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version of the Gricean maxims, while
politeness serves to avoid conflicts
between participants. She proposes her
own three rules of politeness:
1)formality: don’t impose/remain
proposed by Brown and Levinson (1978) is related to the folk expression ―lose face‖. They suggest two kinds of face.
What is face?
Face (Goffman 1955, 1967) ‗the public self image‘ or reputation, self-esteem of a person ...face is something that is emotionally invested, and that can be lost, maintained, or enhanced, and must be constantly attended to in interaction. In general, people cooperate (and assume each other‘s cooperation) in maintaining face in interaction, such as cooperation being based on the mutual vulnerability of face. … (Brown and Levinson, 1987: 61)
• 2. Positive Politeness: FTA performed with redressive action. Strategies oriented towards positive face of the hearer. e.g. strategies seeking common ground or co-operation, such as in jokes or offers: ‘Wash your hands, honey’
• 3. Negative Politeness: FTA performed with redressive action. Strategies oriented towards negative face of the hearer. e.g. indirect formulation: ‘Would you mind washing your hands?’
Politeness Principle I
1.Approaches to politeness:
a review
Before Leech, there are two main approaches
to politeness. Firstly Lakoff sees Grice‘s rules
as essentially rules of clarity, and proposes that there are two prior rules of pragmatic competence: ―Be Clear‖ and ―Be Polite‖.
Here, clarity amounts to a condensed
Negative face is the want to interact without being impeded by others. It represents the desire for autonomy/independence. Positive face, on the other hand, is related to the want to be approved of by other people. It is associated with one‘s desire for approval. The positive consistent selfimage that people have and want to be appreciated and approved of by at least some other people.
Answers to Exercise : I wonder if you know whether John went out. (negative politeness) • Watch out! (bald-on-record) • A penny saved is a penny earned. (off-record) • Lend us two quid then, wouldja mate? (positive politeness) • I`d like to borrow a cup of flour if I may. (negative politeness) • Don`t you want some dinner now? (positive politeness) • Could you possibly by any chance lend me your car for just a few minutes? (negative politeness)
Acts like promises, apologies, expressing thanks, even non-verbal acts such as stumbling, falling down, are considered to threaten primarily the speaker‘s face, whereas warnings, criticisms, orders, requests, etc. are viewed to threaten primarily the hearer‘s face.
Exercise: Identify the superstrategy.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • I wonder if you know whether John went out. Watch out! A penny saved is a penny earned. Lend us two quid then, wouldja mate? I`d like to borrow a cup of flour if I may. Don`t you want some dinner now? Could you possibly by any chance lend me your car for just a few minutes? That house needs a touch of paint. Passengers will please refrain from flushing toilets on the train. Accept my thanks Help me with the bags will you, love? OK.If I tackle those cookies now? Can you open the window? Give money
• 4. Off-record: FTA performed off-record. Strategies that might allow the act to have more than one interpretation. e.g. off-record strategies, which consist of all types of hints, metaphors, tautologies, etc. `Gardening makes your hands dirty`.
Face threatening acts (FTAs)
• Acts like promises, apologies, expressing thanks, even non-verbal acts such as stumbling, falling down, are considered to threaten primarily the speaker‘s face, whereas warnings, criticisms, orders, requests, etc. are viewed to threaten primarily the hearer‘s face.
2)hesitancy: give the addressee his options; 3) equality: act as though you and the addressee were equal/make him feel good.
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Secondly, the face-saving view of politeness,
These different strategies are presented in the form of five superstrategies for performing FTAs:
Brown and Levinson’s Superstrategies
• 1. Bald-on record: FTA performed bald-on-record, in a direct and concise way without redressive action. e.g. imperative form without any redress: ‘Wash your hands’
• 5. Avoidance: FTA not performed.
• Briefly summarised, positive politeness does not have to be oriented to the imposition, i.e. to the FTA, itself. Instead, the main strategy is to claim common ground, convey that the speaker and hearer are co-operators etc., i.e. attend to the hearer‘s face wants. For example, the endearment term ‗honey‘, in the utterance ‗Wash your hands, honey‘, which is an in-group identity marker, counter-balances the imperative by claiming common ground and expressing affection. Telling jokes, promising etc. are other strategies for positive facework.
Brown and Levinson argue that, since it is seen of mutual interest to save, maintain, or support each other‘s face, FTAs are either avoided (if possible) or different strategies are employed to counteract or soften the FTAs.
• Negative politeness, on the other hand, focuses on minimising the imposition by attempting to soften it. This is usually achieved by indirectness, hedging, etc. For example, the same illocutionary act above could be softened by a more indirect formulation such as ‗Would you mind washing your hands?‘ • As Culpeper notes (1994: 165) ―positive facework attempts to provide the pill with a sugar coating; negative facework attempts to soften the blow.‖