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Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(1):前言中作者写到:An episode of humour or kindness touches and amuses him here and there. 我译为:随处出现的某一幕有趣抑或温馨的场景时而使他深受感动,时而使他忍俊不禁。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(2):全文开头句While the
present century was in its teens 我译为:本世纪伊始。
teens一词太帮了!Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(3):描写黑佣的句子(he)uncurled his bandy legs我译为:他把盘着的腿伸直了。
记得在“Jane Eyre”中看到curl
her lip一词,表轻蔑撇嘴的意思。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(4):对Amelia 的介绍信中写到: (her)industry and obedience have endeared her to her instructors 我译为:她为人勤勉恭顺,深受师长喜爱。
endear sb. to sb.的用法非常地道,求职简历也很适用。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(5):描写打招呼的方式“MISS JE
MIMA!” exclaimed Miss Pinkerton, in the largest capitals.我译为:平克
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(6):Miss Sedley did not venture, in her presence, to give way to any ebullition of private grief. 我译为:塞德利小姐不敢当着她的面流露出内心的忧伤。
注意venture to以及give way to的用法。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(7):节选描写Sharp迷人的眼神:The Reverend was shot dead by a glance of her eyes which was fired
all the way across Chiswick church.我译为:她从奇斯维克教堂投来惊鸿一瞥,
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(8):“满怀悲伤”是否只会用“be full of grief”?且看作者的妙词:be consumed with grief
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(9):Luckily, at this time he caught a liver compliant, for the cure of which he returned to Europe, and which was the source of great comfort and amusement to him in his native country. 这句话在高口翻译课上讲过,今日终在书中见到,感觉完全不一样。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(10):The praise thrilled through every fibre of his big body. 英语“夸小”的特点再次显现。
想起落魄的King Lear与Gloucester相认时说…(I’m) every inch a king!这里inch同理。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(11):作者用bearded creatures
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(12):描写Sharp吃辣菜:she swallowed her mortification 我译为:她怕失态,只好把食物强咽了下去。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(13):“偷偷带酒进来”是不是只会
用 bring wine secretly? 作者有更妙的用法:smuggle wine in
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(14):envelop her hand in his own我译为“他一把裹住了她的小手”,注意envelop 名作动的用法。
circle one’s hand 的用法,表“在…..指间缠绕”,表达更为细致
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(15):“他吐露了自己天大的秘密”
怎么译?He unbosomed himself of his great secret. 这里unbosom是不是
比reveal形象了许多?注意其用法:unbosom oneself of sth.
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(16):She looked as happy as
a rose-tree in the sunshine.多么形象的比喻啊!
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(17):“扫兴”怎么讲?书中有
spoil sport,sport这里指娱乐、消遣的意思,两个词头韵扣合,非常好记。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(18):“难以描述”怎么讲?书中有…which the pen refuses to describe. 带拟人的用法,很有趣。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(19):fire off a ringing volley
of laughter我译为“爆发出一串银铃般的笑声”volley本身有“一排”的意思,让我想到了“Hamlet”剧终时的a volley of shots“枪炮齐射”
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(20):“慷慨的”除了generous还想到什么词?书中free-handed是否更为形象?
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(21):“我整夜没合眼”如何译?书
中有很好的用词:I did not sleep one single wink the whole night. Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(22):“浅黄色的”如何表达?一个意
想不到的用词:straw-colored,是不是豁然开朗?类似用法还有pitch-dark (乌黑的) Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(23)“纵声大笑”如何翻译?又一个
意想不到的用法:burst into a horselaugh
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(24)fling sb. a look of scorn 我译为:向某人投去蔑视的一瞥,这个用法像极了Westminster Abbey一文中的用词throw a gloom over (the decline of the year),感觉fling 更加犀利
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(25)“暗自发牢骚”英语如何表达?文中用了grumble anonymously的表达形式,其中anonymously比secretly要传神许多
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(26)描写惩罚之严厉时的用词:(the punishment is generally thought) none but a cherub can escape. “只有小天使才能躲得过的惩罚” 是什么意思呢?原来小天使是没有屁股的:)
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(27)“同父异母或同母异父的姐妹”如何表达?无需繁琐,half-sister 是不是言简意赅?
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(28)… in all her (Rebecca’s) castles in the air, a husband was the principal inhabitant. 我译为:她做白日梦的时候,往往对自己未来的丈夫想入非非。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(29)a tingling consciousness of defeat表“一阵挫败感”tingle原指“感到一阵发麻,刺痛”,细致入微的一个词@新东方-汪海涛 @邱政政 @新东方口译
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(30)描写人脸部布满了天花,凹凸不平:“Her face is much pitted with the smallpox.” pit作名词原指深坑,典型的英语名作动用法
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(31)A telegraphic communication of eyes passed between the other three ladies. 我译为:另外三位女士六目对视,彼此心照不宣。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(32)“过早到达”英语如何地道表达?书中用了premature arrival一词,有惊鸿一瞥之感。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(33)Miss Crawley sailed in.我译为:Crawley小姐翩然走过。
sail一词尤指走路时步态的轻盈或神情的轻松,和breeze 一词非常相似。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(34)They opened the eyes of astonishment and lips of wonder.(听到消息后)他们顿时瞪大了眼睛、长大了
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(35)Rawdon was denied the door by Mr. Bowls. 我译为:Rawdon 吃了Bowls 先生的闭门羹。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(36)…steep his soul in comfort, 让某人倍感灵魂的慰藉 steep一词有浸泡某物之意。
略作改动:steep my soul in comfort是不是“余心甚慰”非常好的表达?当然具体使用要根据语境。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(37)“过去经常喜欢光顾的地方”需
要用定语从句表达吗?书中给出了非常精炼的答案:former haunts
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(38)Amelia’s maid was profuse in condolences,…我译为:艾米莉亚的女仆一再劝慰。
be profuse in 的表达令人耳目一新。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(39)Mrs. Bute had told Briggs and Firkin so often the depth of her affection for them. 在这里the depth of her affection for them 可译为“她多么爱他们”,但逆向翻译时,你能想到这种地道的英语用法吗?@新东方-汪海涛 @邱政政 @新东方口译
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(40)Thackery对Rawdon Crawley的描述:famous frontal development.“前额突出”,用词很有意思。
@新东方-汪海涛 @邱政政 @新东方口译 @上海新东方倍学口语
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(41)People in Vanity Fair fasten on to rich folks quite naturally. 我译为:在名利场的人都会攀炎趋势,这是再正常不过的事情了。
fasten on to用词很形象,让我联想到“傍大款”的相似译法:lean on a money bag @新东方-汪海涛 @邱政政 @新东方口译 @上海新东方倍学口语
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(42)He restrained that exhibition of sentiment.我译为:他克制住了内心的躁动。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(43)学到了有趣的一个词:lisp,表讲话咬舌,即俗称的“大舌头”。
仔细看一下:lip中加s,不就是咬舌的形状吗?@新东方-汪海涛 @邱政政 @新东方口译 @上海新东方倍学口语
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(44)skirt the suburb 表“沿着郊区路边走”,skirt表“沿着边缘走”,又是一个典型的名词活用为动词的用法。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(45)描述Jos和Amelia入住的酒店极尽奢华:a place with a princely air 这里princely一词在毛姆的《刀锋》中也曾用过
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(46)His hotel bill had almost drained the young man’s purse ,我译为“酒店入住的开销让这个年轻人几乎倒箧倾囊”。
亮点词是bill, drain和purse的用法。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(47)delight the eyes of sb. 这不是“令……赏心悦目”非常好的英语对应吗?
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(48)描写战争来临时候的混乱局面:The merchants closed their shops, and came out to swell the general chorus of alarm and clamour. 我译为:商贩们关闭了店门,走上了大街,使整个场面更为慌乱。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(49)“程度”一词英语的第一提及肯定是degree,但文中多次用到pitch一词,例词有 a pitch of nervousness以及a pitch of quite insane enthusiasm. “pitch”也可指“音高”,这里是非常形象的表达。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(50)内心戏的描写:writhe with anguish表“内心痛苦挣扎”,writhe本指“蠕动,翻滚”的意思,文学作品中使用频度极高。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(51)fair play的反义词是什么呢?
文中提到了foul play,表不正当竞争。
扣合头韵,比unfair play 好听很多。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(52)“他喜欢赌博”英语如何讲?He likes gambling? 文中有更好的表达:He had a passion for dice. 所以“赌城”
的表达是dice city. 英语具体化的典型用词。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(53)描写Crawley夫妇在巴黎的生活:Easy and pleasant as their life at Paris was, it was after all only an idle dalliance and amiable trifling. 这句话背词典时背到过:尽管他们在巴黎的
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(54)描写Rawdon看到孩子时的心情:His paternal heart glowed to see him rosy and dirty…我译为:看到自
突然想到了自己的女儿……Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(55)作者描写“与某人订立婚约”用
到contract a matrimonial alliance with sb.这一词组,其中alliance一词特别传神和有趣,广义是联盟,在这里指联姻。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(56)“他表示同意”英语如何表达?
且看作者的用词:He pronounced his willingness.是不是没有想到pronounce
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(57)beard 一词除了表示胡须以外,
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(58)…He said with a patronizing air. 我翻译为:……他说道,一副施恩于人的样子。
Thackeray代表作“Vanity Fair”读书笔记(59)文中用到了nourish a viper (毒蛇) in your bosom,表“姑息养奸”的意思,顿时让我想到了“农夫与蛇”的寓言故事。
Of Marriage and Single Life (论结婚和独身)
HE THAT hath wife and children hath given
hostages to fortune; for they are impedi-
ments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mis-
chief. Certainly the best works, and of greatest
merit for the public, have proceeded from the un-
married or childless men; which both in affection
and means, have married and endowed the public.
Yet it were great reason that those that have chil-
dren, should have greatest care of future times;
unto which they know they must transmit their
dearest pledges. Some there are, who though they
lead a single life, yet their thoughts do end with
themselves, and account future times imperti-
nences. Nay, there are some other, that account
wife and children, but as bills of charges. Nay
more, there are some foolish rich covetous men,that take a pride, in having no children, because they may be thought so much the richer. For per- haps they have heard some talk, Such an one is a great rich man, and another except to it, Yea, but he hath a great charge of children; as if it were an abatement to his riches. But the most ordinary
cause of a single life, is liberty, especially in certain self-pleasing and humorous minds, which are so sensible of every restraint, as they will go near to think their girdles and garters, to be bonds and shackles. Unmarried men are best friends, best masters, best servants; but not always best sub- jects; for they are light to run away; and almost
all fugitives, are of that condition. A single life
doth well with churchmen; for charity will hardly water the ground, where it must first fill a pool. It
is indifferent for judges and magistrates; for if
they be facile and corrupt, you shall have a ser- vant, five times worse than a wife. For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortatives,
put men in mind of their wives and children; and
I think the despising of marriage amongst the
Turks, maketh the vulgar soldier more base. Cer- tainly wife and children are a kind of discipline
of humanity; and single men, though they may
be many times more charitable, because their means are less exhaust, yet, on the other side, they are more cruel and hardhearted (good to make severe inquisitors), because their tenderness is not so oft called upon. Grave natures, led by custom,and therefore constant, are commonly loving hus- bands, as was said of Ulysses, vetulam suam praetu- lit immortalitati. Chaste women are often proud
and froward, as presuming upon the merit of their chastity. It is one of the best bonds, both of chastity and obedience, in the wife, if she think her hus- band wise; which she will never do, if she find him jealous. Wives are young men's mistresses; com- panions for middle age; and old men's nurses. So
as a man may have a quarrel to marry, when he will. But yet he was reputed one of the wise men,
that made answer to the question, when a man should marry, - A young man not yet, an elder
man not at all. It is often seen that bad husbands,have very good wives; whether it be, that it raiseth the price of their husband's kindness, when it comes; or that the wives take a pride in their patience. But this never fails, if the bad husbands were of their own choosing, against their friends' consent; for then they will be sure to make good their own folly。