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非谓语动词: a.动词不定式 b.动名词 c.分词( 现在分词过去分词)




1,To see is to believe. 2, It is right to give up smoking.

3, He wanted to go 4, I find it interesting to study English.

5, He asked me to do the work with him. 6, I have some books for you to read.

7, I came here to see you. 8, We were very excited to hear the news.

9,Laying eggs is the ant queen’s full-time job. 10, It is no use arguing with him.

11, Her job is teaching . 12.He had his clothes washed.

13,We saw the teacher making the experiment. 14,The man standing by the window is our teacher.

15,The excited people rushed into the building. 16,Being a student, I must study hard.

17,The teacher stood there, surrounded by the students. 18,The news is inspiring. 非谓语动词使用条件

一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下, 还有别的动词出现时。She got off the bus, leaving her handbag on her seat.

She got off the bus, but left her handbag on her seat.


一般式To do To be done 动作发生在谓语动作之后

进行式To be doing 与谓语动作同时发生

完成式To have done To have been done 动作发生在谓语动作之前



动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种,由不定式符号(to)加动词原形构成。不定式的形式有五种:1.一般式to do 例如:I like to read English.

2.进行式to be doing 例如:He seemed to be reading something at that time.

3.完成式to have done 例如:He seemed to have cleaned the room.

4.被动式to be done 例如:The work is to be done soon.

5.完成被动式to have been done

例如:The boy is said to have been sent to hospital yesterday.

二. 动词不定式的用法



To see is to believe. Not to get there in time is your fault.

(2)注:常用it做形式主语,将to do放在位于之后,使句子保持平衡。

句型1:It + 谓语 + to do It takes us an hour _to__ get there by bus.

句型2:It’s + n. + to do It’s our duty _to_ help the poor.

It is a great enjoyment _to_ spend our holiday in the mountains.

句型3: It is + adj + for sb to do sth(是形容事物的性质的)

It is + adj + of sb to do sth(是形容人的品质的)

It is easy for me to finish this work before ten.

It is a great honor for us to be present at your birthday party.

It is very kind of you to give me some help.

It's impolite of you to speak to the teacher like that.




Walking is good for health.

To have a walk in the spring afternoon with my mum is pleasant.


It is + adj. + for /of sth +to do

It is useless/ no use/ no good +doing sth.


接不定式做宾语I want to know this matter.

I don’t expect to meet you here

(1)常见动词有:like, demand, expect, promise, begin, determine, refuse, offer, fail, manage,

learn, seem, intend, forget, want, prepare, pretend, refuse, plan, afford, wish

They wanted _to get___( get ) on the bus, didn’t they? He said he wished __to be____( be )

a professor.


I find/feel to work with him interesting . I find/feel it interesting to work with him.Subject+ find/think/feel/make/ consider… it+adj/n + to do sth.

1.We thought _it__ better __to_ start early.

2.Do you consider _it__ better not _to_ go?

3. I feel _it_ my duty _to_ change all that.

4.We think it __ important _

to _ obey the law.

5.I know _ it _ impossible _ to _ finish so much homework in a day.


tell, advise, show, teach, find out, decide, discuss, learn, explain, know, discover, He taught us how to use the tool. No one could tell me where to get the book.

I haven't decided whether to go or stay.


stop to do 停下来去做 stop doing 停止做

forget to do 忘记要做 forget doing 忘记做过

remember to do 记得要做 remember doing 记得做过

regret to do 遗憾要做 regret doing 后悔做过

try to do 企图做,尽力做 try doing 试着做
