


( 2011届 )





学生姓名:方梦婧学号: 08090204



完成时间:2011年 1 月



Abstract (3)

摘要 (3)

1. Introduction (4)

1.1 Nathaniel Hawthorne (4)

1.2 Y oung Goodman Brown (4)

2. Background

2.1 Puritan background (5)

2.2 The role of Puritan women (5)

3. Analysis of characters (5)

3.1 Y oung Goodman Brown (5)

3.2 Faith (6)

3.3 The old fellow-traveler............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

3.4 Goody Cloyse.......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4. Conclusion (7)

Work cited (8)

Feminist Criticism Perspective

Fang Mengjing

Abstract:Feminist Criticism, broadly defined, examines how literature and other productions reinforce or undermine the oppression of women. It developed on the basis of women’s liberation movement. It is the concern of feminists critics to probe the marginalization of women in economic, political, social and psychology terms. Feminism represents one of the most significant social and aesthetic revolutions of modern times.From a feminist point of view, Young Goodman Brown, which was universally acclaimed as one of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s best short stories and revealed the themes of the reality of sin, the secret sin as well as the hypocrisy of Puritanism and all human kinds, presents Hawthorne’s particular portraits of women go against the prevailing literary sexism of his day.

Key words: Faith,feminism, Puritanism, character analysis





Feminist Criticism Perspective

Fang Mengjing 08090204


1.1Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the American high Romantics, whose features are na?ve, experimental, conformist, self-conscious and imitative. In this period, writers put much more attention on individual and independence than before. He wrote Fanshawe, a novel based on his college life and it turned out to be a failure. His first collection of short stories Twice-Told Tales brought his name before the reading public.

He studied his family history and became intensely sorry for the misdeeds of his puritan ancestors. So he wrote the Scarlet Letter to expiate the sin, which made him the first American romancer. It is about a woman, Hester Prynne, who has committed adultery and has to bear a letter A on her breast as a lifelong sign for her sin. However, she continues her life of penance and becomes a model of endurance, courage, and victory over sin. It is the first symbolic novel in literary history. His other works include: The House of Seven Gables, The Snow Image, The Blithedale Romance. In his works, he showed his respect to female and individual’s nature. Unlike other writers of his time, Hawthorne revealed a kind of feminist tendency in his stories. It lies not only in his interest in the situation of female characters in his works, but also his appreciation of some good qualities in them, such as gentleness, motherhood, strong inner strength, self-reliance and so on. He generally used women not just as symbols of wholesome and goodness, but as possessing knowledge that approached that of the author and narrator. He also treated women with more realism and depth than did most other writers. Many women characters penned by Hawthorne engage in conflict with the men in their lives and all of them have the sympathy------to varying degrees------of the author.

1.2Young Goodman Brown

Young Goodman Brown is about a young man named Goodman Brown, who has been married only three months. He prepares to leave his home and his pretty young bride, Faith, to go into the forest and spend the night on some mission. Although Faith has strong forebodings about his journey and pleads with hum to postpone it, Brown is adamant and sets off. His business is evil by his own admission. It involves attending a witch’s Sabbath in the forest, a remarkable action in view of the picture of Brown, drawn early in the story, as a professing Christian who admonishes his wife to pray

and who intends to lead an exemplary life after this one night.

2. Background

2.1 Puritan background

The story is set during the Salem witch trails, at which Hawthorne’s great-great-father was a judge. Hawthorne was plagued by guilt by his ancestor's role. Holding a reflective attitude, he wrote the story in which he exposed ambiguity to question New England Puritanism. This hypocrisy that Hawthorne presents in his story is how he reflects on the hypocritical teachings of the Puritans.

2.2 The role of Puritan women

In Puritan society, the role women played was to raise their kids and teach them moral values. They would be taught about their agreement with God and stories and lessons of the Bible. They would cook, clean, and sew. These things were expected by Puritan women, but if they didn't do what they were supposed to do, they would be out casted by the society. Puritan women were highly obedient to their husbands and were very dutiful to their housework.

3. Analysis of characters

3.1 Goodman Brown

In this story, Goodman Brown determined to leave his home in Salem, Massachusetts on some mission that he will not disclose other than to say that it must be performed between sunset and sunrise. He sets off even though Faith pleads him to stay and he knows clearly that the journey is evil. In the end, as the one polluted, Brown turns to a filed husband and father. When he walks into the forest, he meets a man “in grave and decent attire, seated at the foot of an old tree”, whom Goody Cloyse refers later is in the very image of Goodman Brown, the grandfather of the silly fellow Brown. Here Hawthorne presented a frightening masculine figure that resembles his own father. From the feminist criticism perspective, Goodman Brown’s failure lies on his rejection of the feminine in favor of the father-figure symbolized by the Devil. Rejecting his wife’s sexuality, Brown gives up his adult sexuality in favor of a regression to the powerlessness at the mercy of a Terrible Father.

When he comes to the witch’s Sabbath in the forest, as the narrator tells us, he is the most frightful figure in the forest. It is a big shot to him to see Faith and her pink ribbon there. He returns home to rebuke and frighten his wife. We are told that he becomes a stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful person. This ending is a huge and clear contrast to the beginning.

3.2 Faith

Faith Brown in Young Goodman Brown is not a three-dimensional character. Because her name is allegorical and her role in the story is small, we might be likely to overlook her significance. However, in fact, the story centers on her, more specifically, Brown’s rejection of her. Faith, as her name suggested, symbolizes the faith for good, pure, sacred and innocent. What’s more, she is the symbol of feminine power, which is opposite to the masculinity represented by Brown himself and the Devil figure. It is the latter that ruin the rest life if Goodman Brown. It is clear that good and evil are engendered qualities in the story. Hawthorne’s sympathies are thus with the women and not with the misconstrued masculinity of the rigid Brown.

In the short story, the pink ribbon of Faith which occurs five times merits our attention. Compared with the darkness and gloom in the forest, the pink is especially noticeable. Pink is the color between red and white. Red symbolizes the depravity while white means purity. So the pink color symbolizes neither complete depravity nor absolute innocent. This ambiguity has a rebellious color in a patriarchal society dominated by male. According to Puritan views, women are only a means of reproduction. They are in a subordinate position in the relationship between two sexes. In the stories, Faith chooses the way to the forest even earlier than Brown. It reflects her objection to the hypocritic Puritan teachings and conventions. Her chose is a symbol of the progress of feminism. Faith leaves her peaceful home town and rejected her faith means she refused to follow the God in Puritanism. Thus we can take the depravity in the Puritan’s eyes as the awakening of the secondary sex, as well as the challenge to the masculinity.

3.3 The old fellow-traveler

The old fellow-traveler symbolizes the devil in the story. We can see that from the description, such as “the only thing about him that could be fixed upon as black snack, so wrought that it might be seen to twist and wriggle itself like a living serpent”; and when Goody Cloyse sees him she calls him “the devil”. The father-figure shows some unstated allure to Brown and makes him reject his wife’s feminine and sexuality. The devil’s snaky staff can be seen as an appropriate phallic symbol. What’s more, the old fellow-traveler mentions that his having helped Brown’s grandfather persecuted Quaker’s women in Salem. The misconstrued masculinity is noticeable in this

fellow-traveler, whose purpose is obvious.

Nonetheless, when Brown doesn’t want to continue his trip, instead of dragging him go to the Sabbath, the devil just tells Brown to sit there and rest himself for a while, and he will like moving again. This description of the fellow-traveler means that the origin of Brown’s tragedy is not from the devil but originates from his won heart. More specifically, it is from the rejection of the feminine.

3.4 Goody Cloyse

Goody Cloyse is another important female character in this short story. She is called “good dame” by the narrator, from whom we know that Brown learned his religion from her. She is a very pious and exemplary dame and is still Brown’s moral and

spiritual advisor. When he wonders whether he is hurting Faith by continuing his wilderness journey, the devil produces Goody Cloyse to make Brown suspect women. She says she is attending the ceremony to see a man, while the men on horseback Brown overhears seem to be drawn there to see the women whom they expect. Thus sex is certainly at the heart of things. As her name suggested, Goody means hyposritic. Admittedly, she is ugly and hypocritic, but on the other side she is rebellious as Faith. Apparently, she is pious and exemplary in the eyes of Puritans and teaches others religion and traditional conventions. However, in fact she rejected the hypocrisy of Puritan society and Puritan teachings and seeks for the change of roles of women and a higher state in the male-dominant society. The huge contrast between the image of Goody Cloyse at night and in the day reinforces the awakening of the female.

4. Conclusion

In Young Goodman Brown, Hawthorne melts the ambiguity in the portrait of female characters. Influenced by Puritanism, he combines his typical methods of symbolism with reflective attitudes towards Puritan conventions and teachings. In the Puritan society, the status of women was low and poor. They had to do what they were supposed to do without any freedom to seek what they desired. By analyzing the female characters in Young Goodman Brown from feminism criticism perspective, we gain more knowledge about the characters as well as the theme of this short story penetratingly. The darkness of the forest symbolizes the male-dominant society, while Faith and Cloyse are the representatives of the rebellious fighters against the inequality between two genders and against the traditional Puritan conventions.

Works Cited


[Chang Y aoxin. A Survey of American Literature. Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2008.]


[Tao Jie. Selective Reading in American Literature. Beijing: Higer Education Press, 2011.]


[Tong Ming. A History of American Literature. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. ]


一.中古英语时期 ?Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. ?The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. ?Geoffrey?Chaucer, one?of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. ?Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance ?Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. ?It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. ?Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. ?This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth reigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England ? ?“Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. ?Thomas More ——Utopia ?Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 ? 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? ? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene ? C. Beowulf D. Hamlet ? 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. ? A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare ? C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer ? 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. ? A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer ? C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare ?“All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”——William Shakespeare ?William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have


1、The Colonial Period(1607-1765) American Puritanism ( in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th) 北美第一位女诗人Anne Bradstreet(宗教气息,夫妻恩爱) Edward Taylor 都受英国玄学派影响(metaphysical) 2、The Enlightenment and Revolution Period Benjamin Franklin:Poor Richard's Almanac The Autobiography---“美国梦”的根源 3、American Romanticism(end of 18th to the civil war) American writers emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature. 早期浪漫主义Washington Irving father of American Literature 短篇小说 James Fenimore Cooper 历史,冒险,边疆小说《The Leather-stocking Tales>文明发展对大 自然的摧残与破坏 William Cullen Bryant 美国第一个浪漫主义诗人《To a Waterfowl>美国 山水,讴歌大自然,歌颂美国生活现实 Edgar Allan Poe ---(48 poems,70 short stories) He greatly influenced the devotees of “Art for art’s sake.” He was father of psychoanalytic criticism , and the detective story. Ralph Waldo Emerson---The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism American Transcendentalism (also known as “American Renaissance”) It is the high tide of American romanticism Transcendentalists spoke for the cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society. 《Nature》---the Bible of Transcendentalism by Emerson 《Self-Reliance》表达他的超验主义观点Henry David Thoreau------ Walden he regarded nature as a symbol of spirit.Thoreau was very critical of modern civilization. 小说家:Hawthorne-赞成超验He is a master of symbolism The Scarlet Letter《红字》 Melville 怀疑,悲观,sailing experiences Moby Dick百科全书式性质/海洋作品/动物史诗 诗人Longfellow《I Shot an Arrow...》《A Psalm of Life》第一首被完整地介绍到中国的美国诗歌Whitman (Free Verse---without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme ) 《Leaves of Grass》《One's Self I Sing》《O Captain! My Captain!》song Dickinson inner life of the individual ---died for beauty 4、The Age of Realism James upper reaches of American society. <一位女士的肖像》inner world of man Howells, concerned himself chiefly with middle class life. Twain the lower strata of society. humor and local colorism American Naturalism 自然主义(新型现实) Stephen Crane;《Maggie: A Girl of the Streets》《The Red Badge of Courage》pessimistic Theodore Dreiser;Sister Carrie;Jennie Gerhardt;An American Tragedy(Trilogy of Desire) O.Henry (William Sydney Porter):The Gift of the Magi;The Cop and the anthem Jack London:The Call of the Wild;Martin Eden 5、The Modern Period The 1920s-1930s ( the second renaissance of American literature) The Roaring Twenties ,The Jazz Age ,“lost”(Gertrude Stein) and “waste land”(T.S.Eliot) 现代主义小说家 F. Scott Fitzgerald:《The Great Gatsby》被视为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征,以美国梦American Dream 为主线。


Part I Identification Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1.( T ) Hurstwood is a character in Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie. 2.( F )In 1954, T. S. Eliot was awarded a Nobel Prize for his “mastery of the a rt of modern narration.” 3.( T )Hemingway believed that a man could find meaning in life by facing his death with dignity and courage. 4.( T )Literary naturalism may be regarded as the new development of literary realism, and was sometimes called “pessimistic realism.” The naturalistic writers were philosophical pessimists. 5.( F )Hemingway, Pound, Cummings, Dos Passos, and Fitzgerald, belong to the school of “Beat Generation”. 6.( F )William Faulkner's woks mainly concerned the decay in economy and moral in the American North. 7.( F ) Fitzgerald's fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of the romantic period. 8.( T )The narrator in T he Great Gatsby is a minor character named Nick Carraway, who is also a participant in the event. 9.( T ) Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises pained the image of the whole generation, the lost generation. 10.( F )In Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, he used a technique called imagism, in which the whole story was told through the thoughts of one character. Part II Multiple choice: Directions: Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. ___________ showed great interest in Chinese literature and translated the poetry of Li Po into English, and was influenced by Confucian ideas. A. Ezra Pound B. Robert Frost C. T. S. Eliot D. E. E. Cummings 2. Ezra Pound's long poem____________ contained more than one hundred poems loosely connected. A. The Waste Land B. The Cantos C. Don Juan D. Queen Mab 3. In Paris, Ernest Hemingway, along with _____________, accomplished a revolution in literary style and language. A. Gertrude Stein B. Ezra Pound C. James Joyce D. all of the above 4. The Fitzgeralds lived so extravagantly that they frequently spent more money than F. Scoot Fitzgerald earned for parties, liquor, entertaining their friends and


1.Puritanism: Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. 1.simply speaking , American Puritanism just refers to the spirit and ideal of puritans,who settled in the North American continent in the early part of the seventeenth century because of religious persecutions. 2.In content it means scrupulous ,moral rigor ,especially hostility to social pleasure and religion . 3.with time passing it became a dominant factor in American life , one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and literature.to some extent it is a state of mind,a part of the national cultural atmosphere that the American breathes ,rather than a set of tenets. 4.Actually it is a code of values,a philosophy of life and a point of view in American minds,also a two-faceted tradition of religious idealism and level -headed in common sense . 2.The American Romanticism(浪漫主义):a literary movement flourished as a cultural force the early period and the late period. associated with imagination and boundlessness, as an historical movement it arose in the 18th and 19th centuries.(Walt Whitman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe.) II.Features of American romanticism (1) It was the expression of “a real new experience(全新体验)”. (2) American Puritanism was a cultural heritage. Many American romantic writings intended to edify(启发) more than they entertained. (3) American Romanticism is full of “newness(新奇)” . Ideals:Individualism; political equality Dream:America: a new Garden of Eden (4)American romanticism was both imitative and independent. 3.Transcendentalism 超验主义 The major features of Transcendentalism: ① The Transcendentalists placed emphasis on spirit, or the Oversoul, as the most important thing in the universe. 思想超灵宇宙 ② The Transcendentalists stressed the importance of the individual. To them, the individual is the most important element of Society. ③ The Transcendentalists offered a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God. Nature was not purely matter. It was alive, filled with God’s ove rwhelming presence. 自然+上帝 Ralph Waldo Emerson. American Transcendentalism:As a philosophical and literary


北京邮电大学世纪学院 学期论文 题目美国总统选举制度分析论文学号 13010401 学生姓名刘昊 专业名称通信工程 所在系通信与信息工程 2016年 6月 1 日

题目:美国总统选举制度分析论文 摘要: 随着我国民主法治建设的不断推进,以及我国社会主义法律体系的不断完善,目前我国在推动民主化进程中取得了举世瞩目的成就,这是结合中国特色的社会主义道路所取得的民主化进程,同时也符合党的十八大报告中所提出的“走中国特色的民主化道路”的基本要求。但对于西方国家在选举过程中的有益经验,我们也同样要加以借鉴和吸取,美国作为世界上最大的民主化国家,其选举制度拥有二百多年的历史,其取得了成就同样值得我们借鉴,我们在民主化进程中要吸引和借鉴世界所有其他国家的先进经验和有益做法。 本文通过运用文献资料法、历史研究法以及对比分析等研究方法,对美国的总统选举制度的发展史进行了探讨和分析,尤其是对其变迁进行了深入和细致的探讨,希望从中能够找到为中国特色社会主义民主化道路所借鉴的有益做法。 关键词:总统选举;制度,发展史;弊端 Abstract: With the advancement of democratic rule of law construction in China, as well as the continuous improvement of the socialist legal system in our country, at present our country in the process of promoting democratization has made remarkable achievements, which is the combination of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics of the democratization process, but also in line with the party's eighteen big report proposed "democratization road with Chinese characteristics" of the basic requirements. But for the western countries the beneficial experience in the process of the election, we also want to draw lessons from and absorbing, the United States as the world's largest democracy,


Interpretation of “Bartleby” 2012 English Class, 1204402019, Crush Abstract Herman Melville?s tale “Bartleby”is one of those highly acclaimed symbolic short stories in the 19th century. Bartleby is an exploited worker in the capitalistic prison—Wall Street. To some critics, he is “a Thoreau-like practitioner of passive resistance”or “an autobiographical projection of Melville as alienated author.”1In this article, I am going to concentrate on the dark, ruthless commercial society and its defective capitalist values the narrator wants to reveal in “Bartleby”; specifically, I will illustrate how the narrator?s failure to understand the existence of Bartleby and to help him indicates the limitations of rationalism. Further more, I will also try to explain what does Bartleby really need, and how can people really save him from terrible forlornness. Key words Bartleby society limitation rationalism capitalist values Melville?s “Bartleby”is narrated by the first-person narrator, as he describes himself, is “a man who, from his youth upwards, has been filled with a profound conviction that the easiest way of life is the best…one of those unambitious lawyers who never addresses a jury, or in any way draws down public applause; but in the cool tranquility of a snug retreat, do a snug business among rich men?s bonds and mortgages and title-deeds.” He is quite satisfied with his profitable life. He is proud of himself in his successful business and proudly attached that he was once employed and praised by John Jacob Astor: “All who know me consider me an eminently safe man. The late John Jacob Astor, a personage little given to poetic enthusiasm, had no hesitation in pronouncing my first grand point to be prudence; my next method.”The narrator is a typical business man of Wall Street—the epitome of the increasing urbanized, capital-driven society. The author does not set Wall Street as the backdrop randomly, but uses it 1(journal articles) Y on-jae Jung, “The Poe-esque Elements in Melville?s…Bartleby the Scrivener?”, Foreign Literature Studies 4 (2009), p. 63.


《英语文学文化及影视赏析》课程教学大纲 一、课程说明 1、课程名称(中英文):英语文学文化及影视赏析/English Literature and Culture & Appreciation of English movies 2、学时学分:75学时理论教学,2学分 3、适用专业:非英语专业研究生 4、开课学院:外国语学院 5、课程负责人:姜萌萌 二、课程描述: 本课程拟对英语经典文学与相关文化概况进行简要介绍,并遴选英美国家的经典作家和作品,对其文学特色、文化背景进行分析。课程重视文学作品与时代背景、西方历史文化的联系,在教学中将理论与实践相结合,做到寓教于乐。在课内,不仅有作家作品、相关文化背景和信息的介绍、经典作品片段的解读,并通过课堂讨论以及影视作品的欣赏帮助学生最直观地理解西方文化与文学作品的文本意义。在课外,学生需要查阅相关资料,完成相关问题的回答与读书报告,以一种轻松愉悦并且多方面切入的方式学习、了解和体验英语文学文化。该课程目的在于通过英语文学文化的学习,提高学生对英语语言的掌握能力、增强对英语文学经典的理解力和对西方文化的审美能力,进一步养成对英语的敏感性,培养人文素质和文学涵养。 三、教材: 王守仁主编,《英国文学选读》,北京:高等教育出版社。 陶洁主编,《美国文学选读》,北京:高等教育出版社。 秦秀白,《英美国家概况》,北京:高等教育出版社。 王佐良,《欧洲文化入门》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社。 自编讲义 四、教学方式: 理论与实践相结合。 五、考核方式: 提交一篇与所学课程相关的课程论文,用英语完成。 总成绩=期末考试成绩70%+平时成绩30%(考勤占10%)


美国文学期末考试复习必备(精) 1. What’s Puritanism? A religious and political movement which appeals to the right of the individual to political & religious independence. It includes three parts: a code of values, a point of view & a philosophy of life 2. What are the basic Puritan beliefs? 1). Total Depravity 2). Unconditional Election 3). Limited Atonement 4). Irresistible Grace 5). Perseverance of the "saints" 3. What are American Puritan values? Sobriety thrift, Self-reliance Diligence, Struggle, simple tastes 4. What are the features of American literature in the Colonial Period? A. Humble origins: diaries, journals, histories, letters. Its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period. B. in content: serving either god or colonial expansion or both C. in form: imitating English literary traditions. D. in style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery and simplicity of diction. E. Symbolism formed in this period ------To the pious Puritan, the physical, phenomenal world was nothing but a symbol of God. F. Simple, fresh and direct style


美国文学选读第三版课后习题答案洁(部分) Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin Questions 1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography? Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it 2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticed? His brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother. 3.How did he arrive in Philadephia? First he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a boat which was going towards Philadelphia, he arrived there about eight


Cultural differences between China and America The Culture of the United States is a Western culture originally influenced by European cultures. It has been developing since long before the United States became a country with its own unique social and cultural characteristics .Today, the United States of America is an ethnically and racially diverse country as a result of large-scale immigration from many different countries throughout its history. Chinese culture is the respect of East land. Chinese culture have a long history ,and it is very different from American . The part of social different. If you are in China , it is not rare to see that a crowded of people throng in the supermarket, trying to get service first. People in China do line up the scholar said in a humorous tone , but they prefer to line up at a horizontal way. In contrast , in western countries , say in American ,people always line up ,no matter in a big bank or a small store .And they take it for granted. Lining up has long since become part of their life that they scarcely doubt it or grow impatient while doing it. The food different .Most Chinese families are used to buying fresh food every day while Americans like to buy from supermarket a large bag onetime then eat cold food everyday. Chinese people use chopsticks to eat while American people use folks and knives. when the guest come ,Chinese will make a cup of hot tea, tea can reduce blood cholesterol.on the contrary, American people like drinking coffee, but it is possible to increase blood fat and stimulation to the heart.American breakfast food mainly includes Bread, milk or dairy products, meat, vegetables and fruits. Chinese breakfast Consists of vegetables, steamed buns, pancakes, congee , eggs milk, bean products .After dinner, Chinese people love to eat fruit,while Americans often add a s weetmeat. The difference in education. China's education pays great attention to the accumulating knowledge infusion, raise students' knowledge and authority to the knowledge of the respect and inheriting and knowledge system construction. Americans are paying more attention to train students to use the knowledge, pay attention to cultivating students' practical ability of knowledge and authoritative question, the critical spirit and to expand and create knowledge. These two kinds of education expressed the different attitudes: treat knowledge of Chinese education is static and dynamic differences between the United States, this move a static reflecting differences of two countries knowledge view.


英国文学史课程论文 Lake Poets in the history of English literature 英国文学史上的湖畔诗人 院(系)名称外国语学院 专业名称英语 学生姓名程路佳 学生学号1201200127 课程教师刘鹏飞 2015年12月23日

Lake Poets in the history of English literature Auther:Cheng Lujia Tutor:Liu Pengfei Abstract The Lake Poets or Lake School was a group of English poets: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, RobertSouthey, and William Wordsworth. They lived in the “lake district” in northwestern England. This group was part of the romantic movement of the late 1700?s and early 1800?s. They were inspired by the French revolution and theEnglish Industrial Revolution. They made bold experiments on poetry writing, no matter no poetry language seeking or subjects. Wordsworth was regarded as “worshipper of nature”. Coleridge was not only a poet but also a critic. While Southey pay more his attention to his democratic community in America known as “Pant isocracy”. Key words: The Romantic Period, Nature, Super nature, Imagination, Innovation, Simple language, Inner world, Spirit, Common life, Democratic, Pant isocracy
