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( 2011届 )





学生姓名:方梦婧学号: 08090204



完成时间:2011年 1 月



Abstract (3)

摘要 (3)

1. Introduction (4)

1.1 Nathaniel Hawthorne (4)

1.2 Young Goodman Brown (4)

2. Background

2.1 Puritan background (5)

2.2 The role of Puritan women (5)

3. Analysis of characters (5)

3.1 Young Goodman Brown (5)

3.2 Faith (6)

3.3 The old fellow-traveler .............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.4 Goody Cloyse............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

4. Conclusion (7)

Work cited (8)

Feminist Criticism Perspective

Fang Mengjing

Abstract:Feminist Criticism, broadly defined, examines how literature and other productions reinforce or undermine the oppression of women. It developed on the basis of women’s liberation movement. It is the concern of feminists critics to probe the marginalization of women in economic, political, social and psychology terms. Feminism represents one of the most significant social and aesthetic revolutions of modern times.From a feminist point of view, Young Goodman Brown, which was universally acclaimed as one of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s best short stories and revealed the themes of the reality of sin, the secret sin as well as the hypocrisy of Puritanism and all human kinds, presents Hawthorne’s particular portraits of women go against the prevailing literary sexism of his day.

Key words: Faith,feminism, Puritanism, character analysis





Feminist Criticism Perspective

Fang Mengjing 08090204


1.1Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the American high Romantics, whose features are naïve, experimental, conformist, self-conscious and imitative. In this period, writers put much more attention on individual and independence than before. He wrote Fanshawe, a novel based on his college life and it turned out to be a failure. His first collection of short stories Twice-Told Tales brought his name before the reading public.

He studied his family history and became intensely sorry for the misdeeds of his puritan ancestors. So he wrote the Scarlet Letter to expiate the sin, which made him the first American romancer. It is about a woman, Hester Prynne, who has committed adultery and has to bear a letter A on her breast as a lifelong sign for her sin. However, she continues her life of penance and becomes a model of endurance, courage, and victory over sin. It is the first symbolic novel in literary history. His other works include: The House of Seven Gables, The Snow Image, The Blithedale Romance. In his works, he showed his respect to female and individual’s nature. Unlike other writers of his time, Hawthorne revealed a kind of feminist tendency in his stories. It lies not only in his interest in the situation of female characters in his works, but also his appreciation of some good qualities in them, such as gentleness, motherhood, strong inner strength, self-reliance and so on. He generally used women not just as symbols of wholesome and goodness, but as possessing knowledge that approached that of the author and narrator. He also treated women with more realism and depth than did most other writers. Many women characters penned by Hawthorne engage in conflict with the men in their lives and all of them have the sympathy------to varying degrees------of the author.

1.2Young Goodman Brown

Young Goodman Brown is about a young man named Goodman Brown, who has been married only three months. He prepares to leave his home and his pretty young bride, Faith, to go into the forest and spend the night on some mission. Although Faith has strong forebodings about his journey and pleads with hum to postpone it, Brown is adamant and sets off. His business is evil by his own admission. It involves attending a witch’s Sabbath in the forest, a remarkable action in view of the picture of Brown, drawn early in the story, as a professing Christian who admonishes his wife to pray
