【英语国家概况】102UK-2Whoarethebritish(done)[兼容模式]Lecture 2 People andLanguageThe United Kingdom ofGreat Britain andNorthern IrelandEnglish Speaking Countries——1. Who Are the British ?Q3. Give 3‐4 examples to show that the Romans had Great influence on the English culture?Q1. Who are the earliest inhabitsof Britain of whom the Englishpeople have written records, andwhere did these records comefrom?Q2. What is a traditionally typicalEnglishman thought to be like?Why is it not easy to talk about atypicalEnglishman?Although the United Kingdom covers only a small area of the earth's surface , it represents people of manydifferent origins and cultures. Yet all of them are British.the United Kingdom: 联合王国,中英⽂简称分别英国和UK,全名为⼤不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国“(the United Kingdom of GreatBritain and the Northern Ireland)。
联合王国由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔⼠及北爱尔兰四部分组成,全国⾯积为244 ,000平⽅公⾥。

英语国家概况自考题-2(总分100,考试时间90分钟)PART ONEⅠ.Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefullyFor each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked are given. Choose the one that you think **pletes the statement or answers the question.1. At present, there are ______ member countries within the Commonwealth(1991).A. 50 B.45 C. 55 D. 402. The Anglo-Saxons brought ______ religion to Britain.A. Druidism B. Roman Catholic C. Teutonic D. Christian3. William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in ______.A. 1086 B. 1066 C. 1035 D. 13814. Which of the following is not true about "Domesday Book"?A. It **piled to discover how much to be called upon to pay by taxes. B. It was so called because it seemed to the English like the Book of Doom used on Judgment Day. C. It **pleted as the result of a general survey of England. D. It is kept in the public library in London.5. According to Magna Carta no tax should be made without the approval of ______.A. the witan B. the King C. the Grand Council D. the Commons6. The Hundred Years' War between England and France was caused by ______.A. racial struggles B. territorial and economic disputes C. colonial expansions D. struggle for new territories7. The War of Roses that took place from 1455 to 1485 was fought between ______.A. Britain and France B. the Parliament and the Crown C. the working people and the aristocrats D. two branches of the Plantagenet family8. The religious reform in England in the 16th century was to ______ and to make ______ Church of England.A. cut connections with the Pope, an independent B. establish connections with the Pope, a Catholic C. establish new relations with the Pope, a Royal D. alter theology in everyway, revolutionary9. Three of the following were characteristics of the Elizabeth age. Which of the four is the exception?A. Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with parliament. B. Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith. C. This was the age of literature which Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed. D. This was the beginning of trade and colonization.10. The First Civil War in England began in ______ and ended in ______.A. 1640, 1642 B. 1620, 1640 C. 1607, 1620 D. 1642, 164611. In Britain the Nonconformists were originally called the ______.A. Puritans B. Levelers C. Catholics D. Cavaliers12. In Britain, the Tories were the forerunners of ______, which still bears the nickname today.A. the Labor Party B. the Conservative Party. C. the Liberal Party D. the Social Democratic Party13. After ______ between Britain and France, Canada was ceded to Britain by the 1763 Treaty of Paris.A. the Six Years' War B. the Quebec War C. the Canadian War D. the Seven Years' War14. The Reform Act of 1832 was also called ______ which abolished "rotten boroughs".A. the Election Act of 1832 B. the Greater Charter of 1832 C. the petition of Right D. the Anti-Corruption Act15. The first woman prime minister in Britain was ______ who came to power in ______.A. Margaret Thatcher, 1979 B. Elizabeth Ⅰ, 1979 C. Edward Heath, 1973 D. Harold Macmillan, 195016. Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal?A. All hereditary peers and peeresses of England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom(but not peers of Ireland). B. Life peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties. C. Senior bishops of the Church of England. D. All other life peers.17. Which of the following is not involved in the British judicial responsibilities?A. Attorney General. B. Ministry of Justice. C. The Lord Chancellor. D. The Home Secretary.18. Police forces are allowed to join some organizations except ______.A. a club B. a trade union C. a political D. the army19. Which statement about the religion in Britain is true?A. Every person in Britain may change his religion, but with difficulty. B. Every person may not manifest his faith in teaching, worship and observance. C. Every person has the right to religious freedom without interference from **munity or the State. D. Churches and religious societies of any kind cannot own property andpropagate their beliefs in speeches and writing.20. Which statement about the British universities is not true?A. They enjoy academic freedom. B. They cannot appoint their own staff. C. They are governed by royal charters. D. They provide their own courses and award their own degrees.21. Which of the following is not quality newspaper in Britain?A. Financial Times. B. The Sun. C. The Guardian. D. The Times.22. The home of golf is ______ where the game has been played since the ______ century.A. Scotland, 17th B. England, 17th C. England, 18th D. Scotland, 18th23. ______ remain the most significant feature of Irish landscape.A. Lakes B. Low ridges C. Cliffs D. Bogs24. Which of the following statements about Ireland's history is true?A. Ireland was invaded only by Celtic tribes. B. The arrival of St. Patrick in AD 432 was perhaps the most important event in Irish history. C. At the early of the 8th century the Viking invasions began. D. In 1170, the Anglo-Saxons invaded Ireland and from then on, the conflict between the English and the Irish went on for almost 600 years.25. Ireland declared itself a republic in ______.A. 1921 B. 1945 C. 1917 D. 194926. Christopher Columbus was ______ navigator who was supported by the ______.A. a Spanish, Spanish queen B. an Italian, Spanish queen C. an English, English queen D. a portuguese, portuguese king27. The Constitution was first ratified by ______ in December 1787.A. Massachusetts B. New York C. Georgia D. Delaware28. In the early 1850s, with the westward movement, the slavery issue became a serious political issue endangering the unity of the country because ______.A. whether the future states formed as a result of the westward movement should be free or slave world affect the balance of power in the Senate B. the south insisted that slavery should be allowed to spread into all new territories C. the north refused to let slavery spread into new territories D. the north wanted to put an end to slavery29. With the development of industry and extension of railroad network in the early 20th century in the USA, there appeared ______.A. a rapid growth of cities B. an influx of foreign goods C. an increase of urban ghettos D. a great increase in the number of farms30. Which of the following does not account for President Theodore Roosevelt's contributions?A. The initiation of large-scale irrigation projects. B. The implementation of the Sherman Anti-trustAct. C. The adoption of the Hepburn Act of 1906. D. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act.31. ______ was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U.S.A. The bankruptcy of banksB. Serious unemployment C. The stock market crash D. Farm foreclosures32. Which of the following that are concerned with President Franklin D. Roosevelt is not true?A. the New Deal. B. the Teheran Conference. C. the Yalta Conference. D. the Potsdam Conference.33. Which of the following is not true about McCarthyism?A. It was the reflection of anti-Communism on the American society. B. It refers to the anti-Communist hysteria in the United States. C. The court played a role in approving the lawfulness of anti-Communist activities. D. It frightened a large number of Americans who felt it would be more dangerous to conform than to disagree with the majority.34. ______ was elected president because in the late 1970s, the American society turned conservative.A. Ronald Reagan B. Jimmy Carter C. Richard M. Nixon D. George Bush35. ______, the Pacific Coast's largest and **mercial city and the second largest city in population in the United States, is located in the heart of a rich agriculture and oil-producing region. A. San Francisco B. Los Angeles C. New York D. New Orleans36. The president cannot veto a law if Congress passes it by a ______ vote at the second time.A. one-third B. half C. two-thirds D. three-fourths37. ______ must **e from the House of representation.A. Legislative bills B. Commercial bills C. Revenue bills D. Budget bills38. According to the U.S. Constitution, education is a function of the ______.A. state B. federal government C. church D. voters39. Junior colleges include the following colleges except ______.A. Bible B. community C. junior D. technical40. Mummers Parade held in ______ is one of the most popular New Year's Day activities.A. New York City B. Washington D.C. C. Philadelphia D. pasadena41. ______ is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.A. Independence Day B. Thanksgiving Day C. Christmas Day D. New Year's Day42. It was ______ who established the settlement in Canada in 1608.A. Henry Hudson B. John Cabot C. Jacques Carder D. Samuel de Champlain43. According to the new federal Immigration Act (1978), the following are the fundamental objectives of Canadian immigration law except ______.A. family reunion B. concern for refugees C. promotion of the economic development of the country D. preservation of British culture44. Australia is the world's ______ continent with an area of about ______ million square kilometres.A. second largest, 8.7 B. smallest, 7.7 C. third largest, 6.7 D. fourth, 6.245. 80% of Australians live in ______.A. the west B. the north C. the south and east D. the central46. New South Wales was the first colony set up by Britain in ______, so it is the oldest of the Australian states.A. 1776 B. 1778 C. 1788 D. 178947. Queensland is also called ______.A. the garden state B. the sunshine state C. the premier state D. the state of excitement48. ______ is also called the garden city because of its beautiful layout.A. Tasmania B. Canberra C. Victoria D. South Australia49. New Zealand consists of two main islands: ______.A. North Island and South Island B. Steward Island and Long Island C. West Island and East Island D. Victorian Island and Tasman Island50. The climate in New Zealand is generally ______.A. hot B. cold C. dry D. temperatePART TWOⅡ.Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions1. How did the Anglo-Saxons invade England?2. What is the main spirit of the Great Charter?3. What was Puritanism noted for?4. What was the goal of the London Working Men's Association in its struggle?5. What are Established churches in Britain?6. What was the consequence of the the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921?7. What was the basic demand of the Progressive Movement?8. What are the three giants in the American automobile industry?.9. Why is education very important to Americans?10. Where is the name "Canada" believed to **e from?Ⅲ.Explain each of the following terms in English1. William the Conqueror2. the Industrial Revolution3. the Bill of Rights4. Two-Party System of USA。

《英语国家概况(二)》15春在线作业1一,单选题1. Which one is not considered as the most famous boarding private schools in Britain?A. Eton CollegeB. Harrow SchoolC. Woodland Junior SchoolD. Rugby School?正确答案:C2. The first known settlers of Britain were ().A. the JutesB. the CeltsC. the SaxonsD. the Iberians?正确答案:D3. Which of the following word can be used to describe the outstanding feature of the Irish weather?A. changeableB. humidC. sunnyD. dry?正确答案:A4. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The () has very little power.A. queenB. monarchC. prime ministerD. king?正确答案:B5. In England, Wales, parts of Canada, and in some other countries of the Commonwealth of Nations, () is a popular term applied to December 26, the day following Christmas Day.A. EasterB. LentC. Boxing DayD. Remembrance Day?正确答案:C6. Under Margaret Thatcher’s administration, Britain experienced ().A. economic recessionB. economic expansionC. economic declineD. economic depression?正确答案:B7. The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950, and 1960s was based on the theory of().A. Adam SmithB. John M. KeynesC. Margaret ThatcherD. Karl Marx?正确答案:B8. The Lake District is famous for ().A. its wild and beautiful sceneryB. its varied lakesC. the Lake PoetsD. all of the above?正确答案:D9. In Britain only about () of the population are farmers but they manage 70% of the land area.A. 2%B. 3%C. 4%D. 5%?正确答案:A10. () was the first Australian to win a Nobel Prize in literature.A. Henry LawsonB. Adam Lindsay GordonC. Patrick WhiteD. Kylie Tennant?正确答案:C11. The House of Commons consists of () Members of Parliament.A. 651B. 1,200C. 1,198D. 763?正确答案:A12. Among the following poets, () doesn’t belong to the Victorian Poets.A. T. S. EliotB. Alfred TennysonC. Robert BrowningD. Matthew Arnold?正确答案:A13. The British Isles are made up of().A. two large islands and hundreds of small onesB. two large islands and Northern IrelandC. three large islands and hundreds of small onesD. three large islands and Northern Ireland?正确答案:A14. The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in ().A. 200B.C.B. 55 B.C.C. 55 A.D.D. 410 A.D?正确答案:D15. What are the three colors that constitute the Republic of Ireland's national flag?A. orange, white and greenB. orange, green and blueC. white, green and redD. white, blue and green?正确答案:A16. Ireland also has a small indigenous minority known as ().A. CelticB. TravelersC. NormansD. Vikings?正确答案:B17. Britain’s climate is influenced by () that sweeps up from the equator and flows past the British Isles.A. the Gulf StreamB. the Brazil CurrentC. the Labrador CurrentD. the Falkland current?正确答案:A18. Since 1991, how many women presidents have the Irish elected?A. twoB. threeC. fourD. none?正确答案:A19. Which is the largest city in Scotland?A. CardiffB. EdinburghC. GlasgowD. Manchester?正确答案:C20. Normally, it will take () years to get an undergraduate degree.A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 2?正确答案:A二,判断题1. Dublin, the capital the Republic of Ireland, was ranked 16th in a worldwide cost of living survey in 2006.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B2. Britain is home of the world's largest foreign exchange market and the world's richest football club—Manchester United.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B3. The longest river in Britain is River Thames.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:A4. "Urban Dublin" includes not only Dublin City, but also the contiguous suburban areas that run into the adjacent counties of Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown, Fingal and South Dublin.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B5. Mrs. Thatcher's government took numerous measures to improve the efficiency of the economy during the past decade, using both macroeconomic and microeconomicpolicies.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B6. The Merlion has been erected as a symbol to welcome all visitors to Singapore.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B7. Ireland’s popu lation is predominantly of Irish origin, but ancienttribes had inhabited Ireland for thousands of years when Celtic peoples settled the island in the 4th century BC.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B8. The Miles Franklin Award is the first literary award in Australia.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B9. The official name of UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B10. The South Island is somewhat humorously called the Mainland because it existed first according to Māori legend.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B11. New Zealand holds a special position in the world in that it has two national anthems.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B12. Prime Minister is the leader of the British government.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B13. The River Shannon is the longest river in both Ireland and Britain, and has influenced the military, social and economic history of Ireland.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B14. The majority of traditional English poems were written in iambic pentameter.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B15. London, the capital of the UK, is situated on the Severn River near its mouth.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:A16. Like all British universities, Buckingham University is also partially funded by central government grants.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:A17. The monetary unit of Ireland is the single currency of the European Union(EU), the Euro. Ireland was among the first group of EU member states to adopt the Euro.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B18. Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, is a city with the largest population.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:A19. Public schools are mainly financed by fees paid by parents.A. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:B20. On the island of Great Britain, there are four political divisions—England, Scotland, Wales and IrelandA. 错误B. 正确?正确答案:A。

• 4. Natural resources: is the country rich in natural resources? If yes, what types? Question for discussion: How does the country’s possession of natural resources influence its economy? [tips: find out which kind of natural resource the country is most abundant in or what kind of natural resource the country is most lacking, then link these data up with other economic data such as the percentage of the related industry or the related foreign trade volume to analyze the relationship.] 5. Extra [if time allows]: if you will travel to this country, where will you visit? Why?
• Drought, flood, volcano eruption, earthquake, typhoon, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, desertification, deforestation毁林, acid rain, ozone damage, climate change, global warming [greenhouse emission]…
英语国家概况II. British History

The Tower of London
• William sailed his army across the English Channel to conquer England. On October 14, 1066, he met Harold at Hastings and conquered him. On Christmas Day later that year, William the conqueror was crowned King of England.
The Great Charter
The Beginning of the Parliament • Clause 14 states that the common consent of the kingdom was to be sought from a council of the archbishops, bishops, earls and greater Barons. This later became the great council, which led to the first parliament.
Early Settlers
3. In the 1st millennium BC (公元前 1000 年 ), the Celts (凯尔特人 ) overran the British Isles. Celtic warriors were farmers when they weren’t fighting.
The Great Charter
The Beginning of the Parliament
• 注:Magna Carta (the Great Charter) 英 国大宪章。1215年,英国大封建领主和教 会反对英王约翰的一些政策,迫使他签署 了保障部分公民权和政治权利的文件,限 制国王的权力。大宪章被认为是维护公民 权不受王权侵犯的重要文件。
《英语国家概况》Unit 2 American History课件

乔治·华盛顿(George Washington, 1732年2月22日 --- 1799年12月14日) 美国第一任总统,被尊称为美国国父, 1793年连任,在两届任期结束后, 他自愿放弃权力不再续任,隐退于弗 农山庄园。华盛顿学者们则将他和 亚伯拉罕·林肯并列为美国历史上 最伟大的总统。
be distributed, several dozen Boston residents boarded the ship at night and threw $75,000 worth of tea into the harbor. This came to be known as the “Boston Tea Party”. • The start of the war • In 1775, about 1,000 British soldiers were sent from Boston to seize the military supplies of the American militia. When they arrived at Lexington they were met by the armed militiamen. Suddenly a shot was fired and the War of Independence began.
and Grievances
The second Continental Congress 1775
Date: May, 1775
Place: Philadelphia
Result: The Congress founded a Continental Army under the command of George Washington. The Declaration of
英语国家概况 谢福之 Chapter 2(最新修订版)

Alfred the Great Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
1.1.5 Danish Invasion (8th Century-1066)
• Westminster Abbey, an architectural masterpiece of the 13th to 16th centuries.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
1.1.4 The Anglo-Saxon Invasion (5th-8th Century)
St. Augustine (圣奥古斯丁, ?-604/605) ❖ First archbishop of Canterbury and the apostle (传道者) of
Stonehenge and its Statue
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
1.1.2 Celtic Britain (8th-5th Century BC)
❖The name of Britain—Britons ❖Tribal society ❖Celtic Language
(Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh)
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

英语国家概况-2英语国家概况Introduction to the English-Speaking Countries一、基本信息课程代码:2020129课程学分:2面向专业:英语课程性质:专业基础必修课课程类型:理论教学课开课院系:外国语学院英语系使用教材:主教材:《英语国家概况》(修订第二版),温洪瑞主编,首都经济贸易大学出版社,2011参考教材:《英语国家概况学习手册》,王恩铭主编,上海外语教育出版社,2012《英语国家概况》,谢福之著,外语教学与研究出版社,2007《英语国家概况》,余志远主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2005《英语国家社会与文化入门》,朱永涛、王立礼主编,高等教育出版社,2011《英国历史重大事件及著名人物》(英汉对照),郝澎编著,海南出版社,2007《美国历史重大事件及著名人物》(英汉对照),郝澎编著,海南出版社,2007 先修课程:《基础英语(1-3)》二、课程简介英语国家概况是一门专业知识性课程,其目的通过向英语专业的学生介绍一些主要英语国的地理、历史、政治、经济以及文化风俗等方面的内容,提高其对英语主要国家的社会和人文等方面的认识,培养学生的跨文化交际能力,同时也可以促进加强学生的语言学习。

《英语国家概况》二复习资料I.There are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.1. Which of the following is NOT ture about Britain? __________ A. I t used to be an imperial country in the world.B. It plays an active role as a member of European Union.C. It is a relatively wealthy and developed country.D. I t is used to be one of the superpowers in the world.2. Three of the following are characteristics of London. Which of the four is the exception? ___________ A. L ondon is a political, economic and cultural centre of the country. B. London has a larger population than all the other cities in England. C. London is not only the largest city in Britain, but also the largest in the world. D. L ondon has played a significant role in the economic construction of the country.3. Which of the following parties in Scotland still wants an independent Scotland? _________ A. t he Labour Party B. the Liberal PartyC. the Scottish Nationalist PartyD. t he Conservative Party4. In the early 1790s, the IRA______ . A. k illed many Protestants and Catholics B. burned down the houses of Catholics C. murdered individuals at random D. c arried out a series of bombing and shooting and attacked the security forces as their main target.5. Which of the following king was executed in the civil war? ______ A. J ames IB. James IIC. Charles ID. C harles II6. Which of the following about the house of Lords is NOT ture?_____ A. L ords do not receive salaries and many do not attend Parliament sittings.B. The lords are expected to represent the interests of the public.C. It consists of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal.D. M ost of the lords in the House of Lords are males.7. Which group of people can NOT vote in the general election? ______ A. L ords in the House of Lords.B. the UK citizens above the age of 18C. members in the House of Commons.D. t he UK resident citizens of the Irish Republic.8. Which government lost a vote of no confidence and was forced to resign in 1979? ________ A. t he Conservative government B. the Labour government C. the Liberal D. t he radical government9. Which company became an important aero-engine manufacturer after WWI?_________ A. B oeingB. McDonnel-DouglasC. Hawker-Siddeley AviationD. R olls Royce 10. W hich of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare? A. D r. Faustus B. Frankenstein C. Hamlet D. S ense and sensibility11. W hich one of the following is NOT particularly British Christmas tradition?________ A. e njoying the PantomimeB. the Queen broadcasting her Christmas messageC. shopping on the Boxing DayD. r eceiving gifts from Santa Claus 12. I n Britain, the great majority of parents send their children to _____ . A. s tate schools B. private schoolsC. independent schoolsD. p ublic schools 13. W hich of the following is a privately funded university in Britain?__ A. T he University of Cambridge. B. The University of Oxford. C. The University of Edinburgh. D. T he University of Buckingham. 14. W hich of the following is ture under Thatcher’s administration?____ A. T he proportion of owner-occupation decreased. B. Public housing became more important. C. Many public house were sold to the people. D. T he UK became more European-like in its housing arrangements. 15. W hich countries are the permanent members of the UN Security Council? ________ A. F rance, China, Germany, Russia and Britain.B. the United States, France, Britain, Germany and Russia.C. China, Russia, Britain, France and the United States.D. C hina, Britain, France, United States and Japan. 16. W hich of the following is the world’s oldest national newspaper?___ A. T he Observer. B. The Times. C. The Guardian. D. T he Financial Times. 17. W hich of the following phrases cannot be used to describe the continent of Australia? _________A. t he smallest continentB. the highest continentC. the driest continentD. t he largest island 18. W hich of the following was first adopted in Australia? _________ A. T he three-tier government system. B. The two-chamber parliament. C. The public services.D. S ecret Ballots. 19. T he two main land masses in New Zealand are ______ . A. t he White Island and the thermal region. B. the North Island and the South Island. C. the Southern Alps and the North Island. D. A uckland and the South Island. 20. T he Head of State of New Zealand is ______ . A. t he Prime Minister B. the Governor-General C. the British monarch D. t he OmbudsmanII. There are altogether 15 blanks in the following sentences. Fill in theblanks and write your answer at the corresponding places on the ANSWER SHEET.A. T he full name of the United Kingdom is (21 __________________________________ .B. The “semis”and the semi -detached houses are usually found in suburban areas; while the terraced houses are most commonly seen in (22 _________ areas.C. Britain is a country with a history of invasions. In 43 AD Britain was invaded by (23__________ ,in the late 8th century theyexperienced (24 _________ raids from Scandinavia and in the 11th century they suffered invasions from (25_____.D. In 1215,some feudal barons and the Church forced King (26 _________ to sign the (27 _________ to place some limits o n the Kong’s power.E. “The Jewel in the Crown” of the British Empire - (28 ________ ,which provided(29 ___________ and big market for British goods, gained independence in 1947.F. In ascending order of cost and status, the four main types of British home are (30 ______, (31___________, (32 ______________, (33 ____________.G. The official languages in New Zealand are (34 _________ and _________ .III. There are 10 questions in this part. Answer each of the questions inone full sentence and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.36. What was the policy known as in 1971 when the Northern Irish government took the action to imprison terrorist suspects from both sides without trial?_____________________________________________________________37. What if a government loses in the House of Commons does it have to resign?_____________________________________________________________ 38. When does the Uk economy have experienced a relative decline rather than an absolute decline?_____________________________________________________________39. What is generally regarded as Geoffrey Chaucer’s masterpiece._____________________________________________________________40. What are the two oldest universities in Britain?_____________________________________________________________41. What is the name used particularly to refer to the top two universities in Britain?_____________________________________________________________42. What are the two main land masses of New Zealand?_____________________________________________________________43. What is Great Britain made up of?_____________________________________________________________44. What is the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, well-known for?_____________________________________________________________45. What did Parliament (UK pass in 1689 to ensure that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament ?_____________________________________________________________IV. Explain each of the following 6 out of 8 in no more than fivesentences .Write your answer at the appropriate place on the ANSWER SHEET.46. the British Isles47. Magna Carta48. the Conservative party49. William Shakespeare50. Christmas51. independent schools52. The Canterbury Tales53. Open University。

Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation∙第01讲Early Settlers & Roman Britain & The Anglo-SaxonsI. Early Settlers (5000 BC—55 BC)Britain was originally a part of the European continent. When the last Ice Age ended 7,000 years ago, melting ice flooded the low-lying lands, creatingthe English Channel and the North Sea, and turning Britain into an island.【译文】早期居民(公元前5000年—公元前55年)不列颠原是欧洲大陆的一部分。
∙1) Iberians (伊比利亚人)(the first known settlers)① At about 3000 BC, these short, dark and long-headed people came to Britain,probably from the Iberian Peninsula, now Spain.② They were farming folk who kept animals and grew crops.【译文】1)伊比利亚人(所知道的最早的英国居民)①大约在公元前3000年的新石器时代,这些身材矮小、黑皮肤、长脸庞的人来到英国,他们很可能来自伊比利亚半岛,即现在的西班牙。
∙2) The Beaker Folk (宽口陶器人)① At about 2000 BC the Beaker Folk arrived from the areas now knownas Holland and the Rhineland.② These people took their name from their distinctive bell-shaped drinkingvessels with which they were buried in crouching positions in individual graves.③ They brought with them the art of pottery making, the ability to fashionbronze tools and the custom of individual burial.【译文】2)宽口陶器人①大约公元前2000年,宽口陶器人从现在的荷兰和莱茵兰地区来到这里。
英语国家概况Chapter2 The People

Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the
roote And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
Changes in grammar
By the close of the Middle English period, English replaced both French and Latin as the written language of the people.
The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集
English, Gaelic
English, 1/5 Welsh English, Gaelic
The English Language Three stages P10
1. Old English (450-1150)古英语 2. Middle English (1150-1450)中古英语 3. Modern English (1450-present) 现代英语
Who were they?
The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes朱特人
When did they come? 5th and 6th centuries
Where were they from? Denmark, Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg
The Celts were either assimilated by the Anglo-Saxons or driven into the mountains in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.

英语国家概况(2)作业答案作业1Explain the following terms:1.The Declaration of IndependenceThe Declaration of Independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and was adopted by the Congress on July,1776,when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule. The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness . It also explained the philosophy of governments: the powers of governments came from the consent of dthe governed and the purpose of governments was to secure the rights mentioned above. The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.2. Columbus's discovery of AmericaChristopher Columbus, an Italian sailor, believed that by sailing west from Europe he could reach the East. In 1492, he persuaded the Spanish monarchy to support his voyage . He landed on one of the Bahama Islands in the Caribbean Sea and thus discovered the New World . Based on his voyage, the Spanish King claimed the territory of the Americas and later conquered the native Americans and establisheda huge empire.3. the Bill of RightsThe Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.4. the making of the U.S. ConstitutionThe Articles of Confederation failed . The Congress decided to hold a constitutional convention to revise the Articles of Confederation. The delegates from 12 states (Rhode Island refused to participated) gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 and ended up in writing a new constitution and set a federal system with a strong central government. The Constitution provided that an election of the president would be called, federal laws would be made only by a Congress made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate and a Supreme Court would be set up. This new Constitution was finally aproved by the majority of the citizens in over 9 of the 13 was officially put into effect in 1787.5. Industrial Revolution in AmericaAfter independence, America was principally an agricultural country .The Industrial Revolution in England brought many changes to American industry between 1776 and 1860. One key development was the introduction of the factory system. A second development was the "American system "of mass production . A third development was the aplication of new technologies to industrial tasks. A fourth development was the emergence of new forms of business organization--- the bank and the corporation..Fill in the blanks:1. Virginia, 16072. Puritans3. The American Revolution4. the stamp tax , the tea tax5. Philadelphia6. 1787 , George Washington7. the executive , the judical8. 269. Alexander Hamilton10. the Democratic Party, the Republican party , conservativeAnswer the following questions:1.George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams2. A.The growth of capitalism; B. The Renaissance;C. The Religious Reformation3. A. challenging the authority of the Pope; B. salvation through faith;C. establishing a direct contact with God.4. A. the Bill of Rights B. the judicial reviewC. the political party system5. the Democratic Party, the Republican Party6. I Have a Dream7. The legislative8. A. The new states did not cooperate with the Congress or with each other.B. The Congress could not raise money to pay the national army and to pay debtsowed to France and other nations.C. The Congress had no fpower to tax any citizen.9. Firearms industry10. tobacco and vegetable oil作业2Explain the following terms:1.“WASP” culture“ WASP” , which stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, is believed to be the basis of mainstream culture of the United States.2.American characteristics of religionThe Bill of Rights of the U.A. Constitution provides that there is no state religion and that church and state must be separated. American religious beliefs continue to be strong with social progress. In the United States, every church is a completely independent organization and concerned with its own finance and its own building. There has been little concentration on doctrine or religious argument such as in European history.3.Leaves of GrassA collection of poems written by Walt Whitman. It is a ground-breaking book. Whitman used free-flowing structures and long irregular lines in his poetry. He ventured beyond traditional forms to meet his need for more space to express the American spirit. In one of the poems “Song of Myself”he dwelt on himself because he saw himself as a prototype of “The American”.4. Mark TwainMark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Clemens He was one of the greatst American writers. He captured a peculiarly American sense of humor. He represented a new American Voice. His major work was The Adventures of the Huckleberry finn(1884) which has been called the greatest novel in Amecans Literature5.The Servicemant’s Readujstment ActThe Servicemen’s Readjustment Act was passed in 1944/ It was soon popularly called the GI Bill of Rights. GI was a nickname for the American soldier. The nickmane came from the abbreviation for “Government Issue”--- the uniforms and other articles “issued “to a soldier. The Act promised financial aid , including aid for higher education to members of sthe armed forces.Fill in the blanks:1. Ireland Italy2. the Protestant , the Catholic , Jewish3. First Amendment4. The Jungle5.“the Lost Generation”6.The Grapes of Wrath7.85 , 15cation, 139.tuition, governmentAnswer the following questions:1.Protestant , Catholic , Judaism2.J.F Kennedy3. A. for having a place in a community B. for identifying themselves with dominantvalues.C. for getting dtogether with friends.4. Kohn Dos Passos , Ernest Hemingway , F.Scott fitzgerald5. Stephen Crane , Jack London , Theodore Dreiser6. Ralph Waldo Emerson , Henry David Thoreau7. Mathematics , languages, science , social studies, music, physical education8. Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University9. A. attending lectures and complete assignments, B. passing examinationsC. earning a certain number of credits at the end of the four years at college.10. A. they have high school records and recommendations from their teachersB. they make good impressions during the interviewsC. they get good scores in the Scholastic Aptitude Tests作业3Explain the following terms:1.the Civil Rights MovementOne of the most important of all social movement in the 11111960s U.S. history. Rosa Parks’spontaneous action in 1955 was believed to be the true beginning of the civil rights movement. The black students’sit-in at a department lunch counter in ffBorth Carolina touched off the nationwide civil rights movement. During sdthe first half of the decade, civil rights organizations like SNCC, CORE, and SCLC struggled for racial integration sfby providing leadership, tactics, network and the people. In the latter half of dfthe decade, some black organizations changed their sdfnonviolent tactics, and emphasized on more radical means to end discrimination and raised the self fmage of fthre blacks. The civil rights movement produced such great leaders ad Martin Luther King, Jr., and MalcolmX., who inspired a dgeneration of both blacks and whites to devote their lives to fighting for racial equalityk in the U.S.2.Martin Luther King,Jr.Martin Luther king, Jr., an atlanta-born Baptist minister, was the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the civil rights movement of 1960s. to promote his philosophy of nonviolent protest against segregation and other kinds of social injustice, King organized a series of “marches”, including the March on Washington of fAugust, 1963, when King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech As a civil rights leader, King worked not only to end racial discrimination and poverty, but also to raise the self imagde dof the blacks. Due to his strong belief in nonviolent peaceful rotest, King wa awarded the Bobel Peace Prize in 1964. He was assassinated in the city of Memphis in April 1968.3.socially stratified American societyAmerican society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and prestige are unequallydistributed. It is divided into social classes that have varying degrees of access to the reward the society offers. For example, the richest fifth of American individuals and families owns more than three-quarters of the wealth in the United States, whereas the lowest fifth owns only 0.2% of fthe wealth. The richest fifth of American families receives over 40% of the national income, whereas the poorest fofth receives only 5.2%.4.The American System of ManufactureThis is the system of using assembly line for mass manufacture of products. The system originated in John H Hall’s idea of producing weapons using interchangeable part, was developed into the science of management by Frederick W Taylor, and was first successfully used on a large scale by Henry Ford in the production of Model T. The system significantly lowers unit cost and makes less demand on the skill of workers. On the other hand, it has ben blamed for making work dreary, mindless and alienating5.Thomas Alva EdisonThomas Alva Edison is a well-known American inventor. Among his many inventions are: electric lamp, phonograph, motion pictures and parallel circuit.Fill in the blanks:1.Greensboro, sit-ins2.the youth anti-war, the women’s movement3.Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee , theCongress of Racial Equality4.Rosa Oarks5.the blacks, 11.7%(12%)6.male, young, a member of racial minority7.Nixon8.mechanical reaper , Cyres H Mccormick9.Stevens,10.The Pony Express SystemAnswer the following questions:1.Ku Klux Klan2.They resented traditional white male values in U.S. society3.The “Hippies”4. A. Blacks felt that the black community ought to coexist with other groups.5. B.Blacks felt that “black is beautiful”.C.Blacks felt more and more proud of themselves.6. bribery, tax evasion, false advertising7. A. Racial prejudice against themB. Low social status of these groups.C. Poverty and unemployment among minority groups8. A. There is a strong association between drug use and crimeB. Drug dependence takes a significant toll in terms of personal health and safetyC There are great economic losses because of drug abuse9. Telegraph10. Henry Ford作业4Explain the following terms:1.Y ellowstone National ParkThe Y ellowstone National Park is the oldest and one of the largest national parks in the US. It is named after the river that flows through the area. It is known for its geysers and hot springs. One of the most famous of the geysers is the Old Faithful.2.The Grand Canyon National ParkThe Grand Canyon National Park is America’s most famous scenic wonder. It is a huge gorge slowly carved away for nearly 6 million years by the waters of the Colorado River. The canyon is so deep that there are 4 distinctive zones of climate from top to bottom. Located in Arizona, it attracts over 4 million visitors each year. The Park was established in 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt.3. Super BowlSuperbowl is the name of final match of American Football, which decides the champion team for the year.4. NBANBA stands for Bational Basketball Association . Founded in 1950, it is the association of professional teams in the US. It has two divisions : the Eastern Division and Western Division.5. jazz musicEarly jazz music first appeared in the Southern city of New Orleans at the end of the 19th century. It was a blend of folk music, work chants, spirituals, marches, and even European classical music. A defining mark of this early New Orleans jazz was that a group of musicians improvising their notes in changing chords around a specific melodic line. All jazz bands use such instruments as a trumpet, a clarinet, a trombone , and percussion instruments like the drum, banjo, and guitars. Jazz deveoped into the 1920’s with two different ly, the Chicago style jazz and the New Y ork style, each style having its own formost jazz musiciansFill in the blanks:1.Florida Keys, Key West, Earnest Hemingway2.glaciers3.Hollywood, Los Angeles4.American Football Conference , National Football Conference5.offensive, defensive6.Eastern Division , Western Divisionrry Bird, Magic Johnson8.African- American9.cakewalk , blue10.SatchelmouthAnswer the following questions:1.The Rocky Mountainske Plac id3. a well-known football athlete4.Baseball5. Technical foul6. A. It initially appealed to young and rebellious.B. Jazz musicians worked Indian American music into the musicC. Jazz music was made modified and became more refined7.Blues refers to a type of slow, sad music from the Southern U.S. , from the city of Bew Orleans. The Blues is derived from a blend of field chantey and spiritual--- a form of hymn singing prevalent in African-American Christian churches. The tradition of the vocal ballad usually accompanied by a guitar, also contributed to the blues form. The music of the blues has a peculiar, poignant sadness. The lyrics of the blues pieces are sardonic filled with wry, self-deprecating humor8.The origin of the chicago style jazz.。
《英语国家概况》- Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation


8. Former President Nixon remarked on several occasions that drug abuse is American’s “number one enemy” and that “we must declare war against it.”
1. One of the oldest towns in theU.S.is ______________.
A. New York
B. San Francisco
C. Los Angeles
D. San Diego
2. Los Angeles Lakers is the name of a professional team of which game?
A. Basketball
B. Hockey
C. Volleyball
3. Which of the following games is played in a "ballpark"?
A. Football
B. Basketball
C. Baseball
4. In January 1965, President Johnson declared _________" to eliminate poverty "by opening to everyone the opportunity to live in decency and dignity."

北京语言大学22春“英语”《英语国家概况(Ⅱ)》作业考核题库高频考点版(参考答案)一.综合考核(共50题)1.In the early 15th century, the British took over the continent of Australia and declared it “terra nullius”.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B2.Horse-racing is a very popular sport among the Irish because they can place a bet for the occasion.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B3.Forty years ago, almost three quarters of existing schools were “confessional”, that is, associated with one Christian sect or another.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B4.The Irish Government has the sole power of making laws for the state.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:Avoted for the legal provision of porce.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6.The President of Ireland is only a symbolic Head of State and does not have executive power.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B7.In Vancouver schools, it is estimated that more than half of the students speak _____.A.GermanB.FrenchC.Mandarin ChineseD.Cantonese参考答案:D8.Who is the Prime Minister of Canada at present?A.Justin TrudeauB.Pierre TrudeauC.Jean Chirac参考答案:A9.“No taxation without representation” was the rallying cry of _____.A.the settlers of VirginiaB.the people of PennsylvaniaC.the colonists in New EnglandD.the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution10.The convicts Elizabeth and James Ruse became the first successful farming family in Australia.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B11.What is the idea behind checks and balances?A.To help the president get more powerB.To restrict governmental power and prevent its abuseC.To help the Congress to derive more authorities参考答案:B12.Which of the following is a tourist attraction in the United States?A.Yellowstone National ParkB.The Babylon GardenC.The English castleD.The coral reefs参考答案:A13.The Greensboro students “sit-in” was believe to be the beginning of the civil rights movement.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A14.B.No参考答案:A15.Which of the following writers is a Canadian?A.Emily BronteB.Kate ChopinC.Margaret Atwood参考答案:C16.While the English are largely protestant, the Irish of the Republic largely belong to the Roman Catholic faith.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B17.In more recent years, partly through Canadian diplomatic efforts, things like ______ and ______ have been put on the international agenda.A.arms control, human rightsB.economic crisis, inequalityanized crime, drug traffickingD.women'issues, the environment参考答案:D18.What are the original inhabitants of Canada now called?A.The IndiansB.The First NationsC.The Eskimos参考答案:B19.Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe?A.The growth of capitalismB.The RenaissanceC.The Religious ReformationD.The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church参考答案:D20.In September 1961, the federal government declared segregation illegal in all interstate bus stations which served buses traveling to another state.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B21.The novel The English Patient is written by ____.A.a British writerB.a Canadian writer参考答案:B22.Australian government departments are administered only by the authority of the elected Ministers.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A23.Christianity was introduced into Ireland by the Normans in the 6th century.()A.错误参考答案:A24.Canadian economy is a _____.A.resource-based economyB.agricultural economyC.tourism economy参考答案:A25.Former President Nixon remarked on several occasions that drug abuse is American's “number one enemy” and that “we must declare war against it.”()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B26.Prime Minister _____ once said that the U.S.-Canada relationship was was like “a rel ationship between two farmers”.A.Louis urentB.Wilfred LaurierC.Lester PearsonD.John a. Macdonald参考答案:A27.The Stevens family was known for their contribution to which of the following?A.AirplaneB.SteamboatsC.Cotton gin参考答案:BWhat is not an example of service industry?A.Legal consultingB.BankingC.Hotels and restaurantsputer manufacturing参考答案:D29.The Prime Minister and his Cabinet at federal level is the acknowledged center of Australian parliamentary power.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B30.By the 16th century, some new and powerful social forces began to emerge which led to the awakening of Europe and the discovery of American, i.e., the development of capitalism, the Renaissance and the Religious Reformation.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B31.After Legal segregation ended in the South as a result of the civil rights movement, and racism is no longer an extremely serious social, political problem in the U.S.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A32.The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, which combined carding, roving and spinning operation.()A.错误参考答案:B33.Canada has two official languages: English and French. Where do most of the French-speaking people live in Canada?A.QuebecB.AlbertaC.Ontario参考答案:A34.The Yellowstone National Park was established in 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A35.Mark Twain is the author's?A.real nameB.a pen name参考答案:B36.Alexander Hamilton is the second Secretary of Treasure of the United States.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A37.Which of the following provinces is the home of most French-speaking people in Canada?A.ManitobaD.Quebec参考答案:D38.Canada is a member of ____.A.NATOB.the CommonwealthC.both NATO and the Commonwealth参考答案:C39.Protestantism has been the most dominant form. of religion in Australia over the first two hundred years of modern Australia society.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B40.Racial segregation in elementaryand secondary education was banished in the United States after World War Ⅱ.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B41.Three of the most famous primitive tribes living in the American continent created such brilliant civilizations. They are ______.A.the Aztecs, the Incas and the MayasB.the Iroquois, the Pueblo, and the Pima IndiansC.Yadkin, Coles Creeks, and Smoky Hills参考答案:A42.Up until 1970's the Irish economy was inward-looking.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B43.Another piano style, which was emerging in Chicago in the late 1920's and early 1930's, was called _____.A.boogie-woogieB.ragtimeC.folk music参考答案:C44.The word “Ireland” is used ambiguously to mean both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B45.Toni Morrison (1931-) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993. She is the first African-American writer to receive this honor.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B46.Convicts' wives in England were discouraged from following their husbands to Australia.()A.错误B.正确书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟!住在富人区的她47.The Niagara Falls is located on the border of the United States with ____.A.MexicoB.ColumbiaC.PanamaD.Canada参考答案:D48.Former President Ronald Reagan used to be a ____.A.basketball playerB.sports radio announcerC.conservative political columnistD.sports writer参考答案:B49.When did industrialization take place in the United States?A.Around 1776B.Around the turn of the 19th centuryC.Around the turn of the 20th centuryD.After World War II参考答案:C50.Who is the head of Canadian government?ernor generalB.Prime ministerC.Premier参考答案:B。
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Introduction to the English-Speaking Countries