牛津译林版英语九上Unit1 单词拼写

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9A Unit1 单词拼写班级_______ 姓名____________

1 _________ (两者都不)of my parents is a doctor.

2 I want to be an____________ (会计)like my mother.

3 Let’s take the problems in a different _______________ (顺序)

4 Our English teacher always repeats_____________ (语法)rules to us.

5 My sister is a ___________(天生的)__________ (艺术家). She is always____________ (energy)

6 Can you tell me the______________(总的,普遍的) idea of this article.

7 Suzy is careful and she always pays____________ (注意) to _______________(细节)。

8 Mary is the head of her company and a ______________(先锋)worker.

9 Tom learned how to use computer to make himself more_________________ (有条理的)

10 To us, a small ____________ (过失) in the experiment will be a great damage.

11 Sandy came second in the _____________ ( 赛跑).

12 Doctor Wu has so many________________ (operate) to do every day.

13 ___________ (care) is a _____________ (灾难) to a driver, so be careful when driving.

14 Linda is such a _____________ (谦虚) person that he never shows off.

15 The living_________________(标准)are very poor in Northwest China.

16 The postcard______________(写到), “Happy birthday to you”

17 The construction(建造)of the______________ (高速的)railway started in April 2008.

18 Lu Xun is a ______________ (有创造力的)writer. His works has _____________(给…留下印象)many of us.

19 She can’t be a good nurse. She is too_____________(急躁的)

20 What’s the date today? I don’t have a ________________ (日历)

21 I think Peter is much___________ (活泼的)than before.

22 To make yourself more______________(强大的,有力的), you should pracice more.

23 She is a _________________(实际的,心灵手巧的)girl, she often makes all kinds of toys for his brother.

24 Can I use ______________(额外的)time to finish my work?

25 Simon is _____________(好奇的)enough to ask all kinds of questions.

26 We think Alice has all the _________________ (品质)for the _________________(位置,职位).

27 ----Who made the ______________ (speak)at the meeting? ---Jack did.

28 It’s said that we will be ____________ (分)into 2 groups.

29 Like many famous scientists, Li Siguang_______________(致力于)himself to the study of science.

30 With his books, Mo Yan has won high ______________(赞扬)from home and abroad.

31 To our surprise, the ________________(雕塑) is created by some _________________ (外科大夫)

32 I think my_____________ (搭档)are excellent enough to be ______________(suit) for this job.

33 It is known that dogs are______________(忠诚的)to his owners.

34 Our ________________(班长)is never_______________(缺席)from school.

35 The dough(面团) is often______________(使成形,塑造) into a loaf first, then you can cut it.
