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1. Everyone has a little dirty laundry. When I was alive, I maintained many different

identities, lover, wife and ultimately victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people as a career woman and a hugely successful one. She was known for her power lunches, her eye-catching presentations, and her ruthlessness in wiping out the competition. But Lynette gave up her career to assume a new label, the incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother. But unfortunately for Lynette, this new label frequently fell short of what was advertised.

2. It suddenly occurred to Lynette, her label was about to change yet again. And for the

next few years, she would be known as the mother of the boys who painted Tiffany Axelord blue.

3. It looked to be an interesting afternoon on Wisteria Lane. A mysterious cassette tape

had been discovered by my friend Bree. She had stolen it from her marriage counselor.

A counselor I’d once spoken in strictest confidence.

4. –What has she done this time?

--She is out there throwing herself at Mike.

She’s been lusting after him over since he moved in.

5. Gabrielle knew her vacation from the world had ended, what she didn’t know was John had left behind a souvenir.

6. – Do I need a motive to do something nice?

-- I was just thinking of that expression.

-- Mincemeat used to be an entrap of mostly chopped meat. So it was like say” I’ll chop you up into little bits. But that was centuries ago ”

7. -- I used to run a company with 85 people, and now I can’t wrangle three small boys

without doping them? Talk about feeling like a failure.

-- I’m afraid if I change the bad stuff, I’m going to change the good stuff.

-- It’s a tough call.

8. It’s ok. It was a close call but I managed to cover.

9. Imagine what you’d lose if Carlos finds out you’re trimming more than the hedges.

10. – Where is your cell phone. Call Andrew. Find out where he is.

-- He’s gonna know you’re behind this.

-- I am rapidly reaching the end of my patience with you.

-- He hung up on me.

11. She is someone’s little girl. That someone probably had a lot of dreams for her.

Dreams that didn’t include a thong and a pole. God knows what she had to deal with in life, abject poverty, drugs, and domestic violence. Now she treats herself the way other men treat her. Like an object, a piece of meat.

12. I can see your lights on. I hope you’re not screening.

13. I think I’m being blackmailed.

14. -- Did my wife ask you to lie for her?

-- I really don’t want to get in the middle of anything.

15.—Don’t just run off. Come and hang out with us.

-- You’re one sick ticket. It’s not bad enough I have to watch you throw yourself at him everyday. Now you want to make sure I see it up close and personal?

16, – I suppose you’re wondering why I reacted so violently to that note?

-- It did cross our minds.

17. In that moment, Lynette made a decision, when it came to dealing with her children,

medication was no longer an option. Of cause, given her continuing levels of frustration, Lynette also felt a little self-medication couldn’t hurt.

18. Royal Oaks was the scene of a hate crime today, Joanthan Lisco, local gay activist

and part-time female impersonator, was brutally attacked in his home. Lisco speculated the attack was in response to his efforts to secure same-sex partner insurance coverage from his employer, Cliffside cable. Police are circulating the sketch of the assailant. The circumstances speak for themselves. I’ve taken a strong stance with my company.

19. –I was going to keep your secret. It’s a shame you couldn’t trust me.

-- You’re a piece of work. Do you know that? I’ll keep my lawn looking nice. And I would make sure my music isn’t played too laud, and if I get some of your mail. I’ll run it right over. Because that’s what good neighbors do. But from now on, when I run into you on the street, just know that inside, I am quietly but decidedly hating your guts.

20. What type of person would send such a note? Was it an enemy? Of course. But what

kind? An acquaintance? A stranger? Or how about a neighbor that lives a few feet away?
