目录一、概述 (2)二、特点 (2)三、型号和表示方法 (3)四、工作原理 (3)五、结构说明 (3)六、装配和拆卸 (4)七、设备安装 (5)八、运转 (6)九、维护保养 (7)十、故障分析 (9)附录1(耐磨材料选择表)附录2(密封型式选择表)附录3(泵传动方式选择)一、概述1、本系列渣浆泵系高效节能、单级、单吸、悬臂式离心泵,用来输送含有固体颗粒的磨蚀性或腐蚀性浆体。
5. 出口直径:ZJ系列渣浆泵的出口直径通常从25mm到550mm不等。
7. 进口直径:ZJ系列渣浆泵的进口直径通常从50mm到700mm不等。
200ZJ、250ZJ 型泵结构图(I)
6、油杯 11、轴承 16、轴承
2、前盖 7、轴承盖 12、螺母 17、压盖
3、叶轮 8、轴承体上盖 13、轴承盖 18、轴封
4、叶轮螺母 9、轴 14、支脚 19、轴套
5、后盖 10、轴承套 15、轴承体
65ZJ、80ZJ、100ZJ、150ZJ 型泵结构图(Ⅱ)
湖南利欧泵业有限公司 HUNAN LEO CO.,LTD1 概述ZJ 、ZJX 型系列渣浆泵是湖南利欧泵业有限公司引进国外先进水力模型,采用国际上先进的固液两相流理论,按最小损失原则设计。
用途ZJ 、ZJX 型系列渣浆泵,适用于矿山、冶金、电力、煤炭、化工、建材等行业,供输送含有固体颗粒的磨蚀性和腐蚀性浆体,其固液混合物最大重量浓度:灰浆≤45%、矿浆≤60%。
工作条件流量Q :3-4000m3/h扬程H :2.4-148m进口口径DN :25-450㎜进口工作压力:≤0.6Mpa工作温度:≤120℃型号说明50ZJX-330A50-泵出口口径50㎜ZJ-利欧渣浆泵脂润滑,带“X ”为稀油润滑330-表示叶轮外径φ330㎜A-叶轮外径第一次改变,B 、C ……依此类推 Introduction Type ZJ 、ZJX pumps are designed as minimum damage principle, adopting world-advanced solid-liquid two-phase flow theory and introducing foreign advanced hydraulic model. The geometry of the flow passage components comes in line with flowage of medium and reduces local losses and linear hydraulic loss like vortex and strike so as to reduce the loss of flow passage components. The pump series has a complete range of specifications, high efficiency, low noise, few vibration, long life performance, easy installation and maintenance etc. Application Type ZJ, ZJX slurry pumps apply to mines, metallurgy, power, coal, chemical engineering, building materials etc., and are used for delivering abrasive and corrosive slurry with solid particles, the maximal weight concentration of its solid liquid mixture: mortar ≤45%, ore slurry ≤60%. Working Condition Q: 3~4000m3/h H: 2.4~148m Inlet Diameter: 25~550mm Inlet Working Pressure: ≤0.6Mp Working T emperature: ≤120℃ZJ ZJX型卧式渣浆泵2 结构特点★泵效率高国际先进的水力模型,采用固液两相流理论设计,中频冶炼、消失模铸造保证了泵效率处于领先地位,比一般渣浆泵型效率高3-5%。
渣浆泵操作规程范本一、设备准备1. 确保泵的各个部件完好无损,如泵体、进出口法兰、叶轮、密封装置等。
2. 检查电气设备是否正常运行,如电机、电缆、控制器等。
3. 核对液力联轴器和传动装置是否正常,无异常振动和异响。
二、泵的启停操作1. 启动前,先确保所有安全保护装置已启动,如断电保护装置、温度保护装置等。
2. 按照电气控制柜上的启动按钮启动设备。
3. 启动后,注意观察泵的工作状态,确保泵正常运转。
4. 注意泵的进出口压力,保持在正常范围内,并根据需要调整泵的转速。
三、泵的停机操作1. 在停机前,先将进出口阀门关闭,停止对泵的供液。
2. 在电气控制柜上按下停止按钮,停止设备运行。
3. 注意观察泵停机后是否有异响或异常振动,如有异常情况及时报修。
四、维护保养1. 定期检查泵的运行状态,如有异常情况及时调整或维修。
2. 定期清洗泵的进出口法兰和滑动轴承,确保泵的正常工作。
3. 定期更换泵的密封装置,防止泵的漏水。
4. 定期检查电气设备的连接情况,确保电气系统的正常运行。
5. 定期检查液力联轴器和传动装置的润滑情况,加注润滑油。
五、安全注意事项1. 禁止在运行中接触泵的旋转部件,以免发生危险。
2. 在操作泵时,必须佩戴好必要的防护用品,如安全帽、手套等。
3. 在固定泵时,必须使用专用工具进行安装,以免发生泄漏或松动。
4. 在维护泵时,必须切断电源,并进行必要的安全防护措施。
5. 在进行泵的维修或更换部件时,必须按照规定的程序进行,以免发生事故。
六、故障处理1. 在泵停机后出现故障时,首先切断电源,然后查找故障原因。
2. 根据故障原因,进行相应的处理措施,如更换零部件、调整工作参数等。
3. 如果无法解决故障,及时联系专业人员进行维修。
七、环境保护1. 在使用泵的过程中,要注意节约能源,减少能源浪费。
2. 对于泵使用过程中产生的废液,要进行正确的处置,不得随意排放。
3. 定期清洗泵的工作环境,保持环境整洁,防止杂物进入泵内。
ZJ渣浆泵使用说明书ZJ渣浆泵使用说明书第一章:产品概述1.1 产品简介此文档是针对ZJ渣浆泵的使用说明,提供了详细的操作、维护和维修指南。
1.2 产品特点- 高效能:ZJ渣浆泵采用先进的设计和制造技术,具有出色的输送能力和高效率。
- 耐用性:精心选择的材料和优质工艺确保了泵的长寿命和耐磨性。
- 适应性:可根据客户需求进行定制,以应对不同的工作条件和材料输送要求。
第二章:安全操作2.1 前提条件在操作ZJ渣浆泵之前,必须了解以下操作前提条件:- 操作人员必须具备相关的安全操作知识和技能。
- 操作人员必须戴好必需的个人防护装备,如安全帽、护目镜、耳塞等。
- 泵和其相关设备必须严格按照操作手册和相关规程进行安装。
2.2 操作步骤- 步骤1:检查泵的工作环境,确保周围没有障碍物和危险品。
- 步骤2:检查电源和电线连接,确保无故障。
- 步骤3:打开主电源,启动操控面板,确保一切就绪。
- 步骤4:根据需要调整泵的输送量和压力。
- 步骤5:启动泵,开始工作。
- 步骤6:定期检查泵的工作状态和温度,确保正常运行。
- 步骤7:关闭泵和电源,进行日常维护和清洁。
第三章:维护与保养3.1 日常维护- 定期检查泵的密封件和轴承,确保没有磨损和松动。
- 清洁和润滑泵的相关部件,保持其正常运行。
- 定期更换磨损的零部件,确保泵的性能和寿命。
3.2 故障排除- 泵无法启动:检查电源和电线连接是否正常。
- 输送量减小:检查是否有堵塞或泵的磨损。
- 泵运行时噪音过大:检查轴承和密封件是否有损坏。
第四章:附件本文档涉及以下附件:- ZJ渣浆泵操作手册- 技术规格表- 安装图纸第五章:法律名词及注释- 泵:一种用于输送液体、气体或半固体物质的机械设备。
- 渣浆:由固体颗粒和液体组成的黏稠物质。
- 维护:指根据设备的要求进行日常保养和检修。
- 维修:指修理和更换设备的零部件以恢复其正常功能。
二、操作前的准备工作1. 检查设备:操作前应检查渣浆泵及其附属设备的完整性,包括电机、泵体、叶轮、轴承箱、联轴器等,确保无损坏、变形、裂纹等现象。
2. 检查介质:确认输送介质为渣浆,且介质性质符合泵的使用要求。
3. 检查水源:确保水源充足,水质符合要求。
4. 检查电源:检查电源电压、频率是否符合泵的额定值。
5. 检查安全设施:确保安全防护设施齐全,如防护罩、紧急停机按钮等。
三、操作步骤1. 启动前准备:检查泵的旋转方向,确保与设计要求一致;检查电机旋转方向,确保与泵的旋转方向一致;检查轴承箱油位,确保油位在规定范围内。
2. 启动:先开启泵进口阀,关闭出口阀,然后启动电机;待泵运行稳定后,缓慢开启出口阀,直至达到设计流量。
3. 运行监控:观察泵的运行状态,如振动、噪音、温度等,确保泵运行平稳;监控流量、压力等参数,确保泵运行在最佳工况。
4. 定期检查:定期检查泵的运行状况,如轴承温度、油位、填料密封等,发现问题及时处理。
5. 停机:在停机前,先关闭出口阀,然后停止电机;停机后,关闭进口阀,排空泵内介质。
四、日常维护与保养1. 检查轴承箱油位:定期检查轴承箱油位,确保油位在规定范围内,不足时及时补充。
2. 更换易损件:定期检查易损件,如填料、轴承等,发现磨损、损坏时及时更换。
3. 清洁设备:定期清洁泵体、电机等设备,保持设备清洁、干燥。
4. 检查密封:检查泵的密封性能,确保无泄漏现象。
5. 检查联轴器:检查联轴器弹性垫,确保其完整、正确,损坏后及时更换。
五、注意事项1. 操作人员应熟悉渣浆泵的操作规程和设备性能,确保安全操作。
2. 操作过程中,如发现异常情况,应立即停止操作,检查原因,排除故障。
3. 严禁超负荷运行,以免损坏设备。
4. 操作人员应穿戴防护用品,如安全帽、防护眼镜、手套等。
目录一、泵的用途和适用范围 (1)二、泵的型式、结构特征与型号 (1)三、泵的起吊、安装、调整与试运行 (3)四、常见故障及处理措施 (14)五、泵的维护保养与拆装 (17)六、易损件明细表 (2)3七、专用工具明细表 (24)1特别提示1、必须保证泵轴的转向与泵壳上箭头指示方向一致。
3. 转速范围:该系列泵的转速范围为490-2900rpm,用户可以根据具体工况选择合适的转速。
Rotary Hand PumpUser’s ManualMODEL NO.: 3988037SpecificationPumping capacity: 22L/6G per 100 rotaries2” barrel adapterSave This ManualYou will need the manual for the safety warnings and precautions, assembly instructions, operating and maintenance procedures, parts list and diagram. Keep your invoice with this manual. Write the invoice number on the inside of the front cover. Keep the manual and invoice in a safe and dry place for future reference.WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONSWARNING: When using the pump, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of personal injury and damage to equipment. Read all instructions before using this pump!1. Keep work area clean.2. Observe appropriate work area conditions. Do not use the pump in damp or wet locations. Don’t expose to rain. Keep work area well lighted.3. Keep children away. Children must never be allowed in the work area. Do not let them handle the pump. Locate the pump in an area out of reach of children.4. Store idle equipment. When not in use, the pump must be stored in a dry location to inhibit rust. Always lock up the pump and keep out of reach of children.5. Use the right tool for the job. Do not attempt to force a small pump or attachment to do the work of a larger industrial pump. There are certain applications for which this pump was designed. It will do the job better and more safely at the rate for which it was intended. Do not modify this pump and do not use this tool for a purpose for which it was not intended.6.Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry as they can be caught in moving parts. Protective, electrically non-conductive clothes and non-skid footwear are recommended when working. Wear restrictive hair covering to contain long hair.e eye protection. Always wear ANSI approved impact safety goggles.8.Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. Do not reach over or across running machines.9.Maintain pump with care. Keep the pump clean for better and safer performance. The handle must be kept clean, dry, and free from oil and grease at all times.10.Check for damaged parts. Before using any pump, any part that appears damaged should be carefully checked to determine that it will operate properly and perform its intended function. Check for alignment and binding of moving parts, any broken parts or mounting fixtures and any other condition that may affect proper operation. Any part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced by a qualified technician.11.Replacement parts and accessories. When servicing, use only identical replacement parts. Use of any other parts will void the warranty. Only use accessories intended for use with this tool.12.Do not operate pump if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Read warning labels if taking prescription medicine to determine if your judgement or reflexes are impaired while taking drugs. If there is any doubt, do not operate the pump.13.Maintenance. For your safety, maintenance should be performed regularly by a qualified technician.Warnings!This product should not be used for fluid transfer into aircraft.This product is not suited for use with fluids for human consumption or fluids containing water.Fluid compatibilityIf in doubt about compatibility of a specific fluid, contact supplier of fluid to check for any adverse reactions to the wetted materials.The pump is compatible with the following fluids:Diesel, Kerosene, Light oils, Mineral spiritsDo not use the pump with the following fluids:Gasoline, Water, Sulfuric acid, Naphtha, Methanol, Methyl Ethyl Ketone(MEK), Acetone, Ammonia, Benzene, Bleach, Chlorine.Assembly1. Insert the suction pipe (#8) into the barrel.2. Slide the bung adapter (#9) over the suction pipe (#8). Use the bolt (#5) to tighten the barrel in place on the suction pipe (#8).3. Screw the pump body onto the top of the suction pipe (#8).4. Slide the handle (#20) onto the screw (#17) on the pump body. Tighten together using the hex bolt (#18).5. Screw the delivery spout (#13) onto the threaded outlet on top of the pump body.Operation1. Assemble the pump as described above.2. To prime the pump, turn the discharge spout upwards and pour in a few drop of oil.3. Attach the hose to the end of the deliver spout (if needed) and put a container under the delivery spout or hose end.4. Completely submerge the lower half of the suction pipe into the fluid to transfer.5. Pump the handle steadily to begin the liquid transfer.6. Pump until the discharge container is full or the pump runs dry.7. Remove the pump and wipe it dry.Note: If the drum has water or other residue on the bottom, try to avoid running them through the pump. Raise the lower part of the suction pipe above the residue.Maintenance1. Before each use, inspect the general condition of the pump. Check for broken or bent parts, loose or missing parts, and any condition that may affect the proper operation of the product. If a problem occurs, have the problem corrected before further use.2. Periodically, use a light lubricant on the handle’s pivot parts.3. Keep the suction and delivery ports free of dirt and debris.4. After each use, wipe off the unit. Store in a clean dry place, out of reach of children.Diagram & Parts ListPart No.Description Quantity1 BOLT 102 PIN 23 SPRING+SPRING PIN 14 VANE 25 BOLT 16 INLET 17 STRAINER 18 SUCTION PIPE 19 BUNG ADAPTER 110 BACK COVER 1111 ROTOR 112 PUMP CHAMBER 113 SPOUT 114 SEAL 115 PAPER SEAL 116 FRONT COVER 117 SCREW 118 HEX NUT 119 ROCKING HANDLE 120 HANDLE 121 HANDLE CORE 1。
CONTENTSⅠUSES AND SCOPE OF APPLICATION (1)ⅡPATTERN、STRUCTURAL FEATURE OF PUMPS (1)ⅢSLING、INSTALLATION、ADJUSTMENT AND TEST RUN OF PUMPS (4)ⅣCOMMON FAILURE AND HANDING MEASURE (11)ⅤMAINTENANCE AND DISMOUNTING OF PUMPS (15)ⅥLIST OF QUICK-WEAR PARTS (20)ATTENTION1. The direction of motor must keep consistent with arrow on the Front casing. Before testing running the motor, the motor must be separated from pump. The shafts of Motor and pump are strictly forbidden to rotate reversely; otherwise some parts will be damaged.2. Before operating the pump, the packing must be installed.3. Before operation we must add oil (N32 summer or N46 winter) according to the oil level of oil gauge. Pump is strictly forbidden to operate without lube; otherwise bearings will be burned out.4. When equipping the belt wheel of motor, the shaft of motor should manufactured in according to drawings provided by SHIJIAZHUANG INDUSTORIAL PUMP F ACTORY if the shaft diameter is higher than 65mm so that the belt wheel operating safely.5. Please read this technical manual carefully before installation and operation.Ⅰ USES AND SCOPE OF APPLICATIONType ZJ series Slurry Pump is a new energy-saving centrifugal pump. The products are designed and developed by The Pump Technology Corporation, Hydromining Research Institute Tangshan Branch and SHIJIAZHUANG INDUSTORIAL PUMP FACTORY. They are innovative in hydraulic designs, structural designs and materials of castings after integrating congeneric products throughout the world. They have many features: high efficiency, reasonable design, reliable operation, long in service time, easy maintenance, and low running costs and so on. The ZJ series pump’s lead their domestic counterparts in various technical performances, with most of them approaching the advanced world level, and widely used for handling abrasive or corrosive slurries in power, metallurgical, mining, coal, as well as chemical industries. For example, flushing ash in power plants and pumping coal slurry in coal preparation plants. They are suitable for handlingabrasive and corrosive solids-bearing slurry with maximum concentrations of wt.45%(ash) and wt.60%(ore).Ⅱ PATTERN、STRUCTURAL FEATURE OF PUMPSThe ZJ series slurry pumps are single-stage, single-suction, axial-suction and centrifugal slurry pumps. They classified into the horizontal version (ZJ type) and the vertical version (ZJL type).1. Structural feature and type of ZJ slurry pumps(1) Structural feature of ZJ slurry pumpsPump head:It is a horizontal cantilevered slurry double-cases pump. The pump head includes cases, impeller, and shaft seal. Double-cases pump centrally split vertical spilt direction. Discharge port can be positioned at 8 different position at an interval of 45°. The outside cases made by HT200 or HT500-7, connecting with bolts. The inside cases (volute case, front liner, back liner) made by high-chrome alloy or rubber materials.Impeller front and back cover plates with back vanes to reduce leakage and increase operating life, impeller and shaft is firmly connected by ladder-shaped with disassembly ring, ”O” rubber ring is used between liner and volute casing and it is very convenient and reliable.Shaft Seal: expeller seal and packing seal.SupportThe supports can be lubricated by oil. Supports are made up with support body, support cover, shaft, bearing box, bearing, bearing cover, baffle sleeve, nut, oil seal wash plate and so on (See Figure, 1). The supports have water-cooling above 150ZJ.Figure 1Structural Drawing Of ZJ Slurry Pumps1. Coupling2. Shaft3. Bearing housing4. Disassembly ring5. Expeller6. Rear liner plate7. V olute casing 8. Impeller 9. Front liner plate10. Front casing 11.Rear casing 12. Stuffing box13. Water-seal ring 14. Base 15. Support16. Adjusting bolts 17. Inlet stub 18. Outlet stub(2) Type Designation of ZJ slurry pumpsExternal diameter of impeller after incision(cm)Diameter of impeller (cm)Number of vanes of impellerI denotes single stage pumpZJ denotes slurry pumpsOutlet diameter (mm)2. Structural feature and type of ZJL series slurry pumps(1) Structural feature of ZJL series slurry pumpsZJL series slurry pumps are made up of Impeller、V olute casing、Rear line plate、Shaft sleeve、Support、Supporting plate、Shaft、Bearing、Bearing body and so on. The materials of Impeller、V olute casing and Rear line plate is cast iron which contains high-chrome alloy. The impeller can be installed with shaft through screw thread. V olute casing、support and bearing body are connected with bolts. The driving patterns of the shaft and the motor could choose the coupling direct driven or the belt driven. The bearings of ZJL slurry pumps are lubricated by grease. Structure of the ZJL series slurry pumps (See Figure2)(2) Type and meaning of ZJL series slurry pumps80 ZJL —36External diameter of impeller (cm)Vertical version slurry pumpsOutlet diameter (mm)1. V olute casing2. Impeller3. Rear line plate4. Seal ring5. Oil seal6. Bearing7. Oil cupFigure 2 The structural drawing of ZJL series vertical slurry pumpsⅢ SLING、INSTALLATION、ADJUSTMENT AND TEST RUN OF PUMPS1. SlingWhen slinging a packed pump, we operate in accordance with marks on the packing case. The packing case shall avoid vibrating violently, overinclining, landing on the body with pointed ends and being placed upside down.When slinging an unpacked pump, we operate according as the following requirement.(1) When lifting the horizontal pump without base or with singly base, the liftgravity is on the side of support square hole that near the pump head. Wirerope pass through this place to join with lift hook. In order to keep the balance of pump, the auxiliary wirerope should be added between inlet pipeline and lifting screw. The lifting screws on support cover and casings are assembled to dismount support cover and casings. They cannot be used when lift the whole pump in case of accident. (2) When slinging the horizontal pump with motor and common base, the lift gravity is on the side of support square hole that near couplings. Wirerope pass through this place to join with lift hook. In order to keep the balance of pump, the auxiliary wirerope should be installed among inlet pipeline, lifting screws on motor and lift hook.(3) The horizontal pump units with intermediate speed-transformation, such as coupled apparatus, should be lift separately.(4) Cushion should be added between wirerope and body of pump to prevent damaging appearance of pump and cutting off wirerope.2. Installation(1) Examination before installationThe pumps have been inspected and tested before ex-factory. Pumps should be set up correctly in order to possess good operating mode. We must check up types of pumps、parameters of pumps and components and parts in accordance with Packing List before installation. We ensure that technical data and quality certificate of pump is complete. Pump can be installed after reading correlation technical data carefully, especially such as THE INSTRUCTIONS OF INSTALLATION AND APPLICATION FOR TYPE ZJ SLURRY PUMPS and mastering related technical requirements.(2) Installation and capturing of pumpThe horizontal pump units should be equipped by making use of twice grouting. The central line of pumps is consistent with the central line of foundation. The deviation between center-height of pump and design value is smaller than ±2 mm vertically and 0.1/1000 horizontally.We assure axis of pump units by adjusting couplings when pumps are drove by couplings. There are two methods.The first method is the use of knife ruler and plug gauge. We adjust outside diameter of couplings with knife ruler to guarantee alignment in every direction and the max tolerance (δ) less than 0.1 mm [See Figure3,(a)]. We examine the interval between coupling to guarantee the max tolerance △(△=δ1-δ2) smaller than 0.1mm[See Figure3, (b)]. The other method is the use of plug gauge and magnetic centigrade scale. We fix magnetic centigradescale on outside diameter of one coupling and put measuring head on outside diameter of the other coupling. The pulsation of centigrade scale should be smaller than 0.15mm [See Figure3, (c)] when turn rotor. We check up the space between couplings with plug gauge to ensure the max tolerance less than 0.1mm [See Figure3, (b)].(a) (b) (c)Figure 3 Capturing of couplingThe shaft of pump and the motor should assured the parallelism when pumps are drove by belts, so we adjust direction on the basis of pulley. When central distance is small, we can align end faces of pulley with ruler; when central distance is big, and we can adjust them by aligning end faces through span wire system [See Figure, (4)].Figure 4 Capturing of belt wheels(3) Configuration and requirement of discharge pipeline and suction pipeline According to the applied condition and the cavitation performance of pump, the arrangement of pump can be classified into exalted setting [See Figure5, (a)] and low setting [See Figure5, ( b)].(a) (b)Figure 5 Arrangement of suction pipeline and discharge pipeline①Suction pipelineDiameter of suction pipeline: diameter of suction pipeline should be equal to pump inlet or larger than it so as to avoid cavitation and deposition of slurry in pipeline. Gate valve of suction pipeline: In order to maintain easily, we should install inletgate valves whose diameter is equal to the diameter of suction pipeline. The expansion pipe should be set up between inlet of pump and suction pipeline so as to disassemble pump.②Discharge pipelineDiameter of discharge pipeline: diameter of discharge pipeline is usually bigger than outlet of pump because diameter of discharge pipeline is related to properties of slurries and sedimentation flow rate.Gate valve of discharge pipeline: Diameter of outlet gate valve is equal to diameter of discharge pipeline.Piezometer: The piezometer should be set up on the ascending pipe between outlet of pump and the first valve.③Points for configuration of pipelineThe diameter of pipeline is related to system resistance, critical sedimentation velocity of slurry etc. Before inlet of pump, one-stage pipe longer than 3 times diameter of pipeline had better be installed. The velocity of slurry is between 1.5 and 3.0 m/s, which is determined by critical sedimentation velocity of slurry.When we install suction pipe in suction arrangement we adopt pipe of varying diameter whose upper generating line is horizontal to avoid cavitation (See Figure, 6).Figure 6 Reducing pipe with horizontal upper generating lineWhen we adjust the capacity of pump with throttle, throttle should be installed on the discharge pipeline. When throttle is fixed on suction pipeline, cavity will happen easily.(4) Pipelines of water-sealing and water-coolingPacking seal will be equipped with stubs and piezometer. We must install pressure gauge on shaft seal water pipeline to adjust the pressure of shaft seal water. The setting of shaft seal water pipeline and water-cooling pipeline are seen Figure7.Shaft seal water Water-coolingFigure 7 Arrangement of shaft seal water pipelineThe pressure of shaft seal water should be computed according as the following formula.Table 1 Pressure and Capacity of shaft seal waterNote: This Table is suitable to single stage pump.When the suction pressure of pump is 0 (Pin=0), the pressure of shaft seal water is equal to the half of the pressure of pump exit (P’=1/2P out).The pressure of water-cooling is between 0.05~0.2MPa, the capacity is between 1~3 m3/h.The type of water-cooling see Table 2.Table 2 Type of Packing, water-sealing and water-cooling(5)Packing selectionAsbestos packing with mica should be often used when the working pressure of pump is less than 0.5MPa and asbestos packing with ploytetrafluoroethylene should be used when the pressure is more than 0.5 MPa. The type of packing see Table 2. The packing standard should be accord with stuffing box size, and from thedirection of shaft, joints of the adjacent packing rings included 120°.3. Adjustment of pumpWe examine and adjust pumps after assembly.(1) Adjustment of the interval between impeller and front liner (See Following)(2) Adjustment of rotation direction of motorMotor's direction of rotation must be in accordance with pump's direction of rotation. When pump operate in opposite direction, some parts will be damaged. After pumps are divorced from motors completely, we can regulate motor direction of rotation. When they are in the same direction, we attach pumps to motors. We must not start motor blindly.(3) Adjustment of transmissionWhen pumps are drove by elastic pin coupling, protective cover and pins should be set up carefully. When pumps are drove by belt, we adjust sliding track so as that every belt has the same pretightening force and install protective cover attentively. When pumps are drove by speed controllers, they are adjusted according to installation instructions.(4)All of fasteners must be reinforced again.(5) Put the tools and the lumbers aside to avoid accident, which was set on pump units4. Test run of pumpsPump sets can be tested run after adjustment. If possible, slurry can be transported after test run with clear water.(1) Starting of pump①Before starting of pump we must turn the impeller around in the stated direction in order that whether running is flexible.②Switch on shaft seal water. Adjust pressure up to specified value.③Suction valves are opened completely.④Open water-flooding valves to pour the water into pump.⑤Open the outlet valves and adjust the opening degree of valve gate to quarter.⑥Start the pump units. We turn on piezometer on discharge pipeline after speed of rotation was stable. If pressure of discharge pipeline was stable, we can open discharge valves slowly up to required working conditions.Attention:When discharge valves are opened fully, starting pumps will make motor overloaded. Opening suction valves partly will bring about cavity.(2) Notes of pumpAfter operation of pumps normally, we should examine the following①Examine whether the capacity and head of pump stable and fit for requirementof work condition.②Examine whether the electric current of motor is stable.③Examine sound、noise and vibration in pump units is normal or not.④The temperature rise of bearings is under 35℃, but the highest temperature of bearings is lower than 75℃.⑤For packing seal, should open the shaft sealing water and check whether shaft sealing water quantity and water pressure are suitable, adjust the bolts on packing gland so as to adjust packing and shaft sealing water, it is better to leak out drop by drop, if packing is very tight, heating will be produced on the bearing consuming power, if packing is very loose, amount of liquid leakage will be excessive large.(4) Shutting down①Pumping clear water on pump for 30 minutes before shutting down in order to clear any slurry through pump.②Shut off discharge valves.③Close the water of shaft seal and water-cooling.④Shut off suction valves.Attention: we must stop each stage pump at the same time when discharge valves are opened fully, lest water hammer happen and parts will be damaged.Ⅳ COMMON FAILURE AND HANDING MEASURENO.1(1) Appearance of faultyThere is no water in pipeline when pumps operated normally. The pointers of pressure gage and vacuum meter move up and down violently.(2) Analysis of reasona. There is not enough water in suction pipeline.b. Pipeline is blocked up and suction valves are not opened completely.c. There is a serious leakage of air in suction pipeline、apparatus、stuffing box etc.(3) Processing measurea. We fill water into suction pipeline.b. Open suction valves and clean plugging cement in pipeline.c. Stop a leakage of air.NO.2(1) Appearance of faultyThere is no water in pipeline when pumps operate normally. The vacuum metershows high vacuum.(2) Analysis of reasona. The suction valves are closed or stopped up.b. The resistance of pipeline is too big. Pipeline is stopped up.c. The mounting height is too high.(3) Processing measurea. Open suctions valves or clean dirt.b. We improve the suction pipeline design or clean dirt.c. We can lower mounting height.NO.3(1) Appearance of faultyThere is no water in pipeline when pumps operate normally. The pressure gages show a little pressure.(2) Analysis of reasona. The resistance of discharge pipeline is too high.b. Impellers are clogging.c. Rotation speed of pump is smaller.(3) Processing measurea. We examine and adjust discharge pipeline.b. Clean impellers.c. Improve rotation speed of pump.NO.4(1) Appearance of faultyThe pump cannot rotate normally.(2) Analysis of reasona. There are blocks in volutes.b. Outlet valve doesn't closes fully and slurry was put into pump.(3) Processing measurea. Clean dirt in volutes.b. Examine and replace valve and clean dirt.NO. 5(1) Appearance of faultyThe capacity of pump is not enough.(2) Analysis of reasona. Impeller、discharge pipeline、and suction pipeline are blocked up.b. Expellers are worn down.c. Rotation speed of pump is smaller than designed value.e. The resistance of pipeline is too high.f. Suction valves are opened partly.g. Pumps are unfit for working condition.(3) Processing measurea. Clean impellers and pipeline.b. Exchange impellers.c. Readjust rotation speed of pump motors.d. Remount pumps and reduce a leakage of air.e. Lower height of transport. Reduce resistance of pipeline.f. Open suction valves completely.g. Choose pumps again.NO.6(1) Appearance of faultyMotors are overloaded.(2) Analysis of reasona. Delivery head of pump is higher than necessary head, so value of working condition moves to the larger capacity.b. Proportion of slurry is not considered when we choose motors.(3) Processing measurea. Cut down impellers. Bring down rotation speed of pump.b. Choose motor again.NO.7(1) Appearance of faultyThere is no water in pipeline. Sound in pump is abnormal.(2) Analysis of reasona. Resistance of suction pipeline is too high.b. Height of suction is too large.c. Cavitation happens.d. Air goes into suction pipeline.e. The temperature of slurry is high.(3) Processing measurea. Clean suction pipeline and inlet gate valves.b. Bring down height of suction.c. Adjust discharge valves so as that flow of pumps goes into the prescribed limit.d. Reduce the leakage of air.e. Bring down the temperature of slurry.NO.8Pumps vibrate violently.(2) Analysis of reasona. Cavitation happens.b. Expellers are blocked up.c. The shaft of pump and the shaft of motor are not concentric.d. Fastening parts or foundation becomes flexible.(3) Processing measurea. Bring down height of installation. Lessen the resistance of suction pipeline.b. Clean the impellers.c. Readjust central line again.d. Fasten anchor nuts and reinforce ground.NO.9(1) Appearance of faultyBearings have a fever.(2) Analysis of reasona. Cooling water cocks are not opened.b. Bearings cannot be lubricated normally.c. Lubricant oil is not clean.d. The installation direction of thrust bearing is not proper.e. Quality of bearing is not up to standard.(3) Processing measurea. Turn on cooling water.b. Adjust oil level according to specification instructions.c. Clean bearings and replace lubricant oil.d. Determine installation direction of bearing according to direction of pressure.e. Change bearings.NO.10(1)Appearance of faultya. Excessive leakage from stuffing box.b. Packing was burned down.(2) Analysis of reasona. Packing worn.b. No water-sealing(3) Processing measurea. Replace new packing.b. Open the water-sealingNO.11Oil is leaked from pump.(2) Analysis of reasona. Oil level is too high.b. Seal parts loss efficacy.c. Pumps are assembled unreasonably.(3) Processing measurea. Bring down oil level.b. Exchange seal parts.c. Reassemble pumps.NO.12(1) Appearance of faultyWater is leaked from pump head.(2) Analysis of reasona. There are questions in rubber parts.(3) Processing measurea.Press rubber parts or reassemble pumps.Ⅴ MAINTENANCE AND DISMOUNTING OF PUMPSIn order that ZJ series pumps operate safely and play to strong points, maintenance and way of disassemble & assemble is important. According to the feature of the ZJ series pumps, we establish the requirement of maintenance. When the pump is working, must ensure that the packing are installed.1. MaintenanceThe ZJ series pumps have been adjusted before delivery. During 6 months after purchasing customers need not take apart pumps. Before using pumps, we should examine the flexibility of rotation and add lubricant oil.⑴Keep facilities clean、dry、without dirties and leakage.⑵Examine oil level in support every day, its deviation from the oil level of support is ±2 mm⑶Examine operation、vibration and leakage every day. We must solve them in time when we find problems.⑷No operating when pump-out. When operating on that condition, pumps will vibrate violently and reduce service life.⑸Metal body and big block, which cannot pass through pumps, must not enter pumps, neither do rubbers, plastics, and cottons, lest wet parts are damaged and stopped up so as to operate abnormally.⑹We should check up flow and pressure of shaft seal water and cooling waterHigher temperature shows short of water.⑺Examine leakage of shaft seal water regularly. When leakage becomes big we should adjust bolts of stuff cover and exchange stuff in time.⑻Assembly of the packing①The packing length should be accord with sleeve circle, and from the direction of shaft, joints of the adjacent packing rings crossed 120°.②After packing, test run with supplying water, meantime, adjust gland bolts carefully to make the leakage be drop not line. Packing is very important to be pay attention to, it not only related state of seal, but also affect performances of pump.⑼In order to make pumps operate efficiently we must adjust the interval between impeller and front liner so as that it is between 0.75-1.00 mm. The interval has been adjusted before delivery. You can stop pump and adjust it if you find it isn't up to mustard or you find problem in pump's work. Adjust them as following.①Undo nuts of support cover.②Undo adjustable bolt screws.③Tighten nuts of bearing box averagely so as that rotor moves to pump head until rotor cannot rotate. Attention: direction of winding impellers should be in accordance with work direction.④Measure the interval (δ=a) between flange of bearing box and end face of support. Now the interval between impeller and front line is zero.⑤Undo nuts of bearing box.⑥Tighten adjustable screws averagely so as that rotor moves to motor. Check up the interval until it is equal to a+(0.75-1.00mm). Attention: ensure the rotor stated firmly.⑦Tighten nuts of bearing box in order to fix rotor in axial direction.⑽Examine temperature of bearings and ensure it lower than 75℃.⑾Exchange lubricating oil after pumps operate for 800 hours running.⑿Auxiliary pumps rotate the quarter circle weekly so as that shaft of pumps bears static load and vibration of base evenly.⒀If auxiliary pumps are not operating for a long time, we should clean sediment with water before running pumps.⒁Examine supporting mechanism of pipeline regularly so as that supporting is reliable and body of pump does not bear supporting force.⒂Examine fastening parts of base frequently in order that fasting is reliable.⒃Pins can be set up after testing rotor direction of rotation for pumps assembled just now and repaired. Belts can be set up after testing motor direction of rotationloss of power, slurry in pipeline can make impellers rotate oppositely. But when head of pump is above 80m, we should prevent slurry from flowing back lest pumps rotate oppositely.⒄Before starting pumps, we should switch on shaft seal water and cooling water. After stop pumps for 15 minutes, we switch off shaft seal water and cooling water. 2. Assembly、dismantlement and examinationAll elements and parts should be checked up and washed before assembly. We examine if all elements and parts are fit for requirement. After exchanging damaged parts, we assemble pumps.Sequence and requirement of assembling(1) Assembly of rotor partsBearings in the ZJ series Slurry pumps are made in China generally. And the system of lubrication applies to oil.①Assembling of bearinga. Use qualified bearings.b. Examine depth of parallelism and degree of roughness of inner diameter、outer diameter、width and two end faces. Check up flexibility of rotation、rust、stain and so on.c. We should check up the endplay to angle joint bearing and double self-aligning bearings. After we find the center of ball track, we determine whether to add washer and what deep the washer is to guarantee the standard endplay of bearings. Don't assemble radial thrust bearing contrarily.d. When we assemble separable bearings, we should set up them according to marks of inner rings and outer rings in order to avoid assembling them improperly.e. For bearings that can be installed in double direction, we should make the end with marks outward so as to recognize.②Assembly of shafta. To avoid occlusion of seating and damaging axle holes, we should smear oil on seating before installation.b. We install bearings by using hot-pack method. We put bearings into oil into heating apparatus to immerse all seating into oil. We heat the oil to 80-100℃. We should install thermometer in oil to control temperature. After installation, bearings should be cooled down naturally to avoid damaging elements and deforming elements.c. After installing back bearing, we assemble the baffle sleeves and knuckle nuts to press bearing.rotate flexibly. After that, assemble bearing box as hot-pack method.e. Assemble front bearings last as above.f. Fix the seal rings on bearing box.g. After parts of shaft and support are installed, assemble other parts as assembly drawing.⑵Assembly of supportAbove all, clear support cover 、support body’s oil pool and bearing hole.①After we clean the seating between support cover and support body we add paper washer to guarantee bearing holes fit for tolerance of ±0.015mm.②We assemble hexagonal plug screw and oil scale-plate. We scratch a line through the center of oil scale-plate and smear red paint to express oil level.③Assemble cooling parts and cooling cavity covers (Note: Some pumps are not equipped with cooling cavity covers.).④Assembly of parts of shaft and supportLift shaft and put parts of shaft into seating of support. Lift support cover to close support after swearing glue on paper washer. Interval between inner end face of bearing box and end face support is 3mm. We set up taper pin and tighten bolts in advance.⑤Set up oil seal in front bearing cover. After add washer between front bearing cover and end face support, we can tighten bolts.⑥After we examine the interval between back bearing cover and bearing box, we can repair depth of covers and add cushion to let bearing cover leave on the bearing closely. We install oil seal in back bearing cover and tighten bolts after adding cushion between back bearing cover and end face of support.⑦Assemble wash plate and discharge ring. Before assembling discharged ring and pressing wash plate tightly, we should fill grease into screw hole.⑧Assemble adjustable nuts and adapter screw bearing box.⑨Magnetic centigrade scale is equipped with shaft so as to measure coaxality and perpendicularity between locating hole and end faces、shaft center of gyration. The tolerance is smaller than 0.25mm.⑩Assemble coupling or pulley.(3) Assembly of rear casing and rear liner plate①Assemble rear casing on the support.②Assemble sleeve within seal rubber ring on the shaft, then assemble packing gland and water-seal ring on sleeve.③Assemble stuffing box and seal ring in trough, and expeller seal ring and。
目录一、泵的用途和适用范围 (1)二、泵的型式、结构特征与型号 (1)三、泵的起吊、安装、调整与试运行 (3)四、常见故障及处理措施 (14)五、泵的维护保养与拆装 (17)六、易损件明细表 (23)七、专用工具明细表 (24)1特别提示1、必须保证泵轴的转向与泵壳上箭头指示方向一致。
型号意义说明:如 : 350ZJ-100F350: 泵出口直径(mm)Z : 杂质泵J : 浆液G : 给料100: 叶轮直径 (cm)F : 叶轮叶片数6枚A为5枚(可省略),B为4枚,C为3枚,F为6枚,G为7枚,H为8枚Z J 系列渣浆泵主要技术参数型号允许配带最大功率N(kw)流量Q(m3/h)扬程H(m)转速n(r/m)最高效率η(%)汽蚀余量(m)间断通过最大粒度(mm)泵重T(kg)350ZJ-100F 560 526-2339 14.9-62.8 300-590 77.6 4.4 96 5465 300ZJ-100 450 464-1826 15.3-65.2 300-590 81.0 2.0 88 5265300ZJ-90 560 505-1844 21.2-79.9 400-730 82.8 3.9 85 5005 300ZJ-70 630 635-2333 16.0-76.8 490-980 80.4 3.9 92 3560 300ZJ-56 250 395-1568 9.7-46.0 490-980 80.9 3.5 96 3030 250ZJ-103 560 402-1573 29.7-110.5 400-730 74.5 2.8 69 5085 250ZJ-96 560 403-1466 25.4-93.7 400-730 77.8 3.5 69 5035 250ZJ-85 800 376-1504 30.1-128.7 490-980 76.5 3.5 76 4530 250ZJ-78 630 415-1796 21.1-102.5 490-980 71.5 3.2 76 4474 250ZJ-75 560 300-1480 20.8-97.5 490-980 77.5 3.0 72 3480 250ZJ-65 315 299-1249 15.4-71.0 490-980 76.9 3.0 72 3020 200ZJ-85 560 221-907 32.0-133.7 490-980 70.5 2.8 54 4110 200ZJ-75 355 225-900 22.8-102.9 490-980 74.1 3.0 56 3070 200ZJ-70 315 205-976 19.4-86.4 490-980 75.6 2.8 56 2465 200ZJ-65 250 235-950 16.4-72.0 490-980 79.6 2.5 62 2323 200ZJ-60 185 218-870 13.9-62.0 490-980 82.7 2.5 62 2223 150ZJ-71 220 142-552 21.8-93.8 490-980 69.8 2.4 48 2263 150ZJ-70 185 93-401 20.0-91.2 490-980 62.3 2.0 37 2245 150ZJ-65 200 150-600 17.4-75.7 490-980 70.8 2.5 48 2223 150ZJ-60 160 135-550 14.7-63.5 490-980 75.9 2.5 48 2203 150ZJ-58C 160 134-596 12.8-53.4 490-980 71.6 2.3 48 2019 150ZJ-57 110 95-427 13.2-56.3 490-980 67.8 1.8 32 2023 150ZJ-50 75 115-460 9.5-43.1 490-980 76.8 2.5 48 1735 150ZJ-42C 132 142-550 12.1-62.8 700-1480 77.1 2.2 69 1605 100ZJ-50 160 85-360 20.5-100.2 700-1480 69.6 2.5 34 1475 100ZJ-42 90 66-275 14.7-70.8 700-1480 71.0 2.5 35 1075 100ZJ-42B 90 83-365 12.7-66.8 700-1480 71.6 2.5 40 1085 100ZJ-36 55 61-245 9.7-49.5 700-1480 71.6 2.0 32 1010 80ZJ-52 160 51-242 22.1-109.8 700-1480 56.3 2.1 21 1465 80ZJ-42 75 61-204 14.4-70.4 700-1480 66.7 2.5 24 1053 65ZJ-30 15 23-79 7.4-34.8 700-1460 63.5 2.0 19 504 50ZJ-50 90 27-111 22.3-110.7 700-1480 45.1 3.0 13 1378 50ZJ-46 55 23-94 17.9-85.8 700-1480 44.7 1.4 13 1082 50ZJ-33 18.5 12-54 7.7-42.5 700-1480 42.1 2.9 13 537 40ZJ-19 15 8-35 12.8-57.1 1430-2930 58.8 1.3 11 173 40ZJ-17 7.5 4-23 9.0-44.6 1400-2900 52.4 2.5 11 121150ZJ-G50 55 62-280 9.3-44.6 490-980 65.7 2.1 29 1470 100ZJ-G42B 75 45-205 12.6-70.7 700-1480 63.2 1.8 18 1080(990)。
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目 录
一、泵的用途和适用范围……………………………………………………….. 1
(4) 钢丝绳与泵体接触的部位应加垫软物防护,以免损坏泵外观或造成钢丝绳切断。
(1) ZJ型渣浆泵的型号及意义
(2) ZJL型渣浆泵的型号及意义
① 泵头部分