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字号:T|T 2009-10-12 09:39 来源:未知编辑:admin点击: 615次
1. mix blend
Mix: 意为多种成分的混合,各构成成分失去自身的存在
Blend: 指可和谐共存的事物的混合
Oil and water do not mix.
These two colors blend well.
2. rambling rumbling
Rambling: 指(建筑物、街道)布局零乱的。

Rumbling: 指发生隆隆声
There are some rambling houses.
Listen! There is gun-fire rumbling in the distance.
3. relevant relative
Relevant: 意为切题的、恰当的、有重大关系的、有意义的逻辑联系Relative: 着意于一物受他物影响而产生的依赖的关系。

The witness’s testimony is not relevant to the case.
Market values are always relative to the demand.
4. exhilarate exasperate
Exhilarate: 意为使高兴
Exasperate: 激怒,使烦恼。

I was exhilarated by her visit.
I was exasperated by all the noise.
5. jumble clutter
Jumble: 指不相同的东西混合在一起,混杂;
Clutter: 指许多物品堆挤在一起,散乱,杂乱。

His thoughts were all jumbled.
His desk is always cluttered.
6. terrified terrifying
Terrified: 意味着一种被恐惧镇住的紧张心情;
Terrifying: 指(声音、现象)本身具有令人恐怖的因素。

The terrified mother watched the dog attack her child.
What a terrifying voice.
7. contemptuous contemptible
Contemptuous: 指认为某物或某人卑鄙、无耻或毫无价值,并实际上也把这种看法表现出来
Contemptible: 指任何能引起鄙视或嘲笑的事物,往往指首先或行为准则。

She gave a contemptuous laugh.
The indifference of the on-lookers was really contemptible.
8. evade dodge
Evade: 指巧妙地躲避、逃脱,也指避免(充分、诚实)地回答问题
Dodge: 指与他人无害的,为了避免面对某人或某事而想出来的巧妙办法。

You shouldn’t evade paying tax due.
He dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt.
9. intrude invade
Intrude: 常指侵犯别人的隐私,有时指无意和突然的侵入
Invade: 指用武装力量很快地侵入别人的领地。

The man was embarrassed at finding that he had intruded on the young lovers.
Hilter invaded Poland.
10. prevent withhold
Prevent: 预防、防止,它适用于人力所及范围,指运用强有力的或暴力的阻止手段,阻止反对某事。

Withhold: 意为“抵制”,“拒绝给予”
These rules are intended to prevent accident.
The company decided to withhold payment until they had completed the construction of the building.
11. incredible incredulous
Incredible: 表被动意义,指不能令人相信的,难以置信的;
Incredulous: 表示怀疑的
What she was achieved is incredible to us.
There is an incredulous look on his face.
12. sympathy empathy
Sympathy: 意为协调或共鸣,用于物时脂相互的影响,用于人时通常指精神上的共鸣,或指志趣爱好的投合;
Empathy: 指感情移入,具有了解别人之感觉或动机的能力。

I’m glad to find that we are in perfect sympathy.
I have empathy for the mother.
13. content contented
Content: 只作表语,表示某种程度上的满足
Contented: 表示心满意足,不想再多要。

He was content that the thing had happened.
Don’t be contented with little success.
14. perseverance persistence
Perseverance: 含不屈不挠和执着的意味,强调积极的忍耐,运用耐力排除各种困难
Persistence: 指坚持不懈,也含有固执的意义。

That shows his perseverance in the face of hardship.
She accepted his persistence in pressing the invitation.
15. moral morale
Moral: 主要指道德、品行、寓意
Morale: 主要指军队士气、精神面貌
He has no morals and will do anything for money.
The team’s morale was hig h after the victory.
16. separate segregate
Separate: 指使原先合在一起的东西分开,也可以指从中隔开,常和from搭配,有时还有区别开的意思。

Segregate: 指把两个团体或把一组人整体隔离,常指种族或宗教上的隔绝。

The Atlantic separates Europe from America.
The doctor decided to segregate people with infectious disease.
17. embitter agitate
Embitter: 使苦恼,怨恨,使痛苦
Agitate: 使激动,使狂躁不安,使焦虑。

She was embittered by her many disappointments.
He was much agitated about his father’s health.
18. noncommittal tentative
Noncommittal: 指在(争论,讨论中)不表示确定意见或立场,态度不明朗Tentative: 是指试验性质,尝试性的,(凭)推测的,暂时性的。

She gave me a noncommittal answer
It is just a tentative explanation.
19. scrub scrape
Scrub: 指用力擦洗,擦净,一般用水、毛巾、刷子等。

Scrape: 指用工具刮,刮削,削掉,刮磨。

He is scrubbing the floor.
Before eating, scrape the mould from the surface.
20. ingenuous ingenious
Ingenuous: 多指人的性格、行为等坦白、直率的,并含有天真、单纯,没有心计之义。

Ingenious: 指人机灵的,主要指头脑聪明,有发明的才能。

She gave ingenuous answers to all his questions.
He has an ingenious mind.
21. grudge malice
Grudge: 指对个人所怀有的恶意,通常暗示因受到某种实际的或想像的轻蔑或侮辱而产生的怨恨,并且常常暗示进行报复的决心;
Malice: 通常指根深蒂固的并且常常毫无道理或无法解释的恶意或怨恨,时常带有内心乐于做坏事,伤害他人,看到他人受苦之义。

I always feel she has a grudge against me, although I don’t know what wrong I’ve done her .
There was no malice intended in what she said.
22. shrewd cunning
Shrewd: 指天生聪明的、机灵的,具有神奇洞察力的,通常也指精明而讲究实际的
Cunning: 强调运用智力来狡诈行骗,通常反映的是一种低层次的才智或恶劣的道德品质。

He is a shrewd business man.
The thief was very cunning.
23. pitiful sympathetic
Pitiful: 形容人或物可怜的,令人同情的
Sympathetic: 表示出于同情的,表示同情的。

The pitiful old lady died in a winter morning.
He was obviously sympathetic over what had happened.
24. anguish melancholy
Anguish: 指(精神、心灵)极度痛苦,悲痛
Melancholy: 形容内在的气质和经常的愁眉苦脸不是由外部原因引起的,这是一种习惯性的忧郁、低沉,而事实上并非有什么不愉快的事,它表现的是一种感伤而不是痛苦。

She was in anguish over her missing child.
He gave me a melancholy smile.
25. stumble tumble
Stumble: 绊跌,绊脚,强调被。

Tumble: 指摔倒,滚翻,跌跤,坠落。

He stumbled over the edge of the carpet and fell.
She tripped and tumbled down the stairs.
26. on the whole as a whole
On the whole: 总的看来,大体上,指对多个事物权衡后得出结论
As a whole: 作为一整体,整个看来,前面往往有一个表示集体意义的名词。

I think, on the whole, we had better stay at home.
The temperature for the country as a whole is relatively high.
27. confine limit
Confine: 强调禁止或不能通过的边界,常表达严格的约束、遏制的含义,并带有限制、束缚、阻碍或抵制等含蓄意义;
Limit: 表示限制,通常指对时间、空间、数量、能量或产品等预先做出规定。

He is confined to his berth by seasickness.
Try to limit your talk to ten minutes.
28. justifiable justified
Justifiable: 指在法律和道义上可证明为正当的,无可非议的,情有可原的Justified: 指有理由,合情合理的,正当的。

What he did just now was hardly justifiable.
He is fully justified in leaving the matter at that.
29. difficulty adversity
Difficulty: 指任何困难
Adversity: 通常指严重的或连续的不幸,厄运或灾难
She has great difficulty in understanding him
In his adversity, I ever prayed that God would give him strength.
30. conserve preserve
Conserve: 指使保存完全、不受损,也表明被保存的对象,一旦用完就很难再有别的替代物了,含节省、节约之意。

Preserve: 指想办法保存起来或保持原样,它强调的是抵制破坏因素的想法。

We should try our best to conserve forests.
All countries should preserve the world peace.
31. unconcerned unbent
Unconcerned: 漠不关心的,无忧虑的
Unbent: 不顺从的,不屈服的,松弛的,放松的。

He is unconcerned with politics.
She was unbent after the exam.
32. keep from keep to
Keep from: 避开,阻止,防止,克制
Keep to: 局限于
He keeps from alcohol and tobacco.
She kept to herself in the ship and would speak to no one.
33. go to pieces break to pieces
Go to pieces: 瓦解,(在身体、精神、道德方面)崩溃,垮掉;
Break to pieces: 成为碎片。

She went to pieces when her husband died.
The glass fell and was broken to pieces.
34. falter waver
Falter: 表示因犹豫或恐惧等原因而声音颤抖或支吾结巴;
Waver: 强调犹豫不决,目的不明,也表示看得见、摇晃、不稳定的运动过程。

His voice faltered as he tried to speak.
She is wavering between going to a film and staying at home.
35. nervous fidgety
Nervous: 指敏感易激动的,担心的,担忧的
Fidgety: 指手脚或身体不停地动以至烦躁,不能潜心工作,常由紧张、无聊引起。

She was so nervous till her son came back.
Towards the end of the day the pupils become fidgety.
36. flick pluck
Flick: 指(鞭或指尖等)轻击,轻弹
Pluck: 意为摘,抓,拉。

He flicked the dust from his hat.
He plucked her to drag her away from the crowd.
37. put down put off
Put down: 贬低、奚落,使窘迫
Put off: 使不高兴,使泄气,使对。


She is always putting her husband down.
The accident put him off driving.
38. resemblance similarity.
Resemblance: 相似之处,相似程度,形似物,肖像,画像。



He bears a striking resemblance to his father.
We are going to explore some of the similarities and differences between British and American English.
39. customary habitual
Customary: 指有特色的,形容通常的或流行的做法、传统、用法等。

Habitual: 形容人习惯形成的品质或行为。

It is customary to give people gifts on their birthday.
She gave me a habitual smile.
40. differentiate differ
Differentiate: 表示通过仔细比较事物的特征或特点察觉出事物间的特殊差

Differ: 指意见、观点相反,缺乏共同点。

What is it that differentiates these two substances?
The detective asked us why our versions of the accident differed.
41. excel surpass
Excel: 常与at, in 连用,多指在某些好的或令人羡慕的事物上及技能上比他人更优越、更杰出。

Surpass: 指在数量上或程度上超出,也可以表示在能力上或素质上比他人优越。

He excels all of us in tennis.
I surpass my classmates in knowledge of history.
42. poverty impoverishment
Poverty: 指贫穷,贫困,也可以指各种形式、不同程度的经济贫困

They are still living in grinding poverty.
Crop rotation has prevented the soil from impoverishment.
43. tiresome tiring
Tiresome: 指因某事无聊无趣,使人提不起精神而容易感觉疲劳,是人对事物的反应。

Tiring: 形容引起疲劳的事物,含客观意义。

He is a tiresome child who won’t do what he’s told.
It has been a tiring climb.
44. tremble jerk
Tremble: 指人因恼怒、恐怖或激动等缘故而不能自己时人体不自主地抖动,也指一种快速的、轻微的抖动,但含不安、心绪不宁之义。

Jerk: 指有力、突然而粗暴的动作。

Her hands trembled with eagerness as she opened the letter.
The bus jerked to a sudden stop.
45. to one’s feet on one’s feet
To one’s feet: 指起来。

On one’s feet: 指站立,起立,行走,也指(经历困境后)恢复,(病后)复原。

He struggled to his feet.
They all tried their best to get the company back on its feet.
46. burden load
Burden: 指使人感到痛苦,难忍的,强加的负担,也指给心理上和精神上增添麻烦
Load: 指大量给予,由于过剩使人感到多余,成为负担。

He was burdened with too many responsibilities.
It loaded him with reproaches.
47. creditable credible
Creditable: 值得赞扬的,带来荣誉的,可尊敬的
Credible: 指(人、话)可信的,可靠的。

What you did just now was creditable.
He is a credible witness.
48. reasonable judicious
Reasonable: 指人或其行为通情达理,合理的,明智的

He said his wife was a reasonable woman.
The doctor’s decision to operate proved to be judicious.
49. docile obedient
Docile: 强调生性愿意屈服于权威的性格,可以用于人或动物,特别着重于可教育性。

Obedient: 表示顺从某个人或某种权利,这种顺从是出于对某种权威的接受。

It is a docile horse.
We sat down, obedient to the wishes of Oliver.
50. questionable problematical
Questionable: 指事物真正值得怀疑、批评或剖析
Problematical: 仅指没有把握,说不准,成问题,未定的。

It is a questionable foreign policy.
Their success is problematical.
50. grab grasp
Grab: 经常表示用力或使用暴力,含有无视他人权利或社会准则,公然地或不择手段地去得到自己想要的东西

They grabbed her the arm and forced her into their car.
He grasped the rope with both hands.
51. rugged dogged
Rugged: 常指人外表粗犷而身体强健、能吃苦耐劳的
Dogged: 用于人或其特性,表示在困难面前不屈不挠。

The race is a rugged one.
In spite of his weakness, a dogged determination helped him to win the race.
52. conscious conscientious
Conscious: 指自己意识到某事,也可指有意的或自愿的行为
Conscientious: 形容人们主动遵守道德规范,并借以指导自己的行为。

I was not conscious of having made a mistake.
She is a conscientious teacher.
53. amenity ambience
Amenity: 特别指使人愉快的温和或柔和,还指令人舒适且方便的设备或条件。

Ambience: 仅指一种气氛,格调,强调周围的环境。

We went south to enjoy the amenity of a warm climate.
The poem reflects the upbeat ambience of life.
54. unfailing lasting
Unfailing: 表示经久不衰的,不倦的,用不完的,无穷无尽的,永恒的。

Lasting: 表示持久的,耐久的状态,强调潜在的能达到无穷尽的能力状态。

This game will give you unfailing pleasure.
All countries should try their best to realize lasting peace of the world.
55. weigh weight
Weigh: 表示压力,负担,指痛苦、恐惧、焦虑等因素对精神构成压力,使人感到压抑沮丧;
Weight: 指在某些方面增加额外重量和压力,不包括在精神上增加负担。

He is weighed with responsibilities beyond his capacity.
He weighted his walking-stick with lead.
56. respectable respectful
Respectable: 含被动性,意为”可敬的”,”体面的”;
Respectful: 含主动性,意为恭敬的
The professor is also a respectable old man.
The boys were well mannered and respectful toward grown-ups.
57. common ordinary
Common: 指最常见的,大部分人都有的,都什么特别的,众所周知的,也指共同的。

Ordinary: 指与通常的、习惯的情形相一致的。

He suffers the inflation common to all.
Her ordinary tone of voice is very loud.
58. intolerable intolerant
Intolerable: 指不能忍受的,无法容忍的,含被动意义
Intolerant: 指不容忍的,不容异己的,偏执的,含主动意义的。

The pain of the headache was intolerable.
Colonial rulers were intolerant of popular movements.
59. preeminent prominent
Preeminent: 指因出类拔萃而突出,意为“超群的,最好的”
Prominent: 指人或事物因明显突出于周围环境而广为人知,意为“突出的,重要的。

He was the preeminent painter of taste in his era.
He is a prominent figure in the city.
60. accompany company
Accompany: 指陪伴者与被陪伴者是地位相同的关系
Company: 指陪同,陪随;使(别人)不感孤独。

He accompanied his girlfriend to go shopping.
May fair winds company your safe return.
61. reverse adverse
Reverse: 背面,对立面;逆转,挫折
The truth is just the reverse.
Do you have any adverse opinions?
62. even equal
Even: 指均等的,平均的,相等的,平衡
Equal: 指体积、数量、数目、程度、价值等的相同,没有区别,后面常接介词to
They divided the money in even shares.
Twice three is equal to six.
63. shameful shameless
Shameful: 意为可耻的,丢脸的,不道德的,强调说话人的态度,表达了说话人对所形容对象的义愤。

Shameless: 意为无耻的,不要脸的,尤其在道德方面
This is a shameful conduct.
It was a shameless play.
64. grievance grief
Grievance: 指委屈,冤情,怨愤,不满
Grief: 脂悲伤,悲痛,不幸,灾难。

I think you have several saved-up grievances.
She had to hide her griefs.
65. daunt discourage
Discourage: 表示通过使人失去对某事的热情或减弱人对某事的目的意识来阻止或抵制其行动,也表示实际存在的摸得着的障碍,使行动非常困难。

The exam questions were rather daunting.
The bad weather discouraged us from climbing the mountain.
66. induce tempt
Tempt: 引诱,诱惑,使很想做,多指使对方脱离正轨,干蠢事。

Advertisements induce people to buy.
He was tempted into making a false step.
67. imaginary imaginative
Imaginary: 指想象的,虚构的
Imaginative: 是对想象力的利用,指想象力丰富的,新主意多的。

Ghosts are imaginary.
The teacher was looking for imaginative answers.
68. twist crooked
Twist; 意为缠绕、盘旋的,扭歪的,成畸形的
Crooked: 意为不直的,弯曲的,指不合标准的偏离。

He is twisted up with fear and jealousy.
There is an old woman with a crooked back.
69. force compulsion
Force: 指武力、暴力,意思同violence
Compulsion: 指借助影响或武力等某人施加的压力,也可指某种难以控制的,失去理智的强烈欲望。

The thief took the money from the old lady by force.
A defeated country usually signs a treaty of peace under compulsion.
70. tremble shiver
Tremble: 主要指人因恼怒、恐怖或激动等缘故而不能自己时人体不自主地抖动。

Shiver; 指快速而轻微的抖动,尤其是指由于寒冷、恐惧等原因所致的快速而轻微的抖动,这是肌肉的短暂抖动,也指事物突然地抖动。

She is trembling with excitement.
Such thoughts may make you shiver at first.
71. desirable desired
Desired: 表示渴望,要求,请求。

It was a desirable job.
She desired him to wait.
72. varied variable
Varied: 表多变的,各式各样的。

Variable: 可变的,易变的。

We all should enjoy the varied life.
The speed of the windscreen wipers is variable.
73. transcript manuscript
Transcript: 抄本,副本
Manuscript: 手稿,原稿,草稿。

She asked for a transcript of the old man’s will.
A novel still in manuscript
74. purge clean
Purge: 意为清除或净化不纯的、邪恶的或外来的东西。

Clean: 去掉脏、污的东西,使保持干净,如通过洗,除灰等方式恢复清洁。

The people wished to purge their sins.
She is cleaning off the table.
75. instinctive intrinsic
Instinctive: 意为本能,即动物和人天生特有的自动的、非理性的、下意识的反应行为虎作伥
Intrinsic: 指人或事内部自然存在的品德或价值与外界分开的、不受任何影响的。

Climbing is instinctive in monkeys.
Do you know the intrinsic value of this gem?
76. occupy preoccupy
Occupy: 使忙碌,使(头脑)全神贯注,含占据,不愿让别的事物干扰之意Preoccupy: 使全神贯注,使入神,含正在思考眼前之事,以致出现新要求时,思想不能立刻扭转之意。

Many cares and anxieties occupied his mind.
The topic preoccupied me all weak.
77. imitate mimic
Imitate: 指学某个东西的核心部分,但在细节上却不一定一样
Mimic: 指学别人的模样,尤其是为了逗乐或潮讽。

The young writer tried to imitate Hemingway.
T he boy made all his friends laugh by mimicking the teacher’s slow and solemn way of talking.。
