3.填空题和解答题的作答:用黑色墨水签字笔将答案直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域. 答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。
1.我国四大药用名菊出产地集中分布在图示地区的原因可能是①地处亚热带和暖温带地区,年均温14℃~16℃,热量充足②地处我国东部季风气候区,降水丰沛,空气湿度大③分布区地势低平,土壤疏松肥沃④栽培历史悠久,种植技术成熟A.①② B.①④C.②③D.③④2.市把推动优势农产品产业集群发展、带动贫困人口增收脱贫结合起来,目前,贡菊种植总面积已突破6万亩,年产值达6亿元,惠及70多万山区群众,下列做法最有可能促进农民增收的是①利用基因工程改良菊花品种,增强其观赏性②实施国家地理标志产品保护,形成品牌效应③扩大贡菊种植面积,逐步取代其他农产品种植④完善交通运输网,促进贡菊产品的外运销售A.①② B.①③C.②④D.③④美国加利福尼亚州约赛米蒂国家公园位于华达山脉西侧,公园峡谷、瀑布众多,花岗岩遍布,其中形成于船长峰(海拔约2000米)上的“火瀑布”极为壮观。
湖北省八市 2018 届高三 3 月联合考试理科综合生物学试题答案及评分说明1-6 DBACCC29.(9分,除了指定分值外,其余每空 1 分)(1)叶绿体基质①③②③(2) H2O(3)光反响产生的ATP和[H] ,在黑暗开始后还可以保持一段时间的暗反响(其余合理答案均可)( 2 分)(4)大于大于较高30.( 9 分,每空 1 分)(1)吞噬细胞效应T防卫(2)下丘脑等于散热体温上涨可促使免疫细胞的活动,进而更有效的消除病毒(其余合理答案均可)(3)不可以过敏反响31. ( 9 分,除了指定分值外,其余每空 2 分)(1)②鸭跖草对2,4-D浓度变化的敏感度比水稻高(或双子叶植物比票据叶植物对2,4-D 的敏感度高;或鸭跖草和水稻对2,4-D 浓度变化的反响不一样)(3)②清水( 1 分)(5)为进一步实验探索条件;查验实验设计的科学性和可行性,防止造成人力物力财力的浪费(回答一点即可);高于F组2,4-D溶液的浓度,依据预实验过程进一步实验(6)促使生根、促使结实、获取无子果实、防备果实和叶片零落(答出两点即可)。
32. ( 12 分,每空 2 分)(1) A1A1或 A 2A2只含有一种基因,合成一种抗锈病的蛋白质,而杂合体A1 A2含有两种合成抗锈病蛋白质的基因,能合成两种蛋白质(2) A1A2Dd 1/3(3) 6 1/2(4)组成两种基因的碱基的数目和摆列次序不一样(只答摆列次序不一样也能够得分)37. ( 15 分,除了指定分值外,其余每空 2 分)(1)通入无菌空气灰绿稀释(2)不可以( 1 分)醋酸菌是好氧细菌,而果酒发酵为无氧环境,醋酸菌没法生计(3)有氧环境适合的温度和 pH(答出两点即可)(4)纤维素酶和果胶(全对得 2 分,其余 0 分)38. ( 15 分,除了指定分值外,其余每空 2 分)(1)人绒毛膜促性腺激素克隆化特异性强、敏捷度高,并可大批制备(2)蛋白质基因构造(3)基因表达载体的建立(或:建立基因表达载体)使用两种能产生不一样黏性尾端的(不一样)限制酶对目的基因和运载体分别进行切割( 3 分)命题:黄冈王贵雄;天门万方清;随州周密审题:王德法祝春华李慰军舒伦文何磊湖北省黄石市、仙桃市、天门市、潜江市随州市、鄂州市、咸宁市、黄冈市2018 届高三 3 月联合考试理综试题物理答案及评分建议题号 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 答案CCDDCBCAB AD22. (1) 用尽可能小的圆圈住尽量多的落点,圆心即为均匀落点的地点。
2 1212 2 123/(x) = sin(2x _ 彳)’....... 6 分 / 龙、/. g(x) = sin 4兀+ — ....... 8 分I 6丿(2) g(x)在]o,誇]为增函数,在% €12分2018年湖北省八市联考数学答案(文科)一・选择题:DCBAC BAABD BC%1. 填空题:13. 514.18 15. —16.仏一1)・2”°+226 i )%1. 解答题:解答应写岀文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。
17.【解析】(1) — = —7r-—7r =丄龙,Q =2,又sin (2--k-(p ) = \ :.(p =77. TT TT _上为减函数,所以g (兀)mnx = g (込■)= I SUU =<?(-)= -->故函数在炸0,-上的最大值和最小值分别为1和弓……12分2【解析】(1)通过计算易得J = 104,y = 73,回归直线y = ax + b-定经过点(兀刃, 又 a = 0.714,代入可得 b =-1.256 ;...................... 3 分参与调查的6名同学中有5名数学不低于90分,随机抽取2名有10种情况,而同时物理成3绩均超过70分的有3种情况,故概率为二. ................. 6分10⑵填表如下:分由公式可得《2二= 60X (24X 18 - 12X6)2 =]O >6.635, 36x24x30x30 故有99%的把握认为物理成绩的好与否和数学成绩有关.'PBE则sinZPFC = T ,S 沁冷 PFFC 血 ZPFC△PR?10分g\x) = l-2ae x ,19. 【解析】(I )证明:AB = BC = 3・・・BC 丄A3•・• EF//BC・•・EF 丄A3,翻折后垂直关系没变,仍有EF 丄PE,EF 丄BE ・•・EF 丄平面FBE ・・・EF 丄PB .............. 4分 (II) •・• EF 丄AE,EF 丄BE ・•・ZPEB 二面角P-EF-B 的平面角,・•・ZPEB = 60°,又PE = 2,BE = \,由余弦定理得PB = ^t ……5分••• PB 2+ EB 2= PE 2, ••• PB 丄 EB, /. PB. BC. EB 两两垂直,又 EF 丄 PE 、EF 丄 BE. ・・・APBE,APBC,氐PEF 均为直角三角形 由\AEF □ \ABC 可得,EF = -BC = 2, 31Q /Q1Fy1计,S、PEF =EFPE = 2;……8 分 在四边形BCFE 中,过点S^cpBCPB 二亏%BE ^PBBE 二F 做BC 的垂线,垂足为FC 2 = FH 2 + HC 2 = BE 2 + (BC- EF)2 = 2 ,所以 =APFC 4 FC = V2,PC = V B C 2 + P52 =2^.PF = yj PE 1 EF 2 =2y[lpF 2 + PC 2 - PC 2 1有余弦定理可得:2PF ・FC "孑所 以 四 棱锥 的 侧 面积SbPBC + S、PBE + S 、pEF + S 、pFC = 2 + 2 \/3 H ^― 12分20. (1)当 a = 0 时,f(x) = xe x , f\x) = (x+V)e x ,令f\x) > 0,可得兀>一1,故/(朗在(7+8)上单调 递增,同理可得/(兀)在(-汽-1)上单调递减,故/(%)在兀=一1处有极小值/(-I)=-- e(2)依题意可得,f\x) = (x+\-2ae x )e x= 0有两个不同的实根.设g(x) = x+l-2ae x,则g(x) = 0有两个不同的实根g X 2 ,若则g(x) > 1,此时g(x)为增函数,故g(x) = 0至多有1个实根,不符合要求;2a 2a2仙占」存0) 10分若G >0,则当 x< In —时,g'(x)>0,当 x > In —时,g'(x)vO,la 2a故此时g(x)在(-8,In —)上单调递增,在(In — ,+<>o)上单调递减,g(x)的最大值为 2a 2at ^(ln —) = In ———1 + 1 = In —,............... 9 分2a 2a la又当XT-OO 时,g(x) ―>-8,当XT+OO 时,g(x) ―>-8,故要使g(x)= 0有两个实 根,则g(ln —)= ln —>0,得Ovav 丄.(或作图象知要使g(x) = 0有两个实根,则设g(x) = 0 的两根为(Xj <x 2),当x<x y 时,g(x)v0,此时 f\x) < 0 ; 当 Xj < x < x 2 时,g(x) >0 ,此时 f\x) > 0 ;当 x> x 2 时,g (兀)vO,此时 f\x) < 0. 故西为/(X )的极小值点,吃为/CO 的极大值点,Ovav 丄符合要求.……12分 综上所述:d 的取值范围为0 VQV 丄・(分离变量的方法也可以)221. 【解析】(1)由题意可得p = 2f 所以5(0,1),圆的半径为1,设A(x } D(x 2,y 2), (兀2 = 4 y 由彳 得 X 2 — 4kx — 4 = 0, ••• %】+ 禺=4k •••牙 + y 2 = k(x l +x 2)+ 2 = 4k 2 + 2 ,卜=也+1 - ■ ・ ・・・ AB| +1CD| = |A5| +1DS\-\BC\ = +1 +y 2+1-2 = y, + y 2 =4)t 2+2 = 2|BC| = 4又k>0・・・k=「............. 6分2(2) T x l +x 2=4k , + y 2 = k(x { +x 2) + 2 = 4k 2+ 2 ,・・・ Q(2£,2/ + l)当k = 0时直线/】与抛物线没有两个交点,所以201 2 2 2k 4-2用V 替赋可得匸¥+1),・心严并c 2k 4-2所以PQ 的直线方程为y - (2Z: 2 +1)二———(兀一 2灯, 2k + 2k化简得y= 土二1兀+ 3,所以直线PQ 过定点(0,3) ........... .............. 12分k22. 【解析】(1))圆C 的普通方程为兀2+(y_i )2=],又兀=pcos&,y = psin&所以圆C的极坐标方程为p = 2sin & .............. 5分(2)把&二兰代入圆的极坐标方程可得p P=l;6把&二彳代入直线/极坐标方稈可得p c=2, .-.\PQ\ = \p p-p Q\ = \............... 10分…厂兀+ 4<0 亠x + 4>0 厂_23.解析:(1) \或{解得兀v —2 —或—3v兀v —1[-x(x + 4) + 3<0 [x(x + 4) + 3 < 0所以原不等式的解集是(-OO,-2-V7)U(-3,-1) .............. 5分3兀一1& x>9(2)依题意,求|兀|+2|9—兀|的最小值,/(x) = J18-x,0<x<918 - 3x, x < 0所以/(兀)最小值9.・・・G>9 .............. 10分。
一、语文基础知识(共15分,共5小题,每小题3分)1.下列各组词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一组是A.亲昵.(nì) 菁.(jīng)华翘.首以待(qiào)事务繁冗.(rǒng)B.干涸.(hã) 痤.(cuò)疮前倨.(jù)后恭愀.然不乐(qiǎo)C.傀.(kuǐ)儡洞穴.(xuâ) 毁家纾.难(shū) 方枘.(ruì)圆凿D.拓.(tà)片殷.(yān)红泾.(jīng)渭分明自惭形秽.(huì)2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是A.赃款告罄木版画言简意赅B.秉承禅联显像管珊珊可爱C.谩骂贻误金刚钻雍荣华贵D.穹庐服帖衍生品一如继往3.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是①腊梅比红梅色雅而秀清,价钱并不比红梅贵多少。
e x 0,
1 1 0 ,所以 F ( x) e x 0 .即 F(x)在区间 ( a, ) 上没有零点.当 xa xa
1 e x ( x a) 1 x ,令 h ( x) e ( x a ) 1 . ……2 分 x ( , a ) 时, F ( x ) e xa xa
以 B 为原点, BC 所在直线为 x 轴, BE 所在直线为 y 轴,建立如图直角坐标系。 则 P (0,0, 3 ), C (3,0,0), E (0,1, 0), F ( 2,1,0),
PE (0,1, 3), PF (2,1, 3)
设平面 PEF 的法向量 n ( x, y, z ), 由
1 2 C3 C4 3 3 , P ( CD ) , 3 3 C5 5 C5 10
所以 P( D C )
P(CD) 1 . P(C ) 2
…………7 分
②随机变量 X 的所有可能取值为 1, 2,3 ,
P X 1 P X 3
1 2 1 2 C3 C2 C2 C3 3 3 ; P X 2 ; 3 3 C5 10 C5 5
第 6 页 共 8 页
…………6 分
(2) x1 x2 4k , y1 y2 k ( x1 x2 ) 2 4k 2 2 ,
Q (2k , 2k 2 1)
当 k 0 时直线 l1 与抛物线没有交点,所以 k 0 用
2k 4 2 1 2 2 替换 k 可得 P ( , 2 1) , k PQ k k k 2k 3 2k
……8 分
n PE 0 n PF 0
可得 n (0, 3,1),
湖北省八市2018届高三3月联合考试英语参考答案第一部分听力1-5 BABCC 6-10 ABCAC 11-15 BACBB 16-20 ABCAC第二部分阅读理解21-23. DDB 24-27. BDCD 28-31. DAAC 32-35 BABD 36-40. FBDGC第三部分英语知识运用第一节完形填空41-45. BDCAD 46-50. CABDA 51-55. CBDAC 56-60. BDCBA第二节语法填空61. as 62. meaningful 63. impossible 64. had become 65. although / because66. worse 67. what 68. particularly 69. The 70. convincing第四部分写作第一节短文改错第一处:第二句去掉with 第二处:第三句interesting改为interest第三处:第四句worrying改为worried 第四处:第五句play改为playing第五处:第六句advices改为advice 第六处:第七句Listed改为Listing第七处:第七句put后面的them改为it 第八处:第八句were改为was第九处:第九句rid后加of 第十处:第十句turn改为turned第二节书面表达参考答案:Dear teachers and fellow students,In a couple of weeks, we’ll have to say goodbye. How time flies! Gone will be the days when we are full of dream s and efforts. Now It’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been really a wonderful journey, full of laughter and tears.To make Confucius Institute more powerful and fruitful, our great teachers and dear students have contributed the time, energy, love and the whole heart. It’s time to recall those beautiful days we spent together. You are the very person that gives me a hand when necessary. Here, I’m extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers and students, have done for me.It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly. I still have thousands of blessings for you. May all your dreams come true! May our friendship last till the end of the universe!That’s all. Thank you.Sincerely yours,Li Hua附:阅读理解解析:A篇(应用文)本文是应用文。
1. What’s the season now?A. Summer.B. Fall.C. Winter.2. Which dress will the woman wear?A. The red one.B. The blue one.C. The green one.3. What can we learn about the old oven?A. It s not in style.B. It’s broken.C. It isn’t multi-functional.4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a studio.B. In a CD store.C. In a car.5. What does the woman think of the painting?A. Worthless.B. Just so-so.C. Wonderful.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. How does the man feel about the weal her forecasts?A. Inaccurate.B. Reliable.C. Changeable.7. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Neighbors.B. Colleagues.C. Classmates.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
2018年湖北省八市联考数学试题数学(理科)一. 选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。
1.设集合3{3,log }P a =,{}b a Q ,=,若}0{=Q P ,则=Q P ( )A.{}0,3B.{}2,0,3C.{}1,0,3D.{}2,1,0,3 2.设复数20173i -在复平面内对应的点为A ,过原点和点A 的直线的倾斜角为( )A .6πB .6π-C .23πD .56π3.已知数列{}n a 是等差数列,,,m p q 为正整数,则“2p q m +=”是“2p q m a a a +=”的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件 4.对任意非零实数,a b ,若a ※b 的运算原理如图所示,则)22(log2※3281-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=( ) A .1 B .2 C .3D .45.在直角坐标系xOy 中,已知三点),4,3(),,2(),1,(C b B a A 若向量OA 与OB 在向量OC 方向上的投影相同,则22b a +的最小值为( )A .2B .4C .52D .2546.若张三每天的工作时间在6小时至9小时之间随机均匀分布,则张三连续两天平均工作时间不少于7小时的概率是( )A .29 B .13 C .23 D .797.已知命题:p 若α//β,a //α,则a //β;命题:q 若a //α,a //β,b αβ=,则a //b ,下列是真命题的是( )A .p q ∧ B. ()p q ⌝∨ C.()p q ⌝∧ D.()p q ⌝∧10. 《九章算术》中将底面是直角三角形的直三棱柱称之为“堑堵”.一块“堑堵”形石材表示的三视图如图所示.将该石材切削、打磨,加工成若干个相同的球,并尽量使每个球的体积最大,则则所剩余料体积为( )A .288-48πB .288-16πC .288-32πD .288-4π9. .已知,x y 满足,2,2.y x x y x y m ≥⎧⎪+≤⎨⎪-≥⎩若2z x y =+有最大值4,则实数m 的值为( )A .4-B .2-C .1-D .18.若长度为定值的线段AB 的两端点分别在x 轴正半轴和y 轴正半轴上移动,P (x,y )为△OAB 的外心轨迹上一点,则x+y 的最大值为( )A .1B .4C . 2D .2 211.设12,F F 分别是双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b-=>>的左、右焦点,P 是C的右支上的点,射线PT 平分12F PF ∠,过原点O 作PT 的平行线交1PF 于点M ,若12||5||F F MP =,则双曲线C 的离心率为( )A.52B.2C.2D.3 12.对于函数ln ()xf x x=,下列说法正确的有( )①()f x 在x e =处取得极大值1e;②()f x 有两个不同的零点;③(2)()(3)f f f π<<;④若1()f x k x<-在(0,)+∞上恒成立,则1k >.A .4个B.3个C.2个D.1个二. 填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分。
的 A .充分不必要条件
C.充要条件 12.下列命题为真命题的个数是
① ln3 3ln 2 ; ② ln
D .既不充分也不必要条件
; ③ 2 15 15; ④ 3eln 2 4 题:本题共 4 小题,每小题 5 分,共 20 分。
13.平面向量 a 与 b 的夹角为 450 , a (1, 1), b 1,则 a 2b __________.
(1)求数列 an 的通项公式;
(2)若 an 0(n N ) ,令 bn
,求数列 bn 的前 n 项和 Tn .
an (an +2)
18.( 12 分)
如图,四边形 ABCD 与 BDEF 均为菱形, FA (1)求证: AC 平面 BDEF ; (2)求直线 AD 与平面 ABF 所成角的正弦值.
在答题卡上的指定位置。 2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写
在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 3.非选择题的作答:用黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试卷、草稿
纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 4.选考题的作答: 先把所选题目的题号在答题卡上指定的位置用 2B 铅笔涂黑。答案写在答
4.已知函数 f ( x) ( x 1)(ax b) 为偶函数,且在 (0, )单调递减,则 f (3 x) 0 的解集
A . (2, 4)
B. ( ,2) (4, )
( 1,1)
最新-2018年湖北省八市高三三月联考试卷带答案(语文) 精品
2018届高三湖北省八校第一次联考理科试题及 参考答案.doc
鄂南高中 华师一附中 黄冈中学 黄石二中 荆州中学 孝感高中 襄阳四中 襄阳五中2018届高三第一次联考数学试题(理)命题学校:荆州中学 命题人:刘学勇 审题人:朱代文一、选择题 (本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
)1.已知集合1{,},(),3x M y y x x x R N y y x R ⎧⎫==-∈==∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,则( )A .M N =B .N M ⊆C .R M C N =D .R C N M Ø 2. 复数(12)(2)z i i =++的共轭复数为( )A .-5iB .5iC .15i +D .15i - 3. 将函数()3sin(2)3f x x π=-的图像向右平移(0)m m >个单位后得到的图像关于原点对称,则m 的最小值是( )A .6π B .3πC .23πD .56π4. 已知函数22()log f x x x =+,则不等式(1)(2)0f x f +-<的解集为( )A .(,1)(3,)-∞-+∞ B .(,3)(1,)-∞-+∞ C .(3,1)(1,1)--- D .(1,1)(1,3)- 5. 已知命题:,p a b R ∃∈, a b >且11a b>,命题:q x R ∀∈,3sin cos 2x x +<.下列命题是真命题的是( )A .p q ∧B .p q ⌝∧C .p q ∧⌝D .p q ⌝∧⌝ 6. 将正方体(如图1)截去三个三棱锥后,得到如图2所示的几何体,侧视图的视线方向如图2所示,则该几何体的侧视图为( )7. 下列说法错误的是( )A .“函数()f x 是奇函数”是“(0)0f =”的充分不必要条件.B .已知A BC 、、不共线,若0PA PB PC ++=则P 是△ABC 的重心.C .命题“0x R ∃∈,0sin 1x ≥”的否定是:“x R ∀∈,sin 1x <”.D .命题“若3πα=,则1cos 2α=”的逆否命题是:“若1cos 2α≠,则3πα≠”. 8. 已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,已知103010,130S S ==,则40S =( )A .-510B .400C . 400或-510D .30或409. 南宋数学家秦九韶在《数书九章》中提出的秦九韶算法,至今仍是多项式求值比较先进的算法.已知20172016()2018201721f x x x x =++++ ,下列程序框图设计的是求0()f x 的值,在“是( )A .n i =B .1n i =+C .n =2018i -D .n =2017i - 10. 已知34πθπ≤≤+=θ=( )A . 101133ππ或B .37471212ππ或C .131544ππ或D . 192366ππ或 11. 已知△ABC 中,,,a b c 为角,,A B C 的对边,0aBC bCA cAB ++=,则△ABC 的形状为( )A. 锐角三角形 B . 直角三角形 C. 钝角三角形 D . 无法确定12. 我国古代太极图是一种优美的对称图.如果一个函数的图像能够将圆的面积和周长分成两个相等的部分,我们称这样的函数为圆的“太极函数”.下列命题中错误..命题的个数是( ) 1:P 对于任意一个圆其对应的太极函数不唯一;2:P 如果一个函数是两个圆的太极函数,那么这两个圆为同心圆;3:P 圆22(1)(1)4x y -+-=的一个太极函数为32()33f x x x x =-+; 4:P 圆的太极函数均是中心对称图形; 5:P 奇函数都是太极函数; 6:P 偶函数不可能是太极函数.A. 2B. 3C.4D.5 二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.已知平面向量(2,1),(2,).a b x == 若a 与b 的夹角为θ,且(2)()a b a b +⊥-,则x = .14.曲线2y x =与直线2y x =所围成的封闭图形的面积为 .15.已知等差数列{}n a 是递增数列,且1233a a a ++≤,7338a a -≤,则4a 的取值范围为 .16.()f x 是R 上可导的奇函数,()f x '是()f x 的导函数.已知0x >时()(),(1)f x f x f e '<=不等式()ln(0ln(x f x e <≤的解集为M ,则在M 上()sin6g x x =的零点的个数为 .三、解答题(本大题共70分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。
高三数学-2018年湖北省八校联考数学试题 精品
2018年湖北省八校联考数学试题(理科)参考公式:如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么P(A+B)=P(A)+P(B); 如果事件A 、B 相互独立,那么P(A •B)=P(A)•P(B);如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是P ,那么n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 次的概率P n (k)=k n C P k(1-P)n-k 。
一、选择题(5'×12=60')1. 已知集合A={y|y=log 2x,x>1},B={y|y=(21)x,x>1},则A ∪B 等于( ) A .{y|0<y<21} B .{y|y>0}C .ΦD .R2. 下列四个函数中,同时具有性质:①最小正周期为2π;②图象关于直线x=3π对称的一个函数是( )A .y=sin(x -6π)B .y=sin(x+6π) C .y=sin(x+3π)D .y=sin(2x -3π)3. 设函数f(x)在定义域内可导,y=f(x)的图象如图1所示,则导函数y=f '(x)可能为( )4. 设随机变量ξ服从正态分布N(0,1),记Φ(x)=P(ξ<x),则下列结论不正确的是( ) A .Φ(0)=21 B .Φ(x)=1-Φ(-x)C .P(|ξ|<a)=2Φ(a)-1D .P(|ξ|>a)=1-Φ(a) 5. 设p 、q 为简单命题,则“p 且q ”为假是“p 或q ”为假的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件ABCD6. 在复平面内,设向量1p =(x 1,y 1),2p=(x 2,y 2),设复数z 1=x 1+y 1i ;z 2=x 2+y 2i (x 1,x 2,y 1,y 2∈R),则1p •2p等于( ) A .1z z 2+z 12zB .1z z 2-z 12zC .21(1z z 2-z 12z ) D .21(1z z 2+z 12z ) 7. 等差数列{a n }中,a 1+a 4+a 7=39,a 3+a 6+a 9=27,则数列{a n }前9项的和S 9等于( )A .66B .99C .144D .2978. 平面向量a =(x,y),b =(x 2,y 2),c =(1,1),d =(2,2),若a •c =b •d =1,则这样的向量a有( ) A .1个B .2个C .多于2个D .不存在9. 如果f(a+b)=f(a)•f(b)且f(1)=2,则)1()2(f f +)3()4(f f +)5()6(f f +…+)2003()2004(f f 等于( ) A .2018B .1001C .2018D .200210. 若x ∈R 、∈民N *,定义:n x M =x(x+1)(x+2)…(x+n -1),例如:55-M =(-5)(-4)(-3)(-2)(-1)=-120,则函数f(x)=x 199-x M 的奇偶性为( ) A .是偶函数而不是奇函数 B .是奇函数而不是偶函数C .既是奇函数又是偶函数D .既不是奇函数又不是偶函数11. 已知α,β是锐角,sin α=x,cos β=y,cos(α+β)=-53,则y 与x 的函数关系式为( ) A .y=-5321x -+54x (53<x<1) B .y=-5321x -+54x (0<x<1)C .y=-5321x --54x (0<x<53)D .y=-5321x --54x (0<x<1)12. 某大楼共有20层,有19人在第一层上了电梯,他们分别要去第2层至第20层,每层1人,而电梯只允许停1次,可只使1人满意,其余18人都要步行上梯或下梯,假设乘客每向下走1层的不满意度为1,每向上走一层的不满意度为2,所有人不满意度之和为S ,为使S 最小,电梯应当停在第( )层 A .15 B .14 C .13 D .12 二、填空题(4'×4=16')13. 设f(x)=x 5-5x 4+10x 3-10x 2+5x+1,则f(x)的反函数为)(1x f-= 。
2018年湖北省八市联考数学答案 (文科)一. 选择题:D C B A C B A A B D B C二. 填空题:13.5 14.18 15. 261 16.()1122n n +-⋅+ 三. 解答题:解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。
17. 【解析】(1)1151,2212122T πππω=-=∴=,又5sin(2)1123ππϕϕ⋅+=∴=- ()sin(2)3f x x π=-, …………6分 ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=∴64sin )(πx x g …………8 分 (2) g (x )在0,12x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦为增函数,在124x ππ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,上为减函数,所以max ()()112g x g π==,min 1()()42g x g π==-,故函数在0,4x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦上的最大值和最小值分别为1和- 12 ……12分 18.【解析】(1)通过计算易得104,73x y ==,回归直线y ax b =+一定经过点(,)x y ,又0.714a =,代入可得 1.256b =-; ………………3分参与调查的6名同学中有5名数学不低于90分,随机抽取2名有10种情况,而同时物理成绩均超过70分的有3种情况,故概率为310. ………………6分 (2)填表如下:物理成绩好 物理成绩不好 总计 数学成绩好24 12 36 数学成绩不好6 18 24 总计 30 30 60由公式可得2260(2418126)10 6.63536243030K ⨯⨯-⨯==>⨯⨯⨯, 故有99%的把握认为物理成绩的好与否和数学成绩有关.…………12分19.【解析】(Ⅰ)证明:Θ3==BC AB AB BC ⊥∴Θ//EF BC AB EF ⊥∴,翻折后垂直关系没变,仍有EF PE ⊥,BE EF ⊥PBE EF 平面⊥∴PB EF ⊥∴ …………4分(Ⅱ) ΘAE EF ⊥,BE EF ⊥PEB ∠∴二面角P EF B --的平面角,ο60=∠∴PEB ,又1,2==BE PE ,由余弦定理得3=PB , ……5分222PE EB PB =+∴,EB PB ⊥∴,EB BC PB ,,∴两两垂直,又,,EF PE EF BE ⊥⊥,,PBE PBC PEF ∴∆∆∆均为直角三角形 由AEF ABC ∆∆:可得,223EF BC ==;1112;222PBC PBE PEF S BC PB S PB BE S EF PE ∆∆∆=⋅==⋅==⋅=……8分 在四边形BCFE 中,过点F 做BC 的垂线,垂足为H ;则22222()2FC FH HC BE BC EF =+=+-=,所以FC =PFC ∆中,FC PC PF ===有余弦定理可得:2221cos ,24PF FC PC PFC PF FC +-∠==-⋅则sin PFC ∠=1sin 22PFC S PF FC PFC ∆=⋅∠=; ……10分所以四棱锥的侧面积为2PBC PBE PEF PFC S S S S ∆∆∆∆+++=+ ……12分 20.(1)当0a =时,()x f x xe =,()(1)x f x x e '=+,令()0f x '>,可得1x >-,故()f x 在(1,)-+∞上单调递增,同理可得()f x 在(,1)-∞-上单调递减, …………3分故()f x 在1x =-处有极小值1(1)f e-=-; …………5分 (2)依题意可得,()(12)0x x f x x ae e '=+-=有两个不同的实根.设()12x g x x ae =+-,则()0g x =有两个不同的实根x 1,x 2 ,()12x g x ae '=-,若0a ≤,则()1g x '≥,此时()g x 为增函数,故()0g x =至多有1个实根,不符合要求; …………7分若0a >,则当1ln2x a <时,()0g x '>,当1ln 2x a>时,()0g x '<, 故此时()g x 在1(,ln )2a -∞上单调递增,在1(ln ,)2a+∞上单调递减,()g x 的最大值为 111(ln )ln 11ln 222g a a a=-+=, …………9分 又当x →-∞时,()g x →-∞,当x →+∞时,()g x →-∞,故要使()0g x =有两个实根,则11(ln )ln 022g a a =>,得102a <<. (或作图象知要使()0g x =有两个实根,则11(ln )ln 022g a a=>) …………10分 设()0g x =的两根为12,x x 12()x x <,当1x x <时,()0g x <,此时()0f x '<;当12x x x <<时,()0g x >,此时()0f x '>;当2x x >时,()0g x <,此时()0f x '<. 故1x 为()f x 的极小值点,2x 为()f x 的极大值点, 102a <<符合要求. ……12分 综上所述:a 的取值范围为102a <<.(分离变量的方法也可以) 21. 【解析】(1)由题意可得2=p ,所以(0,1)S ,圆的半径为1,设),(11y x A ,),(22y x D ,由⎩⎨⎧+==142kx y y x 得0442=--kx x ,k x x 421=+∴21212()242y y k x x k ∴+=++=+,212121124224AB CD AS DS BC y y y y k BC ∴+=+-=+++-=+=+==又k>0k ∴=…………6分 (2) 124x x k +=Q 21212,()242y y k x x k +=++=+, 2(2,21)Q k k ∴+当0=k 时直线l 1与抛物线没有两个交点,所以0≠k 用k1-替换k 可得222P(,1)k k -+,k k k k PQ 222234+-=∴ 所以PQ 的直线方程为)2(2222)12(342k x kk k k y -+-=+-, 化简得213k y x k-=+,所以直线PQ 过定点(0,3).…………12分 22. 【解析】(1))圆C 的普通方程为1)1(22=-+y x ,又θρθρsin ,cos ==y x所以圆C 的极坐标方程为θρsin 2= …………5分(2)把6πθ=代入圆的极坐标方程可得1=P ρ; 把6πθ=代入直线l 极坐标方程可得2=Q ρ,1=-=∴Q p PQ ρρ …………10分23.解析:(1) ⎩⎨⎧<++<+03)4(-04x x x 或⎩⎨⎧<++≥+03)4(04x x x 解得,72--<x 或13-<<-x 所以原不等式的解集是()()1,372,--⋃--∞- ………… 5分 (2)依题意,求|9|2||x x -+的最小值,318,9()18,09183,0x x f x x x x x -≥⎧⎪=-≤<⎨⎪-<⎩所以)(x f 最小值9. 9>∴a …………10分。
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1. What’s the season now?A. Summer.B. Fall.C. Winter.2. Which dress will the woman wear?A. The red one.B. The blue one.C. The green one.3. What can we learn about the old oven?A. It s not in style.B. It’s broken.C. It isn’t multi-functional.4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a studio.B. In a CD store.C. In a car.5. What does the woman think of the painting?A. Worthless.B. Just so-so.C. Wonderful.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. How does the man feel about the weal her forecasts?A. Inaccurate.B. Reliable.C. Changeable.7. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Neighbors.B. Colleagues.C. Classmates.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
8. Why does the man stop relying on music as a full - time job?A. He doesn’t like a band member.B. He isn’t into music that much.C. The earnings aren’t stable.9. On what occasion would the man he invited to play most probably?A. A local festival.B. A funeral.C. A birthday party.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10. What does the woman complain about the office?A. It’s unclean.B. It’s too small.C. It’s noisy.11. What are the speakers supposed to do in the office?A. Give students their assignments.B. Prepare for the lessons.C. Let students help with the reports.12. What is the room downstairs used for now?A. Storage.B. Meetings.C. Reading.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13. What’s wrong with the camera?A. It can’t be charged.B. It can’t be turned on.C. It ruins memory cards.14. Why can’t the man get the camera fixed for free?A. He broke it by himself.B. It’s out of the free service time.C. He lost his receipt.15. How much will the man pay for the repair?A. $20.B. $30.C. $50.16. What day is it today?A. Saturday.B. Sunday.C. Tuesday.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. How long does the training period last?A. 1 to 2 years.B. 2 to 4 years.C. 3 to 5 years.18. Who will test the learner taxi drivers?A. Driving school trainers.B. Special passengers.C. Government officers.19. What do we know about the test?A. Learners might not get the result at once.B. 2 to 3 questions will he asked.C. Several routes should be given to the destination.20. What do learner drivers have to pay for?A. A taxi.B. The driving license.C. A physical exam.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AIt looks like 2017 is shaping up to be a record-breaking year in movie History. Here is a list of some of the year’s biggest blockbusters so far.Kong: Skull IslandA reboot (重启) of King Kong would normally get laughed at in this day and age, but it looks like this modem version of the story will be worth watching. With US actress Brie Larson and UK actor Tom Hiddleston in the mix, this film is set to be this year’s biggest monster tale.Release Date: 3/10/17Beauty and the BeastDirector Bill Condon is bringing back a part of our childhood in live action, complete with the songs we all remember and love. With British stars Emma Watson and Dan Stevens leading the cast, the classic Walt Disney story already sounds like it’ll be a delight for both children and adults.Release Date: 3/17/17The Fate of the FuriousThere was doubt that we’d even get a Fast 8, especially after the fitting ending US actor Paul Walker’s character was given at the end of Furious 7. Fans thought they’d never see Dom and the rest of the crew back in action, but thankfully, US star Vin Diesel himself confirmed that The Fate of the Furious is fueling up for another go. The actor’s character, Dom, turns to the dark side, funded by new enemy Cipher, played by South African actress Charlize Theron. Can the rest of Dom’s family join together to bring their old leader down? Find out in April.Release Date: 4/14/17Spider-Man: HomecomingSpider Man is heading home to Marvel Studios for the first time. The movie will show us Peter Parker’s high school days, and will continue the threads we saw formed during his initial appearance in Captain America: Civil War. We know that Michael Keaton is playing The Vulture in this story, and that both Happy Hogan and Tony Stark, played by US actors Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr., are along for the ride. But it’s Tom Holland’s show as Spider-Man, so let’s see what he has in store.Release Date: 7/7/1721. Which of the following movies can’t you see on May Day?A. Kong: Skull Island.B. Beauty and the Beast.C. The Fate of the Furious.D. Spider-Man: Homecoming.22. What can we know about Beauty and the Beast?A. It is fueling up for another go.B. It is produced by Marvel Studios.C. It’ll show us Peter Parker’s school days.D. It’ll be enjoyable for both children and adults.23. What does the underlined word “cast” probably mean?A. Characters.B. Actors.C. Directors.D. Teachers.BCoke was introduced by the Coca Cola company in 1886, making it a rather true and tested favorite of generations of people in over 200 countries. This list should give you some ideas on how to get more from your coke than usual.1. Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster (除锈剂). If you have a bunch of small rusty objects, put them in coke overnight and give them a good scrub in the morning. Coke helps to break down the rust, making cleaning much easier. Be sure to throw out the used coke when you are done with it or you might be taking a trip to the doctor.2. Like the previous item, the citric acid (柠檬酸) in coke makes for an excellent window cleaner. This is especially useful for car windows. Pour a can of coke over the window and rub the window, then wipe it off with a wet cloth to remove any sugary matter from the sugar in the drink. As coke is full of sugar, you should clean the sticky matter off the window glasses, or it will be nota cleaner but a dirt.3. For those of you who live in areas where skunk (臭鼬) smells can be an issue from time totime, one can of coke added to water with detergent (清洁剂) really helps to break the smell down. If you have been sprayed, stand in the shower and cover yourself from head to toe with coke —wait for a few minutes, then wash yourself with a shower. Coke is an excellent hair treatment so you get two tips for the price of one with this item!4. Pots can sometimes get black on the bottom. The black is almost impossible to remove; this is caused by over-cooking. To remove the black and renew your pot, pour in a can of coke (or as much as you need to cover the blackened area by an inch) and put it on the stove on a low heat. After an hour or so, wash the pot as normal.24. What does the underlined word ‘‘scrub” in Paragraph 2 probably m ean?A. Start.B. Cleaning.C. Shake.D. Example.25. What is important while using coke to clean car windows?A. Use a dry cloth.B. Rub the window lightly.C. Don’t pour too much coke.D. Clean the sugary matter thoroughly.26. For which purpose does coke have to be mixed with other material?A. To get rid of the black on the pot.B. To break down the rust,C. To remove smells.D. To clean windows.27. What type of writing is this text?A. An advertisement.B. A review.C. A news report.D. A practical guide.CBethany Burke was packing for a family vacation when she glanced in the mirror and froze. She saw a small ugly red bump in the middle of her forehead. “That’s the worst,” she remembers thinking. She had no idea, however, how much worse it would get.Bethany, then a 15-year-old high school student tried to forget about the bump as she boarded a flight from her hometown of Austin, Texas, to Portland, Oregon. But during the flight the bump grew. And grew. And grew.After the plane landed, more bumps appeared, including one close to her eye. Her parents took her to the nearest emergency room. As it turns out, Bethany had been attacked by a superbug (超级病菌).Superbugs were once a problem only in hospitals and nursing homes. In the past decade,though, they have been affecting healthy children and adults as well. In a few hours, they can cause life-threatening infections.“Teens, especially student athletes, can be easily hurt because superbugs stay in warm, damp places where people come into close contact with each other, such as school locker rooms and gyms,” says Dr. Aaron Glatt, an infectious disease specialist. “If you get cut playing sports, and you come into contact with a superbug on a mat, you give it a way to get in,” he explains.As for Bethany, she says the doctor didn’t seem too concerned. “He just handed me this pill, an antibiotic (抗生素),” Bethany says. “He gave us the impression that it was going to clear up very fast.”It didn’t take long for Bethany to realize the antibiotics the doctor had given her weren’t working. One of the bumps grew so large that she could no longer open her eye, and her pain increased. Her parents rushed her to another hospital. The new medicines seemed to start working. Her fever dropped, and the bumps stopped growing.Luckily for Bethany, there were still three powerful antibiotics that together were able to fight off her infection. But what happens when superbugs become resistant even to those drugs? For doctors, that’s the bi ggest worry.28. Bethany discovered a bump on her forehead .A. after the plane for Portland landedB. when she came back from a vacationC. after she boarded a flight from AustinD. when she was preparing for a vacation29. Student athletes are likely to be attacked by superbugs partly because .A. they sweat a lotB. they are often tiredC. they are healthy and strongD. they often wear dirty clothes30. How did Bethany feel after taking the pills given by the doctor in the nearest emergency room?A. Even worse.B. Much belter.C. A little better.D. As terrible as before.31. Doctors are most worried that .A. antibiotics are being overusedB. teens are being attacked by superbugsC. superbugs may become resistant to all drugsD. more people will get infected with superbugsDThere’s an old joke about how you can never buy beer-just rent it. Who would think that the same joke applies to book buying in the digital age? But that’s the case. Many people who w ill be loading their iPads or Amazon Kindles with bestsellers or classics won’t have any idea how limited their rights are as their books, “owners”. Unlike the owners of a physical book, they won’t have the unlimited right to lend an e-book, give it away, or resell it.All these restrictions “raise obvious questions about what ‘ownership’ is,” observes Dan Gillmor, an expert on digital media. “The companies that license stuff digitally have made it clear that you own nothing.” The rules are based on the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), with which Congress hoped to balance the rights of copyright holders and content users. “In the digital environment, that’s always been the trickiest balance to achieve,” Annemarie Bridy, a specialist said.Both camps have important fights to protect. In the digital world, technology allows infinite (无限的) copies to be made. One could give away an e-book and still have it to read. This becomes a great threat to the livelihood of authors, artists, filmmakers and musicians. So some limitation is sensible. That’s usually done through digital rights management, or DRM, which encodes (编码) copy limitations into the digital file. The DMCA protected DRM. The question is whether the balance has given an unfair advantage to the booksellers, at the consumers expense. The answer is yes.For one thing, DRM has put far too much power in the hands of digital booksellers. In 2009, Amazon simply deleted some e-books from buyers, Kindles secretly. An uproar (鼓噪) followed. Amazon then p romised never to steal a book back from a Kindle without the device owner’s permission. But in early 2012, the company shut down the access of Linn Jordet Nygaard, a Norwegian Kindle owner, to her library of 43 e-books. Another uproar followed, and Amazon backed down again, restoring Nygaard’s account.Another problem of e-book DRM is that most e-books are tied to the seller’s reading device. Buy a book from Amazon, and you can read it only on a Kindle or Amazon app. This lock-in gives the booksellers power over not only consumers but publishers.Moreover, nowhere does Amazon, Apple or any other distributor promise to support itsdigital formats forever. There are ways to protect your e-books by changing the format. But is it legal? No one is quite sure.The guiding principle must he that an e-book owner’s rights and responsibilities parallel those of a printed book owner, and the same must apply to authors, publishers and booksellers. Clarify these rules, and the book market will reap the benefit.Leave the rules as vague (模糊的;含糊的) as they are, and the victims will be authors, consumers and publishers.32. The author mentions the old joke to say that .A. book buying is easier in the digital ageB. buyers do not really own their e-booksC. it is a good choice just to borrow e-booksD. e-books are convenient compared with physical ones33. Which of the following is TRUE about the DMCA?A. It turned out to benefit digital booksellers.B. It seems a little unfair to digital booksellers.C. It has become a threat to the livelihood of authors.D. It actually played a trick on copyright holders and content users.34. The underlined part “backed down” in Para. 4 probably means .A. felt guiltyB. gave inC. broke a promiseD. made an apology35. What is the author’s suggestion?A. Booksellers should be punished by law for their marketing strategy.B. Booksellers should make a formal public apology to the victims.C. E-book readers should buy e-books directly from publishers.D. E-books should be treated the same as physical books.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项多余选项。