

News report 3

第一单元News report 3

1 What is the main idea of the news report?新闻报道的主旨是什么

B . Many Africans study in China with financial assistance.


2 What will Violet Bwalya of Zambia study after finishing her study of Chinese?

赞比亚的维奥莱特. 布瓦利亚完成她的中文学习后会学什么?

D. Medicine.医学。

3 Which one is mentioned as a problem affecting the quality of Chinese education?哪一个是影响中国教育质量的问题?

C . Language communication.

第二单元News report 3

1,What is the main idea of the news report?


2,At which stage of the child's growth do parents spend the largest amount of money?


C . When their child studies at university.

3 Where does the largest part of the child-rearing cost go to?


C . Child care and education.

第三单元News report 3

1,What happened in Shinshu University?信州大学里发生了什么?

D . Students were told to give up their smartphones or leave the school.


2 What is the lecturer's viewpoint?演讲者的观点是什么?

3,Why did President Yamasawa make the statement?为什么山泽总统会发表这样的声明?

第四单元News report 3

1 Why was Tilly Smith awarded Child of the Year?

A . She saved people's lives in Thailand.

2 Where did Tilly Smith learn about tsunamis?

D . From her teacher.

3 Whom did she tell first about the tsunami?

B . Her mother.

第五单元News report 3

1 In what way is Chusovitina different from her competitors?

C . She is older.

2 Why did Chusovitina move to Germany?

D . To get medical treatment for her son.

3 What is Chusovitina's dream?

C . To win a medal for her home country.

第六单元News report 3

What is the news report mainly about?

D . A university student's tweet and its unexpected marketing effect.

What made people retweet Andrew Paterson's post?

C . Its joking style.

第七单元News report 3

What question does the news report address?

A . What turns people into rioters?

What do rioters think is likely to happen?

B . They get away with their crime.

3 What is said about rioters?

A . Most of them are poor.

第八单元News report 3

1 What does the video in the news mainly show?

C . Two children from a Chinese orphanage were reunited in the US.

2.What do we know about Hannah and Dada?

A . They were friends in China.

3 Where did the Clarys know about the little boy?

D . From a friend of Sharon's.

Coversation 2

第一单元Coversation 2

1 How long has Sara been there?

B . For about an hour.

2. What do we learn about the dormitory building?

B . Students have to share the bathroom.

3. What do both Jessica and Sara like?

C . Watching TV.

Where are they going at the end of the conversation?

C . To the cafeteria.

第二单元Coversation 2

1 Why did Peter have this talk with Paul?

B . To talk about his problem with his mother.

2. What can we learn about Peter?

C . He is a new student in college.

3 Why did Peter's mother call the Office of Students' Affairs?

B . To complain about Peter's roommate.

4. What can be concluded from the conversation?

A. Parents need to learn how to get on with their adult children.

第三单元Coversation 2

What did Jennie's students do last week?

C . They had a virtual reality tour of a city in her class.

2 What did students do first when they used Google Cardboard to see images?

D . Download the Google Expeditions app for their smartphones.

3 What did Jennie use to guide students when they used the Google Cardboard?

B.A tablet.

4 What do we know about the Google Expeditions app?

C . It is easy to use.

第四单元Coversation 2

1 What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

C . Ordinary people who do remarkable things.

2 Where do the speakers learn about those heroes?

D . From a website.

3. What do we know about the father?

B . He was still looking for his son.

4 Why is Wang Hongli considered a hero?

C . He did his job very well.

第五单元Coversation 2

In Sam's opinion , what is exaggerated?

B . That Eddie was seen as a hero.

2 What happened to Eddie at the Olympics?

A . He came in last place.

3 What can we infer about Eddie?

A . He had some physical problems.

What did Allen mean when he said " everyone can be Eddie"?

C . Everyone has a chance to realize their dream.

第六单元Coversation 2

1 What's the relationship between the two speakers?

B . Job seeker and shop manager.

What do we learn about the woman's working experience?

A . She worked part time in a department store.

3 What is required by the job?

B . Ability to speak good English.

What is fixed at the end of the conversation?

A . The time to start work.

第七单元Coversation 2

What happened to the thief?

A . He dropped a winning lottery ticket.

2 What was said about the professor?

D . He handed over the cash to the thief.

Where were the lottery results made public?

A.On TV.

Which of the following can describe the thief's feeling?

B . Embarrassed.

第八单元Coversation 2

1.What are the two speakers talking about?

D . Rivals can be best friends.

2.What does the man think of Federer and Nadal as professional tennis players?

B . They are both the best of all time.

3.do Federer and Nadal often get together to do?

A . Play exhibition matches for charity.

4.How much did Federer and Nadal raise for charity in the 2010Rivalry?

C . $ 3.8million.

Passage 1

第一单元Passage 1

Who is the speaker talking to?

D . New students in universities.

2 What is the university professor not responsible for?

C . Making students learn.

3 What are university students advised to do?

D . To think about what they hear.

第二单元Passage 1

1 What did the speaker's parents expect her to do?

D . To go to college.

2 At the age of16 , what did she decide to do?

C . To get married.

3 What did her parents do in response to her decision?

B . They managed to talk her out of the decision.

4. Why does the speaker feel blessed?

B . She communicates well with her parents.

第三单元Passage 1

1 Why was Rob Richardson annoyed?

D . Students ignored classes and checked their phones. What can the app Pocket Points do?

B . Reward students who do not use their phones on campus How many students are using the app now?

A . About500,000.

第四单元Passage 1

1 What's the passage mainly about?

B . Three traits that a true hero possesses.

What does the speaker want to prove by using Abraham Lincoln as an example?

A . hero can choose to do the right things.

Who is used as an example to show that a true hero can influence a large number of people?

C . George Washington.

第五单元Passage 1

1 Among whom was the survey conducted?

C . Young people.

2 What was found in the survey?

D . Winning in sports is not important to most teenagers.

3. What do parents and coaches care most about?

D . The children can win in the sports.

4 What would Coach Vince Lombardi agree with?

C . All athletes should be encouraged to try their best.

第六单元Passage 1

When should students ask for a gap year?

D . When they get the admissions letter.

What need the students do in their gap year?

A . Check in periodically with the university.

3 What change happens to the students after a gap year , according to Jeffrey Selingo?

B . They are clearer about their goal.

第七单元Passage 1

1 What is said about the coin flip experiment?

A . It rewards $ 3 or $ 5 to each report of "heads".

2 What is found in the first experiment?

C . UK has the lowest level of dishonesty.

3 What finding is surprising?

A . People worry about the honesty of their own country.

第八单元Passage 1

1 What did people tend to believe in traditional society?

D . Women should play weaker and less important roles.

2 What does the term "boyfriend " and "girlfriend "imply?

B . Friendship as the root of romantic relationships.

3.Under what condition can platonic friendships between sexes become an ordinary part of life?

A . If they have equal rights and opportunities.


1. Students have ambitious goals when planning their future.远大的

2. The doctor requested that his patient confirm upcoming appointment.确认

3. The winner humbly accepted his award.谦卑

4.Identifcation is required to prove who you are.需要

5. She turned out to be the daughter of an old friend.原来是

6. Mary aspires to become an astronaut when she grows up.渴望

7. The pianist was an extraordinary talent that had performed around the world. 非凡的

8. The student yearned to accomplish his goal of achieving a high mark in his classes.渴望


1. I don't like this young woman; she seems a social butterfly.交际花

2. The novel captured the imagination of thousands of readers. 吸引

3. God knows. How can I endure six exams a week? 忍受

4. A tiny star can spark in the darkness. 发光

5. There are good chances of promotion in this firm.这家公司有很好的机会晋升

6. Mrs. Hill is keen on Tom's marrying Susan. 渴望

7. Some professions are stuffed with people who have not grown up. 充斥

8. How should this innocent girl see the coldness of the letter?天真的


1.The cabin was so remote that communication back home would be difficult.


2. The fortune-teller was somehow able to predict the future.预知

3. The students wanted to be included in every part of the decision-making process. 参与

4. Children tell the best stories, because they have the wildest imaginations. 想象力

5. Juliet let out a sigh, as she would not be allowed to go out tonight.叹了口气

6. The scientist inseried the needle into the patient's arm.插入

7. The students were confused as to what would be on the test.困惑

8. In spite of everything He had seen, Johh refused to turn back.尽管


1. They were fullof envy when they saw my new car. 羡慕

2. The doctor tried to help restore the function of his limbs. 恢复

3. Let me assure you that it was not done intentionally.故意的

4. The smooth space flight, experts say, marks a big breakthrough for Chinese scientists.重大突破

5. He failed to respond to the medicine. 反应

6. This medicine can lessen the pain in no time.减轻

7. The boy really enjoyed the useful and creative work in science. 创造性的

8. Advertising is often the most effective method of promotion.有效的



A. hard-won

B. ambitions C . heroine D. ordinary E. passionate

F. adolescent

G. yield

H. literature

I.superficiality J . dull

L. yearning K . significance M. aspirations N. triumphs O.conventional

答案:MFNBJ HKCLA 马峰你把贾和康聪拉矮

High school students are under a considerable amount of strain to make the grade .


Their 1M. aspirations are the fuel 他们的愿望是燃料

2F. adolescent idealism is hard 青春期的理想主义很难实现

the possible 3 N. triumphs of their future .他们未来可能取得的胜利

their 4B. ambitions continue to push them forward. 他们的雄心壮志继续推动他们前进

No matter how 5 J . dull and seemingly 无论多么乏味和表面上

The work of 6 H. literature , which they他们所从事的文学作品

hold any direct 7K . significance in their lives .在他们的生活中有任何直接的意义

something with its 8 C . heroine That little 它的女主角有点小

a continual 9 L. yearning to progress and succeed对进步和成功的持续渴望

the superficiality of life must be 10 A. hard-won and for every high school student 生活的肤浅一定来之不易,对每个高中生来说都是如此


A. intensely

B. more

C. endure

D. jealous

E. heartaches

F. forward

G. definite

H. options I,soulmate J, reminisce

K. less L . bravely M. explore N, innocent 0. emotions

答案:IOJCL NEFDK 矮鸥见C罗,娜娥非等夸

Perhaps nothing is ever quite as painful as getting over your first love .也许没有什么比忘记初恋更痛苦的了。

boy / girl was your 1 I,soulmate and you'd spend the rest

because it will help your 2 0. emotions. After this you

3 J, reminisce why you broke up ,

4 C. endure the pain and loneliness

5 L . bravely .With time ,

Don't be so 6N, innocent as to believe

Most first loves and 7 E. heartaches occur during teen years

early 20s . Look 8 F. forward . and you still have

that you are a very 9 D. jealous lover , in which case you can take steps to

become a(n) 10 K. less jealous boyfriend or girlfriend.


A. effect

B. fiction

C. descriptions

D. especially

E. proper

F . vacation G. confused H . imagination I . communication J. slot

K. adventure L. fraction M. scientific N. predict 0.mechanical

答案:HNBKE FMICO 何年把苦饿,风马爱彩鸥

Science fiction has a history of not only entertaining millions of readers and viewers ,


and worlds fuel the 1H . imagination However ,

they actually help to 2N. predict what our world

3 B. fiction has been known to change minds

as a means of 4 K. adventure they are able to look back

It allows for a 5 E. proper look into aspects

Science fiction is not just a 6 F . vacation from real life,

many cases the 7M. scientific aspects of these works

into development of 8 I . communication before many

examples of this 9 C. descriptions of future technologies

have given birth to a lot of 10 0.mechanical machinery .


A. helped

B. by

C. genuine

D. mission

E. lesson

F. priority

G. effective

H. creative


J. learned

K. seemingly L. with M. grasp N. beliefs O. importance

答案:DCBOM NJGHI 地草把藕埋,农家过好艾

The 1D. mission of the Center for Parenting Education


Our programs , led by 2C. genuine parenting educators

3 B. by emphasizing the

4 O. importance of providing children

we strive to make parents 5 M. grasp the skills necessary

Our shared 6N. beliefs are as follows

Healthy parenting can be7J. learned

research indicates is most 8 G. effective in creating an environment become critical and 9H. creative thinkers ,

10 I.intentional about their parenting decisions


第一单元Guided reading

Maintaining high school friendships at college


答案:B F H J D J K G D I 办法很简单就看工地哎

第一单元Timed reading 1

Managing stress and stayinghealthy: Advice for college students

(管理压力和保持健康: 给大学生的建议)

答案: I G D A C I B E F B 爱狗打阿彩,爱饼鹅饭饱

第二单元Guided reading

What the world's healthiest people eat


答案:H G C J I D F D G E 化工厂就爱地方大高鹅

第二单元Timed reading 1

How foods affect our sleep


答案: G E G B D G F E D C 高鹅国不等高富鹅等菜

第三单元Guided reading

How to talk toanyone ,anytime , anywhere


答案:H C B H E G C G D I 火车不好讹工厂搞得哀第三单元Timed reading 1

A silent boy on the train


答案:J I C B C E F G I A 姐矮从不穿衣服更矮啊第四单元Guided reading

Gone with thewind : A true love story

(乱世佳人: 一个真实的爱情故事)

答案:A I C F E H B H C I 啊爱彩枫鹅,还不会错哎第四单元Timed reading 1

Soul mate ? Ten indications that you may have found one (灵魂伴侣? 十个迹象表明你可能找到了一个)

答案:H B E F C G G H A I 胡兵鹅非常尴尬和阿哀


Text B College Lectures: Is Anybody Listening (大学讲课:有人在听吗?) 重点句子疑难详解 1) When he returned, to Fowkes’s astonishment, the professor began to deliver not the next lecture in the sequence but the one after. (Line 8) 当他回来时,他惊奇地发现教授没有按顺序开始讲授下一课,而是讲再下面一课。 重点短语: (1) to one's astonishment (令某人吃惊的是) And to her astonishment she brought out pearl necklaces, jewels, and rich ornaments. 使她惊讶不已的是,她掏出的竟是珍珠项链,珠宝和珍贵的首饰。 拓展: lost in astonishment 惊讶不已 (2) in the sequence (按顺序) a. Number the pages in sequence. 按顺序标出页码。 拓展: in rapid sequence 接二连三地,纷至沓来 2) American businesses and industries suffer from uncreative executives educated not to think for themselves but to recite obsolete ideas that the rest of the world has long discarded. (Line 15)美国的工商企业因管理人员缺乏创造力而受到损害,那些管理人员所受到的教育不是独立进行思考而是背诵早已被世界上其他国家所抛弃的过时思想。 重点短语: (1) suffer from (忍受;遭受) a. We suffer from too much officialdom. 我们深受官僚作风之害。 (2) think for yourself (独立思考;自行决定) Good students always think for themselves. 会学习的人总是独立思考。 拓展: a. think aloud 自言自语 b. think nothing of 对…不以为然,轻视 c. think twice 三思而行,仔细考虑 d. You can’t think 真想不到,简直难以置信 3) Studies are conducted and reports are issued on the status of higher education, but any changes that result either are largely cosmetic or make a bad situation worse. (Line 18) 关于高等教育的地位人们在进行研究,在发表报告,但由此而引起的变化要麽主要是装饰性的,要麽是使糟糕的事态变得更糟。 重点短语: on the status of (…的进展状况) a. I am just calling to follow up on the status of the position. 我打电话只是想问一下这个职位的招聘状况。 b. This has aroused greater world attention on the status of Chinese women.


现代大学英语课文重难点分析 Unit 1 1. You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn’t jump the fence, or that your client doesn’t go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. (P3 pra5) You have to take responsibility for the work you do. If you’re a pharmacist, you should make sure that aspirin is not mixed with poisonous chemicals. As an engineer, you should make sure that the fence you design for instance will successfully keep out bulls. If you become a lawyer, you should make sure an innocent person is not sentenced to death because you lack adequate legal knowledge and skill to defend your client. 在配置阿司匹林的时候,确保里面不掺进氰化物;在搞工程设计的时候,确保公牛不会跳进篱笆里;当律师时,确保你的委托人不会因为你的无能而被处以死刑。 2. Our colleges inevitably graduate a number of such life forms, but it cannot be said that they went to college; rather the college went through them—without making contact. (P4 pra9) A number of such push-button savages get college degrees. We cannot help that. But even with their degrees, we can’t say that these people have received a proper college education. It is more accurate to say that they pass through college without learning anything. 我们学校肯定有一些这样的毕业生,但不能说他们接受了大学教育,只能说他们上了大学——没有接触真正的人文思想。 3. If you are too much in a hurry, or too arrogantly proud of your own limitations, to accept as a gift to your humanity some pieces of the minds of Aristotle, or Chaucer or Einstein, you are neither a developed human nor a useful citizen of a democracy. (P4 pra12) If you are too anxious to make money, too ignorant to see your limitations then you couldn’t regard those great people’s minds as a gift to your humanity, and thus you can’t be a developed human. 如果你活的匆忙没有时间,或者对自己的无知颇为得意,从而把亚里士多德、乔叟或爱因斯坦的思想等这些提高你的品德修养的礼物拒之门外,那么你既不是一个心智发展完全的人,也不是一个民主国家里有用的公民。 4. I speak, I’m sure, for the faculty of the liberal arts college and for the faculties of the specialized schools as well, when I say that a university has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting you in touch, both as specialists and as humans, with those human minds your human mind needs to include. (p4 pra14) 我认为,要是一所大学不能使自己的学生,无论是作为专业人才,还是作为人,去接触那些应该吸纳的伟人的思想的话,那么,这所大学就没有真正的办学宗旨,也就没有存在的必要了。我相信这种说法既代表人文院校也代表理工院校的教师们的意见。 Unit 3 1. And root crops especially are hard to tell apart, when store-bought, from our own. (p60 pra1) It’s difficult to tell the difference between the root crops you buy from stores and


听力题 News report 3 第一单元News report 3 1 What is the main idea of the news report?新闻报道的主旨是什么 B . Many Africans study in China with financial assistance. 许多非洲人在中国学习,得到经济援助。 2 What will Violet Bwalya of Zambia study after finishing her study of Chinese? 赞比亚的维奥莱特. 布瓦利亚完成她的中文学习后会学什么? D. Medicine.医学。 3 Which one is mentioned as a problem affecting the quality of Chinese education?哪一个是影响中国教育质量的问题? C . Language communication. 第二单元News report 3 1,What is the main idea of the news report? 了。 2,At which stage of the child's growth do parents spend the largest amount of money? 在孩子成长的哪个阶段,父母花的钱最多? C . When their child studies at university. 3 Where does the largest part of the child-rearing cost go to? 抚养孩子的大部分费用都花在哪里了? C . Child care and education. 第三单元News report 3 1,What happened in Shinshu University?信州大学里发生了什么? D . Students were told to give up their smartphones or leave the school. 学生被告知放弃智能手机或离开学校。


重点词汇、短语和难句 I.核心词汇 1.attach 用法:v.(1)附上,系上,贴上:He will attach labels to the luggage.他将把标签贴在行李上。 (2)参加,加入:The daughter of millionaire attach herself to an expedition team and later lost her life in a snowstorm near the North Pole.百万富翁的女儿加入了探险队,后来在北极附近的一 次风暴中遇难身亡。 He made a model of an aeroplane.他做了一个飞机 (3)爱慕,依恋:She was strongly attach to her home.她非常恋家。 考点:attach sth. To sth.将…系在,贴在…上 attach oneself to参加,加入 be attached to依恋,爱慕 典型考题:He _______his horse to a tree. A. attach B. related C. combined D. placed 答案为A。译文:他将马拴在树上。 attach 系,拴;relate把…和…连接在一起,通常及with连用;combine 结合;place 放 置。 记忆法:attachable 可附上的,可拘留的 ;attachment 附上,贴上,参加,爱慕 引申:(同)adhere, cling, stick 辨析:attach, adhere, cling, stick 都有“粘贴”的含义 attach 系上,贴上,常用于结构attach sth. to sth.中,主语为人,强调动作:They attach great importance to the friendship between the two countries. 他们重视两国的友谊。 adhere 指使粘附,(使)附着作vi时,主语为附着物,强调一物附着另一物表面上的状态,常后接介词to引出被附着物:If you decided on a play to win the game, you should adhere to it.如果你赢球的计划有了定案,就该依计划行事。作Vt时,可用于被动语态:The surface of the building is being adhered many dirty things. 这幢搂的表面附着很多脏东西。 cling 指紧贴,附着主语为附着物,强调状态,后接介词to引出被附着物:Little children always cling to their mothers. 小孩总是紧依着母亲。 stick 指(使)原本分离的物体紧密体“粘贴”在一起,常后接介词to或on :The paper has stuck on my hand.纸粘在我手上。 2. tender 用法:a.(1) 年幼的,嫩的:a tender steak嫩牛排 (2)温柔的,亲切的:There is a tender expression on her face. 她脸上带着温柔的表情。 Vt. (正式)提出:He tendered a letter of resignation. 他正式提交了辞职信。 vi. (及for连用)投标:Many companies tendered for the construction of the new motorway. 很多家公司投标承建这条新的高速公路。 考点:at a tended age:年幼而未成熟的 Tender sth. to sb:向某人正式提供或提出某事 Public tender:公开招标 典型考题:She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _______ enough to eat. A. mild B. slight C. light D. tender 答案为D。译文:她把肉炖了好长时间以便吃起来更嫩。


附录1:新视野大学英语第二册教学目标和重难点 单元 语言知识语言技能单词短语语法结构 1Budget,acute,replace,foreign er,restless,elbow,abrupt,bri ef,opening,ritual,interaction, convention,leisure,assess,gol f,surroundings,probe,tick,s aving,consequently,device,fa x,email,electronic,significan ce,cinduct,increasingly,satell ite,obtain,superb,whereas,s killful,fulfil Result in,nothing but,accoun t for,sand in the hourglass,i n a rush,under pressure,go with,work at,save for,at ha nd,in person,due to,be wor thy of Much less结 构;whereas 结构(表转 折)。 写作:general statement-detail s段落写作 2Global,ecology,undertake,ini tiative,abundant,cod,species, herring,fisherman,ambitious, diverse,tropical,clear-cut,ero sion,extensive,series,jungle, colony,reverse,tax,finance,c onflict,biology,treaty,fund,r emoval,explosive,sponsor,ca sh,cassava,maiza,generate,o bserver,strengthen,impact,fr own,shelter,wage,massive,i nduce,convert,target Concern with,regardless of,s pring up,take measures to,as a result of,aim at,agree to, set up,lead to,cash crop,bi rth control Remain to; t ogether with 句型 写作:situation- problem-solutio n段落写作 听力理解:数字 类 阅读技巧:如何 理解文章中不 认识的生词(ho w to come acr oss unfamiliar words) 3Character,tolerance,compromi se,subtle,hatred,illusion,ma rried,mutual,incompatible,ov erlook,divorce,expectation,re Ups and down,work out,for a time,meet with,all along, have nothing to do with,on t he surface,at one’s worst,lea Ne ver too…t o句型;同位 结构 写作:reject th e first idea an d present some other idea


大学英语大一重要知识点 一、词汇与语法知识 1. 时态与语态 在英语中,时态和语态是非常基础且重要的知识点。时态包括过去、现在和将来三种基本时态,以及其对应的进行时态、完成时态和完成进行时态。语态则包括主动语态和被动语态,通过语态的变化,可以使句子的表达更加灵活准确。 2. 名词与代词 名词是指人、事、物和抽象概念的名称,是构成句子主要成分的一种词类。代词则是用来代替名词的词,可以使句子更加简洁明了。 3. 动词与动词时态 动词是表示动作、状态或存在的词类。了解动词时态能够帮助学生正确使用各种动词形式,包括一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、将来进行时、现在完成时等。

4. 形容词与副词 形容词用来修饰名词,描述事物特征或属性;副词则用来修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,表示方式、程度等。 5. 介词与冠词 介词用来表示名词与其他词之间的关系,冠词用来限定或指示名词的范围。 二、阅读理解与写作技巧 1. 阅读理解 阅读理解是指通过阅读理解文章,获取相关信息,理解文章主旨和细节,并进行全面准确的解读和理解。大一学生需要通过大量的阅读练习来提高阅读理解能力。 2. 写作技巧

写作技巧包括写作结构、段落发展、语言表达等方面。在写作过程中,要合理组织文章结构,使用恰当的连接词、句子和段落过渡词,用准确丰富的词汇和句式表达思想。 三、口语表达与听力技巧 1. 口语表达 通过口语练习,提高口语表达能力是大学英语大一的重要任务之一。学生可以多参加口语交流活动,积极练习口语表达,提高语感,并注意语音语调的准确运用。 2. 听力技巧 听力是英语学习的重要组成部分。大一学生需要通过大量听力材料的听取和理解,提高听力技巧和听力水平。可以使用一些听力技巧,如抓住关键词、注意上下文等,以提高听力效果。 四、文化与背景知识 1. 英美文化


大学英语词汇表重点难词一览表大学英语较高要求 词汇1088个 A absurd adj.荒谬的,可笑的abundance n.丰富,充裕accessory n.附件,零件adj.附属的,补充的 accommodate vt.供应,使适应;容纳vi.适应 activate vt.刺激, 使活动vi.有活力addict vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾n.有瘾的人 addicted adj. 嗜好……的;上了……瘾的 adhere vi.粘附,胶着;坚持v.坚持adjacent adj.邻近的,接近的adjoin vi.延期,休会vt.使中止,推迟administer vt. 管理;照料adolescence n.青春期(一般指成年以前由13至15的发育期)) adolescent adj.青春期的,青春n.青少年 adore v.崇拜,爱慕 adverse adj.不利的,敌对的;相反的 aerial photo adj.航空的,空气的n.天线 aesthetic adj.美学的,审美的affiliate v.(使……)加入,接受为会员 affirm v.断言,确认 afflict vt.使痛苦,折磨 ‘aggravate vt.使恶化,加重

aggr e gate /i/ n.合计,总计adj.合计的,集合的v.聚集,合计 agony n.苦恼,极大的痛苦 agreeable adj. 惬意的;令人愉快的air-conditioning n. 空调 aisle [ ail ] n. 走廊,过道 album n. 集邮本,照相簿 alien n. 外侨adj.外国的,相异的alienate v.疏远 allege vt.宣称,断言 alleviate vt.使(痛苦等)易于忍受减轻 allocate vt.分派,分配 alloy n.合金 alternate adj.交替的,轮流的v. 交替,轮流 ambiguous adj.模棱两可的;分歧的amend v.修改,更正ammunition n.军火,弹药 ample adj.足够的;宽敞的amplify vt.放大,增强;扩大analogy n.类似,类 推analytical adj.分析的,解析的angel n.天使,安琪儿anonymous adj.匿名的apparatus n.器械,设备;仪器appease v.使平静 appendix n.附录,附属物;阑尾applaud vt.喝彩;欢呼vi.欢呼appraisal v.评价, 估价(尤指估价财产以便征税),鉴定 apt adj.恰当的;聪明的


浅析大学英语语音教学的难点和重点 【摘要】发音、节奏和语调是语音的三要素。其中,节奏和语调是中国学生学习英语的难点,也是大学英语语音教学的重点。要通过改变对大学语音教学的认识,改编大学英语口语教材,强化对学生进行英语语音的技能的训练等办法,实现大学英语语音教学的目标。 【关键词】大学英语;语音教学;句子的节奏;句子的语调 语言是以语音为物质外壳,以词汇为建筑材料,以语法为结构规律而形成的体系。因此,语音、词汇和语法是构成语言的三大要素。其中,语音是最根本的。我们学习语言首先要掌握其语音系统。改革开放以后,我国大学的英语教学取得了很大成绩,但在英语语音教学方面还存一些难题,其中最突出的问题是大学生在口头表达和听力方面普遍存在许多障碍,导致他们听不懂英语广播和电视,说不出自然、流畅的英语。因此,节奏和语调是中国学生学习英语的难点,也是大学英语语音教学的重点。本文从分析大学生英语语音学习的困难出发,进一步论述我国大学英语语音课堂教学的重点和教学策略。 一、大学生系统学习英语语音的困难 1、在中学期间,学生没有系统地学习语音相关定义和规律 在我国,英语语音知识的教学主要集中在初中一年级下学期和初二年级上学期进行,教学的重点是学习四十八个国际音标的发音和一般疑问句、陈述句、祈使句、特殊疑问句以及选择疑问句的语调。教材的编订遵循教学的循序性原则,在中学生的词汇和语法知识有限的学习阶段,没有对英语句子的节奏、语调等定义和相关语音规律进行系统地阐述。这些知识主要由英语教师在英语教学中根据教学内容的需要做一些简单、必要地解释。因此,我国的中学生普遍缺乏系统的语音知识学习,在英语听说训练中,学生比较注意语音的静态变化,但不了解语音的动态变化。经过听说练习,他们能够听懂语速不太快的语音材料,能够准确的朗读课文,但难以适应实际的社会交际需要。 2、高校没有设置系统的英语语音知识的学习课程 在高校中,除英语专业外,各专业的专业英语课程教学很少涉及系统的英语语音知识的学习,大学生们的语音知识几乎没有得到有效地拓展和加深,许多必须学习的定义和规律没有掌握,缺漏的学习内容主要是英语语音、节奏方面的知识,具体有: (1)定义:语流、音的长度、连续、意群、加音、音的同化、短语重音、句子重音、节奏、节奏群、强读式、弱读式、语调群等。 (2)语音规律:元音长音的一般规律及变化;辅音长音的一般规律及变化;


大学英语专业的重点知识 英语作为一门广泛使用的国际语言,在现代社会中扮演着重要的角色。作为大 学英语专业的学生,掌握英语的重点知识对于提高语言能力和专业素养至关重要。本文将介绍大学英语专业的几个重点知识领域,包括语法、词汇、听力和写作技巧。 一、语法知识 语法是英语学习的基础,对于大学英语专业的学生来说尤为重要。掌握基本的 语法规则和结构可以帮助学生更准确地表达自己的意思。例如,学生需要了解主谓一致、时态、语态、句子结构等基本语法知识。此外,学生还应该熟悉并正确使用各种句型,如简单句、复合句和复合句等。 二、词汇知识 词汇是语言的基本单位,对于大学英语专业的学生来说,丰富的词汇量是提高 语言表达能力的关键。学生应该积极扩大自己的词汇量,并学会正确运用词汇。此外,学生还应该学习词汇的搭配和用法,以避免在表达中出现不准确或不恰当的用词。 三、听力技巧 听力是语言学习的重要组成部分,对于大学英语专业的学生来说尤为重要。学 生应该通过大量的听力练习来提高自己的听力技巧。例如,他们可以听英语广播、英语新闻和英语电影等,以提高自己对不同口音和语速的理解能力。此外,学生还可以通过做听力练习题来锻炼自己的听力技巧,提高对细节和关键信息的捕捉能力。 四、写作技巧 写作是英语学习的重要方面,对于大学英语专业的学生来说尤为重要。学生应 该学会正确地组织和表达自己的思想,并运用恰当的词汇和语法结构。此外,学生

还应该注意文章的结构和逻辑,以确保文章的连贯性和一致性。学生可以通过写作练习来提高自己的写作技巧,例如写日记、写作文和写研究论文等。 总结 大学英语专业的学生需要掌握一定的语法知识、词汇知识、听力技巧和写作技巧。通过系统学习和不断练习,学生可以提高自己的英语水平,为将来的职业发展打下坚实的基础。同时,学生还应该保持对英语学习的持续兴趣,通过多种途径来拓宽自己的知识面,提高自己的语言能力。 以上是大学英语专业的重点知识的简要介绍。希望本文对大学英语专业的学生有所帮助,能够引导他们更好地学习和掌握英语知识。通过不断的努力和实践,相信学生们一定能够在英语学习中取得优异的成绩。


大学英语教材重点和难点 大学英语教材是培养学生英语语言能力和文化素养的重要工具,其中既有重点内容也有难点知识。本文将重点介绍大学英语教材的重点和难点,并探讨如何有效地应对和解决这些问题。 一、重点内容 1. 词汇 词汇是学习英语的基础,大学英语教材中涵盖了大量的词汇知识。重点词汇的学习对于理解和掌握教材内容至关重要。学生可以通过积累词汇量、背诵例句、进行词汇分类和语境运用等方法来强化词汇记忆。 2. 语法 语法是英语学习中的一道难关,掌握好语法规则对于正确理解和运用英语至关重要。大学英语教材中的语法内容常常涉及句型结构、词类转换、时态和语态等。学生可以通过课堂学习、参考语法书籍、做语法练习等方式加强语法的学习和应用。 3. 阅读理解 大学英语教材中的阅读材料涵盖了各种主题和文体,旨在培养学生的阅读理解能力。重点内容包括文章主旨、段落大意、推理判断和词汇理解等。学生可以通过精读和泛读相结合的方式提高阅读速度和理解能力,同时积累阅读题型和解题技巧。

4. 写作 写作是英语学习的综合应用能力之一,大学英语教材中的写作任务 旨在培养学生的写作能力和文化素养。重点内容包括文章结构、语言 表达和逻辑思维等。学生可以通过积累写作素材、模仿优秀范文、多 做写作练习等方式提高写作技巧和水平。 二、难点知识 1. 听力理解 大学英语教材中的听力材料常常包含了各种语速、语调和语境,对 学生的听力理解能力提出了较高的要求。学生可以通过多听听力材料、培养听力感觉、注意听力素材中的关键信息等方式提高听力水平。 2. 口语表达 口语表达是英语学习中的一大难点,大学英语教材中的口语任务常 常涉及到对话、辩论和演讲等。学生可以通过参加英语角、模仿口语 材料、多与他人进行英语对话等方式提高口语表达能力。 3. 阅读速度 大学英语教材中的阅读材料篇幅较长,需要在有限的时间内迅速理 解文章内容。学生可以通过扩大阅读量、提高阅读速度、训练快速阅 读技巧等方式提高阅读速度和效率。 4. 文化背景


大学英语—重难点 在大学期间,学生们都会面对各种各样的课程,而其中最常遇到的问题之一就是大学英语。无论对于英语专业的学生,或者非英语专业的学生来说,学好大学英语都是一个必要的挑战。然而,在学习大学英语的过程中,总会遇到一些重难点。本文将着重讨论大学英语的重难点,并提供一些解决方法。 首先,大学英语的重难点之一是听力。对于许多学生来说,听力是最具挑战性的部分。他们往往会遇到听不清楚、听不懂、无法及时理解和记忆听力材料等问题。为了解决这些问题,学生们可以使用以下方法:首先,多听英语,培养自己的英语听力习惯。可以通过听英语歌曲、英语电影、英语新闻等多种途径来提高听力。其次,学生们可以多参加听力训练班,通过系统的听力训练提高自己的听力水平。此外,学生们还可以利用一些在线听力资源,例如英语听力网站或者手机应用程序,以便随时随地进行听力训练。 其次,写作也是大学英语的重难点之一。许多学生常常感到无从下手,不知道如何组织自己的思路和表达观点。针对这个问题,学生们可以尝试以下方法:首先,积累更多的词汇和短语,以丰富自己的表达能力。其次,多阅读一些范文和优秀的英语作文,学习他人的写作技巧和思路。此外,还可以尝试结合写作模板和句型,以帮助自己更好地组织和表达自己的观点。最重要的是,多加练习,通过不断写作来提高自己的写作水平。

除了听力和写作外,口语也是许多学生的一大难点。许多学生在英 语口语中常常遇到无话可说、词汇量不足、语法错误等问题。为了克 服这些问题,学生们可以采取以下方法:首先,多进行口语练习,可 以结伴进行角色扮演、进行口语交流等。其次,多参加英语角活动, 与他人进行日常对话,增加实际口语的练习机会。此外,学生们还可 以利用在线语音识别工具,进行自我评估和纠正发音和语调的问题。 最后,阅读理解也是大学英语的重难点之一。许多学生在阅读英语 材料时,往往面对生词众多、长句难解、文章结构复杂等问题。为了 解决这些问题,学生们可以采取以下方法:首先,多读英文原版书籍 和文章,通过阅读提高自己的词汇量和阅读理解能力。其次,学生们 可以尝试使用词典、翻译软件等工具辅助阅读,并注意积累生词和句型。此外,还可以与同学们组成阅读小组,一起讨论、解读和分析阅 读材料,以增加对文本的理解和应用能力。 综上所述,大学英语的重难点主要包括听力、写作、口语和阅读理解。然而,并没有困难是无法克服的。只要我们制定合理的学习计划,采取科学的学习方法,多进行反复练习,相信每个学生都能在大学英 语中取得优异的成绩。只要坚持努力,成功将属于我们!


大学英语翻译教学重难点探究 【摘要】针对目前翻译教学在大学公共英语教学中重视不够的情况,本文从翻译教学的重要性入手,分析了翻译教学过程中学生学习的难点,即英文长句子如何翻译的问题,探讨了翻 译教学的重点,并从直译与意译的关系、拓宽语言知识面、英文长句子翻译技巧三个方面指 出了具体的实施方法。 【关键词】意译直译知识面拆译倒译综合 【中图分类号】 G642 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1006-9682(2009)12-0035-03 一、引言 大学英语教学包括词汇、语法、听力、阅读、口语、写作和翻译等诸多方面。对于翻译教学,《大学英语教学大纲》指出,英语学习者“能借助词典将难度略低于课文的英语短文译成汉语,理解正确,译文达意,译速为每小时 300英语单词。”要能正确理解,英语能力要强;做到译文达意,则需要汉语好。当学生有了相当的语言基础后,翻译教学便有了实施的前提。在翻 译教学的实施过程中,教师的教学重点应放在如何处理意译与直译的关系、拓宽语言知识面 和如何翻译英语长句子这三个方面。这是学生在翻译方面的重、难点。 二、讲授翻译技巧,教学生如何摆脱“硬译”的羁绊。 翻译教学中,教师要向学生讲授翻译的一般方法与技巧,如:重译法、增译法、减译法、词 类转换法、词序调整法、反译法、分译法、语态变换法等。这些方法相对于意译与直译的问 题可能更易于掌握一些。如何处理好意译(liberal translation)与直译(literal translation)的 关系则更具有灵活性,因而也是学生学习的难点,教师的教学重点之一。 如何处理好意译与直译的关系?一部好的译作总是既有意译又有直译。处理意译与直译关系 的原则是:凡能直译处坚持直译,必须意译处方可意译。 1.既保持原作内容,又保持原作形式。 在翻译过程中能够做到内容与形式的统一就是直译。 例 1,I had a feeling that he’d surely lead us both to our ancestors. 我有一种感觉,他一定会领着我们俩去见祖先 /送死。 例 2,Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched World War II. 希特勒武装到了牙齿,这时他发动了第二次世界大战。 2.原文内容与译文的形式矛盾时宜用意译 在翻译过程中遇到内容与形式不能统一时就需要采用意译的方法灵活处理。例 1,Don’t cross the bridge before you get to it. 不必担心太早。例 2,The engine has given a constantly good performance. 发动机一直工作良好/工作性能一直良好。(误:给出良好的工作性能)。 3.意译与直译相结合 语言学家王佐良先生曾说:“直译不是硬译、死译;意译不是乱译,不可增减原文的信息。 在翻译实践中要处理好意译与直译的关系,必须将两者有机地结合起来,灵活运用。” 例 1,I want a man who will throw his hat over the Chindwin and then lead his troops after it.


大学英语教材重难点解析 随着全球化的进程,英语已经成为现代社会中不可或缺的一门语言。在中国的大学教育中,英语教材是每个英语学习者必不可少的资源之一。然而,由于英语的复杂性和语言的多样性,许多学生在学习过程 中会遇到一些困难和障碍。本文将重点分析大学英语教材中的重难点,为学生提供解析和应对方法,帮助他们更好地掌握英语。 一、词汇和词义理解 认识新单词是学习新知识的基础,但很多学生在英语课堂上经常遇 到词汇困惑的问题。教材中常出现的同义词、反义词以及词义辨析等 内容对于学生来说是一大挑战。为解决这一问题,学生可以采取以下 措施:首先,积极参与课堂互动,与教师和同学共同讨论词汇的意思 和用法。其次,利用词典和在线的词汇资源来查找和掌握词义。此外,多读多练,通过阅读和写作的实践来增加对词汇的理解和应用。 二、语法和句法分析 语法和句法是英语学习中的重要组成部分,但也是学生较难掌握的 内容之一。教材中涉及到的时态、语态、从句等语法和句法结构对于 学生来说可能会感到晦涩难懂。为了解决这一问题,学生可以采取以 下方法:首先,理解基本的语法规则和句法结构,并勤加练习。其次,阅读相关语法书籍或教材,掌握常见的语法点和例句。同时,充分利 用教师或同学的帮助,在课堂上多做练习和解析。 三、阅读理解和篇章结构

阅读理解是提高英语水平的重要途径之一,但对于很多学生来说, 阅读过程中的理解和把握文章的篇章结构是一项难题。教材中的长篇 文章和专业词汇对学生来说可能令人望而却步。为了提高阅读理解能力,学生可以尝试以下方法:首先,勤读英文原版书籍、报纸和杂志,培养对语言和句子的敏感性。其次,通过阅读教材中的范文和练习题,了解文章结构和理解题目的技巧。此外,学生还可以结合听力和口语 训练,全面提高英语综合能力。 四、听力和口语技巧 在英语学习过程中,提高听力和口语技巧是很多学生的关注焦点。 教材中的听力材料和口语训练对很多学生来说是一项挑战。为了强化 听力和口语能力,学生可以尝试以下方法:首先,多听英语原版录音 和音频材料,提高听力的敏感度和理解能力。其次,加入英语角或与 外教进行对话锻炼口语表达能力。此外,学生还可以利用成套的听力 教材,进行系统的听力训练和模拟口语考试。 总结 大学英语教材中的重难点分析和解析对学生的英语学习有着重要的 指导意义。在面对这些难点时,学生可以通过积极参与课堂、勤读、 多练习以及与他人的互动交流来解决困惑。同时,学生也应该根据自 身的学习特点和需要,结合适合自己的方法和策略,突破学习瓶颈, 提高英语水平。通过持续的努力和坚持不懈,相信每个学生都能够征 服英语教材中的重难点,迎接英语学习的挑战。


大学英语《四》的学习重点难点,请大家认真复习。一.词汇四级词汇量以及一些常用的词组 二.口语要开始口语的练习 三.语法 1.名词 名词复数的规则变化 其它名词复数的规则变化 名词复数的不规则变化 不可数名词量的表示 定语名词的复数 不同国家的人的单复数 名词的格 2.冠词和数词 不定冠词的用法 定冠词的用法 零冠词的用法 冠词与形容词+名词结构 冠词位置 数词 3.代词 人称代词的用法 人称代词之主、宾格的替换 代词的指代问题 并列人称代词的排列顺序 物主代词 双重所有格 反身代词 相互代词 指示代词 疑问代词 关系代词 4.形容词和副词 形容词及其用法 以-ly结尾的形容词 用形容词表示类别和整体 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 副词及其基本用法 兼有两种形式的副词 形容词与副词的比较级 as+形容词或副词原级+as 比较级形容词或副词+than 可修饰比较级的词 many,old和far the+最高级+比较范围

和more有关的词组 5.动词 系动词 什么是助动词 助动词be的用法 助动词have的用法 助动词do 的用法 助动词shall和will的用法 助动词should,would的用法 短语动词 非谓语动词 6.动名词 动名词作主语、宾语和表语 worth 的用法 7.动词不定式 不定式作宾语 不定式作补语 不定式主语 It's for sb/It's of sb 不定式作表语 不定式作定语 不定式作状语 用作介词的to 省to 的动词不定式 动词不定式的否定式 不定式特殊句型too…to… 不定式特殊句型so as to 不定式特殊句型Why not 不定式的时态和语态 动名词与不定式 8.分词 分词作定语 分词作状语 连词+分词(短语) 分词作补语 分词作表语 分词作插入语 分词的时态 分词的语态 9.动词的语态 let 的用法 短语动词的被动语态 表示"据说"或"相信"的词组 不用被动语态的情况


大学英语教材中教学重难点 在大学英语教学过程中,教学重难点是需要特别关注和解决的问题。本文将从教学内容、学生难点和教师解决方法三个方面来探讨大学英 语教材中的教学重难点。 教学内容 大学英语教材的内容涵盖了听说读写四个方面,其中存在一些重点 和难点。 首先,听力是大学英语教学中的重点。学生在听力方面面临的困难 主要有听不懂快速口语、理解长篇听力材料以及抓不住关键信息等。 为了提高学生的听力水平,教师可以采用多样化的听力活动,如听力 训练、听力理解测试以及听力材料的不同类型。 其次,口语是学生在大学英语学习中的又一个难点。学生普遍存在 胆怯和语法不准确的问题。为了解决这些问题,教师需要提供更多的 口语练习机会,如角色扮演、辩论和小组讨论等活动,同时还应重视 语法的教学和纠正学生的口语错误。 再次,阅读是大学英语教材中的重要部分。学生在阅读理解方面常 常遭遇长难句、生词和理解篇章结构等问题。教师可以通过讲解阅读 技巧、加强词汇积累以及进行阅读训练来提高学生的阅读能力。同时,教师还可以引导学生进行短文写作或阅读报告,以进一步提高他们的 综合语言应用能力。

最后,写作是大学英语教学的重难点之一。学生常常面临着词汇匮乏、语法错误以及结构混乱等问题。为了帮助学生提高写作水平,教师可以通过写作指导和写作训练来提升学生的写作技巧。此外,教师还应该关注学生的写作内容和逻辑性,培养他们的写作思维能力。 学生难点 在大学英语教学中,学生在掌握英语技能方面也存在一些难点。 首先,学生对英语语法的掌握不够牢固。由于英语语法体系较为复杂,学生容易犯一些常见的语法错误。教师可以通过提供语法材料和练习来帮助学生理解和掌握语法规则。 其次,学生对词汇的记忆和运用有困难。大量的生词和短语对于学生来说是一个挑战。教师可以通过拓展学生的词汇量,运用词汇教学技巧以及利用词汇复习和巩固来帮助学生克服这个难点。 最后,学生在英语语音和发音方面也存在一些困难。由于英语语音和汉语有很大的区别,学生容易发音错误。教师可以通过提供模仿和朗读训练来帮助学生纠正发音。 教师解决方法 教师在教学中也需要采取相应的解决方法来帮助学生克服教学重难点。 首先,教师应提供多种形式的教学活动,以满足学生的不同学习需求。例如,通过小组合作、角色扮演和讨论等活动来提高学生的听说能力。
