, and chocolate.
• The purpose of process description is usually to inform, teach, or give ideas to the reader about how something new (or interesting or conventional) happens or in what way it can be completed.
• Step 2 Mix flour and baking soda together with water.
• Step 3 Add salt and put butter and sugar together in a separate bowl.
• Step 4 Add two eggs to this mixture.
• Summarize the pattern of process description in the paragraph.
• We have observed that the sample paragraph explains or describes the successive steps of making some cookies for afternoon tea in Britain. This pattern of organization is called process writing. In this pattern, you may illustrate the process of doing something in detail from beginning to end. And the description of these details has to follow the order of the actual steps.
写作教程 第二册 答案 ppt课件

Paragraph I All inventions are either basic inventions or improvements on earlier inventions.
Paragraph 2 There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab yesterday.
3) Use of pronouns: they, their, this (as are boldfaced)
3. When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas Eve ritual. We always began our private celebration promptly at 6 p.m. on December 24 when the whole family assembled in our small kitchen. We watched as Mother and my older sister prepared a light supper. As soon as we finished the meal, we rushed into the living room to decorate the tree. The younger children started the decorating by putting tinsel and colorful
balls on the branches near the base of the tree. Meanwhile, the two older children were placing ornaments on the higher branches. Finally, our parents completed the decorating by placing a beautiful goldenhaired angel at the very top of the tree. After we finished the tree, we hurriedly dressed and walked down the street to Midnight Mass. As we listened to the service, we remembered the reason we celebrated Christmas. Then we returned home where we ate some of Mother's Christmas goodies. We always ended our Christmas Eve ritual around 2 a.m. by gathering around the tree and singing "Silent Night."

• Both are faulty generalizations. • Sentence 1. The sentence moves from some
Americans to a conclusion drawn on all Americans. This is a problem of overgeneralization.
• 2.On TV, I saw George Bush signing documents with his left hand. I saw Ronald Reagan signing documents with his left hand. I saw Bill Clinton signing documents with his left hand during his recent trip to China. Clearly, all American presidents are left-handed.
• The importance of a sentence in a paragraph corresponds closely to its level of generality: the more important a statement is in a paragraph, the higher its level of generality.
• Questions
• 1. Underline the generalization in each group.
• Group 1: The mass media are often badly used.
• Group 2: Television has bad effects on people.
《新媒体写作与传播(第2版)》 课件第7章 新媒体内容编辑

01新媒体图文排版规范02新媒体图片编辑03新媒体视频编辑04新媒体 H5 制作011打造极致的阅读体验2塑造品牌3加强读者的心理暗示亲密性是指彼此相关的内容应该相互靠近,归组在一起,成为一个视觉单元,而非多个孤立元素。

主题的特点 正确、集中、鲜明
二 、 应用文的材料
材料必须真实、 准确
材料必须典型 材料要新颖
先列材料,后亮 观点 先亮观点,后列 材料 边列材料,边亮 观点
三、 应用文结构
结构的含义 应用文的结构,指对应用文的内容进行的组织安排, 是作者在确立了主 题、选定了材料之后谋篇布局的结果,是作者思路的 体现。
1. 应用文的性质及特点,其与文学作品的 区别
2. 应用文的作用及学习
一、应用文的性质 文章可分两类:
文学文体,以审美为标准 应用文体,以实用为目的 所谓应用文,是指国家机关、社会团体、企事业单 位及人民群众在处理各种事务时,经常使用的、 具有直接实用价值和惯用格式的文体。
结构的要求 1.完整 2.严谨 3、清晰
叙述是一种把人物的经历或事件发生、发展、变化的过程表述出 来的一种表达方式。叙述的基本要求是:一要交待清楚,线索分 明;二要抓住本质,突出重点;三要详略得当,富于变化。
议论是一种通过事实材料和逻辑推理来表明自己的立场、观点 和态度的表达方式。议论的基本要求是:观点正确鲜明,论据 充分,论证符合逻辑。
1、标题 要求贴切、简洁、醒目 2、称谓 3、正文 包括开头、主体和结尾三部分
要力求抓住听众,有较强的吸引 力,有多种的写法。如提问式、故 事式、直入式、幽默式等。
要条理清楚、逻辑性强,还要 波澜起伏、扣人心弦,纵横自如。
(一)了解听众,有的放矢 (二)中心明确,主题新颖 (三)情理交融,语言生动 (四)行文变化,富有波澜

• Effect
• Lack of parking in cities
• Summarize the pattern of the paragraph
• Cause-effect relationships may be shown in various ways in addition to the single cause-effect type; it is more often than not presented in forms of single cause vs. multiple effects, multiple causes vs. single effect, multiple causes and effects, or chains of causes and effects.
• The paragraph is organized on a pattern of single effect and multiple causes. After the problem is clearly presented at the beginning, the rest of the paragraph is devoted to the exploration of its causes. Altogether three major causes are discussed, from the obvious fact of the abandoned cars taking up parking spaces to the underlying financial headaches. In this way, the writing shows a logical cause-and-effect pattern, which might consequently attract more concern or efforts in the problem’s solution.

• The sample paragraph presents the problem of lack of parking in some of the US cities before it goes on to explore the causes of the issue. This pattern of organization is single effect vs. multiple causes.
• Complete the outline according to the organization of Sample 1:
• Causes
• 1. Over a million cars are abandoned on the streets.
• 2. More cars are consequently being produced.
• As is observed, the writer structures his paragraph mainly around points of effects instead of causes, reasoning along the logical sequence of events. Like Sample 1, transitions are also used here so as to avoid abrupt idea development.
Linking Devices
• Sample • Questions • 1. What topic/topics do the paragraph mainly deal
七上第二单元写作二 学会记事 课件(共27张PPT).ppt

5.要注意锤炼语言。 学习使用一些能够贴切表达情感的词语或句子,抓住一 些感人的细节。只有语言表达过了关,才能恰如其分地 表达自己的写作意图。
你今天从早上起床之后做了哪些事情呢? 这样事情是交代清楚了,但我们发现这样叙述是没 有文采、没有条理的,我们今天学习的重点就是把 一件事叙述清楚,有条理,有文采。
情,有些事情很有意义,值得赞扬;有的事情却给 人留下深刻的教训。把这些事情的全过程或某一阶 段、某一侧面如实地、有条理地记叙下来转告给更 多的人,这样的文章就是叙事作文。今天,我们就 一起来学习怎样把一件事叙述得有声有色,条理清 晰。
学习目标 1.学会围绕中心完整清楚地叙事,交代好事件的要 素,处理好叙事的详略,安排好叙述的顺序。 2.培养写真情实感的写作作风,记真事,说真话, 抒真情。 学习重点 学会围绕中心完整清楚地叙事,交代好事件的要素, 处理好叙事的详略,安排好叙述的顺序。
我们把这些东西送到福利院孩子们的手中时,他们是那么激动、那么兴奋!看到他 们快乐的样子,我也很快乐。这次决定,我不仅收获了快乐,还懂得了遇到困难不 轻言放弃的道理。世上有许多像老奶奶这样有爱心的人,我也要像他们一样将爱心 传递。这次决定真让我难忘!
范文: 我们是一家人
风雨来了,我躲进温暖的小屋里,因为那里是我的家。无论走到哪里,无 论住在多么简陋的一间小屋,家人,总是密不可分的。游子在外,每逢佳 节,便会遥望远方,试图寻找家的方向,因为在那最远处的尽头时,他们 是相亲相爱的一家人。
新时代核心英语教程写作2教学课件U7 Description

Reveal a dominant impression
In the following example, the writer uses naming, detailing and comparing to create the effect of reinforcing the writer’s purpose.
Reveal a dominant impression
In the following example, the writer uses naming, detailing and comparing to create the effect of reinforcing the writer’s purpose.
Activity 1
Read the paragraph on p. 85 and then answer the questions below.
2. What is Judith’s feeling at the moment? List at least three details that reveal her feelings.

• The single-cause-and-multiple-effect pattern works best with issues that turn out to be far-reaching or influential. It can bring into sharp focus the relationship between causes and effects of an issue under discussion.
• 2. Does this paragraph come straight to the point of cause and effect about the issue?
• The paragraph addresses the cause rather than effects right at the beginning.
• In this pattern, you may state the issue, i.e. the effect, right at the beginning, and then guide the reader to track down some important evidence for the causes. The causes can be traced from the most superficial to the deepest, from the most direct to the most indirect, etc. In the end, it is advisable to suggest some solution to the problem, so that the whole writing has some significance.
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• Summarize the pattern of the sample paragraph • You may have noticed the difference in organization between Sample 1 and Sample 2. In Sample 2 the writer briefly presents the issue of terrorist attacks as a direct cause, and then dwells upon three major effects, from the matter-of-fact to something predicted. This is called the single-cause-and-multiple-effect pattern.
• 3. In what kind of order are the causes presented? • The three causes are presented from the most direct/ obvious to the most indirect/ obscure.
• Complete the outline according to the organization of Sample 1: • Causes • 1. Over a million cars are abandoned on the streets. • 2. More cars are consequently being produced. • 3. Both city governments or governmental agencies have financial headaches. • Effect • Lack of parking in cities
• Now, discuss in groups the organization of the paragraph and then fill in the outline below. • Cause: the terrorist strikes • Effects: • 1. The Americans feel very anxious and panicky. • 2. The government tends to make political errors. • 3. The public would wind up ignoring the one warning that really matters.
Organizational Structure
• Study the following two samples and analyze their different structures. • Sample 1 • Questions • 1. What is the topic of the paragraph? • This paragraph is developed around the problem of “the lack of parking” complained about by US city residents.
Linking Devices
• Sample • Questions • 1. What topic/topics do the paragraph mainly deal with? • Both paragraphs deal with the same topic: private tiger keeping. • 2. Which paragraph is easier to understand? • Paragraph B is easier to understand.
• 3. What makes this particular paragraph easier to understand? • The paragraph contains certain words and expressions, which help clarify the causes and effects in the paragraph. • 4. What pattern of organization can be identified? • This paragraph is structured on the pattern of multiple causes and multiple effects, or of chains of causes and effects.
• 2. Does this paragraph come straight to the point of cause and effect about the issue? • The paragraph addresses the cause rather than effects right at the beginning.
English Writing II
• Unit objective: • cause and effect
Part II Cause and Effect
• “Cause and Effect” is regarded as a logical pattern commonly used in explanation and argumentation. • Cause-effect relationships may be shown in various ways in addition to the single cause-effect type; it is more often than not presented in forms of single cause vs. multiple effects, multiple causes vs. single effect, multiple causes and effects, or chains of causes and effects.
• 2. What are the organizational characteristics of the paragraph? • The paragraph is organized on a pattern of single effect and multiple causes. After the problem is clearly presented at the beginning, the rest of the paragraph is devoted to the exploration of its causes. Altogether three major causes are discussed, from the obvious fact of the abandoned cars taking up parking spaces to the underlying financial headaches. In this way, the writing shows a logical cause-and-effect pattern, which might consequently attract more concern or efforts in the problem’s solution.
The purpose of cause-and-effect writing is to provide a better picture of the situation under discussion, or to draw enough attention to the significance of some related origins and consequences, and even predicted developments.
• 3. Does it follow the same pattern as Sample 1? If not, what are the differences? • No. It follows a pattern of single cause and multiple effects. Unlike Sample 1 in which effect is addressed first and causes are traced backwards, sample 2 states briefly at the beginning the issue of terrorist attacks as a direct cause, and then dwells upon three major effects, some factual and some predicted.
• Sample 2 • Questions • 1. What problem is addressed in this paragraph? And in how many aspects is the cause or effect explored? • The problem addressed refers to the issue of terrorist attacks. This issue has brought about at least three major aspects of consequence or effect.
In this pattern, you may state the issue, i.e. the effect, right at the beginning, and then guide the reader to track down some important evidence for the causes. The causes can be traced from the most superficial to the deepest, from the most direct to the most indirect, etc. In the end, it is advisable to suggest some solution to the problem, so that the whole writing has somee pattern of the paragraph • • The sample paragraph presents the problem of lack of parking in some of the US cities before it goes on to explore the causes of the issue. This pattern of organization is single effect vs. multiple causes.