solarwinds 操作手册

Solarwinds软件安装设置操作手册目录一. Solarwinds介绍 (1)二. Solarwinds软件的安装. (2)三. 增加网络设备节点. (9)四. 通过WEB网页,添加网络节点. (12)五. 增加WEB用户账号. (16)六. 给用户账号划分网络设备 (18)七. WEB页网络设备显示分组. (20)八. Solarwinds软件报警设置: (21)九. 制作拓扑图 (26)一. Solarwinds介绍SolarWinds Engineers Edition v8一款非常出色的网络工具箱,功能绝对专业的网络管理工具组,适合专业的网管工程师使用。
它的用途十分广泛,涵盖了从简单、变化的ping 监控器及子网计算器(Subnet calculators)到更为复杂的性能监控器和地址管理功能,大幅的简化网管工程师对于网络的管理工作负担与提升效率,支持在线下载单个升级文件。
SolarWinds网络性能监视器利用SNMP,即可在一台计算机上实现远程管理所有支持这种协议的网络设备,包括监视网络状态,修改网络设备配置,接收网络事件警告等注:Solarwinds安装前需要安装IIS,net frawork 3.5等工具,及需连接SQL数据库.二. Solarwinds软件的安装.1.双击Solarwinds 10.0的安装程序,会提示前期需要安装的相关组件.点”install”安装.2.安装完成后,开始安装Solarwinds软件.点”Next”下一步.3.选择程序安装路径,可安装到其它盘.如下图:4.开始拷贝文件到安装目录,点”Next”,开始安装(需要几分钟的时间)5.安装完成后,提示安装软件许可证.选择”Skip this and enter software license key now”,输入许可证信息.如下图:6.打开软件安装包里面的”Keygen.exe”文件,输入提示的序列号,计算出许可证信息.输入下面的许可证文本框中.点”Continue”继续完成激活软件.点”Finish”完成软件的安装6.软件安装完成后,自动运行solarwinds配置程序,如下图,点”Next”下一步:7.进入到数据库设置,在”SQL Server”处可选择SQL服务器,或直接输入数据库服务器的IP地址.及连接数据库服务器的用户名和密码,完成后点”Next”,如下图.9.创建一个新数据库或使用一个已存在的数据库,此处选择新建一个数据库,名称为:solarwinds.点”Next”,如下图:10.为上面的数据库创建一个登录账号,完成后点”Next”,下一步:11.WEB站点设备,设置分配的IP地址(此处为所有未分配的地址),端口号,站点的根目录.其中端口号若设置为80端口,会提示创建一个新80端口站点,默认站点将停止运行,如下图.此处选择1080端口点”Next”,如下图.12.安装solarwinds服务,全选,点”Next”,显示前面设置的配置信息,点”Next”,继续安装.如下图.13.上面的安装将花费几分钟的时间,安装完成后点”Finish”,完成服务的安装工作.14.自动弹出solarwinds登录页面.可用admin登录,密码为空.登录后请修改密码.15.全部安装工作完成.三. 增加网络设备节点.1.打开” 开始程序”‐“Solarwinds Orion”‐”system Manager”,solarwinds软件系统管理程序.如下系统管理窗口,如下图.2.选择菜单栏”Nodes”‐“Add Node”,打开增加节点窗口.(或直接点击工具栏”New”按钮)3.输入监控网络设备的IP地址,设置的SNMP团体名称.点”Next”,如下图:注:snmp community string 为网络设备SNMP服务设置的团体名称.如下图4.选择对网络设备监控的项,如下图,可全选,或只选择活动的端口.点”OK”完成添加网络节点.5.在”system Manager”窗口看到新增加的网络节点.如下图.6.登录WEB网页,查看新增加的网络节点.如下图.四. 通过WEB网页,添加网络节点.1.用管理员账号登录到Solarwinds WEB页面中,点击右上角的”Setting”,如下图.2.进入到WEB设置界面,如下图.3.点击”Add a Node”,增加监控设备,如下图.4.输入监控设备的IP地址及团体名称.如下图.点”Next”继续.5.选择监控项,选择”ALL”全选,点”NEXT”继续.出现的窗口保持默认,点”NEXT”继续.6.改变新增加网络设备的相关属性,如下图.点”OK,ADD NODE”继续.提示”网络设备”添加成功.如下图.7.回到”HOME”页,查看新增加的设备.如下图.8.网络设备节点管理,点”manage Nodes”,如下图.9.选中相关节点,可以进行修改属性,删除节点等操作.如下图.五. 增加WEB用户账号.1.更改账号密码.点”Account manager”,打开账号管理窗口,如下图.注:系统安装完毕后,会默认有两个账号:admin和guest,密码都为空.2.选中admin用户,点击”Change Password”,更改密码.输入新密码,点”Change password”更改密码.提示更改成功.3.点击上图中的” ADD”按钮增加账号, (Delete为删除账号),如下图.增加一个”test”账号.4.点”SUBMIT”按钮打开账号设置界面,如下图.5.上图设置好后,点”SUBMIT”按钮提交设置,在账号管理下面,可看到新增加的账号名称.如下图.六. 给用户账号划分网络设备1.在”Account Manage”中,选择相应用户名,点”EDIT”,或点”ADD”新增用户账号,找到”Account Limitations”账号限制,可以点击下图中的”Add Limitation”进行设置,出现下面的内容,此处选择一个”Group of Nodes”一组设备来进行限制.2.出现所有网络设备节点,选择一部分,(选择后,账号可以在WEB上看到在此选择的监控设备),点”SEBMIT”提交.在”account limitations”处可以看到选择的设备名称.如下图.3.用新增加的test用户名登录到solarwinds WEB网页,可以看到刚选择的网络设备.如下图.七. WEB页网络设备显示分组.1.用管理员账号登录,默认是通过vendor,status分组.可以对显示方式进行调整.如以区域名称,公司名称进行级组显示.如下图.2.在上图中点”EDIT”按钮,按自己的需要设置分组方式,可分三级.3.选择好后,点”submit”提交.显示效果如下:八. Solarwinds软件报警设置:1. 打开” 开始程序”‐“Solarwinds Orion”‐”system Manager”,solarwinds软件系统管理程序.如下系统管理窗口,如下图.选择”Alerts”.2.弹出报警日志设置窗口,如下图: (分为基本报警配置,及高级报警配置)3.选择”Configure Basic Alerts”,配置基本警报: 配置当网络节点DOWN时,向服务器发出日报报警.如下图.3.新增一个”Node status is down”,当设备是DOWN状态时,发送报警日报.在上图中点”New Alert”.出现下图.4.选中”Property To Monitor”选项卡,选择监控的属性为”Node Status”‐“Status”.如下图.5.选中”Monitored Network Objects”选项卡,选择要监控的网络设备.如下图.6.选中”Alert Trigger”选项卡,设置触发条件.如下图.7.选中”Time of Day”选项卡,设置监控的时间,默认配置.如下图.8.选中”Alert suppression”选项卡,设置是否忽略此日报报警设置,选择不忽略.如下图.9.选中”Actions”选项卡,设置动作,点”Add Alert Action”,可以选择发送邮件或日报等信息.此处选择发送系统信息,点”OK”进入到设置界面.如下图.10.在”Target Machine”目标机器下面输入Solarwinds服务器的IP地址.如下图.11.在”Trigger Message”触发信息里面设置信息.如下图.12.在”reset Message”里面输入重置信息.点”OK”完成设置.13.设置完成后,点”OK”完成报警的添加.14.当网络设备DOWN后,会在WEB界面上提示下面的信息.如下图.注:其它还可以设置增加”重启”报警,内存或CPU使用率高报警等.九. 制作拓扑图1.打开”开始程序”‐“Solarwinds”‐“Network Atlas”程序.如下图.2.出现连接到solarwinds服务器的登录界面.输入管理员名称及密码,地址,点”Connect”连接.如下图.3.连接成功后,出现如下界面,4.选择”New Map”新建拓扑图,如下图.5.根据实际的网络拓扑,拖放设备及连接设备,如下图.6.完成后,点保存,输入拓扑图的名称,如下图.7.用管理员账号登录到”WEB”控制台中,在”NETWORK map”中点击”EDIT”,如下图.8.在”Select network map”中选择要使用的网络拓扑图,点”SUBMIT”提交,如下图.9.完成后,效果如下:。

SolarWinds的使用实例教程发表回复SolarWinds的使用实例教程1 基本原理SolarWinds Engineers Edition v8 一款非常出色的网络工具箱,功能绝对专业的网络管理工具组,适合专业的网管工程师使用。
它的用途十分广泛,涵盖了从简单、变化的ping监控器及子网计算器(Subnet calculators)到更为复杂的性能监控器和地址管理功能,大幅的简化网管工程师对于网络的管理工作负担与提升效率,支持在线下载单个升级文件。
2 知识要点2.1 相关知识接口:某个节点的端口或逻辑链接。
MIB管理信息库:MIB是Management Information Base的缩写,中文名字叫”管理信息库”,它是网络管理数据的标准,在这个标准里规定了网络代理设备必须保存的数据项目,数据类型,以及允许在每个数据项目中的操作。
MIB 主要用途是SMNP通过查讯代理MIB中相应对象的值,实现对对网络设备状态的监视。
2.2 关键性术语SolarWinds、SNMP、MIB、3 实验步骤3.1 实验目的基本掌握用SolarWinds Engineers Edition v8 进行网络管理。

Solarwinds部署文档一.WINDOWS SERVER 2003的安装从硬件的角度说,客户端对硬件要求相对比较低,服务器对硬件要求相对比较高,要求很高的稳定性和安全性。
从软件上,客户端操作系统软件主要有Windows 95、Windows 98、Windows 2000 Profession、Windows XP Profession、Windows Vista。
服务器操作系统软件主要有Windows NT Server、Windows 2000 Server、Windows Server 2003,或者是其他非Windows 产品。
这里建议您安装Windows Server 2003。
常见服务器的种类:文件服务器(FTP)、打印服务器、邮件服务器、Internet信息服务器、数据库服务器(SQL 2000/2005)等。
Windows Server 2003 常见的版本Windows Server 2003 Web版,只能架设Web站点,功能能少不建议安装;Windows Server 2003标准版,可以安装,但不建议,因为稳定性不好;Windows Server 2003企业版,推荐安装,功能强大,稳定性良好:Windows Server 2003 Datacenter版,可以安装,但不建议,因为配置过于复杂。
安装Windows Server 2003企业版的硬件需求硬件需求最小CPU速度基于X86的计算机:133MHz基于Itanium的计算机:733MHz推荐CPU速度基于X86的计算机:2..0GHz最小RAM容量基于X86的计算机:256M基于Itanium的计算机:1G推荐RAM容量基于X86的计算机:1024MB最大RAM 基于X86的计算机:32G基于Itanium的计算机:64G多处理器支持基于X86的计算机:最多8个处理器基于Itanium的计算机:最多8个处理器安装所需的磁盘空间基于x86 的计算机:3GB 到 4 GB基于Itanium的计算机:5 GB 到 6 GB安装或升级Windows Server 2003的注意事项一、最好不要在正在使用的服务器上安装新操作系统;二、做好数据备份;三、注意多系统共存。

SolarWinds使用报告一.安装说明1.点击SolarWinds-Engineers-Toolset-V9.exe进行安装2.遇到要输入个人信息的窗口,直接点击“Skip this and Enter software license key now”3.点击运行“keygen.exe”,将序列号复制进Serial选项框,点击“Generate”4.将生成的激活码复制进“Enter Software License Key”,点击“Continue”5.至此安装完成二.Network Monitor使用说明1.运行SolarWinds Toolset Launchpad,点击第三项NetworkMonitoring(网络性能监控)2.点击Network Monitor,打开如图界面3.点击“Add”,添加要监控的终端,输入IP地址4.弹出该终端的详细信息,其中有丢包率,响应时间,平均响应时间,开机时长等信息5.点击“Events”,显示该终端更换状态的确切时间6.点击“chart”,详细丢包百分比,平均响应时间,以图表形式显示,底部列表可选择“近一周内”,“近30天内”等等的数据7.面板中还有一些小功能,如ping、telnet,“trace”用来查看此终端所经路由三.Network Performance Monitor使用说明1.点击“NetworkPerformanceMonitor”,弹出界面如图此程序可用来监控路由交换设备,包括其每个端口的上下行流量,但在监控路由交换前,需要配置交换机SNMP协议读取的参数①CISCO设备SNMP配置:在IOS的Enable状态下,敲入config terminal进入全局配置状态;snmp-server community *** ro配置本路由器的读取参数为***②华为设备SNMP配置使用system-view命令进入系统视图模式Snmp-agent community read *** 配置本路由器连接时读取参数为***配置完snmp read的参数后,便可监控此路由交换设备2.点击左上角“NEW”,输入将要监控的设备的管理IP地址,点击“next”3.在此栏中输入在路由交换设备中设置的读取参数,点击“Finish”完成添加4.添加完成后,便可监控每个端口的各项数据,端口前红点表示此端口处于关闭状态,绿点表示开启状态,点开下拉列表后,可以详细的查看该端口各项数据,如平均上下行流量、错误报告等等。

SOLARWINDS ORION网络性能监控服务解决方案目录前言 (3)一网络性能监控和流量管理的重要性 (4)二需求分析 (5)三解决方案 (5)3.2.1Solarwinds系列产品概述 (6)3.2.2产品构架图 (7)3.2.3网络解决架构图 (8)3.2.4采用Solarwinds Orion监控 (8)CPU、memory 、Disk、接口流量、接口状态、接口丢包率监控。
(8)3.2.5采用solarwinds toolset 实现对网络监测和分析以及网络故障及时发现。
(11)3.2.6采用Orion NetFlow Analyzer流量分析器 (15)`3.2.7采用Orion Application Performance Monitor实现对服务器进程的性能监控和状态警报, (17)3.2.8 Network Configuration Manager 进行批量上传下载修改备份网络设备的配置 (18)3.2.9 IPAM (23)3.2.10 LANsurveryor (24)四项目建设的投资回报 (25)4.1主动性网络管理,减少网络瘫痪和性能下降的时间 (26)4.2减少解决网络故障的时间 (26)4.3减少或延迟资金投入,降低网络运营费用 (26)4.4优化网络流量,合理利用网络资源,提高关键业务的生产力 (26)4.5增强网络安全 (26)4.6预防问题程序造成的故障 (27)4.7 有效的统计报告和事件日志 (27)五Solarwinds 安装实施 (27)六总结 (28)七售后服务细则 (29)前言网络接入成本不断降低,企业上网不再是大企业大机构的专利,中小企业用户利用宽带接入手段只需付出很少的开支,就可以同样享受到互联网信息高速公路的便利。
SolarWinds 2002 Engineer's Edition安装、配置、使用文档

一、说明该文档适用于在Windows 98 / NT / 2000 / ME / XP以上操作系统上安装使用SolarWinds 2002 Engineer's Edition网管软件。
SolarWinds Engineer’s Edition是一套非常全面的网络工具库,包括了网络恢复、错误监控、性能监控和管理工具等等。
S olarWinds Engineer’s Edition包括的工具:1.网络性能监控(Network Performance Monitoring):带宽测量(Bandwidth Gauges)、路由CPU负荷(Router CPU Load)、带宽监控(Bandwidth Monitor)、CPU测量(CPU Gauge)、网络性能监控器(Network Performance Monitor)、SNMP 图象和高级CPU上传(Advanced CPU Load )。
2.网络发现(Network Discovery):子网列表(Subnet List)、Ping Sweep、和IP 网络浏览器(IP Network Browser)、DNS核查(DNS Audit)、IP地址管理(IP Address Management)、MAC地址发现(MAC Address Discovery)、SNMP Sweep、网络定位(Network Sonar)。
3.用于Cisco网络的工具:IP网络浏览器(IP Network Browser)、路由CPU负荷(Router CPU Load)、配置下载(Config Downloader)、配置上传(Config Uploader)、配置编辑器/浏览器(Config Editor/Viewer)、Proxy Ping、对比运行VS启动配置(Compare Running vs. Startup Configs.)、路由器密码加密术(Router Password Decryption)、CPU测量(CPU Gauge)、路由器安全检查(Router Security Check)和高级CPU上传(Advanced CPU Load )。
Solarwinds-EE Toolset V9的使用

Solarwinds-EE Toolset V9 使用配置安装Solarwinds-EE Toolset V91. 在Windows 2003上安装,配置.Net FrameWork{自动配置}之后就弹出了安装向导2. 依照向导一路“Next”输入用户名和公司名直到安装完成三. 主窗口:四. 工具配置使用1. Recent Used Tools:当前使用工具11)Cisco Viewer 是查看当前Cisco 设备配置的工具12)IP NetWork Browser 查看IP的网络设备:可以通过单一IP查询;可以通过IP地址段查询;可以通过IP地址范围查询图中红色是表示单一IP扫描,绿色是子网扫描,兰色是地址范围扫描;实验以地址范围进行扫描图中扫描到了4个设备,分别是Cisco Router 主机名Rb;IP地址192.168.1.1;Cisco Switch SWb;Wi ndows 计算机两个通过对设备的查看,可以发现设备的接口状态、IOS版本、路由表以及IP地址等详细信息,甚至可以发现系统的启动时间,图中是对当前交换机进行查看得到的信息,其中红色圆圈表示未连接端口,绿色表示正常连接端口13)Net Flow Realtime:利用Cisco 路由器的流量计费功能统计经过路由器的数据包流量首先需要将Cisco 路由器的流量计费功能开启,步骤如下:• 在端口上启动NetFlowRb(config)#interface s0Rb(config-int)#ip route-cache flow设置数据输出的目的地址ip flow-export destination <dest IP> <dest port>,目的地址是数据收集服务器的IP地址,也就是目前安装Solarwinds的服务器,目的端口是数据通信的端口,默认是2055端口Rb(config)#ip flow-export destination 2055设置数据输出的源地址{由于实验环境Cisco 2501路由器只具备一个Eth接口,所以源地址输入Eth0就可以了} ip flow-export source <interface>Rb(config)# ip flow-export source eth0设置成功后可以在设备上查看流量show ip cache flow Rb(config)# show ip cache flow在Solarwinds上配置NetFlow查看数据流量的状态对于每一个数据流,Cisco路由器将统计如下参数路由器每个端口的输入输出源和目标的地址源和目标的端口号(与上层应用相关)流量的大小每个数据流持续的时间每个数据流的优先级每个数据包的优先级数据加密14)Switch Port Mapper:交换机的端口对照表2. NetWork Discovery网络发现工具21)MAC Address Disvovery:MAC地址发现22)Subnet List:子网列表,查看当前设备所在的子网23)Port Scanner:端口扫描,查询设备的端口开启状态,以不同的颜色显示端口开启状态24)NetWork Sonar网络声纳,发现当前网络设备的工具,也可以发现当前设备所连接的网段,根据向导提示输入设备IP地址,可以发现网络,下图是输入“seed router”{种子路由器}后发现的网络调整选项到Analysis查看详细信息上图是选择了三个工具而显示出来的三张图表25)IP Address Management:IP地址的管理下图是IP地址管理中子网计算器功能:可以很灵活的计算出当前设备所在的子网,以及进行VLSM{变长子网掩码}、CIDR{无类域间路由}计算27)Bandwidth Mornitoring :带宽监视工具3. Network Mornitoring:网络监视工具,可以监控路由器以及设备的运行状况31)CPU Gauge32)BandWidth Gauge:当有数据通过路由器时可以在仪表盘中看到效果33)Real Time Interface Monitoring:实时接口监视:4. Ping &Diagnostic:41)Spam Blacklist:间谍黑名单:将具有威胁的网站可以添加到黑名单中42)Trace Route:路由跟踪43)DNS Anlyzer:是DNS的解析工具,可以输入URL得到详细的解析过程44)Wake-On-Lan:局域网唤醒:在局域网中唤醒休眠和已关机的设备5. IP Address Management:IP地址管理51)Advanced Subnet Calculater:高级子网换算器52)DHCP Scope Monitor:DHCP地址池监视工具6. Cisco Tools:61)Compare Running vs Startup config:比较运行配置文件和启动配置文件62)config download :下载配置文件以备设备IOS损坏时使用63)config upload:上传配置文件以保证设备IOS损坏时修复64)Cisco Router password Decription:Cisco 路由器密码破解首先通过登陆路由器,进行加密,再查看配置,发现已经加密的密码,然后拷贝打开破解工具进行破解:得到telnet 密码是123456,但是这个工具对MD5加密级密码无效7. SNMP Tools:管理SNMP的工具71)MIB Viewer:MIB库的浏览:可以看到上图使用的是SNMP v2版本的MIB信息72)MIB Walk:MIB库的详细信息:可以发现每个设备的以及每个服务的MIB位置73)Update System MIB:当系统的MIB版本太旧时,可以通过此工具进行升级8. Security:安全工具:81)Edit Dictionaries:编辑字典:当进行暴力破解时可以通过编辑字典进行破解82)SNMP Brute Force Attact:SNMP的暴力攻击,往往是网络环境自测,测试当前SNMP是否足够安全首先在路由器中配置较简单的SNMP的共同体字符串abc通过工具进行破解尝试83)SNMP Dictionary Attact:使用现存的字典进行SNMP攻击。

1.先检查本机有没有安装net-snmp,用命令rpm –qa | grep net-snmp。
2.把缺少的包安装上,方法是从光盘安装:(有图形界面会很简单,直接用rpm –ivh *.rpm就可以了,以下方法是给没有图形界面准备的)①先查看光驱,使用more /etc/fstab②出现结果:# This f ile is edited by f stab-sync - see 'man f stab-sync' f or det ailsLABEL=/1 / ext3 def aults 1 1none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0none /dev/shm tmpf s def aults 0 0none /proc proc def aults 0 0none /sys sysf s def aults 0 0LABEL=/var1 /var ext3 defaults 1 2LABEL=SWAP-sda2 swap swap defaults 0 0/dev/hda /media/cdrom auto③挂载光驱:#mkdir /mnt/cdrom#mount -t iso9660 /dev/hda /mnt/cdrom④进到目录下安装:#cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS#rpm –ivh *.rpm⑤安装完之后卸载弹出光驱:# umount /mnt/cdrom#eject3.修改/etc/snmp下的配置文件snmpd.conf,红色的字体为需要增添的部分。
################################################################################# snmpd.conf:# An example conf iguration f ile f or conf iguring the ucd-snmp snmpd agent.################################################################################## This f ile is intended to only be as a starting point. Many more# conf iguration directives exist than are mentioned in this f ile. For# f ull details, see the snmpd.conf(5) manual page.## All lines beginning with a '#' are comments and are intended f or you# to read. All other lines are conf iguration commands f or the agent.################################################################################ Access Control################################################################################ As shipped, the snmpd demon will only respond to queries on the# system mib group until this f ile is replaced or modif ied f or# security purposes. Examples are shown below about how to increase the # level of access.# By f ar, the most common question I get about the agent is "why won't# it work?", when really it should be "how do I conf igure the agent to# allow me to access it?"## By def ault, the agent responds to the "public" community f or read# only access, if run out of the box without any conf iguration f ile in# place. The f ollowing examples show you other ways of conf iguring# the agent so that you can change the community names, and give# yourself write access to the mib tree as well.## For more inf ormation, read the FAQ as well as the snmpd.conf(5)# manual page.##### First, map the community name "public" into a "security name"# source communitycom2sec notConf igUser def ault publiccom2sec local localhost publiccom2sec mynetwork 你自己的I P public##### Second, map the security name into a group name:# groupName securityModel securityNamegroup notConf igGroup v1 notConf igUsergroup notConf igGroup v2c notConf igUsergroup MyRWGroup v2c localgroup MyRWGroup v2c localhostgroup MyROGroup v2c mynetwork##### Third, create a view f or us to let the group have rights to:# Make at least snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public system f ast again.# name incl/excl subtree mask(optional) viewall systemview included .1 80view systemview included . systemview included . Finally, grant the group read-only access to the systemview view.# group context sec.model sec.level pref ix read write notifaccess notConf igGroup "" any noauth exact mib2 none none access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none access MyRWGroup "" any noauth exact all all none# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Here is a commented out example conf iguration that allows less# restrictive access.# YOU SHOULD CHANGE THE "COMMUNITY" TOKEN BELO W TO A NEW KEYWORD ONLY # KNOWN A T YOUR SITE. YOU *MUST* CHANGE THE NETWORK TOKEN BELOW TO# SOMETHING REFLECTING YOUR LOCAL NETWORK ADDRESS SPACE.## source communitycom2sec local localhost publiccom2sec mynetwork 你的网段/24 publiccom2sec mynetwork 你自己的I P public## sec.model group MyRWGroup any localgroup MyROGroup any mynetwork##group MyRWGroup any otherv3user#...## incl/excl subtree mask#view all included .1 80## -or just the mib2 tree-view mib2 included .dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2 f c## context sec.model sec.level pref ix read write notif#access MyROGroup "" any noauth 0 all none none#access MyRWGroup "" any noauth 0 all all all############################################################################### # Sample conf iguration to make net-snmpd RFC 1213.# Unf ortunately v1 and v2c don't allow any user based authentif i cation, so# opening up the default conf ig is not an option f rom a security point.## WARNING: If you uncomment the f ollowing lines you allow write access to your# snmpd daemon f rom any source! To avoid this use dif ferent names f or your# community or split out the write access to a diff erent community and# restrict it to your local network.# Also remember to comment the syslocation and syscontact parameters later as# otherwise they are still read only (see FAQ f or net-snmp).## First, map the community name "public" into a "security name"# source community#com2sec notConf igUser def ault public# Second, map the security name into a group name:# groupName securityModel securityName#group notConf igGroup v1 notConf igUser#group notConf igGroup v2c notConf igUser# Third, create a view f or us to let the group have rights to:# Open up the whole tree f or ro, make the RFC 1213 required ones rw.# name incl/excl subtree mask(optional)#view roview included .1#view rwview included system.sysContact#view rwview included system.sysName#view rwview included system.sysLocation#view rwview included interf aces.if Tabl e.if Entry.ifAdminStatus#view rwview included at.atTable.atEntry.atPhysAddress#view rwview included at.atTable.atEntry.atNetAddress#view rwview included ip.ipForwarding#view rwview included ip.ipDef aultTTL#view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteDest#view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteIf Index#view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteMetric1 #view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteMetric2 #view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteMetric3 #view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteMetric4 #view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRoute Type#view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteAge#view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteMask#view rwview included ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteMetric5#view rwview included ip.ipNetToMediaTable.ipNetToMediaEntry.ipNetToMediaIfIndex#view rwview included ip.ipNetToMediaTable.ipNetToMediaEntry.ipNetToMediaPhysAddress #view rwview included ip.ipNetToMediaTable.ipNetToMediaEntry.ipNetToMediaNetAddress #view rwview included ip.ipNetToMediaTable.ipNetToMediaEntry.ipNetToMediaType#view rwview included tcp.tcpConnTable.tcpConnEntry.tcpConnState#view rwview included egp.egpNeighTable.egpNeighEntry.egpNeighEventTrigger#view rwview included snmp.snmpEnableAuthenTraps# Finally, grant the group read-only access to the systemview view.# group context sec.model sec.level pref ix read write notif#access notConf igGroup "" any noauth exact roview rwview none################################################################################ System contact inf orm ation## It is also possible to set the sysContact and sysLocation system# variables through the snmpd.conf f ile:syslocation Unknown (edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)syscontact Root <root@localhost> (conf igure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf)# Example output of snmpwalk:# % snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public system# system.sysDescr.0 = "SunO S name sun4c"# system.sysObjectID.0 = OID: enterprises.ucdavis.ucdSnmpAgent.sunos4# system.sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (595637548) 68 days, 22:32:55# system.sysContact.0 = "Me <me@>"# system.sysName.0 = "name"# system.sysLocation.0 = "Right here, right now."# system.sysServices.0 = 72# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------################################################################################ Process checks.## The f ollowing are examples of how to use the agent to check f or# processes running on the host. The syntax looks something like:## proc NAME [MAX=0] [MIN=0]## NAME: the name of the process to check f or. It must match# exactly (ie, http will not f ind httpd processes).# MAX: the maximum number allowed to be running. Def aults to 0.# MIN: the minimum number to be running. Defaults to 0.## Examples (commented out by def ault):## Make sure mountd is running#proc mountd# Make sure there are no more than 4 ntalkds running, but 0 is ok too.#proc ntalkd 4# Make sure at least one sendmail, but less than or equal to 10 are running.#proc sendmail 10 1# A snmpwalk of the process mib tree would look something like this:## % snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public . enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prIndex.1 = 1# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prIndex.2 = 2# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prIndex.3 = 3# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prNames.1 = "mountd"# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prNames.2 = "ntalkd"# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prNames.3 = "sendmail"# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prMin.1 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prMin.2 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prMin.3 = 1# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prMax.1 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prMax.2 = 4# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prMax.3 = 10# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prCount.1 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prCount.2 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prCount.3 = 1# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prErrorFlag.1 = 1# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prErrorFlag.2 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prErrorFlag.3 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prErrMessage.1 = "No mountd process running." # enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prErrMessage.2 = ""# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prErrMessage.3 = ""# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prErrFix.1 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prErrFix.2 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.procTable.prEntry.prErrFix.3 = 0## Note that the errorFlag f or mountd is set to 1 because one is not# running (in this case an rpc.mountd is, but thats not good enough),# and the ErrMessage tells you what's wrong. The conf iguration# imposed in the snmpd.conf f ile is also shown.## Special Case: When the min and max numbers are both 0, it assumes# you want a max of inf inity and a min of 1.## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------############################################################################### # Executables/scripts### Y ou can also have programs run by the agent that return a single# line of output and an exit code. Here are two examples.## exec NAME PROGRAM [ARGS ...]## NAME: A generic name.# PROGRAM: The program to run. Include the path!# ARGS: optional arguments to be passed to the program# a simple hello world#exec echotest /bin/echo hello world# Run a shell script containing:## #!/bin/sh# echo hello world# echo hi there# exit 35## Note: this has been specif ically commented out to prevent# accidental security holes due to someone else on your system writing# a /tmp/shtest bef ore you do. Uncomment to use it.##exec shelltest /bin/sh /tmp/shtest# Then,# % snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public . enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extIndex.1 = 1# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extIndex.2 = 2# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extNam es.1 = "echotest"# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extNam es.2 = "shelltest"# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extCommand.1 = "/bin/echo hello world"# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extCommand.2 = "/bin/sh /tmp/shtest"# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extResult.1 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extResult.2 = 35# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extOutput.1 = "hello world."# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extOutput.2 = "hello world."# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extErrFix.1 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.extTable.extEntry.extErrFix.2 = 0# Note that the second line of the /tmp/shtest shell script is cut# off. Also note that the exit status of 35 was returned.# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------############################################################################### # disk checks## The agent can check the amount of available disk space, and make# sure it is above a set limit.# disk PA TH [MIN=100000]## PA TH: mount path to the disk in question.# MIN: Disks with space below this value will have the Mib's errorFlag set.# Def ault value = 100000.# Check the / partition and make sure it contains at least 10 megs.#disk / 10000# % snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public . enterprises.ucdavis.diskTable.dskEntry.diskIndex.1 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.diskTable.dskEntry.diskDevice.1 = "/dev/dsk/c201d6s0"# enterprises.ucdavis.diskTable.dskEntry.diskMinimum.1 = 10000# enterprises.ucdavis.diskTable.dskEntry.diskTotal.1 = 837130# enterprises.ucdavis.diskTable.dskEntry.diskA vail.1 = 316325# enterprises.ucdavis.diskTable.dskEntry.diskUsed.1 = 437092# enterprises.ucdavis.diskTable.dskEntry.diskPercent.1 = 58# enterprises.ucdavis.diskTable.dskEntry.diskErrorFlag.1 = 0# enterprises.ucdavis.diskTable.dskEntry.diskErrorMsg.1 = ""# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------############################################################################### # load average checks## load [1MAX=12.0] [5MAX=12.0] [15MAX=12.0]## 1MAX: If the 1 minute load average is above this limit at query# time, the errorFlag will be set.# 5MAX: Similar, but f or 5 min average.# 15MAX: Similar, but f or 15 min average.# Check f or loads:#load 12 14 14# % snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public . Entry.loadaveIndex.1 = 1# Entry.loadaveIndex.2 = 2# Entry.loadaveIndex.3 = 3# Entry.loadaveNam es.1 = "Load-1"# Entry.loadaveNam es.2 = "Load-5"# Entry.loadaveNam es.3 = "Load-15"# Entry.loadaveLoad.1 = "0.49" Hex: 30 2E 34 39# Entry.loadaveLoad.2 = "0.31" Hex: 30 2E 33 31# Entry.loadaveLoad.3 = "0.26" Hex: 30 2E 32 36# Entry.loadaveConf ig.1 = "12.00"# Entry.loadaveConf ig.2 = "14.00"# Entry.loadaveConf ig.3 = "14.00"# Entry.loadaveErrorFlag.1 = 0# Entry.loadaveErrorFlag.2 = 0# Entry.loadaveErrorFlag.3 = 0# Entry.loadaveErrMessage.1 = ""# Entry.loadaveErrMessage.3 = ""# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------############################################################################### # Extensible sections.## This alleviates the multiple line output problem f ound in the# previous executable mib by placing each mib in its own mib table:# Run a shell script containing:## #!/bin/sh# echo hello world# echo hi there# exit 35## Note: this has been specif ically commented out to prevent# accidental security holes due to someone else on your system writing# a /tmp/shtest bef ore you do. Uncomment to use it.## exec . shelltest /bin/sh /tmp/shtest# % snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public . enterprises.ucdavis.50.1.1 = 1# enterprises.ucdavis.50.2.1 = "shelltest"# enterprises.ucdavis.50.3.1 = "/bin/sh /tmp/shtest"# enterprises.ucdavis.50.100.1 = 35# enterprises.ucdavis.50.101.1 = "hello world."# enterprises.ucdavis.50.101.2 = "hi there."# enterprises.ucdavis.50.102.1 = 0# Now the Output has grown to two lines, and we can see the 'hi# there.' output as the second line f rom our shell script.## Note that you must alter the mib.txt f ile to be correct if you want# the .50.* outputs above to change to reasonable text descriptions.# Other ideas:## exec . ps /bin/ps# exec . top /usr/local/bin/top# exec . mailq /usr/bin/mailq# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------############################################################################### # Pass through control.## Usage:# pass MIBOID EXEC-COMMAND## This will pass total control of the mib underneath the MIBOID# portion of the mib to the EXEC-COMMAND.## Note: Y ou'll have to change the path of the passtest script to your# source directory or install it in the given location.## Example: (see the script f or details)# (commented out here since it requires that you place the# script in the right location. (its not installed by def ault))# pass . /bin/sh /usr/local/local/passtest# % snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public . enterprises.ucdavis.255.1 = "lif e the universe and everything"# enterprises.ucdavis.255.2.1 = 42# enterprises.ucdavis.255.2.2 = OID: 42.42.42# enterprises.ucdavis.255.3 = Timeticks: (363136200) 42 days, 0:42:42# enterprises.ucdavis.255.4 = IpAddress: enterprises.ucdavis.255.5 = 42# enterprises.ucdavis.255.6 = Gauge: 42## % snmpget -v 1 localhost public . enterprises.ucdavis.255.5 = 42## % snmpset -v 1 localhost public . s "New string"# enterprises.ucdavis.255.1 = "New string"## For specif ic usage inf ormation, see the man/snmpd.conf.5 manual page# as well as the local/passtest script used in the above example.# Added f or support of bcm5820 cards.pass . /usr/bin/ucd5820stat############################################################################### # Further Inf orm ation## See the snmpd.conf manual page, and the output of "snmpd -H".3.在终端中启动snmpd服务,命令是service snmpd start。

该解决方案包括以下关键功能:1. 设备监控:Solarwinds提供了一套工具,可以实时监控网络设备的各项指标,如带宽使用情况、延迟和丢包率等。
2. 应用程序性能监控:除了设备监控,Solarwinds还提供了应用程序监控工具,可以监测各种应用程序的性能,如Web应用程序、数据库和云服务等。
3. 日志监控:Solarwinds的网络性能监控解决方案还包括日志监控功能,可以帮助组织实时监控网络设备和应用程序的日志,并自动识别异常事件。

具体的安装过程因不同的工具而异,但一般来说,我们可以按照以下步骤进行:1. 下载安装文件:可以从官方网站或其他可信的下载渠道获取到网络监控工具的安装文件。
2. 运行安装程序:双击安装文件,按照提示进行安装,选择安装路径和其他相关设置。
3. 完成安装:等待安装程序完成,确保安装过程没有出现错误提示。
下面是一般的配置过程:1. 启动网络监控工具:双击桌面图标或通过开始菜单打开网络监控工具。
2. 连接到网络设备:在工具的设置或配置界面中,输入需要监控的网络设备的IP地址或主机名,点击连接按钮进行连接。
3. 配置监控项:根据需要,设置监控项,例如网络带宽、CPU 使用率、内存使用率等。
4. 设置报警规则:网络监控工具通常提供报警功能,可以在监控项达到预设阈值时发送报警信息。
5. 调整监控频率:一般情况下,网络监控工具会按照设定的频率进行监控。

SolarWinds的使用实例教程发表回复SolarWinds的使用实例教程1 基本原理SolarWinds Engineers Edition v8 一款非常出色的网络工具箱,功能绝对专业的网络管理工具组,适合专业的网管工程师使用。
它的用途十分广泛,涵盖了从简单、变化的ping监控器及子网计算器(Subnet calculators)到更为复杂的性能监控器和地址管理功能,大幅的简化网管工程师对于网络的管理工作负担与提升效率,支持在线下载单个升级文件。
2 知识要点2.1 相关知识接口:某个节点的端口或逻辑链接。
MIB管理信息库:MIB是Management Information Base的缩写,中文名字叫”管理信息库”,它是网络管理数据的标准,在这个标准里规定了网络代理设备必须保存的数据项目,数据类型,以及允许在每个数据项目中的操作。
MIB主要用途是SMNP通过查讯代理MIB 中相应对象的值,实现对对网络设备状态的监视。
2.2 关键性术语SolarWinds、SNMP、MIB、3 实验步骤3.1 实验目的基本掌握用SolarWinds Engineers Edition v8 进行网络管理。

一、登陆: Username:admin Password:空
二、进入监控软件首页,主要功能包括左半部分:All Nodes /Active Alerts /Event summary
/Top 10 Nodes by Percent Packet Loss /Top 10 Nodes by CPU Load /Top 10 Nodes by Percent Memory Used /Network Map /Top 10 Interfaces by Percent Utilization /Top 10 Interfaces by Traffic /Top 10 Errors & Discards Today /Top 10 Volumes by Disk Space Used ;有半部分:Network Map / Search Nodes / Active Alerts /Nodes with Problems / Last 50 Events.
All Nodes监控软件所监控的电子设备全部显示在这里,所显示的三个组[Unknown](只添加ICMP监控设备)、Unknown(网络设备)、Windows(服务器设备)中包含每类中的各个节点,点击左边+可以显示出设备的名称。

一、说明该文档适用于在Windows 98 / NT / 2000 / ME / XP以上操作系统上安装使用SolarWinds 2002 Engineer's Edition 网管软件。
SolarWinds Engineer’s Edition是一套非常全面的网络工具库,包括了网络恢复、错误监控、性能监控和管理工具等等。
SolarWinds Eng ineer’s Edition包括的工具:1.网络性能监控(Network Performance Monitoring):带宽测量(Bandwidth Gauges )、路由CPU负荷(Router CPU Load)、带宽监控(Bandwidth Monitor)、CPU测量(CPU Gauge)、网络性能监控器(Network Performance Monitor)、SNMP图象和高级CPU上传(Advanced CPU Load )。
2.网络发现(Network Discovery):子网列表(Subnet List)、Ping Sweep、和IP网络浏览器(IP Network Browser)、DNS核查(DNS Audit)、IP地址管理(IP Address Management)、MAC地址发现(MAC AddressDiscovery)、SNMP Sweep、网络定位(Network Sonar)。
3.用于Cisco网络的工具:IP网络浏览器(IP Network Browser)、路由CPU负荷(Router CPU Load)、配置下载(Config Downloader)、配置上传(Config Uploader)、配置编辑器/浏览器(Config Editor/Viewer)、Proxy Ping、对比运行VS启动配置(Compare Running vs. Startup Configs.)、路由器密码加密术(Router Password Decryption)、CPU测量(CPU Gauge)、路由器安全检查(Router Security Check)和高级CPU上传(Advanced CPU Load )。

Solarwinds Orion Network performance monitor配置手册第一章介绍SolarWinds Orion NPM提供广泛故障及性能管理平台,允许您从网络浏览器中收集和浏览网络设备的可用性,并提供实时的及历史的状态的统计信息。
为什么要安装SolarWinds Orion NPM除了已有的功能,SolarWinds Orion NPM 还能提供下列监控功能:网络可用性带宽使用率缓存使用情况和错误CPU和内存使用情况端口错误及丢弃网络延时节点,端口和硬盘分区的状态这些监控功能,还有可完全个性化的基于web的界面,警报,报告引擎和灵活的扩展功能使得SolarWinds Orion NPM成为您管理网络的最佳选择。
Orion NPM带来的好处考虑下面Orion NPM所带来的好处即开即用,提高效率自动发现和向导-驱动配置使您很快得到投资回报。
几分钟内即可安装好Orion NPM,马上就可以监控重要网络设备易于理解和使用Orion NPM是为员工日常使用而设计的。
Orion NPM界面随时为您提供您所需要的帮助,用最少的配置即可提供先进的功能。
价格便宜Orion NPM在提供同样功能的同时,花费和维护费用要比其他同类产品低可升级通过增加查询引擎,可以将Orion NPM升级至任何环境。
Orion NPM的主要特征考虑上述该产品所带来的好处及下面的特征,Orion NPM是实现网络监控的一个很好的选择可个性化定制及灵活的web控制台web控制台可以根据自己的需要很容易实现个性化定制。
SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM) 说明书

Network Performance Monitor NETWORK PERFORMANCE MONITOR 概览 »借助多供应商网络监控,加速故障排除、提升服务级别,并减少停机时间 »通过关键路径逐节分析,针对本地、混合和云服务的高级网络故障排除 »跨栈网络数据关联,加快识别问题»12.3 版的新功能: 智能地图显示路由器、交换机、接口、卷、甚至组的关系,可自动更新而无需用户干预 »12.3 版的新功能: 利用采用 Network Insight for Cisco ASA 的 Network Insight™ for Cisco Nexus®ASA 环境,通过关键数据中心交换机的运行状况和性能监控,帮助确保服务可用性»利用预先配置好的仪表板、警报和报告提高运营效率 »自动发现网络设备,通常在一小时内完成部署数据表免费试用30 天,完全版本SolarWinds® Network Performance Monitor (NPM) 是功能强大且经济实惠的网络监控软件,让您可以快速检测、诊断和解决网络性能问题及故障。
关键路径逐节分析30 天,完全版本使用 NetPath 功能查看本地、云或整个混合环境中的设备和应用程序的性能、流量和配置的详细信息。
SolarWinds 存储资源监视器评估指南说明书

EVALUATION GUIDEStorage Resource MonitorStorage Resource MonitorThe purpose of this document is to explain the value proposition of SolarWinds®Storage Resource Monitor (SRM). This detailed document will help you understand the key features of SRM and how these features can benefit you in running your data center efficiently.WHAT IS SOLARWINDS STORAGE RESOURCE MONITOR?SolarWinds Storage Resource Monitor (SRM) is designed to provide multi-vendor, agentless NAS and SAN performance monitoring, as well as capacity monitoring and forecasting for your storage devices. Quickly and easily configure a full range of custom and pre-defined alerts and reports to help get a consolidated view of your storage solution. This can help prevent downtime and help ensure that your storage infrastructure is running at peak performance.Problems SRM can help you solveIf you are facing any of the following pain points, SRM may be able to help.»You have several storage vendors in your data center and no one tool to monitor them »You have a manual capacity planning process»You recently had to make a last-minute storage purchase»You don’t have easy visibility into the information you need to justify new storage invest-ments to management»You experience performance issues on end-user applications caused by storage»You don’t have visibility across IT infrastructure—application to storage—to pinpoint the cause and impact of performance issuesWhat makes SolarWinds SRM unique?»SRM was built for unified storage monitoring: One tool for monitoring storage arrays from EMC, NetApp, Dell, Huawei, and others.»Resource savings: Save time and money with SRM’s automated storage capacity planning feature.»Faster time to resolution: Having detailed visibility into storage arrays, RAID groups, and LUNs makes it easy to identify storage issues quickly and act faster.»Make informed decisions: SRM offers hundreds of out-of-the-box reports that can help eliminate assumption-driven decisions.»End-to-end IT monitoring: SRM is designed to provide a comprehensive picture of overall IT health. The AppStack dashboard can give you an instant view of your infrastructure, from application to storage.»Cross-stack IT Systems: and network data correlation to help discover and troubleshoot issues.MONITORING STORAGE ARRAYS USING SRMSolarWinds Storage Resource Monitor provides dashboards that are built for ease of use and customization that can help you identify critical performance and capacity information at the device (array/filer), pool, and LUN level. Combining SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor and Virtualization Manager to form the Application Stack view can help you identify and troubleshoot application issues quickly.Unified Storage MonitoringUnderstanding the health of your storage devices from different vendors can be challenging. Storage admins need to juggle multiple tools to ensure that the storage devices and systems are all functioning like they should. With a unified storage monitoring tool like SRM, you can have visibility into all your storage devices from a single tool. SRM’s home dashboard gives you an at-a-glance view of key storage metrics, such as usable capacity, raw disk summary, and high-lights storage with performance risks. Also, SRM provides a list of alerts that need immediate attention and action.The storage home dashboard shows critical storage issues in a snapshot, including performance problems, capacity risks,critical alerts, and events.Storage Performance MonitoringSRM was built to provide SAN and NAS performance monitoring and alerting to help you eliminate performance bottlenecks in your data center. Also, the unified view into storage performance can help simplify key tasks that are otherwise tedious and complex, including managing storage space consumption on RAID groups, mapping storage volumes back to host, and understanding how volumes are load balanced across storage arrays. SRM can help you determine whether all the objects in your storage environment are performing at their best or not. With the help of SRM, you can identify poorly performing LUNs, RAID groups, and disks.Detailed DashboardsSRM can help you navigate across all layers of storage, including arrays, storage pools, and LUNs. With just one click, you can seamlessly move from one layer to another. Each of these individual storage layers have a detailed dashboard that shows critical metrics indicating performance and health. With these features, you can quickly troubleshoot performanceproblems by isolating the actual hotspot and reducing unexpected downtime. Performance Summary widget displays key metrics, such as IOPS, latency, and throughput, etc.Array Detailed DashboardStorage Pool Detailed Dashboard Simple view of overall storage device performance and capacity.Easily see array details from model, IP address, andfirmware levels.Gives you the performance ofthe total pool. Quickly grasp theperformance of individual LUNsunder the pool.The capacity summary shows you total pool capacity and how much capacity each associated LUN is holding. You can track how the capacity is being consumed at different levels.LUN Detailed DashboardAutomated Storage Capacity PlanningThe storage capacity function in SRM is designed to track usage over time to help identify capacity issues in the array. You can also easily view growth trends and receive a forecasted view of when capacity will be reached. This helps administrators to plan when to add and when to re-allocate capacity. SRM can also reduce the complexity of storage capacity planning in both your virtual and physical infrastructure. Go deeper into the performance of datastores allocated to specific VMs in your environment. Trace dynamic relationships from apps, VMs, LUNs, pools, and arrays to discover capacity issues and whether the latency is really caused by storage performance. Identify which VMs are affected by storage issues, and take necessary steps to proactively prevent VM downtime.Get at-a-glance views of pools and LUNs/volumes to determine which are thick and thin. This helps you to identify capacityrisks across all your pare the LUN latency to discoverso-called “noisy neighbors” so you can channel storage I/O resourcesappropriately across LUNs.STORAGE ALERTS AND REPORTINGAlertsReceive alerts about performance issues with your storage devices, LUNs, storage pools/RAID groups, CIFS shares, and more. Set thresholds and generate proactive alerts that are customized to your business’s policies for usage and status information.Receive easy-to-understand alerts that show which resources are triggering the alert, when it was triggered, and clear details on what the problem is.ReportingGet quick and insightful information on your arrays with pre-designed and custom reports. You can customize your reporting parameters to provide useful business insights. Out-of-the-box reports include enterprise capacity summary, RAID/storage pool group utilization, thin provisioning, free LUNS, asset information, and more. Reports can be scheduled, emailed, and even exported as CSV or HTML files for granular customization.Get easy-to-run executive reports across all storage resources.EASY-TO-USE AND CUSTOMIZABLE DASHBOARDSAll SRM dashboards—Storage Summary, Capacity Dashboard, Performance Dashboard, and Detailed Views—are customizable. The drag-and-drop widgets allow you to design your dashboards to suit your needs.Storage Summary Dashboard (Default)Customize what is critical and remove what is not, ranging from storage performance to capacity concerns.Storage Summary Dashboard (Customized View)The above dashboard is a sample customized view.MONITOR IT SEAMLESSLY WITH SOLARWINDS ORION PLATFORM The Orion® Platform is a flagship proprietary platform on which SolarWinds network and systems management software products are built. The platform was built to provide a singular base for seamless integration between different products. The main objective of this platform is to facilitate end-to-end IT monitoring with absolute ease. Storage Resource Monitor (SRM) is part of the SolarWinds Orion Platform.Being part of the Orion Platform helps you easily integrate SRM with other SolarWinds IT management software, such as Network Performance Monitor, Virtualization Manager, Server & Application Monitor, Web Performance Monitor, and more.Benefits of the Orion Platform:»End-to-end monitoring of your IT infrastructure»A single platform that supports the varied needs of multiple IT teams (network, systems, virtualization, etc.)»Centralized management and administration»Consolidated monitoring data and context across various IT layersAppStack DashboardThe AppStack TM Dashboard in the Orion Platform is designed to give you a complete view of all storage layers and extended visibility into virtualization and application layers. With AppStack in place, you can drill down deeper across layers, and quickly identify root cause and take remedial action.Quickly see key information by just hovering your mouse over the problem area. Drill down by simply clicking on the resource.HOW IS SRM LICENSED?SolarWinds Storage Resource Monitor (SAM) is licensed by the number of disks to manage. These are disks in the SAN or NAS devices, not physical servers.Click here to view the SRM licensing tiers.If you want to learn more about licensing, please reach out to us.»Email us at ********************»Call us at (+1) 866.530.8100»Generate an online quoteWHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT SRM(BY TECHVALIDATE®)“Our organization uses everything available in Storage Resource Monitor, the very fact that once we installed it was operational in such a short time ‘right out of the box,’ with alerts, configurations, etc. It gave us instant visibility in a single pane of glass to see all the storage that we have.”- Lazaro Vazquez, Systems Engineer, County of Santa Clara California“With SRM I was able to solve severe disk bottleneck issues. I was able to pinpoint which LUN was causing the issue.”- IT/Systems Administrator, Medium Enterprise, Construction Company“The performance and ability for capacity trending and analysis alone is almost worth the price. I also like the co-joining of the SRM module with AppStack.”- IT/Systems Administrator, Fortune 500 Energy & Utilities Company“Storage is a black box to most server and network admins. SRM sheds light on that box and uncovers issues for all three teams—storage, network, and server-that might have otherwise gone unnoticed and uncorrelated without SRM.”- Application Engineer, Large Enterprise Pharmaceuticals Company THE VALUE SRM DELIVERS TO ITS CUSTOMERSADDITIONAL RESOURCES»Product Page »»Supported Devices »»Datasheet »»Product Guide »»Interactive Demo »»Overview Video »ABOUT SOLARWINDSSolarWinds is a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT infrastructure managementsoftware. Our products give organizations worldwide, regardless of type, size or IT infrastructurecomplexity, the power to monitor and manage the performance of their IT environments, whetheron-premise, in the cloud, or in hybrid models. We continuously engage with all types of technologyprofessionals – IT operations professionals, DevOps professionals and managed service providers(MSPs) – to understand the challenges they face maintaining high-performing and highly availableIT infrastructures. The insights we gain from engaging with them, in places like our THWACK®online community, allow us to build products that solve well-understood IT managementchallenges in ways that technology professionals want them solved. This focus on the user andcommitment to excellence in end-to-end hybrid IT performance management has establishedSolarWinds as a worldwide leader in network management software and MSP solutions. Learnmore today at .© 2018 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.The SolarWinds, SolarWinds & Design, Orion, and THWACK trademarks are the exclusive property of SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC or its affiliates, are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and may be registered or pending registration in other countries. All other SolarWinds trademarks, service marks, and logos may be common law marks or are registered or pending registration. All other trademarks mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks of (and may be registered trademarks) of their respective companies.。
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Solarwinds监控平台安装及使用手册2013年3月目录一安装环境 (3)二windows 2003企业版SP2安装过程 (4)2.1 准备工作 (4)2.2 硬件要求 (5)2.3安装过程 (6)2.4打补丁 (25)2.5安装IIS及.NET (25)三安装SQL Server 2005 SP2 (28)3.1 安装SQL Server 2005 (28)3.2 安装SQL Server 2005 SP2补丁包 (44)四安装solarwinds监控平台 (45)4.1 安装solarwinds软件 (45)4.2 solarwinds 数据库的安装 (51)五添加节点及配置告警 (56)5.1 添加告警设备 (56)5.2 告警配置 (58)六拓扑制作与权限设置 (64)6.1制作拓扑图 (64)6.2帐号权限和视图管理 (68)6.2.1 账号权限 (68)6.2.2 视图管理 (70)一安装环境➢环境:Windows Server 2003✧WindowsServer2003-KB914961-SP2-x86-CHS✧WindowsServer2003-KB2621440-x86-CHS✧WindowsServer2003-MMC3.0_X86➢安装SolarWinds之前需要安装:✧安装SNMP 和IIS✧安装.NET Framework 3.5 or later✧安装SQL Server 2008 Express, Standard, or Enterprise. Or SQLServer 2005 SP1 Express, Standard, or Enterprise ➢SolarWinds文件:✧work.Performance.Monitor.SLX.Edition.v9.5✧Keygen.exe (solarwinds破解工具)二windows 2003企业版SP2安装过程2.1 准备工作➢准备好windows 2003企业版SP2简体中文标准版版安装光盘。
➢如果你未安装过Windows 2003系统,而现在正使用XP/2000系统,建议用驱动程序备份工具(如:驱动精灵2004 V1.9 Beta.exe)将Windows XP/2000系统下的所有驱动程序备份到硬盘上(如∶F:\Drive)。
备份的Windows XP/2000系统驱动程序可以在Windows2003系统下使用。
➢导出电子邮件帐户和通信簿;➢将“C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator(或你的用户名)\”中的“收藏夹”目录复制到其它盘,以备份收藏夹;可能的情况下将其它应用程序的设置导出。
➢系统要求----- 对基于x86 的计算机:建议使用一个或多个主频不低于550 MHz (支持的最低主频为133 MHz)的处理器。
每台计算机最多支持8 个处理器。
建议使用Intel2.2 硬件要求Pentium/Celeron 系列、AMD K6/Athlon/Duron 系列或兼容的处理器。
建议最少使用128 MB 的RAM ,最大支持32 GB。
对基于Itanium 体系结构的计算机:使用一个或多个主频不低于733 MHz 的处理器。
每台计算机最多支持8 个处理器。
RAM 最小为1 GB,最大为64 GB。
硬盘可用空间,在基于x86 的计算机上,该空间大约为1.25 GB 到2 GB,在基于Itanium 体系结构的计算机上,该空间大约为3 GB 到4 GB,如果您通过网络而不是CD-ROM 运行安装程序,或者从FAT 或FAT32 分区执行升级(推荐使用NTFS 文件系统),那么将需要更大的磁盘空间。
2.3安装过程I.首先是windows 2003光盘的启动界面,如果你是修复系统的话,根据界面下方的提示直接按“F2”就行,因为我们是全新安装,所以不做任何操作。
IV.接下来进入磁盘分区界面,当前有40957MB的空间没有进行划分,如图所示:V.选中上面的未划分空间,按“C”键,出现下面的界面,填上14000MB (必须是7的倍数)。
在安装的过程中,界面的右面会显示出windows server 2003一些功能的介绍XVI.安装一会儿会出现系统的一些配置界面,首先是区域和语言的配置。
windows server 2003系统登录前必须要按“Ctrl+Alt+Delete”键才能出现用户名和密码输入框。
2.4打补丁Windos 2003安装完成之后需要安装以下补丁文件:➢WindowsServer2003-KB914961-SP2-x86-CHS➢WindowsServer2003-KB2621440-x86-CHS➢WindowsServer2003-MMC3.0_X862.5安装IIS及.NETA、IIS安装STEP 1插入windows xp安装光盘,打开控制面板,然后打开其中的“添加/删除程序STEP 2在添加或删除程序窗口左边点击“添加/删除Windows组建”STEP 3 系统启动Windows组建向导,在Internet信息服务(IIS)前面选勾,点击下一步:系统安装成功,系统会自动在系统盘新建网站目录。
B、.NET平台安装.NET平台是一种基于ASP语言的应用程序服务器,帮助Web 服务器处理包含服务器端脚本或标签的Web 页。
当浏览器请求这样一个页时,Web 服务器先将该页传递给应用程序服务器进行处理,然后再发送到浏览器供用户浏览。
三安装SQL Server 2005 SP23.1 安装SQL Server 2005i.在光驱中放入SQLServer2005的安装盘,双击“我的电脑”的图标,查找光盘中的setup.exe文件,双击运行。
ix.安装进入“欢迎试用Microsoft SQL Server安装向导”页面,单击“下一步”按钮。
x.进入“Microsoft SQL Server安装”界面,如下图所示:xi.进入“注册信息”页面,如下图所示:xii.在该页面输入姓名和公司,以及产品密钥,然后单击“下一步”按钮。
xiii.请选择需要安装的SQL Server组件,SQL Server Database Services、Integration Services、Analysis Services和”工作站组件、联机丛书和开发工具”为必选项,单击每个被选择项前面的方框,勾选上这个对象。
如果要修改SQL Server的安装路径(注:确保安装SQL Server系统的磁盘空间满足《用户手册》中的硬件推荐要求,HLR五百万用户量以下,一般不低于70G),点击高级按钮,如下图所示:xiv.在“要安装的组件”的页面勾选了安装对象以后,单击“下一步”按钮,出现如下页面:xv.在“实例名页面”选择“默认实例”,单击“下一步”按钮,出现“服务账号”页面,如下图所示:xvi.在“服务账号”页面选择“使用内置系统账号”,如下图所示:xvii.单击“下一步”按钮,进入“身份验证模式”页面,如下图所示:xviii.在“身份验证模式”页面输入用户sa的密码及确认码,该密码用于登陆数据库引擎时的身份验证,单击“下一步”按钮,进入“排序规则设置”页面,如下图所示:xix.在“排序规则设置”页面可进行排序规则的修改(一般情况下请使用默认的设置),修改完排序规则后,单击“下一步”按钮,进入“错误和使用情况报告设置”页面,如下图所示:xx.在“错误和使用情况报告设置”页面选择一个选项,或者一个都不选择,单击“下一步”按钮,进入“准备安装”页面,如下图所示:xxi.在“准备安装”页面单击“安装”按钮,进入“安装进度”页面,如下图所示:xxii.随着安装的进行,“安装进度”页面将会显示出已经安装的SQLServer 组件。