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Hypothesis Development
Task Conflict and Performance
Team performance is an outcome of team activities that is valued by other members of the organization(Mathieu,Heffner,Goodwin, Salas, & CannonBowers, 2000).(团队绩效是团队合作的共同结果,组织中的其 他成员对其结果进行价值评估。) Further, interactional dynamics(动态互动) within any given team influence team performance. For example, team training has the potential to impact a variety of measures of team performance (Salas & Cannon-Bowers, 2001; Salas et al., 2008). (团队培训有潜在可能影响团队绩效的各种措施) Finally, a great deal of work has shown that the compositional characteristics of the team members themselves,(团队成员自 身的成分特征) such as personality (e.g., Barrick, Stewart, Neubert, & Mount, 1998) and diversity (e.g., Harrison, Price, & Bell, 1998), can also affect team performance.
团队成员多余12个,他们就很难顺利开展工作,在互 相交流时会遇到许多障碍,难以形成凝聚力、忠诚感 和互相信赖感,而这些都是高绩效团队不可缺少的。 成员的能力协调:团队有效运作需要三种不同技能的 人。第一是技术专长的成员;第二是需要有解决问题 和决策的技能,能发现问题提出解决问题的建议,做 出有效决策的成员;最后,团队需要善于聆听、反馈、 解决冲突及其他人际关系技能的成员。
不同,如果员工的工作性质与其性格特点一致,其绩效 水平容易提高。团队有不同的需求,挑选团队成员时, 应该以员工的性格特点和个人偏好为基础。高绩效团队 能够时员工适当地匹配不同的角色。 共同目标与具体目标相结合:成功的团队会把他们的共 同目标转变成为具体的、可以衡量的、现实可行的绩效 目标。目标会使个体提高绩效水平,目标也能使群体增 强能力。 成员之间的相互信任:高绩效团队的成员之间相互信任。 团队成员彼此相信各自的正直、个性特点、工作能力。 另外,由于信任会带来彼此的信任、不信任会带来彼此 的不信任。
Kenneth G. Brown University of Iowa
Past research suggests that task conflict may improve team
performance under certain conditions; however, we know little about these specific conditions. On the basis of prior theory and research on conflict in teams, we argue that a climate of psychological safety is one specific context under which task conflict will improve team performance.(我们认为 心理安全氛围是使任务冲突提高团队绩效的一个特殊环境与背景) Using evidence from 117 project teams, the present research found that psychological safety climate moderates the relationship between task conflict and performance. (现有研究表示心理安全氛围在团队任 务冲突与团队绩效的关系中起到调解作用) Specifically, task conflict and team performance were positively associated under conditions of high psychological safety. The results support the conclusion that psychological safety facilitates the performance benefits of task conflict in teams. (在高度安全环境氛围 下,任务冲突与团队表现联系紧密,研究结果支持这样的结论,心理 安全促进团队任务冲突的性能优势)
了解信息,对于存在的问题坦诚相告。 公平:在进行决策或采取行动之前,先想想别人对决 策的公平性会有什么看法,在进行绩效评估时,应该 客观公平。 说出你的感觉:说出你的感觉会让别人认为你是真诚 而富有人情味的,他们会了解你的为人,并更加尊敬 你。 表明决策的基本价值观一致:行动与目标相一致,你 的一贯性能够赢得信任。
正直(integrity):诚实、 可信赖 能力(competence):具 有技术技能与人际知识 一贯(consistency): 可靠, 行为可以预测;在处理 问题时,具有较强的判 断力 忠实(loyalty):愿意维 护别人并保全面子 开放(openness): 愿意与 别人自由地分享观点和 信息。
Bret H. Bradley University of Oklahoma Bennett E. Postlethwaite Pepperdine University Anthony C. Klotz University of Oklahoma
Maria R. Hamdani University of Akron
To address this shortcoming in the literature, we use theoretical
advances in contingency models of team conflict to isolate and examine one principal moderator of the relationship between task conflict and team performance.(使用任务冲突权变模型的理论发展分 别检验在任务冲突与团队绩效关系中的主要调解变量) Psychological safety refers to a shared belief held by teammates that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking (Edmondson, 1999). (心 理安全是指在团队中团队成员所共同认可的安全的人际关系冒险信念) Task conflict that occurs in a psychologically safe environment should improve creativity and decision making without damaging interactions. In this way, psychological safety may amplify the involvement of each team member and the intensity of interaction among teammates without endangering the harmony of the team, thereby increasing team performance. For this reason, we argue that psychological safety will enable task conflict to improve team performance.(在心理安全氛围环 境下发生的任务冲突会在不损害人际互动的情况下提高创造力和决策能 力。心理安全会增加团队成员的互动与参与而不破坏团队和谐。因此我 们提出心理安全能使任务冲突提高团队绩效) Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine this moderating effect in a sample of project teams.
Reaping the Benefits of Task Conflict in Teams: The Critical Role of Team Psychological Safety Climate 团队任务冲突中收获的效益:团队心理安全氛围的重要作用
Journal of Applied Psychology 2012.Vol.97.No.1.151-158
Part 1 Hypothesis Development (假设发展) Task Conflict and Performance The Moderating Role of Psychological Safety Part 2 Method (方法) Procedures and Sample(程序与取样) Measures(测量) Part 3 Results(结果) Part 4 Discussion(讨论) Part 5 Conclusion(结论) Theoretical Implication Practical Implication
更好地利用员工的才能。 团队的优点是:快速组合、部署、重组、解散。团队 能够促进员工参与决策,有助于管理人员增强组织的 民主气氛,提高员工的积极性。 工作团队(work team)通过其成员的共同努力能够产 生积极协调作用,其团队成员努力的结果使团队的绩 效水平远高于个体ct improve team performance?
The original logic argued that relationship conflict would damage team
performance, whereas task conflict may improve it under certain conditions. (Korsgaard, Jeong, Mahony, & Pitariu, 2008).(人际冲突会 破坏团队性能,然而在特定环境下,任务冲突会提高团队绩效) Subsequent empirical tests(实证研究) generally support this conclusion for relationship conflict, although the positive link between task conflict and performance, and the contextual factors(情景因素) that bring it about, have been much harder to find (Korsgaard, Jeong, Mahony, & Pitariu, 2008). Despite this evidence and other calls for future research on moderators (e.g., De Dreu, 2008; Jehn & Bendersky, 2003), surprisingly little is known about the circumstances under which task conflict associates positively with team performance.(鲜为人所知的是, 在何种环境下任务冲突与团队绩效的关系紧密相连)