



《给水排水专业英语》Lesson 1specific yield [spə'sifik] [ji:ld] 单位产水量mass curve 累积曲线capital investment 投资recurring natural event ['nætʃərəl] 重现历史事件subterranean [sʌbtə'reiniən] 地下的groundwater 地下水surface water 地表水tap [tæp]开关、龙头;在…上开空(导出液体)swampland ['swɔmplænd] n. 沼泽地;沼泽地带capillary [kə'piləri] n. 毛细管adj. 毛状的,毛细管的hygro- [词头] 湿(气),液体hygroscopic [,haigrəu'skɔpik] adj. 易湿的,吸湿的hygroscopic moisture 吸湿水stratum ['streitəm] n. [地质学]地层,[生物学](组织的)层aquifer ['ækwəfə] ['ækwifə] n.含水层,地下蓄水层saturation [,sætʃə'reiʃən] n.饱和(状态),浸润,浸透,饱和度hydrostatic [,haidrəu'stætik] adj. 静水力学的, 流体静力学的hydrostatic pressure 静水压力water table 1. 地下水位,地下水面,潜水面2. 【建筑学】泻水台;承雨线脚;飞檐;马路边沟[亦作water-table]Phreatic surface [fri(:)'ætik]地下水(静止)水位,浅层地下水面Superficial [sju:pə'fiʃəl] adj. 表面的,表观的,浅薄的Porosity [pɔ:'rɔsiti] n. 多孔性,有孔性,孔隙率Unconfined ['ʌnkən'faind] adj. 无约束的,无限制的Permeability [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫, 渗透, 渗透性Permeameter [pə:mi'æmitə] n.渗透仪,渗透性试验仪)Clay [klei] n. 粘土,泥土gravel ['ɡrævəl]n.[总称]砾,沙砾,小石;砾石cone of depression [kəun] 下降漏斗, [水文学]下降锥体drawdown ['drɔ:daun] n. 水位下降(降落,消耗,减少)integrate ['intigreit] 【数学】作积分运算;求积分observation well [,əbzə:'veiʃən] 观测井,观测孔extraction [ik'strækʃən] n. 抽出,取出,提取(法),萃取(法)derivation [deri'veiʃən] n. 1. 导出,引(伸)出,来历,出处,得出,得到;诱导,推论,推理;溯源【数学】1) (定理的)求导,推导2) 微商,微分,导数【语言】词源,衍生deplete [di'pli:t] v. 耗尽, 使...衰竭refuse [ri'fju:z] n. 废物,垃圾vt. 拒绝,谢绝dump [dʌmp] n. 垃圾场,垃圾堆,堆存处vt. 倾卸,倾倒(垃圾)unconfined aquifer 潜水含水层,非承压含水层,无压含水层confined aquifer 自流含水层,承压含水层homogeneous [,hɔməu'dʒi:njəs] adj. 同类的,相似的,均匀的,均相的;同种类的,同性质的;相同特征的Aquaclude 不透水层,难渗透水的地层Offset ['ɔ:fset] n.偏移量抵销,弥补,分支,胶印,平版印刷,支管,乙字管Vt. 弥补,抵销,用平版印刷vi. 偏移,形成分支sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] adj. 复杂的,需要专门技术的;诡辩的,久经世故的equilibrium [,i:kwi'libriəm] n. 平衡,均衡Water Supply(给水工程)A supply of water is critical to the survival of life, as we know it.(众所周知,水对生命的生存至关重要。



中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Short and Long Term Advantage roof drainage design performance Decade has witnessed great changes in the design of the roof drainage system recently, particularly, siphon rainwater drainage system has been gradually improved, and there is likely to be the key application. At the same time these changes, urban drainage system design has undergone tremendous changes, because the scope of a wider urban drainage system design for sustainable development, as well as people for climate change flooding more attention. The main contents of this article is how to design roof drainage systems and make a good performance. Special attention is how to get rid of bad habits already formed the design, but also need to consider innovative roof drainage system, such as green roofs and rainwater harvesting systems.Practical application: In the past few years, the design of the roof rainwater drainage system has undergone tremendous changes. On large buildings, siphon rainwater drainage technology has been very common, as well as green roofs because it is conducive to green development, being more and more applications. Taking into account the ongoing research, this article focuses on how to effectively design a variety of roof rainwater drainage system, and make it achieve the desired design effect.1. IntroductionIn the past decade, the city and the water drainage system design has been widely accepted thinking about sustainable urban drainage system, or the optimal management direction. The main principles of the design of these systems is both a local level in line with the quality of development, but also to create some economic benefits for the investors. This principle has led to the development of new changes in the sump. Although the application of such a device isgradually reduced, but the urban environment relatively high demand areas still require 100% waterproof and rapid drainage, such as the roof. Typically roof drainage system in the design, construction and maintenance has not been given due attention. Although the drainage system investment costs account for only a small portion of the total construction investment, but not able to judge the loss caused by poor design.There are two different forms of roof drainage system design methods, namely the traditional and siphon method. Traditional systems rely on atmospheric pressure work, the drive ram affected sink flow depth. Therefore, the conventional roof drainage systems require a relatively large diameter vertical drop tube, prior to discharge, all devices must be connected to the groundwater collection pipe network. In contrast, siphonic roof drainage pipe systems are generally designed to full flow (turbulent flow means that require less exhaust pipe), which will form a negative pressure, the larger the higher flow rate and pressure head. Typically siphon system requires less down pipe work under negative pressure to the water distribution network can mean higher altitude work, thereby reducing the amount of underground pipe network.Both systems consists of three parts: the roof, rainwater collection pipes, pipe network.All of these elements are able to change the water pressure distribution system. This section focuses on the role and performance of each part. Due to the principle of siphon system has not been well understood, resulting argument is relatively small, this article will highlight siphon system.2. RoofThe roof is usually designed by the architect, designer and not by the drainage design. There are three main roof.2.1 Flat roofFlat roofs are used in industrial buildings less rainfall regions and countries. This roof is not completely flat, but lower than the minimum roof slope may require. For example, the United Kingdom require maximum slope of 10 °. Setting minimum slope in order to avoid any unnecessary water.Despite the flat roof if it is not properly maintained will have more problems, but it will reduce the dead zone within the building, and the ratio of sloping roofs in favor of indoor air.2.2 sloping roofsMost residential and commercial buildings are pitched roof, inclined roof is the biggest advantage can quickly drain, thereby reducing leakage. In temperate regions, we need to consider carrying roof snow load. Once it rains, rainfall through the sloping roofs can be determined by calculation. When rainfall data can be used, you can use the kinematic theory to solve such problems.2.3 green roof (flat or inclined)It can prove roof is the oldest green roofs, including rainfall can reduce or disperse roof planted with plants. It can be planted with trees and shrubs roof garden, it can also be a vegetated roof light carpet. Wherein the latter technique has been widely used. Some of these applications tend to focus on aesthetic requirements and are often used in green development. Since the aesthetic requirements and pressure requirements, as well as green roofs thermal insulation function, reduce the heat island effect, silencer effect, extend the life of the roof.Green roofs in Germany, the most widely used, followed in North America, but to consider the impact on the aesthetics. Germany is by far the most experienced countries in the 19th centuryhave practical application, then as an alternative to reduce the risk of fire tar roof an option in urban areas. Germany is currently the main research question on the cultivation of other issues to consider smaller cities. A study from 1987 to 1989, was found packed with 70 mm thick green roof can be reduced by 60% -80% of heat loss. In a Canadian work computer model based on the roof indicates that as long as the sump, the area can reach 70% of the roof area can be reduced by 60 percent in one year, the same model was also used for artificial rainfall, which the results indicate that rainfall in the catchment season helps to drain away rainwater.However, none of these studies show that green roofs can play a useful role in the rainfall season, or how high collection efficiency of water supply. The United States did some tests, as long as the green roofs regular watering, can reduce 65 percent of the runoff in a rainfall. America's most authoritative green roof guidelines by the New Jersey state environmental agencies promulgated. The main principle is to solve the structural problems of light, and how can the normal drainage after two years.Rainfall period is based on the probability of failure is determined. The system is typically based on rainfall during rainstorms two minutes, two minutes, have a choice. Although this model will get more traffic, but there is no other better alternative. Studies have shown that the traditional model is applied to study green roofs are premature.Loss factor than traditional roof records should be small, about 98.7%.Peak flow will be reduced, although not penetrate, the surface roughness but also have a significant impact.Concentrated rainfall than two minutes for a long time, especially for large roof areas, such as public buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings.Urban drainage design should also consider other factors, for a complex system, a green roof in a rain is not enough. Water flow duration curve shows a longer than traditional systems. And two independent and will affect between is possible, which requires a more precise time period. 3. Rainwater CollectorBasic requirements rainwater collector is designed to be able to accommodate rainfall rainstorms. Although it is possible to make a slightly inclined roof drainage purposes, but the nature of the construction industry and building settlement will become flat roof Typically, the tank is placed in a horizontal, sectional view of the water is outwardly inclined, which the role of hydrostatic.3.1 drain outletAnalyzing rainwater collector has sufficient volume is the key to the sump outlet external setting conditions. Also affect the flow rate into the storm water drainage system piping, but also affect the depth of the water catchment. Although the depth of the sump will not bring any particular problems, but too deep can cause excessive sump.Numerous studies in the 1980s showed that the flow of conventional roof drainage system outlet can be divided into two cases. It depends on the size of the depth and size of the outlet. When the water depth is less than half the diameter of the outlet, the flow of the first type, and the outlet of the flow can be calculated by an appropriate equation; water depth increases, exports are slowly clogging the flow will become another form forms, at the same time, the flow of exports can be obtained through other equations. While conventional roof drainage systems are designed to be free-draining, but may cause limitations encountered in the design of the flow is not free. In this case, it will require additional depth.Siphon roof drainage systems, the outlet is designed to be submerged stream. In this case, the depth of the outlet of the decision is more complicated, because the design of the sump depends on the flow. Recent studies have shown that conventional roof drainage systems use a variety of non-standard catchment, their depth and height, bigger than the diameter of the outlet. This will eventually result in a siphon effect. For a given catchment, the flow depends on the starting end of the drop tube diameter. A similar phenomenon has also been used to study the standard catchment, in these circumstances, only limited siphon action occurs within relatively close distance from the exit.3.2 tank flow classificationIn the complex flow sump outlet flow classification, can be seen from Table 2a, the flow will be uniform layering, regardless of whether the same inlet flow. Table 2b and 2c show, export distribution will greatly influence the flow.When the outlet is not a free jet, sump outlet complex flow classification is difficult to describe. Because each catchment tank pressures are likely to be merged. For example, the siphon tube system design point is at near full jet outlet flow classification depends on the energy loss of each branch.3.3 hydrostatic sectionalSump shape of the water surface in the canal can be classified according to the flow equation. In most cases, a low flow rate means that there is less friction loss, if exports are free jet, the friction loss is negligible cross-section through the hydrostatic equation 1 to determine the horizontal distance.Where Q-- flow (m3 / s)T- surface width (m)g- acceleration of gravity (m / s2)F- flow area (m2)Equation 1 can not be ignored when the friction required to correct (or very long pipe velocity is large), or not a free jet.3.4 The current design methodsThe previous discussion has highlighted the main factors that should be considered with sink design. However, without the help of a certain number of models, computing hydrostatic sectional roof drainage system, the volume of the sump is possible. This large commercial and manufacturing industry, is a development opportunity, you can merge several kilometers of water routes. Thus, the conventional drainage system sump design methods are mainly based on experience, and assume that exports are free jet.Sump location in the building, it may cause the example to fail.Different interface sumpExcept in the case cited above, but also allows designers to use empirical data.3.5 Digital ModelLarge number of digital models can be used to accurately describe the flow of any form of catchment tank, regardless of whether the roof flows stable. An example of this model is a combination of roof space model. This model enables users to classify different aspects of the data indicated, includes: details of the rains, the roof surface drainage and other details. Kinematics have also been used to study rainwater tank to flow from the research collection. A typical method is based on open system to solve a basic problem of spatial mobility. This model automaticallyresolve the sump outlet flow situation, but also to deal with the case of free jet can also be simulated space limited mobility and submerged discharge. Output values include depth and flow rate.Currently, the model is essentially just a variety of research tools, but also through practical engineering test. However, we should face up to the various role models.4 pipe systems groupComposition in the form and scope of the tube group determines the roof drainage system relies mainly on the traditional system or siphon action.4.1 Traditional stormwater systemsConventional roof drainage systems, the ground plane is generally vertical pipe-line network, connected to the sump outlet and underground drainage systems, critical systems as well as compensating tube. It should be emphasized that the angle between the ground and the compensating tube is less than 10 °. Capacity of the entire system relies mainly on the outlet tube instead of down.Flow vertical tube is usually free-flowing, full of only 33%, the efficiency depends on the excess length of the tube. If the drop tube long enough (typically greater than 5m), there may be an annular flow. Similarly, under normal circumstances flow compensation pipe is free-flowing, full of up to 70%. Such designed process both for the design, various equations can also be used.4.2 Siphon roof drainage systemIn contrast with the traditional drainage systems, Siphon roof drainage system relies on air flow outside the system, and the tube is full pipe flow stream.The designs are usually made on the assumption that the design of heavy rain, the system can quickly siphon discharge rainwater. This assumption allows the application of hydrostatic siphon system theory. Often used steady flow energy equation. While this approach ignores the small amount of energy loss at the entrance, but after the experiment showed that there are still conducive to practical use.However, steady-state design methods in the siphon system is exposed to rain when the system does not meet the standard requirements or changes in rainfall intensity is large is not applied. In the first case, there will be some mixing of air quality, annular flow occurs. These problems are not integrated in the system when more serious. Because usually designed rains are common, it is clear now design methodology over time may not apply to siphon system. This is a major disadvantage, because the design of the main problem is the noise and vibration problems.Despite the disadvantages of the prior design approach, but a lot of the world's very few engineering failure reports. When a failure occurs, most likely for the following reasons: An incorrect understanding of the operation pointsSubstandard materials listInstallation defectsMaintenance mismanagementTo overcome these disadvantages, we have recently launched a series of research projects, to discuss the siphon system, and the development of digital models. From this work we learn a lot. In contrast with conventional design methods of some assumptions, siphon system mainly has the following aspects:1) non-flow system of full flow2) levels of certain pipe-flowing full pipe flow3) full pipe flow downstream propagation through a vertical pipe, riser, etc.4) the inner tube flow occurs over the vertical section, the system to reduce the pressure5) downward tube is full pipe flow, there will be air lock6) appears completely siphon action until well into the air system is lower than a certain levelTable 4a column data indicate that below the design point, the system will siphon unstable flow, depth of the water collecting tank is insufficient to maintain the siphon action. Table 4b show that the unsteady flow in siphon system when it will appear.Table 5 lists the data output of a digital model. It can be seen that the model can accurately describe the siphon action, siphon and steady state, the data also show that the model can accurately describe the complex siphon action.5 ConclusionThis article has illustrated the critical roof drainage systems, but these are often overlooked in the urban drainage system design. This article also shows that the design process is a complex process, rely mainly on the performance of exports. The following conclusions are based on the design summed up:1) Run depend on three interacting parts: the roof, sump, water pipes2) Green roofs can reduce traffic and beautify the city3) the export performance of the system is essential4) siphon drainage system have a greater advantage in large-scale projects, but must be considered high maintenance costs5) Design siphon drainage system should consider additional capacity and operational issuesAlthough the green roof is a more attractive option, but the traditional roof of a building in the country will continue to dominate. Green roofs will be gradually developed, and gradually been widely accepted. Similarly, the roof drainage system shown effective that it will continue to play a huge role in the commercial building drainage systems.Roof drainage system of the greatest threats from climate change, existing systems tend to be not simply aging; rainfall patterns of change will result in inefficient operation, self-cleaning rate will be reduced. Changes in wind speed and the roof will also accelerate the aging of the roof, it is necessary to carry out maintenance. Taking into account the climate change, the increase in materials, roof collected rainwater will be more extensive. Currently, the amount of rain around the globe per person per day 7-300 liters in the UK, with an average consumption of 145L / h / d, of which only about one liter is used by people, about 30 per cent of the toilet, study shows If water shortage, rainwater collected on the roof of developed and developing countries are recommended approach.屋顶排水设计性能的近期与远期优势最近十年见证了屋顶排水系统设计方面的巨大变化,特别的是,虹吸雨水排水系统已经得到逐步改善,并且有可能得到重点应用。



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Optimum combination of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection in coal-accumulated basin of North ChinaAbstract The conflict among water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection is getting more and more serious due to the irrational drainage and exploitation of ground water resources in coal-accumulated basins of North China.Efficient solutions to the conflict are tomaintain long-term dynamic balance between input and output of theground water basins,and to try to improve resourcification of the mine water.All solutions must guarantee the eco-environment quality.This paper presents a new idea of optimum combination of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection so as to solve theproblem of unstable mine water supply,which is caused by the changeable water drainage for the whole combination system.Both the management of hydraulic techniques and constraints in economy,society,ecology,environment,insustuial structural adjustments and sustainable developments have been taken into account.Since the traditional and separate management of different departments of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection is broken up these departments work together to avoid repeated geological survey and specific evaluation calculations so that large amount of national investment can be saved and precise calculation for the whole system can be obtained.In the light of the conflict of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection in a typical sector in Jiaozuo coal mine,a case study puts forward an optimum combination scheme,in which a maximum economic benefit objective is constrained by multiple factors.The scheme provides a very important scientific base for finding a sustainable development strategy.Keywords combination system of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection,optimal combination,resourcification of mine water.1Analyses of necessity for the combinationThere are three related problems in the basin.It is well known that the major mine-hydrogeological characteristics of the coal accumulated basin in North China display a stereo water-filling structure,which is formed by multi-layer aquifers connected hydraulically together with various kinds of inner or outer boundaries.Mine water hazards have seriously restricted the healthy development of coal industry in China because of more water-filling sources and stronger water-filling capacity in coal mines of the basin.Coal reserves in the basin are threatened by the water hazards.In Fengfeng,Xingtai,Jiaozuo,Zibao,Huaibei and Huainan coal mine districts,for example,it is estimatedthat coal reserves are threatened by the water hazards up to 52%,71.%40,%,60%,48%and 90%of total prospecting reserves respectively.It is obvious that un-mining phenomenon caused by the water hazards is serious.Water-bursting accidents under coal layers have seriously influenced safe production.Some statistical data show that there were 17 water-bursting accidents with over 1 m3/s inflow from 1985.Water drainage is an increasing burden on coal mines threatened by water hazards:high cost of water drainage raises coal prices and reduces profits of the enterprise.On the other hand,it is more and more difficult to meet the demand of water supply in coal mine districts in the basin.The reasons are not only arid and semi-arid weather conditions,but also a large amount of water drainage with deep drawdown in coal mines and irrational water exploitation.The deterioration of eco-environment is another problem.Phenomena of land surface karst collapse can be found.Many famous karst springs,which are discharge points for the whole karst groundwater syatem,stop flowing or their discharge rates decrease on a large scale.Desert cremophytes in large areas in west China die because of falling groundwater level.These three problems are related and contradictory.In order to solve the problems while ensuring safe mining,meeting water resource demands and slowing down the pace of eco-environment deterioration,it is necessary to study the optimum combination of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection in the basin.2The state of the art of research and the problemsAlthough research into the combination of water drainage and water supply started much earlier in some countries,their conception is simple and some shortcomings remain in their study on the theory and pattern of combination.China’s research history on the combination can be divided into three stages.The first stage is the utilization of mine water.A century ago mine water started to be used as water supply for mines.But the utilization scale and efficiency were quite limited at that time.The second stage is a comprehensive one:mine water was used while water hazards were harnessed.Great progress was made both in theory and practice of the combination.For example,the combination of water drainage and water supply not only means the utilization of mine water,but also means that it is a technique of preventing water hazards.It is unfortunate,however,that the combination research in this stage offered less sense ofeco-environment protection.Optimum combination management of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection is the third stage.Main features in this stage are to widen traditional research,and to establish an economic-hydraulic management model,in which safe mining,eco-environment protection and sustainable development demands,etc.are simultaneously considered as constraint conditions.3Trinity systemThe trinity system combines water drainage,water supply and eco-environment quality protection.The water-collecting structures of the system consist of land surface pumping wells in the mines,shallow land surface well in groundwater recharge areas and artificial relief wells under the mines.Both integration and coordination for the trinity system are distinguished according to the combination.The integration for the system means to utilize drainage water under the mines and pump water onto the land surface as water supply for different purposes without harming the eco-environmental quality.The coal mines are not only drainage sites,but also water supply sources.The purpose of drilling pumping wells on the land surface is to eliminate special influences on different consumers,which are caused by terminating drainage processes under the mines due to unexpected accidents in mining.The coordination for the system means to bulid some water supply sources for different consumers while ensuring eco-environmental quality in groundwater recharge positions,where pumping groundwater is quite effective on lowering groundwater heads in the mine areas.Itintercepts in advance the recharging groundwater flow towards the mines,which may not only provide consumers with good quality groundwater,achieve the goal of dropping down groundwater heads in the mines,but also effectively reduce the high costs of drainage and water treatment,which are needed by traditional dewatering measures with large drainage flow rates under the mines.The coordination changes the traditional passive pattern of preventing and controlling groundwater hazards under the mines into that of active surface interception.Both very developed karst flow belts and accumulated groundwater recharge ones under the ground are relatively ideal interceptive coordination positions in the system.For the integration of the trinity system,artificial relief wells under the mines and the land surface pumping wells mainly penetrate into direct thin bedded karst aquifers interbedded with the mining coal layers,while for the coordination of the system,the shallow land surface wells mainly penetrate into very thick karst aquifer.Therefore,hydrogeological conceptual model for the system involves the multi-layer aquifers connected hydraulically by different inner boundaries.Setting up stereo hydrogeological conceptual models and corresponding mathematical models is a prerequisite for solving the managemental problems for the system.Management of the trinity system not only considers the effects of lowering groundwater heads and safe operation for water drainage subsystem,but also pays attention to the water demands for water supply subsystem and quality changes for eco-environment protection subsystem.They play the same important role in the whole combination system.It controls the groundwater heads in each aquifer to satisfy the conditions of safe mining with certain water head pressures in the mines,and to guarantee a certain amount of water supply for the mines and near areas,but the maximum drawdown of groundwater must not be ex ceded,which may result in lowering eco-environmental quality.4Economic-hydraulic management modelIn the trinity system management,groundwater resources in the mines and nearby areas,which are assessed on the premise of eco-environment qualities and safe operation in the mines,may be provided as water supply prices,drainage costs,transportation costs(including pipeline and purchasing the land costs)and groundwater quality treatment costs for the three different waterconsumers,the optimum management models may automatically allocate to each consumer a certain amount of groundwater resources and a concrete water supply scenario based on comparisons of each consumer’s economic contribution to the whole system in objective function.Therefore the management studies on the optimal combination among water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection involve both the management of groundwater hydraulic techniques and the economic evaluations,eco-environment quality protection and industrial structure programs.In addition to realizing an economic operation,they also guarantee a safe operation which is a key point for the combination of the whole system.5The management model for the trinity system can reach water supply goals with drainage water under the mines and the land surface pumping water on the premise of ensuring eco-environmental quality.And it can make use of one model to lay down comprehensively optimum management scenarios for each subsystem by means of selecting proper constraints and maximum economic benefit objective produced by multiple water consumers.The model can raise the security and reliability of operation for the whole trinity system,and the drainage water can be forecast for the mines and the management of water supply resource and the evaluation of eco-environment quality can be performed at the same time so as to respectively stop the separate or closed management,of departments of drainage water,water supply and eco-environment protection from geological survey stage to management evaluation.This,in economic aspect,can not only avoid much geological survery and special assessment work which are often repeated by the three departments,and save a lot of funds,but also ,in technical aspect,make use of one model to simultaneously consider interference and influence on each other for different groundwater seepage fields so as to guarantee calculating precision of the forecast,the management and the evaluation work.The economic-hydraulic management model can be expressed as follows.6 A case studyA typical sector is chosen.It is located in the east of Jiaozuo coal mine,Henan Province,China.Itconsists of three mines:Hanwang Mine,Yanmazhuang Mine and Jiulishan Mine.The land surface is flat,and the whole area is about 30 km2.An intermittent river Shanmen flows through the sector from the north to the south.Average annual precipitation in the sector is about 662.3mm.Theprecipitation mainly concentrates inJune,July,August and September each year.Strata in the sector consist of very thick limestone in Middle Ordovician,coal-bearing rock series in Permo Carboniferous and loose deposits in Quaternary.There are four groups of faulted structures.The first is in northeast-southwest direction such as F3 and F1..The second is in the northwest-southeast direction such as Fangzhuang fault.The third is in the east-west direction such as Fenghuangling fault.The last is almost in north-south.These faults are all found to be normal faults with a high degree of dip angle.Four major aquifers have been found in the sector.The top one is a semi-confined porous aquifer.The next one is a very thin bedded limeston aquifer.The third is a thin bedded limestone aquifer.The last one at the bottom is a very thick limestone aquifer.Objective function of the management model is designed to be maximum economic benefit produced by domestic,industrial and agricultural water supply.Policy making variables of the model are considered as the domestic,industrial and agricultural groundwater supply rates in every management time step,and they are supplied by artificial relief flow wells under the mines,the land surface pumping wells in the mines and the shallow land surface wells in the groundwater recharge areas.All the 135 policy making variables are chosen in the model,27 for drainage wells under the mines in aquifer,27 for the land surface pumping wells in the mine districts in aquifer 27 in aquifer 27 in aquifer O2 27 for the shallow land surface wells in aquifer O2Based on the problems,the following constraint conditions should be considered:(1)Safe mining constraint with groundwater pressure in aquifer L8.There are altogether three coalmines in the typical sector,i.e.Hanwang Mine,Yanmazhuang Mine and Jiulishan Mine.Elevations of mining level for these mines are different because it is about 88-150 m in the second mining level for Hanwang Mine,and -200m in the second mining level for Yanmazhuang Mine,and-225 m in the first mining level for Jiulishan Mine.According to mining experiences,pressure-loaded heights for groundwater heads in safe mining state are considered as about 100-130m.Therefore,the groundwater level drawdowns in the three management time steps for aquifer L8 at three mines have to be equivalent to safe drawdown values at least in order to pervert groundwater hazards under the mines and to guarantee their safe operation.(2)Geological eco-environment quality constraint.In order to prevernt groundwater leakage fromupper contaminater porous aquifer into bottom one and then to seepage further down to contaminate the thin bedded limestone aquifer in the position of buried outcrop,the groundwater heads in the bottom porous aquifer must keep a certain height,i.e.the groundwater drawdowns in it are not allowed to exceed maximum values.(3)Groundwater head constraint at the shallow land surface wells in aquifer O2,The shallow landsurface wells should penetrate in aquifer O2 in order to avoid geological environment hazards,such as karst collapse and deep karst groundwater contamination.Groundwater head drawdowns in aquifer O2 for the shallow land surface wells are not allowed to exceed criticalvalues.(4)Industrial water supply constraint for the groundwater source in aquifer O2 .The rate ofindustrial water supply needed by the planned thermal power plant in the north of the sectoris designed to be 1.5 m3/s according to the comprehensive design of the system in thesector.In order to meet the demands of water,the rate industrial water supply for thegroundwater source in aquifer O2 in every management time step must be equivalent at leastto 1.5 m3/s.(5)Maximum amount constraint of groundwater resource available for abstraction.In order tomaintain the balance of the groundwater system in the sector for a long time and to avoid anyharmful results caused by continuous falling of groundwater head,the sum of groundwaterabstraction in each management time step is not allowed to exceed the maximum amount ofgroundwater resource available for abstraction.Since there is not only water drainage in the mines,but also water supply in the whole combination system,management period for the model is selected from June 1,1978 to May 31,1979,in which annual average rate of precipitation is about 50%.Management time steps for the period are divided into three.The first one is from June to September,the second from October to next January,and the last one from next February to May.According to comprehensive information about actual economic ability,economic development program and industrial structure adjustment in the sector at present and in the near future,and different association forms of water collecting structures among the land surface pumping wells,the shallow land surface wells and artificial relief flow wells under the mines,this paper designs 12 management scenarious,all of which take the safe operation in the trinity system as the most important condition.After making comparisons of optimum calculation results for the 12 scenarious,this paper comes to a conclusion that scenarios is the most ideal and applicable one for the typical sector.This scenario not only considers the effective dewatering advantage of the artificial relief flow wells under the mines and safe stable water supply advantage of the land surface pumping wells,but also pays attention to the disadvantage of low safe guaranty rate for the relief flow wells under the mines for water supply and of large drilling investment in the land surface pumping wells.Meanwhile,eh shallow land surface wells inaquifer O2in this scenario would not only provide water supply for the thermal power plant as planned,but also play an important role in dewatering the bottom aquifer,which is major recharge source of groundwater for the mines.If the drainage subsystem under the mines runs normally,this scenario could fully offer the effective dewatering functions of the artificial relief flow wells under the mines,and makes the trinity system operate normally.But if the drainage subsystem has to stop suddenly because of unexpected accidents,the scenario could still fully utilize the land surface pumping wells and the shallow land surface wells,and increae their pumping rates in order to make up for temporary shortage of water supply for the trinity system and to make its economic losses reduced to a minimum extent.Increasing groundwater abstraction rate for the land surface pumping wells and the shallow land surface wells,in fact,is very favorable for harnessing the water-accidents under the mines and for recovery production of the mines.To sum up,this scenario sets up a new pattern for the combination of water drainage,water supply and eco-environment protection.It solves quite well the conflicts between the low safe guaranty rate and the effective dewatering result for the artificial relief flow wells under the mines.It makes full use of beneficial aspect of the conflicts,and meanwhile compensates for the unbeneficial one by arranging the land surface pumping wells in the coal mine districts.Therefore,this scenario should be comprehensive and feasible.In this scenario,Hanwan Mine,Yanmazhuang Mine and Jiulishan Mine are distributed optimally for certain amount of domestic and industrial water supply,but not for much agricultural water supply.The land surface pumping wells are also distributed for different purposes of water supply.The water supply for the thermal power plant (1.5 m3/s) is provided by the shallow land surface prehensive effects,produced by the above three kinds of water collecting structures,completely satisfy all of the constraint conditions in the management model,and achieve an extremely good economic objective of 16.520551million RMB yuan per year.In order to examine the uncertainty of the management model,12management scenarios are all tested with sensitive analysis.7Conclusion(1)The optimum combination research among water drainage,water supply and eco-environmentprotection is of great theoretical significance and application value in the basin of North China for solving unbalanced relation between water supply and demands,developing new potential water supply sources and protecting weak eco-environment.(2)The combination research is concerned not only with hydraulic technique management but alsowith constraints of economic benefits,society,ecology,environment quality,safe mining and sustainable development in the coal mines.(3)The combination model,for the first time,breaks up the closed situation existing for a longtime,under which the government departments of drainage water,water supply and eco-environment protection from geological survey stage to management evaluation work respectively.Economically,it can spare the repeated geological survey and special assessment work done by the three departments and save a lot of funds;technically,one model is made use of to cover the interference and influence each other for different groundwater seepage fields soas to guarantee a high calculating precision of the forecast,the management and the evaluation work.(4)The management scenario presented in the case study is the most ideal and applicable for thetypical sector.This scenario not only makes full use of the effective dewatering advantages of the artificial relief flow wells under the mines and safe stable water supply advantages of the land surface pumping wells,but also pays attention to the disadvantages of low safe guaranty rate for the relief flow wells under the mines for water supply and of large drilling investment for the land surface pumping wells.References1.Investigation team on mine-hydrogeology and engineering geology in the Ministry ofGeology and Mineral Resources.Investigation Report on Karst-water-filling Mines(inChinese).Beijing:Geological Publishing House,19962.Liu Qiren,Lin Pengqi,Y u Pei,Investigation comments on mine-hydrogeological conditionsfor national karst-water-filling mines,Journal of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology(in Chinese),19793.Wang Mengyu,Technology development on preventing and curing mine water in coalmines in foreign countries,Science and Technology in Coal(in 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water andenvironment protection,Geological Comments(in Chinese),199710.Gao Honglian,Lin Zhengping,Regional characteristics of mine-hydrogeological conditionsof coal deposits in China,Journal of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology(in Chinese),198511.Jiang Ben,A tentative plan for preventing and curing measures on mine water in coal minesin northern China,Geology and Prospecting for Coaofield(in Chinese),1993中国北方煤炭积聚区的最佳组合排水,供水和生态环境保护摘要为了开采中国北方煤炭资源丰富的区域,不合理的排水使排水、供水和保护生态环境之间的冲突日趋严重。



Sewage treatmentAbstract:Sewage treatment, or domestic wastewater treatment, is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage, both runoff (effluents) and domestic. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its objective is to produce a waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste or sludge suitable for discharge or reuse back into the environment. This material is often inadvertently contaminated with many toxic organic and inorganic compounds.Process overviewSewage can be treated close to where it is created (in septic tanks, biofilters or aerobic treatment systems), or collected and transported via a network of pipes and pump stations to a municipal treatment plant (see sewerage and pipes and infrastructure). Sewage collection and treatment is typically subject to local, state and federal regulations and standards. Industrial sources of wastewater often require specialized treatment processes (see Industrial wastewater treatment).Conventional sewage treatment may involve three stages, called primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.Pre-treatmentPre-treatment removes materials that can be easily collected from the raw wastewater before they damage or clog the pumps and skimmers of primary treatment clarifiers (trash, tree limbs, leaves, etc).ScreeningThe influent sewage water is strained to remove all large objects carried in the sewage stream. This is most commonly done with an automated mechanically raked bar screen in modern plants serving large populations, whilst in smaller or less modern plants a manually cleaned screen may be used. The raking action of a mechanical bar screen is typically paced according to the accumulation on the bar screens and/or flow rate. The solids are collected and later disposed in a landfill or incinerated.Grit removalPre-treatment may include a sand or grit channel or chamber where the velocity of the incoming wastewater is carefully controlled to allow sand, grit and stones to settle.Primary treatmentIn the primary sedimentation stage, sewage flows through large tanks, commonly called "primary clarifiers" or "primary sedimentation tanks". The tanks are large enough that sludge can settle and floating material such as grease and oils can rise to the surface and be skimmed off. The main purpose of the primary sedimentation stage is to produce both a generally homogeneous liquid capable of being treated biologically and a sludge that can be separately treated or processed. Primary settling tanks are usually equipped with mechanically driven scrapers that continually drive the collected sludge towards a hopper in the base of the tank from where it can be pumped to further sludge treatment stages. Grease and oil from the floating material can sometimes be recovered for saponification.Secondary treatmentSecondary treatment is designed to substantially degrade the biological content of the sewage which are derived from human waste, food waste, soaps and detergent. The majority of municipal plants treat the settled sewage liquor using aerobic biological processes. For this to be effective, the biota require both oxygen and a substrate on which to live. There are a number of ways in which this is done. In all these methods, the bacteria and protozoa consume biodegradable soluble organic contaminants (e.g. sugars, fats, organic short-chain carbon molecules, etc.) and bind much of the less soluble fractions into floc. Secondary treatment systems are classified asfixed-film and suspended-growth.Fixed-film OR attached growth system treatment process including trickling filter and rotating biological contactors where the biomass grows on media and the sewage passes over its surface.In suspended-growth systems, such as activated sludge, the biomass is well mixed with the sewage and can be operated in a smaller space than fixed-film systems that treat the same amount of water. However, fixed-film systems are more able to cope with drastic changes in the amount of biological material and can provide higher removal rates for organic material and suspended solids than suspended growth systems.Activated sludgeMain article: Activated sludgeIn general, activated sludge plants encompass a variety of mechanisms and processes that use dissolved oxygen to promote the growth of biological floc that substantially removes organic material.The process traps particulate material and can, under ideal conditions, convert ammonia to nitrite and nitrate and ultimately to nitrogen gas, (see also denitrification).Surface-aerated basinsMost biological oxidation processes for treating industrial wastewaters have in common the use of oxygen (or air) and microbial action. Surface-aerated basins achieve 80 to 90% removal of Biochemical Oxygen Demand with retention times of 1 to 10 days. The basins may range in depth from 1.5 to 5.0 metres and usemotor-driven aerators floating on the surface of the wastewater.Biological oxidation processes are sensitive to temperature and, between 0 °C and 40 °C, the rate of biological reactions increase with temperature. Most surface aerated vessels operate at between 4 °C and 32 °C.Filter beds (oxidizing beds)Main article: Trickling filterIn older plants and plants receiving more variable loads, trickling filter beds are used where the settled sewage liquor is spread onto the surface of a deep bed made upof coke (carbonized coal), limestone chips or specially fabricated plastic media. Such media must have high surface areas to support the biofilms that form. The liquor is distributed through perforated rotating arms radiating from a central pivot. The distributed liquor trickles through this bed and is collected in drains at the base. These drains also provide a source of air which percolates up through the bed, keeping it aerobic. Biological films of bacteria, protozoa and fungi form on the media’s surfaces and eat or otherwise reduce the organic content. This biofilm is grazed by insect larvae and worms which help maintain an optimal thickness. Overloading of beds increases the thickness of the film leading to clogging of the filter media and ponding on the surface.Biological aerated filtersBiological Aerated (or Anoxic) Filter (BAF) or Biofilters combine filtration with biological carbon reduction, nitrification or denitrification. BAF usually includes a reactor filled with a filter media. The media is either in suspension or supported by a gravel layer at the foot of the filter. The dual purpose of this media is to support highly active biomass that is attached to it and to filter suspended solids. Carbon reduction and ammonia conversion occurs in aerobic mode and sometime achieved in a single reactor while nitrate conversion occurs in anoxic mode. BAF is operated either in upflow or downflow configuration depending on design specified by manufacturer.processSecondary sedimentationThe final step in the secondary treatment stage is to settle out the biological floc or filter material and produce sewage water containing very low levels of organic material and suspended matter.Rotating biological contactorsMain article: Rotating biological contactorRotating biological contactors (RBCs) are mechanical secondary treatment systems, which are robust and capable of withstanding surges in organic load .污水处理摘要自然或生活污水处理,是指清除包括家庭排放的和地面径流在内的污水废水和地面污染物的过程。


Abbreviations: ADF, Aerobic Dynamic Feeding, also designated as “feast and famine”; CSTR, Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor; C/N, Carbon to nitrogen ratio; HAc, Acetic acid; HB, Hydroxybutyrate; HBut, Butyric acid; HLac, Lactic acid; HProp, Propionic acid; HV, Hydroxyvalerate; HVal, Valeric acid; HRT, Hydraulic Retention Time; OUR, Oxygen Uptake Rate; PHA, Polyhydroxyalkanoate; qP, Maximum specific polymer storage rate; -qS, Maximum specific substrate uptake rate; SBR, Sequencing Batch Reactor; SRT, Sludge Retention Time; TOC, Total Organic Carbon; VFA, Volatile Fatty Acid; VSS, Volatile Suspended Solid; VSSmax, Volatile Suspended Solids at the time of maximum polymer accumulation; X, Active Biomass; Xi, Initial active biomass concentration; YO2/X, Respiration yield, in Cmmol/Cmmol VFA; YP/S, Polymer storage yield, in Cmmol HA/Cmmol VFA; YX/S, Growth yield in Cmmol X/Cmmol VFA



土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译-英语论文土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译Building drainage of water-saving techniquesWith people's quality of life,the quality and quantity of water are constantly expanding. Implement sustainable water use and protection of water resources from destruction. And access to healthy water, recycling of water, has become the government and the broad masses of the people the focus of attention. All this gave to the construction of drainage works on the design of the many new requirements, water supply advanced technology of the urgent need to accelerate the pace. This paper will explore more of the building for drainage of water-saving technology; we hope to arouse the awareness of water conservation to build water-saving city efforts.Construction of a water-saving project, in addition to the water saving should formulate laws and regulations to strengthen the management and day-to-day publicity and education use price leverage to promote water conservation work, but also take effective measures, to ensure that the construction of water-saving work carried out in-depth and comprehensive. We are aware that the water supply network's coverage, the extension of transmission mains and the construction of the building because arisingfrom the difference in height, will be used to increase the water pressure before the end of ways to protect the most disadvantaged water points will be adequate water supply, This will be a large number of regional supply of high pressure water supply is. Therefore accessories before the water hydrostatic head greater than outflow, the flow was greater than the rated flow capacity. Beyond the rated flow capacity of that part of the normal flow did not have the use efficiency is a waste of water. As a result of this water is being wasted is not easy to detect and understand, it could be called a "stealth" wasting water.It has been in a different type of floor, the building 67 water distribution points so the overpressure from the measured flow analysis, Statistical results are 55% of the iron spiral movements - taps (hereinafter referred to as "ordinary water") and 61% of the ceramic valve - leading the flow of water-saving more than their rated flow, the super-flow pressure from the state. Two endings the largest flow out of the rated flow capacity of about three times [1]. This shows that in our existing buildings, water supply system overpressure out-flow phenomenon is widespread and it is a fairly serious. In distribution point pressure As overpressure flow out of the "invisible" water is not wasted paid enough attention to, So in our existing "building water supply and drainage design" and "construction water supply and drainage design GBJ15-20 00 draft "(hereinafter referred to as" draft "), although the wateraccessories and home support the greatest pressure certain restrictive provisions in [2], but this is only to prevent water from the high pressure parts will lead to damage to the point of consideration, not prevent excess pressure from the out-flow point of view, the pressure is too lenient restrictions on the flow overpressure no fundamental role. Therefore, in accordance with the water supply system overpressure flow from the actual situation, the pressure on the water supply system to make reasonable limit.1.2 measures taken decompressionWater supply system in a reasonable allocation of decompression device is to control pressure within the limits required to reduce excess pressure from the flow of technical support.1.2.1 Jangled nervesRelief valve is a good decompression device, can be divided into proportional (lower left) of direct action and the type (Photo) The former is based on the ratio of the area to determine the proportion of decompression, which can be set under pressure prior decompression, When the water-stop water, you can also be controlling the vacuum tube pressure is not increased, Decompression can achieve dynamic can achieve static decompression.1.2.2 Decompression orifice and conserving Cypriots1106土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译Orifice decompression compared with jangled nerves example, the system is relatively simple, less investment, easy management. The practice of some units, water-saving effects are fairly obvious, If Shanghai Jiao tong University in the school bathroom water pipe installation aperture of 5 mm orifice, water-saving about 43%. But decompression orifice only by the dynamic pressure, static pressure can be reduced and the pressure downstream with the upstream pressure and the flow is changed, is not stable enough. In addition, the vacuum orifice plug easy. In better water quality and water pressure more stable, by using [3]. Cutting expenditure and the role of Cypriot advantages and decompression orifice basically are the same. Suitable for the small diameter and accessories installed to use [3].1.3 adopt water-saving leadingA trial showed that the leading Practical water-saving taps and the general state of the full, flow out of the former than the latter out of the flow. That is the same pressure, the leading water conservation has good water saving, water-saving volume in 20% ~ 30% between. And the higher the pressure ordinary tap water from the larger, water-saving is leading the greater the volume of water-saving. Therefore, should the building (especially in the standard water pressure in water distribution points) leading installation of water-saving, reduce water wastage. In 1999 theMinistry of Construction, State Economic and Trade Commission, State Bureau of Building materials apparatuses jointly issued a document "on the elimination of residential buildings behind the products notified" require large and medium-sized cities in new residential prohibit the use of helical-style cast iron nozzle movements, actively adopt "ceramic cartridge faucets" and "common faucet technical conditions of the ceramic cartridge faucets [4]. Since the main building of our school building earlier in the toilet faucet is still an ordinary spiral movement - iron taps. We have often seen leading loosening and tightening the leading difficulty caused by the leakage phenomenon. In fact, there is such a faucet overpressure caused by the "invisible" huge waste of water. Schools should arouse the concern of the relevant departments, from the long-term interests for the use of water-saving new leader, reduce unnecessary losses.2 vigorously develop the construction of water facilities, "watercourse." As the name suggests is not delivered on the waterways clean water is not sullied by sewage contamination. Residents put a wash, bathing, washing clothes and other water washing and flushing water together, after CO., filtration and disinfection, Sterilization, which imported waterway network, for toilet flushing, washing cars, and pouring green, onto the road and other non-drinking purposes. China therefore waterway is also known as miscellaneous water Road. With a watercourse which cubic metersof water, equivalent to the use of one cubic meters of clean water, emit less nearly a cubic meter of sewage and kill two birds with one stone. Water-saving achieved nearly 50% [3]. Therefore, the channel has many of the world's water shortage in cities used extensively.2.1 full use washing wastewater and other quality miscellaneous drainage The existing water facilities built in most hotels, colleges, and the basic source for the bathroom bathing wastewater. For some small units, smaller than bathing wastewater, and discharge time is too concentrated, Water facilities are not stable and adequate source of water. And washing with water wastewater, the use of time more evenly, water treatment and the advantages of relatively good, as a water source, to be fully exploited.2.2 Develop and implement as soon as possible the return to the new water quality standardsThe current construction of water reused implementation of the existing “life miscellaneous water quality standards.” The total coli form standards and the requirements of "sanitary standard for drinking water," the same, compared to the developed countries and the Chinese water standards apply to the swim-minus III also strict standards. This has led to two problems: First, many of the existing water works is less than the standard; 2 are fulfilled with a certain degree of difficulty, improvethe water project investment and processing cost. So should develop appropriate indicators of the value of water works to promote the spread土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译and popularize. Water Saving water is not limiting, or even prevents the water. But reasonable people to water, efficient use of water and not waste. As long as we pay attention to fit the family's bad habits, we will be able to water-saving around 70% [3]. Water and waste a lot of the habits, such as: flush toilets single wash cigarette butts and broken fine waste; to access a cup of cold water. Many people will not venting water; spend the potatoes, carrots after peeling, washing or after the optional vegetables; when the water stopped (open access customers, answer the phone, change TV channels), not turning off the tap; During the suspension, forget turning off the tap; toilets, wash, brush, let the water has been flowing; Before sleep, go out, do not check the faucet; equipment leaks, not promptly repaired. From the following table, we can see in many parts of life as long as we interested to note that the conservation of water is very impressive.3 to promote the use of water-saving devicesIn addition to the family of water-saving attention to cultivate good habits of water, using water-saving devices is very important and also the most effective. Some people prefer laissez-faire, but also refusedto replace water-saving devices, in fact, so much water is a long time down the uneconomical. Thus vigorously promote the use of water-saving devices is the construction of water-saving important ways and means.3.1Water-saving taps3.1.1 Water Saving leading CeramicsCurrently most of the water-saving taps used Ceramics taps. Such taps compared with ordinary taps, water was typically up to 20% ~ 30%; and other types of water-saving compared to the leading and cheap [3]. Therefore, in the residential buildings of architectural vigorously promote the use of such water-saving lead. We taught the fifth floor of the dormitory building and are used by such leading.3.1.2 Closed since delay tapsSince the delay in the water taps closed after a certain time, shut down automatically to avoid Changliushui phenomenon. Water timing to be in a certain range adjustment, both for the convenience of Health has complied with the water-saving requirements suitable for washing in public places with.3.1.3 Photoelectric controlled tapsClosed since the delay of water-saving taps but water while fixed time and meet the different requirements of the use of the object. Photoelectric controlled taps will be able to overcome the above drawbacks, such as the latest one of the type of infrared device control wash, Thefirst installation will be self-inspection of the device in front of or below the fixed reflectors (for example, vanity) and based on the reflectors adjust their distance from work to avoid the past because of automatic water obstacles closer to the front of regular water, Such intelligent device can wash your hands although below action without washing their hands without water. a long time will wash water and do not have long-term can also regularly flush Water Seal failure to avoid a supply shortage ahead of the police [3].3.2The total water-saving flush3.2.1 Use of small volume cisterns commodeChina is promoting the use of water tanks 6 L fecal water-saving devices, and have flushing water to 4.5 L or even less, stood on the stool available. However, we should also pay attention to the drainage system to ensure the normal work of the use of small volume cisterns commode, otherwise they will be brought to plug the pipeline, not a net wash, and other issues. Two respectively flushing cisterns in urine, flushing water for 4 L (or less); Washing stool, Chong stood at 9 L (or less) [3]. (Map is a two-valve I-Yuan annually to the water tanks, to open the stool below the drain urine when opened above the drain Pictured left is the two-block cisterns switch several forms) Israel's construction regulations require all new buildings to install two respectively wash cisterns. China should also vigorously promoted two respectively cisterns, because one day, thenumber is far higher than the urine stool frequency. To three homes as an example, per person per day for a meeting of feces, urine four times and the use of existing water tanks L 9, day to 135 L of water; 6 L of water use, 90 L of water a day;土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译and the use of cisterns two respectively, 75 L of water a day, can be seen using two respectively cisterns 9 L 6 L than using more water-saving cisterns [3]. 6 L Yuan annually to the use of water-saving cisterns better results. The use of tanks in two trances another advantage is not right and the replacement of the total drainage system to carry out reform therefore particularly applicable to existing buildings the total replacement of water tanks.3.2.2-washing UrinalThe United States launched the Urinal-washing, which is not water, the stench from the toilets without using utensils, In fact, only in one end Urinal add special "trap" devices, but because the economic, health, water effectively, So popular station.3.2.3Photoelectric control UrinalUrinal photoelectric controls in a number of public buildings installations.3.2.4 Delayed flushing valve closedIt is the use of guide-work principle, water officials directly connected with the water pressure high enough circumstances, can protect the instantaneous flushing commode needs to replace tanks and accessories, installation is simple and easy to use, health, low prices, Water-saving effect of the obvious characteristics [3]. We carpentry center is used for such cleaning.3.3 in hot water systems installed in various forms of water-saving devicesIf installed in public bathrooms limited flow orifice, in the cold, hot water imported pressure balance between the installation of equipment; Installation of low-flow plumbing. Inflatable hot water thermostat and cooling, hot water mixed hydrants.3.4 to further develop various forms of water-saving devices3.4.1 Development of different water taps outSome countries, in different places with different water out of taps, Singapore provides water for washing vegetables pots 6 L / min, shower water 9 L / min; China's Taiwan Province launched the spray-wash special taps, the flow was 1 L / min. In China, various taps most of the rated flow capacity of 0.2 L / s, that is 12 L / min, excessive [4]. Therefore be reasonable to develop taps the rated flow, and gradually installed in different places different from water taps.3.4.2 Vacuum water-saving techniquesTo ensure that sanitary ware and sewer cleaning effect of vacuum technology can be applied to drainage works Most of the air instead of using water, relying on the vacuum of high-speed gas-water mixture, and rapid disposal of the sewage, dirt-gully clean and save water and drain away the effects of dirty air. A complete vacuum drainage system, including: vacuum valve and with a magnitude of suction devices occupants, the closed aqueduct, vacuum collection containers. Vacuum pumps, control equipment and channels and so on. Together with the vacuum generated 40 ~ 5min the negative pressure of sewage pumped to the collection containers, then will collect sewage pump effluent into the municipal sewer. Different types of construction in the use of vacuum technology, the average water-saving exceed 40%. The use of the office building water-saving will rate-70% [2].3.4.3 Development zone leading to the wash waterIn Japan, many families use with the leading water wash, wash all the wastewater into water tanks for back flushing. If the water tank, they can directly turn on the water faucet open. Irrigation water use, it can not only save water but also reduce the costs. At present, the water in China has sales.土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译随着人民生活质量的提高,对供水量和质的要求正不断扩展.同时实施水的可持续利用和保护,使水资源不受破坏,并能进入良性的水质、水量再生循环,也已成为政府和广大人民群众关注的焦点。



附录C:外文文献及其译文外文文献:Removal of Pharmaceuticals during Drinking Water Treatment The elimination of selected pharmaceuticals (bezafibrate, clofibric acid, carbamazepine, diclofenac) during drinking water treatment processes was investigated at lab and pilot scale and in real waterworks. No significant removal of pharmaceuticals was observed in batch experiments with sand under natural aerobic and anoxic conditions, thus indicating low sorption properties and high persistence with nonadapted microorganisms. These results were underscored by the presence of carbamazepine in bankfiltrated water with anaerobic conditions in a waterworks area. Flocculation using iron(III) chloride in lab-scale experiments (Jar test) and investigations in waterworks exhibited no significant elimination of the selected target pharmaceuticals. However, ozonation was in some cases very effective in eliminating these polar compounds. In labscale experiments, 0.5 mg/L ozone was shown to reduce the concentrations of diclofenac and carbamazepine by more than 90%, while bezafibrate was eliminated by 50% with a 1.5 mg/L ozone dose. Clofibric acid was stable even at 3 mg/L ozone. Under waterworks conditions, similar removal efficiencies were observed. In addition to ozonation, filtration with granular activated carbon (GAC) was very effective in removing pharmaceuticals. Except for clofibric acid, GAC in pilot-scale experiments and waterworks provided a major elimination of the pharmaceuticals under investigation.IntroductionIn Germany, some pharmaceuticals are used in quantities of more than 100 t/yr (1). Pharmacokinetic studies exhibit that an appreciable proportion of the administered pharmaceuticals are excreted via feces and urine (2) and thus are present in the domestic wastewater. A further source for the contamination of wastewater is assumed to be the disposal of (expired) medicine via toilets. However, this portion is very difficult to estimate because reliable data are not available. After passing through sewage treatment plants (STPs), pharmaceutical residues enter receiving waters. Point discharges from pharmaceutical manufacturers can also contribute to contamination of rivers and creeks (3). First results concerning environmental occurrence of pharma-ceuticals are reported by Garrison et al. (4) and Hignite and Azarnoff (5), who detected clofibric acid in the lower micrograms per liter range in treated sewage in the United States. Further studies in 1981 in Great Britain revealed that pharmaceuticals are present in rivers up to 1 íg/L (6). On Iona Island (Vancouver, Canada) Rogers et al. (7) identified the two antiphlogistics ibuprofen and naproxen in waste-water. Recent investigations showed the exposure of a wide range of pharmaceuticals from many medicinal classes (e.g,betablockers, sympathomimetics, antiphlogistics, lipid regu-lators, antiepileptics, antibiotics, vasodilators) to rivers and creeks. Reviews from Halling-Sørensen et al. (8), Daughton and Ternes (9), and Jørgensen et al. (10) summarize most of the literature in this new emerging field about the environ-mental relevance of pharmaceuticals.Furthermore, Mohle et al. (11), Alder et al. (12), Ternes et al. (3), and Zuccato et al. (13) have reported the identification of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment.Contamination is influenced by the relative portions of raw and treated wastewater (14) such that even small rivers and creeks can be highly contaminated. Groundwater is contaminated with pharmaceuticals primarily by infiltration of surface water containing pharmaceutical residues as well as by leaks in landfill sites and sewer drains. Because of the widespread occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment and sometimes also in the raw water of waterworks, a few cases surfaced where pharmaceuticals were detected in drinking water in the lower nanograms per liter range (15, 16). Although up to now no adverse health effects can be attributed to the consumption of pharmaceuticals at these low concentration levels, based on precautionary principles, drinking water should be free of such anthro-pogenic contaminants.Currently, few papers have been published dealing with the removal of pharmaceuticals in drinking water treatment. Ozonation and especially advanced oxidation processes seem to be very effective in removal of diclofenac, while clofibric acid and ibuprofen were oxidized in lab-scale experiments mainly by ozone/H2O2 as shown by Zwiener and Frimmel (17). Heberer et al. (18) exhibited that reverse osmosis is appropriate to remove a variety of different pharmaceuticals from highly contaminated surface waters.The objective of the work presented here was to study the efficiency of different treatment steps to remove the anti-phlogistic diclofenac, the antiepileptic carbamazepine, and the lipid regulators clofibric acid and bezafibrate during drinking water treatment. Therefore, the primary elimination of the selected pharmaceuticals was investigated under laboratory, pilot, and real waterworks conditions. In addition to processes such as bank filtration and artificial groundwater recharge, widely used techniques for surface water treatment such as activated carbon filtration, ozonation, and floccula-tion were investigated. The monitoring results of two German waterworks are extended by lab- and pilot-scale experiments to obtain more generalized results.ExperimentalSectionSelectedPharmaceuticals.For all lab- and pilot-scale spikingexperiments, four relevant pharmaceuticals (the antiphlo-gistic diclofenac, the antiepileptic carbamazepine, the lipid regulators clofibric acid and bezafibrate) have been selected as target compounds. Their molecular structures are shown in Table 1. These compounds have been chosen because of their predominant occurrence in German feeding waters for waterworks such as rivers, bank filtrates, and ground-water (14, 19). Additionally, the antiepileptic primidone was included in oxidation experiments and a waterworks survey.TABLE1.SelectedTargetPharmaceuticalsAnalyticalMethods.The determination of the pharma-ceuticals was performed using different analytical methods (see Table 2). All methods were based on a solid-phase extraction of the analytes on to RP-C18 or Lichrolute EN material. After solid-phase extraction (SPE) and an elution step with methanol or acetone, the compounds were derivatized using different agents. Either a methylation with diazomethane (20) or a silylation with a mixture of N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide (BSA) and 5% trimethylchlo-rosilane (TMCS)(Fa. Fluka, Buchs, Schweiz) were used (60 min at 120 °C)(21). Carbamazepine was determined aftersilylation either by a mixture of MSTFA/TMSI/DTE(N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide/trimethylsilylim-idazol/dithioerytrit; 1000 íL/2 íL/2 íg)(22) or by a mixture of BSA/TMCS. For primidone, an acetylation by acetanhy-dride and ethanolamine was used (22). In all cases, GC-MS was used for the detection of the analytes. Further details of the methods are reported in refs 19-22.All methods enable the precise determination of the target pharmaceuticals in river water and drinking water. An interlaboratory comparison exercise (ICE) between the three participating laboratories at the beginning and the end of the study confirmed the quality of the analytical methods. Groundwater and surface water samples were spiked with the selected pharmaceuticals and analyzed by all three laboratories to confirm the recoveries of the analytes in the respective matrixes. The mean recovery of the spiked concentrations always exceeded 70% through different spiking levels:0.40-0.90 íg/L in surface water and 0.030-0.20 íg/L in drinking water. The relative standard deviations between the three participating laboratories were in general below 25%. Thus, it could be shown that (i) the difference of found concentrations was minor between the threelaboratories and (ii) the spiked concentration could be detected in the groundwater and surface water accuratel.LimitsofQuantification(LOQ)andCalibration.The LOQwas calculated according to the German DIN 32645 (23) with a confidence interval of 99% using the standard deviation of a linear regression curve. Calibration ranges from 0.005 to 0.050 íg/L and from 0.05 to 1 íg/L were used with at least seven concentration levels by spiking groundwater. LOQ is another term for limit of determination (LOD) mentioned in DIN 32645. Since the calculated LOQ values were always between the first and the second calibration points, the LOQ used was setas the second lowest calibration point of the linear correlation to ensure a precise quantification. Hence, the LOQ were at least 20 ng/L for diclofenac, carbamazepine, primidone, and clofibric acid and down to 50 ng/L for bezafibrate. However, with a final volume of 100 íL instead of 1 mL, LOQ down to 2 ng/L were achieved for clofibric acid, primidone, diclofenac, and carbamazepine and down to 10 ng/L for bezafibrate. The calibration was performed over the whole procedure after spiking groundwater with the standard mixture of the selected pharmaceuticals. The calculation of the concentrations in native samples was carried out using surrogate standards (see Table 2) and a linear 7-10 point calibration curve.ReferenceStandards.The reference standards clofibricacid, bezafibrate, carbamazepine, diclofenac,and primidone as well as the surrogate standards meclofenamic acid and 2,3-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,3-D) were purchased from Sigma, Germany; dihydrocarbamazepine was purchased from Alltech, Germany. All standards were dissolved in methanol (1 mg/mL) and diluted with methanol to the final stock solution of 10 íg/mL.TreatmentProcessesUsedinWaterworks.(a)StudyofBiodegradationinBatchExperimentswi thNativeSurfaceWater, Groundwater, andDifferentFilterMaterials.Bio-degradation is one of the crucial factors that determine the elimination of organic compounds during artificial ground-water recharge and bank filtration. To assess the general biodegradability of pharmaceuticals in aquatic environmental matrixes, batch experiments were carried out according to the OECD guidelines for testing chemicals (24). The inoc-culum used consisted of 400 mL of surface water and 400 mL of groundwater mixed with 2 L of MITI basal medium. The MITI basal medium was prepared by mixing 1 L of sterile deionized water with 3 mL of sterilized solutions A-D. Solution A was a solution of 21.75 g of K2HPO4, 8.5 g of KH2PO4, 44.6 g of Na2HPO4â12H2O, and 1.7 g of NH4Cl in 1000 mL of deionized water at pH 7.2. Solutions B-D were solutions of 22.5 g of MgSO4â7H2O, 27.5 g of CaCl2, and 0.25 g of FeCl3, respectively, in 1000 mL of deionized water. The groundwater was taken from a German water catchment area with artificial groundwater recharge using slow sand filtration and bank filtration. The individual concentrations of bezafibrate, carbamazepine, clofibric acid, diclofenac, and ibuprofen were in the batch experiments adjusted to 0.1 and 100 íg/L. The batch experiments were exposed to either individual or a mixture of the selected pharmaceuticals. In stock solutions with ethanol, the concentrations of the tested pharmaceuticals were 0.5 mg/mL or 0.5 íg/mL, respectively. After being diluted (480 íL of stock solution in 2.4 L of culture solution), the concentration of ethanol in batch cultures was 0.02% (v:v). The cultures were always incubated in the dark for 28 d at 14 °C (in situ temperature). For anoxic conditions, 25 mg/L nitrate was added as an alternative electron acceptor. The bottles used were gastight. For aerobic sorption experi-ments, 400 g of sand or 400 g of gravel taken from the underground of a groundwater catchment area was used as inocculum and mixed with 2 L of MITI basal medium (solid phase/liquid phase ) 1:5). Sand that is also used for the slow sand filters of a waterworks consists of a mean grain size range of 0.2-0.6 mm. This filter material showed a moderate permeability with a K f coefficient of 4.3 10-4m/s. The gravel (natural aquifer sediment) was very heterogeneous with a predominant fraction of 2-10 mm grain size and a K f coefficient of 2.9 10-3m/s. Sterile controls (sterilization for 1 h) were prepared to differentiate between sorption and microbial degradation. The sand contains 3.2 mg/g iron and 0.056 mg/g manganese. Coatings with iron and manganese hydroxides were detected in the gravel but were not quanti-fied.Esterase activities were measured to control the physi-ological status of microbial communities during the incuba-tion of batch cultures. The hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) by esterase enzymes was determined according to the procedure of Schnu¨rer and Rosswall (25). A 20-íL volume of FDA solution (20 mg/10 mL acetone, stored at -18 °C) wasmixed with 3 mL of sample and 0.5 mL of HEPES buffer(0.1 M N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine -N¢-2-ethansulfonic acid so-dium salt in deionized water, adjusted to pH 7.5; Merck). After being incubated (sterile conditions, 90 min at 20 °C, darkness), the fluorescein formation was immediately mea-sured with a Perkin-Elmer fluorescence spectrometer LC (excitation at 480 nm, emission at 505 nm).(b)Flocculation.For flocculation experiments in lab-scaleexperiments, a noncontinual procedure, the so-called “Jar test”, was performed. Spiking concentrations, stirring velocity, and reaction times were selected according to parameters of the two waterworks monitored in parallel. The lab device used consists of glass beakers (v) 2 L) with stator, a stirrer with standardized stirrer geometry, and defined submerged stirring depths. The stirring velocity was adjusted according to the mean velocity gradient (G value), which is proportional to the introduced energy and thus to the aggregation of colloids (26). Under stirring (rpm: 400 min-1), 0.1 mL of iron(III) chloride solution (40%) was added to 1.8 L of raw water (spiked with 1 ig/L pharmaceuticals). After a stirring time of 1 min, pH 7.5 was attained by adding Ca(OH)2(1 mol/L). Then, the aggregation to microflocs was achieved by stirring slowly for 20 min under 30 min-1. After sedimentation for 20 min, a sample was taken from under the water surface,and the turbidity was measured. These measurements showed that the turbidity was always below 1.5 turbidity units of formazine (TU/F).(c)ActivatedCarbonAdsorption.AdsorptionIsotherms.For the determination of the adsorption isotherms, the following parameters have been used:(i) 200 mL of deionized water or groundwater spiked with initial concentrations of 100 íg/L of the pharmaceuticals under investigation, (ii) pulverized granular activated carbon based on coal, (iii) quantities of activated carbon varied to achieve a final concentration of the pharmaceuticals in the solution that is at least 2 orders of magnitudes smaller than the initial one, (iv) small portions of activated carbon (<0.2 g/L) added as suspension, (v) batches with activated carbon tumbled in 250-mL flasks for 24 h, (vi) finally all samples were filtered with 0.45-ím polycarbonate filterand analyzed according to the analytical method described before. Evaluation of the isotherms was performed in double logarithmic scale ac-cording to Freundlich (27, 28). For a single compound, the Freundlich equation q)Kc n describes the relation between the loading q of the activated carbon and the equilibrium concentration c in the solution. K and n denote the Freundlich parameters.OperationofaGranulatedActivatedCarbon(GAC)Ad-sorberinPilotScale.A pilot plexiglass filter was operated indown flow mode to investigate the removal of the selected pharmaceuticals by GAC filtration. The empty bed contact time was about 10 min with a flow velocity of 10 m/h. The filter was filled with fresh granular carbon based on coal, which is often used in drinking water facilities. The filter was operated with groundwater from a waterworks, which was before aerated and filtered to remove iron precipitations. The influent was spiked with bezafibrate, carbamazepine, diclofenac, and clofibric acid. The pilot filter was operated for nearly 9 months. In intervals of 14 d, the concentrations of the pharmaceuticals were analyzed in the filter influent, at five different heights and in the final filter effluent at a bed depth of about 160 cm. The mean influent concentrations of the pharmaceuticals were 1.8 íg/L for clofibric acid, 1.0 íg/L for carbamazepine, 0.26íg/L for bezafibrate and 0.04íg/L for diclofenac. The different spiked concentrations weredue to the limited solubility of the target compounds in the feeding water.(d)Ozonation.In a lab-scale device, water was ozonatedin 2-L glass bottles by bubbling ozone through the samples in order to simulate real waterworks conditions. By varying the bubbling time, definite ozone doses in the range of 0.5-3.0 mg/L were introduced into the water. The water was continuously stirred at 900 rpm min-1. After a reaction time of 20 min, the remaining ozone was quenched by adding sufficient sodium thiosulfate solution (c) 2.2 g/L) to the sample. To determine the transferred ozone doses as a function of the bubbling time, Milli-Q water was ozonated, and the dissolved ozone was measured (external calibration of the ozone doses) according to DIN 38408 using N,N-diethyl-p-phenylendiamine (DPD) purchased from Sigma, Germany (29). The transferred ozone doses through the system into Milli-Q water was further confirmed by the indigo method (30). Flocculated water of a waterworks was spiked with the selected pharmaceuticals (dissolved in 50 íL of methanol) prior to ozonation. Afterwards the ozone was bubbled through the spiked water sample for specific times corresponding to desired ozone doses. The half-life of ozone in the post-flocculated water was approximately 12 min.Sampling Procedure.Water samples were collected inbrown glass bottles that had been prewashed with successive rinses of Milli-Q water and acetone and were dried for 8 h at 250 °C. Samples were either extracted immediately or stored at 4 °C for a maximum period of 3 d.Grab samples of the waterworks were taken before and after crucial treatment processes of two German waterworks with different treatment trains. All cooled water samples (4 °C) were analyzed as soon as possible (latest after 3 d).(e)TreatmentTrainsoftheSelectedWaterworks.Thefollowing treatment processes were applied in the two waterworks selected in the current study.WaterworksI(WW-I).Pre-ozonation (ozone dose: 0.7-1.0 mg/L; contact time: ca. 3 min), flocculation with iron(III) chloride, main ozonation (ozone dose: 1.0-1.5 mg/L; contact time: ca. 10 min), multiple layer filter, and a final GAC filtration.WaterworksII(WW-II).Sedimentation, flocculation withFeCl3/CaOH2, GAC filtration, underground passage, bank filtration, and slow sand filtration.ResultsandDiscussionStudyofBiodegradationinBatchExperimentswithNativeSurfaceWater, Groundwater, andFilterMaterials.Experi-ments with batch cultures could provide the first clues on the general potential for biodegradation of pharmaceuticals under different environmental conditions. The relative concentrations (C/C0) of the spiked pharmaceuticals in the batch experiments with surface water and groundwater were nearly constant during the whole exposure time of 28 d (Table 3). All variations of elimination rates were within the relative standard deviation (RSD), which was between 6 and 39%.Thus, it can be ruled out that significant sorption effects and biodegradation occurred in the waters and materials used under anoxic and aerobic conditions. These results suggest that the sorption properties of the selected phar-maceuticals can be expected to be low and that their persistence should be relatively high under real conditions such as slow sand filtration or subsoil passage. However, in complex habitats, the bioavailability and the sorption behavior are determined by various biotic and abiotic parameters that were not simulated in the described batch cultures. Parameters such as the species and physiological status of occurringmicroorganisms, the percentage of humic substances, percentage of iron and manganese hydroxides, pH, etc. can differ significantly according to the actual field conditions. The standardized test used according to the OECD guidelines (24), delivers comparable results for the biode-gradability of substances but cannot be transferred to all natural conditions and account for the various parameters. Therefore, on the basis of the described results, (bio)-degradation or sorption of the selected pharmaceuticals under field conditions cannot be ruled out in general, but they should be relatively low. Sorption of the selected pharmaceuticals on iron hydroxides seems to be insignificant since in the flocculation experiments with precipitated iron hydroxides no reduction of the spiked concentrations was found (see flocculation section below). Furthermore, it was observed that the established microbial activity in the test system was high enough for degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOC) and could not be inhibited by the spiked pharmaceuticals as it can be seen by the esterase activity (Figure 1).RemovalafterFlocculationwithIron(III)Chloride.Floc-culation in lab-scale (Jar test) with iron(III) chloride exhibited no significant elimination of the pharmaceuticals from raw water. The relative concentration levels (C/C0) after floc-culation were 96 ( 11% for diclofenac, 87 ( 10% for clofibric acid, 111 ( 15% for bezafibrate, 87 ( 12% for carbamazepine, and 110 ( 14% for primidone. Thus, c/c0 of the spiked compounds varied without exception within the RSD. The transference of these results from lab-scale to waterworks conditions was shown by a monitoring of up-scaled floc-culation processes in two waterworks (WW-I, WW-II; see section below: behavior in waterworks) yielding similar results.ActivatedCarbonAdsorption.AdsorptionIsotherms.Theassessment of the adsorption properties of single compounds onto activated carbon is often performed by recording adsorption isotherms. Freundlich adsorption isotherms with fresh activated carbon were performed for each of the four selected pharmaceuticals. The isotherms are given in Figure 2. Bezafibrate, carbamazepine, and diclofenac exhibited over the whole concentration range (0.1-100 íg/L) a higher activated carbon loading q than did clofibric acid. Hence, clofibric acid has the lowest sorption affinity on activated carbon. In addition to the selected pharmaceuticals, the isotherm of tetrachloroethene is shown in Figure 2. Tetra-chloroethene was used because its removal by adsorption onto activated carbon in full-scale treatment plants is known to be efficient (31). In a concentration range below 10 íg/L, the isotherms of the pharmaceuticals selected exhibited higher loads on carbon as compared to tetrachloroethene. Thus, it can be concluded that the four selected pharma-ceuticals can be removed efficiently under real conditions by activated carbon filtration in waterworks.Nevertheless, sorption efficiencies are always relying on the competition with other occurring organic compounds. As expected, the adsorption capacity for the pharmaceuticals is lower on activated carbon if other compounds such as natural organic substances compete for the adsorption sites. That can be underscored by a comparison of the Freundlich parameters for the adsorption with deionized water and with natural groundwater (DOC ) 2.0 mg/L; SAC at 254 nm ) 5.8 m-1) given in Table 4. The shift toward lower K values is equivalent to a lower sorption capacity. Especially for clofibric acid the slope of the isotherm (n value) is relatively high in groundwater, which can be interpreted as a low adsorption capacity in the low concentration range. On the basis of the isotherms with natural groundwater, it can be expected that the capacity reduction of activated carbon might be signifi-cant due to competitive adsorption of natural groundwater constituents. Hence, the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon in a fixed bed adsorber in waterworks is expected to be lower for pharmaceuticals than in the isotherm experi-ments performed with deionized water.GACFiltrationinPilotScale.In pilot-scale experiments,an activated carbon adsorber filled with activated carbon was operated according to the previous description. The breakthrough curves in different filter bed depths of about 80 cm and 160 cm (end of filter) are shown in Figures 3 and 4. These results coincide very well with the data of the isotherm tests listed in Table 4. Carbamazepine showed the highest adsorption capacity of the selected pharma-ceuticals and can be removed at a specific throughput of about 50 m3/kg in a carbon layer of 80 cm and more than 70 m3/kg in a layer of 160 cm even at a relatively high initial concentration of about 1 íg/L. Clofibric acid, with an initial concentration of about 1,8 íg/L, showed a significantly lower adsorption capacity in the isotherm test and in the pilot-scale experiment. An initial breakthrough of clofibric acid could be observed at a height of 80 and 160 cm at a specific throughput of 10 and 17 m3/kg, respectively. Although lower adsorption capacities in the isotherm test are observed for bezafibrate and diclofenac as compared to carbamazepine, both compounds were removed in a bed depth of 160 cm to a specific throughput of at least 70 m3/kg. The differences between the results obtained in isotherm and the pilot plant experiments might be influenced by the lower initial con-centrations applied in the pilot plant experiments Ozonation.For lab-scale ozonation experiments, floc-culated WW-II water was used. The DOC of the flocculated water was 1.3 mg/L, the pH was 7.8, alkalinity was 2 mmol/L, and temperature was 23°C. The initial concentration of the pharmaceuticals under investigation was 1 íg/L. The ef-ficiency of the ozonationprocess for the removal of the pharmaceuticals turned out to be very product specific. At a small ozone dose of 0.5 mg/L, the concentrations of diclofenac and carbamazepine were reduced by more than 97% while clofibric acid decreased by only 10-15% for the same ozone dose (Figure 5). Even extremely high ozone doses up to 2.5-3.0 mg/L led to a reduction of e40% for clofibric acid. Primidone and bezafibrate were reduced by 50% at ozone concentrations of about 1.0 and 1.5 mg/L, respectively. While applying 3.0 mg/L ozone, still 10% of primidone and 20% of bezafibrate remained. Because of the presence of methanol (used for dissolving the spiked pharmaceuticals), ozone was partly transformed into OH radicals. Thus, the direct ozone reaction was probably underestimated, and the oxidation efficiency under waterworks conditions should be even slightly higher than found in lab scale. Although we did no additional work to elucidate the reactivity of the selected pharmaceuticals with ozone or OH radicals, we can rational-ize these observations based on the chemical structures (Table 1). The reactivity of diclofenac and carbamazepine with ozone is expected to be very high. Rate constants k O3> 105 M-1 s-1 can be expected for deprotonated secondary aromatic amines (diclofenac) and molecules containing nonaromatic double bonds (carbamazepine)(32, 33). For diclofenac, a main oxidation product was detected with a mass spectrum showing an increase of the molecular weight of 16 amu, which is an evidence for substitution of a hydrogen by a hydroxy moiety. A hydroxylation of the secondary amino group is likely but has to be confirmed (e.g., by NMR). Because of missing active sites susceptible to ozone attack (34), reactions of ozone with clofibric acid are expected to be very slow. Thus, OH radical reactions should be predominant with k OH 5 109 M-1 s-1(35). Considering the OH radical activity taken from the prediction for clofibric acid, ozone rate constants for bezafibrate and primidone should result in the middle range (k O3 102-103 M-1 s-1). The reactivity of these pharmaceuticals with ozone can be based on their reactive mono- and disubstituted benzene rings (32). It has to be noted that in the current study only the primary target degradation was investigated, thus further research is es-sential to identify and confirm the structures of metabolites formed by ozonation and to clarify the kinetic behavior.。



CO2与零价铁有压系统处理硝酸盐废水研究Chi-Wang Li*, Yi-Ming Chen, Wei-Shuen Yen摘要:本文提出一种新的反应装置进行硝酸盐的去除,反应器中的Fe0(ZVI)成流化状态,并通过加压CO2来控制系统的PH值。






关键词:加压系统;CO2;硝酸盐降解;化学平衡方程式1.导言用ZVI来处理硝酸盐废水已有不少研究者做了这方面的研究,如: Choe(2000)、 Alowitz and cherer(2002)、Westerhoff(2003)、Westerhoff and James(2003)、Choe 2004)、Su and Puls(2004)、Chen(2005)、Liou(2005) Zhang and Huang(2005)、Ruangchainikom (2006)等等。

在他们发表的论文中,提到了在ZVI反应墙(Furukawa et al., 2002; Wilkin et al., 2003)和滤柱(Westerhoff, 2003; Westerhoff and James, 2003)中硝酸盐降解比较慢的反应动力学以及金属表面的金属氧化膜的阻碍反应进行等问题。

由于硝酸盐在酸性PH下具有较高的去除效率(Alowitz and Scherer, 2002; Choe et al.,2004; Zhang and Huang, 2005),我们在以前的研究中提出了一种地上渗透墙系统来处理水体中的硝酸盐,这种系统与PH控制装置合成一体,系统中的ZVI成流化状态(Chen 2005).在这种流化状态的ZVI系统装置中,通过PH控制装置自动的投加强酸性物质(盐酸),系统的PH可以精确控制在适合硝酸盐降解的水平上。









PHA富集产率在0.37到0.50CmmolHA/Cmmol VFA之间变化。


在糖蜜废水中,低氨氮浓度(0.1Nmmol/l)促进了PHA 的储存(0.59 Cmmol HA/Cmmol VFA)。


利用高有机负荷以及低氨氮浓度选择了一种具有稳定储存PHA能力的菌群,富集产率达到0.59Cmmol HA/Cmmol VFA),这一能力与醋酸盐筛选菌相似。










建筑给排水中英文对照外文翻译文献_图文03 建筑给排水中英文对照外文翻译文献_图文03建筑给排水中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文:Sealed building drainage and vent systems—an application of active air pressure transient control andsuppression AbstractThe introduction of sealed building drainage and vent systems is considered a viable proposition for complex buildings due to the use of active pressure transient control and suppression in the form of air admittance valves and positive air pressure attenuators coupled with the interconnection of thenetwork&#39;s vertical stacks.This paper presents a simulation based on a four-stack network that illustrates flow mechanisms within the pipework following both appliance discharge generated, and sewer imposed, transients. This simulation identifies the role of the active air pressure control devices in maintaining system pressures at levels that do not deplete trap seals.Further simulation exercises would be necessary to provide proof of concept, and it would be advantageous to parallel these with laboratory, and possibly site, trials for validation purposes. Despite this cautionthe initial results are highly encouraging and are sufficient to confirm the potential to provide definite benefits in terms of enhanced system security as well as increased reliability and reduced installation and material costs.Keywords: Active control; Trap retention; Transient propagationNomenclatureC+-——characteristic equationsc——wave speed, m/sD——branch or stack diameter, mf——friction factor, UK definition via Darcy Δh=4fLu2/2Dgg——acceleration due to gravity, m/s2K——loss coefficientL——pipe length, mp——air pressure, N/m2t——time, su——mean air velocity, m/sx——distance, mγ——ratio specific heatsΔh——head loss, mΔp——pressure difference, N/m2Δt——time step, sΔx——internodal length, mρ——density, kg/m3Article OutlineNomenclature1. Introduction—air pressure transient control and suppression2. Mathematical basis for the simulation of transient propagation in multi-stack building drainage networks3. Role of diversity in system operation4. Simulation of the operation of a multi-stack sealed building drainage and vent system5. Simulation sign conventions6. Water discharge to the network7. Surcharge at base of stack 18. Sewer imposed transients9. Trap seal oscillation and retention10. Conclusion—viability of a sealed building drainage and ventsystem1.Air pressure transients generated within building drainage andvent systems as a natural consequence of system operation may be responsible for trap seal depletion and cross contamination of habitable space [1]. Traditional modes of trap seal protection, based on the Victorian engineer&#39;s obsession with odour exclusion [2], [3] and [4], depend predominantly on passive solutions where reliance is placed on cross connections and vertical stacks vented toatmosphere [5] and [6]. This approach, while both proven and traditional, has inherent weaknesses, including the remoteness of the vent terminations [7], leading to delays in the arrival of relievingreflections, and the multiplicity of open roof level stack terminations inherent within complex buildings. The complexity of the vent system required also has significant cost and space implications [8].The development of air admittance valves (AAVs) over the past two decades provides the designer with a means of alleviating negative transients generated as random appliance dischargescontribute to the time dependent water-flow conditions within the system. AAVs represent an active control solution as they respond directly to the local pressure conditions, opening as pressure falls to allow a relief air inflow and hence limit the pressure excursions experienced by the appliance trap seal [9].However, AAVs do not address the problems of positive air pressure transient propagation within building drainage and vent systems as a result of intermittent closure of the free airpath through the network or the arrival of positive transients generated remotely within the sewer system, possibly by some surcharge event downstream—including heavy rainfall incombined sewer applications.The development of variable volume containment attenuators [10] that are designed to absorb airflow driven by positive air pressure transients completes the necessary device provision to allow active air pressure transient control and suppression to be introduced into the design of building drainage and vent systems, for both ‘standard’ buildings and those requiring particularattention to be paid to the security implications of multiple roof level open stack terminations. The positive air pressure attenuator (PAPA) consists of a variable volume bag that expands under theinfluence of a positive transient and therefore allows system airflowsto attenuate gradually, therefore reducing the level of positive transients generated. Together with the use of AAVs the introduction of the PAPA device allowsconsideration of a fully sealed building drainage and vent system. illustrates both AAV and PAPA devices, note that the waterless sheath trap acts as an AAFig. 1. Active air pressure transient suppression devices to control both positive and negative surges. Active air pressure transient suppressionand control therefore allows for localized intervention to protect trap seals from both positive and negative pressure excursions. This has distinct advantages over the traditional passive approach. The time delay inherent in awaiting the return of a relievingreflection from a vent open to atmosphere is removed and the effectof the transient on all the other system traps passed during its propagation is avoided.2.Mathematical basis for the simulation of transient propagation in multi-stack building drainage networks.The propagation of air pressure transients within building drainage and vent systems belongs to a well understood family of unsteady flowconditions defined by the St Venant equations of continuity and momentum, and solvable via a finite difference scheme utilizing the method of characteristics technique. Air pressure transient generation and propagation within the system as a result of air entrainment by thefalling annular water in the system vertical stacks and the reflection and transmission of these transients at the system boundaries, including open terminations, connections to the sewer, appliance trap seals and both AAV and PAPA active control devices, may be simulated with proven accuracy. The simulation [11] provides local air pressure, velocity and wave speed information throughout a network at time and distanceintervals as short as 0.001 s and 300 mm. In addition, the simulation replicates localappliance trap seal oscillations and the operation of active control devices, thereby yielding data on network airflows and identifying system failures and consequences. While the simulation has been extensively validated [10], its use to independently confirm the mechanism of SARS virus spread within the Amoy Gardens outbreak in 2003 has provided further confidence in its predictions [12].Air pressure transient propagation depends upon the rate of changeof the system conditions. Increasing annular downflow generates an enhanced entrained airflow and lowers the system pressure. Retarding the entrained airflow generates positive transients. External events mayalso propagate both positive and negative transients into the network.The annular water flow in the ‘wet’ stack entrains an airflowdue to the condition of ‘no slip’ established between theannular water and air core surfaces and generates the expected pressure variation down a vertical stack. Pressure falls from atmospheric above the stack entry due to friction and the effects of drawing air through the water curtains formed at discharging branch junctions. In the lower wet stack the pressure recovers to above atmospheric due to the traction forces exerted on the airflow prior to falling across the water curtain at the stack base.The application of the method of characteristics to the modelling of unsteady flows was first recognized in the 1960s [13]. The relationships defined by Jack [14] allows the simulation to model the traction force exerted on the entrained air. Extensive experimental data allowed the definition of a ‘pseudo-frictionfactor’ applicable in the wet stack and operable acro ss the water annular flow/entrained air core interface to allow combined discharge flows and their effect on air。



附录C:外文文献及其译文外文文献:Removal of Pharmaceuticals during Drinking Water Treatment The elimination of selected pharmaceuticals (bezafibrate, clofibric acid, carbamazepine, diclofenac) during drinking water treatment processes was investigated at lab and pilot scale and in real waterworks. No significant removal of pharmaceuticals was observed in batch experiments with sand under natural aerobic and anoxic conditions, thus indicating low sorption properties and high persistence with nonadapted microorganisms. These results were underscored by the presence of carbamazepine in bankfiltrated water with anaerobic conditions in a waterworks area. Flocculation using iron(III) chloride in lab-scale experiments (Jar test) and investigations in waterworks exhibited no significant elimination of the selected target pharmaceuticals. However, ozonation was in some cases very effective in eliminating these polar compounds. In labscale experiments, 0.5 mg/L ozone was shown to reduce the concentrations of diclofenac and carbamazepine by more than 90%, while bezafibrate was eliminated by 50% with a 1.5 mg/L ozone dose. Clofibric acid was stable even at 3 mg/L ozone. Under waterworks conditions, similar removal efficiencies were observed. In addition to ozonation, filtration with granular activated carbon (GAC) was very effective in removing pharmaceuticals. Except for clofibric acid, GAC in pilot-scale experiments and waterworks provided a major elimination of the pharmaceuticals under investigation.IntroductionIn Germany, some pharmaceuticals are used in quantities of more than 100 t/yr (1). Pharmacokinetic studies exhibit that an appreciable proportion of the administered pharmaceuticals are excreted via feces and urine (2) and thus are present in the domestic wastewater. A further source for the contamination of wastewater is assumed to be the disposal of (expired) medicine via toilets. However, this portion is very difficult to estimate because reliable data are not available. After passing through sewage treatment plants (STPs), pharmaceutical residues enter receiving waters. Point discharges from pharmaceutical manufacturers can also contribute to contamination of rivers and creeks (3). First results concerning environmental occurrence of pharma-ceuticals are reported by Garrison et al. (4) and Hignite and Azarnoff (5), who detected clofibric acid in the lower micrograms per liter range in treated sewage in the United States. Further studies in 1981 in Great Britain revealed that pharmaceuticals are present in rivers up to 1 íg/L (6). On Iona Island (Vancouver, Canada) Rogers et al. (7) identified the two antiphlogistics ibuprofen and naproxen in waste-water. Recent investigations showed the exposure of a wide range of pharmaceuticals from many medicinal classes (e.g,betablockers, sympathomimetics, antiphlogistics, lipid regu-lators, antiepileptics, antibiotics, vasodilators) to rivers and creeks. Reviews from Halling-Sørensen et al. (8), Daughton and Ternes (9), and Jørgensen et al. (10) summarize most of the literature in this new emerging field about the environ-mental relevance of pharmaceuticals.Furthermore, Mohle et al. (11), Alder et al. (12), Ternes et al. (3), and Zuccato et al. (13) have reported the identification of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment.Contamination is influenced by the relative portions of raw and treated wastewater (14) such that even small rivers and creeks can be highly contaminated. Groundwater is contaminated with pharmaceuticals primarily by infiltration of surface water containing pharmaceutical residues as well as by leaks in landfill sites and sewer drains. Because of the widespread occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment and sometimes also in the raw water of waterworks, a few cases surfaced where pharmaceuticals were detected in drinking water in the lower nanograms per liter range (15, 16). Although up to now no adverse health effects can be attributed to the consumption of pharmaceuticals at these low concentration levels, based on precautionary principles, drinking water should be free of such anthro-pogenic contaminants.Currently, few papers have been published dealing with the removal of pharmaceuticals in drinking water treatment. Ozonation and especially advanced oxidation processes seem to be very effective in removal of diclofenac, while clofibric acid and ibuprofen were oxidized in lab-scale experiments mainly by ozone/H2O2 as shown by Zwiener and Frimmel (17). Heberer et al. (18) exhibited that reverse osmosis is appropriate to remove a variety of different pharmaceuticals from highly contaminated surface waters.The objective of the work presented here was to study the efficiency of different treatment steps to remove the anti-phlogistic diclofenac, the antiepileptic carbamazepine, and the lipid regulators clofibric acid and bezafibrate during drinking water treatment. Therefore, the primary elimination of the selected pharmaceuticals was investigated under laboratory, pilot, and real waterworks conditions. In addition to processes such as bank filtration and artificial groundwater recharge, widely used techniques for surface water treatment such as activated carbon filtration, ozonation, and floccula-tion were investigated. The monitoring results of two German waterworks are extended by lab- and pilot-scale experiments to obtain more generalized results.ExperimentalSectionSelectedPharmaceuticals.For all lab- and pilot-scale spikingexperiments, four relevant pharmaceuticals (the antiphlo-gistic diclofenac, the antiepileptic carbamazepine, the lipid regulators clofibric acid and bezafibrate) have been selected as target compounds. Their molecular structures are shown in Table 1. These compounds have been chosen because of their predominant occurrence in German feeding waters for waterworks such as rivers, bank filtrates, and ground-water (14, 19). Additionally, the antiepileptic primidone was included in oxidation experiments and a waterworks survey.TABLE1.SelectedTargetPharmaceuticalsAnalyticalMethods.The determination of the pharma-ceuticals was performed using different analytical methods (see Table 2). All methods were based on a solid-phase extraction of the analytes on to RP-C18 or Lichrolute EN material. After solid-phase extraction (SPE) and an elution step with methanol or acetone, the compounds were derivatized using different agents. Either a methylation with diazomethane (20) or a silylation with a mixture of N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide (BSA) and 5% trimethylchlo-rosilane (TMCS)(Fa. Fluka, Buchs, Schweiz) were used (60 min at 120 °C)(21). Carbamazepine was determined aftersilylation either by a mixture of MSTFA/TMSI/DTE(N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide/trimethylsilylim-idazol/dithioerytrit; 1000 íL/2 íL/2 íg)(22) or by a mixture of BSA/TMCS. For primidone, an acetylation by acetanhy-dride and ethanolamine was used (22). In all cases, GC-MS was used for the detection of the analytes. Further details of the methods are reported in refs 19-22.All methods enable the precise determination of the target pharmaceuticals in river water and drinking water. An interlaboratory comparison exercise (ICE) between the three participating laboratories at the beginning and the end of the study confirmed the quality of the analytical methods. Groundwater and surface water samples were spiked with the selected pharmaceuticals and analyzed by all three laboratories to confirm the recoveries of the analytes in the respective matrixes. The mean recovery of the spiked concentrations always exceeded 70% through different spiking levels:0.40-0.90 íg/L in surface water and 0.030-0.20 íg/L in drinking water. The relative standard deviations between the three participating laboratories were in general below 25%. Thus, it could be shown that (i) the difference of found concentrations was minor between the threelaboratories and (ii) the spiked concentration could be detected in the groundwater and surface water accuratel.LimitsofQuantification(LOQ)andCalibration.The LOQwas calculated according to the German DIN 32645 (23) with a confidence interval of 99% using the standard deviation of a linear regression curve. Calibration ranges from 0.005 to 0.050 íg/L and from 0.05 to 1 íg/L were used with at least seven concentration levels by spiking groundwater. LOQ is another term for limit of determination (LOD) mentioned in DIN 32645. Since the calculated LOQ values were always between the first and the second calibration points, the LOQ used was setas the second lowest calibration point of the linear correlation to ensure a precise quantification. Hence, the LOQ were at least 20 ng/L for diclofenac, carbamazepine, primidone, and clofibric acid and down to 50 ng/L for bezafibrate. However, with a final volume of 100 íL instead of 1 mL, LOQ down to 2 ng/L were achieved for clofibric acid, primidone, diclofenac, and carbamazepine and down to 10 ng/L for bezafibrate. The calibration was performed over the whole procedure after spiking groundwater with the standard mixture of the selected pharmaceuticals. The calculation of the concentrations in native samples was carried out using surrogate standards (see Table 2) and a linear 7-10 point calibration curve.ReferenceStandards.The reference standards clofibricacid, bezafibrate, carbamazepine, diclofenac,and primidone as well as the surrogate standards meclofenamic acid and 2,3-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,3-D) were purchased from Sigma, Germany; dihydrocarbamazepine was purchased from Alltech, Germany. All standards were dissolved in methanol (1 mg/mL) and diluted with methanol to the final stock solution of 10 íg/mL.TreatmentProcessesUsedinWaterworks.(a)StudyofBiodegradationinBatchExperimentswi thNativeSurfaceWater, Groundwater, andDifferentFilterMaterials.Bio-degradation is one of the crucial factors that determine the elimination of organic compounds during artificial ground-water recharge and bank filtration. To assess the general biodegradability of pharmaceuticals in aquatic environmental matrixes, batch experiments were carried out according to the OECD guidelines for testing chemicals (24). The inoc-culum used consisted of 400 mL of surface water and 400 mL of groundwater mixed with 2 L of MITI basal medium. The MITI basal medium was prepared by mixing 1 L of sterile deionized water with 3 mL of sterilized solutions A-D. Solution A was a solution of 21.75 g of K2HPO4, 8.5 g of KH2PO4, 44.6 g of Na2HPO4â12H2O, and 1.7 g of NH4Cl in 1000 mL of deionized water at pH 7.2. Solutions B-D were solutions of 22.5 g of MgSO4â7H2O, 27.5 g of CaCl2, and 0.25 g of FeCl3, respectively, in 1000 mL of deionized water. The groundwater was taken from a German water catchment area with artificial groundwater recharge using slow sand filtration and bank filtration. The individual concentrations of bezafibrate, carbamazepine, clofibric acid, diclofenac, and ibuprofen were in the batch experiments adjusted to 0.1 and 100 íg/L. The batch experiments were exposed to either individual or a mixture of the selected pharmaceuticals. In stock solutions with ethanol, the concentrations of the tested pharmaceuticals were 0.5 mg/mL or 0.5 íg/mL, respectively. After being diluted (480 íL of stock solution in 2.4 L of culture solution), the concentration of ethanol in batch cultures was 0.02% (v:v). The cultures were always incubated in the dark for 28 d at 14 °C (in situ temperature). For anoxic conditions, 25 mg/L nitrate was added as an alternative electron acceptor. The bottles used were gastight. For aerobic sorption experi-ments, 400 g of sand or 400 g of gravel taken from the underground of a groundwater catchment area was used as inocculum and mixed with 2 L of MITI basal medium (solid phase/liquid phase ) 1:5). Sand that is also used for the slow sand filters of a waterworks consists of a mean grain size range of 0.2-0.6 mm. This filter material showed a moderate permeability with a K f coefficient of 4.3 10-4m/s. The gravel (natural aquifer sediment) was very heterogeneous with a predominant fraction of 2-10 mm grain size and a K f coefficient of 2.9 10-3m/s. Sterile controls (sterilization for 1 h) were prepared to differentiate between sorption and microbial degradation. The sand contains 3.2 mg/g iron and 0.056 mg/g manganese. Coatings with iron and manganese hydroxides were detected in the gravel but were not quanti-fied.Esterase activities were measured to control the physi-ological status of microbial communities during the incuba-tion of batch cultures. The hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) by esterase enzymes was determined according to the procedure of Schnu¨rer and Rosswall (25). A 20-íL volume of FDA solution (20 mg/10 mL acetone, stored at -18 °C) wasmixed with 3 mL of sample and 0.5 mL of HEPES buffer(0.1 M N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine -N¢-2-ethansulfonic acid so-dium salt in deionized water, adjusted to pH 7.5; Merck). After being incubated (sterile conditions, 90 min at 20 °C, darkness), the fluorescein formation was immediately mea-sured with a Perkin-Elmer fluorescence spectrometer LC (excitation at 480 nm, emission at 505 nm).(b)Flocculation.For flocculation experiments in lab-scaleexperiments, a noncontinual procedure, the so-called “Jar test”, was performed. Spiking concentrations, stirring velocity, and reaction times were selected according to parameters of the two waterworks monitored in parallel. The lab device used consists of glass beakers (v) 2 L) with stator, a stirrer with standardized stirrer geometry, and defined submerged stirring depths. The stirring velocity was adjusted according to the mean velocity gradient (G value), which is proportional to the introduced energy and thus to the aggregation of colloids (26). Under stirring (rpm: 400 min-1), 0.1 mL of iron(III) chloride solution (40%) was added to 1.8 L of raw water (spiked with 1 ig/L pharmaceuticals). After a stirring time of 1 min, pH 7.5 was attained by adding Ca(OH)2(1 mol/L). Then, the aggregation to microflocs was achieved by stirring slowly for 20 min under 30 min-1. After sedimentation for 20 min, a sample was taken from under the water surface,and the turbidity was measured. These measurements showed that the turbidity was always below 1.5 turbidity units of formazine (TU/F).(c)ActivatedCarbonAdsorption.AdsorptionIsotherms.For the determination of the adsorption isotherms, the following parameters have been used:(i) 200 mL of deionized water or groundwater spiked with initial concentrations of 100 íg/L of the pharmaceuticals under investigation, (ii) pulverized granular activated carbon based on coal, (iii) quantities of activated carbon varied to achieve a final concentration of the pharmaceuticals in the solution that is at least 2 orders of magnitudes smaller than the initial one, (iv) small portions of activated carbon (<0.2 g/L) added as suspension, (v) batches with activated carbon tumbled in 250-mL flasks for 24 h, (vi) finally all samples were filtered with 0.45-ím polycarbonate filterand analyzed according to the analytical method described before. Evaluation of the isotherms was performed in double logarithmic scale ac-cording to Freundlich (27, 28). For a single compound, the Freundlich equation q)Kc n describes the relation between the loading q of the activated carbon and the equilibrium concentration c in the solution. K and n denote the Freundlich parameters.OperationofaGranulatedActivatedCarbon(GAC)Ad-sorberinPilotScale.A pilot plexiglass filter was operated indown flow mode to investigate the removal of the selected pharmaceuticals by GAC filtration. The empty bed contact time was about 10 min with a flow velocity of 10 m/h. The filter was filled with fresh granular carbon based on coal, which is often used in drinking water facilities. The filter was operated with groundwater from a waterworks, which was before aerated and filtered to remove iron precipitations. The influent was spiked with bezafibrate, carbamazepine, diclofenac, and clofibric acid. The pilot filter was operated for nearly 9 months. In intervals of 14 d, the concentrations of the pharmaceuticals were analyzed in the filter influent, at five different heights and in the final filter effluent at a bed depth of about 160 cm. The mean influent concentrations of the pharmaceuticals were 1.8 íg/L for clofibric acid, 1.0 íg/L for carbamazepine, 0.26íg/L for bezafibrate and 0.04íg/L for diclofenac. The different spiked concentrations weredue to the limited solubility of the target compounds in the feeding water.(d)Ozonation.In a lab-scale device, water was ozonatedin 2-L glass bottles by bubbling ozone through the samples in order to simulate real waterworks conditions. By varying the bubbling time, definite ozone doses in the range of 0.5-3.0 mg/L were introduced into the water. The water was continuously stirred at 900 rpm min-1. After a reaction time of 20 min, the remaining ozone was quenched by adding sufficient sodium thiosulfate solution (c) 2.2 g/L) to the sample. To determine the transferred ozone doses as a function of the bubbling time, Milli-Q water was ozonated, and the dissolved ozone was measured (external calibration of the ozone doses) according to DIN 38408 using N,N-diethyl-p-phenylendiamine (DPD) purchased from Sigma, Germany (29). The transferred ozone doses through the system into Milli-Q water was further confirmed by the indigo method (30). Flocculated water of a waterworks was spiked with the selected pharmaceuticals (dissolved in 50 íL of methanol) prior to ozonation. Afterwards the ozone was bubbled through the spiked water sample for specific times corresponding to desired ozone doses. The half-life of ozone in the post-flocculated water was approximately 12 min.Sampling Procedure.Water samples were collected inbrown glass bottles that had been prewashed with successive rinses of Milli-Q water and acetone and were dried for 8 h at 250 °C. Samples were either extracted immediately or stored at 4 °C for a maximum period of 3 d.Grab samples of the waterworks were taken before and after crucial treatment processes of two German waterworks with different treatment trains. All cooled water samples (4 °C) were analyzed as soon as possible (latest after 3 d).(e)TreatmentTrainsoftheSelectedWaterworks.Thefollowing treatment processes were applied in the two waterworks selected in the current study.WaterworksI(WW-I).Pre-ozonation (ozone dose: 0.7-1.0 mg/L; contact time: ca. 3 min), flocculation with iron(III) chloride, main ozonation (ozone dose: 1.0-1.5 mg/L; contact time: ca. 10 min), multiple layer filter, and a final GAC filtration.WaterworksII(WW-II).Sedimentation, flocculation withFeCl3/CaOH2, GAC filtration, underground passage, bank filtration, and slow sand filtration.ResultsandDiscussionStudyofBiodegradationinBatchExperimentswithNativeSurfaceWater, Groundwater, andFilterMaterials.Experi-ments with batch cultures could provide the first clues on the general potential for biodegradation of pharmaceuticals under different environmental conditions. The relative concentrations (C/C0) of the spiked pharmaceuticals in the batch experiments with surface water and groundwater were nearly constant during the whole exposure time of 28 d (Table 3). All variations of elimination rates were within the relative standard deviation (RSD), which was between 6 and 39%.Thus, it can be ruled out that significant sorption effects and biodegradation occurred in the waters and materials used under anoxic and aerobic conditions. These results suggest that the sorption properties of the selected phar-maceuticals can be expected to be low and that their persistence should be relatively high under real conditions such as slow sand filtration or subsoil passage. However, in complex habitats, the bioavailability and the sorption behavior are determined by various biotic and abiotic parameters that were not simulated in the described batch cultures. Parameters such as the species and physiological status of occurringmicroorganisms, the percentage of humic substances, percentage of iron and manganese hydroxides, pH, etc. can differ significantly according to the actual field conditions. The standardized test used according to the OECD guidelines (24), delivers comparable results for the biode-gradability of substances but cannot be transferred to all natural conditions and account for the various parameters. Therefore, on the basis of the described results, (bio)-degradation or sorption of the selected pharmaceuticals under field conditions cannot be ruled out in general, but they should be relatively low. Sorption of the selected pharmaceuticals on iron hydroxides seems to be insignificant since in the flocculation experiments with precipitated iron hydroxides no reduction of the spiked concentrations was found (see flocculation section below). Furthermore, it was observed that the established microbial activity in the test system was high enough for degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOC) and could not be inhibited by the spiked pharmaceuticals as it can be seen by the esterase activity (Figure 1).RemovalafterFlocculationwithIron(III)Chloride.Floc-culation in lab-scale (Jar test) with iron(III) chloride exhibited no significant elimination of the pharmaceuticals from raw water. The relative concentration levels (C/C0) after floc-culation were 96 ( 11% for diclofenac, 87 ( 10% for clofibric acid, 111 ( 15% for bezafibrate, 87 ( 12% for carbamazepine, and 110 ( 14% for primidone. Thus, c/c0 of the spiked compounds varied without exception within the RSD. The transference of these results from lab-scale to waterworks conditions was shown by a monitoring of up-scaled floc-culation processes in two waterworks (WW-I, WW-II; see section below: behavior in waterworks) yielding similar results.ActivatedCarbonAdsorption.AdsorptionIsotherms.Theassessment of the adsorption properties of single compounds onto activated carbon is often performed by recording adsorption isotherms. Freundlich adsorption isotherms with fresh activated carbon were performed for each of the four selected pharmaceuticals. The isotherms are given in Figure 2. Bezafibrate, carbamazepine, and diclofenac exhibited over the whole concentration range (0.1-100 íg/L) a higher activated carbon loading q than did clofibric acid. Hence, clofibric acid has the lowest sorption affinity on activated carbon. In addition to the selected pharmaceuticals, the isotherm of tetrachloroethene is shown in Figure 2. Tetra-chloroethene was used because its removal by adsorption onto activated carbon in full-scale treatment plants is known to be efficient (31). In a concentration range below 10 íg/L, the isotherms of the pharmaceuticals selected exhibited higher loads on carbon as compared to tetrachloroethene. Thus, it can be concluded that the four selected pharma-ceuticals can be removed efficiently under real conditions by activated carbon filtration in waterworks.Nevertheless, sorption efficiencies are always relying on the competition with other occurring organic compounds. As expected, the adsorption capacity for the pharmaceuticals is lower on activated carbon if other compounds such as natural organic substances compete for the adsorption sites. That can be underscored by a comparison of the Freundlich parameters for the adsorption with deionized water and with natural groundwater (DOC ) 2.0 mg/L; SAC at 254 nm ) 5.8 m-1) given in Table 4. The shift toward lower K values is equivalent to a lower sorption capacity. Especially for clofibric acid the slope of the isotherm (n value) is relatively high in groundwater, which can be interpreted as a low adsorption capacity in the low concentration range. On the basis of the isotherms with natural groundwater, it can be expected that the capacity reduction of activated carbon might be signifi-cant due to competitive adsorption of natural groundwater constituents. Hence, the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon in a fixed bed adsorber in waterworks is expected to be lower for pharmaceuticals than in the isotherm experi-ments performed with deionized water.GACFiltrationinPilotScale.In pilot-scale experiments,an activated carbon adsorber filled with activated carbon was operated according to the previous description. The breakthrough curves in different filter bed depths of about 80 cm and 160 cm (end of filter) are shown in Figures 3 and 4. These results coincide very well with the data of the isotherm tests listed in Table 4. Carbamazepine showed the highest adsorption capacity of the selected pharma-ceuticals and can be removed at a specific throughput of about 50 m3/kg in a carbon layer of 80 cm and more than 70 m3/kg in a layer of 160 cm even at a relatively high initial concentration of about 1 íg/L. Clofibric acid, with an initial concentration of about 1,8 íg/L, showed a significantly lower adsorption capacity in the isotherm test and in the pilot-scale experiment. An initial breakthrough of clofibric acid could be observed at a height of 80 and 160 cm at a specific throughput of 10 and 17 m3/kg, respectively. Although lower adsorption capacities in the isotherm test are observed for bezafibrate and diclofenac as compared to carbamazepine, both compounds were removed in a bed depth of 160 cm to a specific throughput of at least 70 m3/kg. The differences between the results obtained in isotherm and the pilot plant experiments might be influenced by the lower initial con-centrations applied in the pilot plant experiments Ozonation.For lab-scale ozonation experiments, floc-culated WW-II water was used. The DOC of the flocculated water was 1.3 mg/L, the pH was 7.8, alkalinity was 2 mmol/L, and temperature was 23°C. The initial concentration of the pharmaceuticals under investigation was 1 íg/L. The ef-ficiency of the ozonationprocess for the removal of the pharmaceuticals turned out to be very product specific. At a small ozone dose of 0.5 mg/L, the concentrations of diclofenac and carbamazepine were reduced by more than 97% while clofibric acid decreased by only 10-15% for the same ozone dose (Figure 5). Even extremely high ozone doses up to 2.5-3.0 mg/L led to a reduction of e40% for clofibric acid. Primidone and bezafibrate were reduced by 50% at ozone concentrations of about 1.0 and 1.5 mg/L, respectively. While applying 3.0 mg/L ozone, still 10% of primidone and 20% of bezafibrate remained. Because of the presence of methanol (used for dissolving the spiked pharmaceuticals), ozone was partly transformed into OH radicals. Thus, the direct ozone reaction was probably underestimated, and the oxidation efficiency under waterworks conditions should be even slightly higher than found in lab scale. Although we did no additional work to elucidate the reactivity of the selected pharmaceuticals with ozone or OH radicals, we can rational-ize these observations based on the chemical structures (Table 1). The reactivity of diclofenac and carbamazepine with ozone is expected to be very high. Rate constants k O3> 105 M-1 s-1 can be expected for deprotonated secondary aromatic amines (diclofenac) and molecules containing nonaromatic double bonds (carbamazepine)(32, 33). For diclofenac, a main oxidation product was detected with a mass spectrum showing an increase of the molecular weight of 16 amu, which is an evidence for substitution of a hydrogen by a hydroxy moiety. A hydroxylation of the secondary amino group is likely but has to be confirmed (e.g., by NMR). Because of missing active sites susceptible to ozone attack (34), reactions of ozone with clofibric acid are expected to be very slow. Thus, OH radical reactions should be predominant with k OH 5 109 M-1 s-1(35). Considering the OH radical activity taken from the prediction for clofibric acid, ozone rate constants for bezafibrate and primidone should result in the middle range (k O3 102-103 M-1 s-1). The reactivity of these pharmaceuticals with ozone can be based on their reactive mono- and disubstituted benzene rings (32). It has to be noted that in the current study only the primary target degradation was investigated, thus further research is es-sential to identify and confirm the structures of metabolites formed by ozonation and to clarify the kinetic behavior.。



Journal of Membrane Science 376 (2011) 196–206Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of MembraneSciencej o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /m e m s ciFouling and cleaning of RO membranes fouled by mixtures of organic foulants simulating wastewater effluentWui Seng Ang 1,Alberto Tiraferri,Kai Loon Chen 2,Menachem Elimelech ∗Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,P.O.Box 208286,Yale University,New Haven,CT 06520-8286,USAa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 6December 2010Received in revised form 7April 2011Accepted 9April 2011Available online 20 April 2011Keywords:Reverse osmosis FoulingWastewater effluent CleaningOrganic foulantsWastewater treatment Effluent organic matter Wastewater reclamation Membranesa b s t r a c tThe fouling and subsequent cleaning of RO membranes fouled by a mixture of organic foulants sim-ulating wastewater effluent has been systematically investigated.The organic foulants investigated included alginate,bovine serum albumin (BSA),Suwannee River natural organic matter,and octanoic acid,representing,respectively,polysaccharides,proteins,humic substances,and fatty acids,which are ubiquitous in effluent organic matter.After establishing the fouling behavior and mechanisms with a mixture of organic foulants in the presence and absence of calcium ions,our study focused on the clean-ing mechanisms of RO membranes fouled by the mixture of organic foulants.The chemical cleaning agents used included an alkaline solution (NaOH),a metal chelating agent (EDTA),an anionic surfactant (SDS),and a concentrated salt solution (NaCl).Specifically,we examined the impact of cleaning agent type,cleaning solution pH,cleaning time,and fouling layer composition on membrane cleaning effi-ciency.Foulant–foulant adhesion forces measured under conditions simulating chemical cleaning of a membrane fouled by a mixture of the investigated organic foulants provided insights into the chemical cleaning mechanisms.It was shown that while alkaline solution (NaOH)alone is not effective in dis-rupting the complexes formed by the organic foulants with calcium,a higher solution pH can lead to effective cleaning if sufficient hydrodynamic shear (provided by crossflow)prevails.Surfactant (SDS),a strong chelating agent (EDTA),and salt solution (NaCl)were effective in cleaning RO membranes fouled by a mixture of foulants,especially if applied at high pH and for longer cleaning times.The observed cleaning efficiencies with the various cleaning agents were consistent with the related measurements of foulant–foulant intermolecular forces.Furthermore,we have shown that an optimal cleaning agent con-centration can be derived from a plot presenting the percent reduction in the foulant–foulant adhesion force versus cleaning agent concentration.© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAs demand for potable water increases worldwide,the paradigm for selecting water sources to meet this demand is transitioning from conventional sources,such as reservoirs and lakes,to less con-ventional sources,such as treated secondary wastewater effluent.In order to produce water of superior quality,the use of mem-branes in desalination and wastewater reclamation has become more widespread.Membrane fouling is a major impediment to the use of membrane technology for such applications,because fouling is inevitable.Despite research efforts to develop better anti-fouling membranes [1]and improved fouling-control strategies [2,3],membrane fouling still occurs over time.Thus,a long-term∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+12034322789;fax:+12034324387.E-mail address:menachem.elimelech@ (M.Elimelech).1Current address:Public Utility Board of Singapore,Singapore.2Current address:Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering,Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore,MD 21218,United States.solution would be to remove the foulant deposited on the mem-brane via chemical cleaning.To select the appropriate cleaning agents and adopt an effective chemical cleaning protocol for fouled membranes in wastewater reclamation,the implications of wastewater effluent characteris-tics on membrane fouling have to be well-understood.Wastewater effluent contains dissolved organic matter,commonly known as effluent organic matter (EfOM),which comprises polysaccha-rides,proteins,aminosugars,nucleic acids,humic and fulvic acids,organic acids,and cell components [2–4].Organic fouling of the RO membranes by the EfOM can be extensive since EfOM is gener-ally small enough to pass through the pores of pretreatment (MF or UF)membranes [4].In particular,recent findings suggest that while biofouling can prevail on the tail-element of the membrane module,fouling of the lead-element exposed to reclaimed water is dominated by EfOM adsorption [5].In addition,higher potential of fouling was observed for the higher molecular weight hydropho-bic/aromatic fraction of the EfOM [6,7].The presence of Ca 2+in the feed source for the RO membranes has been reported to form complexes with the constituents of EfOM,such as polysaccharidesW.S.Ang et al./Journal of Membrane Science376 (2011) 196–206197[8]and natural organic matter[9],and to significantly enhance membrane fouling.While our previous studies have addressed the fouling of RO membranes by individual organic foulant types,such as polysaccharides[10],proteins[11],and fatty acids[12],only recently have investigations reported on the effects of a combina-tion or mixture of foulants on the fouling of RO membranes[13,14].A variety of chemical cleaning agents are commonly used to clean RO membranes fouled by organic matter[15].Alkaline solutions remove organic foulants on membranes by hydroly-sis and solubilization of the fouling layer.Alkaline solutions also increase the solution pH,and,therefore,increase the negative charges and solubility of the organic foulant.Metal chelating agents remove divalent cations from the complexed organic molecules and weaken the structural integrity of the fouling layer matrix[16]. Surfactants solubilize macromolecules by forming micelles around them[17],thereby facilitating removal of the foulants from the membrane surface.In our earlier study on salt cleaning of organic matter-fouled RO membranes[18],we demonstrated that NaCl and other common inert salts can be used as an effective alternative for the cleaning of RO membranes fouled by gel-forming hydrophilic organic foulants.In the presence of a salt solution,the fouling layer swells and becomes more porous.As a result,this would facil-itate the diffusion of Na+into the fouling layer and breakup of Ca2+–alginate bonds by ion exchange.Understanding the fouling layer characteristics and the interaction of chemical agents with foulants is therefore critical for the effective cleaning of organic matter-fouled RO membranes.Atomic force microscopy(AFM)has been applied in mem-brane fouling/cleaning research to quantify intermolecular forces [10,19–21].Our research has shown that foulant–foulant inter-actions could be determined by performing force measurements using a carboxylate-modified latex colloid probe in an AFMfluid cell[10,20].The technique has been used to quantify the foul-ing behavior of a nanofiltration membrane fouled by humic acid and the cleaning efficiencies of EDTA and SDS[20],and has been extended to quantify RO membrane fouling by organic foulant in the form of alginate[10],BSA[11],and octanoic acid[12].In this study,the AFM has also been employed as an alternative tool to indicate the optimal concentration of cleaning agent for cleaning fouled membranes.The original protocol[11,12]for using the AFM has been modified to investigate the intermolecular adhesion force between different foulants.The objective of this study is to explore the mechanisms govern-ing the fouling of RO membranes by mixtures of organic foulants simulating wastewater effluent,and the ensuing chemical cleaning of the fouled membranes by cleaning agents.To make this study rel-evant to wastewater reclamation,we systematically investigate the fouling of RO membranes by each individual organic foulant type (polysaccharides,proteins,humic acids,or fatty acids)and mix-tures containing several types of organic foulants in the absence and presence of calcium ions.Cleaning experiments are performed with the fouled membranes using NaOH,EDTA,SDS,and NaCl as model alkaline solution,metal chelating agent,surfactant,and salt cleaning solution,respectively.The intermolecular adhesion forces between the different foulants and estimated aggregate sizes in foulant mixtures were used to explain the fouling mechanism of RO membranes and the cleaning behavior of a cleaning agent on the fouled membranes.2.Materials and methodsanic foulants Louis,MO),Suwannee River natural organic matter(SRNOM) (International Humic Substances Society,St.Paul,MN),bovine serum albumin(BSA)(Sigma–Aldrich,St.Louis,MO),and octanoic acid(OA)(Sigma–Aldrich,St.Louis,MO),respectively.According to the manufacturer,the molecular weight of the sodium alginate ranges from12to80kDa.Other characteristics of SRNOM,includ-ing molecular weight and mass fraction of hydrophobic NOM,can be found elsewhere[22,23].According to the manufacturer,the molecular weight of the BSA is about66kDa.BSA is reported to have an isoelectric point at pH4.7[24].Octanoic acid(Sigma–Aldrich,St. Louis,MO)was selected to model fatty acids in EfOM because of its presence in food and solubility in water(saturation concentration of4.7mM at20◦C)[12].Sodium alginate,BSA,and SRNOM were received in powder form,and stock solutions(2g/L)were prepared by dissolving each of the foulants in deionized(DI)water.DI water was supplied from a Milli-Q ultrapure water purification system(Millipore,Billerica, MA).Mixing of the stock solutions was performed for over24h to ensure complete dissolution of the foulants,followed byfil-tration with a0.45-␮mfilter(Durapore,Millipore,Billerica,MA). Thefiltered stock solutions were stored in sterilized glass bottles at4◦C.Octanoic acid was received in solution(≥98%concentra-tion)and was stored at room temperature.To achieve the intended octanoic acid concentration during fouling,octanoic acid was dis-solved separately for at least8h prior to fouling so that,at the initiation of fouling,octanoic acid could be introduced as a solu-tion.A few hours before the initiation of fouling,the ionic strength of the stock solution was adjusted to the same concentration as that of the feed solution(10mM)and the stock solution pH was elevated,as needed,from ambient pH of3.9–9.0by adding small amounts of1M NaOH.2.2.Chemical cleaning agentsThe chemical cleaning agents used were:NaOH(pH11.0)as an alkaline solution,certified grade disodium ethylenediaminete-traacetate(Na2–EDTA)as a metal chelating agent,certified grade sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)as an anionic surfactant,and NaCl as a salt cleaning solution.The agents were purchased from Fisher Sci-entific(Pittsburgh,PA)and used with no further purification.The stock chemical solutions were prepared fresh by dissolving each chemical in deionized(DI)water.The pH of the EDTA,SDS,and NaCl cleaning solutions was adjusted with1.0M NaOH as necessary.2.3.RO membraneThe relatively well-characterized thin-film composite LFC-1 membrane(Hydranautics,Oceanside,CA)was used as a model RO membrane.The average hydraulic resistance was determined to be 9.16(±0.11)×1013m−1corresponding to a hydraulic permeabil-ity of10.9(±0.13)×10−11m s−1Pa−1.The observed salt rejection was98.7–99.3%,determined with a10mM(584mg/L)NaCl feed solution at an applied pressure of300psi(2068.5kPa)and a cross-flow velocity of8.6cm/s.Membrane samples were received as dry large sheets,and were cut and stored in DI water at4◦C.The membrane has been reported to be negatively charged at solu-tion chemistries typical to wastewater effluents,with an isoelectric point at about pH4.6[25].The membrane has been reported to be coated with a neutral polyalcohol layer rich in–COH functional groups,which renders the surface less charged than the surfaces of other polyamide RO membranes without a coating layer[25,26].2.4.Crossflow test unit198W.S.Ang et al./Journal of Membrane Science376 (2011) 196–206unit consists of a membrane cell,pump,feed reservoir,temper-ature control system,and data acquisition system.The membrane cell consisted of a rectangular plate-and-frame unit,which con-tained aflat membrane sheet placed in a rectangular channel with dimensions measuring7.7cm long,2.6cm wide,and0.3cm high. Both permeate and retentate were recirculated back to the feed reservoir.Permeateflux was registered continuously by a digital flow meter(Optiflow1000,Humonics,CA),interfaced with a com-puter.Afloating disc rotameter(King Instrument,Fresno,CA)was used to monitor the retentateflow rate.The crossflow velocity and operating pressure were adjusted using a bypass valve(Swagelok, Solon,OH)in conjunction with a back-pressure regulator(U.S.Para Plate,Auburn,CA).Temperature was controlled by a recirculating chiller/heater(Model633,Polysciences)with a stainless steel coil submerged in the feed water reservoir.2.5.Fouling and cleaning experimentsThe membrane wasfirst compacted with DI water until the permeateflux became constant,followed by the initial baseline performance for1h.The membrane was then stabilized and equi-librated with a foulant-free electrolyte solution for2h.Theflux at which the baseline run was performed was predetermined so that the initialflux would drop to a specifiedflux of2.3×10−5m s−1(or 83L m−2h−1)after adding the electrolyte solution.The chemistry of the foulant-free electrolyte solution and operating conditions adjusted in this stage were similar to those used for the ensuing fouling runs.As octanoic acid takes time to dissolve completely,the mixture of organic foulant solution has to be prepared8h before the fouling run.The feed foulant solution was prepared separately in another container.The chemistry of the feed foulant solution was adjusted to be identical to that of the foulant-free electrolyte solution so that the overall ionic strength and solution chemistry would not change when the feed foulant solution was added to initiate fouling. Fouling runs were carried out for17h.At the end of the fouling run, the solution in the feed reservoir was disposed off and chemical cleaning solution was added to the feed reservoir to clean the fouled membrane.At the end of the cleaning stage,the chemical cleaning solution in the reservoir was discarded,and both the reservoir and membrane cell were rinsed with DI water toflush out the residual chemical cleaning solution.Finally,the cleaned RO membrane was subjected to the second baseline performance with DI water to re-determine the pure waterflux.The crossflow velocity throughout the experiment,except dur-ing cleaning,was maintained at8.6cm/s.The operating conditions (i.e.,initialflux,crossflow velocity,and temperature)at this stage were identical to those applied during the initial baseline perfor-mance,so as to determine the cleaning efficiency by comparing the pure waterfluxes determined before fouling and after clean-ing.Throughout all the fouling/cleaning stages,the feed water in the reservoir,which was located on top of a magnetic stirrer,was mixed rigorously to ensure complete mixing of the feed water and cleaning solution.To confirm the reproducibility of determined cleaning effi-ciency,selected fouling/cleaning runs were duplicated.Results showed that fouling rate and cleaning efficiency obtained from the duplicate runs were within less than a5%difference.To investigate the change in the permeate quality during the fouling stage,permeate samples taken before and at the start and end of fouling were analyzed for salt(NaCl)rejection using an ICP-AES(ICP Optima3000,Perkin Elmer,Waltham,MA).Permeate and feed samplings obtained before the fouling run were collected at the end were collected during thefinal40min of the fouling run.2.6.AFM adhesion force measurementsAtomic force microscopy(AFM)was used to measure the inter-facial force between the foulant in the bulk solution and the foulant in the fouling layer on the membrane.The force measurements were performed with a colloid probe,modified from a commercial-ized SiN AFM probe(Veeco Metrology Group,Santa Barbara,CA).A carboxylate modified latex(CML)particle(Interfacial Dynam-ics Corp.,Portland,OR)was used as a surrogate for the organic foulants,because organic foulants(alginate and SRNOM)carry pre-dominantly carboxylic functional groups.To make a colloid probe, a CML particle with a diameter of4.0␮m was attached using Nor-land Optical adhesive(Norland Products,Inc.,Cranbury,NJ)to a tipless SiN cantilever.The colloid probe was cured under UV light for20min.The AFM adhesion force measurements were performed in a fluid cell using a closed inlet/outlet loop.The solution chemistries of the test solutions injected into thefluid cell were identical to those used in the bench-scale fouling/cleaning experiments.Once all the air bubbles had beenflushed out of thefluid cell,the injection would stop and the outlet was closed.The membrane was equilibrated with the test solution for30–45min before force measurements were performed.The force measurements were conducted at three tofive different locations,and at least10measurements were taken at each location.Because the focus of this study was on the foulant–foulant interaction(adhesion),only the raw data obtained from the retracting force curves were processed and converted to obtain the force versus surface-to-surface separation curves.The force curves presented were the averages of all the representative force curves obtained at the different locations.The protocol for AFM analysis has been modified slightly to investigate the interaction between different foulant types. The AFM colloidal probe is soaked in organic foulant solution (2000mg/L alginate,BSA,or SRNOM,or>98%octanoic acid)for at least24h(at4◦C for alginate,BSA,and SRNOM solutions to prevent organic degradation,and at room temperature for octanoic acid). The membrane is fouled with200mg/L organic foulant(alginate, BSA,SRNOM,or octanoic acid)using the crossflow unit for about 17h.After transferring the colloidal probe to the AFMfluid cell and the membrane to the AFM disc puck,an electrolyte solution con-taining0.5mM CaCl2and8.5mM NaCl(adjusted to pH6.5±0.2) (identical solution chemistry as during fouling)is injected into the fluid cell.The volume of electrolyte solution added is just enough tofill up thefluid cell so as to minimize the possibility offlush-ing away the foulants on the membrane and probe surfaces.AFM force measurements are taken after20min of equilibration time.To investigate the effect of cleaning agent on the intermolecular adhe-sion force,the cleaning agent was added to the electrolyte solution at the same concentration as that used in the cleaning experiments.2.7.Light scatteringDynamic light scattering experiments were performed on foulant solution to determine the effective hydrodynamic diam-eters of the foulant aggregates in foulant mixtures using a multi-detector light scattering unit(ALV-5000,Langen,Germany). New glass vials(Supelco,Bellefonte,PA)for containing foulant solu-tions under various solution chemistries were cleaned prior to use by soaking overnight in a cleaning solution(Extran MA01,Merck KGaA,Darmstadt,Germany),rinsing with DI water,and drying inW.S.Ang et al./Journal of Membrane Science376 (2011) 196–206199Fig.1.Influence of individual foulant type on fouling of LFC-1membranes:(a)in the absence of Ca2+and(b)in the presence of0.5mM Ca2+.The total ionic strength of the feed solution wasfixed at10mM by adjusting with NaCl and the feed solution pH was adjusted to6.0±0.2,as necessary,by adding NaOH.Fouling conditions: foulant concentration of25mg/L,initial permeateflux of23␮m/s(or83L m−2h−1), crossflow velocity of8.6cm/s,and temperature of21.0±0.5◦C.of1M NaOH.The vial containing the foulant solution was vortexed (Mini Vortexer,Fisher Scientific)to homogenize the solution.The vial was then allowed to sit for30min before starting the light scattering experiment.All light scattering measurements were conducted by employ-ing the detector positioned at a scattering angle of90◦from the incident laser beam.The detector signal was fed into the correla-tor,which accumulated each autocorrelation function for15s.The intensity-weighted hydrodynamic radius of the colloidal aggre-gates was determined with second-order cumulant analysis(ALV software)[27].The reported size is the average of thefirst20mea-surements.3.Results and discussion3.1.Membrane fouling3.1.1.Fouling with individual foulantsFig.1presents the normalizedflux profiles for LFC-1mem-branes fouled by each individual foulant(alginate,BSA,SRNOM, or octanoic acid)in the absence(Fig.1a)and presence(Fig.1b)of Ca2+,respectively.In the absence of Ca2+,theflux decline profiles of membranes fouled by the various foulants are insignificant.The 2+Fig.2.Influence of a mixture of(a)2foulants or(b)more than2foulants on fouling of LFC-1membranes in the presence of0.5mM Ca2+.The total ionic strength of the feed solution wasfixed at10mM by adjusting with NaCl and the feed solution pH was adjusted to6.0±0.2,as necessary,by adding NaOH.Fouling conditions were identical to those in Fig.1.RO membranes by BSA,SRNOM,or octanoic acid is minimal.How-ever,we have observed that the presence of Ca2+can affect fouling behavior when the foulant concentrations are higher(300mg/L BSA;2mM or288mg/L octanoic acid)[11,12].3.1.2.Fouling with mixture of foulantsTo investigate the implications for wastewater reclamation, the effect of Ca2+on fouling of RO membranes by all possible combinations of two or more foulant types is investigated.The con-centration of each foulant type was maintained at25mg/L.Fig.2a shows the normalizedflux profiles of membranes fouled by a mix-ture of two foulants in the presence of Ca2+.The effect of Ca2+is most significant for feed solutions containing alginate as one of the two foulant types.This mechanism will be further investigated with the aid of DLS and AFM paring theflux profiles of mem-branes fouled by alginate as a co-foulant,theflux-decline profile of membrane fouled by alginate and octanoic acid is the least sig-nificant due to the formation of octanoic acid–calcium complexes, which increase the hydrophilicity of the fouling layer[12].Fig.2b shows the normalizedflux profiles of membranes fouled by a mixture of three foulant types and all foulant types in the presence of Ca2+.In the presence of Ca2+,for membranes fouled by mixtures containing alginate,the effect of Ca2+onflux profiles is most significant,especially for the membrane fouled by a mixture of alginate,BSA,and SRNOM(without octanoic acid).In compar-ing the latter with theflux profile of the membrane fouled by all200W.S.Ang et al./Journal of Membrane Science376 (2011) 196–206Fig.3.Sodium ion(Na+)rejection of RO membranes measured before,and at the start and end of the fouling runs,at an adjusted feed solution pH of6.0.The membranes were fouled by combined foulant types,composed of25mg/L each of alginate,BSA,SRNOM,and octanoic acid.Permeate and feed samples obtained before the fouling run were collected30min before the onset of fouling.Samples taken at the start of the fouling run were initiated afterfirst discarding20mL of permeate(duration of8min).Permeate and feed samples taken at the end were collected during thefinal40min of the fouling run.Error bars indicate one standard deviation.Fouling conditions were identical to those in Fig.1.contained alginate and octanoic acid in the presence of Ca2+.The inhibitory effect of octanoic acid onflux-decline profiles can also be observed by comparing theflux profile of combined foulant types of alginate,SRNOM,and octanoic acid in Fig.2b with the profile of alginate and SRNOM in Fig.2a.3.1.3.Impact of fouling on salt rejectionFig.3presents Na+rejection of the RO membranes fouled by combined foulant types of alginate,BSA,SRNOM,and octanoic acid in the presence of Ca2+,at the start and end of the fouling runs.The trend of observed Na+rejection is similar both in the absence and presence of Ca2+.At the onset of fouling,the Na+rejection instan-taneously increases.This phenomenon is consistent with previous observations,which attributed the decrease in Na+permeability to the fouling layer acting as an additional selective barrier[12]. Toward the end of the fouling runs,the fouling layer becomes thicker and denser,resulting in even higher Na+rejection.It can be inferred that the presence of Ca2+resulted in a more compact fouling layer,which improves the ability of the fouling layer to fur-ther act as a selective barrier against the transport of Na+across the membrane.3.2.Fouling mechanisms3.2.1.Role of foulant–foulant interaction and foulant sizeRecent studies have demonstrated that the long-term organic fouling of RO membranes and the consequent behavior of water flux are dominated by the feed water chemistry and strong foulant–foulant interactions[4,20,21,28].Quantifying these inter-actions provides a basis for the understanding of the fouling mechanisms and for the rational selection of a suitable cleaning strategy.As discussed in Section3.1.2,fouling behavior becomes significant when alginate is one of the co-foulants.When alginate is absent from the feed solution,regardless of the other foulant types present,fouling is relatively insignificant.This behavior can be explained by evaluating the interaction forces among the differ-ent foulants.To investigate the effect of interactions of alginate with other foulant types,DLS analysis is performed on a solution contain-ing2foulant types(200mg/L alginate plus200mg/L of another foulant type)in the presence of Ca2+.Fig.4a shows that the alginate molecules in the solution have an effective hydrodynamic diame-ter of84nm,which is larger than the effective diameter of51nm of alginate molecules in a solution in which the foulant concentration is halved.The results imply that aggregation of alginate molecules is concentration dependent.The larger effective diameter of aggre-gates formed in400mg/L alginate solution as opposed to those formed in200mg/L alginate solution also implies a more exten-sive gel network at a higher concentration.The effective diameters of the foulant molecules in mixtures of alginate and BSA,alginate and SRNOM,and alginate and octanoic acid are,respectively,48, 63,and73nm.The effective diameter is an indirect indication of the foulant size due to aggregation between the foulants.Because of the varying interactions between alginate and another foulant type in the presence of Ca2+,the aggregate size differs for foulant aggregates of different foulant combinations.Fig.4b shows the intermolecular forces between foulant adsorbed on a colloidal probe and a membrane fouled by algi-nate as determined by AFM.For a membrane fouled by alginate and octanoic acid,the dominant foulant interactions are between alginate and alginate molecules(1.03mN/m)and between octanoic acid and octanoic acid molecules(0.90mN/m).For a membrane fouled by alginate and SRNOM,the dominant foulant interaction is between alginate and alginate molecules(1.03mN/m).For a membrane fouled by alginate and BSA,the dominant foulantinter-Fig.4.(a)Effective diameter of foulant aggregates in solutions of various foulant combinations that contain alginate as co-foulant.The foulant solution consists of200mg/L alginate plus200mg/L of another foulant type in an electrolyte solution of0.5mM CaCl2and8.5mM NaCl(same solution chemistry as that used in fouling experiments).TheW.S.Ang et al./Journal of Membrane Science376 (2011) 196–206201Fig.5.Proposed structure of fouling layer on membrane surface under different combinations of foulants.actions are between alginate and alginate molecules(1.03mN/m) and between alginate and BSA molecules(0.73–0.79mN/m).We observe that when alginate is present in the feed,regardless of the co-foulant,the interaction of alginate molecules among them-selves is most dominant,with the possibility of alginate molecules interacting with other molecules,especially BSA molecules.Comparing the effective diameters of the foulant aggregates in various2-foulant mixtures(Fig.4a)with the intermolecular adhe-sion force between different foulants(Fig.4b)reveals that there is an inverse correlation between the foulant aggregate size and the intermolecular adhesion force(foulant aggregate size generally decreases as intermolecular adhesion force increases).It is hypoth-esized that the interaction among the foulant types within the aggregates would affect the conformation,and hence,the size of the aggregates in the foulant solution.For example,the relatively stronger intermolecular adhesion force between alginate and BSA molecules in the feed solution in the presence of Ca2+results in a more‘compact’or‘tighter’conformation of the foulant aggregates as compared to the foulant aggregates formed from a solution of alginate and SRNOM.The deposition of the smaller and more‘com-pact’alginate–BSA aggregates results in a tighter fouling layer and a lowerfinalflux(Fig.5)[29].We note that the SA–SA aggregate does not follow the trend of a decrease in aggregate size with increasing adhesion force because alginate molecules tend to form extended gel networks in the presence of calcium ions[29],as opposed to the other combinations of foulants.3.2.2.Proposed structure of fouling layerThe fouling experiments reveal that membrane fouling in the presence of Ca2+is controlled by alginate.From the AFM force mea-surement analysis and the DLS experiments,the proposed structure of the fouling layer when severe fouling occurs under various solu-tion chemistries is schematically shown in Fig.5.The top drawing shows the likely conformation of the cross-linked alginate fouling layer when the feed contains alginate in the presence of Ca2+.In this case,the fouling layer has the typical structure resulting from the formation of an‘egg-box’shaped gel network on the mem-brane surface[29].The middle drawing shows the proposed fouling layer formed by a feed solution containing a mixture of alginate, BSA,SRNOM,and octanoic acid(each foulant has the same concen-tration).The DLS experiments show that the aggregates of foulant mixtures containing alginate as a co-foulant have smaller effective feed solution in which alginate is the sole foulant.When the algi-nate concentration is increased while maintaining the same total foulant concentration,the fouling layer becomes more porous due to the increase in the highly ordered alginate–calcium complexes on the membrane surface.The state of the fouling layer would affect the transfer of a cleaning agent to the fouling layer,and hence,the cleaning efficiency of the cleaning agent as delineated in the next sections.3.3.Cleaning of fouled membranes3.3.1.Type of cleaning agentFig.6presents the cleaning efficiencies of various cleaning agents on membranes fouled by combined foulant types compris-ing alginate,BSA,SRNOM,and octanoic acid in the presence of 0.5mM Ca2+.Cleaning was performed for15min without an oper-ating pressure(i.e.,no permeate)and at a crossflow velocityfive times higher than that during fouling.Cleaning the fouled mem-brane with DI water resulted in19%cleaning efficiency,which implies that the fouling layer on the membrane surface was largely irreversible.Conventional cleaning agents,such as NaOH(pH11),Fig.6.Cleaning efficiencies of various cleaning agents on membranes fouled by combined foulant types comprising alginate,BSA,SRNOM,and octanoic acid,with the concentration of each foulant type at25mg/L,in the presence of0.5mM Ca2+.Cleaning conditions:time,15min;temperature,21±0.5◦C;and no applied。



毕业论文外文资料翻译系别:环能学院专业:给水排水工程外文出处:Wan Fang foreign languagesliterature datebase附件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。

1、外文原文Supplying and draining waterin hospital construction With the fact that modern medicine science promptness develops,new technique , the new armamentarium are continuing without end , modernized medical treatment thereby consonant with that is building a hospital , are also are confronted with new design idea and new technology applying. Disregarding secondary hospital building function , what whose gets along environment, still , finclause the hospital builds equipment and is equipped with system, the request is without exception higher and higher. Because of it is to ensure daily work living not only need the rapid and intense life relevance recovering from the illness , avoiding crippling , rescuing, and promote with giving treatment to a patient. Not only the design accomplishing to the special field draining away water need to satisfy the request being unlike a function in hospital building on equipment , but also safety is be obliged to reliable. Following is built according to the hospital.一HOSPITAL GIVES A SEWERAGE1) Modernized hospital equipment and equipment system content is numerous , the function is peculiar , the request is very high. Except demanding to swear to continue supplying with the use water according with quality level sufficiently, need more according to demand of different medical treatment instrument and different administrative or tehcnical office to water quality , water pressure , the water temperature, classify setting up water treatment system and be in progress to system to increase pressure reduction.2) The hospital operating rooms , the delivery room operation the water hygiene, saliva washing hands by shower bath water , the dentistry dentistry chair ought to adopt the water purifying degassing. In the homeland few are large-scale , the high rank hospital centre supplies aroom, the centre disinfecting has also adopted to purify the water disinfecting, now that swear to there be no dust , the sterility , to remove the pathopoiesia source , to avoid the blockage infecting , cutting down equipment microtubule.3) Hospital preparation rooms preparation uses water to adopt distilled water, and sets up in making distilled water system to have part pressure boost facilities. The handicraft responds to according to different hospital preparation handicraft but fixes concrete system distilled water, should satisfy demand of whose handicraft to water quality , water yield , water pressure act in close coordination that the preparation handicraft reserves corresponding to drain-pipe and allocation chilled water circulatory system by the special field draining away water.4) Hospital operating rooms , delivery rooms , baby rooms , supply rooms , medical treatment of the dermatological department wards, door emergency call, cures skill every administrative or tehcnical office and the request difference that the staff and worker logistics branch supplies to hot water need to set up hot water respectively supplying system more. Ordinary circumstances door emergency call, cures skill administrative or tehcnical office , centre supply a room , the staff and worker logistics branch supplies hot water to water supply the regular time, the comparison supplying time is consistent. The hospital is based on major part at present financial resources, ward building hot water supplies basic to the regular time , ought to be that 24 hs supply hot water judging from long-term angle but. Operating room , the delivery room operation wash hands, the hygiene h by the fact that the shower bath ought to be 24 supplies hot water, moreover the block of wood5) Considers beautification to the environment , is inadvisable to adopt the steam boiled water stove , completely eradicates occurrence aroused the ward building pantry inner floor moistness , avoided interior wall mustiness phenomenon by leak or sparse steam water implement aerofluxus thereby. The hospital disregards size , boiled water supplies to should adopt automation volume or the electricity boiled water stove, a general disease area considers one , volume ascertains that according to using condition. The first easy to protect labor is managed, two is supplying ensuring that to the patient , improves the internal environment of ward at the same time.6)Especially infecting the section ward every door emergency call administrative or tehcnical office, every consulting room , the hand movement water curing a room , washing a basin should set up mistake chew , may adopt elbow style , knee style or dyadic switch of pedal. If using the dyadic switch of pedal to must use the product guarding against leakage, the floor is to avoid usinga place often damp , makes the patient , the medical personnel slip down , an accident happened. Operation waits for the operating room , the delivery room to wash hands should adopt the constant temperature muddy water valve , the constant temperature to produce water, taking as an example infrared ray induced electromagnetic valve control mode for fine. Cure skill part control laboratory , laboratory of administrative or tehcnical office have the peculiar request , water chews the form should ascertain whose water according to every administrative or tehcnical office coming functional request chewing.7)Many administrative or tehcnical office, especially downstream pipelines such as pickling bath , the pool disinfecting , develop pool in administrative or tehcnical office such as checking the room , the control laboratory , emitting section responds to of hospitals are adopt to be able to bear the rotten PVC2U draining off silent stock tube.8) Pair of filth , waste water of all kinds must classify strictly according to the country in connection with the effluent standard , the field carrying out a pertinency with different treatment handicraft deals with and handles.9) Uses a function to need since the modern hospital needs to be satisfied with not only , wants to think that the interior outside environment is beautiful too at the same time. The building needs especially door emergency call, cures skill sometimes because of medical treatment function , give the horizontal stroke draining away water , erect a tube arrange to lie scattered comparatively, more bright dew is in interior, warm the pipeline exchanging special field up in addition sometimes , make the pipeline that the room inner clearly shows more than the correct or required number , both inelegant, and affect hygiene. This demands right away in the process of engineering design , the rational arrangement the structure form should fully utilize not being the same as is carried out, needs to make the various pipeline conceal arrangement to the full according to the function , pays attention to beautiful befitting one's position or suited to the occasion under not affecting the premise being put into use. Certainly, these require that building structure special field is dense. Tier of furred ceilings and the basement top sometimes are every special field pipeline aggregation field , every special field norm and request having every special field , each sometimes arranges if the building designs middle in the ward,whose result either increase building storey height, or cannot attend to one thing without neglecting another. For overcoming this one abuse, should think in general that bigger flue pipe arrangement be in the most superjacent, it's on the down part is that several special field arrangement props up the publicspace being in charge of , down part is to arrange to give draining off , driving force , strong , weak electricity every system to do a tube again. Such is arranged than form arrangement is other comparatively economical , pragmatic.10) Exchangers forms choice. In the system the tradition hospital hot water is supplied, people adopt volume mainly dyadic exchanger. Have been to think that what be provided steam amounts and hot water supplies the adjustment amounts dispatching value between maximum value mainly , have diminished a steam boiler designing amounts , have decreased by boiler room Zhan field area , have saved one time investment. People demands but more highly, and more highly, especially the example discovering army group bacterium pathopoiesia in life hot water to water quality now , the altitude arousing people takes seriously. Be a bacterium mainly because of in the water 55 ~C is the easiest to breed an army group in 30 ~C ~, WHO (WHO) is recommended by for this purpose: "Hot water responds to in 60 ~C use And cycle at least above 50 ~C. Come if some users, need to fall to 40 ~C or 50 ~C or so with the faucet water temperature, to come true being able to use a thermoregulation to blend a valve at this time. The growth being a temperature Bu Li Yu pneumonia diplococcus swear to store water, is a regulating valve's turn to should set up the place closing down and suspending operation of point in drawing near". This be especially important to the hospital. Because of being in hospital the weak having disease,if bacterium of army group happened within the hospital is to be harmful for patient to treat and recover from the illness,the hospital has a grave responsibility. At present small hospital within the hospital especially a little condition is relatively poor , include the part area level hospital, 24 unable hs supply hot water, and volume the dyadic converter inner water temperature is to use echelon in inside of exchanger, the water temperature very difficult to make keeps in 60 ~C or so. Thereby, lead to volume produce the bacterium of army group in the pipeline supplying hot water system within dyadic exchanger , change a hospital using the exchanger form to respond to be a task of top priority. Adopt half to be to heat up style or be a dyadic hot exchanger , make whose hot water supply the system water temperature keeping the water supply being in progress in all above 60 ~C area all the time, occurrence propagating , completely eradicating the bacterium of army group in order to avoiding the bacterium of army group.二MULTILAYER WATER SUPPL Y SYSTEMAt present, great majority cities municipal administration pipe network pressure can maintain above 2 kilograms in the homeland , take place individual small town water pressure can reach 4kilograms even. The pressure therefore, building the municipal administration pipe network's to the same multilayer has been already sufficient , has been in a small town especially since but municipal administration pipe network water yield supplying water , water pressure fluctuation are bigger. Have several kinds the following types mainly for overcome these shortcomings , multilayer water supply system design.1) Direct water supply type is that pressure , direct water supply , sort making use of municipal administration pipe network directly apply to slightly high area of municipal administration pipe network pressure or higher range of water works vicinity pressure inner. The shortcoming it is water yield , water pressure to be able to not ensure that. This water supply scheme economy function is very good but, to less pipe network of scale , does not need any other equipment or measure.2) Water box water supply types have led municipal administration pipe network water to roof water box , discrepancy in elevation , gravity depending on a water box and using the water appliance have supplied water , have overcome water pressure water yield block of wood stability and then. Since but, secondary pollution, moreover, water box volume that the water box there exists in possibility is bigger,this way does not encourage therefore.3) Water boxes , pipe networks ally self with a type when the ordinary time water yield water pressure is sufficient , unnecessary water enters the roof water box when covering water supply , overpressure as with a net directly from municipal administration, think that the water box supplies water to the consumer by gravity automation when pressure or the water yield is insufficient. The main force who is that regular directness supplies water on physics structure stretches the top cut-over water box , sets up and one exhalent siphon from the water box. Owe a scheme the volume having diminished a water box, and make water not need to enter a water box staying this one step , hygiene reliability increase by. The problem is (that the municipal administration now pipe network can accomplish) but if longtime stabilivolt supplies water , the water sojourn time in water box is on the contrary greatly increase by , easier to be contaminated. And, the water box all must readjust oneself to a certain extent in the building in all usage water boxes system most higher place, attractive looks being able to affect a building in some occasion , the physical design building even.4) Pressure jars supply water since insecure water box factor , reason why use the jar sealing off reliable pressure to replace, and the pressure jar does not need, high position lay down,attractive looks and structure not affecting a building bearing , go down well very much over the past few years. Pressure jar system requires that the water pump and autocontrol system have to fit but , feasible cost increases by to some extent. However, in the late years whose market price already lets many consumers be able to choose.Systematic pressure jar principle is to make use of a water pump water compression to be sent to receive the pipe network building the inside , thinks that water enters the pressure jar , reaches certain pressure time , water pump motor stoppage or reduces the speed when pressure is too big,While pressure is smaller than regulation value, the pressure jar conveys water to the outside and starts the water pump or acceleration at the same time (frequency conversion water pump).5) Two time of compression types can make do for to small-scale consumer ,if the building , the pressure jar are only systematic. The direction that the dwelling house spends at present to housing estate develops but, shows for the cluster arrangement that multilayer builds , concentrates stabilivolt mainly. The ability can not satisfy a request with pressure jar volume , the water pump concentrates compression therefore having appeared give first place to, pressure jar stabilivolt (remove the system water hammer) is subsidiary way. Economy cost rises only , also needs the specially-assigned person upkeep. Besides, pipe network system belongs to low pressure since tier of numbers are not many, pipeline, the direct cut-over without exception with layers consumer is be OK , comparatively simple. The steel tube prepares pipeline material with low pressure low pressure PPR silent stock tube give first place to.2、外文资料翻译译文医院建筑给水排水随着现代医学科学的迅速发展,新技术、新医疗设备层出不穷,从而与之相符的现代化医疗建筑———医院,也面临着新的设计理念和新技术的运用。












Feng P B 和其合作者开发出一种高效节能浮选柱进行含油废水处理,其油分的去除率可以达到90%左右。

Gu Xuqing等人开发出一种新型多级环流式浮选柱可处理含油废水,其独特的流体环流模式极大的提高了油珠和气泡之间的接触几率,分离效果显著,5分钟,分离效率可以达到96%-97%。

Xiao K L等人用多级浮选柱处理含油废水,空气分散在装置的柱体托盘底部,含油废水在柱体的各个托盘中进行处理,除油率达94%。



















含水层可延伸相当深度), but because the weight ofoverburden material generally closes pore spaces(但因为地层负荷过重会压缩(封闭、关闭)土壤孔隙,深度超过600m,即2000英寸,就基本找不到地下水了。


The flow of water out of a soil can be illustrated using Figure 1(土壤中水流如图1所示). The flow rate must be proportional to the area through which flow occurs times the velocity(流量与流水面积成比例,流经该土壤面积的流量等于面积与速率成的乘积), orQ=AvWhere(此式中)Q=flow rate , in m3/sec(流量,单位为m3/s)【cubic meter per second】A=area of porous material through which flow occurs, in m2(渗透性土壤的流水断面,单位为m2)v=superficial velocity, in m/sec(表观流速(表面流速),单位为m/s)表观流速当然不是水在土壤中流动的真实速度,因为土壤固体颗粒所占据的体积大大地降低了水流通过的空间。













1 景区简介全球范围对饮用水需求的增加,选择水源满足这一需求的方式从传统的来源,如水库、湖泊,转换到较常规来源,如污水二级污水处理。








Water and Wastewater EngineeringFinal Class ProjectTitle:Applications of municipal wastewater treatment in livesCollege _____C。

E__________ Major ___ _WWE__________Class ____ _______Number_____ ____Name____ _____Data_____________________Applications of municipal wastewater treatment in livesAbstract:This article describes the following sections:sequential combinationof photocatalytic oxidation with constructed wetlands is the study and theexperimental evaluation of an alternative and innovative wastewater treatmentsystem, which combines the action of photocatalytic oxidation with the surfaceflow constructed wetlands.A new contact oxidation filtration separationintegrated bioreactor was used to treat municipal wastewater。

the syntheticpolymers normally used in the coagulation—flocculation treatment of wastewater requires sustainable alternatives.Keywords:bioreactor;coagulation;flocculation;photocatalytic oxidation; Combination of photocatalytic oxidation with constructed wetlandsWastewater treatment systems have been designed to minimize the environmental impacts of discharging untreated wastewater。

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UASB厌氧生物反应器中的苯胺和对氨基苯磺酸下在反硝化条件下的命运Raquel Pereira, Luciana Pereira*, Frank P. van der Zee, M. Madalena Alves文章信息文章历史:收稿2010年3月31日在收到经修订的形式2010年6月22日2010年8月15日网上提供2010年8月25日关键词:生物降解芳香胺厌氧生物反应器脱氮摘要我们用两个升流式厌氧污泥床(USAB)去调查苯胺磺化酸在脱氮条件下的命运。











1 介绍芳香胺是一种重要的工业化学物品。





((Pinheiro et al., 2004; van der Zee and Villaverde, 2005)由于传统的污水处理技术不能处理它,不可避免的,它会保留在污水中,在处理过程中它潜在的毒性也需要考虑进去。



((Brown and Laboureur, 1983; Pinheiro et al., 2004; van der Zeeand Villaverde, 2005),但是这些研究不能被应用于所有的芳香胺。


((Razo-Flores et al., 1996; Tan and Field, 2005; Tan et al., 2005))芳香胺在通常情况下很难被有氧分解。









(Hyung-Yell et al., 2000;Wu et al., 2007; Va′zquez-Rodr?′guez et al., 2008)更多的,在我们实验室之前的研究中指出,硝酸盐化合物的存在不会造成含氮染料的自动氧化。





2 材料和方法2.1 化学物质芳香胺,苯胺和磺胺酸(SA)是从sigma Aldrich买到的,它们有着很高的分析纯度(99%)。



用来准备养的化学物质是从Sigma, Fulka and Panreac买的。

用于HPLC分析的醋酸氨和甲醇(99.9%)是从Sigma 和Fisher科技中心得到的。

2.2 矿物质媒介基础媒介包括(Mg/L)NH4Cl (4750), KH2PO4(1300), CaCO3 (270), MgSO4$7H2O (500), FeCl2$4H2O (2000),H3BO3 (50), ZnCl2 (50), CuCL2$2H2O (38), MnCl2$2H2O (409),(NH4)6Mo7O24$4H2O (50), AlCl3 (49), CoCl2$6H2O (2000),NiCl2$6H2O (92), Na2SeO3r5H2O (164), EDTA (1000) and HCl 37%(1 Ml/L)2.3 实验设置图2绘出了实验装置简图。


反应器由5.09 +(-)0.21gvss/L 的粒状生物量,能用到的体积是0.28L。


在整个过程中,两个储存在4°的流入溶液是从两个5L 的容器中流出的。


2.4 芳香胺生物降解表2表示了在不同的氧化还原反应条件下用于研究生物降解苯胺和磺化酸的USAB的研究方法。





两个反应器的条件是相似的,除了反应容器1有化学计量浓度的硝酸盐(7.5mM),反应器2有6mM的硝酸盐和2.5mM 的亚硝酸盐的混合物。







在反应器处理方法是,每隔两天,1mL的样本会从流入溶液和废水中回收回来,然用0.2mm 的Acrodisc过滤它们。



我们用Orion-Model 720 A的PH测量仪来每日检测PH。

2.5 HPLC分析我们用反面状态的NucleosilMNC18(300mm*4.6mm, 5 mM的颗粒尺寸,小洞是100*10^-10的大小)反应柱来做HPLC分析。



对苯胺的观察是在230nm 条件下,磺化酸248nm,反应器2中的有色产物是在350nm条件下。


(Rt)2.6离子图谱分析对硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的监测是使用IC-DIONEX(25miuL环的手动注射器,一个层柱DIONEX ION PAC AS4A(4 mm * 225 mm),一个获得器和VarianWS-Worstation 程序的数据处理系统。


(25mM)以流速为1.5mL/L的1.80mMNa2CO3 和1.70mMNaHCO3混合溶液来洗涤这些化合物。

压力为49.21 Kg cm^-3。


C = 7.58 e^-4 AU and C = 6.51 e^-4 AU。


2.7 ESI-离子探测系统ESI质谱仪系统是一种LCQ质谱探测系统。

它由点喷射资源系统组成,1.3版本的Xcalibur 软件驱动。









规则是用14 mM的硝酸盐和8.75 mM的醋酸盐作为电子接收器。


(5.09 +- 0.21 gVSS/ L),由束缚盖来封闭,头部位置用100%氦气填满。



我们用Pye Unicam GC-TCD气体图谱来探测反应后产生的气体(N2, N2O,CO2 和CH4)氦气被用作携带气体(30 mL /min),注射和感应端口的温度为110°。


硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的还原产量比率用以下的方法计算:% N-恢复率= (N2 + N2O)产生量/(NO3 2- + NO2-)减少量*100%。

3 结果和讨论3.1 感应器1中的芳香胺降解图像3A表示了反应器1中流入溶液和污水的苯胺和SA在6个状态下的反应结果。

