LexicologyRoots Meanings Wordsa-negativeacro- heightAcu- make sharp acumen(敏锐)Acute(敏锐的,严重的,急性的) adroit clever and skillfull be ~ at agogue- leading demagogue(煽动家)demagoguery(煽动言论) agora- market place-aise ease(comfort) malaise(疾病) -Algia pain nostalgia(怀旧,思乡) altru/alter- other altruist(无私的人)alternate(轮流的) ambi- both ambivert(双性格的人)ambidextrous(双手共用的,技艺高超的)ambidexterity n. ambulo- to walk ambulatory(可移动的,步行的)perambulatory(婴儿车)perambulate(漫游,闲逛)preamble(前言,序文) ana- up anatomy(解剖学) andr male philander animus- mind equanimity(平静) Antropo- mankind anthropologist Arch- to rule patriarch(鼻祖) Articulus- joint articulate(发音,清晰)Inarticulate(由于…说不出话) Ascet- monk astetic(苦行僧)asceticism(苦行主义) Astron- star astronomy(天文)Astronomical(天文学的)Astrology(星相学)Astrologer(占星术家)AstronautAstronautics(航空学)Astrophysics(天文物理) Aster- star-shaped flower asterisk(星号) Auglu- english auglophile(亲英排) Bene- benign benign(亲切的,良性的)Benediction(祝福)Beneficent(做好事的)Benefactor(恩人,做好事的人)Benevolent(仁慈的)Beneficiary(受益人) Biblio- book bibliophile(藏书家) Bio- life biology(生物学)Biography(传记)Biopsy(活体检查)Autobiography(自传) Botan- plant botany(植物学)Botanist(植物学家) Cardi- heart cardiogram(心电图)Cardiograph(心电图仪器)Cardiologist(心脏病医生)Cardiac(心脏病的,心脏的) -cide to kill suicideSororicide(杀姐妹)Homicide(杀人)Uxoricide(杀妻)Regicide(弑君)Genocide(种族灭绝)Fratricide(弑兄)Mariticide(弑夫)Infancticide(杀婴儿) Circum- around circumlocution(迂回) Cla- to breakClaustrum- enclosed spaceCol/cor- together,with colloquial(口语的,非正式的) Com/con- together,with compareComparableComparative(相对的) Credo- to believe credulous(轻信的)Credible(可信的)Incredulous(怀疑的)Credential(证件,国书)Creed(信念,宗教信仰) Dema/demo people democracy(民主)Democrat(民主人士)Demography(人口统计学) Derm/dermat/dersim- skin epidermis(表皮)Pachyderm(大型厚皮动物)Dermatitis(皮肤炎) Dia- through diaphanous(半透明的) Dic- say,tell malediction(诅咒,诽谤) Dicho- in two dichotomyDiletare- to delightDipsa- thirstDono- to give donor(捐赠人)Condone(宽恕,弥补)Dor- back dorsum(背部)Endorse(支持,在背面写字)Endorsement(签字,代言) Ec- out eccentric(古怪的) Ego- I,self egoist(自私的)Egotist(自夸的)Egoism(自我主义)Egocentric(自我为中心的)Egomaniac(利己狂) Epi- on/upon epitome Equ- equal equivocate(说模棱两可的话)Equity(公正,股票)Equable(平稳的) Estrian- person equestrian(骑马的) Ex- out exurban(远郊的)Extro- outward extrovert(外向的人) Fatigue- to tire indefatigable(不知疲倦的)Fec/fic/fac to do or make malficent(犯罪的)Malefactor(罪犯) Fer- to bear or to carry vociferous(大声的) Fide- faith,trust bonafide(真正的,有效地)Fidelity(忠诚)Infidel(不忠的,异教徒)Infidelity(无宗教信仰的,对配偶不忠的) Frater- brother fraternize(与。
19. baro-: heavy, press
• Barogram Baro- (press) + -gram(曲
线) 气压自记曲线
• Barograph Baro- (press) + -graph(计) 自动气压记录器
• Barometer [bə'rɔmitə] Baro-(press) + meter(计) 气压计 晴雨表 • Barodynamics Baro- (heavy) + dynamics
millennium n.
mill(千) +enni+um(n.词尾)→一千年
annual adj. ['æ njuəl] ann+ual(...的)→每年的
centennial adj. [sen'tenjəl] cent(百)+enni+al→adj. 一百年的
anarchy :an+arch+-y monarch:mon+arch
Aster /Astro:星 Asterisk:aster-+-isk(小) 星号 注上星号 Asterism:aster-+-ism(主义) 星群 Astrodynamics:astro-+dynamics(动力) 天体动 力学 星体航行学 Astronavigation:astro-+navigation(航行航海领 航)太空航行
Guess agronomy [ə'ɡrɔnəmi]
agrotechny ['æɡrəu,tekni] (agro+ techny技术) n. 农业加工学
Word-formationWord-formation Word-formation or or or word-building word-building word-building is is that that branch branch branch of of of lexicology lexicology lexicology which which which studies studies studies the the the patterns patterns patterns on on which a language, in this case, the English language, coins new words. Percentage of new words coined by the different word-formation processes after World War The three major processes of word formation: Composition or CompoundingDefinition : Compounding is a word-formation process consisting of joining two or or more more more bases bases bases to to to form form form a a a new new new unit, unit, unit, a a a compound compound compound word. word. word. Compounding Compounding Compounding is is is the the the most most productive word-formation process in contemporary English . Identity crisis 个性危机stand-up collar 竖领hit-and-run tactics 打了就跑的战术spoon-feed 填鸭式灌输,娇养糊里糊涂muddle-headed/minded 笨嘴笨舌heavy-tongued 无忧无虑carefree 饱经风霜weather-beaten/worn 令人心碎heart-breaking 半死不活dead-alive/dead-and-alive 不合时宜ill-timed/badly-timed 批量生产mass-produce Compounds are very often used because of their brevity and vividness. For example, A schoolboy is more concise than “a boy attending school ”; “U p-to-the-minute information information” ” is more vivid than “the latest information ”; “The The old old old man man man would would would sit sit sit for for for hours, hours, hours, thinking thinking thinking sadly sadly sadly of of of all all all the the might-have-beens ” ” is is is more more compact and expressive than “…thinking sadly of the desirable things that could have happened in the past .”The relative criteria of a compound wordOrthographic criterion (书写标准) : Compounds are written in three ways, e.g. solid: airmail ;hyphenated: air-conditioning ; open: air force, air raid.Phonological criterion (语音标准) : Compound accent: a single stress on the first element; or a main stress on the first element and a secondary stress on the second element. E.g. 'blackboard, 'blue ‘bottle (a large buzzing fly with blue body ) ) Normal phrase accent : : a a a secondary secondary secondary stress stress stress on on on the the the first first first element element element and and and a a a main main main stress stress stress on on on the the second element. E.g. ‘ blue 'bottle (a bottle which is blue) Semantic criterion (语义标准) : A compound is a combination forming a unit expressing a a single single single idea. idea. idea. The The The lexical lexical lexical meaning meaning meaning of of of the the the components components components are are are closely closely closely joined joined joined together together together to to to create create create a a compound compound with with with a a a meaning meaning meaning which which which one one one can can can easily easily easily recognize, recognize, recognize, e.g. e.g. e.g. backdoor, backdoor, backdoor, sunset, sunset, sunset, workday. workday. However, the meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its parts, e.g. dog days, flatfoot ( a policeman), greenhouse, greenback (美钞),green-hand(生手), greenroom (演员休息室), mother wit (天生的智力), Indian paper (字典纸). More examples:home letters(家信), home voyage (归程), home life (家庭生活), home affairs (家庭事务),home bird (不爱外出的人)(不爱外出的人), home economics (家政学), home front (大后方), home games (在本地举行的比赛), home help (家务女佣)(家务女佣), homemaker (主妇)(主妇), home plate(棒球的本垒打), home sickness (思家病)(思家病). Word order: A flower pot (花盆) a pot flower (盆花) tiptoe(脚尖) deaf-mute (聋哑者)(聋哑者)Some of them were influenced by French : court martial(军事法庭) ; president elect (当选总统); ambassador designate (尚未上任的大使)(尚未上任的大使)Classification of compoundsCompounds can be classified according to parts of speech of the compounds . noun compounds : airplane , flower potadjective compounds: w eather-beaten weather-beaten , snowwhite verb compounds: p roof-read, proof-read, baby-sit proposition compounds: notwithstanding, alongside of conjunction compounds : whenever ,whereas pronoun compounds: a nother another , myselfThe three commonest types are noun compounds, adjective compounds, andverb compounds.noun compounds• Noun + nounrainwater 雨水; ; springwater springwater 泉水; ; houseplants houseplants 室内植物;fireball 火球火球 ; ; firecracker firecracker 鞭炮 ; spacecraft/spaceship 太空船;spacesuits 太空服;mousemat ; 鼠标垫鼠标垫 Dream Team ;bar code 条形码;条形码; lip service 口头上说得好听的话;口头上说得好听的话; information highway 信息高速公路; science fiction 科幻小说;科幻小说; sugar cane 甘蔗;gaslight 煤气灯;煤气灯;• Noun + verbdaybreak 拂晓; nightfall 夜幕降临;sunset/sunrise 日落, earthquake 地震;landslip/landslide (山体滑坡); headache toothache ;stomachache ;heartbeat drumbeat ; footbeat 脚步节拍 ; wingbeat 翅翼振动 ; window-dress 布置橱窗;布置橱窗; water-supply 自来水自来水 ; snowfall 降雪量; toothpick 牙签;牙签; haircut ; pickpocket ; scarecrow 稻草人稻草人 ( scare the crow) • V erb + noun cry baby (爱哭的婴儿); playboy (花花公子) ;glowworm (发光虫); watch-dog (看家狗), swearword (骂人话), breakwater (防波提)(防波提), driveway (车道), jump suit (伞兵跳伞服,连衣裤工作服);rattle snake(响尾蛇响尾蛇) • V erb + adv / prep changeover (转变进程) ; setback (挫折挫折); breakdown (崩溃), show-off(炫耀), slip-up(疏忽,不幸事故), put-off (推迟,搪塞), follow-up (连续广告法)(连续广告法)sit-in, dropout, breakdown, walk-on, walkout, setback, take-off• Adjective + nounclear-way(超速道路), easy-chair, deadline, hard disk, soft disk ,red tape(官样文章官样文章) • adverb + noununder-clothes(内衣), after-effect (后效,副作用)(后效,副作用), upgrade(升级), overburden • V+ing + nounchewing gum(口香糖), baking powder (发酵粉), reading lamp (台灯), lodging house (分间出租供人休息用的房屋),leading article(社论), working party (作业队)(作业队)• Adverb + verb outlet(出口), upset (颠覆)(颠覆), downfall (垮台,陷落)(垮台,陷落), upstart (暴发户)(暴发户), onflow (滚滚向前)前)adjective compounds• Pre-modifier VS. Post-modifier Post-modifier ( ( ( describe describe describe a a a noun noun noun phrase phrase phrase or or or restrict restrict restrict its its its meaning meaning meaning in in some way) • Compound modifiers, because of their expressiveness and brevity, are used quite flexibly in current English, especially in journalistic writings. • noun + adjective• skin-hungry, power-hungry, news-hungry, career-hungry (急于成名的) , bloodthirsty • duty-free, tax-free, fat-free, toll-free, maintenance-free, dust-free, interest-free, care-free, ice-free, danger-free, nuclear-weapon-free • water-proof, fire-proof, bullet-proof, rain-proof, bomb-proof, vibration-proof • air-sick, seasick, car-sick, home-sick, heartsick (沮丧的) • user-friendly, reader-friendly • profit-conscious,time-conscious, class-conscious, environment-conscious, security-conscious • slap-happy(被打得晕头转向的) boxer , trigger-happy (嗜杀成性的)gangster , travel-happy(对旅游入迷的) • accident-prone, crisis-prone (危机四伏的),error-prone, • air-tight(不透气的),water-tight, light-tight(不透光的), rain-tight • work-shy(不愿工作的),camera-shy(怕上镜头的), publicity-shy (不愿出头露面的) • color-blind, night-blind • blood-weary (厌战的),travel-weary(旅途劳累的) •stone-deaf, skin-deep, snow-white, ice-cold, knee-deep, paper-thin, mirror-bright, feather-light, fire-hot, crystal-clear, waist-high, shoulder-high, life-long, grass-green, dog-tired, threadbare (穿旧的)(穿旧的) • college-bound/preparatory (准备考大学的),labor-short (缺乏劳动力的),top-heavy(头重脚轻的),penny-wise(小事聪明的) , oven-fresh (刚出炉的) line-dry(一晾就干的一晾就干的),world-famous • adjective + adjectivewet-cold, wet-cold, icy-cold, icy-cold, icy-cold, red-hot, red-hot, red-hot, white-hot, white-hot, white-hot, bitter-sweet, bitter-sweet, bitter-sweet, deaf-mute, deaf-mute, deaf-mute, shabby-genteel(shabby-genteel(穷酸的),dead-alive(半死不活的),dark-blue, dark-blue, deep-blue, deep-blue, deep-blue, light-blue, light-blue, light-blue, pale-blue, pale-blue, pale-blue, bright-red, bright-red, bright-red, bloody-red, bloody-red, yellow-green, yellowish-green ,social-political• V+ing + adjectivesteaming-hot/smoking-hot steaming-hot/smoking-hot ((滚烫的,热气腾腾的),soaking-wet/wringing-wet(湿淋淋的,湿得可拧出水来的),biting-cold/freezing-cold (冷得刺骨的,冰冷的) • Adverb/Prep + adjectiveever-victorious (战无不胜的),over-cautious, all-round (全面的全面的), far-reaching (深远的,广泛的),evergreen (tree), wide-awake (机警的),over-sensitive, over-anxious, under-ripe (不成熟的),too-rapid • noun +V+ingpeace-loving, time/space/energy/labor-saving, time-consuming, summer-flowering(夏季开花的), ocean-going (远洋的), fault-finding, record-breaking, heart-breaking, hair-raising, side-splitting (令人捧腹的),thirst-quenching (解渴的),man-eating• noun + V+edheart-felt(衷心的), air-born (空降的,(空降的,空运的), home-made, travel-worn (旅行得疲乏的), hen-pecked, book-filled, poverty-stricken, weather-beaten, thunder-struck, suntanned • adjective/adverb + V+ingfresh-frozen(速冻的), easy-going(随和的), familiar-sounding (听起来熟悉的),hard-working, ever-lasting (永恒的) • adjective/adverb + V+ednewly-developed, well-balanced, far-fetched (牵强附会的),half-baked(烤得半生不熟的,肤浅的), hard-won (来之不易的),quick-frozen (速冻的), new-laid (eggs), so-called, fresh-caught, newly-built, well-informed, well-organized • noun + Noun+edhot-tempered(急性子的),chicken-hearted (胆怯的,软弱的),honey-mouthed, paper-backed (平装本的), eagle-eyed(目光尖锐地) • adjective/adv. + Noun+edshort-sighted, short-sighted, tender-hearted, tender-hearted, tender-hearted, sweet-hearted(sweet-hearted(性情温和的), ), green-fingered(green-fingered(擅长园艺的),open-handed, single-handed, bald-headed, empty-headed, hot-headed, kind-hearted, light-hearted, whole/half-hearted, absent-minded, narrow/broad-minded, double-faced, straight-faced, blue-eyed, muddle-minded/headed muddle-minded/headed ((糊里糊涂) ) , , , commercially-minded, commercially-minded, commercially-minded, heavy-tongued heavy-tongued heavy-tongued ((笨嘴笨舌的),middle-aged, middle-aged, cold-blooded, cold-blooded, cold-blooded, strong-bodied, strong-bodied, strong-bodied, rosy-cheeked, rosy-cheeked, rosy-cheeked, apple-cheeked, apple-cheeked, apple-cheeked, close/tight-fisted(close/tight-fisted(吝啬的), bare-footed, white-haired, high-heeled, ill-intentioned, weak-kneed (易屈服的),long-legged, close/tight-lipped (嘴紧的), ill-mannered, thick/thin-skinned (脸皮厚/薄),high-spirited, iron-willed, iron-willed, quick/short/slow/bad-tempered, quick/short/slow/bad-tempered, quick/short/slow/bad-tempered, glib-tongued glib-tongued glib-tongued ((油嘴滑舌的),loose-tongued(嘴不严的) • adjective + Nounlong-distance, full-length (未删节的),white-collar, red-letter(喜庆的), ,full-time, first-rate, high-speed, high-level, low-frequency, left-hand, real-time(实时的), long-range, deep-sea (fish) • Verb + Nounbreak-neck (危险的), telltale(搬弄是非的), cut-rate (减价的,次等的减价的,次等的)• Phrases or sentencesat-risk (处境危险的), in-your-face (明目张胆的), devil-may-care(不顾一切的), dog-eat-dog (狗咬狗的), round-the-clock, on-the-spot, cards-on-the-table, matter-of-fact, never-to-be-forgotten, once-in-a-life-time, off-the-cuff (临时想起的意见)opinion, back-up (备用) a stand-up collar (竖领), a walk-in closet (走入式大壁橱),a see-through shirt (透明的衬衫)(透明的衬衫)(透明的衬衫) take-home pay ,cross-border raid ,a keep-fit class (保健班)(保健班)(保健班) verb compoundsThe common way to form a compound verb is by means of back-formation. The back-formation back-formation is is is a a a process process process of of of word word word formation formation formation by by by which which which a a a word word word is is is created created created by by by dropping dropping dropping the the supposed or imagined affixes Housekeeping → housekeep, test-drive(试车),machine-gun, nickname, spotlight, honeymoon, honeymoon, outline, outline, outline, speed-read, speed-read, speed-read, soft-land, soft-land, soft-land, vacuum-clean, vacuum-clean, vacuum-clean, mass-produce, mass-produce, mass-produce, sight-see, sight-see, sight-see, proof-read, proof-read, tape-record, chain-smoke, ghost-write, air-condition, baby-sit, window-shop, spoon-feed, hen-peck, snowball, middle-road(走中间道路), chain-react, face-harden(使表面硬化), wire-pull (幕后操纵),daydream, skyrocket, sleepwalk, highlight, safeguard, whitewash, sweet-talk,job-hop A compound verb can also be formed by means of analogy1.chain-drink: from chain-smoke 2.bottle-feed: feed from a bottle. from breast-feed:• feed from a mother's breast A compound verb can also be formed by means of verb phrasesoverwork, withhold(扣留), cross-question(盘问),upbuild (建立建立), uplift, uproot, fast-talk(花言巧语地企图说服),off-load(卸货),outeat(吃得比……多),outgo, outgrow , ill-treat, overhear, overtake, undergo, underline, undermine, undertake, Affixation or DerivationIt is a process of forming new words by the addition of a word element, such as a prefix, suffix, or combining form, to an already existing word. A combining form is a bound morpheme, which was originally a full word in Latin or Greek, such as auto-(from GK a utosautos self). 据统计下列14个词根和20个词缀出现在词典里10,000多个英语单词中词根词前缀前缀 词根Precept pre- (before) capere (take, seize) detain de- (away, from) tenere (hold, have) intermittent inter- (between) mittre (send) offer ob- (against) ferre (bear, carry) Insist in- (into) stare (stand) monograph mono- (alone, one) graph (write) epilogue epi (upon) egein (say, study) 词根词前缀前缀 词根aspect ad- (to, toward) spicere (see) com- (together) plicare (fold) uncomplicated un- (not); c omnonextended non- (not); e x ex- (out of) tendere (stretch) reproduction re- (back, again); pro- (forward) ducere (lead) dis- (apart from) ponere (put, place) indisposed in- (not); d isoversufficient over - (above); s ub sub - (under) facere (make, do) mistranscribe mis - (wrong); t rans trans - (across) scribere (write) Number-related prefixes from Latin prefix meaning examples uni- one uniform duo- two duet (二重唱二重唱/奏)奏) tri- three trio (三人组)三人组)三人组) quad-, quart- four quadruplets (四胞胎)四胞胎)四胞胎) quint- five quintuplets sext six sexet (六人组)六人组)六人组) sept seven september (7th month, Roman calendar) oct- eight october nona nine nonagenarian (90-99岁的人)岁的人)Number-related prefixes from Latin deca- ten decade cent- hundred centigrade (一百度的)一百度的)一百度的) multi- many multiply prim-, prin- first primary secund second secondary ambi both (双)双)双) ambivalent (两种价值观的,有矛盾心理的)两种价值观的,有矛盾心理的) equi- equal equidistant (等距离的)等距离的)等距离的) omni- all omnipotence (全能)全能) semi-, sem half semester (half a year 学期)学期)demi- half demitasse (half a cup for serving coffee (一小杯清咖啡)一小杯清咖啡)Number-related prefixes from Greek prefix meaning examples Mono- one monologue duo-, di- two dialogue tri- three triangle tetra- four tetrameter (四音步诗)四音步诗) penta- five pentameter ,pentagon hexa- six hexagon hepta- seven heptagon deka-, dec- ten decathlon hemi- half hemisphere pan- all pandemic (大流行病)大流行病)I.Prefixation The definition of prefixation Prefixation Prefixation is is is the the the formation formation formation of of of new new new words words words by by by adding adding adding prefixes prefixes prefixes to to to stems. stems. stems. Prefixes Prefixes Prefixes do do do not not generally change the word-class of the stem but only modify its meaning. However, there is an insignificant number of class-changing prefixes Non-class-changing prefixes: n atural-unnatural, like-dislike, fair-unfair natural-unnatural, like-dislike, fair-unfairClass-changing prefixes: force-enforce, danger-endanger , form-deform, little-belittle, war-postwar, college-intercollegeThe classification of prefixes In some reference books, prefixes (and suffixes) are classified according to their source, but this does not seem to help from a practical point of view. view. It seems It seems more helpful to classify the most important productive prefixes by their meaning into the following ten categories: The most productive prefixesPrefixes which are negative a-, dis-, in-, non-, un- Prefixes which are reversative or privative de-, dis-, un- Prefixes which are pejorative mal-, mis-, pseudo-Prefixes which are of degree or size arch-, arch-, extra-, extra-, extra-, hyper-, hyper-, hyper-, macro-, macro-, macro-, mini-, mini-, mini-, out-, out-, out-, over-, over-, sub-, super, sur-, ultra-, under- Prefixes which are of attitude anti-, co-, contra- counter-, pro- Prefixes which are locative extra-, fore-, inter-, intra-, super-, tele-, trans-, Prefixes which are of time and order ex-, fore-, pre-, post-, re- Prefixes which are of number semi-, uni-, mono-, bi-, di-, tri-, multi-, poly- Prefixes which are of a miscellaneous category Auto-, neo- pan-, proto-, vice-1.Negative prefix a-/an- amoral, asexual, atheism, anacid, anarchy, dis- dishonest, discontent, disobey, disagree in- Incomplete, Incomplete, inconsistent, inconsistent, inconsistent, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, invulnerable, invulnerable, invulnerable, illogical, illogical, illogical, illegal, illegal, impolite, immoral, imbalance, irrational, irregular non- nonviolent, non-cooperation, nonautomatic, nonadjustable, nonalcoholic un- uninformative, unexpected, unease, unrest 2.Reversative or privative prefix 含“消除”意思意思 de- defrost, deregulation, degeneration, denationalize ,dehydrate depollute, devalue, decentralize un- undo, unpack, untie, unwrap, unmask dis- disconnect, dishearten, disinterested(公正的,无私的), disambigulate 3.Pejorative prefix mis- misguide, misapplication, misbehavior, mischoice, mal- maladjustment, maldigestion, malfunction, maldevelopment,maltreat, malodorous, malnutrition pseudo- pseudonym, pseudoscience, pseudoclassic, pseudo-friend, pseudodemocratic, 4) Prefixes of degree or size hyper- hyperactive, hypercritical, hyperaggressive, hypercautious ultra- ultramodern, ultrasecret, ultraclean, ultrasonic, ultraconservative mini- minibus, minicamera, miniskirt out- outdo, outgrown, outlive over- overwork, overestimate, overemphasize, overabundance, overburden under- underdeveloped, underpopulation, undergraduate super- supermarket, superpower, superstar sub- subadult, subtitle, subbreed, subatom 5) Prefixes of orientation and attitude co- Co-author, co-star, co-prosperity, cooperation counter- Counterexample, counterclaim, counteractive, counterattack, counterculture, counterpart anti- anti-abortion, anti-art, antiwar, antibacterial, antisocial, anticancer, antibody pro- pro-American, pro-American亲美的, pro-Communist, pro-student, proslavery 6) Locative prefixes fore- forearm, forehead inter- international, intergovernmental, interdisciplinary, intercollege trans- transatlantic, transoceanic, transform, transplant tele- telephone, telegram, telecommunication U.S. intercontinental missile洲际导弹洲际导弹 是指射程在8000千米以上的导弹。
词汇期末复习(C1-C7)Chapter 1一、Word 词的定义(1) a minimal free form(最小的自由形式)(2) a sound unity(3) a semantic unity(meaning)(4) a form that can function alone in a sentence.(具有句法功能)二、Vocabulary词汇的定义All the words in a language make up what is generally known as vocabulary.一般来说,词汇指的是一种语言里所有单词的总和。
三、Sound&Meaning发音和意义The connection between the sound (form) and meaning is arbitrary (任意的) and conventional. 二者的关系是约定俗成、随意的四、Sound & Form发音和形式(1)The written form of a natural language is the orthographical(正字的)record of the oralform.自然语言的书写形式是口语形式的书写记录。
(2)The reasons of differences occur between sound and form: 发音与形式不同的原因:①English alphabet was adopted from the Romans 英语字母表来自罗马②the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years. 发音改变快速③Differences created by professional scribes. 专业抄写员的不同④More differences brought by the continuing change of sounds and the standardization of spelling.发音不断变化,书写标准化。
第一章语言制约——表音文字和表意文字英语是表音文字(phonetic writing).其字母和音素是对应的。
Chapter 3Word Formation I词语结构13.1 Morphemes词素1. the morpheme is ‘ the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words’词素是“词语中最小的功能单位”。
2.Suffix:-ation:-tion, -sion, -ion.后缀:ation 的多变体,当它们有同样的意义和语法功能时它们属于同一个后缀3.Owing to different sound environment 因为存在不同的发生环境。
3.2 Allomorphs (语素变体)同质异晶,同质异象变体1.Morphemes are abstract units.‘They are actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning’语素是抽象的单位,它们实际上是能发音的最小的意义载体.The morpheme is to the morph what a phoneme is to a phone:语素是一个音素发音的形素①single morphs单一语素词:bird, tree, green, sad, want, desire,Most morphemes are realized by single morphs,Words of this kind are called monomorphemic words.大多数语素通过单个的形素实现,语素与词相同叫做单一语素词.These morphemes coincide withe words as they can stand by themselves and function freely in a sentence.Words of this kind are called monomorphemic words.这些语素与词相同,由于它们能代表含义而且能够在句子中自由起作用。
4学习难点:记词思维的转换5一、构词法记词(一)词根的概念(1)自由根,独立成词able disable unable enable view review preview interview6port import export transportporter portable school scholar scholarship scholasticpair impair repair7clear clarify declare appear apparent transparent(2)粘着根,该类词根必须与其他词缀组合方能成词8vis(看)visit visible vision revise supervisesol(日、太阳)solar insolate son(声音)resonant supersonic unison sonic9lun(月亮)lunar plenilune patr(i)(父亲) patriot expatriatepatroncompatriotmot(动)motion motive10motivationpromoteauto(自,自己)automobile automation automatic11bio(生命)biographybiologybiosphereautobiography tele telecom telescope12telegraphy telegram二、文化组合法对一些单词寻根追源,结合文化背景进行组合13例1:ChristmasChristChristenChristianity14例2:Ever 今义:曾经;古代有永远之意,这一点今天体现在组合词中:evergreen15everlastingforevereverbright例3:Genesis gene genetic 可与圣经故16事创世纪结合例4:man human exhume inhume圣经上讲上帝用泥土造人,human一词中“hum”作为词根有17泥土之意,exhume 从词汇构成上看是ex+hum+e,组合成为基本义是从土中出,引申为挖掘。
英语词汇学实用教程陈新仁中文版全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary by Chen XinrenAs an English learner, one of the biggest challenges I've faced is expanding my vocabulary. Words are the building blocks of language, and having a rich vocabulary is essential for effective communication, both in speaking and writing. That's why I was thrilled to discover Chen Xinren's "A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary".This book has been an invaluable resource for me, and I can't recommend it enough to my fellow students. Chen Xinren's approach is incredibly practical and user-friendly, making the process of learning new words not only effective but also enjoyable.One of the things that struck me from the very beginning was the book's organization. Instead of presenting words in a random order or categorizing them by arbitrary themes, Chen Xinren groups them based on their roots, prefixes, and suffixes. This approach is genius because it helps you understand theunderlying patterns and logic behind word formation, enabling you to grasp and retain new vocabulary more effectively.The book is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a specific aspect of vocabulary building. The first chapter introduces the concept of word roots, explaining how many English words are derived from Greek and Latin roots. Chen Xinren provides a comprehensive list of common roots, along with their meanings and examples of words that incorporate them. This chapter alone has been a game-changer for me, as it has empowered me to decipher the meanings of unfamiliar words by breaking them down into their constituent parts.The next chapter delves into prefixes and suffixes, those little word parts that can significantly alter a word's meaning. Chen Xinren meticulously explains the nuances of each prefix and suffix, illustrating their usage with clear examples. I found this section particularly helpful for expanding my vocabulary in specific contexts, such as academic writing or professional settings.But Chen Xinren's approach goes beyond mere memorization. Throughout the book, he emphasizes the importance of actively using new words in context, whether through writing exercises, speaking practice, or even creatingflashcards. This hands-on approach has been instrumental in solidifying my understanding of the vocabulary and ensuring that the words become a permanent part of my lexicon.One of the most refreshing aspects of "A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary" is its emphasis on real-world applications. Chen Xinren doesn't just present words in isolation; instead, he incorporates them into authentic contexts, such as conversations, news articles, and literary excerpts. This approach has been incredibly valuable for me, as it has helped me understand how words are used in natural, everyday situations, enhancing my comprehension and fluency.Additionally, the book includes a wealth of practice exercises and quizzes, allowing me to test my knowledge and reinforce what I've learned. These exercises range from simplefill-in-the-blank questions to more complex tasks that require me to analyze and synthesize information. I particularly appreciate the answer keys provided, as they enable me toself-assess and identify areas that need further attention.One aspect that sets "A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary" apart is its cultural insights. Chen Xinren recognizes that language is deeply intertwined with culture, and he skillfully weaves in cultural references and idioms throughout the book.This added dimension has not only enriched my vocabulary but has also deepened my understanding of the English-speaking world, fostering a greater appreciation for the nuances and nuances of the language.Furthermore, the book is incredibly user-friendly and visually appealing. The layout is clean and organized, with clear headings and subheadings that make it easy to navigate. The inclusion of illustrations, diagrams, and mnemonic devices further enhances the learning experience, catering to different learning styles and making the material more engaging and memorable.In conclusion, Chen Xinren's "A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary" has been an invaluable companion on my journey to mastering English vocabulary. Its systematic approach,real-world applications, and engaging exercises have transformed the way I learn and retain new words. Whether you're a student preparing for exams, a professional seeking to enhance your communication skills, or simply someone with a passion for language learning, this book is an essential resource that will undoubtedly enrich your vocabulary and deepen your understanding of the English language.篇2A Practical Guide to Mastering English Vocabulary by Chen XinrenAs students, one of the biggest challenges we face when learning English is expanding our vocabulary. We spend countless hours memorizing word lists and definitions, only to forget them a few days later. However, effective vocabulary learning doesn't have to be a tedious and frustrating process. In this guide, I'll share practical strategies that have helped me build a solid English vocabulary foundation.Embrace ContextOne of the most powerful ways to learn new words is through context. When you encounter an unfamiliar word while reading or listening, pay attention to the surrounding sentences and try to infer its meaning. This not only helps you understand the word in context but also aids in remembering it better. Additionally, keep a vocabulary notebook and jot down new words along with their context and your guessed meaning. Later, you can check the actual definition and reinforce your understanding.Utilize Word Roots, Prefixes, and SuffixesMany English words share common roots, prefixes, and suffixes, which can provide valuable clues about their meanings. For instance, the prefix "re-" often indicates repetition or going back (e.g., "redo," "rewrite"), while the suffix "-able" denotes capability or possibility (e.g., "readable," "avoidable"). By familiarizing yourself with these word parts, you can develop a better understanding of new words and expand your vocabulary more efficiently.Immerse Yourself in EnglishSurrounding yourself with English media and materials is a fantastic way to reinforce your vocabulary learning. Read books, magazines, or online articles that interest you, listen to podcasts or watch movies and TV shows in English. Whenever you come across unfamiliar words, make a note of them and look them up later. Immersion not only exposes you to new vocabulary but also helps you understand words in context and observe their usage patterns.Use Vocabulary Apps and Online ResourcesIn today's digital age, there are numerousvocabulary-building apps and online resources available. Apps like Anki, Quizlet, and Wordly offer interactive flashcards, games, and quizzes to help you memorize and review new words.Additionally, websites like and FreeRice provide engaging exercises and explanations to expand your word knowledge. These tools can make vocabulary learning more enjoyable and effective.Practice, Practice, PracticeThe key to solidifying your vocabulary knowledge is practice. Make an effort to use the new words you've learned in your writing and conversations. Start a vocabulary journal and write sentences or short paragraphs using the new words. Participate in language exchange platforms or join English conversation clubs to practice using your new vocabulary in real-life situations. The more you actively use the words, the better they'll stick in your memory.Learn Through Stories and MnemonicsStories and mnemonics can be powerful tools for remembering new words. Create vivid stories or mental images that associate the word's meaning with something memorable. For example, to remember the word "euphoria," you could imagine a cheerful elephant (eu-phoria) dancing with joy. Alternatively, use mnemonics, which are short phrases or sentences that incorporate the word or its definition. The morecreative and personal these techniques are, the more effective they'll be for you.Embrace Mistakes and Celebrate ProgressLearning a new language is a journey, and making mistakes along the way is inevitable. Don't be discouraged by stumbling over unfamiliar words or forgetting ones you've learned. Embrace these mistakes as opportunities to improve and reinforce your understanding. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and acknowledge the effort you're putting into expanding your vocabulary.Remember, building a strong English vocabulary takes time and consistent effort. But by incorporating these practical strategies into your learning routine, you'll gradually develop a rich and diverse vocabulary that will enhance your communication skills and open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth.Happy learning, and may your vocabulary journey be rewarding and enjoyable!篇3English Vocabulary: A Practical Guide by Chen Xinren (Chinese Edition)What's up, fellas? Tired of feeling like a kindergartner when it comes to your English vocab? Yeah, me too. That's why I'm here to give you the real deal on building a killer vocab that'll make you sound like a total boss.First things first, let's get real about why vocabulary matters. Sure, you can get by with the basics, but if you want to level up your English game, you need to expand that word bank. A rich vocabulary doesn't just make you sound smarter (although, let's be honest, that's a major perk). It also helps you express yourself more precisely and communicate your ideas more effectively.But where do you even start? With so many words out there, it can feel overwhelming. That's where this guide comes in. I'm going to break it down for you, sharing practical tips and strategies that have worked for me and my friends.Tip #1: Read, Read, ReadThis one's a no-brainer, but it's also the most powerful tool in your vocabulary-building arsenal. Reading exposes you to new words in context, which makes them easier to understand and remember. Don't just stick to textbooks and boring stuff, though. Read novels, magazines, blogs – anything that interests you. The more you enjoy the material, the more likely you are to stick with it.Tip #2: Use Context CluesWhen you come across an unfamiliar word, don't immediately reach for the dictionary. Try to figure out its meaning from the surrounding words and phrases. This not only helps you learn the new word, but it also trains your brain to become a better context detective.Tip #3: Keep a Vocab JournalAs you encounter new words, write them down in a dedicated journal or notebook. Include the definition, the context in which you found the word, and even a sample sentence or two. Regularly reviewing your journal will help reinforce these new additions to your vocabulary.Tip #4: Play Word GamesWho says learning has to be boring? There are tons of fun word games out there that can help expand your vocabulary while keeping your brain engaged. Try apps like Wordle, Spelling Bee, or even good old-fashioned crossword puzzles.Tip #5: Use Flashcards (But Make Them Fun)Flashcards might seem old-school, but they're still an effective way to memorize new words. But instead of boring, plain-text cards, get creative! Draw silly pictures, createmnemonics, or even record yourself saying the word and its definition. The more sensory associations you create, the better you'll remember.Tip #6: Learn Word Roots, Prefixes, and SuffixesUnderstanding the building blocks of words can help you decipher unfamiliar terms and remember their meanings more easily. For example, if you know that the prefix "bi-" means two, and the root "ped" means foot, you can figure out that "biped" refers to a two-footed creature.Tip #7: Use New Words in ConversationOnce you've learned a new word, use it! Actively incorporating new vocabulary into your daily conversations and writing will help solidify it in your memory and make it a natural part of your language.Tip #8: Subscribe to a "Word of the Day" ServiceThere are plenty of free online services that will send you a new word and its definition every day. Adding one new word to your vocabulary each day might not seem like much, but over time, those daily additions will really add up.Tip #9: Watch English Movies and TV ShowsImmersing yourself in English-language media is not only entertaining, but it also exposes you to a wide range of vocabulary in a natural, conversational context. Pay attention to the words and phrases used, and look up any unfamiliar ones.Tip #10: Don't Be Afraid to Make MistakesLearning a new language is all about trial and error. Don't be afraid to use unfamiliar words in your speech or writing, even if you're not 100% sure about their meaning or usage. Making mistakes is part of the process, and it's often the best way to reinforce what you've learned.Bonus Tip: Have Fun with It!Learning new vocabulary doesn't have to be a chore. Approach it with a sense of curiosity and playfulness, and you'll be surprised at how quickly your word bank grows. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and enjoy the journey of becoming a more articulate and confident English speaker.Remember, building a solid vocabulary is a marathon, not a sprint. Stick with it, and before you know it, you'll be dropping linguistic bombs left and right. Who knows, you might even become the next Shakespeare (or at least the next Cardi B)!。
Chapter Four
Minor Processes of Wordformaing or abbreviation(缩略法)
Three types of initialisms:
1) The letters represent full words. This is the main type e.g. CIA= the Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S., IOC = International Olympic Committee, ISBN = International Standard Book Number UN = United Nations IDL = International Date Line CPU = Central processing unit FAS f.a.s. = free alongside ship 船边交货 (价格) FOB f.o.b. = free on board(货物) 离岸价格 CIF = Cost insurance and freight 到岸价格 GT = gross tonnage CAD= computer assisted design
3. Front and back clipping (not a common type of clipping)
The deletion occurs at both ends of a word: e.g. flu = influenza, fridge = refrigerator tec = detective
• Which are then subdivided by the syntactic relation of the compounding elements. e.g. sightseeing see sight daydreaming dream during the day
• Eight minor process of word formation
– – – – – – – – Initialism and acronym e.g. UNESCO (9%) Blending (6%) Clipping (2%) Words from proper names e.g.xerox (2%) Back formation e.g.vacuumclean (1%) Neoclassical formation e.g. neurolinguistic (4%) Others (3%) Borrowing 18%
• Formed from various parts of speech, most common ones are:
– N+n ashtray, hydrogen bomb – Adj+n blueprint, dark room – Adv+n downtown, downfall – N+-ing daydreaming, sightseeing
• Differs in parts of speech from its components
breakneck adj.危险的 stonewall v. 阻碍,妨碍
The second round of the boxing was exciting.
Any round plate will do. Some drivers round corners too rapidly. The sound goes round and round. He lives round the corner.
5. She flatted her last note.
6. Come to the fore and have a warm.
7. He turned his head and smooth back the hair over one temple.
8. The song quickly became the hit of the country.
9. We must train ourselves to distinguish right from wrong.
10. They braved a 40-below-zero snowstorm to rescue
the farm’s cattle.
"The spokesman tailored his remarks to cushion the effect of a
5. Instrument of V: e.g. The cloth is a good cover for the table. (cure, wrap, polish, wrench)
6. Place of V: e.g. This is the divide between the two rivers. (pass, turn, rise, retreat, dump)
英语词汇学(英文版)English Lexicology (III)
hate, detest, loathe, abominate, vicious, good-for-nothing
English lexicology (III)
8.5 Associative meaning
� This affective
difference is especially true of
English Lexicology (III)
8. Word Meaning � 9. Sense Relations
To be continued
English lexicology (III)
8.5 Associative meaning
� Collocative meaning
consists of the associations a word acquires in its collocation. In other words, it is that part of the word meaning suggested by the words before or after the word in discussion.
English lexicology (III)
8.5 Associative meaning
� Degrees
� Examples
Formal � Neutral/Common � Informal/ Colloquial male parent, father, daddy � residence, home, pad
在浙学实用英语词汇学答案1、74.No person ()carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.[单选题] *A.shall(正确答案)B.mustC.canD.need2、People always _____ realize the importance of health _____ they lose it. [单选题] *A. not... untilB. don't... until(正确答案)C. /; untilD. /; not until3、How can I _______ the nearest supermarket? [单选题] *A. get offB. get upC. get to(正确答案)D. get on4、Her ideas sound right, but _____ I'm not completely sure. [单选题] *A. somehow(正确答案)B. somewhatC. somewhereD. sometime5、Will you see to()that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season? [单选题] *A. it(正确答案)B. meC. oneD. yourself6、34.My mother isn't in now, but she will be back ______ ten minutes. [单选题] * A.forB.beforeC.in(正确答案)D.at7、Growing vegetables()constantly watering. [单选题] *A. neededB. are neededC. were neededD. needs(正确答案)8、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When9、______ in the library. ()[单选题] *A. Don’t smokingB. No smokeC. No smoking(正确答案)D. Doesn’t smoke10、______ visitors came to take photos of Hongyandong during the holiday. [单选题] *A. ThousandB. Thousand ofC. ThousandsD. Thousands of(正确答案)11、During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _________ ameal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes. [单选题] *A. shareB. to share(正确答案)C. having sharedD. shared12、I _______ Zhang Hua in the bookstore last Sunday. [单选题] *A. meetB. meetingC. meetedD. met(正确答案)13、—These shoes look cool. ______ are they?—They are on sale, only $()[单选题] *A. How much(正确答案)B. How longC. How manyD. How soon14、64.Would you like to drink ________?[单选题] *A.something else(正确答案)B.anything elseC.else somethingD.else anything15、The Chinese team are working hard _______ honors in the Olympic Games. [单选题] *A. to win(正确答案)B. winC. winningD. won16、My father can?_______ a little English. [单选题] *A. speak(正确答案)B. sayC. talkD. tell17、Jane and Tom _______ my friends. [单选题] *A. amB. isC. are(正确答案)D. was18、I have seldom seen my father()pleased with my progress as he is now. [单选题] *A. so(正确答案)B. veryC. tooD. rather19、He made ______ for an old person on the bus. [单选题] *A. room(正确答案)B. roomsC. a roomD. some rooms20、It was _____the policeman came_____the parents knew what had happened to their son. [单选题] *A.before…asB. until…whenC. not until…that(正确答案)D.until…that21、31.A key ring is used __________ holding the keys. [单选题] *A.toB.inC.for (正确答案)D.with22、41.—________ do you take?—Small, please. [单选题] *A.What size(正确答案)B.What colourC.How manyD.How much23、The boy’s mother always _______ him a story before he goes to bed. [单选题] *A. saysB. speaksC. tells(正确答案)D. talks24、65.There is a big sale on in the shop! Every-thing is ________ price. [单选题] *A.bigB.fullC.zeroD.half(正确答案)25、The news is?_______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *A. exciting;?excited(正确答案)B. excited;?excitingC. exciting;?excitingD. excited;?excited26、—What were you doing when the rainstorm came?—I ______ in the library with Jane. ()[单选题] *A. readB. am readingC. will readD. was reading(正确答案)27、73.()about the man wearing sunglasses during night that he was determined to follow him.[单选题] *A. So curious the detective wasB.So curious was the detective(正确答案)C.How curious was the detectiveD.How curious the detective was28、81.Some birds are flying ________ the lake. What a beautiful picture! [单选题] * A.forB.underC.inD.above(正确答案)29、What’s your _______ for the coming new year? [单选题] *A. playB. plantC. plan(正确答案)D. plans30、The beautiful radio _______ me 30 dollars. [单选题] *A. spentB. paidC. cost(正确答案)D. took。
(1) Conceptual meaning ------Logical, cognitive, or denotation content 逻辑的,认知的,或者外延的内容
5.conceptual meaning(概念意义): Conceptual meaning (also known as denotative meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. Being constant and relatively stable, conceptual meaning forms the basis for communication as the same word has the same conceptual meaning to all the speakers of the same language. Take 'The sun rises in the east' for example. The word sun here means 'a heavenly body which gives off light, heat, and energy', a concept which is understood by anyone who speaks English.
实用英语词汇学课后练习答案 张华【范本模板】
Explain briefly the two methods of the study of lexicology。
There are two main approaches which are used to study English lexicology. One is a synchronic approach and the other is a diachronie approach。
A synchronic approach shows that words can be studied at a point in time, disregarding whatever changes might be taking place,while a diachronic approach indicates that words can be considered historically, with emphases on the origin and changes in form and meaning.2。
What is a word?Word can be defined as a meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper. The definition of a word will cover the following points:a)a minimal free form of a languageb)a sound unityc)a unit of meaningd)a form that can function alone in a sentence3.What is vocabulary?All the words in a language make up what is generally known as its vocabulary. V ocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language.4.Explain briefly transparent words and opaque words.How the majority of words were formed cannot be explained。
02 03
பைடு நூலகம்
Cultural studies
English vocabulary and cultural studies are also closely related, and the origin and development of many vocabulary are closely related to cultural backgrounds.
Functional classification
Dividing words based on their function in the presence, such as nouns, verbs, objections, or advertisements
Context classification
Etymological classification: Organizing words according to their physiological origin, such as Latinate or German words
Classification methods for English vocabulary
The Development of English Lexicology
Early English Lexicology
Early English Lexicology research mainly focused on word origins and meanings, with less attention paid to the composition and changes of vocabulary.
Classifying words based on the context in which they are used, such as formal or informational language
英语词汇学笔记整理Part 1 前缀(Prefixes)1.Negative prefixesa-;an-缺少、缺乏amoral(缺德) asexual(雌雄同体的) asymmetry(不均匀的)anarchy(无政府的)dis-否、不dishonestnon-非、否non-black(非黑人区的) non-science non-smoker nonresistant(非抵抗)in-;i-;im-;ir-complete——incomplete correct——incorrect小结:清辅音[k],[f],[t]前的前缀加in-;唇音之前加im-;“l”前加il-;“r”前加ir-。
un-不unhappy unfriendly infamous2.Pejorative prefixes 表贬义mal-不好的,坏的maltreat(虐待) malformed(畸形的) malnutrition(营养不良的)malfunction(功能紊乱)mis-错误的misdial(拨错号) misleading(误导) misbehaved(行为不规范) misconception(错误的认知) pseudo-错,假的pseudoscience(伪科学) pseudo teaching(实习)3.Reversative prefixes 表逆转的前缀de-defrost(除霜) deplane(下飞机) deindustrialization(非工业化的) decode(解码)dis- 表示动作的逆转disconnect(切断) dishearten(泄气) disown(抛弃)4.Prefixes of degree or sizearch- means “most”\”supreme”常带有贬义archenemy archbishop(红衣大主教) arch monetarist(拜金主义者)co- “joint”or “equally”coexistence(共存的) combine colleague correspondence(通信联系)小结:co-这个前缀根据所跟单词的首字母而发生变化在元音前加co-;-b\-p之前用com-;-l之前用col-;-f\-c\-g前用con-;-r之前用cor- hyper-means “extreme”hyperactive(过于活跃的) hyper cautious(过分小心的)mini-means “little”minibus miniskirt ministered minimalmaxi-means “big”maxi coat maxi skirtout-means “surpassing”,程度多,超过outclass(优质的) outlive(长寿的) outgrowover-means “excessive”相当的,带贬义overeat overweight overestimate(高估) overwork overjoyed(欣喜若狂的) overflow(溢出) sub- 亚,次的subculture(亚文化) subtext(潜台词) subconscious(潜意识)subsonic(低音速)super- 超级supernatural(超自然的) supermansur- means “over and above”超surcharge(额外收费) surtax(附加税) surreal(超现实)ultra- 相当,非常ultramodern ultraconservative(非常保守的) ultrasonic(超音速)ultraviolet(紫外线)under- 低于undercharged underestimate(低估)5.Prefixes of orientation and attitudeanti- means “against”反……anticlockwise(逆时针) anti-aging(抗衰老的) antibacterial(抗菌的) antineutron(反中子) contra- means “opposite”, “contrasting”contradiction conrafactualcounter- means “against”, “in opposition to”counterattack counterexample countercurrent(逆电流)pro- 支持,站在……一方pro-European pro-student6.Locative prefixes 表示方位的前缀fore- 前部forearm foreground forehead forewordinter- means “between”, “among”在……之间international intermarry(近亲结婚) internetsub- means “under”submarine(潜水艇) subway sublet(转租)super- means “above”superstructure(上层建筑物)trans- means “across”transform(变形) transplant transcontinental(跨州的)7.Prefixes of time and order 表示时间和顺序的前缀ex- means “former”以前的ex-husband ex-presidentfore- 表时间foresee(预见) foretell(预言)post- means “after”postmodernism(后现代的) postwar(战后) posttretment(复建)pre- 在……之前preschooler(学龄前儿童) prehistory(史前史) pre-liberation(解放前)8.Number prefixesbi-;di- means “two”双bimonthly(双月的) bicycle(自行车) bilingual(双语的) bigamy(重婚) dioxide(二氧化物) disyllable(双音节)multi-;poly- means “many”多,几个multi-national polygamy(一夫多妻制) polyandry(一妻多夫制)semi-;demi-;hemi- means “half”半semiliterate(半文盲) demigod(半人半神) hemisphere(半球) semivowel(半元音)tri- 三triangle(三角形) tricycle(三轮车) trinity(三维一体) trilingual(三语的)uni-; mono- means “one”单一的uniform monogamy(一夫一妻制) monologue(独自)9.Neo- Classical prefixes 与科技有关的auto- means “self”autobiography(自传) autosuggestion(自荐) autocrat(独裁)extra- 超的extraordinary(特殊的) extraterrestrial(外星的)neo- means “new”新的neo-Nazi(新纳粹党) neo-impressionism(新映像派)pan- means “all”, “world-wide”pan-Americanism 泛美主义proto- means “first”, ”original”原始的,最初的protohistory(史前人类学) prototype(原型,典型)tele- means “distant”远程的telescope telegram televisionPart 2 Suffixation 后缀1.Noun suffixes[1] noun + noun suffixes, abstract 由此类词缀构成的名词表示抽象的概念-age means “measure of”or “collection of”Baggage luggage percentage(集合名词,百分比,不能和数字直接连用) mileage(里程)-dom means “the state of being”kingdom officialdom(官僚) stardom(明星地位)-ery, -ryslavery nunnery(尼姑庵) nursery refinery(精炼)-ful means “the amount contained”handful mouthful spoonful-hood means “the state”or “time of being something”childhood boyhood brotherhood neighborhood widowhood-ing means “material of”or “activity connected with”carpeting matting tubing blackerring-ism means “doctrine of”Impressionism(映像派) optimism pessism idealism materialism-ocracy means “government by”democracy(民主)-shiprelationship friendship dictatorship(独裁主义)[2] noun + noun suffixes, concrete 由此类词缀构成的名词表示具体的概念-eer means “skilled in”auctioneer(拍卖师) engineer mountaineer-er means “having doininant characteristics ”teenager villager Londoner cooker roaster-ess means “a female”actress hostess lioness tigress在masculine(阳性)名词后加- essauthor : authoress 女作家heir : heiress 女性继承人host : hostess 女主人lion : lioness 雌狮例外:actor : actress 女演员hunter : huntress 女猎人tiger : tigress 母老虎negro : negress 女黑人master : mistress 女主人/情妇(concubine 二奶)prince : princess 公主murderer : murderess 女杀手masculine(阳性) 与feminine 完全不同bachelor 单身汉——maid 少女bull 公牛——cow 母牛cock 公鸡——hen 母鸡dog 狗——bitch 母狗gentleman 男士——lady 女士horse 马——mare 母马king 国王——queen 王后monk 和尚——nun 尼姑nephew 外甥——niece 外甥女在名词前后加上性别名词man-servant——maid-servantcock-sparrow——hen-sparrowhe-goat——she-goattom-cat——she-catpeacock——peahen-let means “small”小booklet piglet starlet-ling means “minor”or “off spring of”小,后代duckling princeling-ster means “involved in”gamester(means a person who plays a game for money)gangster(黑帮)[3] verb + noun suffix 加在动词后的名词后缀-ant means “a person or thing”informant consultant(顾问) inhabitant lubricant(润滑剂)-ee means “one who is object of the verb”interviewee nominee(被提名者) trainee-er, -or means “a person or thing”Driver teacher silencer(消音器) computer-al means “the action on result of”arrival refusal revival-ation means “the process or state of”classification(分类) interpretation(分析) explanation globalization(全球化) explorationPart 3 转类法——词形不变,词性改变Assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form.eg: 1. He designed to be a scientist.1.He had a desire to be a scientist.Zero derivation 零派生eg: smokeThe smoke from the chimney. (noun.) ——He smokes a pipe. (verb.)——Let’s have a smoke. (noun.)英语词类的转化一般是简单词补充:breakfast 的来历在阿拉伯,fasting为斋月,从breakfast的结构看来,意为“打破斋戒”的意思,在晚餐和早餐之间的时间较长,而吃早餐就像打破了一个小型的斋戒。
W1 Feb 18/21 Introduction; Chapter 1 Lexicology and basic concepts of words and vocabulary
English Lexicology
教学目的首先是建立在介绍英语词汇发展历史包括拉丁希腊词根的基础上, 对词汇发展的历史学习和对词根的记忆有助于学生学习掌握语言。其次教学目的是建立在了解英语词汇的形态结构,掌握构词规律,这一点有助于扩大词汇量。第三教学目的是建立在词汇是一个网络系统的理念基础上。课程始终贯穿并体现了当代语言学的重要思想观点,让学生在学习英语词汇知识的过程中感受到语言观方法论的积极影响。这些思想和观点是系统思想和关系思想,比如,历时、共时和泛时思想、二元对立思想、纵横关系、关系思想(词汇语义之间的关系)、深层表层思想等等。对这些思想和关系的了解是为了在阅读中掌握词义的同时更准确地使用词汇。
W15 May 27/30 Pre (I)
W16 June 3/6 Pre (II); General Review;Hand in Paper
Quiz 1 (10%)
Quiz 2 (10%)
__biotic, __act,
__purity, __reversible, __violent, __proof, __hook, __balance, __clockwise, __function
Re-: again, back; most productive
recover, recount, recollect, rechargeable battery, recycle, retort, recede, refine, reclaim, reconcile, recur, refrain, refresh, refund, refute, reinforce, rejoice, relay, relish, remorse, renovate, repel, retaliate, retard, retrieve, revoke, rehearsal, repay, reject, repress, retrospect, resonance,
anti-: n.→a. anti-war, anti-cancer
inter-: n.→a. interstate, intercollege
post-: n.→a. post-war, postliberation a-: v.→a. asleep, alive,
Classification of prefixes
un- and in-; both negative prefixes unable, inability; unjust, injustice, unequal, inequality (a, n) undigested, indigestible; (participle, adj) undetermined, indeterminate; unceasing, incessant; undiscriminating, indiscriminate uncomplete, incomplete; (both in use) unkind, unworthy, foolish, ugly, evil (negative words) unimportant, uninhabitable (beginning with in-, im-) inadequate, irrelevant, independent, indefinite, indefensible (Latin suffixes) unable, undecided, unsuccessful, unsatisfactory, untrublesome (native suffixes)
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英语是表音文字(phonetic writing).其字母和音素是对应的。
如“功夫”,听到两个音节,英语可以音译为kungfu,再如“太极拳”、“台风”,根据听到的音节,用音素组合而成tai chi ,typhoon。
至于在西方语言相互之间音译更是简单,英语和拉丁语、希腊语、德语、法语和北欧诸语言同属于印欧语系,都是拼音文字,音译只需要经过正字(orthography ),字母稍加改动就可以了。
而汉语则不同,作为音节文字(morphemic writing),一个方块字一个音节,音节是和方块字对应甚至和语素对应。
如pu tong hua,听到的也是3个音节,落实到书写形式就是三个方块字:“普通话”。
如golf(高尔夫+球) 、jeep(吉普+车)等。
我们注意到凡是音译的,都是英美人翻译的,而意译词大多是中国人翻译的,然后传入他们的语言的,如paper tiger、iron-rice bowl。
[1] 胡壮麟,姜望琪.语言学高级教程[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2002.
[2] 汪榕培.英语词汇学高级教程[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002.
[3] 汪榕培,卢晓娟.英语词汇学教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.
[4] 王德春,孙汝建,姚远.社会心理语言学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1995.
[5] 吴潜龙.从语言与思维的关系看第二语言习得中的几个问题[J].外语教学,2000,21(1)
[6] 张晓敏.外语学习与第二语言习得的关系[J].长春工程学院学报(社会科学版),2002,3(1)。