



SAT语法学习讲义SAT语法学习讲义修辞倒装1.在以never, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely, seldom, not only, not until, nor, little, nowhere, hardly….when, no sooner….than, by no means, under no circumstances 等开头的句子中,主谓要倒装。


例如:Never have I come across such a difficult problem. 我还从没有遇到过这样困难的问题。

Seldom do I read such magazines. 我很少读这种杂志。

No sooner had they left than the bus arrived. 他们刚走,公共汽车就来了。




例如:Only after the war was over was man able to realize the wickedness of the atomic bomb. 只是在战争结束后人类才意识到原子弹的可恶。

(注意:only 引导的状语从句不倒装,主句倒装。

) Only then did I realize the importance of English. 只在那时我才意识到英语的重要性。

Only in this way can we improve ourselves. 只有用这种方法我们才能不断提高自己。

Only after you finish it can you leave. 只有结束它以后,你才能离开。

(主句倒装) 注意:Only 如不在句首,或only 修饰的不是状语,则不倒装。



SAT语法分类讲义+练习SAT语法分类之第一类:主谓一致1 Despite (A) the heavy rain, the television reporter, accompanied by her royal film crew, were willing (B) to wait (C) outside the hotel until the delegates finished their (D) meeting. No error (E). (2010-1-S7-22)B2 The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York. No error (E). (P161.1) B3 The grooved and barbed spears of the box jellyfish, each (A) trailed by (B) a poison thread, is released (C) when (D) the animal is threatened. No error (E) (P410.23)C4 In the early 20th century, new thinking about (A) symbolism and the unconscious were (B) greatly inspired by (C) the writings (D) of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. No error (E) (P193.18) B5 The derelict old house across from (A) the warehouses and the even more (B) decrepit one just beside (C) them have been placed (D) on the list of historic landmarks. No error (E)(P410.24)E6 The professor’s insistence on high standards are (A) not, despite wha t students think, part of (B) a plan to withhold (C) high grades from them (D). No error (E) (P839.27)A7 Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years. No error (E). (P166.3)C8 Studying (A) the language and culture of a foreign country is highly recommended to (B) the tourist who expect (C) to learn from (D) his or her vacation abroad. No error (P721.26) C9 Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied (A) for years, but (B) only recently has (C) the harmful effects of noise pollution become (D) known. No error (E). (P167.6) C10 In the foothills of that large mountain range is (A) the sources of a river whose course (B) was not fully mapped (C) until (D) this century. No error (E). (P 776.19)A11. At the heart of the program, enthusiastically endorsed (A) by the city’s business association, is (B) plans for refurbishing neighborhoods and for making (C) low interest mortgages available to (D) young families. No error (E) (P956.12)B12 Also supported (A) by the commission was (B) the proposed health clinics and the proposed center (C) to distribute information on job-training (D) opportunities. No error (E)(P602.27)B13 Available through the school's guidance office is (A) a job directory and a list of job referral centers that provide (B) information for (C) students in need of (D) employment. No error (E)(P721.29)A14 Langston Hughes may be best known for (A) his poetry, but (B) included among (C) his many published works are (D) a sizable collection of short stories. No error. (E) (2010-1-S7-27) D第二类:时态1 Quincy took Dan to Derek's home for a visit (A), never imagining (B) that five years would pass (C) before seeing (D) Derek again. No Error.(E) (2002-5-S4-29)D2 Jerome often referred to (A) art history textbook while he (B) was sculpting; whenever he learned a new method in art class, he seeks out (C) the work of sculptors who had used it (D) in the past. No error (E)(P409.15)C3 Some of the workers who resent (A) the supervisor’s authority would probably (B) feel uncomfortable if (C) they were to acquire the independence that they demand (D). No error (E)(P839.22)E4 Although born in the Midwest, Langston Hughes lived most of his adult life in Harlem, in New York City, where (A), like (B) other writers in the 1930’s, he had wrote (C) some of his finest (D) works. No error (E)(P894.12)C第三类:平行结构1 Each time Caroline turns on her computer, she has (A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password (B) before (C) she can begin working (D). No error (E).(P166.2)B2 Of the hundreds of warm-water coral species, only a few (A) are highly prized (B) for use in jewelry because of their (C) beauty, luster, and they are hard (D). No error (E). (P533.12) D3 Acquaintances of Alexei have commented that he is at once annoying because of his unpredictability but his imagination is still a delight. (P431.14).A) Same.B) although he is delightfully imaginativeC) and he is delightful in his imagination tooD) while being imaginative and. They are delightedE) and delightful because of his imaginationE4 Readers of the novice writer's recent book have said that it is at once frustrating because of its chaotic structure but its originality is still a delight. (P775.11)(A) but its originality is still a delight(B) although it is delightfully original(C) and it is delightful in its originality(D) while being so original as to delight them(E) and delightful because of its originalityE5 Just how (A) critical an improved balance of trade is to (B) a healthy economy has never been (C) more clearer (D) than it is now. No error (E).(P659.18)D6 Most drivers know not only that excessive speeding on highways wastes gasoline, but also that it is dangerous. (P678.13)(A) know not only that excessive speeding on highways wastes(B) know that excessive speeding on highways could be wasteful of(C) are knowledgeable that excessive speeding on highways not only wastes(D) have known that excessive speeding on highways wastes not only(E) know that excessive speeding on highways not only by itself can wasteA第四类:形容词、副词误用1 Although canoeing through (A) the rapids was exciting, it was (B) also exhausting, and we were happy for a time to have the canoe float serene (C) down (D) a smooth stretch of the river. No error (E). (P838.12)C2 The research study reveals (A) startling proof of a constant (B) changing seafloor that comprises (C) the major part of (D) the underwater landscape. No error (E). (P602.29)B第五类:逻辑主语1 Contrasting with (A) most other (B) fifteenth- century rulers, Portuguese Kings could count on (C) the support of the aristocracy in any (D) overseas ventures. No error (E) A2 Indicating their desire to extend free enterprise, Canadians elected a member of theProgressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, as Prime Minister in 1993.(P493.13)(A) Canadians elected a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, as Prime Minister(B) Canadians’ election of a member of the Progressive Conservative Party as Prime Minister was Kim Campbell(C) Kim Campbell of the Progressive Conservative Party was elected Prime Minister of Canada(D) the Progressive Conservative Pa rty’s Kim Campbell was elected Prime Minister of Canadians(E) a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, was elected by Canadians as Prime MinisterA3 Raised in a large and noisy city, it was only when I went away to college that I realized how delightful life in a small town could be.(P955.11)(A) it was only when I went away to college that I realized how delightful life in a small town could be(B) when I went away to college I then realized how delightful life in a small town could be(C) going away to college made me realize how delightful life in a small town could be(D) I did not realize how delightful life in a small town could be until I went away to college(E) delightful life in a small town was unrealized by me until I went away to collegeD4 Having thought the problem through with some care, that the committee did not understand her solution frustrated the chairperson extremely.(P599.5)(A) that the committee did not understand her solution frustrated the chairperson extremely(B) the chairperson’s extremely frustration resulted from the committee not understanding her solution(C) the chairperson’s frustration at the committee’s failing to understand her solution was extreme(D) the chairperson was extremely frustrated by the committee’s failure to understand her solution(E) the committee’s failing to understand her solution was an extreme frustration to the chairpersonD5 While working as a nurse in the streets of Calcutta, that was when Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor.(P892.1)(A) that was when Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor(B) Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor(C) then the development of Mother Teresa’s profound love for the poor took place(D) Mother Teresa’s profound love for the poor developed(E) a profound love for the poor developed in Mother TeresaB6 By simply entering an Internet website or calling a toll-free number, a catalog order can be placed for almost anything from cheesecakes to fully equipped desktop computers.(P616.12)(A) a catalog order can be placed(B) by placing a catalog order(C) they will place your catalog order(D) you can place a catalog order(E) your catalog order can be placedD7 Though now one of the most famous abstract artists, critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock for his technique of splattering paint on canvases.(P532.8)(A) critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock(B) critics once were ridiculing Jackson Pollock(C) Jackson Pollock once ridiculed by critics(D) Jackson Pollock was once ridiculed by critics(E) Jackson Pollock, having once been ridiculed by criticsD8 During (A) my most recent (B) trip, I came across (C) a wonderful antique store wandering(D) in the old quarter of the city. No error (E). (P533.16)D9 Having been a victim of malicious rumors, Helen purposely avoided gossips.(P954. 3)(A) Having been a victim of malicious rumors(B) Her being a victim of malicious rumors(C) Her having been victimized by malicious rumors(D) Because being a victim of malicious rumors(E) Because having been a victim of malicious rumorsA第六类:代词1 The starling is such a (A) pest in rural areas that it has become (B) necessary to find ways(C) of controlling the growth of their (D) population. No error (E)(P167.8)D2 The quality of multivitamin tablets is determined (A) by how long (B) its (C) potency can be protected (D) by the manufacturer's coating material. No error (E) (P602.28)C3 Despite research on the diagnosis of (A) heart disease and the use of increasingly (B) sophisticated technology in its treatment (C), the condition of coronary arteries is (D) still difficult to assess precisely. No error (E) (2008-1-Q21)E4 The report Alexander is discussing (A), a report prepared jointly by he (B) and the committee, does not take into account (C) the socioeconomic status of those interviewed (D). No error (E)(P602.21)B5 Apparently impressed with (A) our plans, the foundation awarded Carlos and I (B) a grant to establish (C) a network of community centers throughout (D) the city. No error (E) (P602.26)B6 For we (A) students, concern about impending (B) tuition hikes was even more acute than(C) apprehension about (D) final exams. No error (E) (P721.27)A7 It would be (A) much more efficient for you and I (B) to work together on both projects than (C) for each of us (D) to work separately on one. No error (E). (2008-10-S7-22)B8 For people in (A) many ancient societies, work was only a means of (B) survival rather than (C) a way to improve your (D) standard of living. No error (E) (P838.19)D9 When one first begins (A) to arm wrestle, it’s (B) important to work on one’s endurance and to make your (C) biceps appear formidable (D). No error. (E)C10 If one adopts (A) a tiger as a pet, particularly (B) in New York City, you (C) should alert those who (D) live in the area. No Error (E)C11 The comet has recently changed direction toward Jupiter, which is leading scientists to wonder about the composition of the object.(A) which is leading scientists to wonder about(B) this development leading scientists to wonder about(C) and with it scientists’ wonder of(D) a development leading scientists to wonder about(E) this leading scientists to wonder onD12 Candy manufacturers applauded the discovery by (A) researchers that students which (B) smell chocolate while studying and again while taking (C) a test are able to (D) recall more material than students not exposed to the odor of chocolate. No error (E)(P894.15)B13 In a world that (A) the rate of technological and social change accelerates frighteningly(B) , change itself (C) often seems to be the only constant (D). No error (E) (P957.21)A14 Along (A) the curve of islands known as the Florida Keys lies(B) a reef of living coral, the only one(C) of a kind(D) in the continental United States. No Error (E)D15 During the labor dispute, barrels of potatoes were emptied across the highway, and they thereby blocked it to all traffic.(P599.4)(A) highway, and they thereby blocked it to all traffic(B) highway and thereby blocking it to all traffic(C) highway, by which all traffic was therefore blocked(D) highway, and therefore this had all traffic blocked(E) highway, thereby blocking all trafficE16 The lawyers representing the parking-lot operators asserted as to the defensibility of their practices as legal and ethical.(P615.6)(A) as to the defensibility of their practices as legal and ethical(B) as to their practices and their defensibility on legal and ethical grounds(C) that their practices, that is the operators, are defensible in legal terms as well as ethics(D) that in regards to defensibility their practices are legally and ethically defensible(E) that the practices of the operators are legally and ethically defensibleE17 Conners, a publishing and media services company, is acquiring Dispatch Education, it manufactures school uniforms.(P599.2)(A) Dispatch Education, it manufactures(B) Dispatch Education, which manufactures(C) Dispatch Education, manufacturing(D) Dispatch Education, it is manufacturing(E) Dispatch Education, for the manufacturing ofB18 Many communities in my state are forming neighborhood watch programs, for it will deter criminals.(P739.10)(A) programs, for it will deter(B) programs, in which it will deter(C) programs that will deter(D) programs for the deterrence of(E) programs being able to deterC19 It is hard for some young people to believe that women were at one time not admitted to some colleges, but they have since become coeducational.(P802.8)(A) colleges, but they have since become coeducational(B) colleges, but they are now coeducational(C) colleges, and have since become coeducational(D) colleges that have since become coeducational(E) colleges, since becoming coeducationalD20 When Catherine the Great had a magnificent dinner service of Sevres porcelain made for her, she was scandalized by its great cost, which became the subject of prolonged controversy.(P987.8)(A) which became(B) so it was to be(C) with a result that it was destined to become(D) therefore becoming(E) consequently it would becomeA第七类介词1 At the highest level (A) of competitive chess, players are so familiar to (B) one another’s strategies that they can practically (C) read their opponents’minds; the result is drearily predictable (D) play. No error (E). (2008-5-S4-16)B2 Vanessa had a tendency of changing (A) her mind often, so often (B) in fact that her friends gave up expecting (C) her to show up at (D) their parties. No error (E). (2008-10-S7-28) A3 Digital technology, as every marketer knows, is synonymous to speed, precision, and the future.A. toB. ofC. withD. forE. throughC常考的一些搭配abide byable toaccuse … ofapologize forapprove ofcapable ofcomply with conscious ofconsists ofdepend on= rely on differ from discriminate against equivalent toescape fromfamiliar with/ familiar to grateful toidentical toobject tojealous of opposed to participate in preoccupied with protect … from provide … with relevant to succeed in tendency to/ toward第八类:连词:(逻辑关系错误/多连词/副词误用为连词/分句间缺连词)1 Watermelons have been cultivated for more than 4000 years, and whereby thumping them to test for ripeness has an equally long history.A. and whereby thumping themB. whereby thumping themC. because thumping themD. thumping them as a wayE. and thumping themE2 Since some (A) people are convinced that (B) dowsing, a method of finding underground water with a Y-shaped stick, is effective, but others condemn the procedure as (C) mere superstition (D) . No error(E)(P602.24)A3 Many students work after school and on weekends, consequently they do not have much time for doing their homework.A, weekends, consequently they do not haveB, weekends, they do not haveC, weekends, as a consequence they do not haveD, weekends, therefore they do not haveE, weekends; consequently, they do not haveE4 Even the play’s most minor characters work toge ther with extraordinary skill, their interplay creates a moving theatrical experience.A, their interplay creates a moving theatrical experience.B, a moving theatrical experience is created by their interplayC, and their interplay creates a moving theatrical experience.D, and a moving theatrical experience being the creation of their interplayE, with their interplay they create a moving theatrical experience.C第九类:固定搭配1 Just as Ireland has produced many famous writers and the Netherlands on abundance of famous painters, so Finland has provided a large number of famous architects. (P775.10)(A) so Finland has provided a large number of famous architects(B) Finland provides famous architects, and by large numbers(C) Finland’s contribution is to provided famous architects in a large number(D) and so then, for Finland, a large number of famous architects is provided(E) and like them Finland has provided a large number of famous architectsA2 No sooner had Andrea del Sarto traveled to France to work for the French king but his wife persuaded him to return to Italy.(P676.4)(A) but his wife persuaded him to return(B) but his wife had him persuaded into returning(C) than he was persuaded by his wife that he will return(D) but he was persuaded by his wife into returning(E) than his wife persuaded him to returnE3 Chaplin will not be remembered for espousing radical causes any more than they will remember Wayne for endorsing conservative political candidates.(P677.6)(A) any more than they will remember Wayne(B) as will Wayne not be remembered(C) any more than Wayne will be remembered(D) just as they will not remember Wayne(E) no more than Wayne will be rememberedC4 The main reasons students give for failing to participate in the political process is that they have demanding assignments and work at part-time jobs.(P600.6)(A) is that they have demanding assignments and work at(B) are demanding assignments and they work at(C) are that they have demanding assignments and that they work at(D) is having demanding assignments and having to work at(E) are demanding assignments, in addition to working atC7 The reason for the continued popularity of country-western performers is that it draws on experience with which almost everyone can identify(P955. 10)(A) that it draws on(B) that their music draws on(C) because the music draws on(D) because of them drawing from(E) they will draw fromB第十类:分句错误:双主语/缺谓语1 The Basque language, possibly one of Europe’s oldest, whose origins are hotly debated.(P863.10)(A) The Basque language, possibly one of Europe’s oldest, whose origins are hotly debated.(B) The Basque language, possibly one of Europe’s oldest, its origins are hotly debated.(C) Possibly one of Europe’s oldest languages, the origins of Basque are hotly debated.(D) The origins of the Basque language, possibly one of Europe’s oldest, are hotly debated.(E) Basque is hotly debated as a language wh ose origins are possibly Europe’s oldest.D2 The problem of water pollution, frequently compounded in certain areas because the treatment and release of industrial wastes are not adequately regulated.(P954.2)(A) pollution, frequently compounded in certain areas because(B) pollution, frequently compounded in certain areas and(C) pollution, frequently compounded in certain areas when(D) pollution is frequently compounded in certain areas where(E) pollution is frequently compounded in certain areas andD简洁原则:1 Anita liked to watch television, of which she found the science programs especially fascinating.(A) television, of which she found the science programs especially fascinating(B) television; she found the science programs especially fascinating(C) television, and it was especially the science programs that were of fascination(D) television; the fascination of the science programs especially(E) television, especially fascinating to her were the programsB2 The chestnut, like the oak, is called an immortal tree, the reason is that the truck and roots remain alive even after the tree has been felled.(P955. 6)(A) tree, the reason is that the truck and roots remain(B) tree, which has a truck and roots that are remaining(C) tree, the truck of which and the roots remain(D) tree because its truck and roots remain(E) tree, whose trunk and roots are remainingD习题:1. Roger had just walked into his office and that was when he was told that his plan had finally been approved.A. and that was when he was toldB. and then he learnedC. when it was learned by himD. and then they told himE. when he learnedE2. Burdened with three pieces of luggage and a pair of skis, Sarah’s search for a baggage cart was desperate.A. Sarah’s search for a baggage cart was desperateB. Sarah’s desperate search was for a baggage cartC. a baggage cart was what Sarah desperately searched forD. a baggage cart for which Sarah desperately searchedE. Sarah searched desperately for a baggage cartE例:Of all the states represented at the conference, the governor of Missouri was the only one to present plans for enforcing the new regulations. (P740.14)(A) the governor of Missouri was the only one to present(B) making the governor from Missouri the only one to present(C) Missouri’s governor only presented(D) Missouri’s governor presented the only(E) Missouri was the only one whose governor presentedE3. Karen, James, and Sam were hiking when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment.A. when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankmentB. and then he fell down a steep embankment after he stumbled over a rockC. when Sam fell down a steep embankment after stumbling over a rockD. when Sam fell down a steep embankment, since he stumbled over a rockE. and, since he stumbled over a rock, he fell down a steep embankmentC4. By attracting new industry when the old factory closed, the council kept the economy of the town from collapsing, this was a disaster many workers had feared.A. this was a disaster many workers had fearedB. because many workers had feared a disasterC. the fear many workers had would be a disasterD. a disaster that many workers had fearedE. it was feared by many workers as a disasterD5. A healthy economy can be measured not only by the growth of business but it has a psychological effect on people.A. it has aB. as well in theC. also by theD. also theE. in the way of having aC6. Today’s political candidates may reach wide audiences by appearing on television, but old-fashioned barnstorming still has value because it allows the electorate to meet candidates face to face.A. television, but old-fashioned barnstorming still has value because it allowsB. television, but old-fashioned barnstorming still would have value because of allowingC. television; however, there is still value in old-fashioned barnstorming by allowingD. television, old-fashioned barnstorming still having value because it allowsE. television, when old-fashioned barnstorming still has value in allowingA7. Linguistic research often requires fieldwork where they can study and record the spoken dialects of a region.A. where theyB. through which theyC. and the linguistD. during which the linguistE. which theyD8. The primatologist has argued that sustained observation of a few animals provides better behavioral data than does intermittent observation of many animals.A. provides better behavioral data than does intermittent observation of many animalsB. provides better behavioral data than many animals are observed intermittentlyC. providing better behavioral data than does intermittent observation of many animalsD. do provide better behavioral data than intermittent observation of many animals doE. in contrast to intermittent observation of many animals, provides better behavioral dataA例:Of the following, which is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 5 below?Whatever it is, it seemed that the creature has a burrow under our front porch.(P722.31)(A) (as it is now)(B) In spite of what it is, it seems that the creature has(C) The creature, whatever it was, seemingly having(D) It would seem, whatever it is, that it would have(E) Whatever the creature is, it seems to haveE9. George Orwell’s term “doublespeak” referri ng to the intentional use of language to confuse or to mislead, as when one says “revenue enhancement” instead of “tax increase.”A. referring to the intentional use of languageB. referring to language which is intentionally usedC. which refers to the intentionally using languageD. refers to the intentional use of languageE. is when it refers to language used intentionallyD10. Scientists predict technological changes in the next century, they will be as dramatic as was the development of the transcontinental railroad in the last century.A. century, they will be as dramatic as wasB. century, these will be as dramatic asC. century; being as dramatic as wasD. century will be dramatic as isE. century as dramatic asE11. With billions of tons yet to be mined, some argue that coal conservation measures are unnecessary.A. With billions of tonsB. Because billions of tons of coal areC. Because of coal in billions of tonsD. By considering that there are billions of tonsE. Aware of the coal in billions of tonsB练习讲解句子改错1. Despite (A) its cultural importance, the Daily Gazette lost (B) 70 percent of its subscribers since 1920 and, by 1955, was losing (C) as much as(D) $200,000 a year. No error (E) (06.1,29)B2. Africa’s Kanem Empire, after enduring for (A) over a thousand years, is (B) believed to have fallen into decline (C) when trade centers shift (D) outside its boundaries. No error (E) (06.5, 25)D3. Although the precise date and place of the origin of baseball are hotly debated (A), it is beyond dispute (B) that the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn play (C) an important role in its (D) early development. No error (E)( OC4-S5-24)C4. Of ancient origin (A), the game of checkers was played (B) in Egypt during the time (C) of the pharaohs and is mentioned (D) in the writings of Homer and Plato. No error (E) ( OC5-S6-28)E5. Jean Toomer was not only (A) the author of Cane, a novel whose publication has been viewed (B) as marking (C) the beginning of the Harlem Renaissance, but also a respected advisor among Quakers (D). No error (E) ( OC6-S5-18)E6. Because the garden was untended (A), the windows had no (B) shutters, and the lawn overrun (C) by weeds, people passing by (D) the old house assumed that it was unoccupied. No error (E)(06- 1-section 3-17)C7. Because the American Indian Rodeo includes games and exhibitions developed as early as (A) the seventeenth century, they predate (B) by (C) a few hundred years the form (D) of rodeo now seen on television. No error (E)(06-1-S3, 27)B8. Many jazz enthusiasts would have to admit (A) that their having (B) unjustly overlooked(C) the music of Bennie Nawahi, who popularized (D) the Hawaiian steel guitar sound in the early 1930’s. No error (E) (08-1-13)B9. In addition to (A) being (B) a talented pianist and composer, Bela Bartok was a respected (C) musicologist who wrote (D) several books on Hungarian, Slovakian, and Romanian folk music. No error (E) (OC -4 –S5 -15)。



SAT语法讲义(完整版)SAT语法讲义Identifying Sentence Errors一、主谓一致1. 就前原则(1) N1 of N2 verb(SAT考试中动词的单复数与N1有关,与N2无关)如:a group of students arethe details of the problems are例:The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York.No error (E). (P161.1)(2) 名词1+介词+名词2 如:students in the classroom名词,插入语,verb名词+doing/done 如:students studying hard例:Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years. No error (E). (P166.3)2.“欲擒故纵”法动词单复数做题基本原则是就前原则,如果句子太长、太难、太复杂时,用“欲擒故纵”法。

3.动词单复数的特殊固定用法(1) a number of 一些;一般情况下其后动词用复数,(不受任何规律限制);the number of …的数量;其后的动词在任何情况下都用单数。

量词考点:a group/list/line of 使用“就前原则”(2) 倒装结构:就后原则。

SAT 语法 讲义

SAT 语法 讲义

EG: South Korea has witnessed the world’s most dramatic growth of Christian congregations:church membership is expanding by 6.6 percent a year, fully two-thirds of the growth coming from conversions rather than the population increasing.(A) coming from conversions rather than the population increasing(B) coming from conversions rather than increases in the population(C) coming from conversions instead of the population’s inc reasing(D) is from conversations instead of population increases(E) is from conversions rather than increasing the increases名词及相关修饰性成分1—1 Contrary to earlier conjectures,it may be that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide as a result of burning fossil fuels would cool the globe by reducing the amount of solar energy absorbed by snow.(A) increased atmospheric carbon dioxide as a result of burning(B) increased atmospheric carbon dioxide resulting from the combustion of(C) increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the combustion of(D) carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that increased from burning(E) atmospheric carbon dioxide that increased from burning1—2 Rather than continue to produce most of the items necessary for subsistence, a growing number of farm families during the first decades of the nineteenth century began to specialize in the production of grain or cotton and to use the cash proceeds from selling their crops for buying necessities.(A) selling their crops for buying(B) the sales of their crops for buying(C) their selling of crops so as to buy(D) their selling crops for buying of(E) the sale of their crops to buy1—3 New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions.(A) splitting apart continents(B) the splitting apart of continents(C) split apart continents(D) continents split apart(E) continents that were split apart1-4 One view of the economy contends that a large drop in oil prices should eventually lead to lowing interest rates,as well as lowering fears about inflation, a rally in stocks and bonds, and a weakening of the dollar.(A)lowing interest rates,as well as lowering fears about inflation,(B)a lowering of interest rates and of fears about inflation,(C)a lowering of interest rates,along with fears about inflation,(D)interest rates being lowered,along with fears about inflation,(E)interest rates and fears about inflation being lowered,with1—5 Consumers may not think of household cleaning products to be hazardous substances,but many of them can be harmful to health especially ii they are used improperly.(A) Consumers may not think of household cleaning products to be(B) Consumers may not think of household cleaning products being(C) A consumer may not think of their household cleaning products being(D) A consumer may not think of household cleaning products as(E) Household cleaning products may not be thought of,by consumers, as1—6 In the face of widespread concern about environmental waste,compact disc manufacturers are attempting to find a replacement for the disposable plastic box in which they package their product.(A) the disposable plastic box in which they(B) the disposable plastic box where they(C) a disposable plastic box in which to(D) disposable plastic boxes inside which they(E) the disposable plastic boxes in which to1—7 Following the nutrition board’s advice on salt consumption, it would mean a virtual end of the of salt in cooking, and avoidance of obviously salty foods, and reducing the reliance on processed foods that contain significant amounts of often hidden sodium.(A) reducing the reliance processed foods that contain significant amounts of often hidden sodium(B)reducing the reliance on processed foods containing often hidden but significant amounts of sodium(C)a reduction of the reliance on processed food, containing as they do often hidden sodium in(D) a reduced reliance on the significant amounts of hidden sodium often contained in processed foods(E)a reduced reliance on processed foods that contain significant but often hidden amounts of sodium1—8 The brochure notes that in the seminar the importance that communication is a two-way process will be emphasized.(A)importance that communication is a two-way process will be emphasized(B) importance of communication as a two-way process will be emphasized(c)importance of communication being a two-way process will be the emphasis(D)fact will be emphasized that communication is a two-way process and of importance(E) emphasis will be that communication being a two-way process is important1—9 Stable interest rates on long-term bonds are the financial market’s vote of confidence in the Federal Reserve keeping in control of inflation.(A)in the Federal Reserve keeping in control of inflation(B)that the Federal Reserve will keep inflation under control(C) for the Federal Reserve,that it would keep control of inflation(D)that inflation will be kept control of by the Federal Reserve(E)that inflation would be kept control of by the Federal Reserve1—10 Dr . Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize for discovering how the body can constantly change its genes to fashion a seeming unlimited number of antibodies,each specifically targeted at an invading microbe or foreign substance.(A) seeming unlimited number of antibodies,each specifically targeted at(B) seeming unlimited number of antibodies,each targeted specifically to(C) seeming unlimited number of antibodies,all specifically targeted at(D) seemingly unlimited number of antibodies,all of them targeted specifically to(E)seemingly unlimited number of antibodies,each targeted specifically at1——11 Recently there has been increased debate over if a budget surplus should go towards lower taxes or increased spending on social programs.(A)over if a budget surplus should go towards lower taxes or increased spending(B)over whether a budget surplus should go towards lowering taxes or increasing spending(C)about a budget surplus going towards lower taxes or increasing spending(D)about if lower taxes should come from budget surplus or spending increases(E)concerning a budget surplus and its going towards lower taxes or increased spendingE1—1 Once an apolitical confrontation of the world’s best athletes,the Summer Olympics have been increasingly politicized in recent years as the superpowers have denied many of the best athletes access to competition.(A) been increasingly politicized(B) been increasing politicization(C) been of increased politicization(D) politicized,increasingly,(E) increased politicizationE1—2 The economic forces which may affect the new public offering of stock include sudden downturns in the market,hedging and other investor strategies for preventing losses,loosing the interest rates in Washington, and fearing that the company may still be undercapitalized.(A)loosing the interest rates in Washington,and fearing the company may still be undercapitalized(B)loosening the interest rates in Washington,and a fear of the company still being undercapitalized(C) a loosening of the interest rates in Washington,and fearing that the company may still be undercapitalized(D)a loosening of the interest rates in Washington,and a fear of the still undercapitalized company(E)a loosening of the interest rates in Washington,and a fear that the company may still be undercapitalizedE1—3 Among the reasons for the decline of New England agriculture in the last three decades were the high cost of land,the pressure of housing and commercial development,and basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and California.(A)basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and California(B)basing a marketing and distribution system on the imported produce of Florida and California(C)basing a system of marketing and distribution on the import of produce from Florida and California(D) a marketing and distribution system based on importing produce from Florida and California(E) a marketing and distribution system importing produce from Florida and CaliforniaEl一4 School integration plans that involve busing between suburban and central—city areas have contributed,according to a recent study,to significant increases in housing integration, which, in turn reduces any future need for busing.(A)significant increases in housing integration,which, in turn, reduces(B)significant integration increases in housing,which, in turn, reduces(C)increase housing integration significantly,which, in turn, reduces(D) increase housing integration significantly,in turn reducing(E)significantly increase housing integration,which, in turn, reduce2—1 Since 1986 enrollments of African Americans,American Indians,and Hispanic Americans in full-time engineering programs in the United States has steadily increased, while the number of other students who enter the field fallen.(A)has steadily increased,while the number of the students who enter the field has fallen(B) has steadily increased,while other students entering the field have declined in number(C) increased steadily,while there was a decline in the number of other students entering the field(D) have steadily increased,while the number of other students entering the field has fallen(E)have steadily increased,while that of other students who enter the field fell2—2 The lack of complete historical records from the mid-to-late 1800’s have made some Black inventions difficult to trace totheir originators.(A) have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators(B) have made for difficulties in tracing some inventions by Blacks to their originators(C) have made it difficult to trace some inventions by Blacks to their originators(D) has made it difficult to trace some inventions to their Black originators(E) has made it difficult in tracing some Black inventions to their originators2—3 With its plan to develop seven and a half acres of shore land, Cleveland is but one of a large number of communities on the Great Lakes that is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract new businesses.(A)is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract(B) is looking at its waterfront to improve the quality of urban life and attract(C) are looking to their waterfronts to improve the quality of urban life and attract(D) are looking to its waterfront as a way of improving the quality of urban life and attracting(E) are looking at their waterfronts as a way they can improve the quality of urban life and attract2—4 A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes from the incineration of wastes.(A)much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans fire exposed comes(B)much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins that North Americans are export to come(C)much of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and that North Americans are exposed to comes(D)many of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and North Americans are exposed to come(E)many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed come2—5 Down zoning, zoning that typically results in the reduction of housing density,allows for more open space in areas where little water or services exist.(A)little water or services exist(B)little water or services exists(C)few services and little water exists(D)there is little water or services available(E)there are few services and little available water练习E2—1 Three out of every four automobile owners in the United States also own a bicycle.(A)Three out of every four automobile owners in the United States also own a bicycle.(B)out of every four,three automobile owners in the United States also owns a bicycle.(C) Bicycles are owned by three out of every four owners of automobiles in the United States.(D)In the United States,three out of every four automobile owners owns bicycles.(E)Out of every four owners of automobiles in the United States,bicycles are also owned by three.E2—2 Two valence states of uranium,one with a deficit of four electrons and the other one with a deficit of six, occurs in nature and contributes to the diversity of uranium’s behavior.(A) the other one with a deficit of six,Occurs in nature and contributes(B) the other one a deficit of six,occur in nature and contribute(C) the other with a deficit of six,occur in nature and contributes(D) the other with a deficit of six,occur in nature and contribute(E) one with six,occurs in nature and contributesE2—3The relationship between corpulence and disease,remain controversial, although statistics clearly associate fl reduced life expectancy with chronic obesity.(A)remain controversial,although statistics dearly associate a reduced life expectancy with(B) remain controversial,although statistics clearly associates a reduced life expectancy with(C) remain controversial,although statistics dearly associates reduced life expectancy to(D)remains controversial,although statistics dearly associate a reduced life expectancy with(E)remains controversial,although statistics clearly associates reduced life expectancy to2—1 Since 1986 enrollments of African Americans,American Indians,and Hispanic Americans in full-time engineering programs in the United States has steadily increased, while the number of other students who enter the field fallen.(A)has steadily increased,while the number of the students who enter the field has fallen(B) has steadily increased,while other students entering the field have declined in number(C) increased steadily,while there was a decline in the number of other students entering the field(D) have steadily increased,while the number of other students entering the field has fallen(E)have steadily increased,while that of other students who enter the field fell2—2 The lack of complete historical records from the mid-to-late 1800’s have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators.(A) have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators(B) have made for difficulties in tracing some inventions by Blacks to their originators(C) have made it difficult to trace some inventions by Blacks to their originators(D) has made it difficult to trace some inventions to their Black originators(E) has made it difficult in tracing some Black inventions to their originators2—3 With its plan to develop seven and a half acres of shore land, Cleveland is but one of a large number of communities on the Great Lakes that is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract new businesses.(A)is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract(B) is looking at its waterfront to improve the quality of urban life and attract(C) are looking to their waterfronts to improve the quality of urban life and attract(D) are looking to its waterfront as a way of improving the quality of urban life and attracting(E) are looking at their waterfronts as a way they can improve the quality of urban life and attract2—4 A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes from the incineration of wastes.(A)much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans fire exposed comes(B)much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins that North Americans are export to come(C)much of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and that North Americans are exposed to comes(D)many of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and North Americans are exposed to come(E)many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed come2—5 Down zoning, zoning that typically results in the reduction of housing density,allows for more open space in areas where little water or services exist.(A)little water or services exist(B)little water or services exists(C)few services and little water exists(D)there is little water or services available(E)there are few services and little available water练习E2—1 Three out of every four automobile owners in the United States also own a bicycle.(A)Three out of every four automobile owners in the United States also own a bicycle.(B)out of every four,three automobile owners in the United States also owns a bicycle.(C) Bicycles are owned by three out of every four owners of automobiles in the United States.(D)In the United States,three out of every four automobile owners owns bicycles.(E)Out of every four owners of automobiles in the United States,bicycles are also owned by three.E2—2 Two valence states of uranium,one with a deficit of four electrons and the other one with a deficit of six, occurs in nature and contributes to the diversity of uranium’s behavior.(A) the other one with a deficit of six,Occurs in nature and contributes(B) the other one a deficit of six,occur in nature and contribute(C) the other with a deficit of six,occur in nature and contributes(D) the other with a deficit of six,occur in nature and contribute(E) one with six,occurs in nature and contributesE2—3The relationship between corpulence and disease,remain controversial, although statistics clearly associate fl reduced life expectancy with chronic obesity.(A)remain controversial,although statistics dearly associate a reduced life expectancy with(B) remain controversial,although statistics clearly associates a reduced life expectancy with(C) remain controversial,although statistics dearly associates reduced life expectancy to(D)remains controversial,although statistics dearly associate a reduced life expectancy with(E)remains controversial,although statistics clearly associates reduced life expectancy to3—1 The study undertaken by the Department of the Interior will involve examination and tagging of the California condor in order to obtain information about their daily movements,foraging habits,and sites where they nest.(A)their daily movements,foraging habits,and sites where they nest(B)their daily movements.foraging habits,and their nesting sites(C) its daily movements,foraging habits,and nesting sites(D)its daily movements,foraging habits,and about nesting sites(E)daily movements,foraging habits,and sites in which there are nests3—2 Although the bite of brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds, posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to its poison.(A) brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal,they cause chronic flesh wounds,posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly,who are particularly vulnerable to its(B) brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal,they cause chronic flesh wounds, and pose the greatest danger to the infant and elderly,who are particularly vulnerable to their(C) the brown recluse spider is rarely fatal,it causes chronic flesh wounds,posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly,who are particularly vulnerable to their(D)the brown recluse spider is rarely fatal,it causes chronic flesh wounds and poses the greatest danger to infants and the elderly,who are particularly vulnerable to its(E) the brown recluse spider is rarely fatal,they cause chronic flesh wounds,posing thegreatest danger t0 the infant andelderly,who are particularly vulnerable to its3—3 If additional deposits of oil are found,it will expand the amount that can be used as fuel and reduce the price of oil , even if the deposits are not immediately tapped.(A) it will expand the amount that can be used as fuel and reduce the price of oil(B) the amount that is able to be used as fuel will expand and the price of oil reduced(C) it will cause an increase in the amount that is able to be used as fuel and a reduction(D) the amount that can be used as fuel will increase and the price of oil will drop(E) it will increase the amount of oil that can be used as fuel and cause a drop in the price3—4 Pensions are now viewed as a deferred payment of salary,money a worker is compelled to put away to take care of one's later years.(A)a worker is compelled to put away to take care of one’s(B)that a worker is compelled to put away to take care of oneself in(C)a worker is compelled to put away to take care of oneself in(D)workers are compelled to put away to take care of them in(E)workers are compelled to put away to take care of themselves in3—5 Plausible though it sounds,the weakness of the hypothesis is that it does not incorporate all relevant evidence.(A)Plausible though it sounds,the weakness of the hypothesis(B)Even though it sounds plausible,the weakness of the hypothesis(C)Though plausible,the hypothesis’weakness(D)Though the hypothesis sounds plausible,its weakness(E)The weakness of the hypothesis which sounds plausible3—6 As researchers continue to probe the highly expressive vocal and postural language of wolves,their close resemblance to dogs has become ever more striking.(A)their close resemblance to dogs has become(B)the closeness of their resemblance to dogs has become(C)the close resemblance between them and dogs has become(D)the close resemblance between wolves and dogs becomes(E)the close resemblance of wolves with dogs becomes3—7 The rules that govern political contributions fire less stringent in local elections than they are in national elections because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse.(A)The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than they are in national elections because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse(B)Because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse,the rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than the rules are in national elections(C)The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than national elections because they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse(D)Because local elections typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse than national elections,the rules that govern local political contributions are less stringent than national contributions(E)The rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections than they are in national elections because local elections typically involve smaller amounts of money and present 1ess opportunity for abuse3—8 Although aspirin irritates the stomach ,it can be avoided if the aspirin tablet is given a coating that will not dissolve until the tablet reaches the intestine.(A)Although aspirin irritates the stomach,it(B)The irritation of the stomach caused by aspirin(C)The fact that aspirin causes irritation of the stomach(D)Aspirin causes stomach irritation,although it(E)Aspirin irritates the stomach,which3—9 After the civil war, contemporaries of Harrier Tubman’s maintained that she has all of the qualities of a great leader:coolness in the face of danger,an excellent sense of strategy,and an ability to plan in minute detail.(A) Tubman’s maintain ed that she has(B) Tubman’s maintain that she had(C) Tubman’s have maintained that she had(D) Tubman maintained that she had(E) Tubman had maintained that she has3—10 New Jersey's is one of the five highest number of reported cases of Lyme disease in the United States.(A) New Jersey’s is one of the five highest number of reported(B New Jersey’s is one of the five highest numbers in reporting(C) New Jersey has a report of one of the five highest numbers of(D) New Jersey has one of the five highest numbers of reported(E) New Jersey reports one of the five highest number ofE3-1 For many travelers,charter vacations often turn out to considerably more than they originally seemed.(A)they originally seemed(B)they originally seem to(C)they seemingly would cost originally(D) it seemed originally(E)it originally seemed they wouldE3—2 In Holland,a larger percentage of the gross national product is spent on defense of their coasts from rising seas than is spent on military defense in the United Stated.(A) In Holland,a larger percentage of the gross national product is spent on defense of their coasts from rising seas than is spent on military defense in the United Stated·(B) In Holland they spend a larger percentage of their gross national product on defending their coasts from rising seas than the United States does on military defense.(C) A larger percentage of Holland’s gross national product is spent on defending their coasts from rising seas than the United States spends on military defense·(D) Holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product defending its coast from rising seas than the military defense spending of the United States.(E) Holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product on defending it coasts from rising seas than the United States does on military defense·E3—3 Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, using it to help build a modem industrial system·(A)Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, using it to help build(B)Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War and used it to help in building(C) Japan used the huge sums of capital it received from the United Stated after the second World War to help build(D) Japan’s huge sums of capital received from the United States after the Second world War were used to help it in building(E) Receiving huge sums of capital from the United States after the second World War,Japan used it to help buildE3—4In England the well-dressed gentleman of the eighteenth century protected their clothing while having their wig powdered by poking their head through a device that resembled.(A) gentleman of the eighteenth century protected their clothing while having their wig powdered by poking their head(B) gentleman of the eighteenth century protected his clothing while having his wig powdered by poking his head(C) gentleman of the eighteenth century protected their clothing while having their wigs powdered by poking their heads(D) gentleman of the eighteenth century protected his clothing while having his wig powdered by poking his head(E) gentleman of the eighteenth century protected their clothing while having his wig powdered by poking his headE3—5 There is ample evidence,derived from the lore of traditional folk medicine,that naturally occurring antibiotics are usually able to be modified to make them a more effective drug.(A)are usually able to be modified to make them a more effective drug(B)are usually able to be modified to make them more effective drugs(C)are usually able to modified。



SAT 语法部分简介语法部分属于SAT reasoning test 中的写作(writing)板块,与essay writing 分值一起组成写作板块的总分。

SAT语法之所以被划分在Writing Skills当中,是因为它实际是考查考生对英语的标准书面语(Standard Written English)的掌握程度,并非琐碎复杂的语法知识,SAT 语法规则有时和我们通常所学的语法书上的知识点有所出入,规则也不尽相同.其考试题型和考试重点也与中国的语法题目大相径庭。


SAT的语法规则,也就是像OG当中所阐述的那样,是一种“the rules of good written English”,具有准确,清晰,简洁的特点,杜绝口语化、模糊和冗余的表达。


比如说有些句子在TOEFL 中是对的,但是在SAT语法里面就是错误的,因为它不够简洁有效。

整个语法部分包括三种题型:ISE(Identifying sentence errors,即挑错题)、IS(Improving sentences,即句子改进题)、IP(Improving paragraphs,即段落改进题),所有题目均为五选一。

SAT语法部分的49个选择题分布在两个section,其中 ISE(句子挑错题)18 小题、IS(句子改进题)25 小题、IP(段落改进题)6 小题.三种题型所考查的侧重点各不相同,从OG和真题上对各部分考试目的和内容的解析中可以得出这一点.如在 ISE的介绍中,对考生的要求是“The ability to recognize grammar and usage errors",强调语法和固定用法的使用是否正确;而IS对考生的要求则变成了“the ability to recognize and write clear, effective and accurate sentences",从语法知识转移到了清晰,准确,简洁的表达方式。

SAT语法讲义2(Pronoun Errors)

SAT语法讲义2(Pronoun Errors)

数 人称 格 词义
主格 宾格

我 I me
三 一
我 we us

你 you you

你 you you

他她它 they them
他她它 he she it him her it
1. 人称代词的主格在句子中作主语 Eg. I am from China. 注1:当几个人称代词同时作主语时,其顺序一般是:单数:you,he, and I;复数:we,you and they Eg. He and I are both college students We and you will play football. 注2:在复合句中,如果主句和从句主语相同,代词主语要用在从句 中,名词主语用在主句中 Eg. When he arrived, John went strai词
表示"那个"、"这个"、"这些"、"那些"等指示概念的代词 Eg. this, that, these, those, such, etc. 指示代词的句法功能: a. 作主语 Eg. This is the way to do it. b. 作宾语 Eg. I like this better than that. c. 作介词宾语 Eg. I don't say no to that.
Identifying Sentence Errors

Improving Sentences
Error Classification
Pronoun Error
Misplaced Modifiers
Subject-Verb Agreement Faulty Parallelism Faulty Verb Tense Faulty Comparisons Idiom

SAT语法讲义3(Subject-verb Agreement)

SAT语法讲义3(Subject-verb Agreement)
Error Classification
Pronoun Error
Misplaced Modifiers
Subject-Verb Agreement Faulty Parallelism Faulty Verb Tense Faulty Comparisons Idiom
Sentence Fragments Adjectives/Adverbs Run-on Sentence
2. 连系动词+表语构成的复合谓语 Eg. ★ You look the same. ★ The weather gets warmer, and the days get longer.
1. 语法一致原则 2. 意义一致原则
3. 就近原则
单主 复主 单谓 复谓
Eg. ★The number of errors was surprising. ★ We love our motherland.
※ 谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”、
“是什么” 或“怎么样”
※ 谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后 ※ 谓语由简单动词或动词短语(助动词或情态动词+主要动词)构成 简单谓语和复合谓语
*不论何种时态,语态,语气,凡由一个动词(或动词词组)构成的谓语都 是简单谓语 Eg. ★ I like walking. ★ I made your birthday cake last night. ★ It is used by travelers and business people all over the world. *复合谓语 1. 情态动词,助动词+不带to的动词不定式构成的重复谓语 Eg. ★ What does this word mean? ★ I won’t do词或代词或其他词的数的形式,来 决定其自身的数的形式 Eg. ★ Not only his children but also he himself wants to go there.(want) ★ Either my wife or I am going to work there. (be)



Time Allotted
Numbers of Questions
65 minutes
35 minutes
50 minutes
80 minutes
230 minutes (with essay) 155(with essay)
作文不算分 阅读与语法:800
B) In fact, many librarians, whose training now includes courses on research and Internet search methods, teach classes in Internet navigation, database and software use, and digital information literacy.
1. 句子结构要正确(造句的两大原则) 2. 句子间的语义逻辑要正确 3. 句子要简洁
D) summer and this evidence follows
In fact, librarians’ training now includes courses on research and Internet search methods. Many of whom teach classes in Internet navigation, database and software use, and digital information literacy.
Which choice most effectively combines the underlined sentences?



SAT语法序言SAT语法之所以被划分在Writing Skills当中,是因为它实际是考查考生对英语的标准书面语(即Standard Written English)的掌握程度,并非琐碎复杂的语法知识,SAT语法规则有时和我们通常所学的语法书上的知识点有所出入,规则也不尽相同。



SAT的语法规则,也就是像OG当中所阐述的那样,是一种“the rules of good written English”,具有准确,清晰,简洁的特点,杜绝口语化、模糊和冗余的表达。









对于绝大多数中国学生来说,语法部分的时间是非常紧迫的,尤其是25分钟的 Section,很多人做不完题目。







SAT基础语法讲义一语法section 简介SAT语法隶属于写作部分,由三部分构成:ISE(Identifying Sentence Errors), IS(Improving Sentences)和IP(Improving Paragraphs)。

分值分布是:ISE-18道,IS-25道, IP-6道,其中的IS和IP部分是新的题型,在国内的考试和国外常见的考试里都没有见到过,也是很多考生提高成绩的瓶颈之处。

二 SAT常考语法体系:1,主谓一致。

尤其用于倒装时,比如there be句型或地点状语至于句首,要找到真正的主语;有插入语时,要勇敢的抛弃非中心部分,找到真正的主语;主谓一致还会出现在一些固定用法中,但是一般比较简单,比如neither nor或者not only but also等等。



4,名词和代词,常常名词单复数混淆,男女混淆,主格宾格混淆;也会在their、it和they之间指代不明;关于指代,跨段之间不能指代,it不能指代整个句子,只能指代一个名词或动作,one和they不能相互指代,one 和you也不能相互指代;this不能单独充当主语和宾语。

5,同类比较,只有同类的东西才能用于as well as和than句型。

EG:The population of China is larger than that of America.6,adj和adv的混用:adj修饰名词,adv可以修饰除名词外的大部分词。




SAT 语法归纳Grammar

SAT 语法归纳Grammar

要求:陈述句:1,完整性2,基本语法,没有歧义,正确逻辑3,简洁有效,固定搭配4,对称平行IE:1,名词的数:单:each,one,everyone复:both,few单/复:Some/All/Most+n.2.2.1倒装和there be句型句首:<1Only/Hardly等副词2某些介词短语3某些adj/-ed短语>须倒装4.平行结构定义:处在并列关系的句子部分应具有相同/相似的形式标志词:1.A,B,and C2.Not only...but also3.either...orneither...norboth...andnot...but4.*rather thanmore than6.代词6.4 which/who混用7.时态:几乎所有考察时态的题,都有明确的时态判断依据7.1In/during+过去时间==>一般过去时7.2IN/During/For+the last/past+一段时间==>现在完成时7.3By+将来==>将来完成时By+过去==>过去完成时By为判断动作是否表示完成时7.4Now that==>现在完成/一般现在7.5when/whenever主,从句时态相同/相呼应7.6before/After/Until:不搭配现在完成时搭配一般过去/过去完成7.7since搭配现在完成8.形容词误用8.1desirable:(事)理想的,desirous(人)渴望的respectful:恭敬的,respectable:值得尊敬的Incredible:unbeliveable,incredulous:不轻易受骗的Indecisive:(人)不决断的,Indefinite:不确定的10固定搭配(23~29出现1~2个)break with...打破...传统enter intofrom...until...different than/from(1)to:threat tooppose to,opposite to反对opposition toappoint sb to some positiondetermination to dotendency to do趋势(2)from:prevent sb from doing sth separade from(3)with:consistent with与...一致comply with遵守agree...with/to/onsb familiar with sthsth familiar to sb preoccupation with全神贯注于charge withvary with伴随(4)for:为了apply to acompany for a position suitable forresponsible fornecessary for/to(5)of:关于advocate of sthcapable of doingon the verge of doingat the risk ofdoing sth(6)as:作为regard asthink beknown as/tobe(7)against:反对protest(against) sth抗议(8)by:方式(9)over:debate over讨论,思考(10)about:particular about(11)其他:Manage to doHelp to do疑问句+to doThe only one of itskindparticular overBe due toDue todesire forBe provoked byTake pride in12.比较级和最高级的适用of all the...XX is(are)the -estof the two...XX is the-er第一层次:NO.1动词:时态,主谓一致,语态,虚拟,过去时/分词代词:代词用法(*找指代对象)标志词:平行,比较NO.2形容词:adj/adv混用,比较级/最高级的误用todo/doing:平行,固定搭配,逻辑主语,完整性(逻辑关系) 名词:数(单复)NO.3连接词:误用介词:固定搭配副词:形容词与其混用冠词:/------------------------------------------------------------ 必错:plusFrom...and...。



SAT语法讲义(1)1.句子完整性(“主语+ing”型错误)OG 538.12OG 538.15B809.14B533.162.主谓一致——谓语动词划线,找主语中心词!主语和相应的谓语动词在数上需要保持一致,不可数和单数的主语搭配单数动词,复数主语搭配复数动词。

例如:Tom goes to school every day.从总体上来看,IE部分考察主谓一致的题目的标志为:谓语动词划线,主谓关系模糊(具体手法后面讲)我们的解题手段为:找出主谓结构,尤其是主语的中心词——因为它才是我们判断主语的数的依据。

我们来看一道题:OG 725.27好,下面我们看SA T的出题人具体是如何给我们设置障碍的,我们先看第一类障碍:2.1 主语的数不易判断主谓一致实际上是一个很大的知识点,但是SA T对主谓一致的考察范围并不太广,尤其是在主语数的判断上,考察的并不多,下面我们分五点讲一下:2.1.1名词的数单复数同形的名词:species, means, fish ,deer, sheep, plastics不规则变化的名词:datum/data; medium/media*(不考)强调整体为单数,强调个体为复数的集合名词:jury, audience, committee, staff, family, government, group, union, teamMy family are all early risers.My family is a happy one.*非谓语动词(to do/doing)一般按单数对待B647.20OG 602.162.1.2不定代词的数1. Each/one/no one 以及Some/every/any + one/body each/every+Noun 单数2. few, many, several, both 复数3. All/Some/ most of +可数名词复数——复数Some of the apples are eaten.+可数名词单数、不可数名词单数Some of the apple is eaten.例题:B755.15B联合主语的数Either A or B/Neither A nor B/Not only A but also B 就近一致Both A and B/A and B 一般复数例题:B533.18B589.19例外:OG 846.142.1.5作定语从句主语的关系代词(which/who/that)的数定语从句的连接词可能作主语,例如Y esterday I bought a book, which was very cheap.那么which就是定语从句的主语,它的数要与它的先行词,也就是book保持一致,然后再来看它的谓语动词是否与它主谓一致。



新东方SAT语法教案PPT第一章:SAT语法概述1.1 课程简介介绍SAT语法课程的目标和内容强调SAT语法的重要性1.2 SAT语法考试形式和结构解析SAT语法考试的题型和分值分布举例说明考试中常见的题型和难点1.3 新东方SAT语法教学方法介绍新东方SAT语法教学的特色和方法强调个性化辅导和学生参与的重要性第二章:句子结构与句子成分2.1 句子结构的基本概念解释主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语的概念强调句子结构的重要性2.2 句子成分的识别和运用练习识别句子中的各个成分分析句子成分在句子中的功能和作用2.3 句子结构的常见错误列举常见的句子结构错误类型分析错误的原因并提供修改方法第三章:时态与语态3.1 时态的基本概念和分类解释一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时等概念强调时态在句子中的表达作用3.2 语态的基本概念和分类解释主动语态、被动语态等概念分析语态在句子中的表达作用3.3 时态和语态的运用和错误分析练习运用时态和语态进行句子表达分析常见的时态和语态错误并提供修改方法第四章:主谓一致4.1 主谓一致的基本概念解释主谓一致的原则和规则强调主谓一致在句子中的重要性4.2 主谓一致的运用和错误分析练习正确运用主谓一致进行句子表达分析常见的主谓一致错误并提供修改方法4.3 特殊情况下主谓一致的运用介绍特殊情况下主谓一致的规则和例外练习并掌握特殊情况下主谓一致的运用第五章:名词和代词5.1 名词的基本概念和分类解释名词的种类和作用强调名词在句子中的重要性5.2 代词的基本概念和分类解释代词的种类和作用强调代词在句子中的重要性5.3 名词和代词的运用和错误分析练习正确运用名词和代词进行句子表达分析常见的名词和代词错误并提供修改方法第六章:形容词和副词6.1 形容词的基本概念和分类解释形容词的种类和作用强调形容词在句子中的重要性6.2 副词的基本概念和分类解释副词的种类和作用强调副词在句子中的重要性6.3 形容词和副词的运用和错误分析练习正确运用形容词和副词进行句子表达分析常见的形容词和副词错误并提供修改方法第七章:平行结构7.1 平行结构的基本概念解释平行结构的原则和规则强调平行结构在句子中的重要性7.2 平行结构的运用和错误分析练习正确运用平行结构进行句子表达分析常见的平行结构错误并提供修改方法7.3 特殊情况下平行结构的运用介绍特殊情况下平行结构的规则和例外练习并掌握特殊情况下平行结构的运用第八章:逻辑关系8.1 逻辑关系的基本概念解释逻辑关系的原则和规则强调逻辑关系在句子和段落中的重要性8.2 逻辑关系的运用和错误分析练习正确运用逻辑关系进行句子和段落表达分析常见的逻辑关系错误并提供修改方法8.3 特殊情况下逻辑关系的运用介绍特殊情况下逻辑关系的规则和例外练习并掌握特殊情况下逻辑关系的运用第九章:句子改写9.1 句子改写的目的和重要性解释句子改写的作用和目的强调句子改写对提高语法能力的重要性9.2 句子改写的方法和技巧介绍句子改写的常见方法和技巧练习并掌握句子改写的能力9.3 句子改写的练习和错误分析提供句子改写的练习题目分析常见的句子改写错误并提供修改方法第十章:综合练习与提高10.1 综合练习的目的和重要性解释综合练习的作用和目的强调综合练习对提高语法能力的重要性10.2 综合练习的题型和技巧介绍综合练习的题型和解答技巧练习并掌握综合练习的能力10.3 综合练习的练习和错误分析提供综合练习的题目分析常见的综合练习错误并提供修改方法第十一章:标点符号和大小写11.1 标点符号的基本规则介绍英文标点符号的种类和用法强调标点符号在句子中的重要性11.2 大小写的基本规则解释英文大小写的规则和例外强调大小写在单词和句子中的重要性11.3 标点符号和大小写的运用和错误分析练习正确运用标点符号和大小写进行句子表达分析常见的标点符号和大小写错误并提供修改方法第十二章:阅读理解和语法应用12.1 阅读理解与语法的关系解释阅读理解与语法之间的联系强调提高阅读理解能力对语法学习的重要性12.2 语法在阅读理解中的应用分析语法知识在阅读理解中的具体应用练习运用语法知识提高阅读理解能力12.3 阅读理解和语法应用的练习和错误分析提供阅读理解和语法应用的练习题目分析常见的练习错误并提供修改方法第十三章:写作技巧和策略13.1 写作技巧的重要性解释写作技巧在SAT写作中的作用和重要性强调写作技巧对提高写作能力的重要性13.2 写作技巧和策略的介绍介绍SAT写作中的常见技巧和策略练习并掌握写作技巧和策略13.3 写作技巧和策略的练习和错误分析提供写作技巧和策略的练习题目分析常见的练习错误并提供修改方法第十四章:模拟试题和解析14.1 模拟试题的目的和重要性解释模拟试题的作用和目的强调模拟试题对提高考试能力的重要性14.2 模拟试题的解答和分析提供模拟试题并进行解答和分析分析常见的试题错误并提供修改方法14.3 模拟试题的练习和反馈提供模拟试题的练习题目对学生的练习进行反馈和指导第十五章:总结与复习15.1 课程内容的总结回顾整个课程的主要内容和知识点强调重点和难点15.2 复习和巩固提供复习材料和练习题目帮助学生巩固和加强所学的语法知识15.3 复习和巩固的练习和错误分析提供复习和巩固的练习题目分析常见的练习错误并提供修改方法重点和难点解析句子结构与句子成分:理解主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语的概念,以及它们在句子中的功能和作用。



SAT语法强化讲义宏观原则1. After having read numerous diet books, Charles decided that the simplest plan would be the best: eat fewer calories andA B Cexercise more. No errorD E2. Not having traveled abroad before, John was both apprehensive and excited about his upcoming trip to the GalapagoA B C DIsland. No errorE3. The woman whom the board picked to design the new building is a renowned architect and has received many awards.A B C DNo errorE4. After the somber butler strode to the door and aske d, “Who is it ? ” the mysterious vagrant replied, “It is me.” No errorA B C D E主谓一致(倒装)5. There is many benefits to biking; it is both a rigorous form of extensive and an environmentally sustainable, consciousA B C Dmode of transportation. No errorE6. Despite the decline in media attention, there still are, above the western Pacific Ocean, a growing ozone hole. No errorA B C D E7. Often citied by the media is the right to freedom of speech and the claim that the public wants to know what celebrities doA B Cin their off-time. No errorD E8. Deleted from the play during the editing process was a scene which the author felt could offend many people and aA B Cpotentially controversial reference to the recent civil strife in his history. No errorD E主谓一致(A prep B)9. Some words in the English language has several meanings which are unrelated except through their origins: testudinate, forA Bexample, can mean either curved and vault-shaped, or extremely slow moving, since the word derives from the Latin wordC Dfor turtle. No errorE10. The field of consumer electronics have never been fixed: DVD replaces VHS tapes today, just as CDs replaced cassetteA B Ctapes in the past. No errorD E11. Either of the two plans are acceptable as both will work equally well. No errorA B C D E12. The book Living with Flowers have fabulous picture of how to decorate one’s home with flowers as well as examples ofA B Chow flowers, and nurturing them, can con tribute to one’s well being and serenity. No errorD E13. The existence of consistent rules are important if a teacher wants to run a classroom efficiently. No errorA B C D E14. When evaluating the impact of a painting, one of the most intriguing aspects are how the viewer perceives it: can the viewerA B Cbe induced to consider a perspective distinct her own? No errorD E15. By order of the Board of Education, the wearing of tank tops by students in all the city schoolsA B Chave been completely banned. No errorD E16. Some scholars argue that Shakespeare’s collection of sonnets were actually written for his patron. No errorA B C D E17. There is so much contradictory evidence that the police are reviewing all of the alibis, verifying that each of the suspectsA Bhave a reliable witness or credible story to account for his whereabouts on the night of the crime. No errorC D E18. Neither of the players on the course today have any hope of reaching the final round. No errorA B C D E19. When he confronted the teacher, as he did after almost every year, the student was adamant that neither the question nor theA B Canswers was fair. No errorD E20. Neither the rebel group nor the government are poised to strike a decisive blow in the civil war which has been ranging forA B C Dover a year. No errorE主谓一致(陷阱题)21. Many singers in fields such as rhythm and blues, soul, and even rock who achieves success actually began their careers byA Bsinging in a church choir, developing their voices and vocal techniques on some of the world’s most beloved music.C DNo errorE22. The success of the women’s rights movement can, ironically, be measured by the steady rise in the number of women whoA Bsuffers from historically male diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. No errorC D E23. “Somebody have done s omebody wrong somehow” has to be one of the most insightful and universal lyrics ever written;A B Cthe popularity of this country song lends credence to that conclusions. No errorD E24. Politicians habitually promise to implement many profound changes if they are elected; unfortunately – or fortunately,A Bdepending on one’s perspective – only some of these promises is ever actually kept. No errorC D E25. Dentists agree that brushing your teeth three times a day promote good dental health and a more attractive smile. No errorA B C D E26. If the chef at the restaurant we visit most frequently overcook my fat her’s burger one more time, my father will speak to theA B C Dmanager. No errorE27. The ease and speed with which a computer connected to the Internet can transmit a lengthy document is so muchA B C Dconvenient than a fax machine. No errorE28. Scientists exploring Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has discovered a type of coral with the same characteristics as humanA Bbone; its qualities render it ideal for hip replacements and other orthopedic endeavors. No errorC D E29. John Wayne, long considered a hero by his fans from across the country, were very patriotic. No errorA B C D E30. The frog, as a species, are among the best harbingers of environmental pollution, as it is extremely sensitive to changeA B Cin both water and soil. No errorD E31. Rosie the Riveter, who was characterized in the World War II posters as an attractive, dark-haired, muscular woman andAclearly different from the beautiful blonds languishing by the home fires, are finding new popularity with today’s women’sB C Dadvocates. No errorE32. Legal cases today cover increasingly sophisticated technological and medical issues, while the number of parties, especiallyA B Cin class action suits, are ballooning. No errorD E33. The continual improvements in athletic training methods has made performances that would have been consideredA B Cimpossible a generation ago everyday occurrences. No errorD E34. The news that no weapons of mass destruction have been found are fueling the opposition to the war and eroding theA B Cpresident’s credibility. No errorD E35. Dieting and exercise is not the answer to all weight problems, but they should do the trick for most waistlines. No errorA B C D E动词(平行对称)36. Despite having had no formal training, Jackie was nonetheless able to master the piano by listening to recordings, readingA B Cinstructional books, and she practiced on her own. No errorD E37. Two current television trends, the home improvement show that craze and the “hot rod” automobile fad, seem to show aA dissatisfaction with our domestic spaces and indicating a desire for something riskier and more exciting. No errorB C D E38. In the author’s latest novel, the hero traveled to Montana where she finds a mysteriously deserted house and, throughA Ba series of misunderstandings, becomes embroiled in an international smuggling ring. No errorC D E39. After Wayne Gretzky began playing hockey, he stayed focused on the sport and holds 61 records when he retired. No errorA B C D E40. By 2076, the United States will have been a nation for three years, while, by the same year, China has been a nationA B Cfor almost four thousand years. No errorD E41. The goals of the scientists, whose training had afforded them extensive experience with cutting-edge methodologies, wereA Bto change the genetic components of the virus and setting up a new set of criteria for analyzing the results. No errorC D E42. Recently completed, the new maglev train links Shanghai to the Pudong Airport and eliminating a major source ofA B Ccongestion between the two destinations. No errorD E43. The little girl was not only content to allow her mother to do all the dishes, but also believes that her mother actuallyA B Cenjoyed doing housework. No errorD E44. Upon his return, Bob noticed that the milk had spoiled and had went bad while he was away. No errorA B C D E45. At first, Funny Cide, a horse co-owned by three racing amateurs, was thought to have a chance at the Triple Crown, but aA Bwet, sloppy track at Belmont made a difficult third race and thus ends his chances. No errorC D E46. Students in the literature course will explore ways in which medieval authors represented themes of their time, andA Bwill be reading Augustine’s Confessions, Boccaccio’s Decameron, and Heloise and Abelard’s Letters. No errorC D E47. Several fundamental principles lay behind the development of the Constitution: first, the idea that citizens have unassailableA Brights, second, citizens having the right to disagree with the government. No errorC D E48. Revered as one of the world’s most versatile geniuses, Leonardo da V inci excelled in every endeavor he attempted andA Bserving as a prototype for the Renaissance man. No errorC D E49. When Ms. Ruiz arrived at the holiday sale, she realized that she had left her wallet at home and must go back to get it.A B C DNo errorE50. My art history professors prefer Michelangelo’s paint ing to viewing his sculpture, although Michelangelo himself was moreA B Cproud of the latter. No errorD E动词的时态51. Before handing in her assignment, Michelle checked all her sources twice: her greater fear being receiving any grade lowerA B C Da B. No errorE52. Returning to school in September, Linnea told us in minute detail how she had rode her bike from our town in coastal NewA B CJersey to Eugene, Oregon, entirely on her own. No errorD E53. During the presidential campaign of 1917, the women’s part y, which was steadily gaining acceptance, accused PresidentAWilson of hypocrisy; he had entered the war in Europe to help guarantee democratic principles overseas, yet he was votingB C Dagainst suffrage for women. No errorE54. Jason’s older sister, known for her diligence, smugly reminded him that if he would have planned ahead instead ofA Bprocrastinating, he would not have had to write his entire research paper in one weekend. No errorC D E55. Many biographers had stated that Samuel Langhorne Clemens changed his name to Mark twain to echo the riverboatA B Ccaptain’s call ascertaining the safe navigation depth of the Mississippi river. No errorD E56.Superbowl commercials perfectly target their demographics because the advertisers regularly spent exorbitant amounts ofA B Ctime and money designing the ads. No errorD E57.Upon reviewing a map of his property, John realized that he could not build the barn where he had intended becauseA Bit belonged to a neighboring farmer. No errorC D E58.Celestial navigation, the ancient practice of using heavenly bodies to guide a ship’s course, has becoming a dying art sinceA B Cthe advent of modern global positioning system. No errorD E59. Only infrequently did James laugh at the jokes that the comedian has been telling; James simply did not find the comedian’sA Bpunch line, none of which seemed original or very funny. No errorC D E60.Ever since the promotion of our new manager last year, John is the hardest-working employee of this small andA B Chighly industrious company. No errorD E61. The press aggressively interrogated the Senator when he claimed to support the new proposition because his voting recordA B Cindicated that he has always opposed the intended legislation. No errorD E62.Since the early 1970’s, the number of people claiming to have seen the movie grew from just under one hundred to wellA B C Dover thirty million. No errorE63. Once the angry bull was subdued by the end rodeo’ clowns, it will be rounded up and led from the ring. No errorA B C D E64. During the excavation of Pompeii, many people worried that artifacts are being destroyed by careless techniques,A Bbut the dig continued in spite of their concerns. No errorC D E65. Only after he had wrote the note did Jason begin to feel remorse. No errorA B C D E66. The police officer was unable to have elicited information from the witness regarding the fire, no matter how hard he tried.A B C DNo errorE67. The Shakespearean drama opens with a moral dilemma – how to choose between individual freedom and social needs –Athen introduced the possibility that one does not always have the power to choose one’s own fate. No errorB C D E68. Although I should not admit this, at work I lay down when I am tired. No errorA B C D E69. Effectively overturning the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 ruled that blacksA Bwhether free or enslaved, were not citizens under the Constitution, and therefore are unable to vote. No errorC D E70. In trying to capture the essence of a portrait, the artist frequently keeps his models late, insisting that they completed the jobA B Cin order to be paid. No errorD E71. Although Kris played the piano until he was fourteen, it took only minutes of listening to Carlos Santana to realize that heA B Cwanted to switch instruments; he plays the guitar ever since. No errorD E72. If Sue had begun practicing sooner, she would see a big difference in her performance. No errorA B C D E73. When Edith Wharton, acclaimed author of The House of Mirth and Ethan Frome, decided to take a break from writing afterA Bcompleting her eighth novel, she left her home in New Y ork and is vacationing in the south of France. No errorC D E74. After the theatre critic gave the experimental play an unjustifiably harsh review, he has been fired from the newspaper forA B Cfailing to keep an open mind. No errorD E75. Critics of the recording industry argue that consumers would not download music illegally if record stores would chargeA B Cless for compact discs. No errorD E76. Science magazine recently published a report by geologists which provides evidence for what they believe is a majorA B C Dmeteor impact some 380 million years ago. No errorE77. By the time the space shuttle Atlas 5 lifts off, NASA had fixed the communications tower which would allow themA B Cto communicate with the astronauts. No errorD E78. Only if enough viewers would object to what may call “the vast wasteland of television” would the quality of programmingA B Cbecome acceptable. No errorD E79. She dried the dishes when, all of a sudden, the phone rang; startled, she dropped a plate to the floor, whereupon it shattered.A B C DNo errorE80. If you plan to participate in a marathon, you need to realize that many athletes, even those in top physical condition, find itA Bdifficult to finish such a long race; by the end of marathon you will run twenty-miles. No errorC D E81. I apologized for scaring my siblings after they had been seeing me wrangling snakes without my wearing any gloves.A B C DNo errorE82. The vegetarian movement in this country, which has shown increasing growth over the last thirty years, was begun at a farmA B Cin Wheaton, V ermont, in the late 1800’s. No errorD E主谓一致86. Two of Charles Dickens’ most famous characters, Oliver Twist and David Copperfield, were an orphan who fell upon hardA B Cluck as children, but found happiness later in life. No errorD E87. Although they have radically different career plans, Luna and Gabriel both hope to be a Michigan State graduate one day.A B C DNo errorE88. The twins want to be a member of the team, but the captain had already made her selections. No errorA B C D E89. The viewers will have the opportunity to make their preference clear, as the station plans to conduct an extensive voterA B C Dsurvey. No errorE90. Regional delicacies are often subjects of interest and controversy: while tourists and new residents to an area may consumeAthe foods for which a city or state is known, their opinion on such items may anger loyalists native to the region in question.B C DNo errorE91. During the early and mid-1990’s, university communitie s such as Athens, Georgia and Austin, Texas, rose to fame,Aor at least rose to fame within the nation’s college radio audience, because of their thriving independent music scene.B C DNo errorE92. Although researchers have created machines that seem to think for themselves, none of the researchers has proven theA B Coriginality of their ideas. No errorD E93. The agenda for next Monday’s community council meeting features several contentious issues: therefore, the councilA Bexpects to see an unusual number of community members, all there to ensure that his or her voice will be heard regardingC Dthe issues at hand. No errorE94. As soon as play practice ended, the students left the building, hurried through the cold night air toward their cars, unlockedA doors, started their engine, and turned up their heaters. No errorB C D E95. The clever grandmother, concerned because her grandsons seems to resent their new baby sitter, elected not to take a sternA approach but rather to win their heart by saying how much their sitter would adore them. No errorB C D E比较结构103. Michael, who is versed in many types of music, prefers the music of Bach to Mozart. No errorA B C D E104. Not everyone would agree that Lawrence Oliver’s performan ce in Henry V was superior to Kenneth Branagh. No errorA B C D E 105. The sculptor Rodin often departed from traditional styles in his creations; unlike other sculptors, his creationsA Bmade obvious the materials from which they were built. No errorC D E106. Historian liken the reign of Russian’s Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a contemporary of England’s Queen Elizabeth I who isAfamous for his brutal repression, to Joseph Stalin. No errorB C D E107. Quite different from the Y ellowstone River, the canyons of the Colorado River are famous for their soaring, majestic wallsA B C Dof burnt, red rock. No errorE108. We now know that Archimedes, one of the foremost mathematicians of ancient Greece, devised a method for computing Avolumes that was very similar to Newton, who developed calculus. No errorB C D E109. The writings of Edward Abbey, especially Desert Solitaire, which recounts a season that Abbey spent mostly alone in theA Bdeserts of Southern Utah, echo the same tradition of rugged individualism as did Henry David Thoreau. No errorC D E110. While the style of the clay figurines produced by the pre-Columbian Jalisco culture is less sophisticatedAthan the Colima culture, Jalisco pieces are nonetheless highly prized by collectors. No errorB C D E111. Just as the work of John Steinbeck described ordinary people whose lives were uprooted by circumstances beyond theirA B Ccontrol, so too did Mikhail Sholokhov describe the disrupted lives of several ordinary Don Cossacks. No errorD E112. The programs comprising President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society were like President Franklin Roosevelt’s New DealA B Cin that both extended the scope of government social programs. No errorD E113. Navajo pottery, which consists of many types of functional vessels and is regarded as a highly developed art form, is moreA B Cbrightly colored than other tribes. No errorD E形容词的比较级和最高级118. The pitch of the note that a stringed instrument makes depends on the length, weight, and tension of the string: highestA B Cnotes are produced by shorter, lighter, or tighter strings. No errorD E119. Of all the jingoists in the country, that politician, known for fanatical patriotism, appears to be the more dangerous.A B C DNo errorE120. Salma and Raiza may be identical twins, but Salma is the more athletic and Raiza the mostA B C Dstudious. No errorE121. Cellular phones are one of the less technologies that became more popular in Europe than in America when firstA B C Dintroduced. No errorE122. Of the two players, George was the least nervous about competing in public, for he had played in many tournaments in theA B C Dpast. No errorE123. Complete exhausted from a hard day at work, Evelyn fell asleep on the bus and, when she finally awoke, found thatA B Cshe had missed her stop. No errorD E124. The artist’s repeated use of pale color and amorphous forms, intended to imbue his paintings with a sense of ambiguity,A B Conly makes the paintings look weakly. No errorD E介词的搭配125. Although she found it quite different than the book, Mary thoroughly enjoyed the movie and looked forward to the sequel.A B C DNo errorE126. When learning how to paint, one should comply to the tea cher’s instruction: with more experience, the burgeoning painterA B Ccan experiment with technique. No errorD E127. Cooperation between the five largest companies is vital if we are serious about decreasing unemployment rates. No errorA B C D E 128. On a chilly December evening, a lonely transient asked a homeless man to partake from a meal with him; the two elicitedA B C Dwhispers as they dined and cha tted in the small town’s only restaurant. No errorE129. Wanda implored Marco not to be jealous over her work; she explained that because she liked both Marco and her job, heA B Cwould have to share. No errorD E130. An amazing designer, Coco Chanel blended the extremely different styles of traditional and modern couture more easily asA B Cany contemporary designer ever has. No errorD E131. Joy Renee analyzed her outlook of life: rather than viewing her glass as either half full or half empty, she chose to see it asA B Coverflowing with possibilities. No errorD E132. The jury had to decide between impeaching the mayor, whose record up to the point of the alleged crimeA B Chad been flawless, or to declare a mistrial. No errorD E133. Afflicted from tuberculosis, the English poet John Keats did not have long to live, so his doctors recommended that heA Bspend his last days in the more comfortable climate of Rome. No errorC D E134. No matter how many times Julie hears her favorite song, whenever it is played on the radio, she will dance around theA B Croom as if she has never heard the song before. No errorD E135. After hiking three miles of the Appalachian trail, we discovered that we had neglected to pack enough food, and weA B Cdebated for returning home. No errorD E136. Although I can certainly consume a large amount for someone my size, that pizza is more then I can eat. No errorA B C D E137. Desirous for food, the glowworms in Te Anau’s darkest cave s use bioluminescence to lure unsuspecting insectsA B Cinto sticky traps. No errorD E138. After receiving fourteen citations from the Health Department, the butcher finally agreed to wear gloves, to sanitize hisappliances regularly, and to comply about the health laws in general. No error139. Ironically, the eighteenth constitutional amendment prohibiting the sale of alcohol may have been responsible to the rise ofA B Corganized crime in the 1920’s. No errorD E140. Elevator passengers are often oblivious over the intricate culture etiquette dictating where they stand, where they look, andA B Cin which direction they face. No errorD E141. Traditional Japanese culture encourages its people to conform with social norms; a popular proverb states, “The nail thatA B C Dsticks out gets pounded down. ” No errorE142. After happily winning the department store’s $10,000 shop ping spree, Dale was saddened quickly when he learned that heA Bdid not qualify to the prize because his brother worked for the store as a stock clerk. No errorC D E143. When Hannah discovered that they had voted for different parties, she argued at her father for hours in an attempt toA B Cconvince him of his mistake. No errorD E144. The zoologist worried over the sick elephant: if the elephant did not survive, her young calf could perish from starvation orA B C Ddepression. No errorE145. The controversial magazines have been criticized for being partial, in every article, of the most conservative causes.A B C DNo errorE146. Psychologists have long debated the connection between violence on television plus actual crime. No errorA B C D E147. Unless scientists discover new ways to increase food production, the Earth will not be able to satisfy the food needs for allA B Cits inhabitants. No errorD E148. In a beginning ballet class, a dancer learns the five positions, ab out ballet’s history, and arm exercises. No errorA B C D E代词的格149. When you and me visited the eulogized city of Troy, we noticed it was much smaller than the epic tales had suggested.A B C DNo errorE150. It is difficult for my friends and I even to contemplate playing chess against someone accused of cheating. No errorA B C D E151. Upon winning the volleyball championship, Charity leaped into the air, as if she were spiking the ball, while the crowdA B Ccheered uproariously for she and the team. No errorC D152. My mother was angry because, though she told Jenny and I to go to the store, we actually went to the movies. No errorA B C D E 153. Equestrian Farm was a refuge for abused and unwanted horses: with quiet words and touches, the other riders and meA Bslowly taught the horses how to trust humans again. No errorC D E154. Inquiring about Pat’s wee kend plans, Mr. Fi nley asked, “Are you and him attending the jazz festival this weekend?”A B C DNo errorE155. Him and her ran hurriedly to catch the ferry because the boat was the last one until tomorrow. No errorA B C D E代词在比较级156. Saif knew that the other applicants weren’t as good as him, so he wasn’t surprised when the company offered him theA B C Dlucrative position. No errorE157. Both John and I had been eagerly anticipating the arrival of the latest model, but after trying it, we decided that John likedA B Cit more than me. No errorD E158. Although Maria has a better voice than him, Larry insists on leading the class during the national anthem. No errorA B C D E代词的指代不清159. Noelle and Natalie argued at great length about the authenticity of the painting; finally Noelle decided that she was right.A B C DNo errorE160. Before Homecoming Weekend, Lucia and Kiki took time to study for the upcoming finals, but as a result of the game andA Bmany parties, she needed to study again. No errorC D E161. Delighted by her performance at the recital, Suzanne’s mother decided to reward her with a trip to her favorite spa.A B C DNo errorE162. After the dispute over the unsuccessful play, the coach and the team captain agreed not to talk until he was able to do soA B C Dcalmly. No errorE163. When I boarded the jet, I saw a passenger standing nearing the first-class seats complaining to a flight attendant, and heA B Cdid not seem to be enjoying the situation at all. No errorD E164. After much discussion, Juan and Pete agreed to spend the weekend in the mountains, but when the days came heA B Cbacked out of the agreement. No errorD E165. While politicians across the country wait anxiously for voters to decide who will remain inA Boffice next years, journalists are trying in vain to figure out what they are thinking. No errorC D E166. Some critics of Romantic writers, quoting works out of context, feel that they inspired the totalitarian regimens of theA B C Dtwentieth century. No errorE167. Unless they begin to accept the current political situation without responding violently, many guerrillas will continue to beA B Cimprisoned by military leaders. No errorD E168. One should use parchment paper while baking cookies because the cookies won’t be stick to this lining and you won’tA B C Dhave to scrub them. No errorE169. If one does not enjoy fearless pigeons landing on you for food, one should avoid St. Mark’s Square in V enice. No errorA B C D E 170. When one is sitting in a crowded theatre, surrounded by an audience that has paid good money to see a play of suchA Bhistorical significance, the least you can do is refrain from unnecessary conversation. No errorC D E171. One does not have to be a master to play the piano, but studying with a master can certainly help you playA B Cwith greater accuracy and understanding. No errorD E172. One should try to avoid breaking rules, not only because doing so is wrong, but also because you do not know whether youA B C Dwill be caught. No errorE173. When one is engaged in a heated debate with one’s spouse, you do yourself no favors by laughing at the other person’sA B C Darguments. No errorE174. The place where most architects learn their profession is the drafting table; only after years of sketching is one well。



SAT随堂讲义一“六见”1 见到代词找指代指代通常有问题2 见到动词找主语主谓一致看状语3 见到非谓找逻主搭配通常不合理4 见到平行找结构形式功能要对称5 见到比较找对象对象通常不可比6 见到连词找混连混连无误找逻辑二“八点”(一)代词:见到代词找指代指代通常有1单复数2主格宾格3反身代词不可做主语4 泛指5特指6 which7 跨段不可指代(二)主谓一致动词:见到动词找主语主谓一致看状语五点原则:1语法一致2意义一致3就近原则4就远原则5固定搭配两点特殊注意A 倒装句:B 插入语(三)动词时态:动词:见到动词找主语主谓一致看状语1 客观性:客观事实真理名人名言谚语回忆录自传文学评论2 一致性:上下文和时间状语3隐含性::first/early/originated/previous/ Former(四)非谓语:见到非谓找逻主搭配通常不合理To doDoingDoneHaving done to doAfter /since/before doing SVO,doing同位语doneAdj(五)平行:见到平行找结构形式功能要对称平行标志:Or/ either ..or…/ neither..nor/ Both..andNot only ….but also…./ not ..but…../Rather than / instead of From …to…..(时间地点等都可以)/ from…until (仅仅指时间) (六)比较:见到比较找对象对象通常不可比比较标志/标准/对象比较标志:1 as……. not as…as not so…as2 than more than less than3 compare..with…. / compare…to…./ contrast..with4 differ from…../ different from5 the same …as…/ be equal to / be equivalent to/ equal6 outnumber/ outweigh(七)连词:见到连词找混连混连无误找逻辑Run-onFragment(八)As 的用法状语从句定语从句介词副词。






(1)n1 of n2 .一般情况下中心词在n1上,谓语的单复数由n1决定;one of n . sculptures of LM.(2)倒装结构中的主谓一致。

1)there+be+n.;there be A and B. 由A 决定2) only在句首引起倒装。



表示地点和范围的介词短语位于句首,且谓语动词是系动词,引起倒装:Among the resons are A,B and C.(3)一个主语从句的谓语用单数,两个主语从句并列用复数。

(4)each of +Ns+Vs. Ns+each+V.(5)物质名词和学科名词+Vs. statistics(统计学/统计数据)(6)A or B .not A but B . not only A but also B . either A or B . neither A nor B.由B 决定。

(7)A with B . A including B . A as well as B .A,toghter with B . A along with B . A besidesB . A except B.随前一致。

(8)rest/most/some/half/50 percent +of n(单用单,复用复)(9)a baby of/an array of/a series of/a collection of/a set of +Ns+Vs.(10)the number of/a number of(11)n1 of n2 that +Ve. g one of the students that comes/come from China(12)习惯用法:knife and fork +Vs . husband and wife .平行结构:概念:平衡连接词连接的几个形式对称、功能相同部分的结构。



(where: in which or from which)
人称上的一致 + 单复数一致
If one does not enjoy fearless pigeons landing you for food, one
should avoid St. Mark’s Squat in Venice. No error
② 倒转语序的主谓一致 完全倒装 部分倒装
③ 就近一致的主谓关系 or, either or, not only...but also.., neither…nor…, not...but... ④ with, plus, along with, as well as等紧随主语的情况下,谓语单复数由 最前面的主语决定
① 出现特征:if 引导虚拟语气
从句 (if 条件句) 过去 现在 had done did 主句 would have done would do
would do were to do
would (could, might, should) do
② 指代错误: (代词的所指内容与指代对象不符) Many of the students which were chosen for the National Student Leadership Conference opted for the U.S. Politics and Policies program; they spent several days attending Congressional events and



新东方SAT语法教案PPT第一章:SAT语法概述1.1 课程简介介绍SAT语法课程的目标和内容解释SAT语法考试的重要性和影响1.2 SAT语法考试结构解析SAT语法考试的题型和结构介绍SAT语法考试的评分标准和难度1.3 课程学习目标列出学生通过本课程应达到的目标强调语法知识和技能的培养第二章:句子结构与句子类型2.1 基本句子结构介绍简单句的结构和组成强调主语、谓语和宾语的重要性2.2 复合句和复杂句解析复合句和复杂句的构成和用法介绍不同类型的复合句和复杂句2.3 句子类型和用途讲解不同类型的句子及其用途强调陈述句、疑问句、命令句和感叹句的区别第三章:时态与语态3.1 基本时态介绍SAT考试中常用的基本时态强调时态的用法和重要性3.2 混合时态解析混合时态的构成和用法举例说明混合时态的常见错误和纠正方法3.3 语态介绍主动语态和被动语态的用法强调语态的正确选择和使用第四章:名词和代词4.1 名词的分类和使用解析名词的分类和用法强调可数名词和不可数名词的区别4.2 代词的分类和使用介绍代词的分类和用法强调代词的指代清晰和正确使用4.3 名词和代词的修饰语讲解名词和代词的修饰语的使用规则强调形容词和副词的正确使用第五章:动词和形容词5.1 动词的分类和使用介绍动词的分类和用法强调动词的时态、语态和语气5.2 形容词的分类和使用解析形容词的分类和用法强调形容词的级别和比较级的使用5.3 动词和形容词的修饰语讲解动词和形容词的修饰语的使用规则强调副词和介词的正确使用第六章:副词和介词6.1 副词的分类和使用介绍副词的分类和用法强调副词在句子中的位置和功能6.2 介词的分类和使用解析介词的分类和用法强调介词的搭配和短语的使用6.3 副词和介词的修饰语讲解副词和介词的修饰语的使用规则强调形容词和动词的正确使用第七章:句子改写和修辞7.1 句子改写介绍句子改写的目的和重要性讲解不同类型的句子改写方法7.2 修辞手法解析常见的修辞手法及其作用强调修辞手法的正确使用和效果7.3 句子改写和修辞的练习提供句子改写和修辞的练习题讲解答案和解题思路第八章:标点符号和格式8.1 标点符号的使用介绍标点符号的种类和用法强调标点符号的正确使用和重要性8.2 段落和篇章格式讲解段落和篇章的格式要求强调段落的一致性和连贯性8.3 标点符号和格式练习提供标点符号和格式练习题讲解答案和解题思路第九章:常见错误和答题技巧9.1 常见错误类型分析SAT语法考试中的常见错误类型强调避免这些错误的重要性9.2 答题技巧和方法介绍有效的答题技巧和方法强调时间管理和题目选择的策略9.3 练习和模拟试题提供练习题和模拟试题讲解答案和解题思路第十章:总结与复习10.1 课程总结回顾整个SAT语法课程的主要内容和知识点强调重点和难点10.2 复习和练习提供复习资料和练习题强调巩固知识和提高能力的重要性10.3 考试准备和建议给出考试准备的建议和策略强调考试时的信心和应对技巧重点解析SAT语法课程的目标和内容SAT语法考试的结构、评分标准和难度句子结构、类型和用途基本句子结构、复合句和复杂句的构成和用法句子类型和用途、陈述句、疑问句、命令句和感叹句的区别基本时态、混合时态的构成和用法时态的用法和重要性、语态的选择和使用名词的分类和使用、可数名词和不可数名词的区别代词的分类和使用、代词的指代清晰和正确使用动词的分类和使用、动词的时态、语态和语气形容词的分类和使用、形容词的级别和比较级的使用副词的分类和使用、副词在句子中的位置和功能介词的分类和使用、介词的搭配和短语的使用句子改写的目的和重要性、不同类型的句子改写方法修辞手法的常见类型及其作用、修辞手法的正确使用和效果标点符号的种类和用法、标点符号的正确使用和重要性段落和篇章的格式要求、段落的一致性和连贯性常见错误类型的分析、避免这些错误的重要性有效的答题技巧和方法、时间管理和题目选择的策略课程总结、重点和难点复习和练习、巩固知识和提高能力的重要性考试准备和建议、考试时的信心和应对技巧。

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SAT语法讲义Identifying Sentence Errors一、主谓一致1. 就前原则(1) N1 of N2 verb(SAT考试中动词的单复数与N1有关,与N2无关)如:a group of students arethe details of the problems are例:The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York.No error (E). (P161.1)(2) 名词1+介词+名词2 如:students in the classroom名词,插入语,verb名词+doing/done 如:students studying hard例:Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years. No error (E). (P166.3)2.“欲擒故纵”法动词单复数做题基本原则是就前原则,如果句子太长、太难、太复杂时,用“欲擒故纵”法。

3.动词单复数的特殊固定用法(1) a number of 一些;一般情况下其后动词用复数,(不受任何规律限制);the number of …的数量;其后的动词在任何情况下都用单数。

量词考点:a group/list/line of 使用“就前原则”(2) 倒装结构:就后原则。

如:here comes the busa. 地点状语+动词+主语b. Only置于句首的倒装例:In the foothills of that large mountain range is (A) the sources of a river whose course (B) was not fully mapped (C) until (D) this century. No error (E). (P 776.19) 例:Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied (A) for years, but (B) only recently has (C) the harmful effects of noise pollution become (D) known. No error (E). (P167.6)4.名词集合名词:family, group, stuff, team, community,只要这些词以单数结尾,后面的谓语动词都用单数。

people, cattle, police :其后的谓语动词用复数以s结尾的词:means, species, news以cs结尾的词:physics, mathematics,不表示复数,是单数。

以us结尾的词:octopus(章鱼), platypus(鸭嘴兽), -saurus(恐龙)考点:名词的单复数作业:P410.23、24,P472.22,P602.27,P721.24、26、29,P839.20、27,P894.16,P956.12,P776.12,P839.25,P957.19、28,P471.17,P534.18。

二、平行结构(1)名词,名词,and 名词例:Each time Caroline turns on her computer , she has (A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password (B) before (C) she can begin working (D). No error (E). (P166.2)例:Of the hundreds of warm-water coral species, only a few (A) are highly prized (B) for use in jewelry because of their (C) beauty, luster, and they are hard (D). No error (E). (P533.12)(2)两者之间的平行如:not only…,but also…neither…,nor…either…,or……and/but….例:The labor union is negotiating (A) a contract with the hospital that (B) will satisfy (C) the demands of the workers and be acceptable to (D) all levels of management.No error (E). (P601.13)(3)句子的平行考点:同类比较特点:-er, more, than, as, like, unlike, compare to/with.如:The population of China is larger than that of America.所有格和所有格之间比较时,第二个所有格是不能省略的,需要补充that of/those of/’s。


三、形容词和副词adj. + n. / pron.adv. + v. / adj. / adv.如:I find the book easy.I find the book easily.例:Although canoeing through (A) the rapids was exciting, it was (B) also exhausting, and we were happy for a time to have the canoe float serene (C) down (D) a smooth stretch of the river. No error (E). (P838.12)笔记:serene 平静的;serenely 平静地如:快速的发展中的国家rapidly developing country例:The research study reveals (A) startling proof of a constant (B) changing seafloor that comprises (C) the major part of (D) the underwater landscape. No error (E).(P602.29)例:Just how (A) critical an improved balance of trade is to (B) a healthy economy has never been (C) more clearer (D) than it is now. No error (E).(P659.18)作业:P167.7,P192.14,P409.17,P660.29,P721.22,P894.13,P896.27,P957.23。

四、逻辑主语(1)Doing/done …, SVO.如:Beaten black and blue, Kitty is crying.Beating black and blue, Kitty is crying.例:Contrasting with (A) most other (B) fifteenth- century rulers, Portuguese Kings could count on (C) the support of the aristocracy in any (D) overseas ventures. No error (E)例:Raised in a large and noisy city, it was only when I went away to college that I realized how delightful life in a small town could be.(P955.11)(A) it was only when I went away to college that I realized how delightful life ina small town could be(B) when I went away to college I then realized how delightful life in a smalltown could be(C) going away to college made me realize how delightful life in a small towncould be(D) I did not realize how delightful life in a small town could be until I wentaway to college(E) delightful life in a small town was unrealized by me until I went away tocollege例:While working as a nurse in the streets of Calcutta, that was when Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor.(P892.1)(A) that was when Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor(B) Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor(C) then the development of Mother Teresa’s profound love for the poor tookplace(D) Mother Teresa’s profound love for the poor developed(E) a profound love for the poor developed in Mother Teresa例:Having thought the problem through with some care, that the committee did not understand her solution frustrated the chairperson extremely.(P599.5)(A) that the committee did not understand her solution frustrated the chairpersonextremely(B) the chairperson’s extremely frustration resulted from the committee notunderstanding her solution(C) the chairperson’s frustration at the committee’s failing to understand hersolution was extreme(D) the chairperson was extremely frustrated by the committee’s failure tounderstand her solution(E) the committee’s failing to understand her solution was an extreme frustrationto the chairpersonwhile/when/by/on/through Doing/done …, SVO.例:By simply entering an Internet website or calling a toll-free number, a catalog order can be placed for almost anything from cheesecakes to fully equipped desktop computers.(P616.12)(A) a catalog order can be placed(B) by placing a catalog order(C) they will place your catalog order(D) you can place a catalog order(E) your catalog order can be placed例:Indicating their desire to extend free enterprise, Canadians elected a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, as Prime Minister in 1993.(P493.13)(A) Canadians elected a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, KimCampbell, as Prime Minister(B) Canadians’ election of a member of the Progressive Conservative Party asPrime Minister was Kim Campbell(C) Kim Campbell of the Progressive Conservative Party was elected PrimeMinister of Canada(D) the Progressive Conservative Party’s Kim Campbell was elected PrimeMinister of Canadians(E) a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, was electedby Canadians as Prime Minister例:Though now one of the most famous abstract artists, critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock for his technique of splattering paint on canvases.(P532.8)(A) critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock(B) critics once were ridiculing Jackson Pollock(C) Jackson Pollock once ridiculed by critics(D) Jackson Pollock was once ridiculed by critics(E) Jackson Pollock, having once been ridiculed by critics(2)SVO, doing/done …. S与分词SVO doing/done …. O与分词如:The boys are watching a galaxy of beauties passing by, slobbering.例:During (A) my most recent (B) trip, I came across (C) a wonderful antique store wandering (D) in the old quarter of the city. No error (E). (P533.16)作业:P955.5,P190.2,P534.21,P846.2。
