镁锑液态金属储能电池原理 Mg-Sb Liquid Metal Battery
液态金属电池——前景广阔的电网储能新技术彭勃;郭姣姣;张坤;王玉平【摘要】The liquid metal battery possesses the potential advantages of simple structure,easy scale-up,and high charging-discharging current,low manufacturing cost,as well as long cycle life.And it has broad application prospects in the field of large scale grid-connected renewable energy generation and distributed micro grid energy storage.In the paper,the working principle,performance characteristics,development history and current technology status of liquid metal battery were mainly introduced.On this basis,the development trend of liquid metal battery was discussed.%液态金属电池具有结构简单、易放大、可大电流充放电、制造成本低、循环寿命长等潜在优势,在大规模可再生能源发电并网以及分布式发电与微电网领域具有广阔的应用前景.重点介绍了液态金属电池的工作原理、性能特点、发展历史、技术现状.在此基础上,讨论了液态金属电池技术的发展趋势.【期刊名称】《电源技术》【年(卷),期】2017(041)003【总页数】4页(P498-501)【关键词】液态金属电池;工作原理;性能特点;技术现状;发展趋势【作者】彭勃;郭姣姣;张坤;王玉平【作者单位】西安高压电器研究院有限责任公司,陕西西安710075;西安高压电器研究院有限责任公司,陕西西安710075;西安高压电器研究院有限责任公司,陕西西安710075;西安高压电器研究院有限责任公司,陕西西安710075【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM912大规模储能技术在扩大可再生能源并网规模、提高电力系统供电可靠性、缩小电网峰谷差,以及微电网建设等方面具有重要作用,是建设未来智能电网,实现能源互联的支撑技术。
备考突破 高三化学专题强化集训——溶度积常数的相关计算(精编解析)
![备考突破 高三化学专题强化集训——溶度积常数的相关计算(精编解析)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/35c125ab84254b35effd344c.png)
某同学在实验室模拟侯氏制碱法生产的纯碱中含有少量NaCl,下列说法正确的是A. 相同温度下,碳酸钙在纯碱溶液中的溶度积小于在水中的溶度积B. 用标准盐酸滴定一定质量的样品,可以测量出纯碱的纯度C. 用托盘天平称取样品配制溶液进行实验D. 只用硝酸银溶液,即可鉴别样品溶液中是否含有氯离子2.《环境科学》刊发了我国科研部门采用零价铁活化过硫酸钠,其中S为价去除废水中的正五价砷的研究成果,其反应机制模型如图所示。
下列叙述正确的是A. 过硫酸钠含个过氧键B. 若参加反应,共有个被还原C. 室温下,中间产物溶于水所得饱和溶液中为D. pH越小,越有利于去除废水中的正五价砷3.常温下,用溶液分别滴定浓度均为的KCl、溶液,所得的沉淀溶解平衡图像如图所示不考虑的水解。
下列叙述正确的是A. 的数量级等于B. n点表示AgCl的不饱和溶液C. 向的混合液中滴入溶液时,先生成沉淀D. 的平衡常数为4.已知: 时,,。
下列说法正确的是A. 若向饱和溶液中加入固体,则有固体析出B. 反应的平衡常数C. 相同条件下,CuS在水中的溶解度大于在水中的溶解度D. 溶液中含固体,则溶液中的物质的量浓度为5.已知298K时下列物质的溶度积下列说法正确的是A. 等体积浓度均为的和溶液混合能产生沉淀B. 浓度均为的和混合溶液中慢慢滴入溶液时,先沉淀C. 在悬浊液中加入盐酸发生反应的离子方程式:D. 298K时,上述四种饱和溶液的物质的量浓度:6.设为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是A. 时,的溶液中含有的数目为B. 的乙醇溶液中含氧原子C. 与过量氯气发生取代反应,生成气体为D. 时,则该温度下饱和溶液中含有个7.常温下,,,下列叙述不正确的是A. 浓度均为的溶液和NaCl溶液等体积混合,有白色沉淀产生B. 将的溶液滴入的KCl和的混合溶液中,先产生AgCl沉淀C. 的溶液中要产生沉淀,溶液的pH要控制在9以上D. 其他条件不变,向饱和水溶液中加入少量溶液,溶液中减小8. ,为研究用溶液将混合溶液中的和沉淀分离,绘制了 时AgCl和两种难溶化合物的溶解平衡曲线。
2020届高考化学二轮练习:专题三 第11讲 原电池含解析
![2020届高考化学二轮练习:专题三 第11讲 原电池含解析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/95ccd0cc69dc5022aaea00b7.png)
Mg(s) → Mg2+(aq) + 2e-
O2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 4e- → 4OH-(aq)
1. 放电:金属镁发生氧化反应,形成镁离子和电子。
Mg → Mg2+ + 2e^-
2. 电子流动:电子通过外部电路流动,提供电能。
3. 离子传输:镁离子通过电解质移动,沿着电流路径进入正极。
4. 嵌入反应:镁离子与正极的氧化镁发生结构相互作用,形成化合物。
1. 电子流动:外部电源提供电流,反向将金属镁还原为镁离子。
2. 脱嵌反应:镁离子从氧化镁中解离出来。
3. 离子传输:镁离子通过电解质移动,返回负极。
4. 还原反应:镁离子与金属镁重新结合,形成金属镁。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
下列说法正确的是A.纳米铁粉可以高效地去除被污染水体中的Pb2+、Cu2+、Cd2+、Hg2+等重金属离子,其本质是纳米铁粉对重金属离子较强的物理吸附B.“水滴石穿”不仅包含着“量变到质变”的哲学思想,同时也包含物理和化学变化C.节日燃放的烟花,是碱金属、锶、钡、铂、铁等金属元素焰色反应呈现的D.工厂中常用的静电除尘装置是根据胶体带电性的性质而设计的3、下列有关仪器的名称、图形、用途与使用操作的叙述均正确的是()选项 A B C D名称洗气瓶分液漏斗酸式滴定管冷凝管图形用途与使用操作除去Cl2中的HCl用酒精萃取碘水中的碘,分液时,碘层需从上口放出可用于量取10.00 mLNa2CO3溶液蒸馏实验中将蒸气冷凝为液体A .AB .BC .CD .D4、不能作为判断硫、氯两种元素非金属性强弱的依据是( ) A .单质氧化性的强弱 B .单质沸点的高低C .单质与氢气化合的难易D .最高价氧化物对应的水化物酸性的强弱5、香茅醛(结构如图)可作为合成青蒿素的中间体,关丁香茅醛的下列说法错误的是A .分子式为C 10H 18OB .分子中所有碳原子可能处于同一平面C .能使溴水、酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色D .1 mol 该物质最多与2mol H 2发生加成反应6、T ℃时,在恒容密闭容器中充入一定量的H 1和CO ,在催化剂作用下发生如下反应:CO(g)+1H 1(g)CH 3OH(g)△H<0。
不涂在答题卡上,只答在试卷上不得分:2.可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Cu 64 Ag 108本卷包括14小题,每小题3分,共42分。
1. 化学与生活、环境密切相关。
下列有关说法不正确的是A. 竹炭具有超强的吸附能力,可用于吸收新装修衡宇内的有害气体B. 研发利用高效电力能源汽车,减少雾霾污染以降低呼吸系统发病率C. 胶粒不能透过半透膜,血液透析利用半透膜将有害物质移出体外D. 碘酸钾具有较强的氧化性,在食盐中加入适量碘酸钾,可抗人体老化【答案】D【解析】竹炭具有超强的吸附能力,能吸收有害气体,故A正确;研发利用高效电力能源汽车,可以减少汽车尾气排放,故B正确;血液透析利用渗析原理,用半透膜将有害物质移出体外,故C正确;氧化剂能加速人体老化,还原剂能抵抗人体老化,故D错误。
2. 下列说法正确的是A. 由NaH2PO2是正盐可推知H3PO2是一元酸B. 由同种元素组成的物质必然是纯净物C. 直径介于1~100nm之间的微粒称为胶体D. 不能与酸反映生成盐和水的氧化物,能够与碱反映生成盐和水【答案】A【解析】由NaH2PO2是正盐,说明H3PO2只能电离出一个氢,所以H3PO2是一元酸,故A正确;由同种元素组成的物质不必然是纯净物,如O二、O3,由氧元素组成,但属于混合物,故B错误;分散质粒子直径介于1~100nm之间的分散系称为胶体,故C错误;不能与酸反映生成盐和水的氧化物,也可能不与碱反映,如CO与酸碱都不反映,故D错误。
这个过程称为氧化反应,其中负极的反应可以表示为:Mg → Mg2+ + 2e-。
极上的反应可以以铜氧化物为例表示为:CuO + 2e- → Cu +
反应过程可以表示为:Mg2+ + 2e- → Mg。
【问题导引】1.如图所示,氢氧燃料电池的反应产物对该电池的工作效率有什么影响?,2.该电池使用的氧气常用空气制备,由于制备工艺问题会使氧气中混有微量CO2 CO的存在对电池有什么影响?23.如果你是电池设计员,针对上述1.2中出现的问题,你会提出哪些思路或方案来解决?【探究任务2】对培根型碱性氢氧燃料电池和质子交换膜氢氧燃料电池解决电池使用中存在的问题的认知。
一种培根型碱性氢氧燃料电池质子交换膜氢氧燃料电池部分结构示意图部分结构示意图(电池工作温度为200 ℃)【问题导引】1.培根型碱性燃料电池中“循环泵”的作用是什么?2.若在上述两电池中加冷凝水接收装置,应该加在什么位置?3.试分析评价两种电池解决电解质溶液稀释和变质问题的方案。
高考化学一轮复习 第9章 电化学基础 高考热点课7 高考中的新型化学电源教学案
![高考化学一轮复习 第9章 电化学基础 高考热点课7 高考中的新型化学电源教学案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/74d035340c22590103029dcd.png)
【高考中的新型化学电源】之小船创作 命题分析:以新型化学电源为命题背景考查原电池的结构和工作原理是高考的热点;涉及的新型化学电源种类繁多,如储氢电池、高铁电池、海洋电池、锂离子电池等。
1.正、负极的判断新型电池中⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ 负极材料⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧元素化合价升高的物质发生氧化反应的物质正极材料⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ 元素化合价降低的物质发生还原反应的物质2.放电时正极、负极电极反应式的书写(1)首先分析物质得失电子的情况。
2020届高考化学二轮题型对题必练——镁电池(强化练习题)1 / 182020届高考化学二轮题型对题必练——镁电池(强化练习)1. 2009年,美国麻省理工学院的唐纳德•撒多维教授领导的小组研制出一种镁一锑液态金属储能电池。
下列说法正确的是( )A. 该电池放电时,正极反应式为Mg 2+−2e −=MgB. 该电池放电时,Mg(液)层生成MgCl 2,质量变大C. 该电池充电时,Mg −Sb(液)层中Mg 发生氧化反应D. 该电池充电时,熔融盐中的Cl −进入Mg −Sb(液)层2. 锂—铜空气燃料电池是一种“高容量、低成本”的新型电池。
该电池通过一种复杂的铜腐蚀“现象”产生电力,其中放电过程为2Li +Cu 2O +H 2O =2Cu +2Li ++2OH -。
下列说法不正确的是( )A. 通空气时,铜腐蚀表面产生Cu 2OB. 整个过程中,铜相当于催化剂C. 放电时,正极的电极反应式为Cu 2O +H 2O +2e −=2Cu +2OH −D. 放电时,电子透过固体电解质向Cu 极移动3.镁一次氯酸盐电池的工作原理如图,该电池反应为:Mg+ClO-+H2O=Mg(OH)2+Cl-.下列有关说法正确的是()A. 电池工作时,正极a附近的pH将增大B. 电池工作时,C溶液中的溶质是MgCl2C. 负极反应式:ClO−+2e−+H2O=Cl−+2OH−D. b电极发生还原反应,每转移0.1mol电子,理论上生成0.1 mol Cl−4.电化学在日常生活中用途广泛,图①是镁-次氯酸钠燃料电池,电池总反应为:Mg+ClO-+H2O=Cl-+Mg(OH)2↓,图②是Cr2O的工业废水的处理,下列说法正确的是()A. 图②中离子向惰性电极移动,与该极附近的OH−结合转化成Cr(OH)3除去B. 图②的电解池中,有0.084g阳极材料参与反应,阴极会有33.6mL的气体产生C. 图①中发生的还原反应是:Mg2++ClO−+H2O+2e−=Cl−+Mg(OH)2D. 若图①中3.6g镁溶解产生的电量用以图②废水处理,理论可产生10.7g氢氧化铁沉淀5.交通运输部在南海华阳礁举行华阳灯塔和赤瓜灯塔竣工发光仪式,宣布两座大型多功能灯塔正式发光并投入使用。
考点四十二非水燃料电池1.锂-空气电池原理模型如图所示,下列说法不正确...的是A.电池正极可以吸附空气中氧气作为氧化剂B.正极反应为2Li+ + O2 + 2e- Li2O2C.电解质能传递锂离子和电子,不可以用水溶液D.负极反应Li - e-=Li+【答案】C2.有报道称以硼氢化钠(NaBH4,强还原剂)和H2O2作原料的燃料电池,可用作空军通信卫星电源,其工作原理如右图所示。
下列说法错误..的是()A.电极b作正极,发生还原反应B.该电池的负极反应为:BH4-+8OH--8e-=BO2-+6H2OC.每消耗3 mol H2O2,转移的电子为3 molD.不考虑能量损耗,当有1mol H2O2参加反应时,即有2 mol Na+从a极区移向b极区【答案】C3.一种熔融碳酸盐燃料电池原理示意如图。
下列有关该电池的说法正确的是A.反应CH4+H2O3H2+CO,每消耗1molCH4转移8mol电子B.电池工作时,CO32-向电极A移动C.电极A上只有H2参与电极反应,反应式为H2+2OH--2e-=2H2OD.电极B上发生的电极反应为O2+4e-=2O2-【答案】B【解析】A.CH4→CO,化合价由-4价→+2价,上升6价,则1molCH4参加反应共转移6mol 电子,A错误;B.通氧气的一极为正极,则B为正极,A为负极,原电池中阴离子向负极移动,A为负极,所以CO32-向电极A移动,B正确;C.通氧气的一极为正极,则B为正极,A 为负极,负极上CO和H2被氧化生成二氧化碳和水,电极A反应为:H2+CO+2CO32--4e-=H2O+3CO2,C错误;D.B电极上氧气得电子发生还原反应O2+2CO2+4e-=2CO32-,D错误。
有关说法正确的是A.电极b为电池的负极B.电池反应为:C + CO2 = 2COC.电子由电极a沿导线流向bD.煤燃料电池比煤直接燃烧发电能量利用率低【答案】C5.如图所示是一种以液态肼(N2H4)为燃料,氧气为氧化剂,某固体氧化物为电解质的新型燃料电池。
2021届 高考化学二轮专题突破:新型电池【解析版】
![2021届 高考化学二轮专题突破:新型电池【解析版】](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/49b170e55901020206409c3f.png)
Pt电极上氢离子得电子生成氢气,发生还原反应,Pt电极作正极,故A正确;Pt电极为正极,BiVO4电极为负极,所以Pt电极电势高于BiVO4电极,故B正确;电子从BiVO4电极(负极)经导线流向Pt电极(正极),不能进入溶液,故C错误;BiVO4电极为负极,发生氧化反应,电极反应式为SO32--2e-+2OH -=SO42-+H2O,故D正确。
专题41 原电池中正负极的判断一、高考题再现1.(2018课标Ⅲ)一种可充电锂-空气电池如图所示。
当电池放电时,O 2与Li +在多孔碳材料电极处生成Li 2O 2-x (x =0或1)。
下列说法正确的是A. 放电时,多孔碳材料电极为负极B. 放电时,外电路电子由多孔碳材料电极流向锂电极C. 充电时,电解质溶液中Li +向多孔碳材料区迁移 D. 充电时,电池总反应为Li 2O 2-x =2Li+(1-2x)O 2 【答案】D2.(2016课标Ⅱ)Mg —AgCl 电池是一种以海水为电解质溶液的水激活电池。
下列叙述错误的是 A .负极反应式为Mg-2e -=Mg 2+B .正极反应式为Ag ++e -=AgC .电池放电时Cl -由正极向负极迁移D .负极会发生副反应Mg+2H 2O=Mg(OH)2+H 2↑ 【答案】B【解析】根据题意,电池总反应式为:Mg+2AgCl=MgCl 2+2Ag ,正极反应为:2AgCl+2e -= 2Cl -+ 2Ag ,负极反应为:Mg-2e-=Mg2+,A项正确,B项错误;对原电池来说,阴离子由正极移向负极,C项正确;由于镁是活泼金属,则负极会发生副反应Mg+2H2O=Mg(OH)2+H2↑,D项正确;答案选B。
放电时总反应为:Al+3C n(AlCl4)+4AlCl4-4Al2Cl7-+3C n(Cn表示石墨)。
下列说法正确的是A.放电时负极反应为: 2Al-6e-+7Cl-= Al2Cl7-B.放电时AlCl4-移向正极C.充电时阳极反应为: AlCl4-e-+C n=C n(AlCl4)D.电路中每转移3mol电子,最多有1molC n(AlCl4)被还原【答案】C3、根据电子流动方向判断典例3(2018届湖北省华大新高考联盟高三1月教学质量测评)我国科学家研制出“可充室温Na-CO2电池”(Rechargeable Room-Temperature Na-CO2 Batter-ies)现已取得突破性进展,其有望取代即将“枯竭”的锂电池,该电池结构如图所示。
阳极:Mg → Mg2+ + 2e−
阴极:O2 + 4e− → 2O2−
综合反应:2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
C.理论上,外电路中流过2 mol电子时,负极质量增加58 g
3.(2019·高考全国卷Ⅲ,T13)为提升电池循环效率和稳定性,科学家近期利用三维多孔海绵状Zn(3D-Zn)可以高效沉积ZnO的特点,设计了采用强碱性电解质的3DZnNiOOH 二次电池,结构如图所示。
新教材高中化学鲁科版选择性必修1:课时作业8 设计载人航天器用化学电池与氧气再生方案[基础过关练]1.一种突破传统电池设计理念的镁—锑液态金属储能电池工作原理如图所示,该电池所用液体密度不同,在重力作用下分为三层,工作时中间层熔融盐的组成及浓度不变。
下列说法不正确的是 ( )A.放电时,Mg(液)层的质量减小B.放电时正极反应为Mg2++2e-===MgC.该电池充电时,MgSb(液)层发生还原反应D.该电池充电时,Cl-向中层和下层分界面处移动2.一种将CO2和H2O转化为燃料H2、CO及CH4的装置如图所示(电解质溶液为稀硫酸)。
下列关于该装置的叙述错误的是( )A.该装置可将电能转化为化学能B.工作时,电极a周围溶液的pH增大C.电极b上生成CH4的电极反应式为CO2+8H++8e-===CH4+2H2OD.若电极b上只产生1molCO,则通过质子交换膜的H+数目为2N A(设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值)3.我国在太阳能光电催化—化学耦合分解硫化氢研究中获得新进展,相关装置如图所示。
下列说法正确的是 ( )A.该制氢工艺中光能最终转化为化学能B.该装置工作时,H+由b极区流向a极区C.a极上发生的电极反应为Fe3++e-===Fe2+D.a极区需不断补充含Fe3+和Fe2+的溶液4.人工光合系统装置(如图)可实现以CO2和H2O合成CH4。
下列有关说法不正确的是( )A.该装置中铜为正极B.电池工作时,H+向Cu电极移动C.GaN电极的电极反应式:2H2O-4e-===O2↑+4H+D.反应CO2+2H2O===CH4+2O2中每消耗1molCO2转移4mole-5.氢能源是最具应用前景的能源之一。
下列说法错误的是 ( )A.控制连接开关K1、K2,可交替得到H2、O2B.碱性电解液改为酸性电解液能达到同样目的C.接通K1时电极3上的电极反应为Ni(OH)2+OH--e-===NiOOH+H2OD.电极3在交替连接K1或K2过程中得以循环使用6.中科院科学家设计出一套利用SO2和太阳能综合制氢的方案,其基本工作原理如图所示。
镁锑液态金属储能电池原理 Mg-Sb Liquid Metal Battery
![镁锑液态金属储能电池原理 Mg-Sb Liquid Metal Battery](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/916d841fff00bed5b9f31db9.png)
Magnesium −Antimony Liquid Metal Battery for Stationary Energy StorageDavid J.Bradwell,Hojong Kim,*Aislinn H.C.Sirk,†and Donald R.Sadoway *Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,77Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139-4307,United States*Supporting Informationarge-scale energy storage is poised to play a critical role in enhancing the stability,security,and reliability of tomorrow ’s electrical power grid,including the support of intermittent renewable resources.1Batteries are appealing because of their small footprint and flexible siting;however,conventional battery technologies are unable to meet the demanding low-cost and long-lifespan requirements of this application.A high-temperature (700°C)magnesium −antimony (Mg ||Sb)liquid metal battery comprising a negative electrode of Mg,a molten salt electrolyte (MgCl 2−KCl −NaCl),and a positive electrode of Sb is proposed (Figure 1).Because of density differences and immiscibility,the salt and metal phases stratify into three distinct layers.During discharge,at the negative electrode Mg is oxidized to Mg 2+(Mg →Mg 2++2e −),which dissolves into the electrolyte while the electrons are released into the external circuit.Simultaneously,at the positive electrode Mg 2+ions in the electro-lyte are reduced to Mg (Mg 2++2e −→Mg Sb ),which is deposited into the Sb electrode to form a liquid metal alloy (Mg −Sb)with attendant electron consumption from the external circuit (Figure 2).The reverse reactions occur when the battery is charged.Charging and discharging of the battery are accompanied by volumetric changes in the liquid electrodes.The difference in the chemical potentials of pure Mg (μMg )and Mg dissolved in Sb [μMg(in Sb)]generates a voltage that can be expressed as E RT F a a 2ln cell Mg(in Sb)Mg =⎡⎣⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥where R is the gas constant,T is temperature in Kelvins,F is the Faraday constant,a Mg(in Sb)is the activity of Mg dissolved in Sb,and a Mg is the activity of pure Mg.Recent work on self-healing Li −Ga electrodes for lithium ion batteries has demonstrated the appeal of liquid components.2While solid electrodes are susceptible to mechanical failure by mechanisms such as electrode particle cracking,3these areinoperative in liquid electrodes,potentially endowing cells withunprecedented lifespans.The self-segregating nature of liquid electrodes and electrolytes could also facilitate inexpensive manufacturing of a battery so constructed.However,there do not appear to be economical materials options that exist as liquids at or near room temperature.Previous work with elevated-temperature liquid batteries demon-strated impressive current density capabilities (>1000mA/cm 2when discharged at 0V)with a variety of chemistries.4−7However,that work generally used prohibitively expensive metalloids (such asBi and Te)as the positive electrode.The resulting cells exhibitedself-discharge current densities of 40mA/cm 2,attributed to thesolubility of the negative electrode metal (i.e.,Na)in theReceived:October 17,2011Published:January 6,2012Figure 1.Sectioned Mg ||Sb liquid metal battery operated at 700°C showingthe three stratified liquid phases upon cooling to room temperature.The cell was filled with epoxy prior to sectioning.electrolyte.5These systems failed to achieve commercial success,possibly because of a lack of interest in grid-scale storage at that time or the use of high-cost metalloids.Sb is less costly ($7/kg average commodity price over the past 5years)and more earth-abundant than Bi ($24/kg)and Te ($150/kg).8When costs are compared on a per-mole basis (which is more relevant when considering the cost per unit of energy storage capacity),Sb ($0.74/mol)appears even more appealing than Bi ($4.40/mol)and Te ($19.19/mol).Interestingly,the use of Sb had not,until now,been demonstrated in a liquid metal battery.Mg was selected as the negative electrode material on the basis of its low cost ($5.15/kg,$0.125/mol),high earth abundance,low electronegativity,and overlapping liquid range with both Sb and candidate electrolytes.The electrolyte was MgCl 2:NaCl:KCl (50:30:20mol %),which was selected on the basis of its sufficiently low melting point (396°C 9)and the greater electrochemical stability of NaCl and KCl in comparison with MgCl 2.10Mg ||Sb single cell batteries were assembled in the fully charged state in an Ar-filled glovebox,placed inside a sealed test vessel,and heated in a vertical tube furnace to 700°C.When the cell was heated above the melting point of the molten salt,cell open-circuit voltages were found to stabilize at ∼0.44V,consistent with thermodynamic data.11The cells were electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV)and electrochemical impedance spectrosco-py (EIS)using a two-electrode electrochemical setup with the negative electrode (Mg)as the counter electrode/reference electrode and the positive electrode (Sb)as the working electrode.The cells exhibited negligible charge-transfer over-potentials,as demonstrated by the linearity of the current −voltage relationship in the CV scans and the absence of an obvious semicircle in the EIS scans.The slope of the CV was consistent with the area-normalized solution resistance as measured through EIS (typically 1.1Ωcm 2),further demonstrating IR voltage loss to be the dominant overpotential.There were,however,indications of mass-transport limi-tations under certain conditions.The cells exhibited increased cell impedance at lower EIS scan frequencies,suggesting that at long time periods the reaction rates might be limited by diffusion.12Mass-transport limitations could arise from local depletion of Mg 2+ions in the electrolyte at either of the electrode −electrolyte interfaces or Mg mass-transport limi-tations in the Mg −Sb electrode at the Mg −Sb electrode |electrolyte interface.Further electrochemical characterization was performed.Stepped-potential experiments indicated low leakage current densities of <1mA/cm 2,well below those of previously studied systems.This was attributed to the complexation of Mg 2+by ligand donors from the supporting electrolyte (NaCl,KCl)13and theattendant suppression of metal solubility in its halide salts.14Cells cycled at 50mA/cm 2for a predefined discharge period of 10h to a cutoff charging voltage limit of 0.85V achieved a round-trip Coulombic efficiency of 97%and a voltage efficiency of 71%,resulting in an overall energy efficiency of 69%(Figure 3a).At full discharge,the composition of the positive (bottom)liquid electrode was estimated to be 12mol %Mg and 88mol %Sb.Cells were fullydischarged at various rates ranging from 50to 200mA/cm 2with 0.05V as the discharge cutoff limit (Figure 3b).Operation at higher current density resulted in increased IR voltage loss and decreased capacity,consistentFigure 2.Schematic of a Mg ||Sb liquid metal battery comprising three liquid layers that operates at 700°C.During charging,Mg is electrochemically extracted from the Mg −Sb alloy electrode and deposited as liquid Mg on the top (negative)electrode.During discharging,the Mg electrode is consumed,and Mg is deposited into the Mg −Sb liquid bottom (positive)electrode.During charging,the battery consumes energy;upon discharge,the battery suppliesenergy.Figure3.Electrochemical performance of a Mg ||Sb liquid metal battery operated at 700°C.(a)Variation of the cell voltage with the state of charge over one cycle.The current was set at 50mA/cm 2.(b)Deep discharge results at different current rates.The theoretical cellEMF was calculated from data in the literature.11with the measured solution resistance and observed mass-transport limitations.The operating efficiency could be improved by reducing the thickness of the electrolyte or operating at lower current density.The cell performance could be optimized by changes in the current collector design and in the electrolyte composition to increase the cell conductivity.Cells were cycled more than 30times for periods of up to 2weeks and did not exhibit obvious signs of corrosion of the solid-state cell components (current collectors and walls),asdetermined through optical imaging and scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM)/energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)analysis.Analysis of the positive electrodes of cells that were cooled in a discharged state revealed the presence of Mg platelets,consistent with the formation of Mg 3Sb 2(Figure 4).The Mg −Sb phase diagram indicates that a two-phase micro-structure is to be expected as a result of phase separation as the electrode is cooled from a Mg −Sb single-phase liquid regimeinto a two-phase Sb and Mg 3Sb 2regime.Stationary storage applications require devices to operate reliably for many years.In the present study,corrosion was not an issue.However,after several weeks of cycling,the cells ceased to operate.The observed cause of failure was evaporation of the molten salt electrolyte into the surrounding containment vessel,a mechanism that could be mitigated byalternative cell designs with reduced head space.In summary,an all-liquid battery with Mg and Sb liquid metal electrodes has been proposed and its performance capability demonstrated.The use of Sb as the positive electrodeand the self-segregating nature of the liquid components may enable a low-cost energy storage solution.Cells were cycledunder constant-current conditions,demonstrating high current density capabilities and negligible corrosion of the solid-state cell components over the testing period.Further work is required for evaluation of the long-term performance of the proposed cells,which may require analternative cell design.At some larger scale,the action ofelectric current flowing through the electrolyte could generateenough Joule heat to keep the components molten,therebyobviating the need for external heaters,as is the case withelectrolytic cells producing aluminum on a commercial scale.15Future work will include long-term corrosion testing of solid-state components,current collector optimization,and investigation of alternative sheath materials.While the initial cell performance results are promising,exploration of other metal −metalloid couples with still greater cell voltages and lower operating temperatures is warranted.If a low-cost,high-voltage system with sufficiently low levels of corrosion were discovered,it would findutility in a wide array of stationary storage applications.■ASSOCIATED CONTENT *Supporting InformationExperimental procedures,cell design details,heating profile,materials selection,and additional electrochemical results.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://.■AUTHOR INFORMATIONCorresponding Authorhojong@;dsadoway@Present Address†Department of Law,University of Victoria,Victoria,BC,Canada.■ACKNOWLEDGMENTSFinancial support from the Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation at MIT,the Chesonis Family Foundation at MIT,the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (U.S.Department ofEnergy),and Total,S.A.is gratefully acknowledged.■REFERENCES(1)AdvancedElectricityStorage Technologies Programme.EnergyStorage Technologies:A Review Paper ;Australian Greenhouse Office,Department of the Environment and Heritage:Commonwealth ofAustralia,2005.(2)Deshpande,R.D.;Li,J.;Cheng,Y.T.;Verbrugge,M.W.J.Electrochem.Soc.2011,158,A845.(3)Christensen,J.;Newman,J.J.Solid State Electrochem.2006,10,293.(4)Shimotake,H.;Rogers,G.L.;Cairns,E.J.Ind.Eng.Chem.ProcessDes.Dev.1969,8,51.(5)Cairns,E.J.;Shimotake,H.Prepr.Pap. Am.Chem.Soc.,Div.FuelChem.1967,11(3),321.(6)Shimotake,H.;Cairns,E.J.In Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy ConversionEngineering Conference ;American Society of MechanicalEngineers:New York,1967.(7)Cairns,E.J.;Shimotake,H.Science 1969,164,1347.(8)Mineral Commodity Summaries 2011;U.S.Geological Survey:Reston,VA,2011.(9)Janecke,E.Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem.1950,261,218.(10)Plambeck,J.A.;Bard.,A.J.Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of theElements ;Marcel Dekker:New York,1976;Vol.X ,pp 127−148.(11)Eckert,C.;Irwin,R.;Smith,J.Metall.Mater.Trans.B 1983,14,451.(12)Bard,A.;Faulkner,L.ElectrochemicalMethods:Fundamentals andApplications ,2nd ed.;Wiley:New York,2001.(13)Brooker,M.;Huang,C.Can.J.Chem.1980,58,168.(14)Mulcahy,M.F.R.;Heymann,E.J.Phys.Chem.1943,47,485.(15)Haupin,W.;Frank,prehensive Treatise of Electro-chemistry ;Plenum Press:New York,1981;Vol.2,pp 301−325.Figure 4.(a)Cross section of a Mg ||Sb cell.(b)SEM image of a positive electrode in the discharged state.(c)Mg EDS map showing high Mg concentrations in sectioned platelets.。
2021年高考化学总复习:原电池中正负极的判断1.(2019全国Ⅰ卷)利用生物燃料电池原理研究室温下氨的合成,电池工作时MV 2+/MV +在电极与酶之间传递电子,示意图如下所示。
下列说法错误的是A. 相比现有工业合成氨,该方法条件温和,同时还可提供电能B. 阴极区,氢化酶作用下发生反应H 2+2MV 2+2H ++2MV +C. 正极区,固氮酶催化剂,N 2发生还原反应生成NH 3D. 电池工作时质子通过交换膜由负极区向正极区移动2.(2019全国Ⅲ卷)为提升电池循环效率和稳定性,科学家近期利用三维多孔海绵状Zn (3D −Zn )可以高效沉积ZnO 的特点,设计了采用强碱性电解质的3D −Zn —NiOOH 二次电池,结构如下图所示。
电池反应为Zn(s)+2NiOOH(s)+H 2O(l)−−−→←−−−放充电电ZnO(s)+2Ni(OH)2(s)。
A. 三维多孔海绵状Zn 具有较高的表面积,所沉积的ZnO 分散度高B. 充电时阳极反应为Ni(OH)2(s)+OH −(aq)−e −NiOOH(s)+H 2O(l)C. 放电时负极反应为Zn(s)+2OH −(aq)−2e −ZnO(s)+H 2O(l)D. 放电过程中OH −通过隔膜从负极区移向正极区3.(2018课标Ⅲ)一种可充电锂-空气电池如图所示。
当电池放电时,O 2与Li +在多孔碳材料电极处生成Li 2O 2-x (x =0或1)。
下列说法正确的是A. 放电时,多孔碳材料电极为负极B. 放电时,外电路电子由多孔碳材料电极流向锂电极C. 充电时,电解质溶液中Li +向多孔碳材料区迁移D. 充电时,电池总反应为Li 2O 2-x =2Li+(1-2x)O 2 4.(2016课标Ⅱ)Mg —AgCl 电池是一种以海水为电解质溶液的水激活电池。
下列叙述错误的是 A .负极反应式为Mg-2e -=Mg 2+ B .正极反应式为Ag ++e -=Ag C .电池放电时Cl -由正极向负极迁移D .负极会发生副反应Mg+2H 2O=Mg(OH)2+H 2↑1.工作原理示意图(以铜锌原电池为例)2.原电池电极的判断3. 原电池的负极一般,在原电池反应中活泼金属作负极包含两层含义:(1) “活泼”是指相对活泼而不是绝对活泼。
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Magnesium −Antimony Liquid Metal Battery for Stationary Energy StorageDavid J.Bradwell,Hojong Kim,*Aislinn H.C.Sirk,†and Donald R.Sadoway *Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,77Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139-4307,United States*Supporting Informationarge-scale energy storage is poised to play a critical role in enhancing the stability,security,and reliability of tomorrow ’s electrical power grid,including the support of intermittent renewable resources.1Batteries are appealing because of their small footprint and flexible siting;however,conventional battery technologies are unable to meet the demanding low-cost and long-lifespan requirements of this application.A high-temperature (700°C)magnesium −antimony (Mg ||Sb)liquid metal battery comprising a negative electrode of Mg,a molten salt electrolyte (MgCl 2−KCl −NaCl),and a positive electrode of Sb is proposed (Figure 1).Because of density differences and immiscibility,the salt and metal phases stratify into three distinct layers.During discharge,at the negative electrode Mg is oxidized to Mg 2+(Mg →Mg 2++2e −),which dissolves into the electrolyte while the electrons are released into the external circuit.Simultaneously,at the positive electrode Mg 2+ions in the electro-lyte are reduced to Mg (Mg 2++2e −→Mg Sb ),which is deposited into the Sb electrode to form a liquid metal alloy (Mg −Sb)with attendant electron consumption from the external circuit (Figure 2).The reverse reactions occur when the battery is charged.Charging and discharging of the battery are accompanied by volumetric changes in the liquid electrodes.The difference in the chemical potentials of pure Mg (μMg )and Mg dissolved in Sb [μMg(in Sb)]generates a voltage that can be expressed as E RT F a a 2ln cell Mg(in Sb)Mg =⎡⎣⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥where R is the gas constant,T is temperature in Kelvins,F is the Faraday constant,a Mg(in Sb)is the activity of Mg dissolved in Sb,and a Mg is the activity of pure Mg.Recent work on self-healing Li −Ga electrodes for lithium ion batteries has demonstrated the appeal of liquid components.2While solid electrodes are susceptible to mechanical failure by mechanisms such as electrode particle cracking,3these areinoperative in liquid electrodes,potentially endowing cells withunprecedented lifespans.The self-segregating nature of liquid electrodes and electrolytes could also facilitate inexpensive manufacturing of a battery so constructed.However,there do not appear to be economical materials options that exist as liquids at or near room temperature.Previous work with elevated-temperature liquid batteries demon-strated impressive current density capabilities (>1000mA/cm 2when discharged at 0V)with a variety of chemistries.4−7However,that work generally used prohibitively expensive metalloids (such asBi and Te)as the positive electrode.The resulting cells exhibitedself-discharge current densities of 40mA/cm 2,attributed to thesolubility of the negative electrode metal (i.e.,Na)in theReceived:October 17,2011Published:January 6,2012Figure 1.Sectioned Mg ||Sb liquid metal battery operated at 700°C showingthe three stratified liquid phases upon cooling to room temperature.The cell was filled with epoxy prior to sectioning.electrolyte.5These systems failed to achieve commercial success,possibly because of a lack of interest in grid-scale storage at that time or the use of high-cost metalloids.Sb is less costly ($7/kg average commodity price over the past 5years)and more earth-abundant than Bi ($24/kg)and Te ($150/kg).8When costs are compared on a per-mole basis (which is more relevant when considering the cost per unit of energy storage capacity),Sb ($0.74/mol)appears even more appealing than Bi ($4.40/mol)and Te ($19.19/mol).Interestingly,the use of Sb had not,until now,been demonstrated in a liquid metal battery.Mg was selected as the negative electrode material on the basis of its low cost ($5.15/kg,$0.125/mol),high earth abundance,low electronegativity,and overlapping liquid range with both Sb and candidate electrolytes.The electrolyte was MgCl 2:NaCl:KCl (50:30:20mol %),which was selected on the basis of its sufficiently low melting point (396°C 9)and the greater electrochemical stability of NaCl and KCl in comparison with MgCl 2.10Mg ||Sb single cell batteries were assembled in the fully charged state in an Ar-filled glovebox,placed inside a sealed test vessel,and heated in a vertical tube furnace to 700°C.When the cell was heated above the melting point of the molten salt,cell open-circuit voltages were found to stabilize at ∼0.44V,consistent with thermodynamic data.11The cells were electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV)and electrochemical impedance spectrosco-py (EIS)using a two-electrode electrochemical setup with the negative electrode (Mg)as the counter electrode/reference electrode and the positive electrode (Sb)as the working electrode.The cells exhibited negligible charge-transfer over-potentials,as demonstrated by the linearity of the current −voltage relationship in the CV scans and the absence of an obvious semicircle in the EIS scans.The slope of the CV was consistent with the area-normalized solution resistance as measured through EIS (typically 1.1Ωcm 2),further demonstrating IR voltage loss to be the dominant overpotential.There were,however,indications of mass-transport limi-tations under certain conditions.The cells exhibited increased cell impedance at lower EIS scan frequencies,suggesting that at long time periods the reaction rates might be limited by diffusion.12Mass-transport limitations could arise from local depletion of Mg 2+ions in the electrolyte at either of the electrode −electrolyte interfaces or Mg mass-transport limi-tations in the Mg −Sb electrode at the Mg −Sb electrode |electrolyte interface.Further electrochemical characterization was performed.Stepped-potential experiments indicated low leakage current densities of <1mA/cm 2,well below those of previously studied systems.This was attributed to the complexation of Mg 2+by ligand donors from the supporting electrolyte (NaCl,KCl)13and theattendant suppression of metal solubility in its halide salts.14Cells cycled at 50mA/cm 2for a predefined discharge period of 10h to a cutoff charging voltage limit of 0.85V achieved a round-trip Coulombic efficiency of 97%and a voltage efficiency of 71%,resulting in an overall energy efficiency of 69%(Figure 3a).At full discharge,the composition of the positive (bottom)liquid electrode was estimated to be 12mol %Mg and 88mol %Sb.Cells were fullydischarged at various rates ranging from 50to 200mA/cm 2with 0.05V as the discharge cutoff limit (Figure 3b).Operation at higher current density resulted in increased IR voltage loss and decreased capacity,consistentFigure 2.Schematic of a Mg ||Sb liquid metal battery comprising three liquid layers that operates at 700°C.During charging,Mg is electrochemically extracted from the Mg −Sb alloy electrode and deposited as liquid Mg on the top (negative)electrode.During discharging,the Mg electrode is consumed,and Mg is deposited into the Mg −Sb liquid bottom (positive)electrode.During charging,the battery consumes energy;upon discharge,the battery suppliesenergy.Figure3.Electrochemical performance of a Mg ||Sb liquid metal battery operated at 700°C.(a)Variation of the cell voltage with the state of charge over one cycle.The current was set at 50mA/cm 2.(b)Deep discharge results at different current rates.The theoretical cellEMF was calculated from data in the literature.11with the measured solution resistance and observed mass-transport limitations.The operating efficiency could be improved by reducing the thickness of the electrolyte or operating at lower current density.The cell performance could be optimized by changes in the current collector design and in the electrolyte composition to increase the cell conductivity.Cells were cycled more than 30times for periods of up to 2weeks and did not exhibit obvious signs of corrosion of the solid-state cell components (current collectors and walls),asdetermined through optical imaging and scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM)/energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)analysis.Analysis of the positive electrodes of cells that were cooled in a discharged state revealed the presence of Mg platelets,consistent with the formation of Mg 3Sb 2(Figure 4).The Mg −Sb phase diagram indicates that a two-phase micro-structure is to be expected as a result of phase separation as the electrode is cooled from a Mg −Sb single-phase liquid regimeinto a two-phase Sb and Mg 3Sb 2regime.Stationary storage applications require devices to operate reliably for many years.In the present study,corrosion was not an issue.However,after several weeks of cycling,the cells ceased to operate.The observed cause of failure was evaporation of the molten salt electrolyte into the surrounding containment vessel,a mechanism that could be mitigated byalternative cell designs with reduced head space.In summary,an all-liquid battery with Mg and Sb liquid metal electrodes has been proposed and its performance capability demonstrated.The use of Sb as the positive electrodeand the self-segregating nature of the liquid components may enable a low-cost energy storage solution.Cells were cycledunder constant-current conditions,demonstrating high current density capabilities and negligible corrosion of the solid-state cell components over the testing period.Further work is required for evaluation of the long-term performance of the proposed cells,which may require analternative cell design.At some larger scale,the action ofelectric current flowing through the electrolyte could generateenough Joule heat to keep the components molten,therebyobviating the need for external heaters,as is the case withelectrolytic cells producing aluminum on a commercial scale.15Future work will include long-term corrosion testing of solid-state components,current collector optimization,and investigation of alternative sheath materials.While the initial cell performance results are promising,exploration of other metal −metalloid couples with still greater cell voltages and lower operating temperatures is warranted.If a low-cost,high-voltage system with sufficiently low levels of corrosion were discovered,it would findutility in a wide array of stationary storage applications.■ASSOCIATED CONTENT *Supporting InformationExperimental procedures,cell design details,heating profile,materials selection,and additional electrochemical results.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://.■AUTHOR INFORMATIONCorresponding Authorhojong@;dsadoway@Present Address†Department of Law,University of Victoria,Victoria,BC,Canada.■ACKNOWLEDGMENTSFinancial support from the Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation at MIT,the Chesonis Family Foundation at MIT,the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (U.S.Department ofEnergy),and Total,S.A.is gratefully acknowledged.■REFERENCES(1)AdvancedElectricityStorage Technologies Programme.EnergyStorage Technologies:A Review Paper ;Australian Greenhouse Office,Department of the Environment and Heritage:Commonwealth ofAustralia,2005.(2)Deshpande,R.D.;Li,J.;Cheng,Y.T.;Verbrugge,M.W.J.Electrochem.Soc.2011,158,A845.(3)Christensen,J.;Newman,J.J.Solid State Electrochem.2006,10,293.(4)Shimotake,H.;Rogers,G.L.;Cairns,E.J.Ind.Eng.Chem.ProcessDes.Dev.1969,8,51.(5)Cairns,E.J.;Shimotake,H.Prepr.Pap. 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