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Modern Physics 现代物理, 2017, 7(6), 249-256

Published Online November 2017 in Hans. /journal/mp


The Influence of In Doping on the Structure and Electric Transport Characteristics of

PbTe Thin Films

Shanhu Xu1, Chunbo Zheng1, Lei Jiang1, Zhonglan Chen1, Dan Zhou1, Xi Zhu1, Jianxiao Si2, Qing Liao3, Haifei Wu1*

1Department of Physics, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing Zhejiang

2College of Mathematics, Physics and Information Engineering, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua Zhejiang

3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Hezhou University, Hezhou Guangxi

Received: Nov. 7th, 2017; accepted: Nov. 22nd, 2017; published: Nov. 27th, 2017


In this paper, Pb1−x In x Te (0.00 ≤x ≤0.20) thin films were epitaxially grown on BaF2(111) sub-strate using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The results show that when x ≤ 0.06, In atoms act as substitutional doping in PbTe, forming n type cubic Pb1−x In x Te structure, and their conductivity increase with In doping increasing; When x ≥ 0.10, In atoms are oversaturated in PbTe and In2Te3 phase were formed , resulting in the sharply decrease of the film conductivity. In atoms segregate to film surface among the entire doping process. Comprehensive analysis of the Seebeck coeffi-cient and conductivity test results of different In doping Pb1-x In x Te films, we can obtain that elec-trical transport properties of PbTe can be improved by trace In doping, and Pb1-x In x Te (x = 0.06) thin film is the optimum, its power factor at 440K can be up to 9.7 μW∙cm−1∙K−2 at 400 K, which is

1.2 times greater than that of PbTe.


Thermoelectric Material, Pb1−x In x Te, Molecular Beam Epitaxy







徐珊瑚 等


本文采用分子束外延(MBE)方法在BaF 2(111)衬底上外延生长了Pb 1−x In x Te (0.00 ≤ x ≤ 0.20)薄膜。研究结果表明当x ≤ 0.06时,In 在PbTe 中进行替位式掺杂,形成n 型的立方相Pb 1−x In x Te 结构,薄膜电导率随In 掺杂量的增加而增大;当x ≥ 0.10时,In 掺杂出现过饱和,过量的In 形成In 2Te 3结构相,Pb 1−x In x Te 薄膜电导率急剧下降。整个掺杂过程中,In 均向薄膜表面发生了偏析。综合分析不同In 掺杂量下Pb 1−x In x Te 薄膜的Seebeck 系数和电导率测试结果,可以得出In 的微量掺杂可实现PbTe 薄膜电输运性能的提升,In 掺杂量为0.06时薄膜表现出最佳的电输运性能,440K 时Pb 1−x In x Te (x = 0.06)的功率因子可达9.7 μW∙cm −1∙K −2,为本征PbTe 最大功率因子的1.2倍。


热电材料,Pb 1−x In x Te ,分子束外延

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1. 引言

PbTe 作为典型的中温区(300~900 K)热电发电材料,在低品位热能发电领域有着极其重要的应用前景

[1] [2],如何优化PbTe 基材料的热电性能以提高其能量转换效率已成为当今国际前沿性的热点课题[3]

[4]。材料的热电性能指标一般用热电优值ZT 描述:ZT = S 2σT/(κel +κlatt ),其中S 为Seebeck 系数,σ为电导率,S 2σ为功率因子,κlatt 、κel 分别为晶格热导率和载流子热导率[5] [6]。由于S 、σ和k 这三个变量存在相互的关联,一般无法单独地改变一个量,导致PbTe 基热电材料的zT 值在过去近半个世纪的研究过程中始终突破不了≤ 1的限制[7] [8] [9]。

近年来,研究者们或通过Cr 、Al 、Tl 等金属元素掺杂致使PbTe 价带边附近引入局域共振态[10] [11]

[12] [13],或通过p 型掺杂致使PbTe 价带顶发生能带会聚(convergence of bands)以增加价带极值简并度等方式,使PbTe 材料的热电性能得到了大幅度提升。如Heremans 等人通过在PbTe 中掺入Tl ,使材料的zT 值在773K 时达到了1.5 [12];武汉理工大学唐新峰教授小组通过Ag 的掺杂,在PbSe 中实现了费米能级向价带顶的移动,有效地改善了PbSe 材料的功率因子[13];同济大学裴艳中教授小组通过调控PbTe 材料中p 型掺杂浓度及组分,促使PbTe 价带顶附近的L 、Σ能带会聚(convergence of bands),使PbTe 的价带极值简并度N v 提高到原来的4倍,从而使材料的zT 值提高到了1.8 [6]。可见,通过金属掺杂改变PbTe 的电子能带结构,可在降低PbTe 材料热导率的同时,有效地改善材料的电输运性能。

金属In 具有与Pb 非常接近的原子半径,可在PbTe 中实现有效掺杂,为此,本论文利用分子束外延

(MBE)技术制备了不同In 掺杂量下的Pb 1−x In x Te (0.00 ≤ x ≤ 0.20)薄膜,

并系统研究了In 掺杂对PbTe 薄膜结构、电输运特性的影响规律。
