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升降调常表示语气强烈、惊奇、自满得意等感情。 升降升调常表示自信、欢快、洋洋得意等感情。 此外语调与重读关系密切,重读词常带有语调。
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3. Experts eventually decided to investigate/ because people’s descriptions of the puma/ had a lot in common.
4. Much to the aristocrat’s amusement,/ the jailer returned a few moments later/ with a pair of glasses/ and the usual copy of the letter/ which he proceeded to read to the prisoner.
5. The first recorded Olympic competition/ was held/ in an outdoor stadium,/ which was about 200 meters long/ and 300 meters wide.
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the world,/where would you choose/to spend our wedding anniversary?
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朗读下面的句子,注意句子的重音和节奏。(下划线部 分是重读部分,“/”表示节奏群的划分)
2. George saw/ there were a lot of spots/ on Tom’s pocket/ and told Tom/ to wash them with hot water.
3. There are over 3000 languages that are used throughout the world today. /Almost all of these languages/ belong to a much smaller number of language families.
5. Editors of newspapers and magazines/ often go to extremes/ to provide their readers/ with unimportant facts and statistics.
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• 例:Both my brother and I/are fond of tennis. • Mary and her friend/had a big quarrel. • Last night,/I asked him/to play cards with
me,/but he didn’t come. • If you had the choice/of all the places/in
Baidu Nhomakorabea
三. Intonation语调
1. 降调: 降调表示语义完结,语气肯定。一般陈 述句、命令祈使句和特殊问句等用降调。
2. 升调:升调的基本含义是“未结束”、“不肯 定”。 一般疑问句用升调。
英语的语调还有降升调、升降调和升降升调。降升 调在英语中也比较常用。它常表示“对比”、“态度保 留”和“有言外之意”。
意群是意思联系紧密的短语或从句。一个句子可以 按照意义和语法结构分成几个部分,每一个部分成为一 个意群。朗读时停顿时间的长短主要取决于语流中的意 群和句子的语法结构。一般来说,每个意群之后停顿的 时间最短,每个逗号之后停顿的时间稍长一点,每个句 号之后停顿的时间更长,段落之间的停顿则是最长。
4. Bees are flying insects that are found all over the world./ There are over twelve thousand different species of bees,/ but only ten thousand of these occur/ in north America.
句子意群的划分主要由以下三个因素决定: 1. 意思联系的紧密程度 2. 语速 3. 句子的长度
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朗读下面的句子,注意句子中的意群停顿。( “/” 表示停顿)
1. It is easier to buy books/ than to read them, / and easier to read them/ than to absorb them.
1. Last night, / I asked him/ to play cards with me, / but he didn’t come.
2. Popular music in America/ is what every student likes. /Students carry small radios/ and listen to music /before class,/ after class/ and at lunch.
Listening and Speaking
Part A : Reading Aloud
Made by Christina
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• 重读音节重而慢,非重读音节快而弱; • 非重读音节越多,读得越快; • 轻重相间成节奏。