



IFIP International Conferences on Networking
International Conference on Network Protocols International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Internet Measurement Conference International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing International Workshop on Quality of Service
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11
ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Theory of Cryptography Conference USENIX Security Symposium Workshop on Information Hiding
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
序号 1
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques European Symposium on Research in Computer Security IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection


17. STACS International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Springer http://www.lif.univ-mrs.fr/STACS06/
18. MFCS Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science Springer http://www.mfcs.sk/
21. ICLP International Conference on Logical Programming Springer http://iclp08.dimi.uniud.it/
二十、 C类
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
26. CGO International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM /
9. ISIT IEEE Symposium on Information Theory IEEE /
10. CP International Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint Programming Springer http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/cp2008/
19. FCT Internaation Theory Springer http://www.conferences.hu/fct2007/
20. FSTTCS Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science IARCS, the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science /




Rank #1(1) AAAI: AAAI Conference on Artificial IntelligenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(2) CCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecurityRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(3) CRYPTO: International Cryptology ConferenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(4) CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern RecognitionRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(5) FOCS: IEEE Symp on Foundations of Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(6) HPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp ArchitectureRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(7) ICCV: International Conf on Computer VisionRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(8) ICDE: Intl Conf on Data EngineeringRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(9) ICML: Intl Conf on Machine LearningRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(10) ICSE: Intl Conf on Software EngineeringRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(11) IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial IntelligenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(12) INFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm SocRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(13) ISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer ArchitectureRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(14) MICRO: Intl Symp on MicroarchitectureRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(15) MOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and NetworkingRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(16) OOPSLA: OO Programming Systems, Languages and ApplicationsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(17) POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Prog LangsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(18) SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & AppsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(19) SIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH ConferenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(20) SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of DataRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(21) STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of ComputingRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(22) VLDB: Very Large Data BasesRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(23) ACL: Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational LinguisticsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(24) ACM-MM: ACM Multimedia ConferenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(25) NIPS: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing SystemsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(26) PLDI: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design & Implementation Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(27) S&P: IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(28) SIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp SysRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(29) WWW: International World Wide Web ConferenceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(30) FSE: ACM Conf on the Foundations of Software EngineeringRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(31) ICDCS: International Conference on Distributed Computing SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(32) LICS: IEEE Symp on Logic in Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(33) ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(34) COLT: Annual Conference on Computational Learning TheoryRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(35) PODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB SystemsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(36) PPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(37) SIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information RetrievalRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1)(38) SODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete AlgorithmsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(39) UAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AIRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(40) DAC: Design Automation ConfRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(41) KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(42) SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS PrinciplesRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(1) NUS(1)(43) ICALP: International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and ProgrammingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(44) IPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing SympRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(45) AAMAS: Intl Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(1)(46) CAV: Computer Aided VerificationRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(3) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(47) FM/FME: Formal Methods, World Congress/EuropeRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(1)(48) I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(3) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(49) ICDT: Intl Conf on Database TheoryRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(50) ICFP: Intl Conf on Function ProgrammingRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(51) ICNP: Intl Conf on Network ProtocolsRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(52) JICSLP/ICLP/ILPS: Joint Intl Conf/Symp on Logic ProgRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(53) KR: International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(54) PACT: International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(55) RTSS: IEEE Real-Time Systems SymposiumRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(56) SPAA: ACM Symp on Parallel Algorithms and ArchitecturesRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(57) DCC: Data Compression ConfRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(1)(58) ICCAD: Intl Conf on Computer-Aided DesignRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(59) ISSAC: Intl Symp on Symbolic and Algebraic ComputationRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(1)(60) PODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(61) SCG: ACM Symp on Computational GeometryRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(1) NUS(1)(62) PECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp & Comm SysRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) NUS(1)(63) SOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and ImplementationRefs: UCLA(1) NTU(1) NUS(1)(64) CIKM: Intl Conf on Information and Knowledge ManagementRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(65) RECOMB: Annual Intl Conf on Comp Molecular BiologyRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(66) RTAS: IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications SymposiumRefs: CCF(3) NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(67) ISMB: International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular BiologyRefs: NTU(1) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(1)(68) OSDI: Symposium on Operation systems design and implementationRefs: SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(1)(69) SIGKDD: ACM Conf on Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningRefs: CCF(1) SJTU(1)(70) EUROCRYPT: European Conf on CryptographyRefs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(71) MOBIHOC: ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing Refs: UCLA(1) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(72) FAST: Conference on File and Storage TechnologiesRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(1)(73) NSDI: Symposium on Network System Design and Implementation Refs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(1)(74) SC: IEEE/ACM Conference on SupercomputingRefs: SJTU(1) TSINGHUA(2)(75) USENIX Symp on Internet Tech and SysRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(1)(76) MassPar: Symp on Frontiers of Massively Parallel ProcRefs: UCLA(1)(77) OPENARCH: IEEE Conf on Open Arch and Network ProgRefs: UCLA(1)(78) SIGCHI: ACM SIG CHIRefs: CCF(1)(79) Ubicomp: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Refs: TSINGHUA(1)Rank #2(80) COLING: International Conference on Computational LinguisticsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(81) CONCUR: International Conference on Concurrency TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(82) ECCV: European Conference on Computer VisionRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(83) USENIX Security: USENIX Security SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(84) ALT: International Conference on Algorithmic Learning TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(85) ASE: International Conference on Automated Software EngineeringRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(86) ASIACRYPT: Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information SecurityRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(87) CC: International Conference on Compiler ConstructionRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(88) DATE: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(89) ECAI: European Conference on Artificial IntelligenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(90) ECML: European Conference on Machine LearningRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(91) EDBT: International Conference on Extending DB TechnologyRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(92) EMNLP: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(93) ER: Intl Conf on Conceptual ModelingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(94) ESOP: European Symposium on ProgrammingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(95) Euro-Par: European Conference on Parallel ProcessingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(96) FSTTCS: Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(97) ICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel ProcessingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(98) ICSR: IEEE Intl Conf on Software ReuseRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(99) MFCS: Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(100) PEPM: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based Programming ManipulationRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(101) RTA: International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(102) SAS: International Static Analysis SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(103) STACS: Symp on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(104) TACAS: International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(105) CP: Intl Conf on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(106) CSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopRefs: CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(107) CSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(108) ECOOP: European Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingRefs: CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(2)(109) IEEEIT: IEEE Symposium on Information TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(110) ISRE: Requirements EngineeringRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(111) PG: Pacific GraphicsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(112) CGI: Computer Graphics InternationalRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(113) FCCM: IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing MachinesRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(114) FoSSaCS: International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation StructuresRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(115) ICC: IEEE International Conference on CommunicationsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(116) ICDM: IEEE International Conference on Data MiningRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(3)(117) ICME: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & ExpoRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(118) ICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern RecognitionRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(119) ICS: Intl Conf on SupercomputingRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(120) LCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer NetworksRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(121) NDSS: Network and Distributed System Security SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(4) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(4)(122) NOSSDAV: Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(123) CADE: Conference on Automated DeductionRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(124) CAiSE: Intl Conf on Advanced Info System EngineeringRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(125) CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language LearningRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(126) CoopIS: Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(127) DAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(128) DASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(129) DEXA: Database and Expert System ApplicationsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(130) EACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational Linguistics Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(131) ESA: European Symp on AlgorithmsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(132) ICCL: IEEE Intl Conf on Computer LanguagesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(133) ICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(134) ICECCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Eng. of Complex Computer SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(135) ICIP: Intl Conf on Image ProcessingRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(136) ICSM: Intl Conf on Software MaintenanceRefs: CCF(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(137) ICTAI: IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial IntelligenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(138) IJCNN: Intl Joint Conference on Neural NetworksRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(139) IPCO: MPS Conf on integer programming & comb optimizationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(140) ISAAC: Intl Symp on Algorithms and ComputationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(141) JCDL: ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital LibrariesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(142) MASCOTS: Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation On Computer and Telecommunication SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(143) NAACL: The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational LinguisticsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(144) PADL: Practical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(145) SEKE: International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(146) SRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(147) SSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB MgmtRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(148) VLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI CircuitsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(149) WACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(150) WCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(151) AI-ED: World Conference on AI in EducationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(152) AID: Intl Conf on AI in DesignRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(153) AMAI: Artificial Intelligence and MathsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(154) AMIA: American Medical Informatics Annual Fall Symposium Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(155) ASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array Processors Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(156) ASS: IEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(157) CAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and Patterns Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(158) CANIM: Computer AnimationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(159) CC: IEEE Symp on Computational ComplexityRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(160) CCC: Cluster Computing ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(161) DNA: Meeting on DNA Based ComputersRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(162) DOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(163) EUROCOLT: European Conf on Learning TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(164) EUROGRAPH: European Graphics ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(165) FODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data OrganizationRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(166) HCS: Hot Chips SympRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(167) IAAI: Innovative Applications in AIRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(168) IEEE Intl Conf on Formal Engineering MethodsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(169) IPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & Communications Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(170) IPTPS: Annual International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer Systems Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(171) ISTCS: Israel Symp on Theory of Computing and Systems Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(172) Intl Conf on Integrated Formal MethodsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(173) LATIN: Intl Symp on Latin American Theoretical Informatics Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(174) LFCS: Logical Foundations of Computer ScienceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(175) MMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(176) NetStore: Network Storage SymposiumRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(177) PADS: ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Dist Simulation Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(178) PT: Perf Tools - Intl Conf on Model Tech & Tools for CPE Refs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(179) SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial DatabasesRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(180) SUPER: ACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(181) SWAT: Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm TheoryRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(182) SenSys: ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor SystemsRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(183) WADS: Workshop on Algorithms and Data StructuresRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(184) WCW: Web Caching WorkshopRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(185) WSC: Winter Simulation ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2) NUS(2)(186) DSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and NetworksRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) NTU(4) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(4)(187) CASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded SystemsRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(188) CODES+ISSS: Intl Conf on Hardware/Software Codesign & System SynthesisRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(189) ISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and AnalysisRefs: CCF(2) NTU(4) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(4)(190) WCRE: SIGSOFT Working Conf on Reverse EngineeringRefs: UCLA(3) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(191) ACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(192) APLAS: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(193) CSCW: Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative WorkRefs: NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(194) ESEC: European Software Engineering ConfRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(195) ESORICS: European Symposium on Research in Computer Security Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(196) FPL: Field-Programmable Logic and ApplicationsRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(197) Fast Software EncryptionRefs: UCLA(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(198) GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation ConferenceRefs: CCF(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(199) HASKELL: Haskell WorkshopRefs: UCLA(4) NTU(2) NUS(2)(200) IC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and NetworksRefs: UCLA(3) NTU(2) NUS(2)(201) IEEE VisualizationRefs: NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(202) IMC: Internet Measurement Conference/WorkshopRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(203) IWSSD: International Workshop on Software Specifications & Design Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) NTU(2)(204) PPDP: Principles and Practice of Declarative ProgrammingRefs: NTU(4) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(2)(205) RAID: International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Refs: UCLA(2) CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(206) WABI: Workshop on Algorithms in BioinformaticsRefs: NTU(2) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(2)(207) DSIC: Intl Symp om Distributed ComputingRefs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(208) DocEng: ACM Symposium on Document EngineeringRefs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(209) EUROSYS: EUROSYSRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(210) European Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityRefs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(211) HPDC: IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing Refs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(212) IEEE/WIC: International Joint Conf on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Refs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(213) ISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits ConfRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2)(214) MOBISYS: International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Refs: UCLA(2) TSINGHUA(2)(215) MPC: Mathematics of Program ConstructionRefs: NTU(2) NUS(2)(216) MPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt InterconnsRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2)(217) SCA: ACM/Eurographics Symposium on Computer AnimationRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(218) SSR: ACM SIGSOFT Working Conf on Software ReusabilityRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(2)(219) UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and TechnologyRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(2)(220) CSL: Annual Conf on Computer Science LogicRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(3)(221) IH: Workshop on Information HidingRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(3)(222) COMPSAC: International Computer Software and Applications ConferenceRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) NUS(3)(223) FCT: International Symposium Fundamentals of Computation TheoryRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) NUS(3)(224) ICCB: International Conference on Case-Based ReasoningRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(2) NTU(3) NUS(3)(225) ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and AutomationRefs: UCLA(4) CCF(2) NTU(3) NUS(4)(226) ILP: International Workshop on Inductive Logic ProgrammingRefs: CCF(2) NTU(4) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(4)(227) PKDD: European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in DatabasesRefs: CCF(2) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(4)(228) EC: ACM Conference on Electronic CommerceRefs: NTU(4) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(4)(229) IJCAR: International Joint Conference on Automated ReasoningRefs: CCF(2) NTU(4) NUS(4)(230) IPSN: International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor NetworksRefs: UCLA(2) CCF(3) TSINGHUA(3)(231) ITC: IEEE Intl Test ConfRefs: UCLA(2) NTU(4) NUS(4)(232) MiddlewareRefs: NTU(4) TSINGHUA(2) NUS(4)(233) PPSN: Parallel Problem Solving from NatureRefs: NTU(4) CORE(2) NUS(4)(234) TLCA: Typed Lambda Calculus and ApplicationsRefs: CCF(2) NTU(4) NUS(4)(235) CCC: IEEE Conference on Computational ComplexityRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(236) CEC: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary ComputationRefs: CCF(3) CORE(2)(237) CLUSTER: Cluster ComputingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(238) CoNEXT: ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and TechnologiesRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(239) ECDL: European Conference on Digital LibrariesRefs: NTU(4) NUS(2)(240) EGSR: Eurographics Symposium on RenderingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(241) EuroGraphics: EuroGraphics Symposium on geometry processingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(242) FPGA: International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate ArraysRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(243) GCSE: International Conference on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering Refs: NTU(4) NUS(2)(244) ICAPS: International Conference on Automated Planning and SchedulingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(245) ISSS: International Symposium on System SynthesisRefs: UCLA(2) TSINGHUA(3)(246) IWQoS: International Workshop on Quality of ServiceRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(247) Networking: International Conferences on NetworkingRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(248) PKC: International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key CryptographyRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(249) Percom: International Conference on Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(250) SDM: SIAM International Conference on Data MiningRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(251) SPM: ACM Solid and Physical Modeling SymposiumRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(4)(252) TCC: Theory of Cryptography ConferenceRefs: CCF(2) TSINGHUA(3)(253) ACM SIGARCHRefs: CCF(2)(254) AOSD: Aspect-Oriented Software DevelopmentRefs: TSINGHUA(2)(255) CHI: Computer Human InteractionRefs: TSINGHUA(2)(256) ECRTS: Euromicro Conference on Real-Time SystemsRefs: CORE(2)(257) EuroVis: Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on VisualizationRefs: CCF(2)(258) GP: Genetic Programming ConferenceRefs: UCLA(2)(259) HOT CHIPS: A Symposium on High Performance ChipsRefs: CCF(2)(260) ICCD: International Conference on Computer DesignRefs: CCF(2)(261) ICMI: International Conference on Multimodal InterfaceRefs: CCF(2)(262) ICWE: International Conference on Web EngineeringRefs: NUS(2)(263) ISWC: International Semantic Web ConferenceRefs: TSINGHUA(2)(264) IWCASE: Intl Workshop on Computer-Aided Software EngRefs: UCLA(2)(265) LCTES: Conference on Language, Compiler and Tool Support for Embedded Systems Refs: CCF(2)(266) MFPS: Mathematical Foundations of Programming SemanticsRefs: CCF(2)(267) MSST: Mass Storage Systems and TechnologiesRefs: CCF(2)(268) MoDELS: International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Refs: CCF(2)(269) SGP: Eurographics Symposium on Geometry ProcessingRefs: CCF(2)(270) TCS: IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceRefs: CCF(2)(271) WDAG: Workshop on Distributed AlgorithmsRefs: UCLA(2)Rank #3(272) ECIR: European Conference on Information RetrievalRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(3)(273) MDM: Intl Conf on Mobile Data Access/ManagementRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(3) NUS(3)(274) ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer VisionRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(275) APSEC: Asia-Pacific Software Engineering ConferenceRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(276) Globecom: IEEE Global Communications Conference, incorporating the Global Internet SymposiumRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(277) ICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural NetworksRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(278) ICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information ProcessingRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(279) ICPADS: Intl Conf on Parallel and Distributed SystemsRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(280) LOPSTR: International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation Refs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(281) NOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management SympRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(282) PAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data MiningRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(283) PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AIRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(284) SAC: ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied ComputingRefs: UCLA(3) CCF(3) NTU(3) NUS(3)(285) FASE: Fundamental Approaches to Software EngineeringRefs: UCLA(3) NTU(3) TSINGHUA(4) NUS(3)。


IEEE INFOCOM: The Conference on Computer Communications
E辑 403
E辑 0.444
ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision
DCC: Data Compression Conference



序号会议名称1ACM SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Communication Architectures, Protocols & Apps2IEEE INFOCOM: The Conference on Computer Communications3IEEE International conference on communications4IEEE Globecom: Global Telecommunications Conference5IEEE ITC: International Test Conference6IEEE The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks7ACM MobiCom: International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking8ACM SIGMETRICS: Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems9MOBIHOC: ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing10IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems11IMC: Internet Measurement Conference12ICCV: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision13CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition14ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision 15DCC: Data Compression Conference16ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning17NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems 18ACM MM: ACM Multimedia Conference19IEEE ICIP: International conference on Image Processing20IEEE ICME: International Conference on Multimedia and Expo21IEEE VR:IEEE Virtual Reality22ACM VRST:ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology23CGI:Computer Graphics International24ACL: The Association for Computational Linguistics 25COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics 26IEEE ICASSP: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 27IJCNLP: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing 28IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference 29IEEE VLSI Test Symposium 30IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe 31IEEE Asian Test Symposium 32Ubicomp: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing 33PerCom: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 34EUC: The IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing 35ICPS: IEEE International Conference on PervasiveServices36SenSys,ACM Conference on EmbeddedNEtworked Sensor Systems37SECON, IEEE Communication Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc COmmunications andNetworks,38MASS, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems39The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communication 40CLUSTER 4, IEEE Int’l Conf. on ClusterComputing,41HPDC-, th IEEE Int’l Symp. on High-Performance Distributed Computing, Honolulu.42 NASA/IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems an43SuperComputing:The International Conference for High Performance Computing andCommunications44IEEE Int'l Conf. on Cluster Computing45[ICDCS] International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems46[HPDC] IEEE Int'l Symp. On High Performance Distributed Computing47International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications (IEEE/ACMSupercomputing Conference)48ACM International Conference on Supercomputing49IEEE International Parallel & DistributedProcessing Symposium50IEEE International Conference on ParallelProcessing 51IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing52ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems.53IEEE Annual Workshops on WorkloadCharacterization.54International Symposium on ComputerArchitecture(ISCA)55International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA)56International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)57 FAST: USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies,58NASA/IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST4),59 SNAPI’4: International Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os, Antibes Juan-les-spins, French,60 IEEE SC: SC-High Performance Computing, Networking and Storage Conference61IEEE International Workshop on Networking, Architecture, and Storages(IWNAS)62IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing(ICAC)63Proceedings of the International Conference on Measurements and Modeling of Computer Systems64International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA)65 [HPDC] IEEE Int'l Symp. On High Performance Distributed Computing66IEEE Int'l Conf. on Cluster Computing 67USENIX Annual Technical Conference68IEEE/ACM Int'l Symp. on Cluster Computing & the Grid69International Symposium on Computer Architecture(ISCA )70International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)71HPCC:The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications72 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing73 Annual ACM International Conference on Supercomputing(ICS)74Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation(OSDI)75 ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP)76Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)77 Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HOTOS)78Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing(ICPP)79 Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks(LCN)80International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS)81International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies(PDCAT)82IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium(IPDPS)83ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems84CASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems85CODES: International Conference on Hardware Software Codesign86DAC: Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference87ICFP: International Conference on Functional Programming88ICS: International Conference on Supercomputing89ICSE: International Conference on Software Engineering90ISCA: International Conference on Computer Architecture91ISMM: International Symposium on Memory Management92ISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis93LCTES: Language, Compiler and Tool Support for Embedded Systems94MICRO: International Symposium on Microarchitecture95OOPSLA: Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications96PLDI: Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation97PODC: Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing98POPL: Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages99PPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming100SIGMETRICS: Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems101SIGSOFT: Foundations of Software Engineering102ASE - IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering103CGO - International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization104CLUSTER - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing106EURO-PDP - Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing107HPCA - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture108HPCS - Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and109ICDCS - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems110ICPADS - International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems105DATE - Design, Automation, and Test in Europe111IISWC - IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization112IPDPS - International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium113ISPASS - IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software114PACT - International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques115RTSS - IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium116RTAS - IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium117SC - IEEE/ACM SC Conference118LCPC - International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing119CC: International Conference on Compiler Construction120HiPEAC - International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures & Compilers121ECOOP - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming122ESOP - European Symposium on Programming123Euro-Par - European Conference on Parallel Computing124SAS - International Static Analysis Symposium 125CAV - Computer Aided Verification126FASE - Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering127TACAS - Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems128VMCAI - Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation 129ACL: The Association for Computational Linguistics 130ACM SIGIR: The ACM Conference on Researchand Development in Information Retrieval 131ACM SIGKDD: The ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining 132WWW: The ACM International World Wide Web Conference133ACM SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data 134CIKM: The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 135COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics 136ICML: International Conference on MachineLearning137IEEE ICDM: International Conference on DataMining 138IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence139VLDB: The ACM International Conference onVery Large Data Bases140SIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference 141EUROGRAPHICS: The Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics 142AAAI: American Association for Artificial Intelligence 143ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 144ACM SIGCOMM: Special Interest Group on Data Communications 145ACM SIGIR: The ACM Conference on Researchand Development in Information Retrieval 146ACM SIGKDD: The ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining 147ACM SIGMETRICS: Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems148ACM SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data 149ASPLOS: Architectural Support for ProgrammingLanguages and Operating Systems150CCGrid : IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid 151CIKM: The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 152CLUSTER - IEEE International Conference onCluster Computing153CPM: Combinatorial Pattern MatchingSymposium 154FAST4: Third USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies,155Grid : IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing 156HPC: IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing 157HPDC: International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing 158ICDCS: IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems 159ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning 160ICWS: IEEE International Conference on WebServices161IEEE CSB: Computer Society Bioinformatics 162IEEE ICDM: International Conference on DataMining 163IEEE ICNP: International Conference on Network Protocols164IEEE ICON: IEEE International Conference on Networks 165IEEE INFOCOM: conference on computer communications 166IEEE IPCCC: International Performance Computing and Communications Conference 167IEEE SPIRE: The IEEE International Symposium onString Processing and Information Retrieval 168IJCAI: International Joint Conference on AI 169IMC: ACM-SIGCOMM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference170International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA)171IPDPS: IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium172ISMB: International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology173MobiCom: ACM/IEEE Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking174MobiSys: The International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services175OSDI: USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation176PAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining177PDCAT: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies178PKDD: Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases179SCC: IEEE International Conference on Services Computing180SDM: SIAM International Conference on Data Mining181SOSE: IEEE International Workshop on Service-Oriented System Engineering182USENIX Sec: USENIX Security Symposium183USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI)184VLDB: The ACM International Conference on Very Large Data Bases185WWW: The ACM International World Wide Web Conference186RAID International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection187IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence188VLDB: The ACM International Conference on Very Large Data Bases189ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning190PRICAI: Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence191IFIP ICIIP: IFIP International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing192NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems193ISCA: International Symposium on Computer Architecture194International Symposium on Microarchitecture195HPCA:International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture196APCSAC: Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 197ISLPED: International Symposium on Low PowerElectronics and Design198OSDI: Operation System Design &Implementation 199ASPLOS: Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operation200ICCD: IEEE International Conference onComputer Design201DAC: Design Automation Conference 202IEEE/ACM International Conference on ComputerAided Design(ICCAD)203ASP-DAC: Asia and South Pacific DesignAutomation Conference204ISSCC: IEEE International Solid-State CircuitsConference205CICC: Custom Integrated Circuits Conference 206ESSCIRC: European Conference on Solid-StateCircuits207Symposium on VLSI Circuits208IEEE International ASIC/SOC Conference209Symposium on VLSI Technology210ASSCC: Asian Conference on Solid-State Circuits211MWSCAS: Midwest Symposium on Circuits andSystems 212ICECS: IEEE International Conference onElectronics, Circuits and Systems:213ISCAS: International Symposium Circuit andSystem 214RFIC: IEEE Symposium on Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits215ACM RECOMB: Int. Conference on Research inComputational Molecular Biology216IEEE CSB: Computer Society Bioinformatics217International Conference of the IEEE Engineeringin Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)218PSB: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing219WABI:Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics220CSB: IEEE Computational Systems BioinformaticsConference221ISMB:Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology222ECCB:European Conference on Computational Biology223APBC:Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference224COCOON:Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference225CPM:Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching226EMBC:IEEE International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society227Geospatial Information and Technology Association(GITA) Annual Conference228International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGRSS)229International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)Technical Commission Symposium230International Conference on Geoinformatics 231IEEE SKG (Semantics, Knowledge and Grid)232WWW: The ACM International World Wide Web Conference233International Semantic Web Conference234ACM SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data235ACM PODS Conference236VLDB: The ACM International Conference on Very Large Data Bases237IEEE ICDE - International Conference on Data Engineering会议介绍ACM的旗舰会议之一,也是网络领域顶级学术会议,内容侧重于有线网络,每年举办一次,录用率约为10%左右。



计算机学科领域高质量国际学术会议分区表1.AREA: Data Bases一区 (332)1.SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data (78)2.PODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB Systems(30)3.VLDB: Very Large Data Bases (96)4.SIGKDD –ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery andData Mining (128)二区 (230)1.ICDE: Intl Conf on Data Engineering (93)2.EDBT /ICDT: EDBT/ICDT joint conference (27)3.ICDM - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (70)4.SDM - SIAM Conference on Data Mining (40)2.AREA: Software Engineering:一区(225)1.ICSE: International Conference on Software Engineering (56)2.FSE: ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (42)3.OOPSLA: ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingSystems, Languages and Applications (33)4.ASE: IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering(94)二区 (230)1.ISSTA: ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing andAnalysis (33)2.ECOOP: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (27)3.ESEC: European Software Engineering Conference (50)4.ICSM: IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (40)5.RE: IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (39)6.ICSR: International Conference on Software Reuse (41)3.AREA: Security:一区 (102)1.S&P: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (28)S: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (51)enix security: Usenix Symposium on Security (23)二区 (68)1.NDSS: ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (22)2.ACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications (46)4.AREA: Architecture一区 (136)1.ISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer Architecture (37)2.MICRO: Intl Symp on Microarchitecture (35)3.HPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp Architecture (34)4.PACT: IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel Architectures and CompilationTechniques (30)二区(22)1.ISPASS: IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis ofSystems and Software (22)5.AREA: Programming Languages:一区(95)1.PLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design &Implementation (34)2.POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of ProgrammingLanguages (35)3.PPoPP: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of ParallelProgramming(26)二区 (21)1.CGO: International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization6.AREA: System Technology一区(114)1.OSDI: USENIX Operating Systems Design and Implementation (26/2=13)2.SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Principles (25/2=13)3.ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OS (31)4.FAST: USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (23)enix: Annual Usenix Technical Conference (34)二区(155)1.DSN: Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systemsand Networks (59)2.Eurosys: European Conference in Computer Systems (26)3.HOTOS: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (24)4.SRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed Systems (28)5.VEE: International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments. (18) 7.Distributed and Parallel Computing一区: (62)1.PODC: ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (32)2.NSDI: Usenix Symposium on Networked Systems Design andImplementation (30)二区: (247)1.ICS: Intl Conf on Supercomputing (37)2.SC: ACM/IEEE Conf on High Performance Networking and Computing(65)3.HPDC: High Performance Distributed Computing (18)4.ICDCS: IEEE International Conference on Distributed ComputingSystems(74)5.SPAA: ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (53)8.AREA: Networking一区(125)1.SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & Apps (36)2.MOBICOM: ACM SIGMOBILE Annual International Conference on MobileComputing and Networking (31)3.SIGMETRICS: ACM SIG on computer and communication metrics andperformance (36)4.MOBISYS: ACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on Mobile Systems,Applications, and Services (22)二区 (374)COM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm Soc (311)2.MOBIHOC: The ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad HocNetworking and Computing (44)3.IMC: Internet Measurement Conference(19)9.Area:Multimedia Processing,Vision,graphics一区(201)1.ICCV:International Conference on Computer Vision (47)2.SIGGRAPH (98)3.ACM MM:ACM Multimedia Conference (56)二区(133)1.CVPR:Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (65)2.ECCV:European Conference on Computer Vision (40)Vis:IEEE Information Visualization Conference (28)10.A rea: AI ,NLP,Machine learning,Neural Networks一区(380)1.IJCAI:International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (212/2=106)2.ICML:International Conference on Machine Learning (155)3.ACL:Association of Computational Linguistics (119)二区(581)1.AAAI:(227)2.UAI:Conference in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (73)3.NIPS:Advances in Neural Information Processing (28)4.COLT:Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory (47)5.CONLL:Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (20)6.COLING:International Conference on Computational Linguistics (153/2=77)7.EMNLP:Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing(109)11.A REA: Algorithms and Theory一区(172)1.STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of Computing (77)2.FOCS: IEEE Symp on Foundations of Computer Science (63)3.CRYPTO: Advances in Cryptology (32)二区 (442)1.SODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete Algorithms (139)2.ICALP:International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming(128)3.ESA: European Symp on Algorithms (67)4.SCG: ACM Symp on Computational Geometry (42)5.EUROCRYPT: European Conf on Cryptography (33)6.TCC: Theory of Cryptography (33)12.A REA: Web and Service Computing一区(174)1.WWW: International World Wide Web Conference (89)2.SIGIR:ACM International Conference on Information Retrieval (85)二区 (225)1.WI:IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence (78)2.ISWC :International Semantic Web Conference (57)3.ICWS:The International Conference on Web Services (90)13.A REA: HCI and CSCW一区 (221)1.CHI: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (157)2.CSCW: the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work(64)二区 (85)1.UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (24)2.GROUP: ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (38)3.ECSCW: European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work(23)14.A REA: embedded一区 (152)1.DAC: Design Automation Conference (152)二区(138)1.IC-SAMOS: International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems:Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (31)2.LCTES: ACM conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools forEmbedded Systems (17)3.EMSOFT: IEEE International conference on Embedded software (20)4.CASES: Intl Conf on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for EmbeddedSystems (27)5.CODES+ISSS: International Conference on Hardware-Software Codesignand System Synthesis (43)。






但是这个排名是大概2000的时候做的,后来没有更新,所以像ISWC 这个会议在其中就看不到。







---------------附,会议排名(from .sg/home/assourav/crank.htm)Computer Science Conference RankingsSome conferences accept multiple categories of papers. The rankings below are for the mos t prestigious category of paper at a given conference. All other categories should be treat ed as "unranked".AREA: DatabasesRank 1:SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of DataPODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB SystemsVLDB: Very Large Data BasesICDE: Intl Conf on Data EngineeringICDT: Intl Conf on Database TheoryRank 2:SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial DatabasesDEXA: Database and Expert System ApplicationsFODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data OrganizationEDBT: Extending DB TechnologyDOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesDASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsCIKM: Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge ManagementSSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB MgmtCoopIS - Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling (ER)Rank 3:COMAD: Intl Conf on Management of DataBNCOD: British National Conference on DatabasesADC: Australasian Database ConferenceADBIS: Symposium on Advances in DB and Information SystemsDaWaK - Data Warehousing and Knowledge DiscoveryRIDE WorkshopIFIP-DS: IFIP-DS ConferenceIFIP-DBSEC - IFIP Workshop on Database SecurityNGDB: Intl Symp on Next Generation DB Systems and AppsADTI: Intl Symp on Advanced DB Technologies and Integration FEWFDB: Far East Workshop on Future DB SystemsMDM - Int. Conf. on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)ICDM - IEEE International Conference on Data MiningVDB - Visual Database SystemsIDEAS - International Database Engineering and Application Symposium Others:ARTDB - Active and Real-Time Database SystemsCODAS: Intl Symp on Cooperative DB Systems for Adv AppsDBPL - Workshop on Database Programming LanguagesEFIS/EFDBS - Engineering Federated Information (Database) Systems KRDB - Knowledge Representation Meets DatabasesNDB - National Database Conference (China)NLDB - Applications of Natural Language to Data BasesFQAS - Flexible Query-Answering SystemsIDC(W) - International Database Conference (HK CS)RTDB - Workshop on Real-Time DatabasesSBBD: Brazilian Symposium on DatabasesWebDB - International Workshop on the Web and DatabasesWAIM: Interational Conference on Web Age Information ManagementDASWIS - Data Semantics in Web Information SystemsDMDW - Design and Management of Data WarehousesDOLAP - International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAPDMKD - Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryKDEX - Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange WorkshopNRDM - Workshop on Network-Related Data ManagementMobiDE - Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile AccessMDDS - Mobility in Databases and Distributed SystemsMEWS - Mining for Enhanced Web SearchTAKMA - Theory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagementWIDM: International Workshop on Web Information and Data ManagementW2GIS - International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems CDB - Constraint Databases and ApplicationsDTVE - Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual EnterprisesIWDOM - International Workshop on Distributed Object ManagementOODBS - Workshop on Object-Oriented Database SystemsPDIS: Parallel and Distributed Information SystemsAREA: Artificial Intelligence and Related SubjectsRank 1:AAAI: American Association for AI National ConferenceCVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern RecognitionIJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AIICCV: Intl Conf on Computer VisionICML: Intl Conf on Machine LearningKDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningKR: Intl Conf on Principles of KR & ReasoningNIPS: Neural Information Processing SystemsUAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AIAAMAS: Intl Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (past: ICAA)ACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics)Rank 2:NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACLAID: Intl Conf on AI in DesignAI-ED: World Conference on AI in EducationCAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and PatternsCSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceECCV: European Conference on Computer VisionEAI: European Conf on AIEML: European Conf on Machine LearningGECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (used to be GP)IAAI: Innovative Applications in AIICIP: Intl Conf on Image ProcessingICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural NetworksICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern RecognitionICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and RecognitionICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AIAMAI: Artificial Intelligence and MathsDAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsWACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionCOLING: International Conference on Computational LiguisticsEMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingEACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational LingusticsCoNLL: Conference on Natural Language LearningDocEng: ACM Symposium on Document EngineeringIEEE/WIC International Joint Conf on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Rank 3:PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AIAAI: Australian National Conf on AIACCV: Asian Conference on Computer VisionAI*IA: Congress of the Italian Assoc for AIANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in EngineeringANZIIS: Australian/NZ Conf on Intelligent Inf. SystemsCAIA: Conf on AI for ApplicationsCAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence ConferenceASADM: Chicago ASA Data Mining Conf: A Hard Look at DMEPIA: Portuguese Conference on Artificial IntelligenceFCKAML: French Conf on Know. Acquisition & Machine LearningICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural NetworksICCB: International Conference on Case-Based ReasoningICGA: International Conference on Genetic AlgorithmsICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information ProcessingIEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. & Eng. Apps of AI & Expert SysICMS: International Conference on Multiagent SystemsICPS: International conference on Planning SystemsIWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art & Natural Neural NetworksPACES: Pacific Asian Conference on Expert SystemsSCAI: Scandinavian Conference on Artifical IntelligenceSPICIS: Singapore Intl Conf on Intelligent SystemPAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data MiningSMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and CyberneticsPAKDDM: Practical App of Knowledge Discovery & Data MiningWCNN: The World Congress on Neural NetworksWCES: World Congress on Expert SystemsASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft ComputingPACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and ComputationICCC: International Conference on Chinese ComputingICADL: International Conference on Asian Digital LibrariesRANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language ProcessingNLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim SymposiumMeta-Heuristics International ConferenceRank 3:ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and AutomationNNSP: Neural Networks for Signal ProcessingICASSP: IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech and SPGCCCE: Global Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationICAI: Intl Conf on Artificial IntelligenceAEN: IASTED Intl Conf on AI, Exp Sys & Neural NetworksWMSCI: World Multiconfs on Sys, Cybernetics & InformaticsLREC: Language Resources and Evaluation ConferenceAIMSA: Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, ApplicationsAISC: Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic ComputationCIA: Cooperative Information AgentsInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation Pattern MatchingECAL: European Conference on Artificial LifeEKAW: Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and ManagementEMMCVPR: Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionEuroGP: European Conference on Genetic ProgrammingFoIKS: Foundations of Information and Knowledge SystemsIAWTIC: International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commer ceICAIL: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and LawSMIS: International Syposium on Methodologies for Intelligent SystemsIS&N: Intelligence and Services in NetworksJELIA: Logics in Artificial IntelligenceKI: German Conference on Artificial IntelligenceKRDB: Knowledge Representation Meets DatabasesMAAMAW: Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent WorldNC: ICSC Symposium on Neural ComputationPKDD: Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoverySBIA: Brazilian Symposium on Artificial IntelligenceScale-Space: Scale-Space Theories in Computer VisionXPS: Knowledge-Based SystemsI2CS: Innovative Internet Computing SystemsTARK: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge MeetingMKM: International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge ManagementACIVS: International Conference on Advanced Concepts For Intelligent Vision Systems ATAL: Agent Theories, Architectures, and LanguagesLACL: International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational LinguisticsAREA: Hardware and ArchitectureRank 1:ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OSISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer ArchitectureICCAD: Intl Conf on Computer-Aided DesignDAC: Design Automation ConfMICRO: Intl Symp on MicroarchitectureHPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp ArchitectureRank 2:FCCM: IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing MachinesSUPER: ACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceICS: Intl Conf on SupercomputingISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits ConfHCS: Hot Chips SympVLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI CircuitsCODES+ISSS: Intl Conf on Hardware/Software Codesign & System SynthesisDATE: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceFPL: Field-Programmable Logic and ApplicationsCASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Syste msRank 3:ICA3PP: Algs and Archs for Parall ProcEuroMICRO: New Frontiers of Information TechnologyACS: Australian Supercomputing ConfISC: Information Security ConferenceUnranked:Advanced Research in VLSIInternational Symposium on System SynthesisInternational Symposium on Computer DesignInternational Symposium on Circuits and SystemsAsia Pacific Design Automation ConferenceInternational Symposium on Physical DesignInternational Conference on VLSI DesignCANPC: Communication, Architecture, and Applications for Network-Based Parallel Computing CHARME: Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification MethodsCHES: Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded SystemsNDSS: Network and Distributed System Security SymposiumNOSA: Nordic Symposium on Software ArchitectureACAC: Australasian Computer Architecture ConferenceCSCC: WSES/IEEE world multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications & Computers ICN: IEEE International Conference on Networking Topology in Computer Science ConferenceAREA: Applications and MediaRank 1:I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsSIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH ConferenceACM-MM: ACM Multimedia ConferenceDCC: Data Compression ConfSIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp SysSIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information RetrievalPECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp \& Comm Sys WWW: World-Wide Web ConferenceRank 2:IEEE VisualizationEUROGRAPH: European Graphics ConferenceCGI: Computer Graphics InternationalCANIM: Computer AnimationPG: Pacific GraphicsICME: Intl Conf on MMedia & ExpoNOSSDAV: Network and OS Support for Digital A/VPADS: ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel \& Dist Simulation WSC: Winter Simulation ConferenceASS: IEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumMASCOTS: Symp Model Analysis \& Sim of Comp \& Telecom Sys PT: Perf Tools - Intl Conf on Model Tech \& Tools for CPE NetStore: Network Storage SymposiumMMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and NetworkingJCDL: Joint Conference on Digital LibrariesRank 3:ACM-HPC: ACM Hypertext ConfMMM: Multimedia ModellingDSS: Distributed Simulation SymposiumSCSC: Summer Computer Simulation ConferenceWCSS: World Congress on Systems SimulationESS: European Simulation SymposiumESM: European Simulation MulticonferenceHPCN: High-Performance Computing and NetworkingGeometry Modeling and ProcessingWISEDS-RT: Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications IEEE Intl Wshop on Dist Int Simul and Real-Time Applications ECIR: European Colloquium on Information RetrievalEd-MediaIMSA: Intl Conf on Internet and MMedia SysUn-ranked:DVAT: IS\&T/SPIE Conf on Dig Video Compression Alg \& TechMME: IEEE Intl Conf. on Multimedia in EducationICMSO: Intl Conf on Modelling, Simulation and OptimisationICMS: IASTED Intl Conf on Modelling and SimulationCOTIM: Conference on Telecommunications and Information MarketsDOA: International Symposium on Distributed Objects and ApplicationsECMAST: European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and TechniquesGIS: Workshop on Advances in Geographic Information SystemsIDA: Intelligent Data AnalysisIDMS: Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication ServicesIUI: Intelligent User InterfacesMIS: Workshop on Multimedia Information SystemsWECWIS: Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web/based Information Systems WIDM: Web Information and Data ManagementWOWMOM: Workshop on Wireless Mobile MultimediaWSCG: International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization LDTA: Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and ApplicationsIPDPSWPIM: International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Issues in Wireless N etworks and Mobile ComputingIWST: International Workshop on Scheduling and TelecommunicationsAPDCM: Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational ModelsCIMA: International ICSC Congress on Computational Intelligence: Methods and Applications FLA: Fuzzy Logic and Applications MeetingICACSD: International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System DesignICATPN: International conference on application and theory of Petri netsAICCSA: ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and ApplicationsCAGD: International Symposium of Computer Aided Geometric DesignSpanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image AnalysisInternational Workshop on Cluster Infrastructure for Web Server and E-Commerce Applications WSES ISA: Information Science And Applications ConferenceCHT: International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat TransferIMACS: International Conference on Applications of Computer AlgebraVIPromCom: International Symposium on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications PDMPR: International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Multimedia Processing & Retrieval International Symposium On Computational And Applied PdesPDCAT: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, and Tec hniquesBiennial Computational Techniques and Applications ConferenceSymposium on Advanced Computing in Financial MarketsWCCE: World Conference on Computers in EducationITCOM: SPIE's International Symposium on The Convergence of Information Technologies and Com municationsConference on Commercial Applications for High-Performance ComputingMSA: Metacomputing Systems and Applications WorkshopWPMC : International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications WSC: Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications HERCMA: Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications PARA: Workshop on Applied Parallel ComputingInternational Computer Science Conference: Active Media TechnologyIW-MMDBMS - Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management SystemsAREA: System TechnologyRank 1:SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & AppsINFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm SocSPAA: Symp on Parallel Algms and ArchitecturePODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingPPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingRTSS: Real Time Systems SympSOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS PrinciplesSOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and ImplementationCCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecurityIEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyMOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and NetworkingUSENIX Conf on Internet Tech and SysICNP: Intl Conf on Network ProtocolsPACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil TechRTAS: IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium ICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp SystemsRank 2:CC: Compiler ConstructionIPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing SympIC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and NetworksICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel ProcessingSRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed SystemsMPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt InterconnsASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsEuro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel ComputingFast Software EncryptionUsenix Security SymposiumEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityWCW: Web Caching WorkshopLCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer NetworksIPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & CommunicationsCCC: Cluster Computing ConferenceICC: Intl Conf on CommWCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceCSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopRank 3:MPCS: Intl. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsGLOBECOM: Global CommICCC: Intl Conf on Comp CommunicationNOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management SympCONPAR: Intl Conf on Vector and Parallel ProcessingVAPP: Vector and Parallel ProcessingICPADS: Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed SystemsPublic Key CryptosystemsAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyInt. Conf on Inofrm and Comm. SecurityFinancial CryptographyWorkshop on Information HidingSmart Card Research and Advanced Application ConferenceICON: Intl Conf on NetworksNCC: Nat Conf CommIN: IEEE Intell Network WorkshopSoftcomm: Conf on Software in Tcomms and Comp NetworksINET: Internet Society ConfWorkshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerceUn-ranked:PARCO: Parallel ComputingSE: Intl Conf on Systems Engineering (**)PDSECA: workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing with Appli cationsCACS: Computer Audit, Control and Security ConferenceSREIS: Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecuritySAFECOMP: International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and SecurityIREJVM: Workshop on Intermediate Representation Engineering for the Java Virtual Machine EC: ACM Conference on Electronic CommerceEWSPT: European Workshop on Software Process TechnologyHotOS: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating SystemsHPTS: High Performance Transaction SystemsHybrid SystemsICEIS: International Conference on Enterprise Information SystemsIOPADS: I/O in Parallel and Distributed SystemsIRREGULAR: Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured ProblemsKiVS: Kommunikation in Verteilten SystemenLCR: Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable ComputersMCS: Multiple Classifier SystemsMSS: Symposium on Mass Storage SystemsNGITS: Next Generation Information Technologies and SystemsOOIS: Object Oriented Information SystemsSCM: System Configuration ManagementSecurity Protocols WorkshopSIGOPS European WorkshopSPDP: Symposium on Parallel and Distributed ProcessingTreDS: Trends in Distributed SystemsUSENIX Technical ConferenceVISUAL: Visual Information and Information SystemsFoDS: Foundations of Distributed Systems: Design and Verification of Protocols conference RV: Post-CAV Workshop on Runtime VerificationICAIS: International ICSC-NAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent SystemsITiCSE: Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science EducationCSCS: CyberSystems and Computer Science ConferenceAUIC: Australasian User Interface ConferenceITI: Meeting of Researchers in Computer Science, Information Systems Research & Statistics European Conference on Parallel ProcessingRODLICS: Wses International Conference on Robotics, Distance Learning & Intelligent Communic ation SystemsInternational Conference On Multimedia, Internet & Video TechnologiesPaCT: Parallel Computing Technologies workshopPPAM: International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied MathematicsInternational Conference On Information Networks, Systems And TechnologiesAmiRE: Conference on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and EdutainmentDSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and NetworksIHW: Information Hiding WorkshopGTVMT: International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques AREA: Programming Languages and Software EngineeringRank 1:POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Prog LangsPLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symp on Prog Lang Design & ImplOOPSLA: OO Prog Systems, Langs and ApplicationsICFP: Intl Conf on Function ProgrammingJICSLP/ICLP/ILPS: (Joint) Intl Conf/Symp on Logic ProgICSE: Intl Conf on Software EngineeringFSE: ACM Conf on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc: ESEC-FSE) FM/FME: Formal Methods, World Congress/EuropeCAV: Computer Aided VerificationRank 2:CP: Intl Conf on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgTACAS: Tools and Algos for the Const and An of SystemsESOP: European Conf on ProgrammingICCL: IEEE Intl Conf on Computer LanguagesPEPM: Symp on Partial Evalutation and Prog ManipulationSAS: Static Analysis SymposiumRTA: Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsIWSSD: Intl Workshop on S/W Spec & DesignCAiSE: Intl Conf on Advanced Info System EngineeringSSR: ACM SIGSOFT Working Conf on Software ReusabilitySEKE: Intl Conf on S/E and Knowledge EngineeringICSR: IEEE Intl Conf on Software ReuseASE: Automated Software Engineering ConferencePADL: Practical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesISRE: Requirements EngineeringICECCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Eng. of Complex Computer SystemsIEEE Intl Conf on Formal Engineering MethodsIntl Conf on Integrated Formal MethodsFOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Comp StructAPLAS: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsMPC: Mathematics of Program ConstructionECOOP: European Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingICSM: Intl. Conf on Software MaintenanceHASKELL - Haskell WorkshopRank 3:FASE: Fund Appr to Soft EngAPSEC: Asia-Pacific S/E ConfPAP/PACT: Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint TechALP: Intl Conf on Algebraic and Logic ProgrammingPLILP: Prog, Lang Implentation & Logic ProgrammingLOPSTR: Intl Workshop on Logic Prog Synthesis & TransfICCC: Intl Conf on Compiler ConstructionCOMPSAC: Intl. Computer S/W and Applications ConfTAPSOFT: Intl Joint Conf on Theory & Pract of S/W DevWCRE: SIGSOFT Working Conf on Reverse EngineeringAQSDT: Symp on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev ToolsIFIP Intl Conf on Open Distributed ProcessingIntl Conf of Z UsersIFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Tes ting, And VerificationPSI (Ershov conference)UML: International Conference on the Unified Modeling LanguageUn-ranked:Australian Software Engineering ConferenceIEEE Int. W'shop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Sys. (WORDS)IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems EngineeringThe Northern Formal Methods WorkshopsFormal Methods PacificInt. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsJFPLC - International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint ProgrammingL&L - Workshop on Logic and LearningSFP - Scottish Functional Programming WorkshopLCCS - International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer ScienceVLFM - Visual Languages and Formal MethodsNASA LaRC Formal Methods WorkshopPASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and EngineeringTLCA: Typed Lambda Calculus and ApplicationsFATES - A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of SoftwareWorkshop On Java For High-Performance ComputingDSLSE - Domain-Specific Languages for Software EngineeringFTJP - Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java ProgramsWFLP - International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic ProgrammingFOOL - International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented LanguagesSREIS - Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecurityHLPP - International workshop on High-level parallel programming and applicationsINAP - International Conference on Applications of PrologMPOOL - Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO LanguagesPADO - Symposium on Programs as Data ObjectsTOOLS: Int'l Conf Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and SystemsAustralasian Conference on Parallel And Real-Time SystemsPASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and EngineeringAvoCS: Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical SystemsSPIN: Workshop on Model Checking of SoftwareFemSys: Workshop on Formal Design of Safety Critical Embedded SystemsAda-EuropePPDP: Principles and Practice of Declarative ProgrammingAPL ConferenceASM: Workshops on Abstract State MachinesCOORDINATION: Coordination Models and LanguagesDocEng: ACM Symposium on Document EngineeringDSV-IS: Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive SystemsFMCAD: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided DesignFMLDO: Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and ObjectsIFL: Implementation of Functional LanguagesILP: International Workshop on Inductive Logic ProgrammingISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and AnalysisITC: International Test ConferenceIWFM: Irish Workshop in Formal MethodsJava GrandeLP: Logic Programming: Japanese ConferenceLPAR: Logic Programming and Automated ReasoningLPE: Workshop on Logic Programming EnvironmentsLPNMR: Logic Programming and Non-monotonic ReasoningPJW: Workshop on Persistence and JavaRCLP: Russian Conference on Logic ProgrammingSTEP: Software Technology and Engineering PracticeTestCom: IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating SystemsVL: Visual LanguagesFMPPTA: Workshop on Formal Methods for Parallel Programming Theory and Applications WRS: International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming FATES: A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software FORMALWARE: Meeting on Formalware Engineering: Formal Methods for Engineering Software DRE: conference Data Reverse EngineeringSTAREAST: Software Testing Analysis & Review ConferenceConference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific ComputingInternational Testing Computer Software ConferenceLinux Showcase & ConferenceFLOPS: International Symposum on Functional and Logic ProgrammingGCSE: International Conference on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering JOSES: Java Optimization Strategies for Embedded Systems。


IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo
International Conference on Machine Learning
International Conference on Extending Database Technology
International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques
USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
International ConferenceonDatabase Systems for Advanced Applications
European Conference on Computer Vision






1. IEEE Transactions on Networking:这是一个由IEEE计算机协


2. ACM Transactions on Networking:这是一个由ACM(美国计算








(软件工程、系统软件与程序设计语言) 一、A 类
1 2 3
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
(软件工程、系统软件与程序设计语言) 一、A 类
ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundation of Software Engineering/ European Software Engineering Conference Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications International Conference on Software Engineering USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementations ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design & Implementation ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles



Rank 1:SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & Apps INFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm SocSPAA: Symp on Parallel Algms and ArchitecturePODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingPPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingRTSS: Real Time Systems SympSOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS PrinciplesSOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and ImplementationCCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecurityIEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyMOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and NetworkingUSENIX Conf on Internet Tech and SysICNP: Intl Conf on Network ProtocolsPACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil TechRTAS: IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium ICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp SystemsRank 2:CC: Compiler ConstructionIPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing SympIC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and NetworksICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel ProcessingSRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed SystemsMPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt InterconnsASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsEuro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel ComputingFast Software EncryptionUsenix Security SymposiumEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityWCW: Web Caching WorkshopLCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer NetworksIPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & CommunicationsCCC: Cluster Computing ConferenceICC: Intl Conf on CommWCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceCSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopRank 3:MPCS: Intl. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsGLOBECOM: Global CommICCC: Intl Conf on Comp CommunicationNOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management SympCONPAR: Intl Conf on Vector and Parallel ProcessingVAPP: Vector and Parallel ProcessingICPADS: Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed SystemsPublic Key CryptosystemsAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyInt. Conf on Inofrm and Comm. SecurityFinancial CryptographyWorkshop on Information HidingSmart Card Research and Advanced Application ConferenceICON: Intl Conf on NetworksNCC: Nat Conf CommIN: IEEE Intell Network WorkshopSoftcomm: Conf on Software in Tcomms and Comp NetworksINET: Internet Society ConfWorkshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerceUn-ranked:PARCO: Parallel ComputingSE: Intl Conf on Systems Engineering (**)PDSECA: workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications CACS: Computer Audit, Control and Security ConferenceSREIS: Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecuritySAFECOMP: International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and SecurityIREJVM: Workshop on Intermediate Representation Engineering for the Java Virtual MachineEC: ACM Conference on Electronic CommerceEWSPT: European Workshop on Software Process TechnologyHotOS: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating SystemsHPTS: High Performance Transaction SystemsHybrid SystemsICEIS: International Conference on Enterprise Information SystemsIOPADS: I/O in Parallel and Distributed SystemsIRREGULAR: Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured ProblemsKiVS: Kommunikation in Verteilten SystemenLCR: Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable ComputersMCS: Multiple Classifier SystemsMSS: Symposium on Mass Storage SystemsNGITS: Next Generation Information Technologies and SystemsOOIS: Object Oriented Information SystemsSCM: System Configuration ManagementSecurity Protocols WorkshopSIGOPS European WorkshopSPDP: Symposium on Parallel and Distributed ProcessingTreDS: Trends in Distributed SystemsUSENIX Technical ConferenceVISUAL: Visual Information and Information SystemsFoDS: Foundations of Distributed Systems: Design and Verification of Protocols conferenceRV: Post-CA V Workshop on Runtime VerificationICAIS: International ICSC-NAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent SystemsITiCSE: Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science EducationCSCS: CyberSystems and Computer Science ConferenceAUIC: Australasian User Interface ConferenceITI: Meeting of Researchers in Computer Science, Information Systems Research & StatisticsEuropean Conference on Parallel ProcessingRODLICS: Wses International Conference on Robotics, Distance Learning & Intelligent Communication Systems International Conference On Multimedia, Internet & Video TechnologiesPaCT: Parallel Computing Technologies workshopPPAM: International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied MathematicsInternational Conference On Information Networks, Systems And TechnologiesAmiRE: Conference on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and EdutainmentDSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and NetworksIHW: Information Hiding WorkshopGTVMT: International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling TechniquesIEEE通信领域的主要会议介绍:GLOBECOM (IEEE Global Communications Conference )ICASSP (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing)ICC (IEEE International Conference on Communications )INFOCOM (IEEE Conference on Computer Communications)MILCOM (IEEE Military Communications Conference )OFC (IEEE Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition)PIMRC (IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications) SPAWC (IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications)VTC (IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference)WCNC (IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference)CSNDSP (IEEE Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing)CTW (IEEE Communications Theory Workshop)ICACT (IEEE International Conference Advanced Communication T echnology)ICCCAS (IEEE International Conference of Communications, Circuits and Systems)INCC (IEEE International Networking and Communications Conference)ISCC (IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications)ISSSTA (IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications) ISWCS (IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems)ISIT (IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory)CCNC (IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference)1ACM SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Communication Architectures, Protocols & AppsACM的旗舰会议之一,也是网络领域顶级学术会议,内容侧重于有线网络,每年举办一次,录用率约为10%左右。



序号会议名称会议介绍代表领域1 ACM SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Communication Architectures, Protocols & Apps ACM的旗舰会议之一,也是网络领域顶级学术会议,内容侧重于有线网络,每年举办一次,录用率约为10%左右。

网络通信领域2 IEEE INFOCOM: The Conference on Computer Communications IEEE计算机和通信分会联合年会,由IEEE计算机通信技术委员会和IEEE通信协会联合举办,是信息通信领域规模最大的顶尖国际学术会议,录用率约为16%左右。


网络通信领域3 IEEE International conference on communications IEEE国际通信大会,是IEEE通信学会的两大旗舰会议之一。


网络通信领域4 IEEE Globecom: Global Telecommunications Conference IEEE全球电信会议,IEEE通信学会的两大旗舰会议之一。



网络通信领域5 IEEE ITC: International Test Conference 创始于1970年,是测试领域顶级学术会议,对工业界影响巨大。


网络通信领域6 IEEE The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks IEEE可靠系统和网络会议,是IEEE容错计算技术委员会主办的最重要的国际会议,也是可靠系统和网络领域历史最悠久,地位非常高的学术会议。



1.2计算机科学与技术重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议1.3自动化重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议数据挖掘相关的权威期刊和会议-----------------------------------------------[Journals]1.ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)2.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)3.Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery4.Knowledge and Information Systems5.Data & Knowledge Engineering[Conferences]1.SIGMOD:ACM Conference on Management of Data (ACM)2.VLDB:International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Morgan Kaufmann/ACM)3.ICDE:IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE Computer Society)4.SIGKDD:ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM)5.WWW:International World Wide Web Conferences (W3C)6.CIKM:ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ACM)7.PKDD:European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Springer-Verlag LNAI)JournalsACM TKDD /DMKD/content/1573-756X/?p=859c3e83455d41679ef1be783 e923d1d&pi=0IEEE TKDE /organizations/pubs/transactions/tkde.htm ACM TODS /tods/VLDB Journal /ACM Tois /pubs/tois/ConferencesSigKDD /ICDM /~icdm/SDM /meetings/sdm08/PKDD /VLDB /SigMod /sigmod/ICDE http://www.ipsi.fraunhofer.de/tcde/conf_e.htmlWWW /conferencesOnline Resources网址集合/Computers/Software/Databases/Data_Mining// A google co-op search engine for Data Mining/coop/cse?cx=006422944775554126616%3Aixcd3tdxkke Data Mining, University of Houston/boetticher/CSCI5931%20Data%20Mining.htmlData Mining Program, University of Central Florida / Data Mining Group, University of Dortmundhttp://www-ai.cs.uni-dortmund.de/index.htmlData Mining, MIT OCW/OcwWeb/Sloan-School-of-Management/15-062Data-MiningSpri ng2003/CourseHome/Data Mining Group, Tsinghua /dmg.html KDD oral presentations video Data Mining Events Feed /DataMiningEvents ToolsWeka /ml/weka/Rapid Miner(Yale) /content/view/3/76/lang,en/IlliMine /Alpha Miner http://www.eti.hku.hk/alphaminerPotter's Wheel A-B-C /abc/。



International Conference on Hybrid Systems: ACM, Springer / Computation and Control International Conference on Implementation and Springer Application of Automata International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking Springer Software International Conference on Verification, Model Springer Checking, and Abstract Interpretation International Symposium on Formal Methods for Springer Components and Objects International Conference on Formal Methods for Springer Open Object-based Distributed Systems ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal IEEE Methods and Models for Co-Design / /spin08/ /vmcai08/ http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/FMCO/ fmco08.html http://discotec08.ifi.uio.no/FMOODS08/ /memocontest08/
第 6 卷 第 10 期 2010 年 10 月
序号 会议简称 1. 2. 3. ISCA MICRO HPCA 会议全称 主办 网址 International Symposium on Computer ACM SIGARCH, IEEE h t t p://w w w.a c m.o r g/p u b s/c o n t e n t s/ Architecture TCCA proceedings/series/isca/ MICRO High-Performance Computer Architecture IEEE, ACM SIGMICRO / IEEE /~hpca/



计算机类国际会议列表CCF: Conference Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2013)CORE: Conference Rank (A*, A, B, C) from Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (2013) CCF CORE 简称AC4MICMCMPAKDD*DSNMobisysNetworkingBICoBGPCGPC'MobiSecServITNGICACIISSNIPMobiMediaCAiSEICTMDMMobiHocGISTAMENASEBigMMSustainITICDCSAISPAISPIMECS GLSVLSIEBW ICME IEA-AIECADSAIISBA EWCN NetSoftETS SOSE ICT4Agei ngWell WEBIST VTCBMSBGI Pervasiv e Health ICSIS CLOUDTEC H ECOOP AIMPE CSIT APMediaCastICEIT NVICT ICFCCScilabTECFMDINWCe-EnergyFCCMEBECEGCDIPDMWCWCOPSEAMSHotOSICSISMBECCBCloudCom-AsiaPetriNetsITiCSEWTSAda-EuropeftEICSHPDC*LICSSPAAICMRISPDCIJCNNICDM'MLDMACSDICACCFDisCoTecDAISFORTE COORDINA TIONAIMSBlackSeaComACNSICEUCESWC COMPSAC ICWSMDDECSIDCISCCSACMAT GECCO INTERACT ISSTA *SIGCOMMCSCSIH & MMSECCIS'RAMIACC ChinaSIP FAWINDINICARCPMTSPMSR MobileHCI*ICML LANMAN ICGSE *IJCAI WiSecEC*PODC SIES EUSIPCO MDADEBS ISSCSDSPICALP DATA ICSOFT PerDisKDD ICECEMobiquitous*ACLIJCNLP CLUSTER *ICFP DICTAP TAEECE PADSParCo INTECH AICoBICPPICETE SIMULTECHICINCO PACIS ICCTIMICSSPOBDFiCloud MobiWISISCEAIPRDEISESECFSEWeb3D MASCOTS WIMSAVSSSSTD ICCCEG TrustCom BDSE ISPAMM ICCSE ICER ICETC ICITA ICDP ESEM FedCSIS SIGDOC FGCT ICT-DMACN ICIA'SLE GPCE Context BODYNETS ACPR ICESS' FGCNMAS MulGraBACSNPSIVT GCIRE ISDF ICeNDICIISCT ICDMMIPA DDDMBD EEETEM SECONWCCI计算机类国际会议列表nk (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2013)2014-12-8Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI2014-12-92015-2-3########(exteded)International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for DigitalAudio and Video########2015-2-2International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc,and Wireless Networks########2015-2-15########(exteded)########(exteded)International Conference on E-Technologies and Business on the Web ########2015-2-12########(exteded)########(exteded)International CAD Conference and Exhibition ########2015-1-15########(exteded)International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis ########2015-1-20International Conference on Emerging Wireless Communications and Networking ########2015-2-15IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization ########2015-2-15European Test Symposium ########2015-2-20########(exteded)International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies forAgeing Well and e-Health########2015-3-11International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies ########2015-3-11########(exteded)International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting ########2015-3-2Graphics Interface Conference ########2015-2-26International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare ########2015-3-6########2015-1-20International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications ########2015-2-28European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming########International Conference on Intelligent Materials, Power and Energy ################International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology########2015-2-9Asia Pacific Conference on Multimedia and Broadcasting ########2014-2-23######## (exteded)International Conference on New Visions for Information and CommunicationTechnology########2015-3-15International Conference on Future Computer and Communication 2015-1-12015-1-20International Conference on Educational and Information Technology2015-1-25Vehicular Technology Conference 2015-1-26International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering 2015-1-6Science and Information Conference 2015-1-15International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems 2015-2-27 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2015-3-15International Symposium on Real-time Distributed Computing 2015-1-30International Conference on Computational Intelligence 2015-1-5International Conference on Multimedia TechnologyInternational Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing 2015-1-21International Scilab Users Conference2015-1-22015-2-10International Symposium on Formal Methods2015-1-22015-3-13International Conference on Digital Information, Networking, and WirelessCommunications2015-1-3International Conference on Future Energy Systems2015-1-52015-4-1International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom ComputingMachines 2015-1-62015-3-2International Conference on Electrical and Bio-medical Engineering, CleanEnergy and Green Computing2015-1-8International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, andWireless Communications2015-1-82015-1-92015-2-18USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems2015-1-92015-3-16International Conference on Supercomputing2015-1-92015-3-16International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology2015-1-92015-3-27European Conference on Computational Biology2015-1-92015-3-27International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data2015-1-102015-2-20International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets andConcurrency2015-1-102015-3-1International Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer ScienceEducation2015-1-11Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2015-1-112015-2-8International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies 2015-1-112015-3-12015-1-11(exteded)International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems 2015-1-122015-2-16ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems2015-1-122015-2-17International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and DistributedComputing2015-1-122015-3-16IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science2015-1-122015-3-30ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures2015-1-142015-3-23International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval2015-1-152015-3-152015-1-15(exteded)International Joint Conference on Neural Networks2015-1-152015-3-15Industrial Conference on Data Mining2015-1-152015-3-18International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining 2015-1-152015-3-18International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design2015-1-152015-3-26International Conference on Autonomic Computing 2015-1-152015-4-10International Conference on Computer Frontiers2015-1-162015-2-20International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques 2015-1-162015-3-6International Conference on Distributed Applications and InteroperableSystems 2015-1-162015-3-6International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems2015-1-162015-3-6International Conference on Coordination Models and LanguagesInternational Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing 2015-3-15International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications 2015-3-5International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management andSecurity2015-1-162015-3-11International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking 2015-1-162015-3-15International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security 2015-1-162015-3-17International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing2015-1-172015-2-17Extended Semantic Web Conference2015-1-172015-3-9International Computer Software and Applications Conference 2015-1-172015-3-15International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media2015-1-182015-3-9IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits andSystems 2015-1-182015-3-13International Conference on Interaction Design & Children2015-1-192015-3-2IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications 2015-1-192015-3-27ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies2015-1-202015-3-20Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference2015-1-212015-3-202015-1-23(exteded)International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2015-1-232015-4-1Annual Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on DataCommunication 2015-1-232015-4-24International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing2015-1-252015-3-25International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software IntensiveSystems 2015-1-252015-3-25International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval 2015-1-28 International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science2015-1-312015-3-8ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security 2015-1-312015-3-31International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems2015-1-312015-3-31International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics2015-1-312015-3-312015-1-31(exteded)IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and InformationProcessing2015-1-312015-4-20International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop 2015-2-12015-3-10International Conference on Industrial Informatics 2015-2-12015-4-10International Conference on Advanced Robotics 2015-2-12015-4-15Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching2015-2-22015-3-31International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing2015-2-52015-4-10Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories2015-2-62015-3-16International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices2015-2-62015-4-20International Conference on Machine Learning2015-2-62015-4-24International Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks2015-2-82015-3-15International Conference on Global Software Engineering 2015-2-82015-3-27International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence2015-2-82015-4-16ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks2015-2-102015-4-7ACM Conference on Economics and Computation2015-2-102015-4-16ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing2015-2-102015-4-27International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems2015-2-132015-3-27European Signal Processing Conference2015-2-132015-5-22International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals2015-2-152015-3-18International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems2015-2-152015-4-20International Advance Computing Conference2015-4-2International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2015-3-13International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability,Security and Robustness2015-2-152015-6-27International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems 2015-2-162015-4-6International Conference on Digital Signal Processing2015-2-162015-4-13International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming 2015-2-172015-4-15International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications2015-2-172015-5-6International Joint conference on Software Technologies2015-2-172015-5-62015-2-18(exteded)ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining2015-2-20International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering 2015-2-202015-3-15International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design 2015-2-222015-5-1International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing,Networking and Services2015-2-232015-4-30Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2015-2-272015-4-23International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing2015-2-272015-4-23IEEE Cluster2015-2-272015-4-23ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming 2015-2-272015-5-1International Conference on Digital Information and CommunicationTechnology and its Applications2015-2-282015-3-28International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronicsand Computer Engineering2015-2-282015-3-28ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation2015-2-282015-4-1International Conference on Parallel Computing2015-2-282015-5-15International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology 2015-3-12015-4-1International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology2015-3-22015-4-10International Conference on Parallel Processing2015-3-22015-4-24International Joint Conference on e-business and Telecommunications 2015-3-32015-4-28International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies,Technologies and Applications2015-3-32015-4-28International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics2015-3-32015-4-28Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems2015-3-42015-5-222015-3-5(exteded)International Conference on Software and System Process2015-3-92015-5-4International Conference on Open and Big Data2015-3-102015-5-30International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud 2015-3-102015-5-30International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems 2015-3-102015-5-30IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics2015-3-142015-4-24International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2015-3-16International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems2015-3-16European Software Engineering Conference2015-3-16ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering2015-3-16International Symposium on Web3D Technology2015-3-162015-4-19International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computerand Telecommunication Systems2015-3-162015-5-20International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics 2015-3-172015-4-27International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance2015-3-222015-5-24International Conference on Computing Technology and InformationManagement2015-4-1International Symposium on Pervasive Displays2015-3-27ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software forHumanity2015-3-25 International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases2015-3-272015-5-22 International Conference on Cloud Computing and e-Governance2015-3-302015-4-15 International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy inComputing andCommunications2015-3-312015-5-31 International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering2015-3-312015-5-31International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing withApplications 2015-3-312015-5-31International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics2015-3-312015-6-1ACM Multimedia2015-3-312015-7-6 International Conference on Computer Science & Education2015-4-12015-5-15 International Conference on Computing Education Research2015-4-132015-6-1 International Conference on Education Technologies and Computers2015-4-15International Conference on Information Technology and Applications2015-4-152015-5-1 International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention2015-4-152015-5-25 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement2015-4-222015-6-10 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems2015-4-242015-6-15 ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication2015-4-302015-5-15 International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies2015-5-12015-6-10 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies forDisaster Management2015-5-22015-7-21 International Conference on Advanced Communication and Networking2015-5-152015-5-30 International Conference on Informatics & Applications2015-5-252015-6-20 International Conference on Software Language Engineering2015-6-1 International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences2015-6-1 International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context2015-6-12015-7-13 International Conference on Body Area Networks2015-6-12015-7-31 Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition2015-6-12015-8-17 International Conference on Electronics and Software Science2015-6-20 International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking2015-6-302015-7-15 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation2015-6-302015-7-15 International Conference on Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting2015-6-302015-7-15 International Conference on Advanced Computer Systems and Networks:Design and Application2015-7-202015-7-30 Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology2015-7-242015-9-9International Conference on Green Computing, Intelligent and RenewableEnergies 2015-8-82015-8-18International Conference in Information Security and Digital Forensics2015-8-82015-8-18 International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development2015-8-102015-8-15 International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and ComputingTechnologies2015-8-18 International Conference on Data Mining, Multimedia, Image Processing andtheir Applications2015-8-18International Conference on Database, Data Warehouse, Data Mining and BigData 2015-8-25International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Telecommunication Engineering, and Mechatronics2015-9-27IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad HocCommunications and Networks2015-12-52015-3-13 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence2016-1-152016-3-152015-3-18Hong Kong, China1031722015-5-20Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA2522982015-3-19Portland, Oregon, USA 2529902015-5-25IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India 1334812015-3-26Paris, France 322012015-6-22London, UK 030752015-3-23Hong Kong, China 0202015-4-6Erbil, Iraq 04652015-4-13London, UK1692015-5-25Cluj-Napoca, Romania 203692015-5-20Lisbon, Portugal 02392015-5-20Lisbon, Portugal 1126412015-6-17Ghent, Belgium1024282015-6-3Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada4127722015-5-21Istanbul, Turkey 92212015-5-9Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 01702015-6-2Marrakech, Morocco 41162015-7-6Prague, Czech Republic2934582015-4-11Xiamen, China 25372015-3-18Amman, Jordan716322015-4-23Bali, Indonesia 0122015-5-27Amman, Jordan 21472015-5-20Singapore7180Glasgow, Scotland 8134022015-3-19Florence, Italy 2015-5-11410542015-3-30San Francisco, California, USA 939152015-7-28London, UK 01017Torino, Italy 1655382015-6-10Seoul, Korea 2015-6-292830202015-4-13Auckland, New Zealand1830332015-2-16Innsbruck, Austria 6210Mashhad, Iran0892015-3-28Sydney, Australia 2015-3-3435672015-5-21Paris, France7125 2015-6-24Oslo, Norway2028412015-2-3Moscow, Russia34842015-7-14Bangalore, India652 2015-5-3Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada2328842015-1-28Dubai, United Arab Emirates0269 2015-1-28Dubai, United Arab Emirates0236 2015-5-4Montreal, Canada202128 2015-5-18Florence, Italy1029032015-5-18Kartause Ittingen, Switzerland153150 2015-6-8Newport Beach, California, USA293482 2015-7-10Dublin, Ireland233870 2015-7-10Dublin, Ireland1427752015-6-17Huangshan, China01464 2015-6-24Brussels, Belgium361836 2015-7-6Vilnius, Lithuania203470 2015-4-15New York City, New York, USA01902 2015-6-22Madrid, Spain202712 2015-5-12Sousse, Tunisia0166 2015-5-16Florence,Italy248 2015-6-23Duisburg, Germany72238 2015-6-15Portland, Oregon, USA2440342015-7-6Kyoto, Japan303554 2015-6-13Portland, Oregon, USA273596 2015-6-23Shanghai, China032172015-6-29Limassol, Cyprus1426042015-7-11Killarney, Ireland04345 2015-7-15Hamburg, Germany143185 2015-7-20Hamburg, Germany113455 2015-6-24Brussels, Belgium152458 2015-7-7Grenoble, France123377 2015-5-18Ischia, Italy122155 2015-6-2Grenoble,France1071 2015-6-2Grenoble, France152240 2015-6-2Grenoble, France3530192015-6-2Grenoble, France1720472015-6-22Ghent, Belgium 924482015-5-18Constanta, Romania 314242015-6-2New York City, New York, USA 1343572015-7-17Oslo, Norway 726022015-5-31Portoroz, Slovenia 1231102015-7-1Taichung, Taiwan 3948772015-5-26Oxford, UK 928822015-4-22Belgrade, Serbia1818062015-6-21Boston, Massachusetts, USA142932015-7-6Larnaca, Cyprus 2075122015-6-1Vienna, Austria 2040212015-7-11Madrid, Spain2451702015-7-12Baltimore, Maryland, USA1542602015-8-17London, UK2172022015-7-8Blumenau, Brazil 934792015-7-8Blumenau, Brazil 925402015-8-9Santiago, Chile 3845212015-5-27Bucharest, Romania 201502015-6-17Portland, Oregon, USA 325192015-7-15Angkor Wat, Cambodia 71902015-7-15Angkor Wat, Cambodia 72192015-7-12Chengdu, China 3182015-7-3Guilin, China 933052015-7-22Cambridge, UK 1330132015-7-27Istanbul, Turkey 1747342015-6-28Ischia Island, Italy 2628322015-7-9Prague, Czech Republic 38222015-5-16Florence, Italy 1223952015-8-24Copenhagen, Denmark 1718182015-7-6Lille, France 33109192015-4-22Beijing, China 2113372015-7-13Ciudad Real, Spain 10142015-7-25Buenos Aires, Argentina 2534702015-6-22New York City, New York, USA827882015-6-15Portland, Oregon, USA 1631142015-7-21Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain3431132015-6-8Siegen, Germany 1021732015-8-31Nice, France 2333972015-7-11Hamburg, Germany 1025662015-6-29 Oslo, Norway930635468Bamberg, Germany 157092015-6-12Bangalore, India 2015-9-142015-8-19Taipei, Taiwan 114172015-7-9Iasi, Romania 12182015-7-21Singapore 203152015-7-6Kyoto, Japan 4236122015-7-20Colmar, Alsace, France 4832015-7-20Colmar, Alsace, France 10982015-8-10Sydney, Australia 2162652015-4-18Guilin, China 538322015-7-22Rome, Italy 1533852015-7-22Coimbra, Portugal1231802015-7-26Beijing, China 5335432015-7-26Beijing, China 730392015-9-8Chicago, Illinois, USA1738572015-8-31Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2028102015-4-29Beirut, Lebanon 528712015-4-29Beirut, Lebanon 323342015-6-15London, UK 2926922015-9-1Edinburgh, Scotland 1636362015-5-20Galicia, Spain 58862015-8-4Mexico City, Mexico 2152015-9-1Beijing, China 4440732015-7-20Colmar, Alsace, France 12802015-7-21Colmar, Alsace, France 5922015-7-21Colmar, Alsace, France12782015-7-6Singapore191662015-8-24Tallinn, Estonia 1131482015-8-24Rome, Italy 0162015-8-24Rome, Italy 35102015-8-24Rome, Italy 1215702015-6-17Madrid, Spain 1936992015-4-16Shenzhen, China 22782015-4-16Shenzhen, China 314602015-8-31Bergamo, Italy 1031762015-8-31Bergamo, Italy 2347482015-6-18Heraklion, Crete, Greece 2021062015-10-5Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2325812015-7-13Limassol, Cyprus 5762015-8-25Karlsruhe, Germany122844392015-4-21Johor, Malaysia 22982015-6-10Saarbrucken, Germany 4########Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA026712015-8-26Seoul, Korea142663 2015-6-25Seoul, Korea424802015-8-20Helsinki, Finland1425882015-8-20Helsinki, Finland4480 2015-8-20Helsinki, Finland133556 ########Hong Kong, China02785 ########Brisbane, Australia233187 2015-6-22Cambridge, UK105677 2015-8-10Omaha, Nebraska, USA113142 2015-5-20Bangkok, Thailand2253 2015-7-1Sydney, Australia102948 2015-7-15London, UK6287 ########Beijing, China92564 2015-9-13Lodz, Poland02334 2015-7-16Limerick, Ireland045 2015-7-29Luton, UK42212########Rennes, France2162015-7-8Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia73012 2015-7-20Takamatsu, Japan42194 ########Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA866 ########Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA142173 2015-11-2Larnaca, Cyprus917 2015-9-28Sydney, Australia1043 2015-11-3Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia3140 2015-7-20Takamatsu, Japan0148 ########Jeju Island, Korea92580 ########Jeju Island, Korea41919 ########Jeju Island, Korea716712015-9-14Lviv, Ukraine71574########Auckland, New Zealand73377 2015-9-29Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia0181 2015-9-29Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2506 2015-9-21Lodz, Poland421442015-9-18Udaipur, Rajasthan, India0247 2015-9-18Udaipur, Rajasthan, India0233 2015-9-10Tangerang, Indonesia0186########Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia0268 2015-6-30Seattle, Washington, USA123224 2016-7-25Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada03738。







1. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking-该期刊是IEEE和ACM联合出版的,是计算机网络领域最重要的期刊之一- Transactions on Networking发表了许多具有重要影响力的研究论文,涵盖了网络协议、网络性能评估、网络安全等方面。

2. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology(TOIT)-该期刊关注互联网技术和计算机网络的各个方面,包括网络架构、安全与隐私、网络应用等。

- TOIT是ACM的一个主要期刊,发表了很多关于互联网和Web技术的研究成果。



综上所述,中国计算机学会推荐的计算机网络方向国际学术会议包括IEEE INFOCOM、ACM SIGCOMM和ANCS等;推荐的国际学术期刊包括IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking、ACM TOIT和IEEE JSAC等。




AREA: Artificial Intelligence and Related SubjectsRank 1:AAAI: American Association for AI National ConferenceCVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern RecognitionIJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AIICCV: Intl Conf on Computer VisionICML: Intl Conf on Machine LearningKDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningKR: Intl Conf on Principles of KR & ReasoningNIPS: Neural Information Processing SystemsUAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AIICAA: International Conference on Autonomous AgentsACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics) Rank 2:NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACLAID: Intl Conf on AI in DesignAI-ED: World Conference on AI in EducationCAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and PatternsCSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceECCV: European Conference on Computer VisionEAI: European Conf on AIEML: European Conf on Machine LearningGP: Genetic Programming ConferenceIAAI: Innovative Applications in AIICIP: Intl Conf on Image ProcessingICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural NetworksICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern RecognitionICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AIAMAI: Artificial Intelligence and MathsDAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsWACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionCOLING: International Conference on Computational LiguisticsEMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingEACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational Lingustics CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language LearningRank 3:PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AIAAI: Australian National Conf on AIACCV: Asian Conference on Computer VisionAI*IA: Congress of the Italian Assoc for AIANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in EngineeringANZIIS: Australian/NZ Conf on Intelligent Inf. SystemsCAIA: Conf on AI for ApplicationsCAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence ConferenceASADM: Chicago ASA Data Mining Conf: A Hard Look at DMEPIA: Portuguese Conference on Artificial IntelligenceFCKAML: French Conf on Know. Acquisition & Machine LearningICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural NetworksICCB: International Conference on Case-Based ReasoningICGA: International Conference on Genetic AlgorithmsICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information ProcessingIEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. & Eng. Apps of AI & Expert SysICMS: International Conference on Multiagent SystemsICPS: International conference on Planning SystemsIWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art & Natural Neural NetworksPACES: Pacific Asian Conference on Expert SystemsSCAI: Scandinavian Conference on Artifical IntelligenceSPICIS: Singapore Intl Conf on Intelligent SystemPAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data MiningSMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and CyberneticsPAKDDM: Practical App of Knowledge Discovery & Data MiningWCNN: The World Congress on Neural NetworksWCES: World Congress on Expert SystemsINBS: IEEE Intl Symp on Intell. in Neural \& Bio SystemsASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft ComputingPACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation ICCC: International Conference on Chinese ComputingICADL: International Conference on Asian Digital LibrariesRANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language ProcessingNLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim SymposiumOthers:ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and AutomationNNSP: Neural Networks for Signal ProcessingICASSP: IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech and SPGCCCE: Global Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationICAI: Intl Conf on Artificial IntelligenceAEN: IASTED Intl Conf on AI, Exp Sys & Neural NetworksWMSCI: World Multiconfs on Sys, Cybernetics & InformaticsLREC: Language Resources and Evaluation ConferenceAREA: Hardware and ArchitectureRank 1:ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OSISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer ArchitectureICCAD: Intl Conf on Computer-Aided DesignDAC: Design Automation ConfMICRO: Intl Symp on MicroarchitectureHPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp ArchitectureRank 2:FCCM: IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines SUPER: ACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceICS: Intl Conf on SupercomputingISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits ConfHCS: Hot Chips SympVLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI CircuitsISSS: International Symposium on System SynthesisDATE: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceRank 3:ICA3PP: Algs and Archs for Parall ProcEuroMICRO: New Frontiers of Information TechnologyACS: Australian Supercomputing ConfUnranked:Advanced Research in VLSIInternational Symposium on System SynthesisInternational Symposium on Computer DesignInternational Symposium on Circuits and SystemsAsia Pacific Design Automation ConferenceInternational Symposium on Physical DesignInternational Conference on VLSI DesignAREA: ApplicationsRank 1:I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsSIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH ConferenceACM-MM: ACM Multimedia ConferenceDCC: Data Compression ConfSIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp SysSIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information RetrievalPECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp \& Comm SysWWW: World-Wide Web ConferenceRank 2:EUROGRAPH: European Graphics ConferenceCGI: Computer Graphics InternationalCANIM: Computer AnimationPG: Pacific GraphicsNOSSDAV: Network and OS Support for Digital A/VPADS: ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel \& Dist SimulationWSC: Winter Simulation ConferenceASS: IEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumMASCOTS: Symp Model Analysis \& Sim of Comp \& Telecom Sys PT: Perf Tools - Intl Conf on Model Tech \& Tools for CPENetStore: Network Storage SymposiumMMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and NetworkingJCDL: Joint Conference on Digital LibrariesRank 3:ACM-HPC: ACM Hypertext ConfMMM: Multimedia ModellingICME: Intl Conf on MMedia & ExpoDSS: Distributed Simulation SymposiumSCSC: Summer Computer Simulation ConferenceWCSS: World Congress on Systems SimulationESS: European Simulation SymposiumESM: European Simulation MulticonferenceHPCN: High-Performance Computing and NetworkingGeometry Modeling and ProcessingWISEDS-RT: Distributed Simulation and Real-time ApplicationsIEEE Intl Wshop on Dist Int Simul and Real-Time ApplicationsECIR: European Colloquium on Information RetrievalUn-ranked:DVAT: IS\&T/SPIE Conf on Dig Video Compression Alg \& TechMME: IEEE Intl Conf. on Multimedia in EducationICMSO: Intl Conf on Modelling, Simulation and OptimisationICMS: IASTED Intl Conf on Modelling and SimulationAREA: System Technology (Including networking and security) Rank 1:SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & AppsSPAA: Symp on Parallel Algms and ArchitecturePODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingPPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingMassPar: Symp on Frontiers of Massively Parallel ProcRTSS: Real Time Systems SympSOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS PrinciplesOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and ImplementationCCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecurityS&P (Oakland): IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyMOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and NetworkingMOBIHOC: ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and ComputingICNP: Intl Conf on Network ProtocolsOPENARCH: IEEE Conf on Open Arch and Network ProgPACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil TechINFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm SocRank 2:USENIX Symp on Internet Tech and SysCC: Compiler ConstructionIPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing SympMOBISYS: International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services SenSys: ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor SystemsICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel ProcessingICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp SystemsSRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed SystemsMPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt InterconnsASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsEuro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel ComputingUsenix Security SymposiumNDSS: ISOC Network and Distributed System Security SymposiumESORICS: European Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityRAID: International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion DetectionDSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and NetworksACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications ConferenceWCW: Web Caching WorkshopLCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer NetworksIPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & CommunicationsCCC: Cluster Computing ConferenceICC: Intl Conf on CommWCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceIPSN: International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks IPTPS: Annual International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer SystemsCSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopRank 3:MPCS: Intl. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsGLOBECOM: Global CommIMC: Internet Measurement ConferenceIC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and NetworksICCC: Intl Conf on Comp CommunicationNOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management SympCONPAR: Intl Conf on Vector and Parallel ProcessingVAPP: Vector and Parallel ProcessingICPADS: Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed SystemsPublic Key CryptosystemsFast Software EncryptionSecureComm: Int. Conf on Security and Privacy for Emerging Areas in Communication NetworksAsiaCCS: ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security ACNS: International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network SecurityAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyInt. Conf on Inofrm and Comm. SecurityFinancial CryptographyWorkshop on Information HidingSmart Card Research and Advanced Application ConferenceICON: Intl Conf on NetworksIMSA: Intl Conf on Internet and MMedia SysNCC: Nat Conf CommIN: IEEE Intell Network WorkshopSoftcomm: Conf on Software in Tcomms and Comp NetworksINET: Internet Society ConfWorkshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerceEEE: IEEE Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (Suggested by Roy Grønmo. Thanks)Un-ranked:PARCO: Parallel ComputingSE: Intl Conf on Systems EngineeringAREA: Programming Languages and Software EngineeringRank 1:POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Prog LangsPLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symp on Prog Lang Design & ImplOOPSLA: OO Prog Systems, Langs and ApplicationsICFP: Intl Conf on Function ProgrammingJICSLP/ICLP/ILPS: (Joint) Intl Conf/Symp on Logic ProgICSE: Intl Conf on Software EngineeringFSE: ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc: ESEC-FSE when held jointly)FM/FME: Formal Methods, World Congress/EuropeCAV: Computer Aided VerificationRank 2:CP: Intl Conf on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgTACAS: Tools and Algos for the Const and An of SystemsESOP: European Conf on ProgrammingICCL: IEEE Intl Conf on Computer LanguagesPEPM: Symp on Partial Evalutation and Prog ManipulationSAS: Static Analysis SymposiumRTA: Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsESEC: European Software Engineering ConfIWSSD: Intl Workshop on S/W Spec & DesignCAiSE: Intl Conf on Advanced Info System EngineeringITC: IEEE Intl Test ConfIWCASE: Intl Workshop on Cumpter-Aided Software EngSSR: ACM SIGSOFT Working Conf on Software ReusabilitySEKE: Intl Conf on S/E and Knowledge EngineeringICSR: IEEE Intl Conf on Software ReuseASE: Automated Software Engineering ConferencePADL: Practical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesISRE: Requirements EngineeringICECCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Eng. of Complex Computer SystemsIEEE Intl Conf on Formal Engineering MethodsIntl Conf on Integrated Formal MethodsFOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Comp StructRank 3:FASE: Fund Appr to Soft EngAPSEC: Asia-Pacific S/E ConfPAP/PACT: Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint TechALP: Intl Conf on Algebraic and Logic ProgrammingPLILP: Prog, Lang Implentation & Logic ProgrammingLOPSTR: Intl Workshop on Logic Prog Synthesis & TransfICCC: Intl Conf on Compiler ConstructionCOMPSAC: Intl. Computer S/W and Applications ConfCSM: Conf on Software MaintenanceTAPSOFT: Intl Joint Conf on Theory & Pract of S/W DevWCRE: SIGSOFT Working Conf on Reverse EngineeringAQSDT: Symp on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev ToolsIFIP Intl Conf on Open Distributed ProcessingIntl Conf of Z UsersIFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing, And VerificatiPSI (Ershov conference)UML: International Conference on the Unified Modeling LanguageEDOC: IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing (Suggested by Roy Grønmo.) Un-ranked:Australian Software Engineering ConferenceIEEE Int. W'shop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Sys. (WORDS)IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems EngineeringThe Northern Formal Methods WorkshopsFormal Methods PacificInt. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsJFPLC - International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint ProgrammingL&L - Workshop on Logic and LearningSFP - Scottish Functional Programming WorkshopHASKELL - Haskell WorkshopLCCS - International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer ScienceVLFM - Visual Languages and Formal MethodsNASA LaRC Formal Methods Workshop(1) FATES - A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software(1) Workshop On Java For High-Performance Computing(1) DSLSE - Domain-Specific Languages for Software Engineering(1) FTJP - Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs(*) WFLP - International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (*) FOOL - International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented L anguages (*) SREIS - Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Sec urity(*) HLPP - International workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications (*) INAP - International Conference on Applications of Prolog(*) MPOOL - Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages(*) PADO - Symposium on Programs as Data Objects(*) TOOLS: Int'l Conf Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems(*) Australasian Conference on Parallel And Real-Time SystemsAREA: Algorithms and TheoryRank 1:STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of ComputingFOCS: IEEE Symp on Foundations of Computer ScienceCOLT: Computational Learning TheoryLICS: IEEE Symp on Logic in Computer ScienceSCG: ACM Symp on Computational GeometrySODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete AlgorithmsSPAA: ACM Symp on Parallel Algorithms and ArchitecturesPODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingISSAC: Intl. Symp on Symbolic and Algebraic ComputationCRYPTO: Advances in CryptologyEUROCRYPT: European Conf on CryptographyRank 2:CONCUR: International Conference on Concurrency TheoryICALP: Intl Colloquium on Automata, Languages and ProgSTACS: Symp on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceCC: IEEE Symp on Computational ComplexityWADS: Workshop on Algorithms and Data StructuresMFCS: Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceSWAT: Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm TheoryESA: European Symp on AlgorithmsIPCO: MPS Conf on integer programming & comb optimization LFCS: Logical Foundations of Computer ScienceALT: Algorithmic Learning TheoryEUROCOLT: European Conf on Learning TheoryWDAG: Workshop on Distributed AlgorithmsISTCS: Israel Symp on Theory of Computing and SystemsISAAC: Intl Symp on Algorithms and ComputationFST&TCS: Foundations of S/W Tech & Theoretical CSLATIN: Intl Symp on Latin American Theoretical Informatics RECOMB: Annual Intl Conf on Comp Molecular BiologyCADE: Conf on Automated DeductionIEEEIT: IEEE Symposium on Information TheoryAsiacryptRank 3:MEGA: Methods Effectives en Geometrie AlgebriqueASIAN: Asian Computing Science ConfCCCG: Canadian Conf on Computational GeometryFCT: Fundamentals of Computation TheoryWG: Workshop on Graph TheoryCIAC: Italian Conf on Algorithms and ComplexityICCI: Advances in Computing and InformationAWTI: Argentine Workshop on Theoretical InformaticsCATS: The Australian Theory SympCOCOON: Annual Intl Computing and Combinatorics ConfUMC: Unconventional Models of ComputationMCU: Universal Machines and ComputationsGD: Graph DrawingSIROCCO: Structural Info & Communication ComplexityALEX: Algorithms and ExperimentsALG: ENGG Workshop on Algorithm EngineeringLPMA: Intl Workshop on Logic Programming and Multi-Agents EWLR: European Workshop on Learning RobotsCITB: Complexity & info-theoretic approaches to biologyFTP: Intl Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving (FTP)CSL: Annual Conf on Computer Science Logic (CSL)AAAAECC: Conf On Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algms & ECC DMTCS: Intl Conf on Disc Math and TCSUn-ranked:Information Theory WorkshopAREA: Data BasesRank 1:SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of DataPODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB SystemsVLDB: Very Large Data BasesICDE: Intl Conf on Data EngineeringICDT: Intl Conf on Database TheoryRank 2:SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial DatabasesDEXA: Database and Expert System ApplicationsFODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data OrganizationEDBT: Extending DB TechnologyDOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesDASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsCIKM: Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge ManagementSSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB MgmtCoopIS - Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling (ER)Rank 3:COMAD: Intl Conf on Management of DataBNCOD: British National Conference on DatabasesADC: Australasian Database ConferenceADBIS: Symposium on Advances in DB and Information SystemsDaWaK - Data Warehousing and Knowledge DiscoveryRIDE WorkshopIFIP-DS: IFIP-DS ConferenceIFIP-DBSEC - IFIP Workshop on Database SecurityNGDB: Intl Symp on Next Generation DB Systems and AppsADTI: Intl Symp on Advanced DB Technologies and IntegrationFEWFDB: Far East Workshop on Future DB SystemsMDM - Int. Conf. on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)ICDM - IEEE International Conference on Data MiningVDB - Visual Database SystemsIDEAS - International Database Engineering and Application Symposium Others:ARTDB - Active and Real-Time Database SystemsCODAS: Intl Symp on Cooperative DB Systems for Adv AppsDBPL - Workshop on Database Programming LanguagesEFIS/EFDBS - Engineering Federated Information (Database) Systems KRDB - Knowledge Representation Meets DatabasesNDB - National Database Conference (China)NLDB - Applications of Natural Language to Data BasesKDDMBD - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases Meeting FQAS - Flexible Query-Answering SystemsIDC(W) - International Database Conference (HK CS)RTDB - Workshop on Real-Time DatabasesSBBD: Brazilian Symposium on DatabasesWebDB - International Workshop on the Web and DatabasesWAIM: Interational Conference on Web Age Information Management(1) DASWIS - Data Semantics in Web Information Systems(1) DMDW - Design and Management of Data Warehouses(1) DOLAP - International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP(1) DMKD - Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery(1) KDEX - Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop(1) NRDM - Workshop on Network-Related Data Management(1) MobiDE - Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access(1) MDDS - Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems(1) MEWS - Mining for Enhanced Web Search(1) TAKMA - Theory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagement(1) WIDM: International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management(1) W2GIS - International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems* CDB - Constraint Databases and Applications* DTVE - Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual Enterprises* IWDOM - International Workshop on Distributed Object Management* IW-MMDBMS - Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management Systems * OODBS - Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems* PDIS: Parallel and Distributed Information SystemsAREA: MiscellaneousRank 1:Rank 2:AMIA: American Medical Informatics Annual Fall SymposiumDNA: Meeting on DNA Based ComputersRank 3:MEDINFO: World Congress on Medical InformaticsInternational Conference on Sequences and their ApplicationsECAIM: European Conf on AI in MedicineAPAMI: Asia Pacific Assoc for Medical Informatics ConfSAC: ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied ComputingICSC: Internal Computer Science ConferenceISCIS: Intl Symp on Computer and Information SciencesICSC2: International Computer Symposium ConferenceICCE: Intl Conf on Comps in EduEd-MediaWCC: World Computing CongressPATAT: Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling。



服务计算技术与系统教育部重点实验室整理推荐的会议列表(软件工程、系统软件、程序设计会议缩写会议全称CCF推荐等级影响因子FSEACM Conference on the Foundations of SoftwareEngineeringAPOPLACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principlesof Programming LanguagesA 54.44 PLDIACM SIGPLAN Symposium on ProgrammingLanguage Design & ImplementationA 36.15 SOSP ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles A 51.54 ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering A 16.06 OOPSLAOO Programming Systems, Languages andApplicationsA 9.55 OSDIUSENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Designand ImplementationsA 66.23 PEPMACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation andSemantics Based Programming ManipulationB 11.1 ECOOP European Conference on Object-Oriented B 33.39ProgrammingESEC European Software Engineering Conference B 14.64 FM Formal Methods, World Congress B 10.56 IEEE International Requirement EngineeringREB 13.4ConferenceLICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science B 27.42International Computer Software and ApplicationsB 3.41 COMPSACConferenceInternational Conference on Automated SoftwareASEB 9.65EngineeringCC International Conference on Compiler Construction B 13.4 International Conference on ComputationalCOLINGB 9.36LinguisticsCONCUR International Conference on Concurrency Theory B 19.97 International Conference on Model DrivenB 4.29 MoDELSEngineering Languages and SystemsICSM International. Conference on Software Maintenance B 11.98 ICSR International Conference on Software Reuse B 10.2 ICFP International Conf on Function Programming B 15 SAS International Static Analysis Symposium B 15.28 International Symposium on Software Testing andISSTAB 13.34AnalysisACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on ProgramPASTEC 14.78Analysis for Software Tools and EngineeringAPSEC Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference C 3.48 CAV Computer Aided Verification C 30.57 ESOP European Symposium on Programming C 18.34 IEEE International Conference on Engineering ofICECCSC 4.07Complex Computer SystemsIEEE International Working Conference on SourceSCAMC 6.24Code Analysis and ManipulationInternational Conference on Advanced InformationCAiSEC 7.07Systems EngineeringEMSOFT International Conference on Embedded Software C 7.06 International Conference on Formal EngineeringICFEMC 5.88MethodsInternational Conference on Foundations of FoSSaCSC 11.31Software Science and Computation StructuresInternational Conference on Objects, Models,C 4.41 TOOLSComponents, PatternsInternational Conference on Principles and PracticeCPC 12.25of Constraint ProgrammingInternational Conference on Rewriting TechniquesC 9.55 RTAand ApplicationsInternational Conference on Tools and AlgorithmsC 21.97 TACASfor the Construction and Analysis of SystemsInternational Workshop on Model Checking ofC 22.87 SPINSoftwareLOPSTRInternational Symposium on Logic-based ProgramSynthesis and TransformationC 6.61 FATESInternational Workshop on Formal Approaches toTesting of SoftwareC 11.31 IWSSDInternational Workshop on Software Specifications& DesignC 13.57 服务计算技术与系统教育部重点实验室整理推荐的会议列表(网络与信息安全)会议缩写会议全称CCF推荐等级影响因子CCSACM Conference on Computer andCommunications SecurityA 33.99 S&P IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy A 47.92 CRYPTO International Cryptology Conference A 51.61 ACSACAnnual Computer Security ApplicationsConferenceB 12.01ASIACRYPT Annual International Conference on the Theoryand Application of Cryptology and InformationSecurityB 20.53Annual International Conference on the TheoryEurocryptB 36.32and Applications of Cryptographic TechniquesEuropean Symposium on Research in ComputerESORICSB 13.18SecurityCSFW IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop B 23.59 International Symposium on Recent Advances inRAIDB 19.59Intrusion DetectionISOC Network and Distributed System SecurityNDSSB 39.56SymposiumThe International Conference on DependableDSNB 13.13Systems and NetworksTCC Theory of Cryptography Conference B 14.66 Security USENIX Security Symposium B 42.57 IH Workshop on Information Hiding B 26.15 WiSec ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security C 7.52 ACM MM&SEC ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop C 8.24 ACM Symposium on Access Control Models andSACMATC 22.32TechnologiesSAC ACM Symposium on Applied Computing C 4.33 DRM ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management C 7.96 WORM ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode C 30.14 ACNS Applied Cryptography and Network Security C 7.59Australasia Conference on Information SecurityACISPC 7.34and PrivacyDFRWS Digital Forensic Research Workshop C 16.13FSE Fast Software Encryption C 19.61 FC Financial Cryptography C 13.79 Conference on Detection of Intrusions andDIMVAC 8.04Malware and Vulnerability AssessmentIEEE International Information AssuranceIWIAC 7.88WorkshopIAW IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop C 5.05IFIP International Information SecuritySECC 3.95ConferenceISC Information Security Conference C 8.15 International Conference on Information andC 6.4 ICICSCommunications SecurityInternational Conference on Security and Privacy SecureCommC 3.84in Communication NetworksInternational Workshop on Practice and Theory inC 16.34 PKCPublic Key CryptographyNSPW New Security Paradigms Workshop C 18.7 CT-RSA RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track C 16.5 SOUPS Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security C 6.79 Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware andC 26.19 CHESEmbedded Systems。

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序号会议名称会议介绍代表领域1 ACM SIGCOMM: ACM Conf onCommunication Architectures, Protocols &AppsACM的旗舰会议之一,也是网络领域顶级学术会议,内容侧重于有线网络,每年举办一次,录用率约为10%左右。

网络通信领域2 IEEE INFOCOM: The Conference onComputer CommunicationsIEEE计算机和通信分会联合年会,由IEEE计算机通信技术委员会和IEEE通信协会联合举办,是信息通信领域规模最大的顶尖国际学术会议,录用率约为16%左右。


网络通信领域3 IEEE International conference oncommunicationsIEEE国际通信大会,是IEEE通信学会的两大旗舰会议之一。


网络通信领域4 IEEE Globecom: GlobalTelecommunications ConferenceIEEE全球电信会议,IEEE通信学会的两大旗舰会议之一。



网络通信领域5 IEEE ITC: International Test Conference 创始于1970年,是测试领域顶级学术会议,对工业界影响巨大。


网络通信领域6 IEEE The International Conference onDependable Systems and NetworksIEEE可靠系统和网络会议,是IEEE容错计算技术委员会主办的最重要的国际会议,也是可靠系统和网络领域历史最悠久,地位非常高的学术会议。

网络通信领域7 ACM MobiCom: International Conferenceon Mobile Computing and Networking无线网络领域顶级会议,录用率约为10%,每年举行一次。

无线网络领域8 ACM SIGMETRICS: Conference onMeasurement and Modeling of ComputerSystems偏重于建模和测量的重要国际会议,内容覆盖系统和网络,录用率为10%左右。

网络通信领域9 MOBIHOC:ACM International Symposium onMobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing无线网络领域新兴的重要国际会议,内容侧重于adhoc网络。

无线网络领域10 IEEE International Conference on 由IEEE主办,开始于1979年,分布式计算Distributed Computing Systems 从84年起每年举办一次。



系统领域11 IMC: Internet Measurement Conference 网络测量领域顶级的专业会议网络测量12 ICCV: IEEE International Conference onComputer Vision领域顶级国际会议,录取率20%左右,2年一次,中国大陆每年论文数不超过10篇计算机视觉,模式识别,多媒体计算13 CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision andPattern Recognition领域顶级国际会议,录取率25%左右,每年一次,中国大陆每年论文数不超过20篇模式识别,计算机视觉,多媒体计算14 ECCV: European Conference on ComputerVision领域顶级国际会议,录取率25%左右,2年一次,中国大陆每年论文数不超过20篇模式识别,计算机视觉,多媒体计算15 DCC: Data Compression Conference 领域顶级国际会议,录取率很低,每年一次,目前完全国内论文极少数据压缩16 ICML: International Conference onMachine Learning领域顶级国际会议,录取率25%左右,2年一次,目前完全国内论文很少机器学习,模式识别17 NIPS: Neural Information ProcessingSystems领域顶级国际会议,录取率20%左右,每年一次,目前完全国内论文极少(不超过5篇)神经计算,机器学习18 ACM MM: ACM Multimedia Conference 领域顶级国际会议,全文的录取率极低,但Poster比较容易多媒体技术,数据压缩19 IEEE ICIP: International conference onImage Processing图像处理领域最具影响力国际会议,一年一次图像处理20 IEEE ICME: International Conference onMultimedia and Expo多媒体领域重要国际会议,一年一次多媒体技术21 IEEE VR:IEEE Virtual Reality IEEE虚拟现实会议,每年一次虚拟现实领域22 ACM VRST:ACM Virtual Reality Softwareand Technology虚拟现实软件与技术ACM年会,一年一次虚拟现实领域23 CGI:Computer Graphics International 国际图形学会议,一年一次图形学领域24 ACL: The Association for ComputationalLinguistics国际计算语言学会年会,是本领域最权威的国际学术会议之一,每年举办一次计算语言学,自然语言处理25 COLING: International Conference onComputational Linguistics计算语言学会议,也是本领域最权威的国际学术会议之一,两年一次计算语言学,自然语言处理26 IEEE ICASSP: International Conference onAcoustics, Speech and Signal Processing是语音和声学信号处理领域最权威的国际学术会议之一,也是图像、视频信号处理领域的权威会议之一,每年举办一次信号处理27 IJCNLP: International Joint Conference onNatural Language Processing自然语言处理亚洲联盟主办的国际会议,是自然语言处理领域亚洲区域最有影响的学术会议,基本是每年举办一次自然语言处理28 IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference 顶级会议,在美国召开IC设计领域29 IEEE VLSI Test Symposium 一级会议,在美国召开测试领域30 IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test inEurope一级会议,在欧洲召开设计和测试领域31 IEEE Asian Test Symposium 一级会议,在亚洲召开测试领域32 Ubicomp: International Conference onUbiquitous Computing国际普适计算年会,本领域最权威的学术会议之一,每年一次普适计算33 PerCom: IEEE International Conference onPervasive Computing and Communications本领域最权威的学术会议之一,每年一次普适计算34 EUC: The IFIP International Conference onEmbedded And Ubiquitous Computing普适计算与嵌入式系统峰会,一年一次,不仅仅是学术讨论,也有工业界和政府代表参加普适计算与嵌入式系统35 ICPS: IEEE International Conference onPervasive Services普适计算与服务会议,一年一次普适计算36 SenSys,ACM Conference on EmbeddedNEtworked Sensor SystemsACM主办传感器网络最有影响力的会议,由SIGCOMM,SIGMOBILE, SIGARCH,SIGOPS, SIGMETRICS, SIGBED等ACM的Special Interest Groups提供学术资助。



传感器网络37 SECON, IEEE Communication SocietyConference on Sensor and Ad HocCOmmunications and Networks,由IEEE发起的会议,基本每年举行一次。

近三年的录取率(04,05,06)分别为18.1% 27.2%和25.9%传感器网络38 MASS, IEEE International Conference onMobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems由IEEE、DARPA、NSF和ArmyResearch Office 发起的国际会议,基本每年举行一次。

2006年录用率24%传感器网络39 The International Conference for HighPerformance Computing and每年11月举行(始于1989年),Conference on High Performance高性能计算Communication Networking and Computing ,/40 CLUSTER 4, IEEE Int’l Conf. on ClusterComputing,/cluster2004/ 高性能计算41 HPDC-, th IEEE Int’l Symp. onHigh-Performance Distributed Computing,Honolulu. 高性能计算42 NASA/IEEE Conference on Mass StorageSystems and Technologies (MSST4),每年一次,/高性能计算43 SuperComputing:The InternationalConference for High PerformanceComputing and Communications高性能计算机方向公认的高水平会议之一,第一届会议是1988年,每年11月举行,4、5月份投稿。
