




A.起源于美国军方的网络B.可以进行网上购物C.可以共享资源D.消除了安全隐患2、TCP/IP协议主要在下列哪种网络中使用( ).A.局域网B.企业网C.广域网D.以上说法都不对3、拨号上网的目的主要是( ).A.连接到局域网B.连接到InternetC.连接到城域网D.和相邻计算机通信4、要打开IE窗口,可以双击桌面上的哪个图标( ).A.Internet ExploreB.网上邻居C.Outlook ExpressD.我的电脑5、如果无法显示当前网页,可以尝试( )操作.A.点击后退按钮B.点击停止按钮C.点击刷新按钮D.点击搜索按钮6、若欲把雅虎()设为主页,应该如何操作( ).A.在IE属性主页地址栏中键入:B.在雅虎网站中申请C.在IE窗口中单击主页按钮D.将雅虎添加到收藏夹7、如果你对网页上的一段图文信息感兴趣,想保存到本地硬盘,最好该( )操作.A.全选这段信息,然后按右键选"目标另存为",保存到本地硬盘B.文字、图片分开来复制C.选择菜单中“文件”→“另存为”,保存为WEB页格式D.保存这个文件的源代码即可8、下列关于搜索引擎的叙述,正确的是( ).A.搜索引擎可以离线搜索B.搜索引擎只能在线搜索C.搜索引擎是为搜索网站提供的服务D.B和C都对9、收发电子邮件,首先必须拥有( ).A.电子邮箱B.上网帐号C.中文菜单 B.个人主页10、发送电子邮件时,在发邮件界面中"发送给"一栏应该填写( ).A.接收者的名字B.接收者的信箱地址C.接收者的IP地址D.接收者的主页地址11、当打开一封新邮件,需要给发送者回信时,应该选择哪个功能菜单( ).A.回复B.转发C.全部回复D.删除12、关于聊天室,说法正确的是( ).A.聊天室的人来自同一个城市B.聊天室的人都相互认识C.任何人只要上网都可以进入公共聊天室D.每个网站都有聊天室13、建立计算机网络的主要目的是( ).A.发E-MailB.可以互拷程序C.实现资源共享D.提高系统的安全性14、我们平时说的“星型、交叉环型、环型、卫星型”是指网络的()。



计算机网络基础专升本作业题作业题(一)第一、二章一、名词解释:1、计算机网络:2、IP地址:3、协议:4、窄义的Internet:二、选择1.计算机网络的最突出的优点()A.精度高B.内存容量大C.运算速度快D.共享资源2.组建广域网,经常采用的拓扑结构是()A星型 B.网状型 C.环型 D.总线型3.计算机网络按其所涉及范围的大小和计算机之间互联的举例,其类型可分为()A.局域网,广域网和混合网B.分布的,集中的和混合的C.局域网广域网D.通信网,因特网和万维网4.网络的存储类型有()上各种网络和各种不同类型的计算机相互通信的基础是()IP6. 是Internet上一台计算机的()A.域名地址 C.非法地址 D.协议名称7.合法的IP地址是()A. 202:144:300:65 C. 202,112,144,70 以下IPv6地址中,不合法的是():0250:0000:0001:0000:0000:0000:4567 :250:0:1::4567C. 2001:250::1::4567D.::三、判断题:1.计算机网络系统由网络硬件和网络软件两部分组成。





()6. 总线结构是以一个节点为中心的处理系统,各种类型的入网机器均与该中心节点有物理链路直接相连,其他节点间不能直接通信,其他节点通信时需要通过该中心节点转发,因此中心节点必须有较强的功能和较高的可靠性。




1. 第二代计算机网络的主要特点是() [单选题] *A、多个主机互联互通(正确答案)B、以单机为中心的联机系统C、国际网络体系结构标准化D、各计算机制造厂商网络结构标准化2. 世界上第一个计算机网络是() [单选题] *A、ARPANET(正确答案)B、ChinaNetC、InternetD、CERNET3. 一个计算机网络的主要组成部分不包括() [单选题] *A、若干数据库(正确答案)B、一个通信子网C、一系列通信协议D、若干主机4. OSI 模型是分层的模型,那么使用此模型的主要目的是什么() [单选题] *A、加快通信的速度。




5. 什么是 MAC 地址() [单选题] *A、电脑的地址。




(正确答案)6. 集线器的 MAC 地址是什么() [单选题] *A、00:01:02:03:04:05B、、ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ffD、集线器没有 MAC 地址(正确答案)7. OSI 模型的两个黄金法则是什么() [单选题] *A、切勿混淆层级,并尊重施加的标准。




(正确答案)8. 在一个以太网帧中,位于最开头的是什么信息() [单选题] *A、帧的大小。

B、目的 MAC 地址。

(正确答案)C、源 MAC 地址。

D、目的 IP 地址。

9. 系统可靠性最高的网络拓扑结构是() [单选题] *B、网状型(正确答案)C、星型D、树型10. 一座大楼内的一个计算机网络系统,属于() [单选题] *A、PANB、LAN(正确答案)C、MAND、WAN11. 下列关于广域网的叙述,错误的是() [单选题] *A、广域网能连接多个城市或国家并能提供远距离通信B、广域网一般会包含OSI参考模型的7个层次(正确答案)C、大部分广域网都采用存储转发方式进行数据交换D、广域网可以提供面向连接和无连接两种服务模式12. 在以下传输介质中,带宽最宽,抗干扰能力最强的是() [单选题] *A、双绞线B、无线信道C、同轴电缆D、光纤(正确答案)13. 下列只能简单再生信号的设备是() [单选题] *A、网卡B、网桥C、中继器(正确答案)14. 随着微型计算机的广泛应用,大量的微型计算机是通过局域网连入到广域网的,而局域网与广域网的互联一般是通过()设备实现的。



计算机网络技术模拟试卷一、单选题(每题 2 分,共 30 分)1、在 OSI 参考模型中,实现端到端的可靠数据传输的是()A 物理层B 数据链路层C 网络层D 传输层2、 IP 地址 1921681100 属于()类地址。

A AB BC CD D3、以下哪种网络拓扑结构的可靠性最高()A 星型B 总线型C 环型D 网状型4、在以太网中,使用()协议来解决冲突。

A CSMA/CDB CSMA/CAC PPPD HDLC5、 TCP 协议工作在 OSI 参考模型的()A 物理层B 数据链路层C 网络层D 传输层6、以下哪个是私有 IP 地址的范围()A 10000 10255255255B 1721600 17231255255C 19216800 192168255255D 以上都是7、子网掩码为 255255255192,其对应的子网最多可容纳()台主机。

A 62B 64C 126D 1288、以下哪种设备工作在网络层()A 集线器B 交换机C 路由器D 网桥9、在 DNS 系统中,域名解析采用()查询方式。

A 递归B 迭代C 递归和迭代D 随机10、以下哪个命令用于测试网络连通性()A pingB tracertC ipconfigD netstat11、以下哪种网络存储技术是基于文件共享的()A NASB SANC DASD RAID12、防火墙的主要功能不包括()A 访问控制B 内容过滤C 数据加密D 网络地址转换13、以下哪种无线加密方式安全性最高()A WEPB WPAC WPA2D 不加密14、在 IPv6 中,地址长度为()位。

A 32B 64C 128D 25615、以下哪种网络协议用于邮件传输()A HTTPB FTPC SMTPD Telnet二、多选题(每题 3 分,共 15 分)1、以下属于网络传输介质的有()A 双绞线B 同轴电缆C 光纤D 无线电波2、以下属于网络操作系统的有()A Windows ServerB LinuxC UnixD Android3、以下哪些是网络安全威胁()A 病毒B 黑客攻击C 拒绝服务攻击D 网络钓鱼4、以下属于动态路由协议的有()A RIPB OSPFC BGPD 静态路由5、以下哪些是云计算的服务模式()A IaaSB PaaSC SaaSD DaaS三、判断题(每题 1 分,共 10 分)1、交换机工作在数据链路层,根据 MAC 地址进行数据转发。





A、计算机网络中数据传输率是:报文/秒B、计算机网络中数据传输率是:比特/秒C、计算机网络中数据传输率是:字符/秒D、计算机网络中数据传输率是:字节/秒正确答案:B3.因特网中完成域名地址和IP 地址转换的系统是( )。


A、7.6秒B、8微秒C、8秒D、7.6微秒正确答案:B5.RARP协议用于( )。



A、在二十公里以内B、在五十公里以内C、在一百公里以内D、在十公里以内正确答案:D8.校园网内的一台计算机不能使用域名而可以使用IP地址访问外部服务器,造成这种故障的原因不可能是( )。

A、该计算机与DNS服务器不在同一子网B、提供被访问服务器名字解析的服务器有故障C、该计算机DNS设置有误D、本地域名服务器无法与外部正常通信正确答案:A9.计算机网络中可以共享的资源包括( )。

A、主机.程序、数据、通信信道B、硬件.软件、数据、通信信道C、主机.外设、软件、通信信道D、硬件.程序、数据、通信信道正确答案:B10.下面对应用层协议说法正确的有( )。

A、DNS 协议支持域名解析服务.其服务端口号为80。


A. A类
C. C类
B. Telnet、FTP、WWW
B. B类
D. D类
A. 5
C. 3
B. 4
D. 2
A. Token Ring
C. Internet
B. Ethernet




3、EIA RS-232C是(




A. 模拟信号B. 多信道模拟信号C. 数字信号D. 宽带信号4.以下不能够提供可靠性服务的是()方式。


A. 物理层B. 数据链路层C. 网络层D. 高层6.数据链路层可以通过_______标识不同的主机A.物理地址B.端口号C.IP地址D.逻辑地址7.拥有以下IP地址的四台主机中不属于同一个网络的是()A.在数据链路层可以由()实现网络互连。

A.路由器B.交换机C.网关D.集线器9.令牌环网采用()标准A.IEEE802.3B.IEEE802.4C.IEEE802.5D.Token Ring10.下列()不正确的描述了PPPoE的应用.A. PPPoE被调制解调器用于实现宽带接入B.PPPoE具备身份验证功能C.PPPoE用于在以太网上实现宽带接入D.PPPoE将PPP帧承载在以太网帧中进行传输11.在OSI参考模型中,源主机和目标主机之间的可靠性传输由()实现A.数据链路层B.网络层C.物理层D.传输层12.提供Telnet服务的TCP端口为:()A.21B.23C.25D.8013.以下属于路由器功能的是()A.模拟信号与数字信号的转换B.编码和解码C.帧的装配与拆装D.选择路径14.三次握手方法用于()。

A. 传输层连接的建立B. 数据链路层的流量控制C. 传输层的重复检测D. 传输层的流量控制15.以下不属于广域网技术的是( )A.SDHB.FDDIC.ADSLD.Frame Relay16.IP地址192.168.1.0代表()A.一个C类网络号B.一个C类网络中的广播C.一个C类网络中的主机D.以上都不是17.ARP协议用于()A.将IP地址映射为域名B.将域名映射为IP地址C.将IP地址映射为MAC地址D.为主机动态分配IP地址18.下列有关于www浏览的协议是()A.HTTPB.IPX/SPXC.X.25D.TCP/IP19.下列协议中与邮件传输有关的协议是()A.FTPB.SNMPC.HTTPD.SMTP20.传输中的突发错误是由()产生的。

计算机网络试卷 (1)

计算机网络试卷 (1)






TCP的重传机制采用了一种自适应算法,若旧的估计往返时延为96ms,新的往返时延样本为104ms,权值α为1/8,则新的估计往返时延值为 ms。


对GBN(Go Back N)而言,当采用5bit对窗口序号进行编码时,发送窗口的应不大于 .7。


8. IPV6相比IPV4的变化之一是其IP地址的位数变为________bit。

9.常见的多址访问协议包括信道划分协议、随机访问协议和____________.10.IEEE 802。







216 B。。


74D. 86.68。






光纤 C.无线信道D。






二、单选题(1) (单选题)管理计算机通信的规则称为(A)协议(B)介质(C)服务(D)网络操作系统(2) (单选题)以下哪一个选项按顺序包括了OSI模型的各个层次(A)物理层,数据链路层,网络层,运输层,会话层,表示层和应用层(B)物理层,数据链路层,网络层,运输层,系统层,表示层和应用层(C)物理层,数据链路层,网络层,转换层,会话后,表示层和应用层(D)表示层,数据链路层,网络层,运输层,会话层,物理层和应用层(3) (单选题)在OSI模型中,第N层和其上的N+l层的关系是:(A)N层为N十1层提供服务(B)N十1层将从N层接收的信息增了一个头(C)N层利用N十1层提供的服务(D)N层对N+1层没有任何作用三、填空题1. 常用的网络操作系统,例如:______________,______________和______________。

2. 常见的网络协议有______________,______________和______________。

3. 常见的因特网服务有______________,______________和______________。

四、应用题或简答题(1) 从实现的功能看,什么叫计算机网络?(2) 同步通信与异步通信有何不同?(3) 什么是对等网?选择题(以单选题为例)1. 对IP数据报分片的重组通常发生在()上。

A. 源主机B. 目的主机C. IP数据报经过的路由器D. 目的主机或路由器2. 在OSI参考模型中,保证端-端的可靠性是在()上完成的。

A. 数据链路层B. 网络层C. 传输层D. 会话层3. MAC地址通常存储在计算机的()。





__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.在OSI参考模型中,实现系统间二进制信息块的正确传输,为上一层提供可靠、无错误的数据信息的协议层是( )。




3.在OSI参考模型中,自下而上第一个提供端到端服务的层次是( )。


4.传输层的作用是提供“端对端”的通信,其中“端对端”的含义是( )。



5.关于网络层和传输层提供的服务,下面几个选项中正确的说法是( )。






A、可以在两个方向上同时传输B、只能在一个方向上传输C、可以在两个方向上传输,但不能同时进行D、以上均不对正确答案:B3.IP报文头中固定长度部分为()字节A、30B、10C、40D、20正确答案:D4.网卡属于计算机的__ ___。


A、端口B、地址C、连接D、无连接正确答案:D6.静态路由的优点不包括: ( )A、管理简单B、提高网络安全性C、自动更新路由D、节省带宽正确答案:C7.以太网交换机一个端口在接收到数据帧时,如果没有在MAC地址表中查找到目的MAC地址,通常如何处理?()A、把以太网帧复制到所有端口B、把以太网帧单点传送到特定端口C、把以太网帧发送到除本端口以外的所有端口D、丢弃该帧正确答案:C8.广域网一般采用网状拓扑构型,该构型的系统可靠性高,但是结构复杂。

为了实现正确的传输必须采用流量控制方法和()A、光纤传输技术B、路由选择算法C、无线通信技术D、VLAN 技术正确答案:B9.下列设备中,属于资源子网的是()。

A、主机B、集中器C、网卡D、网络互联设备正确答案:A10.两台以太网交换机之间使用了两根5类双绞线相连,要解决其通信问题,避免产生环路问题,需要启用()技术A、源路由网桥B、生成树网桥C、MAC子层网桥D、介质转换网桥正确答案:B11.当前最流行的网络管理协议是( )。














二、名词解释(中译英)(每个2分,共12分)1.局域网 WALN2.波特率 baud3.循环冗余校验码 CRC4.地址转换协议 ARP5.集线器 HUB6.传输控制协议/网际协议 TCP/IP三、选择题(每个3分,共36分)1.采用半双工通信方式,数据传输的方向为( C )A.可以在两个方向上同时传输B.只能在一个方向上传输C.可以在两个方向上传输,但不能同时进行D.以上均不对2.管理计算机通信的规则称为(A )A.协议 B.服务 C.ASP D.ISO/OSI3.OSI参考模型分为( D )层A.4 B.5C.6 D.74.IP地址包含( B )A.网络号 B.网络号和主机号 C.网络号和MAC地址 D.MAC地址5.以下各项中,不是IP数据报操作特点的是( C )A.每个分组自身携带有足够的信息,它的传送是被单独处理的B.在整个传送过程中,不需建立虚电路C.使所有分组按顺序到达目的端系统D.网络节点要为每个分组做出路由选择6.按网络的传输介质访问控制方式划分,局域网可分为(D )A.以太网、令牌环网B.以太网、令牌总线网C.令牌环网、令牌总线网D.以太网、令牌环网和令牌总线网7.局域网的连接设备包括( B )A.网卡、集线器、交换机B.网卡、中继器、集线器、交换机C.网卡、中继器、集线器D.中继器、集线器、交换机8.指出下面的IP地址中,哪个是C类地址( B )A. B.C. D.9.以太网的标准是,使用( A )介质访问控制方法。



计算机⽹络基础模拟试题《计算机⽹络》模拟试卷⼀⼀、填空(每空1分,共30分)1.按照覆盖的地理范围,计算机⽹络可以分为 __、和。


3.计算机⽹络是利⽤通信线路将具有独⽴功能的计算机连接起来,使其能够 ___和_______。







IPv4由32位⼆进制数组成:使⽤4个⼗进制数中间加“.”表⽰IPv6由128位⼆进制数组成:使⽤8个⼗六进制数中间加⼩数点“:”表⽰10.当IP地址为210.198.45.60,⼦⽹掩码为255.255.255.240, 其⼦⽹号是_____________,⽹络地址是________________________,直接⼴播地址是_________________________。







《计算机网络》试题一班级:___________姓名:___________学号:___________一、单选题(每小题1.5分,共30分)1.TOP、UDP属于OSI的第( )层。

A.网络层 B. 传输层 C. 会话层 D. 表示层2.能保证数据端到端可靠传输能力的是OSI的哪一层( )。

A.网络层 B. 传输层 C. 会话层 D. 表示层3.VIP协议工作在OSI参考模型的哪一层( )。

A.1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 44.下列哪类设备是用来在OSI的第一层扩充区域范围的( )。


A.1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 46.在OSI参考模型中,童一结点内相邻质检通过( )来进行通信。

A.协议 B.接口 C.进程 D. 应用程序7.在osi七层结构模型中,处于数据链路层与传输之间的是( )。

A.物理层 B.网络层 C.会话层 D. 表示层8.完成路径选择功能是在osi模型的( )。

A.物理层 B.数据链路层 C.网络层 D. 运输层9.以太网工作在OSI参考模型的哪一层( )。

A.表示层 B.过程/应用层 C. 数据链路层D. 因特网层10.OSI代表( )。

A.Organization for Standards InstituteB. Organization for Internet StandardsC. Open Standards InstituteD. Open Systems Interconnection11.TCP、UDP、属于OSI( )。

A.网络层 B. 传输层 C. 会话层 D. 表示层12.网桥属于OSI模型的第( )层。

A.1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 413.数据分段是OSI七层模型中的( )完成的。

A.物理层 B.网络层 C.传输层 D. 数据链路层14.当你需要将172.12.0.0这个网络进行行子网划分,每个网必须包含458个主机。



福建师范大学闽南科技学院2010—2011学年第一学期期末考试试卷年级: 08 专业:计本学号:姓名:考试科目:计算机网络考试形式:闭卷考试时间: 120 分钟考试日期:任课教师:陈园园系主任/教研室主任签名:一、选择题(本题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. 在星型局域网结构中,连接文件服务器与工作站的设备是( D )A、调制解调器B、交换器C、路由器D、集线器2. 在码元速率为1600波特的调制解调器中,采用8PSK(8相位),每种相位有两种幅度的技术,可获得的数据速率为( A )。

A、6400bpsB、4800bpsC、9600bpsD、3200bps3. 用双绞线连接的星形网络计算机与集线器之间的长度不能大于(A )。

A、100mB、200mC、50mD、150m4. 8. 在以下几种接入网中,( C )属于无线接入的应用范畴。

A、PSTNB、CATVC、WLAND、ADSL5. 用于电子邮件的协议是( D )。

A、IPB、TCPC、SNMPD、SMTP 6. ARP 协议的主要功能是( A )。

A、将 IP 地址解析为物理地址B、将物理地址解析为 IP 地址C、将主机名解析为 IP 地址D、将解析 IP 地址为主机名7. 10Base-T以太网中,以下说法不对的是( C )。

A、10指的是传输速率为10MbpsB、Base指的是基带传输C、T指的是以太网D、10Base-T 是以太网的一种配置8. 把网络193.103.18.0划分为多个子网(子网掩码是255.255.255.128),则各子网中可用的主机地址总数是( C )。

A、254B、 252C、 126D、2249. ( C )属于无基础设施的无线网络。

A、广播式网络B、无线局域网C、无线传感器网D、无线网格网10. 在( B )构型中,结点通过点-点通信线路连接成闭合环路。

A、环形拓扑B、网状拓扑C、树形拓扑D、星形拓扑11. 网上“黑客”是指( C )的人。












A.ICMP B.ARP C.RARP D.IGMP2.在令牌环中,令牌是()、()。


A.集线器B.交换机C.路由器D.网桥4.带宽是对下列哪种媒体容量的度量?()A.快速信息通信 B.传送数据C.在高频范围内传送的信号D.上述所有的5.报文交换方式的特点是()。

A.源节点和目标节点在交换时无需建立专用通路B.利于实时交互性通信C.利于减少网络传输的延迟D.任何情况下发出的报文都能够按顺序达到目的地6.在电缆中屏蔽有什么好处?()A.减少信号衰减 B.减少电磁干扰辐射和对外界干扰的灵敏度C.减少物理损坏 C.减少电磁的阻抗7.PPP协议是()协议。

A.物理层 B.数据链路层 C.网络层 D.传输层8.在OSI模型中,一个层N与它的上层(第N+1层)的关系是()A.第N层为第N+1层提供服务。



计算机网络基础专升本作业题作业题(一)第一、二章一、名词解释:1、计算机网络:2、IP地址:3、协议:4、窄义的Internet:二、选择1.计算机网络的最突出的优点()A.精度高B.内存容量大C.运算速度快D.共享资源2.组建广域网,经常采用的拓扑结构是()A星型 B.网状型 C.环型 D.总线型3.计算机网络按其所涉及范围的大小和计算机之间互联的举例,其类型可分为()A.局域网,广域网和混合网B.分布的,集中的和混合的C.局域网广域网D.通信网,因特网和万维网4.网络的存储类型有()上各种网络和各种不同类型的计算机相互通信的基础是()IP6. 是Internet上一台计算机的()A.域名地址 C.非法地址 D.协议名称7.合法的IP地址是()A. 202:144:300:65B.C. 202,112,144,70 以下IPv6地址中,不合法的是():0250:0000:0001:0000:0000:0000:4567 :250:0:1::4567C. 2001:250::1::4567D.::三、判断题:1.计算机网络系统由网络硬件和网络软件两部分组成。





()6. 总线结构是以一个节点为中心的处理系统,各种类型的入网机器均与该中心节点有物理链路直接相连,其他节点间不能直接通信,其他节点通信时需要通过该中心节点转发,因此中心节点必须有较强的功能和较高的可靠性。



一、Put your answers in the sheet.(20×1=20 points)1.The (public Internet) is a worldwide computer network, that is, a network that interconnects millions of computing devices throughout the world.2.Which kind of media is not a guided media? (Digital satellite channel)3.The units of data exchanged by a link-layer protocol are called ( ).A FramesB SegmentsC DatagramsD bit streams4.( ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link.A Store-and-forward transmissionB FDMC End-to-end connectionD TDM5.Processing delay does not include the time to ( ).A examine the packet’s headerB wait to transmit the packet onto the linkC determine where to direct the packetD check bit-error in the packet6.In the following options, which belongs to the network core? ( )A end systemsB routersC clientsD servers7.The time required to examine the packet’s header and determine where to direct the packet is part of the ( ).A queuing delayB processing delayC propagation delayD transmission delay8.The time required to propagate from the beginning of the link to the next router is ( ).A queuing delayB processing delayC propagation delayD transmission delay9、The units of data exchanged by an Internet’s transport layer protocol are called().A. FramesB. SegmentsC. DatagramsD. bit streams10. In the following four descriptions, which one is correct?A In C/S architecture, clients communicate with each other directly.B In C/S architecture, client has a fixed well-known address.C In P2P architecture, peers communicate with each other directly.D In P2P architecture, peer has a fixed well-known address.11. In the context of a communication session between a pair of process, the process that initiates the communication is labeled as the(), the process that waits to be contacted to begin the session is labeled as the .A client process, server processB sending process, receiving processC input process, output processD communicating process, connecting process12. A socket is the interface between () within a host.A the network layer and the link layerB the link layer and the physical layerC the application layer and the transport layerD the transport layer and the network layer13. If the status code in HTTP response message is 404, it means() .A Request succeeded.B The requested document doesn’t exit on this server.C This is a generic error code indicating that the request could not be understood by the server.D Requested object has been permanently mover.14. Comparison HTTP with SMTP, the correct is () .A HTTP is a push protocol, and SMTP is a pull protocol.B In the default mode, both of them use persistent connection.C HTTP places all of the mess age’s objects into one message, and SMTP sends every object one by one.D HTTP requires each message to be in 7-bit ASCII format, and SMTP doesn’t impose this restriction.15. There are three classes of DNS server except () .A Root DNS serverB Local DNS serverC TLD server D Authoritative DNS server16. The time it takes for a small packet to travel from client to server and then back to the client is ( ) .A round-travel timeB next-hop timeC round-trip time(RTT)D prefix-matching time17. The function of the additional header field in MIME Content-Type is() .A to convert the message body to its origin non-ASCII formB to determine what actions it should take on message bodyC to send an E-mail to the receiving user agentD to indicate what type the message is18. A process sends messages into, and receives messages from, the network through its() .A socketB programC clientD peer19. () is a network entity that satisfies HTTP requests on the behalf of an origin Web server.A proxy serverB local serverC DNS serverD Web server20. The request message in the conditional GET must include the () header line.A Last-ModifiedB Last-ReferencedC If-Modified-SinceD If –Referenced-Since二、Fill in the blanks.(Write the answers in the lines. 20×1=20 points) 1.End systems access to the Internet through its ( ).2.( ) defines the format and the order of messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities, as well as the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message or other event.3. Suppose a web page consists of a base HTML file, 5 JEPG images and a java applet, and also suppose HTTP uses persistent connection without pipelining, the total response time is()RTT .4. FTP uses two parallel TCP connections to transfer a file, there are()and ().5. The Internet mail system has three components which they are ()()and ().6. The port number of the Web server is () .7. The port number of the mail server is () .8. Provided RcvBuffer=60,LastByteRcvd=40,LastByteRead=15, then RcvWindow=() .9. There are two 16-bit integers: 1110 0110 0110 0110, 1101 0101 0101 0101. Their checksum is()10. The job of gathering data chunks, encapsulating each data chunk with header information to create segments and passing the segments to the network is called () .11. This job of delivering the data in a transport-layer segment to the correct socket is called() . 12.In the LAN, ( ) protocol dynamically assign IP addresses to hosts.13.Ethernet’s multiple access protocol is ().14.For 10BaseT, the maximum length of the connection between an adapter and the hub is (100) meters.15.The ability to determine whether a frame should be forwarded to some interface or should just be dropped is ( ).16.The ()protocol can translate IP address into MAC address.17.The ability to determine the interfaces to which a frame should be directed, and then directing the frame to those interfaces is( ).三、True or False. (Write the answers: T or F in the sheet 10×1=10 points)1.The propagation delay is the amount of time required to push all of the packet’s bits into the link.2.Ethernet’s multiple access protocol is CDMA.3.The Internet is a kind of datagram network.4.The acknowledgement number for a segment is therefore the byte-stream number of the first byte in the segment.5.Both routers and switches are plug and play devices.6.TCP provides flow control by having the sender maintain a variable called the receive window.7.With persistent connections, the server leaves the TCP connection open after sending aresponse.8.The Last-modified: header in the HTTP response message indicates when the object in the response message was last modified.9.The job of delivering the data in a transport-layer segment to the correct socket is called multiplexing.10. A datagram may be handled by different link-layer protocols on the different links in the path.四、Consider sending a packet of 3000bits over a path of 5 links. Each link transmits at 1000bps. Queuing delays, propagation delay and processing delay are negligible. (10 points)(1).Suppose the network is a packet-switched datagram network and a connectionless service is used. Now suppose each packet has 200 bits of header. How long does it take to send the file? (2).Suppose that the network is a circuit-switched network. Further suppose that the transmission rate of the circuit between source and destination is 200bps. Assuming 0.02s setup time and 200 bits of header appended to the packet, how long does it take to send the packet?五、Consider an HTTP client will request a WEB page from a WEB server. Suppose the URL of the page is /somedepartment /somedir/exp.html. The client does not want to use persistent connections and want to receive French version of the object. The user agent is Windows NT 5.1. Give the request message according to the given format.(10 points)Request line:Header lines:六、Consider sending an object of size O=100 Kbytes from server to client. Let S=536 bytes and RTT=100msec. Suppose the transport protocol uses static windows with window size W. (10 points)(1) For a transmission rate of 25 kbps, determine the minimum possible latency. Determine theminimum window size that achieves this latency.七、Now we had known IP address is, Please compute :(10 points) Network address? (2). Broadcast address?(3). How many hosts are there in the network?(4). First host IP address? (5). Last host IP address?八、Consider the following network. With the indicated link costs, use Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to compute the shortest path from C to all network nodes. Give step table , the shortest span tree and forwarding table. (10 points)一、Put your answers in the sheet.(20×1=20 points )1. There are three classes of DNS servers, there are () .A root DNS server, top-level domain DNS server and local DNS serverB root DNS server, top-level domain DNS server and authoritative DNS serverC root DNS server, local DNS server and authoritative DNS serverD root DNS server, local DNS server and top-level domain DNS server2. Each URL has components, they are .A transport protocol and obj ect’s path nameB host name and object’s path nameC transport protocol and host nameD client name and server name3. Which of the following services is not provided by TCP?A Delay guarantees and bandwidth guaranteesB Reliable data transfers and flow controlsC Congestion controlsD In-order data transfers4. The port numbers ranging from _0___to __1023__ are called well-known port number and are restricted.5. UDP socket identified by two components, they are ____.A source IP addresses and source port numbersB source IP addresses and destination IP addressesC destination IP address and destination port numbers 1134219 1 1 3 5 6A F E G DB CD destination port numbers and source port numbers6. The SYN segment is used for____.A TCP connection setupB TCP flow controlC TCP congestion controlD Closing a TCP connection7. The FIN segment is used for____.A TCP connection setupB TCP flow controlC TCP congestion controlD Closing a TCP connection8. The maximum amount of data that can be grabbed and placed in a segment is limited by the____.A Maximum segment size (MSS)B MTUC ChecksumD Sequence number9. The transport-layer protocol provides logical communication between ____, and the network-layer protocol provides logical communication ____.A hosts, processesB processes, hostsC threads, processesD processes, threads10. The following four descriptions about multiplexing and de-multiplexing, which one is correct?A A UDP socket is identified by a two-tuples consisting of a source port number and a destination port number.B If two UDP segment have different source port number, they may be directed to the same destination process.C If two TCP segments with different source port number, they may be directed to the same destination process.D If two TCP segments with same destination IP address and destination port number, they must be the same TCP connection.11. ____ is the byte stream number of first byte in the segment.A Sequence numberB ACK numberC ChecksumD port number12. ____ is the byte sequence numbers of next byte expected from other side.A Sequence numberB ACK numberC ChecksumD port number13. TCP____ means sender won’t overflow receiver’s buffer by transmitting too much, too fast.A Flow controlB Congestion controlC Reliable data transferD Connection-oriented service14. TCP provides flow control by having the sender maintain a variable called the ____.A Receive windowB Congestion windowC Sliding windowD buffer15. In TCP segment header, which field can implement the reliable data transfer?A source port number and destination port numberB sequence number and ACK numberC urgent data pointerD Receive window16.Most IPV4 datagram do not contain option field, how many bytes a header has in a typical IP datagram? ()A. 4 bytesB.8 bytesC.16 bytesD.20 bytes17.ICMP is used for____?()A. Reliable data transferB. Error reportingC. Flow controlD. Congestion control 18.IP addressing assigns an address to, the network address for this network is____.()A. running a Telnet, FTP, or HTTP session, you may have encountered an error message such as “Destination network un-reachable”, This message had its origin in ____. ()A. IGMPB.EGPC. ICMPD.BGP20.IPv6 increases the size of the IP address from 32bit to _128___ bit. ( B )二、Fill in the blanks.(Write the answers in the lines. 20×1=20 points)1.Consider the data D is 01110010001, if use even parity checking approach, the parity bit is ( ), if use odd parity checking approach, the parity bit is ( ).2.When a packet arrives at a router’s input link, the router must move the packet to the appropriate output link, this action is called ( )3.The network layer must determine the path taken by packets as they flow from a sender to a receiver. This action is called( )4.IPV4 has a (32) bit address?5.MAC address is (48) bits?6. In HTTP request message, the entity body is empty with the() method. When the user fills outa form, () method is used.7. The types of delay include nodal processing delay,(), ( ), ( ),and().8. There are currently a number of popular mail access protocols, including (),(), and ( ).9. Network-layer’s impo rtant functions are()and().10.Provided RcvBuffer=10,LastByteRcvd=50,LastByteRead=15, then RcvWindow=()11. The port number of SMTP is () .12. The port number of DNS is () .三、True or False. (Write the answers: T or F in the sheet 10×1=10 points) 11.The Internet’s connectionless service comes bundled with several other services, including reliable data transfer, flow control, and congestion control. ( )12.IPv4 does not allow routers to fragmentize IP datagram. ( )13.HTTP uses TCP as its underlying transport protocol rather than running on top of UDP.( )14.With nonpersistent connections between browser and origin server, it is possible for a single TCP segment to carry two distinct HTTP request messages. ( )15.Currently, the Internet does not provides a service that makes promises about how long it will take to deliver the data from sender to receiver. ( )16.A TCP socket is identified by a two-tuple consisting of a destination IP address and a destination port number. ( )17.The sequence number for a segment is therefore the byte-stream number of the first byte in the segment. ( )18.The job of delivering the data in a transport-layer segment to the correct socket is calledmultiplexing. ( )19.Both routers and switches are plug and play devices. ( )20.CSMA/CD is one of random access protocols. ( )四、Consider sending a packet of 2000bits over a path of 4 links. Each link transmits at 1000bps. Queuing delays, propagation delay and processing delay are negligible. (10 points)(1).Suppose the network is a packet-switched datagram network and a connectionless service is used. Now suppose each packet has 200 bits of header. How long does it take to send the file? (2).Suppose that the network is a circuit-switched network. Further suppose that the transmission rate of the circuit between source and destination is 200bps. Assuming 0.05s setup time and 200 bits of header appended to the packet, how long does it take to send the packet?五、Suppose that you send a mail to teacher@. Your mailbox is student@. The mail includes a word attachment. Subject is “Problem about test”. What might the header lines (including MIME lines) look like? (10 points)Request line:Header lines:六、Consider the 4-bit generator , G is 1001, and suppose that D has the value 101110000. What is the value of R? (8 points).一、Put your answers in the sheet.(20×1=20 points)1.A router works in ____ layer? ()B. Network B. Data linkC. ApplicationD. Physical2. In()networking, a series of packet may follow different paths and may arrive out of order?三、Datagram B.VC C.TCP D. None of above3.The Internet is a (an) __ Datagram __ network? ()4.Which of the following is not a routing protocol? ()A. TCPB. RIPC. OSPFD. BGP5.RIP is a kind of _DV___ algorithm. ()6.OSPF is a kind of _LS___ algorithm. ()8.The virtual circuit includes three identifiable phases but ____. ()A. setupB. data transferC. forwarding VC numbersD. teardown八、Questions about TCP congestion control (12points).Answer the following questions about TCP congestion control.a) Identify the intervals of time when TCP slow start is operating----1-6, .b) Identify the intervals of time when TCP congestion avoidance is operating----6-16, .c) After the 16th transmission round, is segment loss detected by____; after the 22nd transmission round, is segment loss detected by __ _ (①a triple duplicate ACK; ②a timeout).d) The initial value of Threshold at the first transmission round is __ __.e) What is the value of threshold at the 19th transmission round?f) What is the value of threshold at the 25th transmission round?g) During what transmission round is the 17th segment sent?h) Assuming a packet loss is detected after the 26th round by the receipt of a timeout event, then congestion-window= , threshold= .i) During __ _ _ transmission round, the 50th segment is sent.7.Datagram networks and virtual-circuit networks differ in ____.( ) 14 180 26 300 0 2 6 4 8 10 12 16 20 22 240 28 32Transmissionround 45 4035 30 25 20151050 CongestionWindowSize(segments)用报文段数目来表示的窗口大小21.Datagram networks are circuit-switched networks, and virtual-circuit networks are packet-switched networks.22.Datagram networks are packet-switched networks, and virtual-circuit networks are circuit-switched networks.23.Datagram networks use destination addresses and virtual-circuit networks use VC.Numbers to forward packets toward their destination.24.Datagram networks use VC. Numbers and virtual-circuit networks use destination addresses to forward packets toward their destination.9.Suppose one IP datagram of 5,000 bytes (20 bytes of IP header) and it must be forwarded to a link with an MTU of 1,500 bytes, the offset and flag of the second fragment in header are _185, 1_ 10.A ( ) protocol is used to move a datagram over an individual link.A application-layerB transport-layerC network-layerD link-layer11.The following protocols are belonging to multiple access protocols except for ( ).A channel partitioning protocolsB routing protocolsC random access protocolsD taking-turns protocols12.Which of the following is not belonging to channel partitioning protocols? ( )A CSMAB FDMC CDMAD TDM13.In the following four descriptions about CSMA/CD, which one is not correct? ( )A A node listens to the channel before transmitting.B If someone else begins talking at the same time, stop talking.C A transmitting node listens to the channel while it is transmitting.D With CSMA/CD, the collisions can be avoided completely.14.A hub is a (physical-layer) device that acts on individual bits rather than on frames.15.A switch is a (link-layer) device that acts on frame.16.Which of the following devices is not a plug and play device? ( Router )17.Which of the following is wrong? ( ) A. ARP table is configured by a system administrator18.( IEEE 802.5 )defines Token-Ring protocol.19.( IEEE 802.4 )defines Token-Bus protocol.10.(IEEE 802.3 ) defines CSMA/CD protocol.二、Fill in the blanks.(Write the answers in the lines. 20×1=20 points)1. In the LAN, protocol dynamically assign IP addresses to hosts.2. The Internet mail system has three components which they are ,and user agent.3.An HTTP client often uses the method when the user fills out a form. 4. A total nodal delay includes nodal processing delay, , , and propagation delay.5.FTP uses two parallel TCP connections to transfer a file, they are and.6.Consider the data D is 001101110001, if use even parity checking approach, the parity bit is , if use odd parity checking approach, the parity bit is .7.There are three 16-bit words: 1010101011000011, 0101010101010101, 0110011001100111. Their checksum is .8.There are currently a number of popular mail access protocols, including , , and HTTP.9.field in a TCP segment is used for flow control?10.. The two most important network-layer functions in a datagram networkare and .11.RcvBuffer = 300, LastByteRcvd = 80, LastByteRead = 25, then RcvWindow = .12.IP V6 has a bit address . IP V4 has a bit address.13.MAC address is bits..三、True or False. (Write the answers: T or F in the sheet 10×1=10 points)1. Host A is sending Host B a large file over a TCP connection. Assume Host B has no datato send Host A. Host B will not send acknowledgments to Host A because Host B cannot piggyback the acknowledgments on data.2. The size of the TCP RcvWindow never changes throughout the duration of theconnection.3. Suppose Host A is sending Host B a large file over a TCP connection. The number ofunacknowledgemented bytes that A sends cannot exceed the size of receive buffer.4. Suppose Host A id sending a large file to Host B over a TCP connnection. If the sequencenumber for a segment of this connection is m, then the sequence number for the subsequent segment will necessarily be m+1.5. The TCP segment has a field in its header for RcvWindow.6. Suppose Host A sends over a TCP connection to Host B one segment with sequencenumber 38 and 4 bytes of data. In this same segment the acknowledgment number is necessarily 42.7. Both routers and switches are plug and play devices.8. IPv6 does not allow routers to fragmentize IP datagram.9. The job of delivering the data in a transport-layer segment to the correct socket is called demultiplexing.10. Ethernet’s multiple access protocol is CSMA/CD.四、Suppose Host A sends two TCP segments back to back to Host B over a TCP connection. The first segment has sequence number 90; the second has sequence number 110.(10 points )a. how much data is in the first segment?b. suppose that the first segment is lost but the second segment arrives at B. In the acknowledgment that Host B sends to Host A, what will be the acknowledgment number?五、For the given topology of the network, use Dijkstra ’s shortest path algorithm to compute the shortest path from U to all network nodes. Give a shortest path tree and node U ’s routing table. (10 points)六、Consider sending an object of size O=500,000bytes from server to client. Let S=500 bytes and RTT=0.2s. Suppose the transport protocol uses static windows with window size 5. For a transmission rate of 100Kbps, determine the latency for sending the whole object. Recall the number of windows K=O/ WS), and there is K-1 stalled state (that is idle time gaps). (10 points)七、Consider the data D =101110010, that the receiving node receives from the network. The generator G =1011. Use CRC method and compute whether there is a bit-error. If there is an error, please give the value of the remainder R.(8 points)八、Consider the following plot of TCP congestion window size as a function of time. (10 points)5 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 5 V W U Y Z XFill in the blanks as follow:a) The value of Threshold at the 11st transmission round is ___ _. b) After the 9th transmission round, segment loss detected by _ _. c) The initial value of Threshold at the first transmission round is __ __. d) The value of Threshold at the 21st transmission round is __ __. e) During __ _ _ transmission round, the 30th segment is sent.f) After the 19th transmission round, segment loss detected by _ _ _.14 180 26 300 0 2 6 4 8 10 12 16 20 22 240 28 32 Congestion window sizeTransmission round 4 8 12 16。

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计算机网络模拟题(一)一、选择题(每小题有且只有一个正确答案,共20小题,每小题1分,共计20分)1.以下IP地址中,不属于私有地址的是 C 。

(A) (B) (D)是通过 B 协议来传输消息的。

(A) TCP (B) UDP (C) ICMP (D) ARP3.在CSMA/CD协议中,下列指标与冲突时间没有关系的是 C 。

(A) 检测一次冲突所需的最长时间(B) 最小帧长度(C) 最大帧长度(D) 最大帧碎片长度4.下列TCP/IP协议中,不属于应用层协议的是 B 。

(A) OSPF (B) RARP (C) TFTP (D) FTP5.路由选择是 A 的基本功能。

(A) 网络层(B) 数据链路层(C) 传输层(D) 应用层6.在计算机信息系统中,TCP/IP协议栈属于 C 。

(A) 管理平台(B) 系统平台(C) 传输平台(D) 网络平台7.在综合布线系统中,终端设备到信息插座的连线部分通常被称为 B 。

(A) 设备间子系统(B) 工作区子系统(C) 水平子系统(D) 垂直干线子系统8.10Base-T以太网的最大网段距离为 D 。

(A) 185米(B) 500米(C) 200米(D) 100米9.下列Internet应用中,基于C/S计算模式的是 A 。

(A) FTP (B) BT (C) MSN (D) Skype10.下列有关LLC子层的叙述,正确的是 C 。

(A) LLC子层是物理层的一个子层(B) 各种不同的以太网技术采用了不同的LLC子层(C) LLC子层提供了面向数据帧的传输控制(D) LLC子层与传输媒体具有紧密联系11.下列编码中,不属于自同步编码的是 A 。

(A) 不归零制编码(B) 曼彻斯特编码(C) 差分曼彻斯特编码(D) 以上均不是12.在下列各种CSMA技术中,发送帧前侦听总线遇到“忙”时,将随机等待一段时间后再次侦听总线是否处于“忙”状态的是 C 。

(A) 1-坚持CSMA (B) p-坚持CSMA (C) 非坚持CSMA (D) 以上均不是13.区分独立基本服务集与Infrastructure基本服务集的主要依据是服务集中是否包含了 B 。

(A) 分发系统(B) 接入点(AP)(C) 无线介质(D) 工作站14.路由表中“”所代表的是 C 。

(A) 动态路由(B) 通过RIP协议获得的路由(C) 缺省路由(D) 无法识别的路由15.下列协议中,可以将IP地址转换为MAC地址的是 B 。

(A) RARP (B) ARP (C) DNS (D) ICMP16.下列关于地址转换技术(NAT)的叙述,不正确的是 B 。

(A) 地址转换技术可以使使用私有IP地址的内部主机访问Internet(B) 地址转换技术能够确保内部主机正常使用所有Internet服务(C) 地址转换技术能够对内部主机起到一定的安全保护作用(D) 以上均不正确17.下列协议中,用于解决电子邮件中传输多语言文字和附件问题的是 A 协议。

(A) MIME (B) SMTP (C) SNMP (D) POP318.下列关于全双工以太网技术的叙述,不正确是 B 。

(A) 全双工以太网技术可以提高网络带宽(B) 全双工以太网技术能够有效控制广播风暴(C) 全双工以太网技术可以延伸局域网的覆盖范围(D) 以上均不正确19.TCP/IP参考模型中的网络接口层(Network Access)对应了OSI参考模型中的 B 。

(A) 网络层(B) 数据链路层和物理层(C) 数据链路层(D) 物理层20.下列关于IP协议中分段与重组的叙述,不正确的是 A 。

(A) IP协议可以对所有的分组进行分段(B) 分段后的IP分组具有相同的标识符(C) 分段后的IP分组的总长度将超过分组前的长度(D) 以上均不正确二、填空题(共20个空格,每个空格1分,共计20分)1.目前VLAN技术的国际标准是 IEEE 802.1Q 。


3.SNMPv1支持的操作有 get 、 get-next 、 set 、trap等四种类型。

4.对每个经过的IP报文,路由器都会对其头部的TTL字段进行减运算,如果运算结果为 0 ,路由器将丢弃该IP报文。











其中,每个计算机机房可以根据实际需要设置允许连接Internet 的时间;FTP服务器仅对计算中心内部提供服务。


模拟1答案一、选择题(每小题有且只有一个正确答案,共20小题,每小题1分,共计20分)二、填空题(共20个空格,每个空格1分,共计20分)1. IEEE 802.1Q2.机密性(或保密性)、完整性、不可抵赖性3. get 、get-next 、set4. 1 、05. ISDN 、ADSL6.5个网段、1个共享以太网7. IIS 、Apache (不仅限于这两个答案)8.信元(或Cell)、53 、 59.指定、备份(备用)指定三、名词解释(共5小题,每小题4分,共计20分)1.帧突发技术是千兆以太网中一个可选功能,它允许站点在线路上连续发送多个帧而不放弃对线路的控制。






3.蓝牙技术,即Bluetooth,是由爱立信、IBM、英特尔等公司组织开发的短距离无线网络技术,旨在用无线连接技术取代短距离的电缆连接,可以用于构成个人ad hoc网络,也可用于构建语音或数据接入点。


目前,蓝牙技术已经被接受成为IEEE 802.15标准。











另外,为了保证CSMA/CA协议的健壮性,使偶尔还可能发生的碰撞不会破坏协议的工作,CSMA/CA 设置了专门的ACK应答帧,用来指示碰撞的发生。



六、(10分)答:(1)路由器路由器B(2七、(14分)答:1.可以将计算机中心的网络划分为15个VLAN,其中10个计算机机房分别属于一个不同的VLAN,部门1、部门2、部门3各属一个VLAN,所有的服务器属于一个VLAN,另外一个VLAN 用于与学校网络中心连接。

