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Here we grow epitaxial La—doped SrTi03 and SrSn03 films by the pulsed laser deposition method and demonstrate that the films have not only high conductivity but
The whole thesis consists of four chapters Chapter 1:The general introduction of the traditional TCO films is given.First, we discuss the important characteristic and physical mechanism of the TCO films,and then briefly review the physical properties,researching actuality,and the widely applications of traditional TCO films.Importantly,we bring forward a new type of TCO films with the perovskite structure:La—doped SrTi03 and SrSn03.In the end of chapter 1 we simply introduce some preparation methods of thin films. Chapter 2:The films preparation method and samples measurement are introduced.Especially,the pulsed laser deposition method and X—ray diffraction are described in details.
also good optical transmittance in the visible range.We show that these films call be potentially used in transparent devices especially based on the all—perovskite
中国科学技术大学 硕士学位论文
钙钛矿型氧化物透明导电薄膜的制备与物理性质研究 姓名:陈乐
申请学位级别:硕士 专业:凝聚态物理 指导教师:吴文彬
自从1907年首次报道了半透明导电的CdO薄膜以来,人们对透明导电材料 产生了极大兴趣。伴随微电子技术尤其是显示领域的巨大需求,透明导电氧化物 薄膜得到广泛的重视和应用。它们独特的透明导电特性,使其广泛应用于平板显 示器的透明导电电极、太阳能电池、透明电子器件等领域。
Chapter 3:Perovskite-type TCO films:Lao.osSro.95T103(LSTO),were grown by the pulsed laser deposition method.It is revealed that the films grown at high oxygen pressure show single crystallinity with a perovskite structure.Remarkably, these films are both electrically conductive and visually transparent in the visible range.The growth parameters are compatible with those for some other perovskite films,indicating a potential application in transparent devices.The LSTO films were employed as electrodes for the fabrication of epitaxial PbZr0.52Tio 4803(PZT) ferroelectric capacitors,which showed square polarization-electric field hysteresis loops and improved fatigue resistance.
Chapter 4:La-doped SrSn03(LSSO),were grown on SrTi03 substrates at
various temperatures by the pul sed laser deposition method.It is revealed that the
构及物理性质的研究。薄膜具有很好的透明、导电性质.随着制备温度的降低, 薄膜在可见光范围内保持很好的透光性,而电阻率呈现增大趋势。我们认为这种 增大的趋势与低温制备条件下薄膜结晶质量的退化有关。
Perovskite—type oxides present an important class of materials since they were discovered as having many properties including superconductiVity,ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity,multiferroics,and electro—optic effects.However,due to their similar structures,with the advances in thin film growth.a variety of all—perovskite heteoepitaxial structures have been fabricated for devices with improved performance or novel functionalities.Recently,by ionic substitution and carrier doping,TCO films with the perovskite structure were also explored,and a few of them including In,Sb, and La—doped SrTi03,Nb—doped CaTi03 have been obtained.The perovskite structure gives them advantages in fabrications of all—perovskite heterostructures.Although doped SrTi03and SrSn03 ceramics have been extensively studied,the La-doped stannates in the thin—films form grown at higher oxygen pressure are rarely reported.
本论文中,我们通过对5%La掺杂的钛酸锶、锡酸锶氧化物薄膜体系的制备 条件、微观结构、电光学性质的研究,探索了掺杂钙钛矿型氧化物材料体系作为 透明导电薄膜材料的应用潜力,以及制备条件对薄膜性能的影响。
本论文共分四章。 第一章主要介绍了传统的氧化物透明导电薄膜材料的重要特点、主要性质及 其研究进展。主要从材料的理论原理、薄膜结构、物理性能、制备方法以及实际 应用几个方面详细阐述了传统透明导电薄膜体系。另一方面,更主要的,我们对 新型的透明导电薄膜材料:钙钛矿型氧化物薄膜,详细研究了其制备条件以及物 理性能。 第二章主要介绍了本文实验中使用样品的靶材的制备方法和脉冲激光沉积
films are also expected to be applied in transparent electronics,e.g.
The conventional TCO films,such as In203,ZnO,Sn02,were widely used for the past one hundred years.As limitations of the existing materials become more critical in view of the resource problem of rare metal In,there has been increasing interest in finding high—-quality single··crystalline TCO films with simple structure and lower growth temperatures
法制备薄膜的技术。其次,对实验中用到的薄膜结构表征方法:x射线线性扫描 技术和扫描电子显微镜技术做了简要的说明。最后我们简单介绍了本文中测量使
第三章主要介绍了Lao 05Sro.95Ti03(LSTO)薄膜在高氧压条件下的制备以及 薄膜微观结构和物理性质的研究。实验表明所得薄膜均具有良好的外延结构,表 现出很好的透明、导电性质.不同于高真空条件下氧空位引起的薄膜导电性,本 系列薄膜导电机制符合电子.电子散射机制,归因于La掺杂引入的自由载流子. 电子的交换作用.使用LSTO薄膜作为下电极,PbZro.52Tio.4s03(PZT)作为中问
传统的以氧化铟锡为主的透明导电薄膜体系具有诸多优点的同时,也存在诸 多缺点,特别是近年来随着稀有金属铟的供给不足问题愈发严重,使得开发具有 透光导电特性、简单结构、低制备温度的非铟材料成为众多研究学者所欲Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu破的 目标。
众所周知,钙钛矿结构的氧化物是一类很重要的绝缘透明材料,它具有高温 超导、巨磁阻、铁电、铁磁、多铁性等重要的物理性质。通过掺杂可以提高薄膜 内载流子浓度使其具有导电性;另一方面,全钙钛矿型结构异质结则能提高器件 的性能,并且能够探究新的功能。钙钛矿结构的薄膜结构简单,易于掺杂,而且 易于用传统的生长技术获得单晶膜,因而这类结构的薄膜将来势必在透明光电子 学领域成为透明导电薄膜的一支非常重要材料。虽然多种掺杂的钛酸锶、锡酸锶 体系已经有广泛的研究报道,但是对高氧压制备条件下低量La掺杂体系薄膜的报 道并不多见。
Since the discovery of transparent conducting oxide films(TCO)in 1 907s,
these materials have attracted much attention for their potential application in liquid crystal displays,organic light emitting diodes,and solar cells.Because of their unique properties of optical transparency in the visible range and controllable electrical conductivity from almost insulating to degenerate semiconducting behaviors,these