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材 料 化 学 论 文(设 计)


英文题目: Applied research in the field of display of the liquid crystal material

姓 名 李海珊 李开漫 练丽红 苏健枢 文丽丽 杨静波 曾翠珍 张耀 郑润熙

学 号 100604111 100604113 100604114 100604122 100604128 100604130 100604133 100604138 100604140

专业班级 10应用化学1班

指导教师 叶晓萍

提交日期 2012年11月30





随着技术的发展和人们要求的不断提高, 消费者对原来传统的阴极射线管(CR T )显示器的体积大、重量大和功耗大的缺点越来越不满意。特别是在便携式、小型化和低功耗的应用中, 人们期望着体积小、重量轻和功耗小的平板显示器的出现。在这种需求的推动下, 液晶平板显示器首先应运而生。由于液晶显示器LCD (Liquid Crystal Display )具有轻薄短小、低耗电量、无辐射, 平面直角显示以及影像稳定不闪烁等多方面的优势, 在近年来技术驱动及价格不断下跌的吸引下, 占领了相当大的市场, CRT 已逐渐被取代。本文着重介绍液晶的发现过程, 以及液晶及其显示器件(LCD ) 的特性、原理与发展方向。

关键词:液晶, 显示, TN-LCD, STN-LCD, TFT-LED, IPS

Applied research in the field of display of the liquid

crystal material


With the development of technology and the continuous improvement of people's requirements, consumers are increasingly dissatisfied with the shortcoming of original traditional cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor such as the large size and weight and high power consumption.Especially in the applications of the portable, the miniaturization and low power consumption, the people expect that the flat-panel display with small size, light weight and low power consumption appears. LCD flat panel displays first emerged in the promotion of this demand. In recent years, driven by technology and falling prices , LCD occupied a considerable market and gradually displaced CRT for the reason that LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) has a advantage of low-power consumption, high-resolution support, no radiation and steady image display. This paper focuses on the discovery process of the LCD, as well as the characteristics of the liquid crystal and its display devices (LCD), principles and development direction.

Keywords : A liquid crystal display TN-LCD STN-LCD TFT-LED IPS


1背景 (1)

1.1液晶的发现 (1)

1.2液晶理论发展回顾 (1)

1.3 液晶材料与LCD产业的发展 (1)

2 液晶的分类 (1)

2.1溶致型液晶 (1)

2.2热致型液晶 (1)

2.2.1近晶型液晶 (1)

2.2.2向列型液晶 (1)

2.2.3胆甾型液晶 (1)

2.3 聚合物液晶 (1)

2.3.1主链型液晶高分子 (1)

2.3.2侧链型液晶高分子 (1)

2.3.3复合型液晶高分子 (1)

3 液晶材料在显示领域中的应用 (1)

3.1 TN-LCD液晶显示材料 (1)

3.1.1 TN-LCD(A类)液晶显示材料的合成及性能 (1)

3.1.2TN-LCD液晶显示材料的显示原理 (1)

3.2 STN-LCD液晶显示材料 (1)

3.2.1 STN-LCD(B类)液晶显示材料的合成及性能..................

3.2.2 STN-LCD显示原理 (1)

3.3 TFT-LCD液晶显示材料 (1)

3.3.1 TFT-LCD(C类)液晶显示材料的合成及性能 (1)

3.3.1TFT型的液晶材料的显示原理 (1)

3. 4 IPS液晶显示材料 (1)

3.4.1 IPS-LCD(D类)型液晶显示材料的合成及性能..................
