



表2 I/O端子分配表
输 入
输 入 设 备
输 出 输 出负 载 输 出 端 子
10.O 10.1 10-2
KM 1 KM2 l(=M3
QO.O Q0.1 QO.2
10-3 10.4 10.5
及软件设计 ,提供了主要的硬件 原理图和软件 程序 。
关键 词 : 可编程序控 制器 ;组合机床 ;控制系统
中图分类号 :TP273
文献标识码 :A
文章编号 :1 009—01 34(201 2)06(下)一0064—03
Doi:1 0.3969/J.issn.1 009-01 34.201 2.6(下 ).22
(1.郑州工业安全职业学院 机 电工程系 。郑州 451150;2.济源职业技术学 院 电气系 。济源 454650) 摘 要 : 本文设计 了一种以德国西 门子公司的微型可编 程序控制器 (PLC)为核心 的控制系统 ,以替
代组合机床 上原有的继 电控 制线路 ,实现 了对组合机床控 制系统的改造 。分 析了系统 的硬 件
I1 4
SQ8 回 KP2
一 __= /一 — I1.6
L+ 1M
2M M
24V .
2L l

图 3 PLC的 I/O端 子 接 线 图
第34卷 第6期 2012—6(下 ) [651
务l 匐 化
网络 1Q0 . 1
白凸白 换 得 到 ,转 换 过 程 中应 注 意 以
图2 左 右 动 力 头 的 工 作 循 环 示 意 图






















DOI:10.15913/ki.kjycx.2024.05.023基于Automation Studio的液压动力滑台控制系统仿真设计刘道寿1,周志红1,刘登宇2(1.湖南工业职业技术学院机械工程学院,湖南长沙410208;2.合肥工业大学机械工程学院,安徽宣城242099)摘要:动力滑台是组合机床实现进给运动的通用部件,其控制系统是实现组合机床自动化或半自动化的关键环节。

在分析动力滑台工作过程及液压控制回路的基础上,基于Automation Studio进行了控制系统仿真设计,主要包括液压系统建模、PLC控制系统建模及软件设计,仿真结果满足各种控制要求。

关键词:Automation Studio;动力滑台;PLC;液压中图分类号:TH137 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-6835(2024)05-0087-03机床动力滑台是组合机床上用来实现进给运动的通用部件,液压动力滑台由液压缸驱动,根据加工需要可在滑台上配置动力头、主轴箱或各种专用切削头等工作部件,以完成钻、扩、铰、车、镗、倒角、攻螺纹等加工工艺,并可实现多种进给工作循环[1-2]。



随着流体力学、现代控制理论、算法理论、可靠性理论等相关学科和理论的发展,特别是计算机技术的突飞猛进,液压仿真技术水平越来越高,逐渐成为液压系统设计人员的有力辅助工具,同时相应的仿真软件也相继出现,主要有FluidSIM、Automation Studio、AMESim等[5-8]。

Automation Studio仿真软件是由加拿大Famic公司开发的支持多学科领域的专业仿真设计平台,包括液压与气压传动、传感器、电气工程、电子、PLC、HMI 等专业模块,基于项目的理念,在平台不但可以对单个专业模块进行设计及仿真,而且还可以在同一个项目中实现多个专业模块的关联,实现机电一体化的项目仿真。



组合机床动力滑台液压系统设计(1) 组合机床动力滑台液压系统设计液压系统是组合机床的重要组成部分,它为机床提供动力和润滑。






















翻译文献:INVESTIGATION ON DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE OF SLIDE UNIT IN MODULAR MACHINE TOOL (对组合机床滑台动态性能的调查报告)文献作者:Peter Dransfield,出处:Peter Dransfield, Hydraulic Control System-Design and Analysis of TheirDynamics, Springer-Verlag, 1981翻译页数:p139—144英文译文:对组合机床滑台动态性能的调查报告【摘要】这一张纸处理调查利用有束缚力的曲线图和状态空间分析法对组合机床滑台的滑动影响和运动平稳性问题进行分析与研究,从而建立了滑台的液压驱动系统一自调背压调速系统的动态数学模型。


从那些中可以得出那样的结论,如果能合理地设计液压缸和自调背压调压阀的结构尺寸.本文中所使用的符号如下:s1-流源,即调速阀出口流量;S el—滑台滑动摩擦力R一滑台等效粘性摩擦系数:I1—滑台与油缸的质量12—自调背压阀阀心质量C1、c2—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的液容;C2—自调背压阀弹簧柔度;R1, R2自调背压阀阻尼孔液阻,R9—自调背压阀阀口液阻S e2—自调背压阀弹簧的初始预紧力;I4, I5—管路的等效液感C5、C6—管路的等效液容:R5, R7-管路的等效液阻;V3, V4—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔内容积;P3, P4—油缸无杆腔及有杆腔的压力F—滑台承受负载,V—滑台运动速度。







双面钻孔组合机床液压系统设计毕业设计1 绪论1.1 组合机床的发展现状及前景组合机床(transfer and unit machine)是根据工件加工需要,以大量通用部件为基础,配以按工件特定形状和加工工艺设计的专用部件和夹具,组成的一种高效的半自动或自动专用机床[5]。













组合机床滑台液压系统设计The design of hydraulic system of modular machine tool slide组合机床滑台液压系统设计摘要作为一种高效率的专用机床,组合机床在大批量机械加工生产中应用广泛。








关键词:液压系统修正节流阀分流集流阀液压锁The design of hydraulic system of modular machine tool slideAbstract as a special machine for high efficiency, the combination of machine tools are widely used in large batch machining production. The curriculum designto combination machine tool hydraulic pressure system design as an example,introduces the design method of the hydraulic system of modular machine tooland the design procedure, including combination machinetool hydraulic system of power slipway condition analysis, the main parameters, hydraulic system principle diagram of the quasi fixed, the choice of hydraulic components and systemperformance checking.Combination machine is based on common components, with special componentsdesigned according to workpiece specific shape and process and fixture andconsisting of semi-automaticor automatic machine tool. Combination machinegenerally adopts the multi axis, multi knife, multi process, multi or multistage and processing, production efficiency several times to several times higher than the general machine tool. The combination machine has the advantages of high efficiency and low cost, widely used in mass production, and can be used tocompose the automatic production line. Combination machine tools usually adopts the multi axis, multiknife, multi-faceted, multi station and processing, can complete thedrilling, boring, tapping, reaming, expansion, cars, milling, grindingand other finishing processes.The hydraulic system has the advantages of simple structure, flexible action,convenient operation, wide speed range, the advantages of continuous stepless regulation, has been widely applied in the modular machine tool. Hydraulicsystem in modular machine is mainly used to achieve the worktable linearmovement and rotary movement, the design of combined machine tool power sliding table is a horizontal drilling, hydraulic system of power slipway boring modular machine to complete the requirements of action as "fast forward -feeding - rewind in-situ stop" work cycle: the maximum cutting force for FL=12KN,a power head weight FG=20KN, feed requirements canbe stepless in the range of 0.02 - 1.2m/min in speed, fast forward, rewind speed is6m/min; feedingschedule for 100mm, fast forward stroke is 300mm; using flat guide rail, thestatic,dynamic friction coefficient fs=0.2, fd=0.1; acceleration, the reciprocating motion of the time requirements not more than 0.5S.Key words: Hydraulic system Amendment throttle valve Flow distributing and collecting valve Hydraulic lock目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 液压传动的发展状况 (1)1.2 液压技术的应用 (2)第二章组合机床滑台设计依据 (2)第三章工况分析 (2)3.1 负载分析 (2)3.2 负载图和速度图 (3)第四章初步拟定液压系统原理图 (4)4.1 选择液压基本回路 (4)4.2 组成液压系统原理图 (5)第五章确定液压系统参数 (6)5.1 初选液压缸工作压力 (6)5.2 计算液压缸的结构尺寸 (7)5.3 绘制工况图 (8)第六章液压元件的计算和选择 (8)6.1 确定液压泵的规格和电机功率 (8)6.2 选择液压阀 (9)6.3 确定管道尺寸 (10)6.4 确定油箱容量 (11)第七章液压系统的性能验算 (11)7.1 液压缸的速度验算 (11)7.2 回路压力损失验算 (11)7.3 液压系统发热与温升验算 (12)第八章液压技术未来的发展 (13)总结 (14)致谢 (14)参考文献 ....................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。



第1章概论 (3)1.1液压技术发展简史 (3)1.2液压技术的发展趋势 (3)1.3液压传动系统的设计 (3)1.4本课题的任务 (3)第2章传动方式的选择及基本设计参数 (4)2.1液压传动与电气传动、机械传动相比的主要优点 (4)2.2液压传动的主要缺点 (4)2.3基本设计参数 (4)第3章工况分析 (5)3.1动力分析 (5)3.2运动分析 (7)第4章确定液压系统主要参数 (9)4.1确定液压缸主要几何尺寸 (9)4.1.1初选系统工作压力 (9)4.1.2计算液压缸的主要结构参数 (9)4.2计算液压缸工作循环各个阶段的工作压力、输入流量及输入功率 (10)4.2.1快进阶段: (10)4.2.2工进阶段: (11)4.2.3快退阶段: (12)4.3绘制液压缸的工况图 (13)第5章拟定液压系统原理图 (15)5.1选择液压基本回路 (15)5.1.1选定液压系统的类型 (15)5.1.2液压执行元件的选择 (15)5.1.3选择液压泵的类型及油源回路 (15)5.1.4选择调速回路和速度换接回路 (15)5.1.5选择压力控制回路 (15)5.2组成液压系统图 (16)5.3液压系统的工作原理 (16)第6章液压元辅件及液压油的选择 (17)6.1选择液压泵及驱动电动机 (17)6.1.1确定液压泵的最大工作压力 (17)6.1.2确定液压泵的最大供油流量 (18)6.1.3选择液压泵 (18)6.1.4选择电动机 (18)6.1.5计算液压缸实际的输入流量、输出流量、运动速度和持续时间 (19)6.1.6选择液压控制阀 (21)6.1.7液压油管的计算确定 (21)6.1.8确定油箱的容量 (23)6.1.9液压油的选择 (24)6.1.10滤油器的选择 (24)第7章液压系统的性能验算 (25)7.1验算系统压力损失 (25)7.2验算系统发热温升 (28)第1章概论1.1液压技术发展简史1.2液压技术的发展趋势1.3液压传动系统的设计液压系统是液压设备的一个组成部分,液压系统设计是主机设计的重要组成部分……液压系统的设计包括如下步骤:1.4本课题的任务组合机床是在综合了通用机床和专用机床的应用特点的基础上发展起来的一种新型专用机床,组合机床是以系列化、标准化设计的通用部件为基础,配以以工件形状和加工工艺要求而设计的少量专用部件,对一种或若干种零件按预先确定的工序进行加工的机床。





设计验算结果说明,设计的工作装置满足设计要求.在AUTO CAD软件下绘制的液压系统原理图有利于为新产品设计或改型设计提供参考.关键词:钻孔组合机床动力滑台液压系统设计;设计参数及验算;AUTO CAD制图1目录摘要 (1)第一章绪论 (1)1.1液压传动 (1)1.2 组合机床发展的历史 (2)1.3组合机床的发展趋势 (2)1。

4组合机床类型及部件的分类 (3)第二章动力滑台液压系统的相关参数计算 (5)2.1已知设计条件 (5)2。

2 负载计算 (5)第三章液压缸主要参数确定 (7)3。

1 确定液压缸工作压力 (7)3。

2 确定液压缸主要结构参数 (7)23。

3 绘制液压缸工况图 (9)3。

4 液压缸主要零件强度的校核 (10)3。

5 液压缸稳定性计算 (11)第四章液压系统组成及原理图设计 (12)4.1 主题方案的确定 (12)4.2 基本回路确定 (12)4.3 液压系统原理图的综合 (14)第五章液压元件选型 (16)5。

1 液压泵的选择 (16)5.2 液压泵驱动电机的选择 (17)5.3 液压控制元件及辅助元件的选择 (17)第六章液压管路和油箱的确定 (19)6。

1 液压管路的确定 (19)6。

2 油箱容积V的计算 (20)3第七章液压系统性能验算 (21)7.1 回路压力损失计算 (21)7。

2 系统温升验算 (21)7。

3 油箱散热面积A (21)设计小结 (23)参考文献 (24)4第一章绪论制造业的历史可追溯到几百年前的旧石器的时代。



机电工程学院毕业设计说明书设计题目: ZH1TZ16组合机床动力滑台液压系统设计学生姓名:学号: 200848050604专业班级:机制F0808指导教师:2012 年 5 月 21 日目次第一章前言 (1)第二章设计要求和工况分析 (2)2.1设计要求 (2)2.2工况分析 (2)2.2.1运动分析 (2)2.2.2负载分析 (2)2.2.3负载图和速度图的绘制 (3)第三章液压缸主要参数的确定 (5)3.1初选液压缸的工作压力 (5)3.2计算液压缸的尺寸 (5)3.3绘制工况图 (7)第四章液压系统图的拟定 (9)4.1所用液压执行元件的类型 (9)4.2供油方式的选择 (9)4.3调速回路的选择 (10)4.4速度换接回路和快速回路的选择 (10)4.5换向回路的选择 (10)4.6绘制液压系统原理图 (11)4.7液压系统原理图的工作原理 (12)第五章液压元件的计算和选择 (14)5.1确定液压泵的型号及电动机功率 (14)5.1.1计算液压泵的最大工作压力 (14)5.1.2计算总流量 (14)5.1.3电机的选择 (15)5.2选择阀类元件及辅助元件 (15)5.2.1油管 (15)5.2.2油箱 (17)5.3活塞杆直径校核 (17)第六章液压系统性能的验算 (18)设计总结 (21)辞谢 (22)参考文献 (23)第一章前言组合机床往往由一些通用和专用的部件组合而来,在操作上它比一般的机床效率高,而且操作上简单,在大批量的生产中得到了广泛的应用。








基于AMESim的组合钻床动力滑台液压系统的设计探讨论文基于AMESim的组合钻床动力滑台液压系统的设计探讨论文0 引言随着科学技术的发展,机械零部件一体化程度不断提高,因为加工的形状日益复杂,导致机械加工的要求越来越高,使得复合、多功能、多轴化控制装备的前景逐渐被看好,而组合钻床作为液压机床中最具有代表性的一种钻床设备,其具有广泛的应用性,可对零件进行钻孔、扩孔、铰孔、惚平面和攻螺纹等加工。





1 液压系统的工作原理及组成根据以上分析可知,组合钻床的液压系统需要实现快进快退以及慢速工进等动作,并具有液压冲击小、灵敏度高等特点,因此,将使用双联液压泵作为液压源为系统供油,在换向回路上使用电液换向阀,能够使执行元件的进液回路及出油回路形成差动回路,提高执行元件的速度,在调速回路上,采用行程阀与调速阀并联的方式,确保快进快退及慢速工进动作的实现。

2 关键技术的具体实现2.1 参数计算在设计液压系统的过程中,各个关键元件的参数计算是至关重要的,直接关系到液压系统是否能够有效的运行。




组合机床滑台液压系统设计The design of hydraulic system of modular machine tool slide组合机床滑台液压系统设计摘要作为一种高效率的专用机床,组合机床在大批量机械加工生产中应用广泛。








关键词:液压系统修正节流阀分流集流阀液压锁The design of hydraulic system of modular machine tool slideAbstract as a special machine for high efficiency, the combination of machine tools are widely used in large batch machining production. The curriculum designto combination machine tool hydraulic pressure system design as an example,introduces the design method of the hydraulic system of modular machine tooland the design procedure, including combination machinetool hydraulic system of power slipway condition analysis, the main parameters, hydraulic system principle diagram of the quasi fixed, the choice of hydraulic components and systemperformance checking.Combination machine is based on common components, with special componentsdesigned according to workpiece specific shape and process and fixture andconsisting of semi-automaticor automatic machine tool. Combination machinegenerally adopts the multi axis, multi knife, multi process, multi or multistage and processing, production efficiency several times to several times higher than the general machine tool. The combination machine has the advantages of high efficiency and low cost, widely used in mass production, and can be used tocompose the automatic production line. Combination machine tools usually adopts the multi axis, multiknife, multi-faceted, multi station and processing, can complete thedrilling, boring, tapping, reaming, expansion, cars, milling, grindingand other finishing processes.The hydraulic system has the advantages of simple structure, flexible action,convenient operation, wide speed range, the advantages of continuous stepless regulation, has been widely applied in the modular machine tool. Hydraulicsystem in modular machine is mainly used to achieve the worktable linearmovement and rotary movement, the design of combined machine tool power sliding table is a horizontal drilling, hydraulic system of power slipway boring modular machine to complete the requirements of action as "fast forward -feeding - rewind in-situ stop" work cycle: the maximum cutting force for FL=12KN,a power head weight FG=20KN, feed requirements canbe stepless in the range of 0.02 - 1.2m/min in speed, fast forward, rewind speed is6m/min; feedingschedule for 100mm, fast forward stroke is 300mm; using flat guide rail, thestatic,dynamic friction coefficient fs=0.2, fd=0.1; acceleration, the reciprocating motion of the time requirements not more than 0.5S.Key words: Hydraulic system Amendment throttle valve Flow distributing and collecting valve Hydraulic lock目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 液压传动的发展状况 (1)1.2 液压技术的应用 (2)第二章组合机床滑台设计依据 (2)第三章工况分析 (2)3.1 负载分析 (2)3.2 负载图和速度图 (3)第四章初步拟定液压系统原理图 (4)4.1 选择液压基本回路 (4)4.2 组成液压系统原理图 (5)第五章确定液压系统参数 (6)5.1 初选液压缸工作压力 (6)5.2 计算液压缸的结构尺寸 (7)5.3 绘制工况图 (8)第六章液压元件的计算和选择 (8)6.1 确定液压泵的规格和电机功率 (8)6.2 选择液压阀 (9)6.3 确定管道尺寸 (10)6.4 确定油箱容量 (11)第七章液压系统的性能验算 (11)7.1 液压缸的速度验算 (11)7.2 回路压力损失验算 (11)7.3 液压系统发热与温升验算 (12)第八章液压技术未来的发展 (13)总结 (14)致谢 (14)参考文献 ....................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。













液压元件大约在 19 世纪末 20 世纪初的20年间,才开始进入正规的工业生产阶段。

1925 年维克斯(F.Vikers)发明了压力平衡式叶片泵,为近代液压元件工业或液压传动的逐步建立奠定了基础。






二、组合机床动力滑台液压系统的设计和优化过程1. 动力滑台液压系统设计的原则和要求在设计组合机床动力滑台液压系统时,需要遵循以下设计原则和要求:(1)系统的控制精度高,能够实现工件高精度加工。





2. 液压系统的基本组成组合机床动力滑台液压系统是由液压装置、液压控制阀、液压执行元件等部分组成。


3. 液压系统的参数设计在液压系统的参数设计中,需要考虑系统的运行环境、工作条件、机床结构等因素。


4. 液压系统的控制方式液压系统的控制方式包括手动控制、自动控制和数控控制等手段。


三、组合机床动力滑台液压系统的优化方案1. 采用高质量的液压元器件,以保证系统稳定性和可靠性。

2. 采用电液伺服控制系统,以实现更高的控制精度和速度响应能力。







1 设计机床液压传动系统的依据1.机床的总体布局和工艺要求,包括采用液压传动所完成的机床运动种类、机械设计时提出可能用的液压执行元件的种类和型号、执行元件的位置及其空间的尺寸范围、要求的自动化程度等。






2 设计液压传动系统的步骤1.明确对液压传动系统的工作要求,是设计液压传动系统的依据,由使用部门以技术任务书的形式提出。

2. 拟定液压传动系统图。

(1) 根据工作部件的运动形式,合理地选择液压执行元件;(2) 根据工作部件的性能要求和动作顺序,列出可能实现的各种基本回路。




3. 计算液压系统的主要参数和选择液压元件。

(1) 计算液压缸的主要参数;(2) 计算液压缸所需的流量并选用液压泵;(3) 选用油管;(4) 选取元件规格;(5) 计算系统实际工作压力;(6) 计算功率,选用电动机;(7) 发热和油箱容积计算;4.进行必要的液压系统验算。



英语原文:Integrated Machine and Control DesignAbstract—In this paper, we describe a systematic design procedure for reconfigurable machine tools and their associated control systems. The starting point for the design is a set of operations that must be performed on a given part or part family. These operations are decomposed into a set of functions that the machine must perform and the functions are mapped to machine modules, each of which has an associated machine control module. Once the machine is constructed from a set of modules, the machine control modules are connected. An operation sequence control mod ule, user interface control module, and mode-switching logic complete the control design. The integration of the machine and control design and the reconfigurability of the resulting machine tool are described in detail.I. IntroductionIn today’s competitive markets, manufacturing systems must quickly respond to changing customer demands and diminishing product life cycles. Traditional transfer lines are designed for high volume production, operate in a fixed automation paradigm, and therefore cannot readily accommodate changes in the product design. On the other hand, conventional CNC-based “flexible” manufacturing system offer generalized flexibility but are generally slow and expensive since they are not optimized for any particular product or a family of products.An effort at the University of Michigan aims to develop the theory and enabling technology for reconfigurable machining systems. Instead of building a machining system from scratch each time a new part is needed, an existing system can be reconfigured to produce the new part. In this paper, we describe how an integrated machine and control design strategy can result in machine tools which can be quickly and easily configured and reconfigured.In order to provide exactly the functionality and capacity needed to process a family of parts, RMTs are designed around a given family of parts. Given a set of operations to be performed, RMTs can be configured by assembling appropriate machine modules. Each active module in the library has a control module associated with it. As the mechanical modules are assembled, the control modules will be connected and the machine will be ready to operate. Extensive and time-consuming specialized control system design will not be required. Section II describes how the machine is designed from a set of basic machine modules,This research was supported in part by the NSF-ERC connected in a well-defined fashion, and Section III describes how the control is similarly assembled from a library of control modules. This modular construction of the machine and control allows formany levels of reconfigurability as described in Section IV. The paper concludes with a description of future work in Section V.II. Machine DesignOngoing work on manufacturing system configuration at the University of Michigan addresses the problem of starting from a part (or part family) description and extracting the machining operations necessary to produce the part(s). The operations are grouped according to tolerance, order of execution, and desired cycle time of the system, with the intention that each operation “cluster” can be produced on a single machine tool. The operation cluster considered here is to drill a set of holes for the cam tower caps on V6 and V8 cylinder heads shown in Figure 1. The input to the reconfigurable machine tool design procedure is the cutter location data generated by a process planner for this operation cluster. data includes positioning and drilling information.The RMT design procedure consists of three main stages: task clarification, module selection, and evaluation. After a brief literature review, these three stages will be outlined in this section.A. Related researchSince reconfigurability is a relatively new concept in ma chining systems, there is little, if any, published literature on the design of reconfigurable machine tools. However, modular machine tools have been on the market for several years, and some of the published articles on modular robots, modular machines and assembly do have some rel-evance to the design of reconfigurable machine tools. For example, Shinno and Ito proposed a methodology for generating the structural configuration of machine tools. They decomposed the machine tool structures into simple geometric forms: e.g. boxes, cylinders, etc. Yan and Chen [21], [1] extended this work to the ma chining center structural design. [12] adapted Ito’s method for modular machine t ool synthesis and de-veloped a method for enumerating machine tool modules. Paradis and Khosla [15] determined the modular assembly configuration which is optimally suited to perform a specific task. On the systems front, Rogers and Bottaci [16] discussed the significance of reconfigurable manufacturing systems, and Owen et al. [13] developed a modular reconfigurable manufacturing system synthesis program for educational pur poses.In our work, traditional methods of motion representation and topology (i.e. screw theory, graph theory, etc.) are employed to capture the characteristics of RMTs. These mathematical schemes are used for topological synthesis, function-decomposition, and mapping procedures; details can be found in [9].Figure 1B.Task clarificationThe design of an RMT begins with task clarification, which entails analyzing the cutter location data to determine the set of functions which are necessary to accomplish the desired kinematic motions. There are three steps. First, graphs are generated which abstractly representationFig. 3. High-level operation sequence, showing causal dependencies and concurrencies.This abstract representation of the sequence of operations is derived from the CL data, and will be used to design the sequencing control the motions. These graphs are then decomposed into functions, and finally the functions are mapped onto machine modules which exist in the library.A graph representation of the machine tool structure allows for systematic enumeration of alternate configurations and also provides a method of identification of nonisomorphic graphs. The graph representation is also used for bookkeeping to assign machine modules to the graph elements. A graph consists of a set of vertices connected together by edges. In using a graph as an abstract represen tation of a machine tool structure, we define two different types of vertices: type 0 and type 1. A vertex represents a physical object with two ports; each port represents the location on the object where it can be attached to a neighboring object. A type 0 vertex has input and output ports that are in-line with respect to each other, whereas a type 1 vertex has input and output ports that are perpendicular to each other. Machining tasks are also classified as type 0 or type 1, depending on whether the tool is parallel or per pendicular to the workpiece.C. Module selectionCommercially available modules are selected from the module library for each ofthe functions (structural as well as kinematic) that were mapped to the graph in the task clarification stage. The data stored for each module in the library includes the homogenous transformation matrix representing its kinematic or structural function, the twist vector supplemented by range of motion information, a compliance matrix representing the module stiffness, module connectivity information, and power requirements (for active modules such as spindles and slides).The first step in module selection is to compare the homogeneous transformation matrices of the modules with the task requirement matrix such that when appropriate modules are selected to meet the task requirements, the product of all module matrices should be equal to the desired task matrix: T = T1· T2 · · · Tn. Again, there may be many possible choices of modules for a given structural configuration. Figure 6 shows how different slides, spindles, and structural elements can be assembled according to the graph of Figure 4.A slide module, with its CAD model and transformation matrix, is shown in Figure7. It is capable of one direction of linear motion, indicated by the ~1 variable in its transformation matrix. Its database entry, shown in Table I, stores not only its transformation matrix but also the manufacturer name, model number, initial position, power level, and motion data. The twist vector is augmented by information on the minimum, initial, and maximum displacement of the module.TABLE IDatabase information and documentation for the machinemodule shown in Figure 7.(a) V6 machine (b) V8 machineFig. 2. Reconfigurable machine tool designs for the two different parts.D. EvaluationOnce a set of kinematically-feasible modules have been selected, the resulting machine design must be evaluated. The criteria for evaluation of the reconfigurable machine tools synthesized by the above systematic procedure include the work envelope, the number of degrees of freedom, the number of modules used, and the dynamic stiffness.The number of kinematic degrees of freedom of the machine tool must be kept to a minimum required to meet the requirements, both to reduce the actuation power and minimize the chain of errors. Machine tool designs which are generated using this methodology for the example parts of Figure 1 are shown in Figure 8.The resulting designs must be evaluated with respect to the expec ted accuracy. The stiffness of the entire machine tool, one of the most important factors in performance, is estimated based on the module compliance matrices and the connection method.III. Control DesignAs the machine is built from modular elements, so is the control. In this work, we focus on the logic control for sequencing and coordination of the machine modules; a discrete-event system formalism is used [6]. There is one control module associated with each active machine module; we refer to these as machine control modules. In the machine design, there are passive elements which connect the active elements together. In the control design, there must also be“glue” modules which connect the machine control modules. The overall architecture of the control system for an RMT is shown in Figure 9.The structure is similar for either of the two machines shown in Figure 8; for the V8 machine, there is no Y -axis control module. As shown, the machine control modules are at the lowest level; these interact directly with the mechanical system. Three modules handle the mode switching logic. In this section, we briefly describe each of these types of control modules as well as their interaction and coordina tion.A. Machine control modulesEach machine control module has awell-defined interface specification: itaccepts discrete-event commands from agiven set, and returns discrete-eventresponses from a given set. Within thecontrol module will be all of the continuous-variable control, such as servo control foraxes. This continuous control is designedusing standard PID algorithms and the axisparameters such as inertia, power, lead screw pitch, which come from the machine module definition. In addition, each machine control module will contain con trols for any machine services associated with the machine module, such as lubrication or coolant. Thus, each machine control module is a self-contained controller for the machinemodule itaccompanies, and can bedesigned andtestedindependentlyof the rest ofthe machine.Fig.10.Slide ControllerThe design of a machine control module must be done only once for each machine module in the library. Whenever the machine module is used in a machine design, the control module can be used in the associated control design. The control module may be used independently, with its own processing power, I/O and a network connection to the rest of the control system, or it may be used as a piece of the overall machine controller which is implemented in a centralized fashion.B. Operation sequenceThe operation sequence module is defined from the high level sequence extracted from the cutter location data shown in Figure 3.C. Modular control structureThe user interface control module interacts with the user through a set of pushbuttons to turn the control system on and off, switch between control modes, and single-step through the operation sequence. Its main functions are to pass the user commands through to the rest of the controller, and to display the current state of the machine to the user.IV. Conclusions and Future WorkHistorically, machine tool design has been experience based. In this research, we described a mathematical basis for synthesis and evaluation of Reconfigurable Machine Tools and their associated controllers. This research work has addressed both the generation of machine tool configurations and modular control design. The systematic design process begins with the machining requirements.The presented methodology for synthesis of machine tools allows a library of machine modules to be precompiled and stored in a database, self-contained with con-trollers and ready to be used in any machine design. The methodology also ensures that all kinematically viable and distinctly different configurations are systematically enu-merated to reduce the chance of missing a good design.We have already developed a Java-based program which automates the machinedesign process; we are currently incorporating the control design procedure withi n the existing framework.The authors would like to acknowledge the support and invaluable feedback from the industrial members of the ERC who have participated in this project.中文译文组合机床与控制设计摘要——在本文中,我们描述一个系统的设计程序的可重构机床及其控制系统。

毕业设计 YT4543型组合机床动力滑台液压系统的PLC改造

毕业设计 YT4543型组合机床动力滑台液压系统的PLC改造









关键词:可编程控制继电器液压动力滑台Abstract:The combination machine bed constitute efficiently with parts of appropriations parts from the in general use parts, appropriation, automation higher machine in degree bed.The slippery set in motive is a kind of in general use parts to combine the machine bed.This lesson a the type of YT4543 for involving combines originally possessed the motive that machine bed liquid press electricity part adoption slips the set to control the system after the electric appliances, exsitting the dependable is not high, breaking down to take place the rate high, maintenance difficulty;Connect the line complicacy after the electric appliances circuit;If the craft process changes, then need the changes homologous control after the electric appliances the system connect line etc. problem. Because the programmable preface controller has the higher and dependable, thecontrol process inside can get the good control accuracy, and can realizes easily industry automation;Moreover, still have the easy maintenance, operate a series of advantage in simple etc..The programmable preface controller got large quantity in modern industry but extensive application.In this lesson a foundation for exactly according to above reason, from the actual and applied angle setting out, regarding programmable preface controller( PLC ) as foundation, with the type of YT4543 originally possessed combining machine bed liquid pressing slippery set in motive is reforming object, in the thorough understanding YT4543 type originally possessed combining machine bed liquid pressing slippery set in motive working principle, make use of the function good, the super and small scaled PLC in MRs FXos-30s- Ds in reasonable Mitsubishi in price combines the machine bed originally possessed to the type of YT4543 the liquid presses the slippery set in motive puts reform into practice to, the combination machine that become the PLC control the bed liquid presses the slippery set in motive.From but overcame the weakness originally possessed, increases the dependable of the machine bed, give the maintenance of the system with improved to bring at the same time not stingy then.Practice the proof, pass the improvement, since can increase the dependable of the system, can switch on electricity to weave the distance again, vivid change its control is in proper order, coming to a the applied purpose, obtaining the good work function with the economic performance.Key words: programmable control relay hydraulic power sliding stand目录第一章绪论 (6)§1.1 组合机床液压系统 (6)§1.1.1 概述 (6)§1.1.2 YT4543型动力滑台液压系统特点 (6)§1.2可编程控制器(PLC)引论 (7)§1.2.1可编程控制器的产生、发展与展望 (7)§1.2.2可编程控制器的定义与分类 (10)§ 可编程控制器的定义 (10)§可编程控制器的分类 (11)§1.2.3可编程控制器的特点和应用范围 (12)§1.2.4可编程控制器的主要技术性能 (15)第二章控制系统工作原理 (15)§2.1 YT4543型动力滑台液压系统工作原理 (16)§2.2 可编程控制器的工作原理 (18)§2.2.1可编程控制器的基本组成 (18)§2.2.2 可编程控制器的基本原理 (18)§ PLC的系统工作过程 (19)§ PLC的扫描工作方式与程序执行过程 (20)§ PLC的I/O响应滞后问题 (22)§ PLC的中断 (24)§2.3 编程器和编程软件 (25)第三章PLC控制系统设计 (26)§3. 1控制内容的确定 (26)§3. 2控制方案的确定 (29)§3. 3 输入信号的确定 (31)§3. 4 控制对象的确定 (31)第四章硬件系统设计 (32)§4.1 PLC型号的确定 (32)§4.2 FXos-30MR-D资源及性能 (33)第五章软件设计 (34)§5.1主程序设计 (34)§5.2 梯形图 (35)§5.3 由梯形图转化出系统的指令程序 (38)§5.4 PLC外部接线图 (40)第六章结论与展望 (40)§6.1 结论 (40)§6.2 展望 (40)参考文献 (41)致谢 (41)第一章绪论1.1 组合机床液压系统1.1.1 概述组合机床是由通用部件和部分专用部件组成的高效、专用、自动化程度较高的机床。




目录 (1)一、液压传动的发展概况.....................................................................错误!未定义书签。






1、液压传动在机械行业中的应用: ...........................................错误!未定义书签。


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本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译毕业设计(论文)题目:组合钻床动力滑台液压系统及电控系统设计外文题目: Drilling machine译文题目:组合钻床学生姓名:马莉莉专业:机械设计制造及其自动化0701班指导教师姓名:王洁评阅日期:正文内容小四号字,宋体,行距1.5倍行距。

The drilling machine is a machine for making holes with removal of chips and it is used to create or enlarge holes. There are many different types of drilling machine for different jobs, but they can be basically broken down into two categories.The bench drill is used for drilling holes through raw materials such as wood, plastic and metal and gets its name because it is bolted to bench for stability so that larger pieces of work can be drilled safely. The pillar drill is a larger version that stands upright on the floor. It can do exactly the same work as the bench drill, but because of its size it can be used to drill larger pieces of materials and produce bigger holes. Most modern drilling machines are digitally automated using the latest computer numerical control (CNC) technology.Because they can be programmed to produce precise results, over and over again, CNC drilling machines are particularly useful for pattern hole drilling, small hole drilling and angled holes.If you need your drilling machine to work at high volume, a multi spindle drill head will allow you to drill many holes at the same time. These are also sometimes referred to as gang drills.Twist drills are suitable for wood, metal and plastics and can be used for both hand and machine drilling, with a drill set typically including sizes from 1mm to 14mm. A type of drill machine known as the turret stores tools in the turret and positions them in the order needed for work.Drilling machines, which can also be referred to as bench mounted drills or floor standing drills are fixed style of drills that may be mounted on a stand or bolted to the floor or workbench. A drilling machine consists of a base, column, table, spindle), and drill head, usually driven by an induction motor.The head typically has a set of three which radiate from a central hub that, when turned, move the spindle and chuck vertically, parallel to the axis of the column. The table can be adjusted vertically and is generally moved by a rack and pinion. Some older models do however rely on the operator to lift and re clamp the table in position. The table may also be offset from the spindles axis and in some cases rotated to a position perpendicular to the column.The size of a drill press is typically measured in terms of swing which can be is defined as twice the throat distance, which is the distance from the centre of the spindle to the closest edge of the pillar. Speed change on these drilling machines is achieved by manually moving a belt across a stepped pulleyarrangement.Some drills add a third stepped pulley to increase the speed range. Modern drilling machines can, however, use a variable-speed motor in conjunction with the stepped-pulley system. Some machine shop drilling machines are equipped with a continuously variable transmission, giving a wide speed range, as well as the ability to change speed while the machine is running.Machine drilling has a number of advantages over a hand-held drill. Firstly, it requires much less to apply the drill to the work piece. The movement of the chuck and spindle is by a lever working on a rack and pinion, which gives the operator considerable mechanical advantage.The use of a table also allows a vice or clamp to be used to position and restrain the work. This makes the operation much more secure. In addition to this, the angle of the spindle is fixed relative to the table, allowing holes to be drilled accurately and repetitively.Most modern drilling machines are digitally automated using the latest computer numerical control (CNC) technology. Because they can be programmed to produce precise results, over and over again, CNC drilling machines are particularly useful for pattern hole drilling, small hole drilling and angled holes.Drilling machines are often used for miscellaneous workshop tasks such as sanding, honing or polishing, by mounting sanding drums, honing wheels and various other rotating accessories in the chuck. To add your products click on the traders account link above.You can click on the links below to browse for new, used or to hire a drilling machine.Drilling machines are used for drilling, boring, countersinking, reaming, and tapping. Several types are used in metalworking: vertical drilling machines, horizontal drilling machines, center-drilling machines, gang drilling machines, multiple-spindle drilling machines, and special-purpose drilling machines. Vertical drilling machines are the most widely used in metalworking. They are used to make holes in relatively small work-pieces in individual and small-lot production; they are also used in maintenance shops. The tool, such as a drill, countersink, or reamer, is fastened on a vertical spindle, and the work-piece is secured on the table of the machine. The axes of the tool and the hole to be drilled are aligned by moving the workpiece. Programmed control is also used to orient the workpiece and to automate the operation. Bench-mounted machines, usually of the single-spindle type, are used to make holes up to 12 mm in diameter, for instance, in instrument-making.Heavy and large workpieces and workpieces with holes located along a curved edge are worked on radial drilling machines. Here the axes of the tool and the hole to be drilled are aligned by moving the spindle relative to the stationary work-piece.Horizontal drilling machines are usually used to make deep holes, for instance, in axles, shafts, and gun barrels for firearms and artillery pieces. Center-drilling machines are used to drill centers in the ends of blanks. They are sometimes equipped with supports that can cut off the blank before centering, and in such cases they are called center-drilling machines. Gang drilling machines with more than one drill head are used to produce several holes at one time. Multiple-spindle drilling machines feature automation of the work process. Such machines can be assembled from several standardized, self-contained heads with electric motors and reduction gears that rotate the spindle and feed the head. There are one-, two-, and three-sidedmultiple-spindle drilling machines with vertical, horizontal, and inclined spindles for drilling and tapping. Several dozen such spindles may be mounted on a single machine. Special-purpose drilling machines, on which a limited range of operations is performed, are equipped with various automated devices.Multiple operations on workpieces are performed by various combination machines. These include one- and two-sided jig boring machines,drilling-tapping machines (usually gang drilling machines with reversible thread-cutting spindles), milling-type drilling machines and drilling-mortising machines used mainly for woodworking, and automatic drilling machines.In woodworking much use is made of single- and multiple-spindle vertical drilling machines, one- and two-sided, horizontal drilling machines (usually with multiple spindles), and machines equipped with a swivel spindle that can be positioned vertically and horizontally. In addition to drilling holes, woodworking machines may be used to make grooves, recesses, and mortises and to remove knots.英文翻译指导教师评阅意见原文已完。
